#dottore and sandrone invented it
incorrectfatui · 3 months
Pantalone: Are you coming to bed?  Dottore: I can't. This is important.  Pantalone: What?  Dottore: Someone is wrong on the internet.
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firegirl888101 · 1 year
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Insatiable Madness (3)
|Sagau Yandere Fatui Harbingers x Reader|
I don't have much to say this update, how is everyone doing? Slow updates will continue to occur btw.
Reader is Gender Neutral!
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"I'm hungry as fuck, let's get some food!" You cheered, closing the car door behind you.
"Strap in, Y/N. My sister's already being soooo fussy..." Your aunt sighed, looking in the rear mirror to see your dad comforting your mum.
"So... Where are we going this time?" You looked at her, the car beginning to drive.
"Oh, you know..." She trailed off, avoiding your inquisitive gaze. "Fine, I won't lie. We're going to one of those fast food chains down the street."
"But... But I thought we were going to a fancy restaurant...?"
"Get your head out the gutter, Y/N. When it's my turn to pay, the best you're getting is Wagamama's." She rolled her eyes.
"Well, I'll make sure to get extra food this time then." You scoffed, noticing her eyes. "Sure, Sure, go ahead. I'll just buy an 'All-You-Can-Eat' pass for you." She laughed to herself.
"Damn it." You cursed, looking away from her and staring at the passing trees and harbingers.
"What the fuck?" You leaned forwards, your head pressing against the window.
Why are there people cosplaying in the fucking park? Eh, you shouldn't judge, really. It's not the weirdest place to cosplay...
They look lost, and they're arguing with eachother. How canon.
"Friends of yours? I recognise the ginger one, didn't I buy you a pillow of that guy for your birthda-"
"You 100% did not!" You interrupted her, your cheeks burning in embarrassment.
Why, oh why, did she have to say such confidential information in front of your parents!?
"Aren't you going to help them? They look lost, and this could be an opportunity to make friends and share hobbies. and maybe get out the house too..." Your dad questioned, eyeing the suspicious individuals.
"Obviously not! Do I look like the type of person who would willingly walk up to a big friendship group like that??"
"Well, you don't look like the type to chicken out." Your aunt laughed, speeding away from the area in a hurry.
"Ah, too late anyway! We already drove past." She sent a wink in your direction, a slight smile on her lips.
Thank fuck someone here is on my side.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
"How strange..." Dottore muttered, tapping the glass on the compass and coming to a stop.
"Whatever could be the matter now, Dottore?" Pulcinella, firmly slammed his walking stick to the ground.
"No need for such aggression, Pulcinella." He sighed, waving off the old mayor's aggressive antics.
"Then whatever is the matter, Doctor? You seem to enjoy demoting my intellect while your invention is malfunctioning." Sandrone sarcastically asked, grabbing the compass from his hands.
"Always jumping to conclusions..." He sighed once more, snatching the compass back from her hands.
"...The compass recalculated."
"And why is that such a big deal?" Childe shrugged, squinting his eyes at Dottore's mask.
"It's 'a big deal' because it means our Decider is aware of our intentions. They're on the move." Dottore glared, watching the other harbingers' reactions.
"Are you sure, Doctor? The Decider could very well just be heading somewhere in one of those moving metal boxes..." Columbina pointed, a car driving past coincidentally.
"I suppose you could be right, Columbina." He coughed, turning his attention to the passing machines.
"Oh... I would love to just get a little glimpse of..."
"If you don't shut up and keep moving I swear to the Tsaritsa, Dottore!" Arlecchino threatened, tugging the Damselette along with her.
All Dottore could do was sigh at the ineducated buffoons around him.
"What is this place?" Capitano stepped forward, leading the group.
The building looked strange to them, it seemed like a cafe but there was no place for customers to sit! And the bright artificial lights covering the external and internal walls...
The light blinded the Harbingers, they all took a moment to turn away and rub their eyes.
"Is this a joke?" Scaramouche stared in disbelief, turning to Dottore with anger in his eyes.
"The compass says they're in there." He quoted, walking infront of Dottore and through the doors.
