Rid Your Farm From Pests With Reliable Midge Flies Control
Midge flies are one of the most annoying pests on the farm. Why you may ask? Well, they have the tendency to wreak all sorts of havoc, including spreading diseases to both animals and humans. With midge flies control you can have one less thing to worry about.
Midge Flies Defined
Midge flies are flying insects that share some features of mosquitoes. Their cycle starts from worm-like larvae, cocoon pupa and then adult midge fly. They have thin transparent wings and thin delicate legs. Like mosquitoes, Midge flies enjoy water sources like standing bodies of water. They also love moist decaying leaves on crops and damp soil.
Symptoms after a Midge Fly Attack
In humans Patients may experience different reactions to midge fly bites but the general effect is a localized pain, itch or an irritable feeling. Sometimes people experience a delayed itch effect. Midge flies are a health risk in some places, as they’re known to spread diseases to humans in some parts of the world.
In animals Without midge flies control, farms, and areas close to sources of water will experience the nuisance these insects cause. However, midge flies also have biological benefits like cleaning up the water from moss, as this is what the larvae midge flies eat.
Midge Fly Control is Effective
If you have areas on your farm that have excess standing water, be sure to install proper drainage systems. Other midge flies control options also include insecticide and maintenance of the farm by keeping it free from aspects that will attract midge flies. With that being said, keeping your farm clean and tidy will greatly help to keep midge flies at bay. You can also use affordable midge control methods like fly traps, fly paper, and bait traps to keep them from pestering you and your livestock.
Get the expert midge flies control you need for a pest-free farm you’ve always wanted. Contact us TODAY
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African Citrus Psyllid Control on your Farm
When running a farm, it’s almost impossible not to stumble across pests trying to take over your crops and causing havoc. Growing citrus, you must be sure to use citrus psyllid control because an infestation can lead to serious losses.
Identifying Citrus Psyllid Control
Adult citrus psyllids grow to about 2.5mm in length and both the male and female have wings. Adult females have a pointed tip on their end of their abdomen and males a blunt tip on the same side. African citrus psyllid starts out as eggs, and hatch at a temperature of more than 25degrees Celsius. They can live between 17 to 50 days.
Damage and control of African citrus psyllid pests
Name suggests, the citrus psyllid enjoy citrus fruit as mentioned earlier, and so it is understood that they tackle oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and other citrus trees and fruit. The flavour of the fruits on host trees becomes bitter and the host tree itself will showcase signs of damage. The major cause of damage is because the citrus psyllid is a carrier of the “citrus greening disease”. Every host tree infested by the citrus psyllid will become diseased and it’s inevitable that the fruits are spoilt and some trees prone to die.
Other damages include:
Evidence of soot or mould is present and can cause the tree to weaken
Leaves become yellow
Plants are stunted in growth
Visible frass (excrement) on the leaves
Abnormal fruit
Rolled leaves
Control measures for the psyllid species
African citrus psyllid control comprises of various options including professional pest control. Chemical control measures include organic and synthetic pesticides. It’s important to make sure that the instructions are followed and that the insecticide used is safe for the fruit you’re growing. Contact us TODAY for all your Citrus Psyllid Control
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The Essentials of Black Vine Weevil Control On The Farm
The black vine weevil can ruin stored grain and other cash crops when infestations are large in number. Learning to identify these annoying pests is essential if you want to ensure complete black vine weevil control. The first step in taking control of the situation is knowing how to spot them.
Identifying a Black Weevil
Before choosing your black vine weevil control method, you need to know how to identify these pests. Many adult black weevils grow up to 3/4inches in length and are often grey or black in colour. They cannot fly as some of the other weevils but they have long, bendy mouth-like parts and their antennas are also bendy-looking. The larvae of the black weevil are about 1/2inch long and pale in colour compared to the adults.
Black Vine Weevil Damage
The adults mainly feed at night on the crops and plants creating little notches in the leaves as the chew away. The larvae, however, cause a greater amount of damage to plants. The larvae feed off the roots of the plants and chew right through them causing critical damage.
