#dragon technical support phone number
quincyhorst · 7 months
DRAGON FIVE: Seol Hyeon Dae
More FD Bench, now with reserve DF Hyeon-Dae. Unfortunatey the one I have the less of, but I still like him anyway </3
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He has three younger siblings who are eager for cinema as him, and they beg for in an appearance in his future movie. Hyeon-dae always keeps his promises, though he can't guarantee how good will their appareances be. (They are in dire need ofimproving some acting skills...)
At least they are good supporters of his soccer plays, so he appreciates that.
...He's actually the nicest guy of the whole group. He has no resentments, no self-pressure, no pettiness, no actual anger... He's just a guy with huge ambitions and that's it, as "vanilla" as that might sound. But that doesn't make him an outsider from the other benchers; in fact he does help keeping the group around most of the time.
Ji-Nan grew a liking for him because of that, and they like to hang out around the town when practice is over. Chung-yoon also likes to join in at times, liking to talk with Hyeon-dae (And to keep an eye over the keeper).
Sung-Joon is slightly harder to interact with to due to how much of a show-off he is, but HD did just fine by convincing him to appear in one of his movies; his future award being a "new step for Korean media" (At least that's his choice of words). Both a blessing and a curse, now SJ won't stop talking about that whenever he's with Hyeon-Dae, and how great of an actor he will be...
And while HD does know a lot about korean movies, he isn't very interested on K-Dramas. SJ is the one to talk with him about that.
...Meanwhile with Jung-Won he talked just a bit, but they seem to be in good terms. JW offers a lot of interesting technical information about cameras, surprisingly, so maybe a collaboration could happen in the future.
I guess he could be the "leader" of the benchers? Sung-Joon tends to claim that title himself given he's older, but all the rest believes Hyeon-Dae fits the role better. Even if he doesn't always know what to do most of the time (?
Final thing for now, but midway the asian eliminatories, he had quite the curious encounter in a japanese camera shop: With Adel Siddique, a bencher of the Qatari team with the same exact dream as his (Read their profiles pls). After having a nice conversation about filming equipment the two decided to keep in contact -be it phone numbers or the few social media of the era-. They are still on good terms in the future, but the truth is that they are now focused on their individual careers. Does this mean that they could end up competing for an award? Most likely. I won't say who gets to win the Oscar tho (?
A random tidbit that I want to add here to end is that, for some reason, Hyeon-Dae's 3D sprite made his pupils look like literal minuses ➖➖, similar to those of a goat. The anime went with an approach closer to his actual sprite; pupils still "blocky" but more normal-looking.
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(Source for the pic)
Honestly the latter medium made him look so much better overall. That bowlcut can't be fixed tho, I'll say that (? 😭🙏
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and they were hallmates (oh my god they were hallmates)
modern college au • 3153 words • general audiences
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this is my first entry for the 2022 @fsadventanthology! look out for another fic of mine on the 6th, as well as art and writing from the fandom throughout the month of december. a special thank you to @vagueandominousvibes for organizing this event, and to @kaenith for giving shadow’s emotional support bearded dragon her name.
read it on ao3 or under the cut:
So maybe they won’t be home for Christmas. 
It’s 11:00 P.M. and the remaining residents of Hyrule Hall have gathered in the common basement, still recovering from final exams. It’s a nice space, much larger than their doubled-up rooms, with several questionably stained couches, a broken pool table, and a monitor someone brought for multiplayer gaming. There technically is heating in the building, but residents still often end up in the basement to conserve warmth once the snow begins to fall. 
 “Any updates?” asks Blue, who spreads out on the least questionable couch and hugs a pillow against his chest. It says LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE in sequined letters, the exact kind of tasteless dorm decoration a student would leave behind. 
Green shifts under the blanket he shares with Zelda, raising his phone so they both can read. Zelda shakes her head at Blue, who’s already fidgeting with the pillow’s sequins. 
“Sorry. At least a foot anticipated, still.”
“The forecast could still be wrong,” Red says, turning away from Stardew Valley on the communal gaming monitor. “It’s been wrong before!” 
Blue rolls his eyes. “I should call my parents.” 
He dials his mom’s number but pauses before pressing the call button, staring suspiciously around his circle of friends. “Please don’t be weird.” 
Everyone turns to Vio and Shadow, who share the basement’s only decent piece of furniture. It showed up about a month ago, on a night Shadow and Vio told their friends they were out late studying, and looks oddly similar to the armchairs in the student hub. Shadow grins from his spot on the armrest, glad to be recognized, and nudges Vio, who reads in the seat. “What,” Vio says without looking up. 
“Blue wants to make sure you’re not gonna say anything weird while he’s on the phone with his mom.”
Vio scoffs. “I don’t think I’m the one he’s concerned about” 
Shadow shrugs, turns back to Blue, and zips his lips. He then zips the much tinier lips of his emotional support bearded dragon, Skirrsa, who perches on his shoulder. 
Blue sighs and makes the call. He scowls at the dial tone—one ring, two rings…
“Hi Mom,” he says, already blushing. “Are you guys still planning to drive up tomorrow?”
The others can’t make out the response, but from Blue’s grim expression they can guess. “I mean, the forecast isn’t looking good. It could be dangerous. I don’t think you understand what snow is like here.” 
“Aren’t you from, like, a state away?” Shadow asks, staring down at his chipped black nails. Vio swats his shoulder without breaking concentration. 
“Just keep an eye on it, okay?” Blue says into the phone. “If flights and stuff start getting canceled, you shouldn’t be on the road. Love you. Bye.” 
Blue hangs up and scans his friends’ faces, wordlessly daring them to make fun of him. 
“Give me your phone,” Red says, reaching out his hand. “You’re driving yourself crazy, let me—”
“Your health is low!” Green interrupts, pointing at the gaming monitor. “Did you seriously not bring any healing items into the caves?” 
“Ah, sorry,” Red stammers as he turns back to the screen. “Someone else please take Blue’s phone while I—oh, well, never mind. I’m dead.”
Blue hands his phone over to Red, who places it upside-down on the floor beside him. 
“Didn’t think you’d give it up so easy,” Green teases Blue, followed immediately by a simultaneous “that’s what she said” from Shadow and Zelda. Vio swats Shadow again. 
“You know, you’re lucky,” Blue tells Vio, who reluctantly lowers his copy of No Exit.
“And why is that?” 
“You’re taking the train. That’ll run regardless of weather.” 
“Yeah,” Vio scoffs, “for nine hours. And then I have to take another train from New York City to a station in the suburbs, where my parents still have to drive across state borders to pick me up.”
“Glad I’m not you,” Shadow says. “Nine hours with nothing to do would actually kill me.” 
“As would a flight in a blizzard.”
Skirrsa hops off Shadow’s shoulder and lands in Vio’s lap. “Oh god Shadow, what do I do, what if it—stop laughing!” 
“You’ll be fine,” Red says, gaze still fixed on the screen. 
Shadow grins. “If the pre-vet says it’s fine, then it’s probably fine.” 
“It’s your pet!”  
“She’s an emotional support animal, Vio, you know we’re not allowed to have pets in the dorms.”
“Whatever she is, can you please just… Shadow!” 
Shadow laughs as he removes a very confused Skirrsa from Vio’s lap, petting her with two fingers on the side of her face. “There, there. Poor baby.” 
“The lizard looks just fine to me,” Zelda observes. 
“Wasn’t talking to her,” Shadow says with a smirk. Vio scowls but remains seated nonetheless. 
Green groans. “Red, if you die in the mines one more time I’m undocking your Switch.” 
“Please don’t!” 
“What sword are you using.” 
“Uh, the rusty one I found in a chest?”
“Ohhhhhh my—”
“Okay!” Zelda interrupts, removing herself from the blanket huddle. “We are clearly all bored and restless. Let’s actually do something. We won’t be back here until the end of January, let’s spend some quality Hyrule Hall time together!” 
“I’m down if y’all are,” Shadow says. 
“Y’all,” Vio repeats under his breath. 
“If you want the charming Southern accent, darlin’, you have to accept the vernacular.”
“So what should we play?” Blue asks the group, pointedly ignoring Shadow and Vio’s usual bullshit. “Truth or dare?” 
It’s a joke, really, but to Blue’s horror his friends seem to actually consider it. 
“Fine by me,” Zelda says as Green nods. Red gives a thumbs up, Shadow’s answer is assumed, and Vio…
“Nothing leaves this basement,” he mutters, already fidgeting with the purple scrunchie on his wrist. 
“Great,” Zelda says, clasping her hands together. “Green, make room in the blankie pile, I’m cold.” 
“Well excuuuuuse me, Princess, you’re the one who stood up.” 
“I think better on my feet.” 
She rejoins her high school sweetheart and kisses him on the cheek. Everyone groans, except for Red who keeps his eyes on the screen. He sends his farmer to bed, pauses the game, and turns to the group. “Who’s going first, then?” 
“Not it,” Vio, Green, and Blue say in unison. 
Shadow shrugs. “Truth or dare, Red?” 
“Oh, that backfired. Uh, truth? No, dare, actually. Dare.” 
“You positive?” 
“Yes. Absolutely.” 
“Great,” Shadow says with a coy grin. “I dare you to text something spicy to a random person in Blue’s contacts, and then say the message was meant for someone else.” 
“Jesus Christ, Shadow!” Blue exclaims, while Vio quietly chuckles. 
“Define spicy,” Red says, picking up the phone. Blue gawks. 
“Red, you’re seriously not going to—” 
“Rules of the game, friend, I’m just playing it.”
“Wait, Red,” Green says, “how do you know Blue’s passcode?” 
“We’re roommates,” Red shrugs. “And we always order pizza from his phone so we can pool rewards points.” 
“Goddamn free cheesy bread,” Blue mutters under his breath.
Red opens up Blue’s contacts, closes his eyes, and scrolls. He points at a random name and grins at what he sees. “Hey dare-giver, define spicy.” 
Shadow raises an eyebrow. “You want the ace answer or the normie answer?” 
“Forget it, you’re no help.” 
Red taps something onto the screen, reads it over, and then passes the phone to Shadow. Shadow smirks and hands it back. “Looks good to me.” 
Blue grits his teeth as Red hits send, and a second later Green’s phone vibrates. He reads the message and turns to Red, impressed. “Wow. If I wasn’t already with Zelda, I would consider taking you up on that offer.” 
Red winks and Blue sighs with relief.
“Truth or Dare, Green?” Red asks as he places Blue’s phone face-down again. 
“Did you ever date anyone before Zelda?”
“I had crushes before we got together, like, in middle school,” Green admits, “but we started dating when we were fourteen, and that’s pretty much been it.” 
“I wasn’t even out when I was fourteen,” Vio blurts, causing Shadow to perk up by his side. 
“Zelda,” Green says fondly, “truth or dare?” 
“Dare,” says Zelda, “within reason, please.” 
“I dare you to kiss Shadow’s bearded dragon. As long as that’s okay with her, of course. And Red clears it.”
“Weird, but not unethical,” Red says with a thumbs-up. “Just don’t use tongue.” 
“You’re really letting loose tonight,” Shadow praises Red, and then turns to Green. “I don’t think she’d mind a little forehead kiss.” 
Zelda nods and stands, making her way over to the armchair. She leans down and gives Skirrsa a tiny smooch, barely grazing her scales. 
“Now me,” Green says, eliciting another collective groan from the room. 
Zelda returns to the blanket, grants Green his kiss, and turns to Vio. He catches on immediately with a sigh. 
“Truth. Also within reason.” 
“Coward,” Shadow teases, getting a little closer as he shifts on the arm of the chair. Vio does not appear to mind this.
“Hmmm… what’s the most embarrassing book you’ve ever voluntarily read?” 
Blush fills Vio’s cheeks so fast he could win a prize. “I don’t know,” he stalls, “I read a lot of books. “Does… does fanfiction count?”
Zelda raises an eyebrow. “Do you want it to count?” 
“God, no.” 
“Then you can stick to books.” 
“I’ll go with Twilight,” Vio says. “All of them. Multiple times.” 
His admission receives a lukewarm response. Shadow even shrugs. “Vampires are hot. I get it.” 
“They are objectively garbage books.”
“Objective garbage you looooove.” 
“Truth or dare, idiot?” 
“Dare, of course.” 
Vio and Shadow maintain intense eye contact while the others exchange tired glances. This has been going on for several months, ever since they all met during orientation. Green is just thankful Shadow was assigned to room with him, while Vio has his own single due to a vaguely-mentioned anxiety disorder. If Vio and Shadow actually lived together, they would probably forget the world outside their room even existed. 
Vio takes his time to formulate a dare, obviously pleased to have this power over Shadow. After a moment he smiles, and begins to lay out his demands: “Shotgun an entire can of root beer—” 
“Lame, I’d do that for breakfast.” 
“—and then run outside, write ‘VIO IS MY GOD’ on the nearest car’s iced-over window, take a selfie with flash in front of the clearly legible window, and post the selfie captionless on every social media you have.”
Shadow gawks at the request.  “What does shotgunning the root beer have to do with that?” 
“Nothing, I just think you look silly when you do it.” 
Shadow groans, removes himself from the arm of the chair, and hands Skirrsa to Red. 
“Root beer’s in my minifridge,” Vio says helpfully, crossing his legs and resting his arm where Shadow had been perched. “You’ll need my ID, darling.” 
He tosses the keycard to Shadow, who looks like he’s about to rip the thing in half. It’s not the dare itself that pisses him off, but the way Vio stares him down, so smug and annoying and hotter than he has any right to be— 
“Be right back,” Shadow says, turning on his heel towards the stairs.
Silence hangs in the air as the five await Shadow’s return. Red takes the opportunity to pass Blue his phone, allowing him to check the weather again. 
“Hey!” Blue exclaims. “That’s… wow!” 
“Good news?” Green and Zelda ask in unison. 
“It’s going to warm up a bit in the morning, and precipitation is estimated to stop around 4 A.M. Roads and airspace should be totally fine.” 
“That’s really great,” Red beams. “I told you it’d work out!” 
Green frowns, something occurring to him. “Hey, Red? Can I ask you a question?”
“How are you getting home for break?” 
Red’s face falls. He opens his mouth to answer, but immediately closes it at the sound of Shadow’s heavy Doc Martens on the stairs. “Check Insta, asshole,” Shadow says as he crosses the room, swatting Vio off the armrest and dropping a crushed can into his lap. He notices Red stroking Skirrsa, obviously in need of some emotional support, and lets him keep her for the time being. “What’d I miss?” 
“Storm’s canceled,” Blue says bluntly. “You should be good to fly home.” 
“Amazing,” Shadow says, looking over Vio’s shoulder as he checks the post. Vio nods, confirming the completion of his dare. 
“What’s next?” Shadow asks. “Round two?” 
“Red was actually about to answer a bonus question,” Blue says, looking hesitantly at his friend. “If it’s okay, that is.” 
