#dr bryce lahela
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superharriet · 2 years ago
It's been too long. God, I will have to replay OH again...
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Bryce at Olivia's ultrasound appointment ❤️❤️❤️
Oh hey, it's missing Bryce hours again!
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 2 years ago
*Naveen Seeing Chandini and Bryce flirting*: They're cute, I want to put them on a boat
Ethan: ...
Sienna: You mean...you ship them?
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alj4890 · 2 years ago
Mixed Signals
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(Dr. Tobias Carrick x F!MC *Chris Valentine) (Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC*Chris Valentine) (Dr. Bryce Lahela x F!MC*Chris Valentine) in an Open Heart Fan fiction.
A/N I've written only a few drabbles for Open Heart, but after the disappointment of Book 3 and no book 4 to fix everything, the idea for this series has been in my mind ever since the attack in Book 2 began.
Song Inspiration for this series: Sparks by Coldplay
Mass Kenmore Hospital...
"Dr. Valentine?" Tobias said in surprise. "What brings you deep into enemy territory?"
Chris took a hesitant step forward. Her fingers twisted the material of her wool skirt as she faced the man partly responsible for saving her life.
What did one say to the very person that she had insulted, labeled the enemy, and fought so hard to beat?
After all that she had done, Dr. Tobias Carrick had dropped everything and rushed to Edenbrook on the day of the attack to find a way to save her life.
Licking her lips, she lifted her eyes to his. "If you're not busy, Dr. Carrick, I was wondering if I could speak to you," she looked about at the nurses and doctors rushing past on the fifth floor of Mass Kenmore, "alone?"
His smug smirk peeked out. Stepping to the side, he waved her down the hall. "Fourth door on the left is my office."
With shaky legs, she walked toward the direction he pointed.
He opened the door for her and followed her inside.
Smoothing her damp hands down her skirt, she once more faced him.
Tobias sat down on the edge of his desk, his smirk slowly disappearing. "You okay, Chris?"
She nodded and took a deep breath to try and keep her tears at bay.
He reached for her hand. "Hey. It's okay. Take your time."
She bit down on her lip. That gentle bedside manner of his touched her heart. He had used it when he swooped in to see if he could find a cure for the poison she had inhaled. Hearing it once again made her feel...well, feel for the first time in a long time.
"I just...I just wanted to stop by and thank you--"
"You already thanked me." He told her, smiling again.
"I know." She swallowed once more. "This is my first day out of the hospital and I wanted to thank you again when I'm not..."
When I'm not what? Out of my head? Weak from nearly dying? Heartbroken over losing Danny and Bobby? Worried about Rafel? Wondering why neither of the two men I work with and have feelings for won't say what we are?
"Sorry." She sniffed and reached for a tissue on his desk. The movement made her move directly between his legs.
She heard the light intake of breath and looked up. Their faces were close to one another's, so much so that she could smell both the peppermints he preferred and the light splash of cologne he had on.
He was completely still yet tense with his body poised for whatever she was going to do next.
Without any thought or plan for where this might go, she kissed his cheek and hugged him.
His arms lifted to hold her when he felt her stray warm tears against his neck.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly, gently squeezing her close.
"Not really." She admitted. "Everyone keeps telling me to give myself time and all." She eased back. "I wish they would leave me alone."
He kept his hands on her waist while studying her. "Then tell them."
"Ha. You've met them." She snorted. "They don't take orders like that well."
"True." He replied. "You want me to do it?" His smirk brought a grin to her face. "Ethan already considers me a pain in his ass. What's one more mark against me?"
She laughed, while dabbing at her eyes and nose. "After what you did for me? No way am I letting you continue to be the bad guy."
"Aww shucks, Valentine." Tobias teased. "You're going to give me a big head."
"As if it wasn't already big enough." She teased back. Tilting her head, she pretended to study him. "How do you lift it?"
"I work out." He winked then stood up. "I'm glad you came by."
"Me too." She held her hand out.
He shook his head. "You already hugged me. I figure that could be our thing."
"Our thing?"
Tobias pulled her back into his embrace.
"Yeah." He hugged her close. "Now that you won't let me be the big bad guy, I think this means you want us to be friends."
"Whoa. I'm merely a girl coming to thank a guy for saving her life." She teased. "Don't go thinking this means more than that."
"Sorry. Thought is already there." He countered, letting her go. "You're stuck with me now Chris whether you like it or not."
"Ugh, fine." She playfully grumbled. "I already deal with so many ego maniacs. What's one more?"
He opened his office door for her. "I knew you would agree."
"Just because you won this round doesn't mean you'll win them all, Dr. Carrick." Chris warned, completely unable to keep from grinning at him.
"Allow me to let you in on a little secret, Dr. Valentine," he leaned down close to whisper. "I win all the rounds that are important to me." Swiping up the folder he had previously been studying, he saluted her. "See you soon."
A couple of weeks later...
"Baz and I will go talk to the patient." June offered.
"Good, I'll..." Ethan's eyes widened when the door of the diagnostics office opened.
Chris calmly walked in and flashed a brief smile. "Good morning. Sorry I'm late. My landlord needed some help being admitted."
"Chris?" Ethan's brow furrowed. "We didn't expect you back so soon."
Baz bounded over to wrap her in a hug while June questioned her about any lingering side effects.
"A little tired still and occasionally breathless, but other than that I feel mostly back to normal."
"Fascinating." June's smile formed. "I'd love to sit down and discuss with you--"
"Kerri Monroe's diagnosis." Ethan bit out. "That's what you need to focus on now."
"On it." Baz whispered how happy he was to have Chris back as he followed June out the door.
"Anything I can do?" Chris walked over and picked up the medical file. "Should I order some labs for Mrs. Monroe or--"
"Sit down." Ethan ordered. "You shouldn't have come back so soon, Rookie."
"Why?" Chris looked up at him, surprised he called her that particular nickname again. "There are things to do here. People need my help more than I need to sit on a couch all day."
He ran a hand through his hair. "You don't need to exert yourself. We don't know if--"
"You weren't worried about me exerting myself after the funeral." She muttered.
His cheeks flushed at the reminder of what had happened in his car on that stormy night. "Chris, I'm still your superior. I don't know--"
She quickly waved her hand dismissing his same reason of why he wouldn't fully commit to her. "I get it. No need to tell me again."
An awkward silence fell between them.
"If," she coughed to cover her embarrassment, "if you don't need me right now, I'll uh, I'll go make my rounds."
"Go ahead." Ethan said softly. His eyes drifted over her face before he forced them elsewhere.
"Just page me if you need another set of eyes." She tried to sound like her old self, yet it held a shrill edge at the end.
"Will do."
She tried to keep her steps from rushing out the door.
Taking a steadying breath she turned back toward him.
"Don't overdo it." He ordered.
With a quick nod, she walked out the door.
A few hours later...
"...and then Robin flips over the bad guy and..."
Chris couldn't stop smiling at her seven hear old patient telling her his favorite stories of Batman and Robin. Throughout examining him, he had shown her his toys and comic books that his parents had brought into his room.
"How's you're tummy feel?" She asked when he paused for breath.
His little face dimmed of happiness. "Still hurts some."
"I promise it will feel better soon." She then addressed his parents about the afternoon's surgery.
A knock had them all turning to see Bryce walking in, wearing a Robin mask.
"I heard that a hero needs some..." His eyes widened. "Chris! What are you doing back at work?"
She shrugged while helping them move the patient to the gurney. "It felt like it was time."
His brow furrowed much like Ethan's had when seeing her.
"Walk with me?" He asked as soon as they began to wheel towards surgery. "And wait until I drop him off."
"You're not performing the surgery?" She asked.
"Not today. I have one in about an hour scheduled that Dr. Tanaka wants me for."
A few minutes later, Bryce motioned for her to follow him to the cafeteria. It was for the most part empty, save for a couple of doctors grabbing a late lunch.
"You want anything?" He asked.
"No thanks." She sat down at a table while he went to get a snack.
He grinned as he sat down across from her. "Here." He pushed a bag of peanuts toward her. "You should eat something."
Her nose wrinkled. "I really haven't gotten my appetite back yet."
She noticed the concern in his eyes so like her roommates' and knew she would have to force down some of the peanuts just to make it stop.
"So?" She tried not to gag on what once was her favorite goto snack. "How have you been?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He bit into a burger. "I mean," he said between bites, "of the two of us, you've been the patient."
"Yeah." She slumped some in her seat. "I wasn't too sick to talk on the phone though." Her eyes narrowed somewhat on his. "Or have visitors."
Bryce winced. "Sorry about that, Chris. I guess I didn't know what to say or do?"
"Really?" Her eyes narrowed more.
How often had she stressed to him within the past year that he was important to her, that she wanted to be with him. Then when he wouldn't say he wanted that too and reverted back to calling her a friend, she gave in to trying something with Ethan.
Only for both men to keep her on a yoyo string to pull back and forth whenever they needed her.
What do I see in them to keep swallowing my pride and allowing them to basically use me for sex whenever they want?
Chris was fed up. The longer Bryce stammered about his busy schedule and not wanting to disturb her rest, the more she wanted to chunk the peanuts at his stupid, much too handsome face.
She didn't even want the damn things. Might as well use them as a quick release to her frustration.
Her fingers curled around the bag. Her bicep tightened in preparation to throw them, when Sienna walked up.
Her friend's excited hug and squeals of seeing her at work again were what saved Bryce's overly confident face.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?!" Sienna sat down next to her. "I would have made celebration pancakes this morning!"
Chris couldn't stop from smiling. She could always depend on Sienna's sweetness to boost her mood.
"I didn't really decide until you had left for work. Then Farley came by to check on me and he wasn't feeling too good..."
She continued to tell her about his diagnosis of lime disease.
"Hate to break this up, but I have to get ready for surgery." Bryce smiled at them both. "Take it easy, Valentine. I don't want to have to operate on you next."
Chris bit back a bitter retort that he better hope she needed surgery. It would be his only chance to catch her naked again.
"Meet us at Donahue's later!" Sienna shouted. "We will celebrate Chris being back."
"There's no need." Chris began.
"Yes, there is!" Sienna squeezed another hug out of her. "My best friend is back with us and I'm over the moon about it!"
Bryce smirked at her. "She's right. We have to celebrate our friend's return."
Our friend. Chris despised the word, friend. Why did she keep placing her hope on him seeing her as something more than a mere friend?
And to make things worse, Ethan walked past.
