#dr kellog
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fetus-cakes · 1 year ago
I mean he specifically manufactured his cereal to be as bland and tasteless as possible and got into a huge relationship-ending fight with his brother for suggesting they add sugar to their bland mush. He literally didn't speak to his brother for the rest of life.
Tony the tiger is specifically the mascot of the SUGAR COATED kind of corn flakes, so he's the antithesis of what Kellogg wanted in almost every way
I think it’s pretty common knowledge by now. John Harvey Kellog, creator of the Kellogs brand of cereal, strongly believed eating cereal every day would surpress a person’s libido and make them not want to masturbate. However he could not predict one major factor that would undo all his work
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sevenheven7011 · 4 months ago
Idea on how to bring back the kellog nick stuff
One more quest to the memory den nick is trying to find a way to upgrade his memory because things are getting worse but like he's not looking for what dima has because dima's upgrades are clunky and also probably would set off more of his dysphoria over not looking human (plus depending on how you ended far harbor it may be straight up impossible to obtain upgrades like dima's cause his bf back at acadia is pissed at you for getting him executed) so he figured he'd go to the memory den and see if he could bounce some ideas off with Dr Amari
He invites you to come with him for some moral support and company
You get there dr Amari is giving suggestions including running a disc cleanup to get rid of some unnecessary things
You guys try it and learn that the kellog print is still in Nick's head and when you try to delete it shit hits the fan
The kellog file is kellog himself and he isn't about to let you kill him twice que dr amari hooking together you and Nick's brains so you can deal with the problem at the root
Another memory level but let it actually be fun this time and have the set pieces be crazy
Finale boss fight with kellog in Nick's head time to put things to rest
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nebulations · 2 years ago
Welcome to Night Vale episode recs
Welcome to Night Vale episode recs—for new listeners and for fans that fell off! I’m thrilled to see interest spiking in my favorite podcast after certain site-wide events, so this is a list made to make Night Vale's large catalogue less intimidating. WTNV is a master of both impressively plotted arcs and phenomenal one-offs, and there's something for everyone, whether you've never heard it before or haven't listened in eight years <3
Requisite warnings: Welcome to Night Vale is an absurdist horror-comedy, and it goes heavy on themes of unreality, especially in regards to perception, derealization, time and memory, existential dread, and body horror. The premise is that the listener is a citizen of the town, and Cecil often addresses the audience directly, not to mention frequently implies they’re in danger. The series is also (United States-centric) political satire about government surveillance, gun laws, and general conspiracy. Year One specifically is heavy on themes of anti-indigenous racism, which I believe were resolved insensitively. Please be cautious, and honestly, if anyone has questions about specific warnings/episodes I'd probably be down to answer!
On to the episodes! I’ve sorted them here into recs for new listeners and for returning ones. The list is quite long (26 recs in all—longer than a season!), so I’ve put it under a cut, but TL;DR: Year One is the best for people looking to get into the feel of the series, and returning listeners should consider relistening to some old arcs and poking into the new ones to see what’s changed in Night Vale, both town and show! The official transcripts page lets you sort by arc and by year, and I personally love the now-archived cecilspeaks on Tumblr for transcripts up to 176!
For new listeners
Recs to pique your interest! These are mostly one-shots which represent the ethos and storytelling of Night Vale :)
1, “Pilot”: An absolute classic, and one of my favorites even after so long! The first episode is literally amazing at setting up the general tone of the show and the town, not to mention dropping about a dozen future plot threads at once!
2, “Glow Cloud”: ALL HAIL—ahem. There’s a glow cloud and a wonderful end monologue :)
3, “Station Management”: Sneaking this in because this is the ep that really dragged me into the show! I could go in depth, but I know my audience; simply go forth knowing it features Cecil being a poor little meow meow <3
13 and 45, “A Story About You” and “A Story About Them”: The first parts of one of the most intriguing arcs of the series, told in second-person with an engrossing break from usual format and eeriness aplenty!
71, “The Registry of Middle School Crushes”: A family heist!!!
94, “All Right”: One of Night Vale’s most technically impressive episodes—listen to this one with headphones!
101, “Guidelines for Disposal”: Another personal fave. Something about this one really, really strikes at my heart, and I think it perfectly showcases Night Vale’s ability to balance its silly surrealism with haunting, lovely narrative
131, “Brought to You by Kellog’s”: I can’t possibly explain this one. Just listen to it
132, “Bedtime Story”: Oh man. Ohhh my god. Do you want to feel feelings about a boy who wanted to know everything
133, “Are You Sure?”: Another technically stunning episode; you have to relisten to this one for it to achieve full impact. Consider reloading once you’re done with your first listen, and again after your second :)
142, “UFO Sightings Report”: A lovely episode that offers glimpses into the lives of various Night Vale citizens. It ends heavily, but comfortingly all the same
159, “Cat Show”: You know how Cecil has a floating nightmare cat?
