Wearing a dunce hat
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She/They | Fandom Blog | Fandom Posts: Harry Potter, Batman, and Tolkien/Tolkien Based Works
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There is no way that Supers are built like that in the eyes of Kryptonians. As humans to get stronger we need to work out, working out causes micro-tears in muscles that heal stronger that causes us to bulk up. But Supers are aliens, they are specifically aliens that are much stronger than humans naturally without working out, the Supers living on Earth have never encountered something that would be super difficult to lift that often meaning their muscles never experienced physical strain often enough to cause the micro-tears that lead to bulk. Meaning that Supers shouldn’t be built like that, they have never worked out a day in their lives, so if they were to meet a Kryptonian that did work out it would be comparing a babies bulk to a body builder’s. Is this a long winded way to say that I think that the Supers are actually as strong as an average Kryptonian and actually don’t have super strength comparatively to their alien race? Yes it is.
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Quick Fire Bat Headcanons
Bruce had a hyper-fixation on bats growing up and that’s why he’s Batman
Damian’s first pet was a Robin gifted to him by Ra’s as some form of irony from him
Jason vaguely remembers his time at LoA, but it’s all very hazy and the only clear thing he remembers is Damian’s laughter
Jason was assigned as Damian protector and caretaker at his time at the LoA
Damian was super upset at Jason for not acknowledge their time together before realizing Jason doesn’t remember
Bernard did find Dana Drake incredibly attractive, but he was mostly using her as a cover for him writing “Bernard Drake” in his notebooks
Bernard had a crush on Tim during high school
Tim saw Bernard writing “Bernard Drake” in his notebooks once and after Bernard told him it was for Dana, Tim told him “You know she’s only a Drake because she’s married to my dad right?”
Bernard was sent to a catholic boarding school after the Darla incident
Bernard figured out Tim was Robin during his time at his catholic boarding school
Bernard is more interested in Tim Drake than Robin even if he’s a fanboy, he’ll always be more of a Tim stan.
Dick purposely eats weird things to freak out his family, he’s actually a very good cook
Much like cooking Dick is a great singer, but purposely sings badly to bother the family
Duke teaches Damian about pop culture and they are actually super close
Everyone, but Duke, got a bit freaked out when Damian put his pop culture lessons to used, Duke was very proud
Bruce and Damian have Martha Wayne’s smile
While people argue that Damian looks the most like Bruce or Talia, all Alfred sees is Martha
Damian becomes a veterinary surgeon taking after one of his better grandfathers but adding his own twist
Damian gives the best advice out of the family but is the last person everyone goes to for advice
All the Bats have built an immunity to motion sickness
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Ahh, some good old angst, Jon has been avoiding Damian in canon and you can’t convince me otherwise. Damian, to Jon, represents a stage in his life that he will never be able to live, Damian represents Jon’s lost innocence in a way. Jon has been avoiding Damian because continuing to be friend with him would be the last nail in the coffin of all the things he has lost. Jon has to stand bye as Damian goes to his first day of high school, prom, graduation knowing that if he didn’t go with his grandfather that he could be living out these moment with him. Damian represents a life he will never be able to live, and he can’t face that, not yet at least.
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I didn’t include Ravi, Goliath, Dick, Stephanie, Jason, Tim, and Duke into the list because they’re more family than friends. And for Rose, Kara, Jaime, and the Titans I was unsure if they are close enough to Damian to be considered friend, they just feel very distant from him. And I straight up forgot about Maps 😅.
But I agree that people straight up forget that Jon doesn’t have a a lot of friends and is considered weird by the people at his school. And I think that’s why Damian and Jon’s friendship is so important, not Damian, but for Jon. Damian is one of his only friends and the only one that knows everything about him and that’s so important. Their friendship because of that is fundamentally different then the rest of Jon’s. Jon doesn’t have to hide anything and doesn’t fear being found out about by Damian he can exist in his full capacity unapologetically aside from having reeling his power so he doesn’t hurt Damian.
That leads me into my thought about Jay, and I know many of us don’t like to think about Jon being aged up, but his relationship with Jay does add something that I don’t think anyone really thinks off. Jon is afraid of himself to some degree or at least his powers. He feel comfortable with Jay because he can’t hurt Jay, which clearly shows that Jon has had this fear of hurting people, of hurting the people he loves this whole entire time. And that add something, quite a bit of something to his character, that I in all honesty can’t fully analyze right because I just haven’t given it enough thought. But this could have totally been added into Jon’s story without him being aged up. And him not being aged up, but this concept still existing would have added so much to Jon and Damian’s relationship, it would have been so juice, and so good. Like can you imagine the angst and the subsequent fluff, it would’ve been amazing.