Plants wither even when it seems they’re taken good care of
Leaves showcase notches where the adults have been feeding off
Plant growth is often stinted and plants are prone to die young
Black Vine Weevil Control
These clever pests like to take cover underneath mulch and soil, so during the day. it can be harder to spot them. Once you’ve uncovered the damage and identified the plants that are affected, you must ensure that you take immediate black vine weevil control as soon as possible. The sooner the pest control is in place, the better the chances of saving your crops.
Ensure that plants are clear of mulch, as these are some of the “high-target” areas for black vine weevils to thrive. In many cases, they hide under the mulch, making it harder to spot them in searches. Never over-water the plants because moisture and wetness, even damp soil attracts these pests rapidly.
There are several types of control options including synthetic and organic insecticide. Natural predators can also help where appropriate. Some plants contain natural insect repellents such as the Chrysanthemum flower that respells weevils and is safe to use around pets and other plants.
Do you need a hand getting rid of black vine weevils? Contact us TODAY for all your black vine weevil control needs.
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Effective Thrip Control on your Farm
Having any form of pests on your farm is no fun, so getting it under control is what you need. If your suspect you need thrip control, then it’s best to nip it while you can. There are many organic means of achieving this, and once the thrip situation is managed, it will allow you to grow your vegetables and plants in a healthy, safe manner.
Identifying these pests before administering thrip control
What does a thrip look like?
Adult thrips have elongated bodies and are thin with delicate, long, fringed wings. While in the larvae stages the young thrip is long, thin, and haven’t developed wings.
Damage without thrip control
When dealing with a thrip infestation, you have to know what to look for before taking the step of eliminating the pests. Thrip damage on leaves is common and often results in flecking or spots on the leaves of plants. These brown-like flecks are usually the results of thrip excrement as they feed off the plant host. Thrips are versatile in movement and glide with the wind to get to their destination point even faster. They also feed off apples, berries and nectarines, which as a result will scar the fruit with dark markings especially when the fruit is still developing. Sometimes they lay their eggs on fruit like grapes.
Let’s talk thrip control insecticides
Do you want to use them? Maybe. However, you can also use very effective biological control of thrips if you happen to have a problem with these pests. Sometimes you can’t get rid of thrips with chemicals because even as larvae and thrip eggs, they seem to have a protective layer against it. Hence not all insecticides will effectively work.
Measures for effective thrip control on your farm
Firstly, when it comes to thrips, you need to learn about their nature, and how they survive in their environment. Once you know their tactics, you can administer better control. Many people tend to administer insecticide or try pest control, but to no avail and thus cannot get rid of the problem.
Can you make a thrips control spray?
Water sprays help to keep the plant dust free and reduce the chance of a thrift environment.
Large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer should be avoided because thrips thrive off this environment.
Weeds must be controlled because they tend to harbour the thrip species
Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish a thrip from other species, but a trained eye of a professional pest control can and is familiar with habitual behaviour patterns of the thrip. Knowledge is one of the first steps to effective thrip control.
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Boxwood Leafminer Control: Rid your Farm from these Pests Today
The Boxwood plant or scientifically known as Buxus from the Buxaceae family is a much-loved plant for landscaping and looks great on farms. They are aesthetically beautiful in every way, however, with their attractiveness comes the pest called the Boxwood Leafminer. These pests can cause real damage to your plants but before this happens, you need to make sure that you get rid of them by practicing boxwood leafminer control.
Don’t Delay with Boxwood Leafminer Control
What are boxwood leafminers?
As their name suggests, these pests enjoy the likes of boxwood trees. If you have these on your farm, be sure to look out for these specially adapted leafminer species. As you may already know, Boxwood plants can be found throughout South Africa, many grow freely in the Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, and KZN.
Boxwood leafminers are similar to flies and look like mosquitoes, as during their larval stages, they look similar to maggots. While when they reach adulthood, they develop wings and are able to fly. Both the adult boxwood leafminers and their larvae are orange in colour.
Damage caused without Leafminer Control
The boxwood leafminer causes bad damage to this plant by chewing away at the upper and lower parts of the leaves. They thrive in warm weather and this may also be the best time to spot them.
