#dont look at me ! runs into a tree trying to escape
sallymew4 · 3 months
urm warnign theres some kinda suggestive bits in these doodels maybe. theyre mostly jokes thoug so :) also half a pair uf underwear so beware !.just thouhgt i should mention ( :
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i didnt choose the fem reigen life the fem reigen life chose me.
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onskepa · 10 months
Syawn: The Beginning
Helloooooooo~!! I know the syawn series is mostly about the triplets but I wanted to shift the light back to neteyam and syawn herself. See how they met and all. Hope you all enjoy this one~!!
Syawn series
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Lights were blinding white, her mind was a bit dizzy, voices that sounded distorted become more clear as she regains her consciousness. Slowly opening her eyes, processing everything she is seeing.
"everything seems good, how do you feel syawn?" max, a fellow human scientist, asks her. Syawn slowly gets up and moans out her stretches. "So far so good, a bit weird...but amazing" she answers. Slowly max helps her sit up straight, the girls eyes fixated on her new blue hands.
Her eyes widen slightly, amazed and excitement filling her mind.
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little syawn almost tripped on a tree root, trying her best to keep up with spider. "Spider!! Wait for me! I have little legs!" she shouted to young spider.
The young boy stopped, waiting for syawn to catch up. "If you want, I can always carry you" he offered. The little girl shook her head, "no! I wanna learn how to do things on my own! besides, I dont wanna look like a baby in front of the big kids".
"Alright if you say so" spider shrugs.
"Although you will still be small to them"
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Syawn rolls her eyes playfully after max said a corny joke. After doing some simple exercises as to check of her controlling mobility, she was given a fresh set of clothing for her na'vi body. The material feels more comfortable than her human clothing.
Norm stood outside of the awakening room, getting some nostalgic memories. Syawn walks out of the room, all smiles on her na'vi face. "Looking good, how do you feel?" he asks. The girl twirls in happiness, "like I took a really good nap. This is amazing norm!".
"I am glad, I know you just got into your body, but why not go out for a little drive? Someone outside is waiting for you" norm says with a sly smirk on his face. Syawn gasps excitedly. "Yes! yes I will! Watch over my body!" she shouts while running towards the doors.
Excitement flows in her blue body, shivers running wild, the doors opens and she takes a deep breathe. The first thing she sees was the young man standing before her. The young na'vi smiles and says...
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"my name is neteyam" the oldest child says with a happy smile.
"Neteyam....I like it!" young syawn compliments. She looks up at the tall na'vi boy. They are around the same age yet he is so tall! Standing next to him, the little girl compares her height with his. "What do you eat? I wanna be tall like you!" syawn looks up at him with gleam in her bright eyes.
Young neteyam looks down at her with some form of fondness for the young human. Bending down to meet her eve level. "I eat a lot of fruits and good meat" he replies.
"She can eat as much as she want, but she will still be so tiny" lo'ak adds in, patting syawns head. Not liking it, she ticked lo'aks sides, making him squeal in high pitched.
"Hahahahahaha!!" hearted laughed escaped syawn's mouth, enjoying her little stunt. Everyone else laughed as well. Except for lo'ak who was pouting.
Neteyam pats his shoulder, "its alright brother. She is only playing". Lo'ak turned to look at him, mouth slightly. "Playing? She tickled me! Who is she to-
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"make a fool of yourself" lo'ak teases, kiri and spider were snickering as neteyam smiles.
Syawn only took a few steps outside and already tripped. She rolled her eyes and huffing a bit. Neteyam being the gentleman, picked her up. "Thank you neteyam" syawn says, neteyam smiles and gives her a playful wink, "You're welcome".
Rubbing her cheeks to prevent a possible blush, the girl joins her long time friends into the forest. Enjoying and exploring her new body. "So how does it feel? Any different?" neteyam asks, walking close to her.
"Hmmm...Well it is nice to finally breathe the air without the silly mask. Finally able to do things I wasnt able to like climb better or hold a adult size bow!" syawn replies with such enthusiasm in her voice. Twirling around childishly, cant seem to contain her excitement of this new chapter in her life.
"Neteyam, keep her company, lo'ak and I have something to prepare for syawn" kiri says. She takes lead in running at another direction, lo'ak winks at neteyam and nods before leaving, "have fun bro".
Neteyam rolls his eyes but appreciates what kiri was doing. Giving some alone time with his dear friend.
He heard a loud surprised squeal, turns and see-
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Little syawn on the floor, after tripping over nothing. Neteyam chuckled in amusement. Bending down, he smiles playfully, "you have got to be the most clumsiest human I have ever seen. Spider can walk and run faster than you".
Syawn inwardly groans. Yes, she can be clumsy. So what?
"Well I am not spider. I am me" she replies with a slight annoyance in her voice. Neteyam grabs her hands gently and helps her to stand straight up. He wont lie, his small human friend has something he cant seem to ignore. She was different from spider. More open in her words and, while a bit clumsy, bold in some ways.
"Still want to go?" neteyam asks, syawn grin widely. "Yes!" still ampt to go, she turns around to the right direction. Only a few steps and again, she fell.
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An amused chuckled broke out.
"how are you even more clumsy in your na'vi body than you are in your human body?" neteyam teases while smiling at the clumsy girl laying on the floor.
In annoyance, she blows the hair away from her face. "Instead of acting like a skxawng, assistance is needed" she replies while holding her hand up. Rolling his eyes, neteyam complies. Gripping her hand and yanks her up, perhaps a bit too quick. The girl's head landed on his chest. making her blush.
"You know, if you wanted to feel my chest you could have just asked" neteyam says with a playful grin plasted on his young dork face.
"Why you-!"
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"-stinky skxawng!" 13 year old syawn shouts at neteyam, who smirks while his tails sways in a playful manner.
"What? me? a stinky skxawng? but I thought you loved the smell of the red flowers" the boy teases. Syawn blushes a bit, why must neteyam be like this?
"Whatever! Is it too much to ask to take me to the river? I wanna collect some of the algae. Tsahik says it is good to eat" syawn says, in a way pleading to neteyam.
The boy smiles, how can he deny her?
"alright, but heading there, the path is a bit steep. Might need to carry you" he informs, syawn being a bit stubborn, shakes her head. "No, I have survived this far living in the forest, I can make it there on my-OW!".
She fell.
"Ok maybe I do need your help. Please".
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"Here, watch your step" neteyam says, making sure syawn walks with ease in the forest. Grabbing her hand, leading her wherever he is taking her.
Syawn takes in her surroundings, she has been in the forest countless of times, yet it feels like its the first time. The colors are bright, lively even.
She looks down to see her hand intertwined with neteyam's larger hand. He felt warm and soft to the touch. Has his hands always been like this? Syawn never realized it until now.
"something wrong?" neteyam asks, a bit concerned. Syawn looks up at him and shakes her head, "no, I am fine. I just never noticed your hands were this soft". That comment made neteyam's brain halt for a second. Just a second.
Ever since he was young, neteyam's hands had so many scars from doing his chores, training, or doing something else. His father always mentions his 'rough hands'. How its good, to show he is becoming a man. However, It is the first time to hear someone, especially his close friend, say something otherwise.
It feels nice. To be told he has soft hands.
It feels nice to be with syawn. Ever since as pre-teen, neteyam has always seen syawn as something a bit more than a human friend. Someone he holds dear to his heart. Someone he sees in a different light. Whenever he is with her, life shifts to a brighter light. Things become more interesting, never boring, and always eager to see or hear what syawn has to say.
"Neteyam, if its possible, perhaps I can finally do my iknimaya...?" syawn hesitantly asks. Neteyam blinks a bit, he hasnt thought of that. With her na'vi body, she could be more welcomed to the clan. Join him in hunting, cook with others, fly on her own ikran, find a ma-
His thoughts stopped. One thing at a time.
"I remember when you passed your iknimaya, you were simply-"
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"-amazing" 15 year old syawn comments in awe to neteyam. He just completed his iknimaya. Syawn was the first he wanted to see, to show that is he now an adult. To prove to her, he made it, and can do much more.
Taking her hands into his rough larger hands, gently stroking her knuckles, his eyes bore deep into hers. "I made it...I made it, syawn" he repeats in almost disbelief.
"You did...I know you could neteyam. And I am so happy for you" syawns words brought peace and comfort to the sully boy. Both blush slightly, syawn was more noticeable, but with neteyam, it hid easily under the white paint decorated on his face and body.
A small giggle escaped her lips.
"Come, I wants to show you something before the celebration begins" syawn says. Leading the taller na'vi somewhere, farther away from the clan's ground.
"Where are you taking me?" he asks, his interest piqued in his voice. "It is a surprise. I cant tell you otherwise it wont be a surprise anymore silly" syawn replies.
It was a little ways towards the east, hidden in the lush plants and large flowers. A perfect wall of disguise over the real thing.
Syawn gently moves the plants out of the way, for neteyam to take in the view. He gasps in awe. There in front of him was a small lake, on the other side was a decent size cave with a fire already burning in the center. Baskets full of food and items inside. It looked like a small little hide out.
"Do...you like it?" Syawn asks nervously. Waiting for neteyam's reaction.
He turns to her and picks her up like nothing and spins around making syawn shriek in surprise. "Neteyam!!" she calls out, but neteyam just laughs. Truly, syawn is something.
Finally putting her down, she readjusts herself. "Come, there is a lot to show you", grabbing his hand again. Syawn leads neteyam around the sparkling lake, to the inviting warm cave.
"Oh syawn....it is-"
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"-Beautiful" syawn says in awe. She was surprised and amazed. Their little cave, what was once their own little hiding spot, abandoned and now restored. It was more beautiful than when she did it.
The lake was still beautiful, shinning under the bright sunlight, flowers blooming around. The cave glowing with inviting colors, food already prepared. It was simply lovely.
"I thought we were never coming back here again. I am glad to come back here. Did you fix all of this by yourself?" syawn asks while admiring neteyam's work.
Standing in a specific spot, neteyam smiles a bit too hard. "Yes, took some time but it was all me" he says.
While hiding kiri and lo'ak who were quickly leaving the area.
Syawn whistles impressed with all she sees, "must have taken you months since this place was overgrown with plants and other things".
3 weeks thanks to the help of his siblings really.
"But, I am glad. Coming back here reminds me of so many fun memories..." syawn says with a distance in her voice. Neteyam gets closer, his heart thumping loud in his chest.
Syawn noticed neteyam getting closer, her blue cheeks turning purple. Even with her new body, it seems she cant control how she truly feels for the sully boy.
Whenever he is near, her heart jumps in joy and her brain gets short circuit. She was never in denial of her true feelings for neteyam. Syawn held these strong feelings for a long time.
"you know neteyam..." syawn begins.
Neteyam's ears perk up. Trying to hide a smile. "Yes?" he speaks, gently urging her to continue.
Rubbing her arms trying to ease herself, syawn continues.
"For a long while...I have-
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"-strong feelings for you" 15 year old syawn says to a photo of neteyam in her hands.
"UURRGGHH!! what am I doing?!" shoving the picture up to her face. Feeling immense cringe. How is syawn going to do this? How can she confess to neteyam sully, her friend, that she has romantic feelings?
It is impossible.
"oh eywa...why must I be in this situation only to feel stuck?" she pleads.
Neteyam sully, her friend, her dearest treasured friend. Someone she cant seem to live her life without. Someone she relies on in a deep level. Someone who syawn can always chat with, never running out of topics to talk about. Neteyam the boy whom captured her heart.
"oh ewya...can it happen...?" syawn questions out to the great mother, but more to herself. She, a human, can she ever be with a na'vi? Can syawn give what neteyam seeks? What does neteyam seek anyways?
