#dossy writes
moecartoons · 9 months
What do your ocs (plus matt) do to celebrate Starlight Night/Christmas?
When I started writing this, I had it in my head that Starlight Night was Christmas not New Years so those who know better please bare with me and just imagine I'm talking sense, thank you.
Also this is extremely long since I go into the past, present, and future...
•When Chip was young and still had the company of their fathers, they had nearly the entire week planned out for them. At the beginning of the week, they'd ride a horse and carriage outside of their kingdom to see the untouched snow. They'd visit their 'uncle,' Old King Cole of the main Happily Ever After Kingdom. Gifts would be exchanged, and their fathers would procure more behind their darling child's back. The rest of the week is spent preparing for Starlight Night: decorating the castle, preparing for eve's feast, what shall be worn, handing out clothes and food to those with less in their kingdom.
It's all overwhelming yet wonderful for little Chip. Starlight Eve's feast is delicious and very crowded. Chip is exhausted by the night's end, but curiosity always caused them to wake before the sun and go snooping trough their gifts. They pick them up, shake them gently, weigh them, everything a small child can think to do to guess without leaving a trace.
The day of Starlight Night is calm and quiet, they spend the day opening gifts and having their family's portrait painted until night when they the entire kingdom leaves their homes to watch the stars be reset for the year.
Based on a holiday called Día de Los Reyes or Three Kings'/Wise Men's Day that I celebrated as a child, Chip's Kingdom also celebrates days after Starlight Night. Children would leave hay and water under their beds for the camel-borgs of the wise travelers. In the morning they would find the hay and water gone and a gift left behind.
After Chip's kingdom was destroyed, they simply stopped celebrating Starlight Night, going as far as to try and forget it was occurring. They once slept the entire week away. They of course never went into the town and no one ever came to visit them, so they were, sadly, left in peace.
Once Chip meets the Cybersquad and starts coming out of their shell, they still struggle with holidays. It all depends on how they're feeling that year, they may stay in their cottage or go to town for an hour or two. I think the first year will be the toughest, as the Cybersquad would probably come visit them if they can, and they won't answer the door.
• CV doesn't really recall what Starlight night was like when she and Talos lived with their parents. Now the holiday is sort of a struggle for the two since they can't really afford presents for the other. Talos usually tries to make up for it by building the prettiest tree he can out of what is lying around on Discardia. It'll light up and everything.
He tries to save up so they can have a particularly good meal that night, even skipping a few that week himself. He's not a fabulous cook, but CV loves it so that's more than enough for him. CV will try and get Talos a gift, usually clothes, so it's hard for him to feel guilty about the snelfus being spent on him. Clothes are very useful!
The two hang out outside their hut on Discardia and watch the stars reset, feeling as if they're a part of Cyberspace for once.
CV is surprisingly into Starlight Night once Talos is better and they move out of Discardia and onto Radopolis. She loves decorating, everything is flashy and covered in tinsel once they can afford it. Talos still likes building a tree for her. Maybe King Dudicus even asks if they can display it in the middle of Radopolis. A crazy tree made out of junk seems very in par with the Cybersite.
CV is a terrible gift-giver. She has no experience, she's 11 [or 12 at the time probably], and thinks ugly Starlight sweaters are the funnest thing in Cyberspace.
• Teddy used to hate the holidays. They usually mean more work for him. The closer it got to Starlight Night, the more frantic his parents became in getting him onto adverts for the season. Now if he hears someone humming a Starlight tune he'll either have to leave or will loudly chew them out, depending on how he likes you as a person.
Teddy's career usually takes a month long hiatus, beginning just a few weeks before and a few weeks after Starlight Night. He's not fond of snow, he can deal with the cold, but not snow. On Starlight Night's Eve, he'll order a ton of food for him and Ms. Kenzie, having a mini feast with just the two of them. They watch the stars reset from inside, as opening the doors or window will more than likely bring in singing.
Once Teddy finds himself making friends, celebrating Starlight Night is a little difficult. He hates having to explain that he hates the songs and having to ask if they can skip that part. The Cybersquad are more than understanding, though, and besides there's plenty of other stuff to do. Teddy does eventually express want of being outside when the stars reset, so the gang get him some stylish, sound-proof earmuffs for him. [Inez's idea, Jackie picks them out, and Matt tests them out.]
•Starlight Night is awesome for Matt, he loves Cyberspace's holidays.
Christmas is a bit more difficult. Thankfully he's still just a kid, so he gets away with not getting his parents gifts. His Ma usually put his name on a share gift for his Pa, a new tool or watch. Something useful, practical. He knows all his gifts, whether addressed from Santa or both his parents, they're really from her.
He and his Ma decorate the tree after thanksgiving, and he'll insist on helping with the lights on their home. His Ma won't let him. Every year his father complains that no one's going to see all this crap, even if they have visitors.
Every other year, family will visit, it gets a bit hectic, but he really enjoys when there's too much to do rather than not. Again, his mother tries not to let him help out too much, especially in the kitchen. Not only does she want him to enjoy his winter vacation from school, but he's just a baby in her eyes still, he shouldn't be handling a stove. The rest of his family tends to disagree.
The trio get into a tradition of making snowmen of one another if there's enough on the ground. They're usually terrible and get a good laugh all around.
Something always seems to go wrong the very day of Christmas. It feels like a curse to Matt. Parents always choose the worst time to get into a fight, don't they? They'll choose to stay, instead of locking themselves in their room, since it's such a special holiday but that's somehow worse. The silent anger. The awkward air.
He usually feels better while cleaning up the boxes and wrapping paper. It's soothing. Hot cocoa in front of the TV with his Ma while his Pa goes out to the farm to work and blow off some steam. Yeah, Christmas is nice.
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polyamzeal · 1 year
got any polyam book recs
How many time do I need to reccomend the Smart Girl's Guide To Polyamory by Dedecker Winston! I feel like I never shut up about it and still people have never heard of it! I am just going to create a quick list of all the polyam books I have read. Because when I was first learning about polyamory it felt like you were required to read certain books before you could get your polyamory license yet so many other people haven't read any books! One day I might write out longer reviews for these.
The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy- This is one of the first ever books focused on polyamory. As such it is a bit dated. Despite that I think it is still a good book that people can get a lot out of. Just keep its age in mind.
