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startistdoodles · 2 years ago
Ngl I thought Meta Knight would give Kirby a knife or something like that lmao, well I guess he could get one from some of his friends considering some of their backgrounds lol
Nah knives are for scoundrels and ruffians, he would give him a sword.
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rocksinmuffin · 2 years ago
Ok I’m your opinion what pet names would Super Buu call his girl/boyfriend? If they are food related ones then you know his gf/bf would be worried for their safety because he actually does eat people lol
Honestly, he'd call you "snack" but it's less a cute thing and more a threat and a constant reminder that if he suddenly is no longer amused by you then he can just turn you into whatever junk food he wants and eat you.
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bloo-the-dragon · 3 years ago
*points at Moondrop* Your never taking me alive! *Eats 5 sun drop candies at once*
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“...Enjoy your migraine i guess.”
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prince-les · 3 years ago
You know maybe some of the sky kids will think that Ingo’s Pokémon are like the dog you can summon in the secret area in the Daylight Prairie? I mean not that many people know about it and I’ve only experienced it once (you need six players to stand on candles) and if you still don’t know what I’m talking about you can look it up
Honestly for the kids who have ever meet Oreo, Ingo and his Pokémons will still be a weird concept!
Sure they've seen/touch/met creatures who aren't spirit, but it's still weird the fact that they just.. Appears you know? And the Pokémons that Ingo carry aren't small! Machamp is a big fella!
All in all sky kids will always be curious individual. Whether they've seen something similar or not, they'll definitely touch and ask questions about it to no end.
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purble-turble · 3 years ago
Ok who else just wants to spray Red King with salt water anytime he shows up? Show of hands everyone!
Prisoner MK has one of these on his person at all times.. it’s full of ocean water lol
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humming-fly · 3 years ago
So have you heard of the game Ghostwire Tokyo? If not I would recommend watching people playing it because it gives so much Greedling vibes to me lol
I have not! I'll add it to the list of things to look into though, thanks for the recc! :)
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emirrart · 3 years ago
Omg every time I see your drawing of NiGHT’s I just want give them a big old hug and pat their lil head ❤️, I would also do that for Reala but they would probably rip my head off if I got within a 10ft radius of them 😥 lol. Anyways keep up with the great work and stay safe and healthy!
aw thank you! im glad you like my renditions of them!
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catarium · 5 years ago
OMG the way you draw the White lady is beautiful! How do you draw her im trying my self but no luck so far 😓 so im asking a pro for advices if you dont mind that is
Thank you.
I actually feel I draw her the weirdest...but here my thought process
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Apparently my process is draw a bowling pin, add face branches and dress!
I realize a draw her way too thinner than the ref.
and TA DAH!
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amiz06-certified-b1mb0 · 2 years ago
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Character of the Month: King Cold! Who am I kidding, this whole ass post is ABOUT HIM LETSGOOOOOOO🔥 sitonmedaddy DaddyD1LFDarling🖤
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Huehuehue TFS’s way of making Frieza bond with King Cold is making me soft asf I love their dynamic hrghhhh. He acts so sweet 💖 spoiling his little Princess, I’m pretty sure his son will turn out well
That famous ‘catch’ in this episode, and Frieza’s jealous that his daddy is paying more attention to his bug-crush.🤭
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If Cell gets even closer with King Cold and ended up bonding well in the up coming episodes, imma sCREAM- MY BOY CELL PULLING AN OKUYASU on Frieza’s dad HELP. Cell pls think about Frieza😂 Also, Cell’s technically a D1LF too so… thanks for the ask @dorykitcat !
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Other than ‘Daddy’ being used to oblivion in this ep, ‘Princess’ was abused too, I’m so happy
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I was totally expecting Frieza and Cell would have those ‘accidentally falling on top of each other’ cliche during the trust fall activity. But TFS being themselves, went above and beyond with Cold lmao(*´꒳`*) , but I can imagine and draw it by myself:
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*Spandau Ballet-True plays*
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Bruh King Cold is probably the smartest, cunning and wisest member in the group. He wasn’t the most ‘hands on’ dictator but I LOVE how he’s depicted as the mastermind role in this, it’s perfect for him. TFS is really providing exquisite evil King Cold content. He’s fond of Cell too(´⊙∇⊙`)
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Damn, all of the HFILs are gonna bust outta HFIL and King Cold has a plan…what’s the plan? Find out in the next episode of Home For Infinite Losers!
