#dr. b talks
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your-unfriendlyghost · 5 days ago
Marbit for the ship bingo! :D
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Oh Marbit my beloveds
Looking for stuff about them is what got me into this fandom a year ago.
They way Two-Bit and Marcia just click, with the same humor right off the bat, and then suddenly for just a minute they’re not rough greasers with too-long sideburns and switchblades or pristine Soc girls dressed in white who get preyed on by greasers like Dallas. They’re just a couple of people who speak the same language, who have the same quick wit.
Augh, they kill me. Two-Bit usually only goes for blondes, but Marcia’s a brunette and one of “two good-lookin’ girls if I ever saw any.” Two-Bit’s a tough hood, but Marcia jokes with him like they’re old friends. She gives him her number.
And then as soon as they’re apart, they’re back to being a tough hood and a clean Soc. He tears up her number. He must’ve been crazy to ask for it. She drives home with Randy. (She wishes he was more interesting.) The phone doesn’t ring, and why would it? She was so stupid to give a hood her phone number. He probably sweet talks like that to every girl. Her number’s probably just one of so many others, and she’s so dumb for falling for it.
And then Bob is dead. Two-Bit gets jumped by Socs, and there’s a rumble, and Randy doesn’t wanna be a Soc anymore. And maybe Marcia doesn’t either.
Randy goes off to school, grows a beard, buys a VW. Marcia stays in Tulsa. She’s not a Soc anymore. She’s just- she’s just Marcia.
She goes down to the drive-in for old-times sake. There’s a guy there with Cherry’s friend, that Ponykid or something. He’s real familiar. She’s drinking a bit, she’s bolder than usual, she gives him her number and tells him not to lose it this time. And he doesn’t.
I’m an optimist, so I like to think they’ll last. Not without ups and downs, of course. In fact, I think there’s a solid period where they spilt up. But they keep coming back to each other, and Two-Bit works hard to become what he feels she deserves.
Idk, they matter to me. They’re the excitement of sneaking into someone’s house through the window. They’re the fun of telling jokes back and forth. They’re that feeling of looking at someone and seeing they’re thinking what you’re thinking. Their whole world is an inside joke. She’s his uptown girl, he’s her downtown man. They’re just a lot of fun!
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un-pearable · 4 months ago
people in the archaeology subreddit digging up the corpse of indiana jones again for the annual discourse. somehow seem to have forget the most important scene in the film if you’re critiquing his status as an academic
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banesberry-anomoly · 11 months ago
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I forgor to post this sketch page of the A Major Chord </3
Anyways eat up lmao, this is them all in the Reflection canon, individuals below the cut
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turtlesocksv2 · 3 months ago
i just finished Spare Me Your Mercy and I have to say that the finale was really well done and i'm so glad we finally brought the focus back to the characters themselves and not just The Themes And Moral Debate. It just goes to show that the the show would have been even better if they'd put just a little more focus and effort on KanTew and the romance. I get why they didn't but they really really didn't have to do much!
I could literally pitch you a Spare Me Your Mercy update patch that would fix almost everything that was lacking in the middle of the series: just make Kan and Tew teenage sweethearts who broke up and went on to med school/being a cop in Bangkok. Whichever tumblr user had that idea originally was galaxy brained. like literally that's almost all it takes. Instantly there is more believable motivation for them to be both drawn to each other, as involved in each others business as they are, and for Tew to dismiss the idea that Kan's Doing Euthanasia until the reveal. Instantly more of an emotional connection. Add one or two thematic flashback scenes, MAYBE a half hour runtime added to the show's overall total including fleshing out their reintroduction and stuff, and BOOM. Done. Your show goes from a 7 to a 9. I wouldn't even change the ending.
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dang-orange · 6 months ago
dang-orange makes a list of characters he'd shake inside a glass jar:
i decided to be insane while i wait for the Methylphenidate pill to hit (i was thought to have adhd and still have some leftovers from trying to treat that) so i can study. so i made a list of what i think are kins? i refuse to look up what that actually means so im going by the context that a thousand years of reading tumblr posts on pintrest gave me.
Okay! so:
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Kinger is a new one, he seems like such a funny silly guy who is kind of out of it, something i absolutely get! so he goes there.
