#dont get me wrong im not annoyed or anything i really do wanna finish them too
shebsart · 4 months
hello!! i was just wondering if you planned on drawing affc and adwd character povs like you did for agot, acok and asos!!! loved it so much so i was just wondering
affc and adwd pov drawings are my twow 😭
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sawturn77 · 9 months
𝑶𝑪𝑬𝑨𝑵 𝑬𝒀𝑬𝑺 (𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐 𝒎𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒎𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
02: somebody I used to know.
january 1st, 2018.
suguru saved me from the awkward silence and wiggly eyebrows from satoru. "y/n! come help me set up the table, please!" "coming!" i bolted out of there. phew, at least im free from embarrassment now. . once i got in the kitchen, yuji and nobara were arguing about who was going to eat the most food. suguru handed me the utensils that went on the table. i realized hadn't talked to him since i got home. he gently patted my head instead of ruffling my hair like satoru. "how was your visit to the ice rink?" he asked, gently smiling at me. "It was good, until i hit my head and fell on my butt." suguru chuckled at my defeated tone. i started to set the table, placing the chopsticks, spoons, etc in front of every seat. i watch as yuji and nobara approach him, talking to him comfortably. i didnt know they were friends with megumi. he seems like the closed off type, especially now.
soon, shoko arrives and everyone eats. i have to admit, my brother sure can cook. im starting to think hes like satoru's malewife..anyways, after everyone finished eating, we had a drawing, and whoever drew the short stick had to wash dishes while everyone else got to play uno. God was NOT favoring me today. there were two short sticks, and guess who got them! me and megumi. FREAKING MEGUMI. you know what? it cant get more awkward than this.... right?
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here, we stood right beside each other, shoulder touching shoulder, leg touching leg. i wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear. the worst part was, he wasn’t even bothered by it! he didn’t even acknowledge it! surely, if i was him, i’d at least be stealing glances! oh, well, maybe he isnt that kind of guy. he was never interested in stuff like that. the two of us stood at the kitchen sink, washing dishes. the entire time, i was wondering how to start a conversation and barely got anything done! megumi had done most of it. now he probably thinks im useless! he’ll never associate himself with someone so unhelpful. “so,” i started, lips trembling. he glances at me. how come his eyelashes are so long? does he use mascara? “how..how have you b-been lately?” i wanted to curse myself. who the hell stutters nowadays!? “alright. what about you?” i could feel my shoulders tensing. i had heard his voice earlier, but now, im really paying attention to it. just thinking about it makes my stomach do axles. “good, actually.” i smiled, desperate to keep myself from squealing. minutes past, he hasnt said anything after that. okay, you dont wanna talk to me, cool. fine. whatever. (squealing) part of me wanted yuji and nobara to come in and start being annoying to break the ice. hell, maybe even satoru would do. after what seemed like decades, we finally finished washing the dishes. i sighed in relief, but i couldnt have a moment of grace before my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. i felt a napkin on my cheek, wiping soap off my face. “sorry,” he muttered. kill. me. please. “you had soap on your face.” i laughed awkwardly while he just looked at me, “really? i-uhm, i didn’t know! thanks.” what the hell, y/n?? what is your problem??
yuji and nobara ran towards me and megumi, bombarding us with a fury of words i didnt understand. something along the lines of, “guess what?? i won against mr. gojo!” “no, kugisaki cheated!” “the hell? i didnt cheat! all of you just suck!” “cheater cheater, pumpkin eater!” “grow up!” megumi frowned at their antics. “idiots” he muttered.
an: hey guys sorry for the short chapter😔i kinda rushed bc i have to gts early bc i have school tmrw. but i will be posting tomorrow or the day after that! it normally takes me two days (4 hours total) to write this much anyway
TAGLIST: @fillmeup6969 @morgyyyyy @kasumitenbaz (OPEN)
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
1,3,5,6 and 15! I love women <3
hi faye!! 🩷 i already know this gonna be long hooboy
1. One of your favorite female characters?
frederica aesfrost triangle strategy. that is my GIRL. i dont know how many of you guys have played triangle strategy but me personally it changed my life. not gonna say too much because i dont wanna spoil it, but shes such a great female lead. shes basically fighting for the liberation of her people, the roselle, who the society of the game has basically condemned for no reason so if you go through her arc, you see how she deals with the pressure of having to free them, how hard it hurts to witness them in the state that theyre in, and the sacrifices she has to make to get what she wants and GOD. its so good. shes so good. also she cant fucking cook. me too girl.
3. What’s a female character you look up to?
ema skye ace attorney, specifically in aa4-6. ive never seen a character that made me go ‘GOD shes just like me fr’ like her (and apollo justice. but this isnt about him). i feel like it’s rare to see main characters like her really love something, and then FAIL pathetically at it. over and over. not that i enjoy seeing her not getting her forensic license, but it just feels so real. sometimes you love something and you’re so passionate about it but you just dont get it. and how does she react? is she still the bubbly ema you see in rfta with a “we’ll get em next time!” attitude? no!! no she’s not, she’s bitter, grumpy, snarky, dealing with the most annoying prosecutor of all time, and she’s so fucking real. be frustrated! be angry! life hands you shit cards you can be mad about how you have to play it! it’s nice seeing characters who pick themselves back up so easily, but most people arent like that and im certainly not, and seeing a character who’s just so honest about that is really refreshing. of course, she finally gets her dream in aa6, but that doesnt come without years and years of trying. in a universe where people are becoming lawyers at 18, it’s nice to see someone realistic. (im also trying to step foot into the forensic field eventually sooo… the fact that shes on the same path as me just kinda makes it hit harder, you know?)
5. A female villain you love?
pissing off both sides of the argument by calling her a villain and saying i love her but edelgard von hresvelg. before anyone says anything my favorite lord is yuri leclerc and the rest of them are equal in my heart <3 but edelgard clearly takes on more of a villain role in every route except her own, and even then she’s not entirely morally correct (duh). but i dont know. i wont say too much on your ask faye cuz i know you havent finished the other routes yet, but even when i played azure moon i couldnt bring myself to dislike her. her past with dimitri, the way she kept the dagger, and everything she reveals to you on her own path and how her past shaped her into who she is and what she wants and how she will stop at nothing to get it. i dont agree with the ends justifying the means, but i love characters who believe in that because it’s just so interesting. you want this thing so bad, nothing will stop you? your friends, your family, knowing you’re doing wrong because you think it’ll turn out right? what if it goes wrong. what if it blows up in your face? what if history remembers you as the villain forever? you’re already too deep in it i guess, so just keep going. shes so… ggrarghj. edelgard 🥹
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
athena cykes ace attorney. you’re telling me the entirety of aa5 is revolves around HER story, HER past, HER relationships, and it’s called “Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies”? the dual, by the way, refers to apollo. and you dont even play as athena during the climax of the game, you play as phoenix and shes just WATCHING. will they redeem her in aa6? you mean “Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice?” you mean the game where she gets ONE case on her own and it’s a FILLER CASE? admittedly a pretty good filler case but still. god. what the hell. i get phoenix sells but if you’re make new lawyers to take on his legacy, maybe? let them do that???
15. Female character you would defend with your life?
as usual there are so many to pick from. but i think this time i’m gonna pick nyx fire emblem. now, dont get me wrong. i will not defend her design. fates’ female dark mage design is pretty bad, especially since its used on ophelia and nyx. as much as i sincerely dont think nyx looks like a child as opposed to just a pretty short young woman, it’s…. blerghh. but aside from that? i cant STAND when people say shes just generic loli bait that acts like a child. because where? WHERE? point to where in her supports she acts like a child seriously. i know in her supports with charlotte she attempts to try it, but the point is that its unnatural and uncomfortable for her to do so. she is just. not like that. she doesnt try to play around like nowi or myrrh. shes not a child in dragon years or anything. shes just an older woman stuck in the body of a younger one, and if you would just READ one support, literally any of them, you would know that. but fates haters dont read, do they? clearly not. and its just a huge disservice to the rest of her character, which i think is incredibly beautifully written. shes such a standout in fates and i cant stand people ignoring that because “waaah nowi clone!” fuck you.
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babymorte · 5 months
Oh all of my 7 days to die experience is going to come back to royally fuck me in the ass with these games ... I'm so used to seeing the bad guys and running at them instead of runnning away from them ...
Better go get some brown pants for these ... this is going to be interesting ...
also, why wouldn't I want to get you started on your opinions? I like hearing your opinions, else a sheep wouldn't have asked ... and I know you're going to spill your soul about it, but I'll be damned if I'm not here for it
ive never played that but i always wanted to...i think i have it on ps5 through ps+ but i could be wrong...ive heard it was pretty decent though...or at the very least ive been told its right up my street. im the complete opposite. resi has me not killing anything in games, running past them, hoarding everything and never saving or healing. apparently its stressful watching me play games. i dont die often in survival horrors though so im doing something right...shooters though? i leroy jenkins the shit out of those and get my bum beat royally. like me trying to solo halo was an absolute nightmare. like for as okay as i am at stealth and horror games thats how bad i am at shooters. my brain just cant compute.
if you really wanna get scared try out visage. its a spiritual successor to pt and its absolutely fucking horrifying. like i couldnt finish it because it gave me such anxiety...well they also took it off gamepass but thats besides the point. its still a great atmospheric horror with not a lot of jumpscares the horror is subtle and it does a really good job at just keeping you on edge and keeping the super scary things in places you least expect it. theres also some puzzles and stuff too so its not entirely a walking sim since i know a lot of people dont really like them for some reason.
oh my opinions on re3 remake are very unpopular and ive gotten into it with a lot of peopel because a lot of the issues they have are hypocritical...im a bit of a resi snob. its not that i want to be im just very passionate about it and i dont like when people complain about things solely to complain which happened a lot with the re3 remake...a lot of bandwagon jumping happened to say the least. like the main issue was all the cut content like the clock tower and the dead factory and a bunch of the puzzles. but the content they took out was all content that fans notoriously hated because it ruined the pace of the game or was too difficult. but once they removed said content it instantly becamse everyones favourite part and they lost their shit over it. ive always liked the clock tower because you get to watch it deteriorate throughout your time spent there but it does drag on so i always understood why people didn't like it. but it annoys me that people immediate will turn hypocritical just so they can be difficult and complain. re3 remake could have been longer and there are some things i would definitely change and add (og re3 is my favourite in the og trilogy) but i understand why they took out the things they did because they needed to connect re2 remake to re4 remake in both story and gameplay and i think for what its worth re3 did a pretty good job. the lore is there and spot on, the combat is still punchy and super fun to do knife runs with, the unlockables are some of the most fun ive had in a resi ng+ and its honestly just fun for speed runs since it is a shorter game....thats another thing. people complain how short it is but the og is a short game too so like i dont get what the issue is there...i dont know...i have a lot of opinions but im also heavily biased so i often come off cunty when im talking about it. re3 remake and outbreak are the two games i have the biggest issues with as far as fan opinions. i cannot stand fan opinions on outbreak and honestly...i think outbreak is overrated...even more so than og re4...but i digress.....i dont know i think re3 remake is a great combo of action and horror without being too difficult except on inferno mode...nemmy's final form is rage inducing and it almost made me rage quit going for the s rank...managed to get it though....havent played inferno since...but you can unlock these coins that give you a defence and damage boost that help you so so much in the harder difficulites cuz otherwise its basically a one bite kill on inferno which i fell like only bawkbasoup can do easily without any other the unlockables...dude is a freaking beast.