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Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sūn Wùkōng | Monkey King, Qi Xiaotian | MK, Long Xiaojiao | Mei Additional Tags: honestly just mentions of mei and everyone elsce, this is my first time go easy on me pleas UwU, How Do I Tag, any and all gods in the court of heaven, lego monkei kid, this is just pure crack in my opinion, Dad Wukong being a Dad, Mk just being baby, please please check the notes Summary:
“Have you seen my son!? He’s about this tall and obviously gay, but we haven’t had the talk yet”
 (this was an ask prompt from @dorykitcat to @winterpower98 on tumblr)
I hope this is alright?
 it's going to be three chapters cuz the main body of Wukong going full on panic will be chapter 2! and end in chapter 3. i'm still working on chapter 2 but it should be done this weekend, and chapter 3 sometime next week. chapter 2 will be the longest.  
I then wanna move on to writing my own takes on some of the other topic i've seen floating around. 
Im also going to start updating my Ninjago fic https://www.quotev.com/Shanstar99anEazyeal406/published
i'm not going to go back and change the beginning but the writing style will change with the newest chapter. Updates will be infrequent. so check out the other bits of crack i haven't touched in like forever lol  
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startistdoodles · 3 years ago
Do you think Darkrai likes gardening?
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Becouse I do :)
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AWW yes!! He's very proud of his garden and Cresselia loves his flowers too :)
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@dorykitcat You're so right, he deserves the love 💕💖
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 years ago
Is it just me or does anyone else just wants to hug Red's arms like a koala bear.
*glances at the tags on my art* I don’t think it’s just you-- KSDFMAOWEF 
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bloo-the-dragon · 3 years ago
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purble-turble · 3 years ago
I feel like we should give Tiny Kid some more attentions, so Misc 15 please
I still have some very old prompts in my inbox and I have not forgotten about them, I'm just slow and terrible lol plz forgive me for taking a billion years to get to them, I swear I haven't forgotten :U
MK had wanted Red Son to spend more time at his apartment- to feel more comfortable and at home there... so a workbench for him seemed like a sensible thing to provide for him. Mei was more than willing to part with one and stock it with tools, so that was no trouble... and Red Son had seemed so grateful and genuinely touched at the gesture. So with all those things stacked in its favor, MK hadn't expected to grow to hate the thing as much as he found he did. Especially at that very moment!
It had been a rough day- being brushed off by Monkey King but still managing to master a new power.. only to be left feeling inadequate yet again after accidentally encountering Spider Queen and... and her... down in the sewers... that's not to mention the chewing out he got from Pigsy and Tang over being all dirty upon his return. He was seriously just feeling miserable.
So when Red Son had (finally) come over that night and had taken no notice of the sad look in MK's eyes, opting instead to bury his nose in some blueprints he left on his work table, it was almost too much to bear.
MK told himself that Red didn't mean it. He knew how emotionally colorblind the demon could be, and he was trying hard to grow past it... he was still hurt, but he didn't want to start a fight over something his boyfriend couldn't really help. So he would just have to be honest- open up and let him know what he had gone through that day and how he was feeling...
.......Or... maybe just... annoy him until he pays attention?
Yeah. That sounded better.
With a tired whine, MK draped himself over Red Son's shoulders, letting himself go limp, "Red, don't just work on your blueprints all night," he grumbled, "I missed you! Give me attention!"
"Noodle Boy, don't distract me," Red Son grumbled, shrugging MK's arms off of himself, "I've been making mental notes on this project all day; I need to get these down before I forget them."
MK let himself fall backwards, landing on his butt behind Red Son's chair with an annoyed huff. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to ignore it, to focus on something else, but there was an ache still throbbing in his chest. Was he was less important than some designs left on that stupid workbench?! It was just so hard being dismissed like this... First Monkey King, then Tang and Pigsy, now even Red Son- today they were all just making him feel so... so...
When he opened his eyes again a moment later, he thought Red Son's chair looked suddenly bigger... way WAY bigger.
OH! His new power!
MK hopped to his feet and looked down at himself and then up again at his surroundings. Yup, he had shrunk again. He was pretty small this time, too. Like the size of one of those figurines Mei had on her shelf... guess he had been feeling really little.
This was good, though! He had wanted to tell Red about his new powers, anyway. What a perfect opportunity! Summoning the staff from his ear, MK vaulted himself up and went flying through the air to land on the surface of Red Son's work station. The fire demon was so immersed in whatever he was writing he didn't even notice the tiny MK, despite the ungraceful landing he managed.
He couldn't help the smirk that crept across his face as MK scurried closer. This was going to be fun! After approaching Red Son as quietly as he could, once he was within pouncing distance, he jumped forward and wrapped himself around the demon's forearm.
The ensuing yelp and flail probably should have been expected, but even so, MK found himself unprepared as he was launched through the air, unleashing a tiny shriek to accompany the quiet thunk of him hitting the adjacent wall. He let out a little squeak of a groan, a bit dazed from the hit, and then he started to fall.
Before he could even think of how to stop himself from hitting the floor, (which was very very far away for someone so small) he suddenly found he was not falling anymore and two giant hands snatched him out of the air.
