#draco malfoy ima
Bad Harry Potter Headcanons #20
Draco, like most kids his age, was obsessed with The Boy Who Lived, after Narcissa got him the books (Lucius didn’t really care about it because A. for all he knows dear old Volde is dead, and B. it makes Draco happy and it gives him more in common with other kids (Draco doesn’t have a lot of friends)) he’d ramble about The Boy Who Lived to the house elf assigned to take care of him and his constant companion Dobby. This is a really long way of me saying that I think Dobby knew and got his hero worshiping from a young Draco that was obsessed with The Boy Who Lived.
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deadghosy · 3 months
“I’m hungry.”
How the Slytherin boys would react to you saying this:
Warning: modern au, could be seen platonic or romantic
Ft. Tom Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire.
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Tom Riddle
“Go fix your own damn plate. I’m not your maid or your mother…” He says while watching a crime documentary. You pouted getting up. His eyes lingering on you as you walked to the kitchen.
He’s the type to make sure you’re independent.
Mattheo Riddle
“Bitch I’m hungry too…” he says as his head was laying on your lap. You two were watching a movie together as you said that
“You gonna cook it??” He then asked looking at you.
“Hell naw…ima door dash that shit.” You smiled, running your hand through his curly hair.
“I’m getting Tom’s wallet!” Mattheo immediately got up and went to sneak his brother’s wallet…
Hopefully Tom doesn’t check his bank account tomorrow morning 😰
Draco Malfoy
“….me too.” He hummed thinking before getting his maids to cook you two a meal.
Definitely the type of person to make sure your order is right tho.
Theodore Nott
“Bet.” Theo says getting up from the couch.
“Mh? You can cook?” You asked seeing him going to the kitchen and opening the fridge up.
“Of course cara mía. I don’t want you to starve now do I?” He smirks as he gets the ingredients ready.
He’s your personal chief🫶🏾
Lorenzo Berkshire
“Door dash?”
“Door dash.”
And it just ended with you both laughing at a comedy movie while eating fast food
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starzioo · 7 months
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This is a Blaise Zabini x Y/n one-shot. No warning just fluff. ^.^ This is one of the first one-shots I ever actually wrote and tbh I still rlly like it. pls don’t judge all the typos if there is any lol. I converted all the galleons to USD because it was confusing for me lol. T.T
Word count: 2622
You're a Pure Blood, Slytherin in your 5th year at Hogwarts. Growing up you always had a fancy for card games. You were a natural at card games, you were always able to tell if someone was bluffing. At first, you started gambling with food. Then that led to you gambling on bigger things. Money, Homework, but the thing you never gambled was yourself. You didn't want your fate being held in a card game. The odds were just too risky. During your 4th year at Hogwarts Draco had come to you with a proposal.
You had just finished your notes for Snape during potions. You had felt a paper ball hit the back of your head. You turn around seeing Draco gesturing for you to look at the paper ball on the ground. Looking around making sure Snape wasn't looking you carefully reached for the paper.
𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐲 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝟏𝟏:𝟎𝟎 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭...
You turn back around to see him looking at you straight in the eyes, he nodded then went back to his notes. You brushed it off, seeing potions was your last class of the day when you got back to your dorm you took a nap.
When you woke up you hadn't realized how long you were sleeping. Looking at your watch it was already 10p.m you hurried and put on some sweatpants and a Slytherin sweater. You put your wand in your pocket incase Malfoy tried anything. You and the other Slytherins weren't close but everyone knows you well enough. Heading up to the tower you realized you were 20 minutes early. You sat there for awhile until you heard footsteps coming up the tower.
"Hey, so I have a proposal for you."
"You know how you like cards?"
"What if we started a club..."
"What kinda club"
"One where we play cards of course." Draco says with a smirk.
"Hm...sure I'm down. Wait isn't gambling against the rules?"
"Well no shit. That's exactly why the club is secret. Only Slytherins will be allowed in. Me and you will be the owners of the club. 25% of all the money bet on the games will be profit for us. I just need a couple hundred from you to get the stuff we need."
"A couple hundred? I have some cash stashed in my dorm let's go."
*Back at your dorm you gave him the money*
"Ight this better be good Malfoy, if you don't make this cash back ima be pissed."
"Damn don't worry bout' it I got you."
"Get outa here before someone sees you."
"How are you so good at this Y/n!" Flint said getting mad you won the previous 4 games. "I'm just a natural" you said shrugging. Winning games against people like him were easy. They don't know how to keep a poker face. Even when they try they are easy to read. The only person in the club who was even close to being as good as you was Blaise. You've never played against him, but from hearing around the club you knew he had a fair chance of winning against you. You weren't about to let him win either breaking your perfect streak of 456-0 you've won every game you ever played in the club. "Well anyone else wanna play?" You said smirking shuffling a deck.
After playing a few games of Poker and Speed with Crabbe, Goyle, and Adrian. You started to feel bored. These games were too easy to win. You wanted to play a game that would make you actually work for a win. 'Eh I can work on that later' you thought. You decide to go look around the common room and see how the other games we going. Most people who even were in the club came from wealthy families making you and Draco's earnings very profitable, so it was only courtesy you saw how much everyone was betting. You happened to stumble upon a game of Poker between Draco and Blaise over by the fireplace. You had a view of Blaise's cards. He had a Royale flush, your eyes widened a little you noticed Draco was looking at you; so you decided to help Blaise out a bit and you made an iffy face. Draco saw and smirked, shuffling and placing his cards in different places. Other spectators from around the game can bet on who's going to win too, you decided to throw in 90 on Blaise's account just to make things a little interesting. Pansy who was the dealer told them to show their hands. Blaise won of course considering he had the best possible hand. He took his cash and gave a light smile to you. In return, you winked back. "Well shit. That makes his score 456-21 now." Draco said defeated "I can't wait for you and Blaise to finally play each other Pansy said. "Well what'ya know I'm in a good mood tonight why not." You said with confidence. As you approached Blaise you saw people staring Blaise was the only person you have never played a game against. "Hey, Blaise?" You said looking slightly up, he was taller than you by a few inches which did make you intimidated at first. "Hm?" He said eyeing you up and down slightly. "Would you care for a game?" His eyes lighted up a bit, "Sure..." he smirked.
Now sitting at the round table surrounded by people, Pansy was shuffling a deck. "Tonight we will be playing 5 card poker, aces wild, five rounds. Sound good?" You said lightly to Blaise as you played with a betting chip. "What are we betting?" He asked, his voice was deep, cold, it could make you melt. "Hm...I'm feeling bold tonight how about 200 a chip? Sound good?" You said with a smile. Blaise's eyebrows furrowed a bit. "Yes...but just what are you playing at Y/n?" He said. "Just feeling good tonight, nothing more." You said with you head resting on your hand. "How many chips would you like to start out with?" Pansy asked. "I'll take 50 please" you said. "And 40 for me." Blaise said sternly. Pansy then started dealing out ten cards, five for each of us. You look up at Blaise to see him already studying your face. You pick up your cards and study them for awhile. "Everyone please place your bets on the game, Draco will be coming around with a bag please put the money in there. Blaise, Y/n, you can either fold or place your bets. Starting with Y/n." Pansy said. You took a moment to think 'I have a pig. None of my cards line up maybe I should take the high road, make him fold.' You take all 50 of your chips and put them in the middle of the table. "All in." You say staring directly into Blaise's eyes. Pansy pauses for a second, you hear whispers around you. Talking about 'who just has that much money to throw around?' You couldn't care less about the amount of money you have. Most of it was earned from the club. Pansy clears her throat, "Blaise, Y/n currently has $10,000 in the pot. You can either bet or fold." Pansy says lightly. "I'll fold." He says, throwing his cards down. "I had a pig anyways." You say smirking, taking all your chips back.
The next three rounds were tedious. Blaise had won 2 and you had won 2. "We are now heading into the final round that will determine who will win the game overall. Everyone please-" "Pansy? I have a rather special request..." Blaise says looking at you in the eye. "If I win I get to have a date with Y/n."
Your eyes widened at the suggestion. "That will only be in place if the other player accepts. Y/n do you accept this offer?" Pansy says with a questioning face. "Hm...I will only accept on the terms if I win; he has to pay me double what's been betted during the game." You say trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Blaise, do you accept these terms?" "I do." You hear people whispering and gossiping about the new conditions of the game. After Pansy dealer our cards she said "Everyone can now place their bets on who will win this game..." You see there are more people around you than when you first started the game. More and more people started betting. Knowing no matter what you would get your money back you felt good. You didn't care about the money though. You cared that Blaise wanted a date with you and not money? It confused you, but you were intrigued. Intrigued to know the reasoning behind why he was wanting a date with you. "It is now time for the showdown. Y/n how much would you like to start off the betting with?" Pansy asked. You looked at your cards again you knew no matter what you were going to win but you didn't show it. You placed 20 of your chips in the middle of the table. "Y/n has put $4,000 in the pot. What do you wish to bet Blaise?" Everyone was watching intensely. "Call." Blaise then puts up 20 of his chips too. "Y/n you can raise or fold. The pot is now $8,000" "Raise." You put up your last 30 chips. "Blaise, the pot is now $14,000. What do you wish to do" "Call." He says putting up 30 chips, smirking seeing you have no more chips left. "Y/n the pot is at $20,000. You have no more chips left, you can buy more or stop the betting, and go on with the game." "Pansy if it wasn't too much trouble could you get me 100 chips please?" You said nonchalantly. Everyone went silent. "O-Ofcourse" she said giving you 10 stacks of chips. "So where we're we at?" You said. "Continue betting or fold." "Raise, all in." You said pushing every last chip infront of you. Looking straight at Blaise from around all the chips. "Blaise the pot is now at $40,000 what do you wish to do?" "Fold." He said looking at you with a poker face. When you both dropped your cards everyone was shocked to see your royale flush, while as Blaise had a straight flush. "Y/n is the victor of this game; please go to Draco for the money." Said Pansy. Both you and Blaise stood from your chairs and shook hands. Before he could pull away from the handshake, you put your other hand on top of the handshake and said "Thank you for that game...it's been a while since I had a truly fun time playing cards." You said with a smile. He stays silent but instead of walking away he takes your hand a lightly kisses it. "It was my pleasure." He says looking at you.
Walking over to Draco for the money he looks at you like you're crazy. "Y/n do you know how much money you just got us?!" "Yeah" you said innocently "now if you don't mind I would like my cut wired to my account"
"I mean okay then." He says taking out a check book. You tried looking around for Blaise you wanted to ask him why he wanted a date with you. After minutes of walking around the common room looking for him, you went to Pansy. "Pansy have you seen Blaise?" "Oh yeah. He said he was tired and needed some sleep. He should be up in his dorm." "Thank you" you said with a smile. Heading up to the boys dorms and look for Blaise you never knew exactly what dorm he stayed in but you knew he shared with Draco. You keep walking till you see a dorm with its door slightly open. You enter to see Blaise unbuttoning his white under shirt. "Oh, I'm sorry.." you said immediately exiting the room. "No, it's okay come in..." You slowly entered the room again. This time he was sitting on a chair infront of the fire place. (This time with a shirt on ;)) "So..why are you here?" He asked lightly. "Uhh I guess I just wanted to talk to you about tonight." "What do you mean?" "You know why did you wanna go on a date with me instead of getting the money I bet. You could've won if you wanted to, I hope you know that." "Well Y/n I don't know if you know this but usually when someone wants a date with you, they usually like you more than a friend." He said fixing the cuffs of his shirt. "I-I mean I know that but-" "But I like you more than a friend and I just never knew how to tell you, so I thought instead of asking I could win a date with you. Also no I couldn't have won I had the worst hands and I could never beat you at a card game." He laughs a little. "Well I just wanted to let you know you don't have to pay me that money from the game...although I would still like that date." "Really?" He asks. "Yeah..." you said looking into his eyes.
After awhile of talking about where and when. About just random stuff you realized how much you actually had in common with Blaise. "I never knew that you and me took the same classes in first year." You said smiling. "Yeah I guess that's when I first started to want to know you..." Blaise said slightly embarrassed. You hear the door to the dorm open. "Woah hope I didn't intrude on anything. I can uh leave if you want me to." Draco said with his hands in the air like he was surrendering. "Uh no it's okay I'm getting tired anyways, and I'm guessing Pansy is wondering where I am." You look back to Blaise to see him glaring daggers at Draco then looking back to you with a softened expression. "Lemme walk you back to your dorms at least." Blaise said as you were walking towards the door. "Yeah that would be great" you said with a smile. As you two are walking in a comfortable silence Blaise says "I'll somehow get the money to you soon. I don't know how-" "it's okay..Really I don't need it I was really just trying to get you to fold." "You're Crazy" you slightly hit Blaise in the arm, then you realize you are now at the door to your dorm. "Well I guess I should go to sleep now" you said to Blaise "Do you have to?" "Duh I'm tired" you say slightly laughing. "Okay, goodnight...make sure you're ready by 1 to go to hogsmeade." Blaise said waving his finger at you. He turns around to walk back to the boys dorm, you grab his hand and pull him into a hug. Your arms wrapped around his neck slightly pulling him down. "Thank for everything tonight.." you whisper to him. You kiss his cheek and walk into your dorm.
'Did Y/n just kiss me?' Blaise thought as he stood there holding his cheek.
Pls lmk if you liked this chapter! Idkkk it’s kinda cornballish if u ask me but regardless I still like it. Sorry for any mistakes in the one-shot. Also lmk if you want more Blaise content because I have way more stories I’ve wrote. ^.^
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rip-us-xoxo · 1 year
Avalanche- Draco Malfoy x Reader (REPOST)
Posted NOVEMBER 26, 2020
Reposted APRIL 16, 2023
Request by @excuse-me-ima-princess- Could you write an imagine with draco x female!reader where it’s like a childhood best friends to lovers type of deal. Also if you could use the song Avalanche by walk the moon as a base for it that would be great! Thank you and congrats on 100 followers!