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chirpsloth · 10 months
its been like 17 minutes since i told myself id do homework i need to do it but i just spent all that time reading through all my tumblr post...
god i hate myself
not bc of the homework thing ill get it done but because of just reading the posts
not really i dont think
i just hate myself
but not actually
just a little
maybe i feel bad for myself...
no self pity is lame
god do i hate myself?
when i read the posts i know edxactly what ii was refering to at the time... but i dont think i make my psots easy to decipher all the time
like when i saw the posts that said "im so nervous" and "nervous nancy" followed by the psot a few hours later saying wtf why do i actully have rizz" and then "wtf is wrong with me" im like: oh my god!! i know why i was posting that at the time!! like wowowowow thats how i was feeling thats wild!
i really do feel for myself.. why am i this way???? everyone probably pities themself sometimes.
idk i didnt deserve that... and i shouldnt do that.. wouldnt trade it for anything though. i wont stop though
im not evil im just human
im just learning
im scared for when i reach the age where i cant say that anymore...
is everything gonna be okay?
everything IS okay. i get GREAT grades, i have a good home life, i have 2 close friends, i get to walk and listen to music all the time...
i think that part of it is jealousy but theres always a wishing to get worse you know?
i don't think i'll ever be fejwlfjew but i think thats okay... im happy. i think. edcept for when i think about things too much
i pity myself
i guess i pray to the future me. you know? i wonder if i typed all my old posts knowing that the future me would read them and be like a therapist from another time...telling msyelf not to worry. i think i just did it because i need to say things and i dont have anyone that i call spew all my dumb stuff to without annoying them or making them think im mentally ill which i am not.
plus i need a place to be self centered. i guess this is that... some place hwere i only talk about me. im okay with no one listening irl because i dont want to portray myself as insane. there are some things that can only be written too. i wouldnt want to talk to my therapist about a lot of things because i dont want him thinking im insane. i know thats a therapists job but im saying like theres stuff that i really shouldnt say.. scared maybe. i wanna educate myself on law or soemhitng so i know what my therapist can tell my mother or can get me admitted for.
do i even want help? i seriously dont think so. the better i get the worse i want to get. right now im in a good middle ground. im happy, i dont cause conflict in the house too much, im not exhausting myself, i get things done, life is pretty okay. sometimes i will participate in some efwljfkwel activities though. maybe thats just my way to cope. its not harming anyone,, and i really dont believe its harming the present me too much.
maybe itll harm the future me like how my past decisions currently hurt me. not out of regret but out of pity. it just hurts that i did that... you know?
i really should do my homework but i have time (Not really)
im thinking of doing the bare minimum rn and waking up extra early to finish everytihng up. probably what i wanna do.
i know its only been a week of school since the weekend (weird way to phrase it??) but i need a break. im fine with school its not tiring or anything but god i need a break from life. not like life life but i mean hanging out with people, having things i need to do, etc. i need a week where im all alone. i love my friends but god i need alone time. i always feel so guilty when i dont hang out with them though because i dont wanna be lonely or lose friendships so i find myself hanging out with my friends mainly to "maintain friendships". i love them so much but please i need time.
this post is making me sound so mentally unwell but im doing so fine i promise (who am i promising?)
why is my heart rate so fast
lemme count it rq
okay its actually pretty normal its 80-ish bpm but it feels fast
i feel so shaky
i wonder if its the sugar i had earlier... i know some foods or larger amounts of fodos always make my heart feel fast and make me shaky but i havent really discovered what foods those are.
im always so nervous posting on here because what if i say something that makes this all tracable to me. i dont wanna lose opportunities beause of some dumb tumblr posts.
i know i should use like my journal or something but its comforting knowing that this can be viewed by someone for some reason. i mean id be mortified if someone told me they read all my posts but idk. maybe also its nice because i can always lose a physical notebook or lose the passord to my google docs but tumblr is public and i can always look at this tomfoolery from another account. plus this feels less formal. in my actual physical journal im very messy and i get sucked in when i write but its so messy its unreadable, it cramps my hand, and sometimes feels inconvenient. on my actual online journal i established it as something more formal... for life and mental updates for myself. im scared
i dont know why but im so scared
im so so so scared
god why did i just feel like i was about to cry
i want to curl up and cry so loudly in my moms lap while she tells me its okay but i cant i cant i cant. if i did she would think im mentally unwell which im not and id be such an inconvience to her.
last time i cried in her arms she told me that i gotta "say everything" to my therapist and that he can help me. help me with what?? she said that i deserve someone good that can help me? i told her that im normal.. she told me that she didnt want a normal daughter she wanted a happy daughter. i am happy. i just repeated that im normal because i know she sees me as different in some way. i see her as different in soem way too. i think i'd see my sister different than everyone else if i didn't judge her so much. i feel so insensitive but i always invalidate my sisters issues/struggles because i feel like i had it worse and that she has it so well. i konw its so bad and i need to remind myself that... she is a human being, she will struggle, and i should be happy that what i was so used to makes her suffer... im glad she's not used to badness like i was. that makes me sound so emo but you know. i just invalidate her so much.
anways. i think that seeing someone so closely..knowing them almost better than you know yourself will make you see them as less normal. or something. i dont know. i know my mom sees me as different. i doubt she sees my sister as so different than society. maybe its because im socially a little odd. she thinks i try to push people away/unsettle them. i dont. im just awkward around a lot of people. i like telling myself that im not everyones cup of tea. maybe thats just a way to excuse my social stupidity. my best freind always asks me how can i find myself socially stupid if im friends with like everyone. maybe shes right, but i dont think os. im not friends with anyone. weve just been conditioned to be nice to everyone and people are nice to me. yes people trust me, yes i have inside jokes/ get alogn with a lot of people... but do you seriously think i hang out with them outside of school? we use the word freind too loosely. if i never text someone, we only talk in school, and never hang out outside of school... no matter how much we know about each other, no matter if we've seen each other cry, no matter how long we've been "friends," we are NOT friends and thats okay. i try to be agreeable. people think im funny at least.
i need my mom to hug me and let me cry into her arms but i dont want her judging me or worrying about me i just need my mom. god im about to cry. why do i make myself feel this way? this was just supposed to be a post about not doing my homework.. now im writing like a multiparagraph essay. i need to say things. i guess i need to organize my thoughts. speak to the void.
you know i think i write in this because i know that future me will read it... emaning that future me will be alive. meanign that i'll be alive in the future. meaning that everything will be okay. if future me is alive, it means she overcame things, and shes now smarter, and as she's reading these paragraphs, she remembers how she used to feel, and pities her old self once again. and then maybe writes more to the future future me. and the cycle continues. until im dead i guess. maybe someone else.. a child? will work as a future future future x1000 me.. i doubt it. i dont think someone will ever care about me as a person so much as to read everyting ive thought. im currently pretty much just writing my thougts. nothing is organized. im just rambling. i would film a video but i dont have space in my camera roll, and even if i did, i would never want a video of myself saying stuff. some things are better kept written. anwyays. hello future me. and the future me after that. etc. i wonder if im laughing at this in the future. probably... in some time in the future. i bet ill laugh while also pitying my current self. self pity is so lame.
speaking of children. honestly.
door is opening. my moms home. ive been writing for like an hour. homework for tomorrow i guess. ill maintain a convorsation with her while i write. actually maybe ill close my laptop and return to this later. i mean i could use the excuse that this is homework...
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sctoru · 3 years
When you kiss them too much (BNHA ver)
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genre: fluff
fandom: bnha
characters: bakugou, todoroki, midoriya, denki & kirishima
warnings: swearing.
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At first he will shrugged it off but soon, it will just piss him off ouch
he would be on his phone calling kirishima and you would just kiss him everywhere, "dont worry im gonna beat that son of a bi-" you kissed his lips, "CAN YOU STOP KISSING ME?!!! YOU'VE BEEN DOING IT FROM BEFORE!" katsuki yelled
"oh? you dont want me to kiss you?" you pouted, "WELL NO- ITS JUST YOU'VE BEEN DOING IT SO MUCH THAN BEFORE!" katsuki yelled a bit
"whatever you're planning, you better stop right now" katsuki scoffed, did you listen to him? Absolutely not, right after he said that you kissed his cheek, earning an annoyed groan from his lips, "y/n." he glared at you
you giggled, running away from him. Katsuki hang up the call. "HEY COME BACK HERE! GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!" he yelled while running after you
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He's confused T T
He wouldn't mind you kissing him so much but he's very confused why you're doing it so much
I cant see him being mad about it (?) Just confused
"i think we should just have soba for tonight-" he got cut off by you suddenly kissing his lips then to his cheek, forehead, chin and nose
He would freeze for a second then he'll turn to you
"are you okay? Is there anything wrong?" He asks, you shook your head "no, nothing. Just a little head over heels for you" you smiled, "thank you?" he replied
Will definitely kiss you back, will also try to kiss you more than he used to
Overall, he wont be mad just confused.
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he wont mind much about you kissing him more than usual but if he actually is he would just "y/n please stop, lets uh continue this later okay?"
But he loves it though, no way he doesn't
He's pretty shy admitting that he actually likes it but you can tell
He would get a bit confused as well, but dont mind it that much, he thinks you just need it
"hey y/n, what do you-" before he could finish, you kiss his lips. "wanna-" you kiss his cheek, "eat?" you kiss his nose. "Lets eat pork cutlet bowl" you giggled, "yea, we can do that!" he smiled
"y-y/n, why have you been kissing me so much though? Is there anything wrong?" he asks while his cheeks turns bright red, "no, not at all. I just love it" you replied
Sometimes, he would ask for more
Overall, he actually likes it but if he's a bit irritated he'll gently ask you to stop
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he'll actually end up doing it too while teasing you
"oh? So we're playing this game huh?" He smirks, he'll kiss you everywhere too. The more you kiss him, the more he'll kiss you too
He doesn't really mind honestly like i said he loves it <3
He actually got flustered and shy a bit, his nose would bleed for being flustered too much
Will definitely ask you to do more
He will brag it to mineta honestly. "You know, y/n actually kiss me loads of times 🤭😏" mineta will get so jealous of him that he tries to make you kiss him but ends up getting slapped in the face by you
Overall, he loves it and wont get sick of it
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Just like todoroki, he'll get confused because its so sudden. Its not that usual of you to kiss him that much
At first he wont mind but then later on, he'll start to question
"hey? its not that usual for you to kiss me this much, are you okay? I-im not saying its bad! I-its just its kind of unusual" he said, "well, i just love kissing you" you grinned while his face turns red and he gets all shy
He'll ask you to stop for a while then later on he'll ask you to do it again
He actually kinda likes it
Mina teases him about it all the fucking time, even in classes which actually get him pretty shy
overall, he kinda likes it <3
That's the end! Im sorry if its too short!
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
What Have I Done? - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Physical injuries, cursing
Summary: An argument gone out of hand. Y/N just wanted Katsuki to be home more. They’re married and yet she barely sees him throughout the week. When she finally speaks on her hurt feelings, she gets a reaction she definitely wasn’t expecting.
Chapter 1 -> Chapter 2
A/N:.....I cried while writing this.
‘He’s gone already. Again. Like always.’
Y/N had awoken to another empty bed. Her husband’s side of the mattress remained cold and empty. This wasn’t anything new. It’s been like this for the past few months. She would wake up alone, eat breakfast alone, spend her day alone, eat dinner alone, and go back to sleep at the end of the day...alone.
It’s not that Katsuki is intentionally ignoring Y/N. He loves her with his everything, he truly does! But villains never rest and neither does he. He’s so preoccupied with hero work that when he does get a day off, his friends drag him away to a bar or game night. Y/N always ran through his head but she had always been so understanding. And besides, she knows how busy the life of a pro is. She used to be one so she gets it. Right?
Wrong. She doesn’t get it. Because even when she was a pro, her and Katsuki always found time for each other. And ever since said man made her quit, claiming he could take care of both of them easily and he would feel better knowing his beloved is safe at home, they’ve seen each other less and less. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Y/N was willing to quit her dream because she found a new dream in Katsuki. She always imagined that being his little housewife would give them more time together but the opposite of that came true. Now she sits in the big empty house with no company for hours on end.
Her sadness builds up every day. She misses her husband. She tries to be an understanding wife but at this point, it’s like he’s not even trying to make an effort to see her. It’s like he’s settled to just coming home to her sleeping form and waking up to her in the exact same state, leaving before he can witness her do anything else. He should understand her though, no? I mean, she had brought it up to him in a very casual way and so he never took it seriously, but she’s mentioned it before. He should have a pretty vivid image of how shes been feeling. Right?
After 6 months of loneliness and being ‘Katsuki-deprived,’ Y/N made her move to speak to her husband about her feelings. She already imagined the outcome. An argument due to Katsuki’s brash behavior and her ‘never back down’ attitude, sad times bringing in the silent treatment for the two of you up until the both of you give in and forgive each other due to the love you have. Finally ending in a compromise. Y/N released a heavy breath as she looked at the time.
1:36 a.m. Just a few more minutes until Katsuki’s home.
He was pissed. 3 large scale bank robberies, 10 villain-wannabe fights, an argument with his publicist about his ‘out of line attitude,’ and Deku replacing him on a random ass billboard. The last detail wouldn’t have mattered if it was anybody else but the fact that it was Deku had him riled up. He just wanted to go home to a quiet house with his beautiful wife and admire her gorgeous, slumbering state. However that was not what he was greeted with.
Katsuki grumbled as he unlocked the front door and walked in. He noticed the lights were still on and saw Y/N still awake, seated on the couch. On any other day, he’d be elated to see his wife was still up. They’d talk and cuddle and go to sleep together. If he was lucky, they’d both make love until the sun rose. But tonight, that wouldn’t be happening. He wanted a quiet house with his sleeping wife. Not..whatever was about to happen. He sighed as he dropped his bag at the front door and sloppily placed his keys in the glass bowl near the door.
“What’re you doing up dumbass?” He asked as he walked to the kitchen, not even bothering to take off his shoes. He needed a drink.
“I was waiting for you, Katsuki. I just wanted to talk to you about something,” you said in a soft voice, hoping it would suppress his for sure incoming anger. Katsuki closed the fridge with a kick to the heavy door and chugged down a quarter of his drink.
“I’m not in the mood. Had a shitty day and I wanna sleep. Just go to bed.” He said sternly while trying to finish his beer as fast as he could.
“Don’t you think I would’ve done that hours ago? I wouldn’t have stayed up and waited for you if this wasn’t important. Please Katsuki, I really wanna talk.” Bakugou was beginning to grow annoyed. Why wouldn’t you just drop it already? He squeezed his bottle hard enough for it too crack before he spoke with a louder voice.
“Y/N! You’re not listening! I’m tired. I had a horrible day and I just want to sleep. I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to stay up anymore, and I don’t want to listen to whatever bullshit you’re about to complain and bitch about like you always do!” He screamed. His words made your jaw drop.
“Not listening?! That’s all I do! All I do is listen to your every command so that you come home happy-“
“Well it looks like you failed today!” He said, cutting you off.
“Quit interrupting! And what was it that you said?! All I do is bitch and complain?! I’m trying to talk to you about something serious here Katsuki!” You pleaded, still hoping he would give in and listen. And he did...just not in the way you’d expect.