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Izzy Hands has been a cause of insanity for me since season one, but season two got me worse. what a funny fellow. i get the whole being a tryhard thing, and sort of losing it a bit over having to change your ways. havent had to eat own my toes, lost a leg or done drag while singing in french, so those things i just find amusing.
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Peter B. Parker! what a funny guy, i didnt expect him to actually come back on the second spiderverse movie. being a cool mentor is something admirable i think, and the scene with aunt may made me spend way too many hours on ao3 as i thought that could have been more of a thing (in my head the movie would have done well as a series, more time to explore the really cool characters they had). Also: him being a version of spiderman ''were things didnt go well'' that doesnt go in a morbid direction is very baller.
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Doctor Twobrains i only know of from fandom osmosis. i did watch the series as a kid, but i really cant remember shit. the rat brain is funny, and i love anything involving inventors with a theme (i had to fight myself a few too many times to not include doofenshmirtz). the manerisms and vibe are very silly, the excentricities vibe with me.
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Agent Stone was the only reason i watched the sonic movie. i saw a trailer and thought, huh i dont think i remember ever seeing this fellow on anything sonic. turns out, he was a new character and very, very funny. what a guy! i can imagine going that far being a henchman. i, however, do have a deep hatred against the guy that does robotnick, so i havent seen much else other than the first film (that i very much pirated).
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Pyro is such a mistery. they just burn things and act jolly, the whole pyroland thing is also so stupid. i mained him when i played tf2, but for now i just save fanart of her burning shit and think about how cool it'd be to have a full body suit, be unintelligible and get to burn stuff. absolute 10/10.
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Hazel from The Umbrella Academy was fun while he lasted. The idea of being a time traveling mercenary and still getting shitty hotel rooms is hilarious to me. made me really want to get suspenders, but i dont think that'll happen.
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Scar (from Hermitcraft) is such a chaotically silly guy. i wish i could pull that off. going from scam, to huge incredible creations, to changing allies on a dime, to playing games by any other rules than the ones stabilished? i wish i could do that! btw the fanart is by reddit user dead_cricket_ (i didnt want to use a minecraft skin but wanted to make sure that I AM TALKING ABOUT THE FANON CHARACTER NOT THE REAL DUDE THAT MAKES VIDEOS)
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Elliot Gussman from The Umbrella Academy was also fun while he lasted. i also have some really, really weird paranoia problems and would act the same if i had alien strangers in my house. there isnt a lot of fandom stuff on him, as he's such a minor character, so i just juggle a few too many head canons on this silly guy.
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Aziraphale. hehe. haha. im absolutely normal about this guy. being an angel and having the ideology of heaven hammered into your head, and complying with things you know you shouldnt because you know the consequences and that theres someone all-seeing always watching you? i get that 100%. Two other things: the constant forced smiles that are clearly unnatural and doing silly things you know you arent good at are also relatable.
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i really like Abner Krill. this is so long already, but i just, really like him. i wish he didnt get killed, that movie is my favourite and i wish it could get a sequel. i'll be short on the whole thing by saying that being the weirdest one on a bunch of batman villans is very funny, and his powers are very fucked up in a cool way.
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Oswald Cobblepot was the only reason i saw Gothan. him going from just a guy to.. The Penguin?? absolutely crazy. i really got the whole bit where he was getting higher on the crime scene by biting small bits and getting big results.
I could write 20.000 words on each of these, but this formatting is ass and i think the Methylphenidate is working (it's been a bit more than 40 minutes between writing and looking up images that werent so bad), so i should go study/work. if anyone wants me to go insane again, dont worry! i absolutelly will. i made an account here for a reason.
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lifeofdc · 10 months ago
Currently thinking about how my hometown has a mental health facility used to house... well, the website says criminals found not guilty "for reasons of insanity" instead of criminally insane but that's mainly a wording thing
and this mental health facility has been around since the early days of the town
and has gone through quite a handful of different directors over the years
and has done clinical trials of new drugs for the government
and at least once as a kid they had to keep us inside at recess because someone broke out and was on the run
and has local rumors about it being haunted that are popular with teens
Somehow I went most of life without connecting the dots that I had a real life "version" of Arkham literally on the other side of town until recently
Just. What.
