#dorm mom
Hihi! currently dealing with a bout of bad chronic pain and it got me thinking.
Any chance to get a hall mom Thornhill and platonic student reader who has chronic pain. Hurt / all comfort lol.
thornhill makes something to ease the pain using some of her plants in the greenhouse? And maybe she specifically started growing the plants once she learned one of her students suffered from chronic pain?
Please and thank you! Also feel free to change anything up!
Much love from the frog king🐸
Exam Season
Pairings: Thornhill x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 1.6K
Summary: Reader has been in some pain and finally finds a solution.
TW: mentions of drugs, chronic pain, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol
A/n I had so much fun with this one. I did a lot of research through my old medical textbooks so most of it is hopefully accurate.
It was exam season which meant pain, both from studying and well … the chronic kind. And just because you were used to it didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt. Because it did. Badly.
There were a few things that caused pain flare ups for you ever since the car accident you were in a few years ago. Of course, one of the two was stress which was assured with exam season and the second was disrupted sleep patterns and with all the late-night study sessions that was another thing you could check off the mental triggers list. But it's not like you couldn’t study. You needed to. You prided yourself on it. Your family name was all you had left of your parents. They, unlike you did not survive the crash. So you used the fear of being nobody with no home as a drive, to work. To be someone worth something.
The light was on in your dorm once again as Ms Thornhill made the rounds before going to bed herself. Ophelia hall had few rooms where there was only one student. You had been lucky enough to be one of them. So she knew you were awake. But the light had been on four nights in a row now. Surely that was getting a little bit excessive. She made mental note to ask you about it later in her class, she knew you were a responsible student and as you were old enough to make your own decisions, she trusted you to make good ones at that.
It must have been around two am before you actually got to sleep. The next morning the pain was so much worse. You dragged yourself out of bed in hope that a hot shower would relax the muscles in your neck. You stood and lazily made your way to the ensuite, mentally thanking whoever was in charge of the roomie situation that you simply didn’t have one.
After a shower that seemed to have little to no effect at all on the stupid amount of pain you were in you dressed slowly and grabbed breakfast before heading to botany.
You had no meds for the pain, Panadol never touched the level of chronic pain you were in. High dose stuff made you nervous, you didn’t want to get addicted at such a young age. But you also couldn’t ask for help without exposing the fact you had nobody at home to get you anything.
You made it a point to avoid the infirmary, opting to look out for yourself.
When you had signed up for nevermore yourself, you had faked your parents' signatures based off some old documents you found in your father's study. You had guarded that secret with your life.
Every parent's weekend you simply said they lived far away which was why you stayed on the grounds during breaks, not because you hated the empty house you would eventually have to go home to. So no, you didn’t risk seeing the nurse.
Taking your seat in the room you were slouching badly, trying to ease the pain by loosening the muscles. Every once in a while, you would roll your shoulders to try and get a temporary reprieve in the constant gnawing on your sanity. After a bit you gave up on the worksheet all together and put your head down on the desk trying to get comfortable, or at least as comfortable as possible in that moment.
You jumped when you felt a hand make contact with your back gently. Looking up with bleary eyes, glazed with pain, you saw the concerned face of Ms Thornhill looking down at you.
“Honey are you ok?” She asked already knowing the answer, she was biting her bottom lip, usually you were veery composed so she knew it was something bad.
“Im fine Ms Thornhill.” You said sounding slightly strained.
“Darling I’m your dorm mom right now, call my Marilyn sweetie.” She said and began rubbing circles on your back. You relaxed under her touch, it was soothing and it had been so long since you had any sort of positive contact. You relished in the feeling. You were too tired to care right now about the rest of the class who luckily seemed to be paying no attention at all to the two of you.
“Im fine Marilyn.” You said and ducked your head again.
“Darling don’t lie to me I can tell somethings wrong.” She said softly but sternly. You nodded with tears in your eyes.
“Can I talk to you later.” You whispered.
“Well class is over in a few minutes so please stay behind and talk to me.” She said sensing that you weren’t going to talk in front of your peers.
When class finally ended you packed up your books slowly and stayed seated as the class trailed out. Ms Thornhill came over and pulled up the chair beside you, taking your hand in hers and rubbing it with her thumb grazing gently over your knuckles.
“Talk to me sweetheart.” She said and you choked back tears. The dam burst when she pulled you in for a hug. It had been so long since you had a hug.
You sobbed into her shoulder, and she rubbed your back.
“Shh shh shhh its ok Darling. Im here. And I’ll help you however i can sweetie.” She said before pausing.
“Darling how long has it been since you had a hug?”
“T-too long.” You sniffled.
Then you simply buried your face in her neck until you calmed down. When you finally pulled away, she wiped away the tears with her thumb.
“Now whats the matter many darling?” She asked and you swallowed.