“Fine then! If this’ll get you to quit being an annoying ass waste of time, then speak! Talk! What the hell do you want?!” He asked, screaming at you, furious at all the dramatics you’ve brought up in one night.
His words kind of stung. ‘Annoying ass? Waste of time? Is this what he thinks I am?’ You grew silent at his insults and Katsuki seethed even more.
“Oh what? I scream at you and you bitch up? Toughen up Y/N, jeez. Quit acting like a baby! Tell me what you wanted to say!” He yelled.
“.......I just....I just wanted you to spend some time with me. .....Be home more.” You said in a quiet and broken voice. You looked down to the now very interesting floor as you played with your hands.
“Seriously? This shit again? I’m a pro-hero, Y/N! I’m busy! I’m not gonna drop saving lives just because your brat ass wants someone to notice you! Since when were you such an attention whore?” He asked while rolling his neck to relieve his strained muscles. Your eyes widen at the ground due to his words and your head snapped back up to face him.
“A-attention whore? I-...I just want my husband to stop working so much. I don’t know..maybe have a day off or two!” She said with a crinkled nose as you screamed.
“I do have days off, Moron. It’s why I’m not overworked, ever thought about that?!” He screamed back.
“And you spend those days off away from me! I’m not trying to act like the world revolves around me but I would hope my own husband would spend a day with me instead of his friends that he ALWAYS sees because you ALL WORK TOGETHER!” You argued. You made a valid point and even Katsuki knew that, but he was too stubborn to admit defeat. He was still tired but he had enough energy to put you back in your place. His eyes popped as a vein grew on his neck.
“Don’t understand?! You know what? I know you don’t because you never listen to-“
“because of FUCKING YOU!” You argued once more.
His words hurt. They broke your heart. Did he really feel this way? If so, why was he even with you anymore. You notice a smirk grow on his face at your bewildered state. He looked as if he just won something. However, the smirk dropped into a scowl once he saw your eyes begin to pool with tears.
“Oh great! Cry! Go ahead! Just shed your fucking tears like you always do! I’m going to bed! Come join me when you’re done being an annoying bitch.” He said and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he began to walk away. You didn’t want the conversation to go this way and there was no conclusion. You needed this to be resolved now. You just wanted your husband back. You reached out to stop him from walking but the unforeseen happened.
“Katsuki..don’t walk away from thi-“
“DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!” He said and smacked your arms away with a burning palm. Without realizing, Katsuki began to spark his quirk and so when he went in to push you away, he burned your forearm.
A loud blast and smoke filled the room and your screams of pain invaded his ears. The sound made a shocked face grow on him as he quickly turned to see the damaged he had caused. His heart sank as he saw you crying while holding your burnt arm with your other hand. You were slightly hunched over in pain as you took notice of the damage that had been caused. That he caused.
“Y/N!” Bakugou softly shouted as he ran to you. He wanted to help but before he could even lay a finger on you, you flinched. The action caused him to hesitate and hold himself back. He ran to the kitchen sink to get a cold rag and he brought it back to you. “Baby! I am so sor-“
You pushed him away and off of you as you quickly walked to your bedroom with a shadow casted over your eyes. Tears still flowed down your cheeks as sniffles could be heard from your cherry red nose. Katsuki couldn’t believe what he just did and ran to follow you.
“Y/N! Please listen! I didn’t mean it! I don’t know how that happened Teddy Bear but I swear I didn’t mean it! I swear I didn’t mean any of the bullshit I said! I’m sor-“
*SLAM* *click!*
Katsuki realized he followed you out the kitchen, through the living room, up the stairs, and to the entrance of the master bedroom you both shared before you slammed the door and locked it right in his face.
“Baby! Please open the door!” He said while knocking in a very rushed manner. He wanted nothing more than to help you and treat the damage he caused to his beloved wife. He had royally fucked up. He began turning and jiggling the locked knob in an attempt to get it open but failed. “Please Y/N! I have to take care of you and that burn. I’m so sorry but please let me in!”
On the other side of the door, you pressed your back against it as you held in your sobs and slid to the bottom. You pulled both lips in to conceal your voice while you held your wrist to examine the burn on your arm. It was so bad. Your skin turned an angry shade of red as it blistered and bled. You were dripping blood all over your carpeted floor and so you ran to the master bathroom in the bed room.
You turned on the sink and placed your forearm under the cold, running water. The water soothed it a bit but it wasn’t enough to cover the pain. You turned off the sink and grabbed a hand rag as you patted down on your wound. You took out the first aid kit and cared for yourself. You had to take the alcohol to clean it and sucked in a breath before you poured the solution over the burn. You screamed as it seemed to have hurt 10x more. After dabbing cotton over it, you wrapped it in bandages and took a breath of relief.
‘What just happened?’ You thought to yourself.
The entire time, Katsuki was still begging for you to open up. He heard your scream and grew frantic. He banged on the door and cried for you, still hoping, praying, that you would let him in. When nothing happened, he resorted back to calling out for you but to no avail.
About an hour went by and it was almost 4 in the morning. You sat on the bed with your arms holding your knees to your chest. You stared at the wrap as the memories of what went down tonight flashed through your brain.
‘Waste of time...brat ass...attention whore...ungrateful...annoying bitch.’
His words struck you right in your heart. Cruel thoughts began to fill your head.
‘He doesn’t love me. He hates me. I’m worthless.’ Your thoughts would’ve continued until a quiet knock snapped you out of you mind.
“....Y/N?...Baby?” It was Katsuki of course, but a softer version of him. A broken one. “..I don’t know if you’re listening or if you’re awake..but I need you to know that I’m so so sorry.” It was easy to hear his muffled and staggered voice that exposed his tears and sobs. “If I could turn back time right now, I would do tonight all over again, I swear. I would’ve came home and listened to you. And we could’ve talked things out. We would’ve came out of this problem being a stronger couple than we were before...because that’s what we always do. We always make it out of the dark together..because we’re a team..and I need you. .....Please...please don’t leave me Y/N. I love you so much. ‘M so sorry that I hurt you..that I burned you..that I’m such a terrible husband. But I promise you I’ll fix everything in the morning...................Teddy Bear?”
He didn’t know it, but you were listening. You heard every word but refrained from speaking. You knew that the second you did, you’d break down and go crawling back to him....but you didn’t want to do that. You wanted to leave. He physically burned you and you wanted to leave. You were going to sleep for a few hours, and when you would awaken, you would pack a bag and leave. And so, you began your plan and tried to get some sleep as tear streaks marked your face. It would all be over soon.
You woke up to the morning sun.
6:50 a.m.
You rose out of bed and rubbed at your puffy eyes. You quietly got ready in the bathroom and applied the slightest bit of makeup to look more presentable. You took out a pair of shoes and tossed them to the center of the room. You were in your closet and pulled out a bag. You stuffed it full of a few clothes for you to wear, you couldn’t stay here. Not after what he did. You fought through the pain as you pulled on your jacket and placed your shoes on. You wiped your tears as you picked up your purse and got ready to leave. You were going to stay in a hotel. Didnt matter where or how expensive. You just needed to get away.
Finally, you walked to the exit of the bedroom. You took a breath before you slowly turned the knob and was greeted with the sight of a sleeping Bakugou. He had slept in the hallway in front of the bedroom, still wearing the same clothes from the night before. His knees were scrunched up with his arms resting there to be used as a pillow. He layed his head atop of his arms and as you looked down into his hands, you saw the rag. The exact rag from the argument. The rag that he attempted to use to help you. Little did you know, Bakugou hadn’t planned on getting rid of it until you let him use it to help you. He wanted nothing more than to fix his mistake and cater to you and your wound.
You shook your head as you felt tears began to fill your eyes but you refused to let them fall. You took a step and sadly awoken the exact man you were trying to avoid. Bakugou had quickly woken up when he heard the slightest noise and was blessed with the beauty that is you. He looked up at you with wide eyes and a small smile.
“Y/N...” was what he whispered before he quickly got up to run to you.
“Y/N!” He ecstatically said with a hint of relief. He was about to wrap him arms around you but you kept a hand at his chest to keep him at bay. “Baby?...”
Bakugou looked at you with hurt and confused eyes when you didn’t welcome his embrace. Even when you were mad at him, you still allowed him to hold you so what gives? He looked at you and your attire. He noticed your jacket and shoes and saw you holding a bag. “W-what are you doing?”
You walked away from him but he snatched your wrist to make you turn to face him. “Y/N! What’s going on?!” He frantically asked with crazed eyes. You snatched your wrist back and ran down the stairs and he copied your actions. He followed you into the living room until he grabbed your wrist once more. You tried to pull away again but found it harder because this time, he gripped it tight.
“W-where are you going baby?”
“Dont call me that.”
“What? Why? Baby, please tell me what’s going on.” He begged as he squeezed your wrist.
“What’s going on? Are you serious? What does it look like? I’m leaving!” Bakugou’s eyes went wide once more and shook his head.
“N-no! No, why!?”
“Why?! Look at my arm!” You screamed.
“I know! I know and I’m so sorry! But..but you don’t have to go! I can fix you up, I’ll take you to recovery girl, I will bring you to the best hospitals around the world to fix that for you! Just please don’t go!” He bargained and offered everything but you weren’t budging.
“It’s not just the burn Bakugou.” You deadpanned with a nonchalant face. His heart felt heavy after hearing your voice refer to him with his family name.
“..I-it’s Katsuki! Your Katsuki! It’s Suki, baby please!” Bakugou stepped closer as he cried once more but you backed away again. His hold on your wrist still strong as his fingers played with the ring on your hand, trying to calm himself down and remind himself that you are still his wife.
You shook your head at his pleading. “Bakugou. You burned me. But not only that, you’ve neglected me for months.”
“I know that! And I’m sorry! I will spend just as much time off of work to make it up to you, I swear I will, I promise!” He once again bargained.
“It’s too late.”
“No it’s not, please, it can’t be!”
“It is Bakugou-“
“KATSUKI! ....please...please don’t call me that. I’m your Katsuki,” he said with a whimpering voice. At this point you felt the tears come through, but you still didn’t allow them to fall.
“Katsuki...I can’t stay here. Too much damage has been done.” You said with a soft voice. Bakugou continued to shake his head ‘no,’ but you already made up your mind. You used your wind quirk in your hand and blew his grip off your wrist. You took the quick opportunity to walk to the door but Bakugou grabbed your bag off your shoulder in a childish panic and attempt to get you to stay.
“Please Y-Y/N! Please don’t leave me! I- I know I’ve been a terrible husband! I’m sorry! B-But I promise I’ll do better. I’ll stay at home more, I’ll spend more time with you, Please!”
“I’ll buy you whatever you want! I’ll get you all the expensive brands, I’ll find you all the best jewelry, I’ll give you all the money in the world! I’ll give you the whole world! Please stay! I love you so much Y/N!”
“Katsuki, give me back my bag,” you tried to reach for it but Bakugou kept it away from you and pulled you in with one arm and held you in a tight embrace as he cried on your shoulder.
“Please...you can’t do this to me. I need you. I love you! I’ll do better! I’ll be a better husband, I swear..just please don’t go.” He softly spoke with a broken voice and soft hiccups. It was wrong for you to do this, but you sighed and pretended to forgive him as you wrapped your arms around his torso. You hugged him tight and he fell for it as he openly sobbed now. His other arm that held your bag came to wrap around your waist but before it could, you snatched the bag out of his hold and pushed him away. You ran to the door and held a tight grip on the knob as you picked up your car keys. You saw Katsuki attempt to run back to you but you created a strong barrier of wind to protect you. “IM SORRY Y/N! PLEASE DONT!”
You took off your ring and tossed it to him through the barrier. He was quick to catch it and hold it right in fear of losing it. He had to find a way to get it back on your finger. “No..baby...Teddy Bear please!”
“....I’ll send you the divorce papers....Goodbye Katsuki.”
With that, you walked out of the door, still keeping the barrier alive. Once you started the car, you dispersed of the wind and Bakugou opened the door and ran to your car.
“Y/N wait! Please!” He cried out but he was too late. You pulled out of the driveway and drove off quickly down the street. He watched your car go as he began hyperventilating and tugging at his ash blonde locks. He ran back inside the house with your ring in hand as he looked for his phone. He found it on the kitchen island and quickly dialed your number. Of course, it went straight to voicemail but that didn’t stop him from calling about 50x more.
“This-...this has to be some stupid dream. A fucking nightmare...” he said as he tried to hide in denial. “Yeah...a nightmare. This is what it is...I’ll..I’ll wake up soon and she’ll be by my side in the morning...sleeping peacefully...and I’ll take the whole week off and spend it with her. She won’t be mad, we’ll be happy like we always are. S-She won’t leave me.”
Bakugou had an insane smile on his face with eyes of distraught on him. He clumsily made his way back to his bedroom where he flopped onto the large mattress and tried to get some sleep. He would sleep the whole day away if it meant you’d still be by his side when he woke up. The ring you abandoned was held tight in the palm of his hand as he held it close to his chest. His sobs overcame him but did aid in his journey to slumber. Eventually, he knocked out and a smile of bliss adorned his face as he assumed you would still be there in the morning.....oh how wrong he was.
The very next day, he woke up at 5:30 like he always did and quickly looked to your side of the bed. It was cold and empty. He was lonely. The exact same feeling you got everytime you woke up without seeing him for the past 6 months.
