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mjbarrosart · 4 months ago
2 weeks until Dragon prince season 7!
We are so close to the end of this arc of the saga! We worked so hard to deliver in every level on season 7, believe me when I tell you that this season will be EPIC.
I worked in episodes 702, 705 and 708, so you can count that I will write some comments on my process doing boards for those episodes. Stay tuned! haha
Also, has been a couple of years since the last time I draw this characters, so I decided to do a some of quick doodles, and see if I still remember how to draw them haha, hope you like them, even if they are pretty sketchy, I did them in SB Pro. (No spoilers of season 7, just random drawings!)
Also, unrelated, but, after years doing this, I feel I reached that moment that every storyboard artist reach when you relize that you are more comfortable drawing in SB Pro that in any other software, also I only can draw messy, I don't know what is a clean line anymore, hahaha.
See you in December 19 for the last chapter of the Mystery of Aaravos.
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bat-snake · 8 months ago
After making this post, I noticed that there's another moment where Aaravos soothes Leola's dissociation/hand flapping.
It's before the Trial even starts! It was very blink and miss. I even had to watch at half speed her just to see everything he does. The first several times I watched this scene, I wondered why he had to walk around the disk to see her, and then I realized it was because she was dissociating already! She doesn't respond to his arrival, even though she's aware - she's just frozen. (Shout to his very visible shock and worry)
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And just like I mentioned in the first post, he gets down to her level and touches her shoulder.
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and in this case, runs his hand own her arm, and gently squeezes her hand once with two fingers, and when he knows she's alert, he puts his hand on her shoulder again. (I love his expression in these frames too)
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He has this down to an art. He has done this enough that it works even in this one exceptionally frightening situation for her.
Something very, very interesting is that Aaravos doesn't speak to her in this moment (they don't even talk until the execution), because he knows his daughter well enough that not going to be able to answer him in this moment.
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tategaminu · 3 months ago
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Yeah keep rubbing salt on the wound will you
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stuck-in-jelly · 3 months ago
Soren: What if in being vulnerable people won't want to stick around anymore :((
Corvus every single time Soren has shown even an ounce of emotional vulnerability and/or tenderness:
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ac0531 · 4 months ago
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What are you up to Aaron? 👀
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 years ago
no one me making and deleting a twitter account within a 7 minute span just for show info ANYWAY
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fuck you
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FUCK GOD AAA. also YES GRACIE bro knows rayla hasn't had nearly enough restful nights throughout the course of her life the Only boyfriend
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i am still loyal to the concept of rayla's tats starting to fade and bein kinda sad bc she can't go home to redo them and callum doing a bunch of research on moonshadow markings and surprising her and doing them for her and this is further solidifying that idea in my head and and and an
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NO /POS. FURTHERMORE NO /NEG shits gonna FUCK me up
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imminent-danger-came · 1 year ago
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beaulesbian · 8 months ago
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The Dragon Prince S06E03 "The Frozen Ship" - Ray of Illumination, of Captain Esmerelda Skall
bonus from the end credit cards:
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raayllum · 6 months ago
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Some exciting news on the podcast front...
This Saturday, on TDP's six year anniversary of season one premiering, I'll get to drop the interview I did with Aaron Ehasz! We talked over things such as:
What can be teased about Terry and Karim's arcs going into S7?
Complicated parent child relationships (here's looking at you Viren and Claudia) and their relationship to hope and sacrifice
Was anything changed in S1 to reflect the shift to Callum and Rayla being a couple, as developed in S2?
An episode title revealed from S7!
Has Aaravos been changed by his more recent experiences? Or ones beyond Leola in the past?
What is Ezran going to be dealing with in S7?
And more!
The interview clocks around 40 minutes, and I hope to release timestamps for the questions as well day of, so people can skip around to the ones they're most interested in if they so choose!
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inkasrain · 3 months ago
Viren: Not the Cliff but the Road
I'm pretty sure that most of The Viren Conversation has been had (and had, and had!), so I don't want to beat a dead (disgraced, former) High Mage. Howeverrrr, there is one element of the way this character finale played out that remains one of my favorite things to come out of the TDP room, and I just want to talk about it a little. (As always, just my take, not canon.)
