#dragon raja assassin
geebsdraws · 1 year
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Happy one week of my #dailydraw challenge! I was out all day and couldn't really find the time to finish this, but anyway, here's Lucille, my character from the mmo Dragon Raja SEA 💜
Only played for a few months during the beginning of the pandemic huhu
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nsk96 · 2 years
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Spicy Water
A Dragon Raja fan fiction by N.S.K.
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Episode 44: A Bag of Chips
[Johann appears in Anjou’s office and uses the computer]
EVA: [appears] what are you doing, Johann?
Johann: ...
EVA: you are not authorized to access that security footage right now
[On the screen with the security footage, the word "Delete" in big letters appears at the bottom. Johann's hand hovers over the Delete button]
[Mai and Enxi are at a building in Tokyo (presumably a police station)]
Enxi: so what now, Mai?
Mai: I received news that Nadi and Chime will be back at the squad house soon so I'll be heading there when I'm ready
Enxi: I'm feeling kinda hungry right now. Wanna go grab some dinner?
Mai: I ate already. A ninja must be prepared for anything. I did bring you a bag of chips though
Enxi: you know me so well
Enxi: [sighs] I can't believe Osho's Blade is back. I thought Emcee destroyed him
Mai: from what I've heard, Enxi, he's quite the cockroach. Back when he was known as “Herzog”, someone tried to assassinate him but they failed
Enxi: then the squad and Emcee tried to kill him at Tokyo Tower but he survived that big fall somehow
Mai: and now, it seems he's still alive after the battle last year. He just won't die
Enxi: what about that girl you spoke about? Shavee was it?
Mai: I think she's working with him. He's probably lurking in the shadows while she does all the work
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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yukihime242 · 4 years
I have been spending the past week toggling between three accounts and I am quite pleased with the progress I have been making. 
There were quite a few huge developments (for me, at least) as I continued playing the game. First, Colby evolved. AND ITS A FEMALE?
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Correct me if I’m wrong but it definitely looks like its a female. I always assumed it was a male. But, anyway, just two more days till I get my very own dragon pet! 
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Its morphing is quite big though.
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Ah... I will miss that small little Colby. It was actually quite cute.
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Okay, moving on...
The second huge development was that I did not know I could scale the buildings of Tokyo. I mean I knew I could “fly” (by pressing “Dash”). With that knowledge, I began searching high and low for Adams to collect his intel to give back to Eva. 
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It took me a few days until I threw in the towel and went to search online for all of his locations because it was tiring trying to look for him everywhere. Ultimately, I completed it and went back to Eva to receive my reward.
And what do you mean by “breaking Adams”, Eva?
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The third thing that took me awhile to find out was that I could unlock a basketball outfit by simply playing basketball.
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However, it requires you to get a perfect score in all 10 of your shoots in order to unlock the outfit. So, practice before doing the assessment!
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Also, it occurred to me that in the event Snowman BG (sorry if the title is slightly off), you can run when you take your opponent’s crystal. But when you take the Thunder crystal, you walk? 
Okay, I will just assume that the Thunder crystal is fragile and needs to be handled with care. Luckily, no one was attacking me as I transported the crystal back to base (wasn’t expecting perfect team work...).
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As for the other two accounts that I am toggling, things are progressing smoothly. 
I made my Soul Dancer answer some questions on trash (why is there such a thing in the game?). There wasn’t any fantastic rewards but at least there’s exp points.
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Also, I learnt that it is best accumulate the ally recruit command (gold). I used it for the College recruit event, and disappointed not being able to get the College guys but I at least got Ruri!!
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So, I guessed it’s still a win :D
Yeah! Hopefully things will still progress smoothly for all three. Although I have already reach level 85 for my Assassin, but still gonna continue doing events to hit a higher level for her. Hence, there won’t be any updates on the MSQ for the time being. 
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Ranking Draja classes based off the names
Reapers: Ok, come on.  Reaper. As in the GRIM FUCKING REAPER. That’s a damn good way to strike fear into your enemies. A merciless hunter who will stop at nothing to catch their prey and bring them into the afterlife, an opponent that you cannot escape, much less death itself. A never ending nightmare. It’s a pretty accurate title for the class too.  Puppet Master/Pupeteer.  Sounds like someone you wouldn’t wanna fuck with. Like a voodoo magician or some cunning and manipulative warrior. Would not fuck with anyone with that nickname. They’re probably some sort of demon or monster or some shit. Sounds like a really bad ass villain. 10/10 would not fuck with.  Soul Dancer Sounds elegant and enigmatic. Beautiful name for a lovely class. It really gives you that sense of awe, it also sounds like someone powerful. 