So many questions swirl in her mind. So many questions, so many doubts. A lot of things can go wrong. A lot of things wont go how she desires. And many wont be happy to know that the beloved prince of the Omatikaya clan being fawned over by a mere sky demon. 
“Please eywa…I am scared…guide me to the right path…I love him”
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“Have…” Syawn tries her best to say the words she desperately wants to say. Neteyam nods his head, as means to have her say what she wanted to say. Yet, Syawns bright eyes move from side to side, looking at anything but the boy in front of her. 
A spark of hope blooms deep in Neteyam's chest. He knows that reaction, better than anyone. For he does the same when talking about Syawn. Gently Neteyam places his finger under Syawn’s chin, making her look at him straight in the eyes. As if he had any doubts, all were gone just by seeing Syawn’s cheeks turn purple. Neteyam smirks, oh this makes things easier. 
“Have what syawn?” he whispers, teasingly close to her lips. 
All train of thought left Syawn's brain. 
“I….n-neteyam please…” she whispers weakly while pushing neteyam away with no real effort. Neteyam wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer, leaving no room between them. His lips close to her sensitive na’vi ear. 
“Say it….say what you want to say…..please….” his voice low, whispering in a begging way. He wants to hear it, needs to hear it. To hear the words fall from syawns would bring his dying wish come true. 
Perhaps that's what Syawn needed, a push. 
“Neteyam Sully…..I love you…more than a friend, more than a best friend, I love you as a lover. Everytime I see you, my heart races, my brain can't think straight and my eyes get stuck looking at you. You are incredible, outside from being a warrior, I love how caring and gentle you can be. Soft yet stern, mighty yet steady, strong yet fair. I love all of these qualities about you and more..!!” 
Emotional tears fall from Syawns blushing face. She finally let out what she dearly wanted to say at last!! 
Happiness doesn't begin to cover what neteyam is feeling. Has Eywa finally granted him this? To hear the girl of his dreams to feel what he feels? To see who neteyam is in Syawn’s eyes? To finally-
“But it is best that we remain as friends” 
As if a bullet could, the sharp words pierced neteyam’s heart. His smile falls, grip loosening, and dread spreads all over his mind. 
“What? Why? Syawn I-” 
Soft fingers lay on his lips, preventing to say anything further. Regret and pain was written all over syawn’s pretty face. “Please…while I now have this body. It doesn't erase the fact I am human. As embarrassing as this might sound…I often fantasize about us being…together. Being called your mate, being one with you. I dreamed of all that and more. But this is reality. The clan won't accept a ‘sky demon’ to be mated with you. You are their pride and joy and hold high expectations. I am not sure-” 
Syawn was silenced by the softest blue lips to have ever kissed her. 
Taking the chance of silence, neteyam slowly pulls away. Letting Syawn process what just happened. “I dont give a damn what the others think. Human, na’vi, I don't care. So long as it is you Syawn. That is all I ever care about. I love you Syawn, I see you as you, for you”. 
Finally, at long last neteyam says what he longed to say. To voice the strong feelings he felt for a long time. And to the girl who stole his heart. Syawn. 
The girl in question stared at him, mouth slightly open in surprise. “I see you Syawn, and I mean it. From my very soul. Let me love you, fulfill your wish and be one with you”. As if the words have pulled Syawn in a trance, she leans closer, and whispers the long awaited words “I see you…” 
Neteyam brings her close again. Tears fall, from who it is not known. Emotions flowed from the two, letting all that was built inside be poured out. The sunlight illuminates their glow, and kiss under the warmth of the sun. Happiness was all they felt. And a new possible future of their endless hopes and dreams widens a path to explore. 
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that is all for this one! This took me FOREVER!
But I am glad this is finally finished! tell me what you all think! Until next time! See ya!
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Taglist: @quirkyhero , @theunfortunateplace , @moonchildxoxx , @galactict3a , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @cloudyw1ndzz
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whumpy-wyrms · 18 days
The Last Lab Rat CYOA #3
tllr au masterlist | tllr masterlist
content: second person pov, sprained ankle, home invasion, manhandling, needles, creepy whumper
You chose: Run home now. It’s not far and you think you can make it.
Before the man can get any closer and find you curled up behind the dumpster and do who-knows-what to you, you dart out of your hiding spot and out of the alley, ignoring the stinging pain in your ankle as you run down the street.
“Shit,” you hear the man murmur under his breath and pick back up his pace after you.
You run as fast as you can, obviously limping now, but that doesn’t stop you. And finally, finally, you see your apartment. Home.
An eerie silence fills the air as you hobble towards it, and you look around apprehensively. There are suddenly no frantic footsteps like before, no shadow of the man behind you, no voice calling out for you. He’s absolutely nowhere to be seen.
Goosebumps spread across your skin as you walk up the steps to your front door. Your eyes trail your surroundings as you fish your keys from your pocket. There’s… There’s no way he just gave up, right? You swallow your nerves and burst through the door, slamming it shut behind you and locking it.
You lean back against the locked door and let out a huge sigh of relief. You’re home. You’re safe.
You flip on a lightswitch and try to step forwards when a sharp pain jolts through your leg. Right. You grab hold of the wall and limp your way to the kitchen, not worrying about hurrying too badly anymore. You plug your phone in and drink some water while you wait for it to turn on. You can do nothing but wait now, since you live alone. Your phone is still the only thing you have to call for help.
A small noise from behind you pulls you out of your brief moment of peace.
Before you can turn around, a hand clamps over your mouth and pulls you back against someone, trapping you in place. “Gotcha,” a voice rings in your ears. “Shhh, don’t scream. I won’t hurt you.”
It happened so fast, you could barely register it. The man following you— he had somehow gotten into your home. And now he has you.
You struggle against his grip and try to push yourself away, but he wraps another arm around you and pulls you against his chest, pinning your arms to your side. You can’t get away. He’s so much stronger than he looked.
Across the counter, you see your phone screen finally light up in the dark. If only you could just reach over and grab it. You futilely try to step forwards, but your ankle sends jolts of pain through your body, causing you to let out a pained whimper.
“Don’t move,” he says into your ear. Before you can react, he removes his arm from around your body, and pulls something out of his pocket. You reach your now free arms up to pry at the hand covering your mouth, but he just tightens his hold, pulling your head closer and tilting it slightly to the side.
Something cold and sharp presses to your neck. Your heart pounds in your chest.
“This is gonna sting a little.”
There’s no way out of this.
i made the poll duration one day so i can get the next part out faster since this one was a bit short! sorry for the long wait i completely forgot about this oopsie
taglist: @creppersfunpalooza @whumpsday @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @inkwell-and-dagger @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@vidawhump @bottlecapreader
let me know if you want to be removed or added to the taglist!
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alexa-fika · 7 months
Tree Escapades (Rayleigh x gn!child!reader x Shakky )
A/N Here we go! I was heavily inspired by @novelbear and used quite a bit of their parent prompts to be able to do this one, of course instead of parents it’s our favorite grandparents : ), also check out my thinking sketch for this, I strive to have everything organized and proffesional
Reader is replaced by Dokusha here, which stands for reader in Japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Hahaha! Catch me if you can, Grandpa!” the small child screams joyously, running away from Rayleigh
Rayleigh couldn’t help but chuckle as the child ran away from him, his legs quickly moving as he ran behind the little kid.
“Oh, I don’t think I’ll have any problem doing that little rascal. You’ll get nowhere!”
They only receive a loud laugh in response as they dart away from view
“Dokucha!” he calls, falling after them
“You can’t run off like that, my love, you could get hurt,” he calls out, looking around for the child
"Dokusha, where are you? I know you’re around here; where are you?” he continues to scan the area, his eyes narrowed as he spoke, the expression on his face shifting from amusement to worry as he spots the child slowly climbing up one of the nearby trees
“Woah! Okay! Maybe let’s not do that!” he says, quickening his pace to stand below the tree
They stick their tongue out at him
“Grandpa can’t catch me now!”
Rayleigh couldn’t help but crack up at Dokusha’s attitude; the little child had clearly gotten the spunky personality of his captain.
He rolls his eyes as he activates and envelops his arm with busoshoku Haki and gives the tree a swift hit, causing the child to stumble on their climb
In a last-ditch effort to keep themselves on the tree, they take hold of one of the fruitful branches, only gaining to get a hold of a fruit before the branch caves in under their weight, and they fall straight into the awaiting hands of their grandfather
Rayleigh chortled as he cradled the child close to his chest, running his hands along their head and checking the child for any injuries
“Haha, you're in enough trouble, Dokusha. What were you thinking?” Rayleigh was trying to seem stern, but he couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he looked at them
They giggle in their grand-fathers arm, glancing at their own arm and the fruit they had pulled down with them and inching it towards their mouth
Rayleigh quickly snatched the hand and fruit from Dokusha's grasp
“Ah-Ah, don’t eat that; you don’t know if these fruits are safe to eat.”
Rayleigh playfully pinches the child’s nose
“Don’t you boohoo me, little rascal!” they said, throwing the child over his shoulders
They squeal as he does, banging their tiny fists on his back, a string of laughs escaping them as they did
Rayleigh laughed as he felt them pounding on his back as he carried them around
“I’ll have you know, Dokusha.. you're a little troublemaker. But a cute one, though I don’t think Shakky will be very happy with you once she hears of this.”
“No! Don’t tell Grandma!” they whine
“Hmm… maybe, maybe not. If you’re good and promise not to do it, then I won’t tell her, but if you misbehave, I’ll be forced to tell her that my darling Dokusha is a little devil.” a he stops to ‘think’ putting the hand that was not holding the child over his shoulder on his chin pretending to think hard
“ On the other hand, I don’t see any reason not to. You did something stupid and potentially dangerous. Maybe some time-out will change that.”
“Yep, I have made up my mind. Should have thought twice thinking you could outrun your dear grandpa,” he says, entering the bar, Shakky standing behind the counter, the usual cigarette in her hand
“Looks like you two were having fun.”
“We sure were! Aren’t they just the cutest thing, and they have something to tell you as well, don’t they?”
Rayleigh said, pulling them from his shoulders and placing them on his hip, ignoring how they shook their head
“Don’t tell grandma!”
Rayleigh gave the child a slight squeeze on the side before he sighed and rolled his eyes*
“We have had this conversation. You are not going to get off the hook so easily,” Rayleigh said, crossing his arms and looking at Shakky, who was smiling
“Looks like our little rascal has been having a little too much fun,” Shakky said, taking a drag of her cigarette
“And I would very much like to know what it is that my little grandbabe has been up to.”
“Dokusha was up to no good as usual; I caught them when they decided to climb a tree, and when I stopped her from eating a fruit, they started bawling like a baby, saying, ‘Nooo, don’t tell grandma!’ They’re quite the little rascal, aren’t they?”
“I didn't bawl like a baby!” they protest
“Hmm, really? Could of fooled me,” Rayleigh replied as he looked at the child.
“Dokusha…” begins Shakky
They wince as they hear the stern tone in their grandmother's voice
“Dokusha, we talked about you climbing trees. You can not keep climbing trees; you will hurt yourself,” Shakky says, her tone very stern as she frowns at the little child
“We have also talked about you running off on your own, especially playing your little games without telling us you are playing said games,” she scolds
“And that is the last time I hear of you misbehaving; we have had this discussion far too many times for you to be still acting out,” she says firmly but with a slight twinge of a smile,
“Are we understood?”
“Yes, Grandma.”
“Oh, and no treats for you.”
“Now go wash your hands; dinner is almost ready,” she said as she watched the child glower
Rayleigh chuckled as he put them down, and they stood their ground, pouting with their arms crossed
“Hm? Do I hear a week without treats?”Rayleigh said, cupping his ear
Shakky, catching on, nods her head
“I think I hear it too.”
