#dr joseph randolph
sarnie-for-varney · 1 year
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bunnieswithknives · 6 months
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What if I became obsessed with The Heilwald Loophole... What then...
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the-blackholeus · 1 year
May I request some headcanons with Dr. Randolph and a reader who's *unbearably* kind and sweet? ^-^
You sure may! This was actually a bit hard since I rarely write sweet things, but I hope you like what I did:
At first, Randolph would be hostile towards you. He would not trust your wonderful nature. Not a single human being could be that sweet and selfish. There must be something you wanted from him, right? 
And while his hostility might fade after a while, he would still be very prone to avoiding you, still wary of your motives and straight up uncomfortable with all the attention directed at him. It will certainly take time for him to get used to you.
At first, he would flinch away every time you would reach out to touch him, thinking that now was the time you would finally make your move and strike him down. Imagine his surprise when you would just squeeze his shoulder to get his attention.
But then, an entire month after you first met, you did something that caused his thick walls to finally receive their first crack.
After he had overworked himself once again, which was quite common for him, you found him in his office, snoring and drooling all over his paperwork. Your heart had clenched at the sight, and you had reached for a blanket he kept hung over one of the chairs, carefully covering his back and broad shoulders with the soft material. You did this as carefully as you could so you would not awaken him, believing to have succeeded when you managed to sneak out without him moving, but in truth, Randolph was wide awake.
As soon as you had been out of sight and hearing range, he had sat up and turned his head to stare at the blanket, an absolutely dumbfounded expression on his face. He had remained in this position for what felt like hours, the gears in his brain turning as his mind had attempted to figure out what in Heilwald's name just happened and why?
After that sweet gesture, something changed, and he became more open towards you and your actions. You, being the observant person that you were, of course, immediately picked up on that and began to pamper him, using every opportunity presented to do something good for the monstrous man.
As soon as you picked up that he was not eating regularly, you began to sneak into Chef Sauer's kitchen and cook something for him. Once you were done (and survived), you would sneak into his office and leave the food on the desk in a lovely bag decorated with a sweet "Bon Appétit, from ___". You were unsure if he liked it first, but after the bag returned empty with a thick "Thank you" written onto it, you knew that you made the right decision.
Whenever it's colder than usual or if he is just feeling a little sick, you would sneak into the kitchen and make him a cup of tea or extra coffee, depending on the time of the day. At the beginning of the relationship, you, too, sneaked the cup into his office in fear of how he might react, but by now, you were bold enough to just hand it to him, sometimes even pressing your lips against his cheek for a short, fleeting kiss before running down the hallway.
If he overdoes it and actually falls sick, you would quite literally pamper him. You would bring him salves and rub them onto his chest and back, you would bring him every medication he would ask (demand) for and, if he he has to vomit, you would rub his back and whisper reassuring words into his ears when he would have his head stuck in a bucket or kiss the toiletseat. He would grumble and growl the entire time, trying to reassure you that he was fine and that he does not need your pity. You, however, would just reply with a long, sarcastic "suuuuurrrrreeee" before shoving another spoon of food or medication into his mouth, effectively shutting him up.
When he is stressed or angry, you would just come to his office and pull his head against your chest, pressing a soft kiss into his thick, dark brown hair before letting your fingers run through it. This causes him to calm down almost immediately, and he would lean into your touch, closing his reddened eyes.
When your relationship has been going on long enough for you to coax him to sleep in the same bed as you, you would hold him close and wrap your arms around his strong body. Sometimes, when you would run your hands over his bare back, (which was always exposed in bed due to him only sleeping in boxers, even in the harshest of winters) you would be able to feel the tense muscles caused by a shrimp position when sitting or the pure stress he was feeling 24/7. Depending if he has his back turned to you or not, you would tell him to shift so you would be able to reach it. The first few times, he would be very hesitant to do so, not entirely sure what your intentions were, but after a few wonderful massages that left him feel much more relaxed and brought salvation from the all-too-familiar pain, he soon began to do so without wasting a second thought.
To ease his stress at work, you had begun to help him with his syringes. You would make sure that he would never run out of them and fill them before he would start his shift. You even managed to force yourself out of bed before he would, making sure to prepare everything so all he would have to do it was to grab it and shove it into his pockets before he would leave. It took him no time to catch on to that, and he rewarded you with a soft kiss to your forehead and a low, rumbled "Thank you" before he would disappear out of the door to your personal quarters.