168, “Secret Blotter”: Extremely fun episode which goes off the usual format by a tad to great effect
All in all: I think Year One is the absolute best for exploring the ambience of the town and familiarizing yourself with recurring names and arcs, and even in a town where time doesn’t work, it’s best to start at the beginning! But there are so many Night Vale episodes famed for their prose and panache, and for good reason—shop around for what interests you!
For returning listeners
Meant to be a list of refreshers plus things that make you go “hey WHAT happened while I was gone???”
16, “The Phone Call”: Don’t we all wish we could recapture the experience of hearing Cecil squeak “Neat!” for the first time... (To new listeners: Have you heard Carlos the Scientist’s (season one) voice before? Have you heard Cecil being smitten and mortified? Would you like to?)
27, “First Date”: Listen, I’m trying to get y’all in the cecilos mood again, is it working
49A and B, “Old Oak Doors”: Possibly the best climax to any arc ever. This live recording goes so, so hard
67, “Best Of?”: Okay, I have a huge multidimensional timeline charted for Cecil, and this episode does heavy lifting for about 60% of it
110, “Matryoshka”: This episode will undo you. Talk about reckonings. Genuinely impactful writing, and a gorgeous resolution to one of my favorite arcs
111, “Summer 2017, Night Vale, USA”: THE episode for returning listeners. I’ll let the episode summary speak for itself: Everything is the same. Everything is different.
135, “The Mudstone Abyss Part 1”: Hey, remember that Kevin guy? Wonder what he's up to these days!
144, “The Dreamer” and the rest of the Blood Space War arc (144-149): This arc will fuck you up irrevocably and you will not regret it
171, “Go to the Mirror?”: Very possibly one of the scariest episodes in the podcast, thanks in no small part to Cecil Baldwin’s stellar voice acting and the sound design
182 and 192, “It Sticks with You” and “It Doesn’t Hold Up”: In line with 171, these episodes will make you fucked up about Cecil Palmer
195 and 196, “Silas the Thief”: Just trust me
212, “The Campus”: Wanna dive right into the current arc? Here you go!
My bias is especially clear in this set, and for that I apologize, but I really think it’s worth refamiliarizing yourself with some of the long-running plot threads to get the max enjoyment out of the current arcs, which so far have been high-octane and recalled a lot of early elements of the show, not to mention Cecil and Carlos backstory!
Closing notes
I know this is a long list! It was a struggle paring it down as much as I did—half my favorites aren’t even here :’) I hope my enthusiasm for so many episodes makes it clear how dearly I hold this show to my heart; Night Vale has been a second home to me for years now, and I hope you give it a chance to be yours too <3
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emer-al · 4 days ago
Dr. Bronner’s seems like Kellog’s weird Puritanism mid 19th century type product but actually the guy was born in 1904 and on some spaceship earth bullshit
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zmerinka1955 · 16 days ago
ЭКОЛОГИЧНОЕ СОЗНАНИЕ. Здоровье. Сыроедение и веганство. Эко 6 часов назад Просто отказываемся от них!Greenpeace обновил чёрный список производителей ГМ(Генетически Модифицированных)-продуктов(ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ СКОЛЬКО ПРОДУКТОВ ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ!!)И почитайте о ГМО на страничке Гринспис1 Danon (Данон) — производство йогуртов, кефира, творога, детского питания. 2 Pringles 3 Snickers 4 Twix 5 Milky Way 6 Cadbury (Кэдбери) шоколад, какао 7 Ferrero 8 Nestle шоколад "Нестле", "Россия" 9 Шоколадный напиток Nestle Nesquik 10 Безалкогольный напиток Соса-Соla "Кока-Кола" Соса-Соla 11 "Спрайт", "Фанта", тоник "Кинли", "Фруктайм" 12 Pepci-Со Pepsi 13 "7-Up", "Ф��еста", "Маунтин Дью" 14 Сухие завтраки Kellogg's 15 Супы Campbell 16 Рис Uncle Bens Mars 17 Соусы Knorr 18 Чай Lipton 19 Печенье Parmalat 20 Приправы, майонезы, соусы Hellman's 21 Приправы, майонезы, соусы Heinz 22 Детское питание Nestle 23 Hipp 24 Abbot Labs Similac 25 Йогурты, кефир, сыр, детское питание Denon 26 McDonald's (Макдональдс) сеть "ресторанов" быстрого питания 27 шоколад, чипсы, кофе, детское питание Kraft (Крафт) 28 кетчупы, соусы. Heinz Foods (Хайенц Фудс) 29 детское питание, продукты "Делми" Unilever (Юнилевер) 30 Unilever (Юнилевер) — производство детского питания, майонезов, соусов и т.д. 31 Шоколадные изделия Hershey's Cadbury Fruit&Nut 32 Similac (Симилак) — производство детского питания. 