#dr robbins
griseldabanks · 4 months
Okay for the not-so-nice OC asks:
Break for Jakey
Nightmare for Dr. Robbins
Future for Leyla (suddenly can't remember if it's two as or an e and an a?)
Jacob Rogers - break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
There are a lot of different ways I could answer this, because my Jakey-boy goes on quite the character arc, but I'll just take him from the end of the story. At that point, he's five, so still not completely out of the realm of full breakdown tantrums when he's particularly tired or stressed. The thing that probably makes him break down most is when he acts out in one way or another, and then kind of realizes what he's done and that Daddy is disappointed in him. At that point, the tears are mostly a sign of the fear he can never quite seem to shake - "Someday, I'm going to do something so bad that Daddy won't love me anymore." He doesn't really have the words or the self-awareness to articulate that, exactly, but the fear is present and sometimes overwhelming. Thankfully, it's not true - Steve is a wonderful father who will never stop loving Jake no matter what he does, and he's learning the right words to say to reassure Jake of that.
Dr. William Robbins - nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
Dr. Robbins is a therapist who treats the worst of the worst (if that's how you want to describe it) - men who have done the most horrific things imaginable, and who have had the most horrific things done to them. He's heard it all, he's imagined it all, sometimes he's even been there in the middle of a crisis or in the immediate aftermath of a brutal crime. So yeah, he can have some pretty awful nightmares. As a therapist, he knows a lot of techniques to deal with trauma, anxiety, and other distressing emotions, and sometimes he has to use the same techniques he uses with his clients on himself as well. His wife, Diane, has learned what helps the most in the immediate aftermath of a nightmare: to sit in the kitchen with a cup of tea and look through family photo albums that have nothing to do with his nightmares. Also, Dr. Robbins has his own therapist that he sees regularly to make sure he's taking care of himself well enough to help others. He and Diane also take vacations several times a year to visit family or just to get away from the city for a weekend and recharge.
Leyla Tailor (yes, you spelled it right) - future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
Lol, I went on quite the tangent in thinking about this question, and incidentally determined that Leyla is probably an enneagram 7. (Especially when I read a thing on 7's and 2's in relationship, and guess who's a 2...)
Leyla is a highly motivated person who needs to have like five projects going on at once or she gets bored. She has all kinds of great ideas and all the energy needed to get them done, but sometimes she can struggle with deciding which of her many projects should be the priority and where best to direct her energy. Especially since the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., there's a danger of her floundering and ending up unable to support herself anymore and/or continue to do things that are productive and helpful for others. She doesn't really spend much time worrying about this (it would seem like a waste of time to her), but that probably is something that fuels her need to go-go-go.
And I'm not trying to suggest that romance fixes everybody's problems or anything, but she also tends to surround herself with people who have a very well-defined drive to do good in the world, and that helps direct her energy as well.
Not-So-Nice OC Ask Game
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criticsstuff · 1 year
Counting the seconds (Series)
Addison Montgomery x freader
Chapter 3: hours
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Words: 1.802
Summary: Back in Seattle you're not just dealing with a tumour, you met a amazing woman that is eventually going to change your life.
Warnings: in this chapter fluff and a slight panic attack , later I promise you smut, angst, cheating and more.
Updates: Weekly
A/n: Sorry I really needed long to Update. I WILL DO BETTER. Maybe. Anyway, have fun.
Part 1 Part 2 Part4 Navigation
,Do you like women?" Arizona asked softly, as she leaned forward, looking into your eyes. Do you? You never thought about it, the idea of liking woman never even dared to cross your mind. You were raised to think that it's wrong to love the same gender but of course you don't have the same opinion as your parents today. But you? You thought about what you could answer to this question, it was a yes or no question. You would say no obviously.
»l don't know, I never thought about it.“ you confessed feeling really confused. You would've noticed by now, wouldn't you? You never felt so puzzled because of a simple question, honestly it kinda scared you. Feeling uneasy under all the observation you decided to leave. „It was nice talking to you all but I'm gonna go and take a nap, I feel really tired." you added getting on your feet. No one tried to stop you, probably they understood that you needed time to think. After they all said there goodbyes, you made your way down the hallway.
Finally back in the safety of your room, you decided to sit down for a minute or two. The confusion was still pulling on your whole body, making you feel heavy and tired. The possibility of liking women was new to you. Your parents wouldn't approve this change, if you would tell them.
Minutes passed by and you realised something. All these years you found women awfully attractive but you never thought about it as something to do with your sexuality. To busy thinking, you hadn't noticed Addison coming in your room. The tall woman immediately took note of your thoughtful state.
As she neared you, you felt the presence of someone and turned around, feeling your heart skip a beat at the sight. She was breathtaking, you couldn't describe it different. She implied to sit next to you and you happily agreed, making her smile. You scooted over to make room for her on the small bed, as she sat down beside you looking at you for a few seconds, letting out a huff.