"Dr. Ramsey!" Sienna called out before Chris could stop her. "Come have a drink with us tonight in honor of Chris's return!"
Ethan hesitated. That action nearly earned him peanuts in his handsome face too.
Gawd, I hate that look. The sad, yearning eyes. The slight frown. Man up and either say you want to date me or leave me alone for good! This back and forth is killing me worse than the poison did.
"Where at?" Ethan finally asked.
"Donahue's." Sienna beamed when he said he would try and stop by on his way home.
Chris mumbled a goodbye as Bryce left and Ethan headed off to find something to eat.
"Who else should we invite? I know Rafe is still too sick to get out." Sienna tapped her fingers on the table while scrolling through her contacts. "We can invite the rest of the diagnostic team and Ines and--"
"I'll send an invite to Tobias." Chris decided.
"Tobias? Who's...oh!" Sienna's eyes widened. "Dr. Carrick, right?"
"Yeah." Chris sent a text to him before she could think too much about it. "He did rush over with Aurora to try and save my life."
"I thought he was the enemy?" Sienna whispered while her eyes cut to Ethan. "Don't they have bad blood between them?"
"Something like that." Chris grumbled. "They can get over it."
Her phone vibrated with Tobias's response.
You want me to come deep into Edenbrook territory for a drink?
She snorted while answering.
Too scared, huh? And here I was longing for your company.
Well hell, Chris. I've never been able to refuse someone longing for my company. I'll be there. Just make sure no one sticks a scalpel in my back.
Don't worry. I'll protect you.
My hero.
Sienna leaned over, her eyes growing larger with each of their responses.
"Oh my gosh! You like Tobias!"
Chris's smile disappeared. "I don't hate him. But like like him? No."
"You're flirting in your texts!" Sienna giggled. "That is so cute. I haven't see you like this since our first year with--" she clapped a hand over her mouth.
"Uh huh." Chris pushed her chair back. "Anyway, I'll see you after work." She patted her friend's shoulder as she walked away. "Don't worry, I'm not upset with you over the name you almost said."
"Yeah, but." Sienna chased after her. "There is also another person who is interested in you."
"If you mean the one I think, then no. He made it perfectly clear this morning that we can't."
"No!" Sienna wrapped a comforting arm around Chris. "Why not?"
"He's still my boss." Chris mumbled. "And he won't abuse that. No matter how often he gives in to temptation."
"I think he's in love with you." Sienna whispered.
"Not enough to be with me." Chris grumbled.
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jerzwriter · 7 months ago
Second Thoughts If it were cannon... AU
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A million years ago, someone asked me if I'd write a series that mimicked canon but with Tobias Carrick as head of the Edenbrook Diagnostic Team. While I don't have the bandwidth to take on a series at this point, as I'm doing my Open Heart re-read, I will rewrite select scenes that I think could be interesting.
Part one was the first night at Donahue's when there was a serious connection building between Dr. Tobias Carick and new intern, Dr. Casey MacTavish. But now, they've had a chance to sleep on it, do things look different in the morning light? Lack of sleep, misunderstandings, and a dash of fear lead Casey to make a choice. Will it be one she comes to regret?
Book: Open Heart Book 1 / Chapter 3 Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Featuring: Bryce Lahela, Jackie Varma, Landry Olsen Rating: Teen Words: 2,200 Series: If it were canon... AU Summary: See above
A/N: A quick thank you to @angelasscribbles for helping me come up with a new nickname lol I was at a loss. And thank you to @alj4890 - because of you I'm inspired to continue with this!
Series Masterlist Tobias x Casey Masterlist My Masterlist
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The second day of her internship was not going as planned. Casey hardly managed to get any sleep in the miniature closet she called her room. At least the stairs above her came in handy today. She accidentally set her alarm for 5:00 PM instead of 5:00 AM, and if not for someone stomping down those steps, she would have overslept and likely decided to return to Philadelphia in shame. Now, with barely 30 minutes before her shift began, she threw on a ratty old Henly that paired perfectly with the wrinkled pair of jeans at the foot of her bed. Hair and make-up? Not today. A messy bun and brushed teeth would have to suffice. Somehow, she managed to arrive at Edenbrook with ten minutes to spare; when she saw a group of surgical interns playing basketball outside. Bryce Lahela was amongst them, and suddenly she wished she had spruced up just a little bit more.
“Up top! I’m open!” A shirtless Bryce barely got those words out before he flew by her, catching a pass and dribbling confidently toward the hoop. He dunked the ball, then screamed out in celebration. “Ha! Who’s the king now?”
“King?” Casey laughed, “You nearly killed me getting to that ball! I think the king should at least get a traffic infraction."
“Damn! I didn't realize. I would  have gladly given up two points for a chance to collide with you.”
Casey laughed as the other interns whooped and hollered when she saw the ball suddenly flying in her direction and caught it with both hands.
“Well, come on then, MacTavish!" Bryce goaded. "You gonna play, or you gonna send that back over?”
With a determined smirk, Casey slowly dribbled the ball, taunting him. “Come see if you can get it from me." Bryce sauntered toward her with what she’d come to know as his signature grin firmly in place.
“You’re making me look good,” he whispered upon approach. “I really am the king.”
“King of the surgical interns,” she laughed. “I guess that’s something, but....” without another word, she dribbled the ball around him, rushing toward the hoop with Bryce at her heels.
“Gonna make it tough on me, huh?” he laughed, wrapping his arm around her waist and spinning her around, but not before she shot the ball right into the hoop.
“That’s gotta be a foul, Ref,” she hollered, giggling in Bryes’s arms.
“It’s not a foul if you’re on my team,” Bryce defended. “And you are definitely on my team.”
Casey caught her breath as he put her on his feet, crossing her arms defiantly. “Says who?”
 “Says me!” He replied with a playful shrug. “But seriously, you want to join in?”
“Nah, my shift starts in five, and I’d really like to make myself look decent before it starts.”  
“You’re already looking good, MacTavish. Don’t go too crazy; I don’t want competition for hottest intern.”
“Ha!” she laughed, reaching up and flirtatiously pinching his cheeks. “I’ve already got that in the bag, Lahela!”
"Quite possibly," she beamed. "Hey, lunch later?"
"Sounds like a plan."
He smiled as he watched her run to the hospital entrance, pushing her way through a group of staff who had stopped to watch the game and assess the new talent.
“Excuse me. Pardon me,” she pushed through.
“You looked really good out there,” a pretty nurse winked.
“Thanks,” Casey smiled. Completely unaware that her handsome attending was quietly sipping his coffee nearby.
“She was impressive, wasn’t she, Dr. Carrick?” The nurse asked.
“Yep," he nodded. "She sure was.”
After a quick change, sprucing up her hair, and even applying a dab of lip gloss, Casey was the last of the interns to enter the atrium, but still on time. She was eager to meet her senior resident, and when Dr. Ines Delarosa called her name, Casey gently pumped her fist. “Yes!”
“Why are you so excited?” Jackie asked.
“I met her yesterday, she’s amazing! Bubblegum and rainbows incarnate!”
“Gross!” Jackie grimaced. “I’d rather take my chance with the grumpy ass I've got. I’ll catch you on the other side!”
Ines clapped her hands with joy to gather her charges. “All right, young ones! You’ve got your assignments! Go forth and shine bright!”
And Ines greeted her interns with the same enthusiasm when they returned a few hours later. “I hope you’re all excited! We’re about to begin rounds!”
“Woo-hoo!” Casey yelled as Ines gave a thumbs up with approval.
“That’s the attitude I want to see! You’ll be even more excited when I tell you we have a very special guest! Dr. Tobias Carrick will be joining us for rounds today!”
Casey turned to see Tobias leaning against a wall, looking up from his clipboard at the mention of his name. He curtly nodded at the interns, and Casey’s mouth went dry. Why did he have to be so beautiful? One glance made her knees go weak, and when his ice-blue eyes locked with hers, she could feel her cheeks begin to flush. She had been fueled by liquid courage when she approached him at Donahue's last night. What kind of intern flirts mercilessly with her attending on her very first day? But with his eyes still on her, she felt the heat rising. Yeah, she thought, that’s why I did. But when he turned away without acknowledging her, she began to question her judgment again.
“Let’s do this,” Dr. Carrick said gruffly.
“We’re doing rounds with Dr. Carrick? This is amazing! Also, I’m going to puke!” Landry whispered softly but loud enough to hear.
Tobias stopped short and looked over his shoulder, catching Landry chatting with Casey. “Less chatting and more moving!” He scowled. “Or do you think you’ve learned enough to keep your patients alive with just one day on the job?”
Casey’s brow furrowed. He didn’t seem at all like the man she met yesterday: the one who patiently guided her through an emergency procedure before her shift even began, one whose jovial attitude kept the interns energized throughout the day, or with whom she flirted shamelessly last night, perhaps that last one was the problem. Still, she shook her head and whispered to Landry.
“He was so cool yesterday. Why is he acting like such a jerk today?”
Dr. Carrick screeched to a halt again, causing several interns to trip over themselves to avoid toppling on top of him.
“Something to say, Dr. MacTavish?”
Her wide-eyed peers whispered amongst themselves. How did he already know her name? Dr. Carrick didn’t expect an answer, but Casey was giving him one all the same.  
“Yes, actually. I was wondering why you were so irritable today. I liked the Dr. Carrick I met yesterday much better.”
Tobias crossed his arms, biting his cheek to stifle a laugh, and Ines looked nervously between them. “Ha-ha!” She laughed. “Dr. MacTavish is so funny... haha! That will help make you a good doctor, but why don’t we get on with our rounds.”
“Wait,” Tobias held up a hand. “Dr. MacTavish, what role do you think attendings will play in your residency? Do you they – myself in particular -  are here to amuse and appease you?”
“Nope," she replied, not backing down. "Not at all.”
“Good. Because all of us will be putting in long hours, sometimes you won’t sleep for days on end. You’ll be dealing with life-or-death issues, and sometimes, the losses will nearly destroy you. No one is going to be rainbows and sunshine all the time. So I suggest you learn to deal with irritable colleagues and patients alike. It’s as much a part of this job as anything else.” He looked directly at Casey, and even as he was admonishing her, his gaze still made her melt. “Is that clear?”
“Crystal,” she grinned as Tobias forced himself to look away. Casey was completely unaware, she had the exact same effect on him. b
“Good. So why don’t we start rounds with your patient then?”