33 Mars — производство шоколада Марс 34 Lays 35 Cheetos 36 Schweppes 37 Monsanto 38 Milka 39 Новартис 40 Пармалат 41 Дарья-полуфабрикаты 42 Супы Campbell 43 KnorrКомпания-производитель Unilever Lipton(чай) Brooke Bond(чай) Беседа(чай) Calve (майонез, кетчуп) Rama(масло) Пышка (маргарин) Делми(майонез, йогурт, маргарин) Альгида (мороженное) Knorr(приправы)Компания-производитель Nestle Nescafe(кофе и молоко) Maggi(супы, бульоны, майонез, приправы, картофельное пюре) Nestle (шоколад) Nestea(чай) Nesquik(какао)Компания-производитель Kellog's Corn Flakes (хлопья) Frosted Flakes (хлопья) Rice Krispies (хлопья) Corn Pops (хлопья) Smacks (хлопья) Froot Loops (цветные хлопья-колечки) Apple Jacks (хлопья-колечки со вкусом яблока) All-bran Apple Cinnamon/ Blueberry (отруби со вкусом яблока, корицы, голубики) Chocolate Chip (шоколадные чипсы) Pop Tarts (печенье с начинкой, все вкусы) Nutri-grain (тосты с наполнителем, все виды) Crispix (печенье) Smart Start (хлопья) All-Bran (хлопья) Just Right Fruit & Nut (хлопья) Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (хлопья) Raisin Bran Crunch (хлопья) Cracklin' Oat Bran (хлопья)Компания-производитель Hershey's Toblerone (шоколад, все виды) Mini Kisses (конфеты) Kit-Kat(шоколадный батончик) Kisses (конфеты) Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (печенье) Milk Chocolate Chips (печенье) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (арахисовое масло) Special Dark (темный шоколад) Milk Chocolate (молочный шоколад) Chocolate Syrup (шоколадный сироп) Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (шоколадный сироп) Strawberry Syrop (клубничный сироп)Компания-производитель Mars M&M's Snickers Milky Way Twix Nestle Crunch(шоколадно-рисовые хлопья) Milk Chocolate Nestle(шоколад) Nesquik(шоколадный напиток) Cadbury(Cadbury/Hershey's) Fruit & NutКомпания-производительHeinz Ketchup (regular & no salt) (кетчуп) Chili Sauce (Чили соус) Heinz 57 Steak Sauce (соус к мясу)Компания-производитель Hellman's Real Mayonnaise (майонез) Light Mayonnaise (м��йонез) Low-Fat Mayonnaise (майонез)Компания-производитель Coca-Cola Coca-Cola Sprite Cherry Coca Minute Maid Orange Minute Maid GrapeКомпания-производитель PepsiCo Pepsi Pepsi Cherry Mountain DewКомпания-производитель Frito-Lay/ PepsiCo (ГМ-компоненты могут содержаться в масле и других ингредиентах) Lays Potato Chips (all) (чипсы) Cheetos(all) (чипсы)Компания-производитель Cadbury/ Schweppes 7-Up Dr. PepperКомпания-производитель Pringles (Procter&Gamble) Pringles(чипсы со вкусамиOriginal, Low Fat, Pizza-licious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums)
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feyosha · 10 months ago
The ghost of Dr Kellog haunts us to this day
American food industry please stop saying "all white meat chicken" as a selling point. Virtually every other country knows it's the buttery rich thigh meat you want in recipes. That's why you get a teriyaki bowl or orange chicken from a takeout place and it actually tastes like anything. Get the fuck outta here with your Perdue breast meat shoe leather!!!
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vanehernandezblog · 11 months ago
Live Brief Project Research: Examples
Many AR experiences have been done that are similar to what I want to create, especially when talking about AR games for kids. When looking at the Blippar portfolio of clients I found many interesting examples that demonstrate that my idea could be done perfectly with the help of this platform; there's not exactly an example with a puzzle like the one I want to create but the functions are pretty similar to what I want to achieve. Here are some projects that have been created with Blippar:
Dr Pepper Half-Time Challenge With this experience, the audience scanned a QR code that led them to the WebAR experience where they could play a little football game and they won prizes.
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AT&T WebAR Experience In this WebAR experience, the audience scanned a QR code and it directed them to a little game where they 'scanned' their surroundings and small hearts started to fall through the screen in real-time and they had to catch them and achieve a certain score for them to have the chance to win prizes. What I like from this experience that I want to implement in my own is the way they display the rules of the game at the beginning of the game as 'steps to follow' and how the experience recognizes when you have already played the game, so this limits the number of people who get the chance to win a prize. I also like that once it recognizes that you've already played the game even though it doesn't let you play again, you can access a cute filter to take pictures of yourself or with your friends.
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Kellog's AR Experience With this WebAR experience, children could scan their Coco Pops cereal boxes and unlock different games and characters. The main target audience of this experience was children, Blippar helped Kellog's track how many people used the experience so they could gather marketing information. This function is something that Blippar provides and it would be a perfect tool for the St Albans AR experience.
