#draco: widow
dramioneasks · 4 months
baby classes and reconnecting with old enemies - riddikulus_puff - T, one-shot - It has been twenty-five years since the end of the Second Wizarding War and it seemed as though everyone had moved on with their lives. Many of the students who had fought in the war had moved to the countryside or even across the sea to somewhere they could be aware of the trauma they had experienced. Draco Malfoy was haunting Malfoy Manor, the cries of his five-month-old son echoing throughout the corridors as the two boys mourned the loss of their late mother and wife, Astoria Greengrass, who had died five months ago in childbirth. He avoided everyone until Pansy forced him out of the house and made him attend baby classes that were happening in the local library with other parents and their children. This was where he was reconnected with Hermione Granger, learning that she too had a five-month-old and was also mourning the loss of their partner. A one-shot for the 2023 Twenty-Five Years Later Fic Fest.
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dovesdreaming · 3 months
Masterlist ⟶
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Harry Potter masterlist (golden era and marauders+newt scamander)
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My babysitters a vampire masterlist
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Descendants masterlist
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
draco and scorpius variant this draco and scorpius variant that but WHAT ABOUT THEMMN
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queenoftiddies · 4 months
What’s your type?:
Fictional and Traumatized.
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Yeah. Yeah.
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jomiddlemarch · 5 months
The shapes a bright container can contain!
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The next day, he asked his son what he thought.
“Living together? That’s what you’re calling it?” Scorpius replied around the mouthful of scone and clotted cream and raspberry jam that Draco would have been castigated by his mother for taking. Draco was not above using his French House-elf Clafouti’s light hand with pastry as the incentive for Scorpius to leave Hogwarts, though it cost extra in the elf’s pay packet to get them to produce the more stolid English puddings Scorpius favored. When Scorpius wanted treacle tart, Draco had to throw in a week’s holiday at the Malfoy villa near Biarritz and use of the sailboat. 
“What should I call it?” Draco said, resisting the impulse to take offense or, Merlin help him, blush.
“You’re asking me?” Scorpius said. He favored Draco in his coloring and bone structure but he had so much of his mother in his expressions, his tone of voice. Draco missed Astoria terribly for a moment and also didn’t, because he hadn’t lost her entirely, not when Scorpius was looking at him with such wry incredulity in his eyes, a green so dark they looked grey. “This seems massively inappropriate to me, Dad, but fine. I think you’re in love with Professor Granger but you don’t want to scare her off or you think she’ll never feel the same way, so you’re just taking what you can get and trying to come across like a really good friend and not a stalker.”
Draco was silent. He felt as if Scorpius had cast Organa remota maxima, his innermost self examined and dropped in front of him for his troubles. In love with Hermione. Really good friend. Not a stalker. It was insightful and devastating. Draco resisted the urge to lay his head down on the table or wandlessly shatter the gilt-encrusted vase he and Astoria had received as a betrothal gift from her Aunt Tanaquil and had never once used for flowers because it was so ugly. 
“Can everyone tell but Hermione?” Draco asked.
“Probably no one can tell but me. Professor Longbottom maybe, because he’s also got a thing for Professor Granger. All the House-elves, of course, but they wouldn’t say anything. Mum’s portrait,” Scorpius said, licking some jam from his fingers. “Great-Auntie Andromeda, I think she’s noticed, but that’s not bad because she’s friends with Professor Granger and she’s family, so she’ll tell you if you’ve got no chance at all.”
“Merde,” Draco muttered.
“You do remember I’m fluent in French, Dad?” Scorpius said, grinning. “I’ve picked up a fair amount of Bulgarian too, in case you’re thinking of trying that out.”
“One observes the decencies,” Draco said. “We both pretend you don’t speak French and I can curse in peace.”
“Why are you upset? She hasn’t kicked you out, has she?” Scorpius said.
“No,” Draco said.