“Yeah, no pressure,” Green agrees, and Zelda nods. 
“I’m… actually staying here over the break,” Red admits, unable to meet even Blue’s eyes. “Home just isn’t the best environment for me right now. The school lets people stay in the dorms if they’re special cases, so I asked, and they said I could. Sorry I didn’t tell you guys anything sooner. I just didn’t want you to feel bad for me.” 
Blue gets to his feet, crosses over to Red, and envelopes him in a hug. They are, of course,  both very careful with the bearded dragon between them.
“It’s good that you’re doing what’s best for you,” Vio says from the armchair. “But it sucks that you have to be here alone,” Shadow finishes his thought. 
“You know,” Blue says, pulling away with a smile, “you could always come home with me. My moms are driving, no ticket purchase necessary. There’s a guest room. You’d like the dogs and I’m sure they’d like you too. We could even start that co-op farm you’ve been talking about, since we won’t have exams or anything.” 
It should be a more private moment than it is, but then again it’s midnight and it’s college and nothing leaves this basement anyway. 
“Are you sure?” Red asks, eyes wide. “I can pay for my own food, and gas, and—” 
“Stop,” Blue cuts him off. “I’m sure. You don’t have to say yes, of course, but the offer is open.” 
Red doesn’t need long to consider. “I think I’d like that.”
“Me too. Now show me how to play your game.” 
The room settles into a contended silence as the snowfall outside dwindles. Red returns Skirrsa to Shadow, while Vio does his best to not flinch as the lizard changes hands in his physical proximity. 
Green breaks the silence with a loud yawn. “Well,” he says, “it sounds like we’re driving tomorrow after all.” He stands and offers Zelda a hand, which she graciously accepts. “Shadow, is it okay if Zelda crashes in our room tonight?”
“Fine by me,” Shadow shrugs, “as long as she’s in your bed and not mine.” 
And it seems settled, that the Hyrule Hall six will finally retire to their rooms for the night, until Vio tugs on Shadow’s sleeve. “Actually, wait. You could… if you wanted, I mean… since we won’t be seeing each other for a month—”
“Oh my fucking god, it’s finally happening,” Blue says at full volume, because oh my fucking god, it’s finally happening. 
Vio doesn’t seem to hear him, though, as he desperately struggles to hold his nerve. “Sleepover is such a childish word, but—” 
“Of course I’ll sleep over,” Shadow says, placing his hand over Vio’s. “Although unfortunately, Skirrsa will have to stay in my room with her heat lamp. I’m sure you’ll miss her dearly.” 
Vio gives him a relieved smile. “I think I can live with that, as long as I get to be with you.” 
And as an act of mercy, a collective holiday gift from the friend group, not a single person makes fun of his earnest admission. Shadow, of course, is too busy being stunned to tease Vio himself—and with the blush he’s sporting, Vio looks like he’s about to become the new Red. 
“Well, I should probably call my moms with the good news,” Blue says, following Green and Zelda’s lead. Red grabs his Switch from the dock and nods in agreement. “And I should pack! Good night, everyone!”
“Night, y’all,” Shadow says with a yawn, waving to the four as they head for the stairs. “See you tomorrow morning.” 
Shadow and Vio share their stolen armchair as midnight strikes, only a few inches and a reptile between them. 
“We’ve been real stupid, haven’t we,” Shadow says slowly, glancing down at the rainbow bracelet on Vio’s wrist. He only started wearing it a week ago, after snagging it from the campus pride center’s table by the dining hall. Shadow had taken two bracelets of his own, as well—one blue, yellow, and pink, and the other purple, grey, and black. Vio definitely knows what the latter means, and yet he still wants him in his bed. 
Not to be sappy, but it’s the best holiday gift Shadow could have possibly received. 
And Vio, who only left the closet his senior year of high school, who got a crush on the first guy he met during orientation, who isn’t quite sure how he feels beyond liking Shadow and wanting to kiss him a whole lot, is nothing short of joyful on this moderately snowy night. 
“We’ll figure it out,” Vio says, taking Shadow’s hand with intention. “Let’s just enjoy tonight.” 
“Sure thing, darlin’.”
“Okay, now you’re just bullshitting me.” 
“Maybe. Yee-haw.” 
“Please don’t ruin our first kiss by preceding it with ‘yee-haw’.”
“Our what?”
Vio raises an eyebrow until Shadow understands. It’s awkward, uncertain, built up by months of tension and banter and words unsaid. The kiss ends but they keep their foreheads touched, unwilling and unable to widen the space between them. 
“Boy howdy,” Shadow remarks, and Vio’s groan is music to his ears. After break, he looks forward to hearing it as often as he can. 
“It’s late,” Vio says, glancing down at his phone. “Let’s go to bed.” 
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep,” Shadow admits. “I feel like there’s so much we need to talk about. Also, you made me drink an entire can of root beer.” 
“That’s okay. I can rest on the train, you can rest on your flight.”
“You’re so smart… and kind of evil for the root beer thing.” 
“Like you wouldn’t have dared me to do something equally outrageous.” 
“Well,” Shadow says with a smirk, “I can think of a few things.”
Vio smiles back and stands, offering Shadow his hand. After months of hesitation, Shadow finally takes it. 
The holidays are a special time of year, and both Vio and Shadow look forward to visiting home. They’ll get some much-needed rest, spend quality time with their families, and undoubtedly text each other all break long. But there’s another home for them now, all six of them, and it’s right here in the basement of Hyrule Hall. 
So maybe they’ll be home for Christmas, after all… but January can’t come soon enough. 
Note #1: 
Southern Shadow is a direct reference to the fan translation of the manga, in which Shadow repeatedly says “y’all.” As a Northerner I originally poked fun at this, but decided to embrace it in this fic. You can assume that the gang’s college is based in New England, perhaps the snowy state of Vermont, hypothetically inspired by personal experience. 
Note #2:
Vio is reading a book called No Exit, which could actually be one of two books called No Exit that I adore. The first is No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre, a French existentialist play about three characters whose purgatory is to annoy each other for eternity. The second is No Exit by Taylor Adams, one of my favorite books of all time, a fast-paced thriller about an idiot (affectionate) college student snowed in at a rest stop with a dangerous criminal. I don’t know which No Exit Vio is reading in the fic, but I do know they’re both worth checking out. 
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nelweensfic · 5 months
Always with you
Chapter 1 : Introduction to a boring day
“Yes, sir. The green spots in your concrete are totally normal,” I say to the phone for the third time in less than five minutes. “It’s almost spring and the cold weather and the rain are the perfect conditions for algae to start growing. Once the temperatures get warmer and the sun shines more often, you should be able to just brush the algae off with a broom.” 
I start drawing on an empty post-it note on my desk, waiting for the man to stop yapping at the other end of the line. I hate finishing work late and being the one to close the office. Since I’m the only one left, I get a lot of weird guys on the phone.
“If you want someone else’s opinion, sir, I would recommend you to call back tomorrow. I’m sure one of my colleagues could help you with a technical solution to your problem because this is not my area,” I continue and this time the person sounds in a better mood. “Thank you, sir. Have a great evening.” 
I put the phone back with a sigh and keep drawing. My own phone lays on my desk next to me. It’s unlocked with the Discord app open on a recent message I sent. 
[Me] : Are you free for a game tonight?
It’s the message I sent to Maeva over an hour ago. I usually don’t mind her not replying quickly. She could be busy with another gaming session to train for the Spring Championship coming in two months, but it’s been three days since we last talked and I already miss playing with her. 
I look at the clock. Five thirty-four. There’s still another twenty-six minutes left before I can leave to go home. It’s been calm today so I don’t have much left to do, except for continuing my little drawing of the Vulpir from the game Dragonitia. 
Dragonitia is a multiplayer online battle arena game, also known as a Moba. It’s a five versus five game. Each champion of the team fights in a different part of the map, with four different paths called lanes. There is the top lane, the mid lane, the bottom or bot lane and then the lane called the Jungle. There, you have to kill monsters in the rest of the map instead of minions or other players. 
Maeva and I have been playing the game for maybe nine or ten years now. She’s good at it. So good that she joined a professional team five years ago called the Dragons in Pyjamas or DiP for short. They’ve been the third best European team for two years now. She’s living her dream. Our dream.
The sound of notification on my phone echoes around the room. My eyes immediately look at my phone screen, a hopeful feeling filling my chest. Unfortunately, it’s not a message from Maeva. Instead, it’s from Justin, Maeva’s coach, who is also an online friend of mine. 
I sigh, not even trying to hide my disappointment as I read the message.
[Justin] : Mae is going out with us tonight. We’re celebrating our win! 
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that. I vaguely remember her talking about an upcoming scrim against the number two team in Europe. A scrim is a way to play against other teams without being ranked or judged. It’s a practice moment where the players can test new strategies and learn other ways to play with new members of the team. It doesn't matter who wins or loses, but a victory is always rewarding.
Dragonitia is really becoming more popular and serious compared to when we all started playing it.  
[Me] : Congrats coach! Though, tell her that I want to play with her again soon, too. I need my support player!! 
My main role in the game is a Carry AD, or ADC for short. I mostly deal physical damage from a distance. Though I also always need a support character, usually one that can heal or one that does crowd control to help me out. 
Maeva is a support player. We’ve always played together since the beginning using the bottom lane. It’s what we call a duo lane, where two characters fight another two characters of an opposing team. The midlane and the toplane are both solo lanes, where you only have one versus one matches. 
I prefer playing Dragonitia with Maeva because playing with a random support is always uneasy. 
Suddenly, I hear another notification on my phone.
[Justin] : Hey! Maeva’s a pro. She has obligations. You should become a pro gamer, too!
I pout as I read Justin’s last message even if no one can see me, before I reply again. 
[Me] : Two girls in the same team? Do you want to lose credibility? 
Being a girl in the gaming industry is hard. I envy Maeva a lot. She’s tough enough to have a job there. But I’m not like her… 
[Justin] : I know you don’t like your job, Ruby. Plus, you’ll see Maeva more often. You guys are childhood friends, no? 
I hate it when Justin is right. Yes, I despise my job. Why would anyone like to spend eight hours a day with a manager who expects you to do more work than you’re actually paid for and who constantly complains that you’re too introverted to talk to clients face to face? 
I sigh again. Unfortunately, I don’t have the required skills to be a pro gamer. I’m only ranked as a Master. The required level to be a pro gamer, however, is Challenger. Besides, Maeva is the only person I play regularly with, and even then, it’s barely two hours a day at most…
I turn back to my phone, typing out my reply, trying to not sound touched by his words.
[Me] : Doesn’t mean I want to play under your supervision ;)
After several minutes without a reply, I put my phone back down and go back to my little drawing. Justin must be busy with his team right now. 
Just then, the phone rings again. Slightly reluctant, I pick up, greeting the person on the other side with a faux-happy voice. I can’t wait for the weekend to start. And hopefully I can play a game or two with Maeva, too.
Edit : chapter 2 here!
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What Can Go Wrong with Dragon Speech Recognition? How to Fix It?
Dictating something to Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking is simple; you speak and then wait for the outcomes. Sometimes, the results are displayed quickly and sometimes the users have to wait a bit longer than usual. But what if it is taking way longer than ordinary to display results?
You might feel whether the PC or Software got hanged or it couldn’t hear you properly and that’s why not showing the results.
So, what should you do in such situation? Should you repeat your dictation or perform the troubleshooting steps or reach to Dragon Help Care Number +1-702-430-6099 for instant Dragon City Technical Support +1-702-430-6099?
And then finally, the dictation results show up.
So, the problem of slow response time with Dragon can occur anytime. And you can remove this using the following ways:
#1.As soon as you sense this issue, don’t wait around for the dictation results to be displayed on the screen. Keep up your dictating process and relax even if you get a few lines ahead of it.
#2. Go to your software settings and make necessary changes.
From the Nuance Dragon window, say, “Click Tools, Options.”
#3. As soon as the Options dialog box appears on the screen, say, “Click Miscellaneous” and then select the Speed vs Accuracy slider by saying “Press Tab”.
#4. Use Move Left <number> command to direct the slider towards the Fastest Response. When you get the slider exactly where you wanted it, just say, “Click Ok”.
#5.Free up some memory space and uninstall applications or programs that you don’t need anymore. Also, turn off the background features of the programs that you need like automatic spell checking or more.
#6. Close all your applications and restart the computer again.
If you were active on the computer for last few hours and have used a number of applications during this time, restarting your computer may be the right solution to access to resources it had forgotten about.
#7. Now install more RAM to your PC.  However, this won’t do any good in present time but for the future, it would be proved as the best solution.
#8. Turn off the natural-language commands in your Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software.
#9. Go to ‘Tools’ and click on ‘Options’ in the Nuance Dragon window. A dialog box will open where you can click on the ‘Command tab’, then again select the Natural Language Commands button given at the bottom of the screen.
#10. Then click ‘Ok’.
So, this is how you can resolve the dictation problems in Nuance Dragon. Else, you can call on our Nuance Dragon Helpline number +1-702-430-6099 for free support by experts.
0 notes
hms-chill · 5 years
Birthday Breakfast
Summary: It's Alex's birthday, and Henry is going to surprise him with breakfast in bed, and it's going to be beautiful and domestic and perfect.
The best thing about Alex's birthday coming after Henry's is that, if Alex has a particularly sweet birthday idea, Henry can borrow it and claim that it was part of his plan all along. In his defense, Henry had a birthday plan in place back in January. They're taking the weekend to go camping upstate, a celebration that starts the minute they both get off work, but he hasn't figured out how to tell Alex about it yet. All Alex knows is that he's not supposed to plan anything for the weekend. Luckily, Alex has the perfect idea without even knowing it.
On Henry's birthday, Alex woke him up with a full English breakfast in bed, going one step farther to include actual crumpets unlike any Henry's seen since he moved to New York. Somehow, Alex had managed to make crumpets exactly the way Henry likes them, down to the blackcurrant jam, and he'd kept them a complete surprise. And, while Henry's not the best cook, he knows Alex deserves to be pampered the same way. A nice breakfast tray with the booking confirmation postcard will be the perfect start to Alex's morning and the perfect reveal of their weekend plans.
The first task of the morning is to get himself awake and out of bed without waking Alex. Morning Alex is a stunning sight, and waking up next to him still feels like a blessing every time it happens. They'd spent so long waking up on different continents and in different time zones, just being together every morning feels miraculous. But this morning, Henry doesn't have time to revel in it, only to whisper a quiet thanks to Santa Maria, realizing as he gets up that it's something he's picked up from Alex. He presses a gentle kiss to Alex's forehead, sees the way he shifts and reaches for Henry's now-empty side of the bed and settles for curling around one of Henry's pillows like a koala. He's still pretty deeply asleep, which means that hopefully, Henry will be able to make breakfast before Alex wakes up.