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Apart from the Blippar examples, there exist many other AR experiences in the market that are triggered by a 'target' image or real surface. This is called Marker-based AR, and it's one of the most common kinds of AR experiences. This is what I want to do with my idea; for it to be triggered when the phone 'scans' the real mosaic at the Hypocaust building. I feel like these types of experiences are especially interesting to the kids and they can create a great amount of engagement. Here's one example made with MyWebAR where the experience is triggered by a page from a book and it displays a 3D model.
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Blippar (2024) Blippar. Available at: https://www.blippar.com/ [Accessed 16 February 2024]
Yuri Volobuev (2020) 'WebAR image tracking creation in 5 minutes without special skills (brand new way 2020)', 11 May. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dERIze1bVo [Accessed: 16 February 2023]
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duskgazer · 2 years ago
Look into Dr John Kellog and his dietary and religious ideas around sex, and what he hoped creating corn flakes would achieve. It is. Something. (Context for the masturbating/corn flakes post)
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kissingwookiees · 2 years ago
dr amari: you’re asking me to defile a corpse
daphne, who repeatedly shot kellog’s body until his head popped like a watermelon: in fairness, the corpse was already defiled.
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yankbarry · 2 years ago
Yank Barry: A Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Making a Global Impact
Mr. Yank Barry has been recognized for his continuous efforts in the fight against hunger and has received almost 24 awards since 1995. These awards include the India Humanitarian Service Award in 2008, the Bahamian Red Cross Humanitarian Award, the Cote D'Ivoire Humanitarian Peace award, and the Juarez Mexico Hands of Love and Hope Award. These awards are a testament to his dedicated work in delivering food and providing hope to those who are hungry across the globe.
In November 2010 Yank received the Gusi Peace Prize for Social Services, Philanthropy and International Humanitarianism in Manila, The Philippines. Yank was also named Philanthropist of the Year at the GLA 2011 Awards in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This award was presented by The Leaders Magazine and the American Leadership Development Association. The most recent acknowledgment of Yank's humanitarian efforts is his nomination for 2012, 2013 & 2014 Nobel Peace Prizes. These awards are a by-product of Mr. Barry sharing his good fortune in a tangible way.
Founded in 1995 by Yank Barry, Global Village Champions Foundation is the vehicle through which Yank, Muhammad Ali and numerous World Class Champions have provided over half a billion meals to people in need across the globe. Celine Dion, Michael Jordan, Buzz Aldrin, King Mohammed VI of Morocco and Dr. Michael Nobel are only a few of the exceptional people who have joined Yank as he strives for "A Day Without Hunger" on a global scale.
Born in Montreal Canada in 1948, a gifted musician, Yank enjoyed 27 years in the music industry as a singer, composer, arranger and producer. His career began in 1965 as the lead singer of the Footprints singing Never Say Die. In 1967, he became the lead singer of the touring Kingsmen, best known for Louie, Louie. He has enjoyed success in the field of advertising jingles. Some of his jingles include Kellogs Raisin Bran, Dr. Pepper, Kodak, Red Lobster and General Motors.
In 1990, Yank developed Vitapro, a dehydrated soy-based meat-replacement product. While traveling on business, Yank witnessed desperate living conditions that touched his heart. He started donating some of his food products to various charities and NGOs in Canada and the US. Soon Yank's dear friend Muhammad Ali joined Global Village Champions and they brought food, medical supplies, clothing and educational tools to refugee camps, orphanages and areas stricken by disaster all over the World.
Working together with local agencies and NGOs he has helped countless people in their time of need, often traveling to politically unstable areas when very few would lend a helping hand. Yank's goal is to have delivered 1 billion meals by Dec. 31, 2013. Yank invites you to visit the website often and follow our progress as Global Village touches the lives of people around the World. For more details visit: https://www.gogvc.com/  
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inkintheinternet · 2 years ago
Food and the Immune System
By Arjuwan Lakkdawala 
Ink in the Internet
If you are a traveller you should be concerned with diseases that are prevalent in the country you are travelling to, or at least where you live. 
What I'm attempting to demonstrate in my series of articles about microorganisms, is the thin line we tread between our immunity and the ever evolving microorganisms that after Covid-19, proved how unprepared we are.
The idea is to learn about this possible disaster in the making so we can prevent it or at least be better prepared.
Climate and geology are factors which could contribute to particular viruses or bacteria thriving in certain locations. Animals and insects can be disease vectors. And travellers can be carriers of infectious diseases. What this means is that germs can travel the world. In this scenerio people more than animals can contribute to disease spread, and especially those who are asymptomatic or who are in the incubation stage before symptoms appear.
Because people don't undergo health screening like animals when travelling.
However, protection from diseases isn't only about wearing masks or hand sanitation. It has a lot to do with food consumption.
Many people don't have proper awareness about unhealthy ingredients in foods, or the ways in which food contamination can happen.