A/n- Thank you! Also thank you for requesting that song, i never heard it before, but now i’m glad that i have. It is so good! I hope you enjoy reading!
Warnings- Umbridge, that’s it. Also not really read through so sorry ‘bout that✌️
Song- 'Avalanche' by Walk The Moon
Eighteen thousand-year-old soul
Midwest shooting star
In the days she waits
But she moonlights rock'n'roll
Play the rain dance with her guitar
Sometimes you only get one chance
You and Draco have known each other since you were in diapers. Your mother and his mother were best friends in their years at Hogwarts, so just imagine how excited they were when they found out they were both pregnant at the same time! They knew you two were going to be best friends, and they were right. You two were attached at the hip. 
Everyday when you two were little, you would play out in the garden for hours playing tag. You were one wild girl and he loved that about you, friend-like love of course. 
Soon those days of just running around had to stop when you two had to go to Hogwarts. Now, you had essays to do and very little free-time to run around and play games. 
Now, you were still that carefree girl. You ran around the halls not caring if you got in trouble and didn’t care what others thought about you. Draco on the other hand had to keep his head held high and his behavior on track so that 1. He could impress his father and 2. Show up Potter
As the years at Hogwarts passed by, you and Draco were still attached at the hip and many a times mistaken as a couple, to which both of you would laugh and inform the person that you two were just friends. 
5th year was when things got a little rocky in the friendship though. Umbridge had taken over the school and Draco was completely fine with it, but you, on the other hand were not. 
“Hey Draco!” you greeted him in the hallway. “Woah, Y/l/n, 8 inches, remember?” Draco moved away from you and kept walking. 
“What the heck Draco? I’m your best friend,” you said in disbelief. “Well Umbridge says to stay 8 inches apart, so we will follow her rules and stay 8 inches apart,” he said ‘8 inches apart’ like you were a dumb little child who couldn’t understand what he was saying. 
“You know what? Don’t talk to me,” you fumed and turned around to head to the Slytherin common rooms. Draco just huffed and kept walking. 
The next time Draco saw you and tried to say hi, you flipped him off and walked in the opposite direction. He expected that to be the only time, but 1 time turned into 2 times and then suddenly you two just weren’t talking anymore. 
He didn’t think much of it, being Draco Malfoy he thought he did absolutely nothing wrong, but after a while he thought, “Did I do something wrong?”. He inquired about that thought for a whole month until finally he came to the conclusion that he, in fact, did something wrong. 
“I have to fix this,” he whispered to himself as he watched you eat alone at the Slytherin table. He then saw you stand up and start to head out of the Great Hall. But when you grabbed your bag, he saw something on your hand that didn’t look good. 
Draco followed you out of the dorm and waited until you two were far enough away from people to try and talk to you. You felt like someone was following you so you looked behind you to see a tall, slender shadow. You yelped and almost fell over. 
“Calm down, Y/l/n, it’s just me,” the person chuckled. You stiffened, “What do you want Draco?” you spat his name out like venom. It’s been over a month since you two had talked, and he decided to try and fix it now? 
“Look, I just want to talk because I think I did something wrong,”, “You think?” you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, completely forgetting about the words engraved in your hand from detention with Umbridge. 
“Ah!” you hissed and looked down at your hand. “What?” Draco asked and ran up to you. His focus was brought down to your carved hand, “Who did that?”. When he went to go grab it, you pulled it away. 
“Your favorite teacher, Umbridge, did it, you git. I got detention,” you spat. He stared at your hand with his jaw dropped, he thought that Slytherins were safe from her wrath but apparently not, “Why did you get detention?”. 
“Since we stopped talking, all I’ve been able to think about is the fact that I’m mad at you, so she saw that I wasn’t paying attention and gave me detention,” you put your hand in his face, “‘I must not get distracted’ is what she made me write”. 
He frowned, it really was all his fault. He put his hand on your back and led you back to the Slytherin common room. “Here, let me wrap it up,” he said and went to go grab some bandages. Draco came back a few moments later and began to tend to the wound. 
While you had your attention on the pain of your hand being cleaned up, you didn’t notice Draco glancing up at you every so often. He never realized how pretty you were, your features were glowing in the little light that was in the dungeons. 
You had always had the faintest crush on Draco but you knew it would never blossom into anything more, you were best friends and that was all he would ever see you as. So when you finally caught him staring at you, you were a little surprised. 
“Um, Draco?” you questioned, making him shake his head and come back to reality. “Sorry about that, I just- I,” his eyes flickered down to your lips. Your breath hitched, causing him to come back to reality again, “Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on with me today,” he stood up, “Goodnight, Y/n, I hope you can forgive me”. 
You nodded your head and gave him a friendly smile, “Yeah, I forgive you Draco”. He breathed a sigh of release and hugged you before walking up to his dorms. 
When he got into bed, he didn’t think much of his behavior and nor did you. Everything was fine, you both had your bestfriends back and it couldn’t be better.
You got a look in your eyes
I knew you in a past life
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
You two had established very different reputations at Hogwarts. Although you both were in Slytherin, he became known as a jerk and you became known as the fun “party girl”, especially in your 6th year. 
Neither of you had talked about that night or even thought about it. But one night, 6th year, he was lying in bed and the thought of that night wandered into his brain, “Why did hugging her feel different? And why did I want to kiss her?”. It was like he was in a trance when he looked into your eyes, it was familiar because he’s looked into your eyes many times, but that time, it was different. It was like a feeling of ‘it was meant to be’. 
For years Draco never thought of you as anything more than a best friend. But ever since that night, he knew that that “friendly-like” love that he had for you was slowly turning into love-love. And it just did.
Ships pass in the night
I don’t want to wait ‘til the next life
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
Last call and everybody’s watching
A party was being thrown in the Slytherin common room after a win against Gryffindor and Draco was being celebrated for catching the snitch. “Really, it’s not that difficult to beat Potter,” he boasted and took a sip of firewhiskey. 
“Congratulations Draco!” he heard from behind him. He turned around to see you in one of his old quidditch jerseys. He gave it to you in 3rd year after you had a nightmare, after he gave you his jersey though you were out like a light. 
“Thanks, Y/n,” he hugged you and let go even though he didn’t want to. You gave him a smile that made him weak in the knees before Blaise handed you a cup of firewhiskey. 
“Thanks Blaise,” you thanked him before downing the cup. “Woah, Y/l/n, slow down,” Draco chuckled and grabbed the empty cup from you. 
“I want to dance, gotta get a little loose first,” you told him and shimmied your shoulders before walking to the center of the room while swaying your hips with the music. 
You then started to dance like no one was watching and ignored all of the whistles thrown your way by boys who were only watching you for the way your hips were moving. 
But Draco wanted you, he wanted all of you. 
He looked around at all of the boys who looked like they were about to pounce on you and scoffed. He knew that you wouldn’t want to do anything with them, you weren’t that type of person, which Draco admired about you. 
He only had one chance to go out there and claim you though, because another boy was already making his way towards you.
Her voice rings out like a storm
Sometimes the past echoes in the future
Started long before we were born
Sometimes you only get one chance
You started singing along to the song that was playing and it made Draco think back to when you two would hang out before Hogwarts and you would sing your heart out to whatever song came over the radio. 
He remembered back to when he would watch you and his heart would thump at the sight of you smiling. Draco’s eyes widened when he realized that he was in love with you this whole time, he was just too dumb to notice.
Universe won’t wait for you
It’s do or die, whatcha gon-gon-gonna do?
“Woah, dude, you alright?” Blaise asked Draco. “I-I don’t know, but, I have to do something. Something that I should’ve done a long time ago,” Draco said and gave his cup to Blaise. 
“It’s now or never,” he whispered to himself before walking over to you, everyone watched him as he did. 
You got a look in your eyes
I knew you in a past life
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
You got a look in your eyes
I knew you in a past life
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
You noticed him coming your way but he had a look in his eyes like he was on a mission. Once he reached you, he stared straight into your eyes. You started up at him, not knowing the thoughts in his mind. 
“She is gorgeous, how did I not notice before?” he thought. The same eyes he’s stared into his whole life, but once again, it was different. 
He was in love.
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
Your hair was splayed out across your shoulders, your face had no makeup on it, showing all of your natural features. 
Draco was in awe.
Ships pass in the night
I don’t want to wait ‘til the next life
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
“Draco?” you asked worriedly. Everyone was watching you two, waiting for something to happen. 
“I can’t miss my chance again, I can’t wait any longer,” and before you could comprehend what he was saying, his lips were on yours. You gasped and leaned into the kiss. 
His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. After a few seconds, you both pulled away and Draco pulled you into his chest. 
Everyone around you cheered, but all you could hear was Draco’s heartbeat. 
“I love you, Y/n,” he whispered into your ear. You looked up at him and looked in his eyes, “I love you too”.
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melancholyandfrogs · 2 years
Harry Potter Family Lines
next gen maker / cut out of the family tree / alone / affair / new family maker / died young / temp cut off / incest
House of Black
B First Generation
1850 Nigellus Black
1868 Sirius I
1870/1871 Phineas Nigellus - Ursula Flint = Sirius II, Phineas II, Cygnus I, Belvina, Arcturus 
1871 Elladora
1873/1870 Isla (for marrying a muggle) - Bob Hitchens
B Second Generation
Phineas Nigellus - Ursula Flint
1887/1888 Sirius II - Hesper Gamp = Arcturus II, Lycoris (1910), Regulus I (1912)
1888 Phineas II 
1890/1892 Cygnus I - Violetta Bulstrode = Pollux, Cassiopeia, Dorea and Marius the Squib 
1891/1890 Belvina - Herbert Burke = Hector, Phineas III, Belinda Burke
1892/1892 Arcturus - Lysandra Yaxley = Callidora (1910), Cedrella (1910), Charis (1914)
B Third Generation
Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley
Sirius II - Hesper Gamp
1908 Arcturus II - Melina McMillan = Lucretia (1928) - Ignatius Prewett (1929), Orion - Walburga
1910 Lycoris
1912 Regulus I
Cygnus - Violetta Bulstrode
1910/1910 Pollux - Ima Crabbe = Walburga - Orion, Alphard (1931), Cygnus II
1911 Cassiopeia
1913/1911 Dorea - Charlus Potter = Marcus (1930) - Charlotte Hunter = Hadrian (1934)
1913 Marius the Squib (for being a squib)
Belvina - Herbert Burke
1911/1912 Hector - Mildred Flint = Agnes and Cytus (1931) - Amber Warrington (1932)
1911 Phineas III
1913/1910 Belinda - Sappho Crouch
Arcturus - Lysandra Yaxley
1910/1908 Callidora - Harfang Longbottom = Geoffrey Longbottom, Alice Longbottom (1934) - Enio Giles (1932)
1910 Cedrella (for marrying a blood traitor) - Septimus Weasley = Gawain I and Geraint, Arthur Weasley
See descendants in House Weasley
1914 Charis - Caspar Crouch = Bartemius, Calista and Servilia Crouch (1934)
B Fourth Generation
Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley
Arcturus II - Melina McMillan
1928/1929 Lucretia - Ignatius Prewett
1930/1930 Orion - Walburga Black = “Padfoot” Sirius III Orion (1959) (for betraying his family), Regulus Arcturus (1961)
Pollux - Ima Crabbe
1930/1930 Walburga - Orion Black = “Padfoot” Sirius III Orion (1959) (for betraying his family), Regulus Arcturus (1961)
1931 Alphard
1933 Cygnus II - Druella Rosier = Narcissa - Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix - Rodolphus Lestrange (1931) - Tom Riddle (1926), Andromeda (for marrying a muggle) - Edward "Ted" Tonks
Callidora - Harfang Longbottom
1931/1930 Geoffrey Longbottom - Augusta Smethwick = Frank Longbottom
1934/1932 Alice Longbottom - Enio Giles
Charis - Caspar Crouch
1926 Bartemius Crouch - Jane Lewis = Bartemius II Crouch (1946), Phebe Crouch - Mary Syme (1947), Rhea Crouch (for marrying a muggle) - Michael McKinnon
1934 Calista and Servilia Crouch
Fifth Generation
Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley
Tonks, Malfoy
Cygnus II - Druella Rosier
1950 Andromeda (for marrying a muggle) - (Edward "Ted" Tonks = Nymphadora Vulpecula Tonks
1951/1950 Bellatrix - Rodolphus Lestrange - Tom Riddle (1926) = Delphini Riddle (1977)
1955/1954 Narcissa - Lucius Malfoy = Draco Lucius Malfoy 