Landry wanted to question Casey as they walked away. He wasn’t sure if she was his hero, if she was out of her mind, or a combination of both, but he didn’t dare speak after that exchange.  
Casey and Landry went on to present. Or better said, Casey did. Landry was so starstruck by Dr. Carrick’s presence that he couldn’t bring himself to utter a word. Casey eyed him nervously, but when it was clear he was stalled, she jumped in to bail the duo out. Calmly and succinctly explaining that their patient had been in an accident and had internal bleeding as a result. She offered their prognosis and defended their treatment plan, even reassuring the patient when he expressed concerns about the length of his stay. Tobias was impressed with her, and halfway through her presentation, he couldn’t help but wonder why he was being so grumpy after all. It wasn’t like him at all.
“... so we have to get you healthy, Mike,” Casey said sweetly. “There are people counting on you.”
“Excellent, Dr. MacTavish,” Tobias approved, looking pointedly at Landry.
They proceeded to watch Elijah, Sienna, Jackie, Aurora, and other interns present.
“Congratulations!” Ines chirped. “You survived your first morning rounds! That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“Depends on who you ask,” Landry droned.
“Landry,” Casey frowned. “Don’t worry, you’ll get a chance to...,” but Tobias began speaking and drowned her out.
“All right, doctors! Your patients are all alive... let’s make sure they’re still that way when I see you tomorrow. You’re dismissed.”
Casey turned and walked away with the other interns, but she didn’t get far when Tobias called her back.
“Not you, Newbie. You have one more patient to see.”
“I... I do?” she stammered.
“And do I?” Landry asked.
“Did I say you?” Tobias glared.
“Nope,” Landry gulped, turning to Casey. “I guess I’ll see you later.”
Casey walked toward Tobias; while some interns gossiped, not even attempting to hide.
“What’s with them? One asked “Nothing! She just made a good a good impression on him.” “Yeah,” Another sneered. “A good impression on him at the bar last night!” “Well, I guess that’s one way to get ahead.”
Tobias didn’t hear, but Casey did, and she couldn’t conceal a frown as she walked his way. Seeing her distressed, he hoped his attitude had nothing to do with it. He greeted her with a warm smile.
“Hey there, Newb. Why so glum? You doing OK?”  
“I’m good,” she sighed. “Very sleepy, but good. Hey, I want to apologize; I’m sorry if I was a jerk back there...”
“Nah,” he replied, and she realized his graveled voice had the same effect on her as his damn eyes. This would not be easy. “I was the one being the jerk. That’s why I wanted to talk to you...”
“Wait,” she crossed her arms with narrowed eyes. “Are you telling me there’s no patient? You just wanted to talk to me?”
“Two things can be true at once, grasshopper,” he smiled. “That’s good to remember in medicine. But I am sorry for being grouchy. It’s not like me; I guess we all have bad days.”
“And we're all entitled to them every so often,” she winked. “Just don’t let it happen again.”
She wasn’t your standard intern, and he couldn’t help but laugh when he caught a nurse looking at them intently. She scattered away when he met her stare, refusing to shift his gaze. Casey followed his eyes and understood at once. She lowered her eyes as he returned his attention to her, his voice taking on a more serious tone. “Listen, about our talk last night..”
Casey felt herself becoming sick, and she didn't think skipping breakfast was the culprit. Her cheeks turned red, and her breath quickened. What would all the gossips say about the two of them standing this close? She was a kid from the wrong side of the tracks in Philly, worked her ass off to get here despite all those who said it was just a dream. She wasn’t going to have anyone saying her success was a result of flirting with her attending. But, God, she wanted to pursue him. She hadn't felt a connection like this in so long, and he had said they could find a workaround. Then she felt her blood go cold. Listen, about our talk last night...
Oh, God! She thought. I made a total ass out of myself, didn’t I? I’m an intern, for God’s sake. He’s Dr. Tobias Carrick; he likely has his choice of any person in this hospital. Any person in Boston! What the hell was I thinking? Convinced he was about to tell her he wasn’t interested. Her blatant flirtation was about to make her look like nothing short of a desperate fool, and Casey never wanted to be a desperate fool.
“It’s alright!” she interrupted, though right now, nothing felt alright. “We both had a few drinks, and it was late... it’s not surprising that we both said some things we didn’t mean.”
“Oh,” Tobias said, clearly taken aback. “I didn’t realize that...”
“Hey, Casey,” Bryce smiled, walking past with his team. “See you at lunch!”
“Oh,” Tobias repeated, images of the two of them kissing and their flirtatious game on the hospital court rushing to his mind. He recovered quickly this time. “It’s fine. I’m glad we’re on the same page then; this way, we don’t have to be awkward. We’re cool?”
“We’re cool,” she faked a smile, not understanding why his apparent dismissal brought the sting of bitter tears to the back of her eyes.
“Good! So, I do have a patient for you,” he said, nodding in the direction they were about to walk. “Her name is Kyra Santana, and her doctor thought a golf outing was more important than being here today. But, his loss is your and Ms. Santana’s gain...”
Casey took notes as he spoke. She never needed notes; she remembered almost everything, but she'd find any excuse to avoid looking into those eyes.
 “Hey, Dr. Carrick,” a beautiful nurse winked. Casey looked up momentarily but rushed her eyes back to the pad in her hand.
Thank God she quickly covered, she thought, her cheeks flushing with a mix of relief and embarrassment. He was Tobias Carrick. As if he’d have any real interest in her. It was bad enough that she had it this bad for her attending—the last thing she needed was for him to find out. That would be no way to start this phase of her life.
Tobias stood before the door, and, damn it, he smiled again. "You ready, Dr. MacTavish?"
"I like to think I am," she smiled as she walked through the door.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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liaromancewriter · 5 months ago
Hold My Drink
Premise: Bryce and Cassie teach the new intern class a lesson in etiquette.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Characters: Bryce Lahela & F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,135
A/N: For @dr-colossal-pita from @creativepromptsforwriting Drabble list (prompts 56 & 57). Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills. Submission to @choicesmonthlychallenge October prompt "mischief" and @choicesprompts Flufftober prompt "Friendship"
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Donahue’s was busier than usual, the music from the jukebox competing with the rattle of balls from the pool table. It was always such on the first night of a new intern class starting residency at nearby Edenbrook Hospital.
Voices rose in excitement, others somewhat raspy from exhaustion after a long fourteen-hour shift. Drinks flowed freely under the dingy neon lights that the owner Reggie insisted added to the ambiance but was likely an attempt at keeping the electricity bill down.
After three years of this, Cassie Valentine could distinguish the newbies from the regulars. Once upon a time, she had been one of them. Finding her way in a new city and job, struggling with her self-esteem and wondering if she’d just made the worst mistake of her life.
She remembered doing tequila shots with her future roommates as they boasted of how they’d take over from the attendings that hadn’t exactly left a good first impression. Now, they were one of the senior physicians charged with molding the next generation of doctors.
Well, she was anyway, Cassie thought smugly with a side-eyed glance at Bryce Lahela, surgeon extraordinaire. He still had a year left in his general surgery residency and likely a few more years after that for specialization.
In what? He hadn’t quite figured it out yet, not that anyone could read the uncertainty in his demeanor, not with an ego the size of Alaska. Cassie was the only one who knew the man behind the carefree mask and his struggles with living up to his own expectations.
So, like any good friend, Cassie took great pleasure in rubbing her success in his face. After all, she was doing exactly what she’d set out to do when she set her sights on Edenbrook and training under Dr. Ethan Ramsey.
She was three years ahead of schedule on account of winning a coveted junior fellowship with his diagnostics team. And three months away from heading up the team.
“This place is a zoo,” Bryce groused as someone bumped into him, causing his beer to splash onto the sanded floor. “Anyway, what was I saying?”
They were standing near the bar, their attempts at securing a booth or a two-top thwarted by the sheer number of people spilling into the bar during Happy Hour.
“You were complaining about the lack of action in your sex life and maybe even shaving your head,” Cassie teased, tipping the beer bottle for a sip.
Bryce nearly choked on his drink, coughing and sputtering as it went down the wrong pipe.
“You trying to give me a heart attack?” he glared as Cassie thumped his back. “I’m fairly positive I said Tanaka wants me to focus on what kind of surgeon I want to be and that there might be a trauma fellowship at Mass Kenmore.”
“Not nearly as interesting as your love life, or lack thereof.”
Bryce ran a hand through his hair, the light-brown streaks gleaming under the light, and spread his arms with a grin. “Come on! This body gets plenty of action.”
Cassie was about to continue the smack talk when a group of rowdy residents pushed past them on their way to the bar.
“Hey!” Bryce shouted, grabbing her arm to steady her before she could lose her footing. “Watch where you’re going.”
“Whatever, bruh,” one of them sneered, his words slurring at the edges. He was built like a linebacker, flexing his beefy arms for effect. “Isn't it past your bedtime, pops?”
His friends guffawed and slapped high-fives. Grabbing their drinks, they brushed past them, their crude laughter trailing behind them.
Bryce stared daggers at their retreating backs, correctly guessing they were Ortho Bros—more muscle than sense. He knew most of the orthopedic surgeons at Edenbrook, but this group was new.
His eyes narrowed as they commandeered a dartboard, crowding out another group of interns who had been enjoying a lighthearted game.
Cassie followed his gaze, and a plan began to form. Nothing but total humiliation would do.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” she asked, nudging Bryce, a mischievous gleam in her green eyes.
“I don’t even want to know what you’re thinking,” he shuddered. “You’re scaring me with that look.”
“Come on, Lahela,” Cassie urged, her voice taking on the grim tone of a TV evangelist. “Are you going to let those meathead interns get away with disrespecting us? What’s next? You’ll let them muscle you out of your OR?”
Bryce shook his head at the dramatic declarations, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth despite himself. Cassie’s competitiveness matched his own, but he’d rather be on this side than facing off against her. She might look like an innocent blonde princess, but she fought dirty.
He squared his shoulders, took a deep breath, and shot her a sideways glance, a glint of amusement in his eyes now. “Let’s teach these Ortho Bros the pecking order at Donahue’s and Edenbrook.”
Cassie smirked as Bryce added an exaggerated swagger to his step as they marched toward the dartboards.
“Yo! Didn’t anyone teach you ‘kids’ to respect your seniors?” Bryce called out.
“Isn’t Dr. Tanaka putting you in charge of the surgical intern OR schedule, Dr. Lahela?” Cassie remarked slowly, her tone sweet as honey. “I don’t know about you, but these four could probably use a time-out before you add them to the board. What do you think? Three months?”