But while your sweet behavior was meant well, it sometimes gets on his nerves, and he does not shy away from telling you that. It, of course, hurts to hear that, but you know that he doesn't do it to be mean. Randolph is a man who needs his personal space, and he tends to become irritated when he does not get it. In response to his harsh yet well-meant words, you would try and better yourself, making sure to find out when it was "appropriate" for you to live our your sweet nature and when to hold back.
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pixelsss · 3 months
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Where are y'all this tag is so dead😭
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boygirldykething · 5 months
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As the Kluskap legends suggest, we are given life in this phenomenal world to learn the lessons we are meant to learn. We are the Stars who Sing. We Sing with our Light. The essential and energetic nature of reality is central to Mi'kmaw cosmology. Our primary purpose is not to be male or female and to dominate the earth. Our primary purpose is to be, to learn, and then to offer our teachings to others and go back into the Spirit World. Our children are our Song Lines given in love. The spiritual nature of childhood teaches us as adults to rekindle the fires of learning, wonder, and respect for life. Our children are our medicine.
Mi'kmaq Puoinaq Two Spirit Medicine: Sexuality and Gender Variance, Spirituality and Culture by Dr. Joseph Randolph Bowers
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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“ . . . we urgently appeal to our honored President, and hereby PETITION him to URGE the enactment into LAW . . . of either Senator France's or Representative Dyer ANTI-LYNCHING BILL.” Petition from the International Uplift League, 10/15/1922. 
File Unit: 158260 section 3 #1, 1904 - 1974
Series: Straight Numerical Files, 1904 - 1974
Record Group 60: General Records of the Department of Justice, 1790 - 2002
The International Uplift League
(Organized 1911: Re-Organized and Incorporated, A.D. 1915)
Object:-To Uplift and Develop the Colored Race Everywhere.
Motto:-Justice, Knowledge (Material and Spiritual) Health and Wealth.
President, Rev. Dr. Robert W. S. Thomas, M.A.
Treasurer, Mrs. Ruth M. Collett
Auditor, Charles M. Dorsey, Esq.
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Rev. George L. White, D.D., M.D.
General Secretary, David N.E. Campbell, M.D., M.O.
1369 N. Carey Street,
Baltimore, Md., U. S. A.
New Address,
119 Lefferts Place,
Brooklyn, New York.
Amended Petition.  October 15th 1922.
To His Excellency,
The President of
The United States of America,
The White House, Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. President:
For the GOOD and true HONOR of our beloved country, the United States of America, in the NAME of ALMIGHTY GOD, LYNCHING should be abolished.  Opinion seems unanimous that the United States Government possesses permanently the greater jurisdictional control (about 3/4) over each United States Citizen; and the State in which the citizen resides holds the remaining (1/4) jurisdiction.
Hence the elimination of LYNCHING, our most heinous STIGMA, should be accomplished through the Federal Government, because the respective States, for more than fifty years, have failed to suppress LYNCHING.  Therefore, we urgently appeal to our honored President, and hereby PETITION him to URGE the enactment into LAW, during the Extra Session of Congress, of either Senator France's or Representative Dyer ANTI-LYNCHING BILL.  By such worthy and magnanimous ACT, Mr. President, you will immortalize your NAME like the illustrious Lincoln when we signed the Emancipation Proclamation.  Amen.
For the Women.
(Miss) Emma J. Chrichton
For the Men.
David Newton E. Campbell
Secretary I.U. League
P.S. We hope to secure millions of signatures to this PETITION and forward same duly.
 VIce Presidents,
Rev. Dr. George F. Bragg, Jr.
Hon. Ernest Lyon, D.D., LL.D.
Rev. Dr. Wm. Sampson Brooks, D.D.
Rev. W.W. Allen, D.D.
Rev. Dr. Thomas F. Reed
Hon. George W.F. McMechen
Mrs. Mary F. Bond.
Rev. Junius Gray, D.D.
Rev. L.C. Curtis, D.D.
Rev. N.M. Carroll, D.D.
Charles B Rodgers, Esq.
Mrs. Alric R. Campbell.
Rev. Ananias Brown, D.D.
Rev. James R. Diggs, A.M.