„How are you?" you questioned, aware that she must be tired. You studied her soft features, now that she was so close to you. Soft that's what you would call her but she truly had a sharp experience, confidence was something she owned. Nevertheless you felt secure by her side, it was new for you to feel that around someone you just met a few days ago. She was beyond beautiful, so beautiful it can be intimidating but you felt drawn to her, like a lost puppy.
„l'm exhausted, what about you?" she asked, while looking out the window. Her voice was a little raspy but sounded awfully soothing and surrounded you like a warm blanket. It was hard, almost impossible to look away. She looked amazing in the pink scrubs, you would even say she looked cute. „l'm okay:" you muttered absently, gazing at her side profile. You could imagine how tired she might feel right now, being a doctor yourself. You tried to think of a way to make her feel some joy. ,,Are you on a break?"you questioned, leaning on your elbows to get up. Confused by your question she turned to you, being met with your cheeky grin. She couldn't help but smile as well and scoffed. „Obviously, why?"she wanted to know tilting her head. At that you got up, as your feet touched the floor you walked around the bed and reached your hand out. Addison looked amused at you but took your hand immediately. Her hand was soft and warm and you remembered that you never felt her skin on yours before . It felt good, really good but you had to focus, if you don't wanna embarrass yourself in front of this amazing woman. So you gently pulled her up, following every move she made with your eyes, until she stood in front of you. You should take a step back, you were so close to her, if you leaned in you would feel her breath on your skin.
Okay now you’re were just imagining, if you would lean in, the lips of yours would met the skin under her chin, as she was a bit taller than you. But that could be interesting to, her skin looked soft and you would really like to kiss all over it. You couldn’t believe yourself, it was wrong to think like that. ���You continued looking at her skin, her neck, her collarbone, wanting to know what it must feel like to let your fingertips run over her.
A gentle squeeze on your hand, pulled you out of your thought. Looking up you found the older woman already looking at you. She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow „ Are you alright down there?” she asked, making fun of your high difference. Realising she must have noticed you checking her out, you slightly turned your head away, looking down and taking a step back. As on cue, your cheeks turned warm, letting you know you’re turning red. Trying to hide your state, but still holding her hand, you made your way to the door, pulling her with you. To your dismay you heard her chuckling behind you, as she leaned down to your ear. „ You’re blushing, honey.” she whispered, making your heart skip a beat or two at the pet name. You weren’t sure if you could talk properly, so you just gave her a pouting look.
„Where are we going?” Addison wanted to know, as you two left the hospital. „Just for a walk.” you told her, hoping she would come along. She was, still holding your hand.
Over the next two weeks, Addison came to your room every day to talk, go for a walk or grab lunch together in the cafeteria. You would enjoy this time a lot and still thought about all of your many conversations. You mostly talked about your lives before you two met and you learned a lot about her.
„Y/N, your surgery is planned for this evening, so prepare yourself and don’t worry, I will take good care of you.” Amelia informed you, while checking your chart again. Slowly you started noticed the time until surgery was getting shorter and shorter. The realisation hit you and it felt too real. You were going to have surgery. You were scared that something could go wrong, you could loose your ability to speak, hear, see, walk and it wasn’t unlikely to die. You already decided that you wouldn’t want to be hooked up to machines for the rest of your life, so as you came to the hospital three weeks ago, you made sure to sign all the papers.
As Amelia left the room, your fears pushed down on your chest, it felt harder to breathe. Your hands started shaking and you couldn’t think. It felt like all the air was gone and the room got smaller. Struggling to get air in your lungs, you panicked, pulling with your hands on your t-Shirt trying everything to help yourself breathe.
After a minute fighting, you felt soft hands taking yours, pressing down on each finger, trying to distract you. „It’s okay, breathe with me.” you heard Addison’s voice. She started breathing with you, still gently pressing on each of your fingers. „Everything is gonna be just fine.”she cooed caressing your hands. Slowly your breathing steadied and your hands stopped shaking. Finally able to look up, you meet her kind eyes looking worried at you.
„I’m really sorry, I didn’t mea-“ you started. „Shhh, come here darling.” she whispered taking you in her arms, laying down on your bed with you in her arms. She adjusted your position pulling you on top of her. Your head was on her chest as one of her hands caressed the baby hair on the back of your head. Her other hand was placed loosely on your back, holding you in place. It was the first time you were so close to her and if you’re honest it felt really good. Taking the opportunity, you hugged her closer and snuggled into her. Your legs hung around her middle almost hugging her. As she noticed your needy behaviour, she chuckled but didn’t say a word about it. After a few minutes she pulled the blanket up, on the two of you , tugging you in, caressing your back. You really enjoyed having her close to you, it felt warm and comfortable. Letting your eyes close you drifted off to sleep, relaxing completely in her arms.