Geoffrey Longbottome - Augusta Smethwick CH
1959/1960 Frank Longbottom - Alice Fortenscue = Neville Longbottom - Hannah Abbott
Bartemius Crouch - Jane Lewis
1946 Bartemius II Crouch
1947 Phebe Crouch - Mary Syme = Caspar II Crouch (1961)
1948 Rhea Crouch (for marrying a muggle) - Michael McKinnon = Michael McKinnon - Melissa McKinnon
B Sixth Generation
Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley
Tonks, Malfoy
Andromeda - Edward “Ted” Tonks
1973/1960 Nymphadora Vulpecula Tonks - “Moony” Remus John Lupin = “Teddy” Edward Remus Lupin
Narcissa - Lucius Abraxas Malfoy
1980/1982 Draco Lucius Malfoy - Astoria Hyperia Greengrass = Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy (2006) - Rose Minerva Weasley (2005)
See descendants in House Weasley
Frank Longbottom - Alice Fortenscue
1980/1979 Neville Longbottom - Hannah Abbott = Mavis Poppy (2002) - James Sirius Potter (2003), Alice Ginevra (2205)
Rhea Crouch - Michael McKinnon
1960 Marlene - Dorcas Meadowes 
1962 Mason and Mitchell 
1964 Matthew and Maxwell
Neville Longbottom - Hannah Abbott
2002/2003 Mavis Poppy - James Sirius Potter = Maverick Sirius Potter (2022), Jasper James Potter (2024)
House of Malfoy
M First Generation
Gamp, Potter
1870 Justia Malfoy
1867 Caesonia - Jovian Gamp = Hesper Gamp
1869/1878 Brutus - Vinda Rosier = Nicholas
1870/1872  Septimus Malfoy - Opal Parkinson = Severus, Justia
1872 Selene - John Potter = Charlus - Dorea Black, Felix Potter (1911)
M Second Generation
Gamp, Potter
Caesonia - Jovian Gamp
1887/1888 Hesper Gamp - Sirius II Black = Arcturus II, Lycoris (1910), Regulus I Black (1912)
See descendants under House Black
Brutus - Vinda Rosier
1894/1890 Nicholas - Amelie Lestrange = Abraxas
Septimus - Opal Parkinson
1901/1905 Severus - Primula Corner = Justus - Veronique Mulciber
1905/1906 Justia - Felix I Rosier = Evan I Rosier, Druella Rosier
Selene - John Potter
1911/1913 Charlus - Dorea Black = Marcus (1930) - Charlotte Hunter = Hadrian (1934)
M Third Generation
Gamp, Potter
Nicholas - Amelie Lestrange
1908 Abraxas - Belvina Nott = Morpheus, Lucius - Narcissa Black
See descendants under House Black (L+N)
Severus - Primula Corner
1908 Justus - Veronique Mulciber = Tiberius, Vinicius
Justia - Felis I Rosier
1914 Evan I - Cassia Goyle = Cloelia, Felix II
1933 Druella - Cygnus II Black
See descendants under House Black
M Fourth Generation
Gamp, Potter
Abraxas - Belvina Nott
1934 Morpheus - Andre Chombrum = Lilian and Julian Chombrum (1955)
Justus - Veronique Mulciber
1928/1919 Tiberius - Walton Diggory = Marcellus, Amos
1930 Vinicius - Corrine Fawley = Corvinus (1949)
Evan I Rosier - Cassia Goyle
1933/1933 Felix II - Helaine Crabbe = Silas
1942/1940 Cloelia - Amara Shafiq Patil = Evan II, Justin
M Fifth Generation
Gamp, Potter
Cloelia - Amara Shafiq Patil
1965/1967 Justin - Helaine Crabbe = Silas Rosier (1973)
1973/1978 Evan II - Katie Bell = Nicolas Evan (1999), Lucas Karter (2001)
TIberius - Walton Diggory JV
1948 Marcellus = Delphine (1975)
1953 Amos = Cedric (1977)
House of Lestrange
L First Generation
Lestrange, Scamander, Malfoy
1865 Rowena Lestrange
1880 Leta - Theseus Scamander = Newt Scamander - Porpentina Goldstein
1882 Rasatar = Lysander
1890/1894 Amelie - Nicholas Malfoy 
See descendants in House Malfoy
L Second Generation
Lestrange, Scamander, Malfoy
Leta - Theseus Scamander
1897 Newt - Porpentina Goldstein = Esther - Sebastain Bellamy, Rolf Scamander - Luna Elizabeth Lovegood
1950/1951 Rodolphus - Bellatrix Black 
See descendants in House Black 
1959/1960 Pandora - Xenophilius Lovegood = Luna Elizabeth Lovegood - Rolf Scamander
L Third Generation
Lestrange, Scamander, Malfoy
Newt - Porpentina Goldstein
1882/1882 Esther - Sebastian Bellamy = Wolfgang (1999), Beatrix (2000), Theodora(2002), Elizabeth (2002), Matilda Bellamy (2004)
1884/1881 Rolf Scamander - Luna Elizabeth Lovegood = Lysander Arthur and Lorcan Rowan Scamander (2007) - Lily Luna Potter (2005)
Pandora - Xenophilius Lovegood
1881/1884 Luna Elizabeth Lovegood - Rolf Scamander = Lysander Arthur and Lorcan Rowan Scamander (2007) - Lily Luna Potter (2005)
House of Potter
P First Generation
1845 Fleamont Potter
1864 Edward Fleamont - Elizabeth Fleece = Henry Edward
1867 Catherine Potter 
1869 Albert - Alycone Gaunt 
1872 John - Selene Malfoy 
See descendants in House Malfoy
P  Second Generation
Edward Fleamont - Elizabeth Fleece
1885/1893 Henry Edward - Julia Bones = Fleamont Henry - Euphemia Greengrass
P  Third Generation
Henry Edward - Julia Bones
1932/1942 Fleamont Henry - Euphemia Greengrass = James Fleamont - Lily Jade Evans
P  Fourth Generation
Fleamont Henry - Euphemia Greengrass
1960 “Prongs” James Fleamont - Lily Jade Evans = Harry James - Ginevra “Ginny” Molly Weasley
See descendants in House Weasley
House of Weasley
W First Generation
Septimus Weasley - Cedrella Black
1927/1928 Gawain I Weasley - Zoe Sarte = Lionel Weasley (1948), Tristan Weasley (1949) = Mafalda Weasley (1966), Mark Weasley (1951)
1928-1928 Ceraint Weasley - Lieke Hugo = Gawain II Weasley (1942), Galahad Weasley (1942)
1950/1951 Arthur Septimus Weasley - Molly Prewett = William Arthur - Fleur Delacour, Charles Septimus, Percival Ignatius (temporarily for disputes) - Audrey Mia Fairfax, Fredrick Gideon, George Fabian - Angelina Johnson, Ronald Bilius - Hermione Jean Granger, Ginevra Molly Weasley - Harry James Potter
W  Second Generation
Arthur Septimus Weasley - Molly Prewett
1970/1977 William "Bill" Arthur - Fleur Delacour = Victorie Molly - "Teddy" Edward Remus Lupin, Dominique Gabrielle (2003), Louis William (2009)
1972 Charles “Charlie” Septimus
1976/1978 Percival “Percy” Ignatius (temporarily) for disputes - Audrey Mia Fairfax = Rebecca Molly (2001), Jake Arthur (2002), Ellie Ginevra and Lucianna Mia (2006)
1978 Fredrick “Fred” Gideon
1978/1977 George Fabian - Angelina Johnson = Fredrick II Angelo (2002), Roxanne Olivia (2004)
1980/1979 Ronald “Ron” Bilius - Hermione Jean Granger = Rose Minerva (2005) - Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy (2006), Hugo Charlie (2009)
1981/1980 Ginerva “Ginny” Molly - Harry James Potter = James Sirius - Mavis Poppy Longbottom, Albus Severus (2005), Lily Luna Potter (2007) - Lysander Rowan Scamander (2005)
W  Third Generation
Lupin, Greengrass, Malfoy
William “Bill” Arthur - Fleur Delacour
1977/1976 Victorie Molly Weasley - "Teddy" Edward Remus Lupin = Andromeda Fleur and Nymphadora Victoire (2018), Remus Harry (2020)
2003 Dominique Gabrielle
2009 Louis William
Percival “Percy” Ignatius - Audrey Mia Fairfax
2001 Rebecca Molly
2002 Jake Arhur
2006 Ellie Ginerva - Daniel Oliver Greengrass = Percy Oliver (2020), Daphne Audrey (2021) and Lucy Danella Greengrass (2023)
2006 Lucianna Mi
Ronald “Ron” Bilius - Hermione Jean Granger
2005/2006 Rose Minerva - Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy = Severine Hermione Malfoy (2024)
2009 Hugo Charlie
Ginerva “Ginny” Molly - Harry James Potter
2003/2002 James Sirius - Mavis Poppy Longbottom = Maverick Sirius Potter (2022), Jasper James Potter (2024)
House of Gaunt
G First Generation
1810 Athena Gaunt
1830 Alkes - Berta Burke = Beliana (1850) (for being a squib), Rayla - Edwin Crabbe, Rasalas - Leta
1835 Algoi - Matilda Flint = Corvus (1851), Alycone - Albert Potter, Leta - Rasalas
G  Second Generation
Alkes - Berta Burke
1850 Beliana the Squib (for being a squib)
1852 Rayla - Edwin Crabbe = Erebus Crabbe - Hemera
1854  Rasalas - Leta = Aion (1880), Hemera - Erebus
Algoi - Matilda Flint
1851 Corvus
1854 Leta - Rasalas = Aion (1880), Hemera - Erebus
1861 Alycone - Albert Potter
G  Third Generation
Rasalas - Leta
1875/1874 Hemera - Erebus = Marvolo
1880 Aion
Rayla - Edwin Crabbe
1874/1875 Erebus - Hemera = Marvolo
G  Fourth Generation
1899 Marvolo Gaunt
1906 Morfin and Metis
1908 Merope - Tom Riddle = Tom Marvolo Riddle | Voldemort (chose to leave because of muggle realtions)
G  Fifth Generation
Merope - Tom Riddle
1926/1951 Tom Marvolo Riddle | Voldemort (chose to leave because of muggle realtions) - Bellatrix Lestrange = Delphini Riddle (1977)
I hope that this helped someone with any info that they needed / all of these are just from hours spent searching and putting pieces together / it's not entirely canon compliant
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Draco Malfoy and the Disaster of a Year
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Draco Malfoy X Reader
Warnings: Language, magic
A/N: So, I’ve read the books and watched the movies, and I know I’m kind of mixing them both together, so just forgive me! Hopefully it’s still a good read! Let me know if you want to be tagged for more updates, or if you want to be taken off the list!
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6) Aesthetic 
You dislike this woman very, very much.
Not only is she completely incompetent as a teacher, she is vile, disgusting, rude, and cruel! You can't imagine why the ministry would assign her as your professor in a course that she isn't even intending to teach, she just wants you to read about spells, not perform them! How exactly are you supposed to learn anything from that?
Not to mention she seems to have a special hatred for Harry, who honestly has done nothing to deserve it. You wish he'd stop patronizing her and getting detention, you've heard of how horrid it is. Something about a pen that actually writes into your skin or something, she shouldn't be allowed to do such things! Why does Dumbledore not step up?
You're so... frustrated! Snape seems to be the only teacher not bothered or intimidated by Umbridge, he doesn't seem to care about her at all and has no patience for her sickly sweet attitude and her constant need to wear that awful color of pink you previously liked until her. She's just so fake, or maybe it's the fact she's not sincere, that makes you detest her more.
"High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, ridiculous!" You hear someone scoff, and you glance over from where you're standing in one of the many hallways. You'd paused on your walk to the courtyard to talk to Nearly Headless Nick, who has no promptly floated through the wall to another chamber, leaving you alone. "Who does she think she is!? Dumbledore needs to put an end to this nonsense!"
Well, that's Hermione Granger, you recognize her angry voice easily enough. She shouldn't say things like that out loud, not when there are so many ears that report back to the evil woman. You hesitate, wondering if you can make it down the hallway fast enough so that you don't run into anyone, and you hastily start towards the end.
"I mean, she shouldn't be doing this! She shouldn't be allowed," Hermione continues furiously, her voice echoing against the stone walls.
"Shh, keep your voice down!" someone says hastily, and you cringe slightly as you realize they're about to turn the corner and you haven't made your great escape just yet. You sigh as you hear their footsteps, glancing over your shoulder to see them turning the corner. Hermione quiets as she notices they're not alone, and you start to turn the corner ---.
"Oof!" You run smack into someone, nearly dropping all of your things, your quill and a book clattering to the ground. You mutter an apology without looking as you kneel, hastily gathering your school things.
"Well, I see there's not a student around here paying attention today."
Uh oh.
You hesitate before you look up, noticing the pink skirt before you see the frog-like face of the very teacher everyone seems to hate. You frown as you straighten, propping your things in your arms; she's a short lady, with curly brown hair, and very pale, which the constant wearing of pink does nothing to help.
"Sorry about that," you apologize again, twisting the end of your braid nervously. Your eyes flick behind her, and of course you're not surprised to see Draco on her heels, silver eyes gleaming with no doubt some mischief.
This year hasn't been that great, and although he's a Prefect, it's already gone to his head; you're not sure why he's siding with this awful toad of a witch, other than she seems to hate Harry and he's a pure blood, not that she can talk, you've heard one of her parents was a muggle anyhow. You keep quiet in class, try to keep your distance from her, you don't really want her attention.
Now you understand why your mother has been so inquisitive in her letters about how your year is going, she wants to know all about Umbridge, and really she's not been so subtle about it. You wonder what she knows about the woman that she can't tell you in writing, as you don't doubt every letter that is sent to or from Hogwarts is read before the student ever sees it.
"Really, such disregard," Umbridge sniffs, beady eyes thoughtful. "It's a trend among your class I've noticed, not paying attention."
You narrow your eyes at her; does she really want you to respond to that? You severely dislike this woman, and you dare her to even mention detention at you.
Just wait until your mother hears about this.
Oh no, did you just sound like Draco?
You did, didn't you?
"Uh, Ms. Umbridge, I'm sure it was just an accident." Draco comes to your rescue immediately, taking a step until he's at your side in one smooth movement. His hand comes to rest on your shoulder supportively, and you cast a narrowed look at him. "(Y/N) is usually very careful about where she's going. Gets her attention to detail from her father, Nicolas (Y/L/N)."
Oh, you see what he did there, throwing around your parents name.
Umbridge recognizes it immediately, and your face sours. Really? You're getting a free pass because of who your parents are? If you were anyone else she would send you to detention, just to make a point.
"Oh, the inventor."  Umbridge hums thoughtfully, her eyes dissecting you from head to toe. "His wife is friends with your mother, Draco, correct?"
"Yes, very good friends." Draco's hand tightens slightly on your shoulder, but he's giving her a pleasant smirk. "I think her mother just had a party, didn't she, (Y/N)? Didn't the minister attend?"