She grinned as the realization dawned on them—they’d just dissed the man who controlled their surgical schedules and access to the OR.
“Six months, minimum,” Bryce nodded, enjoying as their smirks faded into looks of alarm. Surgeons needed to cut. Getting benched for even a day was torture.
“Wait, you’re that Dr. Lahela?” gawked the beefy intern. “You’re the one that performed the extrapleural pneumonectomy solo as a second-year resident?”
“Focus, Bryce,” Cassie whispered sharply out of the corner of her mouth, knowing her friend’s weakness for praise. He’d always loved an audience.
Bryce threw her a frustrated look, his ego fighting with his desire to take the interns down a peg. Cassie was pleased to see that common sense prevailed.
He straightened to his full six-feet-three height and stared down his nose. “Yeah, I’m that Lahela. And if you don’t want your surgical career to go down in a flaming pile of shit after only one day, you’ll check your ‘bruhs’ at the door.”
The Ortho Bros started to apologize, their voices coming out strangled as they tripped over the words while Bryce scowled.
Cassie folded her arms across her chest, her steely-eyed glare mirroring his. She peeked at Bryce and the satisfied grin threatening to break across his lips. He met her look and winked.
Oh, yeah. Annihilation was so much more satisfying than humiliation.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @justyourusualash
@lady-calypso @kyra75 @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect
@queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @snoopdogcone @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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choicesficwriterscreations · 5 months ago
Open Heart F/AtoW: Oct 27 - Nov 2, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA+
Blue Lagoon 📱 | Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @peonierose
Operation with Drs. Lahelas 🎨 | Bryce Lahela x F!MC - @robboyu C: @storyofmychoices
Halloween Lights ✒️Ⓜ️ | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jamespotterthefirst
Mad About Matching ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @cariantha
New Rooms ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @potionsprefect
The Proposition ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriter
Trick or Treat ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
Home is Where You Are ✒️🏳‍🌈 | Rafael Aveiro x M!MC - @silver-rings-and-rabbits
Love In Every Heartbeat (Series) ✒️ | Rafael Aveiro x F!MC - @rafasgirl23415 Chapter 1: Fancy Seeing You Here  Chapter 2: First Date Butterflies 
Our Miracle Baby (Series) ✒️ | Rafael Aveiro x F!MC - @rafasgirl23415 Part 20 Part 21
Counter Proposal 📱 | Sienna Trinh x M!OC - @liaromancewriter
A Little Obsessed ✒️ | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Peter, Peter 🎨✒️ | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @callmebeem C: @jerzwriter
The Proposition ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriter
Treat for Two ✒️ | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @alj4890
Main F/AtoW List: Oct 27 - Nov 2, 2024
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choicesaugustchallenge · 7 months ago
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In alphabetical order by prompt. Will add more each week.
Beach Date
Lilah Rose - CoP Art by @lilyoffandoms
Only Her (Thomas Hunt x OC) - RCD/HWU Fic by @theartoflovingthomashunt
"Being in love is like a rollercoaster and a stroll on the beach rolled into one."
A Little Jealous (Tobias Carrick x MC) - OPH Fic by @jerzwriter
Eternal Summer
Bryce x Luna - OPH Art (Bryce Lahela x OC) by @lilyoffandoms
When Sparks Fly - OPH Fic by @liaromancewriter
Late Night Talking Inder the Stars
Bonds of Sea and Fire Part 2 - Blades Fic (Tyril x MC) by @missameliep
Mono~poly Chapter 4: Moving On - OPH Fic (Tobias Carrick x MC) by @jerzwriter
Laying on their chest while watching the sunrise
Detention VII.V: A Brush of Magic - TE Fic (Beckett x MC) by @storyofmychoices
Outdoor Movie Night
Classic Cinephiles - OPH Moodboard by @choicesfanaf
Pool Party
Ajay x MC - HSS:CA Art by @mydemonsdrivealimo commissioned by @peonyblossom
Road Trip
Snugglin’ Inn - OPH Fic (Ethan x MC, Bryce x OC, Tobias x MC) by @jerzwriter
Skinning Dipping
Trystan Thorne - CoP Art by @lilyoffandoms
Summer Heat
Something New - WtD Fic (Eli Sipes x MC) by @jerzwriter
Summer Holiday
Summer Getaway - OPH Edit (Sienna Trinh x OC) by @liaromancewriter
Summer Romance
Jun x Emilia - TDG Art (Jun Seong x MC) by @weetlebeetle commissioned by @storyofmychoices
Summer Wedding
I Thee Wed - OPH Edit & Fic (Ethan Ramsey x MC) by @liaromancewriter
Mono~poly Chapter 5: Beautiful Days - OPH Fic (Tobias Carrick x MC)
Turning The Page Chapter 14: Make You Mine - TRR Fic (Liam Rys x MC) by @tessa-liam
Lincoln x Vax - ILW Edit/Gif by @kilvalir
The Garden Part - OPH Edit (Tobias Carrick x MC) by @jerzwriter
First Day - OPH Fic & Edit by @liaromancewriter
Dr. Sienna Trinh - OPH Art by @lilyoffandoms
Luna Auclair - OPH Art by @lilyoffandoms
Multiple Pairings - Multiple Books Edits by @cadybear420
Daenarya x Maiele - Blades Art by @lilyoffandoms
Through the Pain - TDG Fic (Jun Seong x MC) by @storyofmychoices
Too Hot To Handle
Angelina: The Girlfriend - TDG Art by @storyofmychoices
Crystal: The Skinfluencer - TDG Art by @storyofmychoices
Farah Sabri - TDG Art by @storyofmychoices
Medhani: The Doctor - TDG Art by @storyofmychoices
Ripley Reese - ID Art by @lilyoffandoms
She’s Hot (Ade) - BB Edit by @aesthetic-aag
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endlessflame · 1 month ago
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Name: Dr. Lucia Salazar
Book: Open Heart
Love Interest: Bryce Lahela
Lucia is originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She grew up in a middle-class family. She has a brother named Miguel. She leads the diagnostics team at Edenbrook Hospital and is in a serious relationship with Bryce Lahela.
For @choicesmcappreciationweek Day Eight: Wild Card Day
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openheartfanfics · 1 year ago
Newly Added Fics
Mar 30 - April 5, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce x F!MC
Las hijas de Luna - @peonierose ☁
It’s time for Luna and Bryce to welcome their twins into the world. Will there be any complications? Or will the birth go without a hitch? [Pregnancy]
Yellow Hibiscus in Bloom - @aallotarenunelma ☁
This is Doctor's Day. How will Bryce and Kaisa will celebrate it?
Ethan x F!MC
A Chance Encounter - @cariantha 📚
[mini: wip] Ten years prior to meeting at Edenbrook, Ethan and Sawyer have a chance encounter during spring break. [Young Ethan]
Part 2: The Hook-up
Baby(moon) Planning - @genevievemd 📱
Gen and Ethan plan a trip before the baby arrives.
Stand By Me - @liaromancewriter 🦚
Cassie experiences the downside of having Ethan Ramsey as a mentor.
When life has other plans - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🛸
[extended: wip] A competition has commenced for the interns at Edenbrook hospital. A horrid first day leads to an unexpected test of a new machine but what is Dr. Ethan Ramsey hiding?
CH 15: DéJà Vu
Ethan x Reader
Picnic - @stanathanxoox ☁
Planning a picnic and making them food even if you’re an amateur cook, in hopes you’ll impress them more.
Sienna x M!OC
Unlikely Adventures - @liaromancewriter 📱
There's only one person who can convince Sienna to take a chance on a life of adventure.
Rafael x F!MC
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 29: What Could Have Been - Part 1 [TW: PTSD]
CH 29: What Could Have Been - Part 2 [TW: PTSD]
CH 30: The Back To Work Blues
Tobias x F!MC
Whenever… whatever ✋🏽 - @jerzwriter 📱
After Shakira's freaking ridiculous comments about Barbie, Tobias was not going to be having it, and steps would have to be taken.
With Warning - @jerzwriter 📚
[mini:wip] As the friendship and bond between Casey and Tobias developed, each of her friends had a few things to say to Dr. Carrick.
Part 5: Captain Lahela & a Serving of Common Sense
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choicescommunityevents · 9 months ago
Event Masterlist 2024 🧚🏼‍♀️
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Blades of Light & Shadow:
Juniper, the Fae (OC) - Edit created by @peonyblossom
Woodland Whimsy - Soundtrack by @choicesmc
Iris from Riverbend as a fae - Edit created by @peonyblossom
Daenarya as a fairy - Edit created by @storyofmychoices
Hades Nightbloom as a fae - Edit created by @peonyblossom
Mal Volari as a fairy - Edit created by @storyofmychoices
ChoicesSpreadKindness with Baroness Isador - Edit created by @storyofmychoices
Odette Nagoni - Character Profile created by @peonyblossom
Desire & Decorum:
@sapphoschoices 's Brigitte as a Fairy - Edit created by @kilvalir
High School Story:
Aiden Zhou in Fae outfit - Edit created by @cadybear420
Hot Couture:
Anneliese More as a Victoria's Angel - Edit created by @peonyblossom
Immortal Desires:
Fae Changeling, Luca - Edit created by @aria-ashryver
Fae Changeling, Cas & Gabe - [Part 1] Edit created by @aria-ashryver
Fae Changeling, Cas & Gabe [Part 2] - Edit created by @aria-ashryver
Fae Style Birthday Calandar + Garrus his birthday on June 24th - Edit by ladylamrian
Choices Spread Kindness with Garrus - Edit created by @storyofmychoices
Happy Birthday, Garrus!! - Edit created by ladylamrian
Cam Fujisawa - Main Character Profile created by @peonyblossom
Dance féerique - Fanfiction (F!MC×Cal) created by @dutifullynuttywitch
Open Heart:
Magical (Sienna×M!OC) - Fanfiction created by @liaromancewriter
Dr. Sydney Valentine as a Barbie Rainbow Fairy - Edit created by @peonyblossom
Olivia & Bryce Lahela as fairies- Edit created by @storyofmychoices
Red Carpet Diaries/Hollywood U:
Jackie (F!MC) as a dark Fairy - Edit created by @peonyblossom
The Cursed Heart:
Royal Fae Wedding of Ella & Kieran - Pinterest Moodboard created by @bri1234
Longclaw & Radiance - Art created by @gaiuskamilah
Ever After - Fanfiction created by @bri1234
Kieran & Jack - Art created by @gaiuskamilah
Ella & Kieran - Art created by @bri1234
Male Main Character his fae outfit with a few additions - Edit created by @cadybear420
Kieran & Elam - Art for @lilyoffandoms created by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Veil of Secrets:
Kate O'Malley as a Fairy - Edit created by @storyofmychoices
The Royal Academy (Nightbound, Blades of Light & Shadow , Crimes of Passion) Series, Chapter 1 - Fanfiction created by ladylamrian
The Fae woods - Pinterest Moodboard created by @bri1234
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storyofmychoices · 11 months ago
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Shining Through The Shadows
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart, present day Word Count: ~1,200 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings
Synopsis: Olivia prepares a special eclipse viewing party for her patients.