“You haven’t made a muddle of something important? Said something rude about Albus’s father? They’re quite good friends, you know,” Scorpius said. Draco thought back to when they’d been first years, Hermione with that cloud of unruly curls and her lively little face, Harry in clothes that never quite fit, hair mussed, his glances at Hermione. The trust between them that was somehow something separate, greater, than what was between Harry and Ron. Good friends, indeed.
“No, I haven’t said anything rude about Potter,” Draco replied. “Nor any of her other friends—”
“Did you forget something like her birthday or that she hates almonds? She does hate almonds, Professor Longbottom mentioned it in passing one time. It’s why she never has pudding when they serve Bakewell tart,” Scorpius said. 
“Duly noted but no. She hasn’t indicated she’s upset. She asked me what you thought of us living together and it got a little involved,” Draco said. “That’s about all I’m going to share with you, so don’t try to pump me for more details.”
“I wouldn’t,” Scorpius said. “You can’t think I want to know anything about your…love life.”
The degree of disgust in his son’s voice was mitigated by his careful choice of love life in reference to his relationship to Hermione, whom Scorpius had been careful to call Professor Granger, the respect evident in his tone. 
“You don’t mind, then?” Draco said.
“Do you want me to? I don’t see what the big deal is. You’re not betraying Mum being happy with Professor Granger and it does seem like you’re happy now and you weren’t before, even though I didn’t really notice until you stopped being lonely,” Scorpius said. “Is this because of when you were all kids? Because I think you should be over that stuff by now. Merlin knows it’s been long enough—”
“I know, we’re all as old as the hills,” Draco said.
“You acted old until you started spending all your free time with Professor Granger. You fiddled with potions and read musty old books and talked about growing orchids instead of going out to the pub for pints or having your friends over for dinner,” Scorpius said. 
“And now?”
“Now you act like an eighth year with their first girlfriend most of the time, minus going to Honeydukes and cleaning out the inamorata chocs,” Scorpius said, smiling. “But no one minds because you’ve lightened up on your grading and giving detentions for snogging in the hallways.”
“Tell me this—are the students placing bets? Have you recused yourself from the pot if there is one?” Draco asked.
“Slytherin House agreed it would be indecorous, even if you’re only ever the acting Head,” Scorpius said. “Gryffindors are too focused on Quidditch. But I can’t say that Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw don’t have an extremely elaborate system of wagers, all recorded in Punic. I can’t say that. But I have not placed any bets and have not traded any insider information about flowers, tea, all the books you brought over…”
“Does Professor Longbottom know? About the betting?”
“Yeah, he’s keeping an eye on it. Making sure no one’s going to get into real financial trouble if you elope or Professor Granger comes to class with a Malfoy heirloom ring,” Scorpius said.
“I would not use a Malfoy heirloom,” Draco said.
“I know, you’d pick something from the Black side and you’d have it reset,” Scorpius said. “You’d pick a ruby, but I think that’s a mistake.”
“You do, do you?”
“It’s too obvious. Gryffindor colors, when I don’t even think Professor Granger especially believes in the Houses,” Scorpius said.
“What should I pick in this hypothetical future you’re imagining for me?” Draco asked.
“A star sapphire or a pearl,” Scorpius said. He waited, a reversal where Scorpius expected Draco to figure out the reasoning behind the choice, much as Draco would make his students explain why hellebore was diced and not shredded before getting stirred into the potion widdershins.
“A gem with an inclusion. She doesn’t want perfection or rather, what’s most beautiful to her requires a flaw. Vulnerability,” Draco said.
“Yeah, though I would’ve just said the part about the grain or sand or whatever it is being part of the jewel,” Scorpius replied.
“You worked that out on your own?”
“Mum’s portrait helped,” Scorpius said. “She also said you ought to bring Professor Granger by the house because you’re, and I quote, ‘making it weird.’”