"I suppose." You don't know, you don't care. You're just irritated at this point that he feels the need to keep rubbing your social status in her face. Well, it's sort of pleasing of course that she now know's that if she messes with you there could be consequences, but you just don't think it's fair!
You hate this woman, you really do. You want nothing more than to glare at her and tell her exactly how little you think of her, but you wouldn't do that to a professor --- although technically she isn't one.
Harry's right, you can't learn Defense Against the Dark Arts if you're not even going to practice the magic.
"Well, I suppose we all do have our moments where we aren't paying attention," Umbridge clasps her hands, giving you that grimace of a smile. "Just do be careful in the future, Miss (Y/L/N)."
"Of course." You say, but your tone belies how little you mean it. You know she catches it, but pretends otherwise as she sails down the hallway, ignoring you. You watch her go, and at least have the sense to wait until she's disappeared before you turn on the blonde haired boy at your side.
"You didn't have to do that."
"Did you want detention instead?" Draco frowns down at you as you square off with him, looking annoyed. He just came to your rescue! Shouldn't you be grateful towards him? You should have already introduced yourself to Umbridge anyhow, that way she could know of your standing! You could even be on the Inquisitorial Squad.
"I don't think someone should get detention for accidentally bumping into another person." You retort, brushing your hair behind your ear. "That woman is not fit to be a teacher."
"Shh! Don't say that so loudly," Draco scowls, nervously glancing over your shoulder down the hallway. He wants to keep you out of trouble and on Umbridge's good side, otherwise your family name won't be enough to keep you safe. He definitely doesn't want you in detention, not that Snape would allow it anyhow, considering the circumstances --- you're a pureblood Slytherin with very influential parents, and right now the Malfoy's are really pulling for power with their connections considering their house guests.
His stomach tightens as he thinks about it. It's not often that he doesn't want to go home, but he's suddenly glad his mother sent him away. He always thought being a Death Eater was cool, that they were standing up for the fact that purebloods should be the reigning class, that muggles should be aware that they're not the top.
But now everything is changing and he's not sure how he feels.
"Why not?" You huff, but you do soften your tone. "She shouldn't be allowed to bully everyone just because she's from the ministry! She is a vile, horrible woman who Dumbledore should get rid of before she does permanent damage to this school!"
"You know why she's here!" Draco snaps, annoyed at your obvious disdain; again, he just came to your rescue here, you could be a little more appreciative! Hold his hand, kiss his cheek, offer your eternal love, something. "Dumblemore was too incompetent to find someone for the position, and it's not like his last few have been good choices ---."
"Oh, please. Everyone knows the ministry made him," you roll your eyes, shifting your books as they start to grow heavy. "Fudge just wants someone here to spy."
"(Y/N) ---."
"No, don't start with me! I can't believe you're siding with someone like her, Draco! I thought you were better than that! You're just on her side because she's letting you have free reign to be a a real git whenever you want!"
Draco has never been so offended in his life. He tenses, his hands curling tightly at his sides; wow, you're really going for the gold in insulting him today, aren't you? You've had such a temper with him this year, it's like as soon as you stepped foot on school grounds things changed.
Well, everything has changed.
The ministry has never been so involved in schooling before, sending one of their own representatives in, and then there's the whispers, the worries about the Dark Lord's return. Draco knows more than anyone how true it is, but he would never say anything to you about it, he would never burden you with that sort of knowledge --- you of all people should stay oblivious, live in a bubble where you're untouchable.
"Don't be ridiculous," Draco scoffs, gray eyes growing dark. "I'm a Prefect, I ---."
"You've let the power go straight to your head, just as I thought you would."
Well that's harsh.
"What is your problem this year, (Y/N)? Everything was fine over the summer, and on the train, but as soon as we get here ---."
"Look at all that's happening! That awful woman is overstepping her authority, and no one is doing anything to stop it? You're just letting it happen! Of all times, this is exactly when you should be wanting your father to hear about this, don't you think?" You just don't understand, doesn't he want to use his status for good? What's the point of being important if you're just going to be cruel and not offer to help make anything better?
You hate being so helpless, and you don't feel like you're learning anything at all! What's the point of being at this school?
You're so mad at Draco for being selfish, and you're mad at Dumbledore for not stepping up! Draco can be such a better person than what he strives to be, he really can, he doesn't have to be as prejudiced as his father.
"You can do so much better than this," you finally say when Draco doesn't answer, growing even more upset. "You're a much better person."
You could probably have punched him and he wouldn't have been so hurt. You shake your head as you start to dart around him, clenching your books tightly to your chest. Everything is just so wrong this year! You hate it!
"(Y/N), wait ---," Draco's chest feels so tight, his heart is hammering so hard it feels like it's going to explode from his chest! He doesn't want you so upset at him, but you don't understand everything that's going on, and he doesn't want you too! The less you know, the safer you are!
He grabs your arm, pulling you back before you storm away from him.
"Draco, let go!"
"Just listen to me for a moment, would you?" he demands, refusing to let you pull away from him. You hesitate, letting him pull you so close you could almost count each eyelash, his gaze riveted on yours. He looks so serious. "You don't understand everything that's going on."
"Don't I? I see you taking advantage of the situation."
He sighs, growing frustrated; you're so bull headed sometimes! "That's your problem! You see only what's right in front of you, but not the big picture!"
You bristle slightly, glaring up at him; how many times have you been so close before? The scent of him is so familiar, and honestly still a little comforting. He looks so handsome in green and silver, the colors compliment his pale face and blonde hair.
If only his personality was as good as his looks.
"Like you can talk!" You hiss, refusing to budge an inch. "All you care about is yourself and the next person you can lord your pureblood status over! Just like you did with Umbridge, using my family name like I should be treated any different!"
"You had better appreciate the fact I did! Why are you so ungrateful I just saved you from detention?"
"I don't need you saving me!"
"Well clearly you do!"
You both glare at each other, and oh you want nothing more than to hit him with your book! He can be so, so --- ugh!
"You're impossible!" You hiss, finally wrenching away from him; you don't like standing so close, it brings other memories to the surface you don't want to revisit. "You always act like you're entitled to everything, like you deserve respect when you've done nothing to earn it! Grow up, Draco!"
"You're the one who needs the reality check!" he snaps, scowling. "You have no idea what's going on, do you? In the world? With the ministry? You think sticking your head in the sand and ignoring it will make it go away, but it won't! The problems are still here!"
You send him a furious look, despite you know he's right. You do tend to ignore everything if you can, expecting it to blow over so you don't have to worry about it. Your parents tend to take care of everything, but you have noticed their whispers, you know something is going on, just not what. They don't want you to worry, and it's not like Draco ever feels the need to tell you anything either.
You just... don't want to know.
You want to go to school, learn your courses, pass them, and move on with your life. You don't want to think about the fact everything is suddenly so serious now, that it's all changing and might not ever be the same again.
You hate this year.
You turn on your heel, storming away from Draco before he manages to yell anything else true at you.
"Sorry I'm late," you apologize to Fred as you come to sit beside him in the courtyard, sighing. It's been such a rough day, from classes to dealing with your peers, and you're so glad it's finally over.
Yesterday, arguing with Draco, it made you feel awful. You hate to be mean to him, and you hate it when he tells you things that might be right, especially. You've ignored him blatantly since then.
"It's allright," Fred shrugs his shoulders, relaxing back on the bench with you. You're sitting hip to hip, Umbridge rarely goes outside to enforce her rule about students staying so much of a distance with each other. None of the other teachers care otherwise. "Figured you were busy."
You glance at him, seeing the distant look on his face. You've noticed he's been disappearing a lot, although you're not sure where. Well, actually, there's been a lot of students doing that, if you're being honest, but you've kept your nose out of their business.
But now with Draco saying all that...
"Have you had a good day?" You ask lightly, enjoying the brief bits of sun peaking through the clouds.
"Sort of."
"Sort of?" You hesitate, and now you can definitely hear the tone. "What's happened?"
"Oh, you know, just... everything this year. Ran into a 2nd year that had detention because of that ---."
"Come now, brother, don't get testy." George suddenly flops down on your other side, sandwiching you between the two twins. You scoot as much as you can to make room for him, feeling Fred's arm slip around your shoulder; you like his casual gestures, you find it sweet. You know the summer was a rough go for the two of you, considering that you didn't really get to write much --- or, well, Fred didn't write much, but of course you don't know what was going on in his life.
It must just be so busy with having such a large family.
Still, what has it been now? Almost a year? A little more?
You've sort of lost track, but it's just so easy with Fred, and he's always making you laugh. You find him incredibly sweet and his pranks are always keeping everyone on their toes. It's especially nice during a time like this, with such a vile, terrible, disgusting woman walking around.
"Oi, didn't I hear you almost got yourself detention yesterday?" George suddenly asks, and you blink as you look over at him. How did he know about that?
"You almost did?" Fred sounds surprised, and you hesitate, glancing back and forth between matching faces. Well this is almost intimidating, having them both look at you like this.
"I, uh, accidentally walked into her. Quite literally. As I was going around a corner," you shrug, absently leaning into Fred's side. "How do you know about that?"
You didn't tell Fred, you didn't think it was important.
"Ron and Hermione heard you talking to her, is all. And Draco."
Fred stiffens beside you, and you hesitate, feeling the red starting to crawl up your cheeks.
"Well, he was with her, of course." You shrug it off, peeved; are those two gossiping? What exactly did they hear in your conversation? Did they see you and Draco so close? Is that why Fred is all tense, his arm slipping away from your shoulder?
"Why didn't you mention that?" Fred asks, shifting as so he can look at you better.
"Well, I didn't think it was important."
"But you could have got detention, (Y/N). That's serious."
You shake your head. "It's fine, it doesn't matter since I didn't."
"Yeah, but why not? I heard someone sneezed in her vicinity the other day and she gave them detention." George rubs the back of his neck, looking tired; as a matter of fact, they both do. "I thought you bewitched her or something, was looking for pointers."
You almost roll your eyes. "No, I did no such thing. Just apologized, it was an accident after all."
"Umbridge takes apologies? I wouldn't apologize to her if I stepped on her foot three times." George sniffs, and you notice he's rubbing his hand. "She's a rotten one, that one."
Well, you don't disagree.
"Everyone's too afraid to stand up to her 'cept Harry, poor bloke. He's always getting the brunt of it. Did you see the scar on his hand?" George shakes his ginger head, scowling; you've never seen the twins look so serious before, so angry. You glance between them worriedly, seeing both of their faces dark.
Well, this is... different.
"She's such an awful woman," you mutter thoughtlessly, reaching down for your bag. "They need to do something about her, especially Dumbledore. Does anyone even know what she's doing?"
"They do, can't do anything because she's from the ministry."
"That's ridiculous. She's stepping out of bounds. Someone needs to do something."
Why are they exchanging a look over your head?
"Well, I'd best be off," George says suddenly, hopping to his feet. You glance over at him, seeing him tugging at the collar of his robe. "I gotta catch up with some fellows anyhow, got some merchandise and all that."
All their prankster toys.
You watch as he goes across the grass, waving to a few other Gryffindors as he passes.
At least no one sneers at you and Fred anymore, well, some Slytherins still do but you think that's just their faces. You've been together long enough now where it's just sort of either accepted or ignored, and that suits you just fine. You don't like being in the spotlight.
"Can you meet me tonight, after curfew?" Fred asks suddenly, his hand creeping to yours.
"Okay, now are you trying to get me detention?" You ask in amusement, threading your fingers with his. "You know how strict things are right now."
"Yeah, I know, but I want to show you something."
"Like what?"
"Well, let's call it a secret club of sorts, but you're invited. Just meet me at the Room of Requirement. You know how to get there, yeah?"
Well, yes, of course you do. Fred and you have been in there before, to finally have some peace and quiet for yourselves so you can spend genuine time together. Well, you've also used it a few times yourself just so you can study and not be interrupted.
"Good. Promise you'll meet me tonight?"
"Fred, I don't know ---."
"Oh, c'mon, (Y/N). Be a sport, would you? It'll be fun."
You look at him dubiously. A secret club? A club shouldn't be secret unless it's something that Umbridge would pitch a fit over, which is exactly what it is, you suppose. Is that what he's doing every night? Running off to the Room of Requirement?
"After curfew?"
"Yup." He squeezes your hand. "Trust me, you're gonna love it."
Yeah, you find that suspicious.
"Why are you only telling me now about this?" You ask after a moment, curious. Why just now mention this club when you don't doubt it's been going on for a bit? Who all is involved?
You doubt any other Slytherins.
"Just didn't think you would be interested in it before," the twin shrugs his shoulders, and after a moment he stands, still holding your hand. "But now I think you will. Promise you'll meet me?"
You hesitate, gazing up into his mischevious eyes, your worry wavering.
"Fine," you relent after a moment. "But if I get caught and get sent to detention, I'm dragging you down with me."
Fred actually chuckles, and you flush as he presses a kiss against your knuckles. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
This is such a bad idea.
You frown where you stand, glancing around anxiously. You're so worried someone checking the halls is going to come around at any point and spot you, report you. You do not want to get in trouble, because you will absolutely pitch the worst fit Umbridge has ever seen in the history of Hogwarts.
You sigh, tapping your foot impatiently; Fred said to meet him here! Now where is ---?
You gasp as you're suddenly being pulled back, someone having hold of the back of your shirt.  You blink as you pass backward through the wall, bumping into someone before their arms close around you; you immediately know it's Fred, you can tell by the sweater he's wearing, the one his mother makes for him every Christmas.
You relax slightly before he lets you go, grinning at you when you turn around.
You glance behind him, eyes flicking over all the other students in the room, and you're surprised at the amount of them. How many people are skipping curfew right now to be here, and why is Harry walking around teaching?
The Room of Requirement looks like a studyhall, with a large area full of books that you can see Hermione perusing, and the House flags all dangle from the ceiling and errant columns; you notice there's no Slytherin colors however.