"Well, I suppose we're to walk inside with him. It's best to be on our guard; this place looks blinding." Pantalone coughed in his hand, covering his slight chuckle.
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Hmm... I don't think meeting the Harbingers will turn out well. What does everyone think?
I'm going to France for the week! 😀😀
Hoorah! My middle ages ancestors are screaming at me right now...
I promise I won't bring soldiers with me lmao
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Please don't expect too many happy, nice and generally fluffy scenes.
This is Yandere, a genre which should never, under any circumstance be considered normal. It's abusive, unhealthy and leads to a lot of victims facing awful conditions which they never should or ever have to endure no matter who they are.
This is fiction that I'm writing, meaning it's all taken light-heartedly IN A FICTIONAL SENSE.
If anyone, by chance, is currently in conditions where a loved-one or yourself has suddenly become distant and/or being hurt when away from eyes please get help. Talk to them, or if it's you, talk to someone you know you can trust.
If you can't talk to anyone, find authorities who can help you. Call 999, as it is in the U.K, or your local emergency service. They will always help you, and will never deny your rights or freedom.
Thanks for reading this, I hope all who's reading knows this information already, but I thought I'd include it since who knows when it comes to where you are in the world and whether your education programs taught critical information like this.
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✨Elusive✨ Taglist!:
@valeriele3 @pale-value @pix-stuff @yumi-genshin-writer @yuii-v @itz-luna @annoying-mary
Just a quick message here. If you no longer want to be on the taglist that's completely fine! I take no offence whatsoever so please don't hesitate to tell me. ^^
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kinoshita-asuka · 2 years
happy holidays, from THE FATUI HARBINGERS
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winter time is here, and is tradition, time to exchange gifts with people they hold dear. what would the feared (warranted) fatui harbingers give their loved one?
harbingers x reader (minus pierro, la signora, and scaramouche) pulcinella is platonic 1.25k words; yandere undertones for some (they are harbingers) i do not condone yandere behavior
author's note: oh please let me remember to publish it on time.
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pierro, no. 1
pierro is off at the moment, but he will send you one soon (aka i don't know how to write for him)
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il dottore, no.2
the doctor would give you an invention of his. if you wanted to, he'll even gift a segment of him to you, they would appreciate it. but the gift he would most want to give you is an immortal body, so you could stay with him. he is an expert at biological matters, like his segments and collei… he would modify your body to never die, he would even make more bodies for you. if you die, you could just have another body. that would be his definition of staying with him forever and his solution to your mortality. on the other hand, the segments would gift you different things based on various periods of dottore's life. one might give you a mechanical bird while another might gift you a mindless servant, a former fatui member you've seen around.
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columbina no. 3
columbina's gifts would be quite sincere and innocent. she'll give you a pretty white dove in a golden gilded cage and say, "look at this! it's so pretty, right my dove?" you should love her gifts, they're so pretty and she picked them out, all for you. she'll give you the same accessories as her own, such as her trademark lace blindfold and the feathers behind her head. or she gifts you things that she thinks resemble you, like the dove, or maybe a cute cat with a nice collar on it. she'll cuddle you and sing songs as you sleep, her eyes tracing the collar on your neck, matching your beloved cat's, with bell and all.
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il capitano no. 4
the captain's gifts are clumsy, but sincere. he would pick whatever best he can think of for you (from his side). what would you get from him? a weapon, of course. for a non-combatant. he'll spend hours contemplating, observing you, to see which weapon would be better for you, can you use a bow or do you have the strength to swing a sword around. hey, maybe not the best gift for the holidays, but it's sincere from his side. his mindset is very combat-oriented. of course, he is one of the most effective combatants for the tsaritsa. he thinks that you should be prepared to battle, no matter when or where. better to be ready. he tries to teach you how to fight, to protect yourself. who knows who would come after you..
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pulcinella, no. 5
pulcinella, the mayor of the nation. he would have the most heartfelt gifts, after childe. he has experience with gifts, as he always gives them to tartaglia's family and takes care of them, even if childe is too oblivious to realize the very obvious hostage situation. pulcinella would treat you like his granddaughter, he would gift you a scarf to keep you warm and money to keep you afloat. his financial support has helped you a lot. all he asks of you is to keep in close contact with him, which is an easy request for you. his old age and experience in the fatui have caused him to want someone close to him and someone he can spoil. just don't worry about a few fatui soldiers cruising across your small town, looking for a few "threats" that have tried to harm you..