“I’ll take that under advisement,” Draco said. He’d been ambivalent about the creation of the portrait but Astoria thought it would help Scorpius and he couldn’t say that it wouldn’t. For the most part, the portrait was kind and gentle, encouraging and eager to cheer them up if they seemed glum, but occasionally she had an edge and that was when she most reminded Draco of his wife as she’d been.
“She’s not going to be rude,” Scorpius said.
“Mum’s portrait? I wouldn’t expect that,” Draco replied.
“No, I mean Professor Granger. If she doesn’t want to come or she does and she hates the curtains or something, she won’t be rude about it. She’s always nice, even when Eureka Cobbins submits the most excruciatingly moronic essays,” Scorpius said.
“I don’t know. Those tassels in the drawing room might be unbearable,” Draco said.
“Then you can Vanish them together,” Scorpius suggested.
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minimindi · 3 months
Chaperoning the Yule Ball -WIP
Divorced Malfoy (40) and widowed Granger (41) agree to chaperone the annual Yule Ball for their children's 4th year at Hogwarts. I kinda love writing for older versions of our childhood characters!
Excerpt: (Hermione's POV)
“I suppose I shall endeavor to be a better helicopter parent, shall I? Realistically though I’d say the odds of me learning the fine art of subtly at this point in my life to be less than zero. What if I watch out for your kid and you watch out for mine?” she asked.
“Twenty points to Gryffindor for your self awareness. Okay we can swap kids for this evening. Mine is not allowed to go into the gardens with anyone besides Albus. And he’s not to take a drink from anyone except Rose or Albus. What are your rules for Rose?”
“Wait, you’re going to allow him to go into the gardens with Albus?! Malfoy! They’ll end up snogging at the very least!” she exclaimed.
“It would be about time too. He’s wanted to kiss him for years now, though he thinks no one knows. I need for him to get on with it already so that I can stop seeing him make those ridiculous love-sick eyes at the Potter boy. But he’s not to leave the Great Hall with anyone else. Knowing Scorp like I do, he’ll end up in a kiss that he doesn’t want if he leaves with someone else. Well, except for your daughter. Neither of them are interested in each other in that way I suppose. Okay, he can leave the Hall with Rose too.”
“Kissing is just where it starts, Malfoy! If you let them go out there it won’t be long before kissing escalates to other things.”
“My goodness Granger, what on earth did you do in the Hogwarts gardens?!” Malfoy asked with a smirk and a chuckle. She rose up to the balls of her feet to get a better angle before swinging her hand at his shoulder. “Ow! Merlin’s tits woman, we’re not thirteen anymore. Stop hitting me!”
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For an older version of Draco & Hermione I'm thinking of Tom Felton & Emmy Rossum
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aenyssavelaryon · 10 months
Dramione x Clintasha headcanon I don’t have time to write but has been stuck in my head all day long.
Post-war, Hermione decides to become an Auror and with her partner, Harry, they are tasked to track down the last of the Malfoys. Lucius was killed by another Auror years ago, Narcissa is in Azkaban, so they are looking for Draco. They find him, but he’s trying to take down a secret underground Death Eater group, and had to blend in with them to try and destroy them from within. Instead of killing him or taking him to Azkaban, Harry and Hermione decide to help him, and petition the courts on his behalf. Without Draco’s insider information, an uprising of old Hogwarts students might have resurrected the war that they had fought to end.
“Auror Granger was sent to kill me. She made a different call”
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charliesangel67 · 8 months
Hi, I hope you guys enjoyed the Bucky fic I posted the other day. Thank you so much for the re blogs and all the likes. I really appreciate it 😊
I'm taking fic requests atm as I have no idea what else to write. I will have a pinned list of people I will be taking requests for, and please only suggest those people, and with an idea or a prompt. Thanks 😆
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slytherinsanctum · 1 year
real life peak behind the scenes: its weird to read about Snape and Draco for months, write about them, share in their communities. 