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"Where should I put this?" Bryce questioned as he carried a plastic foldable table beneath his arm into the hospital's healing garden. 
"I was thinking right over here," Olivia gestured. "Near the entrance."
Within seconds, he had it open and set up. 
"Thanks!" Olivia rocked up on her tiptoes, placing a kiss on his cheek, before turning back to the task at hand. 
"Anything else I can help with?" 
"Bring me that bag over there?" She motioned her head toward one of the blankets she had set up as she placed a yellow tablecloth over the table. "Grab that basket too, please." 
"Is this all just glasses?" Bryce dug through the bag. "How many do you have here?"
"100... give or take some more," she offered casually while organizing a display of Capri Sun, Sun Chips, and Moon Pies on the table. 
"I thought you only had 31 kids that could come out?"
"And the nurses and the doctors," Olivia defended. 
"But more than 100? Did you leave any for the other departments?" he teased. 
"Yes!" She stuck her tongue out playfully toward him. "Besides, the children need at least 2 each."
"Dare I ask why?" He handed Olivia the basket, which she placed on the table beside the snacks.
"For their stuffed animals and dolls," she answered as though it were common knowledge. Carefully, she placed the glasses in the basket, smiling as she continued, "Of course, they need protection, too."
"I'm not sure that's true," he laughed. 
"Will you be the one telling them their stuffed friend isn't real so they don't need protection?" 
"Not a chance. Ramsey might, though—we'll have to keep him away," Bryce decided with a chuckle. 
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"Woah," the ten-year-old Christopher marveled at how the healing garden had transitioned into a picnic area with snacks and art stations. 
The effervescent seven-year-old Savannah bounced with excitement, pulling on her mom's hand. "There's clay! And paint! And crayons! And snacks! This is the best day ever!"
Her mother smiled down at her. Despite all the medical challenges her daughter had faced, she never let it dull her spirit. "Looks like you had a lot of choices, my little Picasso. Where'd you like to start?
One by one, the children entered the garden with their parents. Nurses and doctors mingled throughout, guiding them through the art choices, each station allowing them to explore the eclipse with different art mediums.
As 2:00 approached, Olivia called all the children back together to start their viewing party. 
"We are very lucky to be able to come out here today and see something really special," Olivia began, her eyes wide with excitement as she spoke with the children. 
"Who has seen a shadow before?"
All of the children raised their hands.
"What is the biggest shadow you've ever seen?"
"My dad's really tall so he has a really long shadow," one child called out.
"The shadow of the playground by my house is big in the afternoon," another shared. 
"You have a shadow right there, Dr. Olivia!" Savannah pointed eagerly to the ground beside her. 
"That's right! We all make shadows. Most things leave behind a shadow," Olivia explained. "My shadow is created because I block sunlight from getting to this area. Did you know there is something that looks kind of small but is actually really big and can make day look like night?" 
The kids looked around, whispering to their parents in surprise. 
"That's what's going to happen today. During a Solar Eclipse, the moon moves in front of the sun and blocks sunlight from reaching Earth." She held up a model to help demonstrate. "When the moon is in front of the sun, its shadow will make some places get really dark. Dark enough to see stars."
"I don't like the dark," Noah whimpered, holding his stuffed Koala a little tighter. 
"You don't have to worry," she gently reassured him. "Just like my shadow only makes part of the area dark, it's the same with the moon,"
"So we won't see stars?" Savannah frowned.
"Not until it's actually nighttime. Sorry, Sav! Where we are, we will only see part of the eclipse." Olivia held up an Oreo, twisting the top off to expose the frosting. "In just a few minutes, the moon—" she held up the half without the frosting, "—and the sun—," she held up the half with the icing, "—are going to cross paths." She moved the "moon" half slowly in front of the "sun" half. "As the moon moves, it covers up more and more sunlight. With our special glasses to help protect our eyes, we will get to see the sun seem to disappear until it's just a sliver. It'll still look bright outside, but if we put on special glasses we can see that it'll really look like this."
The kids marveled in excitement and curiosity, eagerly discussing the event with their parents. 
"Me, nurse Laura, nurse Tim, and Dr. Bryce will be around to give you glasses. You must wear them anytime you look up at the sun, okay? Can you give me a big thumbs up if you can do that for me?" The kids did as requested. "Great!" 
The doctors and nurses moved through the group, passing out glasses to each group.
"Here you go." Bryce knelt near Savannah, offering her a pair of glasses. 
The young girl looked around her blanket, raising one finger at a time as she counted. She held her hand toward him. "We need four, please."
"Four?" Bryce looked around, his brow raising curiously.
"Dr. Olivia said everyone needs glasses," she nodded to agree with her previous statement. "Me, Mommy, Teddy, and my American Girl doll."
"You are absolutely right; that is four!" Bryce shook his head with a smile. "How could I have counted wrong?"
"Maybe you were distracted by Dr. Olivia," she smiled. "She's so nice and pretty."
"She really is, isn't she?" His gaze flickered to Olivia, who was showing another patient how to wear the glasses.
"You should go hold her hand. She would like that," Savannah whispered with a giggle.
"You think?" His eyes widened in consideration.
Savannah nodded excitedly. 
"I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the tip," Bryce winked as he continued on his way.
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As the eclipse began and all the children were busy watching in amazement, Bryce slipped his hand into Olivia's as she watched over them. "You are incredible, absolutely incredible." 
"It's nothing." She shook her head, trying to dismiss him. 
"Liv, look at them! All of this, this is you! None of this would be possible without you."
"Anyone could have organized this."
"Maybe, but they didn't. You did!" He took her other hand in his, turning into her. "You made sure these kids got to experience something they wouldn't have without you. You made understanding the science relatable for them. This is something they're never going to forget. You gave them something special to remember."
Her face warmed under his compliments. Her gaze shifted toward the children engaged in viewing the once-in-a-lifetime experience, their parents beside them sharing in the moment. "They deserve this and so much more. They're so strong and so brave." Her eyes threatened to tear up, knowing that for some, they wouldn't have many other big days ahead of them.
"They're so lucky to have you, Liv, and so am I." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "There's no one else I'd want to share this with."
"I feel the same about you," Olivia smiled, wrapping her arms around him. After a moment, the pair turned their attention to the heavens and the celestial event growing in front of them, their hands laced together between them.
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A/N: I know I'm late with this. This week has been crazy busy. It's taken all week to finish this. It is not proofread or edited! So please forgive any mistakes.
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deb-1106 · 2 years ago
Choices Flash Fic week 31
Hey all!!  ❤️ 
Because we've both been out of the game so long, and have really missed writing, my good friend (she was actually my very FIRST friend on this hellsite 😋❤️) @walkerismychoice and I have decided to motivate each other by writing together using our LI's and MC's from different choices books.  I'll be using Drake Walker and my MC, Ava Matheson from TRR, and Maggie will be using Bryce Lahela and her MC, Charlie Hawkins from Open Heart.  
This story will hopefully be the first of a weekly series of one-shots using @choicesflashfics prompts.
We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it! ❤️
Prompt 3  — “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Pairings: Drake x Ava, Bryce x Charlie
Rating: M
TW: Gun Violence
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“Little Blossom?”
Ava’s eyes flew open.  
She was momentarily disoriented, caught somewhere between a memory and a nightmare. But as her eyes focused and she took in the institutional green walls and naugahyde seating of a hospital waiting room, the crushing reality of the evening’s events came flooding back.
Ava! Get down!”
Drake’s warning was the last thing she heard before his body slammed into hers, knocking her to the ground.  She screamed as a bomb exploded nearby, raining chunks of rubble down all around them as the acrid smell of gunfire burned her nostrils.
“Drake?” She cried, “Drake, we have to get out of here!
He didn’t move.
“Drake!“  Ava began to panic as she felt the warm, sticky dampness of his blood seep into her ballgown. She reached out to press her hand to his cheek and his eyelids fluttered open for just a moment.  He gave her a small smile. 
“I love you, Matheson.” He mumbled faintly as his eyes closed once again.
“NO!  Drake, wake up!  Please, baby.  I need you to wake up!”  She tried to wiggle out from underneath him, but the weight of his body was too much for her.
HELP!” She screamed, praying that her cries were loud enough to be heard over the chaos around them,  “PLEASE! … SOMEBODY HELP US!”
After what felt like an eternity, she felt Drake’s weight lifted from her body.  She immediately scrambled to her knees crawling on all fours to where he lay prone on the ballroom floor, his suit soaked with blood.
“Oh my God!” She gasped, “Drake!”
Bastien was kneeling over him, both hands pressed over a wound in Drake's shoulder as he barked out orders. “I NEED A MEDIC AND AN UNMARKED CAR…NOW!”
“Bastien! What’s going on?”  Tears streamed down Ava’s face as she grabbed Drake’s hand, alarmed by how cold it felt.
“Terrorist attack.  Drake took a bullet.”
Ava looked to Bastien for reassurance, “But…he’s going to be okay, right?”  
He wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“Bastien! Tell me he’s going to be okay.” She begged, “Please!”
He finally looked up, and the expression on his face made Ava’s blood run cold.
“The wound is close to his heart and he’s lost a lot of blood.” Bastien’s voice was somber, “If we can get him to the hospital quickly, he might have a chance.”
“Might?” Ava pressed a hand over her mouth and felt her stomach lurch. 
No!  This can’t be happening.  We were finally going to start our lives together. I can’t lose him now.
Maxwell knelt down beside the chair Ava had finally collapsed into after pacing the hospital corridors for hours.  He placed his hand over hers and squeezed gently.  “There’s a nurse here who wants to talk to you.” 
