#dont forget to stop and smell the flowers
annabananaaxox · 30 days
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I am starting uni on September 16th. I am scared, as I don't know anybody (all of my friends are going to other colleges, and studying things far more useful than literary studies and classics).
A couple months back I went on a tour of the humanities faculty building and it is absolutely beautiful, it looks like it could belong in a Donna Tartt novel, or a Shirley Jackson story: creepy, kind of unsettling, old, reminiscent of gothic architecture, beautiful.
I am excited, but also extremely confused, when I was building my timetable I realized none of my classes were on Fridays, and upon further research I found out there is no class on Fridays. I am confused about that.
Anyway, as I do every year before school starts, or, As I've done for the past three years, I will be re-reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt. I have had to buy a new copy because the one I've had since 2021 is so used the pages fall off. I am currently reading The Goldfinch, also by Donna Tartt.
Have a good academic year, lots of love,
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stevie-petey · 1 month
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episode one: the hellfire club
Robin waves her hands in the air as if to get Steve’s voice away from her. “Ew! Gross, don’t say boobies–” “Boobies! It’s not a big deal–” You make a face. “It isn’t the most pleasant word.” “Oh, c’mon. You like boobies, Robin likes boobies, and we all know I love your boobies specifically–ow!”  You hit the back of Steve’s head with annoyance to get him to stop talking about your boobs. While he winces in pain and rubs his tender head, you turn towards Robin. “What my darling boyfriend is trying to say is that everyone likes boobs, and Vickie definitely likes them too.” 
Summary: el writes to you as if youre her husband away at war, you debate the intricate nature of liking boobies with robin and steve, lucas is your beloved while eddie munson is your sworn enemy, steve accidentally exposes your (horribly hidden) daddy issues, dustin is an angsty teen, and jonathan really loves to drop emotional bombshells on you. can you believe this all happens in one day ? lol cheers to senior year !
Rating: general, some swearing
Warnings: swearing, fem!reader, use of y/n, mentions of abuse, allusions to bullying, trauma lol
Words: 13.5k (wrote half of this in one day)
Before you swing in: SHES HERE !!!! SEASON 4 !!! this season terrifies me. i spent so much time outlining and making sure it was perfect. i have some changes i want to do, some ideas, and its scary because we dont have season 5 yet and i hate messing with canon ,,, alas: here she is. my baby. my beloved. quick fun fact: theres a scene in here ive had planned since season 1 so .... enjoy !
March 21st, 1986.
Dear Y/N,
Congratulations on New York University! Joyce tells me that it is a very good college, and everyone was extremely happy when Jonathan told us the news. He even had a smile on his face! It has been a very long time since I have seen him smile, especially without that weird smell on him (am I allowed to tell you about the strange plants that Jonathan seems to like now? He says that you cannot find out about it, but friends don’t lie and he is your bestest friend). 
I asked Will about it, and he says that Jonathan now smells because he misses you. If you ask me, I think that Jonathan smells because he is scared. We are still waiting for his college letter, afterall. I know you want to go to school with him, but so does Nancy. Is it possible to go to two colleges? Anyways, it must be a lot of pressure, even more with all the waiting we have to do, but Joyce told us that sometimes colleges take a long time to respond. 
While I am positive that Jonathan will figure it all out soon, he pretends he does not care. But he is a very bad liar. He was very upset that Nancy could no longer visit us in California. Will was bummed too, but he was more sad that it was not you who was visiting. Joyce says that the Byers boys were born to miss you, and I think she is right. 
I also miss you. I am still bummed I never went to school with you. I bet Mike is over the moon to have you with him for high school, Dustin and Lucas also. How is Max? Is she still sad? I know school has been hard for her. I will admit that it is hard for me, too. While I am good at maths, and my grammar is getting better, I am still unsure when to use conjunctions or why Angela does not like me. Will tells me to ignore her, but I want to be her friend. She is nice to everyone else. It confuses me that she is not nice to me.
A lot about California confuses me. The flowers here are different, and sometimes I forget that I cannot go and visit you. I miss the smell of Bookstrordinary (did I spell it right?) and your cookies. Please send more as soon as you can. Will and I are almost dying to taste them again! Mike says he will try to bring some on the plane, but I am scared he will be told no by those scary airplane people.
Speaking of Mike, he is coming to California this week! I am very excited to see him. It has felt like years, I think I am even going crazy. I have planned everything for his week here. Spring break will be extra special! It will be a fun distraction from Angela and school. This week I can pretend to be someone else, someone cool, and Mike will be very impressed. I know you tell me to always be myself, so I hope that I can make you happy by taking your advice on focusing only on the good. 
To prove I will focus on the good from here on out, here is a good things list: 
Mike is visiting!
Will has almost finished his painting. I am very curious to see what he has made. He is really talented, he shows me the drawings he sends you sometimes. 
You got into NYU! Is this the correct way to abbreviate? I am still working on conjunctions, but I think I am supposed to use the first letter of every word in the school’s name to shorten it. At least, that is what Joyce says. 
Jonathan’s new best friend, Argyle, will give us free pizza to celebrate Mike’s arrival. It is really good pizza. 
Tasting your cookies again. Fingers crossed Mike’s plan succeeds!
I am sure there is more, but I am too excited about this week and my mind is going very fast. I miss you tons, maybe even more than Will and Jonathan do. Please come visit us soon. Like Joyce says, the Byers boys were born to miss you. Although I am not a Byers boy, I am still a part of the Byers family, and I miss you. 
Love, El.
P.S., thank you for the grammar books. I will be sure to become the best writer ever in California. 
Sweet, gentle, El. You can almost hear her voice, reading aloud to you as you used to do when she lived in Hopper’s cabin. She would stumble over the letters, ask you how to sound out particularly difficult words in Spider-Man comics; they helped her learn how to read. Now, almost a year later, she’s writing you letters. 
El has grown up so much within such a short few months, although it doesn’t surprise you.
Laughing softly as you reread the final line she’s written, you wipe your eyes and place El’s letter onto your desk. The piece of paper joins the others, nestled gently with a pile of her other letters that are housed on your desk. El sends you a new letter every week, detailing silly stories about Jonathan and Will or concerned ramblings about Angela.
The letters make you miss El terribly. They make you miss everyone terribly. 
Next to the letters are drawings from Will. He’s become such an artist during his time in California. He sends you beautiful sketches of landscapes in their neighborhood, doodles from class, and incredibly detailed drawings of you and the party. The drawings are Will’s special way to keep in contact with you, and it’s something you cherish so deeply. However, you didn’t know that he was working on a painting, and you’re curious to see what El is talking about. Eventually he’ll reveal his art to you, he always does.  
Skimming a finger over one of the more recent drawings from Will, your hand catches on the walkman that lays next to it. Jonathan’s messy handwriting is scrawled on the mixtape that sits within it.
For bug.
The words, familiar and loved, stare back at you. The mixtape contains songs that Jonathan so carefully chose for you. He spent countless hours selecting songs that he knew you’d love, songs that reminded him of you. It had been his gift for you before he moved away. And now he’s gone, and you miss him so much more than you ever thought you would. More than you ever thought you could miss anyone.  
Jonathan never did end up coming to Hawkins for spring break. 
“Dusty, what’s going on in there?” The sound of your mother pounding on Dustin’s door breaks you from your thoughts. “You’re gonna be late.”
“Don’t come in, I’m naked!” You hear the boy screech back at her, which you roll your eyes at. Steve will be here to pick you guys up any minute. Dustin knows he should be ready by now, the schedule has never changed. 
Throwing on the cardigan Steve got you for Christmas last year, you grab your walkman and storm over to Dustin’s room. At the same time, your mother nearly crashes into you in the hall. Her face is pale, horrified of the idea that she almost saw her son naked, and you pity the woman. Dustin has become relentless lately, even more difficult to deal with. 
“Y/N, my dear,” your mother clutches at her chest and fans her face. “Can you please make sure your brother is ready? I think that boy is trying to give me a heart attack.”
You sigh, figuring you would have to do so anyways. “Yeah, sure. Go finish getting ready, I’ll handle him.”
“This is why you’re my favorite daughter!” Your mother kisses your cheek before running off towards the kitchen to make her morning coffee. 
Once she’s gone, you immediately start banging on Dustin’s door. He knows you hate being late. Plus, it’s the Friday before spring break. You’re getting antsy waiting for this week to end. “Dustin Henderson, you have three seconds before I kick this door down.”
“Not now, Y/N!” Dustin shouts back, frantic and desperate. 
You narrow your eyes. He’s using his suspicious voice, the one he only uses when he’s doing something he absolutely shouldn’t be doing. Glancing down at your watch and noting the early hour, you curse in disbelief. “It’s not even seven yet, what the hell are you up to so early in the morning?”
“Nothing! Just go away, I’ll be out soon–”
“I swear, if you’re trying to sell my limited edition comics again I will hurt you.” You throw your body against the door, causing it to fly open as you stumble inside. Dustin is at his computer and he nearly falls off his chair in his haste to cover the screen from you. He’s remarkably horrible at playing cool. You’re about to tell him this when Suzie’s voice crackles through his radio’s speakers. 
“Yikes, Dusty.”
“Suzie?” You walk over to your brother and shove his hands off the computer screen. He falls to the ground with a loud thud, which pleases you. He may be a teenager now, but you’re still stronger than him. At least for now. “Why are you calling her right now–” Your eyes land on the screen and you recognize Hawkins High’s familiar orange and green school colors. “Is this the student gradebook?”
“No!” Dustin exclaims, but Suzie’s small and soft voice responds, “Yes.”
“Oh my God,” you cannot believe he’s making his girlfriend hack into your school’s database. Sure, she’s a genius, but you also know she’s incredibly religious. “Dustin, this is so illegal and goes against, like, all of Suzie’s religious morals–”
“I will repent later.” Suzie interrupts you, and you raise your eyebrows at what she’s just said. Before you can question her, Dustin’s computer refreshes. 
He leans forward, eyes scanning to see if they’ve succeeded, and he seems to like what he sees. Suddenly Dustin lets out a sudden whoop and fist bumps the air. “God, I love you Suzie.”
Curious, you lean over and read the screen as well. There, where you know Dustin had a D- in Latin not even a day ago, is now an A. There’s no possible way he was able to raise his grade in under twenty-four hours. He sucks at Latin, he hates it, which means… She did it. Suzie changed his grade. All she had to do was press one single button to save Dustin’s GPA. 
You have to admit, it’s impressive. And shamefully genius. 
“Hey, Suzie.” You bring the radio to your lips, shoving Dustin away when he tries to take it from you. “Do you think you could change my grade in calculus? Jonathan was the only reason I passed any of my other math classes.”
“Oh, I don’t know…” Suzie’s voice raises a pitch, she doesn’t want to tell you no. She likes you, she really does, but her God figurine stares down at her with a disappointed look in his eyes. She’s sinned for love, but she doesn’t think she could ever do it again. 
You’re about to plead with Suzie, tell her NYU really prioritizes their student’s grades, but the sound of a car honking outside catches your attention; it’s Steve. Dustin yanks the radio from your hand and shoos you away. “Go, leave without me.”
“What, why? We always drive together.” You frown, feeling like a little kid when you cross your arms. Dustin smiles apologetically, a smile you’ve become familiar with. Your mood darkens, anger rises to your cheeks. You know exactly why Dustin is now skipping out on you. “Don’t tell me it’s that stupid Eddie Munson–”
“He wants me and Mike to work out some campaign details before lunch today!” Dustin scrambles to mediate. He hates that you don’t like Eddie, and you like everyone. It’s unnerving how much disdain you seem to carry for his friend. “Nance is driving us, but I swear I’ll ride with you and Steve after break!”
You scoff at Dustin, not at all believing his promise to you. Ever since September your brother has been at Eddie Muson’s beck-and-call, who dictates everything Dustin says or does. At first it was innocent enough, choosing to sit with the guy instead of you at lunch. Skipping out on a few weekend plans with you and Steve to campaign with Eddie. You’d been happy for Dustin. He was making new friends, no longer your little shadow; he was his own person with his own priorities and interests now.
But ever since getting into NYU last week, Dustin has been pulling away even more from you. You don’t know why, but he’s become even more obsessed with Eddie and his stupid Hellfire club. 
Eddie Munson is the air your brother now breathes, stifling the air Dustin once breathed for you.
And it seems to only be suffocating you, not him.
“Yeah, whatever.” Halfheartedly you ruffle Dustin’s hair, and he leans into the touch. You don’t want him to know his repeated absences are upsetting you. Deep down, you know you’re being irrational. You’re almost eighteen, soon you won’t even be living under the same roof as Dustin. He’s allowed to live his own life. “I guess I’ll see you at the pep rally. Tell Suzie I said bye, please?”
Dustin nods, though you don’t linger in the doorway like you desperately want to. Instead, you shut the door behind you and place a swift kiss to your mother’s cheek as you leave. 
Steve’s car is parked in its usual spot at the end of the driveway. The teen’s arm hangs out the window and his face breaks into a smile when he sees you approaching. Steve’s smile is infectious, it’s always charmed you, and it settles the ache in your chest from your brother’s earlier dismissal. Feeling a smile spread across your own face, you run towards Steve and poke your head through the open window.
“Hi,” you breathe out, nose almost bumping against his cheek.
“Hi, angel.” Steve kisses you, solidifying your morning tradition. Neither one of you really remembers who started it, but sometime during the school year you began to slip your head through Steve’s car window so that he could kiss you slow and sweet. 
And, as tradition follows, Robin starts boos. “Do you have to do that every morning?”