Rayleigh laughs as the child quickly rushes over to the sink and wash their hands; Shakky can’t help but chuckle along
“I'm washing!”
“Well, aren't they well-behaved?”
Rayleigh nods, still laughing slightly
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If only I could write my school essays as easy as I write these…
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
people's reaction to avery getting kidnapped head canons
the person who requested the jameson kidnapping head canons also requested i do this for avery so here it is! this is my only post today cause i had no time to write last night (i write them at night but post in the morning). hope you like them <3. @never-enough-novels asked to be tagged and also inspired some of these hcs.
he'd immediately get out his emergency alcohol stash for situations like this. it contains all of the strongest, most expensive alcohol on the market.
he is looking for clues day and night. he does not stop to eat, drink, sleep, talk (unless it has to do with clues or smth), breathe, etc.
at some point, though, he faints due to overworking himself and shit and he wakes up in nash's arms. he starts wailing and nash is there stroking his hair comforting him cause he can't breathe.
he would literally murder the person who kidnapped her the second he found them. he'd probably plunge a knife into his dick and electrocute his balls (if he's a guy).
he'd kiss her all over and cuddle her the second they got her back. he would literally not let anyone touch her and he wouldn't let go of her (not even to let the doctors and professionals give her a check up to make sure she’s alright, he’d insist on doing it himself with the doctor’s instructions).
has literally hired all of the best private investigators/police officers in the world to help cause he knows that the longer it takes to find her, the more chances there are she's already dead (and he doesn't like knowing she's suffering)
he'd be thinking up the worst case scenarios in his head (jamie too). torture/murder/SA, etc.
he's being reminded of emily the whole time and how he lost her. he thinks the same is happening to avery
he's clinging onto xander the entire time bc he's freaking out and running around everywhere, and someone needs to make sure xander doesn't accidently fall out of a window.
ends up stealing from jamie's emergency alcohol stash bc he's dying on the inside.
xander (he's extremely worried and sad but im gonna make some slightly funnier hcs cause yk):
it happens so often he created some sort of emergency alert system that goes off on everyone's phone when she goes missing (dont ask me how this works).
actually considers buying cocaine to loosen up (and actually buys it). nash catches him coming back home though and runs around after him trying to smack his head whilst xander is also running and swinging himself off of tree branches to escape his scary ass brother.
the entire situation in my last head canon convinced xander to try to act like a monkey for an entire to day to see what it would be like and note the differences between how humans and monkeys act (although he doesn't do it while avery is gone cause he's too scared about her dying and shit)
doesn't actually end up doing drugs though and gives it to the police officers cause they are being run dry by grayson and he pities them.
he's creating a gift bag/care package for avery for when she returns. he's gaslit himself into thinking there's a 100% possibility that she is returning (the one time he's allowed himself to calculate smth wrongly)
trying to pretend this is an episode of keeping up with the kardashians (even though he hates the kardashians) to lighten things up.
steals cocaine from the police officers bc he needs it too. he is completely freaking out.
in a corner holding libby in his arms, rocking her back and forth, telling her everything will be ok, and that he'll do anything in his power to get avery back.
literally puts the handcuffs on the kidnapper himself and drags his ass to jail (not before giving him a good beating)
he's cleaning up all of the branches that xander ripped off of the trees somehow when he was running away from him.
after the kidnapping, he literally does not let avery out of his sight. he's is constantly following her and keeping oren company during his night shifts.
literally crying in the corner having a panic attack. she's trying to curl in on herself and make herself small in order to not bother the officers and stuff. (sad ik but i think this is in character)
she's binge eating bc that's when she does when she's nervous but can't bring herself to bake stuff.
at some point tried to go bake but thought the huge bag of cocaine xander got his hands on was flour and she ended up ruining the batch of cupcakes (this was close to when they found avery so it didn't mess with the investigation. also they realized not long after they were baked so..)
helping xander create the gift bag/care package bc he offered and she needs a distraction.
the second they find the kidnapper, she bashed this guy so hard he ended up crying. people just stared at her in shock bc they did not know she could talk to someone like that (but also impressed)
she is considering taking the drugs xander bought but is scared her mom will somehow find out.
she's trying to convince xander that he is not capable of playing in the next tarzan film just bc he's capable of swinging on tree branches
when they find the kidnapper, she swears so hard (not her fake swearing) people are terrified. she looks like she'd be capable of killing everyone in the room in one sweep. (even grayson and oren are scared)
she's knitting a blanket with nan in order to get her hands to do smth other than shake and shit. nan tries to get her to talk about all of the gossip at her school and stuff to distract her.
she adds the kidnapper's name to her burn book.
she is literally having an aneurysm trying to stop grayson from getting the entire hawthorne family canceled cause he's treating the officers like shit.
actually hugs and kisses avery's cheek when they find her. she was terrified but would never admit that to anyone.
he is constantly on coffee runs trying to keep everyone awake so they can find avery.
hooks up with zara after they find her bc he needs to unwind somehow.
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lab1rynth · 1 year
Hey Pb, I’ve got a request for you. What were to happen if reader was able to escape from Yan! Mortician? How would he react and how soon would he find them if they had help? You can keep reader gn if you like.
Miss 🍯
YAN!MORTICIAN when you escape
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It was late at night, you're beloved Mortician had been long asleep by that time. He had been so kind to you recently, moving you guys to a comfy and quaint house, where he let you roam freely and do as you pleased (with a few exceptions).
Though you had one thing in mind, even with all of the niceties, you still couldn't bring it in you to love him, so you decided tonight was the time to leave. You gently climbed out of bed, praying that your movements dont wake him as your feet finally hit the cold hard-wood floor, slightly flinching at the creaks as you set your weight down.
You hadn't planned on taking anything with you, there was nothing here you needed, your Mortician didn't even have any phones, at least not ones you know of. The clothes on your body was all you were going to take as you quietly snuck out of the room, then out of the house all together.
Once you felt the cold chill of the midnight air, you suddenly started sprinting into the deep woods that surrounded the house. You had no clue where you were going, you just sprinted until you couldn't anymore. You were not able to find your way out of the woods, sadly, it seemed as if your Mortician planned on you running away.
You sat yourself down against a tree, huffing as you tried to catch your breath. Leaning your head back against the tree behind you as you eventually felt tears wet your eyes. You were never going to get out of this, were you?
Thats all you could remember until everything went black.
You woke up once again to the sounds of shoes crunching against the earths floor, you frantically got up and started making a run for it but was quickly stopped by an arm tightly wrapped around your waist and another covering your mouth. You struggled against the arms, causing them to grow tighter, "Hush now, Pumpkin," your Mortician spoke, "If you keep struggling Im going to have to hurt you, and I dont think either of us want that."
The threat made you stop, and let out a small sob into his hand, going limp as he then picked you up over his shoulder. At this point you didn't want to fight, you knew it'd all be useless and you'd end up back and that house again. You were wasting your energy trying to run away and he had tried to remind you of that again and again. You finally decided to listen.
The walk wasn't as long as you thought it would be, only around 10 minutes. You thought you ran farther than that but apparently time slows down when you're in fear. The Mortician pushed open the door with his boot, kicking the boots off as he walked inside. He sat you down on a couch and looked you over, checking your body for any bruises or cuts before he sighed.
"Im very cross with you, Pumpkin. Not only did you try to run away from the life we've built but you could of been seriously hurt," He mumbled, before picking you up once again and bringing you to you shared room, locking the bedroom door behind him. He slipped you off of his shoulder into a small cushioned chair as you continued to just sob and go limp. He grabbed a rope from a box below the bed, trying it around your limbs to the chair, "Honey, you're gonna have to stay here until you regain my trust, alright? Im not angry, but you really hurt me with your actions and you need to think about what you've done," He spoke, his fingers holding your chin forcing you to look up at him.
"I love you, and I know deep down you love me. You're just scared, darling, and I can understand that," The Mortician kissed your forehead, moving one of his hands up to wipe away your tears, "I'll make you some of your happy food, alright? You sit here and calm down and I'll be back."
You knew he normally laced the food with anti-depressants, depending on how you've been, he'd lace the food with other medications but you caught him once with the anti-depressants so that you know for sure. There was nothing you could do about it at this point though, nothing but cry.
You were horrified, fuck, you were never gonna get out of here.
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onepiece-asl-lover · 5 months
Part 1 "The beginning"
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You are quietly walking in the hallways of the Clestial Dragon ship. Silently wiping your bloody child hands on your ripped robe,and hide in a crate that would be thrown overboard. The Celestial guards grab the crate as you cover your mouth with your hands to not make noise. The guards throw the crate over board with some other unnecessary items, not knowing they have let a slave escape.
Finally escaped.. from the hands of the Celestial Dragon. Your not sure if you will make it, just being stuck in a crate at the dead of night. So you slowly open the top of crate and go into the water as cold water hits your skin. You can still see the ship not to far away from you so you have to be quiet. You see what looks like several hills, moutains, cliff? Whatever it was it might be helpful in your escaping. You climb the cliff, your hands and feet bleeding. You keep climbing carefuly and focus on your grip or you'll fall. You almost missed your footing but regained it again and finally reached the top of the cliff.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding trying to calm yourself from the spike of adrenaline rush. You're finally...safe.. You see that up here there is a forest with trees that are 50x bigger than you. You slolwy stand up as pain washes over your body, you fall face first on the grass, dirt covering your cheek. You stand up once more now being able to hold yourself up. Throwing the hood that is attached to the robe over your head to cover your face. Now start walking into the forest.
After a couple of steps you put one foot in the ground, more like one foot in the grave as you hear your feet bone "crack"now probably broken. You shake it off and keep walking, as the chains that uses to hold you, slides on the ground, around your feet, neck, wrist..especially sea stone which was even worse. You dont dare make a sound a you step on a sharp object. "Shh"you tell yourself or they might hear you. "Run from the ship, all you need is your name" you tell yourself as you still feel the carving of your name in the seastone collar. You wipe the sweat on your brow and you feel your blood running through your veins.
You shake your head as "what if" thoughts run through your head. "Dont think twice, you'll be dead in the second. If I dont find a safe place" You think to yourself as you keep speed-walking looking for anyone who can help you. Your neck and chest are starting to ache and ache. You let out a scream in pain as you try to keep your ground. You turn your eyes from your hands to the heaven as you pray for some good luck to come. You pass through every thought that happen before being captured by the Celestial Dragons. Your life wasn't good before you got captured but you had freedom. Killed your pride.
You keep your guard up already killling a few animals that were about to attack, turning your fear into a wepon. Oh how long you've walked and your body feels like its about to collapse, your eyelids slowly closing. " No. Dont you let them take control or take my soul now" you tell yourself as you keep walking.
You see a house or somthing like that and it has people inside and god they were LOUD! "Will they help me, or mabye they w.." "no, no time for takebacks." Your vision slolwy blurring and becoming fuzzy. With the last energy you knock on the door. You see a shadow walking to the door from the inside "its not the devil at the door jeez" you hear a person say from inside and you see your shadow on the floor before you collapse onto the ground. You see in a blurty sight a big person probaly a man with orange hair and a cigar, with a white blouse. Then everything goes black.
A/n:Ima make a part 2 so dont worry, i had this idea and wanted to make a comic but thats not going to happen so im now writing a fic.
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kookblurx · 1 year
1920 - jjk [ chpt 5. ]
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→ SUMMARY: a photo of a beautiful smiling boy; an old tree in your grandparents garden ... and a feeling of sadness. all those things are connected to each other ...
→ GENRE: time travel au; changing fate au; rencarnation au; university au; death; sickness; historical setting; trigger topics; smut; dirty talk; switching between present and the past.