“A few years ago, i was in a car accident. I got whiplash and hurt my neck. It’s never really been the same since. I know it's not in my file but i can usually manage it fine by myself. With the stress of the exam coming up and late nights studying it … it hurts so much more than it normally does. Im scared to take anything I might get addicted to.”
“Well first, we will need to update your file.” She said squeezing you hand gently. “Second if this is a bad flare up...” she paused and waited for your response, and you nodded. “Which it is.” She said slowly, “I can give you something for the pain. And we can manage it together. Ok darling?” She asked and you nodded feeling slightly overwhelmed.
“Now I don’t think principal Weems would approve of me growing you some medicinal Marijuana.” She said and you gave a choked laugh.
“No, I don’t think I would.” Came a voice from the doorway and both of you turned to face the principle. She was wearing a small, amused smirk as she walked over to join you.
“I had a report Y/n wasn’t in her second class. I thought i may find her here.” She said. “Anyone want to explain?” She asked and you looked to Ms Thornhill to answer.
“Y/n was just telling me how she’s been having some issues as of late. Chronic pain was it darling?” She asked looking at you and you nodded and looked away studying the plants on the window cil. “We were just discussing some options.” She finished.
“And I’m glad you have ruled out medicinal Marijuana.” Weems said with a laugh.
“As am I.” You whispered making them both laugh.
“Glad to see you were paying attention in last week's drugs and alcohol assembly darling.” The principal drawled. “However, Ms Thornhill here, may need another.” She said jokingly. “So, whats the plan?”
“Well, I was going to make Ms L/n here some chamomile, willow bark and meadowsweet tea for the pain. Maybe a massage and a heat pack.” Ms Thornhill said standing and grabbing various tins of dried herbs. “I have been wanting to grow some more of my herbs for any students that would need them, and it seems u have found my first patient.” She smiled kindly at you, and you simply nodded again.
“Well, I’ll leave you two too it. I’ll also excuse Ms L/n here from her classes for the day. Provided you are either with Ms Thornhill, at your dorm or at the infirmary.” She said and you thanked her as she left.
A moment later the botany teacher placed a steaming mug of tea in front of you and you sighed as she pressed a heat pack she had seemingly pulled from thin air against your neck.
“I can give you a massage later, the upper traps and right across your shoulders if you like?” She said and you nodded. “Yes please.” You said shyly and she beamed at you.
“Drink that tea darling girl and then we can see how you're feeling. Also, I’d be happy to tutor you if it helps with the stress.”
“Oh you … you don’t have to do that, I’m sure I'll be fine.” You stammered not wanting to take up anymore of her time.
“Darling I’m offering.” She said and you paused.
“I’ll think about it.”
“That’s all I ask my sweet.” She said and you sipped the tea again.
It was safe to say the tea helped significantly. Despite being an old remedy and not being clinically proven, it worked really well.
For the rest of the day, you hung out with the botany teacher, and she helped you study some more. Maybe, just maybe, life would be a bit easier from now on.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
think it'd be really cool if percy could teleport using water. just needing to be in direct contact with a water source to transfer from one puddle to the next. cornering monsters in damp alleyways like it's no one's business. foregoing the subway when the forecast calls for showers. crossing the ocean quicker that you can say pacific. quality content.
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arrowsneo · 8 months
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Silly little hc where Gordon’s mom worked at Black Mesa n brought him over sometimes
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angelclouve · 2 days
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The overworked moms ghouls trio, on their way to go bar-hopping and taste-testing new liquors outside Darkwick :)
(because the dads and the children have stressed them enough today that they decided to hold the drinking session in places faraway from home oops)
Putting the silliness aside... if we only consider the different backgrounds and personalities, these trio are actually quite an unusual housewife friend group 🤔
Not counting the fact they entered Darkwick on the same year and knew each other's name during The Weighing of Souls... when and where they first actually meet and get to know each other? I can only think of them getting assigned to a mission together and it ended with a success, thus a celebratory drink in a bar somewhere outside Darkwick? And maybe as they spent time sharing alcohol and chatting with each other, they eventually also bonded through their similar experiences as people who always end up dealing with troubles happening inside their dorms 💭
(Speaking of "people who always end up dealing with troubles happening inside their dorms", there are two certain vice-captains that also fit this criteria... makes me wonder if they also used to be part of this friend group before The Clash and the whole spy shenanigans fucked up relationships among some ghouls)
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pinkinsect · 4 months
if isagi, kaiser, and ness were in a roommates situation isagi is bringing his own rice cooker (he won't let the other two buy a rice cooker. his rice cooker is good. they don't need a new ricecooker). ness likes the rice cooker. it plays little melodies and adjusts its cooking time so the rice is pretty much always perfect (it's like magic. he knows it has internal sensors but it feels like magic). kaiser won't let isagi put english or german labels or furigana on the buttons (ness has a labelmaker and isagi knows the kanji is difficult so he offered to) because that feels like losing. using a dictionary or google translate while trying to cook rice for dinner also feels like losing. kaiser takes a picture of all the buttons and studies the meanings in private, then figures out how to cook a pot of rice in the middle of the night.
they should probably not live together.