Henry gets to the kitchen, and he takes a second to figure out where to start. He'd debated doing huevos rancheros, but he knows he'd do them wrong; the Diaz family recipe for them is infuriatingly vague and guarded like a dragon's treasure. So instead, he's opted for crepes, based on a recipe he's got on his phone. They look simple enough, and the crepe spreader he'd ordered online came in two days ago, so he's as ready as he can be.
The actual process of making the batter is quick and easy, and before he knows it, he's pouring a careful scoop into the skillet for crepe number one. It goes surprisingly well. It's not the best crepe he's ever seen, but it isn't burnt or raw, and he'll settle for that for now. The second crepe works, too, and the third. And while the fourth is cooking, he decides he should probably start on the fillings. They only put sugar on the crepes they'd had in Paris, that weekend when they'd woken up together and the whole world had seemed beautiful and perfect, but Henry doesn't trust his crepes to be that good. So instead, he's got all sorts of fresh fillings and different spreads, and he's bringing the whole mini crepe bar to Alex. He pours crepe number four, then goes to the refrigerator for all the fresh fruit he'd stocked up on the day before. There are blueberries and strawberries and raspberries and bananas, all ready to be cut up and moved to little bowls for Alex to construct his own perfect crepes.
Crepe four is less than perfect; it gets a bit burnt while he's getting fruit ready, but Henry forges on, starting bacon for a savory option and coffee to go on the side. He finds the confirmation postcard from the campground and writes on the back, "'I live for Friday, & you. My man-- my beloved man'-- Benjamin Britten to Peter Pears, c. 1941". The next step is to flip a crepe and get back to chopping fruit, and Henry starts to fall into a rhythm, sorting different spreads and sauces into the right containers and getting them and the fruit all settled onto the tray. He manages to keep flipping crepes when they need it, and he's rather proud of his ability to multitask, even fitting in a quick run up to their bedroom to make sure that Alex is still asleep.
When he first starts to smell something burning, he flips the crepe and it's not that, so he assumes he must be imagining things. It's his paranoia that makes it seem smoky in the kitchen. That is, he's assuming it's just his paranoia, until his phone lights up with a notification from their security system: "Smoke detected in the kitchen!"
A moment later, the fire alarm blares.
The bacon. Oh god. It's black and smoking like anything. Henry pulls it off the stove and immediately douses the charred remains in water, but the massive puff of steam only makes everything worse. He opens a window and frantically tries to wave the smoke out, barely remembering to get the crepe off the heat before it makes the situation even worse. When the alarm is finally quiet and things have calmed down, he turns around to see Alex appearing in the doorway to the kitchen, all bed head and rumpled pajama pants, tired blinking and massive yawns.
"H? Everything okay, baby? It smells like smoke."
"I... I made breakfast. It was supposed to be a nice breakfast in bed, but um... I'm sorry. Happy birthday anyway?"
The concern melts from Alex's face, and he crosses the kitchen to pull Henry in for a hug. "I love you so much. Want me to go back to bed and pretend I'm still asleep so you can wake me up and surprise me?"
Henry smiles, presses a kiss to Alex's forehead, and says, "well, that would mean you'd have to leave, and that's never something I want. Just... sit down, and it'll be ready soon. I'm sorry I woke you, and that there won't be bacon."
He turns back to the tray as Alex says, "don't be sorry. I love you." Instead of sitting down at the table and waiting, Alex wraps his arms around his boyfriend, nuzzling his face into Henry's shoulder. "I'll just fall asleep right here; you wake me up when you're ready."
Henry laughs, helpless to do anything else, and Alex hugs him a little more tightly. True to his word, he stays glued to Henry's back as Henry moves everything onto the tray, arranging it just so and making sure that the note is unmissable, dusting the crepes with powdered sugar and adding their coffee and tea. Once it's all ready, he turns to kiss the top of Alex's head, running his hands through Alex's hair gently.
"It's ready. Good morning, love. Happy birthday." And yes, this is a day about celebrating Alex. Technically, all the gifts should go to him. But as far as Henry's concerned, every second he gets to spend with Alex this close is a gift all its own.
On AO3
Notes: Hi it's Alex's birthday and these boys deserve the best. That's it; that's the author's note.
If you want to support the “Hannah Makes Art” fund; consider buying me a Ko-fi? I know not everyone can, but if you’re able I’d appreciate it!
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moon-ruled-rising · 4 years
as the rain hides the stars | xiv
Read the full story here...
xiv: we can’t make any promises
This ain’t for the best,
my reputation’s never been worse so,
he must like me for me.
We can’t make any promises
now can we babe?
But you can make me a drink.
-Taylor Swift, “Delicate”
When Dany was younger, she planned her future wedding with as much fever and gusto as a young princess with every resource at her disposal could. It would take place in the Great Sept of Baelor, obviously, as that was where all royal weddings took place. She would marry a wealthy foreign diplomat, or even better, a foreign prince. The guest list would be a mile long, with even more people attending the reception afterwards. Above all else, she remembered wanting one of those ridiculous many-tiered cakes and a hideous confection of tulle and lace for a dress. 
Of course, as Dany got older, the wedding day dreams were replaced with visions of a career and increasingly less domesticality. If nuptials ever presented themselves, she would go the quick and easy route of elopement. Anything else was frilly fantasy. 
Except now, those things were tangible and real. And the only thing that survived of her childhood wedding plans was the foreign prince, the only thing she didn’t have a say in. 
The Queen commandeered an old study near Dany’s guest room to be their official wedding planning headquarters. The whole space transformed and lost in the madness of planning two royal weddings in the span of a month.
In order for all the kinks to be worked out on the paperwork and numbers part of the treaty, Dany and Jon needed to be married as soon as possible. On top of that, both families were convinced they could sell the out-of-the-blue engagement as a whirlwind, love at first sight romance. Which meant they were stuck with a very limited window to get everything planned to the high expectations of the most important wedding of the decade. Maybe even the century. 
 Catelyn sat opposite of her with Elia and the Palace Event Planner, their electronic forms attentive on the screens. The Royal Event Planner from the Stark side was going over more options for color schemes. 
They’d ruled out Targaryen red and black unanimously and Dany shot down both the mauve and dusty pink options. She’d had enough of those colors in her youth. Varys always insisted she wear pink to everything important, as all unmarried Targaryen ladies did for centuries. The last thing Dany wanted was to deal with it on an already stressful, terrifying day.
The planner pressed a button on her little remote and another color palette appeared. 
“This one consists of laurel green, timberwolf, and a neutral grey,” she reported before continuing on about the reasoning behind the colors. 
“Too much green,” Dany said with only slight disinterest, reaching for a ring of fabric swatches near her.
“The ceremony is taking place in Godswood, the last thing we need is more green.” Catelyn agreed.
As Dany ran her hands over the pieces of cloth, she noticed a familiar color. 
“What about this one?”
She held the burgundy swatch up so everyone in the meeting room could see, including the two virtual guests. Deeper than Targaryen red and verging on purple, it was the same color as the heart-shaped leaves of the Weirwood tree.
“Oh, that’s lovely,” Catelyn cooed.
Elia voiced her approval at the same time.
“Could you create a palette around this and bring it tomorrow?”
“I can have it to you tonight, Your Highness.” She collected the sample and made a note.
“Thank you. And there’s no rush,” Dany smiled.
Once the meetings were over she hoped to avoid anything marriage related. She looked at the long list they still needed to cover. At least we’re getting somewhere. 
“Next item of business is wedding party assignments,” the planner continued.
“Since this marriage involves someone who is first in line for the throne, candidates for bridesmaids and page boys are selected by proximity to the royal family as well as status within the court. Here is a list of possible candidates.”
A list of potential bridal attendants landed in front of her. Rhaenys and Aegon were at the top of their respective categories along with Sansa, Arya, and Bran but the rest of the list was names she was unfamiliar with. 
“Lyanna Mormont would be a good choice. The Mormont’s have always been strong supporters of House Stark and her grandfather, Jeor Mormont, is currently Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Choosing her would be a statement about your commitment to the Night’s Watch, who defend our Northern Borders.” Catelyn suggested.
Dany made a star by the name and surveyed the rest; Karstark, Maderley, Tallheart. She wanted Missandei as her maid of honor but knew better than to suggest it. It wasn’t her wedding. Technically, it was a transaction between the heir and the useful spare. Everything had to follow tradition.
She expected there to be limits on what liberties could be taken. Rhaegar and Elia’s wedding was much the same way, everything decided for them and all they had to do was show up and say the words. It all looked sparkling and magical to fourteen year old Dany as she watched from the audience with the other bridesmaids. 
Another list was set in front of her but this time she knew the names. They were the great houses of Baratheon, Tyrell, Arryn, and Tully. There would be at least one bridal attendant from each region and with the wedding between Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon, there was a spot open. Dany marked another star by Myrcella’s name and continued to survey them.
“We don’t have to have them all decided today, but within the next few days is preferable. We still have to send out the invitations and notify the choices for bridal attendants,” the planner reminded the room as Dany placed the selective list into the binder holding all of the wedding plans.
The mockup of the new couple’s cypher was tucked inside the cover, an intertwined D and J with a crown over it. It was strange to see her initials with someone else’s. 
According to Catelyn, a traditional Northern royal wedding ceremony included a processional, presentation of a sword, exchanging of vows and rings, changing of the bride's cloak, and recessional. 
“I’m sure we have a maiden’s cloak somewhere in this palace. They were in fashion once,” Elai stated, “I’ll have someone start looking as soon possible. Unless, Dany wants to commission a new one but that would tie up the seamstresses.”
“I was actually thinking we could exclude the changing of the cloak,” Dany spoke up.
The look she gained from the room wasn’t what she would describe as pleased. 
“It’s been performed at wedding’s for centuries,” Catelyn argued.
“Well, then, what if we altered it. A veil, cloak, and dress is a lot of layers but if we substituted something else. Like…”
To be honest, Dany hadn’t thought her suggestion through and as she frantically racked her brain for an example, she remembered Sansa’s festival outfit and the particular piece of sparkle that caught her eye.
“A brooch.”
“A brooch, Your Highness?” the planner questioned.
“I think it’s a lovely idea. There are certainly more dragon pins in our collection than cloaks,” Elia offered, being the only obvious supporter of Dany in the room at the moment.
“We would need to discuss it further,” Catlyn sighed, writing something down.
It was the first time one of Dany’s suggestions garnered such a reaction from Catelyn and she was especially grateful she hadn’t suggested Missandei be in the wedding party.
“Now, there is one more tradition that we would like to keep. The first dance is always performed as a choreographed reel.”
“Choreography?” Dany bleated.
“Dany, you’ve taken dance lessons,” Elia tried to reassure her.
“When I was twelve. And something tells me this is a completely different wheelhouse than ballet and ballroom.”
Catlyn spoke up, “Not entirely but it does require a few sessions to get everything smooth. Unless you want to do away with that too.”
The way the Queen’s eyes settled on her was a warning and a challenge. As if speaking against her would bring the whole wrath of the North upon Dany. 
She straightened and tilted her chin a fraction, “I haven’t made my mind up yet.”
The wedding planner cleared her throat. Dany took that as her sign to let the moment pass and return to the task at hand. 
“We usually broadcast the ceremony but given the circumstances we’ve decided against it,” the planner informed, “but there will be a photographer there to capture everything.”
At least she wouldn’t have to deal with bloggers analysing every angle and glance. 
Her phone buzzed next to her and she turned it over out of curiosity. The notification expanded even though Dany didn’t want it to, revealing the news headline about her engagement. Her throat tightened and she squeezed her eyes shut as she took a deep breath. For most of the morning she’d been able to sit through the planning session with a detached sense of reality, like she was watching someone else flip through books of swatches and check items off lists. 
“Your Highness, are you alright?”
“Could you all excuse me for a moment?”
Dany stood and walked from the room with as much control as she could. As soon as the door closed her pace quickened. She wasn’t sure where she was headed but the more distance she put between herself and the wedding business the better she would feel. It took a flight of stairs and several turns before she was satisfied, only to realize she was absolutely lost.
With only one tour of a place as massive as Winterfell, there was no way Dany wasn’t going to get turned around. The sounds of a conversation came from a room down the hall. As she approached the details of the exchange became clear.
“I mean, this woman hasn’t had a single long term relationship in her life and suddenly she’s up and engaged to a man with a much higher rank after a week.”
She knew at once what they were talking about and rolled her eyes. Jon wasn’t that much higher ranked. 
The door was open when she reached the room, so she leaned against the frame. It was a smoking lounge and the conversation was coming from an old radio. Jon sat in one of the leather chairs, engaging in the act that the room was meant for.
“I’ll tell you what it is, it’s southern imperialism.”
The second person laughed.
“You shouldn’t listen to this shit,” she warned, a hint of teasing in her voice, “It’ll rot your brain.”
When Jon looked up, she stepped into the room, crossing to sit next to the radio as well. The room had a masculine energy about it that Dany was smitten with. Dark wood and leather, the stone around the fireplace and the sleek bear pelt on the shining wood floor, just one of the many hunting trophies on display with old weapons.
“A King should always listen to what his people have to say,” he remarked.
“To genuine criticism, but this is just conspiracy and gross speculation.”
The radio personality continued, “We’re allowing this foreign woman access to the ear of the most important person in our country. Now, what do you think she’s gonna do with that kind of power?”
“Push her own agenda.”
“Exactly, her southern agenda. She may have had people fooled at the Midsummer festival with that traditional dress stunt, but I was not impressed.”
She scoffed. The outfit wasn’t meant to be a PR stunt. Sansa suggested it and Dany agreed but they failed to consider that Dany was actually a nice person who wasn’t putting on a front.
And as for pushing her southern agenda, Dany wished they knew how much she loathed her brother and refused to impart his plans on anyone. Especially after the text message she’d received from him the other night, demanding her to hurry up and seal the deal. It was then she figured out how to work the whole ugly mess to her advantage. 
No matter where in the world she ran, she still had to answer to her brother and the Crown. And renouncing her titles was a hassle with too many negative repercussions, including Rhaegar’s thinly veiled threat of black listing her if she did. But in his desperate attempt to settle her down, he was handing her an escape plan on a silver platter. 
It wasn’t the sort of liberation Dany was looking for but it was the only kind she was going to get. And if it weren’t for the hysteria surrounding the weddings, she might have counted down the days like she did before her departure to university, with giddy anticipation.
As she brought her attention back to the radio personalities and their outlandish theories, she let herself sink down into the club chair. It was much more comfortable than the wooden one she sat in all morning and she was past caring if she wrinkled her business casual ensemble.
“While I’m with you on imperialism, I think there is a more obvious reason they’re engaged so soon and that is Princess Daenerys’ wardrobe. If you didn’t know, the Targaryen’s hosted their annual charity gala and the dress she wore was … putting a lot on display, to put it delicately.”