→ chapt. 4 / chapt. 6
→ RATING: 18+ [ I HIGHLY RECOMMEND MINORS DNI with this chapter! ]
→ NOTE: HUGE DISCLAIMER, this story plays in a fantasy setting. the world YN lives in doesnt exist, neither jungkooks. so please dont mention anything just because its not historically correct. this is piece of art. so yes, jungkook wears armor like a knight and no there are no guns in his time period. thanks.
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The Past:
everything was quiet as you closed your eyes, apperantly thats something you need to do, before the reaching the said destination in the past. slowly more and more sounds were travelling to your ear ... but something was strange. i didnt sounded like people running around in a mansion, or villagers on busy streets ... it was loud, there were screams. iron clang into each other, as soon as a hurtful scream reached your ears, you finally opened your eyes. right in front of you was pure horror, a scene you only had seen on the tv screen. you were hidden behind a large rock as you peeked over the edge. there it was, a hundred, no thousand of man running into each other with their swords. many of them were laying on the ground, you couldnt tell if they were dead of unconscious. some of them surely werent breathing anymore.
with terrified eyes you turned around to the fairy "what is this?! i thought you would bring me to the place were that picture was taken!"
"i-i dont know what happened really! maybe this ... place called for you"
"called for me?! im a damn woman on a freaking battlefield, i will get killed within seconds ... or worse" a shudder ran through your body as you remembered all the stories about war in one of your lectures.
"I-Im sorry, i will try to figure out how to bring you back ... just, just stay here" with those words the fairy vanished into thin air. leaving you between dead bodies and fighting man.
the whole situation was terrifying. shaking in fear you leaned against the sone with your back, hoping that no one would find you here. another scream was heard, you could hear how the blood gushed out of his mouth.
"hurry .." your voice was only a whisper as you waited for the fairy to return.
at the same time a familiar voice catched your attention "I got him! without them their front will be weak. we should hurry before they call for back up!"
slowly your head appeared from behind the stone. a few metres away from you was a man, he pulled his sword out of the other man's chest. the sound it made was disgustin. with a smile the man turned to the side so you were able to see his face. in front of you stood jimin, he cleaned his sword on his leg.
"good work jmin"
hooves could be heard on the ground as a horse drew near. heavy boots made the mud on the ground splatter into different directions. the man who just jumped down from his horse was no other than jungkook. same as jimin he wore a heavy armor with an iron plate around his chest. jungkook looked fine, his body was covered in blood but it wasnt his. on his cheek was a deep cut, however he seemed overall fine to you. a relieved sigh escaped your lips as you kept watching them. this must be the "war" jimin spoke about before you were thrown out of Jungkook's bedroom.
"damn fairy ..." you mumbled to yourself. if you were able to stay longer, maybe he would had stayed back.
the two man in front of you kept laughing as they moved the corpses near the stone you were hiding. automatically you held your breath, hoping they wouldnt see you. you were supposed to be somewhere else, it was too risky to reveal yourself now. maybe something like this could change the future into a negative direction.
suddenly the horse got nervous. his hooves scraped on the ground, dugging deep holes into the muddy ground.
"whats wrong buddy?" jimin walked over to the horse. no one was around and he couldnt see anyone.
"maybe hes just hungry, its been a while since we ate something" as usual jungkook was more than optimistic. he also didnt sensed any kind of danger in that moment.
you saw how jimin just shrugged before he got back to moving the dead bodies to the side. you didnt knew why they did that but the nervous horse made you nervous too. something was wrong. an animal would never react this way if there isnt any danger. while the boys were busy you kept looking around. at least someone should keep watch.
"but ... how will i be able to help.." you mumbeled to yourself.
at the same moment the horse let out a loud "scream". with a heavy thud it fell to the ground. an arrow had hitted it right into its left leg. the wound wasnt fatal but enough to made the horse panic. it was squirming on the ground as jimin was quick enough to pull the arrow out of its leg.
"jungkook! we need to go!"
jimin tried to push the horse up again, he was successful but the animal had other plans. as more arrows were raining down it made a break for it. leaving the man behind. jungkook turned his head which made you dissapear behind the stone again.
"well too late i guess" he drew his sword as 5 man approached them. they werent too friendly.
the next thing you heard were sounds of swords getting smashed into each other, mixed with screams. deep inside you prayed that those screams didnt belonged to jimin or jungkook.
slowly you peaked again. the ground was painted in red, there was so much blood that it moved towards your stone. as you lifted your head a gruesome scene played right in front of you. jimin was bleeding heavily as he held his stomach. one sword in his shaky hand, he was standing in front of something, or rather in front of someone. your fingers dug deep into the mud as you finally moved your head to the body jimin was protecting. at the same time your heart sunk deep into your stomach. on the ground was jungkook, a puddle of blood had formed underneath him. his breathing was faint but still there.
"go and fuck yourself" jimin couldnt do more than only standing his ground.
the man in front of him chuckled. this is it. they will both die here. so many thoughts were running through your head as a second man tackled jimin to the ground. he held his arms as the other guy slowly moved forward to jungkooks body.
"finally, finally we will kill the war hero. his legacy will end here and us ... the Min Clan will rule over this country"
"no! i wont let you assholes kill him!" jimin was still struggling underneath the second soldier.
you could tell by the draining colour of his face that he already lost a lot of blood. the struggling just made it worse. the man in front of jungkook lifted his sword, ready to pierce it right through his heart. jungkook coughed on the ground, eyes still closed.
" .... no ... i cant .. NO!"
new strength went right into your legs as you leaped forward from behind the stone. your shoes sank into the mud as you ran into the direction of jungkook. you nearly stumbled a few times and to your suprise you managed to crash into the soldiers body, making him stumble to the side.
"YN?!" jimin's eyes widen "are yoz stupid?! what are you doing here?! run! hide!"
the moment the man regained balance you immediately kneeled down into the mud, both of your arms wrapped arounds jungkooks body as you pressed him close to you.
"i cant! you wont hurt him!"
both of them man were laughing now as the one came back to you, sword lifted "i wont mind killing you both honey".
you pressed your face against Jungkook's cheek. it didnt mattered if you died here, as long he can survive its fine. but there was still one chance and you decided to take it.
"please ... stop this! bring me ... bring us home! please bring us home and save him!" you shouted at the top of your lung. a warm and cozy light started to surround the both of you.
it was so calming and warm that you closed your eyes. against your chest you could feel jungkook's heartbeat, steady and strong as you succumbed to the darkness.
The Present:
"YN?! YN wake up!" someone shook your body, hard.
a grunt left your lips as you slowy moved your body to the side. something heavy was laying on your arm so you forced your eyes open. right in front of you was jimin, looking terrified.
"What .. what the fuck is this YN?! what the fuck.. WHO IS THIS!"
slowly you moved your head to your left side. it was hard to notice something as your eyes needed to adjust to the brightness in the room. jimin kept shaking you as another grunt was heard. this time it wasnt from you. the moment you heard that your body was up and wide awake. finally you manage to see who was right beside you and for a moment you thought you were dreaming.
"tell me this is a fucking sick joke" jimin was still talking with you but you really didnt heard him.
right beside you was jungkook, still bleeding. another jolt went through your body as you pulled your arm out from underneath him. the next thing you did was pushing jimin away from you.
"shut up and help me!"
"he is bleeding. stop acting like an idiot. next to the library is a bathroom get the first aid kit from there" you sat right beside jungkook, trying to get the iron plate off of him.
"fine. but you owe me a fucking explanation" mumbling to himself jimin made his way to the bathroom next door.
in the meantime you were able to remove all the armor from his body. kook's white shirt was drenched in blood as you unbuttoned it with shaking hands. you were scared that his wound might be untreatable. taking him to a hospital wasnt an option, you didnt had a drivers license and jimin doesnt seem like he came by car.
your hands were completely covered in blood as you opened the shirt. there was a deep wound in his abdomen but it didnt looked fatal. it was just bleeding a lot. examining the wound further jimin finally came back with the first aid kit.
as you tend to his wounds, wrapping bandages around his body, jimin still had a big question mark on his face.
"would you believe me if i tell you that i can travel back in time and .. this is Jeon jungkook?"
"with every other scenario i would say you are freaking crazy but this-" jimin pointed at the bleeding jungkook "this isnt damn normal. so yes, for now i believe you"
a sigh escaped your mouth as you explained the whole situation to jimin. he really believed you, at least for now. after kook was all bandaged up, jimin helped you to get him into your bedroom. the hardest part would be to hide him from your grandparents. before jimin went home he helped you to hide the armor in the back of the basement. no one went there for years so it was well hidden there. the blood on the library floor was something you insisted to clean by yourself. it was your fault in the first place that he got here.
exhausted you finally got into your room around 4am in the morning. to your relief kooks breathing was stable and the wound stopped bleeding. you leaned against the bed with your back thinking about everything that just happened. you saved him but what now?
"we are in big trouble.." from the corner of the room the fairy finally made herself noticable. you had sensed her a while ago.
"i know ..."
"i dont even know how you managed that ... bringing him with you. because this wasnt my doing" with a serious expression the fairy looked over to the bed.
"well ... it is what it is now ... I just dont know what will happen now"
suddenly the fairy looked a little bit cheerful "dont worry, i will go back and check what this ... incident will cause in the past. for now, make sure he will feel better soon. i wont be able to send him back like this"
with those words the fairy vanished again. hopefully nothing bad will happen and hopefully jimin is fine. at least jimin still exist in your time so that must mean he was saved back on the battlefield. maybe the light caused auch a disturbance that he was able to free himself?
your mind was going crazy as you leaned your head back. your whole body was aching from worry. it didnt took you long before you succumbed to the darkness. the last thing you notices was, how something shifted on your bed and how someone placed a hand on the top of your head. it felt soothing, making it easier for you to fall asleep.
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@junecat18 @hellbornsworld @stupendouscookiehumanmug
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silky-silks · 7 months
The Trees
(Im going to respond to my ask soon guys after March 11)
The run for Mario is coming to a close everybody! And as much as I want to continue sadly Mario day is where the finale is revealed. But Im having tons of fun with this, and i have learned a lot of things in theese short span of few days. A part of me wish I knew of Mario day earlier, but enough of my lamenting. Back to story time.
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Uncertain if Nina is truly dead or not, Silky tries to comfort and give everyone hope as Nina might actually be alive. Silky however had no idea just how enrages Eric could get. She turns and see's the blinding rage on Eric's face. She freezes as his glare looks...so similar to someone else she known. (And it's not Bob). She does not know what to do, doesn't even know what to say as for countless times even therapist can soothe his pain. So she sits very still, and hushes everyone in the room (Silky is no expert at this, so take her response to how in Puss in Boots: The last Wish when Perro helped Puss during a panic attack. ) She stays at the calmest expression she can until eventually Eric is able to get pass the anger faze.
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Eventually the air does become a bit calm, and Silky hesitates to hold Eric close to her soft fur, she is grateful he doesnt yank it off. But not that it matters, her fur is not important: Eric is. Her extreme fluff drowns out the sound of the room, as it was all so incredibly "loud" earlier.
At this Time, Patches is trying to process the news and find something to help Bob with, but everything falls apart when Mono hurries out of the observatory. King Boo yells for her to come back but Patches is already at her trail.
The Black Hole
(idea from @22a-girl-from-galaxy22, and it's amazing)
Somehow and in someway, Mono finds a black hole and jumps into it. This is dangerous, incredibly dangerous but by sheer luck she makes it to the other side. Hell Valley, and Patches it as her side.
There they find Nina in a cell, and are overjoyed to know she is alive. But just like Eric, Mono probably should have thought of the escape plan. Nina however is depserate know if her family is okay and is relieved to know Bob and are safe. But hearing of Eric's breakdown broke her heart. However this little reunion is about to end as.....{REDACTED} shows up with a bit of a cosmic drip.
