#dont go mimic...
kathegoose · 10 months
once i saw the theory on twitter, that the only way to defeat/kill mimi is to make him happy, and since then this theory lives in my head rent free. imagine mimi finally getting his tiger plush and deactivating peacefully. I'm crying my guy deserves to be happy he'd already seen too much
I JUST WANT MIMIC TO BE HAPPY...BUT NOT DIE?!?!??!?!?! I WANT HIM TO EXPERIENCE THE........ THE CHILDHOOD HE NEVER GOT TO HAVE aside from those few weeks before davey m'boy died and stuff HUUUHHHGHUUTUHUJHKNMsdm,,sd,sv...,
i just wanna give him a hug.........and kiss him!?!!!!!,,and hug him and kiss him and he should get icecream😿😿😿😿😿,,and this bittersweet eighties song im listening to rn isn't helping at all
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ryssbelle · 6 months
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Drew a bunch of Marinettes in a bunch of different artists styles it was a lot of fun!!
Artists who's styles I mimicked: @buggachat @hamsternamedmarinette @ladybeug @sabertoothwalrus and @anna-scribbles all epic artists 🤟😎
#my art#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#style mimic#sorry for the @s btw#yall should go follow those artists if you dont already also#this was sort of inspired by a post the three artists on the top row made#i think they all got together and drew with one another#which is really cool#but i was genuinely confused because i mimic styles a lot#and ive seen others do it too so i was just like#wow they really know each others styles really well#until i thought about it and read their posts some more#style mimicking is really freaking fun and i think its really good practice#and a good way to explore other ways of doing things#like you really have to learn new techniques and get out of your comfort zone#also anna scribbles i could not find a recent pic of marinette in her main outfit#so thats the only marinette i drew in different clothes cuz i couldnt find a more recent ref of you drawing it#anna scribble marinette has privileges thats the others dont#but ye#i also threw my own style in there as a frame of reference to what me draw like#ive drawn marinette before just not in a loooong while#sabertooth walrus was the hardest for me to mimic cuz they have a broad range in their style#so its like which sabertooth do i wanna be in this pic#Buggachat has such a distinct style thats very clean and consistent which is amazing so they were easy#being easy or hard arent bad things either it also has to do with like styles meeting up with one another#buggachats and mine arent too too different in some shapes and aspects#so yeah itd be easier plus they drew marinette like 3 sec ago so i have more recent of a ref#as opposed to sabertooth who i have a recent ref of ladybug but not marinette so we got two diff styles in one
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dovewingkinnie · 1 year
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william and the mimic but hospital
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callmegaith · 10 months
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Down The Rabbit Hole pt.3!!!
Enjoy :D and see you for the conclusion next part! as always thank u for reading and thank u sm for the love and support on this series 🥰🐰
feel free to also check out the playlist for this comic 😌👍
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ask2ps · 4 months
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i made interps of 2p liech and 2p swiss so many years ago but never posted em... not sure where the files are now. >__< but i finally am working on the new ones lol. i know that 2p swiss and 2p liech arent as popular, but theyre one of the few i have an Actual history planned out for.
tldr: the worlds ultimate paranoid germaphobe and his creepy little sister, who is armed with lysol wipes and also a Gun
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 10 months
Not enough people understand the true nature of Jurassic Park methinks. Can it be enjoyed as a dinosaur horror? Absolutely. But I personally think it's much more enjoyable as a biological sci-fi. These aren't dinosaurs, they are biological monsters made in the shape of dinosaurs. They cut corners, they used frog DNA to fill in what they didn't have. John Hammond brought these experts along to see if their reactions would be "Oh my god that's a dinosaur" and then moved along when it was exactly that. But idk, that's just me.
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corax-corone · 1 month
A Guide to Ghouls
Curious about how ghouls work? (In my interpretation at least)
You've come to the right place! Below you will find a comprehensive guide (headcanons) to ghoul biology!
Helping to demonstrate the information in this document, is Mimic. Please be kind as he is nervous.
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General Info
Let's start with the basics! Ghouls are similar to humans in appearance, but not at all in functions. Many of them are capable of minor shapeshifting. Mimic here, as the name suggests, is capable of more extreme.
Ghouls can typically change how their legs work. By that I mean structure. Often times they will choose to go digitigrade (on toes) or unguligrade (on toetips) though, when in public or for shows, they may choose to appear more plantigrade (full foot) to blend in better (or to fit into boots).