Rev. Dr. J.A. Briscoe.
Rev. Dr. A.B. Callis, Washington, D.C.
Miss Nannie H. Burroughs.
Rev. William H. Dean, D.D.
Rev. J. Harvey Randolph, D.D.
Rev. M.W.D. Norman, D.D.
Rev. C. Harold Stepteau, D.D.
Dr. Charles H. Marshall.
Rev. Walter H. Brooks, D.D.
Joseph P. Evans, Esq.
Miss. Mary A.E. Bennett.
Joshua F.G.L. Duvall.
Arthur L. Macbeth, Esq.
Joseph S. Fennell, Esq.
William H. Bates, Esq.
Columbus Gordon, Esq.
Dr. Robert W. Brown.
Dr. Luther E. McNeill.
Rev. T.A. Thomas.
Prof. Howard M. Gross.
Dr. E.C. Morris.
Mrs. Mary F. Handy.
Dr. A.A. Terrell.
Mrs. Fannie Jenkins.
Mrs. Urania M. Ross.
Samuel Carroll, Esq.
Dr. John W. Derry,
Dr. E. Verry Stokes.
Dr. Harry F. Brown.
Dr. J. Edward Fisher.
Rev. William Holt.
Rev. S.A. Virgil.
Rev. J.C. and Mrs. S. Love.
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indiesole · 11 months
Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
Online Indie
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
Dalai Lama
Grace Kelly
Mikhail Gorbachev
Vladimir Putin
Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
Roger Moore
John Huston
Blaise Pascal
Humphrey Bogart
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Morse
Wayne Gretzky
Yogi Berra
Barry Levinson
Patrice Chereau (director)
Jerry Lewis
Louis Daguerre
James Watt
Henri Rousseau
Nikita Krushchev
Jack Dorsey
Dev Anand
Elia Kazan
Alexander Fleming
David Selznick
Frank Marshall
Viswanathan Anand
Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
Felix Rohatyn
Sam Spiegel
Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God)
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Outta curiosity what or rather who are your muses basses off of?
Okay let's start off with team SNOW.
Shaoqing Li: Herbert West from H. P. Lovecraft's Herbert West - Reanimator
Nila Arushi: Christine Daaé from The Phantom of the Opera
Odran Uaithne: Lumière from Beauty and the Beast with a hint of Randolph Carter from H. P. Lovecraft's The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
Lloyd Whitaker: Joseph Curwen from H. P. Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
Now for team FCHS.
Gilroy Flanagan: The Raven from Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven
Cerise Livie: Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
Heddwyn Enfys: Le Fou from Beauty and the Beast
Shion Kohaku: The Narrator from Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven
Now for team BEIG.
Bruno Porfirio: Judge Claude Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Eun Bora: Erik/The Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera
Ianthe Xanthe: Mircalla Karnstein/Carmilla from Carmilla
Glauco Albano: Walter Gilman from H. P. Lovecraft's The Dreams in the Witch-House
Now for team MARN.
Melanthios Xanthos: Dracula from Bram Stoker's Dracula
Adisa Oyibo: Yog-Sothoth from H. P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror
Orinda Radcliff: Harley Warren from H. P. Lovecraft's The Statement of Randolph Carter
Nubia Uaithne: Dr. Henry Armitage from H. P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror
Now for team ASUR.
Argyros Chrysanthos: Jyggalag from The Elder Scrolls Oblivion
Sigal Livna: Mephala from The Elder Scrolls Skyrim and Ursula from The Little Mermaid
Kieran Uaithne: Sheogorath from the Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Cogsworth from Beauty and the Beast
Eachann Roderick: Haskil from the Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Sebastian from the Little Mermaid
Now for team CRDV.
Caeso Cordovin: The Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland
Ayane Riko: Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland
Alpin Donndubhán: White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland
Vanna Pembe: Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland
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darchildre · 2 months
Final comments on The Case of Charles Dexter Ward:
1) Dr Willett's journey through the darkened labyrinth beneath Curwen's farmhouse/bungalow is genuinely really good. The descriptions of the spaces and the horrible things in them are really effective.
Until you get to the bit where Willett is frightened beyond endurance and the narration tells us that he "screamed and screamed and screamed." It doesn't work, and it just feels silly.
Howie. Howard Phillips. I know that your pockets are at all times filled with ridiculous spooky words. Please use a couple.