More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert - When I started learning about polyamory this was the holy bible of polyamory that everyone insisted that everybody must read. I honestly liked The Ethical Slut better though. Since then though the book has been utterly condemned by the community and people are now very quick to scream how nobody should read this book because Franklin Veaux was revealed to be abusive in his relationships so now suddenly the book is a guide to teach people how to be abusive in relationships. I guess??? Eve Ricket has put out multiple statements about the book about if people should still read it or not but I am sure I will miss something if I dive into that. Like more The Ethical Slut, just keep in mind it might have some problematic aspects. But I personally think there is still some good stuff in it that people might find value in. It has been a while since I read it but I don't remember it being problematic, just a bit dry and boring.
The Smart Girl's Guide To Polyamory by Dedecker Winston - I'm skipping right to this to say this is my favorite polyamory book! It is very unfortunate that that the title isn't great. And indeed it is written to be aimed at women but honestly I found very very little in the book to feel exclusive to women and not apply to me (a cis-male) just as much. I love this book so much that I re-typed up a passage from it, had it printed on a large poster, and framed.
Sex At Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha - This is another book that used to be worshipped in polyamory circles and wholehearted reccomended. I am so glad that it is now mostly forgotten. Why? BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A POLYAMORY BOOK! This is a very scientific anti-monogamy book. So I was waiting for all this set-up to talk about why polyamory fixes all these problems of monogamy it has taken so long to explain. Spoilers! Polyamory is only briefly mentioned in the epilogue of the book in a half-hearted, "Maybe this solution works for some people". Let's be clear, this is not a bad book. It is a very good book at using scientific evidence to point out flaws with monogamy and can lead to interesting discussion. But it is not a polyamroy book and shouldn't be recommended as such.
Love's Not Color Blind: Race and Representation in Polyamorous and Other Alternative Communities by Kevin Patterson - Another great book that is highly underrated. But note this is not a Polyamory 101 book. I consider this a "next-level" polyamory book. And to be clear I am white/Caucasian and I learned so much from this book and really love it! It opened my eyes in so many ways.
The Polyamorists Next Door: Inside Multiple-Partner Relationships and Families by Elisabeth Sheff - This isn't a bad book but I also didn't really find it to be a good book either. It feels neither pro-polyamory or anti-polyamory. Just a whole lot of stories and facts. I think it might be most interesting for a monogamous person to read.
Polyamory by Marissa Blake - Worst book I have ever listened to and I am pretty sure it is plagiarized. Been meaning to do a project where I research that claim but just haven't been interested in doing so. it is utter garbage.
The Polyamory Breakup Book: Causes, Prevention, and Survival by Kathy Labriola - Another advanced level polyamory book. But I think an especially important one for everyone to read. When you date more people you have more breakups. And when "cheating" is far less of an issue it is becomes hard to understand when you should breakup.
Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy by Jessica Fern - The new holy bible of polyamory that everybody in every polyamory group will recommend immediately. It is a good book but honestly I think it is overrated. I think it is aimed at a very certain kind of person struggling with polyamory but it didn't resonate a whole lot with me on a polyamory level. I thought Secure Attachment was very interesting but I felt the actual polyamory aspects of the book were a little lacking to me. I do recommend the book but maybe not as someone's first polyamroy book. I think there are better polyamory 101 books. To note I have not read Polywise yet, the authors sequel book that just came out. I think I have higher hopes for that one though.
Ready For Polyamory by Laura Boyle - Most recent book I read and I had wanted to write a full review but I forgot. This is a fairly good book. I feel like it doesn't stand out much from the other Polyamory 101 books but overall solid. The one place where I give it the most praise is it has the most up-to-date definitions of terms which over the years have evolved and changed over time. The spectrum of polyamory styles I think is especially important for people to read. Older books didn't mention this at all or it was only Parelle VS Kitchen Table. Now we have a much wider spectrum and I often see a common mistake for newbies is for 2 partners to be at different point of the spectrum and never acknowledging it.
Do you know of any polyamory books I missed that I should read? Please let me know!
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campgender · 11 months
Hi, love your blog, no pressure do you have any sex sociology etc related books or movies you recommended? Sorry if silly question!
not a silly question at all!! i love to read about this stuff & am always happy to talk about it :) i am however not very experienced with film so other than Bound being on my to-watch list since forever i don’t have any recommendations in that area
all of these recs are definitely at different points along a spectrum of how much i ascribe to or agree with; i avoid language of “safe, sane, & consensual,” for example, because i disagree with the requirement for safety and the positioning of sanity as synonymous with not doing harm. a lot of kink writing falls into the habit of trying to justify itself to normative society through language of health, which i find both useless & offensive lol. as far as content notes it’s also worth mentioning that many if not all of these works discuss stigma & trauma, including hate crimes, rape, and incest.
i have a prior list on my disability blog with recs about sex & disability, i highly recommend checking out my favorites from there! Emma Sheppard’s work in particular was life-changing for me. many of these were accumulated through her sources as well as from @gatheringbones ‘s excerpts
in no particular order:
Playing on the Edge: Sadomasochism, Risk, and Intimacy by Staci Newmahr
Safe, Sane and Consensual: Contemporary Perspectives on Sadomasochism, edited Darren Langdridge & Meg Barker
Sex and Disability, edited Robert McRuer & Anna Mollow
The Sexual Politics of Disability: Untold Desires by Tom Shakespeare, Kath Gillespie-Sells, & Dominic Davies
Unbreaking Our Hearts: Cultures of Un/Desirability and the Transformative Potential of Queercrip Porn by Loree Erickson (dissertation)
Dungeon Intimacies: The Poetics of Transsexual Sadomasochism by Susan Stryker (article)
Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex by Pat (now Patrick) Califia
Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, edited Mark Thompson
The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure, edited Tristan Taormino, Celine Parreñas Shimizu, Constance Penley, and Mireille Miller-Young
Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again: Women and Desire in the Age of Consent by Katherine Angel
The New Topping Book by Dossie Easton & Janet W. Hardy
The New Bottoming Book by Dossie Easton & Janet W. Hardy
The Lesbian S/M Safety Manual, edited Pat (now Patrick) Califia
Fucking Trans Women by Mira Bellwether (zine)
sex writing
S/HE by Minnie Bruce Pratt
Skin by Dorothy Allison
Lover by Bertha Harris
Trans/Love: Radical Sex, Love, and Relationships Beyond the Gender Binary, edited Morty Diamond
Wild Side Sex: The Book of Kink by Midori
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dykelawlight · 1 year
you're one of the best nsfw writers writing lawlight at the moment what are your tips for being explicit without giving people the ick
Oh wow, thank you ⁠— this is really really sweet!! Let me see what I can think of that's like...concrete building blocks
First things first: if you don't know, research! It's always great to pull from experience when possible, but there have also been many nonfiction books and such written about like, basically Kink Rules™ that can be very helpful to pull from when you're trying to plot out how a scene would go or what you personally find really sexy. (Of course, there are plenty of these that are cringe and icky too because the ~kink community~ is vast and contains many people who are very annoying, so take what works and leave the rest.) I once read an entire book that was just about bootblacking/shoe stuff because I didn't know a lot about it and thought it sounded hot. As a broader example, I write and prefer dom/sub stuff (as you well know!), so I like Dossie Easton & Janet Hardy's The New Topping Book and The New Bottoming Book, both of which can be kind of hokey but which have a lot of sexy things to say from the perspective of people who engage in d/s relationships and scenes irl aimed at people who may be new to one or both. (They're also both available digitally but they're pretty easy to secure hard copies of if you think you'll get any significant use out of them.) I would say I don't need to refer to these personally as a source of actual new knowledge at this stage of my life, but specific concepts or scenes that resonate and/or that I've never personally tried can bloom into fanfic stuff later.