These are the most common leg types you'll find. Not to say that there aren't more. There are many variations!
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Hoof: Most common in Earth ghouls, though also seen in others! Least common in Water ghouls, however.
Paw: By far the most common. Water ghouls tend to have webbed feet, like otters. This can fall under the "paw" category.
Talon: Not nearly as common as the other two types, especially in Earth ghouls. You will almost never see this in them.
Mouths are where ghouls differ from humans DRASTICALLY.
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Ghouls have much sharper canine teeth than humans. Water ghoul teeth are often serrated. Tongues are usually fairly long and also vary in shape. They can be pretty basic or forked!
Ghoul eyes are slit, like a cat's, meaning they have excellent night vision.
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On the topic of eyes, let's move on to the next part of our discussion.
Unique Adaptations
All ghouls have a layer of tissue in their eyes called the Tapetum Lucidum. If you've ever shone a flashlight at an animal in the woods and seen its eyes glow, that's what you're seeing! This "glow" is MUCH more prominent in Quintessence ghouls
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Water ghouls have a nictitating membrane or "third eyelid" that allows them to protect their eyes from debris when underwater. It tends to make their eyes appear a milky white, like sharks.
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Fire ghouls are extremely heat resistant. They can touch open flame or extremely hot surfaces and feel nothing.
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Earth ghoul "antlers" are still horns! Some shed these horns seasonally, leaving a sharp needle-like horn core exposed. These are extremely sensitive and sharp. It's quite common for an individual to use caps to protect their horn cores while they wait for the horn itself to regrow
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Young ghoul hands resemble paws, they even have little paw pads! This is to help them better grip things. As they grow, some may lose their paw pads. It isn't uncommon for a ghoul's paws to carry over into adulthood, though.
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Young ghouls also resemble a small animal more than a human baby.
Out of character, this is entirely because I have a fear of small children. Genuinely. Imagining baby ghouls to be more kitten-like is MUCH preferred.
Baby ghouls have stripes, like many other creatures! Humans would also have stripes if we had fur. Most ghouls lose their stripes as they age, but, like paw pads, some remain even into adulthood! This is completely natural.
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You know, I think what really bugs me about the "Dadworth" dynamic applied to Kay and Edgeworth's relationship is that it usually makes Kay out to be this hyperactive, slight problem child (in the 'stealing and pranking' sense rather than the 'moody and abrasive' sense), occasionally with deep-rooted daddy issues like Edgeworth has, when that's... the opposite of her character.
(This post got away from me, so TL;DR: Kay is a quick-witted and independent young woman who has worked very hard to be both emotionally and practically intelligent enough to be seen as a legitimate successor to her father's legacy. Making her out to be the traits mentioned above, so she functions as Edgeworth's daughter rather than his investigative partner and equal, undermines her character and semi-conflates her with Maya [the deep-rooted issues bit]. Also I don't like it wksgskaj)
The thing about Kay is that she's not actually in the series as much as it feels like she is, which makes it easy for her character to be altered to suit the needs of the story (which I think happens in The Forgotten Turnabout, but I won't talk about that here). She turns up in two cases as herself in AAI (as in, teenager Kay whom we're most familiar with) and shares her role with Gumshoe, Ema and Franziska when she does, lessening her appearances even further. Nevertheless, there are still concrete elements to her personality that we're made aware of right from the beginning, and the first major one which I feel gets overlooked in favour of her hyperactive characterisation is this:
Kay is very, very sharp.
In terms of mainline assistants, I'd consider her the sharpest of all (maybe after Trucy? But I don't remember enough of AJ to comment on that). Yes, she's shown to be reckless and impulsive, but, when it comes to actual investigating and reasoning, she is solid. With Nick and Maya, you sometimes get the impression that they're both fumbling along until Phoenix catches on (most of the time with Maya's usually a little accidental help, and he still has to explain things to her near every time [not Maya's fault. Following Phoenix's reasoning is like being on a rollercoaster in a minecart]), but Kay is very rarely like that with Edgeworth. Within minutes of meeting him, she can predict what he's going to say (or 'steal his lines', as the game puts it), and there are several moments after he uses Logic and is about to explain what he's connected where Kay interrupts with the correct conclusion herself:
Edgeworth: A second Blue Badger that shouldn't exist... Clearly, the true identity of the person underneath is...
