#doverstar's art
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stitchandani · 5 months ago
Hey Ani, what are you going to be for Halloween?
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Doverstar This year she's Rumpelstiltskin! And as usual, most people won't get her costume. She's used to that.
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doverstar · 26 days ago
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struggling with fear lately
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chadnoiraus · 3 months ago
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being Guardian/Ladybug at age 14 leaves one with sleepless nights later in life, I think
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fandom-stuff-wsr · 9 months ago
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ahhhh idk how to use tumblr but they have my whole heart and i needed to share it!!!! everyone go read @doverstar ‘s Lost and Rewritten bc it occupies 99% of my brain space and I can’t stop rereading it
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artist-issues · 5 months ago
Hi so your artists issues, huh. Isn't your sister doverstar? Love your art on deviant art and by any chance, do you still do it again (your art) and can we be friends?
She is, I do still do art but my time is taken up by doing it for a little studio when I have time, and of course we can be friends. Thank you!
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thetyranttegu · 3 months ago
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A Favorite Customer ( Part 2 )
So this is based on the talented @doverstardoodles / @doverstar who originally made an art peice that I referenced. Their teenage designs are made by them
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experimentkc · 3 years ago
Happy 624/Angel Day! 🎵💖👽
The ever-alluring pink alien siren continues to charm Lilo & Stitch fans to this very day, so here's some fan art from the past year, including those made today, to celebrate Stitch's adorable boojiboo!
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Happy 624 Day by m_ssk626 – And she's all dressed up for summer fun, too!
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The Siren by @doverstar (Tumblr, DeviantArt) – Why is she wearing this outfit? It's all explained in the artist's fan project @stitchandani. Go check it out!
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Happy 624 Day! by boreuben – I like the added plumeria here in this simple one.
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✨ Angel ✨ by gamibri – Looks like she's licking your screen!
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Experiment 624 by mayoooon_626 – That's a lovely plant she has there!
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Disney's Angel by Mel Rose (DeviantArt, Twitter, Patreon) – 😉🤙
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Angel drawing by Olimin – Heavenly, ain't she?
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Stitch Uno by Baylong – Angel's ready to take on whatever card Lilo has.
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Stitch and Angel sketch by MangoFren – "How cute are they though". Very.
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Grand Celebration Angel by kurage0404 – The drawing's new but the costume's five years old, as this is from a Disneyland Paris event back then. Still, she stands tall and fashionable here!
That's all for Angel Day this year! Come back tomorrow for Sandwich Boy's time to shine!
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saveliloandstitch · 6 years ago
Fan art from a member of our Ohana!
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doverstardoodles · 4 months ago
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*slides alex hirsch and dan povenmire a $20* how about now
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stitchandani · 6 months ago
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Doverstar These guys should be posing for a picture, but Page won't stop reading. Quick doodle!
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doverstar · 7 months ago
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Bluey dump! This show is the best and I have so many teen-years headcanons.
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chadnoiraus · 3 years ago
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When you're running low on magic Maybe I can hold you tight Try a little supply and demand
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valorianknights · 2 years ago
I'm in a strange state of shipper fever and whoa. It. Is. Wild. I'm suddenly drawing:
Starvel (Billy Batson x Stargirl)
ToyBird (Winn x Linda Lee)
Fredthea (Freddie x Anthea)
Savisnow (Savitar x Caitlin)
Huntlow (Y'all know, the brainrot is real)
Wittecouple (Caleb Wittebane x Evelyn)
Hirina (Hiro x Trina) What? I ship what I ship? There was a lot of potential. I love the Black cat and Spider-Man dynamic.
This is crazy. This is madness. I'm seeing every equation. I'm understanding the secret of life.
How do I stay here?!
Can I stay here?
I'm still in the process of finishing up some of them, but what should I post first?
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Also @doverstar send me savisnow art prompts pls. Send me cute fluff or angsty angst ideas to draw. God is smiling upon me with all this inspiration.
I should draw some Chrissy and Eddie stuff too, just to get all my ships.
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adora721 · 7 years ago
“Curioser and curioser!“
This post is a response to @doverstar asking me the following:
“I didn't say they weren't, @adora721​ :) If you could direct me to the spot in my answer where I said anything negative about Iris West, I'll apologize, I promise. I think she's great and her relationship with Barry is fine.”
@doverstar: No need to apologize. I did not say you said anything negative about Iris West. I said, “I just don't understand how you don't see exactly the same with Barry and Iris.” Basically, almost everything you said about Barry and Caitlin (except that Barry is in love with Iris) could be said about Iris and Barry (except the physician aspect). See my examples below in response to your post:
“He always has her back, she always has his (this was me watching S1, remember) and they can relate to one another through loss right from the get-go. Barry lost his mom and Caitlin lost sweet Ronnie.”