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i think one of my professors has realized that many of the students he teaches think he's a bit of a hardass. i feel so bad. he's genuinely such a sweetheart. he's spent the last two classes dropping comments like "please don't think i'm a sadist. if you're doing this project and thinking 'this is inhumane, but you know Dr. M', please, just come talk to me." like wtf i need to give a speech about how great a guy he is???? i genuinely need to give a persuasive speech about how fun his classes are??? like he's a pain at times and a tough grader but look at me. look at me. he's so reasonable. he has high expectations for everybody evenly. I got a 78 on a final that i thought i absolutely flunked okay? he's reasonable and he's funny in the driest way! it's not nice for people to think he's MEAN. he's not!!! he's just an awkward english professor!!!! be NICE to him FROM NOW ON!!!!
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months ago
✨noping out✨ of an awkward situation li k e
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#(nansu’s mona interview was too cute so i *need* to laugh at lxl to end the night normally im not sorry—)#tonight’s dance is fiancé!!!!!!!!! the camera angles are a thing of beauty in this one y’all h a v e to watch it if you can#ok that’s enough of lxl i can see the gif past the tags anyway so. well~~~~~~~#anyways!!!! the mona interview!!!! the tl;dr of it is basically just nansu talking about mona’s 2nd album + the concert#and how the concert came about (long story short: she said ‘i wanna perform live as mona!’ to the staff in passing and her wish was granted)#***if i didnt read it wrong that is… um. proper tl this weekend if i have the energy i promise~~~~~#yk what since it’s just 2 pages in total i might as well tl the entire thing. it’s not as wordy as some of the past lxl + ft4 interviews so.#since her concert’s on saturday too… aaaaaaaa i wanna go~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#mona live >>>>>>> lxl live you agree y/y—#only reason to look forward to lxl’s live is for the lxltwt fanartists’ drawings of the performance btw#bc m a n. they actually manage to make the dances seem decent (if only in the form of exquisite drawings)#the spell of the fanartists is lifted the moment the actual lxl dances break free from containment though lmao#i still recall having high expectations of tsuki no hime’s dance thanks to the fanart… then i saw *it*.#b u t since mona’s live will have songs from both albums im expecting lxl’s live to be the same in that regard#at the very least last stage and oshimahou should get dances… i think#i hope they actually do the heart poses in oshimahou though bc that’d be hilariously cringe (and suki.kirai already did it better no cap)#o k that’s enough lxl for one night gnnnnnnnn~~~~ see y’all tomorrow afternoon for a possible mona concert twt!!!!
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snoopyss · 1 year ago
going into the very system that wasn’t built for us to change it from the inside is so tired. as soon as someone gets into these positions of power, it’s an immediate switch up of language, morals and politics. like why would you want to hold that kind of power over the very people that power is against? and now you’re there doing absolutely nothing about it, but spewing “ceasefire!” tweets as a politician. knowing that a ceasefire is not the solution, but a permanent end to the genocide and giving Palestinians, Tigrayans, Sudanese and Congolese people their land and resources back.
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selfspinninglies · 1 year ago
elaborating on my bad end theater blakeworth au more because its driving me insane a little bit . spoilers for both bad end theater [kinda?? barely] and vtsom . also long [like seriously I was not expecting 2 write this much about it] ft. my writing of questionable quality
So victor n vincent's incidents happen on the same day here for plot convenience , I haven't really figured it out yet so . shrugs . anyway victor gets taken somewhere 2 get his prosthetics n vincent goes 2 the basement n gets turned into a cyborg like usual but the thing is vincent is gone for a whileee . Like half a year ish . n victor has no idea where the hell he is so after staying at the mansion n waiting 4 vincent 2 come back 4 a while he goes out to look for him because he doesn't believe [or doesn't want 2 believe] that vincent is dead [he's right not 2] . so he doesn't come back for a bit . in that time vincent comes back to the mansion n has a huge what the fuck moment because he has no idea how long he was gone since there wasn't a calendar or anything in the basement obviously so he was expecting victor 2 be there so now its his turn to freak out . but he doesn't wait at all n immediately leaves to try n find him since he assumed something happened . oh also neither of them know about eachother's incidents .