Kay: Oh, I know! It's one of the kidnappers, right!?
There's even a point where she tells him off for overexplaining things to her:
Kay: Yeesh, I told you I got it! Do you feel the need to explain everything!?
And, near the end of their first case together, he acknowledges that's she's generally quite quick:
Kay: OK, what should I re-create first?
Edgeworth: ...You haven't figured it out yet?
Kay: Heh, maybe I have, and maybe I haven't.
Even if you don't take these points into consideration, the fact that she comes up with a new way to use Little Thief, and knows how to use it at all actually, shows you that she's a really intelligent girl! Continuing on a bit from the point I made earlier about her being brash, Kay may be reckless, but she isn't irresponsible. Whenever she rushes into situations, she doesn't expect other people to come save her; she's quite assured that she can and will get herself out of them on her own, and, if she needs help, she asks for it in advance. She treats Edgeworth less like her guardian and more like her investigative partner:
Kay: I didn't get permission to enter Allebahst... so we're going to go gather whatever info we can over on the Babahlese side, OK!?
Edgeworth: Alright, I'm counting on you two.
Kay: Right, and I'm counting on you and Ms. von Karma to sniff out clues in Allebahst!
Edgeworth: A number of pieces connect in a very complicated way in this case... It's almost enough to make one completely mentally exhausted.
Kay: Let's not over-complicate matters, OK, Mr. Edgeworth? We've been so focused, like a laser, on only what seems strange and out of place... it's no wonder nothing's clicked and we haven't unlocked anything yet. But, if we think things through calmly, the answer should come to us!
There's an independence to her proactiveness that kind of forces Edgeworth to meet her on equal grounds, and this too is an element that gets lost when the Dadworth dynamic comes in because it involves making Edgeworth responsible -- or feel responsible -- for her actions and general wellbeing when Kay has never expected nor wanted that. She does things on her own terms, and she walks the path she's chosen by herself:
Edgeworth: Preposterous! On what grounds do you suspect her of such a thing!?
Shih-na: The fact that she calls the Yatagarasu. That in itself is a more elegant proof.
Kay: Ms. Shih-na.
Shih-na: Yes?
Kay: I... have no intention of taking back any of what I've said.
Shih-na: ...?
Kay: I am the Great Thief Yatagarasu. And I refuse to allow some imposter to claim that name as their own! The path of justice that my father pointed me towards... I will walk it the best I can!
Her relationship with Edgeworth works as an inverse to that of Nick and Maya's in the way that, where Nick and Maya have deep respect for one another beneath layers upon layers of playful insults and messing about, Kay outwardly respects Edgeworth first (and expects that respect to be returned) and razes him second -- that, too, never to an extent she wouldn't with anyone else or that crosses a certain boundary. Her messing with Edgeworth is shown to be more an attempt to get him to lighten up or not take himself too seriously than an act of (platonic) intimacy as it is with Nick and Maya (which makes sense because Nick and Maya have spent years together, while she's known Edgeworth for all of two weeks) or genuine obliviousness/silliness (although it definitely sometimes is). This is pretty obvious simply from the fact that she always calls him 'Mr Edgeworth', though she's perfectly comfortable calling Gumshoe and Badd, people whom she is more familiar and comfortable with, 'Gummy' and 'Uncle Badd' respectively. Also Kay, in general, is quite polite? Edgeworth calls something she said rude at one point and she gets insulted, and, when you ask for her opinion, she doesn't go 'What?' or 'What is it?', she specifically says, 'Yes?' (this changes in AAI2, which I promise I'm not discussing here) Upon meeting Oldbag, she has this exchange with her, where Kay chooses a more formal mode of address than what is actually offered:
Oldbag: My name is Wendy Oldbag. But you can call me "Wendy", or "Granny", or whatever suits your fancy.
Kay: Nice to meet you, Ms. Oldbag! I'm Kay Faraday.
She's also had moments where she calls Edgeworth out for being 'tactless', and she's shown to feel very strongly about rudeness throughout the whole game. I'm not saying she isn't mischievous or playful, she very much is, but the point is that she's really quite respectful, and this extends to her relationship with him. Her characterisation in Turnabout Ablaze, where she's considerably more excitable/high-strung than in Kidnapped, seems largely due to them chasing down Calisto Yew. Edgeworth even comments on this:
Edgeworth: Kay, you need to look before you leap. You tend to lose your cool when it comes to anything related to that woman.