2) Also we learned that Willett is friends with Randolph Carter? I mean, okay, sure. Why not, right?
Charles Dexter Ward was written (and this bit is set) after "The Silver Key", so Dr Willett has just had a rash of weird/spooky things happening to his friends. Poor dude.
3) There is a kind of fictional character I really love, which is "guy who is really good at One Particular Thing, and really truly terrible at Literally Everything Else", eg Griffin Invisibleman. Joseph Curwen is also very much that dude and I love him immensely.
He is really very good at necromancy! He managed to cause an exact doppelganger descendant of himself to be born and influence that descendant into finding his notes and reanimating Curwen, as well as all the other necromancy he was already doing - that's very impressive!
But he is very bad at everything that isn't necromancy:
Kept living in the same town while constantly looking 30 for over 50 years
Could not remember to write letters to his necromancer friends using the correct pseudonyms
Wildly overestimated the control he had over his necromantic subjects and blew himself up
His big plan once he's alive again? "Wear a fake beard and glasses until I've murdered my descendant, then simply move back into my old house." Oh my god, Joseph, just leave Providence.
Has no idea what's going on with modern finances in general and Charles' finances in particular. Nearly gets caught because he keeps writing checks in Charles' name when their handwriting is completely and recognizably different.
"Surely the fact that I still talk like a dude from the 1760s will not hinder me in the slightest!"
Hilariously, all his necromancer friends also think he's bad at this, because they keep writing him letters full of helpful advice and reminding him that they went a whole 150 years without dying after he blew himself up, so maybe he should chill a little and listen.
(He does not.)
Like, he is also absolutely the worst, but I do adore him and his dumb fake beard.
4) Curwen's disreputable Portuguese servant gets called Tony, which means that his name was probably Antone like all of my maternal male relatives who emigrated to New England from Portugal. This is why I tell people I have Innsmouth blood. (He's a Gomes too, which is not a major part of my family tree but is in there. We're probably related.)
5) I had wildly misremembered Curwen's whole deal and thought this was a possession story, not a doppelganger story. I blame The Haunted Palace, honestly (which legit is a possession story and which I have watched several more times than I have read this book).
It's a fun adaptation, but Roger Corman was missing out. Just imagine - we could have had two Vincents Price, only one of them is wearing, like, a goofy fake beard over his real beard.
6) If there was a more accurate film adaptation, the bit at the end where Curwen is once more reduced to a pile of Essential Saltes on the floor is absolutely set up for someone (Orne and Hutchinson? I didn't see the bodies) to gather up that dust for the sequel.
Honestly, once you get past the travelogue section, this book is really quite fun. I'm very glad I revisited it.
And now it's time for "Shadow Over Innsmouth"! Yay!
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ladyimaginarium · 6 months
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mi'kmaq puoinaq two spirit medicine: sexuality & gender variance, spirituality & culture - dr. joseph randolph bowers & dr. daniel n. paul.
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boredandtiredficwriter · 10 months
25 Days of Murderfuckmas
Okay so I'm friends with @waytoapurpleheart and I was joking about how everyone thinks they wanna fuck Springtrap so they had to explain that no, they do not want to do the deed with the tetanus peepaw but with actual Willy Afton
And that made them realize they have a type for murdery arrogant fictional men.
Which made me have an idea for a Murderfuckmas (hehe reference) advent calendar of sorts!
So here's a list!
Bob Velseb
Sweeney Todd
Jeff the Killer
Steve Raglan/William Afton (FNAF Movie)
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Freddy Krueger
Jack Torrance
Count Dracula (does this count as a monsterfuck? I mean he do murder so-)
Grover Fischoeder (Bob's Burgers Movie) (Tumblr sexyman energy)
Jack Kennedy (DSaF)
Dave Miller (DSaF)
Henry Miller (DSaF)
Buffalo Bill
Art The Clown
Laughing Jack
Eyeless Jack
Slenderman (hahahahah definitely a monsterfuck)
Pennywise (It)
Masky and Hoodie
Dr. Joseph Randolph (Heilwald Loophole)
Doctor Eggman (Sonic Movie ver) (he counts he tries to murder Sonic)
Into The Aftonverse (no I ain't elaborating)
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indiejones · 11 months
Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Online Indie
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
Dalai Lama
Grace Kelly
Mikhail Gorbachev
Vladimir Putin
Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
Roger Moore
John Huston
Blaise Pascal
Humphrey Bogart
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Morse
Wayne Gretzky
Yogi Berra
Barry Levinson
Patrice Chereau (director)
Jerry Lewis
Louis Daguerre
James Watt
Henri Rousseau
Nikita Krushchev
Jack Dorsey
Dev Anand
Elia Kazan
Alexander Fleming
David Selznick
Frank Marshall
Viswanathan Anand
Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
Felix Rohatyn
Sam Spiegel
Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God) .