Adult female leafminers will lay the eggs inside the leaf
The leaves may look as if they have blisters on them
The eggs will hatch and the adults that emerge from inside the leaf will leave a “pin-like” hole
Effective Boxwood Leafminer Control
You can get rid of these pests by using some insecticide and other precautions. Pruning the tree shrubs early before the larvae hatch will reduce the infestation. Professional pest control on the farm can help target these boxwood leafminer maggots sooner than later. The control is done systematically to ensure that the infestation is taken care of and to try to save as much of the plant as possible.
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Effective Bean Beetle Control is Essential on your Farm
Preserving the health of your crops can be extremely difficult on the farm. With all the many pests out to destroy your crops and income, effective bean beetle control is essential.
What are bean beetles?
Bean or pest beetles belong to a larger family called “Coleoptera” within this class comes a variety of subspecies such as the Weevil, Borer, Rootworm, and Chafar. The bean species consist of flying and non-flying beetles.
Lifecycle – Bean Beatle Control
A bean beetle starts as an egg laid either on soil, leaves, seeds or anywhere on the plant. From here, once “hatched” the larvae will ferociously eat away at the plant parts on which they have been laid by the adult female beetle. Most beetles will feed off the surface of the plant, but the borer species will consume through the plant. Feeding off the plant sometimes for months and years until the plant gets to the end if its own life. After the larvae become an adult, they seek out a mate.
Signs of damage
A trail of frass (excrement) on the leaves or soil
Wood shaving by the bark of the tree (sign of wood borer)
Discolour leafs withering crops
Starting bean beetle pest control is important
As part of your farm maintenance, make sure that beetle control is effective and starts from the early stages of the plant.
Monitor plants for any irregularities and signs of bean beetles on your crops.
Storage grains may have some of the beetles, this is a sure sign you have a problem.
Take control of the situation sooner than later
Pest control options
Insecticides (synthetic)
Natural predators of the beetle in a controlled environment
Neem oil and other organic pesticides
Traps for the adults
Benefits of using a professional bean beetle control specialist
They can identify the problem and signs of infestation
They have the equipment and insecticides needed to commence control on the farm
Provide effective solutions for the good health of your farm and cash crops
Do you need more information? Get in touch today!
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Most Effective Mealybug Control in South Africa
Mealybug control is essential if you want to see your crops flourish throughout the season. You can get professional pest control to aid and maintain your crops even during bad infestations.
Description of Mealybug
Don’t be fooled by a mealey bugs “fluffy” appearance, they are not cute and can savagely destroy your cash crops! You can spot a mealybug by their fluffy-looking white dusted bodies, these are often the adult females. It almost looks as if they were dusted with some flour of some sorts hence the name. Most mealybug males have wings, but males often remain out of sight. Some mealybugs have twin tails while others don’t.
Mealy bug eggs will hatch within 10 days. Thereafter the mealybug larvae will move to another part of the same host plant until they develop into an adult, which takes around 4 to 8 weeks. These pests can grow up to 10 inches long.
Identifying Mealybugs Damage
Before getting to mealybug control insecticide and the lot, first you need to know what the damage is like. For starters, mealybugs thrive off young plants and they will feed off the leaves and fruit as much as possible. Bad infestations will result in having to throw out the entire plant because damage would be beyond repair. With time, the damaged leaves will become excessively yellow and eventually drop off the plant. The damage they cause to new plants and vegetables will stint the growth and development which results in the fruit dropping off the plant prematurely. Mealybugs also feed off many horticultural crops in greenhouses; however, identifying the host plant will depend entire on the type of mealybug species. Some host plants include false aralia, pothos, marigold, aglaonema and begonia to name a few.
Mealybug Control to Avoid Damage
Spotting mealybugs in their larvae phase is extremely difficult as they’re only around 2mm in length. In many cases, they are only spotted once in the adult phase (this is when it’s typically too late) and insecticides may not reduce numbers in large infestations.
There are many ways to get rid of mealy bugs naturally. Some methods include a mealybug biological control method, by which other species are incorporated to reduce mealiebug populations. A natural predator of a mealybug include Cryptolaemus montrouzien (beetles) and Leptomastix dactylopii (parasitic wasps).
You can also use organic means such as:
Neem oil is often used in organic pesticides which is safe for vegetables.
High-volume sprays must cover the entire plant as these pests tend to gather in hard to reach and spot places of the plant such as leaf petioles, leaf undersides, and leaf sheeths.