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_it's Ducifer....Mono readies her weapon but they are surronded.
(To be continued tomorrow as soon as possible or probably at midnight)
Whew okay we almost there guys! Man I'm going to miss this little series a bit, but I'm resting after all of this haha..
But some notes yes, Ducifer is the bad guy because everybody loves Ducifer! (Did I say that right?) Hopefully he is able to survive the wrath of Silky when she gets there.
Nina originally was going to look petrified but i made her angry. Already having met this dude some time ago, and now seeing him back with him trying to kill mono, herself, patches, and is the main cause for all of this pain fuels her with anger.
I dont know much about PTSD so i had to tread very lightly with it as i did not want to end up making something very offensive. Hence why i reframed from Silky doing a whole "Oh let me hug and talk to you" as I know in some cases, talking and hugging can be one terrible thing for some folks.
And finally Patches is horrified of Hell Valley trees. I mean look at those things, if her friends were there they would be fighting like hell cats. Anyway, im going to eat some food, and prepare for the finale!
Patches Bashful belongs to @eve-pie
Eric Velseb @night-light-artz
Mono and Ducifer @22a-girl-from-galaxy22
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httpsghostie · 1 year
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ahm I dont know what this is, but this time im sorry for it
had to write this in my native language so I'm sorry in advance if something's wrong
dont murder me pls I'll write more fluff after this ok
inspired by the night does not belong to god
Summary: Death is inevitable in the battlefield.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: angst, Simon 'Ghost' Riley x OC, violence, mentions of death
It was night when it happened.
Night vision goggles helped them through the darkness of the woods as Ghost led the way. The chaotic explosion had split them from the rest of their squad, leaving them with no choice but to navigate their way through the dense forest. 
Twigs snapped beneath them as they ran. The moon's pale glow filtered through the canopy, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. Wraith's heart raced with each step, and she anxiously looked down at her leg.  
The chain of events unfolded fast, as the enemies artfully dangled their bait. Like desperate, starving fish, the team took the plunge, diving headlong into the trap. Through the dense forest, Wraith's only concern was to escape alive. Or at least that's what she thought.
Adrenaline coursed through her veins, the rush of it drowning out the pain throbbing in her thigh. She gritted her teeth, trying her best to keep up with Ghost's rapid pace, but it didn't help when he had giant legs. Each step sent a jolt of agony through her injured leg, leaving her limping and struggling to maintain balance. They had been running for what felt like an eternity, and she was pushing herself beyond her physical limits.
The weight of the gear bore down on her,  and she felt heavier with each passing moment. The rifle felt like a burden in her hands, and the once comforting weight of the thick bulletproof vest now pressed mercilessly against her chest. The belts and holsters that held essential tools and weapons were now digging into her thighs, causing discomfort she could hardly bear. As her vision blurred and her head spun, she realized her body was giving in to exhaustion.
Ghost glanced back, noticing her erratic movements and the grimace of pain etched across her face. Wraith felt a nauseous wave wash over her body, a mixture of exhaustion and frustration. She cursed herself for her misstep that entangled her foot on a branch, sending her tumbling to the ground. Her pride hurt as much as her leg.
"Come on, Wraith" shouts Ghost, his heart pounding with terror as he was terrified to see the woman before him suffering as her thigh bled. His hands instinctively grabbed the shoulder strap on her vest and dragged her through the mud, looking for a denser area to let rest.
Ghost's urgent shout snapped her back to reality, his fear mirroring her own. Despite the pain and the increasing weakness in her limbs, she knew she had to try to keep moving. This was far from over, and they were still deep within hostile territory.
The mud sucked at her boots as Ghost dragged her to a slightly denser area. Gently, he helped her down to sit against a tree, his worry evident as he examined her bleeding thigh. Her breathing was labored, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.
Ghost tore a strip of cloth from his own gear and improvised a makeshift bandage for her wound. His hands worked skillfully, a testament to his training and experience. Once he finished, he looked into her eyes, the weight of the situation hanging heavily between them.
The sudden sting on Ghost's back sent a shiver down his spine, immediately snapping him out of his focused state. His body dropped to the ground, pulling the injured woman along with him, seeking cover from the unseen threat. He knew all too well the distinct danger of a sniper's presence.
His mind raced, trying to assess their situation. They were vulnerable, and the dense forest provided limited protection against the sniper's accuracy. Ghost's eyes darted around, but his body gave in, collapsing onto hers. His wound ached, but she wasn't near to reassure he'd be okay.
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Her body laid against a tree and for a brief moment she found herself dreaming.
She muttered at the unbearable weight on her chest, batting her eyelashes to understand the events. The sun was rising on the horizon, it was so beautiful, but yet so… painful.
As soon as her vision cleared, her eyes trailed down where she found her partner laying against her chest, arms on either side of her legs. It takes a moment to realize it was real.
The whites of your eyes
Turn black in the lowlight 
The frigid air seemed to mirror the cold reality of their situation as she desperately tried to stem the flow of blood from Simon's wound. Her hands trembled as she realized the severity of his condition. Despite his low tone and apparent indifference, she could see the pain etched in his eyes.
"The sky is beautiful, don't you think?" Noticing the moving person behind him, Ghost says. She nods anxiously, looking down.
"I can't lose you, Simon," she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks as she attempted to keep him awake. "Please, we have to keep fighting."
In turning divine
We tangle endlessly
Feeling the bitter cold seep into her bones, she tried to ignore her own pain, focusing solely on keeping Simon conscious and warm. Their situation was dire, but she couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not after all they had been through together.
As her body grew weaker, she clung to his words, finding solace in the memories they had shared. Their unconventional relationship had been a source of comfort in the chaos of their lives. They had found solace in each other's arms, their bond transcending the trials they faced.
Like lovers entwined
"They won't find us, stop moving around, it's cold." Despite almost being unconscious, he still managed to be ignorant sometimes. 
It was, in fact, cold. It was freezing cold. Or was it the life slipping away from their fingertips?
"No, not this way, Simon" she tries to move, but her legs don't respond to her commands. He breaks at her words.
This life was painful, the only joy of his life was having someone he could trust as much as her. They weren't exactly the definition of a relationship, but late at night they'd always find comfort in each other’s arms.
I know for the last time
"We won't make it out." He says, stern, but the fabric on his mask was soaked with his tears.
You will not be mine
Having tested all the channels on the radio, they knew there was no way anyone could find them in time.
"This wasn't what I expected from this mission, thank God I spent so much time memorizing every detail of you so I can find you again in another life." Ghost squeezed her legs, but she couldn't feel it.
"Simon-" she can't help but sob, taking every strength of her body to wrap her arms around him.
So give me the night, the night, the night
Death was inevitable, and being near her almost every single day made it even less scary, but nothing could prepare Wraith for having her loved one fall into a deep sleep on her arms. As the minutes passed, she felt Simon's grip slipping away, his breathing becoming shallower. Despite her efforts, there was little she could do to escape their fate. With each passing second, the weight of his words settled in her heart.
As his eyes began to close, Wraith held onto him, remaining by his side, refusing to let go until the last breath left his lips. In that moment, surrounded by the silence, she felt a profound loss. Simon had been her anchor, her confidant, and somehow her source of strength, and she held onto that until the very last end. She wouldn’t forgive herself if she let him see her die after all he’s been through.
He slipped into a deep slumber, large palm still clutching hers. Their souls would forever be intertwined, regardless of time or circumstance. As the cold darkness of night enveloped their lifeless bodies, her soul held onto the memories, cherishing the agonizing love and pain they had shared—transcending life and death.
The night comes down like heaven
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
If its alright could we have an imagine as reader who has the elf kids please☺️
Oki heres the ask and i dont mind if it takes you long and theres great results . Steve and jakes elf kiddos are just two adorbs dork bros
hello! I hope this is what you meant and I hope you like it!
christmas masterlist
summary - your life with the elve's kids
the header I use isn't mine.
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Lee’s kid
“K/n, stop hitting your brother! Lee! Why’d you have to teach him how to punch?” You growl, reaching down and picking up your child, his tiny fists punching your hand as he glares up at you. Small babbles escape him as he tries to cuss you. “Stop it! Or no gingerbread for you!” His fists stop, eyes wide as he pouts, and the tiniest tears form as he stares at you.
Lee grunts. “Course, he’s a big softy. Such a baby.” He rolls his eyes, arms crossing over his chest as he feels slightly jealous of all of the attention his son is getting.
Lloyd’s kid
“Lloyd! Grab your child!” You yell, trying to catch up to the little guy as he zooms by. Lloyd begins to chase him as well. “Why’d you give him chocolate?! I told you that it’s close to his bedtime!” You grunt, wondering why you had to have this many kids.
“I didn’t give him shit! Damn, Johnny was trying to cause trouble!” He growls, finally grabbing hold of his child. Not admitting that the large eyes staring up at him caused his heart to melt. Lloyd turns thrusts the child in your direction, and watches as you pick him up. 
“C’mon, lil guy. It’s bedtime.”
Curtis’s kid
“Aye, you! Lil bitch!” You swiftly turn, eyes wide as you stare down at your child. “Where’s my chocolate?!” He stares at you wide-eyed, arms spread. You slowly look at Ari, who also sits, shocked at what’s coming from your son’s mouth. 
“Excuse me?” Your brow raises, hands on your hips. His eyes widen, realising he’s fucked up.
He turns, “Dad told me to say it!” And with that, he zooms off. Leaving a small puff of smoke behind with how fast he’s running.
Johnny’s kid
“Mumma! Look at what daddy made me!” You turn your head, smiling as your eyes land on the tiny hat on his head. 
“That’s cute, baby!” He claps as he shuffles over, climbing into your lap and snuggling into your chest. “Where’s daddy now?”
“D’no said something bout ‘nickers!” Your eyes widen, realising what he means.
Ransom’s kid
Ransom strolls through, groaning at all of the tiny dolls lying around. “The hell!” He grunts as he’s knocked over, little hands gripping his wool sweater.
“Daddy!!” You run in afterwards and sigh as you notice your daughter hugging her father, smiling softly at the sight. “Missed you so much!” 
You watch as Ransom looks down, his arms wrapping around her as he smiles softly. Placing a gentle kiss on top of her head. “Missed you too, Pumpkin.”
Steve’s kid
“Mummy, mummy! Look!” You turn, eyes widening as you notice Steve and your daughter tangled in lights, their matching outfits slightly messed up as they also seem to be covered in frosting. “Dada and I match!” 
Steve smiles bashfully at you, his cheeks turning pink as you stare at the two of them. You walk over and begin to help untangle them. “You gotta be careful, babygirl.”
Jake’s kid
You can hear a commotion from the kitchen and decide to make your way there once you enter the room. You flick the light on, and your eyes zero in on your daughter and Jake, covered in chocolate frosting. They slowly turn around, eyes widening as they notice you and together, with their hand in their mouths, they use the other to shyly wave at you before darting off. Their giggles fill the house as they do.
Frank’s kid
“Wee! This is so fun, daddy!!” You and Ari head into the room, eyes widening when you notice Frank and your daughter swinging around the room and tugging on tinsel. Your eyes move over to the tree and see it beginning to loosen. 
“Shit!!” You and Ari watch Frank fly, Ari’s hand quickly reaches out and grabs him before he can hit the wall, and you quickly grab your child, holding her close to your chest as she giggles and clutches onto your shirt.