Anyway both of them r panicking n looking 4 eachother all the time with no luck @ all . vincent is still plotting his revenge against myers but he knows he needs some1 2 help him [cough cough victor] 2 fully carry out his plans . So that's kinda put on pause temporarily . anyway theater time :]
I haven't fully figured out why vincent makes the theater yet because it doesn't fully make sense but it's like . partly because its something 2 do so he doesn't fucking lose it [escapism] partly because he's a cyborg n needs human flesh 2 survive n this would lure people in [also possibly victor might come here but that's a maybe 2 him] n partly because he was probably a theater kid you can't convince me otherwise . Anyway the stories play out a little differently 2 be metaphors 4 what happened @ myers but the characters n stuff still have the same roles n every story still has a bad ending . He doesn't wanna get recognized because his involvement in the g4 cyborg incident is all he would hear about n he did this to escape not be reminded of all that shit . So he goes by Tragedy n wears a mask to conceal his face [hey wow just like tragedy in bad end theater . see what I did there]
Eventually victor goes to the theater n as soon as vincent starts speaking he recognizes his voice but isn't sure + this guy doesn't really act like vincent [stage personality] so he'll wait n see . Also I'm aware that vincent can't lie to victor 4 shit but the mask also conveniently covers any sort of telling facial expression . Anyway at first vincent wants 2 just go out n say that it's him n all that but also he's afraid how victor will react to what happened 2 him n the things hes done 2 sustain himself if he finds out . Also he's surprised at seeing that victor has robotic arms/eyes now since he still doesn't know what happened 2 him in the time gap . He wants 2 question him soooo bad but he'll wait . Mostly because if he questions victor that means he'll be questioned in return n that is the absolute last thing he wants .
Everything would play out as it does in bad end theater [going through all the different storylines n fighting Tradgey] except when the mask breaks some of vincent's cyborg parts[??] are visible since as seen in chapter 4 it looks like his body deteriorates pretty easily under stress n it's painfully obvious what he is now . But he's still him , so all of that is basically ignored when victor realizes that he was right and this is vincent and holy fuck he is alive n right here in front of me ‼️ so uh . reunion yayyyy . Questions come later which isn't fun for either of them but it doesn't matter because oh my god they're together again n alive . anyway reunion stuff .
They hug . a lot . for wayyy too long . but when it's been over a year since you've seen the best person in your entire life you're gonna b a little clingy . Not much is different about their relationship after all of this they just do not want 2 leave eachother alone 4 a while because . well . widely gestures to The Everything . After that they just sit in the empty seats [absolutely nobody else is there] n talk . it's pretty casual 4 now , neither of them r in the mood 4 anything else . Vincent explains that he's closing the theater down after this . he doesn't want it anymore n people don't come here anyway so it would b a waste . He wants everything 2 go back 2 how it was before . victor suggests that they go home n vincent says they should . They probably kiss r whatever @ some point as a treat its been 2 long . Also sometime later they have a conversation about being stuck in the past n everything since victor obviously noticed the glaringly obvious parallels between their experiences n the characters' . vincent explains that he had this whole revenge thing planned out but maybe this is okay [4 now @ least] . Holy fuck pixle writes a happy ending it's a miracle [it's more bittersweet but . shhhshush]
Hi if you somehow read all of this congrats . here's some extra little details
-the parallels between vincent n tragedy r the main inspiration 4 this since they're both hyperfocused on the past n their partner is more focused on moving on/the future it makes me ill
-the theater isn't around for long, maybe like a month or two ?? A little more ??? This timeline is really fucked. shrugs
-also nobody really comes there, only a few once in a while n half the time vince has 2 kill them anyway because yk . the whole eating flesh thing . so he doesn't have many regulars . not that he really cares about this much anyways . also he wonders what victor would think of it allll the time .