Insecticide soap can be mixed with water to create a liquid spray because the adult mealybug’s outer layer body does not absorb water. The larvae or worms, however, do not have the same advantage.
Insecticides can also be mixed with mineral oils.
Not sure what to do? Get the professionals in to help you with your mealybug control and start saving your crops! Contact us TODAY for all your Mealybug solutions
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Get Into Gear With Spotted Wing Drosophila Control On Your Farm
Dealing with pests on the farm is never a breeze as a matter of fact, when thorough spotted wing drosophila control is not executed, the chances of losing cash crops becomes higher. Professional pest control management on the farm has many benefits. Not only can you enjoy the experience these individuals have but also that they know how to eliminate the problem in the best and safest way possible.
How to spot a spotted wing drosophila
These mites enjoy fruit and in fact, are from the fruit fly species. Adult females will lay eggs inside the fruit and are commonly found in raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and other soft fruits. Farmers can lose their cash crops once these pests are manifested in large numbers.
Damage You can notice the damage because the fruit becomes soft and bad to eat.
Once the female has laid the eggs inside the fruit, apart from becoming soft, the fruit will also develop mould.
The fruit will showcase holes and visible scars
Sometimes farmers will find trees heavily infested soon after having harvested the fruit
Combating and taking full spotted wing drosophila control on your farm
To save your fruit trees and your income, make sure that you take the necessary steps to put an end to the pests. The following may help:
Ensure to keep a close inspection of the plants on a regular basis
Harvest the fruit as soon s they become ripe to prevent damage
Set up traps and monitor them regularly
Make sure that you follow instructions from the insecticide manufacturer for effective control
Spotted wing drosophila organic control
If you suspect your farm is under attack, then it’s high time to take control of the situation. Spotted wing drosophila organic control measures include the use of insecticides made without synthetics, but instead natural ingredients like neem oil amongst other. Biological control of the spotted wing drosophila includes the implementation of a natural predator, which include species of wasps, insects, and spiders.
Get help from trusted specialists and save your farm from the dreaded pests that plague your harvest. Contact us TODAY for all your Drosophila Control needs
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Start Effective Russet Mite Control On Your Farm Today
Nobody wants to put up with pesky russet mites that only contribute to the destruction of your farm. They are strong in large numbers and can infect the entire plant bringing it to ruin. If you’re dealing with this problem and are searching for effective russet mite control for your farm, then it’s time to contact the professionals.
Start russet mite control sooner than later
Russet mite identification
These pesky creatures are very tiny and only easier to spot when using a magnifying glass. They can easily increase their numbers on your farm, as they’ve already been accounted for in regions not common to their existence. This is because they are so light; the wind can move them about. They are almost transparent and sometimes have a slightly yellow look. The adult females will lay russet mite eggs during the spring season. These eggs are large nearly as big as the adult mites, and they undergo 2 stages before becoming adult russets.
Another problem when dealing with russet mite damage is the mere fact that you only see damage once it is done. In other words, they leave no obvious clues or traces of their existence on the plants and trees on your farm.
Damage sightings
You’ll notice the damage at the bottom of the plant making its way upward. This is because russets eat from the stem of the plant upward. Their mouthparts are specially adapted to suck out the nutrients of plants starting at the stem.
Plants will look less vigorous and green, instead, it will start to become yellow/brown. They enjoy flowering plants as well as cannabis. They can cause lots of damage to the flowing parts of a plant, which cannot be reversed.
Russet might control
Taking control is essential to save the vegetation on your farm.
Isolate infected plants from healthy ones to avoid spreading the russets
Do regular inspections of the plant focusing on leaf areas as well as the stems
Monitor greenhouses and indoor environments as vigorously as you would the outdoors
Organic control includes the incorporation of predator nematodes
Use neem oil as soon as you see signs of the russets
Control may be hard to achieve if your farm has a large infestation, and this requires the skilled assistance of pest control specialists. Contact us TODAY for all your Russet Might problems
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Whitefly Control for Your Farm
Your farm is something you want to be proud of but with Whitefly problems and infestations, your beautiful farm could be destroyed. Whiteflies damage is heightened during the summer seasons and with proper whitefly control, you can get a handle on the problem and salvage your farm.
