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resource-directory · 2 months ago
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collab with @doyoulikethisemosong! some color palettes of some of our favorite albums :)
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doyoulikethisemoband · 1 year ago
anyone who finds & enjoys this blog: please check out @doyoulikethisemosong if you haven’t already! very fun and cool blog for emo/adjacent song polls in pretty instead of bands! :)
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year ago
a few days ago @lokiinmediasideblog tagged me to share five songs i've been listening to on repeat lately (ty! <3) and i'm only just getting around to it. so here we are
shhhh! golf is on (hot mulligan) - so there used to be a poll blog called @doyoulikethisemosong, which has now been deleted, but their playlist is still up on youtube and it's p fun to go through as someone not v familiar with the genre. i haven't finished it yet, though. i should at some point
killed by an angel (sunny day real estate) - from the same playlist
steingerðr's beauty (farya faraji) - this IS a good song but it's on the list for slightly less artistic reasons than the others. it's an attempt at reconstructing mediaeval norse music - as in, like, an original tune using the instruments and music theory of the region + era - and i find that kind of fascinating. i don't actually know anything about music history or theory, but it's cool.
le tourdion (farya faraji) - french folk song performed by the same guy. this one just sounds good.
agálas johtin (wimme) - ambient yoik. there isn't much of a story to this one either, i just like folk music and find this incredibly calming.
tagging five more people: @sol1loqu1st, @kidrat, @solderlessbreadbird, @fromthemouthofkings, @scalar
but no pressure! (also, you don't have to add commentary, i just like to :p)
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repurposedmeatlocker · 1 year ago
@battlebattleofthebands - band/musician matchup
@do-you-know-this-artist - visual artists
@doyouknowthischildrenscharacter - children's characters
@doyouknowthisdccharacter - dc characters
@doyouknowthisdisabledcharacter - disabled characters
@doyouknowthisdragartist - drag artists/performers
@doyouknowthisjojoband - bands/musicians referenced in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
@do-you-know-this-play - plays
@do-you-know-this-queer-character - LGBTQ+ characters
@doyouknowthisscp -scp characters
@doyouknowthistmntau - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle au's
@doyouknowthiswrestler - wrestlers
@doyoulikethiscountrysong - country songs
@doyoulikethisemoband - emo bands
@doyoulikethisemosong - emo songs
@doyoulikethisnonenglishsong - non english songs
@doyoulikethis-vocaloid-song - vocaloid songs
@do-you-speak-this-language - languages
@every-character-ever-poll - characters
@haveusmelledthisperfume - perfume/cologne
@haveyouatethisvegetable - vegetables
@haveyoubeentothiscity - cities
@haveyoudonethisthing-poll - experiences
@haveyoudrankthis - drinks
@haveyouheardgoth - goth bands
@haveyouheardshoegaze - shoegaze bands
@have-you-heard-this-fairy-tale - fairy tales
@haveyouheardthisfolksong - folk songs
@haveyoulistenedtothisalbum-poll - albums
@haveyouplayedthisfighter - fighting games
@haveyouplayedthisboardgame-poll - board games
@haveyouplayedthisirlgame-poll - traditional games
@haveyoureadthiscomicbook - comics
@haveyoureadthiscomic-poll - comics
@haveyoureadthisfanfic - fanfiction
@haveyoureadthisfantasybook - fantasy books
@haveyoureadthishorrorbookpoll - horror books
@haveyoureadthispoll - books
@have-you-read-this-short-fiction - short stories/fiction
@haveyoureadthistransbook - trans/nonbinary themed books
@haveyouseenthisanimation-poll - animated media
@haveyouseenthis-childhoodshow - children's/nostalgia TV shows
@haveyouseenthishorrormovie - horror movies
@haveyouseenthistvshow - TV shows
@haveyouseenthisqueerfilm - LGBTQ+ themed movies
@haveyouwatchedthiscartoon - cartoons/animation media
@haveyouwatchedthisyoutuber - youtube content creators
@videli-jste-tento-film - czech and slovak movies
HaveYou Poll Blogs Masterpost
I don't know if someone has made one of these already, but seeing the recent surge in poll blogs themed around statistics related to the Tumblr userbase, I thought I would compile a bit of a list including all the ones I have seen around (if anything just for MY ease of being able to find and vote for them).
@doyouknowthisartist - visual artists
@doyouknowthisauthor - writers
@doyouknowthismusical - musicals
@do-you-know-this-pasta - creepypastas
@doyoulikethissong-poll - anonymous song clips
@do-you-like-this-song - songs
@haveyoueatenthis - food
@haveyouheardthisband - bands/musicians
@haveyouheardthispodcast - podcasts
@haveyoumadethisdish - cooking/baking
@haveyouplayedthisgame - video games
@haveyouplayedthisgame-poll - video games
@haveyoureadthisbook-poll - books
@haveyoureadthismanga-poll - manga
@haveyoureadthisseries-poll - book series
@haveyouseenthismovie-poll - movies
@haveyouseenthisseries-poll - TV shows
@haveyouwatchedthisshow-poll - TV shows
@obscurewebcomictournament - webcomics (this one is not technically connected with the others, but I feel like it fits the bill, and it was technically my first exposure to the format some months ago when polls were first made available on Tumblr. Submissions are currently closed there, but it is a great source for voting and discovering new interesting things to read!)
I will update and add more to this list as more potentially come out! Happy voting!
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haveyouheardthispodcast · 1 year ago
hi i just started a new polls blog if you wouldn't mind reblogging one of my posts, it's doyoulikethisemosong :) thank you!!!
@doyoulikethisemosong for anyone who wants to check it out!
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repurposedmeatlocker · 1 year ago
can you add my poll blog to the masterlist? it's doyoulikethisemosong :) thank you!!
Hi! I actually just added yours in before I got this!
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