"What's going on?" You ask after a moment, the red head in front of you looking over his shoulder. You can see George and Neville Longbottom practicing with their wands, George apparently showing him the correct way to flick his wrist for a spell.
"We're practicing what they won't teach us." Fred says after a moment, stepping to where he stands beside you; you feel better that you didn't wear your house sweater, but just a normal one. "Umbridge is a terror, and all of us here aren't going to stand for it. We're learning Defense Against the Dark Arts."
"You're teaching yourselves magic?" You're surprised, that's not what you expected by secret club. You thought maybe just a hate-Umbridge club or something, but not this. Is Harry the ringleader, since he's apparently the teacher?
"Yep, since no one else will." Fred sounds so proud of himself, of everyone else, but you worry immediately. You'll all get expelled if you get caught here! Or worse, detention! Well, you suppose that's not so bad, but still it'll be on your record and that's definitely not something that you want. "All of us know Umbridge is going to run this school to the ground, and with You-Know-Who back, we need to be prepared."
You frown as you glance up at him. Is he really back, though? Harry has been spouting that for years, you're sort of numb to it.
"Well.... what spells have you learned so far?" You're reluctantly curious, and though you really don't want to be incriminated by staying in this room any longer than necessary, it has your interest. So they're really teaching each other spells?
"Expelliarmus. Stupefy. Basic defensive spells."
"So nothing extreme?"
"No," Fred looks amused, his arm coming to rest across your shoulders and giving you a light squeeze. "You think we were learnin' something wild in here? Like how to walk through walls or turn people into ferrets?"
Your mind immediately flicks to Draco and his unfortunate time spent as the animal, and you purse your lips against a smile. "Well, it was always a possibility."
Fred chuckles; you have a point.
"We're just learning the spells rather than reading about them. This is where we can practice, and not have to worry about someone catching us."
"Don't you worry what will happen should Umbridge find out?"
"Eh, don't worry. Hermione has something in place, we'd know exactly who ratted us out."
"Yes, but there stands the point it would be too late. If she finds out, all of you will be in so much trouble." You worry, crossing your arms tightly across your chest. "You could be expelled!"
"Now you do sound like Hermione."
You frown.
Your greatest rival.
"So, are you interested? You'd be a great help, you're a quick learner." Fred states, although you know you don't have much of a choice. One, because he's already showed you their secret  meeting and you can't forget it and are therefore involved. Two, well, it's a good idea, you really do need to know how to use the spells, reading about them and not performing them is ridiculous.
"I'm in," you say, noticing you're also the only Slytherin in the room. "As long as no one else has an issue with it."
"Nah, you're my girl, you're trustworthy," Fred shrugs, your eyes flicking up to him. He says that so easily, like he really does trust you'll not say a word and have the best intentions. You're a Slytherin, though, he really shouldn't be so... well, you're still sure the Sorting Hat made a mistake with you, you were meant to be a Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff --- anything but a Slytherin!
"So, you want to get started? Harry's going to teach us about how to cast a Patronus," Fred says, his voice excited. "To fight off the Dementors."
"He knows how to do that?" You're surprised, but with how many of them were around last year during the tournament you shouldn't be. No wonder he learned how to fight them, he had so many altercations with them!
"Harry's got a lot more tricks up his sleeve than people give him credit for," your boyfriend smirks, urging you to walk with him to where Harry is talking to Neville and George. "Now, let's get you started. You're a bit behind after all."
"Well, as you said, I'm a quick study."
"Plotting against me, is he?" Umbridge mutters as she paces back and forth inside her very pink, kitten-decorated office. Draco frowns where he stands by the door, watching as he goes to her desk, rapping her nails against the hard wood. "Thinking he can make his students create a club, well, it's not going to work in his favor!"
Draco knows about the D.A., everyone does actually, it's just no one talks about it. He isn't about to say a word to Umbridge about it, no matter how much he'd love to busy Harry Potter. He thinks it's a good idea, although he'd never voice that, and he also knows you've gotten twisted up in it thanks to that damned Weasley.
He's seen you hanging around blatantly with Harry and Hermione, the latter of which you're always frustrated with! He can only imagine that must be what is happening, and that it's only a matter of time before you all get caught.
So, he has to save you, of course.
He's not sure how, but there must be some way to get you out of that ridiculous club. Even if he does agree with it, he could never go along with it on principle, Harry is involved after all and his arch nemesis. So the only conclusion is that he's going to have to hunt all the other members down, get someone to confess, and advise that you were a spy on his side the entire time working for information, but he wanted to play his cards close to his chest lest your identity be found out.
Or is that... too unbelievable?
He'll have to think on it.
Meanwhile, he now has to deal with a paranoid Umbridge, and in some ways she reminds him of his father. The power hungry, paranoid, insecure way, anyhow --- power slips so easily these days, he finds it rather depressing she's become erratic so quickly.
"Perhaps we should start questioning some of the students known to be a part of the group," Pansy Parkinson offers, eager to get on Umbridge's side. Draco frowns as he glances at her, Crabbe and Goyle flanking either side of them. The Inquisitorial Squad is rather small, and mostly just Slytherins, and see if you'd just joined, you wouldn't be in this predicament!
You're always siding with the enemy.
"I know Cho Chang, that Gryffindor, is one." Pansy offers when Umbridge doesn't immediately bite. "And that friend of hers, her mother works at the ministry, we can put pressure on her."
Clever, Pansy. Draco almost appreciates her cunning.
She's still not as brilliant are you are.
"Well, I must say that's not a bad idea." Umbridge pauses thoughtfully, brushing her fingers against her pink skirt suit with lace frills on the hem. "Do that, would you, dear? I want this 'club' dismantled immediately. And I want the instigator brought to me immediately."
"Yes, Professor." Pansy grins, pleased her suggestion is taken. "We will start right away."
She turns, heading quickly for the door but not before giving Draco a smug look that only makes him scowl.
She's a right thorn in his side.
"Draco," Umbridge sighs as she sits down at her desk, clasping her hands in front of her as she straightens. She really does look like a toad sitting there in her little pink hat, gazing at him with glassy, soulless eyes.
"Yes, Professor?"
"Do be a dear and put in a good word for me with your parents. I'm sure they're pleased I've made you part of the Inquisitorial Squad. It's only for the most trustworthy of students, you know," Umbridge adds, as if it's some great honor.
Draco inclines his blonde head slightly, but he has no intentions of bragging on her whatsoever. He needs to write his mother and check on her anyhow, considering their house guests.
He's just had to be more clever about sending letters out of Hogwarts so that Umbridge doesn't read them, and just in case he does write them in code.
"Now, let's move on to more pleasant business," Umbridge states, lightly straightening a picture of a mewing kitten on her desk. She preens for a moment before turning her gleaming eyes on the students gathered before her desk. "Who wants to lead the others when we storm their hideout, hmm? Who thinks they're most worthy?"
Draco visibly rolls his eyes as Pansy,Crabbe, and Goyle all immediately announce they would love too. She just asked that question as if she was asking who wants the next pin of ice cream.
How insulting.
Of course Draco is going to do it, he's a natural born leader after all. Crabbe and Goyle are followers, they're not smart enough to lead anything unless it's themselves to the Great Hall for dinner. Pansy is just manipulative but she'd rather be treated like a princess then do any hard work, she just wants the power and recognition.
So of course Draco is the natural leader, the natural choice.
"I'll do it," Draco sighs dramatically, as if it pains him to speak. Everyone frowns as they look at him, but Umbridge looks pleased that he volunteered.
"Wonderful," she replies, clasping her hands on her desk, smirking. "Let's find out where this silly army is and destroy everything."
Draco really needs to get you out of there.
"Are you not worried about what your career is going to be?" You ask, distracted by the numerous pamphlets. You have no idea what you want to do with your future, you know your marks are fantastic, but...
"You're great at everything, you have nothing to worry about." Fred replies where he sits beside you, not at all looking bothered. You'd found him in the courtyard, by himself for once, which is odd considering George is always at his side. He's older, so he's already gone through the Career Advice, but it makes you nervous! You're meeting is with Snape, and you don't know what you want to do!
"But what about my career?" You sigh, holding four different pamphlets in hand. "I mean, Harry knows he wants to be an auror, that's what he said to McGonagall! What did you say to her?" You glance up at him anxiously. "What was your career choice?"
"Well, me and George said we was going to open up a joke shop, so that was going to be our 'career.'  McGonagall agreed."
"She agreed?" You snort, doubting that completely. That stern woman doesn't look like she would agree much with what the twins say, but you don't really know her. Snape is okay, but he makes you uncomfortable with his constant glaring and disdain; your father says he was always like that, even as a child. They all went to school together.
"She has a soft spot for us, I think." Fred chuckles, tugging one little booklet out of your nervous fingers. "You could be an auror too, you know. Or part of the ministry."
"The ministry is literally up in flames right now, they're not very stable." You dismiss that immediately.
"Do I look nurturing?" You snort, waving that away; you don't like blood anyway.
"My older brother works at Gringotts as a curse-breaker," Fred suggests helpfully after a moment. "You could do something like that. Goblins aren't very chatty, so I'm not sure how great the water cooler talk is."
"Which one?" You look up in surprise; you didn't know anyone in his family worked there.
"Bill, he's my oldest brother."
Oh nice.
"Well, my other brother, Charlie, he works with dragons." Fred sounds like he's reluctantly impressed. "Rounding them up and taking care of them and all that."
"I don't know if I could handle a dragon," they're much too big and nothing at all like cats! You run your fingers through your hair, tucking away the loose strands. "It must be nice to have so many siblings."
"My mum had seven of us, can you imagine? I don't think she remembers all of our names," he jokes, nudging you. "Must be pretty peaceful being an only child."
"I suppose. My parents raised me around all the other wizarding families, so it wasn't too lonely." you shrug your shoulders.
It's almost easy for Fred to forget you were raised around the pure bloods, around Draco, for most of your life.
"What about a writer? You love reading books."
"A writer?" you frown. "I feel like all the subjects have probably already been covered, though. I wouldn't have anything new to put out there."
"Make a new one, write some fiction." Fred takes your hand, squeezing. "You're talented. You're brilliant, you know, and pretty," you flush, "you know your business. You can choose whatever career you want."
He thinks you're pretty?
Everyone always tells you how smart you are, but you know that. You keep your grades exemplary, and you'd be at the top if it wasn't for Hermione --- you don't know how she always does better than you!
You know your face is hot, your cheeks are burning, but Fred looks pleased with himself. Maybe he should compliment you more often!
"You think much too highly of me," you dismiss, embarrassed.  
"No, I don't think so," Fred grins, and he leans forward to kiss your hair. "And don't worry, you'll find something that's good for you. Don't let Snape bully you."
"Snape is fine," he's never been mean to you or anything, and you like the sass he gives Umbridge, him and McGonagall both. He might be the head of your house, but you're pretty sure you're just another student to him; you hope your parents weren't mean to him, not like you've heard Harry's might have been.
They're infamous, after all.
It makes you feel bad for Snape at times, really.
"I gotta go," Fred sighs as he stands, rolling his shoulders. He doesn't want too, he was enjoying some time with just you, but --- well, Harry needs him and George, and the brothers are going to thoroughly enjoy pranking Umbridge. They need to, of course, discuss and iron out the details of the plan, but that won't take long; Hermione is a genius, although she's totally against it. "But I'll see you for dinner, yeah?"
"Of course." You get to your feet, tossing your pamphlets onto your books; you'll worry about them later when your meeting is closer, at least it gets you out of Umbridge's class for a while. "Don't do anything diabolical."
"Me and George? Nah." Fred chuckles, and you roll your eyes. "Everyone seems to think we're deviants."
"Probably because you hang around Peeves so much," you mention the ghost who's always doing something, and with who the brothers seem to really like. "You're a bad influence on him."
"Ya wound me, truly." Fred shakes his head, ginger hair brushing his eyes. He doesn't think about it as he leans down, giving you a swift kiss he knows will probably get you both in trouble should Umbridge ever see, but he can't help himself; he really likes you, you're one of his favorite people, and man you rival Hermione when it comes to spells.
He's seen the expert way you move your wand, how so easily you catch on to the rather advanced spells Hermione wants to use sometimes. Even she begrudgingly has to admit you're on the same level, you're brilliant; Fred doesn't think he's ever been so smitten with anyone before, at least not so wholeheartedly.
You can't do anything wrong in his eyes, but he knows you have a weakness for Draco.
He's not blind.
He knows Draco is in love with you, that's clear to anyone with eyes who's in the same room as the two of you; the Slytherin moons after you. You don't seem to notice, you've never looked at Draco like you're interested back, which is the only reason Fred doesn't worry. He trusts you, he figures it's just because the two of you grew up together and your families are so close.
At least yours isn't a Death Eater, your father is a renowned inventor who works closely with the Ministry, but isn't necessarily one of them.
You watch as Fred leaves, frowning after him. Why do you have the feeling he's up to something?
The Weasleys are up to something, Draco just knows it. He eyeballs the twins across the Great Hall where they sit at their table across from Harry and his followers, their heads all bent together as they talk.
What are they planning?
What are they up too? Are they talking about their secret hiding place? Are they talking about their next move?
He's dying to know.
His eyes flick to you where you sit down the table from him, your chin propped on your hand as you read a book. You've not really eaten much tonight, are you not feeling well? You seem fairly focused on whatever it is you're reading, and he noticed you're using a career pamphlet as a bookmark. Have you been studying those?
Draco doesn't know what career he wants either, but he's wealthy, he doesn't really need one. His money is old and plentiful, so he's not worried about his future. You shouldn't either, you're in the same category as him, so why are you frowning so hard?
What's bothering you?
"What do you think they're talking about?" Pansy asks softly, sitting to Draco's right. She's leaning forward a little over the table, dark hair framing her face. Her gossiping friends are sitting around her, as well as a few other members of the Inquisitorial Squad; Draco and Pansy are both prefects as well, so unfortunately they're spending a lot of time together.