Steve makes a face at her and she punches his arm. He yelps in pain and you roll your eyes at the two of them before running over to the passenger’s side where Robin sits. Her window is rolled down as well and you duck your head inside. “Aw, Robin. If you wanted a kiss, you could’ve just said so!” 
“A kiss–?” Your lips press against Robin’s cheek, smushing against her face while making a dramatic sound. She squeals and pushes you away, wiping her now wet cheek in disgust. “That is not what I wanted.”
You giggle at her and finally get into the car. It’s getting late, you see the assortment of Robin’s limited makeup dumped into her lap haphazardly. She’s been stressing about this morning’s pep rally all week, and clearly she isn’t coping very well. Trying to cheer her up, you flick her shoulder. “I’ll have you know that my cheek kisses are cherished in Hawkins.”
“How many people’s cheeks are you kissing?” Steve turns in his seat to face you, slightly alarmed. Then, noticing that there’s only one Henderson in his car, he frowns. “And where’s little Henderson?”
“Eddie Munson.”
“Woah, wait, you mean Eddie as in where Dustin is, right? Not, like, you’ve been kissing his cheek? I’m right, right? Please tell me I’m right.”
You roll your eyes fondly at Steve while Robin rolls hers in displeasure. “Just drive, Steve.”
It becomes pretty apparent five minutes into the car ride that no one seems to be having a good morning. Robin has spent the majority of the drive applying and reapplying her mascara while messing with her hair. She groans every time she looks in the mirror and her eyes lack their usual brilliance. 
Meanwhile, Steve has been complaining about yet another fight with his dad. Apparently they argued during breakfast, something that has become a common occurrence in the Harrington household. 
“The asshole again reminded me that I’m turning twenty soon. As if I don’t already know that! I mean,” Steve laughs in exasperation. “For weeks now he’s been asking me what my plans are, as if working at Family Video just isn’t good enough for him. As if my dad isn’t the sole reason I had to get a lousy minimum wage job in the first place!” 
“Family Video isn’t a lousy job–”
“Yes it is.” Both Steve and Robin say at the same time, which you sigh at. Can’t really argue with that. 
“Okay, yeah. It’s pretty lousy.”
Steve rubs his eyes tiredly. “And that isn’t even the worst part. There I was, pouring syrup over my pancakes, trying to enjoy the fact that my parents are actually home for once, when my asshole of a father tells me that if I don’t have a respectable job by the time I’m twenty, he’ll kick me out. I mean, can you believe that?” 
You suck in a breath. “Steve…”
Richard Harrington is a cruel, awful man. 
While you understand his frustrations towards Steve, it’s completely unreasonable to expect him to get a reputable job in a few short months without any college education. Steve’s right, it had been Richard’s idea to make him work at Scoops Ahoy in the first place. When the mall burned down, he had no other option but to work at Family Video soon after. 
“I’m sorry, honey.” You intertwine your fingers through Steve’s hair and rub your thumb up and down the nape of his neck in a soothing manner. Steve allows the touch, but he’s still tense. Guessing that he’s uncomfortable feeling so pitied, you try to make light of the situation with humor. “But hey, who knows? Maybe you can come live with me in New York if he ends up kicking you out.”
Steve risks a look at you, taking his eyes off the road for a few moments, and his eyes shine. He’s ecstatic over what you’ve just said. He looks like a little kid on Christmas Eve. “You really mean that?”
“Well, I mean…” It had mostly been a joke, a throwaway comment to try and get him to smile. But Steve’s body finally relaxes under your touch and you can’t tell him no. “Yeah, I guess I did.”
“You hear that, Robin?” Steve preens, wanting to get her attention. However, when he realizes that she hasn’t been listening to the entire conversation, he makes an offended sound. “Robin, are you listening to me?”
“Uh, yes?” Her eyes meet yours in the mirror, startled that she’s been caught. “You were-uh. Talking to Y/N about your dad. We-we hate him! Yeah, we hate the guy. He really… grinds my gears?”
Steve groans. “We all hate my dad, but that wasn’t what I was talking to you about!”
“Cut me some slack, please. Your relationship with your father is one of labyrinthine complexity–”
You poke your head between the two teens. “Actually, it’s not that complicated.”
Robin covers your mouth with her hand and continues with her rant. “It’s seven in the morning, we have the stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a total corpse!” 
“I think you look lovely as always, Robin.” You mumble through the girl’s hand, barely coherent.
Steve, however, isn’t as supportive. “You’re worried about a pep rally? You really expect me to believe that?”
“Yeah, so?” Robin removes her hand from your mouth and goes back to doing her makeup. She’s avoiding the conversation now, which only means that Steve is onto something. Why has she been so obsessed about this week’s pep rally? Robin has been in band for years now, she’s done a million pep rallies during her high school career. It can’t be performing that makes her nervous. 
Which means it has to be about someone. 
Locking eyes with Steve, he seems to be thinking what you are. “I think we all know what this is about, okay? Y/N and I aren’t buying that bullshit.”
“This is about Vickie.” You finish for him, a smirk on your face. For weeks now Vickie has been all Robin has talked about. Her hair, how pretty her smile is, how cute her freckles are. Vickie also happens to be in band with Robin. “C’mon, you can’t tell us we’re wrong.”
“I absolutely can tell you you’re wrong.” Robin denies what you and Steve are implying.
Steve shakes his head. “You know we’re right! And you know what else we think?”
“I really don’t care–”
“Y/N and I think that you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you’re around her, okay? You just gotta be yourself.”
Robin doesn’t want to hear any of this. At least not from you and Steve. “You guys are biased, you do realize that?”
“What do you mean?” You’re practically laying across Steve’s car console in order to be a part of the conversation. “I think we’re objective people.”
“You’re telling me that all I have to do is be myself and Vickie will want to date me?”
You frown. “Yeah? What’s wrong with that?”
Robin throws her head back. “Because it took Steve months to ask you out. Mind you, this was when you were already in love with the guy! And he knew you were in love with him!”
“Okay, hey–” Steve doesn’t at all like what she’s insinuating. He didn’t necessarily know you were already in love with him, he just… had a small hunch. 
“I’m not done,” Robin holds her hand up. “All Steve had to do was man up and admit his feelings for you. He didn’t have to agonize over whether or not it’d blow up in his face. There was no risk, no danger, no world ending consequences. I mean, if you had rejected him then maybe Steve’s ego would’ve been bruised. But if I ask out the wrong girl? Bam! I’m a town pariah.”
“This is true,” you reluctantly agree. While you could never envision a world where you’d ever say no to Steve, you also recognize that the world where you somehow do wouldn’t be the same world as Robin’s. Things are different for her, whether you like it or not. Robin has to live with this knowledge, and her conversation with you about luck and love from last summer echoes in your mind. 
Steve places a hand on his chest, betrayed. “Whose side are you on, Y/N?”
“True love’s side.”
Robin snorts and Steve doesn’t bother to hide his smile. He wants to tease you for being a hopeless romantic, but now isn’t the time. Instead, he continues the previous conversation. “True love aside, we can’t ignore that Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl.”
“Oh, she definitely isn’t straight.” You agree.
“We don’t know that!” Robin quickly sprays some breath freshener in her mouth and gags, which you cringe at. Vickie is one lucky girl if Robin ever manages to become her girlfriend. 
Steve doesn’t let up, he’s convinced he has it all figured out. “She returned Fast Times paused at fifty-three minutes, five seconds.”
“The bikini scene, mind you.” You butt in, and Steve nods eagerly.
“And you know who pauses Fast Times at fifty-three minutes, five seconds? People who like boobies, Robin!” 
Robin waves her hands in the air as if to get Steve’s voice away from her. “Ew! Gross, don’t say boobies–”
“Boobies! It’s not a big deal–”
You make a face. “It isn’t the most pleasant word.”
“Oh, c’mon. You like boobies, Robin likes boobies, and we all know I love your boobies specifically–ow!” 
You hit the back of Steve’s head with annoyance to get him to stop talking about your boobs. While he winces in pain and rubs his tender head, you turn towards Robin. “What my darling boyfriend is trying to say is that everyone likes boobs, and Vickie definitely likes them too.” 
Robin can’t even look at the two of you, appalled by how many times the word “boobies” has been uttered during the duration of the conversation. You can’t blame her, the word has practically lost all meaning for you as well.
Steve, however, can’t seem to get enough of it. “It’s boobies!” He exclaims again to no one in particular.
You and Robin lock eyes, and then, without saying anything, your hand covers Steve’s mouth while Robin flicks his forehead, effectively putting the boob conversation to an end. 
The moment Steve’s BMW slows in front of the school, Robin throws the door open and rushes out with a quick “see you later!” to you as she runs to follow after her bandmates. Steve waves weakly as she goes and sighs in disappointment.
“She’s never talking to Vickie, is she?”
“Not a chance,” you sigh as well, watching as Robin’s figure disappears in the crowd of students. Spring break looms over the student body, everyone buzzes with excitement over their week of freedom and tonight’s basketball game. The pep rally in just a few short minutes only adds to the exhilaration. Leaning forward, your lips graze against Steve’s. “Anyways, see you tonight?”
He bridges the gap between your lips, skin meets skin and warmth floods your stomach. “Of course, angel. I love you.”
“I love you, too, honey.” And with one last kiss, you exit Steve’s car and make your way towards the school. As always, Steve waits until you’re safely on the sidewalk before he pulls away and heads towards Family Video. He’s started picking up morning shifts to fill the time he isn’t with you.
On your way inside, you see Ms. Kelly talking to Max near the buses. The conversation is short, doesn’t last much longer than a few seconds, and when Max turns away you notice Ms. Kelly’s patient smile drop. Clearly Max still isn’t being cooperative when it comes to their sessions. She promised you she would start trying, but Max Mayfield has always been stubborn and you’ve always been slightly overbearing.
Not the best combination, honestly.
With a sigh, you make a mental note to ask Max about what the counselor talked to her about later. There’s too much going on this morning to focus on it, and you’re already pushing Max by having her attend the pep rally anyways. Originally she had wanted to skip it and hide in the stairwell, but after begging her about it, Max finally agreed.
The conversation can wait. For now, at least she’ll be next to you in the bleachers alongside the boys to cheer on Lucas.
The thought was enough to brighten your mood a little, but it quickly became a pain in the ass to corral the party into sitting together. It took you almost fifteen minutes to find Mike and Dustin in the mass of students heading into the gym. You’re not necessarily sure how it took so goddamn long given the fact that Mike towers over half of the students anyways. He’s grown freakishly tall since starting freshman year. It unnerves you. 
While his towering height annoys you, Mike likes that he can finally, literally, look down on you. 
“There you guys are!” You grab the back of Mike’s shirt and he lets out a startled yelp. Dustin stumbles back as well, and an annoyed sophomore glares at the three of you. Ignoring her, you grab your brother’s shirt and start dragging the two boys towards the bleachers. “Thought we agreed on meeting at the water fountain that squirts water in your face?”
“I thought it was the library?” Dustin gives you an odd look. “Wait, is there even a water fountain in the library?”
“You amaze me.” You remark, not even bothering to answer his question. He listens like a bag of rocks. Mike just allows you to pull him, not at all contributing to the conversation.
Max waits for you in the bleachers. She’s saved you seats, something that you feel slight relief over. The simple gesture is small, but it sparks just enough hope within your chest to make you exhale softly. Hope that she’s getting better. Hope that she’s finally trying again.
Thanking Max, you and the others fill the seats as the gym quickly fills with more and more students until it threatens to overflow. The roar of the crowd is nearly deafening. Across from the bleachers resides the marching band. They’re playing the school’s anthem as the cheerleaders start their routine. Chrissy Cunningham leads them, her smile lovely and beautiful, she shines so brightly upon the crowd that you can’t help but fall in love with her.
In the midst of the cheerleaders’ twists and flips, Robin manages to catch your eye from across the room.
You eagerly wave at her and mime playing the trumpet, copying her movements as she actually plays one. Robin laughs, and next to her is a girl with fiery red hair who laughs as well. She’s pretty, you’ve heard countless sonnets about her red hair and dotted freckles. Knowing the girl is Vickie, you point at her as you wink at Robin, who scoffs and goes back to playing the trumpet. 
Next to you, you catch the tail end of some bizarre conversation between Mike and Dustin.
“Look, I’m not saying that my girlfriend is better than yours.” Dustin is clarifying, glaring at you when he hears your sarcastic snort. “It’s just that Suzie’s, like, a certified genius.”
Mike crosses his arms, looking towards you as if somehow this is all your fault. “Your brother realizes that El saved the world twice, right?”
“Admittedly that is hard to beat,” you shrug. “That, and she has cool powers.”
Dustin points a finger at the two of you. “And yet Mike still has a C in Spanish while you’re barely passing calculus.”
Mike rolls his eyes and you shrug again. Your brother isn’t necessarily wrong either. El’s saved the world, Suzie has saved his GPA. Both are nearly impossible feats. “Touchy subject, but touché.”
“And what can your boyfriend do, Y/N?” Mike asks, now bringing the attention to your love life.
“He’s good with a bat.”
Both Dustin and Mike groan, but you shush them when the school’s broadcaster announces the Tigers basketball team. Applause breaks out across the bleachers and you notice Max looking around for Lucas. Though she tries to hide it, you can see the interest and excitement in her eyes. She’s happy for him, but it breaks your heart that she feels that she can’t show it.