“Mumma! Mumma! Did you see that?! So fun!! Dada and I fly!”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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am-i-sans · 21 days
dnd adventures 45
somehow were back on the dragon i dunno why. dess stretches and comments she feels so stiff, like shes been standing still for 5 months. where are we? cam comments we killed a snake and now werre on a dragon. cam offers dess birdseed and frog and dans take some lol. frog says there was no snake.
theres a town! landing! theres tree stumps everywhere. dont tell me its the lorax. fuck you. dess looks down and goes "is that fucking kneedville?" dans asks how she knows this place and she says she gets around a lot. she can show us around!
the land is dead. susie just fucks off. were all following her lol. we see the sneeds, awful fashion. undyne wants one to hold the baby lol. dans wants one too lol. cam is aghast how awful it looks lol.
those trees look so weird and fluffy. cam is trying to climb it lol. cam got up nice! dess checks if the tree is magical, their not its just like that. cam yanks out a piece of fluff! dans asks if tori wants to talk to the trees.
tori and frog leave to talk to a tree dans is babysitting suzy. inferno is who knows! no chicken place in town for suzy DX tori says hi to cam and asks the tree whats going on around here. cam keeps trying to get the tree to eat birdseed. tree says they've been being harvested.
cam jumps off the tree and dess catches them, holding them like burger. tori asks the tree whos in charge of killing them. cam tries to get away and dess just tosses them over her shoulder lol. tree says they have to ask the lorax for details. tree tells tori they want a non violent way to end this but their not opposed if she kills him.
undyne asks a local where they can buy a sneed. in the shop theres so many sneeds for sale. dans messages undyne to get him one too. 100 gold what a ripoff. undyne swaddles the temmie in it, it starts crying xD cam and dess show up nice. cam is distressed that undyne and dans are dressed badly lol. dans pays undyne back for the sneed lol.
dess walks up to undyne so cam can see the sneed lol. cam tries to get dans to help them get out of dess's grip and dans laughs and tells dess to take cam into the sneed store xD cam falls on their face and scramble over to undyne wtf. dess takes suzy to the sneed store lol.
shes hiding a sneed in another to steal one lol. she succeeds and forces the pink one on cam lol. they toss it off and keep looking for inferno. inferno falls out of eeby deeby right on cam lol. the void egg landed on his head!
cam wants to do crimes with inferno wtf. they really wanna burn down the sneed shop and steal the money back. cam pays inferno wtf. inferno lies in wait xD
suzy smells meat and goes running off so dans follows her. fuck yeah meat! its someones barbeque and she demands dans gets her some meat! arbys run by dr seuss! shes hungy and chows down. dans says hes on a strict diet.
back to toriel asking about the lorax! dess and cam are independently going to the tree. gotta find the lorax! tori headed there earlier so dess and cam see her in the distance and rush to catch up.
as they walk cam gets tired and climbs up tori. someone tied a sneed to cam without them noticing and they scream and spike it. inferno goes eeby deeby for a bit damn. frog laughs and asks what their looking for. toris looking for the lorax! cam trips over a rock and goes eeby deeby.
frog starts calling out for the lorax. he shows up and somehow they all know he sounds like danny devito despite him not existing here. theres a stump now suddenly he can sit on. how. it turned into a log wtf. dans elsewhere comments he thinks his ex showed up.
dess asks the lorax, calling him devito, if hes dated dans xD inferno escapes eeby deeby! tori said he didnt have to answer that lol. he tells us about the onceler and what an asshole he is. (dans starts humming that one song to himself lol)
"does he say how ba-a-ad can i be?" dess how do you know that. lorax wants to avoid murder this is the wrong group for that xD they hear an explosion! that was frog the little shit. dess mentions gamercave ffs xD she speaks to tori in sylvain they might need to kill the onceler forgetting lorax is fey lol. she calls it a situationship! dess comments on god hating her xD
inferno calls the sneeds ugly in front of the shopkeeper. fireball directly at the sneeds and shopkeepers! yeah their dead lol. inferno takes 17 damage. he robs the register nice. time to book it!
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whumpy-wyrms · 10 days
The Last Lab Rat CYOA #7
TLLR AU masterlist | TLLR masterlist
content: whumpee pov, lab whump, sprained ankle, scientist carewhumper
You chose: Explore the room you find yourself in.
Now that you’re alone for a bit, you decide to explore this room further. There’s really not much that you didn’t see from just quickly glancing around earlier; the room is incredibly empty. The only other thing besides the nightstand and bed is a wooden chair in the corner. You open the drawer to the nightstand and find a couple folded up… hospital gowns? Strange, but that’s it. The bed is covered in clean white sheets and warm blankets that make you want to bundle up and go to sleep.
But you need to focus. There’s the open door that presumably leads to the bathroom. You stand, careful not to put any pressure on your ankle as you use the wall to make your way over there.
The bathroom isn’t anything special either. Toilet, bath, sink, soap, toothbrush, the basic essentials. Everything you need. You notice there’s even your favorite watermelon toothpaste. Odd. How did he know…?
You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Your messy hair hangs over your eyes, completely covering them. Goosebumps suddenly spread across your skin and you shiver, pulling your hood up over your head.
Something feels… strange.
You shake yourself out of it. It’s probably nothing! Focus.
You realize that you actually need to use the toilet, so you quickly get that out of the way before heading back into the room.
Anton still isn’t back yet, so you try the other door. Locked, like you thought, but it was worth a shot. You pull harder, but it won’t budge. There’s not much else to do now but sit back down on the bed and wait. You stare at the ceiling and notice a vent in the corner. The glass of the window looks too thick to try to break.
You wonder what time it is. Is it still nighttime, or morning already? How long were you out for? Your stomach growls with hunger… is he planning on feeding you? How long is he planning on keeping you here for anyway? The anticipation of not knowing anything is unbearable.
Eventually, you see him walking up towards this room again. You're worried about what he’ll do to you. There’s no way out of here. At least, there isn’t with the door closed. It will open soon, giving you the perfect opportunity to slip out past him and escape from this room.
some pretty strange things are gonna start happening soon :3 teehee
taglist: @creppersfunpalooza @whumpsday @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @inkwell-and-dagger @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@vidawhump @bottlecapreader @whumpinthepot @lumpywhump @paperprinxe
@indigoisaspookyghost2 @lumpofsand
let me know if you want to be removed or added to the taglist!
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bubblebuckys · 9 months
my recent sierra six kick, a fever, and watching barbie before taking a nap, made for a hell of a dream lmao
im putting this here so i can go back and remember this dream but also if anyone is interested in taking a look and maybe having a little giggle
i was a new barbie in barbieland, specifically the ordinary barbie gloria pitches toward the end of the movie and so i wasn’t always as bubbly as the other barbies and had ordinary hobbies and an ordinary home and job. so i felt like i couldn’t relate to the other barbie and kens even though they tried befriending me.
so they still invited me to all the parties that i never went to, except for the latest one because i was trying to fit in more. but apparently i wasn’t the only party irregular. enter: trained agent ken, who received a depression-barbie-slash-lucas-lee-style introduction, zoom-ins and explosions and all. he’s quiet, he’s mysterious, guarded, and, yes, very much just court gentry renamed as ken. apparently he and ryan gosling!ken were distant cousins.
i was at the sidelines of the party avoiding the choreographed dance—and my feelings about not knowing the steps as the others did. everyone else not part of the dance (but definitely aware of it’s steps) was excitedly greeting six/ken, so glad he made it back safe from his last mission. they asked him how it was, if he ever got injured during, if he had a gun, if his enemies had guns. has he ever gotten shot? how does that even feel? he understood their fascination because there aren’t weapons in babieland and it was just child-like interest, but it was overwhelming for him nonetheless. because, reminder, this ken is quiet and mysterious.
and so he managed to escape the ones asking questions and now, he, too, was avoiding the dance. turning away whenever any of the other barbies and kens got close enough they would have recognized him if he hadn’t. at one turn mermaid!barbie had been behind him, just about to make eye contact so he jumped behind the tree that i had been leaning against on the other side of and so he hadn’t seen me. i jumped and spilled whatever drink i had onto the floor and turned just to see who had bumped into me.
six!ken felt bad when he heard my drink fall because he knew how extravagant the clothes were and so he stayed so he could apologize instead of running before i noticed who he was. none of the drink actually fell on my clothes though, so he saw that while my outfit was pretty it was not as outrageous (i wouldn’t use that word but i cant think of a better one) as the others. he also realized he had never met me.
i forget what i said but I was a little rude, which kind of impressed six!ken, im guessing because everyone is so nice in babrieland that he hadn’t been expecting that?, but other than that he disregarded it. he bluntly stated that i was new, and after some attitude on both ends we introduced ourselves. ken decided to stay talking to me because after i learned about his job i only made a comment about it sounding dangerous before i moved on.
we spent the rest of the night talking casually, nothing too deep, and by the end of it i was invited to stay for girls night. i promised i would stay next time because it was way past the time i usually went to sleep, and then six!ken offered to walk me home even though i just lived down the street (his spidey-senses were tingling)
BUT! in the middle of the night someone broke into my house and they were trying to kidnap me. i was fighting but obviously i was not a fighter. which is when six!ken showed up and fought off the four strange men, where he came from we dont know, and he told me we had go to the real world to hide and get answers.
and unfortunately that’s when i woke up :((
(also this is never explicitly mentioned but six!ken is regularly going to and leaving the real world and somehow its not messing up reality ? but wtv. and this is basically where the sierra program came into play in this universe lol. since we have that part in barbie where the cia/fbi calls mattel to let them know a barbie is on the loose we know they are aware of the possibility of these dolls coming to life. and because the sierra program is just the cia using people who have no record of existence to complete missions off the books, who’s a better candidate for that than a fucking ken doll, right?)
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
For horror night, what about bunny rudy getting nonconned in front of the group but snapping and killing everyone after (not the group obvis since u dont do mcd)
Oh hell yeah, I have been dying to do something like this for a while! Anyway, Horror Night!
They'd been caught in the woods. It wasn't Valeria's cartel, Rodolfo knew that. That'd only made it worse. Valeria would have any alpha's knot if they even spoke about doing to any omega what this disgusting Alpha planned to do to Rodolfo.
Rodolfo had tried hard to get away. The entire group had practically helped him, but it hadn't worked out. He'd still ended up grabbed and slammed against the ground.
Stripped of his clothes and now he was being actively violated. He couldn't look at the group, who had guns to their heads, threatening to go off if they looked away or tried to save him.
Rodolfo instead turned his head the other direction and sobbed. Occasionally his survival instinct would kick in and he'd shove and kick but it was no use.
Rodolfo felt violated and used and he just wanted this to stop. The worst part was knowing he was going to die after this. Or maybe... it was relieving.
The alpha, a wolf hybrid, even had laid a gun by his head. He knew it was going to be used to end his life right after this. He knew that. But... it was still scary.
"This is your place, little rabbit. Being used little prey for predators like me. Why you even thought you could be a soldier is beyond me. You will never be better for more than this." The alpha growled into Rodolfo's ear.
Rodolfo didn't answer, just rolled his head to the side again. He went completely numb, all of the fight draining out of him. He was going to die, anyway. God couldn't stop this.
He screamed when the alpha knotted him and practically ripped it out. His hands trembled from the pain that caused and he wanted to scream louder.
Rodolfo stared right up the barrel of the gun as it was pointed at him and he just slumped. He couldn't even bring himself to be afraid of death at this rate.
"Do not kill him, please. Kill me. Kill me instead." Alejandro pleaded and Rodolfo could have smacked him. He wanted this. He wanted it to be over after this.
However, the alpha looked at Rodolfo and then shrugged. "I'll give him a fighting chance."
Rodolfo closed his eyes and a soft sob escaped his chest because he didn't want a fighting chance. He wanted the bullet.
"Get up and run little rabbit. Whichever of you finds him can have him." The alpha gestured to his men.