Heart hammering in her chest, Ava jumped to her feet, ignoring the pain of her own injuries as she anxiously faced the young nurse standing in the doorway.
“Is he okay?” She asked, “Is he out of surgery?  Can I see him?”
The nurse smiled kindly, the rapid-fire questions not phasing her in the least.
“Mr. Walker is still in surgery…” 
When Ava’s face crumpled, the nurse crossed the room to place a comforting hand on her arm, “But he has one of our top surgeons working on him, so rest assured, he’s in the best possible hands.”  She smiled warmly, “In fact, Dr. Lehela wanted me to let you know that Mr. Walker is out of the woods.  The bullet has been removed and they’re just cleaning out the remaining debris.  There was some concern about bone fragments splintering off and causing damage to the surrounding heart tissue, but that doesn't appear to have been the case.”
Ava felt her legs go weak with relief.
“Oh, Thank God.”
She felt Maxwell’s arms encircle her and sank wearily into his comforting embrace.
“See, Blossom.” He said, encouragingly, “I told you he was going to be okay. It’ll take more than a tiny little bullet to take him out.”
Ava nodded and squeezed Max’s hand without breaking eye contact with the nurse.
“How much longer do you think it’ll be before I can see him?”
“Once he’s out of surgery, he’ll go to recovery." She replied with a comforting smile.  "It’s hard to say how long he’ll be there, as everyone comes out of anesthesia differently, but a conservative estimate would be another hour or two.  Then he’ll be settled into a room and can receive visitors.”
Ava nodded and swiped at the tears which were once again sliding down her cheeks.  But this time, they were tears of relief.
“Thank you.”
The nurse smiled.  “Of course.  I’ll come get you when I have his room assignment.”  
Ava thanked her again.
Drake was going to be okay.  Liam had been unharmed in the attack and Bastien and Kiara came away with only minor injuries.  Somehow they’d all survived.
Suddenly Ava’s stomach growled…LOUDLY.
Maxwell laughed.  “Okay, now that we know Drake is okay…it’s time to take care of YOU.”
Ava began to protest but Maxwell was already propelling her toward the door. “No more excuses!  You need food, or at the very least some coffee, or you’ll find yourself in a hospital bed of your own.  Now MOVE!” 
Maxwell was wearing his stubborn expression, so Ava knew resistance was futile.
She let him lead her down to the Cafeteria. “I’ll go back up to the waiting room and let you know immediately if I hear anything from the doctors.”
“Thank you.” Ava replied weekly before walking through the cafeteria doors and meandering aimlessly towards the various food offerings.
Charlie checked the time on her Apple watch. Wow, a whole 30 minutes for lunch today, she thought. Typically she was lucky to get half of that. Nobody ever told her the life of a hospital internist would be glamorous, but she still hadn’t been prepared for how tired and hungry she’d be so much of the time. Although they bill residency as a training program for your selected specialty, Charlie swore it was also meant to be a boot camp that only the strong survived. Only one more year and she’d have some semblance of a normal schedule as an attending physician.
“Coffee. Must have coffee first.” Charlie mumbled to herself, taking in the aroma of freshly brewed beans as she marched towards the machines only to be stopped in her tracks by someone hovering in front of them. Charlie went left, but then the woman went left. Then she tried to go right, but the woman shuffled to the right. Her patience running thin, Charlie spoke up. “Excuse me, could I sneak in here?”
“I’m sorry.” The woman spun to face her, and Charlie’s irritation melted away. The woman looked sad and tired for sure, but that was not an uncommon sight for visitors of the hospital cafeteria. There was something about her that drew Charlie in and made her want to comfort the woman. Maybe it was the fact that Charlie could see a little bit of herself in her - definitely not the flawless deep olive skin tone and dark hair, wildly contrasting with Charlie’s strawberry blonde locks and accompanying creamy white skin, but they appeared about the same age, and there was just something there that made them alike. Although Charlie was not prone to striking up friendships with hospital visitors, something told Charlie this was a connection she should make.
“Let me buy you a coffee.” Charlie offered.
The woman looked Charlie up and down, seemingly noting Charlie’s white coat and ID badge. “No, that’s okay. You can just go first. I have no idea what I want.”
“Please, I insist. Free coffee is one of the few perks I get for devoting my life to this place.” They both laughed and Charlie saw the first little spark of life return to the woman’s eyes.
Charlie grabbed two prepackaged sandwiches to go with the coffees and brought them over to the woman who had already seated herself at a cafeteria table.
"Thank you so much…" she glanced at the ID badge again, "....Dr. Hawkins. "I was too much of a wreck to even pick out something to eat. I'm sure you're busy, but would you care to join me?" 
Again, it wasn't typical of Charlie to hang out with random hospital guests, but she knew this woman needed a friend right now, and maybe that feeling was mutual. "Sure, I still have about 20 more minutes." Charlie sat down. "But you can call me Charlie."
"Well thank you again, Charlie, I'm Ava."
"Nice to meet you, Ava." Charlie hesitated for a moment before asking, "If it's not too forward, do you want to talk about your loved one here that's got you so worried?... Only if you want to talk about it."
Ava's facial expression grew somber once again. She took a deep breath before letting everything spill out - getting invited to Cordonia on a whim to compete for the future King's heart, fate stepping in when she fell for his best friend Drake instead, and all the political drama and everything leading up to the events that brought her to this particular hospital cafeteria. Despite the tears streaming down Ava’s face, the air about her felt a little bit lighter.
"I'm sorry." Charlie squeezed Ava’s hand from across the table. "This must be so scary for you, but Edenbrook is a great hospital. I'm sure Drake is in great hands. Do you know who his surgeon is? I probably know them or at least know of them.”
Ava pursed her lips in concentration. “Dr, La-....hala? I think it’s something like that.”
Charlie smirked. “Young, kind of surfer boy-esque, and cocky as all hell because he knows how good-looking he is?”
Ava laughed nervously. “Yeah, that sounds like him. Please tell me he’s also a good surgeon.”
“Dr. Lahela can be kind of cocky bastard at times, but I love him. And yes, he’s a great surgeon, and I’m not just saying that because I’m biased.”
“Wait…” Ava seemed to be putting the pieces together. “You like love, love him? Are you two-”
“Yes, Bryce is my boyfriend. I might not have been so complimentary about his other characteristics otherwise.”
They both devolved into laughter until Ava spoke up again. “I like your sense of humor. Sounds like you need it to put up with him, just like me with my….Drake.” Ava quiets for a moment and then asks, “So I take it you two met here at Edenbrook?”
“Well, that’s a funny story.” Charlie wondered if she really wanted to get into this with a relative stranger, but Ava had already shared so much and could probably use the distraction anyway. “We actually met at a strip club, and believe it or not, Bryce was a stripper.”
Ava’s eyes opened wide. “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Charlie inhaled deeply. “Okay, I don’t have a ton of time left on my break, so I’ll give you the condensed version. My med school friends dragged me out to a strip club to celebrate after we graduated. I was in a funk because I’d been recently dumped by the douchebag I thought I was going to marry and to top it off, I was set to be in my awful cousin’s weeklong wedding extravaganza and was in no mood to be questioned about the whereabouts of my plus one. Said friends paid for a private lap dance for me. In my drunken state, I got the bright idea to hire the stripper to be my fake boyfriend for the wedding. Somewhere along the way, fake boyfriend turned into real love interest. I learned he wasn’t just a stripper but had worked his way through med school and was about to hang up his banana hammocks to start his residency. As fate would have it, we’d both matched at Edenbrook and two years later, here we are.”
“Woah. And I thought mine and Drake’s relationship had an unconventional start.” Ava peeked down at her phone on the table. “I’m definitely going to need the feature-length presentation of this story another time, but my friend Maxwell just texted that Drake’s out of surgery!”
“That’s great news!” Charlie got up with Ava and walked out to the elevators with her. “I’ll walk you back up there since I’m headed that way.
Little did either of them know that this chance meeting would be the beginning of a lifelong friendship.
Taglist: @ao719 @burnsoslow @sincerelyella @charlotteg234 @choiceswreckedme @walkerismychoice @txemrn @twinkleallnight @imashybish @blackcatkita @katedrakeohd @boneandfur @sfb123 @queenrileyrose @foreverethereal123 @kingliam2019 @nestledonthaveone @bebepac @petiteboheme @yukinagato2012 @princess-geek
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alj4890 · 1 year ago
Mixed Signals
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(Dr. Tobias Carrick x F!MC *Chris Valentine) (Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC*Chris Valentine) (Dr. Bryce Lahela x F!MC*Chris Valentine) in an Open Heart Fan fiction.
A/N Sorry for taking so long to post. My health decided to do some wild things since the last post on top of the writer's block just having a field day with this storyline 😑 Anyway, we'll pick up where the last chapter left off.
Chapter 2
Chris slowly came awake. Though she knew in an instant that she wasn't in her own bedroom, the massive hangover she was currently under caused her to not really care where she was. Pulling what had to be some of the softest sheets she'd ever felt up over her face, she began to try and remember what happened the night before.
Flashes of her celebration at Donahue's flickered through her mind. Groaning over not only her actions with drinking way too much, she remembered what happened with Ethan.
Her eyes shot open.
Oh no. Did I go home with Ethan?
Peeking out from under the covers, she tried to discern the furniture around her.
Unless Ethan had done a major renovation since the last time she'd been in his apartment and had moved to a lower floor, she knew she wasn't in his place.
Chris clutched her head.
I know I'm not at Bryce's either. He wouldn't have brought me to his place with Kikei there.
She softly gasped.
Don't tell me I went home with a stranger!
Chris kicked the covers back and breathed easier to see she was still fully dressed. There was no indication that anyone had slept beside her. She did a quick examination of her body and knew she hadn't had sex.
Where am I?
She yanked the covers up when the bedroom door opened.
Tobias grinned at her.
"You're awake."
Chris gaped at him. "I went home with you!?"
He chuckled as he walked into the room.
"You demanded that I bring you to my place."
"Oh lord." Chris buried her head in her hands. Smoothing back her tousled hair, she looked up at him. "I'm so sorry."
He shrugged it off as not a big deal and sat down at the foot of the bed.
"I didn't..." Chris took a deep breath. "I didn't push myself on you, did I?"
Before he could respond, she shook her head.
"Of course I bloody well did. Why else would I be in your home?" She rubbed her hands over her face in an attempt to clear the cobwebs. "You should have given me back to my roommates. Then you wouldn't--"
"Hey!" He chuckled once more. "Easy there, Valentine. Normally, a woman in your condition would not be in my home." He patted her leg. "But, um, you were adamant that your doctor take you to his home."