No whitefly control equals infestations
Whitefly identification – what is a whitefly?
Whiteflies are pests that seem to thrive in warm weather and thus, you’ll see more of them making an appearance in your farm during this season. You’ll recognize a whitefly by their almost triangular shaped body.
Whiteflies on tomato leaves are not the only places you’ll find them, because they thrive by sucking on the undersides of plant leaves in general. Their soft bodies can grow up to 9inches. While they’re not only concentrated on real plants, whiteflies are known to chomp on ornamental plants too.
Spotting whitefly damage
If you see the leaves of your plants are starting to look pale and withering away, that’s one sure sign that your farm is under attack by whiteflies. Organic whitefly control measures
You can get rid of whiteflies in a safe manner, without using poisonous whitefly insecticide. Whitefly control in greenhouses sometimes includes incorporating other critters such as ladybugs and Encarsia to minimize the spread of whiteflies. These predatorial species work as an organic way to reduce whitefly infestations and are best when indoors. Organic whitefly control will ensure the safety of plants and vegetables, making them safe to consume come harvest time. Sometimes the whiteflies damage results in a sticky residue left behind on the leaves.
Other whitefly control means include:
Aluminum reflective mulch – this will redirect or distort a whitefly’s ability to navigate to plants they wish to leech off.
Water spray – jet sprays will work well if your plants can manage the force of the spray, dislodging their grip from under the leaves.
Light vacuum – light vacuuming will also help to remove the larvae and nymphs from under the leaves.
Organic Neem oil – you can use Neem oil and spray your plants and fruit to protect it from whitefly damage
Certain whiteflies have evolved to become immune to insecticide, which means you could be wasting your time and money using those. If you don’t have the means of getting rid of these pests, then you can always seek the knowledgeable assistance of professional pest control. Restore your farm and save your plants from whitefly destruction!
If you have any problems with whiteflies contact us TODAY
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Crane Fly Control On The Farm
Without Crane fly control, cash crops stand a chance of undergoing serious damage leading to losses. Whether you’re struggling with an infestation or looking to take better control of the situation, then getting expert help from a specialist is essential.
What is a crane fly?
A crane fly can usually be mistaken for a mosquito because of its delicate-like body similarity as well as long legs. Effective crane fly larvae control will reduce the damage otherwise sustained due to the larvae. The larvae can grow up to 3.8cm in length.
Signs of damage – Crane fly Control
You can spot crane fly lawn damage on dry summer days where the patches of grass die because its water supply is cut off due to the damaged left by the crane fly. More weeds are present on your lawn also due to the damage inflicted by these pests.
It will help you get a handle on the situation if you tried examining your grass during the warmer months of spring. It’s also important to look out for the larvae or the “egg shells”. Crane fly larvae have a durable “leathery” skin that protects them.
Managing a crane fly problem on the farm
If you suspect crane flies have taken over your farm, it’s time to take your farm back with effective crane fly control.
Take care that your irrigation’s systems are monitored for leakage and the potential for creating a waterlogged area. Crane flies enjoy standing water and have the tendency to thrive in shaded damp areas on the farm. Cleaning up aerate and loose thatch is essential in reducing the numbers of these pests on your farm.
The good health of your grass on your farm will not only benefit your livestock but can indeed also be aesthetically beautiful.
More crane fly control measures
Birds are your friends. Setting up some bird feeders will help as they will pick at the grass and eat the larvae
An adult the crane fly is weak and can fall prey to several predators
There are also many organic and synthetic insecticides suitable
Crane fly predators like “nematodes” are essential for the biological control of these flies.
Do you need to clean up your farm from crane flies? Get the help you need from expert pest control. Contact us TODAY
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The post Crane Fly Control On The Farm appeared first on BioControl.
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Manage with Midge Flies Control Over your Farm is Essential
Midge flies are not a good sign on your farm as they can cause permanent damage and cause several losses to your grain crops. You shouldn’t let it happen but take action administering midges flies control on your farm and start seeing your crops thrive.