Draco can only tolerate her in increments, and before he used to think they were at least decent friends.
Funny how times change.
"Maybe what they're doing for the summer?" someone down the table shrugs, earning a roll of eyes.
"Don't be ridiculous," Pansy scoffs, her eyes focusing. "I know they're up to something, look at them conspiring. We're going to bust them, I know it."
Draco doesn't say anything, just keeps eating his dinner, listening. Pansy is intent she's going to get in good with Umbridge, gain some status, and he's going to use her ambition for his own. She'll no doubt find out the location of their meetings and how to crash them, and as soon as she finds out, he's going to make sure you're not there --- no one can ruin your name, and he just can't let Umbridge get ahold of you.
He slowly sips his drink.
He doesn't know why he still wants to protect you after you constantly reject him, make him feel terrible, and just overall say he's a horrible person. He's still sore over your last argument, which he feels was completely unnecessary since he was in the right. He was keeping you from detention, a little gratitude goes a long way!
His eyes flick down the table to where you're sitting, ignoring the world. You're absently twisting the end of your braid between your fingers, which lets him know you're pretty deep in thought. What are you thinking about? How involved with the D.A. are you really?
He doesn't want you in trouble.
He gets the reason behind it, Umbridge doesn't teach anything at all during class, but that's beside the point.
"Oh, will you stop staring at (Y/N) like a love sick puppy!?"
Draco turns in surprise, staring at Pansy as she scowls at him.
"Stop staring at her! She obviously likes Gryffindors, she's dating one of those mudblood lovers, isn't she? One of those twins? I saw them yesterday in the courtyard snogging." Pansy rolls her eyes, moving her hair out of her eyes. "If Umbridge saw they'd have days of detention."
Draco's face sours.
He didn't need to know that.
He prefers not to think of it.
"You know, I bet she would know about the whereabouts, or whatever they're planning," Pansy continues, as if a light bulb has gone off atop her head. Her eyes widen, and it's quite an unsettling smile on her face. "They probably trust her, don't you think?"
"Trust a Slytherin? They wouldn't dare," Millicent Bulstrode says, sitting across from Pansy, black hair loose around her face. Draco has never liked the half-blood witch, she's rather violent, and there's no class about her in his eyes. "They'd be fools."
"Gryffindors are fools, Millicent. They're brave but they're stupid."
Well, how rude, yet Draco agrees.
"I don't think (Y/N) is going to have much information," Draco says after a moment, shrugging his shoulders. "Being a Slytherin, they're not going to tell her anything."
"Or that's what they want us to think, and she does know something!" Pansy retorts, peeved. "You always defend her."
"She's one of us."
"She doesn't act like it."
Draco huffs, straightening slightly as he turns his silver gaze on her in a withering stare. She doesn't immediately cower, but after a moment she looks away, frowning. He doesn't want to argue with her, he's not in the mood; he has too much to think about.
"Houses are supposed to stick together, especially the pure bloods," he says after a moment, his eyes flicking across the table where his... his "friends" sit. "We're of very few pure bloodlines these days, and those of us of status need to be reminded of who our allies are."
"Shouldn't that be a speech she hears?" Pansy snaps, insulted.
"I think it's a speech we all should hear," he retorts, annoyed. "There's only twenty-six families left of pure blood, and we're the future of them. We can't alienate other members simply because we don't like them."
"You're just saying that because you like her so much," Millicent says after a moment, almost in a challenging tone; she feels braver with Pansy across from her. "You want her to be the one that continues your stupid family name."
Draco rolls his eyes. "Well at least I know she would be worthy of it, she's brilliant. Unlike some of us here."
Draco sips his drink.
Not to insult anyone's intelligence, but some are not doing so well in their classes.
At least no one else dares to challenge his words.
"Hey, (Y/N)."
Draco frowns, miffed. "Excuse me?"
"I don't want to talk to you," you say over your shoulder, not breaking your pace as you leave your last class of the day. Draco is right behind you, he obviously wants a conversation and the last one you had was a fight.
"Well, I need to talk to you," he replies, easily catching pace with his long legs. You cut your eyes at him, frowning; his blonde hair looks messy, like he's been running his fingers through it, and he has a determined glint in his eyes that lets you know you're not going to have a choice but talk to him.
"What about?" You frown, holding your books to your chest a little tighter, gait slowing as you reach the stairs. Everyone is filing past you, and honestly you don't even like being seen with Draco under the circumstances; anyone who would side with Umbridge doesn't currently have good status, plus they're jerks.
"Come with me," he glances around, not liking the crowd or for anyone to overhear. What he has to say is important, and would probably get him on Umbridge's bad side, not that it would matter, she still couldn't bother him. His family is too important.
"Where?" you sound wary, you don't want to go anywhere with him. You find it incredibly suspicious.
"(Y/N)." He's quite serious, and you sigh, giving in.
"Fine, lead the way." You huff, your eyes flicking around; Fred wanted to meet you later, you hope this doesn't make you late.
You follow Draco reluctantly, the two of you heading in the opposite direction of the dorms. You frown as he steps down a very deserted hallway, the paintings all turning to look down at you curiously from their frames. You ignore them, but they're all such gossips you're glad when he keeps walking.
"Where are we going?" You ask, frowning. "The middle of nowhere?"
"I don't want anyone overhearing is all, too many ears," he gestures lightly, and you know he's talking about the paintings. You raise your brows, finally coming to a section where it's all statues and suits of armor, no prying eyes.
He's not going to try and kiss you, is he?
"Draco, what is it?" You ask in exasperation, annoyed. "I have something to do, and you're going to make me late."
"You know, I'm trying to be nice and help you out," he's annoyed you're being so rude. "Out of the kindness of my heart."
"You can't have a heart and work for Umbridge." you retort, irked. "She's a monster."
"Most people in the world are." he turns, cutting his eyes in either direction before turning his serious gaze back on you. "But she's why I'm here, and it's for your own good, so it would do you well to listen."
"What do you mean?" You shift your books against your black robe, frowning.
"Umbridge knows just about all the members part of the D.A., and she's going to get them all." Draco almost feels like a traitor for spilling the beans, and he knows it's also hurting his chances of putting Harry Potter in the fire, but... well, your well-being is more important. "First one of them spills the beans, and she'll come crashing down on all their heads, the Weasleys included."
You tense, staring up at him. "Why are you telling me this?"
Your heart beats a little faster with worry, your mind flicking to the Room of Requirement --- oh no. Has someone told? Did someone snitch on the group? Technically you're just learning spells and how to defend yourself, that shouldn't be a punishable crime! It's not fair at all!
"Because you're always with them now, and if Umbridge thinks you know anything about their group ---."
"I'm a Slytherin, Draco, she won't do anything." You dismiss; you're not worried about yourself, but everyone else? They're going to be in danger and she won't take it easy on them! You should warn them, shouldn't you? Oh but if you say something they'll ask who from, and if you say Draco ---.
"You don't know that." Draco doesn't know if the House will matter since you align yourself with the Gryffindors. "if you're caught with them ---."
"Draco, don't be ridiculous. They're not even doing anything to get caught at," you reply, trying to play it off. "This is not ---."
"You know you're a terrible liar, don't you?" Draco can read you easily, you always avert your eyes when you lie. It could also be due to the fact he knows you so well, he's grown up with you, spent years with you, kissed you ---. "I know you too well."
"You don't know me at all," you scowl at him, shifting your books nervously.
"I know you well, you know that. We've spent too much time together ---."
"Not that much time ---."
"We just spent the entire summer together!"
"Not the entire summer," you disagree, knowing you're being difficult. You appreciate him warning you, it must mean that he cares something about you, right? He must understand that you're immediately going to tell the others, warn them that she's onto them, which you suppose they already know.
But she must be getting close if he's concerned.
"(Y/N)," Draco sounds frustrated. "I'm trying to help."
"I know, I know, thank you," you say, rather sincerely. It's out of character for him to be so nice but you are thankful he's at least making the gesture despite his jerkish nature this year. You need to go tell the others now though, before it's too late! You need to find Fred!
He said he wanted to meet you today, so it's the perfect time to tell him!
"You're --- what?" You gasp, taken back. You stare at Fred where the two of you stand on the staircase, startled. You'd been so excited to see him, you'd planned on telling him about Draco visiting you, and he just hits you with this!
"We're creating a distraction for Harry, George and me." Fred says, as if it's the most natural thing to do in the world. "And then we're leaving."
"But --- but where are you going?" You demand, flabbergasted. Leaving? He can't leave! You know he's seventeen, he's technically of age to do whatever he wants, but he's --- he can't leave! Umbridge is vile and still around, and he's just going to leave you here, without him, with her?
"Me and George are going to open our joke shop, in Diagon Alley. We've already got a place picked out and everything, we don't need to be here," he gestures vaguely in the air, his voice excited. "We're going to make plenty of galleons with our merchandise."
"Your pranks and your jokes, all those toys."
"Yes." Fred says proudly. "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!"
He moves his arm in an arc as if displaying the name in the air. He looks so pleased with himself, and you want to be happy for him, but --- you're disappointed. You don't want him to go, won't that end your relationship?
"I'm happy for you, I know that's what you've always wanted," you say, although you're afraid your voice doesn't sound sincere. "I mean, you and George are wonderful pranksters."
"Yeah," he shifts slightly, soft eyes looking down at you. "We're not staying here another night."
"Okay." You don't really know what to say, that's --- he's just leaving.
"(Y/N)," Fred suddenly grasps your hands, and you find his very warm as they encompass yours. "You can come with me, you know. We can go together."
"You want me to go with you?" You say, incredulous. He can't really expect you'll go, can he? You can't just skip out on school, plus you're not even seventeen! Your parents would hunt you down and drag you back screaming, especially if they thought you were abandoning your education for a boy!
"Yes." His grip tightens, and for the first time he seems serious, his eyes finding yours. "Come with me, (Y/N). We'd have so much fun, and you can't want to stay in this place."
"Well, No, I --- I don't want to stay here, but I can't just leave." You hesitate, and after a moment you take your hands from his. "You don't even have that long left, Fred! You shouldn't leave so close to being able to graduate ---."
"Ah, school was never for me and George. This could be a new adventure for us! We'd have a blast! Our future isn't here in this old castle."
"But you're so close to graduation, Fred!" And he's giving all of that up for Harry? To do what exactly? You can't believe he's just giving up his education! What about his future? What about if his joke shop doesn't work out? It's not practical!
"(Y/N)," Fred looks disappointed; he didn't really expect you to go with him, but he thought you might be a little more supportive. "School just isn't the place for us, you know that. We're leaving tonight, I just wanted to let you know."
You sigh, brushing your hair out of your face. You suppose that means the two of you are breaking up then, considering you can't have a relationship with someone you never see, or will get to have contact with under these circumstances.
Your first breakup, great.
"I'll just... miss you." You admit, your cheeks warming with the confession. You don't want to see him go, he's been someone you can rely on and talk to, he makes you laugh, he even slightly brought you into his group of friends --- you love the D.A., you love learning the magic, the pairing up, Hermione is actually as brilliant as she seems. You know you're not friends with any of them, they were slightly distrustful in the beginning, but it's a nice start. "It won't be the same here without you."
"Ah, I could always leave George," Fred chuckles, relaxing slightly. He cups your shoulders, grinning down at you. "And you can always come see me on holidays and breaks. We already have plans for our shops, it'll be great. You'll get the friends and family discount."
"Well, how very generous of you." You force a smile up at him, but it's not as sincere as you want it to be. "Just be careful, okay? Umbridge is awful."
"We know how to handle her," Fred isn't worried. "We have this under control. Will you come see me over summer?"
"Of course I will. I'll make a special trip to Diagon Alley," you assure him, reaching up to squeeze his hand. "You'll have to pick out some of your inventions for me, some that I'd like."
"I'll have a whole basket." he says, nodding. His eyes flick down the hallway, he knows he's running out of time, but every moment with you is precious to him. He's going to miss you too; he appreciates your practicality, your cynicism, but also your kindness and other than Umbridge, you never say much bad about anyone. You shouldn't be a Slytherin, that's not your House, not where your loyalty lies.
You're too smart, too brave, like Hermione. You have such a bright future, you can do anything you want, like he told you before. He hates he has to leave, he wants to keep dating you, but he can't stay at Hogwarts anymore, it isn't for him; his future awaits.
Maybe one day you'll be in his future again.
"I have to go," he says, and before you can respond he's leaning down, giving you a swift, firm kiss that you somehow know will be the last one you ever get. You treasure those few moments before he lets go, before he's telling you goodbye and walking down the hallway.
Why do you have such a bad feeling about this?
Why do you feel like you'll never see him again?
Draco is peeved.
He told you to stay away from Potter and all of his like, and now look at you! You're sitting in Umbridge's office, in trouble for something you've not even done! You look annoyed as well, sitting on the edge of the uncomfortable chair in front of the toad-like woman's desk.
The Weasleys made a serious mess of things the other day, fireworks and wild broom rides through the castle, how distasteful! They made quite a show before they left school grounds, Draco's father would disown him for behaving in such a way! But the Weasleys have so many children, disowning two of them would probably free up some space in that closet they live in.
"Well, Ms. (Y/L/N), I do hate we have to meet under such unfortunate circumstances." Umbridge sighs lightly from across her desk, your eyes narrowing; you're not intimidated by her, you're not going to cower either, and if she tries any sort of punishment, you'll have her head! You refuse to play her games. "I understand you were dating one of the twins who caused such a ruckus on school grounds the other day, interrupting classes and causing such a fuss."