Jason Carver, captain of the basketball team and former Scoops Ahoy patron before Steve spilled ice cream all over his pants, runs out first. The crowd goes wild, but you don’t start cheering until you see Lucas. He’s smiling wide, proud to be a part of the team. You scream as loud as you can for him, he’s come so far since confessing to you about wanting to join the team earlier this year. As Jason starts his speech, dramatic as he always is, Lucas sees you in the bleachers and waves shyly, a blush creeping across his face. Then, seeing Max next to you, his confidence seems to grow as he waves more enthusiastically at her. 
The moment is sweet, it makes you smile. 
Except Max doesn’t wave back. She crosses her arms, pretends she hasn’t seen him, and your smile drops alongside Lucas’. 
You know they’ve been having some trouble recently. With Max pulling away more and more each day, Lucas struggled to hold onto the fading girl. Despite his pleas and reassurances, Max still seems to be icing him out. According to Dustin, they broke up almost a month ago now. 
But they’ve always had a tumultuous relationship, long before nightmares and monsters darkened everything. The news hadn’t worried you at first, you thought it was simply another one of their weekly breakups over something small, innocent. Afterall, they were just kids when they first started dating. Their breakups were always childish, though endearing, and always temporary. 
Now, you’re scared that this time it’s permanent. 
You’re not sure what that means for Max. She already has so few people left in her life to tether her. Billy died, her mother works two jobs and is never home anymore, El is in California, and you and Lucas are breaking skin trying to claw onto whatever small hold you have left of the girl.
Another loud cheer from the crowd breaks you from your thoughts. Jason must’ve just said something important, something worthy enough of a roaring reaction. He’s always been popular in Hawkins, Steve used to complain about him to you back when he was still on the team. But when Steve graduated and Billy died, Hawkins High had needed a new King to crown.
Jason Carver was more than happy to ascend the throne. 
“Chrissy, I love you, babe.” Everyone awes and you see Chrissy blow Jason a kiss. It’s sweet, you suppose. They fit together nicely, head cheerleader with the star of the basketball team, and they seem genuinely happy. Chrissy’s shy and kind demeanor balances Jason’s loud and charismatic boldness. They truly are a good match. 
“I think I can speak for all of us when I say it’s been a tough year for Hawkins.” Jason continues his speech, the room is eerily silent as everyone listens with baited breath. “So much loss…” The gym almost exhales simultaneously, remembering all the people who died last summer.
Your own breath exhales, and beside you Max tenses. Billy’s ghost floats through your minds, in through hers and out through yours. Hopper’s own ghost follows after him, only he doesn’t haunt Max the way he haunts you. He lingers over you, his final words to you engraved into your skin. 
You’re the best of them.
“And sometimes I wonder, how much loss can one community take?”
Enough to fill a mall of burning bodies, you think bitterly. 
Jason paces the gym’s floor now, he almost seems to glow before the crowd. He rambles on about needing something to believe in. That everyone should be doing something to honor all the lives lost in July, that playing basketball can absolve all the despair. As if it can bring them back.
Deep below your ribcage, nestled right underneath your scar and just in front of your stomach, rests a pit of anger that always simmers. You were born with it, it has always followed you. It has grown with you, the anger almost possessed your body when your dad left. Now, hearing Jason recite all the names of the ones who died that Fourth of July, the anger’s low simmer heats into a soft boil. 
You try to quell it. Jason means well, he’s only trying to uplift the community in a passionate, albeit uncomfortably pastor-y way. He’s only doing what he knows best; he’s being a leader. In another life, one where Demogorgons never harmed you, you think you would’ve really admired Jason and his resilience. 
“Think of Billy,” Your breath stills, yet your hand instinctively finds Max’s. She turns away from you, but the room is spinning and you can’t remember how to inhale. But Jason keeps going. “Think about our heroic police chief, Jim Hopper.”
Next to you, in your haze of grief and panic, you think you can feel Mike and Dustin shift uncomfortably. Grief sinks her claws into the kids, and you want nothing more than to puncture Jason’s lungs with them. 
This was supposed to be a pep rally for the Tigers, it was supposed to be joyous, an opportunity to bring Max out of her shell. To distract her from the hell that she calls her life. The entire school knows what happened to Billy, they know that he had a little sister named Max Mayfield.
You hate Jason Carver.
But you’re here for Lucas. Today is about him. He’s finally happy, he’s smiling again. The least you can do is swallow down the anger and grief and hope that you don’t end up choking on them later. That they don’t strangle you in your dreams.
“And now tonight, we’re gonna bring home the championship trophy!” Jason screams into the mic, erupting a volcanic roar from the stadium. People throw paper into the air, whistling and jumping up and down at the prospect of Hawkins High finally winning a championship.
“Tonight?” Dustin’s agonized exclamation causes you to jump. He looks at you, bewildered and panicked. “How is that possible?”
Your heart still hasn’t steadied from the surge of fury Jason evoked. Swallowing once again, you clear your throat and shake your head at your brother. “What, you guys didn’t know about the game tonight?”
“They call it a tournament,” Max explains for you, figuring you need some time to clear your head. You squeeze her hand appreciatively. “You win one game, you go on until there’s only one team left.”
Mike and Dustin exchange frightened looks, and you eye them suspiciously. “Did you guys really not know? I thought Steve explained all of this to you already. Why is it such a big deal, anyways? I mean–wait,” the boys won’t meet your gaze. They avoid facing you, Mike stuffs his hands into his pockets and Dustin pretends to read someone’s poster. 
You know the fearful look on their faces. It’s the same look Dustin gave you this morning when he ditched you to ride with Nancy and Mike. 
Goddamn Eddie Munson. 
“Oh, don’t you guys dare.” They wouldn’t. They wouldn’t fucking dream of missing one of Lucas’ games for a stupid club centered around some guy with enormous ego problems. “I swear to God, if you two skip the game tonight–”
“We won’t! I-I mean… Well. It’s, uh. It’s complicated” Dustin gulps, elbowing his way through the crowd of departing students as the pep rally ends. Mike follows, ready to step in at any moment, while Max slips away before you can stop her. Seeing how contorted your body is from anger, Dustin tries to appease you. “Look, I can’t promise anything, alright? Eddie is… Eddie.”
You’re about to scream some very choice words about that curly haired emo asshole, but Lucas intercepts the group and joins you guys. He looks between you, Mike, and Dustin, sensing some underlying tension. “What about Eddie?”
Mike quickly explains, and the more he talks, the more you want to shove your knives down Eddie’s throat. It’s one night, one goddamn night, and here Mike and Dustin are, almost shitting their pants at the idea of missing one Hellfire meeting to support their friend. While it’s unfortunate that all of this is happening on the same night, and though you recognize how long a campaign can take and how much the game means to the party, for once you can’t bring yourself to understand Dustin’s side. 
A championship game versus one single campaign meeting that can easily be done tomorrow instead.
Seems like a pretty easy decision to you. 
Lucas doesn’t understand why Mike and Dustin are so conflicted either. “I don’t get the big deal.” You’re all outside now, heading towards the main building for your classes. “Just talk to Eddie. Get him to move Hellfire to another night.”
You nod, agreeing with him, and Dustin rolls his eyes. “‘Just talk to Eddie.’”
“You can’t be serious right now,” your shoulder brushes harshly against the boy’s. You’re barely containing your anger right now. “Why does Eddie have such a strong hold over you guys? Hasn’t he repeated senior year twice now?”
“Why does that matter?” Mike looks at you as if you’re the scum of the earth that he just so happened to step on. “Why can’t Lucas just talk to his coach and get him to move the game?”
Dustin quips that he thinks Mike’s idea is a great one, but you shove between them and throw your hands in the air in annoyance. “You can’t possibly think that’s the same thing, right? A nationally organized game being postponed for a board game.”
Mike and Dustin both gasp at you, acting as if you’ve just threatened to kill a baby bunny in front of them, which only annoys you more. Sure, maybe you’re being a little mean right now, but you’re not appreciating how they’re treating Lucas. He’s never done anything to warrant this blatant disrespect from them. They’re refusing to see his side, too lost in their Eddie induced high. 
“DnD isn’t just a board game, Y/N! I’m honestly disappointed that you of all people would even say that. You’ve seen the intricacies of a campaign. You know I’ve spent all month now preparing for the end of Eddie’s campaign!” Dustin waves his hands in front of him, he’s in his own ecstasy of anger and annoyance, something innate in the Henderson bloodline. “A semester of adventuring has led to this moment, and we need Lucas.”
“Yeah, and the Tigers don’t.” Mike looks over at Lucas. “I mean, no offense, but you’ve been on the bench all year–shit!”
You swat the back of Mike’s head, the sound of his yelp satisfying and the sting of the hit soothes you. He looks at you, offended, and you just shake your head at him. “No, that was out of line and you know it.”
“One day I’m gonna be too tall for you to hit me, you know.” Mike scowls at you as he rubs his head. 
“And I’ll mourn the day when that happens,” you respond dryly before pointing at Lucas. “Now, apologize to him before I hit you again.”
Lucas lowers your finger and shakes his head. “It’s fine, Y/N. Me being on the bench isn’t the point, anyways.”
“Please, arrive at the point.” Your brother drops his head back and closes his eyes. He’s tired, he regrets even starting this conversation in the first place. The more the four of you talk, the angrier he can feel you become. Mike’s head may now be sore, but Dustin lives with you. If anyone here is in danger of your lecturing, it’s him.
“If I get in good with these guys, I’ll be in the popular crowd, and then you guys will be too.” Lucas explains, looking between Dustin and Mike as he urges them to understand, but they don’t. Mike claims that they don’t want to be popular, something that Lucas doesn’t believe. “What, you wanna be stuck with the nerds and freaks for three more years?”
“We are nerds and freaks!” Dustin exclaims, causing a few students in the hall to look at you guys. You wave at them awkwardly, you’re starting to regret following the boys. This conversation feels personal, like you shouldn’t be intruding. Though you think Lucas has every right to want a good high school experience, you also think Mike and Dustin deserve to have their own experiences as well. If they don’t want to be popular, then that’s their decision just as much as it’s Lucas’ to want to be. 
You step between the three boys, finally getting their attention. “Guys, no one here is necessarily right or wrong. Lucas has every right to want to be a part of the basketball crowd, and you two,” you raise your eyebrows at Mike and Dustin, “have every right to want to stick with Eddie’s crowd.”
Dustin sighs, “thanks, Y/N–”
“I’m not finished,” you hold a hand up and shush your brother. “What isn’t right, however, is abandoning one another. You guys are friends, and right now Lucas wants you at his game tonight to support him. Tonight is special, everyone will be there, and I want you guys there as well. I know high school is hard, but it’s even harder when you’re alone.”
“Says the girl who is adored by everyone in this shitty town.” Mike huffs, he can’t believe how hypocritical you’re being. “You’ve never had to deal with what we do. No one has ever laughed at you or tried to make you jump off a cliff just because you’re different.”
You clench your jaw. Dustin looks at you wearily, he doesn’t like what Mike is saying, but he also can’t help but agree with his friend. You haven’t ever been bullied. All your life you’ve blended in, stood out only when you were kind to others, admired for your selflessness, but never enough to be invited to parties or dumped behind a dumpster.
“Mike…” Your brother tries to pull him away from you, but you both stand your ground.
“You’re right, Wheeler. I don’t know what it’s like.” You stare up at the boy, and Mike’s expression softens only slightly. He’s just as stubborn as you are, it’s why the two of you admire the other so much. “But you forget that I’m Jonathan’s best friend. The creep, the loser, the psychopath. Kids may not have ever targeted me, but I’ve seen what they do to the people they hate.”
All the times you had to ice Jonathan’s bruised face. The nights you spent in his room holding him as he cried because Lonnie’s fists and Tommy’s cruel words were too much. The sneers, the stares Jonathan received because he was different. Quiet. Being your best friend hadn’t lessened the blows. 
For years you wish you could’ve done more for Jonathan. Now, presented with Lucas’ opportunity to befriend the crowd that once was so cruel to your friend, you refuse to lose it. “That’s why I don’t want Lucas skipping the game tonight.”
It’s silent for a few moments, all three boys don’t know what to say. Taking a deep breath, Lucas stands beside you and breaks the silence. “We came to high school wanting things to be different, right? Now we have that chance. Like Y/N said, if I skip tonight, that’s all out the window. So I’m asking you guys, as a friend, just talk to Eddie. Get him to move Hellfire.”
Lucas pauses, he wets his lips and looks between his friends again. He feels so small, pleading for their attention. “Come to my game. Please.”
The bell rings, ending the conversation, and Lucas spares one last look at Dustin and Mike before mumbling a soft goodbye to you. He leaves you alone with the boys, who in turn mirror conflicted expressions. 
“Shit!” Dustin kicks his foot out and looks at you. “This is all your fault, you know that?”
“What is?”
“Me having empathy. I hate this. Why couldn’t you have raised me to be an asshole?”
You snort at Dustin before pulling him into a weak hug. You only have a few more minutes before you need to get to class, you can’t stay very long, but you also don’t want to leave the boys without some semblance of comfort. “You’re too charming to be an asshole. Just… Come to the game, alright? Both of you. I’ll even make brownies if I have to. I just-I’ve missed you guys. This will be good for all of us.”
Mike ducks his head and Dustin sighs once more. Neither want to say anything else, so you reluctantly release your brother and leave them alone to wallow in their self-created misery. 
They’ll do the right thing. You’re sure of it.
Lunch comes and Alex sits next to you. He started sitting with you at lunch just after winter break, and you’re endlessly grateful for him. You’re no longer alone, and he’s good company. A part of you regrets that it took the two of you three years to grow your friendship outside of Bookstrorindary. 
You’ll miss him when you graduate. 
Max is with Ms. Kelly today, a change in their usual meeting schedule of Tuesdays and Thursdays, meaning you had been right. She did skip their meeting yesterday and the counselor had to corner her this morning to schedule another one. 