6 months. You’ve been married for 4 years and together for 8. Out of those 8 years, Bakugou spent 6 months neglecting you..and now...he lost you.
He stared at the empty space and bawled his eyes out like a baby as he screamed. He got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Maybe you were cooking breakfast! You weren’t. Kitchen was empty. He ran to the living room! Maybe you were just watching some TV and reading a book, looking all cute and domesticated like you usually did. No, you weren’t there either. Bakugou checked every room in the house and when he couldn’t find you..he snapped.
His heart beated at a rapid pace as he trashed the entire house. Breaking windows, flipping desks, smashing furniture. He used his quirk to create blasts and burn marks into the walls and floors of the house. He did everything to get his frustrations out. The entire time he shouted and cried as rivers of tears flowed down his cheeks.
When he was done, he sat in the middle of the destroyed living room, laying his back against the flipped couch. He sat with his knees scrunched up as he hunched over, staring at the ground. His nose and eyes and basically his entire face grew puffy and red. His hair was a mess and so was he. Silent tears continued to drop, but his throat was too dry and hurt far too much for him to make anymore noise. However, he did fight through the pain to say one final thing:
“What have I done?”
A/N: hi cubsss! So a lot of you may know that my very first post, writing piece, and short story (He’s Lost) was created around angst, a breakup, and the fact that the triggering point was Bakugou physically hurting Y/N. I’ve been thinking about it and I HATE MY WRITING IN THE FIRST POST! It was terrible! Why tf did y’all like it so much?😭 And so, I’ve created a new piece revolving around the same elements, sorta as a way to check my progress. I hope you enjoyed!
ALSO!!! If you guys like this enough, I’m willing to turn it into a small yandere short story if you Cubs are down for that. Let me know and I’ll make it happen! Love you Cubs! See you next time🧸💗
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — student! jay x tutor! reader
: genre — fluff, crack 
: song recc. — L’amour by Miel De Montagne 
: a/n — this lowkey sucks but I've been wanting to get work out so I'm sorry if this isn't the best :(( also I'm still learning french so if some of it is wrong pls lmk so i can fix it!! 
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Jay was your school’s resident bad boy. blond hair, all-black outfits, cuts class and yells at kids that look his way. you know? the usual. You on the other hand were the complete opposite. straight-A student. A quiet kid who didn’t dare look the ways of Jay Park and his Clique™. So imagine the shock that was felt when the boy you avoided at all costs, walks up to you in the middle of the cafeteria asking for French lessons. 
“You want me to do what?” He rolls his eyes, tired of this conversation already. 
“Can you not hear? I’m failing French and I need to pass or else my parents won’t let me move to France.” He speaks as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“And you’re asking me why?” He rolls his eyes again for what felt like the 100th time. You’re just confused about how he even knows of your existence.
“Listen, all I know that you’re in my French class and that you pay attention, I’ll even pay you I just need to get my mark up.” You perk up to the sound of money. You don’t really need but it’s still nice to have some. Doing this will get you good Karma right? 
“Fine. Meet me at the library every Monday and Wednesday after class, got it?” Jay stares at you with annoyance. He really does not want to be wasting his senior year on stupid lessons but, here we are. He reluctantly agrees and watches you walk away, struggling to hold your books in your arms. He turns around and lets out a deep sigh, wondering if the hot chicks and fancy baguettes in France are really worth this
Minutes turned into hours as you waited for Jay to show up. You waited patiently for hours just for this kid to not show up. Annoyed, you start to pack up your books. You don’t know why you’d think someone like Jay would actually show up to a voluntary tutor session. You were just about to make your way out of the library when you see someone running towards you almost like the flash. As the figure got closer to your still body, you realize it was Jay. Now, bent over in front of you gasping for air with his tongue out like a dog. You stared at his limped-over figure with confusion and slight disgust. 
“s-s-sorry i was… late, i f-forgot about… this.” he manages to speak out with the little air he has in him. He stands up and evens out his breath. 
“what makes you think i’m gonna tutor you now? you wasted my time Park, i have a life too you know.” you snap at him. He stares at you for a brief second before letting out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back and slapping his leg. He sees your serious expression, your eyes glaring at him like an eagle and awkwardly stops laughing. 
“Look, i’m paying you and this is only gonna last for a little while. i just need to pass, that’s it.” His eyes shine with a hopeful gleam, a look that is extremely rare to see from Jay Park. He looked a little cute. You dramatically sigh and start walking into the library, Jay following behind you. 
You settle at the table you sat at prior, re-opening your book bag to pull out your notes. He just watches you do that, not making an effort to even bring out a pencil. 
“Okay, so how much french do you even know?” 
He stares into space, a little hesitant to continue. “Um, i can ask if i can go to the bathroom?” You stare at him with disbelief. You’ve been in this class with him for months and that’s all he knows. 
“Oh and i can say good morning!” you let out a loud groan that catches the attention of others around, causing them to loudly shush at you. Feeling annoyed again, you contemplate if the money was really worth it. You sigh out and start looking for your notes from the beginning of the semester. This was gonna take a LONG time. 
“... and that’s how you conjugate verbs in the past tense, aka passé composé!” You finish off the session with joy. Jay on the other hand has gone completely blank, not remembering a single word you just told him. He stares down at his notes, then at you, then back down at his notes. You can see the struggle on his face and he hasn’t said a word yet. 
“I’m never gonna pass french. This is it. I can kiss France goodbye.” he claims with despair. This already too hard for him and he barely has learned anything. He sets his head on the table and mumbles to himself about how he will never be happy if he doesn’t live his youthful 20’s in France. You sat across from him irritated with his discouraging behaviour and a little sad that you weren’t able to teach him well. Until you come up with a plan that might help him improve much quicker.  
“What if… we hang out this weekend? We can do something and we’ll only speak in French! Of course I’ll help you and all that. But like, maybe? Only if you want to of course you probably don’t wanna spend your weekend with me i dont know you know its just a plan.” you ramble on and on without stopping and Jay simply just watches you. He smirks a little before nodding. 
“How about you put your number in my phone and then I’ll text you when I’m free hm?” he slides his phone across the table towards you and eyes you typing it in. He catches a glimpse of your rose-coloured cheeks and smirks a little more. 
“Okay, uh there’s my number! Just um, text me you know, when you’re free!” you manage to stutter out. Jay just nods at you and again, watches you walk away. This time a slight smile across his face. 
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A sudden notification pulls you away from your thoughts. An unknown number that you had a feeling belonged to a particular boy you didn’t think would actually text you. 
042-002-1130: bonjour 
042-002-1130: was that even right
042-002-1130: anyways I’m free on saturday if you wanna hang ig 
042-002-1130: samedi is saturday right 
042-002-1130: it is wow im such a genius 
You let out a snort at his cocky behaviour and reply back, letting him know that you were free yourself and to meet you at the school grounds at 2 pm. 
Saturday shows up as you wait outside the school gates, a picnic basket in hand. An all-black car with dark tinted windows zooms up to you. The window is pulled down and alas, the handsome boy sits in the driver’s seat, ushering you to get into the car with his hand. 
“Woah a picnic basket? Listen y/n you’re cool and all but this isn’t a date,” he speaks and notices you roll your eyes. A smug smile tugging his lips. 
“No you asshole, I have a plan with this.” 
“Tell me,” Jay begins to drive away from the school. The destination is unknown to you but extremely familiar to the boy next to you. 
“In here there is a bunch of food, in order for you to eat, you’re gonna have to say the name of the food in french.” He turns his head to see you looking back at him, a sweet smile places on your face. Jay has always known of you. You sat in the back of the classroom, handed in all your work on time and never skipped a class. You had very few friends and always seemed to be lost in a dream world when you weren’t working. Jay had never been able to speak to you personally as you always avoided him but know he has the chance to actually talk to you, and he doesn’t wanna mess it up. 
The car stopped at the edge of a giant grassy field. The greenery going miles ahead. Trees surrounding the two of you. Jay like a gentleman runs out of the car to open the door for you. You blush at his actions, thanking him silently by smiling at him. 
He directs you to a small spot under a tree. You lay out a blanket for you to sit on while Jay leans up against the tree. You tell him to sit down next to you as you bring out all the little snacks to share with him. He thinks that he could get used to this. 
“D’accord, commençons! Qu'est-ce que ç'est?” (okay, lets start! What is this?) 
You pick up a grape. He thinks for a little bit before answering. “Un raisin.” (a grape) You clap with glee and hand him over the grape. A silence falls between you both, unaware of how to keep going. He picks up a strawberry and brings it to your face. “Tu aime les fraises?” (do you like strawberries?) You eye him for a second, for someone who said he only knows how to ask how to go the bathroom in french, he knows quite a bit. You nod a little, opening your mouth and letting him feed you the sweet fruit. Your face matches the colour of the strawberry and he giggles. You pull out a sandwich and ask him to describe what’s in it. 
“Dans le sandwich, il y a du jambon, du beurre, et de la tomate.” (in the sandwich there is some ham, some butter, and some tomato.) He speaks confidently. 
“Trés bien Jay! Tu es bon en parler francias!” (very good Jay! You are really good at speaking French!) 
“Merci, mon Cheri.” (Thank you, my dear.) you blush even more before and shy away from Jay’s gaze. Jay being the very bold guy that he is, placing his hand underneath your jaw, forcing you to meet his eyes. You both just stare at each other as the sun sets behind you. Was Jay always this beautiful? His eyes scan over your face seeking for any discomfort, none is to be found. So he makes the move and starts to lean in. You already have your eyes closed and lips puckered out, ready to embrace a feeling you’ve never felt before.
His breath fans over your lips and just before he kisses you he asks “je peux t’embrasser? (can I kiss you?) you eagerly nod and whisper out “embrasse-moi.” (kiss me.) Jay finally places his lips on yours and everything feels right. Your hands find their way to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. You stay in this position with him for a little while before you pull back for air. Both his hands cradle your face, his thumb rubbing across the apples of your cheeks.
“I still have a lot to learn y’know?” Jay breaks the silence. You laugh out loud, falling into his lap. 
“Same time next week then yeah?” He lets out a ‘hmm’ and watches you rest your head against his thigh, playing with the ends of your hair. ‘Maybe France could wait a little’ he thought. 
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
hiii hope your having an amazing day :) do you make headcanons? if you do and if you don't mind can i request headcanons for Izuku, Bakugo, and Denki about being in a secret relationship (i really love your stories about characters being in a secret relationship) and them accidentally outing their relationship because something happened (you can choose what happened) thank you so much!! also if you dont do headcanons you can choose one from the three on the imagine ❤️ I'm sorry if this is confusing 😅
“Secret Relationships,” Midoriya, Bakugou and Denki headcanon
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YES IM GLAD YOU REQUESTED THIS UGH, I gotta do my sweet baby Bakugou first🥺
Summary: having a secret relationship with one of the guys and it’s get leaked.
Each section would probably be a little short, I apologize in advance🥺
Warnings: none!
The relationship between you and Bakugou was always strange but once the students had to move on campus in the dorms, it turned into a whole different story.
The secret meetups late at night in his room, turned into nothing more than a secret relationship. The way your sleep schedule was beyond screwed up from being up late in his room and having to wake up early to go back to your room before anyone noticed.
It had been going on for months so by now you were used to the secrets and sneaking around along with barely having any sleep the next day while in class.
The more the relationship progressed, the more Bakugou would steal quick glances at you and even when you were in the kitchen with the other students, he would purposely slide behind you and touching your back in the process.
One day in particular, the class had decided to have a game night and he wasn’t too thrilled about joining in. He had tried to convince you to come back to his room but you had told him it would make things obvious if only the two of you were absent.
He huffed, at this point he didn’t really care about the class nor their opinions on anything. He was a ball of fire afterall so when he saw you sitting with the class as they gathered up board games, he was over with keeping things a secret, he wanted it to be known that you were his and he wanted you upstairs in his room.
“I don’t wanna play this stupid game night.” Bakugou said in front of everyone but he was directing it towards you and you tried to ignore him.
“That’s fine, you don’t have to be here dude.” Kirishima patted his back, sitting down at the table and he huffed out a breath dramatically, standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I’m not talking to any of you idiots.. Y/N.” He said your name sternly, like he was giving you a direct order by the look of his red eyes.
“Why are you so worried about Y/N being here with us?” One of the classmates mentioned and you had cursed under your breath, Bakugou was acting like a child.
“Because I want my girlfriend upstairs with me.” Bakugou angrily said, everyone growing quiet and you had gulped the lump in your throat, well there goes the secret.
Everyone’s eyes had landed on you and your cheeks turned a dark shade of red before you slide the chair back and stood up. You have never felt this embarasssed in your life, he could’ve done this any other time in a completely different way but of course the asshole had to make everything a big deal.
“No way,” Denki mumbled, trying to hold the laugh that was begging to come out.
You dismissed yourself, walking over to where Bakugou was and punched his arm as hard as you could, cursing under your breath and he smirked while wrapping his arm around your shoulders, winking back at the rest of the class.
“God, you’re so fucking embarrassing, Katsuki.” You muttered, following him to the elevator to go up and he tugged you closer.
“Oh shut up, you love it.”
As you two waited for the elevator, you couldn’t help the feel the classes eyes on the both of you. It was even more humiliating as you had to wait for the doors to slide open. You heard a few of them whisper about you two being a thing, some had mentioned how obvious it was and some mentioned had you two were complete opposites.