Feeling well rested and comfy, you started to wake up, stirring a bit in your sleep. You laid really soft, at first you didn’t realised you’re on top of Addison, letting your hands wander, as you woke up completely. „Are you enjoying yourself?” the older woman chuckled, amused at your hands caressing her side. At that you almost jumped, looking around startled. As you noticed your position your cheeks grew hot, making you huff in embarrassment. As you were about to stand up, you felt her pulling you down. „Relax honey, It’s fine.”she assured you, making you smile. At that you laid back down, snuggling into her. You never slept this good alone or with someone else.
But soon realisation hit you. „I’m gonna have surgery, what time is it?” you asked Addison, still laying on her chest. She started playing with your hair, as she took her phone out, checking the time. „Your surgery is in an hour.”she told you, trying to catch your eyes. You never told her when your surgery is, so she must have informed herself or she just saw it on the surgery board. „We can stay like this for the next hour.”she mentioned, looking down to you hugging her tight. You nodded exited, and looked into her eyes, as she chuckled at your joy about cuddling with her. As she stopped laughing, you stared into each other’s eyes. And for a split second you thought about kissing her, licking at her bottom lip, pulling her in until all of the air left your lungs. The minutes flew by, with the two of you just looking at each other, enjoying the calm moment.
„You’re warm.” you let her know, making her smile. She is really beautiful, you thought. Again you wanted to lay your lips on hers, the image playing in your head over and over. Making you blush and hide your head under her chin, you snuggled your face between her neck and shoulder, smelling her perfume.
Strangely you wanted to stay like this forever, in her arms. But for now, one hour is enough.
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wyvolf · 11 months
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“I will try to find my place, in the diary of Jane” — The Diary of Jane, Breaking Benjamin
(Yeah lyrics don’t fit bc I couldn’t think, also classic tumblr Iceberg this time bc I haven’t drawn him since 2019)
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marysol7r · 1 year
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evilhorse · 9 months
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Faustus! You talk too much!
(Captain America #192)
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xenofact · 3 months
So when’s the next Ask Dr. Hal Show? June 16th! 6PM PST, 9 PM EST! As usual you can see it at https://www.twitch.tv/askdrhal
Send love offerings here: https://ko-fi.com/askdrhal/donate
Visit the website: https://askdrhalshow.com/
So what can you expect?
Wisdom and erudition, of course!
Great socializing with your fellow weirdoes!
A special retrospective Monster Movie Moment!
Some more Monster Movie Moment goodies!
Music and more!
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twitt3rpate · 5 months
I made the mistake of watching an episode of season 4 Grey's Anatomy and then going to an episode of season 17. My, my, how they massacred my baby. #its giving setting a frog in a pot of water and boiling it
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novelmonger · 1 year
OC Mundane Tag Game
Tagged by @sailforvalinor
Rules: Pick an oc you'd like to talk about and answer the questions for them! Then tag ten people, or as many as you can. 'Underdeveloped character I adopted' is fine, too! Absolutely no pressure to play, though.
Also, if some of it can't apply to your ocs, just answer what would be the answer - like if they're in a historical setting, they likely can't watch movies, but what is a movie they'd like?
(Also, most people have many ocs, so feel free to retag people and answer as many times as you get tagged! Or get really wild and just answer for as many ocs as you'd like! :D)
Aaaand for this one, I'm going to pick one of my favorite secondary (but still very important!) OCs, Dr. William Robbins from my Captain America WIP Take Me In.
1. What is their favorite movie?
While it's tempting to say Good Will Hunting (which is the movie that inspired Dr. Robbins in the first place), I think I'm actually going to go with the Italian movie La Vita e Bella (Life Is Beautiful). It's a dramedy about the Holocaust, and I honestly think everyone needs to see it at least once in their life. It somehow manages to be genuinely hilarious while still dealing with such a heavy subject respectfully. Dr. Robbins loves it because it shows people's resilience in the face of so much evil. He laughs at the funny parts, and always cries at the end.
2. What is their favorite season?
Hmm...I think spring. His wife has a flower garden, and he loves to sit outside on his day off while all the flowers are blooming, and just breathe in new life.
3. What do they find annoying?
People who manipulate others, people who try to take advantage of him or someone else, people who won't even try to change things but continue to complain about them. Dr. Robbins is generally a very even-keeled and patient person, and besides that, he has lots of training and experience in not reacting to people trying to ruffle his feathers. So it's probably not very obvious on the surface that he is annoyed, but...he totally is.
4. How would they like to spend their Christmas or equivalent holiday?
Dr. Robbins loves to spend Christmas with family. He and his wife have one son, who has twin daughters who are...toddlers, I think? And Grandpa has lots of fun with his little punkins, Bella and Sophia :3 Mrs. Robbins is also one of those people who just has a knack for interior decorating, even though that's not her job, so their house always looks beautiful during the holiday season.