Identify them for Proper Midge Fly Control
Being certain what to look for, including identifying the damage will help you choose the most suitable control measures. The midge fly species is divided into 2 namely “biting midge flies” and “non-biting midge flies”
Biting Midge Flies
The biting midge adult can grow up to 0.5mm long and they can also be recognized either with spotted wings and marked legs for some while others are unmarked. The female midge fly will lay the tiny eggs that will change from white to a darker brown as it matures. The larvae or worm stage of the midge can grow up to 4mm in length. The pupa also measures about 4mm in length.
Non-Biting Midge Flies
Non-biting adult midge flies can lay up to 3,000 eggs and once the eggs hatch the larvae will burrow their way under the soil adapting their tunnels to the space needed as they grow. During this phase, they will feed off mud or soil in the ground. Similar to flies, midge flies complete a life cycle from egg to adult in an estimated 3 weeks. Non-biting midge flies enjoy muddy, swampy conditions.
Damage without Midge Flies Control
Damage is caused because the midge fly will drain the plant of its juices and nutrients. They cause damage to grain crops like wheat, which will result in a sticky dough and flour becomes a darker colour. Pasta made from damaged wheat can result in dark pasta. The larvae start feeding of the grain crops as seen as it starts growing. Biting midges attack exposed skin similar to a mosquito. The adult female midge will collect blood as a source of protein to help her egg develop.
Start Managing Midge Flies control
To take control of the situation, farmers resort to the following:
Chemical control (works for adult biting midges)
Sprays and mists can temporarily ward them off
Insect repellents are also a good option to keep them from pestering you
Predatory fish is useful for control at the farm (midges enjoy gathering near a source of water)
Keep them under control and stand a better chance to grow healthy wheat and grain crops on the farm. Contact us TODAY for all your Midge Flies Control needs
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Caterpillar Pest Control: Save your Crops Today!
Caterpillars are in the process of morphing into butterflies but before then, they live out their time feeding off the life source of your crops. Caterpillar pest control will help eliminate this problem by effectively stopping caterpillars in their tracks.
What is a Caterpillar? – Caterpillar Pest Control
Outdoor crops can easily fall prey to caterpillar damage because they live of the nourishment of vegetable crops like lettuce, cabbage, and most leafy crops for that matter. With over 100 different caterpillar species, your farm may have come under attack by several of these pests. They are so vast, some are known as the “hornworms”, “cabbage loopers” and “inchworms” to name a few. Their vastness is because in essence, they are the younger form of adult moths and butterflies.
Adult female butterflies will lay her eggs on the leaves so that the source of food is ready to eat once the eggs pupate. If the eggs are laid at the base of the tree after they’ve “hatched” the caterpillar pests that emerge will make their way up toward the nourishing trees and start to devour them.
Caterpillar Pest Control to end the damage
Caterpillar pest control is essential if you want to avoid losing your crops to these intruding, greedy creatures. These pests are immensely problematic when in large infestations, as they will carry on chomping through your vegetable crops leaves and through some of the fruits. One of the really bad factors of having these pests around is that they can start their infestation at any time of the year leaving little time for control.
Caterpillar damage can be so bad that they can defoliate multiple trees and plants during their frenzy feeding stages. This can cause permanent damage to cash crops due that season. Their damage is showcased as huge holes in plant leaves.
Caterpillar insecticides are available in organic forms to reduce toxicity. You can spot the eggs on the trees they are prone to target and there excrement is also clearly visible.
Put an end to the pests
Picking them off leaves and dropping them into a bucket of soapy water can kill them
Many insecticides are organic, but there are also synthetic forms (always read instructions before use)
Certain organic pesticides also contain Neem oil which is very effective
Need help with an infestation on your farm? Be sure to call the experts to assist you!
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Achieve Effective Spider Mite Control for Your Garden
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Enjoy a Better Farm with Proper Aphid Control
Aphids also known as “Green Flies” or “Plant Lice” are a big problem and can ruin the plants on your farm and even make their way into your house if not taken care of in time. Aphid control is very important, especially when growing plants and vegetables as they really thrive on vegetation.