I write things down immediately as they occur to me. If I'm fuckin standing in the elevator and I experience a vision of a character I'm writing like moaning a specific phrase or some shit I'll straight up jot it in my notes app so I don't forget and can build on it. I also often will write when I personally am already kind of warmed up because I find that's when the least inhibited and therefore hottest shit hits the page, to be cleaned up and edited into presentableness by my less-revved self in the future.
Stick to basic terms for most things 99.9% of the time. I find that "cock" and "cunt" etc., while sort of standard and definitely something you'll probably see a lot of if you ctrl+F your fic later, are basically the "said" of porn. Not everything needs to have an explicit description all the time. I will also slide into use of "dick" and "pussy" when I feel it's raunchy and hot to do so but I generally don't come up with any shit other than that. Never talk about anybody's "pearl" or "flower" or shit. I'm not saying you can't make comparisons to those things, but it can't be The Word you use to talk about someone's genitalia.
On the opposite spectrum, too much use of "moan" to describe sounds and sentences gets very repetitive very fast! People make a lot of different noises during sex and describing more of them than just moaning adds depth and sexiness. Much like "said," that's not to say it doesn't have its place and not every word should be "yelped" "whimpered" "sobbed" etc. (though I am partial to the latter), but it doesn't need to be every sound, either.
Don't be afraid to write shit you like even if you feel like you might be the only person on the planet who finds it really sexy. I'm writing strap sex for this next fic I'm working on and, while it's obviously a very broad category, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea and some people are actively averse to it in lesbian fic. That's fine, but I know what I like and what I like is to get my silicone dick wet, so that's what's going to happen. I guarantee other people will find it and enjoy stuff you wrote just for you even if they maybe originally didn't think it was for them.
That's everything that immediately comes to mind!! I welcome feedback/comments/reblogs etc. here because I have some HOTTTT writers following me who I think frankly put me to shame 🙇🏻‍♂️
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bread-bird-writes · 1 month
I’m so excited for the threesome man
Bro I’M excited for it. This info is gonna go in the author’s note too but I wrote it because I was reading The New Bottoming Book by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy and IMMEDIATELY got a hankering to write kink negotiation. It’s not gonna be up everybody’s alley, but like. I’m very very pleased with it. Got like eight emails of excited comments from my beta this morning. Really hyped to post it!
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mxpunkpunk · 10 months
No no come on you can’t say you have a list of resources for writing smut and then not share it
Okay, okay. You want the smut knowledge? I can share the smut knowledge.
I stumbled across the sexy thesaurus somewhere and it's saved my life on figuring out what words I like using. Like OP states, it's a lot of your mileage may vary. I hate medical words for anatomy but that works for some. This is just a big giant list of words some might find useful [1- parts][2 - actions][3 - descriptors]
This has always been my go-to tumblr post for smut sounds.
A useful tumblr post that aptly describes the difference in M and E fic
If you lack in experience or ideas, this is a guide to mlm sex. I would say it's a realistic guide and is definitely focused on amab anatomy (oh my, that's a lotta cawk), so it does have its drawbacks to thinking about fiction, but it's good to know what would be realistic vs what is your insane fantasy. It's a baseline.
I'll be honest for wlw and afab anatomy... I've never needed a guide and all the ones I'm finding are atrocious. so I may have to write one myself. If I do that, I'm probably going to write a smut bible.
Kink. I write a lot of bdsm and kink content. If you want a starting point to understanding bdsm relationships, I recommend actually reading some nonfiction books. I have The New Bottoming Book and The New Topping Book by Dossie Easton & Janet Hardy. I draw a lot on personal experience too, and honestly online guides are great starting points, but don't really begin to crack the art of writing it.
Specifically, on bondage, this is a sort of dictionary for shibari. I also have physical copies of both books that two knotty boys released, so I'll use those for Western names or position references. Their site also has downloadable videos as a free resource. Having a visual guide is really useful, as is knowing terminology.
So You Want to Write Omegaverse: Here and Here
I’ve been sitting on this a while because some of my old links have gone dark, but they’re so embedded in my brain that I haven’t checked them in years. Also, some of the nuances to writing consistently good smut get lost when talking about the anatomy or practicality of it. So I’m probably gonna write that smut bible. But it’ll take a while, anon, so here these are in the meanwhile.
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arrowhearts · 1 year
mini reviews time.
it's interesting to compare authorship in books about sex or kink. just on a form level, how can one person make claims about what sex is like for all people?
One approach is also citing other people's claims, or there's limiting who your claims apply to. Is your book going to help EVERY WOMAN have mind-blowing sex? Is your book going to discuss a particular subculture?
below are 4 books with different approaches
Smart Sex by Dr. Emily Morse
What is the "Dr" on the cover doing here? The book hinges on the reader's trust of her personality as popular podcast host and sexologist educational credentials.... despite her not really backing up most of her claims. This is the only book listed that I wouldn't recommend at all--aside from hate-reading.
Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski P.h.d
This book spends chapters parsing the studies she references and its limitations. Back of the book bio identifies her as a former Director of Wellness at a university. This tracks with the multiple curated anecdotes from her students.
As previously stated, reading this book felt like you've just taken an informative! course with a professor who goes on tangents about her students and her cis lesbian coworker a bit too much.
Pleasure Activism written and gathered by adrienne maree brown.
Her name is stylized in all lowercase intentionally. The book contains multiple quotes and writings from named authors. I've only skimmed through, but there's been good stuff in here so far.
The New Bottoming Book by Janet Hardy and Dossie Easton.
Easton is therapist, but this isn't written from a therapist perspective. It's written as an introduction into mindsets and practices for submissives in D/s relationships. Between the two authors there's many offered examples of what participating in this community can look like.
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talisidekick · 1 month
Hi! What's the best book you've read in the past 10 years? Fiction or nonfiction.
The number of books I've read since 2014 (when I was in college) to now have amounted to technical manuals on software programming, and the A+ Certification for IT, and if you've had the misfortune of being on my streams when I've brought up these textbooks ... you know I have very negitive opinions of how the materisl is written. You can really tell that textbooks pay the author by word and these books aren't anywhere close to being an exception. That means there's really only three books I've read that I didn't hate.
The New Bottoming Book by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy - an adult themed book on sex and adult activity involving being a bottom/submissive.
The New Topping Book by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy - an adult themed book on sex and adult activity involving being a top/dom.
The Way of Kings, Book 1 of The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson - I'm not finished it yet so no spoilers.
I'd have to thus say my favourite book in the last 10 years has to be The Way of Kings because it's uh ... I mean, so far it's good and its the only published non-instructional book I've really read.
Now this isn't to say I don't read much non-instructional literature. It's just the circles I'm in give me access to a bunch of unpublished work and works in progress and I haven't needed to buy books in the last decade. There's some impressive hobby writers out there and the astonishing and amazing stories these people write has potential to be really successful but will never see the light of day because the authors don't want to make their hobby a job.
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sacredfolly-blog · 6 months
Writing Prompt 207 - what if it is easy?
Prompt “Is there, we wonder, some virtue in being difficult?” – Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton On Writing Breathe the sentence in. Exhale the sentence. Inhale and exhale each word. Now inhale and exhale the sentence. Then, go! There is only one rule, keep your hand moving. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. If you feel stuck, keep writing anyway. Try going back to the prompt…
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dossypet · 5 years
Memories at Christmas - Lucifer Fanfic Secret Santa Gift
My Secret Santa was @unicorn-vibes-99 ! I hope you like it! :) 
Lucifer was so over Christmas. Don’t get him wrong, he loved the idea of gifts and spending time with people he actually liked, he just hated that whole all about DAD part. I mean the man already had his followers worshiping him year round, did he really need a whole season? Besides His actual birthday would be about July 17th on the Earth calendar. So that is why, when asked what fun things he would be doing for Christmas by one favorite, female detective, Lucifer’s reply was, “Bah Humbug I say. Who needs that silly old holiday? Now Valentine’s day is really where it’s at!” 
Chloe shook her head. Of course the man who had “God” Dad issues would take offence to the happy season. “Oh come on Lucifer, it’s not that bad! There’s parties with friends, giving the people you love gifts, being cozy around the fire?” She gave him a half grin, “But before we can properly celebrate we have to finish this case.” She grabbed her coat and as they walked out to the car Chloe filled Lucifer in on the case.
Unknown to Chloe as they were walking away, Lucifer wasn’t listening to a single thing she said. His mind was stuck on something she had said way before. “Giving the people you can actually stand gifts, wild parties, and cuddling by a fire.” Well maybe not her exact words but most of the main idea was there. If he got the detective a gift she liked, well then clearly that would mean actually fun, Adult, partying ending in a night of bliss. Lucifer was over the moon. Was his Detective finally opening up for him? Letting loose? Well he was not going to let this chance pass him. Determined, Lucifer mind raced with ideas as they finally arrived at the crime scene. 
As they passed the police line, Ella greeted them with a smile. “Merry Christmas guys! Well, maybe not so merry for this poor guys.” She grimaced with a chuckle. “Meet Jacob Marley. A wealthy business partner to Accounting Credit Firm. Sign show foul play. Strangled to death by this Christmas decoration chain. 
She was cut off by Lucifer, “AHA! Christmas! See Detective? If this poor man had not celebrated Christmas, he would probably still be alive.” 
Chloe rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. “Any Witnesses or suspects yet?” 
Ella gave a quick nod, “A couple people saw him last night, we found them from the security cameras and called them in. A couple of people asking for charity donations, Jacob’s nephew, and his business partner John Albert. They’re all over there if you want to question them.” Chloe nodded her thanks and started heading over when Lucifer called out to her. 
“Ah- I’ll be there in just a second detective! I just need to uh ask Miss Lopez over here a quick… hmm private! Yes. Private question.” Both girls gave Lucifer a weird look but used to his antics, Chloe rolled her eyes and walked on. Now that the Detective was gone Lucifer grinned. “SO! Miss Lopez you know female things, mostly and you’re rather close to the Detective yes?” 
Ella Smirked at him, “yes? I like to think Chloe and I are close, why?” 
Lucifer checked to make sure they were out of earshot before asking, “I’m rather stuck on what to get the detective for the holidays. Do you have any clues on something she would love? Normally I would just ask what she desires but that doesn’t work on her. Maybe some expensive jewelry, or a car?” 
Ella raised an eyebrow at him, “Oh come on Lucifer, as much as Chloe would like those things, Christmas is about giving from the heart! She doesn’t care about how much money a gift costs, she cares about the thought behind it. Hey! An experience is always a fun gift and it can come from the heart! What about volunteering together at a soup kitchen?”
Lucifer wrinkled his nose in disgust. “If I wanted to bring the Detective somewhere with less class than she deserves, then I would bring her to Detective douchebag's house. You’re no help.” With that he walked after the detective who was currently interviewing the deceased man’s nephew.
“I just popped over to invite him to our family dinner. I mean he never comes, but he was family so even if he stood us up every single year, no one deserves to be alone on Christmas.” The nephew, Fred Clifford seemed distraught as he mournfully informed Chloe on why he was there the day before. 