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
The Packard Car Company and Samuel Packard, Sr. [Part 2]
Looking on Find A Grave, it is clear that John R. Packard was John Randolph Packard, living from 1836 to 1900.  We can also see, from Find A Grave that Warren Packard married Sylvia Ann Camp, with her gravestone saying she lived from 1834 to 1856, and reporting having two children with Warren: "Rolla Packard" (1854-1855) and Harry Packard (1856-1858). As such, Sylvia was Warren's first wife and Mary was his second wife. Coming back to Find A Grave, there is only one parent listed for him, his brother John R., and sister Ellen D.: Julia Ann Leach. Luckily, in our case, John's obituary on January 6, 1922, not the one the day before, is the key in that it names both parents! It is reprinted below:
John R. Packard died at his home, 28 South Mercer street, Thursday morning at 8:30. Death came quickly and, apparently, easily. Mr. Packard had walked to the bath room and was returning when he suddenly became faint and was soon gone from this life. He had been taken ill with lumbago the middle of November but was not considered seriously 111 until pleurisy set in a few days ago. Even then his condition was not believed to be alarming. John R. Packard, who had been identified With the hardware business of Greenville for more than a half century, and said to be the oldest hardware merchant in America, was a native native of Lordstown, Trumbull Co., O., born Jan. 31, 1836.
His parents were William and Julia A. (Leach) Packard. The father was a native of Washington county,, Pennsylvania, and the mother of Mendham, Morris County, New Jersey. Both the Packard and Leach families migrated to what is now Mahoning County, Ohio. In the early part of the nineteenth century. William Packard, the father, spent his boyhood days at the parental homestead in Ohio, and in 1849 became a member of a overland party which made the weary trip across the plains to California. He himself located located at Kernvillle, where he engaged both in the mining business and in the erection of stamp mills. He not only became prosperous and respected in that field but acquired such influence in tho locality that he was chosen one of tho associate justices of the peace. In politics he was a Democrat.
William Packard died at Kernville, California. Of the thirteen children born to, him three are living are follows: John R. Packard [not living anymore] who was the seventh child of the family: The paternal grandparents [of John R. Packard] were Thomas and Nancy Packard, natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Delaware. John R. Packard, was reared in Lordstown,, his birthplace, and educated in its common schools and at a select academy conducted by Rev Joseph King of the Disciples church. Mr. Packard afterward taught school himself in that vicinity, but in 1852 he entered business in the capacity of a clerk in his brother's hardware store at Warren, Ohio. Two years afterward he located at Greenville and entered into partnership with his uncle, D.B. Packard, and his brother, Warren, the three forming the firm of Packard & Company. In 1857 Warren Packard sold his interest to the other partners, who continued in the business until 1870 when Dr. Packard retired and John R. Packard became the head of the firm. He was president of the Packard Hardware company which became the largest wholesale establishment between Cleveland and Pittsburgh and maintained a large retail store in connection. In 1913 it was decided to liquidate the corporation and three years later this was an accomplished fact, whereupon Mr. Packard opened an extensive retail establishment and gave it active management until his death.