Rodolfo had half a mind to scream at Alejandro. He didn't meet his eyes, not wanting to see the horror and guilt there. Instead, he just stayed where he was.
"Let me repeat myself. Get up and run little rabbit, or one of your friends will die. If I have to say it again, another will."
Rodolfo didn't even hesitate, this time. He couldn't let them die.
So he got up and ran.
He ignored the pain in his body, telling him this was the worst thing to do. He just ran. He could already hear the others chasing after him and it filled him with adrenaline and terror, because he wasn't quite sure he wanted to find out what they were willing to do if they caught him.
Rodolfo climbed the first tree he could find, praying none of them were small enough to be able to try that. He got as high as he could go and sobbed into his hand. It was cold and he was in so much pain and he couldn't handle this. His heart was pounding.
Why was he entertaining this?? Why was he running?? Why-
Why was he letting them chase him? They didn't deserve to get to chase him. They didn't deserve to be big bad predator alphas who chase little prey through the woods.
They didn't deserve to live.
Rodolfo felt claws grasp around his heart and his mind went fuzzy. Fuck this. He was a fucking special forces soldier. He'd survived in the mountains with nothing but his basic gear. He was not going to let these fuckers chase him down and violate him again.
The first was fairly easy. He waited for them to approach under the tree, climbing down so he could get the right angle. They were alone, thankfully, so he just dropped down on their shoulders, clawing at their throat until they went down.
He'd ripped their throat out with nothing but his claws and it felt fantastic. Then, he'd dripped them of their clothes and their gear. They didn't need it anymore, they were dead.
Was it way too big? Yes. Were his fingertips no longer turning blue from cold? Yes. Oversized gear was better than no gear, and it was better than being chased down, naked.
Rodolfo looked down at the dead body he was still standing over. Them going down so easy was so pathetic. He'd been so scared of that a moment before.
He debated taking their gun but no. That would be noise. He couldn't have that. If they knew he was fighting back, they might kill his group. If they haven't, already, but just in case, it was better to be safe.
Instead, he took the knife off their belt and their handgun, just in case. And then, just because it was available, he took the garrote they had on their belt, too. Maybe he'd use it.
Then, he hit their body in a bush. He didn't want them to know he was fighting back. He cut his hand with the knife and dripped the blood over their pile, hoping his prey scent would overwhelm theirs.
Then, he stood and looked around, trying to figure out where to go, next. He wanted- no. Needed to wipe them all out. Then, hopefully his friends would still be alive and they could get the fuck out of there.
Rodolfo scented the air, able to make out another alpha about 20 feet from him. He ducked down, immediately, and stuck close to the tree, waiting.
He carefully lured them away from the other area to a new one, making sure to keep his scent strong, but his body just out of sight. He dripped more blood in a small spot and then hid in a bush, waiting.
Rodolfo watched with disgust as they crouched down and touched the blood, before bringing it to their lips. The scent strengthened and Rodolfo could gag on the lust in the air. He tensed when he saw them suddenly look in his direction.
Come closer... He dared them. He'd be ready.
Sure enough, they came closer. "Come on, little rabbit... It's not so bad... I'll make it feel good. I'll take you home and make you my little bride. Wouldn't you like that?"
Rodolfo would like nothing less. He moved his face so he could be seen a little better, making sure he looked scared out of his mind.
"Aww... poor thing..." The alpha cooed, cruelly. Rodolfo could make out mountain lion ears from the now shorter distance. He wanted to rip them off. "Come out... It's better if you do." They started to reach into the bush.
Rodolfo whimpered, but he moved his wrist closer to their hand. They grasped onto it, firmly, and ripped him out of the bush. He didn't even give them a chance to think before he was on them, stabbing their face over and over and over with the knife.
He could feel the serrated edge as it had to be ripped back out through bone and blood eventually sprayed on his face. It coated him with it.
Rodolfo found that he kind of liked the feeling. It was warm.
When they had stopped struggling, he wiped the blood off his face and took a deep breath. Suddenly, pain tore through his arm, his ears barely registering the gunshot behind him.
Rodolfo ducked down and rolled off the body, getting out the handgun and shooting back. It was a pair this time and while he barely managed to take one out, the other was still shooting at him.
"Fuck!" He got up and ducked behind a tree, another bullet grazing his leg. Think. Think.
The gunshots stopped.
"You're a psychotic little rabbit, aren't you?"
"You're hunting me. I'm just playing fair." Rodolfo answered, keeping his voice even. He could smell them getting closer around the right of the tree and he tensed again.
Blood dripped down his arm and he grit his teeth to ignore the pain. He'd gone through worse, he could handle this.
The alpha laughed, low. "You're not going to win this hunt."
"There was only twelve of you and I've already taken down three. I think I like my chances." Rodolfo gripped the knife tightly.
"We'll call in more backup."
"I'll kill them too."
"Was it fun being violated while you couldn't do anything to stop it? Was it fun being put in your place?"
The alpha was likely trying to frighten him, but all it did was piss him off more. How dare he. How dare he say that. "Will it be fun when I rip your knot off of your body?"
"You won't get the chance."
"Come closer. Try me."
The alpha seemed to hesitate. His scent didn't get closer. But then, he moved around the tree. Rodolfo darted around the other side, jumping on his back and sinking his teeth into his ear. He ripped it off, easily, ignoring the alpha's scream of pain.
"Fuck you!" Rodolfo spit the ear on him and shoved him down. He got out the knife again and stabbed it through his neck.
The alpha held the exit wound of the knife as Rodolfo kicked him onto his back, staring up at Rodolfo with wide eyes.
Rodolfo laughed and twirled the knife between his fingers. "I think I made a promise, numb-knot." He crouched down. He would rip it off but that took too much time.
Instead, he just stabbed at his crotch with the knife, ignoring the alpha trying desperately to whack at him and scream. He should be saving his breath since he'd be breathing through his neck. Whatever, if he wanted to die faster, be his guest.
When Rodolfo was satisfied with the damage he caused, he stood again. "Was it fun?" He spat at the alpha. He looked at their ears, seeing they were also a mountain lion. "Let's even you out, hmm?"
They were somehow still alive, so their eyes widened and they gasped as they tried to shake their head. Rodolfo laughed, but decided against it. Instead, he just looted their body. His arm was bleeding even more, now.
He needed to be careful.
He found a lighter and another knife, so he swapped it with the one he had, and took their canteen, sucking down the water before dumping it on them.
He travelled a small distance, in case someone came across their body. There had been twelve, he'd taken down 4 now. That made eight left.
Rodolfo climbed a tree and yanked up his sleeve, using the knife to cut four tally marks in his arm. So he could keep track. The sting also kept his mind sharp.
Now, he need to deal with his bullet wound. The graze on his leg could barely be felt due to the adrenaline coursing through his veins but, his arm was throbbing. He needed to take care of it.
Taking a deep breath, he dug the knife into the wound, trying not to scream from pain. It was horrible, he could both feel the knife digging in his skin, and his skin being dug in.
Rodolfo had done this before. For Alejandro. He could do this. He grit his teeth and managed to pop the bullet out, taking a deep breath when he was done and panting from pain. It clouded his skull for a moment before clearing back to the throb before.
He shrugged off the jacket enough for his shoulder to be out. Then, he got out the lighter and started to hold the flame to the knife. He wasn't looking forward to this part, but blood was inconvenient. His hand was one thing, he'd needed that blood. But this blood... This blood could get him caught.
So, when the knife was almost glowing red, he didn't waste time to stick it to his arm. The pain flooded all of his senses and he almost fell forward out of the tree, gritting his teeth so hard it made his jaw ache.
His arm felt like it was melting off and he swore when he was done and had gotten out of this, he was going to find whatever cartel that jackass was from and he was going to murder every single one of those jackasses.
When he was satisfied, he ripped the knife off the burned skin and panted, squeezing his eyes shut. God, he was going to fucking kill all of the remaining 8 fuckers so slow and painful.
Rodolfo gave himself ten minutes of recovery before dropping down again. He perked his ears up, staying in the crouched position he'd dropped into.
Footsteps in the distance, but going a different direction. He carefully crept in that direction, taking slow even breaths so he could keep hearing them.
They stopped, suddenly, and he took the opportunity, rushing closer. He'd been able to make out only one pair, thankfully, so he knew this would be an easy kill.
Rodolfo crept low and sniffed the air, frowning at the sent of omega. Oh, whatever, they were all working for the cartel. Fuck them, too.
He waited until he was close enough before bursting forward and tackling them, about to slam his knife into their throat.
"Rudy!" They cried, their arms crossed to stop his. "Rudy! It's me, Soap!"
Rodolfo stopped and backed off them, immediately. As promised, Soap was on the ground, his eyes wide. "Soap?! You're alive??"
"I think so..." Soap coughed and sat up, panting. "Fuck... When you took off, that bastard, Luiz I think, went to kill us but Alejandro and Ghost just went feral. I've never seen either of them like that. Alejandro ripped Luiz to shreds and Ghost took care of the two that were supposed to pick us off."
"Where are they?" Rodolfo straightened and helped Soap up, grateful they were all alive.
"Once it was over, Alejandro went after you and Ghost went after Alejandro." Soap dusted himself off. "Of course, I went after Ghost. I assume the others are also looking for you."
Rodolfo frowned. "Fuck." Alejandro was running through the woods, searching for him. "That's three, right?"
Soap frowned but nodded, his eyes widening when Rodolfo pulled up his sleeve and did three more notches in his arm. "That's seven so... five left. If the others haven't killed any others."
Soap shook his head. "Rodolfo, we need to get the fuck out of here."
"Absolutely not." Rodolfo laughed. "You can leave, hermano. But, I'm gonna finish what I started." He stuck the knife back in his belt.
Soap watched him for a moment before sighing. "Alright. What's the next step?"
"Can you smell anyone near us?" Rodolfo relaxed, glad Soap decided to help him. Luiz was dead... he couldn't help but be disappointed, since he'd wanted to watch the life leave his eyes. But... he trusted Alejandro had made it painful.
Soap sniffed the air before shaking his head. "No. But I did smell two alphas on the way here."
"What direction?" Rodolfo asked, following him when he headed that way. As promised, the strong scent of alpha could be picked up rather easily.
But, three instead of two. Rodolfo and Soap stopped behind a large rock when they got close enough, able to hear speaking, now. "You should have just stayed with the others old man."
Soap's eyes narrowed and Rodolfo scented the air, recognizing the cigar smoke smell of Price. Fuck. Rodolfo stopped him before he could burst through and considered.
Two alphas, one Price, one Rodolfo, one Soap. He liked those odds. He took a deep breath and strengthened his scent as best he could.
"The omega is near..." One of them immediately said. "Don't fucking move." Rodolfo heard a soft impact and a growl, but otherwise nothing.
Rodolfo got out the knife this time, handing the gun to Soap, who nodded.
The scent of alpha got closer and Rodolfo crouched low. Soap touched his arm, suddenly, feeling over the burn. Rodolfo winced and jerked his arm away, glaring at him. Soap frowned but nodded and looked away.
"Come out little rabbit."
"God, if you fuckers don't stop calling me that!" Rodolfo exclaimed, frustrated, before cursing in Spanish for a moment.
Footsteps suddenly came around the rock and Rodolfo nodded to Soap to go the other direction. "Get Price." He murmured and Soap nodded, quickly going the other way.
Rodolfo turned around once he was gone, being faced with two alphas.
They seemed shocked, likely at the blood on his face and Rodolfo smiled, hoping the blood on his teeth was still there. "The little rabbit has been having fun." Rodolfo mocked.
They both snarled and one lunged at him. He ducked and dove, quickly, barely managing to avoid their grasp. He slashed at the second one as they came close, climbing the rock.