What we consume can effect the health of our immune system, which in turn effects how susceptible we become to infections or autoimmune diseases.
Generally bacteria can live in colder or hotter temperatures than humans.
But there are bacteria that can survive in extremely hot or cold temperatures, or highly acidic or salty conditions.
I think most people are not aware about how resistant bacteria can be. Or that viruses do not die but can only be destroyed.
One of the most tenacious forms of bacteria surving under extreme stress or heat is bacteria that can produce endospores.
"Endospores are dormant alternate life forms produced by the genus Bacillus, the genus Clostridium, and a number of other genera of bacteria, including Desulfotomaculum, Sporosarcina, Sporolactobacillus, Oscillospira, and Thermoactinomyces. 
Bacilus species." - Libre Texts Biology.
When those bacterium are under severe environmental attack they produce the endospore that preserves the cell's genetic material, as other parts of the bacteria perish. The endospore can survive till it gets environmental stimuli suitable for bacterial growth.
The re-entering of vegetative growth and cell division stage of the endospores is called germination.
Endospores are strongly resistant to boiling, antibiotics, many disinfectants, and low energy radiation, and do not get effected by drying.
Meat can be contaminated with endospores. 
Diseases that can be caused by endospores:  
"Infectious diseases such as anthrax, tetanus, gas gangrene, botulism, and pseudomembranous colitis are transmitted to humans by endospores." - Biology Libre Text.
However, do not confuse endospores with spores they are not the same. For example anthrax spores when inhaled cause severe health condition and can be fatal without immediate treatment.
Other ways in which food can get dangerously contaminated is by the chopping board. Use different boards to chop meat and vegetables/fruits. Because germs from the meat board can get transferred to fruits or vegetables that normally don't undergo cooking like meat.
When buying fruits or vegetable avoid those that have hole or punctures as germs can get into them through the openings.
Do not wash fruits or vegetables before storing in the fridge, the moisture can allow the growth of germs. Wash the fruits and vegetables before usage.
Another thing to be careful about is the water we drink. Dr. Kellog Schwab, director of the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute, says the moment we drink from a container we introduce microorganisms to that water. 
"Combined with the ambient temperature in your home or office, and sunlight streaming into your windows, those microorganisms could start to multiply pretty quickly." He said.
Water stored in plastic bottles should also be kept away from the odors of chemicals. Because plastic bottles are permeable. That means certains gases can go through them.
Water intoxication is also a danger many are not aware of.
This could like be why sports bottles have narrow mouths, so water can be consumed in a controlled manner.
There have been reports of people who died after accidently drinking too much water. This happens when more water is drunk than the kidneys can expel in time. The water dilutes the electrolytes in the blood, particularly sodium, and swelling happens in the cells including the brain.
While many health or exercise websites encourage to drink "plenty of water before and after exercise" I have never read on one the warning of how easily water intoxication can happen.
The other food warning doesn't really apply to me as a Muslim because I don't eat pork.
But it deserves a mention for others in the  world who unfortunately consume this animal.
Pig meat is similar to human meat. That is why it could be highly likely to cause autoimmune diseases, especially multiple sclerosis.
And the bacteria yersinia enterocolitica, which has many similarities to the bacteria yersinia pestis, which is related to yersinia pseudotuborcolusis and causes the bubonic black, is often found in pig meat.
In fact the contamination rate is high.
What happens each time people consume pork in regard to the immune system that it has to diffentiat that the meat is not its own human cells. This repitation in time can cause the immune system to not be able to tell it apart and hence start to attack its own cells.
In many countries MS was found to be as high as their consumption of pork, and as low as their consumption of pork. This signifying a correlation between pork and MS.
Processed foods and Ultra Processed foods are another unhealthy food problem. It is becoming very difficult to avoid these foods but not impossible. Ultra Processed foods can usually be told from the ingredients where it will read many more names that aren't normally understood as foods. This would be the things used to ultra process the food item.
Presently in the world the leading cause of death is heart disease followed by cancer.
One of the many examples of foods we consume with serious health risks is foods that have trans fat. 
"Trans fats in your food
Commercial baked goods, such as cakes, cookies and pies.
Microwave popcorn.
Frozen pizza.
Refrigerated dough, such as biscuits and rolls.
Fried foods, including french fries, doughnuts and fried chicken.
Nondairy coffee creamer.
Stick margarine." The Mayo Clinic
“Trans fat has no known benefit, and huge health risks that incur huge costs for health systems,” said WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Trans fat are highly associated with heart disease the leading cause of death worldwide.
Arjuwan Lakkdawala is an Author and Independent Journalist. Her Twitter and Instagram is @Spellrainia
Copyright ©️ Arjuwan Lakkdawala 2023
Springer Link - Foodborne Microbial Pathogens - Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pestis by Arun K. Bhunia
Hindawi - Journal of Pathogens - Rapid Detection and Identification of Yersinia pestis from Food Using Immunomagnetic Separation and Pyrosequencing
Kingsley K. Amoako,1Michael J. Shields,1Noriko Goji,1Chantal Paquet,2Matthew C. Thomas,1Timothy W. Janzen,1Cesar I. Bin Kingombe,3Arnold J. Kell,2and Kristen R. Hahn1
Academic Editor: Dike O. Ukuku
Advanced Naturopathic Medical Center - What is the problem with PORK?