Bakugou obviously didn’t care, instead he liked to annoy everyone, especially you. So hearing people whisper about had fed onto the asshole ego he had, making his large hand grab your chin and give you a rough kiss on the lips in front of everyone.
The way your face was completely red at this point and all he did was give the classmates a evil grin before dragging you into the elevator and pushing the button for his floor.
“Why can’t you ever be casual?”
“Do you not know me? I’m far from casual.” He nudged you gently, laughing at your tomato red face and moved his thumb to brush across your cheek.
“Yeah, clearly.”
You had a crush on Denki for what seemed like forever. Since the first moment you met him on the first day of school till now. It was pretty obvious how much you liked him. Eventually you became bold enough to ask him to hang out.
Now you two have been dating for only a few weeks, you both had agreed to keep it private to enjoy the privacy and the time alone before the classmates end up finding out.
Of course you knew Denki a little too well at this point, you knew he would end up slipping up the secret sooner or later but it didn’t entirely bother you that it’ll happen.
And you were right, after a training exercise and having to go through some obstacle course that Aizawa had set up, he had sparked a fuse and as his brain suffered a shortage, his mouth had instantly opened and talked about you.
You couldn’t help but be over protective when he did go through that shortage phase, quickly taking care of him and making sure he was comfortable was a habit you picked up.
“So pretty.” He muttered as he reached for you in front of everyone and you froze in your place until he had wrapped his arms around you, clinging onto your body.
Your cheeks flushed, grabbing onto his body and holding him up straight so he didn’t lose his balance. He continued to mutter words like how you’re so pretty and he even slipped up how he was lucky to have you.
“Aww, Denki is in love.” Sero had laughed at his state, making you roll your eyes and become more protective.
“Nothing wrong with that.” You admitted, stroking your fingers through his hair and dragged him over to sit down.
His head had rested on top of yours, his tall frame giving you a tight hug and you had choked on the air you were breathing on from how openly clingy he was acting in front of the entire class including Mr. Aizawa.
“Is there something you’re not telling us?” Midoriya had teased, the smirk on his face made you grow embarrassed.
“Yes, we are.” Denki cut you off, his arms still around yours and the goofy smile on his face only got bigger.
“Y/N is mine. Only mine, I don’t want to see- I don’t want to see any of you near... what’s mine.” He managed to stumble out, his face turning blank like he had forgotten what he was talking about.
“Jesus,” You laughed, putting your hand over his mouth, glancing at your classmates.
You stayed quiet, dragging him away from the rest of the class and forced him to drink some water and sit down on a chair to relax until he went back to his normal state.
You will admit that he was cute and the way he openly told everyone what was his, which was you, had made your heart flutter.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Denki.”
“Am I?”
It had taken forever for Izuku to catch onto your hints on liking him and wanting to hang out with him more. Of course he was very oblivious and didn’t catch on for weeks, even months before you got frustrated and had been straight forward with him.
The both of you being completely shy balls made everything a lot more difficult, the hints he threw at you and the hints your threw at him had completely flew over both of your heads, it was quite ridiculous.
You knew Midoriya wasn’t going to make the first move, you knew he was too big of a anxiety nut to even be bold enough to tell you to your face that he likes you in ways that was more than friends. So you did it on your own.
It hadn’t even been a week of you two officially dating until Izuku slipped it up to Todoroki when ranting about how amazing you were and how much he loved watching your quirk in action.
Once he had revealed the secret, he had told Todoroki to keep his mouth shut and not talk about it again but later that day, Izuku slipped up to another one of your classmates, Ashido.
It wasn’t long until he had slipped up to the whole entire class and now everyone knew that you two were a fresh couple. The side comments the students would make to you both and embarrass the both you, making the shyness in you two grow and cause you to stutter to no end.
“I think you two are cute!” Ashido had mentioned, trying to assure you that it wasn’t a big deal that everyone already knew.
“You knew Midoriya can’t keep a secret for long.” She commented, making you laugh and agree to what she said.
You couldn’t blame him though, he was a little too excited to be dating his crush that he couldn’t help but talk about you constantly to all his friends. He couldn’t help but stare at you and want to talk about how pretty you are and the characteristics he liked most about you.
It was in his nature, he was proud and lucky that he just had that urge to tell the whole world about you and it made butterflies explode in your stomach and it also made you want to kiss him desperately but you decided to not do that in front of everyone.
“I’m sorry, I know you didn’t want to tell anyone right away.” He mumbled towards you, the look of guilt washing over his features and you shook your head, embracing him in a tight hug.
“Don’t be sorry! I’m glad you told people.”
ANNND finished, I’m sorry it’s short. I usually go longer when it’s one character at a time but I hope it’s good🤧
PLSSSS send in more my hero requests!! I’m obsessed
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hello!💙💙i hope im not bothering you but may i get a tsukasa or mitsuba x reader where their s/o loves to draw but never lets them see and one day they steal their s/o sketchbook and dont see any drawings of them and the boys are a lil dissapointed but their s/o has a secret sketcbook that they always keep with them filled with the boys portraits?? it would be rlly cute!!(feel free to ignore tho!)💙💜
tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: no worries, you aren’t bothering me at all!! This is a super cute prompt, so thank you so much for requesting! (i love writing mitsuba too,,, just gotta love the sharp-tongued, short-tempered characters <3)
word count: 1,471
Tsukasa Yugi <3
He thinks the fact that you can draw is super cool!! Probably more so than you do, to be completely honest- he’s extremely enthusiastic about it, but that also means he’s extremely annoying about it.
Lots of “let me look, let me look!!” “I wanna seeeeeeee,” “(Y/N), pleaaaaseee, what’re you drawinggggg?”
“Tsukasa, I love you, I love you very much. But, I promise you, if you don’t shut up and let me draw in peace-”
So, of course, if you don’t let him see it, our gremlin of a boy is going to look through it one way or another. Pestering you relentlessly didn’t work, trying to slip it casually into a conversation didn’t work, so! You leave him no option!
One day, when you’re minding your business in class, Tsukasa checks your locker. Maybe, just maybe, you left it in there?
Hmm… empty- next stop!! Bookbag!
His eyes practically lit up, his expression excited, practically screaming “found it!!”
Tsukasa would open the sketchbook, silently wondering what on earth you could have drawn. His only experience in art was… well- with things that weren’t intended for art. It wasn’t ever proper “art” either. Just a lot of smearing. But anyway-
A part of him sort of hoped it would be something with him. Maybe even a little doodle, it didn’t have to be a fully colored, lined, amazing piece. Just little doodles, cos you loved him so much, and he infested your mind like the little parasite he is… y’know….
So, as he flipped through the pages, admiring your style- amazed with every little doodle, every little pencil marking, every little detail- he kept an eye out for anything that could have even vaguely resembled him. Yet, once he reached the end, he was rather certain that there was nothing. Tsukasa felt a bit disappointed, pouting despite the fact that you weren’t there to see it.
“Tell me how I knew you were up to something,” You sighed, looking at the boy seated next to your bookbag, the last pages of your sketchbook flipped open. He ignored the comment, placing your sketchbook to the side, then hugging you. You returned the hug, giving him a confused glance.
“What? It’s nothing incredible, but was it that bad-? I don’t even know everything that’s in that, so-”
“You didn’t draw me :(((“
“You didn’t ask me to???”
Still, you couldn’t help but laugh, well aware of the other sketchbook you had stored in the more secure part of your bookbag. Patting his back, then letting go of the hug, you bent down and grabbed your sketchbook and bag. Replacing the sketchbook he had flipped through, you then reached in and grabbed the other.
Somewhat embarrassed, yet know he already found out about your artistic abilities and would probably be glad to see himself, you handed him the sketchbook. “I’ll have you know, I’m not exactly overjoyed with you right now. But, since you’re a sneak, I’ll let you look at that one.”
Tsukasa opened the sketchbook with renewed energy, excited to see what was inside it. Was it him?! Did he actually infest your mind?!! Was he a good model??
Uncharacteristically, his face was slightly warm as he looked over the first page. It started off with a fully finished drawing of him- a very strong start, if he did say so himself. Not only was it him, it was awesome.
He flipped through the rest of the pages, happiness and excitement practically radiating off of him. You could have sworn you saw his eyes sparkling.
“THAT’S SO COOL, (Y/N)!!” Tsukasa would yell after shutting the sketchbook, throwing his arms around you happily, making sure that the sketchbook didn’t get damaged as he did so. “You did draw me! You drew a lot of me!!”
“Ahah- yeah. You’re… cute, after all. Why wouldn’t I draw my boyfriend?”
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
Nosey little dude, but on a more casual level than Tsukasa.
“I’ve shown you my pictures, so you should show me your drawings.”
“That makes sense,”
“So, show me.”
Though amusing, Mitsuba will start to pout after a while. “Tch- it’s not like I wanted to see it anyway. It’s probably lame.”
“Awesome then! That doesn’t make me want to show you any more than I previously did~!”
Insert Mitsuba sticking his tongue out at you-
Still, Mitsuba does understand where you’re coming from. After all, he never shows you pictures he’s taken of you. Therefore! It’s only logical that you wanted to draw his cute face!! He muttered this, crossing his arms, yet pretending that it was no big deal to him. Nope, those little comments and attempted glances were nothing-
“Mmh? You’re cute, yes.”
“That’s not what I- whatever, pervert. It’s clear now. You don’t want to show me, ‘cos there’s raunchy art in there! Pervert! Creepy, you’re so creepy-”
“Then aren’t you a pervy creep for wanting to look in my sketchbook?”
Mitsuba may have not talked to you for the rest of the day- but it’s fiiiine, he’s fiiiiiiine.
Especially since, by the end of the next day, Mitsuba passed your locker, planning on returning to the class from a bathroom break. As he glanced over at your locker, not fully shut because of your bookbag shoved into it, an idea crossed his mind. It wouldn’t take long… a little peak wouldn’t hurt. Just to make sure his s/o wasn’t a pervert, of course! Not out of personal interest!
So, he grabbed your bag, rummaging through it until he found a well-used sketchbook. His interest peaked, as he grabbed it, opening it up and flipping through the pages.
Some of the pieces were similar to pictures he had given to you, but he didn’t spot anything of him. Sure, your art was impressive, and he was rather content finally getting to see it, but-
But where was his cute face?? Not even his name??? No dreamy “(Y/N) Sousuke” written? Nothing.
Well, it’s not like he cared anywa-
“Really, Mitsuba? You needed to use the bathroom?”
“AH-” He yelped, shutting your sketchbook, as if that would make it seem like he wasn’t just flipping through the pages in slight awe. “Shut up, pervert! I went to the bathroom, I just- you were being suspicious.”
“By drawing?”
You laughed lightly, though embarrassed as you took the sketchbook from him, putting it back into your bookbag. To be completely honest, your heart was beating a bit faster, slightly nervous that he found your art ugly. It wasn’t anything in comparison to his pictures, you thought..
And, when you turned around and caught a glimpse of his slightly disappointed face, your heart beat even faster. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” He said, somewhat defensively- well, that much was normal.
“Sorry, it’s probably disappointing- I know my art isn’t the greatest, but it’s definitely improved over time. There are things I need to study, but-”
“Hey, don’t assume I’m upset with your art, dummy. It’s…” He blushed slightly, looking away from you and shoving his hands in his pockets, “it’s really cool. I’m impressed.”
“Then why are you pouting?”
“I’m not pouting.”
You raised your eyebrows, making Mitsuba flush further, opening his mouth as he thought of what to say in response to that expression. “I just- well, you were weird about it, so I figured there was something about me- something weird or suspicious. But, it’s all perfectly normal.”
It took a moment for you to get behind his words- but, after getting behind Mitsuba’s extremely indirect way of saying things, you understood what he meant. He wanted you to draw him. After processing that, you bit your lip, wondering if you should actually show him your other sketchbook… a glimpse at his slight pout, though it was now confusion at your conflicted expression, you turned around, rummaging through your bookbag.
Then, you pulled out another sketchbook, and pushed it against his chest. “Since you’re so insistent. Just go ahead and look through it, I guess.”
It was Mitsuba’s turn to raise his eyebrows, as he took the sketchbook, and opened it up. His face burned, as he flipped through the pages. They were… filled with him. It genuinely made his heart pound, looking at the array of doodles, line art, and fully finished pieces- occasionally, a small heart or smiley face would be doodled alongside them. If he didn’t find your art incredible before, he definitely did now. Of course, he’d never admit it to your face, but his expression was enough for you to understand.
“A-ah… gross- idiot. Of course, I should have known a pervert like you would draw such a cute face. It’s obvious.”