And then one morning, troopers on your door tell you the love of your life is dead. Now you are the widow. Now you get to wonder if you could have saved them for the rest of your life. Now they are the one dead in their thirties. 
And its just weird. Life imitates art in the cruelest of ways at times I suppose.
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katie-krum · 6 months
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Aqua Tofana - Chapter 1 - katiekrum - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
If I decide to develop it futher I will turn it into Dramione.
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drarry-reccage · 22 days
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Telling the Bees by @cibeewastaken (31K, M)
Tags: Divorced Harry, Widower Draco, Kidnapping, Angst, Grief, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Non-Linear Narrative, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending
Harry looked as though he wanted to wrap Malfoy in his arms and never let him go again when they showed up at Grimmauld Place. Malfoy looked as though he wanted Harry to. And Ginny stood, a little ways behind them, wondering why they still hadn’t done anything about it. Harry murmured, not loud enough for Ginny to hear. Then he tugged on Malfoy’s little finger, staring at him with wide eyes. Still murmuring. Malfoy swayed, just enough for Harry to notice. Harry reached out and caught Malfoy’s hands, brought them to his chest, pressing it right where his heart was. Ginny had never seen apologies done so lovingly before, like it was a confession instead. She left them by the front door and went to make tea. It was almost an hour before Harry came into the kitchen. He hugged her, and it was nothing like the tug of a finger he gave Malfoy. It hadn’t been like that for a long time. “Thank you for bringing him back,” Harry said into her hair. Ginny sniffed. “I really did it for Malfoy,” she said. “He needs someone that loves him right now.” Harry pulled back. Stared. “I never — ” Harry paused. He looked scared. “I never told anyone.” Ginny brushed his hair from his face. “Oh, Harry,” she said. “I know more than anyone what you look like when you’re in love.”
(rec by @pl0tty)
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newtiecookie · 4 months
TBH I miss jily and all the sunshine gryffindor vibes. When did we start to romanticize death eaters like evan rosier and barty crouch like NOT EVERYONE HAS A TRAGIC BACKSTORY SOME OF THEM ARE JUST EVIL. I loveee regulus with all my heart but I absolutely DESPISE jegulus. Like did y'all forget james potter was the no.1 slytherin hater?!
Also I have a bone to pick with people who write jegulus fanfics with LILY SLANDER and WHERE JAMES CHEATS ON HER (I'm coming for yall)
DRACO WAS NOT A TRAUMATIZED LITTLE BABY HE WAS A SPOILED BRAT. He's definitely not better than harry or ron in any way possible. He did not have trauma. And don't even begin to whine about him having a sadder life than harry. FYI harry was orphaned and abused by the dursleys only to come into the Wizarding world and be exploited by Dumbledore and the ministry.
Snape was not a good person and neither was Dumbledore. Snape did not love Lily, he was obsessed with her. Like did everyone forget that he wanted to kill james and harry just so that Lily could be widowed for him? He chose to spy for Dumbledore because it was a safe and comfortable job. Dumbledore literally saved Snape from going to Azkaban and (edits cuz im in doubt) snape also wanted Dumbledore to fire remus because of his ongoing desire to expose remus' secret despite him literally taking snapes side in hbp. " For the greater good" true, but i will forever loathe them.
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
you are so right. the only good Draco is a Draco who is in distress. That man should be in pain at all times..
YOU GET ME!!! he was built to be in agony!!!! no happiness for him!! i want him to be a husk that can only hold despair and temporary joys 🫶🫶
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saintsenara · 11 days
I hope that you're having a lovely weekend. What do you think about Theo/Harry? We know that Theo could see thestrals that he means that he saw someone die and he is raised by his Dad (no idea what happened to his Mum). Also he is one of the few named Slytherin that appears to not be openly antagonist to HP. Also his Dad gets captured during the Order of Phoenix if I remember correctly so it makes you wonder who looked after him during this time. Also if you take Harry Potter and Cursed as canon then he is at least bright enough to make two time turners that went way beyond previous Ministry's products which is a difficult and impressive piece of magic and in JK interview she wanted to include a scene with him and show he is equal to Malfoy. Raised by an elderly widower and Death Eater and is described as a clever loner who does not feel the need to join gangs including Draco. I feel like there is something to work on.