I kinda just went off on you, but you gave me so many thoughts, and I would love to read your character study on Jon.
I think it’s really funny that people say Damian has no friend when he has more friend than Jon. Jon has Damian and Kathy, Damian on the other hand has Jon, Colin, Maya, Suren, Nika, and probably a few more I’m missing. Jon may be more sociable than Damian, but Damian can make more friends than Jon.
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Damian shouldn’t be a hero. Or at least not in the future when he’s all grown up. His whole story is that he’s this godlike being that’s learning to be human, which is in contrast with the rest of his family; humans become so much more and becoming godlike. While the rest of the Batfam abandons and leaves behind civilian life Damian is reaching out for it. They look for extraordinary, but he’s finally finding ordinary. And while I like him becoming Nightwing, becoming his own hero, or taking over the LoA and turning it around to be something more morally light, him not being any of those things brings me so much joy. Because I don’t think any of those things would make him truly happy and I think he deserves a happy ending. His whole story is him becoming a “real boy” and him not stepping away from the hero life feels like a betrayal of that.
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Harvey and Bruce deserve to be childhood best friends. Because we get scenes like them first meeting at a park and Harvey being the only one to come up to Bruce to play and saying “You’re weird, want to be best friends?” Or Bruce noticing the bruises left on Harvey by his dad. Or Bruce helping Harvey with with his mental illnesses before he was diagnosed, Or during Martha and Thomas’s funeral Harvey comforting Bruce as Bruce sobs in his arm because it finally became real. Or Bruce comforting Harvey when he is finally diagnosed and helping him adjust. Or their goodbye when Bruce leaves the city to train to become Batman. Or their reunion when Bruce comes back and Harvey it the first face he sees when he get off the plane. The betrayal and sadness of Harvey becoming Two Face would hit so hard and have so many more layers if they basically spent their whole live together.
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Who’s Batman’s best friend? Is it Superman, maybe Wonder Woman. All possible answers, but do you know who Bruce Wayne’s best friend is? Clark Kent maybe, or Diana Prince. No. It’s Harvey Dent. Harvey Dent is Bruce Wayne’s best friend and that affects Batman. Batman doesn’t try to save Two Face because he cares, he tries to to save Harvey because Bruce cares. Every time Batman tries to save Harvey it’s not Batman, it’s Bruce peaking out from where he’s hidden. Batman want Two Face brought to justice, Bruce wants Harvey to be saved.
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I think it’s really funny that people say Damian has no friend when he has more friend than Jon. Jon has Damian and Kathy, Damian on the other hand has Jon, Colin, Maya, Suren, Nika, and probably a few more I’m missing. Jon may be more sociable than Damian, but Damian can make more friends than Jon.
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I need an au were Damian and Kon’s relationships with their parents mirror each other. We have the villainous parent that engineered your existence (Talia and Lex) and the distant, not-knowing-how-to-reach-out super-parent (Bruce and Clark). And when Damian and Kon first meet they both already have these preconceived notions with each other and instantly take a disliking to the other, but while hanging out with at each other’s houses with Jon and Tim, respectively, they realize how much they have in common and they learn to help and understand each other.
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I want a Batfam au were Tim and Damian have a normal sibling relationship, but due to the fact everyone else in the family has been the only child up until their adoption into the family and don’t necessarily have the most normal sibling relationships with each other (Jason+Dick pre Jason’s death didn’t talk, Jason has heavy resentment for Tim, Dick is more of a distant mentor/hero to Tim, Cass isn’t around much, and Duke is new to the family) they don’t realize Tim and Damian have a perfectly normal sibling relationship. But to their only child brains they don’t know this and subsequently they think Tim and Damian have a really unhealthy relationship and hate each other. Like they get Canary involved to observe them and she’s just really confused because her and Sarah (White Canary, and her little sister) do all this stuff all the time, this is normal.
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friendly reminder that J.K.Rowling views anyone that enjoys her work as supporting her, and that that is the only thing minorities will ever agree with her on.