Iris has done even more for Barry since they were children; Iris also related to Barry because she, too, lost her mom. Iris had Barry’s back when psychiatrists and even Joe didn’t believe what Barry saw when Nora was murdered. You know how hard it is for a child to defend against adults with PhDs and a cop father to take the word of another child instead? Iris believed Barry’s word above all others, and I can tell you that in itself helped save Barry’s soul when Eobard Thawne wanted to utterly crush him. That’s a special friendship that we saw in S1.
“Barry is the Flash. He has super speed and he wants to help everyone and his smile is infectious and he loves saving the day. Imagine having that for a best friend! I saw scenes like the one in The Sound And The Fury, after Hartley hits Caitlin in the Cortex and Barry speeds in and helps her up, and I thought, okay, she’s safe now. Because there’s CareBare, the Flash, her friend, and if she’s ever in trouble she has the fastest man alive on speed dial. How cool is that? I thought that alone was sweet and very enviable.“
Iris doesn’t have to imagine being the best friend of the Flash because Barry, the Flash, is her best friend. Even though she didn’t know Barry and the Flash were the same in S1, she called the Flash her “guardian angel.” The Flash saved Iris just like he saved Caitlin. The only difference is that Caitlin knew the secret first. And remember that even though Iris wasn’t into science, she totally supported Barry’s love of science (bought him the state of the art microscope, went with him to the particle accelerator event; there were probably other science events she went to over the years to support her best friend).
“She makes him feel safe–not just physically, but when he’s having some kind of emotional breakdown, Caitlin talks him through it. (Okay, I know basically everybody in the show has emotional breakdowns and everybody talks through it, everybody talks Barry through it, but I’m not wrong here.) She understands how he feels about losing his mother, about not being him (hey-hey, Killer Frost) when he loses his speed, about being afraid, all his insecurities about Iris, she gets it all and she’s there to listen.”
Once again, there were many scenes in S1 where we see Barry and Iris helping each other emotionally, some in flashbacks and some in the present. For example, when Iris is worried about Eddie cheating, Barry is there for her just like she’s there for Barry. When Grodd was controlling Barry with fear, Iris talked him through it when no one else could.
“And who does Barry have, to make him feel secure, to save the day? ... I mean feeling guarded and protected, and basket-case bioengineer Caitlin Snow pretty much sums that up for him in the show, in all the little ways”
I must remind you of what Barry told Iris, not Caitlin, in Grodd Lives. “You know why I wasn’t afraid? Because you were there. Even though I really was scared, having you there is how I could stand up to Grodd. Every time I falter or make a mistake, the thought of you is what picks me up and keeps me going. Even though you didn’t know about everything in my life this past year, it doesn’t mean you weren’t a part of it. You were. Every single day. Without you, there wouldn’t be the Flash.” And it isn’t Caitlin that makes Barry feel secure; that would be Joe, Iris, and his dad, Henry. Re-watch season 1 to see that this is true. When Caitlin doubts Barry, Iris and Henry don’t ever doubt him.
“(She has lots of flaws, even gets annoying if you look at it like that, but I adore a realistic, flawed female character. Girls can be annoying [said the girl] and Caitlin’s great.)”
Lots of SB fans don’t allow Iris to have flaws and they hate her for having them. Some even use her flaws as reasons why she doesn’t deserve Barry’s love. Well, Caitlin has flaws, too, and yet they don’t think she’s undeserving of Barry’s love. I’m glad that you’re not one that thinks like that.
“And when I looked at it from that angle, it was hard for me not to ship it. I’m the sort of person who sees all that and ships it.“
Everything you see in Caitlin and Barry was already there with Barry and Iris (minus the physician aspect and Barry being in love with Iris). So, using your own words it should be, “hard for me not to ship it.” It seems like some people just couldn’t imagine themselves as Iris, and so chose Caitlin’s journey of getting to know Barry to represent themselves. They then ignored all evidence of Iris already living the experience you’re describing for Caitlin. Was Iris’ experience just invisible?
It’s no wonder that some SB fans believe, erroneously, that Iris was stealing Caitlin’s lines and parts in Barry’s life because they literally ignored or blanked out all of the evidence I’m mentioning. It’s like selective memory or selective TV watching. I feel like there’s a whole season of Iris and Barry’s interactions that some people completely missed or ignored simply because they already preferred Caitlin.
You can ship whomever you want. However, your evidence for shipping Caitlin and Barry is very similar to evidence for shipping Iris and Barry. Like Alice said, “curioser and curioser!”
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artist-issues · 2 years ago
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Some art collaborating I did with @doverstar, may she live long in the land. More info on the @stitchandani blog!
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doverstardoodles · 6 months ago
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obviously Linus Van Pelt would be a tough act to follow
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