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scaramouche, no. 6
this seat has been left vacant for centuries. how could somebody give a gift to you if they didn't exist?
"hmm? there used to be one? i can't seem to remember."
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sandrone, no. 7
this girl only works on her puppets and machines most of the time, so don't expect much gifting-wise. she wouldn't give you food or clothes, she would give you a mechanical invention of hers, but not her unfinished works. no, her most polished puppet, made with the best materials and tuned to perfection, will be given to you. like dottore, don't expect heartfelt gifts. these two run purely on logic and what is most practical to gift to you, which for sandrone, is her specialty field. as a plus for sandrone, this was a good time to test the puppet she made to see if it needed any improvements or if it works well. Her gift is programmed to watch you and report your movements at all times. it is a test run of a new surveillance robot she's been working on…
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la signora, no. 8
"the fair lady? she should be deceased, so she can't give out presents unlesss.. you have a way to manifest her back into the world."
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pantalone, no. 9
known as the richest man in snezhnaya, so of course, he would only have the most decadent gifts picked out for you. he might be the living incarnation of "i'll buy everything from here to here" and point from the start of the shelf to the very edge. there'll be the biggest diamond you've ever seen, inlaid on an indent in the center of a gorgeous silver necklace. he'll have the entire collection of famous designers from liyue, mondstadt, or any other nation. or you'll find yourself with a little coat, made of what seems to be the fur of a white fox, only for pantalone to inform you it's a mythical beast, and it is like the one stolen that was to be gifted to the tsaritsa. money is best spent on the most valuable individuals, whether to cherish them, chain them down, or both. he's spent so much on you, so stay with him.
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arlecchino, no. 10
this woman is quite the piece of work. described as "there isn't a sane bone in her body", she is surprisingly… sweet to you? you don't know what you did, but you somehow fell in love. she wouldn't know much about gift-giving, but she does have some experience picking out gifts for the children of the "house of the hearth". the knave would give out sentimental but practical gifts, something like a comb or a hairpin, something of very high value, emotionally and materially. she would pick something you could use in everyday life or wear on yourself that she could see. like pantalone, she likes seeing you in things she's bought, but with a different motive for it. it signals that you are hers. you'll be the only one that allows her to show her darker side, so in exchange, you should stay hers, right? you'll be the only one to not disappear when you see her dark side.
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tartaglia, no. 11
tartaglia would get you warm and heartfelt gifts. whether it be a batch of cookies made by his family or a warm scarf personally knitted by his mother or even himself (he would learn to knit for you). if childe did not get you some kind of gift like the above, he would use his saved-up mora to buy you something luxurious or comfortable, like nice coats and delicacies imported from other nations. he can do at least that much. while not as wealthy as pantalone, he is still immensely wealthy. he is very empathetic and would know what to gift you, it's a skill you acquire when you have to get gifts for a whole family. that extends to you, you are his second home, and he'll be damned if he doesn't spoil you. he shall cherish you, just like how he cherished his family after his near-death experience in the abyss. another little gift, he'll protect you with everything he's got, just like the icy grave of a certain aggressor buried in the thick snow who thought that he could fell the battle-hungry childe with his beloved.
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worked on for 2 days
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Dottore: This thing is an artificially intelligent personal robot helper. He can make toast, find your keys, serve as a book light for your late-night reading. You’ll never have to do anything yourself again.
Sandrone: Mm-hmm. And how do you ensure this one turn evil like all the others?
Dottore: Only half my inventions turn evil. The other half are just wildly misunderstood.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Arlecchino theater anon here, glad you liked that idea! I also thoroughly enjoyed the Arlie gf texts you made, particularly her and Bina putting together a list of banger plays to take reader to.
