#doppelganger killer
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ask-doppelganger-killer · 1 year ago
True Killer? Would the others be able to see you or are you like a ghost?
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true Killer: JUST LOOK AT ME!
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hellosweetart · 9 months ago
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thescarletkiller · 3 months ago
Potential Doppelgängers for Mary and Richard
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I know they’re both dead as of the game’s current timeline but I just think it’s fun to explore what kind of doppelgängers they can have if they live during 1955.
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dulafer · 3 months ago
KILLER HEAT (my version)
I liked the concept of Killer Heat on Amazon Prime but not the ending and lack of sinister scenes. So I took some screenshots and redid it with my typical ending.
So let me know what you think - [email protected]
I'll probably be making corrections etc.. it's my typically long story. I have about 6 other stories I hope to complete over the Christmas break.
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supreme-leader-stoat · 2 months ago
The groupchat has me ranting about The Flash so you all get my abridged version of how Season 3 should have gone.
Savitar should never have been a speed force clone. My gripes about the use of the grandfather paradox aside, it reveals a disturbing slant to Barry's mind that he essentially went "a villain killed my wife, my friends are rejecting me for not being 'real,' what I need to do is go back in time and kill my wife so that my past self is forced to experience this pain."
If they wanted to tie him into the whole Flashpoint thing, what they should have done is make him a unique speedster from the flashpoint timeline; he (at least the version of himself with powers) came into existence due to Barry's meddling, but wasn't erased because his own powers protected him from the time ripple (or because he had crossed over onto another Earth at the time of the change). Now he has an undying grudge against Barry because his meddling with time travel essentially erased his home universe from existence. This not only ties into the recurrence of flashpoint metahumans throughout the season, but it forces Barry to contend with the fact that, while far more well-intentioned, he has essentially become someone else's Thawne.
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mollyrosaria · 1 year ago
Somwtjing something Francis being forced to kill to defend himself from doppels
It starts out with just one, he thinks it'll be an isolated situation, more for his own sanity than anything else, as I dont think he'd be too keen on having to kill anything, doppelganger or not.
But he just
Keeps getting fucking bombarded by them to the point where he actually starts to carry a weapon with him at all times instead of just having to break one of the glass milk bottles to make a spur of the moment weapon. Which, he was not too happy about.
Something something he's eventually forced to kill someone with the face of his own neighbor as the doorman had accidentally let a doppel inside the building, and with him having experience in killing them himself, and there not really being any time for error or for him to call the D.D.D., he just fucking kills them himself. Bonus if someone sees him do this and thinks he killed one fo the neighbors
Bonus bonus if the person who the doppel was copying sees him kill their duplicate and starts having some second thoughts about Francis as a person after seeing them kill someone with their face so easily nearly without hesitation. (There was hesitation, they just didn't see or didn't notice it.)
So uh, in this context, assuming doppel blood isn't a different color than human blood, Scarlet Milk Francis could really be the real Francis, couldnt he
ALSO bonus bonus bonus, Francie being forced to kill somebody with his own face and body, (ish, depends how weird the doppel is, like if it's Hoon man, I don't think he'd have as much trouble killing him. Don't get me wrong, he'd still have trouble with that, seeing as it's till a doppel of him, and pretty damn close to him if it weren't for the face. I do think he would be freaked the fuck out by him otherwise considering.........yknow......... just fuckin- look at him! If you had to deal with a doppel of yourself with that face, and listen to their garbled attempts at human speech as they try to fucking kill you, you'd be freaked out too.)
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askdoppelgangerandjeff · 24 days ago
hi oomf >:] got a question for orson!!
do you have issues with depth perception, due to the eye injury you sustained?
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trashy-roadkill · 5 days ago
Drew me n my friend @onebunneh 's forsaken mfs as that one woman throwing teapot meme
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ask-doppelganger-killer · 1 year ago
Tumblr just recommended this blog to me and i am OBSESSED- Killerganger gotta be one of my newest fav AU Sans' (potential fanart in a business months time)
For Horror: If you ever need any help in the kitchen, I am sending in my official application for the kitchen staff position that is ever growing (I have bakery and restaurant experience (/silly)
For Dust: (if allowed) Have some bananas and blueberries for Dust-Bunny!
For both Killers: Would both of you ever work together given the right situation?
- ☆ Annon
first question:
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Horror is happy he never has to do dishes agian. hehe (my man is making an army-)
next question:
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Dustbunny loves her treats. Dust is happy Dustbunny is happy.
Last question:
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Killerganger: Not. Likely.