“I know what you’re talking about. Is there not a dress code at that court? Not that it matters, I mean, we all know about her nip slip-”
We’re still on that? She supposed the news cycle in the North was slower, allowing people like the two morons on the radio to focus their attention on something the South already considered old news. That would take some getting used to.
“You know, they said that picture was doctored,”
“Yeah right. At least Prince Jon knows what he’s getting in bed because there is a popular interview with her ex-lover Khal Drogo, he compared her to-”
“Could you turn it off, please,” Dany asked, not wanting to hear what came next.
“Gladly,” Jon answered.
She reached for the cigarette case without a second thought and slid one free, Jon lit it for her.
“So, tell me the truth. Are you really a spy for your brother?”
“What?” she choked on her laugh, not expecting that particular statement.
“The seductress of the south sent her to infiltrate the royal family and sell our secrets to foreign enemies,” he said with humor in his voice.  
“I can assure you I’m not. Whatever nefarious plans my brother has at work, he hasn’t included me in them. Not that I’d want to be a part of his scheming.”
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
“I’m not,” Dany laughed.
“I, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, first of her name, Princess Royal of the United Kingdoms of Westeros, and Lady of Dragonstone, promise that I am telling the truth. And when I make promises, I don’t break them.”
She lifted her cigarette back to her lips.
“I thought you were supposed to be in top secret wedding meetings all day.”
“We were in the middle of discussing the ceremonies and I needed to take a breather.”
“Let me guess, tradition?”
Dany groaned, “I’m going to be sick of that word by the time this is all over.”
“You get used to it.”
She wasn’t so sure. Her whole life was dictated by that word, and it wasn’t going to change anytime soon. But while the Northern traditions were a thorn in her side at the moment, 
She considered him for a moment, “You should come to them.”
“I don’t think I’d be of any help.”
“Yes you would. Right now, it’s me against Her Majesty and as much as we both dread it, it’s still our wedding.”
“What did you do to make Catelyn dislike you?”
“I merely suggested we re-evaluate a certain element of the ceremony and she acted like I insulted her entire life’s work.”
“As far as she’s concerned you did. Besides, if I showed up, there would be two people in the room she hates.”
“Exactly! Maybe she won’t even come. But it’s not her fault. There are so many rules about these weddings and she’s just trying to make sure everything goes smoothly. Now that I’m thinking about it, it would be more helpful if you weren’t first in line for the throne.”
“Not fair. That is all I have going for me,” he complained.
“Oh, whatever.” exclaimed Dany as she rearranged herself in the chair, folding her legs underneath her so she could lean on the arm and face Jon full on.
“You expect me to believe that you’re oblivious to the goo-goo eyes that get thrown at you everywhere you go?”
He threw up his hands in surrender.
“Oh my gods.” Dany shook her head.
“Okay, answer me this, if I wasn’t heir to a vast country who you happened to be engaged to and you met me at a bar, what would you do?”
Dany looked him up and down, trying to look like she was seriously considering his question. She already knew her answer, she’d admitted it to herself that night in the greenhouse. I wouldn’t hesitate to add you to my list. But hookups and marriage were different things with a common denominator and she didn’t want her answer misunderstood.
“Well?” he asked.
“Now I don’t want to answer it,”
It was his turn to roll his eyes at her.
A voice from the doorway called, “Your Highness”.
They both turned their heads. It was Ser Jorah and Dany sighed in relief even though she knew she was being dragged back into the wedding fray.
“Her Majesty wanted me to let you know the florist is here.”
Dany nodded and snuffed the butt of her cigarette into the ashtray. When she stood, she saw that her pants and blouse weren’t wrinkled and was relieved. 
“Have fun,” Jon said as she headed for the door.
Despite her best efforts, a chuckle and smile escaped her.
“I’ll try.”
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stahlop · 5 years
Once Upon a Time 2x18 “Selfless, Brave, and True” Review
Tumblr media
Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x11 1x12 1x13 1x14 1x15 1x16 1x17 1x18 1x19 1x20 1x21 1x22 2x01 2x02 2x03 2x04 2x05 2x06 2x07 2x08 2x09 2x10 2x11 2x12 2x13 2x14 2x15 2x16 2x17
Yeah, so I’m not a huge fan of this episode. We have no recourse from last week’s episode whatsoever, plus I don’t feel like August got his rightful comeuppance for what he did to Emma. He basically got a do over for finally doing the right thing after a lifetime of not doing the right thing. Plus, the whole Tamara thing is very convoluted. She happened to run into the one person from the EF, and then ran into Neal because she saw him talking to August later on? Or did she suspect Neal was magical too? And she happens to know Greg? It’s a lot of either coincidence or convoluted plotting. Also, I realized why I didn’t remember this episode very well, this episode came out on March 24th, 2013, the day my middle daughter was born. So I was probably in the newborn haze when I got around to watching the episode.
Summary: We see August’s desperation when his leg starts turning back into wood and ends up stealing money from a sick Tamara to try and save himself. In Storybrooke, Mary Margaret discovers August hiding out in the woods and she, Emma, and Marco spend their time looking for him after he runs away.
Opening: Trailer
New Characters:
Tamara: So we finally, truly meet Neal’s fiance. We got a small glimpse of her when she was introduced at the end of The Queen is Dead, but now we get to see that she’s a lot more than she says she is. In the past, we see her in Hong Kong, seeking out The Dragon to cure her from cancer. She and August run into each other in a bar where she idiotically shows him her money (why is she carrying $10,000 in small bills in an envelope in her bag and taking it out for anyone to see?), then leaves it with him to go take a phone call. She seems too trusting, but I have no reason to believe she knows who August is at this point. Since she seems to just be interested in taking out The Dragon when the time comes. August steals her money, of course, but she catches up with him later after he uses her money to get the elixir to fix his leg. She chases him through the streets and eventually his leg hurts him too badly and he falls and drops the elixir, which Tamara rightfully takes. Tamara goes to see The Dragon again and she wants the truth from him. He accuses her of being dishonest because she doesn’t actually have cancer. She’s been looking for magic. She’s analyzed the contents of the elixir he gave August and can’t find a single element in it that’s from our world. They go back and forth about magic and how he’s helping people with afflictions that can’t be fixed by science, and she basically decides that no one else can find him, so (with a look of trepidation) she pulls out a taser. The Dragon starts smoking and possibly changing into his true form but before he can complete the transformation, Tamara tases him and kills him? I’m still debating on what kind of taser could kill a magical being or if maybe he just left the body that he was using as The Dragon with all that smoke before Tamara tased him. Tamara picks up the picture of her grandmother that she’d given The Dragon as her personal item (besides the money), and leaves. We then see an exchange between August and Neal that Tamara is watching through her compact. After August takes off on his bike, Tamara walks toward Neal and gets him to bump into her, facilitating their first meeting and how she became his fiance. 
Tamara seems like the perfect, doting girlfriend when she arrives in Storybrooke. She tells the story of how she and Neal met when Henry asks. Neal ran into her and spilled her coffee all over her. He gave her his scarf to cover the stain and his number. She seems pretty okay with the fact that her fiance suddenly has a son he never knew about and that he’s now back in contact with his ex due to sudden fatherhood. She’s just very supportive all around. And that’s when Neal decides to tell her he’s from the Enchanted Forest. Tamara, of course, thinks Neal is insane. He gives her the storybook that Henry left, and Tamara is confused because it’s just a book of fairy tales. He shows her a picture of himself as a boy. Tamara thinks Neal is trying to break up with her for Emma. He tells her he is not, but Tamara doesn’t believe him. She tells him when he’s ready to be honest with her to come and find her. She plays the perfect girlfriend so well. Tamara overhears Mary Margaret telling Emma and Marco that she found August, that he’s completely wooden, and that he’s living in a trailer by the toll bridge. So she goes to pay him a visit. She mentions him being made of wood and August is surprised she can see him. And she says my thoughts exactly, she believed in The Dragon so of course she believes in magic. Tamara wants August to leave town, he owes her for what he did to her in Hong Kong. He wants her to explain how he found her, but she poses the more important questions, how is she there. August deduces the elixir worked for her cancer and Tamara says she has more in her apartment in New York, he just has to go get it. In return, he leaves Storybrooke and never return. Well, that’s not ominous or anything. August sees her engagement ring and realizes she’s Neal’s fiance. He accuses them of coming to Storybrooke to steal the magic, but Tamara says Neal has nothing to do with this (that should really be August’s first clue that Tamara isn’t on the up and up because what are the odds she met Neal randomly otherwise?). August again says he needs to know what she’s up to, but Tamara knows he’s all about self-preservation and gives him her car keys. August attempts to call Emma to warn her about Tamara, but she cuts the phone line. Tamara tells August she wanted him to save himself, and he tells her that’s what he’s trying to do. August basically tells her she won’t get away with what she’s doing, but he wastes too much time monologuing because she tases him. Tamara witnesses Mother Superior turning August back into a real boy and ‘realizes’ everything Neal told her is true. Neal gives her the out to go back to New York, but she says she wants to stay with him, and Neal thinks he’s so lucky to have met her. And then we find out that Tamara is the Her that Greg keeps calling and they make out in front of Greg’s open door at Granny’s.
The Dragon: We don’t really know much about him except that he’s magical, he’s not from this realm, he helps people that science has failed (as long as they pay), and no one has met the real him. He looks like he’s going to transform into something, but Tamara tases him before he can.
Character Observations:
August: In the past, we see how awful of a person August is. He seems to have wasted the $20,000 that he was supposed to give to Emma on moving to Thailand, drinking and living on the beach. He wakes up when his leg starts turning into wood. His girlfriend doesn’t see it. August decides he needs to see a doctor. And apparently he needs to go to Hong Kong to do it.The doctor thinks August is pulling his leg (ha!) when he tells him his leg is turning to wood, but then August decides stabbing his leg would prove his point. The doctor, clearly disturbed by his patient stabbing himself and not noticing that no blood came out of this stab wound, calls for security to take August to psych. August apparently didn’t think about the fact that if you’re not magically inclined no one can see you turning into wood and they will automatically think you’re crazy. So he runs off trying to escape from security. He’s grabbed from behind into a storage closet by Quon (as IMDB so helpfully told me, or Jianyu/Jason Mendoza from The Good Place), who heard him yelling about his situation and knows someone who can help him. August follows him to The Dragon’s waiting room, where he is a good Samaritan and picks up another patient’s phone, and it just so happens that patient is Tamara. August goes to see The Dragon and tries to test his abilities by showing him the wrong leg first. The Dragon knows it’s the other leg that ails him. August shows him the other leg and The Dragon sees that it’s turning to wood and calls him Pinocchio. August is unnerved that The Dragon knows who he is and asks if he’s from the Enchanted Forest. The Dragon never confirms, but tells him he’s asking the wrong questions. Which is, can The Dragon help him, and he can. But he needs a personal item and $10,000 dollars.  For the personal item, he wants the necklace string August has around his neck. It’s from the strings Geppetto used to bring him to life when he was just an inanimate puppet. He gives him until that night to bring him the money. August at a market looking at the lack of funds in his wallet. He sees Tamara in a bar and she invites him over for a drink. He sees all her money just sitting in her bag. When she tells him she has cancer, you can see the internal conflict going on in his mind about whether he can steal the money and technically kill her. When she leaves to take a phone call and asks him to watch her bag, well, I can understand where he might think that’s a valid reason to take it. I mean, that’s pretty dumb on her part. August goes to The Dragon and pays him the money and gets the elixir, but not after The Dragon tells him the turning to wood is just a symptom of a bigger problem that only August can cure himself. Now, if he’d been smart, he would’ve drank it in the waiting room or even on the steps, but no. He decides to go down the stairs, with his bum leg, and take a drink when he gets to the bottom. But Tamara catches up with him before he can take a drink. She chases him through the streets and eventually, his leg trips him up and he falls and drops the elixir. She takes it and leaves crying manbaby, August, in the streets of Hong Kong (okay, I get that he’s really crying over his life choices, but seriously, he looks so pathetic in this scene). August goes back to The Dragon a few days later but finds him dead. We later see August talking to Neal in New York, he’s telling Neal he’s turning back into wood and he has to go to Storybrooke to get Emma to break the curse so he stops it from killing him. He says he’ll send Neal a postcard when the curse is broken.
In Storybrooke, Mary Margaret comes across a completely wooden August hiding out in an abandoned trailer in the middle of the woods. Mary Margaret is understandably confused since the curse broke. August explains that when it broke he went from not being able to move, having been consumed by the wood, to being able to move again. It’s his punishment for not following the rules set out for him. Mary Margaret tries to convince him to come to town because Emma and Marco miss him (I seriously doubt Emma is missing him), and that Henry’s father is now there. August is hopeful that Emma and Neal are back together, but Mary Margaret informs him they aren’t and that Neal is engaged. August looks regretful about this and goes on a tirade about how hope basically sucks and it hits too close to home for Mary Margaret who is looking for redemption herself. She tries to convince him that everyone deserves a second chance, but August isn’t buying it because she’s Snow White who has never done anything that needed forgiveness (Mary Margaret must be really sick of everyone thinking she can do no wrong). He doesn’t want to go back and tells Mary Margaret not to tell anyone she saw him. Later on, there is knocking on his trailer door and it’s Tamara! He’s surprised he can see that he’s made of wood, even though she believed in the magic of The Dragon. She tells him she wants him to leave town, no questions asked, because he owes her, and she has some of the elixir left and she’ll let him have it. August realizes she’s Neal’s fiance and wonders if she and Neal are there to take or get rid of magic. Tamara assures him that Neal has nothing to do with this. He takes her car and drives out of town, but then he hits a bump and the picture of Tamara and her grandmother, that she had given to The Dragon, falls down from the sun visor. August realizes that Tamara must have killed The Dragon. He heads to the police station, desperate to find Emma, but she’s out in the woods looking for him. He somehow manages to call her from the ancient rotary phone in the station but Tamara cuts the phone lines before he can tell Emma about Tamara. He tells her he knows what she did to The Dragon and then monologues a bit about how he hasn’t led a good life and only he can cure that, and he won’t let her get away with whatever she’s doing. Which, ugh, just get out of their August before she, oops, too late. She tased you. August makes it outside just as Emma and crew get there, but he doesn’t manage to tell her anything before he dies. Mother Superior comes and Marco begs her to save him, and they decide that this one last bit of bravery is enough to make up for all his past misdeeds (he had to save Geppetto from Monstro the whale when he was little puppet to get turned into a real boy, and dying to try and get info to Emma is what saves him this time, what the hell?) so she turns him into a real boy. Yes, he is no longer August but back to being child Pinocchio. So now he gets his second chance and all the harm he caused Emma has been reset, because he doesn’t remember anything from being August.