“Be honest, how excited are you to move to New York this summer?” Alex asks you, taking a bite out of his carrot stick. You’ve come to learn that he has a weird obsession with the vegetable, always packing at least twelve of them every day. 
You pick at your own lunch, a wilted salad and sandwich your mom left for you this morning. “Honestly? It hasn’t really hit me yet. I mean, I only got in last week. I think my mind is still trying to catch up with reality.”
“Oh, c’mon. You can’t tell me you’re not at least a little excited.”
“Okay, okay,” you laugh and nudge the boy. “I’m a little excited. I just.. Haven’t really had time to think too much about it, you know? Between work, my brother, Steve, the kids, and…”
“Jonathan?” Alex finishes for you. He’s the only one who knows about how distant Jonathan has been. You’ve confided in him about how worried you are, about the phone calls while he’s high and the way Jonathan’s voice no longer sounds like his. 
You shove your lunch away, no longer hungry. “Yeah.”
“You guys call every Friday, right? Maybe tonight will be different!” Alex tries to cut through the tension that now corrodes your demeanor, which you smile at him gratefully for. 
“Yeah, who knows.” A piece of hair falls in your face and you push it behind your ear. Picking up your fork again, you attempt to finish your meal, but a sudden commotion interrupts the low buzz in the lunchroom. 
“As long as you’re into band, or science, or parties.” Eddie Munson sneers from the cafeteria table he’s standing on. He looks around the room as if everyone else is beneath him. Not worth his time just because they enjoy different things. Looking at Alex, you both sigh and prepare for whatever Eddie has to say today. His voice grows louder, shouting across the room towards the basketball team’s table. “Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!”
Jason stands up and a few students whoop and cheer. “You want something, freak?”
Eddie sticks to fingers up behind his head as he creates little devil horns, snarling with his tongue out and hissing. Jason grimaces, you do too. 
“He’s a little much, isn’t he?” You say to Alex, relieved when Eddie starts to step down from the table. 
“He terrifies me.” Alex breathes out, not taking his eyes off Eddie in fear he’ll somehow cast a spell on him.
You laugh at your friend’s unnecessary fear. Eddie is harmless, Hellfire isn’t a demonic cult like some students at Hawkins seem to think. It really is just a club centered around a board game with impressive storytelling and detailed plotlines. From what Dustin has told you, Eddie truly is the best dungeon master in Indiana. 
And while you believe him, you can’t wrap your head around why your brother idolizes Eddie so much. The fascination runs deeper than just DnD. Dustin has spent almost every day of his freshman year wrapped around Eddie’s finger. He spends all his time with the teen now, rarely with you, but you’re not bitter. Of course you’re not. Dustin can have his own friends, you know this, but you also feel so… unneeded. 
Your little brother doesn’t need you anymore, and it’s a hard pill to swallow.
Truthfully, Alex’s question earlier about moving to New York in the summer sparked more than just your usual anxiety over Jonathan. It also reminded you that in only a few short months you’ll be in an entirely new state, a new city, far away from Dustin. 
“Y/N!” Dustin flies into the seat next to you, nearly upending the table itself with how violently he throws himself down.
Alex shrieks and you steady the table before anything can fall. Heart pounding, you clutch at your chest as your nerves settle. “Why must you always be so violent?”
“Because it’s fun,” Dustin responds, not even bothering to acknowledge Alex’s presence. Instead, his eyes are only on you, and there’s a crazed spark in them. He’s breathing heavily, frantic, and you dread where this is going. “Look, I need to ask you a huge favor.”
“Do you realize that this is the first time you’ve sat with me at lunch since the first day?”
He winces. “And I will repent every day for my horrendous sins. I promise, I just–Jesus you’re terrifying when you don’t blink.” Dustin removes his hat to fix his hair, a nervous tick of his. He’s stalling, he should’ve never come here. Gulping, he rips the band aid off. “I need you to sub for Lucas tonight.”
“I’m sorry?” You’re giving him an out, one chance to back down before you strangle him.
Only Dustin tightens the noose even more. “Please, Y/N! Eddie won’t move the campaign. He said something about sheep and-and finding subs because Mike and I are, uh. I guess the future of Hellfire and he needs us and did I mention how important this campaign is? It’s super cool, super gory and totally up your alley and–”
“N-no?” Dustin practically deflates in front of you, the light in his eyes dies. 
You shove him away from you, you don’t want to look at his pathetic pouting. You’re so unbelievably hurt right now, so fucking infuriated. “You have spent every goddamn waking hour ass kissing Eddie. You haven’t so much as looked at me during lunch this entire year as if I’m a fucking plague. You’ve canceled plans, you’re hardly ever home, and now you expect me to abandon Lucas, someone who has spent time with me this year, someone who has made this entire year less lonely for me. Something, by the way, that you haven’t even noticed, all because you finally need me?”
Dustin’s mouth opens and closes, he doesn’t know what to say, but for once you don’t care. How could he possibly think you’d miss Lucas’ game tonight? You adore the boys, each and every one of them, and now Dustin expects you to just abandon one of them for the others? 
“You’re only here because it’s convenient for you.” You hiss, venom pouring from your voice. “For Eddie.” 
“Y/N…” Dustin’s voice breaks, he sounds like a little kid again, the baby brother you doted on your entire life. “Please.”
“No!” You scream at him. 
The word echoes throughout the cafeteria. A few students turn to you, some curious, some annoyed. Alex draws into himself, wishing he were anywhere but here right now. Dustin’s eyes widen, his skin pales, and you clamp your hand over your mouth, completely and utterly mortified. 
You’ve never, ever yelled at Dustin like this before. Not with so much malice, vitriol. 
You feel like you’re twelve again, your anger hurting your baby brother. 
Red hot with embarrassment and shame, you quickly get up from the table and flee the cafeteria. Dustin calls after you, but you stumble through the hallway towards the nearest bathroom. Tears burn your eyes, guilt wracks your body in painful thuds. 
By the time you lock yourself in the bathroom’s stall, your sobs have begun to claw their way out of your throat. Pressing your back against the wall, you sink to the ground and pull your knees into your chest as you finally allow yourself to cry.
Abandonment makes you cruel. Your father taught you that.
You don’t see Dustin for the rest of the day. He’s missing Lucas’ game and you’re angry with him for that, but you also feel such an intense guilt over your outburst. You can’t stomach the thought of seeing him. 
School ends and Steve drives you to work. The shift will be a short one due to the championship game, and Steve is staying with you so that you can drive to the game together. However, the moment you get into his car, he notices the dried tears on your face and the redness in your eyes and immediately throws his arms around you. In between shaky breaths and cries, you explain what happened to Steve.
He soothes you, tells you that you can always talk to Dustin after tonight’s game. Right now you and your brother need space from one another, and you hate that Steve’s right. You’ll force Dustin into a code blue, you’re long overdue for one, anyways. He’s been acting weird for weeks now. Someone has to give in, you know this, and if it has to be you then you’ll do anything to get your brother back. 
For now, Steve holds your hand as he guides you through the crowd of people in the bleachers. They all cheer for Hawkins High, the energy in the gym is electric. Faces are painted, cheerleaders wave their pom-poms, and you’re wearing Steve’s old Tigers jersey. You’re not much for school spirit, but Steve almost crashed the car when he realized you were wearing the jersey, and you know Lucas will appreciate it too.
“Y/N, over here.” Steve’s hand falls onto the small of your back as he gently pushes you towards some open seats he’s found. You lean into his touch and sit beside him. With his body against yours, you try to immerse yourself in the joy from the crowd. 
The entire town is here tonight. Everyone is smiling, kids laugh and parents wave posters for their sons. Tonight will be a good night, you’ve decided this to be true. 
The national anthem is announced and everyone rises in their seats. When the broadcaster announces that Tammy Thompson will be singing, you and Steve look at each other incredulously. Laughter rises within you and you cackle when Robin finds the two of you in the crowd. There’s no way this won’t end in disaster. 
Tammy walks out, wearing a horrendous faux cowboy outfit, and almost immediately sings off-key. You cringe, ears stinging from the attack, and try desperately not to let out any laughter as she continues to butcher the song. 
Steve whispers over to Robin, “told you. Muppet.”
“Okay, she does sound like a muppet.” Robin agrees, which only makes it harder to contain your giggles. Tammy is worse than a muppet, she sounds like a goddamn muppet that broke into her dad’s alcohol stash. 
“You sound better, angel.” Steve whispers into your ear, breath warm against your skin. 
You lean back against him and smile sarcastically. “Anyone can sound better than her.”
Steve chuckles and you can’t help but join him. You know it’s rude, that Tammy is honestly not that bad, though definitely not good enough for Nashville, but you can’t help it. You can’t believe Robin ever had such a huge crush on the girl who now drones the national anthem like a dying parrot. 
In between breaths of laughter, you see Lucas looking up at the bleachers. His face is grim, he doesn’t see Mike or Dustin or Max. None of his friends showed up, and you watch him with sympathy. You can’t believe them. 
But then Lucas sees you, and he gives you a weak smile. Your attendance isn’t enough, you know it isn’t, but you hold up the poster you made for him and he laughs despite himself. 
The game starts, and from the moment the whistle is blown, it’s intense. The Tigers are neck and neck with the Falcons. Steve tries to explain what’s happening throughout the game, but it all goes over your head. The energy in the room is intoxicating, though. You lean forward in your seat, you cheer when everyone else does, boo when you think you should.
“Carver just loves hogging the spotlight, doesn’t he?” Steve says with disdain as he watches Jason side sweep his teammates to score. 
You poke his side, you know he’s only saying this because he’s still bitter that Jaosn tried asking you out last summer. “Honey, your jealousy is showing.” 
Steve tries to deny this, but then a player gets injured during a foul from Falcon, causing you and Steve to both spew insults at the player. You have no idea what the foul even is, but you’re enjoying the chaos of the game.
In the midst of your uproar, you almost miss Lucas being sent into the game. You slap Steve’s chest repeatedly to get his attention, you almost don’t believe what you’re seeing. “Steve! Is that–”
“Sinclair!” He whoops, but he quickly scrambles to catch you as you nearly throw yourself off the bleachers in your blind excitement cheering. You’re screaming your head off, hardly even registering Steve’s hands on your waist. You’re incoherent and ecstatic, drunk on adrenaline. 
Lucas is playing.
The game only gets more brutal from there. The points even out, both teams neck and neck. Anxious, you squeeze Steve’s hand with anticipation. Everything happens so fast, Lucas plays so naturally with the others, as if he was born to be there. 
“Go, Tigers!” You jump up and down as Lucas runs after Jason. They’re doing a new play, attempting to score the tie breaker. Jason shoots, the ball hits off the backboard and onto the rim. Your breath catches, there’s only three seconds left on the clock. The ball falls, and there isn’t any time left.
Until Lucas catches the missed shot. He dribbles the ball, you clutch Steve’s hand, neither one of you utters a single word as Lucas makes the final shot. It’s an all or nothing throw, a risk, but he takes it anyways. The ball soars through the air, hits the rim. The buzzer sounds, the game is over, and the ball spins around the rim before finally sinking through the net.
Your chest burns as you violently cheer, Steve flings himself into your arms. You’re both jumping around, screaming together like little kids. “Hey did it!” You scream, and Steve shakes you in his arms with the biggest smile on his face.
“Sinclair did it!”
Down below, Lucas’ face lights up as the crowd goes wild for him. This is the happiest you’ve seen the kid in so long. The entire basketball team swarms Lucas, they lift him into the air and you cheer alongside them.
Steve tells you he’ll go warm the car up and you practically run outside to find Lucas as soon as the game is done. Your body buzzes, you’re still breathless with exhilaration. When you find Lucas, he’s just left the crowd of teenage boys. Wanting to surprise him, you creep up slowly before throwing your arms from behind him. “There’s the star!”
He stumbles from your weight, but he knows it’s you. Laughing, he turns around and you pull him into a bone crushing hug. “You came!”
“Of course I did, you moron!” You giggle, pulling away to straighten his jacket. “I made you a poster and everything.”
Lucas looks down at the poster that hangs by your side. His eyes light up, he remembers seeing it in the stands at the beginning of the game, but he hadn’t been able to read it from so far away. “Can I see it?”
“I’d be offended if you didn’t want to see it.” You unroll the poster and present it with a grand flourish. “Tada!” 
Sin to win, Sinclair!
You’re incredibly proud of the wordplay, and Lucas chuckles. It’s good, he has to admit. You’ve left no white space on the poster, littering with small 8’s for his jersey and millions of small stickers and decorations. The poster was made with love, and Lucas knows you spent hours making it.
“I love it, Y/N.” He does. It will hang on his wall as soon as he gets home.
You beam at him. Then, from behind you, you hear your brother’s own cheers as a door opens. Lucas’ smile fades, hurt creeps upon his face. Frowning, you turn and find Dustin and Mike high fiving their Hellfire friends as they all celebrate the end of their campaign. Erica is with them, cheering with everyone else. 
“Lucas…” Your breath gives out. He doesn’t deserve this. Tonight was supposed to be his night. You turn to him, wracking your brain to try and figure out what you’re even supposed to say at this moment. Fifty feet away Lucas’ close friends are celebrating a night without him, his sister overjoyed as well. They’ve forgotten about him.
For once, you can’t find the right words to say.
“Thanks for the poster, Y/N.” Lucas doesn’t want your sympathy. He leaves, crestfallen, and you’re left standing alone holding the poster he had been praising seconds ago. The late March air chills your bones. 
You’ve never been so disappointed in your brother before.
