nei-ning · 5 years
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I stopped counting how many weeks I spent on this since I always didn’t had time, energy or a chance to work on this.
Also that’s my very first Sera, yay! I think I will aim for Cole next! >: D
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limapiam · 7 years
Anyone interested in rping with me? Im super bored and I love making OCs or rping with dragon age characters. ( Specifically Dorian and Bull. I ship them really hard rn) ’I’d prefer rping over Skype. Send me a message! :)
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mw567152 · 4 years
Am I the only person in the fandom that hates DorianxBull with a fiery passion. It’s the worst canon ship in the game. It’s a no for me.
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branwen-lavellan · 4 years
Taking requests for one shots!
So, I’ve been having a hard time focusing and feeling motivated to write for my longer fics on AO3. I’ve been thinking about taking requests for one-shots or head cannons.
I write primarily for my own characters in a particular world state. I tend to stay cannon compliant for the most part, and prefer to bend and tweak cannon in the moments that aren’t set in stone. If that sounds like something you’re interested in, send me a request.
Pairings I tend to write for:
If there’s a pairing you’d like to read that’s not on my list, please feel free to ask. No promises, but I’ll at least consider.
I’m comfortable writing NSFW, but if there’s something I’m uncomfortable about or feel ignorant writing, I might try to work with you to adjust the prompt. No underage or non-con please.
Ask box is open. ☺️
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Not the type to hate on much less give two shits about shipping- but I can’t help but not understand why people think DorianXBull(forgot the ship name) as toxic. I just as much as any woman have had experiences with aggressively flirty men who come off as rapey. But Iron Bull not only apologizes but stops giving invitations for sex when Cassandra explicitly turns him down. You think he wouldn’t do the same for his boyfriend? And I think Bulls the type who wants there relationship public while Dorian not so much. I like that gives there romance tension but nothing that makes it toxic/abusive.
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junemermaid · 7 years
Favourite Author Meme
I stole this from the inimitable @servantofclio.
What is your total word count on AO3?
592,241. One fourth of that is the one Bleach longfic, the rest is more assorted.
How often do you write?
That depends a lot. Right now I tend to write in spurts whenever work is quiet enough to let me: my paying job also requires desk time and sometimes I just can't stand being on the computer after work is done.
Do you have a routine for writing?
The hardest part for me is getting started. If I haven't written for a while I have to pile together ideas until they gel, so there's a period of several days when I pace the house and try to align my brain. If I get into a groove I can write fast and well for a while, though. So if I have any routine it's "writing in intense spurts with quiet spells in between".
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
General tropes: case fic, plot, action/adventure, slow burn romance, mutual pining, canonverse fic (I almost never get into canons just for one character/ship, and while I consume for characters first, good worldbuilding is a huge bonus), hurt/comfort, earning your happy ending. I love bittersweetness but generally also hopeful/gentle endings. Self-discovery and little moments of revelation are always fascinating to me, and a certain kind of recovery stories (basically, enough realism for it not to descend into melodrama, but here too I want some hope. The real world is harsh enough). Found families are a forever trope, as are good team dynamics. And hand-kissing.
I ship a lot of things! Right now the main things are MagnusxAlec and IzzyxClary from Shadowhunters, but I still dabble in DorianxBull (Dragon Age: Inquisition) too. Now and then I trot out Red Cliff and my eternal threesome (that is totally three minutes from being canon) of Zhou Yu, Xiao Qiao and Zhuge Liang. In general I ship a lot of ships I haven't got around to writing, though.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Just one? I was really happy with all the streets lead to morning (Shadowhunters) when I finished it. I felt it had a good balance of case fic and relationship drama. My favourite Inquisition fic that I've written might be as a light is lost in light, because for once I achieved exactly what I wanted to do with a fic.
I'm also still proud of The Roots of Heaven (Bleach) and Slow Match (The Borgias) if simply because they filled a niche in those fandoms that nobody had filled before (to my knowledge).
Your fic with the most kudos?
House of Ash and Salt (DA:I), my one claim to fame.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
I struggle a lot with trying to make sex scenes engaging and distinctive. They're just a lot of work. Sometimes I meander too much and get lost in the same minutiae that, at best, make my writing pop nicely.
Now something you do like!
I write good dialogue; I've nailed down a style I'm comfortable with and that I feel is still evolving; I write excellent fight scenes if I say so myself. And sometimes I can pull off a weird artsy idea just so.