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
the mention of theodore nott lets me dig up one of the single funniest things harry ever does, from order of the phoenix:
If anything more was needed to complete Harry’s happiness, it was Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle’s reactions. He saw them with their heads together later that afternoon in the library, together with a weedy-looking boy Hermione whispered was called Theodore Nott. They looked around at Harry as he browsed the shelves for the book he needed on Partial Vanishment, and Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent to Crabbe. Harry knew perfectly well why they were acting like this: He had named all of their fathers as Death Eaters.
by this point in the timeline of the series, harry has spent almost five years in at least three potions classes a week, and almost three years spending at least one care of magical creatures classes with him. he might also be expected to have remembered that nott can see thestrals... and yet no recognition whatsoever. hermione has to provide the deets. he literally cannot pick the man out of a line-up.
[although, to be fair, harry does remember his name in half-blood prince... because he sits next to draco malfoy - at whom he's staring - in potions. really beating the allegations there, king...]
i am, therefore, invested in the idea of nott strutting around the slytherin common room talking about how serious his relationship is, while harry doesn't realise he has a boyfriend and/or thinks that the "harry potter's slytherin boyfriend" everyone's talking about is malfoy.
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jomiddlemarch · 6 months
The shapes a bright container can contain!
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V. “I really don’t know what to say,” Hermione said, undercutting herself in a way he would not point out. Not now, anyway. He might be more worried that he’d gotten the bedroom dead wrong and not dead to rights except for the curve of her lips, the brightness in her dark eyes.
“It’s adequate, then?” Draco replied. “You have everything you need?”
“You’ve gone so far beyond need it’s almost funny. It’s what I would have said I wanted most, if I allowed myself to want something the most, when it came to my bedroom,” she said.
Again, he exercised the utmost self-restraint and refrained from commenting on how heart-breaking her remark was and how devastating it was to hear her talk about wanting and the bedroom in the context of permission. 
“We can alter the pillows and the mattress if they’re too soft,” he said. The bed was wide and downy, piled with pillows, dressed with soft white linen and thick cashmere blankets and a quilted silk coverlet the color of a wood-violet. “It should be warm enough without the bed-curtains, but they’re cozy in the winter and I imagined sometimes, you might want a retreat—”
“This whole place is a retreat,” she said. “And cozy isn’t exactly the word I would have chosen for silk-embroidered velvet hangings, but it’s beautiful. Very beautiful.”
Like you, he did not say. 
“What would you have chosen?”
“Sumptuous, I think. And the view is glorious and the bathtub is divine,” she said. “Shall I go on?”
“You don’t have to. You don’t have to do anything here, except be comfortable and satisfied. You’re to do just as you please,” he said.
“I’m not sure I’m very good at that,” she said. He laughed.
“I know you’re not. I plan to nudge you in the right direction,” he said. 
“I’m Slytherin. I’m meant to be subtle. If the situation calls for it, I imagine I’ll give you a shove, metaphorically speaking,” he said. “You’re so unused to it, you may need something less nuanced. More obvious.”
“I can’t help feeling insulted. You make me sound like a hippogriff,” she said.
“I should say it’s the Gryffindor in you. And the fact that you’ve spent most of your life looking to be useful or pleasing to other people, willing to sacrifice your own needs and desires at the flick of an owl’s wing,” he said.
“Muggles say ‘at the drop of a hat,’” she remarked.
“Wizards don’t drop hats. Leviosa, right? I believe you’re well acquainted with that spell,” he replied.