Mr. [John R.] Packard was married to Miss Augusta Buck, of Westfield, N. Y., [born] September 26th, 1859. Her father was a prominent merchant and manufacturer and a ship owner, his interests in the latter line being confined to Lake Erie. Mrs. John R. Packard died on April 29, 1897. She was the mother of eight children, three of whom died in infancy. The five who survive are: Clara, who married Lester D. Leech; Cora, Mrs. Fred A. Mallery, of Passaic, N. J.; Edwin Buck Packard, Greenville; Celeste, now Mrs C.B. Rice, Pittsburgh, Pa. and Sylvia, now Mrs. Paul H. Graff. Grand-children left are as follows: Josephine Packard Leech, now wife of Dr. Harry S. Stone, Franklin; Mrs. Pauline Mallery Packard, New York City,, and Miss Sylvia Packard Mallery, Passaic, N.J.; John R. Packard and Miss Louise Packard in Penn High school, Greenville; Caroline Packard Packard Rice, now Mrs. Wallace Downs, of Northern India and Randolph Packard Packard Rice, a Harvard student; John Packard Graff, ensign U. S. N., stationed at Dantzig, Thomas J. Graff, a student at Valparaiso, Indiana, and Miss Augusta Packard Graft, Greenville.
There are two great grand-children: Fred Mallery Packard, New York, and Celestia Mary Downs, of India. Mr. [John R.] Packard twice encircled the globe and travelled extensively in the Western Hemisphere. Practically every state in the Union was familiar to and his motoring trips to the Atlantic Coast states and Canada were many. He was a prominent Democrat but never aspired to office or practical politics. He was a life-long Mason and a member of St. Clement's Episcopal church. He was one of the earliest and most enthusiastic members of the Round Table and with Dr. John Peate, Dr. Henry Warren Roth, Major Harry Watson and Dr. D. O. McKay, a distinguished and valued member.
This really gives a whole and great history! It is clear now that William Packard and Julia A. Leach were the parents not only of John R. Packard, but also of Ellen and Warren. Now we know that William Packard was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
It is not very hard to find the 1850, 1860, and 1870 censuses which mention John R. Packard. In the first of these, in 1850, it is clear that the Julianna mentioned in the census is Julia A. Leach, because it says her birthplace is New Jersey. Her husband, William, is not there because, as noted above, "in 1849 became a member of a overland party which made the weary trip across the plains to California." So, he was in California at the time, as part of the "Gold Rush."
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Courtesy of "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch, John Packard in household of Juliann Packard, Lordstown, Trumbull, Ohio, United States; citing family 34, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.). Other children included Ella D. Packard, Mary P. Packard, and Milton Packard.
By 1860, John R. is married to Augusta, whom he had been with for only one year, and living in West Greenville Borough, Mercer, Pennsylvania, in a mixed household of varied surnames. Hence, John is not in the household with his siblings.
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Courtesy of "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch, John R Packard in entry for William Stoughton, 1860.
By 1870, John R. is in Pennsylvania, is the head of the household and has four children, whom he had with Augusta: Clara, Cora, Edwin, and Celestia, along with a house servant named Eva Davidson.
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Courtesy of "United States Census, 1870," database with images, FamilySearch, J R Packard, Pennsylvania, United States; citing p. 17, family 130, NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 552,872.
There's some other information about John R. Packard, including an entry in the 1900 census, and passport applications for varied years (1900, 1906, 1908, 1911, and 1913), but those don't help us move forward.
This is where we run into problems. I tried to look for an obituary of William Packard on newspapers.com since he reportedly died on December 11, 1877 in Kernville, California, but to no avail, and was born in 1803 in Washington, Pennsylvania. I can find a William Packard in the 1830 and 1840 censuses, but that is the wrong individual, as he is living in Canton Township, Bradford, Pennsylvania. There are reports on Find A Grave  that his parents were a man with the last name of Packard and Ann Berry. All the entries on Family Search list William's parents as Thomas Packard and Nancy Ann Berry. [3] Of course, the entries there cite no sources or bad sources (i.e. SAR application member number 91685 and Ancestry.com trees), some saying he died in 1879, and no agreement on when he married (June 26, 1824 or June 26, 1826?). Even some claim he became a captain, going to California to look for gold. I had no luck otherwise. I found a William Packard in 1850 in Tuolumne county, California, one in Mariposa, California in 1852 and another in Petersburg Township 3, Tulare, California in 1860. But, none of these individuals are born in Pennsylvania!