-the cats r fine b4 any1 asks victor took them with him n before then they probably have automatic feeders n water stuff [also vincent is extremely happy 2 see them again]
-vincent is extra bitter towards myers because of the whole separation thing
-night terrors after they get back . Soooo many 4 both of them it's not fun
-draco still exists because vincent already kind of started his plans with winston but he didn't have any memories 2 use n didn't want 2 use winston's since he doesn't really know what's in there so eventually he convinces victor 2 lend some because its kind of awkward 2 have a lifeless cyborg/clone just lying around + I just wanted him 2 be here because he's 1 of my favorites . sue me [don't . I do not have money]
-The plot of vtsom doesn't happen after this because vincent decides that it isn't worth it 2 go after myers n he's tired of all this shit n he has victor again so that's all that matters + victor convinces him not 2 during their conversation when leaving the theater . that doesn't mean he won't murder a few of the core members though teehee . I cannot write anything w/o murder sorry its a condition <3
-when albert calls vincent in one of the endings in twdak [don't remember the number but yk the 1 .] he doesn't answer because he's not there but eventually he calls back after a bit because why not n they talk . not entirely important just something i thought about . also they still hate eachother obviously nothing has changed about that .
-not a detail but I do plan 2 make a playlist 4 this eventually , if/when I do I'll just link it here or post it separately idk . [update I did that check reblogs if you want it] also I do have a tragedy vince somewhere that i need 2 post . victor looks basically the same I think idk what I would change
-also I'm calling this cyborg theater for brevity not sure if I'll keep that name or not but we'll see
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eyebagsanonymous · 8 months ago
Going to write an essay about hozier. For school. My professor is going into read it and like it or I swear to god.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 1 year ago
truly something that, amidst facing / going through a dramatic Life Change ft. unavoidable emotional effects of that, there are instances where i can't conceal any & all degrees of being distressed / upset, & repeatedly getting "it's hard for me too" as a Direct Response to that: really something & a half how the asserted theoretical Sympathy of [i feel similarly!] is invoked so as to, oh you know, preclude sympathetic Treatment. such as that what would be More sympathetic in these instances would be to say Nothing, "if there's nothing but dismissal / making it first & foremost about someone else's feelings to say, don't say it at all" style
#reading also that original Lovelessness essay ''love is meant to make me human / love is also the mechanism by which my humanity#has been denied'' always preferring to have [sorry! couldn't fully bottle up this Emotiona externally manifesting at all!] Ignored rather#than ''nicely'' interacted with so as to Invalidate; Dismiss; someone's annoyed at you for having it; etc#for bonus context like we are not in the same boat with it.#not a case of ''the same situation; mine is worse though'' like no; fundamentally different situations here lmao. mine is worse#If You Feel So Bad. Or At All. then at least now do me the favor of Not Saying That; Repeatedly#their feelings put on me too in other ways. stewing resentment into lashing out; tossing out ''but i'm justified'' like ok! Your business!!#the ol like. If You're Going To Do Something Anyways then how you justify it to yourself is Your business / b/w you & your god as they say#& the last thing to do is be making it the problem of ppl Most Affected by what you're gonna do anyways & Also ask their Absolution.....#like if you need more moral support abt What You're Doing Anyways: turn to Anyone Else. even No One if you have to.#bit going tf through it when it's spilling over into Posting but such is life!! we all have that [the horrors. girl help] blogger on dash#again the tl;dr like oh you don't say. the [umm but have you considered? My Feelings! (they're so sympathetic at all. yor welcome)] is#the mechanism through which Really basic sympathy is being denied & replaced with [Saying Nothing would've been less hurtful]#misgendering me the other night too while Also all 'hey I'm trying to talk to the customer service. why are You going up & talking first'#(that was me experiencing the latter. i didn't say it but i was like cmon. my glasses are fogging up w/surgical mask (don't have access to#more effective masks so doing what Nonzero i can there) i'm a bit carsick i'm weathering a crisis. can i have anything here lol)#just Oh You Know. The Horrors....#balancing ofc trying to endure trying to self soothe etc etc. with ''it's the horrors. it's gonna be horrific & you're gonna be affected''#ah the [being kind to oneself] like also means knowing how reasonable it is to Not solo contain & endure & Cope Through everything....#crushing a paper cup in my hands genuinely i would like to generously thank my virtual allies out here today. mic feedback#irl In Real Life? life is Real asf here & nobody Realer than them
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laika-of-the-stars · 1 year ago
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im sorry mom and dad, i know i messed up bad
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bare1ythere · 2 years ago
Having lots of thoughts about how sensitive I am to others' opinions on my hyperfixation
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its-elvie-innit · 1 year ago
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starlightkun · 1 year ago
omg dr_magic2303 DONE at 17.9k 😳🫣😭😳😳
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