“Inviting the old man even after he turned you down over and over again? That must have really hurt, unless it was something else you were after hm?” Lucifer grinned popping in, “Your uncle over there was a very wealthy man and after all Christmas is a very expensive time of year, so tell me, what was it that you truly desired?” 
“I… I..” Fred studdered then finished suddenly, “I wanted us to be a family again.” Suddenly snapping out of Lucifer’s gaze. “I just wanted us to be together again and for him to be happy.” Fred mumbled lowering his gaze. 
Lucifer and Chloe shared a look. The nephew was clearly not busy plotting murder for the holidays. Chloe nodded her head and replied, “I’m sorry for your loss, thank you for your time and we’ll be in contact if we have any further questions. 
“Well that was a waste of time.” Lucifer grumbled as they headed over to their final witness, the victim’s business partner John Albert. 
“Well at least we know it’s not him. They donation collectors just said the victim wrote him a check for zero dollars, laughed, then slammed the door shut. After insulting the victim more the collector told me he went to the next house and the neighbors confirmed this with a different officer.”
“Hmm, might be an easy case then with only one visitor left.” Lucifer commented. He grinned. Perfect. Solve the case quickly and he could start looking for gifts for the Detective. Everything would work out perfectly. He grinned as they reached their final witness 
“Hell-” Chloe tried to say before being rudely cut off. 
“I’m not saying a THING until my lawyer gets here.” John Albert grumbled looking snidely at the pair. 
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Well that’s not reason to be so cross.” He humphed. 
The old man laughed crossly and waggled his finger at Lucifer, “Christmas is a bunch of nonsense. All people do is spend money they don’t have to get more things they don’t need. It’s a bunch of greedy nonsense if you ask me!” 
“AH! Now that IS something we can agree on! But besides that we can agree that you murdered your partner. Case closed let’s go Detective.” 
“You have no proof.” John argued looking smug. “You can’t pin anything on me! I know how this works! Christmas is a big joke just like you two!”
Chloe held up a hand as Lucifer was about to argue back, “What were you doing here last night? The cameras pin you here within the time of the murder.” 
“Working a deal of course! Jacob had some nonsense in his head about selling his part of the business and giving it to his nephew. I talked him out of that nonsense and left! Now I won’t say anything else until my lawyer gets here!” 
Chloe pulled Lucifer aside. “Maybe John didn’t like the thought of possibly losing money to Jacob’s nephew so he killed him so he could keep the entire business?” Lucifer nodded. Seemed simple enough. “I’ll go get a warrant to look at his records.” Meet back at the station in an hour?” Lucifer nodded and they split ways. 
Lucifer took a cab to a high end mall. As he walked the stores he frowned thinking of what Miss Lopez had said and shook his head. If The Detective didn’t want an expensive gift, and he refused to make her do some lowly servitude job, what could he get her? Lucifer paused as he looked into a music shop. He froze when his eyes landed on a small children’s piano as memories flooded back to him. 
It was back when he was but a fledgling of an angle, long before humanity was created. Dad had picked him up told him he had a surprise for him. It had been his first piano about the size of the one he saw in the shop. Lucifer had played that piano until he had gotten an adult one. But that was all back before Dad had betrayed him and everything had fallen apart. 
Lucifer blinked several times coming out of that memory. He hummed in thought. He had almost forgotten that memory of happier, joyful times. He then thought back to the third witness from their case. Lucifer’s frown deepened. Just because he didn’t want to celebrate his father did not mean he had to become a self centered curmudgeon like John Albert. With a nod and his determination renewed, Lucifer prowled the storefronts for the perfect gift.
Finally he decided on two gifts. The first was clearly the favorite. It was a Glass centerpiece that was lavashed in jewels and gold, something one might find in a millionaire's house.  The second, Lucifer got only because of Ella’s words about coming from “the heart” It was a small framed photo of Lucifer, Chloe, and Trixie from their game night. Lucifer secretly smiled every time he saw it and embarrassed wondered if he should even bother giving it. The frame wasn’t flashy or big. The photo wasn’t classy nor eye catching. Nevertheless, Lucifer dutifully wrapped it along with the centerpiece and was about to head to the station when his phone buzzed. Chloe had texted him stating, “Forget about the warrant, found DNA on Victim belonging to John Albert, plus destroyed camera in neighbor’s trash that Ella found that has video of the murder. Meet at John’s house for arrest. 5847 Sunride AVE. NW” 
With a chuckle Lucifer headed out holding onto his two gifts for Chloe. He arrived late as Chloe’s car was already there. Lucifer shrugged and started to head in when suddenly -
B A N G! 
The door Lucifer was about to go through had slammed open and John Albert himself was trying to escape. Unfortunately, He had slammed right into Lucifer making him drop and break the expensive centerpiece. With a rage, Lucifer grabbed the man and picked him up. 
“You owe me several hundred dollars and the perfect Christmas gift!” Lucifer growled
“Lucifer! You got him! Easy. I’ll cuff him.” Chloe grinned putting her gun away and grabbing the cuffs. She quickly put him in the back of her car while Lucifer glumly threw the broken present away. “Ready to go?” She asked him confused as he looked miserably as a small square package.
“Er… I wanted to give this to you Detective.. Sorry I know it’s not a very good gift..” He frowned and held out the teal package. Curiously, Chloe took it and slowly opened it.
“Oh Lucifer!” He looked up and instead of disappointment on her face she glowed with a huge smile on her face, “I love it! Thank you!”
“You… you love it?” Lucifer asked incredulously. 
“Yes!” Chloe laughed, “And I’m sure Trixie will too! Why don’t you come over tonight and join us for some hot coco and Christmas movies?” She asked 
“Well… It’s not the adult party I was hoping for…” Lucifer grinned, “But It’ll have to do. Come on Detective! This murderer isn’t going to bring himself to jail! We have hot coco to drink!” With that he hurried into the car. Maybe this whole Christmas thing wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
(Merry Christmas! Hope you liked it!) :) 
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museenkuss · 5 years
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In an effort to be more consistent in my writing exercises, I thought it might be a fun idea to post them here to hold myself accountable. I collect striking imagery for future use, so most of my notes are on paintings I found interesting. I’ll also try to keep them short and condense my handwritten notes into a few bullet points.