“Right, right. Honestly, just give me a penny each time you call me a pervert, I’ll be rich in no time-”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 8
a/n: okay so since my halloween special was a flop ill write this instead but uwuwuwuwu its also my birthday today so hehe this is kinda a special request too :D
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- IF IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY! omg :0 i think we can all agree that the ramen shop will get GOOD BUSINESS that day. but it was a total surprise when the upperclassmen basically JUMP you after exiting your last class. vball practice? deliberately cancelled cuz today is YOUR day. kyo leading you, iwa making sure your eyes are closed while oikawa keeps teasing you on how you’re letting a group of men take you BLIND (cue the PUNCH). your smile is worth the XXX amount spent c,:
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okay yay happy birthday to me uwu
i kinda put this request off since my borfday was right around the corner so hahaha to the anon who requested this, here it is!!!
okay anyways!!!
so today is your borfday
obvs this could be any day lmao it doesnt have to be today but it can be any day just pretend the calendar was different lmao
you were born today and your parents and natsu obvs celebrated it the morning you woke up
like you were peacefully holding your squirtle plushie and snuggling close to get more sleep bc it was still early
but natsu quite literally kicked your door down and your parents walked in with a large cake with candles
okay ill stop now
ofc you were startled bc what the hek 
like you were so surprised that you rolled off the bed and landed harshly on the floor
instead of being yanno ‘yey! its my borfday!’ you were like ‘dear asahi kill me’
waking you up at the buttcrack of dawn?
lmao 10/10 not recommend
natsu felt really bad and he pulled you up from the floor and situated you back on the bed while your parents backtracked back downstairs
‘ohmygosh babygirl im so sorry i didnt mean to hulk smash you to the floor’
im sorry sir what 💀
this whore
you waved him off but he still felt guilty so he just pressed kisses to your forehead to soothe it
meanwhile youre just leaning against him, eyes closed, bc you grew up with natsu always doing this whenever you got hurt so it was such a soff moment for you
eventually, he was able to bring you downstairs and your parents were lowkey scared lmao but you smiled at them
‘thank you for the cake’
they breathed a sigh of relief and you sat down on the chair to eat breakfast
‘here darling’
you accepted the bowl of rice from your madre and you ate your birthday breakfast with them while yall are saving the cake for later during dinner
when you finished, you were getting up and shouting up the stairs that you were showering first
hehe natsu was all like ‘lmao why? its like 4 in the morning’
you froze, foot hovering over a step and you sighed
‘excuse me what 💀‘
yea no
you were dragged back to the kitchen and you were all pouty bc duh who the hek wants to wake up that early but your parents saved themselves by giving you your parents early
(literally anything you guys want they gave you okay? but only like 3 lmao not a bajillion things)
you were still grateful for everything and you felt very much appreciated
since it was still early, you just decided to screw it and got ready to go to school early and set up the gym for early morning practice
natsu volunteered to go with you to school but you shook your head
‘nah, im okay. the walk is peaceful’
he huffed, crossing his arms, but nodded anyways
‘fine. only because its your birthday’
hehehehe the amount of freedom during your day of birth
you were of course the first one in the gym but you didnt mind bc you actually liked the quietness that was so rare inside there
you turned on some (f/m) (lmao favorite/music) and you were sweeping, unknowingly swaying and dancing slightly
at around 5:40, the third years have arrived and since theyre the eldest, they usually get there first
omg the blush explosion on their faces when they saw you twirling around with the mop and ofc oikawa being the little poopie head he is, he swooped in and held your waist
you got startled but seeing the soft brown eyes of your captain made a soft smile appear on your face
‘hello, oikawa-san’
you whispered and he nuzzled his face to the side of your head softly
‘morning, y/n-chan’
before he could go on, iwa threw him away behind him and you giggled
mattsun raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior
‘hm? why are you so happy today, y/n-chan?’
you stopped then chuckled
‘nothing much, mattsun-san’
you didnt really want to tell them it was your birthday bc tbh you didnt think it was a big deal or anything
the others werent complaining bc they rarely see you so lively and upbeat and they loved it
you were humming under your breath for gods sake
the other boys have trickled in and again, they also went ‘?’
your soft smiles, giggles, and joy was everything to them 
god bless for this beautiful morning
poor kindaichi cowered in fright as he braced himself for a scolding from you for missing a block but he got even more scared when you just patted his head
‘its okay, yuu-kun. there’s always a next time’
yea there was something wrong
unfortunately, school was starting and they weren’t able to start questioning you and there aint no way kindaichi and kunimi were going to do that themselves without the upperclassmen who could calm you down if you got too defensive
you were skipping down the hallway and you even looped your arms around your first year friends and they shared a confused look before being dragged by you
during class, darling kunimi was too busy and distracted by your quiet singing of some show that takeru watched when you were over
yes, yes it is
but he didnt say that and instead turned away so fast that you felt the wind beside you
DID A 180 CRAZY~~~
he texted the separate bros group chat about you still being all happy and they were all curious as to what makes you so happy
during lunch time, kindaichi usually went over to go eat with you and kunimi right?
but he was surprised when he just saw kunimi there without you
‘i dont know’
‘what do you mean you dont know?!’
nah fam we not dying yet
natsu texted you earlier that he had a bento for you that he made himself and he wanted you to eat it instead of the one your mom made
you were passing by the building entrance door thingy and caught the attention of the third years who were at the rooftop eating their lunch
there was also other students outside and they watched your flowery aura skip over to the equally attractive hiroshi natsu
he cooed and you smiled up at him
curse him and his tall height
he let you hold the f/c cloth covered box so he could cup your face and kiss over your booboo again
‘wo mow, matsu-’
translation: no more, natsu!
you whined as he kept kissing your forehead and you were turning red at the attention from the other students
dang oikawa crushed his juice box at the sight even though he knew natsu was just a cousin
‘ill save you, y/n-chan!’
he shouted, already flying down the stairs towards you and the other third years after him to keep him from doing something stupid
but they also lowkey wanna see you too
but by the time they reached the entrance, you were already walking away and even passed by the quartet, giving them a close-eyed smile and a cute ‘hello!’
the 3 were distracted by you and were coddling you while oikawa ran out and shouted after natsu’s retreating form
‘natsu! oi, natsu!’
as if the boy was purposely ignoring him, natsu kept walking forward
his scream finally made him turn around and natsu’s face held a teasing smirk
‘oya? chibi-chan?’
oikawa huffed and panted as he firmly walked over to natsu
‘tell me, hiroshi natsu. why is y/n-chan all cutesy and happy today?’
then the smirk fell, replaced by an actual, genuine annoyed look
oikawa blinked
‘what do you mean ‘hah’?’
natsu waved his hands around in a frenzy of shock
‘so you mean to tell me, you, oikawa tooru, the dude who literally woke up the neighborhood at the buttcrack of dawn a few weeks ago, in love with my cousin, doesn’t know what today is?’
‘was i supposed to,,,, know?’
natsu’s face became a meme and the guy was so disappointed that he just turned around and continued walking
oikawa gasped and clutched natsu’s arm, begging and pleading to tell him
ofc the little shite natsu is, he smirked down at oikawa’s kneeling form
‘hmm, gotta say, chibi-kun. i like this view~’
‘tell me, natsu-chan!’
the puppy eyes of oikawa tooru not only affected girls but also boys fully socked homosexual boys so natsu had to turn away, fighting down a blush
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
wait, no, probably tetsu
or kenma
or both
or keiji
‘-me! natsu-chan!’
that snapped the pink-haired boy out of his thoughts and crossed his arms, glaring down at oikawa
‘hm, why do you wanna know so bad? youre on your knees, begging me for information you shouldve already known since you claim to like her so much’
oikawa pouted and he sniffled
‘i wanna know everything about y/n-chan. i wanna know what today is so i can make her as happy as she is today forever!’
‘youre so cheesy’
natsu chided and oikawa pouted even harder causing natsu to sigh and pinch his nose
‘the girl was born today’
oikawa’s face lit up and he hurriedly stood on his feet, hands on natsu’s biceps since he could barely reach natsu’s shoulders bc of his 6′5 height
‘its her birthday today?!’
‘i literally just said that-’
‘oh my gosh! we need to plan something!’
oikawa started but then frowned
‘but we’re in school so it would be too late to do a surprise when we finish’
his mumbles 
filled their vicinity and natsu finally realized where exactly they were so he tugged the still mumbling boy over to the side out of people’s view
ohmygosh if i saw 2 handsome, tall, hot boys there, id be staring too omg
‘oi, oikawa’
he still didnt budge until natsu had to kick him at the leg
rip not his knee yall
tooru flinched and hatefully glared at the boy but natsu pointedly glared at him right back
‘before you start bitching to me, i was just gonna suggest i can help you and your little plan to woo my baby cousin’
as if he wasn’t irritated in the first place, tooru lit up and he excitedly clung onto natsu
‘really? you’ll really help me?’
natsu rolled his eyes and tried to pry the brunette off of him but he felt the grip tighten
‘listen, oikawa, as much as i like having pretty boys hang on to me, i’d really appreciate if you just back off a bit and actually understand what im saying’
can i just say how long their lunch break is?
and not at natsu trying to get with oikawa and oikawa completely missing it
‘you can go do your education scam system thing while i can go set things up over at that one noodle place she likes’
natsu explained
oikawa was about to smile until he paused and leaned away
‘theres a catch. i know theres a catch’
then natsu smirked, confirming oikawa’s suspicion
‘ill think about what i really want but for now, i just wanna see that one doggie boy you guys have. also, your friend with the big arms’
lmao imagine the surprise in oikawa’s face
‘why? you want me to?’
‘YES! i mean, well-no but YES!’
thats how oikawa ended up telling the boys about the last minute birthday surprise for you and the help from natsu
‘yea, apparently its her birthday. also, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, you need to talk to natsu-chan’
‘hah?! why?!’
you were minding your own business during class until you saw kunimi raise his hand
‘yes, kunimi-kun?’
normally, you wouldve just looked away but you noticed him grab his bag when the teacher wasn’t looking which prompted you to sigh since he was skipping class
i mean, whats the point of skipping class when the day is about to be over in like 15 minutes anyways?
‘make sure to come to practice’
you whispered when he passed and he smiled, making you raise an eyebrow bc that was a smile you knew that had a hidden meaning behind it
when the bell rang, everyone nyoomed themselves out of there and you were just walking past the door when a body came crashing to you which made you distracted and allowed a chance of vulnerability
there was a pair of hands covered your eyes from behind, hands grabbed your own from in front, and an arm around your waist started to guide you forward
‘um, just so you know, i have the power of god, anime, and iwa-san by my side and i wont hesitate to kick you in the di-’
‘its so cute when y/n-chan threatens us’
a voice from in front of you hums and you smiled
‘you wont think im really cute once youre on the floor clutching your di-’
‘oi, y/n, ill wash your tongue with soap’
‘yes, iwa-san’
you continued to walk, completely trusting at the hands of your boys, when you felt yourself being pulled to turn a corner
‘iwa-san? aren’t we going to the gym? why are we exiting the gates?’
the boys exchanged a look of amazement at your sense of intuition and the accuracy of your guess despite being deprived of your senses
‘dont think you can lie to us, y/n-chan! how could you not tell us its your birthday today?!’
you heard mattsun a few feet in front of you whine and you giggled
‘its not important’
then kyotani scoffed, you knowing it was him by feeling him twitch by the arm around your waist
‘boke, of course its important’
‘so your punishment for lying to us, we’re kidnapping you’
makki teased and you rolled your eyes beneath iwa’s hands
‘oh, shiver me timbers’
the walk continued, you still being dragged around, and you heard oikawa laugh
‘oh dear, its a sight to see, ain’t it? if only you can see the looks people are giving us, y/n-chan~ a group of boys taking a little girl like you? how could you trust us to not do something to you-ACK!’
you cut him off when you lifted your foot to kick right where it hurts the most
forget his weewee
its the knee
poor child crumbled to the floor and had to be picked up by baby watari
‘oh wata-cchi, youre the only one who cares about oikawa-san!’
you heavily sighed at the exagerrated theatrics of your captain
‘the one day. the one day when he could be a normal person for once’
you grumbled but stopped when you heard iwa laugh by your ear
‘he’s right you know. you technically lied to us when we asked if there was something special’
you shivered and you leaned your head back
‘its okay, iwa-san. we can talk about it after this event. make sure to give me my present, okay?’
but iwa chuckled and he promised you that you would love his present
kyotani’s arm tightened around you, as if prompting you that he was still there and he wanted your attention too
‘careful there, pup’
he warned when you almost tripped over air
‘hehe, i know ill always be safe when youre next to me, kyo-san’
you teased and he was lucky your eyes were covered bc you would see the way his cheeks tinted red
‘s-shut up, idiot! maybe i shouldve just let you fall and hit your head! not like its gonna do damage since theres nothing there anyways!’
you just giggled and he retaliated by pinching your waist to which you squealed and gripped his hands
then the smell of the ramen broth entered your nose
‘are we-?’