By: Dr. Melina Roberts
Healthline - 4 Hidden Dangers of Pork - By Denise Minger 
Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America - The Many Health Risks of Processed Foods by Nick Fox
What happens if you drink too much water? -
Medically reviewed by Adrienne Seitz, MS, RD, LDN, Nutrition — By Arlene Semeco, MS, RD — Updated on Jan 4, 2023
Applied Microbiology International- Bacterial spore structures and their protective role in biocide resistance
M.J. Leggett, G. McDonnell, S.P. Denyer, P. Setlow, J.-Y. Maillard
First published: 10 May 2012
Science Direct - Endospores, Sporulation and Germination
Ernesto Abel-Santos, in Molecular Medical Microbiology (Second Edition), 2015
Time - You asked. Can water go Bad by Markham Heid
Science Direct - Biosafety and Health - Yersinia pestis, a problem of the past and a re-emerging threat
Author links open overlay panelJae-Llane Ditchburn, Ryan Hodgkins
Wired - Resistant Bacteria in Pork — And Problematic Pharmaceuticals Too by Maryn Mckenna
PMC - Osong Public Health and Research Perspective - Yersinia pestis antibiotic resistance: a systematic review
Chen Lei and Suresh Kumar
Science Direct - Earth Science Reviews - Geomicrobiology: its significance for geology
Author links open overlay panelHenry L. Ehrlich
Texas Cooperation Extension - The Texas A&M University System - Safe Handling of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - Peggy Van Laanen and Amanda Scott*
Bottledwater.org IBWA Bottled Water
Guide to Understanding Anthrax - CDC
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arcanenrok · 3 years ago
My burning hatred for Doctor John Harvey Kellogg, whom I want to skin alive and throw into the Dead Sea, is flaring up again, so I wanted to share an analogy to get a point across.
I am assuming you have fingernails, and probably toenails, too. These are body parts, and sometimes they are a little troublesome. Perhaps they get ingrown, or you get a hangnail, or dirt accumulates under them or fungus grows in them. I imagine you would not want to deal with these problems.
Perhaps you should get them ripped off? Better yet, when you have a child, rip off their fingernails and toenails so they never have to worry about these problems. When they’re a newborn, they will be too delicate to be put under anesthesia, but it’s better to do this sooner than later, so they’ll just have to endure it, and they won’t remember the pain anyway.
Now you probably are already objecting to this idea. For one, it’s super painful. I heard that sticking sharp stuff under people’s nails was a form of torture implemented at some point. Also, you probably don’t like the idea of having body parts ripped off of you.
However, do you really need nails? I mean, I haven’t researched this, but I don’t it’s necessary to check, so let’s just get on with it and remove them. I mean, even if you didn’t have nails, you’d still be able to use your hands, right? You can live a happy and fulfilling life without nails, right? I mean, what, are you a freak obsessed with manicures? Come one, you’re totally a rabid, emotional, insecure loser for being upset about having your nails removed. Get over yourself, not having nails is a completely first world problem, some people are missing their entire limbs, and even they can get along fine and live a happy life. Besides, some people think that fingers without nails look good, you’ll be popular.
Wait, you still don’t want your nails removed? Oh, well that’s too bad, because I went back in time to popularize the practice of nail removing so that the sinful and vain practice of nail polish becomes discouraged, and so your parents removed your nails when you were too young to be able to object, as did many other parents.
You may have noticed that my tone had become a tad hyperbolic, sarcastic, and satirical in the preceding paragraphs. In case you missed it, no, I am not advocating for the removal of nails, but I think it’s a good analogy, because regardless if they said “it’s a boy” or “it’s a girl” at your gender reveal party, you probably have nails, and it’s safe to assume the thought of someone ripping them off is upsetting. Hopefully I demonstrated the point that having body parts removed to prevent minor inconveniences, even if supposedly the lack of such body parts will not negatively impact your life too much, is probably something you’d want a say in, and something you’d probably say no to, and if someone went ahead with it anyway, you’d probably want them charged in court for assault.
And if you knew anything about the perverse puritan named Kellog, who I mentioned at the beginning of this post, among his other crimes, he popularized circumcision as a means to combat the “sin” of masturbation. So nowadays, circumcision is justified, because supposedly, it discourages sin, you can still function in daily life and in your sex life without a foreskin, the baby doesn’t remember the pain, and the ladies apparently prefer it. “Intactivists” have on occasion been characterized as sex obsessed freaks who are obsessed with their penises/foreskins, but it isn’t surprising for discussions about penises to mainly involve sex, as that’s the primary function of the penis, and it also isn’t unusual for someone, upon realizing that they are missing a body part, to think a lot about that body part.