To summarize, the people on Family Search say that Thomas Packard was born in 1778 in Washington, Pennsylvania and died in 1851 in Marshall, Indiana. As for Nancy, they say she was born on October 15, 1780 in Washington, Ohio and died in  Greenville Cemetery in Greenville, PA on Apr 13, 1870. Now, I can find a 72-year-old Thomas and 67-year-old Nancy (undoubtedly our Thomas and Nancy) together in 1850 in Marshall, Marshall County, Indiana with two children: Newton and Jasper. Their places of birth are misstated, but this happens in census documents from time to time. The census document is as follows:
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Courtesy of "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch, Nancy Packard in household of Thos Packard, Marshall county, part of, Marshall, Indiana, United States; citing family 378, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
Through this searching I discovered Nancy and Thomas's gravestone. As luck would have it, Newton (1833-1900) and Jasper (1832-1899) as listed on Find A Grave as children along with two others: Daniel Berry (1817-1873) and Thomas Alfred (1809-1872). One obituary for Newton (often called "N.R. Packard" in the papers) says he was born in Indiana, with another just calling in an "old and respected citizen of Bakersfield." Other articles make it clear that he was involved in a state court case (for which he was exonerated), was a member of California's state Democratic committee, ran a factory, and was county clerk. As a last ditch effort I looked into Jasper Packard (also seemingly supported by a Republican paper, the same paper for which he was once an editor!), a well-known general in the Civil War and a lawyer. Low and behold the obituary, upon his death in 1899 stated:
Jasper Packard, son of Thomas and Mary Ann (Berry) Packard, was born in Mahoning, formerly Turnbull County, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1832.
Considering that Jasper, a stout Republican whom has advice on "soldiering," [4] is the son of Nancy and Thomas, we can say that by deduction, William must be the son as well! This is only circumstantial evidence, but considering that William died in 1877, he obviously isn't going to be mentioned in the obituary. Sadly, another obit of Jasper I found  doesn't mention William either, but does tell about the Packards living in Marshall County, Indiana, and another has a drawing of him in 1899. For Daniel B. Packard, I was able to find he owned a stable in the Pittsburgh area. I looked for Thomas Alfred Packard but wasn't able to find anything. So this circumstantial evidence will have to be good enough for now!
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Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Photo of Jasper Packard.
I did find the gravestone of Nancy, which lists her death date (April 13, 1870), says she was 89 years old (born in 1781) and that Thomas died on November 25, 1851 and was 73 years old (born in 1778). Thomas was buried in Marshall County, Indiana (where he also died) and Nancy was buried in Greenville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania (where she also died).
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Courtesy of Find A Grave. Since Thomas was buried in a different place, this makes sense why he is on the monument, even though he is NOT buried there.
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Courtesy of Find A Grave. Using the tombstone calendar it is clear that he was born on March 13, 1778.
Note: This was originally posted on June 1, 2018 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2018-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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the-blackholeus · 2 years
How about a Doctor Randolph nsfw headcannon thing??? I wanna see what you can come up with for him lol
NSFW-Headcanons for Dr. Joseph Randolph
Sex with Doctor Joseph Randolph? Oh boy, you’re in for quite a ride.
First of all, Randolph doesn’t care about your gender. It’s not important for him if you have a penis between your legs or not.
He is very quiet during sex, the loudest an occasional yelp of your name when he cums, but he is not above begging if you “torture” him long enough. The little “Please…” or the “My l-love…” are so adorable.
The stamina this man possesses is as unnatural as his ability to create a loophole. He can go for hours and hours on end. I hope that you have a high sex drive and don’t mind being overstimulated because this man doesn’t stop after the first orgasm. Or the second. Or the third...you get it.
Is quite blunt when he desires your body and what you have to offer. He would just grab you from wherever you are, drag you into the next dark hallway, and begin to kiss your neck, nibbling on your soft flesh there. However, when you say no, he’ll let go of you immediately.
Is always ready to pleasure you. If you are the one approaching him, you will never hear a no from him. He will drop whatever he’s doing and search for a comfortable and quiet place for the both of you.
If the sex is rough or gentle often depends on his mood and your wishes. He tries his best to please you how you like it, but when he is infuriated or if you tease him too much, he tends to get quite rough. He would never hurt you, though. At least…not on purpose.
Has an amazingly long and thick cock, and believe it or not, a big piercing thrones on its head. He fills you out perfectly, his entering always accompanied by a slight burning stretch, even if you are very well prepared, and the considerably large metallic addition adds even more to your pleasure.
For such a serious man, the list of Randolph’s kinks is surprisingly long. He loves bondage, pet-play, master and servant, etc. Even knife-play appeals him. It would take a while for him to indulge you in his fantasies, however. At first, it’s because he doesn’t trust you, and later, it's because he is afraid to scare you off.