‘nope! not there yet, y/n-chan!’
oikawa’s voice made you whine and complain but then he stopped, making everyone else stop too
‘okay, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, release her!’
both grumbled something about you being treated like a pokemon but stopped when your eyes widened and contorted into confusion
oikawa grinned and your eyes met to see the way his eyes crinkled, a tell-tale sign that this one was a rare genuine smile
‘come on! lets go!’
you let him take you inside the restaurant until your feet stopped, eyes wide when you noticed the streamers and the cake by the corner
your parents stood with natsu by the table and a large smile decorated your face
‘you,, you did this for me?’
you whispered and the team made noises of agreement
‘we had to do something for you to celebrate the day you were born. its a special day because you came into the world and we were able to meet you’
yahaba grinned and you gave him a big hug but you leaned back a bit so that the others would know you’re talking to them too
‘everyone, thank you. i love you’
they all scoffed a bit to hide their flustered state but they still smiled and each gave you a hug
‘oi! come here and eat the food! oikawa’s paying today!’
natsu shouted, which caught the attention of some customers in the restaurant, but they just ignored it bc theyve seen you and the team so many times that yall practically lived there
‘what?! i didnt-’
oikawa started but your mother came up to him and clasped her hands to his, sharing the same exact grin you have
‘you must be oikawa tooru. y/n has told me loads about you’
excuse him while he descends to heaven bc your mother is practically another you
iwa was already acquainted with your dad so they started talking and you just stood back, observing your two families interact with each other
you were so unbelievably happy that it hurts
kindaichi noticed you and he slinked away from the debate between makki and mattsun to go sling an arm around you
‘so? what do you think?’
you turned to him with glassy eyes
‘im so blessed. so blessed to have these amazing people with me’
poor babie panicked a bit bc he didnt really know how to comfort a crying girl but he just wrapped his arms around you
‘hehe, its kinda the other way around actually. we’re blessed to have someone like you’
he whispered and you giggled then playfully hit his shoulder
‘so cheesy, yuu-kun’
he leaned away from the hug and gave you an offended look
‘but its true! i dont know what we did to have-’
oikawa shouted from the other side, cutting off your soft moment with kindaichi
‘what are you doing, natsu?’
you noticed your cousin wrapping his arms around your captain and trying to drag him away but poor tooru was scrambling to escape
‘we made a deal, didnt we, darling~? i know what i want now and youre going to have to give me you’
oikawa screamed
a/n: can we please pretend i posted this on november 3? bc i was dumb and forgot to post this and KLDJLSDKFJDSKD IM SO ANGRY but its okay at least i am able to publish this haha
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batfamspews · 3 years
Red Robin and Jason have been battling each other in an abandoned building for the past fifteen minutes and the fight ended with Jason victorious and Tim flat on his back on the ground. Both of them are bleeding and have several internal wounds.
Jason: *going to jump out of a nearby window* It’s been fun, replacement! Though I have to admit, I think you’re getting a little rusty. You used to be so strategic, but now you’re just pure chaos. I like the change but it makes you pretty easy to beat. Probably should start thinking things through again.
Tim: *deadpan, unflinching, staring at the ceiling*
Jason: *Confused because just a couple of seconds ago Tim was bustling with squirrel-like energy* Hey man, you good?
Tim: Yeah man just rethinking my life.
Jason: Ah. *goes to jump out the window but then hesitates and looks back at Tim. Not a single muscle in his body has flinched. Jason figures he had better stick around and keep an eye on him since he’s pretty sure he heard bones breaking during their fight and he wants to make sure he didn’t paralyze or give Tim brain damage.* You wanna talk about it? *goes and sits down next to Tim*
Tim: Eh, life sucks, you know? Fight all night, work all day, study. I’m supposed to be the smart one, right? What if I can’t keep up? What if I crack and lose it? What if someone smarter comes along? Besides, I can’t help but feel like I’m just ticking every one off.
Jason: *surprised but slightly amused that his straight-rod, genius brother would have such a poor opinion of himself* Heeeey, come on, little Red! You don’t suck that much! I mean, I do get sick and tired of your virtuous crap every once and a while, hence me beating you to a bloody pulp right now, but you’ve got a good head and heart! What’s making you feel so down?
Tim: …
Tim: Tried to make supper the other night. Alfred got food poisoning. He’s still in the hospital.
Jason: So you’re guilty?
Tim: *smiles* Yes but that’s just a part of it. I’m in charge of making my own food now, but since I’m scared that I’ll poison myself I’ve only been drinking a concoction I made up a while ago that I know won’t kill me.
Jason: Yeah? What?
Tim: Iced coffee made with Red Bull instead of water.
Jason: …
Jason: ……. .. . …
Jason: That sounds disgusting
Tim: It absolutely is.
Jason: How long has this been going on?
Tim: About a week?
Jason: ??? And that’s all you’ve had?
Tim: I mean, I ate some Nachos last night and I have an emergency stash of pop tarts in my room that I finished off the first two days.
Jason: ???????
Tim: *shrugs* The Red Bull iced coffee gives me energy. Kinda sucks though because I crash when it wares off and have another identity crisis. I should really get some more before the tremors.
Tim: You know, there’s a line between intelligence and wisdom- oh crap here they come. Totally jinxed myself.
*Jason stares in disbelief as Tim’s whole body starts shaking. He start to say something but Tim- doubled over in pain- holds up a hand to make him wait. The tremors stop after a few seconds.*
Tim: I should probably grab some more coffee or something before that happens again. You wouldn’t happen to have an energy drink on you, wouldja? I’d get some myself, but I’m pretty sure you broke something in my leg and it hurts to move it.
Jason: For the love of God, Tim, you need professional help. Call Bruce to come pick you up???
Tim: I don’t really feel like talking to Bruce right now. I don’t want to get lectured again.
Jason: …
Jason: Fair enough, but I’m not leaving you here like this. I may not be an exceptional brother or anything but I’m pretty sure it would be considered child abuse if I let you torture yourself this way.
Tim: *laughs* you just broke my bones and beat me into submission.
Jason: you were being annoying.
Tim: And besides, Bruce doesn’t stop me.
Tim: ??? Where are we going?
Tim: Bruce is gonna be ticked. I’ve still got another hour on patrol.
Tim: I don’t wanna tell him that-
Tim: I mean? Dick’s been out of town so I’m gonna assume he’s doing fine. The Kents have invited Damian’s vegan butt into their household until Alfred recovers. Pretty sure Babs, Steph and Cass are surviving on hot pockets and chicken nuggets.
Jason: NOT MY GOOD GOOD GIRLS! That’s it, you’re coming home with me and are not leaving until you are fully recovered. I’m gonna call the girls too. Tonight you four are going to have a round, home cooked meal. *carries him down the stairs* Geez, kid, you’re skin and bones. On no accounts should you be this light. And you look like a zombie! Is this just the malnutrition, or are you not sleeping either?
Tim: I mean, I’ve passed out a couple of times…
Tim: The caffeine made sleeping virtually impossible, though now that it’s wearing off I do feel a bit drowsy…
Jason: Normally I would not give an idiot like you the permission to rest while I’m helping them out but for the love of everything that is holy, Timothy, go to sleep!
Tim: Dope. *immediately passes out*
Jason brings Tim to his apartment and puts him on the couch. Jason already has a nutritious vegetable and beef stir fry ready for the girls when they arrive. He’s also made broth that Cass spoon-feeds Tim when he wakes up shaking. They’ve all turned off their coms, so when Batman desperately calls Red-Hood’s home phone for help, Jason tells him what a horrible father he’s been lately and that even a problem child like himself would make a better parent. Cass, Steph and Babs leave after supper, but have agreed with Jason to eat lunch and supper at his place until Alfred got back. Jason called Nightwing up, told him the situation and asked him to come back to Gotham to deal with Bruce. The next morning Jason brought Tim to the hospital to get an X-ray done on his leg. When they found out it was fractured, Jason arranged for a very exhausted but thankful Tim to stay at his apartment until it healed, even when Alfred recovered. During that period he was able to break Tim’s eating habits and introduce him to healthier options. According to Jason, “I might be a ‘danger to society’ and a ‘homicidal maniac,’ but at least I can make a half decent home cooked meal for my poor starving siblings!”
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boomboombakugou · 4 years
big 3 reacting to reader wanting to break up when they thought they were doing great?
Big 3’s Reaction to You Wanting to Breakup
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~Izuku Midoriya~
Izuku was so excited to see all you all the time. He tried to make as much time for you as possible between all his training. Though your hangouts would be cut short sometimes, he’d always try to make up for it.
Y/N: hey can you come to my room rq
Y/N: if you aren’t busy
He only saw the text about an hour later because he was training.
He replied immediately and apologized for answering so late the second he got to your room.
You looked sad.. or worried. He couldn’t make out the expression. “What’s wrong?” He asked. The sound of his voice made this even harder for you.
You held your face in your palms. Just rip off the bandaid, you thought. You stared him straight in his eyes, “I.. I don’t think we should be together anymore. I think we should break up.”
There was a silence. He started at you. You stared at him. “Why..” He started, but couldn’t finish. You started to explain but he cut you off with his rambling, “I thought- I thought everything was going good! I’m so sorry. I can- I can.. What did I do? Y/N I swear whatever it was, it wasn’t intentional. What can I do better?”
This was so much harder than you thought. You could see tears welling up in his eyes. Yours had already started falling. “Oh no! No why are you crying?” He asked. That made you cry even harder. This wasn’t the first time you guys had cried together. He was always so caring and it made you reflect on all your good times together.
“Izuku I love you, I do. It’s just... so hard. It’s so hard being in a relationship where you’re never there. I hate- I hate having to spend days alone. I hate that we can’t go on dates. We can’t even hang out for more than 10 minutes. I just want a full day with you, but you’re so like-” You stop yourself before you say something you don’t mean.
Another silence. He’s still just staring at you. You can’t tell if he’s looking for what to say or for you to say more, so you just continue, “It’s not even just that. You aren’t the problem. I don’t want you to think that. I feel like I’m just holding you back. There’s so much that I wanna do with you, but it would stop you from becoming the hero you want to be. And I’m not strong enough to train with you either so I’m really just a burden. I don’t want you to feel obligated to do anything, but I also can’t just put my needs aside.” And with that, a huge weight is lifted off your shoulder.
He hasn’t blinked. He doesn’t want you to see him cry. “You aren’t. You aren’t holding me back.. I just-” He stops himself. He can’t even think of anything to say because you’re completely right. He isnt fit for a relationship and he can admit that you do sometimes “hold him back.”
He sighed and held his arms out. You looked at him and then threw yourself into his arms. You guys could stay friends, but it would never be the same. These hugs would never feel the same.
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~Katsuki Bakugou~
As expected, a relationship with Katsuki isn’t the easiest. You guys were constantly getting into arguments, but they usually ended up fine. He liked how you argued back because he could never be with someone who lets him walk all over them. You guys also teased eachother and made- what would otherwise be described as mean- jokes together.
You and the rest of Bakusquad were all just hanging out in Kirishima’s room. You looked up at one of his punching bags and asked if you could borrow one because you wanted to do some more personal training. “Doesn’t matter how much you train Y/N, you’ll always be at a maximum of #2.” Katsuki said, jokingly.
You didn’t smile. You looked annoyed. Why does he always do that? The joke isn’t even funny. It’s just rude. He looked at you confused and asked what’s up.
“Let’s break up.” You said abruptly. Everyone in the room gasped and tried to quickly excuse themselves. “Wait what? Wait Y/N are you serious?” He was still kinda smirking because he thought you were messing with him.
You sighed, “Katsuki I can’t - I can’t do this anymore. You’re so obsessed with being number one and it’s annoying. I’m not just gonna be your trophy wife or something.” He still looked confused.
“I was just kidding, what? I always make jokes like that. I never thought of you as a ‘trophy wife.’ I thought we were fine.. You never brought up being annoyed with that. I’m set on my goals, yeah. But you never once mentioned that it upset you.” You could tell he was trying to sound sweet, but his voice is just naturally aggressive.
You stare at him in disbelief, you can’t believe he hasn’t noticed. “I- I feel like I don’t really have to outright tell you that’s it’s a little frustrating when you constantly trying to one up me. I don’t even want to be number one as much you do, so I don’t know why you always make it a competition?”
He face dropped, “Well I- I’m sorry. I thought you knew that this was a dream of mine since like ever. I’ll try to tone it down a bit, I guess.” You squeeze your eyes shut.
“Katsuki. I don’t want you to tone it down though. I just- I don’t think you’re fit to be in a relationship, you know? I just need you to care about me more than you care about beating Deku or whoever. But I also know I can’t ask you to do that.” You looked at him.
He would get mad. He knows your right, but you can’t stand being wrong. “Okay. Okay then go.” He’s trying so hard to sound angry. He can’t believe that he wasn’t his best for you at all times and you never told him.
You’d leave and he would probably like cry after idk.
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~Shoto Todoroki~
Why would you ever break up with Shoto🤨 Anyways
You guys were both sitting in his room. You were physically together, but just not really talking. You were on your phone, while he studied.
Whenever you tried to make conversation with him, it was always kinda cut short. “How was your day?” You asked. You were basically together all day so you know, but you didn’t know how else to make convo. He turned around, “It was okay. Good.”
You sighed. It’s like everything you said, he responded with a conversation ended. “Shoto,” You started. He nodded his head to let you know he was listening, but didn’t turn around. “I think.. I think we should maybe like,,, take a break?” You finished.
He still didn’t turn around. “Okay.” He responded. You couldn’t tell if he was upset. His voice always sounded so monotone. You didn’t leave just not. It’s mot like you wanted him to be sad, you just wanted to know if he felt anything at all.
You got up and sat in the chair next to him. He still didn’t look at you. You kept staring at him. “I thought.. I thought that things were good.” He said. His voice was softer. You smiled. It’s nice to hear emotions from him.
“I just feel like we aren’t ready for a relationship. I just want you to figure everything out. Then,,I’ll come back.” You told him. This time he looked at you. He didn’t say anything for a while. He just looked. “Okay.” He said in the same monotone voice as the first.
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bokutomii · 4 years
8 - visit from atsumu
i didn’t proofread this btw :(
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“whos that at the door?” yn’s mom turned her head towards yn’s dad who was sitting on the couch.
yn’s dad got up from his seat and looked outside the front door window.