Steve drives you home and you’re silent the entire time. 
“Dustin isn’t a bad kid, Y/N. You know that.” Steve tries to reason with you, but what your brother has done tonight leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. “I’m sure by tomorrow he’ll realize he was a jerk and apologize. He always does, he’s just being a stupid teen boy right now.”
You face the window, watching the trees fading into the distance. You know Steve is right, you know that Dustin is still growing up, making mistakes. Hell, no one is perfect at fifteen. When you were his age you were falling in love with your best friend as you hunted monsters together. Neither you or Jonathan or Nancy knew what the hell you guys were doing back then.
But this is different. Dustin has never betrayed his friends like this before. He, out of all of them, should understand the pain of being left behind. He spent half the summer upset that the party ditched him, and now he’s ditching Lucas?
“You know, I used to be a stupid teen boy.” Steve says, trying again to get you to say something. To look at him, at least.
It works, a small smile turns your lips. “I never knew.”
He laughs at the sarcasm in your voice, but he plays along anyways. “Oh, I totally was. I just hid it really well by, you know, making you hate me for a while by being annoying. But hey, look at me now! I’m still annoying, but at least I have it all figured out with you.”
“And what do you have figured out, honey?” You turn your head towards him, watch the street lamps illuminate his face.
Steve smiles. “Us. Our future. Sure, I may not know if I’ll ever get a better job, but I’m sure as shit staying with you, starting a life together so that I can annoy you for all eternity.”
“How romantic,” a giggle falls from your lips. You’ve been with Steve for nearly a year now, but you haven’t really talked about the future yet. At least not so intimately, with so much assurance that in the end it’ll be the two of you. “And where will we live, Romeo?”
“New York, obviously. As soon as you graduate, we’ll find some horrible, run down apartment that’s barely big enough for two people. We’ll move in, but there won’t be any air conditioning so we’ll almost murder each other in the heat. Everyone will hate the place, but we’ll love it.”
As Steve talks, the smile that had once been on your face begins to fade. He rambles on, not noticing the shift. He dreams up the plans, how he’ll stay home while you go to class. How he’ll fix the leaky faucet that will inevitably annoy everyone. Steve envisions himself waiting for you to come home after a long day of classes and falling into his arms. 
“Steve–” But he doesn’t hear you. He’s busy explaining how he’ll probably have to sell his car to afford the apartment, but that he doesn’t care, and you feel sick. It’s too much, he’s giving up too much. He’s willing to give up his entire life for you, drop everything and follow you without any questions asked. 
It’s what your mother did for your father. They met in college, both attending Purdue. Their relationship had been a whirlwind. Love at first sight, married as soon as they graduated, your father convinced your mom to follow him back to Virginia. To abandon her family and move two states over while pregnant with you. She didn’t know anyone in Virginia, her father moved them to a small town where only his name was known. 
The divorce that followed twelve years later ruined your mother’s life. She had been left all alone, no family to support her, no friends, in a state she never grew up in.
And now Steve wants to do the same for you.
Raising your voice slightly, you try to interrupt him again. “Steve!”
“What?” He looks over at you, words finally dying. “Do you want to keep the car?”
“You… you can’t.” 
Steve frowns. “I can’t what?”
Your hands shake. Your heart trembles. Your words die in your throat. There’s so much you want to say, you can feel the pit in your stomach build into a fist. You can’t let Steve do this. He doesn’t understand that he deserves more than this. “You-you can’t come to New York.”
Everything stills. You don’t dare to breathe, to disrupt the silence. Your words come out all wrong, you know they do, but they’re out in the open and Steve doesn’t look at you as he pulls into your driveway. Silent, he turns the car’s engine off.
“Y/N…” Steve still can’t look at you. He places his hands on the steering wheel, as if bracing himself for whatever will unfold tonight. He’s scared, he doesn’t understand what he’s done wrong. His mind flashes, and for a brief second he’s back at the Halloween party and you’re Nancy in his passenger seat. “Do you not see a future with me?”
“I do!” You sit up in your seat, reach over to touch Steve’s thigh. You need to feel him, to ground yourself to him. Everything about this feels wrong. As if you’re hanging over the edge of a chasm with a long, long fall. “God, of course I see a future with you, I just-this isn’t what you really want.”
Steve doesn’t want to move to New York, even if he doesn’t realize it now. What he’s really doing is chasing after a dream that isn’t his. The timing of this is off, he fought with his dad this morning about a future he was unsure of. You know Steve, maybe even better than he knows himself; he’s not doing it for your relationship or out of love. Steve only wants to appease his father, fulfill whatever desire he thinks you have. This isn’t what he wants, and he’s worked too hard to build the life he has now, without you, to simply throw it all away.
But he can’t see that right now.
“Of course this is what I want, Y/N! All I want is you.” Steve finally looks at you, but there’s a hardness in his eyes. He’s detaching himself from you, putting his walls up. “You and me, that’s what I want.”
You grab his hand, you try to keep your voice calm. “Steve, I love you so, so much, but I can’t-I can’t let you give everything up for me. Your life is here, in Hawkins. You have a job, you have your friends and-and your family, and it wouldn’t be fair to either one of us if you abandon it for me. You could-you could resent me for it later, you could realize you hate our life and wish you never followed me and–”
“Y/N, what did you think was going to happen when you were applying to all those colleges?” Steve runs a hand through his hair, he thought you were beside him this whole time. He assumed you’d been carving out the same future he had been. But he was wrong. “Did you really think I’d just stay behind and wait for you to come home every break?”
“I…” Shamefully, you hadn't been considering what would happen between you and Steve. In your mind, he was your future, he was in it, but the details were hazy. You weren’t sure how, or why, or when, but you knew that in the end, Steve was the person you’d spend forever with. 
Steve takes your hesitancy as his answer. “God, I’m such a fucking idiot.”
“You were just going to leave me.”
He tears his hand from yours and you blink back tears. You’ve never fought with him before, not like this. “I wasn’t just going to leave you! I just-Steve, please just listen!”
“I am, Y/N!” Steve exclaims, voice reverberating the car. You flinch away, and he immediately lowers his voice, apologetic. He hadn’t meant to scare you, he hadn’t meant to make you cry. Ashamed, Steve turns away from you. “I-I’m sorry.” 
He wants to wipe the tears he’s caused, but selfishly he also wants you to hurt like he’s hurting. You don’t see a future with Steve. You were going to leave him just like everyone else does. 
Steve should’ve known all of this was too good to be true. 
“I love you,” your voice is almost inaudible, the three words barely reach the light before they disappear into the dark night. You’re not sure why you say them, the words had built in your chest, the pressure heavy, and you needed to release them. To remind Steve of your oath to him. 
Silence fills the car. Steve doesn’t look at you, his shoulders are drawn together. His jaw clenches and you know he’s trying desperately to bite his tongue, withholding the cruel words that only heartbreak can provoke. 
“Honey,” you beg him to say something, anything. “Steve.”
“I think you should go.”
The dismissal punches your throat, knocks the wind out of you. He’s shutting you out, closing himself off from you, and you don’t understand how the two of you got here. “I… Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Steve’s words are cool, composed. Indifferent, almost. He still doesn’t look at you, his eyes remain focused on something in your driveway. “It’s late, you should get some sleep.”
“Okay,” you don’t want to leave, you know it isn’t good to go to bed angry with the one you love. Anger should never simmer, it should never be left unwatched. But Steve is silently asking you to give him space so that he can hurt, and you aren’t selfish enough to deny his request. And yet you’re selfish enough to press your lips to Steve’s cheek, but he doesn’t lean in like how normally does. Instead, he remains stoic, and you swallow down your tears and open the door to leave. “Drive home safe, honey.”
Steve doesn’t say anything else. Instead, he starts the car as soon as the door is closed and drives away. He doesn't look back, he doesn’t wait to see if you’ve made it inside your house safely. 
Tears spill down your face as you blindly walk towards your front door. Your argument with Steve replays over and over again in your head. You analyze every second, every word, you try to understand when everything fell apart. 
It’s dark in your home, your mother is asleep and Dustin’s door is closed, but right now all you want is your brother. You need to talk to him, cry into his shoulder and smell the shampoo he’s used ever since he was a baby. Your feet carry you to Dustin’s room and you pound on his door, begging him to let you in. You don’t bother masking the tears in your voice, you’re too exhausted to hide them from him. “Dustin, please let me in.”
“Go away!” There’s a thud on the door, he’s thrown something at it to shut you up. He doesn’t want to hear some stupid lecture right now. He knows he was an asshole tonight, he regrets it, but right now all Dustin wants to do is sleep. He’ll deal with you tomorrow. 
“Code blue,” you press your forehead against the door, your tears fall to the ground. “C-code blue.” Your voice hiccups, more tears come, minutes pass, and your brother never answers.
For the first time since you were kids, Dustin rejects your request for a code blue. 
The phone rings. The sound pierces through your ears, cuts through the headache that is starting to form. It’s Friday night. Jonathan is calling. 
Squeezing your eyes shut as you head pounds, you inhale shakily. You have to answer him, otherwise he’ll only call over and over again with concern. You’ve never missed a phone call, not once in the months since Jonathan has moved, but tonight you’re exhausted. 
“Can we call tomorrow?” You’re too tired to greet him and voice cracks, revealing far too much already.
“Bug?” Jonathan’s high, he’s always high. And yet even in his cloudy haze of smoke he can hear the anguish in your voice. “Is everythin’ okay?”
His question only makes you cry more. You’ve always tried your best to put up a front for others, to pretend that everything is okay. You’ve never wanted to worry people, you’ve always pushed aside your own hurt for the sake of others. Now, as anger and grief and despair clasp their hands around your throat, you’re terrified you’ll suffocate. 
You’ve never been able to lie to Jonathan, and tonight you don’t think you can. “I’ve had… the worst night.” You confess to him, wiping away tears.
You tell him everything, your fight with Dustin, how you think he may resent you leaving for college. You tell Jonathan about Lucas, how you were so disappointed in Dustin and Mike. Choking through tears, you explain to Jonathan your fight with Steve. How your words failed you, how hurt he looked, that you can’t explain to him how he only wants his future to align with yours, but not with your relationship. 
Even though you know that Jonathan won’t remember any of this tomorrow, for once you’re grateful that he’s too high to remember anything. It feels good just being able to say it all out loud. 
“‘M sorry, bug.” Jonathan mumbles over the phone once you’ve finished explaining everything. He sounds far away, figuratively and literally. You can’t imagine how much his drugged mind retained, but you’re thankful to have gotten it all off your chest anyways. 
“It’s fine,” you inhale again, you’ve finally stopped crying, though your chest still hurts and your head still pounds. “Steve and I… We’ll figure it out.”
Jonathan pauses, and for a moment you think he’s fallen asleep, but then his voice floats through the telephone line. “Do you.. Do you ever wonder if we’ve made a mistake?”
He strings his words slowly together, says them one by one with a hesitancy, and you frown. You don’t understand what he’s trying to say. What mistakes could you have made together? “What do you mean, bee?”
“I just… everythin’ is so hard. With Nance. Feel like… like ‘m never enough for her. And you, Steve. ‘S hard between you guys.” Jonathan’s words slur, he’s almost too incoherent to understand, and later you will wish that you hadn’t been able to understand him at all. “But you ‘n me? ‘S easy. Always so easy.”
His words toe the line between you, he can’t mean any of it. You don’t want him to mean any of it, because then the fallout would be too catastrophic to contain.
He’s Jonathan. Your oldest, dearest friend. Your best friend. Years ago, you could’ve been something more, you almost were something more, but the time has passed. 
You’re with Steve now, you’re happy and so, so in love with him. Even though everything is tangled between you right now, even though you’re fighting, you know that you and Steve will figure it out. He’s the one. He’s the man you want to marry one day, if he’ll allow you to. 
Jonathan is your past, Steve is your future, and right now you’re terrified that soon you’ll lose them both.
“Jonathan,” you finally say, his name now heavy on your tongue. It feels like you’re betraying someone while saying his name, but you need to end this conversation. Before Jonathan says something he’ll regret in the morning. “You love Nancy, I love Steve, and you need to go to sleep.”
“Love you,” Jonathan’s words slur even more, his voice drifting off. “You, always you…”
You slam the phone done, ending the call, as a chill runs down your spine. Silence encases you, the house is still. The strings and threads from years ago constrict around your throat. You choke on the lines Jonathan has crossed tonight, the tightness in your head stabs against your skull. 
There is no one to hear you, no one there to hear your final words to your best friend. “Goodbye, Jonathan.”
⌑ series masterlist
⌑ i am no longer doing a taglist, my apologies ! however, please feel free to like, reblog, and comment instead :)
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skywalker1dream · 4 months
Title: Love, Laughter, and Appendicitis
carlos sainz x reader
note: is 4:30am and i cant sleep so i was like why not write something and here it is...hope you like it, hope you are having a good day or night, dont forget to drink water and eat healthy...:)
Warnings: Fluff, Mention of Medical Procedures, Mild Language. thats it, i think?
You sit in the stiff, uncomfortable chair beside Carlos' hospital bed, fingers entwined with his. The sterile smell of antiseptic fills the air, mingling with the faint scent of the flowers you'd brought earlier in the day. The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor is a constant reminder of where you are and why you're here.
Carlos had been rushed to the hospital with a sudden bout of appendicitis. The surgery had gone smoothly, but the waiting had been torture. Now, as he lay recovering, his handsome face was relaxed in sleep, the worst of your worries were behind you. But you couldn’t help the anxiety that lingered, your eyes tracing the lines of his face, searching for any sign of discomfort.