Dosso Dossi (c.1490-1542): Witchcraft (Allegory of Hercules)
The painting and its meaning are mysterious to this day, but one assumption is that it might combine the story of Hercules, who was so madly in love with the queen Omphale that he did “feminine” things such as spinning wool while she wore his lion’s pelt - with a joyful scene at the court of Ferrara. There are many striking details to this painting (like the cheese being an aphrodisiac and the “Hercules” possibly being a hidden, aged portrait of the duke Ercole II.)
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carlabrahamsson · 2 years
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This jewel of occulture and delightenment just arrived. Will be sending out author copies and first Trapart orders very soon! Have you ordered it yet?
Or go global to save on postage:
The Fenris Wolf is a research journal focused on the human mind, developments in comparative magico-anthropology, and on the occultural implications and applications of these fields of study.
This eleventh issue contains material presented at the Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult conference “Re-writing the Future: 100 Years of Esoteric Modernism and Psychoanalysis” (Merano, 2019). Presenters were Kadmus, Charlotte Rodgers, Kasper Opstrup, Elisabeth Punzi & Per Magnus Johansson, Hans-Peter Söder, Haukur Jonasson, Carlos Abler, Stephanie Moran & Anna Sebastian, Katy Bohinc, Tom Banger & Koshka, Simon Magus, Ugo Dossi, Siegfried de Rachewiltz, Katrina Makkouk, Vanessa Sinclair, Blanche Barton, and Carl Abrahamsson, presenting topics as diverse as Greek Paganism, spiritual evolution, Cosmism’s inherent longing to go into space, Hilda Doolittle, the power of myth, Christianity’s influence in medieval Pagan Iceland, hypno-mimesis and working with body, the esoteric methods of Ithell Colquhoun, poetry as magic, the aesthetics and methods of Austin Osman Spare, automatic drawing, Joseph Ennemoser, Ezra Pound’s occultism, the crusade against magical thinking, the roots of modern Satanism, and the relationship between Ezra Pound and his publisher James Laughlin.
Trapart Books, 2022. 6 x 9”, 256 pages. Edited by Carl Abrahamsson & Vanessa Sinclair. Available in paperback, hardback and e-book editions.
#thefenriswolf #occulture #carlabrahamsson #vanessasinclair #trapartbooks
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te-quiero-verde · 3 years
About Me
Hiii! I'm Älice! I am: very obsessed with Måneskin, a minor, a self-proclaimed nature nerd, in love with the rain, terrible at singing (but I do it anyway), a writer, and in way too many fandoms!
This is mostly a Måneskin blog, but I sometimes post about stuff from other fandoms so you can block the tag #not måneskin if you only want to see Måneskin content
If you haven't interacted with me before or are new to this fandom, I would love it if you messaged me or sent me an ask - I love making new friends on here! ❤️
Other fandoms I'm in (or just shows/youtubers I really like): Supernatural (specifically Destiel), Friends, Sherlock (specifically Johnlock), Wynonna Earp, Lost Girl, Marvel, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Good Omens, The Hillywood Show, Jonna Jinton, Sofie Dossi (DOFIEEEEE), Dan and Phil, Schitts Creek, Orphan Black, Cobra Kai, and many more but I'm not going to list them all xD
I write Måneskin fics! My favourite fics I've written are this one, this one and this one! But you can find all of my works on my masterlist below
Rec list
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benjimirthursby · 4 years
"Before and Again." - The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor [SB]
*Revised from Prompt 8 of FFXIV Write “Clamor.”  See end-notes.
"By the reckoning of years on home shores the fleet had been in flight thousands of years.  There were as many years ahead of the fleet before reaching the intended galaxy.  From the beginning, if there is such a thing, it was resolved not to compromise the mission in vain hope of finding a way to shorten or speed the journey.  Few temptations to break faith with their mandate were greater than that in Arda 922." 
- Tinifalas Thursby, "Seven Stars in the Horizon."
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The jaunt to the Company Hall was a different process than that to Limsa the day before.  Aubreen provided Benjimir with a tiny crystal which he palmed before she departed ahead of him.  As instructed, he gripped the crystal and internally focused his thoughts on where it was he wanted to go, void of images as he had not been there.  He augmented his focus with, as his friend instructed, “happy thoughts” and as the memory of the laughter from the previously nights night cap filled his mind, sure as enough he felt himself able to fly.  Again his vision filled with soft light and flares, faded to black and returned.  
Benjimir’s vision resumed from the black interlude with the vivid light of a small, man-sized crystal, then a pathway, which he noticed was blockaded by an assembly of people.  As he felt himself “slide off the bed” to the ground he emerged into the clamor of the mass of people clapping and making assorted cat calls.  The culprits for the welcoming committee were Bondermir and Aubree who gestured to the crowd which Benjimir took stock of.  Captains Riehnheart, Hayes, Vaunter, his brother Tinifalas, Osmira Miegs the master of keepers, alchemy and craft as well as assorted officers previously from “up well assignments.  Friends all, if usually through Benjimir’s usual formality.  Never the less he laughed and smiled and approached his friends.  
Captain Hayes kicked off the friendly ribbing.  “Did he heave too?”  she said.  “No I most certainly did not.” Benjimir said in mock indignation.
Hayes passed a few gil to Rienheart. “Did he drink?”  Vaunter asked skeptically.
“No.  He most certainly didn’t.” Aubreen announced, to which most assembled including the commodore began tossing gil at Vaunter.
Benjimir laughed and pointed at his protege, “I expect a cut out of that Captain, after all, it was my sacrifice.”  
Tinifalas cupped a hand over his mouth and cried “Cough, Chocopoo, cough cough.”
Benjimir whipped a finger at his brother, “Your out of the will.  Now lets be about this show to tell of Miegs’ and have a look around this place.”  All filed into the Hall and up the stairs.  Bondermir paused to speak to a ginger headed young woman with a stroller and taking a box from her tipped his head and gave a pouch of gil to her.  
Benjimir asked his brother as they walked up the stairs. “Something I ought to know?” gesturing with his head back down the stairs where the woman was leaving and Bondermir turning to join them.  Tiniffalas looked back and quickly shook his head.  “Oh, no.  That is miss Yvaine, she is a local baker and shop-keep.  She’s just started offering services here by Captain Tessariel’s leave.”
“I see,” Benjimir said.  “What’s she bake?” he asked as he entered the second floor’s open space of tables, a bar and small stage.