"Noodle Boy???"
MK opened his eyes, which he hadn't realized had been shut tight until that moment, and looked up at the gigantic and confused face of Red Son.
"Hehehh, uh, surprise...?" he squeaked out in his tiny voice, "I got a new power! ...didn't pick the best way to show it off, I guess."
Red Son adjusted his grip on MK so he was more or less sitting across both his hands now. He watched as the demon looked him up and down for a moment, still looking more confused than anything else. "So you can... shrink yourself?" he finally said, "I hope that doesn't mean you're stuck like this."
"N-no... I can control it..." MK kicked his legs out and shifted his gaze away from Red's face. "Y'know... Mostly..."
Of course Red wasn't impressed. It had been so silly of him to be excited to share his new powers... powers he probably shouldn't even have. MK's eyes squeezed closed as the words began echoing through his head again-
Made the wrong choice
Picked the wrong successor
Wrong Wrong
MK was pulled out of his own head and looked up again as he heard Red Son's voice shout suddenly. His expression had shifted from just looking confused to being somewhat concerned.
"Noodle Boy, you got even smaller!" he explained, lifting him closer. As he did, MK realized he was right... Red's hand underneath him seemed a bit bigger than it had a moment ago. That was weird... this hadn't happened before.
"Uh oh..." he hopped to his feet, now standing easily in just one of Red Son's palms. "It's okay! I can fix this!" he shouted in his now even squeakier voice, "I just have to think big thoughts, and I'll go back to normal."
Closing his eyes one more time, MK tried as hard as he could on that big feeling he had earlier that helped him grow to his normal size. Think big... think BIG! The biggest stuff he could imagine! Elephants! Airplanes! Whales!!
After a moment of him just chanting this BIG mantra to himself, he peeked one eye open to see if his size had changed yet.
It hadn't.
With a sigh, he fell back into a sitting position on Red Son's palm again. "I'm, uh... still working on controlling it..." he grumbled, feeling his cheeks redden in embarrassment a bit.
"Hmm..." Red hummed thoughtfully as he stared down at MK. "You aren't uncomfortable or anything at that size, are you?"
"No," MK answered easily, "it's just harder to, yknow, do stuff."
"Well, if you're not in any immediate danger, I suppose it's alright to admit-" Red Son suddenly shifted his grip, snatching up MK and holding him in his hand. "-you are rather adorable at this size."
MK felt his face flush with heat again, though less from embarrassment this time. "O-oh, you think so?"
"Yes, very much." A smirk spread across the demon's face. "It's like you've turned into a little doll."
"A doll?" MK whined, pursing his lips in a pout, "I'm too manly to be a doll! Can I at least be called an action figure?"
"I don't quite see the difference, they're both just words for a plaything." Red lifted MK up closer to his face. "That's what you are at this size: my little plaything."
"Haha... uh, wh-what about your blueprints? You said-"
MK was interrupted as a huge yet soft kiss was pressed to the top of his head. "Ah, right, the blueprint-," Red spoke gently, which was nice since his mouth was now right next to MK's teeny tiny ears. Then he was being pulled away, and suddenly he found himself being plopped down right on the surface of the table sprawled with the designs in question.
"Well," Red Son continued, and MK's back was suddenly pressed to the surface of the desk as he was held down by a finger the size of his chest, "look at this. There's a new project on my desk that needs my attention."
MK tried to suppress his delighted giggle, but he wasn't quite able to. He certainly wasn't able to hide the flush creeping across his face as Red continued to tease him.... maybe this workbench wasn't so bad after all~
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emirrart · 4 years ago
Hi I also really love the NiGHTS series and Balan Wonderworld and love your artwork of them! And i was wondering if i can ask a quick question, what do you think NiGHTS and Reala do if they to the waking world?
aw, thank you very much! im glad you enjoy my stuff!
also thats a Very interesting question..... i think NiGHTS would enjoy exploring earth! maybe even tries to talk to the humans before realising theyre sort of an outlier dhvjfbd
reala on the other hand i feel would hide a lot, a new and potentially dangerous environment making him want to lay low and scout the area! make sure its safe to try and get back to nightmare!
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Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sūn Wùkōng | Monkey King, Qi Xiaotian | MK, Long Xiaojiao | Mei Additional Tags: honestly just mentions of mei and everyone elsce, this is my first time go easy on me pleas UwU, How Do I Tag, any and all gods in the court of heaven, lego monkei kid, this is just pure crack in my opinion, Dad Wukong being a Dad, Mk just being baby, please please check the notes Summary:
“Have you seen my son!? He’s about this tall and obviously gay, but we haven’t had the talk yet”
 (this was an ask prompt from @dorykitcat to @winterpower98 on tumblr)
*YEET’s Into the abyss*
hah, im so fucking tired! 
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