Also, as I mentioned earlier, the desire to not have your nails ripped off is universal among the sexes, so I like this analogy because it avoids the controversy around comparing circumcision to fgm. No one is going to disagree that ripping someone’s nails off is both pointless and harmful (I could be wrong though), so by comparing circumcision to that instead, I believe I can get the point across without clouding the discussion with additional controversy.
So I hope that the parallels were apparent to you, and that you get my point that a body part being “unnecessary” isn’t enough grounds to justify its arbitrary removal, or even tolerate it. That even if circumcision brings minor benefits, and even if its drawbacks are supposedly not so severe, that subjecting a child to it is absurd and cruel. That even if it is “not as bad as x horrible thing”, that it is still horrible enough to warrant vigilant opposition.
tl;dr, you probably wouldn’t bother to listen to my whole sales pitch about my removal of (perfectly healthy) fingernail service, so the justifications for foreskin removal services should seem equally as unpersuasive. And Fuck Dr Kellog and his shitty cereal, may he roll in his grave knowing that Tony the Tiger continues to inspire lust in the furry community and that schools are no longer segregated.
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anarchycox · 3 years ago
Tonight the good dr cox was singing worker/union songs to beastie at bedtime (side note beastie can sing most of John Henry it is great) because of the kellog’s workers singing the contract. I was informed:
"i thought about christmas songs, but union songs are practically the same thing. How do you celebrate Jesus's birthday? Sign your union card."
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shitty-fallout-art · 4 years ago
When I read the ask about Nick having problems with Kellogg’s chip, all I could think about is him being in a Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde situation, where Kellogg slowly takes more and more control of Nick’s body from him. Maybe he’s been upgrading it to make it more deadly while he has control? Like giving them a Mr Handy flamethrower or an Assaultron head laser?
Me, twirling around kellogs little brain lump in my fingertips while looking menacingly over at horror! Nick Valentine:
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rottenlittleboys · 5 years ago
True fax.
Fun Michigan fact of the day: Kellogg invented corn flakes with the intent to keep people from masterbating
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finleyjayne · 5 years ago
Everyone is Sad Sometimes
Steve Rodgers x Reader
Summary: During a depressive episode the end of the tunnel can seem impossible to reach. Your therapist says that you are not alone in your feelings but you don’t believe them. They don’t live in a compound with superheroes. After a run in with a certain super soldier, You can’t help but wish to bask your sorrows in your secret stash of icecream, what will happen when someone else has the same Idea?
Warnings: Angst, Panic Attacks
A/N: Sorry not sorry, Thank you for the photo Google. Also I’m going to tag @captain-rogers-beard​ because I am new and I want at least one person to read this.(Thank you Mimi)
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Depression hits everyone at one time or another. That's what your therapist keeps telling you. It's just hard to see how the literal superheroes around you are dealing with depression. Like sure Tony locks himself into his bubble of work, Natasha goes missing for a week every month, and Bucky... don't even start with Bucky. Even Thor could be seen putting himself into the line of fire more after his brother's death. So maybe Dr. Pronce isn't wholly wrong. 
At least that was what you were starting to believe. Until Steve walked into the small breakroom, you were currently using to meditate. Steve was a God among men, and he had yet to have an "off" day in your presence. Compared to your increasing lack of good days, Steve was perfect. Even now, he was whistling a jaunty tune, his steps bouncing as he set up his sketchpad in front of the windows. 
Sitting in the corner, obscured by a stately, wingback chair as you were, he didn't even notice you. Which was great for people watching. Even better for you to get a nonpartial read on how the imposing, and reserved man before you was really feeling. Keeping quiet, you watched as he smiled to himself. A relaxed, carefree thing., full of contentment. You fought the urge to sigh. 
How could he be so happy about what was going on outside? It was overcast, all the trees were dead, the snow was murky because of all the combat drills that had been done throughout the field since it had last snowed. Even the cardinals and squirrels that found their homes in the nearby trees were absent. Probably hunkering down for before the next storm was supposed to hit.  
Your frown deepened at the thought. The winter storms did nothing to help your increasing hopelessness; in fact, they seemed to do the opposite. Not only did they make the impending sense of doom that you usually could keep at bay absolutely unbearable, but the dramatic pressure changes also made your very human body ache from all of the past abuse you've lived through. 
Before you can realize how it would give you away, you start to rub at a particularly sore scar on the side of your forearm. Even after the Captain was staring surprised at you, you continued to stare at him.
"I hope you realize it's impolite to stare." He says casually, his eyes barely flickering to you before going back to the window.
You startle slightly at being noticed. "I've heard that before. I've also heard that it's impolite to do a great many other things, Captain. Most of which the population of America does every single day." You respond, continuing to stare.  