Blade Master Tied with Soul Dancer. It really does sound like someone powerful that you do not want to fuck with. Like, would cut you to ribbons if you did fuck with them. Fitting name, if they’re good enough they can really ruin your day. 
Gunslinger Boring, generic, regular title for someone with a gun. Nothing cool pops into your mind. 
Assassin Again, generic, basic, sounds cool at first but if you know anything it’s that assassins aren’t actually geared for combat and would loose if they couldn’t sneak their way out of something. Fighter Is it just bad translation or is this name really bad? Idk man. Seems laughable, even if fighters are damage dealers with their DPS. 
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outarou-mikado · 4 years
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All I do is go to Tokyo at 1am and take photos....Also got to level 110 recently!
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jinelle0212 · 4 years
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Unlocked my first ever effects! Swirl around the chara & weapon glow
1st pic Enhancement: Wings T1 (Time Line)
2nd pic Core: all gems lvl 10 (River Styx)
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grimmgora-gaming · 4 years
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dragonrajaphoto · 4 years
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A New Challenger Approaches!
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potatoestomatoes · 4 years
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played some Dragon Raja as soon as it hit SEA, and chose assassin! Wanted to do something with her backstory cos the game doesn't really delve into it 😢
Left - current, Right - younger
I stopped after level 60something lmao
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husnixs · 4 years
10 Game Grafis Terbaik di Android 2020
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mothboiwrites · 3 years
one of my favorite tropes is the protagonist getting a giant power up and the antagonist not realizing it. trope talk probably has a name for it but i’m not falling down that rabbit hole. i played dragon raja for ten minutes trying to get to this app and type this out quickly so i can go back and finish watching.
but yea, the protagonist gets this super awesome power up or at least stops holding back if they are the “i’m not interested in fighting” type due to a pledge of pacifism or being a reluctant hero. most times it’s due to an ally just getting killed and they aren’t about to let that slide. they might be trying to defend something or are tired of being the “useless one”. they might be going on auto pilot and fighting out of instinct.
as i type this out, i’m realizing how prevalent this is. some creators just like to see their characters go feral.
the most satisfying part, however, is the antagonist not realizing.
“you’re really monologuing at a time like this?”
they think the protagonist is still at the same level. the still weak, easy to beat person they were fighting against before:
“this will only take a few seconds.”
“you just don’t know when to quit, do you?”
“oh. are you mad?”
the fight as they fail to take it seriously. them slowly realizing how the protagonist is acting different or at least stronger. the quips to calm themselves and reassure themselves that just because the protagonist is a little strong doesn’t mean anything. they realization that they actually have the potential to lose. the attempt to end the fight quickly with their strongest attack. the failure. the realization that it’s over for them. the loss.
it’s always more interesting from the antagonist’s end. the protagonist most times is caught up in mindless, determined rage. nothing but a drive to take down the offender as soon as possible. and when the antagonist is defeated, it’s then when they really have to confront the power up of the protagonist.
i’m going to be focusing on the blind rage ones. the ones where the protagonist forgets mercy and their only goal is eradicating the antagonist.
there are three reactions: fear, acceptance, and self preservation
the protagonist is looking to annihilate the antagonist, and the antagonist is either begging for their life or trying to reason with the protagonist. because of course they aren’t going to kill the antagonist, right? sure they’re stronger, going for more lethal attacks, or made a promise or something. but are they actually going to kill the antagonist? and as the protagonist towers over them, cold, unforgiving look in their eyes, the antagonist wonders if this is the end. mob vs teru is a great example. star dress lucy vs jackal is a great example too.
do it motherfucker! the one you’re likely to get when the antagonist’s beef isn’t precisely with the protagonist, maybe an ally or they wanted to do something bad that them managed to accomplish. maybe they don’t have much will to live anyways and the protagonist killing them doesn’t phase them at all. maybe the protagonist killing them proves their point or breaks a personal code for the protagonist. most times it’s either a friend or a memory that snaps the protagonist out of it. other times it fucking spite that makes them go “i am not going to be like you” or “you aren’t worth it”. pretty boy with the ice mirrors vs naruto is a good example. MC vs bunny chick from daily life of the immortal king is also a great example.
in this one, there isn’t as much emotional impact you get. the antagonist is trying to get out of the fight and out of here without dying and most times, the protagonist is just someone in the way. they normally escape by a cheap tactic or by the protagonist loosing the power up or getting trapped/caught up by something. other times its the protagonists friends that stop them from killing. this is the antagonist you go for when you want less of a side v. side focus and more of a internal or group conflict. think big hero 6 or karma vs that tiger fist dude in assassination classroom.
all in all i love this trope dearly. really does make fights fun.