5. Do they play an instrument? If so, what? How good are they at it?
I don't know why, but I'm getting harmonica vibes off him ^_^ Just as a casual thing, like he'll whip out his harmonica and play some tunes for his granddaughters to dance to, or to play around a campfire on vacation or something.
6. What's their favorite meal to eat?
Mrs. Robbins is an excellent cook, so really he loves anything she makes. But if he were to make a request, like for his birthday or something, maybe he'd ask for her chicken and dumplings, garden salad, and her excellent blueberry cobbler for dessert.
7. Do they have a favorite video game or board game?
He doesn't really know much about video games. Board games...okay, there's this board game my grandparents had that I've never heard anyone else talk about, called the Mad Magazine Game. It's basically a parody of board games (you're trying to get rid of all your money, you go in the opposite direction of most board games, etc.), and at certain points, you have to do crazy things like move to a different seat or exchange your hand of cards with someone else. Dr. Robbins things it's the best game in the world, though some of his family members are a little tired of it by now. He waits in eager anticipation for the day he can play it with his granddaughters.
8. Do they celebrate their birthday?
He does celebrate his birthday, at least with the meal I described above, but as we all know, life doesn't stop for your birthday when you're an adult :/ Far too often, there's some crisis he has to take care of or just a long day at work, so he doesn't make any big plans for his birthday anymore. As long as he can at least get a phone call from his son and a quiet evening with his wife at some point around his birthday, he's happy.
9. What's their bedtime routine?
After changing, brushing teeth, etc., Dr. Robbins and his wife like to sit in bed and read for a while before turning the lights out. They don't usually read the same things - Mrs. Robbins likes cozy slice-of-life type stories, while Dr. Robbins likes thick Dickens novels - but it's cozy and comfortable to just sit there reading next to each other. When one of them is ready for sleep (usually Mrs. Robbins starts nodding off first), they turn out the lights.
10. What's an oc (or canon character) that they like to spend time around? What do they tend to do together?
Dr. Robbins is Bucky's therapist. As you might imagine, Bucky has a lot of stuff to work through, so they spend quite a bit of time together, talking things through, working through various emotions, trying to change the unhealthy ways Bucky thinks and find better ways to live. I wouldn't say their therapy sessions are exactly enjoyable, but Dr. Robbins does get a lot of satisfaction and fulfillment from his work. There are few things he likes more than helping a client - especially one as complicated as Bucky - on their way to a breakthrough.
Tagging anyone with an OC who gives great hugs and you wish you could get one from them.
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thecuddlymuffintop · 2 years
I put Robotnik's theme over a thicc rat. Video uploaded by mynameistylerbutyoucancallmesimon. Robotnik’s theme is from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
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albfor · 1 year
Global Philadelphia Association - Meet the City Council
Very informative event last night Global Philadelphia members to got to know need candidates for the upcoming city council nomination. Each candidate gave a few moments to speak to the audience about their campaign. To view images please select this link
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View On WordPress
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metalshockfinland · 4 days
Watch Rare Video of RHETT FORRESTER in Studio Recording the DR. DIRTY Sessions
BraveWords Records is excited to share with all the Rhett Forrester fans, never seen before footage of Rhett in the studio with Rob Robbins recording the Dr. Dirty Sessions. These videos capture what everyone can now hear on the release of “Rhett Forrester & Rob Robbins – The Complete Dr. Dirty Sessions”. Originally billed under the band-name ‘Dr. Dirty’ from 1992-1993, the songs herein were…
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griseldabanks · 2 years
50. Share the most recent paragraph you've written in your WIP.
“Good.” Dr. Robbins leaned back, cracking a smile as he picked up the pack of cards and tossed them to one side. “'Cause I suck at poker.”
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academicelephant · 2 months
I watched Focus (2015) a few days ago. It was a bit strange, the plot was randomly split into two different parts and I didn't quite understand the latter one, it felt very disconnected from the first one. But I liked the scene where the blonde woman was practising pickpocketing with a larger group. Apollo Robbins worked as a consultant when it comes to the pickpocketing techinques in the movie, and he also had a small cameo in that scene I mentioned. I think that was so cool. Oh, and there was a familiar face in this movie, namely Brennan Brown, the guy who plays Dr. Abrams in Chicago Med!
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nintin-logic · 4 months
Alright. Who did it? Who made the doctor upset?
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evilhorse · 9 months
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Our mission: the total and complete pillaging of New York’s great island.
(Captain America #192)
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xenofact · 9 months
The next Ask Doctor Hal is January 21st, 2024!
The next Ask Doctor Hal is in two weeks - January 21st, 2024! 6PM PST, 9 PM EST!
As a reminder you can:
See the show here: https://www.twitch.tv/askdrhal
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