“Find out.” Bondermir said, walking around Benjimir’s left side and pressing the small box into his chest.  “Finest to be had courtesy of the White Tree.” he finished with a smile. “Not near my demonstration however.” Miegs said approaching.  “This way sir.”  She led them to the small stage where a long table was setup.  The table had two seemingly identical setups.  The first had a sliver of crystal in a setting.  Behind the setting was a small miners lamp burning brightly.  The light shown through the crystal and cast a glimmer onto a small board which stood between it and another crystal in an identical setting.  This crystal also gleamed and illuminated the other side of this board.
“This is a simplified version of the experiment sir, but it will suffice to demonstrate what we have found.” Miegs said in her usual precise, measured pace.  “Note the second crystal here, “ she pointed to the crystal without a lamp.  “No obvious source of light.”
Benjimir nodded.  It was an experiment most early academy students were taught  in their youngest years.  Gifts were made of sets to replicate it in home quarters for birthdays.  “Photon Dossimir Translocation.” He said.  Miegs nodded affirmatively.  Benjimir smiled.  “I did learn something of it while I was a student of….”
“History.” most all those present said as one.
Benjimir took liberty to glare around himself a moment.  “I feel judged.” he mocked.  “Continue please.”  
Miegs placed another board between the crystal next to the lamp and waved it between the light and setting several times, interrupting the light, then extinguishing the lamp.  The gleam from the first crystal ended with a flicker.  Immediately all eyes were fixed on the second crystal.  Luminous as before.
Miegs continued.  “These shards were taken from the hull of the SNS Aundustar,” she carefully noted it as the Sons of Numenorl Ship which differentiated it from the more recently commissioned Scions Air Ship of the same name. “Each was half a hull length from the other and were lodged by impacts following the fall of Dalamud.”
“Could the second crystal be in resonance with another?” Bondermir asked.  As he did, the second crystal flickered and went dark, mirroring Miegs’ steps moments before.
“No.”  Miegs said plainly.  The first crystal then flared to life again, flashing before taking on a steady gleam.  
“We’ve long been unable to determine the cause of a growing number of discontinuities these past five years.  Chrono sync issues, delayed Dossi coms, inconsistent system and hull fatigues, and so forth.  We think this may pose a partial explanation and suggest new questions.”  Miegs concluded.  
Miegs then moved the lamp from the first crystal and placed it next to the second and relit the flame and waved her hand in front of the flame, duplicating the flicker in the first crystal perfectly.  The light from the first crystal went dark again.
“We are continuing to consult with lore keepers down well and are exploring the full meaning and possible applications.  However we cannot offer any conclusions at this time.”  Miegs then extinguished the lamp once more.  
“We’re going to need more crystals.” Benjimir said quietly.
*Note: I’ve decided to cease posting for FFXIV Write within the timing of the official “entries.���  Work and hypothetical needs becoming very real on Wednesday with a seriously ill family member make the turn-around time untenable.  I will continue participating though, it is always a great exercise that pushes me to sharpen skills and focus.  But I will not be entering posts in competition for a prize.  Since I’m not trying to win something, I’m also going to edit my posts moving forward such as this one since it was a bloody mess looking back.  I can’t include it in my larger work in its original form.  But I’ll leave the first posting up for comparison.
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harvardfineartslib · 4 years
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Today is World Letter Writing Day. Write letters to your friends and mail them today. Make someone feel special!
Laura Pisani Dossi, Dosso, ca.1490-1542, Italian [painter (artist)] Features 'Small Pattern Holbein' carpet Oil on panel 91 x 80 cm. Italian 1525 Repository: J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, California, United States HOLLIS number: olvwork741979
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aion-rsa · 4 years
MrBeast, Charli D’Amelio and More Nab Big Streaming Award Noms
MrBeast and Charli D’Amelio are among the nominees for the 2020 YouTube Streamy Awards. The tenth anniversary of the awards will stream exclusively on YouTube on December 13, and you’ll be able to watch them right here.
John Krasinski, James Charles and Addison Rae have also received nominations this year, as have Will Smith and Jack Black. Disney and Netflix will almost certainly be fighting it out again to snag the top brand award.
MrBeast aka Jimmy Donaldson is also up for a Social Good award for his Feeding America Food Drive. The popular streamer dropped out of college to pursue a full-time career as a YouTuber, and has become one of the most-watched creators on the planet, dabbling in a winning combo of expensive stunts and philanthropy.
Here’s a complete list of 2020’s YouTube Streamy Awards nominees:
Overall Awards
Creator of the Year
Addison Rae Charli D’Amelio David Dobrik Dixie D’Amelio Emma Chamberlain James Charles Larray Marques Brownlee MrBeast Sarah Cooper
Show of the Year
A Heist with Markiplier • Markiplier Binging with Babish • Babish Culinary Universe Challenge Accepted • Michelle Khare Epic Rap Battles of History • ERB Game Master Network • Rebecca Zamolo Good Mythical Morning • Good Mythical Morning Instant Influencer • James Charles Liza on Demand • Liza Koshy Nikita Unfiltered • Nikita Dragun UNHhhh • WOWPresents
HIKAKIN (Japan) Mikecrack (Spain) Mythpat (India) Sandra Cires Art (Cuba) Whindersson Nunes (Brazil)
Individual Awards
Breakout Creator
Addison Rae Charli D’Amelio Dream Spencer X ZHC