"My doctor?" Her brow furrowed as she tried to remember the events of the previous night.
He laughed at her confused expression.
"Yeah, Ethan was not too thrilled when you declared I was not only your doctor but also the only doctor you trusted."
Her eyes widened.
What else did I do last night?
"You also told your roommates that you needed me to take you home since you had some medical concerns."
She vaguely remembered talking to Sienna.
"Anyway, I was going to actually take you back to your apartment after your friends left." He explained. "When I checked your wallet for a driver's license--"
"You saw that I still had my I.D. from Inverness." She finished with a groan.
"As much as I wanted to get you safely home, I wasn't quite up for the journey to Scotland." He teased.
Chris flopped back on the pillows with her arm draped over her eyes. This was quite possibly the most embarrassing moment of her life.
She then remembered she should be at work.
"What time is it?!" She sat up too quickly and immediately regretted such a rash action.
"Half past two." Tobias told her.
"Half past--" She scrambled out of bed.
"Whoa!" Tobias stopped her. "Where are you going?"
"I'm late!" She searched in vain for her shoes. "My shift at the hospital started hours ago!"
"Chris." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "I called Ethan this morning and told him you weren't coming in."
"You did what?" Chris gaped at him. "Why?"
"As your physician," he winked at her, "I realized that I never gave you the all clear to return to work. Plus given how many drinks you had last night, I knew you wouldn't be in any condition to help your patients."
"Oh." She sank back down on the bed.
Tobias sat down next to her. He studied her worried profile in silence for a few seconds.
"Hey?" He nudged her with his shoulder. "Why don't you take a shower while I see about lunch?" He nudged her again. "Or breakfast for you?"
Chris snorted back a laugh. "Yes, please feed me after I forced my drunk self into your home."
Tobias grinned at her. "You can force yourself on me anytime."
She burst out laughing then gave him a playful shove.
He got to his feet to open a nearby closet.
"My sisters-in law leave clothes here so they don't have to pack so much when they come for a visit." He explained. "See if there's something of theirs that might do for now."
"I appreciate it," Chris began "but I shouldn't impose on you any--"
"You're not." He went into the guest bathroom to start the shower. "Plus, I insist you stay until I know you're okay."
With a smile that made her heart flip, he left her alone.
Twenty minutes later, Chris found herself clean, dressed in leggings that were too short and in what was supposed to be an oversized sweater, yet just barely went past her waist. She'd finally found a pair of wooly socks to keep her always cold feet warm and began to make her way downstairs, admiring Tobias's townhome along the way.
She paused in the hallway to discern just where her host was.
Tobias called out from a room farther to her left.
"I'm in here, Chris!"
She followed the sound of his voice, pausing at how inviting his kitchen was. Though modern, the warm colors he'd chosen for the walls, decor, and cushions somehow worked. It should have clashed, yet she found herself thinking of her grandparents' home. They had been given all new appliances a couple of years ago. The silver, sleek look met the older bread box, flower towels, and ruffled cushions and soon settled into a hodgepodge that they all ended up loving.
It made her homesick to sit down at Tobias's table.
"Coffee?" He asked from behind the counter.
"Please." Chris rubbed her forehead in an effort to clear the fog she was still slightly under.
"How do you take it?" He poured her a cup.
"Lots of cream and lots of sugar." She mumbled.
"How much is a lot?"
"More than true coffee aficionados can tolerate." She responded.
"This I have to see." Tobias teased.
He brought over the pot of coffee along with cream and sugar.
Chris blushed under his attention as she prepared her cup. Once she was finished, the rich black was replaced with a light beige color.
Tobias chuckled. "I bet you've gotten more speeches on your coffee from Ethan than you have medicine."
"You'd win that bet." Chris took a long sip, sighing in pleasure. "Don't tell me you're a coffee snob too?"
"I'm a to each their own coffee drinker." He teased. "Who am I to judge when I'll drink it any way someone prepares it? Though I will admit, I like mine with a little less cream than you do."
Chris rolled her eyes. "What about the sugar?"
Tobias leaned closer to her. "Who doesn't love something sweet?"
Having him close enough where she could see the flecks of gold in those amazing hazel eyes of his caused Chris to become momentarily tongue-tied.
His cocky smile creeped up at seeing her like this.
His attention next drifted over her face, taking in the strawberries and cream complexion he found rather cute. Her nose had a slight tilt that more than hinted at a stubbornness he'd been witnessed to on previous occasions. Her eyes held such emotion. Those gray eyes of hers could make a man hesitate for fear of wounding her.
How does Ethan keep it professional, he wondered. I don't know what I would do if the positions were reversed and she worked closely with me.
"So?" He cleared his throat and settled back in his chair. "Want to talk about last night?"
Chris's nose wrinkled at the very mention of it.
Tobias eyed her over the rim of his coffee cup. "You don't strike me as the kind of person who regularly gets drunk."
"Because I don't." She took another sip of coffee. "It was stupid of me to drink that much."
"What happened?" He prodded. "One minute, you seemed happy then the next you were downing drinks like you'd seen a ghost or something."
She snorted. If he only knew how right he was. There was nothing worse than a visit from the Ghost of Relationships Past.
Chris tried to avoid his question by focusing on her fork picking at the scrambled eggs on her plate.
Tobias wasn't going to let this go. If Chris really did consider him her doctor then he was going to make sure she was not only physically well after the attack but also emotionally. They were becoming friends after all. Weren't friends supposed to share problems?
He placed his hand on hers, causing the fork to slip from her grasp and clatter onto the plate.
Chris swallowed a tad hard before lifting her eyes back to his.
Tobias searched her steady, vulnerable gaze and gentled his tone.
"What's wrong, Chris?"
Unshed tears began to fill her eyes.
"I--I don't..." she sucked in a deep breath before burying her face in her hands.
Tobias got up and knelt by her chair. He gently brushed back her damp hair. As much as he wanted to demand she talk to him, he knew he could only wait and let it be her decision.
"I'm sorry." She lowered her hands.
"No need to apologize." He tucked her hair behind her ear. "If you don't want to talk about it, we--"
"I don't but I know I should." She took another deep breath. "It's a long story."
"Good thing it's my day off of work." He teased in the hopes of seeing her smile again.
Her lips curved briefly before falling once more. "I guess I should start at the beginning."
Tobias returned to his chair. He remained silent as Chris poured out everything that occurred since she first arrived at Edenbrook. There were many times he wanted to question her and express shock as she told him about her odd relationships with Ethan and Bryce.
Ethan hadn't been able to resist her after all, he thought to himself.
"And then Ethan pulled me away last night and it all began again." She explained. "After he kissed me and wouldn't say what we were, I just needed an escape. Not from him, but I needed to get away from myself."
Tears slipped down her cheeks.
"How can I go on in life in the same, exact, frustrating manner after being given a second chance?" She looked up at Tobias. "I should be making sure that nothing is wasted with this time I've been given, right?"
Tobias slowly nodded. "I think you shouldn't waste your time on anyone who doesn't give you what you deserve."
"Exactly!" Her breath hitched. "If I'm willing to give everything to someone, I should expect he give the same to me."
She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand.
"I know some say you should love without expecting anything in return." Her eyes searched his for understanding. "But I tried that and ended up miserable. I can't be that person again. I won't! It takes so much out of me and gives me nothing but mere crumbs to live on."
Tobias opened his mouth to reassure her again, only to fall silent when she continued.
"But what if I miss out? What if Ethan or Bryce is the one? What if I ruin what could be the relationship that will eventually give me what my heart needs? Am I suppose to fall back into what they want in case--"
"Whoa." He took her hands in his. "Easy there, Valentine. You're going down a rabbit hole of what if's."
"I know." She admitted. "That's all I do. I start off saying I won't put myself through this over and over and yet turn around and doubt my decision. I always end up here, questioning whether or not I should change anything."
Chris propped her chin on her fist while staring out of the kitchen's bay window.
"I am drowning in doubt." She admitted. "I am certain in everything I do in life except for love." She refocused on Tobias. "I don't know how to fix this."
Tobias didn't either. If she was suffering from the attack either physically or mentally, he'd have known exactly what to do. When it came to matters of the heart, he knew he was the last person who should give advice.
"The only thing I can recommend," he began a bit hesitantly, "is to only accept what makes you happy."
He took her hand once more. "As a friend of yours, I don't believe you should settle for anything less than what you want."
"That's what Sienna's been telling me for a while now." Chris mumbled.
"See? How can you ignore the advice coming from two different people?" He prodded.
Chris's lips quirked into a brief smile. "You and Sienna couldn't be any more different."
"It's a sign that it's the right thing to do." He argued. "You should tell Ethan and Bryce."
"Tell them?" Chris murmured. "You mean--"
"Tell them exactly what you want, what you expect, and see if they can step up and be that for you." Tobias told her. "Keeping it to yourself is only making you miserable. Plus, if they honestly don't know what you're wanting, how can they give it to you?"
Chris slowly nodded. She had tried to hint and kinda explain what she wanted each time with Ethan, but she'd never talked to him seriously about it. With Bryce, she kept things light and fun. Perhaps she was more responsible for her unhappiness than she originally thought.
"You know what you need?" He relaxed back in his chair. "You need a night out."
Chris blinked. "Isn't that what I did last night?"
"No, that was a celebration. You need a night out with no expectations, no questionable relationships, and no drunken escapes."
Tobias grinned at her. "You took me to your hangout. It's only fair you visit mine."
She began to laugh. "You sure you trust me to see where you love to go?"
"I guess I do." He murmured, grinning even more. "How bout it, Chris?"
"I really should get some sleep." She argued halfheartedly. "I have work in the morning."
"No, you don't." He reminded her. "Remember, I haven't given you the all clear yet."
Chris rolled her eyes over that.
"We both know I'm fine to go back to work."
"I don't." He laced his fingers behind his head to stretch. "You'll have to schedule an appointment with me for a final checkup." He winked at her. "Nice try, but there's no getting out of tonight."
Chris motioned to herself. "I don't have anything to wear."
"I'll take you by your place to change on the way." Tobias got up to clear their plates. "What do you say?"
Seeing no way out of this and was a little curious over where he went to unwind, she decided to give in. Chris admitted to herself that having a drink somewhere without Ethan or Bryce to distract her might be just the change she needed.