"Rudy!" Soap called from the other side of the rock and Rodolfo quickly rushed over, catching the scope rifle he was tossed.
Rodolfo turned back to the other two and went back closer to them. "Any last words, you pathetic pieces of shit?"
"You're not going to shoot us. You're just a little rabbit-" Rodolfo cut them off with a bullet through their skull, right between the eyes.
"What a waste of last words." Rodolfo snorted and turned to the other. "You turn?"
Instead, they took off and ran. Rodolfo shot them in the leg before sliding down the rock and going over to them. They were panting, holding their leg. "You're a psychopath-"
"Nope." Rodolfo shot them in the head as well. Then, he went back to Price and Soap. Soap was bandaging up Price's leg. Price had a bite in his ear, both of which were hanging low, likely due to pain.
Rodolfo crouched down to make sure they were okay. "That's three left."
"One." Price huffed, cursing when Soap tied the tourniquet. "Gaz took care of two of them before we were separated by those two." He gestured. "Soap explained your number game to me."
Rodolfo nodded and sat on the ground. The one was probably already taken care of then. "Did they call for backup?"
"I don't think there is backup." Soap sighed. "God, we got taken down by 12 assholes. Only 12."
Price cursed again. "Are you alright, kid?" He turned to Rodolfo, who just shrugged. No, definitely not. But... he'd get through it.
"What cartel do they work through?" Soap asked Rodolfo, who again shrugged.
"No idea, but Valeria will be pissed when she finds out another cartel is on her territory." Rodolfo mumbled and ran a hand down his face. He was exhausted. "Did Luiz scream?"
"Horribly. Made me nauseous." Price immediately answered. "Jesus, kid, I think it's bandaged enough." He swatted him away and Soap rolled his eyes but backed off. "Acts like my leg is about to fall off."
"It might. Would serve you right." Soap huffed. "We need to find the others."
Rodolfo nodded in agreement. "They're all looking for me, right?" He got up, getting out the knife to reopen the wound on his hand. "If I put out enough of my scent, they'll eventually find us. Let's get back to the truck."
Soap cringed. "I don't think cutting open your hand is necessary."
Price dragged himself to his feet. "I agree with Soap. Your scent is all over these woods. It wouldn't even be helpful. I think Ghost and Gaz will eventually just find their way back to the truck."
"Alejandro will tear these woods apart to find me." Rodolfo mumbled, sighing.
"He eventually will. Back at the truck. Let's just go back to the truck for now. You look like you're about to collapse."
Funny, Rodolfo felt like he was about to. He just nodded. "Yeah, sure."
"On my back, kid." Price crouched down and Rodolfo hesitated before deciding he would very much like to not have to walk. He climbed up onto Price's back and yawned.
"You know, we only have a five year age difference."
"Kate is two months older than me and I call her kid." Price snorted. "Everyone is kid."
"Pisses her off, too." Soap laughed, walking with them. "Hey, Price, I'm real tired too, wanna carry me?"
"Get bent, kid." Price snorted. Rodolfo couldn't help laughing and closed his eyes, rubbing them.
Soap burst out laughing and shook his head. "Wow, I see how it is."
They made it back to the truck and Rodolfo slid off Price's back, climbing into the back of the truck. He laid on the floor and just collapsed, falling asleep.
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hirik0 · 1 year
Forced proximity
Day 0
Captain 'Soap' MacTavish stands in Price office and he thinks he didn't hear Captain Price right. "I should look after Riley till either Roach returns or Ghost leaves the inframtry?" He ask for clarification, his right hand going troigh his mowhawk. "Soap, you're staying behind for the next mission. And Ghost clearly can't take care of Riley." "Can't just the kennel staff take care of Riley?", Soap ask desperately he can't take care of a dog, he dont even like dogs. "Soap, Riley is a Team member of the 141. She can't just stay in the kennels." Price looks at hin like he lost his mind for even suggesting this. Soap bits his lips so he don't talk back. In his eyes Riley is just a dog that by coincidence is owned by Ghost "Roach will be back in 5 days right?" He ask in defeat, hand running down his face. "Yes. You for sure can take care of Riley till then." Price trys to encourage him whike filling out some paper work, they never have a shortage of this. When they would have told Soap before he became Captain how much time in his life paperwork would become he would have said no. "Where is she?" Price smiles at him and Soap has the feeling Price tricked him in to taking care of Riley. "She's waiting in Ghost office." Soap knows the conversation is over so the only think he can do is picking up the dog. When he opens the door to Ghost office Riley greets him with a waking tail but the waking stops the second she notices that this is not Ghost who is not picking her up. The German shepard looks with big eyes at Soap laying down, looking sad. It feels quite personal how Riley reacts. Soap sighs, this is ridiculous he don't even likes Riley so her reaction to him should not bpther him. "Come Riley, time to get you out of this office aye?" Soap trys but the dog is not moving still waiting for her owner or the spare human to pick her up. Soap avoiding Riley as much as possible is really bitting him in the ass now. For the dog he's just a stranger. He slowly approaches the dog and kneels in front of her. "Roach and Ghost can't pick you up for a few days. So be a good girl and come with me." He very carefully holds his hand out for Riley to sent him.
Riley looks at the hand in front of her face carefully sniffing it. She's knows the smell some time her owner has this smell on him. But she never meet this human or atleast she can't remember. She carefully rubs her face against the hand, Ghost semms to trust this human and gets some hesitant ear scratches. "Good girl", the human says and Riley starts walking her tail happily at the praise. While petting Riley Soap thinks to himself that he can do this for 5 days. Riley is a well behaved dog, because Ghost trained her really good. the only think he has to get used to is around the dog. "How about we go on a walk?" Rileys ears peak up at the word walk. She moves to the door really fast waking her tail in exitment. Waiting for Soap to follow her. Soap picks up one of the leshes that Ghost has in his office and follows the dog to the bulding exit. Before opening the door he puts the leash on Rileys collar. What Soap doesn't know is that most people don't walk her instead she's dragging the human in the direction she wants to walk. The second they are outside Riley pulls Soap along with her on hers and Ghost usual track.
Soap gets pulled behind Riley who seems to know where she wants to walk along. Till Riley suddenly stops, with perk up ears, looking at a bush. "What is it Riley?", Soap mutters, shortly after a squirel is jumping out of the bush. Instinctly Soaps is holding the leach shorter, not feeling like running after Riley if she decides to chase the squirel. And she is nearly able to break free when she tries jumping forward to get closer to her prey. Soap gets pulled a bit but Riely don't get free the squirel can escape up a tree. "Don't look at me like this Riley" Soap says to the dog that is now sitting in the floor looking at him as if he just insulted her mother. Soap slowly starts walking again but Riley just lays down no intention to move in the near future. Soap feels how his patients is slowly crumbling, he didn't even want to take care of this dog and now she has to make thinks even harder then they need to? He sighs and sits next to Riley on the forest floor, slowly scratching her ear. "Aren't you chasing enough people, when Ghost is taking you with him?", he ask the dog perks up at what she thinks is the name of her owner. "Common be a good girl after we fished the walk I give you some food." At food Riley is standing up walking a bit in front and looking at Soap like he is the one who is delaying the walk. "I don't see why everyone loves this dog", Soap mumbles to himself.
Riley and Soap are standing on the runway looking how Price is taking the team that is going on the mission. Last check ups on the parachutes are made. "I trust you that the base will not be in ruins when I'm back Soap", Price half jokes. When Soap was still a sergeant he maybe played a littel with explosives accidently damaging a build on the base twice. "The base will still stand Price", Soap answers keeping the I may burn some of the paperwork to himself because Price left him 2 desk full of paperwork so he don't get bored. Riley lays on the asphalt looking sad clearly missing her owner and now also the human that gives her extra treats is leaving, worst day of her life. Price is kneeling in front of the dog giving her one of the dog treats he carries with him. "And you make sure that Soap is really not blowing up part of the base, yes?" "As if Riely could stop me", Soap mumbles. Price walks up the plane ramp and Riley let's out a sad whine. Now she was alone with this stranger. Soap scratches Riley favourite spot behind her left ear while they watch the plane taking of. Riley just looks sadly in to the distance, slowly waking her tail from time to time.
Riley lays depressed in Soaps office, there is no other way Soap can discripe the expresion on the dogs face. She's hopeing that Ghost will pick her up any second and let's out a sad whine. Soaps lift his head up alarmed by the sounds Riely is making. Soap feels his heart breaking a bit. Riley looks so sad laying at the door waiting for Ghost or Roach to pick her up. Soap picks up his phone texting Ghost.
>> Riley is missing you <<
>> You are looking after Riley?? <<
>> Price just left with a team for Belarus <<
>> They told me I have to stay here for 2 weeks, but I can sneak past the nurses tomorrow <<
>>Your staying where you are Lieutenant, thats an order. Roach will be back in 5 days. I can look after your dog for 5 days <<
>> You sure? You don't have to <<
>>It's fine, we had a nice walk earlier.<<
Ghost let's him waiting with his response so Soap makes a quick note to tell the inframtry that Ghost is planning on breaking out.
>> There is a old T-Shirt in my room you can give Riley for comfort <<
>>Did you just allow me to enter your room?<<
>> Yes and Riley has a habit of not sleeping in her dog bed <<
>> Okey, I will pick it up after I finished my work load. <<
Soap send Ghost a picture of his desk and the gigantic stack of papers he has to work through.
>> Fighting the important fights, I see Captain <<
>> Fuck you <<
Soap puts his phone down and makes the call to warn the inframtry about Ghost trying to sneak out, but the nurses assure him, that even the Ghost is unlikely to sneak out if he can't open doors by himself. Soap still told them to keep an extra eye on him. He looks at Riley and she seems to sleep.
After hours of paper work Soap trys to get Riley to move from her spot at the door. But Riley just looks totally unimpressed at him. "Common Riley, let's go for a walk." But he's not getting the same reaction like earlier this day. The dog still lays at her spot at the door, looking uterly sad. Soap thinks he has to carry her out of the building but when he puts the leash on her she slowly stands up. A very unmotivated dog is following him to the outside. Soap is walking in the direction of the path Riley led him down earlier to day. The walk is depressing Riley just slowly following looking sad the hole time. The only time Riley starts to look happy again is when the two are walking a in the direction of Ghost room. But Rileys spirit is shattered relatively fast when she don't see Ghost in there. She jumps on the bed and lays down. Riley starts to whine because she misses Ghost. Soap slowly sits down on bed aswell to try and comfort the dog. For a few minutes he thinks about if he will be able to smugel Riley in the the imframtry, but he shakes his head, he is already on the shit list of the head nurse for brining Price his cigares. He looks around for the shirt Ghost mentioned in his SMS. Finding it laying on Rilyes dog bed. He picks it up and Riley sits up lifting one of her paws. Soap just looks a bit dumbfounds before he puts the sirt on Riley her front paws trow the sleeves and then Riley is just dropping back down on the bed. "Guess i can let you stay here. You will be a good girl yes?", Soap says to the dog, feeling dumb to talk to a animal. When Soap is about to close the door Riely follows him out of the room. Soap lets her in to his own room and for a good 20 minutes Riley sniffs every conor of the room. Riely then lays down on a pile of clothes Soap left on the floor. Closing her eyes. Soap gets ready to sleep himself, not knowing he will learn what Ghost meant with Riley dont sleeps in her dog bed. that she prefers to cuddel with who ever is nearest every night. Ghost really tried to teach her to just sleep on the dog bed its the only think Ghost could not teach this dog, human beds are of limot. First he was really annoyed but now he really likes cuddeling with his dog, but he would lie to your face if you ask him about it.
In the inframtry Ghost is cursing out Soap for ratting him out to the nurses and stop feeling bad that Riley will give the Captain a fucking heart attack.
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