David Dobrik and Justin Bieber – SURPRISING PEOPLE WITH JUSTIN BIEBER!! The Hype House – TURNING THE HYPE HOUSE INTO A TRAMPOLINE PARK! Jackie Aina and Naomi Campbell – NAOMI CAMPBELL GETS GLAM WITH ME!!! Sway LA – Most Likely To Challenge! Zach King and David Blaine – David Blaine Tricks Zach King with Zoom Magic
Jack Black Jason Derulo Kevin James Naomi Campbell Will Smith
First Person
Alex Warren David Dobrik Emma Chamberlain Larray Logan Paul
Live Streamer
NICKMERCS Ninja Pokimane Shroud Typical Gamer
Show Awards
Indie Series
20 Seconds to Live Arun Considers Choose Me: An Abortion Story Chris and Jack The Lock Down Buddy
Live Series
BET’s House Party Bright Minded: Live with Miley Cyrus D-Nice’s Club Quarantine Reunited Apart with Josh Gad Verzuz
Live Special
Graduation2020: Facebook and Instagram Celebrate the Class of 2020
MrBeast’s $250,000 Influencer Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament Some Good News Prom with Billie Eilish, Jonas Brothers, & Chance the Rapper Travis Scott and Fortnite Present: Astronomical YouTube Dear Class of 2020
Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain H3 Podcast Impaulsive On Purpose with Jay Shetty ‎ VIEWS with David Dobrik and Jason Nash
Scripted Series
A Heist with Markiplier • Markiplier Could You Survive the Movies? • Vsauce3 Epic Rap Battles of History • ERB FPS Logic • Viva La Dirt League Liza on Demand • Liza Koshy Unscripted Series Brave Wilderness • Brave Wilderness Challenge Accepted • Michelle Khare Instant Influencer • James Charles Jeff’s Barbershop • Jeff Wittek UNHhhh • WOWPresents
Subject Awards
illymation Jaiden Animations Ketnipz The Land Of Boggs TheOdd1sOut
Bailey Sarian Brad Mondo Hyram Jackie Aina James Charles
Brandon Rogers Brittany Tomlinson Gus Johnson Nigel Ng Sarah Cooper
ContraPoints D’Angelo Wallace Danny Gonzalez Jarvis Johnson Tiffany Ferguson
BFunk Dytto Matt Steffanina Michael Le Sofie Dossi
AntsCanada Justin Bieber: Seasons Nikita Unfiltered The Secret Life of Lele Pons State Of Grace
Fashion and Style
bestdressed Bretman Rock LaurDIY Sneaker Shopping Wisdom Kaye
Alex French Guy Cooking Babish Culinary Universe How To Cook That Joshua Weissman Tabitha Brown
Dream FGTeeV Jelly LaurenzSide PrestonPlayz
Health and Wellness
Chloe Ting Demi Bagby Doctor Mike The Fitness Marshall Kati Morton
Kids and Family
A for Adley Goo Goo Colors Kids Diana Show Rebecca Zamolo Ryan’s World
Learning and Education
ChrisFix Mark Rober NileRed onlyjayus Peter Sripol
Alexa Rivera Calle y Poché Jennelle Eliana Larray Rickey Thompson
All Gas No Brakes Complex News HasanAbi The Philip DeFranco Show Some More News
2HYPE Braille Skateboarding Dude Perfect No Days Off: Sports Prodigies Ryan García
iJustine Marques Brownlee Michael Reeves Simone Giertz Stuff Made Here
Craft Awards
Cole Bennett – Lyrical Lemonade Devin Graham – devinsupertramp Niels Lindelien – Lindsey Stirling Peter McKinnon – Peter McKinnon Pierre Wikberg – Climbkhana TWO
Casey Neistat – CaseyNeistat derkslurp – derkslurp Emma Chamberlain – emma chamberlain Evan Puschak – Nerdwriter1 Hayden Hillier-Smith – Logan Paul
Visual and Special Effects
Aaron Benitez – Aaron’s Animals Buttered Side Down – Buttered Side Down CyreneQ – CyreneQ Sam Wickert and Brendan Forde – Chalk Warfare 4.0 Zach King – Zach King
Akilah Hughes, Milana Vayntrub, Brian McElhaney, and Nick Kocher – Making Fun with Akilah and Milana CalebCity – CalebCity Chris W. Smith and Jack De Sena – Chris and Jack James – Casually Explained Zach Sherwin, Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, and Carter Deems – Epic Rap Battles of History
Social Good Awards
Company or Brand
Barbie – Career of the Year • Mattel Dave’s Killer Bread – Second Chance Employment • Tastemade Lyft – Undercover Lyft with Alicia Keys • LyftUp
The Game Theorists – St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital #CancelCancer LIVE MrBeast – Feeding America Food Drive Nabela Noor – NoorHouse
Nonprofit or NGO
Arbor Day Foundation – #TeamTrees • MrBeast and Mark Rober COVID-19 Response Fund – Post Malone x Nirvana Tribute – Livestream • Post Malone Equal Justice Initiative – Bear Witness, Take Action • YouTube Originals
Brand Awards
Agency of the Year
BEN Portal A R and CPMK Reach VaynerMedia
Brand of the Year
Barbie Disney Fenty Beauty by Rihanna Netflix Old Spice
Brand Engagement
100 Thieves Cash App Compound Reveal – Cash App 5-Minute Crafts – Barbie Need for Speed Heat x David Dobrik – Electronic Arts Rihanna’s Summer Fenty Face Tutorial – Fenty Beauty by Rihanna Under the Influencer – Comedy Central
Branded Content: Series
Cold as Balls – Old Spice • LOL Network No Days Off: Sports Prodigies – Got Milk? • Whistle Second Chances – Dave’s Killer Bread • Tastemade Under a Rock with Tig Notaro – Amazon Alexa • Funny Or Die Undercover Lyft – Lyft
Branded Content: Video
Aladdin Meets Parkour in Real Life – Uzbekistan Tourism • devinsupertramp ASMR SNAP SHADOWS TUTORIAL W/ AMANDLA STENBERG – Fenty Beauty by Rihanna I Trained Like Black Widow – Marvel Strike Force • Michelle Khare James Charles Spills the Tea on His Glow – Ole Henriksen Skincare • James Charles We Lost A FaZe Member – G FUEL • FaZE Clan
Creator Product
Chamberlain Coffee – Emma Chamberlain Dragun Beauty – Nikita Dragun Hairitage – Mindy McKnight McKinnon Camera Pack – Peter McKinnon Pro Ant Farms – AntsCanada
Influencer Campaign
HotGuysMakingLipstick – Bite Beauty
Google Pixel 4 Nebula Superstars in Training – WWE
Multi-Platform Campaign
Disney+ Launch – Disney Gift it Forward with Cardi B – Pepsi The Greatest Challenge of All Time with Cristiano Ronaldo and Marta – Clear (Unilever) Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – Star Wars Tito’s Made To Order – Tito’s Vodka
Social Good Campaign
DistanceDance – PandG • Charli D’Amelio
My Vaping Mistake – The Real Cost • AwesomenessTV Seize the Awkward – The Jed Foundation • Ad Council Teens for Jeans – Aéropostale • DoSomething.org Undercover Lyft with Alicia Keys – LyftUp • Lyft
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from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3of9HLb
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