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autixel · 30 days ago
DCC OC that calls the viewers "chat"
#this message was brought to you by autixel#dungeon crawler carl#can they actually talk to the viewers? no. because it's funnier that way.#they wouldn't be a yoo joonghyuk like character they'd be more like han sooyoung#in terms of personality. i could make them a streamer tho that could be fun. can't get more than like. a couple dozen viewers#maybe once or twice they broke 100.#they'd be a college student.#they went out for a smoke while their friends were in a bar. then the bar collapsed behind them‚ and they entered the dungeon#i need to make more nuanced characters my characters feel copy paste copy paste >:/ but I LIKE THIS ONE BEING A LIL SHIT#ooh maybe. maybe. they do get serious in serious situations. like a switch has been flipped. they get player killer skulls.#the charm is a facade. an appeal to the viewers. they're entertaining. Sonya#Sonya... i see you now.#you were scared. you were young. you'd never seen death. but seeing dismembered limbs of bar-goers and your party slain has changed you.#you were scared until you saw the game. till you realized. then it slipped into place. the charisma. the attitude. you had put on shows b4#it didn't bring you joy to kill those people. your people were killed. however. it was them or you. you wanted to live.#in this hellhole the world came to. you want to live. you want to get out. you're thinking about trying to make it to the exit deal.#assuming you don't die sooner. you prefer a sword. feels personal that way. I'm making you transgender. you chose doppelganger as your race.#in all the floors you manage to get through‚ there's one thing you hold on to. your lighter. it was a gift for your birthday. it's empty now#in the beginning floors you'd watch it spark and combust. it was normal. it was familiar. you just haven't felt a need to refill it.#the same lighter you carry is the same that lit your cigarette that night. it's one of the few things in your inventory that isn't dungeon#well. not magical. and even fewer things are from before. and what could be more complicated than the thing you held when everything went to#shit. you remember the stress of the upcoming semester. trivial in comparison to the stress you're under now.#you wonder if you're going grey. you wonder if you could fix it. the thought disturbs you. you miss when games were fun.
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halfsixwakeup · 2 years ago
Come to Hermitcraft Season 9! We have:
Sentient mossman obsessed with the sun
A man who's become so British that he's stealing whole buildings for his museum
Insanely powerful dictator cyborg who is scared of two (2) angry ladies
Your Grandparents' favourite minecraft Youtuber from when they were kids
A woman in a mountain mansion who may have a extra-dimensional doppelganger
An elf-deer-witch who keeps the skulls of her friends as decorations in her torture basements
Walt Disney but he's a genuinely lovely guy
A man with a rock collection who doesn't really know what this 'Geneva Convention' is but would love to go some day
A hypnotist who showed up slightly late but has a farm for just about everything
Living slime who maintains a cathedral while in a war with his neighbour
Stereotypical dwarf except he also owns an island-sized motherboard and the Empire State Building
A second cyborg with an irrational hatred of one (1) rock
Perpetually shocked man with a loveable face
The most self-depreciative engineering genius you've ever met
Crazy Australian lady who may or may not be God
A King who is both corrupted (by a curse) and corrupt (through capitalism)
Woman who drinks tea, lives in tea, gets given tea and believe it or not enjoys tea
A man possessed by a killer dungeon he spent an entire year renovating
A miner with a web of tunnels stretching the length of the world
A blood-stained card game maker
A man of honour, followed around by his evil clone, the man of dishonour
Either a normal man living in a very large train car, or a very small man living a normal train car
DoomGuy but he's very polite
Video game completionist who is so desperate for challenges he's making new ones for himself
An undead puppeteer who can bring statues to life with their magical book
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askdoppelgangerandjeff · 26 days ago
Ask Doppelgänger and Jeff!!!
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Go ahead. Ask them (or Jeff) anything! RULES:
-NO NSFW ASKS!!! Doppelgänger is 15 years old, don't. If you wanna ask Jeff something like "Hey how many bitches do you get" or something I'll be a bit more lenient since he is 26 in my au, but please don't get too crazy. -Don't overly antagonize any characters. I will not answer asks that are purposely trying to trigger characters like asking Doppelgänger about their favorite alcohol(using that as an example). Teasing IS okay though
-try not to spam asks. Multiple asks are always welcome, I love answering, but don't spam the same one over and over
-Keep it civil! Will not tolerate any hate speech
That's all from me!! information about Doppelgänger is posted on this account, backstory and some additional facts. Can't wait to start answering!!!
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neontea77 · 1 year ago
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Nina the Killer design for my story.
She is 26 in the story and still is a killer.
She lives in an abandoned house with Clockwork. She and Clockwork sells the expensive stuff they found in their victims houses and use the money for living.
But in the story I wouldnt call Nina as a Jeff fan. After some time she realized her idolized version of Jeff and the real Jeff are not the same person and in the end she starts to hate him in a way. She wants to kill Jeff cus She wants to believe that her idolized version of Jeff is actually real and the Real Jeff is just a doppelganger. She knows that the idea of all is stupid but also doesnt want to believe that all that she did for him was for nothing. She hallucinates the version she created sometimes in the story and her insanity worsens as the story goes on.
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ask-doppelganger-killer · 1 year ago
*wraps doppelganger killer in heavy blanket gently* sleep for the love of toby fox
True Killer- what HAPPENED? Are you in limbo or dead or what?
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i forgor the bandages on killerganger's skull. thanks for the blanket tho :D much appreciated. Dust will likely steal it later tho. first pic:
Killerganger: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz nightmare pov: finally... where did that blanket come from..? *horror decided to join in on the napping* second pic true killer sitting on one of the fireplaces in the castle: ...I don't know... I don't feel alive but i don't feel dead either...
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hellosweetart · 9 months ago
Doppelganger or Serial Killer? 😬
When the Scarlet Milkman comes walking in, covered in "Scarlet Milk", Francis Mosses is on the list, and the doorman can't tell if it's a doppelganger or Francis finally snapped:
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exlibrismortis · 1 year ago
very funny to me that both light and L have doppelgangers/a lookalike but one is an adored pop-star with a tv show and the other is a jam-craving serial killer who has a habit of crawling around on all fours.
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