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I have a strong personal bias against the idea of death as an inherently redeeming act in fiction. We are so accustomed to the idea that a succesful hero's arc will conclude in sacrifice, and that therefore a reformed villain's arc must end in the ultimate sacrifice, that we don't think to probe the origins of this concept. To me, this is basically just deeply ingrained Christian pedagogy masquerading as narrative fact. I don't personally think that there is anything inherently salvational or goodness-proving about this arc format, or that it should be the natural default for stories like this. Death does not cleanse; life does. So theoretically, I should be unhappy with the way Viren's arc ends in season 6. He -- a bad person -- dies doing a good thing. He sacrifices his life for Soren and the people of Katolis and thus is redeemed.... right? If I thought that Viren's change arc ends with his death, sure. But that's not how I see it. For me, Viren's arc draws to a close before the attack on Katolis, and before his death. I don't actually think he has a singular redemptive moment. Instead, it is the sum total of his choices and actions from 509 to 606 -- the ways he makes use of his life -- that are cumulatively cleansing. Viren has always thought of himself as someone who makes "the hard choices" but he's been pretty good at wriggling (or being wriggled) out of the consequences. As of 509, that changes; he changes. He makes choices that will be painful for him. That will place a burden on him. And that, most importantly, he believes he will have to live with. There is nothing short-term about the decisions Viren makes after that point in the story. They are all the actions of a man who has finally realized that he can (MUST) live with the consequences of his "hard choices." I'd even include choosing not to kill the Homunculus in that category, as the death Viren faces there is a quiet, lonely, and utterly unremarkable surrender -- all things his character in many ways been defined as working so strongly against.
If there is a true peak of his arc, I personally see it as the moment in 606 when Viren burns his letter to Soren. He has gone through the agony of exposing his darkest moments and can move forward with the clarity that such an experience provides. But even more importantly, he chooses not to burden Soren with that knowledge -- and in doing so, accepts that he will live with Soren's anger and blame. He will not justify himself at Soren's expense; he sacrifices any hope of receiving love from his son because he knows those feelings are the cumulative consequence of his own actions. Viren's death is a culmination, if anything, of his love for Soren and his arc of shifting the focus of his life to others. His death does not retroactively prove his goodness, does not justify his past. It is a sad resolution of a man's struggles, nothing more. So I don't see Viren's choice to sacrifice himself as a redemptive act, because I really don't think he needs one. He is doing the work already, living the life, walking the more difficult road. It's bittersweet that the road ends, but they all do. The important thing is, for me, that Viren isn't defined by the act that ends his life, some kind of spectacular salvational swan dive off a cliff. Instead, he is marked by the journey, the change he underwent to get to that point in his story. (And like, I was a very minor participant in the orchestration of this arc, but I'm ridiculously proud to have been a small part of this kind of storytelling.)
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mjbarrosart · 3 months ago
My Dragon Prince Boards season 7, episode 705, part 2: The Moonberry Surprise.
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It's true, the Moonberry Surprise moment, it is my fault
I hope you can forgive me for my sins. Hahahaha.
Ok, let's talk about this little sequence. But first, some... context?
Ok, so, Dragon Prince was my first job as Storyboard Artist, before coming to DPR I was working as a Storyboard Revisionist in Lego NinjaGo Crystalized. So I applied to Dragon Prince with not hopes that they will hire me, and when the offered my the job I was in awe.
So basically, I arrived to work in season 4 as a Junior Storyboard Artist. They gave me little sequences during season 4 (I was mostly helping my unit director with revisions) they gave me more during season 5 and 6, working on my strengths, emotional moments, long talking sequences and some combat. You know what was not there? comedy, because it was not one of the things I knew well how to do. But after a year and a half working in the show, I was seasoned enough to be a proper Storyboard Artist, not a rookie anymore. So they finally assigned me a comedy sequence.
I was terrified. Today after years in the industry, I can say that I am not scared of comedy anymore. But when I read the script and I realized that they were expecting a big comedy moment from me , I knew I was in trouble. But as they say, "you fake it until you make it" I took a deep breath and smile to my unit director like "Of course I can do this!"
But ok, lets talk about the sequence. We start nice, with the moon fam enjoying some time together. Was an opportunity to work with Runaan and Ethari, and that is always cool! I love how Ethari is just happy of everyone being there, and Runaan just wants to kill Callum (in an affectionate way, like he is just a protective dad, you know, a no nonsense dude)
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So yeah, they talk a little and Rayla handles Callum a slice of Moonberry Surprise. Is like this almost mythical dessert that is said tastes like nothing else in all Xadia. And Callum is so excited to try it!
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So, the script did not call for anything you saw in that sequence. The script instructed to reveal the Moonberry Surprise like something out of this world, and then have Callum almost having an epiphany when he tries it. My first idea was to have Calum almost levitating on his seat while eating it, while the rest of the moon fam looked at them in confusion. But during the launch of the episode (this is the stage where directors and in the case of DPR writers, tell SB artist what they want for every sequence we will board, we pitch ideas, and so on) was more clear to me that they were expecting something more of an "out of this world experience". Like the "I love books" moment that Callum had on season 5, episode 2, but on steroids.