Mary Margaret: She’s still depressed and in bed. She overhears David and Emma arguing about her and she finally decides to get out of bed. She packs a bag and decides she needs some alone time. David wants to come with her but she reminds him that he’s working with Anton in the bean fields and they might have a crop soon. David thinks they can just go back to the Enchanted Forest and forget about being in Storybrooke, but Mary Margaret says going back there will not erase what she’s done. She is doing some target practice in the woods (and listening to some Joan Jett while doing so) when she hears something in the woods and finds August (complete with broken arrow sticking out of his leg) in a trailer. She is confused that he is still wood after the curse broke, but August explains about how it’s his own punishment. Mary Margaret tries to convince him to come back to town, and let’s him know that Emma and Marco miss him (I think Mary Margaret is assuming about Emma, because I don’t think she would miss the person who helped put her in jail). She also lets him know that Henry’s father is back. You can see the confusion on her face when August mentions Neal’s name and hopes that they’re back together (since she doesn’t know the connection between them). He then goes on about redemption and mistakes made and how some things you just don’t come back from and of course, since Mary Margaret is going through the whole killing Cora guilt, she takes it personally. She tells August everyone deserves a second chance, but he goes on about how she’s perfect Snow White and never has to worry about those things. August was seven when the curse hit, what the hell does he know about Snow White except she was the queen? Seriously, does he know anything about her past, because if he did, he wouldn’t say such bullshit and make her feel bad. She’s on the verge of tears and then she tells him he needs to stop feeling sorry for himself (herself) and face the people in the town. August tells her to leave and tell no one that she saw him. Of course, Mary Margaret goes straight to Granny’s to go tell Emma and Marco she found him (with a detour of running into Regina who bates her by telling her the fish special is blackened sole). She tells them he’s completely wooden and that hopefully, Mother Superior will be able to turn him back. Mother Superior can’t help him, because he hasn’t been selfless, brave, and true. Mary Margaret argues that he should get another chance because they’ve all done things they aren’t proud of and Mother Superior agrees that if he can do things he needs to get back on the right path then she can change him. Mary Margaret tells Marco there’s still hope for August. Mary Margaret, Marco, and Emma head toward the trailer and Marco laments that this is all his fault. Mary Margaret tells him their children make their own decisions, but Marco finally confesses about the whole two people could go in the wardrobe and he sent Pinocchio to care for Emma. Mary Margaret is, understandably, upset because she could have gone with Emma and raised her. Marco apologizes and Mary Margaret slaps him (go Mary Margaret, I’ve been waiting for this confrontation and it did not disappoint). Emma is appalled at Mary Margaret’s behavior because Marco apologized (so what, she has the right to her emotions), Marco feels he deserved it, but Mary Margaret feels like she wasn’t in control of her actions and apologizes to Marco. She understands and would have done the same for Emma (she kind of did with sending her with supposedly no protection at all). It seems like they’re going to say more, but Mary Margaret notices they’ve arrived at August’s trailer. He’s not there when they go in. On their way back, Emma gets a phone call from August and they hightail it back to the station (and pick up Henry and David on the way?). August comes out and ‘dies’ and Mary Margaret is heartbroken because he didn’t get his second chance (projecting much Mary Margaret?). Luckily, Mother Superior is able to turn him back into Pinocchio and Mary Margaret is so relieved that he’s getting his second chance. Which means she’ll get a second chance. Mary Margaret finally comes clean to David about going to Regina. David is upset because Mary Margaret could have died, and Mary Margaret matter-of-factly tells him that’s what she had intended. She tells him that Regina ripped out her heart and found the dark spot. David wants to know why she didn’t say anything. She felt it would make it real; she wanted to believe redemption was possible. David reminds her that August got redeemed, but Mary Margaret reminds David that it cost August everything to do so. David tells her she’s not August and she’s not Regina, so there are other ways to redeem herself. Mary Margaret doesn’t understand how he can be so sure, but he says he knows her heart better than anyone, so that’s how he’s sure.
Emma/Neal/Henry: Emma is pissed that David is still coddling Mary Margaret when he makes her breakfast in bed. She thinks they need to haul her ass out of bed and get her to start living again. Emma tells him that the only one who can help Mary Margaret is Mary Margaret. She and Henry leave to go so Neal. When Henry leaves to go get some hot chocolates, Neal informs Emma that Tamara went into the storage closet and Hook wasn’t there, and Tamara was in the storage closet because she was getting things to come to Storybrooke. Emma is concerned about bringing an outsider in. Neal says he needs her. Emma says he needs to tell her about who he is and where he’s from and to stop lying to her. Neal wants Emma to stay, but Emma really doesn’t want to and gives the excuse of needing to go to the Sheriff’s station. He convinces her to stay (with bagels, it’s always about food with Emma). Cue awkward silence when Tamara, Neal, Emma, and Henry are all eating bagels. Henry finally asks how Neal and Tamara met to break the ice. Neal seems like he doesn’t know what to say so Tamara takes the reins and tells it. Emma tells her it sounds like fate (and that’s actually cutting because we know how she feels about that). Neal even looks at her like he knows she’s kind of being bitchy. Emma has to take Henry to David’s (is Henry helping work in the bean fields?), and Henry tells Neal to keep the story book he’d brought over. Neal decides to tell Tamara the truth and she doesn’t react kindly to it. She thinks he wants to dump her for Emma. She tells him when he wants to be honest to come find her. The one time Neal is honest it blows up in his face. Still no sympathy for him. Mary Margaret asks Emma and Marco to meet her at the diner. I’m not sure if Emma is truly concerned for August, or just worried about the fact that he’s completely wooden. They go see Mother Superior who tells them that August did come to her after the curse to change him back. Emma wants to know why she didn’t, and she explains that August basically made himself the way he was by not adhering to the rules. Emma, Marco, and Mary Margaret go to the woods to find August and Marco confesses his wrongdoings concerning the wardrobe. Emma is saddened when she sees how hurt Mary Margaret that she could have gone with Emma through the wardrobe. Emma is pretty shocked though when Mary Margaret slaps Marco. Emma looks like she doesn’t know how to handle the situation even after both Mary Margaret and Marco apologize to each other. Emma is really concerned when August tries to call and warn her about something but is cut off. She, Mary Margaret, Marco, David, and Henry go to the station where August collapses in Marco’s arms. He tries to warn Emma again but ‘dies’ before he can. Neal walks up right at this moment and Emma is freaking out that someone killed August. Henry thinks that Mother Superior will be able to save him since he was doing a selfless, brave, and true act. August gets turned back into Pinocchio and Emma hopes he can give her the info he was trying to give before he was changed, but he can’t. Emma is worried because obviously, someone in town killed August. Now I know she doesn’t know everyone in town, but my two guesses would be either Greg or Tamara because they don’t belong there. Anyway, Neal witnesses this whole thing too, as does Tamara who finally ‘believes’. Neal can’t believe he got so lucky to find a woman like her. He wasn’t, Tamara orchestrated their meeting, but he’s oblivious because he’s in ‘love’. Ugh. Back at the loft, Emma finally apologizes for lying to Henry about Neal and promises never to lie again (then tell him what an ass Neal is! She’s still lying by omission if Henry ever finds out.). Henry says he won’t push her away anymore and they hug and make up.
Greg/Regina: These two meet in Granny’s while Greg is eating a piece of apple pie (appropriate). Regina wants to thank him for calling about Henry. He has a soft spot for little kids in trouble. Regina thinks he looks familiar and can’t figure out why. He jokes about her possibly having been in PA, but she hasn’t. She’s happier than we’ve ever seen her for just talking to a stranger. She tells him not to hesitate to ask her for anything during his visit. Regina goes to leave and runs into Mary Margaret who looks like a deer in headlights when they run into each other. Regina goes all devious looking when she suggests the fish special, blackened sole. Greg goes back to his room later and finds Regina there. She’s finally figured out that he’s Owen from all those years ago. She still has the lanyard he gave her from all those years ago. She’s admiring how grown up he is. She even tries to lovingly touch his face, but he backs away from that gesture, pretty disgusted. Greg comments how he recognized her right away, because she looks exactly the same. Regina plays it off as if she does juice cleanses.  Right.  She says he could have come to her and told him why he was there. Greg thinks she should know why he’s there, but Regina says she has no idea. Greg says he’s looking for his father. Regina seems shocked, she claims he left shortly after Greg did and she never saw him again. Greg doesn’t believe her, because that would mean his father abandoned him. Regina swears it’s the truth. He tells her people just don’t disappear (um, I think a lot of people with missing children and relatives would disagree with you on that, and that has nothing to do with a fantastical town), but Regina says little boys tend to have overactive imaginations. He gets defensive and tells her he’s not a little boy anymore and he’s not leaving without his father. Regina says he is and she’ll let Granny know he’s checking out tomorrow. Greg asks what happens if he doesn’t leave. Regina says that sometimes people do disappear. Later that night, Greg gets a call from Her and then a knock on his door. It’s Tamara, and she is Her. They don’t have much time because Neal is in the shower, so they start making out. Ew.
How are the beans almost ready to harvest when it took them 100 years in the Enchanted Forest?
Why does August go to a doctor in Hong Kong when he’s in Thailand? They aren’t anywhere near each other. It’s a 7 hour flight from Phuket to Hong Kong.
Is Quon just hanging around hospitals listening in on private doctor/patient conversations in case he can send someone to The Dragon? Is that his job? Scrounging up sickly or dying people, who hopefully have money, so The Dragon can cure them?
Where did this trailer come from that August is staying in?
Is there any rhyme or reason to the story book? There’s a picture of the Mad Hatter, Hansel and Gretel, and then Bae all in a row.
Why is there a picture of young Bae in the storybook? Doesn’t the storybook only cover the fairy tales in the years directly preceding the curse? 
Why was Tamara wearing a headscarf and sunglasses in the waiting room of The Dragon, but not later when August runs into her for a drink? I know, it was supposed to be so we didn’t recognize her, but it makes no sense that she’d be hiding her identity in an indoor room and not out in a public, outdoor bar.
Why does The Dragon need a personal item? Does that have something to do with the magic?
How the hell did Tamara find August’s trailer? I know she overheard it was near the toll bridge, but David got lost going there in The Shepherd and he’d been there before. How did Tamara find this area without asking anyone (or maybe Greg helped her out since he’d been hiking out there in Welcome to Storybrooke).
Why does The Dragon have Tamara’s photo of her and her grandmother sitting out on his table? He doesn’t have any other personal items out? Did he know August had stolen the money and had it out as a possible guilt trip to see if he’d do the right thing? Or was it just for plot purposes?
If Tamara drove to Storybrooke, how was she going to explain her car missing to Neal when she gave August her car keys and told him not to come back?
How is August getting food? Does he need to eat? There are food wrappers on his counter, so it seems like he does.
So, is Tamara a scientist of some sort? How does she have access to the most sophisticated techniques to analyze the elixir?
How high is the voltage on that taser that it kills a magical being? Or is it a magic taser? That would be ironic if she killed a magical being with a magical taser.
Any ideas on who The Dragon really is? (Spoiler alert: we never find out) I’m going with Mushu because of the red smoke.
Was The Dragon not seeing anyone the day Tamara tased him? Where were the people in the waiting room? Where was his assistant, the guy that brought August there in the first place?
How did Tamara know August came back to Storybrooke and was at the sheriff’s station? Was she tracking him somehow. Does she have a tracker on her car?
How did August find Neal in New York? Last time he saw him was in Canada. Or were they keeping in touch all this time in case the curse broke?
Also, why was Neal so surprised about Emma finding him when he a) knew the curse was starting to break, and b) had received a postcard from August once it had broken?
I have so many questions concerning Tamara and Neal’s meeting. Was she in New York to go after August but decided to go after Neal instead because they knew each other? Did she know Neal had a magical background and that’s why she orchestrated their meeting? Was she using Neal to get August but found a bigger gold mine instead? Did she know about Storybrooke and everyone in it since we know she and Greg are together? 
It’s October 24th when August’s leg turns back into wood, and the newspaper from Welcome to Storybrooke was dated October 23rd, meaning Emma’s birthday is definitely October 23rd. Which is when the Pilot aired.
August’s clock says 8:15 when his leg turns to wood. He is in Phuket, Thailand, which is 11 hours ahead of Maine. If it had been 8:15 at night when Emma decided to stay in Storybrooke, then it should have been 7:15 the next morning in Phuket, not 8:15. And also it should have been the 25th of October since it’s the following morning.
Neal and Tamara are looking at the picture of young Bae in the story book, but when they close the book it’s on the picture of Snow and Charming’s wedding.
Mary Margaret’s expression when she runs into Regina at Granny’s is the exact same expression she had in Welcome to Storybrooke when she would run into Regina on the street.
Wood doesn’t conduct electricity. Now, assuming August is completely wood and doesn’t have any water in him like most humans have, Tamara’s taser must be magical.
August tells Neal he’ll send him a postcard when this is all over. Neal had asked August to send him a postcard when things changed in Tallahassee and Neal actually received a postcard from August in Broken.
Oh, look, we went from August having dark brown hair and blue eyes to Pinocchio having red hair and brown eyes.
So, yeah. That was that episode. We finally found out what happened to August after the curse broke. We found out he really is a douchebag. I mean, he stole the $20,000 Neal gave him to give to Emma, and then he stole the $10,000 Tamara had for her cure (even if she wasn’t really sick). He is not brave, not truthful, and very selfish, and yet he gets to live his life over again. Whatever. We find out that Tamara is working with Greg and apparently wants magic in some way. Really, the only good thing about this episode was Mary Margaret getting out of her funk with target practice.
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weshallc · 4 years
Easter Bernie.
(Call the Midwife AU/ Crown Jewels Easter Special/ Also available on A03 & FF)
Bit longer chapter today. Village meeting, Mount Busby, The Crown, Patrixie tension and flirty Bernie! What more could you want on an Easter Saturday! I know that stereotypical Easter animal... an Alpaca 🦙
Thanks for reading. I had forgotten so much of this even I am enjoying it.
I hear footsteps creeping up behind me. Saying "You don't have to be alone, you know." (Come Home, Cattle & Cane)
Paddy stood with his back against a familiar barn door. He swished his Bottle It Ale. His eyes were fixed on the thirty-something in smart dark jeans and a long white shirt with butterflies and light reflecting sequins embroidered into it. Her hair was loose, catching the spring sunshine. She was laughing with her friends. Damn, he thought, no wonder he was feeling so insecure.
A hand touched his arm, the long pale fingers with the scarlet nail varnish, signalled to him it wasn’t Inspector Chummy. Trixie stood beside him, nursing a mug of tea,
“I think the crisis is over, she seems to be enjoying herself today,” she brightly attempted to reassure him.
Paddy turned towards Trixie, he was surprised at the edge in his own voice, “Why didn’t you tell me about those sods at the Mission, instead of waffling on about the cookie monster.”
Trixie held on tighter to Paddy’s arm. “I tried too, you were the one fixated on pink bleedin’ wafers.”
Paddy went to bite back, but suddenly saw a glint in his opponent's eye and started to laugh.