"We're not dating anymore," you say after a moment, smoothing out the wrinkles in your black robes, the green Slytherin symbol bright on your chest. Draco's eyes flick to you where he stands at the back of the room, Pansy smirking at his side; she's the one who mentioned to Umbridge you should be spoken with, considering your disgraceful alliance with Potter. Crabbe and Goyle are hulking on the other side of the door, making sure the meeting isn't disturbed.
You really don't like her office. You don't understand the need for everything to be pink, from the carpet she's thrown down on the cold stone floor to the flowery curtains on the windows. There's little plates with playful kittens decorating the walls, all of them staring at you, it feels like, as judgemental as she is. The fire is crackling in the fireplace, and you know it's the only one the Ministry isn't heavily watching, the rest of the school is definitely under watch.
You decide you hate this room.
"Oh? Well, that's probably for the best. He doesn't seem like he was a good influence for you, Ms. (Y/L/N)." Umbridge curls her thick fingers together, leveling her gaze at you, but you don't squirm, you just stare back. "He seemed quite the troublemaker, a prankster. We don't take well to his kind at this school."
"Why am I here?" You ask bluntly, not in the mood. You're mad at Fred for different reasons right now and you don't have time for Umbridge. You're upset he left, that the two of you broke up, that he's giving up his education for some wild dive in entrepreneurship that might not even be successful! What if it's a wasted venture!? He needs to think more about his future!  
"It has been brought to my attention that Fred Weasley was involved in an unapproved organization, having meetings and performing magic that I did not sanction," Umbridge says, shifting slightly in her chair. "Would you know anything about this, dear?"
"No." Nope, nothing at all, not you. You have no idea what she's talking about. "Fred wouldn't get involved in something like that."
"Oh, but I believe he did," Umbridge gives you a sickly sweet smile. "I just want to see if you might have heard something, or he might have said something to you, that could be useful to us. After all, you're a Slytherin."
What does your House have to do with anything?
"Your fellow Slytherins are part of my Inquisitorial Squad, very trusted students. I hold them to the very highest of standards, and all of them I know are doing very well," Umbridge glances behind you. "I would love to add you to the Squad, of course, considering your cooperation."
Draco almost cringes; Umbridge is not doing well with you, he can tell by the stiff set of your shoulders. You don't like her, she could be offering you a job at the ministry right now and you'd still tell her to go jump off a broom.  You're already shaking your head.
"I have no interest in your squad of bullies." You reply almost waspishly, Umbridge's brows rising. "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, what group of students would be doing magic. You've already banned study sessions, so it's not like a large amount of us could get together without notice. If such a thing was happening, I'm sure with your connections and the rapport you've built with the students at Hogwarts, no one would have any issue coming to tell you if they saw someone breaking the rules."
Well, you only insulted her openly once with the bully comment, but you certainly sugar-coated the rest of them. Draco is actually impressed, so you do have a mean bone in your body, and it's not just directed at him! Finally someone else can get a lashing.
"Well," Umbridge's smile grows, but that's not a good sign. "I can see you're certainly your mothers daughter."
Oh? What's that supposed to mean?
You frown at her, straightening. You're tempted to stand up and walk out, she's not going to get anything out of you, not without a truth potion. She wouldn't dare go that far, but you won't put anything past her either. At least the school year is close to over and you can get out of this place. It's been nothing but awful this year.
"Well, Miss (Y/L/N), where were you the other day, when the Weasleys were planning their big plan? Do you have anyone who can vouch for your whereabouts?"
You blink at her a moment, taken back. Is she trying to involve you in their scheme? Does she want to punish you for something they did, especially when you haven't ---?
"Excuse me?"
"I'm just curious. We do want to make sure that if anyone knew about the Weasleys plan, and did not report it, they are given the appropriate punishment."
You were with Fred before he made such a commotion, and you did know about the plan. You don't have anyone who can vouch for where you were, and even if you did not a lot would, you're not friends with them, or Umbridge would bully them into saying otherwise. So you don't have an excuse, or anyway to defend yourself.
Umbridge look pleased when you don't respond, and she starts to speak, to explain exactly how much you're going to be in trouble for their crime; she doesn't like you, she knows your parents due to your fathers constant visits to the Ministry and your mothers high social status, and you've certainly your mothers snotty attitude and none of your fathers genius. However, when you have money, brilliance and etiquette doesn't seem to matter, as in your case. You're rude, insolent, and you look at her as if you're going to run through her!
Not polite at all.
"She was with me." Draco blurts suddenly, stepping forward from the back of the room. You swivel to look at him over your shoulder in surprise, Umbridge even blinking. He stops beside your chair, where you're both facing the toadlike witch, and it's not just you by yourself. "I can vouch for her, Professor."
"You can?" Umbridge frowns, leaning back in her chair. That's not what she wants to hear.
"Yes. (Y/N) and I were together before the incident." Draco says confidently, a smirk appearing on his lips. You tense as you look up at him, wondering what awful words are about to come out his mouth. "She and the Weasley have been not been together for a few days, actually."
"Oh?" Umbridge almost frowns. "So you're saying she was with you before and during the incident?"
"Well, before certainly, during we were all in class." Draco says innocently, his hand coming to rest on the back of the chair beside you. "We were talking, in the hallways. I'm sure some of the paintings can substantiate that, they saw us."
"And the two of you were... talking?" Umbridge gestures back and forth, raising her brows. You feel sick, you really do, you can't believe this. Draco is insinuating that you just, that you just went from Fred right to him!? Like Fred didnt matter whatsoever to you? That would never be the case!
You would never choose Draco!
"Of course. We were discussing our studies, the careers we want to choose." Draco shrugs nonchalantly. "She wouldn't have been discussing anything with the Weasley, she's not had anything to do with him. She's moved on."
You're going to punch him. You don't say a word, your fingers curling tightly in your lap until your knuckles turn white. You're so, so angry at him, how could he say something like that! You were still dating Fred, actually, and you were loyal to him!
Well, no, actually, you...
No, you're not going to think about those moments with Draco, those few kisses that don't mean anything or matter in the long run. He doesn't care about you, he's never made you laugh or smile like Fred, all he cares about is his money and docking points off muggle born witches in other Houses!
You just don't want him to make it sound like Fred wasn't important, like he could just be discarded so easily. That's certainly not the case!
"Well, I'm certainly not going to question that choosing someone of her own House isn't much better," Umbridge states, liking your discomfort. "Houses should stay together, after all, as it's always been. Well, Miss (Y/L/N), Mr. Malfoy states that you had nothing to do with the Weasley conundrum, is that correct?"
"Yes." You say between your teeth, your jaw wanting to clench. You know you should be happy that Draco is giving an excuse that covers you, but still!
You're just ---.
"Very well then, all of you are dismissed." Umbridge says, shaking her head. "Please report to me if you gain any knowledge on this unfortunate event."
There's a chorus of "yes, Professor," before everyone is shuffling, heading for the door. You rise slowly, sending Draco a furious look as you pass him, one that makes his stomach drop. He's tried all year to keep you out of Umbridge's clutches, he's lied many times, sweet-talked, belittled even in Pansy's case, to ensure you have a safe year, and yet you're still mad at him! Sure, his methods may not have been exactly ethical, but that shouldn't matter!
Why are you always so mad at him?
What a disaster of a year.
Tags: @ariminiria     @xaohroa       @raven666hale.  @thebrookerose.  @imthedrappleapple.  @scarlet-witch-baby     @a-mnda    @itsspecial-itsnotforeveryone     
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cakegatedisaster · 2 years
I love relationships where just ONE of them's an idiot. Number one got their shit together, has a retirement fund, is dealing with their trauma, and has accepted any feelings towards the other person, as opposed to number 2, whose life is just. The biggest pile of shit ever. They hate therapy, deny any and all emotions, and their existence is essentially just a lot of screaming. Now let them meet and fall in love and watch Number 1's hope of a peaceful existence ~flutter away~
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pauleonotis · 3 years
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»Bite me too.«
Commissions are open | My Ko-fi <3
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itstonyowo · 4 years
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2012 feelin
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deadghosy · 3 months
“Ima kill myself.”
How the Slytherin boys react to you saying this as a joke
Warning: Deadly class reference, modern day humor
Ft. Tom Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire.
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Tom Riddle
“Please do.”
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” You yelled shocked at what the riddle next to you said as he was on Facebook.
“You heard me.”
Mattheo Riddle
“I tried to once!”
“You need therapy Matty…”
“I know…”
Draco Malfoy
He looks at you concerned. that was before he got the joke.
“I would want to kill myself too every time I look at Gryffindors.” He says smiling
“What?” “Nothing.”
Theodore Nott
He just nods as he starts to flash his camera flash in your face.
“Are you dying yet?”
“What!? No! Stop flashing that shit in my eyes!!”
Lorenzo Berkshire
“Please DONT.”
He’s frowning as he hugs you.
“Do you need someone to talk to?”
“Dude I’m fine-”
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In honour of pride month I would like to present an incomplete list of characters played by Lauren Lopez ranked by how much I want them to step on my throat (obviously excluding Craphole and Draco Malfoy because they’re children and I am, among other things, not a nonce):
11. Commissioner Gordon - Ima be real with you I don’t want him to choke me out even slightly
10. Abu (Aladdin’s monkey) - Yeh I’m gonna give this one a pass too if it’s all the same to you
9. Soldier #1 from Twisted - m o u s t a c h e
8. Bugette - Tear off my head and let your larva devour my body
7. Emma Perkins - Kick my head
6. Cynthia Houston - Fucking spy on me
5. Robot Emma Perkins - Your kind is frail and weak and I want to destroy you all
4. Tanya Freemont - I may be a girl, but I can be your boy toy
3. Taz - Wrap me up in a tortilla and eat me, maybe with some pico de gallo
2. Zazzalil - Set my fucking head on fire
1. Linda Monroe - Destroy everything, especially my throat
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 4 years
Draco x Reader- Soulmate A.U.
A/N: I did kinda tweak the request a bit, Hope you enjoyyy it though. @excuse-me-ima-princess
A.U.- You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate, when you look into your soulmates eyes it’s the first drop of color you see before the world gradually comes into color afterwards.
“ Mummy, when will I be able to see colors like you and Papa?”
“ I’ll tell you before you hop on the train sweetheart. But for now, just take my hand and walk with me to get your Hogwarts supplies okay.”
“ Oh, hey Y/n do you mind passing the ink?”
“ Nope, here is your ink Neville!”
Y/n L/n, a Hufflepuff with a mediocre family who liked to help tutor kids, had been helping Neville Longbottom study for his upcoming Transfiguration test in the school’s library.
It had been four years since she’d stepped foot on the grounds of Hogwarts and she still hadn’t a clue as to who her soulmate was.
I mean, yes, she could see in color. But she hadn’t a clue as to why. Her mother never told the girl what sparks the color you see. All the girl remembered was grabbing the hand of Draco Malfoy as he helped her out of a boat in first year and she saw color in his eyes. That was the first splotche of color she’d seen and she didn’t know why exactly it occurred then.
However, afterwards she never saw of him again. Other than in Potions class a few times, in the Great Hall and on the train to Hogwarts earlier that year. At that time she’d been looking for a spot on the train when Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter shoved past her making her fall to the ground and into a compartment door where she passed out with a mild concussion, only to wake up sometime later, head in Draco’s lap while he talked to his friends in their compartment.
She checked for signs that he’d done anything to her but only found that he’d wrapped a think layer of bandage around her head and placed his jacket around her. Her belongings were stowed on one of the shelves there as well and she ended up in their compartment for the rest of the ride. Chatting with Draco, sharing sweets with Goyle and Crabbella while getting glared at my Pansy and welcomed by Blaise. She’d always thought Draco to be a bit mean and cold on the outside but after that encounter her perspective on him changed.
Yes, she still thought he went a bit too far with his taunts and teases but she finally saw the boy in a new light. And they became friends.
“ Y/n? What should I write next?”
“ Oh, sorry Neville, I was thinking. Can you repeat the question again?”
“ Y/n, did you eat lunch yet? Harry wanted to know if you could help him with something.”
The girl grimaced and shook her head.
“ I ate lunch already but I’m not going mete Harry anymore. Him and his friends gave me a bloody concussion on the train here Neville.”
The shy Gryffindor who’d come to open up around Y/n frowned and shook his head. “ No, Harry and Hermione and Ron wouldn’t do that Y/n, you must’ve gotten something wrong.”
“ No Longbottom, you’ve got your brain a bit smudged in a few places concerning Potter, The Mudblood and Weasel to think they wouldn’t do that because they did. I watched them shove her into the train corridor and continue walking like it had been nothing. Now if you don’t mind will you scurry off or something so I can sit with Y/n in peace please, it took me forever to shake off Pansy let alone you.”
Draco came along and sneered at Neville as he pulled out a chair next to Y/n at the small back table where her and Neville had been studying in the library. Y/n turned and grinned happily at Draco. He’d been much kinder to Neville then. Draco help out his arms for a hug and he smiled lightly at the girl as she moved into his lap, hugging him tightly. The boy could just hear her voice come out to him from where her head was pressed against his neck.
“ thankyou.”
“ For what?”
The boy went to rest his chin against her head as she nuzzled her nose into his collarbone.
“ For being nice to Neville and being nice to me and being my friend...”
“ Actually Y/n, I came here to tell you something.”
The girl pulled back and looked Draco in the eyes with worry.
“ I have something to tell you too Draco.”
“ How ‘bout we say it both at once?”
She nodded and sat back in her original chair.
“ On one,”
“ Three,”
“ Two,”
“ I think I’m in love with you-
“ You’re my soulmate-
“ Wait what?”
Draco pulled back to stare at the flushed Hufflepuff sitting before him and his heart swelled with admiration for the girl.
“ Well I guess that works out splendidly, we both love each other and we’re soulmates too.”
“ Wait Draco, how do you know we’re soulmates?”
The boy leaned back quizzically.
“ When you look into your soulmates eyes, it’s the first dab of color you see. Did you never learn?”