Carlos Sr., his father, sits on the other side of the bed, a comforting presence in the otherwise clinical room. He’s been through this before, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to your still-frayed nerves.
Carlos stirs, his eyes fluttering open. You lean forward, your heart leaping as he wakes. His brown eyes are glazed, a side effect of the pain medication, but they light up when they find yours.
“Mi amor,” he slurs, a lazy smile spreading across his lips. “Did you bring the giraffes?”
You blink in confusion, glancing at Carlos Sr., who chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Giraffes, Carlos?” you ask gently, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead.
“Sí, giraffes,” he insists, trying to nod but wincing slightly. “I wanted to ride one. In the… in the… where are we?”
“We’re in the hospital, love,” you say softly, squeezing his hand. “You had surgery, remember?”
He frowns, then his face lights up again. “Oh! The appendicit… appendici-thingy. I remember. It’s gone now, right?”
“Yes, it’s gone,” you reassure him, biting back a smile. “You’re going to be just fine.”
Carlos Sr. shakes his head, laughing quietly. “He’s never been good with pain meds,” he says, his voice filled with affection.
Carlos looks over at his father, his expression suddenly serious. “Papá, you promised to get me a hot air balloon. We need to go to… the moon.”
You can’t help but giggle at the absurdity of it all. Despite your worry, Carlos' delirious ramblings are endearing, his usual composed demeanor replaced with childlike wonder.
“We’ll get you that hot air balloon,” his father promises, playing along. “Just rest for now.”
Carlos seems satisfied with this answer, his eyes drifting closed again. But just as you think he’s fallen asleep, he squeezes your hand, looking up at you with a lopsided grin. “You’re so pretty, did you know that? Like a… a… pretty butterfly. No, wait… prettier.”
Your heart melts, and you press a kiss to his forehead. “Thank you, my love.”
He blinked slowly, his eyes focusing on you with some difficulty. "Hey, cariño," he slurred, his voice dreamy. "Did you know… you have the prettiest eyes? Like... two big... beautiful... stars."
You couldn't help but smile at his words, despite the situation. The anesthesia and pain meds were clearly affecting him. "Thank you, love," you said softly, brushing a strand of hair off his forehead.
Carlos Sr. chuckled from the other side of the bed. "He's going to be talking nonsense for a while. Don't worry, it's normal."
You nodded, but you couldn't stop the bubble of laughter that escaped your lips when Carlos continued. "And... and did you see the... the purple elephants? They were... they were dancing! So funny."
"Purple elephants?" you asked, your amusement growing. "I must have missed them."
Carlos laughed, a sound that was both loopy and endearing. "Yeah, they were... they were here. But they said... 'Carlos, you need to... to rest.' And I said... 'Okay, but only if... if my beautiful wife can stay.'"
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, a mix of relief and overwhelming love. "I'm right here, Carlos. I'm not going anywhere."
He sighed contentedly, squeezing your hand with surprising strength. "Good... 'cause... 'cause I love you so much. Did I tell you that today?"
Carlos Sr. shook his head, his shoulders shaking with silent laughter. "I think you have, but it's always nice to hear," he said, clearly enjoying the show.
You leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Carlos's forehead. "I love you too, Carlos. So, so much."
He beamed up at you, his eyes drifting shut again. "Good... 'cause... you're stuck with me... forever."
"As long as you don't go chasing any more purple elephants," you teased, feeling the tension in your chest finally start to ease.
few minutes later:
Carlos blinked slowly, his expression earnest despite his haze. "No, really," he insisted, his words tumbling out in a jumbled mess. "You’re like... like a goddess. My goddess. And we’re married. Did you know we’re married?"
Your worry melted away as you watched him, replaced by a warm, affectionate amusement. "Yes, Carlos, I know we’re married."
He nodded, as if this was the most profound revelation. "Good, good. Because I love you. So much. More than… more than racing."
His father laughed again, clearly enjoying his son's delirious state. "That's a bold statement coming from you, Carlos."
Carlos turned his head towards his father, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Papa? You’re here too? Are we having a party?"
You bit your lip to keep from laughing, a mix of relief and endearment washing over you. "No party, love. Just making sure you're okay."
Carlos's eyes grew wide, and he tried to sit up, only to be gently pushed back down by you. "Easy there, don’t hurt yourself."
He pouted slightly, a comical sight on his usually composed face. "I wanted to dance with you. Can we dance later?"
You nodded, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "Yes, we can dance later. When you’re feeling better."
Carlos sighed contentedly, his eyes drifting shut again. "Okay. I like dancing with you. And kissing you. Lots of kisses."
Carlos Sr. patted his son’s leg affectionately. "Rest, Carlos. You can do all the dancing and kissing you want once you’re better."
You watched as Carlos's breathing evened out, a serene look settling on his face. He sighs contentedly, his grip on your hand loosening as he finally drifts into a peaceful sleep. You sit back in your chair, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. Despite the unexpected twist in your day, Carlos’ silly, medicated declarations have put you at ease.
Carlos Sr. stands, stretching. “I’ll get us some coffee,” he says, patting your shoulder. “You’re doing great.”
“Thanks,” you say, smiling up at him. “And thank you for being here.”
He nods, giving you a reassuring smile before leaving the room. Alone with Carlos, you watch his chest rise and fall with each steady breath, your heart swelling with love for this incredible man.
Despite the chaos, the worry, and the gibberish about giraffes and hot air balloons, you wouldn’t trade this moment for anything. This is your life with Carlos, unpredictable, sometimes ridiculous, but always filled with love.
As Carlos sleeps, you allow yourself to relax a bit more, sinking back into the chair and letting the tension drain from your body. His peaceful expression reassures you, reminding you of all the wonderful moments you've shared and the many more you will create together.
A nurse comes in quietly to check on Carlos, her presence a gentle reminder of where you are. She smiles at you kindly, her movements efficient and unobtrusive.
"He’s doing well," she whispers after checking his vitals. "The meds will keep him a bit loopy for a while, but he’s on the mend."
You nod, grateful for her reassurance. “Thank you.”
Once she leaves, you return your attention to Carlos. His hair is slightly mussed, his lips still curled in that adorable, lopsided grin. You can’t help but reach out and run your fingers through his hair, your touch light and tender.
Carlos stirs again, blinking slowly as he regains consciousness. His eyes focus on you, and he smiles sleepily. “Hey, beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice rough with sleep. “Did we get to the moon yet?”
You laugh softly, shaking your head. “Not yet, my love. But soon, I promise.”
He chuckles, the sound warm and comforting. “Good. I need to plant a flag there. A big one, with our faces on it.”
“That sounds perfect,” you say, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “We’ll do that.”
Carlos Sr. returns with two cups of coffee, handing one to you before taking his seat again. “How’s our astronaut doing?” he asks, amusement twinkling in his eyes.
“He’s planning our next adventure,” you reply, sharing a smile with him. “We’re going to the moon.”
“Of course you are,” Carlos Sr. says, laughing. “He’s always been a dreamer.”
Carlos, still half-asleep, mumbles something unintelligible, and both you and his father chuckle softly. You take a sip of your coffee, the warmth and bitterness grounding you, reminding you that you’re not alone in this.
The day passes slowly, the minutes ticking by with a strange blend of anxiety and calm. Nurses come and go, checking on Carlos and making sure he’s comfortable. Each time he wakes, he has something new and ridiculous to say, each statement more endearing than the last.
As evening falls, Carlos finally starts to become more coherent. His eyes clear, and his grip on your hand tightens. “Hey,” he says softly, his voice more steady now. “How long was I out?”
“Most of the day,” you say, brushing your thumb over the back of his hand. “You needed the rest.”
He sighs, nodding slowly. “I feel like I’ve been talking nonsense.”
“You have,” his father says with a grin. “But it’s been entertaining.”
Carlos groans, a blush creeping up his cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you say quickly, squeezing his hand. “It’s been kind of cute, actually.”
“Cute?” he repeats, raising an eyebrow. “I’m glad you think so.”
You lean in, kissing him softly. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
He smiles against your lips, his free hand coming up to cup your cheek. “I am, thanks to you. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whisper, feeling your heart swell with emotion.
Carlos Sr. stands, stretching. “I’ll give you two some privacy,” he says with a knowing smile. “But don’t stay up too late. You both need your rest.”
“Thanks, papa,” Carlos says, his voice warm with gratitude.
As his father leaves the room, you settle into the chair beside Carlos, holding his hand and basking in the quiet intimacy of the moment. Despite the day’s chaos, you feel an overwhelming sense of peace. Carlos is here, safe and on the road to recovery, and that’s all that matters.
“Ready for that hot air balloon ride to the moon?” you tease, resting your head on the edge of his bed.
He chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “As long as you’re with me, I’m ready for anything.”
And in that moment, you know that no matter where life takes you, as long as you have Carlos by your side, everything will be just fine.
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serxinns · 4 months
The Aftermath....
Part 2 of class 1a imagine if you wanna see part 1 go here
DISCLAIMER: this concept and idea are NOT MINE this belongs to @lets-get-kraken-boys if you wanna see the original go here
this is the alternate aftermath of what my imagined fic and what happened after that please enjoy
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Mirio, Neijire, and Tamaki all surrounded you comforting you and trying to calm you down Tamaki handed you a flower-themed handkerchief you slowly grabbed it and cleaned your face after minutes of rubbing your back, silence and more of your empty sobs Mirio broke the silence "now sunshine are you ready to talk ?" You looked up and quietly nodded
you explained how your classmates have been tormenting how Todoroki always dragging you into your dorm and cuddling you and u swore you felt him smelling your hair how Mina and Hakagure would lock you in their rooms and play and touch you everywhere even if you told them to stop and started crying once
How izuku would follow you around like some lost puppy and make you eat lunch with him even tho you would rather eat alone.
How kiri sero and denki would rip up your poor clothed to the point where you have to smack their hands and tells them to stop
iida and momo trying to break in your room whenever you didn't wanna eat dinner with your classmates or didn't want to do a study date
how Bakugo would relentlessly verbally assault you calling you all sorts of names shaming your fashion and clothing and how he would degrade you for basically everything you do! How you eat how you study how your grades are for just no reason!
The three of them were livid Mirio and Tamaki now loosing trust for Midoriya and Kirishima tamaki felt more betrayed since he actually liked Kirishima so did Mirio but now that's out of the drain and that bakugo kid just telling all these horrible lies to you you were the most talented, nicest, and greatest person of all how could egoistic lowlife just hurt their darlings feelings..
And Neijire was more jealous about how her girls were playing with her but that'll be for another time but those perverted male classmates of yours ripping your delicate clothes and putting their filthy hands on your soft clean hair and that stupid white and hair kid dragging you off and locking you away to do who knows what! She was gonna make sure those pests were gonna feel her wrath
The 3 of them realized you were still there and slowly calmed themselves down "And may I ask why are your clothes covered in..blood sorry if that was too personal" Neijire hesitated worried that it'd make you cry again you sniffled "You won't get mad at me when I tell would you?" Mirio gently grabbed both of your shoulders and looked at you with a gentle smile "Of course not! We would never get mad at you sunshine!"
You hesitated for a moment you took a deep breath and told them everything about how he kept harassing you and wanted your arm hard and started to degrade you for every single thing, and how you beat Katsuki until unconsciousness, the more you told them the more you cried "i-i didn't mean to I just wanted to go to my room and be left alone! But he yanked my arm back and kept shaming me for being a "crybaby" and the more insults he spew the angrier I got and then I snapped! I swear I didn't mean to dont hate me..!"
The more you talked about it the worse your crying got to the point you started babbling out "I didn't mean to" or "Please don't hate me" The 3 of them hugged you tightly you were going through so much! It pains them to see you like this the 3 of them looked at each other and nodded they were gonna make your classmates pay a punishment they'll never forget!, after you were done crying you heard the announcement and it was principal nezu
"Y/n l/n wherever you are please come to my office immediately y/n l/n please come directly to my office"
"They must've found out.." you slowly chuckled "I'm probably gonna get house arrest for a few days.." not like you were scared or gonna hate it heck you'll finally have some alone time without your classmates always invading you stood up thanking the big 3 while they stared at you sympathetically and also thinking of a plan
You went to the office and just as you predicted you got house arrest for 3-5 days but Katsuki a week detention and cleaning dorms duty due to the evidence of him harassing you and some of your classmates managed to confess what happened and the security cameras the two of you were both told to keep Far away from each other which you didn't mind actually but katsuki sneered and looked down grumbling to himself which patches and ice bags while your classmates were bummed out the they couldn't see you for a while
For the next 2 days Most of your classmates were trying to get in your room and hang out with you or tried to comfort you which ofc you didn't and locked the door Mina and Hakagure wanted to come in a play a little "game" but you ignored them turn up some music on your headphones untill they thought you were sleeping,
momo and Iida wanted to do study lessons with you or tried to convince you to come out your room to eat dinner but you lied saying you need to stay in and was worried you wouod get in trouble and get more days after them pestering you alot they finally left you alone
Kirishima, Sero, and Denki kept pressuring you to try and play a game with them or convince you to open the door to play one of your favorite games on a console but you refused to say you like playing on your device more and you didn't play that game anymore (that was a lie) but they kept pestering you even gaslight you saying how your room is all crampy and boring to be in and how fun it would be if they joined you in the room but you declined you didn't want those weridos anywhere around you so defeated they went off
But on the 3rd day, everything was quiet there was no knocking no classmates trying to barge in, nothing just complete silence which you were glad and brushed it off prob thought Aizawa caught them telling them not to bother you but you were so wrong
It was the day after your house arrest it was fun while it lasted you hoped that Bakugo didn't get pissed about the incident nor want to hunt you down knowing him and you dread your classmates are gonna be more clingy and obsessive than ever your mentality prepared yourself took a deep breath strangely nobody was knocking on your door to offer to walk with them
To your surprise, everyone was a bit quiet heck more silent than ever most still said hi or waved but the classmates who kept harassing you kept their heads down like Izuku and Shoto glaring down their desks in shame and envy muttering something bandages on their bodies
Kirishima, Sero, and Denki stood in utter silent looking exhausted and tried you noticed there were bandages on their hands and feet even in clean clothing you could tell they been through hell and back and were those nail marks on their wrist?