The importance of aphid control
What is an aphid? An aphid is a type of insect that feeds off the juice and nutrients of other plants. They have specially modified mouths to suck on the leaves. A fully-grown aphid will have long antenna-like feelers on their heads and their bodies are soft. Some aphids also have two tube-like antennas coming out the rear part of their bodies. Although they are tiny in size, with most of them only growing up to a mere 1/8 inches, they can wreak havoc. You’ll also notice that their colours vary from green, orange, gray, white and yellow.
How to identify the damage with no aphid control
To get a handle on aphid control on tomatoes, aphid control on roses as well as any vegetation you may be growing it’s essential for you to identify the damage. Here’s how to tell those bugs are at work on your farm:
Aphids can attack the roots of young plants and you’ll notice these ones withering away even before they’ve fully grown.
They will cause damage to lower leaves as opposed to leaves at the top of plants
You’ll notice curling, yellow leaves
A trail of “honeydew” or sticky substance left on stems of plants or surrounding property is the aphid’s waste.
They cause fruit to become deformed and stint their growth
Resort to Effective Aphid Control
There are various types of solutions to deal with aphid infestations; some include organic aphid control, while other include stronger chemicals.
Organic or natural aphid control solutions
Water is a good way to get rid of these critters, blasting them with a power spray can help reduce their numbers on walls, outdoor furniture, and motor vehicles. A power spray may not be ideal for your delicate flowers. A gentle spray of water will help them lose grip and in some cases, they don’t go back to the same plant.
Water plus 2 to 3 drops of dishwashing liquid
This mild soapy solution will wash the aphids away without causing damage to your plants. Ensure you don’t use too much dishwashing liquid else it’ll be too soapy. Some other organic aphid control solutions include Neem oil, as well as cayenne pepper with water and dishwashing liquid.
Aphids dislike catnip (relatively affordable)
They are attracted to mustard
They dislike garlic and chives, a good companion when planting peas, lettuce, and roses
Large farms often need more work controlling pests and professional aphid control for your garden or landscapes will greatly benefit in every way.
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Achieve Effective Spider Mite Control for Your Garden
The post Enjoy a Better Farm with Proper Aphid Control appeared first on BioControl.
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The Best Gnat Control for your Plants on your Farm
Gnats are pests you don’t want to have around your farm. However, we cannot always manage everything, and when an infestation occurs its best to get some Gnat control underway from experts that you can trust.
Practice gnat control for your outdoors
Gnat identification
Gnats or fungal gnats are common with indoor plants and can often be seen flying around indoor pot plants. Flying gnats are already at the adult stage, but whilst they are gnat larvae, they feed off the nutrients of the plant’s roots and thrive inside the soil. Gnat fungus thrives in moist humid conditions and this is often the case indoors where you happen to have your beautiful plants. Winter months are also when they are strongest because more moisture is present indoors.
Adult gnats can be recognized as winged critters that tend to share the looks of a fly and a mosquito alike. They have delicate, thin bodies, and are usually seen flying up and out from soil that’s freshly been watered. Gnat maggots, on the other hand, are the larvae of these pests, and they feed off mould, root hairs, and thrive within plant soil. The maggots are almost transparent with a black head. The larvae can develop into adults in only 3 to 4 days.
Spotting the damage
Before administering gnat control, you have to know what the damage is.
How can you use gnat control to better your farm?
Gnat treatment to keep your farm safe and healthy
You can take control of the gnat situation by creating your own gnat solution with water and other organic means.
How to tell your plants are taking damage:
Plant leaves will lose colour and lustre
Plants will wilt
Sometimes entire parts of the plant will be missing with excessive damage
Precaution measures
Before purchasing a plant, you can have a thorough look at it for any signs of gnat fungus.
The soil must dry out before watering or in-between watering to avoid moisture
Overwatering can cause these pests to thrive even more
Using a gnat predator like the Hypoasis aculeifer (a mite that lives off fungus gnat lavae) will help destroy them especially when dealing with large infestations
Organic gnat control is the best way to keep the infestation under control and ensuring your farm enjoys beautiful plants without the problem of pests. Contact us TODAY for all your Gnat Control advice.
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Barnfly Control On Your Farm – Kill Flies & Their Eggs Today‎
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Achieve Effective Spider Mite Control for Your Garden
  The post The Best Gnat Control for your Plants on your Farm appeared first on BioControl.