“She seemed OK about it when I told her Paddy, it wasn’t until much later I realized it had eaten away at her,” Trixie wasn’t great at apologies, but she knew she had handled the situation badly, “I should have known, you are right.”
“Well, as you say she seems OK today, probably because she knows she can have a biscuit tomorrow,” he joked weakly.
“Don’t find me rude, but I do have my own problems today.”
Paddy looked at her with surprise and maybe a hint of disdain, “What, modelling a few scarfs and mittens?”
“Paddy have you any idea why I am here?” She shook her head.
“Mmm, nope can’t say I have, but then I am not sure what any of these people are doing here, who are they all?”
Paddy looked at the sea of faces milling about the Mount Busby lawn. Bernie was in the middle of them now, brandishing a silver tray of partially full champagne flutes. Paddy would rather she was stood next to him drinking champagne, but she did seem to be enjoying herself. What made him more vexed was another young woman, also dressed in smart jeans and attractive white blouse, holding a similar tray.
“More to the point Trixie, what am I doing here? And more importantly, why also are my bar staff here on a Bank Holiday weekend?” If Trixie thought she had been forgiven, Paddy’s tone made her doubt.
“Paddy I have no idea what you are doing here, I didn't invite you. I did invite everyone else, these are my contacts.” she retorted back, giving no quarter. Paddy looked at her, confused.
She continued with a smattering of arrogance, “And Bernie and Val are working for me this afternoon.”
Paddy scoffed, “You can’t afford them.”
Straight back, “Patsy can, anyway they are doing it as a favour.”
“So why are the great and good of Tweavenside gathered here today,” he huffed.
“I told you, I invited them,” she gave back.
“You only got here two days ago, how did you manage that?” Paddy was suddenly interested.
“Oh, you philistine! I sent carrier pigeons to them all from London,” the laugh was hard.
“Is that Lucille? You have got Lucille handing out drinks. Do you have no shame?”
“Val says she is a natural, you should think about hiring her, isn’t that where you usually find your bar staff, at the church.” She was gone before he could reply.
“Can I interest you in a glass of bubbly, Inspector Chummy?”
“Well, it would be rude not to, as I am off duty and just Chummy. Thank you, Bernie.”
“Can I be so bold to ask who is running the Crown?”
“Oh shush! Paddy is not happy. Evie, Violet and Jack are holding the fort and Tim helps more when his dad isn’t there.”
“Well, the match was yesterday, so at least you don’t have to worry about the football crowd. Barring them, the whole of Tweavenside appear to be here. So they might not be too stretched.”
Bernie looked around at the invited guests. Trixie had done very well. She recognized a few well known faces. For someone based in London and only putting a foot in Poplar once, her friend had done a good job of seeking out the local money. She glanced at Trixie who was looking rather pale, her house guest had ran through the planned afternoon's events and read her pitch to Bernie several times. Bernie had always been good with numbers, and checked out all Trixie’s estimated figures. Val, Lucille and herself had come over early to help her set up. They had spent Good Friday putting together Mount Busby Alpaca Bags full of freebees, Trixie had somehow managed to beg, borrow or steal.
“Can I go now?” the vibration of his breath on her neck made her almost drop her tray.
“Evie will phone if she needs you. Trixie is doing her spiel next and then it’s going to get busy when people start spending and discussing possible future contracts.”
“What has any of this got to do with me? I am not going to order alpaca wool beer mats, am I?”
“Paddy this is important Trixie is on trial here, a lot depends on how well she does today.” Bernie frowned.
“But it’s Patsy and Delia, not Dragons Den.” Paddy really didn’t get it.
“You know you are always going on about us doing stuff together, does that just mean things you want to do? This is my friend, and this is a big deal for her. We are here to support her.”
Paddy thought better of bringing up his recent church visit and the elaborate plans they were making for Easter Sunday.
Bernie flounced off with her tray. He looked at Trixie talking to Patsy and Delia, maybe he had fallen for her bravado too easily and missed something. Yes, the Two Loves may have been drawing their pension for a few years now, but they still ran a good business from the farm. They had for many years, always adapting with age and the times. Now they were setting out on this new venture, an extension of the alpaca walks. Patsy was still producing art, maybe not at the rate she once did, but her name still sold well. He looked at Delia Busby’s face in deep conversation with a nervous looking Trixie. Patsy had a big heart and may want to help Trixie, but the former Welsh Nursing Sister, was now a shrewd businesswoman and she wasn’t about to dispense any handouts.
“Afternoon Doc.”
Paddy was dragged out of his reverie, “Pete what are you doing here, alpaca socks is it?”
Paddy grinned, “Don’t tell me, favour to Trixie. The woman has been in Poplar for five minutes and seems to have everyone wrapped around her little finger.”
“Well Camilla asked, we have a soft spot for the farm, our first date and all that.” Peter explained. Paddy looked confused.
“Don’t you remember Doc, last time Ms Franklin was here, the alpaca walk.”
Paddy smiled at Pete’s professionalism towards his employer, even though she probably wasn’t paying him. “But you had been seeing each other for years.”
“Yes, but it was the first time we had attended a social occasion on our own doorstep, together. It felt like a proper date, Camilla said as much. She looked at the Two Loves, the vicar and his missus and you and Berns and I could tell she wanted that and so did I.”
Paddy glanced over at the barn remembering the bust up he and Bernie had that night, choosing to dwell on the making up.
“So that was when I decided to jack it all in and hand in my badge. So Camilla could progress in the Force, but also so we could stop messing about and make a commitment.”
“You decided that looking at me and Bernie?” laughed Paddy ironically.
Paddy moved aimlessly to the outdoor seating area and took a chair at the back. Peter's words were playing through his mind. Bernie, minus tray, made him shuffle in one place and took his chair. Her eyes were on Trixie, who was stood on a small platform holding a microphone. Bernie gave her a thumbs up and then to his surprise grabbed his hand and squeezed it without looking at him. She looked as nervous as the speaker. Her face reminded Paddy of Marianne, the day of Tim’s first nativity play. He used his other hand to encase Bernie’s and settled them on his lap.
“She will be great,” he whispered.
Bernie turned to him for the first time since she sat down, “I said a wee prayer.”
“Well there you go, the job’s a good'un.”
Bernie smiled and leaned into his shoulder as Trixie advised everyone that all the details from the talk were contained in the documentation in the freebee bags.
Paddy had no idea what Trixie talked about, she lost him at “Alpaca”. He gathered from the frequent laughter and Bernie’s release in the tension on his hand, that it had gone well. The applause at the end sealed this thought, the smile on Delia’s face and the amount of air kissing going on confirmed this. Bernie was soon up and to the front, in the midst of all things woolen.
Val handed Paddy another bottle of Buckle’s Brewery beer,
“Don’t think this gets you out of working tonight, we have a meeting remember.”
Val pulled a face and added, “She did well.” Paddy nodded.
Val went on, “Although the alpacas and the lambs went a long way, I think they won everyone over.”
Paddy nodded and took a sip of his beer and then stopped, “Lambs? Mount Busby doesn't have any sheep.”
Val looked up and pursed her lips, “Farm next door does.”
“That’s quite a walk, Val.”
“Trixie brought the lambs here, well Reggie and Fred did technically.”
“That’s illegal, that's sheep rustling and highly irresponsible, didn’t you tell her?”
“Paddy calm down the ewes came too.” Paddy shook his head. Val continued, “They were a big hit. Plus the couple of orphans that needed feeding, they sealed the deal.”
Paddy shook his head in disbelief again.
Val, Lucille, Bernie and Paddy walked into the Crown. Evie behind the bar asked how it all had gone? They replied in the order they entered,
“Alright.” “Lovely.” “She was fabulous.” “How’s everything been here?”
Evie smiled, “It’s been fairly quiet, but that’s Bank Holidays for you, can go either way.”
“You managed though?” Paddy needed more.
“Mr Turner, I have been pulling pints, before you pulled your first girlfriend.”
Paddy took no notice. Lucille made an embarrassed squeak as Val chuckled at Paddy being put in his place, she did enjoy Evie’s retorts.
“Get yourself away Evie,” she said taking her place behind the bar.
“I thought we were having this meeting, see if we all know what we are doing tomorrow.”
Val made a face, “Forgot about that.”
Most of Poplar-on-Tweaven were assembled in the Crown snug, Val had offered to tend the bar. Phyllis, Evie and Vi were deep in conversation in a corner seat. Fred balanced on a stumpy stool. Lucille sat next to Paddy, who was on a chair at the end. Bernie was perched on his knee unable to settle waiting for Trixie’s return, she had stayed behind to be debriefed by Delia.
“They do know the time,” said Evie in a loud whisper looking at her watch.
At that Reverend Julia entered the snug, apologising profusely for being late.Tom and Bobby Hereward following behind. Bernie jumped off Paddy’s knee and everyone eventually got seated.
Val followed in the God Squad as Jack called them, mainly to annoy Bernie and Lucille. She made sure everyone had drinks and pushed a few bags of crisps and nuts on the table. Fred asked if she had any pork scratchings and was hushed by Vi.
“Shall we make a start,” Phyllis cleared her throat.
“Do I need to take minutes?” asked a nervous Bobby. Paddy and Julia both shook their heads.
“It’s just an informal meeting lass, to see if everyone knows what they are doing tomorrow.”
“Still wouldn't be a miss,” cut in Tom, he gestured at his wife's bag. Bobby quickly took out a pen and notebook and started scribbling. Phyllis and Evie shared a look.
Bernie was now stood behind Paddy’s chair and in her nervous tension, waiting for news of Trixie, was scratching his neck every time she found something funny. Which he was finding very distracting.
“So this is the first Poplar-on-Tweaven, Crown and Church, Easter Festival,” Phyllis began again.
“Didn't we agree it was Church and Crown,” interrupted Tom.
Everyone looked at each other, Bernie dug her nails into the back of Paddy's neck.
“What do the posters say,” enquired Vi.
“They just say Poplar Easter Festival and then times and venues,” responded Julia.
“OK, but I think with it being a religious festival, Church should come first.” Tom continued. “Paddy is that all right with you?” in a tone that didn’t sound like a question.
Paddy just shrugged his shoulders, trying to shake Bernie off at the same time.
“Right,” said Phyllis, “The first Poplar-on-Tweaven, Church and Crown, Easter Festival.”
Bernie grabbed the back of Paddy’s neck just as Bobby asked, “Sorry, are they any apologies for absence.”
Bernie dug in her fingers, and Paddy hid a yelp in a cough.
“I was absent, but I am here now,” Trixie stood at the snug door.
“Sorry,” said Tom, “this is a private meeting for those who reside or work in Poplar.”
Bernie was now pulling on Paddy’s ear.
“Well, that is me then, I am now a Poplar resident and employee. I qualify on both accounts.”
Everyone stared at the newcomer, “That is if Mount Busby is classed as Poplar.”
“It certainly is,” cleared up Phyllis.
To Paddy’s relief, Bernie moved from behind him and hugged Trixie’s neck instead.
“I've signed a years contract and here is the best bit, I will be based in Poplar and commute to London when necessary.”
Val had joined them. “Oh Trixie, that is wonderful.”
“Well Done kid!” smiled Phyllis, then everyone started talking at once.
“Where will you live?” asked Paddy.
Berne suddenly stopped hugging Trixie, who said, “That’s the best bit.”
“Is it?” Bernie asked.
“I have been given a room at Mount Busby, I was shown it today. Its adorable and the views are to die for.”
“Oh, Trixie!” Bernie was back around her friend’s neck.
“This calls for champagne, Paddy! Or at least a bottle of Prosecco.” Evie realized as soon as she had said it, she had made a mistake; this was her first meeting with the engaging stranger.
Trixie was the one to rescue the situation, “Please do, I have been surrounded by champagne all day, one more bottle won't make a difference.”
“That is a good point chick, me, Berns and Luce would probably be sick if we had to pour another glass of bubbles.” Val chipped in.
“I know what we do have,” Vi piped up, “too many cakes for tomorrow.”
“How can you have too many cakes?” asked Fred.
“I am sure we can cut into one now,” Vi continued.
“Brilliant idea I am on it,” Val was off, but called back by Vi.
“Valerie, while you're in there, can you check I have done enough hard-boiled eggs? I have another dozen in the larder, if you're not sure.”
Evie interrupted, “It was like a sauna in there earlier, you must have boiled six dozen.”
Vi folded her arms and shuffled her ample bosom, “What with decorating, rolling, hunting and jarping, you mark my words, you will be glad I did.”
Val laughed at Vi’s indignation and commitment, “Look if we have over catered they are eggs, I am sure they won’t go to waste.”
“Couldn’t you pickle any surplus and sell them behind the bar?” Everyone’s attention was now on Reverend Julia, “My father always brought pickled eggs home from the pub on a Friday night, one each for me and my brothers and sisters and a bottle of ginger beer.”
“That is an Egg-cellent idea, Vicar,” agreed Fred.
The collective groan ended the great boiled egg debate. Phyllis was watching Mrs Hereward still writing and just hoped she hadn’t recorded the last ten minutes of conversation.
Paddy thought that Bernie must be genuinely pleased at Trixies news, because she seemed to forget where she was, and plonked herself down on his knee again. While everyone was discussing the many uses for a hard-boiled egg, Paddy wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into him.
“Happy?” he whispered.
Bernie paused for a moment, tilted her head and gave a little smile meant just for him and nodded.
Phyllis cleared his throat, “So if we ever get this meeting started, the first Poplar-on-Tweaven, Church and Crown, Easter Festival, takes place tomorrow.”
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crowkingwrites · 5 years
Battle of the Bands (Ch.15)
Pairing: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader, Viserys Targaryen x Reader, Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Summary: You just moved into the city for the first tie all by yourself. After you get your dream summer job working for a small magazine, you find yourself in the middle of the city’s rock festival: Battle of the Bands. Local rock bands throughout the city compete to win a record deal that could change their lives. Your job? Get close to them and write about them online.A single girl in the city surrounded by rocker boys during the summertime. What could possibly go wrong?
Words: 2701 // AO3 Link
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four // Chapter Five // Chapter Six // Chapter Seven // Chapter Eight // Chapter Nine // Chapter Ten // Chapter Eleven // Chapter Twelve // Chapter Thirteen // Chapter Fourteen 
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You couldn’t sleep much last night. You had spent it watching whatever you could find on Youtube. Music videos of Blackfyre, cute puppy videos, and some conspiracy video about how Joffery Baratheon was actually his uncle’s, not his father’s. You turned off the Internet after that one.
When you did finally wake up from what sleep you had, you were greeted with both Margaery and Loras in the living room. In front of Loras, a bag of tacos sat. The scent of the cilantro and chicken wafted into your nose. Both of them looked up to you, waiting for something.
“Morning,” you said and looked down.
“I bought you some tacos. Margie told me what happened last night. I told her what happened with Renly. So—
“You guys know everything now. I get it,” you responded in a short voice. “Sorry, I couldn’t sleep.”
