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minyboy · 1 month ago
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Goodbye refugees of TikTok, we'll see you in 90 days or something. Isn't politics a wonderful game? Have some art before you go... or you know... you could stay... with me...
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kiteschoolpalm · 8 months ago
Ruben Len10s erster Double Loop mit Aluula Kite Video
Ruben Len10s erster Double Loop mit Aluula Kite Video
Aluula Kites: Ultimative Leistung und Leichtigkeit – Jetzt Erhältlich! Der legendäre Kite-Loop-Pionier Ruben Len10 beeindruckt mit seinem ersten Double Loop, dem Len20, unter Verwendung des neuen Cabrinha Moto X DesignWorks 2024 Aluula. Im Video ist auch der Cabrinha Nitro Apex 2024 5-Strut zu sehen. Zudem fliegen im Hintergrund zahlreiche legendäre Core XR Pro Aluula Kites über Tarifa,…
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kiteboardblog · 8 months ago
ROAD TO DOUBLELOOP Ep.2 - Jetto Pulls The Trigger
Whether Jetto likes it or not, in this episode, he’s making his ‘Double Debut’. To prepare him physically, mentally and spiritually, we take him to KOTA to watch his hero, Big Marcy J. Unfortunately, Marc ends up taking a big hit on a double loop himself, and Jetto can’t seem to remember any of the advise whatsoever. Jetto’s kite: https://northactionsports.com/products/orbit-pro-kite Not possible…
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paz · 3 years ago
Double Loop Learning
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bodiesbyleigh · 7 years ago
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Feeling a little #loopy after our Hiit class in my new #hardtailforever #firstpost #doubleloop #meshleggings. #fitat60 #60andfit Be the first to have these! #lastminutegifts @thefitnessedge_ #comfy #cotton #personaltrainers #personalbest #fitmom #fitgirl #fitfashion #fitnessgirl #fitnessfashion #stl #stlouis #stlfiness #stlfashion #stlboutique #stlstylist #madeintheusa #womensfashion #womenstyle #womensapparel #womensactivewear (at The Fitness Edge)
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new-one-nl-blog · 6 years ago
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Systeemdenken: een andere manier om de realiteit te bezien en te beleven. Circulair in plaats van lineair. #systeemdenken #teamcoaching #organisatiecoaching #organisatieontwikkeling #menselijke interactie #interactie #lineairdenken #circulairdenken #petersenge #psychologie #resultaatgerichtheid #singleloop #doubleloop #effect #mindshift #pardigmashift #causaal #new1® #pieterkuit (bij Sittard) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv4O6AphCck/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vlsznty6dhq6
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mpdesignsjewelry · 8 years ago
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Two new bracelets in silver! Simple and elegant. Perfect to go with my Forever ~ Sterling Silver Double Loop Circle Earrings! #mpdesignsjewelry #sterlingsilver #bracelet #earrings #jewelry #simple #heart #doubleloop #rings #hoops
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minyboy · 1 month ago
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Hello refugees of TikTok. I hope while the turmoil happens over there you can take a look at my art. Hello? Is anyone there?... I'm so lonely....
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goddamnwebcomics · 2 years ago
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Speaking of ass, we get a pretty unnecessary ass shot of Rachel. Man, every woman in this comic either has a big ass or they’re lolibait. No wonder Neda lost the female artist.
And thus, we finally see NeoGeo and there’s nothing NeoGeo about them, they’re just a fucking Jojo Reference. This could have been any other console. “But they released a JoJo game for NeoGeo�� no they didn’t, I went through a list of every single game and there was not a sign of one. So I wond-oh, wait, I get it. “GeoGeo” sounds like “JoJo”, wow, that is so fucking stupid it looped back to being genius and doublelooped to being stupid again. The console for Wii might as well be a girl who says “Whee” a lot, and Switch is a literal lightswitch, and Stadia will be a slap in the face.
And now, it’s time to wrap this comic up. The final chapter. Let’s see how this boring ass reference will survive.
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marjennings · 6 years ago
Hopefully my double loop jump will be coming back soon. #falling #usfsa #figureskating #doubleloop #iceskating #adultskater #martv #lifeonmars https://www.instagram.com/p/B0pLz5YBFtG/?igshid=b7hpab49lawq
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apricot-manager · 6 years ago
■ 応募サイト:藤巻百貨店 ■ 締切日:2018年10月31日 ■ 抽選で3名様
厳正な抽選の上、ご当選者の方には直接メールにてご連��させていただきます。 賞品発送は、2018年11月下旬頃を予定しております。
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lesliegray86 · 7 years ago
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Day 16/80 #day16 #80dayobsession #bootyday #sweatyselfie #myassissore haha #doubleloop #gains
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houseofpre-loved-blog · 7 years ago
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Hermes TGM Double Loop Strap Cape Cod Watch - 2012. Available online or in-store. #fashion #accessories #luxury #watch #hermes #capecod #capecodewatch #hermeswatch #doubleloop #fashionista #onlineboutique #chelsea #london #houseofpreloved #vintageboutique (at House of Pre-Loved - Vintage Boutique)
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creammould · 4 years ago
The supplies will be cheaper and easier to find
The Akiles Duomac 521 isa combination binding system that is designed to provide users thechoice between three completely different binding styles.Itprovides the ability to produce two different hole patterns allowingusers to choose the style of binding that they prefer for differenttypes of documents within their organization.The Duomac 521 is known for its rugged metal construction and for the huge variety of options that it provides to its users.Thesethings make this machine an excellent choice for companies that arelooking for a durabable, versatile and professional binding machine toproduce their documents.