Generally, though, you can tell that she was obviously raised with an adherence to certain formalities. She's not looking for another parental figure (because she doesn't need one, which I'll go into after this), but, if she was, she'd make that clear.
Kay's a very straightforward person at heart; she doesn't hide any part of herself, even the part that should be hidden (i.e. the Yatagarasu). There are points where she suggests that Edgeworth reminds her of her father, but, in AAI, she specifically mentions that it's both Edgeworth and Gumshoe who remind her of her father and Detective Badd. It's not about her seeing Edgeworth as a father figure; it's about their and her own dedication to the truth. Even in AAI2, where her comments could be read as leaning more towards the former angle, she doesn't get cut up about him not picking up on that or really paying it much emphasis at all, because it doesn't matter. The fact that he reminds her of Byrne is just that: a fact.
Returning to the point about Kay not needing/wanting another parental figure, I think it's pretty self-explanatory, but to put it succinctly: Kay has the guidance she needs without him.
To put it less succinctly, Edgeworth's possibly the worst candidate to go for for emotional support and guidance in the first place, and by the time she meets him again, she's basically processed her father's passing and has a better handle on herself emotionally than Edgeworth does (not a brag; most characters have higher EQ than Edgeworth); what she wants isn't necessarily closure for Byrne's death in the emotional sense but in the I-want-answers-to-this-mystery-that-will-restore-my-family's-honour sense. You could make the argument that Kay becoming the second Yatagarasu and shaping her entire future around continuing her father's work prove that she isn't over his death, but I don't think that's true and more of a result of conflating her with Maya a bit.
With Maya, becoming the Master isn't something she chooses; it's given to her by Misty and Mia. With Kay, it's the opposite. Kay's decision to become the Yatagarasu and pursue the truth is wholly her own, and her approach to that goal reflects that. While Maya uses her cheery, upbeat attitude to conceal a lot of self-doubt and vulnerability (and Franziska does the same with her hostility), Kay does not. Her cheerfulness is precisely who she is; it's not a mask so much as it is a distraction. It keeps people from looking at her too closely and realising exactly how capable she is, and, while I don't think it's fully intentional (again, she believes in living her life in a straightforward and upfront manner), she does imply that it's sort of her (or the Yatagarasu's) MO:
Kay: Well! By the time everyone notices, it's already gone! That's the Yatagarasu way!
Interestingly enough, this unintentional tactic of using humour and cheeriness as a distraction from her abilities makes her a mirror to Calisto Yew, who also uses her seemingly always light-hearted nature as a disguise for what she's actually capable of (Calisto's joviality is her true self, too, or at least as 'true' as she can get). The difference between them is that Calisto delights in ironically mocking the world around her, whereas Kay finds joy in life itself, and she's stronger for it.
The only part where we see Kay attempt to mask her feelings is when she's a child, and even then she admits that she feels better after crying, which, I believe, led to her becoming more open with her emotions later in life (see how her older self has a teary sprite which makes pretty frequent appearances where her younger self does not). In any case, to me, this shows that she has people in her life already who are helping, and have helped, her confront and process her trauma. She's not looking to Edgeworth to help her make sense of her father's death and she definitely isn't looking for a replacement (again, literally dedicated to continuing her father's [and Badd's] legacy). Whenever Edgeworth even gets close to becoming parental with her, she dismisses it, unless she acknowledges that she is in the wrong:
Edgeworth: ...Kay, it's not good for you to stay up late, you know.
Kay: Yes, gramps!
Edgeworth: ...I appreciate your sense of justice, however... I would appreciate it if you wouldn't go running into the heart of any more raging fires.
Kay: Nngh... Yes, Mr. Edgeworth... I'll try...
Despite her buoyancy and bright attitude, Kay is quite firm that she be treated as an adult (she doesn't see her cheeriness as a mark of youth; it's joie de vivre, it's who she is, and that's that), and, throughout the game, she gets annoyed when people don't respect that (her arguments with Lang are largely over how he calls Little Thief a toy and her crow-girl). She holds her own and relies on herself while being unafraid of asking for help.