Mina and Hakagure looked as if they were about to snap at anyone whispering stuff saying "How dare they" or "We didn't do anything wrong" under their breath, Hakagure was looking at you in shame and guilt and gave you a small note saying sorry then quickly going back to their desk
Bakugo was the worst of all he looked like he had gone through hell and back of course the bandages on his face were you doing but he was clutching his stomach a bit he avoided contact with you even when training he prob said like something under his breath or something that you can barely hear but when you turned back he quickly walks away
Momo and Iida looked pissed as well momo biting her nails In anger and frustration when you asked what was going on with her she looked at you with a warm but unusual smile saying it was nothing, Iida on the other hand looked uptight busy distracting himself by reading a whole study book on his own his aura was tense and he looked like it was very annoyed with something
Lastly, it was Tokoyami the poor dark shadow was fearing for his life shivering and whimpering a bit while Tokoyami was busy comforting him saying "It's ok it's it's over now" When Tokoyami saw me he weakly waved with a small worried smile dark shadow looked at you mouthing an "I'm sorry" which you awkwardly smiled and puts thumbs up saying it's all good
One day at lunch you'd decided to sit by your best friends Jirou and Tsuyu they were both chatting with Shoji and Koda you slowly walked up to them at their table they all looked at you in shock "Oh hey y/n you out of house arrest *kero*" she said bluntly but you knew she was worried "Yea..finally took it off of me but guys I really wanna say I'm sorry-"
"no need.." shoji interrupted you "It wasn't your fault he had it coming for a while now and it seems like you were in a bad mood" Shoji reassured you "yea plus he and the others got what they deserved as well good" Jiro said in a silly venomous tone "got what they deserved? What do you mean? Were they doing normal training?" They all looked at each other worriedly and then looked at you back "You didn't know? *kero*" You nodded your head "I couldn't after class I had to go straight into my room
Tsuyu and the others looked around to see if everyone wasn't listening when the coast seemed to be Cleary she leaned closely to you "ok I'm gonna whisper it you what happened and you can't tell anyone this ok" you nodded Eagar to find out what happened and this is what she told you
Apparently, on your 3rd day of house arrest, the big 3 came into the classroom for an "educational visit" Everyone was confused at 1st about why but that's when it got serious Mirio explained how Mina, hakagure, bakugo, momo, Iida, izuku, shoto, bakugo, and tokoyami were gonna have "special training" but mirio said it with an angry and serious tone, chill went up to there spine, that's when everyone else knew that it was gonna be serious and the students who were called looked nervous and surprised and some even cautious but this was just the beginning.
While everyone else was training the boys were getting harsh lectures from Mirio, especially at Izuku, Shoto, and Bakugo about Boundaries and other stuff, and were getting harsh training by having to fight Mirio without their quirks they were repeatedly getting punched in the stomach over and over again until one of them threw up
Kirishima Sero and Denki were lifting heavy objects until their bodies couldn't take them and if they fell neijire would grab their clothes harshly on purpose and snatch them up until their clothes were turning into ripped clothing
Mina and Hakagure were also getting the same punishment by Mirio but Neijire told Him to go easy a bit but was still upset how they didn't let her join playing with cute little you so payback I guess, also Tamaki ripped them a new one about keeping their hands to themselves while using a glare they never see him do before
You were shocked by all this progressing all half of you were saying this was karma this was deserved but the other hand told you they took it a bit too far but what comes around goes around I guess you were gonna have to talk to them about what the hell happened "serves them right in my opinion" Jiro shrugged carelessly while the other agreed "they should've went a bit easier on the, but what goes around comes around I guess *kero*" everyone else nodded while eating their food while you were wondering what the fuck just happened
"Y/n! You're here!" Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar A familiar bubbly voice called you in it was Neijire alongside Mirio and Tamaki "Ah Senpais!!" Everyone at your table was shocked and bowed a bit while you waved happily at them "I see you're out of that house arrest good you back we've been worried about you sunshine!" Mirio said with his usual smile while Tamaki shyly waved back to you "we hope your doing ok.." Tamaki quietly said and you smiled "thanks guys! I'm doing so much better honestly that house arrest was surely a need! Probably shouleve begged for more" you jokingly said
"now now let's not get into more trouble! You don't wanna get detention or worse!" Neijire said with a laugh while you playfully rolled their eyes "anyways sunshine we were just wondering you wanted to join us for a sleepover this weekend!" Neijire said 3 eagerly wanting to know the answer "Actually y/n is bus this wee-" "I mean yea i guess i own yall one"
You interrupted them while the others at your table and the rest of your classmates glared jealously and deadly at them, bakugo was about to walk over there a cuss them out but Mirio looked his way and gave a warning glare which stopped him in his tracks and went back as he growled to himself talking among the other bakusqud "alright see ya! We're gonna have so much fun!" They walked back to their table while you notice how everyone in your class was glaring at them
"Those 3rd years think they could steal our darling just because they came to them.." the others agreed trying to plot some plan "I gonna blast them off to HELL when I get my hands on them!" Bakugo sneered while still glaring at them "cmon Bakubro you know what will happen if you do" Kirishima said trying to calm down his friend "Kiris right we can't take action just yet, especially this state"
Midoriya looked down he felt guilty about how he treated you but he wasn't gonna stand there and let them steal them away from you! "It was your guy's fault anyway for going too far just remember that," said Jirou as the others glared at her "This wouldn't have happened if all would just not taken it too far"
The class may not have a plan now but when they do they're gonna make sure those 3 know who theyre messing with and Mirio tamaki and neijire will be ready for when's that's to come
You on the other hand were thankful for the 3 but are gonna talk about how far their punishment was tho but one thing it did made you a bit confident and brave and not letting the others push you around you around anymore not again
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bun-z-bakery · 3 months
what if dogday got into baking? , maybe you could try writing about him learning to baking stuff?
✧. ┊𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝛢𝑤𝑎𝑦
A/N: This was such a cute ask! I hope you enjoy! This ones short but still sweet!^^
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Making sure Dogday was out of the kitchen was your top priority during mealtimes. 
You know he means well, but you didn't want to run the risk of him breaking more plates or setting anything on fire… again. 
You sat outside on the grass, enjoying the fresh air and nice breeze on your skin. 
Dogday decided to sleep in, Poppy and Kissy wandered around looking for flowers which meant you had some much needed alone time. 
The sound of pots crashing made you jump to your feet. Quickly you rushed inside and called out for Dogday. 
“I-In here.”
You rush to the kitchen, stopping at the doorway as you take in the mess. 
“Angel, before you get mad-”
You couldn't help but laugh. 
Dogday stares at you with a confused expression and tilts his head. 
As much as you wanted to, you couldn't be mad when he's covered in flour and holding a tiny whisk in his giant hand. 
“Anddd what have you been up to?”
You snort as you get closer and dust some flour off of his nose. 
“Angel I'm sorry, I'll help you clean up…”
He sighs in defeat. 
You noticed he was standing oddly and quickly tickled his sides, making him squirm in the process. 
“Dogday what's this?”
You hold up the baking book you never remembered buying. 
It was slightly sticky from the batter but the pages were still very noticeably new. 
“it gets boring here… And wanted to learn something that might lessen some of your responsibilities…”
He looks like a puppy that's being reprimanded. You couldn't help but chuckle. 
You thought to yourself. 
“Dogday I'm not mad I'm happy you're trying something new! A $20 book on the other hand-”
“Tell you what,”
You skim through the pages while he curiously hovers over you. You slam your finger down on the page that had the most delicious looking cake in the photo reference. 
“Make this and if it tastes good then I'll let you off the hook!”
Your proposition seemed to have made him perk up. 
He grabs onto his tail to avoid any more damage to the kitchen. 
“Alright deal! Let me work my magic.”
He points the comically tiny whisk at you and you raise your hands in defeat. 
“Alright alright, I'll be on standby.”
You joke as you leave him to his experiment. 
Throughout his time in the kitchen, the sound of pots and spoons falling and the smell of something burning made you question if letting him bake would lead to a house fire. 
“Sunshine, how's it go-”
You look around the kitchen, your mouth agape. 
“You act like I don't clean up after myself.”
He shakes his head in disbelief with the little faith you had in him. 
The kitchen was almost spotless, impressive was an understatement.
He motions towards the cake he had made and calls out to the others for a taste. 
“Wow it smells great Dogday!”
Poppy exclaims as soon as she and Kissy walk in. 
“It does smell pretty promising!”
You agree before taking a seat at the table. 
Once everyone is served and seated, you begin to inspect the cake. It seemed well made and you were eager to taste it now. 
“Alright on the count of 3!”
You say as you four hold a piece of cake near your mouths. 
“It's… good?”
Your words instantly shift his mood. 
His tail begins to wag as he continues to eat his slice. 
“Does this mean I can help out in the kitchen?!”
Dogday’s eyes light up. Seeing him heartbroken after such an accomplishment would crush you. 
“Fine, if you can keep the mess to a minimum.”
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A/N: I got my PC back!! this is my first post using my pc and wow is it 10 times easier than on my phone. I've been a bit busy recently but keep sending in requests! I'm still working on a few projects and will post them hopefully soon! If you read this far dont forget to reblog and like <3
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Moon finding the reader sad on their nightshift
Random thing I was gonna write since my DCA rot was starting to come back but then my slasher rot totally overrode it 😭😭
Still gonna finish it though
Might make a sun counterpart post thing
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If he isnt visibly lingering around you during your night shifts and slightly bugging you or pointing out the obvious that you look a little tired, hes hiding up above on his wire watching you work
The only thing keeping you from assuming hes always there is the fact that.. well hes not always there, he has other things to do in the night
Even if he was lurking, you didnt have enough time or care tonight to mask the sadness weighing on you; and you had even called out to moon that you weren't in the mood for his antics
That did not stop him from leaving some candies; actual candy, not his moondrops; here and there in clear sight where he knew you were heading
Sometimes you could hear the jingling of his bells as he dashed out of sight... you could argue that technically he was leaving you be, not directly interacting with you
You had even noticed that the areas you were assigned to clean were neater than theyd usually be; leaving a lot of the work things that the animatronics couldnt do
As a quick aside before I forget, you likely get a handmade card given to you, just a small check in to see how you're doing, signed by both the daycare attendants
If you're looking more than distraught it might coax moon down to check in on you, making him stop his sneaking around approach
He smells like lavender, so if you are having some anxiety issues alongside your sadness it helps get that under control..
Very.. very blunt and stiff in asking if anything is wrong, although more gentle than how he typically interacts with you. Not that hes a bully of course, you're his little moon flower
Silently let's you ramble, if you need to vent. But hes not one to pry if you dont want to talk about it
Likely tries to get you engage in his wacky behavior, he is a jester after all... he feels so proud of himself if he manages to get you to laugh, probably rubs it in suns face when he has the chance
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ninmnoi · 10 months
— Stop, you’re losing me.
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mingyu x reader || angst.
summary ; trying to save an already failing relationship is a lot harder when he forgets your birthday.
(not proof read lol)
Its your birthday, you’ve never made a big deal about it tell you met him. You still remember his shocked face and loud “WHAT” when you told him you dont found your birthday a big deal, its just another day. Ever since then, he always celebrated your birthday in fun surprises and dinners. He made it so important and meaningful for you, and the big part of that is because you know he’ll be there.
So your nothing short of despair when its past 5pm and he hasnt once messaged you. It’d be another thing if he just didnt message happy birthday, you wouldve been okay with goodmoring.
You sigh putting your phone down, bitting your lip as your eyes water. It shouldnt be this serious, you’ve never even cared about your birthday before, so why dose it hurt so bad now?
That god damn Mingyu.
He used to be such a soft spoken soul, aiding to your needs as you do with him, those first few years of your relationship. He confessed to you in your own backward, he put his effort and time into it. You can even smell the flowers that lead to Mingyu, see the lights that brightened his soft smile, that swift hair and tall figure standing nervously fiddling with the bouquet in his hands. And who could forget the blush that tainted his face and ears, tears threatening to jump out after you said “yes.”
Now, your even lucky if he stays with you a whole day. Its always this or that driving him away. When he left your sisters engagement dinner because a friend of his needed help moving in, or when he canceled a date because he forgot a “really super duper important project” as he said. The nights he wouldnt call, the empty king bed. The second toothbrush that hasnt been moved in 2 weeks.
It drove you insane, but you still gave him the benefit of the doubt.
“Maybe he’s busy”
“Hes probably sleeping”
“God his phone must’ve died”
Your friends would yell at you over text, spamming you with the reality check you needed, but never could deposit. After pacing around the kitchen trying to ignore the cute cake you bought with a sad candle slowly sinking into it. You pick up your phone and call him.
Did he just hang up on you..?
No, he would have to be crazy.
You call again.
Same fucking thing, even quicker just 2 rings in.
You open his contact info, trying to see where his location would put him.