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quotidian-oblivion · 3 months
All the knights of Camelot are Gryffindor.
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incorrectpersonathree · 7 months
Akihiko: Mitsuru and I are having a baby.
Ken: That's gre-
Mitsuru, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
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fatuismooches · 9 months
I’m thinking of dorm decorating in the Akademiya with cutie patootie Dottore of course :3 I just know this man did not care about decorating, it was the most blandest boring dorm you could imagine. If it wasn't for his research notes and equipment scattered all over the place, one would think no one lived there... until you came around of course! (Or more like, when he started to finally like you. He refused to let you do any touch-ups around the dorm and 'invade his space' in the beginning.)
In reality, he probably doesn't care how you decorate the dorm, as long as you don't mess up his stuff... every time he sees you buy something he just rolls his eyes and asks if you have nothing better to spend you're money on. (And he is TIRED of coming home and seeing things reorganized.) But sometimes he gets all authoritative over the decorations... trying to tell you where certain things should go and you're like... Zandik baby what do YOU know about decor?? Also, if the dorm room is situated with two beds on opposite sides of the room, I can just imagine how noticeable the split is... your half is completely different from Zandik's,,
Zandik thinks of the dorm as a house while you think of it as a home... He doesn't really understand the difference at first and thinks you're just being dumb, but I like to think as time passes, very slowly he starts to understand what you mean... just a bit, of course. I don’t know… I just like the domesticity of it... <3
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qarameiio · 1 year
i just think that braiding hair is such an intimate thing. bc it takes so much time and effort to braid someone's hair properly it always ends up becoming an excuse to hang out as your hair gets done. idk i think its just a really nice thing
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ancient-day · 1 year
Man, I know no one really talks about Ken's SL for obvious reasons, but I forgot what a gut-punch his rank 1 is. Like... this is just a kid. The way he's wolfing down food implies he probably hasn't been eating well, and if that isn't sad enough, he hits us with this shit.
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This is RANK 1. It's such a little thing, but at the same time... it's such a genuine regret. It's been two years, and the older he gets, the more he's understanding how much she did for him and what he lost.
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puppycharmz · 8 months
when I get my pomni plush I will viciously throw her against a wall. I'll take a video I'll prove it
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yourhighness6 · 7 months
I think the main conflict in SPOP stems from the fact that Catra listened to "Kill Bill" by SZA a lot after her breakup with Adora in S1 and took the lyrics a little too seriously
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thebirdandhersong · 5 months
Lol. Lol. Lol.
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yugiohz · 6 months
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I love that they evacuate together, I also think that they live togetherrrr, because the evacuation centers can’t be that big & why would a single woman have a whole apartment for herselffff, Mrs. Bakugo and Mrs. Deku yuri is so real to me (masaru can stay)
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wtylas · 4 months
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discordiansamba · 8 months
Matt did not intend to mentally time travel back to the past. He's not even sure how it happened. He dimly recalls finding some sort of weird... crystal thing? So maybe that has something to do with it? Or maybe it has nothing to do with it? He doesn't know. If there's one thing all his time out in space has proven, it's that sometimes weird shit happens that he simply cannot explain. He has made his peace with this (even though it still drives Pidge insane).
All he knows is that one day, he wakes up and he can barely see. This turns out to be because he is back in his sixteen year old body somehow, so he still needs glasses. It looks like he was somehow sent back to when he'd just enrolled at the Galaxy Garrison. Which is... weird. It didn't really hit him how much he'd changed until he found himself in his past self's body.
Okay. This is fine. He can work with this. He can't stop Kerberos from happening, but he can definitely be prepared for it. First things first is getting his ass (back?) into shape. If he does it now, he can avoid the training from hell that Ozar and Olia will eventually put him through. He'll also have to make sure to stay on top of all of his classes so he's still selected to go on the Kerberos mission. That's fine. He can listen to audiobooks while he trains.
Also he should probably take some piloting classes. He's going to need that knowledge eventually. Building up muscle memory will be important later.
Also maybe he should befriend Keith while he's at it. This isn't like. a requirement or anything, he just thinks it would be nice. He really started to like the guy back when they were running joint missions together with the rebel and the Blade. Maybe it can even help assuage this weird out of place feeling he has all the time now, that makes him feel like he's some kind of alien on his own home planet.
And while he's at it, he might as well get his eyes fixed early. It feels weird to have to use glasses again after all these years. Actually having short hair feels weird too? That's easy enough. He'll just stop getting his hair cut.
...also uh. why is Pidge looking at him like that.
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