This time I'd like to talk about Sandrone, since I find it utterly risible how little love she gets. I HC that one of the reasons Sandrone is known for having a bad attitude is because she's only really talkative when it comes to her work, and as a massive perfectionist she's notoriously difficult to work with. She insists on building/repairing all her automations by hand instead of relying on mass production to maximize quality (notice how the factory in Liyue was Dottore's and not Sandrone's!). Having absolutely zero tolerance for incompetence, she'll likely prefer working alone whenever possible.
Now, imagine a reader who is well-versed in engineering (maybe a Kshahrewar student expelled for dabbling in mechanical lifeforms, or a Fontaine mechanic) drafted into a team to assist with Sandrone's work to speed up production a little. Everyone was ecstatic to collaborate with a genius of her caliber, but the experience was quite different from what you imagined. When it was time for everyone's work to be inspected, after just a once-over Sandrone launched into a tirade pointing out every last imperfection and the exact impacts they would have on automation performance, with no shortage of harsh words sprinkled in. The others looked like they either wanted to cry or argue back, but not you. You weren't even the most talented or driven of the bunch, but you instinctively understood this was the rightful arrogance of a master and also found her voice and angy face really nice. Thus, it was easy for you to smile and nod, and work on what she pointed out. As time went on, the others steadily resigned, unable to take the repeated hits to their egos from the scathing criticism. Only you remained, steadily improving in your craft. Was it just you, or were Sandrone's criticisms getting gentler as they became less frequent? You eventually came to miss them after you got to the point where they stopped completely, so you would intentionally make little, easily fixable errors just to hear her sweet voice more. She's far from stupid, and would catch on pretty quick.
"Spare me this foolishness. Such a frivolous error is unbecoming of your ability. What is the meaning of this?"
Knowing you were busted, you'd just bashfully smile and tell her that you love her voice. She'd probably short-circuit for a good 5 seconds or so, then turn around and continue working with ears cutely tinted red.
HI ARLECCHINO THEATER ANON!! OR NOW 🎭 ANON!! <3 Hehe I'm so glad you enjoyed those texts you really inspired me 💓 And WOW my ears are wide open for Sandrone thoughts... mhm (Also i love what you did there- "utterly risible" Sandrone says that in the trailer 😭💞)
Now... I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR HC. It makes sooo much sense considering how engrossed she is only with her research :) So it's own natural that she wants things to be done her way, since her way is the best way as she spends copious amounts of time on her Automatons. And when she has to work with people who don't have the same skill, interest, intelligence etc as her she gets rather annoyed since they're messing her work up 😭
Ahh yes, reader and the group of newbies, so naive and thrilled to be working with such a revered Harbinger and researcher. So excited to present their little inventions to her and hopefully impress her. Sure their creations may not be perfect, but it still something right? WRONG. Sandrone walks over to each and every person and points out every flaw, internal, external, and even aesthetic wise about their creation. It's enough to have some people on the verge of passing out before she got to them.
Yes it was harsh, but she was right- even the littlest mistake could have a detrimental impact. Which is why you admired her unwavering dedication and attention to detail for her craft. (And also the way she would close her eyes and scoff and huff at how lackadaisical these people were honestly kind of cute... not to mention how elegant she looked perched on her robot... like the queen she is 💝) So you stayed. You stuck through it. Others tried to follow your example, but the numbers dwindled until you were the only one left under her wing. Even though she could be cruel, it wasn't without reason. Sandrone could actually explain to you what you were doing wrong, how to fix it, ways to prevent it in the future, etc. She actively made you grow, in her own little Sandrone way.
It got to the point where she didn't even need to criticize you anymore, and if she did, it was not like the scalding tone from before. Now she would simply take a look at your work and give you a small nod. On very rare occasions you might even get a "Good work"! Which of course you were delighted that she was finally satisfied, but you wanted to hear her talk more! The lab was always dead silent, only the sound of metal and tools filling it. But damn messing up on purpose for that? You know that most people would die for doing something as dumb as that? Luckily Sandrone has a soft spot for you that she doesn't exactly realize yet but will soon discover quickly <33 Omg I can just imagine her face morphing into surprise, her jaw hanging open trying to form a response to that, but she just closes it and turns around to pretend nothing happened 🥺
Off-topic but I find it interesting trying to talk to Sandrone about stuff outside of her research. Like i can just imagine her realizing she really doesn't know what else to say since she absorbs herself in her work all the time. After she gets a crush on you would she get jealous at how other people can easily hold a conversation with you? 🤔 Would she try to learn about the art of "normal conversation" and then fail halfway? Well it's okay since you can talk enough for both people :)
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fatuismooches · 2 years
I don’t really request much so sorry if I mess something up, but may I request poly headcanons with Dottore and Sandrone with their assistant s/o? Example, the two of them fight over who gets to have them as their assistant for the day?