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Barnfly Control On Your Farm – Kill Flies & Their Eggs Today‎
Barnflies and flies in general, can truly disturb life on the farm, not only are they bad for your cattle, they also continue to breed and make a nuisance of themselves. Some flies and mosquitoes also carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and livestock. Barnfly control is essential to eradicate the risk of disease and other problems on the farm.
A Farm without Barnfly Control
You don’t want your farm to become a statistic to a fly infestation, because sometimes the situation can become so bad it’s near impossible to control. Flies can breed rapidly and make a huge nuisance of themselves to animals and people managing the farm.
Increasing numbers and dangers flies
Flies enjoy dirt and thus thrive off the excrements of animals on the farm, this is where they lay their eggs. They also thrive in any waste thrown out. Flies can live up to 3 weeks and it takes only 12 hours for eggs to hatch. Female flies can lay up to 100 eggs and as many as 500 throughout her life cycle.
Germs and bacteria are spread from the flies to the animals putting livestock with lacerations at risk of infection. Farm owners with large fly infestations have lost livestock to typhoid, dysentery and cholera to name a few. Some of these diseases can be a high risk to humans as well.
Causes for flying pests on your farm
These pests are often attracted to moist muddy situations
Standing water anywhere for that matter
Manure piles that are left standing and wet paddocks
Open compost
Start measures towards barnfly control on your farm
Keeping it all clean and tidy is key!
Clean up old haystacks and droppings in the barns and around the farm as these attract flies. If you can do this every day, it can greatly help reduce fly infestations.
Make sure standing water is taken care off as this attracts flies and mosquitoes
Mow the grass fields of your farm as flies enjoy hiding and gathering in tall, wet grass
Close compost as it surely attracts even the tiniest of fly
Biological control of flies is also successful with the aid of fly wasps for instance. They live off flies and aren’t harmful to your animals neither a pest to people. There are also flytraps and supplements to feed your animals during peak fly season, which will keep the flies at bay. There are many pesticides, mists and sprays to help manage fly infestations, but some of them smell harsh.
An infestation can prove to be extremely challenging once all your livestock is being attacked by irritating buzzing creatures. Get expert barnfly control and take back your farm from those annoying flies. Click here to contact us TODAY
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Dealing with the Increasing Problem with Broad Mite Control For Crops
Broad mite control is essential to maintain healthy fruit and vegetables on your farm but is a problem for many farmers as they can sometimes battle to manage infestations. Get help from trusted specialists to reduce mite numbers and save your cash crops.
Before Broad Mite Control, you need to identify the problem
What is a broad mite?
Adult broad mites are hard to spot without using a strong magnifier. The males are translucent and slender, while the females are a bit broader. They thrive off the undersides of leaves and try to stay even further out of sight in this manner. However, during large infestations, they may crawl on top of the leaves too. The females will lay broad mite eggs on the leaves of plants especially ornamental plants and once they are hatched, they will feed off the nutrients of the leaves. Their mouths are adapted with a sucking feature, this is how they suck out the nutrients of the plant leaves.
One of the ways you can establish broad mite identification is the damage to the plants as well as the overly large eggs. Eggs can be up to the same size as the female mites and traces of hatched larvae are eminent with “eggshells” on the soil.
Broad Mites Damage
Broad mites enjoy tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. The damaged leaves will turn bronze in colour, become brittle, and will curl downward. Other signs that the plant has become damaged include distorted leaves as well as stint in growth of fruit and vegetables. A delay in control methods for these pests can be devastating to the crops and the farmers, and as a result leads to higher economic losses. In many cases, crops that are stunted may not be able to recover from the damage.
Broad Mite Control Measures
Broad mites predators such as Amblyseius andersoni and Neosuilus fallacies are just some of the predators to use as well an effective means of control measures within greenhouses. Under these controlled environments, the predators used for mites can help reduce their numbers. Other control methods include:
Neem oil
liContact insecticides
Sanitization measures can greatly help reduce the production of broad mites
Need help to combat pesky bugs on your farm as well as effective broad mite control? Get assistance from professionals who know and save your crops! Click here to contact us TODAY
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The post Dealing with the Increasing Problem with Broad Mite Control For Crops appeared first on BioControl.
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