“Merlin, I was a pompous little bossy-boots, wasn’t I?” she said with a wry smile. She’d relaxed with the repartee after tensing up approaching the bed. There’d been no two ways about it—he was taking her on a tour of the house, he had to show her the bedroom because not showing it would be equally as odd, perhaps even more so. At least that’s what he told himself, while studiously avoiding considering how it would feel if she asked questions about the bed linens and he had to make explicit the fact that he’d chosen them all. They both knew but it was easier if they didn’t have to talk about it.
“Only terribly clever and I think nervous,” he said. “Quite frankly, speaking as a parent, I’m not sure how you managed. It was hard enough for Scorpius and he was born into this world and I started teaching at Hogwarts his second year, but we already had the house nearby. You were left to your own devices—”
“I wasn’t the only Muggleborn,” she said.
“But you fell in with a Pureblood and the savior of the Wizarding World,” Draco replied.
“I didn’t fit in before I got to Hogwarts. The only difference was the magic,” Hermione said.
“And the fact that a bloody maniacal monster wanted to take over the world and eradicate you and everyone like you,” he said.
“So, as I said, the only difference was the magic,” she repeated. He laughed, because he had to and she wanted him to, and then they were quiet for a moment, letting dust motes glitter in the sunlight.
“You don’t have to do that, make light of things. You don’t have to talk to me about them, but if you do, you don’t have to joke about it,” he said. She gave him an inquisitive look, one he remembered being sharper, but seeing it at all cheered him. “You don’t need to protect me. I’m an adult—”
“It doesn’t help to be treated as a child, being looked after,” she said.
“I won’t. I don’t see you that way. But you’re not responsible for me, you don’t owe me anything beyond the general civility you’d give anyone else,” he said.
“I won’t stay here if you’re going to lie to me,” she said, startling him. “Of course, I’m responsible for more than I’d give a stranger. We don’t live in the past but it’s still part of us, haven’t you been making that point? You asked me, begged me to let you look after me, because of who we’ve been to each other, so we’re not polite strangers. We’re standing in my bedroom and you picked out everything in it. You probably made the bed by hand. I don’t know exactly what we are, but there’s no general civility about it.”
“You’re right. I only meant, you don’t have to use humor to deflect, to make me comfortable,” he said.
She chuckled, very softly, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
“No one else has seen it that way,” she said.
“No one else noticed you used humor as a way to keep them at a distance?” he said.
“No one else thought I was funny,” she said.
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minimindi · 3 months
Chaperoning the Yule Ball -WIP
I'm challenging myself to write this one shot story at 10,000+ words! So far my longest one shot is a little over 8,000, and I have longer stories in the works (read: in my head lol). I want to gain more confidence with the one shot formats before I really tackle the bigger world-building stories.
This one shot has Malfoy being the world's best dad to his very gay son lol and I'm totally here for it! Happy Pride my fellow LGBTQIA+ fam ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🩷🩵🤍🩶
“OW! Dammit Granger you really do have to stop hitting me. What?”
“Look at your son, Malfoy! It’s happening! Albus laid a peck on his lips just now. Poor Scorp is frozen up and hasn’t moved for a whole 60 seconds.”
“Salazar’s saggy balls. He gets kissed by the boy of his dreams and he just freezes?! And with a kiss this public, it’s not just a kiss. It’s a public claim. Fucking hell boy, MOVE! Kiss him back!” he whisper-shouted. 
As if he could hear his father’s words from across the room, Scorpius came out of his shock and smiled the dopey-ist grin Hermione had ever seen, then proceeded to blush all the way down to his shirt collar, probably even further if she had to guess. Albus took this as the obvious “yes” that it was and leaned up to kiss him again. Scorpius leaned down to meet him halfway but overcompensated the lean and ended up kissing the boy’s chin. “Did… did he just… Merlin, he just missed! I can’t watch this anymore. Granger, tell me when he finally kisses the damn Potter boy."
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