Anyway, this post has gone on for long enough and I think I've addressed the points I wanted to. I should mention that I realise that a lot of how many people portray/interpret their relationship is validated by AAI2 but that's honestly a discussion for a separate post HAHA I feel like, when it comes to AAI, the father/daughter interpretation can maybe be argued with regards to the way Edgeworth treats her? Honestly, though, I think he'd treat any young lady who suddenly becomes part of his team/responsibility in pretty much the same way. And, like, he drops the ball almost every time he's supposed to give "fatherly" advice because he's just not that great with it/children!! It's actually hilarious HSKSDHSK
Either way, yeah! I just think Kay is actually given a lot less credit than she's due when the Dadworth card gets played and I just! Want better for her!!
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puhpandas · 25 days
you know the content drought is bad when you think about content from over a year ago and still get excited
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serv0z · 3 months
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anyways woe wip be upon us. turned oc into a lamb for the next series im in next week :)))
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changeling-droneco · 1 month
God every time I see a take that's like "why did undertale give you fight mechanics if it doesnt want you to use it" i get so annoyed, because like, you can totally just do a neutral run, you can do that, go do a neutral run, the dialogue is really funny actually sans just like "bro what the hell"
"oh but the characters criticize you" yeah, because you did a murder, did you expect them to be happy you did a murder? Like congrats you killed snowdrake, now his father has lost both his son and his wife, of course the game isn't going to throw you a party about it. The whole theme of the game is your actions have consequences.
"oh but it's not the true end" do you know how many video game there exists where there's non canon ends and one true end, this is not a new thing, besides, its your game, you can make the true end the one where you killed everyone but jerry for your save file, you're allowed to do that.
"the game paints itself as an incorrect way vs a correct way to play" WRONG the fandom did that, that's not on the game, the game world just responds to your actions, of course people are going to be nicer in the "dont kill everyone" route then the "oh my god you killed hundreds of people" route, that doesn't mean the pacifist ending is "correct" while genocide is "incorrect" it just means that your actions are seen and understood by the people around you.
Plus, if anything the game rewards the player for doing different kinds of runs with different kill vs spare ratios because you get new dialogue and new scenes and thus can learn more about the world. There's over 15 different potential neutral run phone calls depending on what you did on that run! That's not discouraging the player! That's actively giving the player more content! That's a reward! That's an incentive!
Like....the whole point of the game is that your choices matter, and they have consequences, there's even a whole prophecy about it, the angel of mercy and the angel of death and how the savior could be either. The fandom favors pacifist greatly because they love these characters sure, but again, that's not the fault of the game.
In a game where your choices matter, where each character has a strong personality and connections and social circles, of course killing a character will have ripple effects. The game would make no sense if undyne doesn't care if you killed papyrus or all of snowdin. Of course she cares? She's the leader of the guard, papyrus is one of her closest friends, of course she gets mad?
If you do bad things, people will call you bad is like... rule number one of a game where your choices decide how it plays out. Fallout has been doing that since it came out in 1997!
The game about war and conflict and sacrifice and how it intersects with the lives of innocent people and how it changes people for good or bad is going to show how murder intersects with the lives of innocent people and how it changes people for good to bad.
Like I don't know how to not be rude about this, but just, sorry that the characters hated that you killed one of them? sorry that the characters in this world dont think murder is cool? sorry that undyne says you're a bad person and wants to kill you for killing all her friends? Of course characters like you less and are meaner if you kill someone, YOU KILLED SOMEONE!
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So while I think maybe Gortash wouldn't exactly have a natural garden (at least one he's actually enthused about keeping/is interested in himself, I think he'd have one in the sense of being able to say he does-- Like "I'm Balduran nobility, of course I have people tending to a garden." re: keeping up appearances) I DO think he'd instead have a "garden" made of metal and the like, somewhere. Why spend so much time, so much hard work on something that can be so easily ruined by weather out of one's control? Something that will wilt, that you cannot truly control and might not even fit your vision? It needs so much time to just keep things orderly, time which he doesn't really have to be spending on hobbies. So, over the course of many years, an hour spent here cutting and molding petals, an hour there making vines, eventually a picturesque work of art manifests.