Strengths / Features:
TheDuoMac 521 is capable of producing two completely different holepatterns. One punching throat is designed to punch a 5:1 pitch holepattern that is designed for use with five to one pitch spiral coilbinding. The other punching throat is designed to punch a 2:1 pitchrectangular hole pattern that is designed for use with 2:1 pitch doubleloop wire. However, the two to one pitch hole pattern can also be usedto bind large sized books using 0.400 2.5:1 pitch spiral coils. Thismeans that the Duomac 521 can be used to bind documents with threecompletely different binding styles.This machine offers athirteen inch punching throat with five disengageable dies for 5:1pitch coil binding. This makes it possible to use this machine to punchall of the most common paper sizes with a round hole 5:1 pitch pattern.The 2:1 pitch punching throat is fourteen inches in lengthand offers fully disengageable dies. This design allows users to punchvirtually document length up to 14" with a one step punching process. Both throats on the DuoMac 521 are open ended.  This allows for punching longer documents using a two step process.Thismachine has a high quality heavy duty wire closer on the front of themachine. This wire closer is capable of closing 2:1 pitch wires thatare as small as 3/16" and as large as 1-1/4". The construction of thiswire closer is excellent and it shouldn't slip or become uneven overtime. The front of the wire closer also has a wire hanger which isdesigned to help in adding pages to your wire binding spines.TheDuomac-521 also includes a high quality pair of coil crimping pliers.These pliers can be used for finishing your documents using 5:1 pitchspiral coil. However, a pair of special premium oval hole pliers aresuggested for crimping 2.5:1 pitch coil since the holes are so muchlarger. Oval hole pliers will produce a longer throw to help preventthe coils from spinning back off your documents.
Weaknesses / Limitations:
Althoughthis machine includes most of the components that you need in order tobind your documents, it does not include a spiral coil inserter. Forusers that need to bind one or two documents with coil, it is possibleto spin the spines onto your pages by hand. However, if you are goingto bind documents with 5:1 pitch coil on a regular basis you willdefinitely want to look into a modular coil inserter such as the AkilesRoll @ Coil. Unfortunately, you will need to spin 2.5:1 pitch coils onby hand even if you own a coil inserter.Each of the bindingstyles offered by this system have size limitations. Two to one pitchwire is available in sizes from 1/4" up to 1-1/4" in diameter. Five toone pitch spiral coil is available in sizes from 6mm up to 25mm (aboutone inch). For binding larger sized documents, 2.5:1 pitch coil isavailable in sizes from 20mm up to 56mm in diameter.Both 5:1pitch coil popsicles machine and 2.5:1 pitch spiral coil are not extremely common. Infact they are normally made to order and can take a few days to run. Ifyou are planning on binding documents with these supplies you will wantto make sure that you allow yourself plenty of time for ordering sothat you aren't caught without supplies to complete your job.TheDuoMac 521 is a great machine with a lot of features. However, addingall of these features to this machine make it fairly complex to use andunderstand. It is clearly labeled and with a little bit of time almostanyone can use this machine. It is just a little bit intimidating whenyou first look at it.
Users who are looking for a binding machine that can handle both 2:1 pitchwire and 5:1 pitch coil will find that the DuoMac 521 is really theonly machine available anywhere to meet their needs.It isbuilt well, has a number of great features and is actually fairly easyto use once you figure out what the different knobs and handles do.However,combining a 5:1 pitch coil punch and a 2:1 pitch wire machine is alittle bit odd. If it fits your needs or you really like the look offive to one pitch coil then this is a great machine for you. If it wereme, I would probably choose the DuoMac 421 which offers the samefeatures but works with 4:1 pitch coil instead of 5:1 pitch coil. The supplies will be cheaper and easier to find.
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katslefty · 5 years ago
Posted a blog [in Japanese]: DOUBLELOOPのボディバッグ「tough」を買いました。
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このショルダーベルトがまた曲者で、飛行機の預け荷物のスタイルです。航空機はDLA999と、「Doubleloop 999便」を思わせます。行先の3レターコードですが、通常は成田=NRT、羽田=HND、ロスアンゼルス=LAX、ロンドン(ヒースロー)=LHR、チューリッヒ=ZHRなどです。このショルダーベルトは「GLX=ギャラクシー」となっています。
from アナログウェブログ https://ift.tt/3jTfJip
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thereviewwire · 6 years ago
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🍩 DONUT Kill Our Vibe! 🍩 Ready to gain some amazing followers? Our community is filled with mamas, women empowering women, bloggers, fitness junkies, healthy lifestyles, entrepreneurs, and more! All you have to do is follow the simple steps below: 👇🏼 1. Like, save, and comment "I love this vibe!" on this picture 2. Follow the directions on @loopwiththebritts matching post when you're done 💎Admins, Diamonds, & Collabs do not have to follow back! 💎 #loopdeeloopandbritts #brittsloopdeeloop #loopwiththebritts #targetdollarspot #targetdoesitagain #smallbusiness #shoplocal #bossbabes #etsyshop #smallshop #womensupportingwomen #momssupportingmoms #womenempoweringwomen #entrepreneur #momsthathustle #doubleloop #gaintrain #gaintrick #looplive #liveloop #loopsformothers #gainfollowers #mompreneur #etsyseller #bossbabe #momcommunity #mamafriends #magicofmotherhood #motherhoodrising #motherhoodtogether / on Instagram http://bit.ly/2VKLwZT
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