He will mark you. His canines are unusually sharp, and he will use this to his advantage to let everyone, especially Wolfram, know that you are his. No one else is allowed to touch you or he swears to GOD they WISH they'd be dead!
Despises the idea of a threesome. He doesn’t want to share your beautiful body with anyone and feels like no one else deserves to have you.
The amount of cum this man produces is unbelievable and makes it hard to believe that he has no breeding kink. A single load is enough to fill you to the brim, and since one round of sex is rarely enough, your stomach will be bulging once he is finally done with you.
Topping him will be easier the longer your relationships last. It will take a long time to convince him, but when he finally does give in, make him feel as good as you can. It doesn’t matter if you penetrate him or ride him, show him the best time of his life and make him beg for more. He will trust you even more after this.
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kirlias452 · 2 years
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Screw it nobody has done this yet
Joseph Randolph imagine
💉 Is obviously the gentleman type with you.
💉 Calls you ‘my dear’ or ‘dearest’.
💉 Hates seeing you hurt and will patch you up to the best of his abilities.
💉 Is into slow dancing with you.
💉 He’ll try his best to not get you killed in the clinic.
💉 If he ends up mutating and you find him, he’ll try to run away and hide, not wanting you to see him in that state.
💉 Doesn’t mind you sitting in his lap, you just have to not distract him when he does paperwork.
💉 Will let you lay your head on him, he finds it cute.
💉 If you give him a gift, he’ll smile, blush a bit and keep it with him at all times.
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aic-american · 3 years
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Female Dancer, Elie Nadelman, 1920, Art Institute of Chicago: American Art
“Is Nadelman serious?” asked a writer for the New York World in 1919. “Are these things art, or only insolence?” This indignation stemmed from the fact that Elie Nadelman’s sculptures depicted people in contemporary dress, rather than the classical drapery used by most sculptors at the time. Nadelman garbed the figure of Female Dancer in a short dress and high heels, evoking the entertainments of the modern city. Female Dancer twirled into the Roaring Twenties with whimsy and charm, among the attributes that made Nadelman one of the most celebrated American modernist sculptors of the early 20th century. Through prior gift of the Mary and Earle Ludgin Collection; restricted gift of the Antiquarian Society; through prior gifts of Albert A. Robin, the Estate of Felicia Mayer Marsh, the Friends of American Art Collection; through prior purchase of Dr. A.J. Ochsner, Mrs. Margaret Cook, J.N. Eisendrath, Dr. W.H. Allport, Mrs. T.A. Shaw, Miss Bertha Randolph, Mrs. Pauline Dohn Rudolph, and the B.F. Ferguson Fund; The Kate S. Buckingham Fund; through prior purchase of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logan Purchase Prize Fund; restricted gift of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Mencoff; through prior gifts of the George F. Harding Collection, Edgar Kaufmann Jr., and Mary and Leigh B. Block; through prior bequest of Dr. John J. Ireland; restricted gift of Jamee J. and Marshall Field; through prior purchase from the Roger McCormick Fund; through prior gifts of Yvonne and Richard Angarola, Miss Gertrude Finch, Mrs. Ignatius Jelinski, the Charles H. & Mary F. S. Worcester Collection, the Walter H. Schulze Memorial Collection, and Donn Shapiro; Jane and Morris Weeden Fund; through prior gifts of the Society for Contemporary American Art and Mr. Sam A. Lewisohn; through prior purchase of the Charles S. Peterson Purchase Prize Fund; through prior gift of the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nickerson Collection; Vance American Arts Fund; through prior gifts of the estates of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch and Marie F. Lennards; through prior purchase of the Samuel P. Avery Fund; through prior gifts of Joseph R. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Dewey Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson Collection, Evelyn Padorr and Helene Segil in memory of Sarah and George Ehrlich, Honoré Palmer, Alexander Bing, Chicago Normal School Alumni, Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, Leonard Florsheim, Mrs. Abram Poole, and Mrs. Maurice L. Rothschild; through prior purchase of the A.A. McKay Fund Size: 82.6 × 43.2 × 19.1 cm (32 1/2 × 17 × 7 1/2 in.) (without base) Medium: Bronze
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