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So I was ok, lets make it as trippy as possible. So we have this fast zoom in into Callums face, that lead us into this "dimension of flavor" he is being transported to.
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And he opens his eyes and he is floating in this space of color and flavor, his spirit being lifted by this experience.
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He is experiencing all this flavors, eating this huge blue berries (this was my Unit director idea, Thanks Katherine!!), when something catches his eye. A figure, looking to him from the above, almost like a god.
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And Callums looks up, revealing... this:
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So, I have a really particular sense of humor (not unique, because I feel a lot of people share it, particular because really specific things make me laugh a lot). I was born late 80's grew up on the 90's with all the weird cartoons and anime of that time. For me adding muscular arms to things is the best joke ever.
This is peak humor to me:
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So I was like, what if, Callum does the Titanic spinning thing, with a muscular slice of pie? So I did that... And I was SURE they will reject it.
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So I finished my roughs, and I sent them to my Unit Director. She was "this is so stupid" (in the best way) so, she added some placeholder music, and send it for review from the directors, while both of us were expecting to have it rejected.
A couple of days after, our Storyboards Supervisor was like "WHO DID THE MOONBERRY SURPRISE SEQUENCE??" And I was like "me?", and he was like "Aaron LOVED IT!" and I was like "?????" so, yeah, was approved.
So yeah, that is my legacy, I guess. I am Runaan in this shot:
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So well, those are all my sequences in episode 705.
Sorry again for being responsible for the birth of that thing. But that is my son now, and I kinda love him, even if he looks like that....
Next post will be my last! So yeah, stay tunned for my last post about my boards in The Dragon Prince, episode 708!
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renthony · 3 months ago
Keep. Your hater opinions. Out of. The main tags. For a fandom. Oh my god.
I am here to look at fanart of my blorbos, not your rancid hater opinions. You can feel however you want about something, but stop shitting on people's parades, goddamn. I do not want to go into the "#thing I like" tag and see "thing you like is Bad Actually."
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tategaminu · 2 months ago
Two TDP writers need donations because they lost their home in the fires, please share!
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 months ago
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venice-1987 · 7 months ago
As much as I would enjoy a kiss at their reunion, I do think the dragon prince crew would do something softer when (not if <-clown emoji) Sorvus is made canon. I'm picturing Corvus and Ezran and Callum arriving at the castle like in the promo image, them checking up with Opeli and she reveals everything is fine.
But Corvus asks about Soren. "Where is he?" he asks, his mind already wandering to the possibility that Soren...hadn't made it out. He will himself to remain strong for his king, but his body fills with dread. Thankfully, Opeli points him to the river.
There, Soren sits on the banks. Corvus sits beside him, noticing the same pained look in his eyes that he had seen on the ramparts the day Soren asked him to become a crownguard. Now, that same pain encompassed how he sat, how he stared mournfully into the waters.
Corvus asks is he is alright, and Soren can't even answer, holding back what emotion he can to maintain his cheerful attitude. He is failing miserably. Something more terrible than the Storm Spire must have happened. Something worse than Katolis burning down.
Corvus lays his hand over Soren's on the rock. Soren looks from it to Corvus, then shifts so that he can hold Corvus's hand back.
Like Janai and Amaya, its a confirmation.
and, of course, at the end of arc 2 or start of arc 3 (affirm affrim, manifest manifest, like to charge reblog to cast) then we get a kiss, teehee
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brynnsasha191 · 1 month ago
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Not to over analyze stuff but this kind of, maybe a little bit, perhaps makes me think arc three didn't get renewed by Netflix.
Let me explain
It's the phrasing of "secure a future for arc three" that makes me possibly think this. Normally in the past, when talking about arc three Aaron, Justin, and everyone else would say something more like "getting arc three renewed by Netflix". And given what Eugene said at the end of December about how the next thirty days would be crucial for getting Netflix to renew tdp, and while that doesn't necessarily mean Netflix would make that decision in thirty days, I think it's a good chance. Well, those thirty days have passed and now comes the change in phrasing and mentioning of working really hard to 'secure a future' which to me, makes it sound like they mean a future that is not at Netflix.
It all makes me think that Reel James' theory of the tdp crew attempting to get tdp picked up by another streaming service such as Hulu or Prime is a good one. If there's more story to tell, it makes sense they would pursue the ability to tell it. And if Netflix won't give them that ability.
To me, it's either that theory, or Netflix gave the tdp crew a maybe minus (s1 reference haha) and left the crew with "probably not" for an answer and now they have to work extra hard to convince Netflix to renew them. But I like the other streaming service theory because Netflix has been really mean to tdp in the past.
Either way I really respect and appreciate the crew for not taking no for an answer and standing up for their work so they can continue sharing their art with the world. This story is not finished, and it needs to be!!!
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