Steve chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest as he takes the armchair across from your hiding place. "Oh, really? What would this list consist of?"
"Crossing your arms." you deadpan, pulling your knees closer. 
"Touche," he states, leaning back into the chair, relaxing his arms. Going back to his leisure surveillance. His hands twirling a charcoal pencil between their lithe fingers. 
After what was probably too long a silence, words pop out of your mouth. "What are you looking at? There are better views out of the other windows. The snow isn't even clean." 
"Sometimes, the lack of beauty is where true beauty lies." He whispers, his voice convincingly soft. 
"Who are you quoting, my mother?"
"Not quoting anyone. Just trying to remember what a friend. If I was to quote them, I would've said, 'Ugliness is just a failure of seeing.'" His voice wavered a bit as he continued to stare out the window. Turning to you, he cleared his throat. "What are you doing behind the chair instead of in it?" 
You laugh sardonically, "Meditating. I'm a bit of a claustrophile."
He gives you a strange look. "Oh? Are you sure you aren't hiding from something."
"Steve, not that it's any of your business, but I am always hiding from something. It's daily life for me," you say. Not wanting to answer any more questions, you stand lithely make your way to the door. 
He looked startled at your abrupt movement. "You don't have to go. I didn't mean to offend you."
"Look, Steve, I know you are just trying to be helpful. I also know that you can't really stop being yourself, and I don't really want to either. But I really can't handle being in the same room with your positivity right now. You're too happy, and it's not making me feel any better about my lack of happy. So stay, enjoy your sketching, see you at training tomorrow." You turn around before you could see the hurt playing over his face.
Later that night, you still felt awful at your inability to be content with any of the blessings you have been given since becoming one of the Avengers. Even when in sleep, the unending hopelessness caused your sinuses to burn until you woke yourself up with your tears. Finally, giving up around two in the morning, you make your way to the secondary kitchen in search of your hidden stash of comfort icecream. 
To your surprise, the light in the kitchen is on when you round the corner. Trying to act like you aren't dying on the inside, you circle the island cupboards to see the weirdest sight of your life.
Captain America, sitting on the floor, eating a bowl of Kellog Flakes, talking seriously into the phone. "I don't know what to do. I ran into her today. She blatantly told me tha..." he looks up and freezes midword. You could faintly hear the other person on the line calling for him, but couldn't care less. Staring straight ahead as you got your icecream and a spoon as quickly as you could manage. Fighting off the new wave of tears.
Gods, what were you going to do? Your depression was going to lose you your spot on the team? Was it really that bad? You went to every training session, you made it a point to listen to all direction, and worked extra hard every mission to prevent this from happening. What would you do if you lost this too?
Your thoughts tore violently through your brain, leaving you unable to pay attention to your surroundings anymore. You were just outside of your door when a calloused hand caught your arm. The forlorn wail you were holding just behind your teeth severed the still night air, pulling the ripcord on the tears fighting to be free. Your distress shredded any sense of coordination you had as you collapsed into Steve's rock-hard chest.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), please, let me explain."
"NO," you sobbed. "Let go of me, If you wanted to get rid of me, all you had to do was ask. I'm a big girl, I can take a little tough love."
That seemed to shock Steve. "What?"
You yanked your arm harshly from Steve's stunned grip. "That's what you were talking to whoever that was about, wasn't it? You finally realized that I am not worth it. That I don't belong and weren't sure how to break the news to me since I'm so depressed. Well lucky you, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I'll have my stuff packed and be out by the end of the week." You turn away as tears waterfall down your face. 
Before you can get a decent grip on the doorknob, Steve's hand finds its place on top of yours. "No. I don't want you to leave." He states confidently. "It's quite the opposite actually. I like you. I was asking Clint how to handle my feelings since you clearly don't feel the same."
That stops you in your struggle for the doorknob. You look up at the imposing man beside you through bleary eyes. "What did you just say?"
"I like you, sweetheart. I was worried about you, and I didn't know what to do. So I called Clint. He seems to know the most about women."
You stood there, shocked for a second. "You like me."
"You make it really hard not to."
"What do you mean?"
"Sweetheart, you are a gorgeous, strong, independent, caring, hardworking woman. I'd be stupid not to have feelings for you."
"But I'm so grumpy, and when I'm not grumpy, I'm sad," you argue, scrunching your eyes together in confusion.
"Everyone gets sad. You are just less adept at hiding your feelings than some of us are. That's okay. I know you don't see it right now, but you haven't always been this way, and even if you stay this way, I know that you are worth every ounce of love and respect that I've given you."
You just stare at him. Trying to find any hint at the lie. He just stood there, staring right back into your eyes and, you couldn't help the tiny flutter of hope that settled deep in your tummy. A slight twitch, like the flick of a cat's tail as it basks in the sun. You missed her, and you knew that if Steve continues to look at you like that, you were going to be feeling more than just the flick of her tail.
"You quoting my therapist now too? Or is it just more of your friends?"
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