“oh- looks like it’s one of yn’s friends..” akane, kiyoomi, and motoya heads shot up quickly. and motoya began to whisper
“do you think it’s osamu? oh oh or maybe shizuku?”
“definitely not osamu, he’s too scared to visit our house. maybe shizuku though, she comes her all the time..” akane looked at the door. kiyoomi got up to throw his plate away
“well don’t just stand there! open the door” yn’s mom placed her hands that were soaked in dishwater on her hips. yn’s dad opened the door and smiled.
“jesus christ, it’s atsumu! what are you doing here? you never come to our house” he looked very happy to see atsumu. i mean who wouldn’t, yn’s dad would watch atsumu and osamu play volleyball on the tv, whenever he got the chance too.
“atsumu?” yn said peeking out of the bathroom. kiyoomi shrugged with a annoyed look on his face. practically thinking if this day could get any worse. yn’s dad welcome atsumu in with a friendly smile and everybody in the house welcomed him.
“wanna explain this yn?” my mom looked at me and got more furious when she saw my phone in my hand. but my dad was a little too excited.
“there’s no time for explaining! go go change yn, im sure atsumu will wait for you” my dad started to push me towards my room, signaling me to hurry up.
“hi ms sakusa! yn seemed a little stressed out me a great friend i am invited her out to eat lunch!” he shook my moms hand, even though it was damp, wiping the dishwater on the back of his jacket.
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“well i suppose.. don’t see what she would be so stressed about. her family just came to visit her and she can’t even stay in the house for a couple of seconds..” my mom placed her hand in her forehead.
“i promise it won’t be long” atsumu smiled
“also im pretty sure yn’s cousin over there is tired of her already” he pointed to kiyoomi and waved. “how’s it going omi?” he smiled again.
sitting down at the restaurant table i talked to atsumu about everything that was going on. but i managed to leave out the part about osamu confessing to me.
atsumu did look nervous though, glancing behind me every few seconds. he probably just thought one of his fan girls spotted him.
“uh ynnnn” he tried to stop me from talking. i wasn’t finished yet though, he could talk after. i talked over him.
“hold on tsumu. anyways like i was saying i don’t know if i have feelings for shizuku. she’s a wonderful friend and i literally love her so much, but not in the way she probably wants me too.. i think it’s the wrong time, right?” i smiled a little before talking again.
“i think there’s somebody else.” i looked down at my hands in my lap.
“but then again i don’t wanna get ahead of myself because”
“ynnn” he interrupted me again. he was basically sweating at this point.
“it’s happening a little too fast, ya know?” after that last sentence i felt a hand on my shoulder. atsumu looked at me nervously while i turned around. the two people i didn’t wanna see at all, right infront me.
“how much did you hear..?”
“all of it yn...”
shizuku gently took her hand off my shoulder and osamu next to her, looked around trying to avoid eye contact. hiding in his long dark coat.
we are all sitting at the table. atsumu trying to brighten the mood, shizuku looking at me with a sad face, and osamu tapping his foot on the floor. just like my dad would whenever he was waiting for something. osamu lips parted quietly
“so?” shizuku questioned osamu.
“yn, you know...its okay if you dont-“ shizuku was cut off by osamu.
“are you mad?” osamu asked while looking at me. atsumu was staring at him like he just said the worse thing possible. shizuku’s eyebrows slightly lifted up.
“why would yn be mad?”
“osamu,” i glanced over to shizuku.
“you didn’t tell shizuku?”
“tell me what” shizuku head turned to osamu, who was sitting right next to her.
atsumu stood up straight in his chair “you didn’t know that osamu likes yn also, shizu?” he questioned.
“what? osamu what the fuck? we’ve been walking and sorting everything out and it never came across your mind to tell me that you liked yn also?” shizuku started going off, to her it felt like she lost already even though she volunteered too. osamu opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth thinking it would result in makings matters worse.
“yn, is the person you think you ‘like’ osamu?”
i nodded softly
i wanted to say something more than just an head nod but nothing came out. i couldn’t think of anything to say and i felt like shit because of it. looking over to osamu he looked the same way. everytime he would open his mouth he would shut it again before anything could slip out. everybody was speechless,
and it was awkward as hell.
until atsumu’s stomach growled.
“guyyyyysss! i cant do this anymore, im so hungry” he whined and began eating his food infront of everybody. we all laughed in sync kinda.
shizuku, osamu, and i nodded our heads quickly and began eating so the tension could go down.
osamu and shizuku stealing food off atsumu’s plate when he wasn’t looking. by the time he could get back to his food all his fries were gone.
“Jesus Christ, just share your food with them yn. PLEASE” he begged but of course i agreed. atsumu has done so much for me. even if it’s just sharing my food so his wouldn’t get gobbled up in 10 seconds, i owed it to him.
“thank you” i mouthed to him while shizuku and osamu were eating, too busy with that to care.
he ruined it by acting all cocky again.
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a/n: sorry this took so long...i really didn’t know what to write for this part so im v sorry if it’s bad!! i have more stuff planned that’s better than this 🗣 probably won’t be doing writings for a little because i suck at them ❗️
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tobio Kageyama x F!Reader ( part 4 )
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❝ goodbyes hurt when the story is not finished, but the book is closed. tell me, have we started a new one? ❞
description: it had been years since you and kageyama broke up. it had been years since the two of you left each other, hatred brewing. fate works in funny ways, you thought, as you caught his eye across the café. love works in funny ways, you thought, as you woke up in his bed the next morning, his fiance calling his phone.
genre: forbidden love, cheating, ex lovers, (all characters are aged up)
word count: 1,632
warnings/notes: this one is just a little filler for what’s to come !! expect some drama next part ;)
tag list: @kara-grayson04​​​ @sadhwstudent​​​ @unlikelytigerqueen​​ @kageyamavibes​​ @monviemoo​ @tazzi-baby​ @1800xibal​ @osterfield-hollandwriter​ @amirahroronoa​ @lozzybowe​
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You woke up in Tooru Oikawa’s bed. His white sheets were a huge contrast with Kageyama’s navy blue. It brought out the light specks of caramel in Oikawa’s eyes.
“Staring is a bit creepy, doll.” Oikawa spoke. He was still sleepy, eyes droopy and hair a mess.
You stayed the night. Of course you did. It wasn’t a common occurrence, per se, but it definitely had happened before. If you were to be completely honest, it felt natural. Best friends who sleep together sometimes when they’re frustrated. Yeah, that’s normal.
“I thought you liked attention?” You quipped. He smiled.
“You’re not wrong.”
You were facing each other. You weren’t cuddling, just laying together. You could feel the soft breaths leave his chest, he could still feel your warmth. He stood up, naked, and placed a kiss to your forehead.
“Pancakes?” he asked.
Smacking his arm, you replied, “Waffles.”
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The first time you and Oikawa had ended up entangled together was a year after you left. He came to visit on a little vacation with Iwaizumi. He had lost a game, you were still heartbroken. Somehow both of you ended up that way.
It became a reoccurring thing since. Every time you would visit each other and stressed or upset, you would end up together. A frustration deal. Nothing serious.
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“I’m guessing it’s the King of the Court.” Oikawa said. He handed you a plate of waffles when you emerged from the bedroom.
You poured syrup. “Isn’t it always?”
He didn’t ask you anything else. Because quite frankly, he didn’t need to. He knew how heartbroken you were. He knew how even after five years, you wanted nothing more than to take it all back. He knew.
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Tobio Kageyama was not a cheater. In fact, he was so incredibly loyal that it stressed everyone around him out. Loyal to volleyball, loyal to eating the same food every day. Literally the definition of loyal.
Yet, somehow, all of that went out the window the second he caught sight of you.
Hinata knew that there was something up. He didn’t necessarily say, “Hey, Kageyama, you look like shit.” But when they met for brunch (seriously, Hinata, he’s not even married yet and he’s going to brunch), Hinata asked, “What’s up?”
“What do you mean?”
“Say it.”
“It’s just.. uh..” Hinata tapped his fingers on the table, refusing to make eye contact. Kageyama waited. “It’s just. You look like you did when…” A pause. “Oh my god. She’s back, isn’t she?”
He didn’t answer. He could’ve just replied with a “Yeah. She’s back. In fact, I slept with her because I have a lot of unresolved feelings and she’s back and I missed her more than I should’ve.”
Instead, “I don’t know.”
“You’re lying, Kageyama. I’m not dumb.”
“With an attitude like that, I’m going to text Oikawa. I’m sure he knows all about her return and what happened.”
“You’re annoying.” Kageyama sighed. He swirled the fork on his plate, staring entirely too hard at the food. “Yes. She’s back. I ran into her yesterday.”
“See, that wasn’t so hard!” Hinata’s mouth was full of food. “Next question: why do you look like shit?”
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When you first met Kageyama, he didn’t talk much. It wasn’t that he was shy. It was just that he didn’t like to talk to people he didn’t know. And you happened to be a pretty girl.
He watched you approach the team after a game in junior high. He watched you talk to Oikawa, and then turn to him.
“Good job!” you smiled at Kageyama. “Seriously, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
“Uhm. Thanks.”
You sent him another smile. His immediate reaction was to smile back.
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You left Oikawa’s feeling a little bit better. Another tease, another kiss to your temple and you were off. You couldn’t believe that you let yourself fall back into any form of rhythm with Tobio Kageyama. You just had so many questions. One of which: what the fuck happened to make him want to marry Hana?
You were mumbling to yourself, grumbling with hate and anger, when you ran straight into a brick wall. No. It was someone’s back.
“Shit, sorry.” You muttered as a habit.
“Watch where you’re going.” The voice replied, and you knew. How could your luck be this bad?
You stumbled back on impact, and arms grabbed you before you could fall. Kageyama stood in front of you, holding onto your elbows, staring down. He seemed to freeze for a second, recognizing you.
“Sorry.” You said again.
He stayed with his arms on yours for a little bit too long. He kept them there. “Hey, uh. I wanted to apologize.”
You blinked. Shaking your head, you said, “Don’t.”
“No, really.” His arms stayed on yours, blue eyes looking at you. “I shouldn’t have said what I did. And I definitely should have told you, or had Hana tell you, about… about us getting married soon. So I…”
“Please don’t apologize.” You grabbed his hands. “I seriously don’t think I can handle you ever apologizing to me.”
Kageyama nodded as if he understood. You don’t think he would ever understand.
The two of you stood like that, your hands wrapped around his wrists and his eyes never leaving yours, for what felt like forever. The city streets moved with people and cars but you stood still. There was so much you wanted to say, so much you wanted him to hear, but you couldn’t.
“Can I ask you something?” he finally spoke.
Kageyama took a breath. Like he was trying to find the right words but couldn’t seem to place them together correctly. Until, “Why did you come back?”
“Why did I come back?” you tilted your head. “I got a job here. And, if I’m being honest, I missed it here.” Missed you. You would never admit that, though.
You didn’t miss the way his eyes focused primarily on your lips when you spoke. You didn’t miss the way he swallowed. And you definitely didn’t miss the look in his eyes. You were standing entirely too close. The air was darker, electric. Like it was taking everything in your power, and his, not to fall into each other.
Your name dripped off of his tongue. You hadn’t realized that your eyes were on his lips until you had to flash them back to his eyes. He stepped closer. You let him.
“Kags…” you started, but he stopped you.
Lips to ears, he whispered, “I missed you, too.”
He let his hand lay in yours until the very last second, finger tips the last to pass until you were no longer touching. And he left.
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Tobio Kageyama hated pet names. He thought that they were stupid and held no actual meaning. Why have a name only to be called something else?
You, however, thought that they were cute. They were a term of endearment. And you would never pass up the chance to call Kageyama one. Your favorite was “babe”. You loved the way his ears would go pink, or how his teammates would give a smirk when they heard it.
Eventually, he ended up using them for you. Not because he wanted too, but because they seemed to be natural when he spoke to you. His favorite was “honey” or “love”.
You think that’s why you got as mad as you did when you heard Kageyama on the phone with Hana. He had called her “babe”. He always detested pet names that had to do with “babe”, “baby”, “baby girl”. He thought that they were weird and he was not weird.. He didn’t think that way anymore, you guessed.
You wanted nothing more than to understand what happened while you were gone.
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kawa’s flat ass: you should date him!!!!! date him date him date him
You sat in your bedroom, gushing over a certain volleyball player on your best friend’s team. There was something about him. Hana and Oikawa heard you go on and on for days.
you: i really dont know. i dont wanna date someone & not know if im even going to go to the same high school.
kawa’s flat ass: thats boring.
Luckily for you, however, you seen him the very first day of high school. Karasuno wasn’t top for volleyball, so you wondered for a second if he managed to come to the wrong school. But there he stood: still as beautiful, yet taller, than the last time.
“Kageyama!” you waved, sending him a smile.
He didn’t see you at first, scanning the crowded hallway as an attempt to find the voice that called him. You waved again and he caught sight of you. He gave a small wave back.
“I didn’t know you were going here.” He said once you’ve reached him.
“I didn’t know you were going here, either.” You giggled as you walked next to him. “Guess we’re friends?”
“I guess.”
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You knocked on the door, knuckle against hard wood. Your insides were screaming, “you shouldn’t be here”, “it isn’t too late to turn around”.
You waited a couple of minutes. As your back turned, ready to give up and retreat, the door swung open.
“Oh my god, hi! You’re back!”
“Hi, Hana.”
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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