♡ 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞 ♡
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synopsis: Being the full time assistant and lover of these experiments and tinkering-obsessed Harbingers isn't easy. But you love it anyway.
includes: dottore + sandrone w/ gn! reader
notes: It's alright, you did great and this request was so cute! I can't wait until we see what they canonically think of each other. I feel like they'd get along due to their similar interests. :)
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This is definitely a very interesting and cute pairing that will be sure to keep you on your toes. They both love to experiment and tinker with things, and who better to accompany them? You, their beloved assistant who absolutely must be there to witness and record their data and achievements. Due to their tendency to shut themselves in their labs and work constantly, they often end up having some conflicts over who gets to have you, which probably get very… heated.
Sandrone will most definitely send her Automatons to steal you from Dottore or wherever you are <3. Have you seen how comfy she looks when she’s sitting on one of its’ hands? I can imagine she uses all of her robotic inventions to wow you and lift you up into the air. Sandrone will have her Automaton carry both of you in each of its hands everywhere and smirk at Dottore to spite him. She has her robots stand guard at the doors (Dottore ends up taking them all out anyway) so she could run away to somewhere else with you. I also think Sandrone would be pretty good at making dolls, so she probably makes a few of the three of you. Dottore scoffs and pretends not to care but he secretly keeps them in his room.
While Sandrone has robots, Dottore has his highly intelligent clones. We don’t know how much exactly he has, but I think he has a lot. He would use them as well to take you away to his lab and shut you up in there with him. Dottore’s probably not as good as Sandrone at impressing you with his creations as he is more focused on the… human experiment side but if it persuades you to stay with him, he guesses he could let his clones carry you around a bit.
It becomes pretty much a daily routine for the three of you. Even if you try to stick to a schedule, one of them always ends up breaking it by making some excuse to have your company - Sandrone suddenly needs you to help her do repairs on the simplest things or Dottore demands your presence to help him with various experiments. The Harbingers are tired of seeing robots and clones battling each other in the hallways. The Fatui underlings are terrified for their lives.
Regardless of who wins your assistance for the day, the other will probably get all pouty and silent and lock themselves in their lab. Refuses to talk to anyone and yells at the Fatui lackeys. Please just hug and kiss them and then they’ll go back to normal <3.
Even though the two of them fight for your attention a lot, they will immediately join forces and hush if someone else is hogging your attention. They get kind of scary like this. Both of them seem quite technically advanced and intelligent so they will stop at no length to make sure you only look at them. Dottore and Sandrone will also brag to each other about how you’re a better assistant to them than the other. It never ends!
It’ll be up to you to reach some sort of compromise between the two of them because they’re definitely not going to. I can see the two scientists frequently working together on experiments and inventions if you keep pushing them. But they aren’t afraid to debate with each other over this. This actually turns out to be some pretty cute dates. Sandrone sends her robots to Dottore to tinker with while Dottore lets her use a clone or two for her own research. All three of you have similar interests so it all works out - Dottore and Sandrone exchanging geniuses while you’re there providing your assistant support and lots of kisses of course. <3 
Another thing is that you’ll most likely never be alone. Ever. If Sandrone or Dottore can’t accompany you somewhere personally, Sandrone’s favorite Automaton and one of Dottore’s clones are coming with you. This doesn’t happen much since your their assistant usually by their sides, but it makes their blood boil to think of another Harbinger alone with you. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sandrone installed some kind of camera in the robot for this reason. Either way, they both love you dearly, and if anything happened to you, the enemy would be faced will the full force of deadly Automatons and clones.
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taglist: @heyhazelnut101
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