Plus, it might help her get the courage up to talk to them.
"If my doctor insists, -" Chris mumbled.
"I do." Tobias interrupted
"Then, I'd love to."
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jerzwriter · 2 years ago
Know it All
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Thank you to @mydemonsdrivealimo for this ask. By now we know that me and 100-words can't go in the same sentence, but it's still short for me :)
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 timeline) Characters: Bryce Lahela, Casey MacTavish (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 921 Summary: Casey needs the scoop on someone, and she knows exactly who to go to. A/N: Participating in @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 Day 25, Secret
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Being a resident was tough. The hours were grueling, and making a mistake didn’t merely get you into trouble or cost you a promotion; it was the definition of life or death. The stress could be overwhelming, but luckily, Casey heeded Dr. Delarosa's advice and built strong friendships with her fellow residents. It made perfect sense; seeing people outside of work was almost impossible. She was learning that the hard way since she met an intriguing doctor from Mass Kenmore a few weeks before. An intriguing doctor whose schedule never matched up with hers. 
Fortunately, Bryce's schedule did, and she was meeting him in the cafeteria for lunch. While her stomach was grumbling, if she had to choose between nourishment or feeding her curiosity, the latter would win today. She needed the lowdown, and who better to go to than her best buddy, Bryce.
"Boo!" Bryce smiled as he attempted to frighten her from behind.
"Nice try, Lahela."
Bryce tossed a protein bar her way and watched Casey’s face fall.
"Is this what you meant when you said you were treating me to lunch today?"
"Nope," he said, biting into his bar. "But have you seen the line for the registers? We can either have these delightfully chalky fake chocolate bars and conversation, or we can spend our entire break on that line and not talk at all."
"You know, this doesn't taste so bad," she smiled.   
"That’s the right answer!” Bryce grinned. “Given the choice of a quality meal or my company, I believe my company is always the way to go.”
“Well, it works today,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Because I need to use you.”
“Casey,” he sighed dramatically. “I understand the longing, I do... but you know damn well we decided not to let our relationship go there.”
She shook her head without expression. “You know, you are such an ass! I’m not interested in ‘going there’ with you... but there is someone else that I might be....”
Bryce eagerly leaned over the table, his attention piqued. “Who? Who is it? Do I know them? Is it the hot new nurse in the ICU? Because I have it on good counsel that she has the hots for you.”
“Really? Well, that might be a good backup plan,” Casey giggled. “But that’s not who I’m talking about.”
She turned around to survey the room. Once confident no one was in earshot, she leaned in and lowered her voice to a whisper.
“What do you know about Tobias Carrick from Kenmore.”
Bryce leaned back in his chair, a look bordering on disappointment registered on his face. “Carrick?” he said, a bit too loud as Casey shushed him.
“Yes, what do you know about him.”
“All right, first, thank you for recognizing that my knowledge base extends to all hospitals in this city, not just Edenbrook.”
“Can we stick to the point?”
“Sorry,” he grinned. “I guess my question is... how do you intend to utilize him? Because if you’re looking for a couple of memorable nights that you’ll be bragging about into your nursing home years, Carrick’s your man. But if you’re looking for more than that, and you usually end up wanting more than that... well, in that case, I’d be happy to introduce you to Amira in ICU.”   
He could tell at once that wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear.
“Is he that bad?” She asked. “I mean, I’ve heard he’s not exactly Mr. Commitment...”
“Understatement of the millennium,” Bryce interrupted.
“... BUT... Oh, Bryce, the man is super hot, and I really like him. He’s been nothing but attentive and sweet to me since we met.”
“Have you slept with him yet?”
Bryce raised his hands in triumph. “I rest my case. Look, anyone who's not a straight man will tell you he is hot, and if you want to have fun, have fun. But I watched you go through entirely too much after the shit with he-who-we-will-not-name-while-at-work went down... and I don’t want to see you hurt like that again.”
They both looked at Casey’s phone as it vibrated on the table and now it was Bryce's turn to roll his eyes. Once he saw the stupid grin on his friend’s face, he knew two things:  the text was from Carrick, and Casey was already in much deeper than she was willing to admit.
“That him?” he asked for effect.
Casey pocketed her phone with a smirk. “Shut up.”
“Look,” he replied sincerely. “I haven’t heard that he’s a bad guy, just that he’s only interested in one thing. But a few of my buddies from the volleyball team know him well. I can weasel some information out of them if you like.”
“I’d appreciate that.”
“Oh!” he clapped his hands in excitement. “Better yet! I know his housekeeper's daughter! Jackpot! Who better to get dirt from,” he winked. “I’ll put in a call today.”
“How the hell do you know his housekeeper’s daughter?”
“She’s my florist.”
Casey closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.
“And how do you know that your florist’s mother is Tobias’s housekeeper?”
“Casey,” he smiled smugly. “I know everything.”
His pager went off, and he jumped up from his chair.
“That’s Tanaka. Look, I’ve gotta run, but I’ll have a dossier about the guy ready for you by the end of tomorrow.”
“If surgery doesn’t work out for you, you might have a future in espionage.”
“The Hawaaiin James Bond,” he grinned. “I like it.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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choicespride · 1 year ago
Valentine's Day 2024 Masterlist
Blades of Light and Shadow
Hades Nightbloom Valentine's Day Edits - m!elf!MC (Hades Nightbloom) - @peonyblossom
Iris of Riverbend Valentine's Day Edits - f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend) - @peonyblossom
By Any Other Name - Kamilah Sayeed x f!MC (Lucy West) - @thosehallowedhalls
High School Story
Jamie Baxter Valentine's Day Edits - nb!MC (Jamie Baxter) - @peonyblossom
Hollywood U
Cafe Whispers and Scone Kisses - Addison Sinclair x f!MC (Alex Spencer), Thomas Hunt x f!MC (Alex Spencer) (mentioned) - @theartoflovingthomashunt
Jackie Winters Valentine's Day Edits - nb!MC (Jackie Winters) - @peonyblossom
Thomas x Jackie Date Night - Thomas Hunt x nb!MC (Jackie Winters) - art by @lilyoffandoms, requested by @peonyblossom
It Lives Anthology
Harry Spear Valentine's Day Edits - ILITW m!MC (Harry Spear) - @peonyblossom
Ollie Bridgers Valentine's Day Edits - ILW nb!MC (Ollie Bridgers) - @peonyblossom
Laws of Attraction
Date Night - Gabe Ricci x m!MC (Fiona Lightwood) - @choicesmc
Murder At Homecoming
Let Me Be Your Valentine, Saint Valentine - Donovan Navarro x/& nb!MC (Edelmina Stone) - @aallotarenunelma
Open Heart
Dr. Sydney Valentine Valentine's Day Edits - m!MC (Sydney Valentine) - @peonyblossom
Two Types of People - Bryce Lahela x m!MC (Jensen Valentine) - art by @lilyoffandoms, requested by @mydemonsdrivealimo
when you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love - Bryce Lahela x m!MC (Jensen Valentine) - @mydemonsdrivealimo
Perfect Match
Beach Love: "Glasses and Missy" at Komodo Island - Sloane Washington x Alana Kusuma - @lizzybeth1986
Wishful Thinking
Art Request - Anna Koishi x f!MC (Nyx) - art by @lilyoffandoms, requested by @noesapphic
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choicesficwriterscreations · 5 months ago
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Meet Our MCs and OCs: A - I
Ride or Die: Lyra Lexington 
Wake the Dead: Xiomara Calloway
Open Heart (LI: Ethan Ramsey) F!MC: Marchia Bisognin  (Featured: February 2023)
Open Heart (LI: Tobias Carrick) F!OC: Nyla Imani Hassan
High School Story NB!MC: Ilo Jordan Lee 🏳️‍🌈
Immortal Desires NB!MC:  Saini Amanda Rusanen  🏳️‍🌈
Immortal Desires OC: Skylar Sasha Barnett-Lyons  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: September 2023)
It Lives in the Woods F!MC:  Riikka Lovisa Yläkorpi  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: November 2023)
It Lives in the Woods M!OC: Ashley Clark  🏳️‍🌈
Bloodbound F!MC: Adeeba Augustine
Open Heart F!MC: Noelle Valentine 
The Royal Romance/Crimes of Passion F!OC: Croia Thorne
Immortal Desires MC: Luca O’Rinn  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: December 2023)
Immortal Desires OC: Viktor Ivanov  🏳️‍🌈
The Royal Romance OC: Alice Thornton
The Royal Romance OC: Delilah Young
The Royal Romance MC: Lily Anne Walker
The Royal Romance MC (1): Mia Jones
The Royal Romance/Heir MC (2): Riley Brooks
Princess Swap F!MC: Daisy Hawthorne
The Cursed Heart F!MC: Ella (Featured: November 2024)
Dirty Little Secrets M!MC: Dick Ryder
High School Story F!MC: Evie Ayana  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: March 2024)
ILB F!MC: Harper Addison Vance-Fisher 🏳‍🌈
ILITW F!MC: Jo Hunter
Open Heart F!MC: Sawyer Brooks (Featured: April 2023)
Crimes of Passion : TM!FC: Ceri Rose  🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart F!MC: Arundhati Kulkarni
The Elementalists: Rams Erndheart  🏳️‍🌈
Laws of Attraction: Fiona Lightwood  🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart F!MC: Casey Mara Valentine   (Featured: September 2023)
Open Heart F!MC: Alexandria Lee
Open Heart F!MC: Jill Valentine
Open Heart M!MC: Remy Miles
Open Heart M!MC: Oliver Valentine  🏳️‍🌈
Blades of Light & Shadow F!elf!MC: Autumn Nightbloom
Guinevere: Geneviève de Carmelide
Wake the Dead F!MC: Eva Archer  (Featured: June 2024)
Open Heart F!MC: Eleanor Bloom
Open Heart M!MC: Jake Twenboah (Featured: May 2024)
Blades of Light and Shadow F!Elf!MC: Marya Moonglory  🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart (LI: Ethan Ramsey) F!MC: Genevieve McClure
Open Heart (LI: Bryce Lahela) F!OC: Natalie Michaels
Open Heart NB!MC: Baxter Lucafont  🏳️‍🌈
Red Carpet Diaries M!OC: Avalon Hammond  🏳️‍🌈
The Royal Romance F!MC: Harley Hughes
Open Heart F!MC: Meera Bose
Open Heart F!MC: Casey Hollyn Valentine
Red Carpet Diaries F!OC: Natalia York
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