First, to the person that sent this, I’m sorry I could not respond sooner and privately before I post this, I want you to know this is not an attack on you, if anything you are doing me a great service to allow me address JKR and her doings without it seeming out of the blue (I feel uncomfortable to make grandiose statements out of no where, I’m not here to be political. I’m posting jokes and thoughts that just come to my head about fandoms I like for fun). If you feel attacked in any way by this I’m sorry and I implore you to reach out to me, so we can talk this out and so I can privately apologize.
Second, to address what you/they said I was not aware of this particular view of her’s, I’ve never really kept track of what JKR was doing and her beliefs, (I’m not into keeping track of any public figure’s life) after finding out about her being a TERF I no longer bought or participated in anything that would directly support her (buying merchandise and the such(I will elaborate more about the “directly support her” line in my fourth point)).
Third I do stand with the people/communities she has hurt, as a person who is also minority (I’m a Fil-am, queer, and not fully gender conforming) anything I do is not meant to offend or hurt in anyway and I’m sorry if I’ve ever done such and I would like for those willing to point out my wrong doings, so I could apologize and educate myself, so I do not make these mistakes again.
Fourth, my take on separating the art from the artist is that as long as your contribution to the fandom does not directly supporting the author, (the use of direct is because as long as people care and remember about any of her works, we contribute to the remembrance of her and the continuation of her infamy, but that thought can be better handled by someone else and not what I’m on tumblr to do) so I don’t not consider participating in fandom by making posts to be supporting her, and if it looks like I’m supporting her in any way; I’m sorry that I did not do better, you deserve to see posts and to follow someone that is better and can make these sort of things clear, I’m sorry that I did not make my stance obvious and I’m sorry if any of you are disappointed, angry, or hurt by me. I will try to be better.
Firth, the reclaiming of works, I am of the belief that works/art (literature, imagery, painting, etc.) to a certain point do not belong to artists anymore after they are published/public. People through their interpretation transforms works into these amazing things that exist outside of the author, they transform characters from one form of being to another and make it their own. I believe works can be reclaimed and transformed into something that is not hateful, that works can be transformed into something beautiful (though that is a two way treat, misconstruing works into something that it never was and actually the complete opposite of what it was intended to be in a bad way 100% exist, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov comes to mind, there’s really great video essays about Lolita on how this happened on YouTube I suggest you take a look at those). The Harry Potter fandom had taken the world of Harry Potter away from horrible bigoted women and transformed the work into something beautiful and accepting. They transformed into something that JKR was to bigoted and untalented to create herself. I don’t Harry Potter see to be a creation of JKR, but the fandom. In the minds of many we in-vision not the work of JKR, but the work of the fandom whether or not we realize it. The fandom was the reason I like Harry Potter at all, they are the reason I’m apart of this fandom, they are the reason I can look at Harry Potter with such love and nostalgia. JKR was too untalented to do what the fandom is capable of. I want to thank the fandom for this, you guys are truly incredible.
Lastly, if anyone made it this far, thank you. I hope I’ve touched on everything well and respectfully. I also hope you give me another chance and not see this as an overreaction, I felt I needed to explain/ defend myself and that this subject need to be touched upon if I continue to make Harry Potter posts. I’m uncomfortable with sharing things about myself and avoid doing so and outside of jokes I don’t really post anything else, but I felt this needed to be said, thank you for reading this. And in the worlds of Truman of the Truman show “Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.” Thank you.
-Much Love
Your, Friendlyneighborhoodplebian
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You know right after I posted this I got to the Rupert Grint episode of Cabin Of Curiosities on Netflix and my only thought is Ron Weasley need to stop summoning demons.
Harry Potter AU but it’s just Harry and Ron doing Buzzfeed Unsolved.
We have:
Harry “Hello demons , it me, ya boi” Potter or Harry “It costs $400 to see a therapist. But it’s free to just tell yourself, ‘it just be like that sometimes.’”
Ron “Uh, hello spirits, we’re here with google vibes” Weasley
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Harry: I just want someone to take me out.
Ron: Like on a date or with a sniper gun?
Harry: Surprise me.
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Harry Potter AU but it’s just Harry and Ron doing Buzzfeed Unsolved.
We have:
Harry “Hello demons , it me, ya boi” Potter or Harry “It costs $400 to see a therapist. But it’s free to just tell yourself, ‘it just be like that sometimes.’”
Ron “Uh, hello spirits, we’re here with good vibes” Weasley
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Eyebrows who is she? Club
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