Tag some of your favorite writers: Anyone that wants should do this, but for a mix of friends and people whose stories I’ve enjoyed recently: @raynos, @annundriel, @homsantoft, @justjasper, @iodhadh, @cooldebaucheries, @bluemeridian
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waela-lavellan · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog. WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?:
So, when it comes to “canon”, as in what I did in the game, I shipped Waela with Iron Bull. WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: 
 Cute, NSFW, angsty, honesly anything I’m really open to a lot of stuff so it’s unlikely you’ll find me too uncomfortable for a lot of things. HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? As long as the other character is 18+, I’m fine. Since Waela is an adult I will not ship her with anyone under that range. I like to keep my ships age close, so usually i keep it to 5 years under or over at most. ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: 
Not at all. Waela is very affectionate to all people, so shes open to males,females, and anything inbetween. So She’s free to ship with anyone. I think the only character im not sure i would ship is Solas because in game their relationship is so strained its boarderline hate…or could that even bloom love? huh idk lol HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: 
Once the mention of genitals and breasts are mentioned in that way lol WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: 
Cullen was definitely runner up in my playthrough… DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: If I’m rping with you, unless mentioned otherwise, im probably low key hoping to ship lol. So if you wanna ship just ask or if you can hint at in in an rp and I’ll probably accept it lol. But if you feel more comfortable to ask me, go ahead! HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: 
I’m a sucker for romance so like…all the time. Surprisingly so far I havent rped any romance through here. ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: 
Kind of between??? I love ships but i dont do ships all the time. If I get a shipping opportunity i take it lol ARE YOU MULTISHIP?:
Uh…I think a lot of the ships are pretty cute but I’m not super involved with them lol (DorianxBull is probably my “favorite”) FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? Like mentioned above, you can hint or ask me directly :)
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nei-ning · 5 years
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My first Adoribull comic, even if it’s silly and not so seriously done :’D Got the idea for this after chatting with sis few days ago. This wasn’t supposed to be even this long and, damn it... :’D
I wanted to make this great and done with serious style, lined, colored, backgrounds but no. They all just looked so horrible (even sketched backgrounds) so I left them out, keeping this comic as sketch version since it looked better! <3
Part 2 will come at some point since we need to get Bull down (he’s hanging from the ceiling. Makes me wonder how strong Krem is :D)
Part 2 here -> http://nei-ning.tumblr.com/post/183948310935/and-heres-the-second-last-part-of-my-little
Also hoping Tumblr won’t look at this as too naughty stuff. I really need a place where I could start to post my Adoribull arts...
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nei-ning · 5 years
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3-4 days well spend, I would say! Would had been ready sooner, but Verti decided he wants to sleep in my lap whenever I tried to continue working with this art.
Background was not planned, but I still made one since this needed it.
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nei-ning · 5 years
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Decided to be brave and post this here. I hope Tumblr won’t think this is something super “bad” when it isn’t. Bull’s just whispering pleasant words to Dorian who, clearly, enjoys them a lot. But then again Bull has darn hot voice ;)
Earlier little preview can be seen here https://nei-ning.tumblr.com/post/184615074745/little-preview-about-my-first-more-naughtier
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nei-ning · 5 years
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Happy May Day / Hauskaa Vappua! In Finland we celebrate vappu tomorrow, and since I won't be home tomorrow (will go visit my uncle) I will submit this here now.
During vappu, at least in my family, we drink sima / mead (either bought or homemade, with or without raisins) and eat doughnuts. Either simple circles or balls filled with strawberry jam. They, usually, are homemade as well. At least they were in my family.
And we decorated our home, in my childhood, with balloons and serpentiini. <- It has so many words in English that I didn't know which one would be the right one. If someone knows, please, let me know!
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nei-ning · 5 years
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Little preview about my first, more naughtier, Adoribull art. It can be found in my Pixiv! My username there is the same as here, Nei-Ning. If you need any help to see this art there, let me know! I will do whatever I can to help!
But now to bed! It’s 9am and I haven’t slept at all in whole night, ahaha! :’D But then again I don’t feel tired all that much!
EDIT: Full art here -> https://nei-ning.tumblr.com/post/184627277975/decided-to-be-brave-and-post-this-here-i-hope
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nei-ning · 5 years
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Inspired by real life socks what I saw online. If it's hard to read, those socks have a text which goes; "If you can read this bring me a glass of wine."
I apologize how Dorian looks. It's amazingly difficult to draw him in Medibang Paint unlike in Paint Tool Sai. Bull, in the other hand, I can draw super well in both programs :D Dorian seems to be more picky, ahah! But that's just fine! <3 Forces me to use Sai which I haven't use in 3 years.
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nei-ning · 5 years
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And here's the second (last) part of my little comic (calling it Rope). I have to adore Dorian in this, ahaha! Today was definitely his day :D I honestly have enjoyed making this little comic WAY too much! After little practice (serious style) I'm aiming on few pages long serious comic. Its idea has been in my head for weeks already and I'm eager to get it out of my head.
Previous / part 1 here -> http://nei-ning.tumblr.com/post/183920024555/my-first-adoribull-comic-even-if-its-silly-and
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nei-ning · 5 years
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Fast birthday art to one Adoribull fan on Facebook <3
Can you guess what Bull’s gonna give to his kadan as a birthday gift? There’s hint in the pic ;)
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nei-ning · 5 years
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Didn’t mean this to happen but ups! Hand slipped so bad, ahah! :’D But it slipped pretty damn good since, heck, Dorian looks SO DAMN GOOD! And I love it how I managed to paint his skin! O//w//O <3 (found one nice tool on Sai which is perfect for me)
And then I wanted to practice Iron Bull and, yep, that’s my very first iron Bull ever, ahah. It was amazingly EASY to work with him :3 I even asked his help and he replied to me with humor; “Who needs to be killed?” :’D But Bull’s beard is so CUTE!! I really enjoyed doing it <3
And guys, don’t worry. Some TMNT arts will come and I think I will try some paint method on them in Sai now that I have discover that one tool. I’m eager to get to test it! Plus I still has some other tmnt arts what I should do (for example that Leo what I mentioned before some time ago).
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