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nsk96 · 4 years
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“What will we do with the drunken sailor, arly in the morning!”
Took some pics by the sea. The last pic is me just jumping into the sea because I thought I could enter camera mode without falling. I died but don’t worry, I respawned XD
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How old is Nanami Sakurai? Is she ever mentioned in the novels? Does she have something going on with Tachibana? 👀
So now that we’re all sufficiently depressed (Thanks Anjou!) Let’s talk about Nanami Sakurai. Nanami doesn’t have anything going on with Tachibana, but she does have something that went on with Kotaro Fuma. The two are quite fond of each other. Fuma dies after rescuing Chisei Gen after he’s severely injured by his brother in the Takamagahara.
By the end of Dragon Raja III, she’s the last remaining original clan chief and the behind the scenes leader of the Hydra after it was decimated by the events in that novel. She is officially passed the title of High Matriarch at the end when Chisei volunteers his life to defeat Herzog at the red well. Chisei puts it down in writing.
In Dragon Raja IV, she seems middle aged at that point and quietly oversees the Yakuza Hybrids behind a figurehead, “Crow”. While Crow manages the politics between the Japan Division and headquarters, she directs the underworld, making it appear that the Japan Division is helping the college but is really helping their actual allies, Lu Mingfei, Fingel, and Nono.
She’s the one who scoops Nono out of danger and out of the grasp of the murderous Gattuso family, forming a human wall of force against their assassin and driving him off. She conceals Nono within the Hydra property and protects her, saying that she will only release her directly to Caesar Gattuso.
Of course, the Gattusos refuse to let this message get to Caesar and starts to plot the destruction of the Japanese hybrids for getting in their way.
Unfortunately, that’s the last we hear of her so far.
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yukihime242 · 4 years
Playing Dragon Raja can honestly be a pain when you are a somewhat a high level player. You are stuck with constantly grinding to level up in order to unlock the next part of the game. 
But what to do when you are like me who has multiple commitments and am unable to play the game as frequently as you would like just so you could level up and unlock that freaking next part of the game? You either do other things, or create a new character and do some experiments you have failed to do with your main character, which is exactly what I did.
So, I created a new character and chose the class of Soul Dancer. 
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As usual, I had to meet Renata, feed the snow fox which I want as my pet, attend training, participate in a Christmas party, receive my Christmas present from Z by eavesdropping on Herzog and what’s-his-name, and watching all of my friends getting killed by some military people. And I find myself in Cassel College gifted with a dragon breeding license the moment I opened my eyes.
But seriously, I want the snow fox as my pet. Why isn’t that an option?
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It has also came to my attention that the people in Dragon Raja has no considerations for player’s well being. I mean, I just woke up after being pushed into a freezing ice cold water just so that my life could be saved and now you want me to attend some mock-up test that Principal Anjou decided to randomly initiate?
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Yeah, more like I’m the one doing the work when I should be recuperating! WE PLAYERS ARE NOT GODS!
Ahem, moving on...
As usual, I had to take the grouchy little ingrate dragon out for a stroll and took pictures with it.
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Eva telling me that I just have to wish for snow at the school fountain.
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So, the one thing I did with this new character was that I attended an event called Day of Liberty. I seriously have no idea what was really going on except that I just simply have to battle other people, I guess?
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It was quite a mess, honestly, but at least it did give me a boost in my exp. 
Currently, my Soul Dancer is preparing to enter the Tokyo story (where we would first meet Chisei Gen and Erii). Comparing my Soul Dancer’s level and my Assassin’s level then at the same point, participating in tournaments truly does help to boost your exp.
But of course, I did not neglect my Assassin. The grouchy dragon which my Assassin is raising just turned to adulthood.
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And because I now have the freedom to explore for my Assassin, I went exploring the school grounds and it was my first time realising that there is a dragon on top of the school’s fountain.
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Welp, they don’t call this game “Dragon Raja” for nothing.
So yeah, I guess I now have two characters to juggle in Dragon Raja.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
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What’s your average kill count for pvp events? Mine is usually anywhere from 6-10 or more on my fighter account, and 3-5 on my Reaper account. I got lucky this particular Tide of God and managed to hit a twelve win streak. 
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