He watched as the girls face stilled in thought before it broke out into a grin and she leapt up into his awaiting arms again, pulling him into a kiss which he thankfully returned full passion.
“ I love you...”
Draco sneakily wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist as she stood back up from bidding their son goodbye.
The two watched as Scorpius ran off to the train and they waved goodbye as he stuck his head out the compartments window to see them.
Y/n placed her hand up on Draco’s chest as he kissed her and when they broke apart they came to see Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Ron bidding their children farewell. He nodded his head up at them, a smile to his face and they smiled back as Draco and his wife just sat there in peace, watching their son ride away with the train to the school where they first met.
As always, requests are open! Drink some water, eat some food, take screen breaks when needed. And keep in mind you are loved!
^ - ^
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bi-moonlight · 4 years
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
tagged by @self-esteem-tower-of-terror , thanks for tagging)))
1. Supernatural - oh well let's say Charlie Bradbury 'cause she's er well she's her! her name, her personality, the stuff she's into it's all pretty relative
2. Doctor Who- hmmmm i'll say captain Jack, i mean c'mon he's queer and funny, a great friend of Doctor's and a charismatic character , what's there not to love!
oooh or Rory Williams/Pond as the most relative character in the show
3. Sherlock - hhh Watson? cause he's a doctor, a great friend and idk a pretty likeable character
4. The boys - oo ima choose Frenchie 'cause he charmed me from the start, his story is interesting, he's a loyal friend and i just like him
5. Eastenders - omg whom to choose, i'll say Ben Mitchell cause he's half the reason i started watching the show and 'cause then i grew to like the character
6. Harry Potter - oh my ima say Draco Malfoy in fanfiction and Loona Lovegood in the books
7. Umbrella Academy - Klaus!! and Diego!! my faves, i just love them, that's it
8. Shameless - hhh idek Mickey? i liked Fiona but not the storylines of hers, rn i like V, but Mickey has always been my favourite , knowing there's not much of him in a few seasons i skipped them lmao
- it says characters therefore i'm not including rpf fandoms, even tho my 2 main fandoms rn are rpf and so i'm struggling to think of two more fandoms hhh
9. Schitt's Creek- Patrick for sure! and David's fashion sense lol
10. Spider man - i just finished watching the '94 cartoon series and i liked aunt May, what a lovely woman
kidding! i remembered-SKAM - no surprise but my fave is Noora.And Evan. i won't even explain why lol
that's it!! thank again for tagging me, it was interesting to think of it all and to remember ten fandoms heh
@jorzuela @makeupisfuckinggreatforaguy @graciemarie95 @capitallester @minyardjay @just-a-soldier-of-life @genderqueer-bastard @matteohnora @bensdove @wrong-lover-girl
do it if u r interested and if u feel like it))🖤🦄
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Is it just me or is everyone sleeping on young Wu and Garmadon?
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He's baby.
And Garm is just--
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Look at them. They're beautiful and I just think they're kinda cute when they're young? Attractive too?? Idk maybe it's just me....
Definitely just me but you know how everyone falls for Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter? I think Garm would be the one everyone falls for if this weren't LEGO since he's the Bad BoyTM. You get what I mean??? And Wu would just be the super cute one who's a goody two shoes and an absolute angel but at the same time a firm guy who's not a pushover.
They're super hot, but ya'll aren't ready for that conversation yet.
I'd be willing to make xreaders with these two if you'd want 👉👈
[I'd do it of you guys want lol if not ima still do it]
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rons-hermiones · 3 years
Come Find Me
Come Find Me
by rons-hermiones
Summary: Unplanned, Hermione is forced to spend Christmas at the Burrow due to her grandmother falling very ill. After being ignored by Hermione for weeks, Ron is determined to show her how much she means to him. Just before he gets the chance to tell her, Bellatrix Lestrange shows up with other plans for Hermione. Can Ron get to her before it's too late? (Ron/Hermione Half-Blood Prince AU)
Rating: M for language & dark themes in later chapters.
Chapter Twenty Three
Ron scoured the train for a bit. Half looking for Malfoy, half avoiding going to sit back in the compartment. When he had nothing to do his thoughts became almost unbearable. 
However, he must’ve been moving at a very gradual pace, considering the train soon came to halt and he hadn’t even made it halfway through the cars. 
Sighing heavily, he began a descent against the crowd to gather his knapsack and trunk from where he had boarded. 
Thankfully, the car was empty when he reached it, saving him the task of explaining to Harry and his sister where he had been. 
Picking up his things he moved to place them in the ever growing pile of items for transport to the castle. 
As he placed his trunk down, he heard a noise. A sickeningly familiar one at that. One he had the pleasure of forgetting over break. 
Turning slightly, he saw Lavender giggling about something with Parvati. Panicking slightly, Ron stalked away to find a carriage. 
Harry’s mop of messy hair was visible in the crowd as he climbed into one. Moving quickly, Ron went to join him inside. 
“Oh there you are mate.” Harry said as his friend sat down. 
“Yeah, sorry, prefect business and all. Patrols.” He lied after seeing the look of concern on Ginny’s face. 
“All good.” His friend said with a nod, but eyeing Ron suspiciously. 
“What’s got you looking all flushed?” His sister piped up, unable to control herself. 
Weasley had half the heart to spill everything he was thinking about Malfoy, but knew he couldn’t for two reasons. One, Ginny didn’t know Harry suspected him as a Death Eater in the first place. Two, Ron wanted to take the Hermione approach of things. He needed solid evidence he had to do with this whole thing before jumping and only fueling Harry’s obsession further. 
“Uh, well, I saw Lavender.” He settled for. It was half true anyway. 
The pair cringed. 
“She didn’t see me though.” Ron added. 
“So, how are you gonna, you know, deal with that?” Harry asked uncomfortably. 
Ron shrugged. Lavender was certainly the least of his worries. As far as he was concerned things were over between them, they had been for a while. And as terrible as it sounds, he just doesn’t have the heart to explain that to her again. He was too dead set on other things. 
“I reckon I’ll avoid her. I did it before holiday. I told her things were over. There’s not much else I can do, I just hope she gets the hint.” 
Ginny scoffed, “not likely. She’s kind of obsessed with you.” 
The ginger rolled his eyes, “well, I’m kind of obsessed with other things at the moment. Too much so to entertain her obsession with me.” He said a little fed up with the topic. Though, some part of it felt nice to talk about something less than life or death situations. 
Suddenly feeling a little bad, Ginny nodded, “we should come up with some kind of word.” She said leaning forward. 
“For?” Harry asked, confused. 
She rolled her eyes dramatically, “you know, whenever Lavender’s coming of course! Something to warn Ron. No offense, but I think if you’re stuck in the same room with her you may lose your temper. It’s been a bit short as of late.” Ginny mumbled the last sentence. 
Ignoring the last part, he spoke, “alright what word?” Ron questioned. 
“How about ‘droobles’?” Harry suggested. 
Ginny shook her head, “no, knowing Ron that word probably comes up like once a day.” She said with a small laugh. 
Surprisingly, the pair of boys chuckled too. The first time in weeks. 
The youngest Weasley beamed at the sound, “okay, what about ‘squid’?” 
“Squid?” Ron asked. 
“Yeah, she’s all tentacles, latching onto you. Plus, squid and giant squid are two different words. You can manage to work squid into conversation.” Ginny justified.
“Alright then, squid.” Ron agreed. 
“Squid.” Harry added with a small smile. 
After that, they lapsed into silence. It was nice, if even for a few minutes, to have a conversation that removed his thoughts from Hermione, even if said conversation was about how to avoid Lavender. 
All of him does long for Hermione to be there. To see how serious he really is about being through with the blonde. 
Before his thoughts could wander further, the carriage comes to a stop as the three climb out. 
Harry and Ginny go left, but Ron goes right. 
“Oi Ron, this way.” Harry reminds. 
He shakes his head, “nah, gotta take the second years to the feast, then I’m gonna go up to the dorms. I got late patrols. I’m knackered.” He says, which isn’t a complete lie. He is pretty tired, but he also doesn’t think he can deal with the Gryffindor’s inevitable line of questioning to him and Harry about Hermione’s whereabouts. 
“Alright mate, I’ll bring you up some food.” Harry promises. 
Ron nods. For the first time since he can remember. He’s not very hungry for Hogwarts food. 
Escorting the second years only took about twenty minutes. Thankfully, they were less timid than first years, so they moved quicker. Also, he imagines they could sense Ron was in a testy mood and decided not to challenge him. 
After, he climbed the empty Gryffindor tower to his dorm and laid down for a kip.
Ron walked thoughtlessly through Hogwarts corridors. Hermione’s absence at times like these was more present then usual. Rounds were something always reserved for the two of them. No matter how awful it sounded, he looked forward to these times. Harry free. Just the two of them. 
As he turned down the Transfiguration hallway he caught sight of a head of blonde hair walking forward. 
“Malfoy!” Ron called. 
Surprisingly, the blonde turned to face him. 
“You’re not on rounds. You shouldn’t be out this late. May just have to give you detention. Maybe take away some points, eh?” Ron sneered, though he knew he couldn’t. After all, Malfoy was also a prefect. 
However, the blonde didn’t come up with some nasty retort about how Ron was poor or how he was a blood traitor. No, instead, he looked scared. 
“I was out looking for you.” 
“Me?” The redhead asked befuddled. 
Draco nodded slowly, “I need to talk to you. But not here.” 
With that, the Slytherin silently led him onward. Still suspicious, Ron’s hand was in his pocket, having his wand at the ready. 
Soon, they reached the astronomy tower as he deafly followed the git up the steps. 
“Brought me up here to push me off, have you?” Ron said, half serious as the wind ruffled his robes. 
Malfoy shook his head. Again, not coming up with any sort of taunts. It was almost worrying. 
“It’s about,” he stopped, eyes finally meeting his, “it’s about Granger.” 
Suddenly, his hand slackens in his pocket as he advances toward. 
“He-Hermione?” He squeaks. 
The blonde nods, “I know where she is.” 
All pretenses of the civilness they’d been fooling themselves with were lost. Ron shoved Draco backward, hitting the brick wall. 
“Tell me.” He grunted, hands fisting at his collar roughly. 
Draco opened his mouth to do just that until something caught the pair's attention. 
A laugh. 
“Oh! Gonna rat, were you Draco?” Bellatrix Lestrange’s voice sounded. 
Ron turned around to see the mad witch with her wand drawn. 
“No auntie, I-“ he cowered. 
“Nonsense. Just like your mother, weak! Never cut out for all this.” She spat. 
Ron exchanged a look between the pair. He was right all along? Harry was right? 
Draco’s eyes were screwed shut. 
“I’m not going to punish you Draco. As disappointed as I may be, you are family. It’s not my job to discipline you.” Ron wanted to know where that thought was when she killed Sirius, “no matter. I’m sure the Dark Lord will thank you, since you’ve brought me a lovely gift.” She smiled. 
Suddenly, her piercing gaze was on Ron. 
“She cries for you. Did you know?” The witch asks, walking closer to circle him. “Every night.” Bellatrix adds, like a knife to his heart. 
Not caring, he draws his wand and points right at her. “Take me to her.” He demands. 
“Oh!” She hoots excitedly at his action, “or I could take her to you.” The smile is back. 
“Greyback!” Bellatrix calls. 
Descending from the steps is Fenrir Greyback. In his arms is Hermione. Her entire body is slack and pale. Blood coats the expanse of her skin as he makes out horrific bruises and bites. 
“Hermione.” He moans making a move for her. 
Greyback drops her to the floor, Ron reaches for her. Like always, he’s too late, she hits the stone before Ron gets there. 
He throws himself to the ground, clutching at her body. His hands smear with blood as he reaches for a pulse. 
There isn’t one. 
Bellatrix begins cackling as Ron realizes she’s dead. 
“Hermione.” He cries. 
“Come on Mione. Don’t do this.” 
“Hermione.” He’s surely wailing. 
“Ron.” The voice isn’t hers. 
He doesn’t care, “Hermione. Please.” 
“Ron!” It’s louder. 
Her body begins to fade. “No! You can’t take her from me!” 
He jumps awake to find Dean standing over him, concern evident on his face. 
“Moaning about Granger again? Can’t say I missed that.” Seamus joked from the doorway. 
Ron wasn’t even in a state to berate him. Too busy slowing his breathing. 
Dean seemed to notice and shot the Irish boy a glare. 
“You alright there Ron?” Dean asked softly. 
Weasley opened his mouth to tell him it was just a dream, but soon stopped himself. Once able to scrub the image of Hermione’s limp body from his brain, he can’t help but wonder about Malfoy. 
He isn’t a seer, hell, he isn’t even all that great at divination, but could it mean something? Could Malfoy truly know where Hermione is? Is that why he acted weird on the train? Is that why he told Katie she was gone? Was Harry right?
He soon pushed his thoughts away. In the back of his mind an image of Harry waking up in the middle of the night telling them Sirius was in trouble flashes in his brain. 
Don’t be irrational. A voice, it sounds like Hermione’s scolds him. 
Facts. Remember the facts. 
“Ron?” Dean asks again. 
He shakes his head, “yeah, I’m fine. Department of Mysteries.” He lies easily, eyeing the scars down his arm. 
Sympathetically, Dean claps him on the shoulder and moves away. 
“We were just coming to grab exploding snap, Harry told us to wake you for your rounds.” His roommate explains. 
“Right, thanks mate.” Ron says sitting up and smoothing out his hair. 
Dean and Seamus soon left, leaving Ron to toss his cloak on and prepare for patrols. 
Slipping away, he soon found himself in the transfiguration hallway, half expecting to see Draco Malfoy. When that didn’t happen, he worked his way to the astronomy tower. Again, testing his theory. 
As his eyes landed on the place he saw Hermione’s lifeless body, he soon decided on a way to take his mind off of everything. 
Operation, what the fuck does Malfoy know.
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