“It’s okay,” Margie stood up and offered you her seat. “Want a cup of coffee? I made us some this morning!”
“What is this? What are you guys doing?” you narrowed your eyes at the siblings.
“We don’t want you to leave,” Loras came out with it. He had always been up front with you especially when he didn’t need to be. Once he told you his honest opinion of your new boyfriend while he was sitting in front of him. Needless to say, that relationship didn’t last long. Loras sighed and looked at his sister before continuing. “You just got here. You’re gonna fail, you know? I think you’re being harsh on yourself.”
“I don’t. I fucked up everything.”
“No! No you didn’t! Because you helped Loras and Renly get together right?” Margie shot a look at Loras.
“Oh! Yeah! Definitely! That was a major win!” Loras smiled. You looked at the bag of tacos and snatched it. As you unwrapped the first one, Margie put down some coffee for you. You shoed the first tacos in your mouth and you wondered why you even messed with boys in the first place. Who needs boys when you can have drama-free tacos?
“You should listen to Loras,” Margaery said. She tied up her hair in a messy bun and elaborated. “You just got here a few months back. You can’t leave now. You can’t give up on yourself like that.”
“I’m…not…giving,” you said between bites with as much breath as you had. “…up…on myself.”
“You are,” Margie raised an eyebrow.
“But I told you,” you started to cry a little. “I messed everything up.” Loras rubbed your back as you started to cry into your tacos. So much for drama free tacos. You should return the damned things. Who are you kidding? Who the fuck returns tacos?
“Do you still have friends?” Margie asked.
“Do you have your job?”
“And you have a place to live,” Margie told you. “You haven’t fucked up as badly as you think you did. Please stay. The fest is almost over now anyways and all of this business will go away. I can even help you find a different job if you wanted me to.”
“She could,” Loras agreed. “I heard Robb’s a bad boss. You should probably quit anyways.”
“Loras! Not helping!” Margie snapped.
“Why? He can be such an ass sometimes. I don’t like the way he talks to you,” Loras responded. “Oh, and because Viserys talking to her was any better,” Margie rolled her eyes. “Look, you just had a weird fucking summer. Don’t go, ok?”
“No,” you shook your head. “You weren’t there. Robb walked into the office, holding his face. Then, I watched him yell at his dad that Jon was the problematic child.”
“See? Bad boss,” Loras nodded.
“No. Not the fucking point, Loras,”you clarified. “I did that. I caused that fight between them. I made them fight over me and they’re really angry at each other. I tore them apart. Then, I thought of what I wrote about Viserys and now he’s losing everything. He has a real reason to sue me. And Ramsay can’t ever play music again and it makes him so happy, and—
“You’re spiraling,” Margie grabbed your wrist before you put the fourth tacos in your mouth. “Breathe.”
You closed your eyes and inhaled. You held it for three seconds and then you let go. You still didn’t feel much better, but it was an improvement.
“I still want to go home,” you confessed. “I just don’t feel good here anymore. I could go back home and work in my dad’s bookshop. He’d be really happy to have me, I think.”
“Are you really that set on it?” Loras nudged you.
“I think I am,” you nodded.
“Then that’s that.”
“WHaT? nO!” Margaery reacted. “Y/N are you hearing yourself? You can’t go back home! It’s—
“Margie. It’s done, ok?” Loras shot a look her way. “This is what she wants to do. We should support her.” Margie sat back and looked away for a moment. She lit a cigarette and exhaled the smoke behind her.
“Alright,” she said defeated. “But, I’m helping you go home, ok? No Dornish goodbye shit.”
“Dornish goodbye? That’s a good name for a rock band,” Loras nodded. “Sexy.”
After you packed all of your books, you took a break. You opened your laptop to your article about Viserys. 50K shares and thousands of comments. You closed your eyes and said ‘Fuck’ to yourself. You closed your laptop and grabbed your phone.
No messages from anyone. No phone calls. Just an empty home screen with increasing number of shares on the Viserys article. You dialed your mom.
“Hello? Honey?” Your mom’s voice was the best thing you heard in weeks. Her sweet, caring tone always hit you where it hurt the most.
“Hi mom,” you had tears in your eyes again.
“Oh honey! What’s wrong?”
“I wanna come home, Mom. I mucked it up pretty bad here. I don’t wanna be here anymore.” You felt an anxious wordy waterfall about to spill from your core.”
“Oh…,” you heard her shifting around. “Oh, sweetheart. Come home. It’s alright. I’ll take a few days off of work, and I can bring you home. Does that sound ok?” Your parents weren’t aware of your more careless lifestyle. Both of them were incredibly conservative. When you told them you were moving into the King’s City, your father fought on you it tooth and nail.
“Thank you, Mom,” you smiled through your tears. “That sounds okay. I just need to, uh, put my ducks in order. Can I call you later?” It was happening. You were going home. You thought of yourself when you first moved here. You remember getting your job and celebrating at the Sunspot. Then, your smile was covered in cheap beer and taco sauce.
Now, you sat in a room with a fourth of your things packed. Your room was getting emptier each second. You turned off your phone and curled up into your bed. You weren’t too proud to admit it, but you left your phone off for three days. Margie would check in on you from time to time, and she would help you pack.
But she wouldn’t push or try to convince you to stay. You stayed in your bed mostly for those three days. You watched countless hours of all the Netflix you could handle. On the fourth morning, you woke up. No, you wouldn’t spend your last days inside your apartment, feeling shitty about yourself. You were better than that. You deserve better than that.
You got properly dressed in a band t-shirt and shorts. Your favorite pair of dirty converse shoes carried you all the way back to the Battle of the Bands. The first thing you noticed was the yellow ticket. Everyone had a yellow ticket in their hands. You saw a few new yellow tents that hadn’t been here before. When you walked over, you realized what it was.
The final voting for the battle. Everyone was deciding who would win.
You quickly picked up one on your own, and walked away from the crowding line. You saw entries for Favorite Folk Band, Favorite Rock Band, Favorite Solo Act, and so much more. At the bottom, you saw the last final contest: Winner of Battle of the Bands – Favorite Act. Your pen itched between your fingers.
You could pick Viserys. Blackfyre was a fun band to watch, and you enjoyed their rock music. Maybe Viserys could forgive you for what you wrote, and maybe you wanted to forgive him for pushing you away like that. There was something between you two that you couldn’t let go. When you were around him, he made you feel like the only person in the room.
You left him hungry. Viserys was fucking dragon after all. He was hungry for kissing, hungry for attention, but hungry for you the most. Was he about to be a world-famous rock star? Maybe. Was he a good kisser? Of course. Did you want him after breaking it off with you? You didn’t know. If you picked Viserys, you could tame the dragon yourself.
Or you pick Jon. Jon wasn’t technically part of the Battle of the bands, but you wrote about him anyways. You knew he deserved the attention. People flocked to the pub to see him after you wrote about him. There’s something about Jon that you found so hopelessly romantic and true. Jon who was your friend first and defended you in front of anybody—including his own family.
You admired his loyalty to you, but you were scared of what that meant. Commitment was never your strongest point, and you didn’t want to hurt Jon. You knew how much his heart meant to him. He wanted to give it to you so badly that he was willing to wait for you. If you picked Jon, you may be picking forever with Jon.
Ramsay wasn’t boyfriend material by any means. You couldn’t even write his band name down because they were cut. Ramsay was the type of individual who did stupid shit because he could. Being an awful ass was the best twenty-four hour job he loved the most. Any time his hands were on you, you felt an electricity that surged through you. Ramsay was bad and exciting.
He wanted you. He had a hold on you stronger than any other man. He liked competing for you. He liked chasing you, and maybe you wanted him to keep chasing you. You shook your head. Ramsay would be the stupid choice, but it would be the most fun one. You didn’t want to fix Ramsay, you wanted Ramsay to break you. If you picked Ramsay, you would be buying your ticket to Hell.
Then there was Robb. From the moment you met him, everything seemed like a perfect, romantic Hollywood movie. From his bluest eyes to his good protective nature, he seemed so perfect. Robb believed in you. He gave you your first job on your own. He gave you front page, resources, and his help. He wanted to make you better.
But he was also possessive and cruel and cold. He was a true wolf. Fiercely loyal to his pack and attacked whenever provoked. You never knew if Robb was happy or upset with you. One minute he’s kind and wonderful, and then the next he makes you feel like the worst person in the room. One thing was for sure, he cared for you. You knew the way he looked at you because you looked at him the same way. If you picked Robb, you picked a love that was more than yourself.
All four of them swam in your head constantly circling like spokes on a wheel. That one’s on top, and that one’s on top, and on and on it spins. It was time to break the wheel.
You grabbed your phone and did the bravest thing you did all day. Your cell had been off for three and a half days now. You pressed the power button on your phone to turn it back on.
At first, you thought it was a glitch. Nothing came until one missed call showed up. Another missed call showed up. Text messages spilled through. Snapchats and Likes and Mentions and Comments. Voicemails and emails filled your inbox.
You saw a lot of backlash and celebration for your troublesome article. You couldn’t bring yourself to read some the hurtful comments hardcore fans left for you. You went to Snapchat and saw your sister’s new puppy. It gave you a smile.
And then you saw it. 52 missed calls. Several text messages. You looked at Robb’s first.
Robb to you: [So you’re leaving? Are you serious?] Robb: [Come on, you’re not serious serious, are you?] Robb: [Please answer.] Robb: [I’m really not kidding please answer me I swear to you that you have your job, okk?] Robb: [We can work together on this. You don’t have to run away from this.] Robb: [Are you mad at me?] Robb: [Look, Renly just told me. Loras told him. He told me. You can’t go.] Robb: [I don’t want you to go.] Robb: [I want you here. Please don’t leave. Please tell me you’re not leaving.] Robb: [Why aren’t you answering?] Robb: [Listen, I called you like 12 times. I think your phone’s off. But ugh] Robb: [Y/N. I really, really want you here. I’ll do anything, ok?] Robb: [I don’t know where you are. I hope you’re okay.] Robb: [I want to talk to you. Just meet me at the Sunspot. I will go there every day for lunch. Just come see me before you leave.]
You felt your heart dropping that you didn’t answer any of these. Then, you opened Jon’s voicemail. His sweet voice gave you relief.
“Okay, so this is my sixth time calling you? I heard you’re leaving the city. I don’t know what Robb’s told you, but I’ll go with you. I’m so tired of this place. The people…the scene. It’s all wrong. We can go together, you and me. Ugh, what am I even saying? Are you getting any of these? Are you ok? I’m worried about you. Please answer me.”
You heard his voice breaking at his last words. You felt a small part of your heart break off and disappear into your blood streams. It felt like a pinch in your side or that tickling pain after laughing too hard. It didn’t feel as good as you wanted. Another glance at your phone helped you move on. Ramsay left you with one voicemail and one text message.
“This is really suspicious. Your phone’s off. Your phone’s never off. What the hell is happening?”
Ramsay to You: [You’re leaving. I tried to talk to you, but Margie stopped me. She was carrying up boxes for you. We need to talk. Now.]
You put your phone away and kept walking through the fest. Your heart was too heavy to carry right now. You found yourself wandering through the crowds of people. Some pushed you out of the way. You avoided others because of their selfies. Direction was out of your mind when everything else filled it. You should’ve paid attention to where you were going.
“Y/N?” Viserys said.
“Oh fuck me,” you said aloud. You quickly covered your mouth. “Sorry! Not ‘fuck me’ as in like ‘Fuck me’, but as in ‘fuuuuuuck me’ like I’m so screwed and I’m really screwed and this---
“Shut up,” Viserys interrupted. “Why are you here?”
“I…I don’t know,” you said, defeated. “I just needed some air.”
“You need some air?” Viserys said angrily. “What? Did you and Ramsay get into a little fight?”
“What? No. I haven’t seen or talked to him in days. I was planning to leave. I’m going back home.”
“What?” Viserys reacted. “You’re not with Ramsay? But he said—
“You’re suing the whole magazine and this was all my fault. I—
“Did Robb Stark fire you?”
“No, well—
“Why are you here?” Viserys asked. His voice was different this time. It held no anger or rage, but confusion. “Did you come for me?”
Note to Self: Choose carefully.
How this story ends is up to you! These next chapters are the five different endings to Battle of the Bands. You can read one ending, or you can read all five. Up to you entirely. This is the first time I’m doing this and I’m really excited to see what kind of feedback I get for this story.
In this order:
Chapter 16 - Ramsay's Ending Chapter 17 - Viserys' Ending Chapter 18 - Jon's Ending Chapter 19 - Robb's Ending Chapter 20 - Your Ending
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History of Nuance??Dragon Naturally Speaking
Dr. James Baker laid out the depiction of a discourse understanding framework called DRAGON in 1975. In 1982 Dr. James Baker and Dr. Janet Baker, his significant other, established Dragon Systems to discharge items based on their voice acknowledgment model. He was President of the organization, and she was CEO. For more information, contact dragon naturally speaking technical support phone number.
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holdyourthroat · 6 years
the delightful @azrielrose tagged me to answer some questions ♥ thanks love
- what’s your favorite song(s) to sing/hum? i go back and forth, recently it’s been a mix of “in hell i’ll be good company” by the dead south, “s.o.b.” by nathaniel rateliff and the night sweats, and “baby teeth” by flower face (of course). when my mind is blank, it invariably defaults to “forever and always” by taylor swift, though. i didn’t choose this. it just happened to me.
- what’s your favorite flower/tree/plant? my favorite flower is hydrangeas, but i also love clovers, and blackberry bushes have a very special nostalgic place in my heart.
- favorite color(s)? GREEN!!!!! deep forest green, hunter green, olive green... pretty much anything except lime and kelly green. i prefer deeper tones, more on the blue side than the yellow. grey also takes a top slot, and i’ve come around to dusty rose.
- what do you always doodle? i have a llama i always draw when i’m bored. he has sunglasses and smokes a cigarette because when i was in middle school those were the classic hallmarks of something “”cool””. i also doodle a lot of ghosts and bats and other creepy things.
- how do you take your coffee/tea? coffee - iced espresso or cold brew with french vanilla and half and half. tea - hot earl grey with cream and sugar, or over ice with just sugar, OR a chai latte
- favorite candle scent? i’m not a huge candle person, but i like simple scents like vanilla.
- what perfume do you wear? i rarely wear it but i have a small rollerball of taylor swift’s wonderstruck. it smells amazing.
- what’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone? i do plies and arabesques and point practice while i wait for the microwave in the kitchen or whatever. i was in ballet when i was young and i still miss it.