A small field of delicately and intricately made metal flowers, thin and sharp blades of silvery grass, and like some sort of fucked up bonsai project the centerpiece of the garden would be a massive work-in-progress tree with twisted together metal to mimic the look of bark. You don't have to obsess over a disease plaguing plants, insects marring once-perfect leaves or other maintenance of the like, because everything is perfectly in place as it should be. Anything that changes in the garden is because Gortash made it so, it's like playing God on a budget. It's perfect for this control freak. He makes it thrive. He's solely responsible for all this beauty.
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
Ooo, ooo.
So, since Eeta is in S40 (secret double agent!!), how would Toki - Macbeth - Lilith and possibly Inna think of her?? :3
I don’t think Inna would ever realize that she’s a double agent unless Eeta like just straight up told him. I think Inna would be really drawn to Eeta, like really wanting to connect with her, but he doesn’t know why. Maybe he’d view Eeta as an older sister.
Inna: you look so much like me, like an older version of me
Inna: your like my older sister :D!!!
Eeta: ah… yes
Meanwhile Macbeth would immediately be able to tell that there’s something off about Eeta. He wouldn’t know she’s a double agent but he wouldn’t be surprised, he just knows she’s hiding something, especially about Inna. He doesn’t know that Eeta is Inna’s mother, but he would instead think the worst, that maybe she’s someone sent in to hurt Inna or smth.
Macbeth just would not like her and try to make sure Inna stays away from her.
I can’t really think of a situation where Lilith would meet Eeta, but maybe she visits Inna at Alien Stage during s40 and thats when she meets Eeta. Lilith would most likely just see her and be intrigued immediately. Eeta is so similar to Inna that Lilith just has to know why.
In fact Lilith would be the only one to figure it out by herself, to which I think Lilith would begin visiting Eeta more often dressed as Eve just to see what Eeta would do.
I can’t say for Toki, but i’m curious to what @zerostyrant would have to say on this :D
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madscienceforidiots · 7 months
So in dungeon meshi i think that at one point there was a group of novice adventurers that came across a mimic and opened the chest. And that when they opened the chest they saw a dead mimic that was half eaten by bugs (coin bug larvae) (I don’t think that any of them would know what coin bug larvae looked like)
I wonder what reactions they would have. What they would do after. What effect it would have on them both as a group and individuals. I wonder who they told. And if they took it with them. Did any of them draw a diagram?
If they left it did they close the lid or leave it open? If any of them threw up did any throwup land in the mimic? How would the larvae even react? If they took it with them would anyone that saw it know what was happening? Have been able to tell what kind of insect they were? Would any of them do more research later? If they stopped working with eachother did they keep in touch?
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
We do think that Riz is a gynandromorph of some description, especially since damselfly sexual dimorphism tends to be pretty distinct and he's displaying a very unconventional morph for a damselfly of any flavor. He would have no goddamned clue what that would mean, of course, and he probably wouldn't care about it if you told him, but he's definitely got something going on there.
#we speak#bug fables#for reference its a Thing for damselflies to have mimicry in the form of Females Who Look Like Males#but its a one-way street. theres no equivalent female-mimic morph for males#which makes riz Extremely Notable since hes displaying a real clear female morph there#and though being transgender would be very much possible for him we prefer this option#especially since it also offers extra reason why he's got such a broad palette compared to his sister and his father#guy is Unusually Big for a male damselfly and just didnt think twice about it. he feels like the sort of guy who just#wouldnt care overly much for self-definition we think. hes got a job to do. do you think he cares about how rare his genes are?#for his sister there is literally no way to tell if shes transfem or just a mimic morph and tbh good for her#we'll. drop some comparison images in a reblog for the irl damselflies#but in general we favor this one both bc it appeals to us more and bc riz just feels like the sort of guy who wouldnt care much abt gender#like. even if he were trans he feels like the sort of guy who would tell like three people about his pronouns#and then just go about his day and either they tell people or they dont and he doesnt particularly care either way#hes got things to do. traps to build. yes hes a guy but what is the point of making a thing out of it when theres poachers to deal with#he feels like the sort of dude to be Cis Guy enough that hes entirely confused as to what ur talking about if u try and misgender him#no clue where youre coming from but youre wrong#anyways back to spear fighting 101#(note: male and female used here as in the arbitrary sex categories. its the junk. we know its not accurate to being A People)#(its the terminology we've got in the back drawer)
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Oh yeah btw I'm not saying it's the mimic in the main ending I do believe it's Gregory that killed Cassie I just think he should be allowed to commit atrocities. As a treat.
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