- favorite quote? “don’t believe me?? check my resume - thirty years experience in jACKIN OFFFFFFFFFF” - arin hanson, super mario maker episode [mumbles an unintelligible number] (real talk, i’ve been trying to think about this for over an hour and nothing serious is really coming to me, oh well)
- favorite self-care routine(s)? SHOWERING. it’s so underrated but oh my god showering feels so good when i feel like shit and i almost never make myself do it. other than that, listening to old game grumps LPs is really comforting to me and i usually do that and play phone games to relax myself.
- fuzzy socks or house slippers? FUZZY SOCKS!!! the thicker the better!!!
- what color are your eyes? technically hazel, but they’re pretty dark, so i just say brown usually
- what’s your favorite eye color on others? god i love deep brown eyes more than almost anything, but i got one hang-up with green eyes (it’s chris pratt)
- favorite season? why? spring! i also like fall for the aesthetic and the fact that i get to start wearing colder-weather clothes but honestly? the seasons affect my mental illness a lot and spring is usually when i start to feel better, plus i have a spring birthday
- cheek, neck, or nose kisses? one right on each nip thanks i dont really love to be kissed honestly
- what does your happy place look like? spyro the dragon: ripto’s rage’s soundtrack.
- favorite breed of dog? cat? i’m... not huge on dogs lmao sorry but my favorite cat breed is maine coons, i want a ginormous one to lay upon my whole body and purr me better when i’m sad. a big beautiful emotional support lion ♥
- do you ever want to be married? more than anything, but i don’t really see that happening, and i’m as much scared of it as i want it.
- cursive or print? i write exclusively in cursive.
- favorite weather? i’m only happy when it rains ♥
tagging @jimmiestoorustled and @questionboxjuliet
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foxdoctors309 · 3 years
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android
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Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android Dragon Ball Z
Games For Ppsspp Emulator Android
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android Naruto
Ppsspp Iso Games Emuparadise
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android God Of War
Ppsspp Games For Android Phone
Emuparadise Psp Games For Android
Are you searching for ppsspp games for android free download? Everything you need is here and installing these games is so fast and easy. So sit back and enjoy yourself.
Overview PPSSPP is currently the best PSP emulator for almost any platform out there. It is open source and follows a community development model. This is the Android version. When it comes to gaming on Android, there are loads of games to choose from. In this post, we will be looking at some of the best PPSSPP games for Android in 2020. Just to be clear for those who don’t know what PPSSPP Games are, there are simulations of PlayStation portable games which are supported on Android. Free Download Game Ppsspp Naruto For Android Fifa 14 Psp Iso For Ppsspp Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Game Download For Ppsspp Best Settings For Ppsspp Gold 1.5.4. Fight Night 2004 For Ppsspp Emuparadise Pes 17 Iso File For Ppsspp Monster Hunter 4 Rom For Ppsspp Blog Pes 2016 For Ppsspp Android Tekken 6 Rom For Ppsspp Pc.
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PPSSPP Gold is the best emulator program designed to run all the PSP games on Android phones and other smartphones. This program works only as of the PSP emulator. It runs all the PSP games in HD and provides the best audio and visual features that other emulator tools can never provide.
2Best 12 Ppsspp Games For Android Free Download List
5Latest Ppsspp Games List For Android Free Download
What is PPSSPP Emulator
It’s basically an emulator which is free and open source made specifically for most of the OS like Windows, Android, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry etc. It was made to increase the portability & speed of the system. Click here to download latest PPSSPP Emulator.
You may ask, who created the PPSSPP thing?
Well, it was Henrik Rydgard. And it was due to him, for which you are able to play PSP games on Android. In this post, I’ll expose some really amazing PSP games for your Android device. Excited, eh?
Before I begin with the game listings I’d like to share with you some of the sites where you can download PPSSPP games on your Android. You may ask, why to list sites when everything is easily available on Google. Well, that’s really not the case. Most of the files (PPSSPP) which you find on Google are either corrupted or doesn’t work.
Only a few works. And there are some sites specifically made for that purpose. There’s perhaps a considerate amount of sites which provides those stuff. But the one which I personally recommend is EmuParadise. It’s literally a hub of PPSSPP games for Android. Another one is PSP Share which also promotes some really good PPSSPP games.
Best 12 Ppsspp Games For Android Free Download List
God Of War – Ghost Of Sparta 9.5
God of War: Chains of Olympus 9.5
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011 8
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories 9
The Warriors 7
Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines 9
Dead To Right – Reckoning 7.5
Lord of Arcana 9
Tomb Raider Legend 9.5
Coded Arms 8.5
Hero of Sparta 9.0
Miami Vice The Game 9.5
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android Dragon Ball Z
So, this was the best ppsspp games download for android list. If you want to know more about the games then scroll down below.
How To Download Game Ppsspp For Android
If you do not know how to download PPSSPP Games then refer to YouTube tutorials. It’s simple to have the job done, but most of the people stuck.
Free Psp Games Direct Download
Before you go deeper into a game in the list, make sure you looked all the 12 of them given here. All these action game ppsspp games are widely played and admired by many. And thanks to Multischolar for providing most of the links for PPSSPP games for Android.
Latest Ppsspp Games List For Android Free Download
God Of War – Ghost Of Sparta
The first best PPSSPP game is deserved by God of War – Ghost of Sparta. You might have heard of this game already if you are already in the gaming arena. It’s one of the top rated PSP games. It’s the amazing storyline that makes the impeccable difference in comparison to other games listed here.
If you want to download God of War – GOS, then move to EmuParadise and search for the query. The ISO File is 200MB. Click here to download.
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Yes, you saw it right. The second position is too grabbed by God of War. It’s the Chains of Olympus version. This game is too, as amazing as Ghost of Sparta. This game has a really amazing quality graphics but there’s a small limitation here. Both the God of War games listed on this top two position might not work fine for most of the devices because it needs a pretty much high specification on your Android. But you are good technically, then you can always fix the issue by doing changes to the graphics settings.
That being said, The game file size is 250MB. Click Here To Download.
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2017
This is one of my favorite game ever. I started playing this game on my Android device in late 2019. Since I’m a wrestling fan, I’m much compatible with this game. If you are not, you might not like this game. The graphic is almost the same in PSP. The only thing I didn’t like is the latest version didn’t come with career mode. There are both the sexes in the game. You can either be a diva star or male superstar. You cannot fight against different sex in the game.
If you are having a lower end smartphone and wondering if this game would work or not, then let me tell you, this game pretty much work on all the devices. This game ran on one of my outdated Android phone like a charm. To download WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011. The game is around 1GB. Click Here To Download.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
GTA Vice city is for sure heard by you. It’s one of the biggest recognizable franchise ever developed for the PSP emulator. The game is filled with amazing graphics. As you know, you can roam everywhere in the city you want to.
Though it is mission game I mostly spend my time driving cars and bikes and moving to every possible place in the game. The good thing about the game is, it also comes with the multiplayer mode i.e. you can play the game with your friends. There are also a good amount of weapons available in the game. And of course, the cheat codes! Use them and enjoy the game. The game ain’t big in size as compared to the ones above. It’s just 340MB to download. Click Here To Download.
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The Warriors
This game is also a popular one. To be honest, this game is perhaps the number 1 on the list of psp adventure games. Like the one above, this game is also made by Rockstar Games. The story plot starts with a gang who were wrongly accused of murdering a gang leader who was a rival to them. The gameplay location is in New York.
So as you were accused, you need to run for your life and at the same time prove the rivals that you were not the one who murdered their crew leader. Some of the weapons of the game include bat, bottles etc. The game runs amazing on high-end smartphones. I’m not sure about the low-end ones. Perhaps, it might lag to some extent but will run, for sure. The game is 340MB in size. Click Here To Download.
Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines
Here’s another game I like playing. Assasin’s Creed Bloodlines will only appeal to specifically to the gamers who are already captivated by the Assassin’s Creed gameplay, as a whole. This game is playable in most of the low-end smartphones as well.
It works fine (no lag) on one of my low-end devices. The file size is 116MB. Click Here To Download.
Dead To Right – Reckoning
Dead to Right is a third person action game. In this game, you need to control Jack slate and fulfill all the mission objectives. You need to go bullet-to-bullet and kill all your rivals and at the same time, rescue the witness who is lost. This game works perfectly on high-end Android devices but I have not tried it yet on low-end phones.
You can download the game by clicking here. This game isn’t a huge one like the ones above. The game size is 60MB. Click Here To Download.
Lord of Arcana
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This game isn’t much popular at all. I included this game here because it actually seems interesting to play this PSP game on Android. In the game, you are a warrior and you need fight against a lot of enemies. In fact, there are dragons as well who are your primary enemies.
You need to kill all of them with the sword you have with you in the climax. This game is fully a 3D with an attractive visual and astonishing combo attacks.The game size is 600MB. Click Here To Download.
Tomb Raider Legend
Tomb Raider Legend also comes with the list of best PPSSPP games for Android. The game is full of adventures. You play as a girl in the game. Your name is Lara. You need to travel across the world to search for mythical artifacts. The game was developed by Crystal Dynamics which is one of the maturest game dev company ever made.
You can download Tomb Raider Legend from Emuparadise by clicking here. The thing I like about the game is the amazing graphics. It looks pretty much realistic. However, to be honest, the game would be difficult to experience without a proper walkthrough. The game is 700MB in size and is free to download. Click Here To Download.
Coded Arms
Coded Arms is a first-person shooter video game that was developed and published by Konami for the PlayStation Portable handheld in 2006. All of the levels in the game are randomly generated when you access them. In singleplayer, players progress through the game by completing sectors. Sector 00 consists of one battlefield (Training) with 3 levels that serve to familiarize the user with the game. Sector 01 consists of three battlefields (City, Base and Ruins) and each battlefield has 6 levels. Sector 02 also has three battlefields consisting of 13 levels each with a boss at the 13th level of each battlefield. Sector 03 consists of one battlefield (Infinity) which has an unlimited amount of levels to it.
The difficulty of the game increases as the user progresses through the sectors. Players can also make use of a 3D map graphically similar to a vector display. The game file size is 90MB. Click Here To Download.
Hero of Sparta
Hero of Sparta is an action-adventure game developed by Gameloft. The game follows a storyline set in ancient Greece, wherein the player controls the protagonist throughout multiple landscapes while fighting mythical beasts. The game was moderately well received by critics.
The story centers around the Spartan king Argos as he awakens on a beach shortly after his entire fleet of ships has been wiped out by a violent storm. While exploring the island, the spirit of an oracle apparently held in captivity pleads for Argos to rescue her.
In exchange, the oracle offers to use her power to return Argos to his homeland. The game size is 40MB. Click Here To Download.
Miami Vice
Miami Vice PPSSPP Game While going through levels, the majority of the gameplay is combat, with enemies who must be killed to advance the level. Emphasis is put on taking cover, with health running out quite fast if player remains in the open during a shoot-out. All fire-arms have laser sightings, which acts as an aiming reticule.
It can be played on Android/iOS via PPSSPP or even in a PC using a PSP emulator. The file game size is 160MB. Click Here To Download.
Final Words: Do you want me to include some more PPSSPP games for Android here? Well, comment on it below. I definitely will.
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Games For Ppsspp Emulator Android
PPSSPP games are the simulations of PlayStation Portable games, which are supported on Android, among other brands of smartphones. The PPSSPP is the PSP emulator, which provides access to a good number of PlayStation Portable games on Android. This article outlines the best of the PPSSPP games available to Android.
The PPSSPP Emulator
The PPSSPP is an acronym which stands for PlayStation Portable Simulator Suitable for Playing Portably. PPSSPP enable the PlayStation games to be played on portable platforms like the Android devices and other smartphones like the IOS, Symbian, and Windows devices among others. The PPS emulator project (PPSSPP) was created by Henrik Rydgard, who is also known as hrydgard (one of the co-founders of the Dolphin emulator). As a video games console simulator, PPSSPP was designed to provide access to games like the Sony’s PlayStation, to portable platforms like Android. Read more on PPSSPP Emulator apk and download here.
Best PPSSPP Games for Android
Below is the list of the best, most downloaded, PPSSPP games for Android:
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Assassin’s Creed
The Warriors
Lord of Arcana
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Tomb Raider Legend
Dead To Right – Reckoning
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android Naruto
Related: Download Top PSP Games for Android – Best PPSSPP Games
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011
Ppsspp Iso Games Emuparadise
Rating: 8/10
Although this game dates back many years, it is still one of the most played today on Android. If you are familiar with the world of WWE Entertainment, then you should know what to expect in this game. The quality and graphics of this game are nearly the same as that of the original PSP. Every Wrestling fan should check this game out.
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Rating: 9.5/10
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android God Of War
God of war is a household name in the gaming world. It is arguably one of the best PSP games available to Android users. The God of War: Ghost of Sparta has a fantastic storyline and the graphics is topnotch.
Assassin’s Creed: Bloodline
Ppsspp Games For Android Phone
Rating: 9/10
Just like God of War, Assassin’s Creed is another popular franchise in the gaming world. The game is available to both the high and lower versions of Android. It is a version of the Assassin’s Creed gameplay. It is, no doubt, one of the best PPSSPP games for Android.
Rating: 7/10
For lovers of gang adventures, this game is definitely one to check out. The storyline illustrates the life of a gang who were falsely accused of killing a rival gang’s lord. The theme illustrates the city of New York. The Warriors is arguably the best PSP adventures game for Android.
Lord of Arcana
Rating: 9/10
Lord of Arcana is not one of the most known games. However, a peep into the storyline and make-up of this game revealed that it could pass as one of the best PSP games for Android. Lord of Arcana is a battle-style game, where you (as a warrior) have to face varieties of powerful enemies (which include monstrous dragons). The game is available in 3D.
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Emuparadise Psp Games For Android
Rating: 9.5/10
This is another amazing game from the God of War franchise, which requires no introduction. This version of God of War, just like the Ghost of Sparta, requires massive storage space of about 1.6GB.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Rating: 9/10
This is arguably one of the most amazing games, not only on the PSP platform but across all gaming boards. GTA Vice City illustrates the rampaging crime level in a city. The game is no doubt one of the best PSP games for Android. The size of the game is about 700MB.
Tomb Raider Legend
Rating: 9.5/10
Tomb Raider Legend is another game, which has earned its place on our list of best PPSSPP games for Android. The main character in this game is Lara, who you have to control, in searching for mythical artefacts, across the globe.
Dead to Rights – Reckoning
Rating: 7.5/10
This is another excellent PSP action game, with unique gunplay. The main character in this game is Jack Slate, whom you need to control to execute his missions. In Dead to Right – Reckoning, you will come across some enemies, who you have to kill and at the same time rescue a lost witness. The game size is less than 100MB.
How to Install and Play PSP Games
It can be a little tricky for first-time users trying to download and install PPSSPP games successfully on their Android device. In case you are having this problem, watch the video below.
Most of the above-highlighted games can be downloaded from EmuParadise. So you can log on to the site and search for your favourite games to download. We have outlined some of the best for you in this article. Download today and enjoy some unique PPSSPP gaming experience on your Android device.
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