“No Location Found.” You curse, what is he hiding? Your mind leads to the one scenario you’ve been dreading, infidelity. The thought of him cheating makes you wanna throw up, but sadly its a most common event. You’re just so done with everything, putting the cake away into the fridge and changing clothes. Its now 6:42pm and with the major headache you have, you simply decided to sleep it off. Hugging the build-a-bear Mingyu bought you a year back, it muffles your sobs, soaking in the tears.
It’s cold and dark when your awaken by an extra weight adjusting it’s self onto the right side of the bed. You recognize it all to well. Mingyu pulls the covers over himself, giving you a small peck on the tip of your ear.
“You’re home” you say, your drowsy and hurt voice clear.
“Yeah- im sorry im so late” he whispers to you
“There's cake in the fridge”
“Cake? For what”
You sigh, “My birthday”
You can hear his breathe hitch.
“Fuck- Baby im so sorry. I didnt mean to forget. I was just so bus-.”
You sit up.
“Busy,? from what? So busy you couldnt even text? Because clearly it wouldnt have taken as much time as hanging up on me and turning off your location did. So if ‘busy’ is some new slang for ignoring then that makes way more sense.”
“I didnt even know you called, i swear. My location should be on babe.. I” He mumbles on
“Then whos hanging up on me? Making sure i dont know where your at? Is she fun?”
Mingyu’s eyes widen
“What are you talking about?”
“Her, you know.. Is she attractive? What is it huh? Skinner than me? Or maybe blonder? Or is because you dont need to be responsible for her?
“Baby no, its none of that.” He grabs your shoulders.
“I love you, calm down”
“How can i?” You exclaim, jumping off the bed.
“You missed my birthday! I waited for you like some stupid dog! I felt so stupid.”
“I dont understand, birthdays were never that big of a deal for you”
“They werent until you made it a problem! Now look at me” you say, the tear stained face and puffy cheeks evident.
Mingyu gets up, walking over to you.
“I know ive been distant, let me make it up to you”
“Where were you tonight?”
He stays quiet for a moment, taking a deep breathe
“My friend he uh… invited me to a club” he quietly says.
“Oh. Okay.”
“Mingyu, get out”
“What?” His heart drops.
“Get out! Did the club music deafen you?? I want you gone” You yell, tears streaming down your face as you push him out. Though you have little to no affect of moving his body, it makes it all the more depressing.
“Okay…Okay..” He quietly says, grabbing his phone off the dresser. Looking down at you with remorseful eyes. His heart aching at the messed up state your in. And its because of him, god.
You slam the door behind him, locking it. You sigh before faintly walking back to your bed.
And theres your build-a-bear, ready to be hugged and to soak all your tears again.
Atleast, that comforts you.
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mm-275 · 1 year
Request: nope
tw: some cuss words
- You would probably have had to have asked him out first, cause I know everything that happened with Gwen and when he flirted with her, scarred him.
- If you asked him out, honestly good for you cause he would’ve taken literally forever to do it himself 😭
- Butttt, if he asked you out, he took FOREVER to even think about talking to you, let alone asking you out on a date.
- This boy is so incredibly bad with saving up his money. He was able to do it the first few dates, but don’t get used to it because most dates will be on his roof or in his or your rooms (you don’t mind because he makes it fun)
- You guys get into a good flow of a relationship pretty quickly, and if you have classes with him, the teachers hate you guys so much (it’s his fault he’s throwing stuff at you) 
- He would never rush you in anything, so any “major” steps in the relationship will probably have to be initiated by you (hand holding, first kiss, etc etc)
- But you were never made aware of this, so on the like 5th date you’re like “wtf why won’t he hold my hand”
- He just doesn’t know how a relationship works (we know his mom would murder him if he got a girlfriend), so please help him out he’s clueless 😭
- When you meet his parents, Rio and Jeff think your great (you have the decency to call them Mr & Mrs Morales), and you brought Rio some flowers (you bugged Miles for WEEKS to get him to find out her favorite flower)
- They do question you thoroughly, not to be rude, they wanna make sure you’re a good influence and that you care (I love Gwen but Miles had to have had so much patience I would kick her out the SECOND she put her shoes on my bed)
- Reassure them that you don’t want to nor that you’ve ever done drugs/gotten drunk, and it’s even better if you get good grades.
- They probably invited you to stay for dinner, and you devour Rio’s food (cause I can smell that she cooks like a goddess) and if you ask her to teach you to cook she’s in love and she will make you hang out with her more than you hang out with Miles.
- I think Jeff would be a little less trusting, I mean, he’s a cop so he knows shit that goes down in the streets (he followed you around once or twice when he saw you and Miles walking somewhere together)
- When you wanna take Miles to meet your parents, he’s fucking terrified. He forgets everything and runs everything by you 4x to make sure
- “Does this outfit look good?” “Miles, it’s fine my parents don’t care that much” “I don’t like this shirt hold on-”
- Wears his nicest clothes and shoes he can find, and makes sure to bring your mom her favorite flowers (this is his payback for your weeks and weeks of asking him about his mom)
- He seems like the type of kid that parents love, so he leaves with your parents loving him (he checks 3x a week if they still like him)
- I don’t think he has a big type, I think he’s cool with whatever as long as your personalities click (he’s a thigh guy I stand by that)
- Whatever classes you guys don’t have together, he will walk you to yours. Don’t try to stop him, he will not listen. He will, however, be late to his own class because he did want to hold your hand down the hallway.
- He’s so terrified to tell you about him literally being spiderman, and when he does tell you, you dont believe him, then he pulls out his suit and climbs on the wall and you’re like wtf (like the tom holland spiderman scene)
- Will sneak into your room/sneak you into his room at night because he’s lonely and he loves you (especially before you meet parents)
- Says I love you first, but does it without realizing it because he’s been thinking it, but it slips out and he doesn’t realize it until you react to it.
pt. 2 is up but tumblr hates me and wont let me link anything
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breezybangtanbebe · 7 months
3D: JJK💋 Part One
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A/N: Jungkook is in a closed triad with Janelle, the bubbly brown skinned bookworm with alluring eyes and luscious hips, and Katya , the semi alt bartending vixen with copper toned curls and a silver tongue.
Tags: jungkookxOC’s in closed traid/polyamorous relationship. Sex (raw and protected), oral (female and male recieving), threesome. Some fluff and mild plot because theyre loveds afater all 😌✨
4k words
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The smell of cherry bomb body oil, weed and sex coated the air. Notably Jungkook's favorite combo, and he was a coni'sour of scents.
OG Kush.
Shea Butter.
Every woman was different based on various factors of diet and hygiene of course but there was a distinct musk that Jungkook found intoxicating. So much so, that his tongue licked at the air before curling over his top lip, his eyes rolling back as he savored everything.
Katya's pussy bloomed like the flower it smelled like, sucking his length in loudly as he drove himself deeper.
"Ah..ah..ah..shit..." she huffed against the bed, her gold ringed fingers fisting the crumpled sheets. From behind her, a tatted hand comes over her tawny waistline to squeeze her flesh, pulling her back to bounce against his dick.
"Oh fuck —- like that. Just like that.." she cried, Jungkook chuckling sharply through his nose.
"Hmm? like this Kitty?" He rasps, his eyes dropping to the silver piercings denting her dimples of Venus. He snaps his hips a bit harder, forcing gusts of air to jut from Kat's lungs.
"Look at you gripping my dick like you love it..My pussy? hmm? This is mine?" He taunts her with a heckling grin in his voice.
Normally, Katya would resist his need to dominate and make him really work for it. She'd deny his claims and make him prove it, ultimately ending in a mess of both of them. But today she didnt have the fight in her. She just wanted to cum again and again so she'd have an excuse to binge eat whatever was in the snack cabinet.
Sex burns hella calories after all.
"Shut up and just fuck me.." she muttered into the sheets. Jungkook grunts at her brash response, only happy to oblige as he lifted one leg up and planted his foot for balance, commencing to plow into her even harder and faster.
"Yes..yes...yesss.." she mewls, tearful eyes rolling back. Jungkook grunts as he kicked up his rhythm , his jaw slack and his brow crinkled as Katya tried to lift her head from the bed.
"Oh fuck yes..dont stop!"
"Uh uhn..down.." Jungkook shakes his head and he further enforces the demand by getting hold of her by her hair, a wavy knot of copper tangled in his fingers, pinning her head down to the mattress.
The pounding continues for another minute straight, Kat's inevitable undoing on loud and messy loop as Jungkook sought out to prove his point repeatedly.
The loud and messy sex is muffled effectively behind the door, far off at the end of the hall on the east side of the apartment.
Janelle is blissfully unaware as her key turns the front door's lock and she enters on tired feet, grimacing as she crossed the threshold.
Today was shit.
Everyone was rude.
Minor inconveniences felt monumental.
And her uterus felt like it had been doused in gasoline and tossed in a dumpster fire.
And her air pods just fucking died on her!
The telltale downward beeps further dampening her mood and muting the lofi she'd been on the whole walk home.
Today was shit, as previously stated, and it seemed to only get shittier.
Jungkook's voice is heard from the end of the hallway and based on his tone, Janelle assumed he was gaming or something. Her tummu fluttered at the sound since it confirmed he was home.
She just wanted to curl up under her man, sniff his neck while he rolled her a blunt and forget about the day she'd endured.
That was exactly what she needed.
Setting her keys and bag on the kitchen counter, Janelle shook her week old silk press out from its messy bun on her way towards the growing sound of her partner's voice ready to dump her troubles on him.
When she opened the door however, she's pinned by two sets of wide and surprised eyes at her sudden appearance in the doorway..
Her boyfriend of a few years, Jungkook. The tall and pretty idiot with dream boat hair, fuck boy tatts, abs for days and a toothy smile.
Although he wasn't smiling now..
"Nell.." he stammers, frozen where he was looming over the freckle faced ginger whose head was hanging off the side of his bed.
"Youre home early." He states the obvious , furrowing his brow as he's still nestled deep inside of Kat, both of them regarding Janelle with equal concern while not separating.
"Hey Jelly Belly.." Kat , her girlfriend of less than a year , greets her with a smile as sweet at the nickname spoken and Janelle mustered a weak smile in return.
"Hey Kat. Hey babe...I didnt mean to interrupt.." she begins, already about to close the door and leave them to it.
"Its fine/You didnt.." both canoodlers chime in tandem, shooting eachother a scorned look before putting the spotlight on the woman simpering in the doorway.
"Did you have good day at least? You look sad.." Jungkook goes on to ask and from the way Janelle's bottom lip trembles and her hesitance to answer, it was clear.
"Aww Belly.." Kat sits up on her elbows, pushing Jungkook back so that he has no choice but to pull out. His dick sheathed in cream-covered latex drooped under its weight, and he immediately begins pulling the condom off.
"Did you wanna talk about it?" he lifts his brows earnestly.
Watching the two of them scrambling to get away from eachother as if they weren't just engaged in what she knew was very intense sex, Janelle's blank expression gave little away as she shook her head.
"Naw. Im just gonna go lay down. Yall carry on..." she says.
There wasn't any room for a response since she hurried from the room, closing the door behind her to leave a half dressed Jungkook with a semi poking at his boxers and a topless and messy-headed Kat exchanging dubious and guilty looks.
Nearly a year ago...
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"So who's in charge here? You or her.." Katya pointed her half eaten french fry between the couple sitting across from her in the booth.
The post rush buzz in the old-school-themed burger joint was supposed gave the three of them the space and comfort to have conversations such as this. Katya was fresh off from work with aching ankles from bartending all night. A gig she found to be her niche after her meager attempts at typical 9 to 5's flopping. It wasnt odd for her to get offers out for a late dinner and night cap post shift, with these two specifically, but tonight's meeting was different than the others for many reasons.
Janelle takes a sip from her soda through a straw, her pretty eyes lifting through her ebony bangs at the copper-headed redbone across from her. Beside her, Jungkook chewed lazily with his arm stretched over the back of the red tufted booth behind his girl's head. He glances at Janelle expectedly as he rached for one of her fries, the two of them smirking knowingly. She gives him a little nod and he returns it before speaking.
"No one's in charge of anyone." Jungkook muffles over his food, adding the stolen fry to the pile in his mouth. Janelle nods in agreement, swallowing her sip of soda and pushing her cup aside.
"Yeah, come on Kat. You know us. Theres no heirarchy here. He's with me and Im with him." she insists. Katya narrows here eyes at them both, still using her fry as a stylus drawing an accusatory figure eight between the two of them.
And she did know them. Mostly in passing at first. Jungkook frequented the outside of her bar with his gorgeously loud group of friends on their bikes with their tattoos and growling engines like mating calls on a Saturday night. She rarely paid them much mind.
At least until he brought those tattoos inside, flashing her with that stupid pierced smile before asking for a drink. Through small talk they became mildly aquainted, nothing unusal or overly flirtatious. Something Katya found intriguing until it became clear to her that Jungkook was taken.
Janelle was nothing like who Katya imagined Jungkook would date. With the sweet and innocent face of a baby doll but the body that most women show to the doctor as an example of what they want, Jungkook's girlfriend was opposite of him in almost every way. Flawless brown skin and shoulder length yaki textured tresses that swayed as she moved. Minimal make up apart from her NYX lip liner and Fenty Gloss Bomb'd lips that caught Kat's eye immediately.
No tatts. No piercings other than in her ears. Dressing in shades Kat never observed her man donning. Bright and bubbly and way out of his league if you asked her.
She stuck out among the grunge when she entered the bar behind Jungkook the first night she saw her, intriguing her even more...
"Mmhmm...So now yall want to add me to the mix, right? Not just on some 'one night' basis.." Kat finishes what she assumed Janelle was going to say, popping the pointer fry in her mouth.
Kat normally wasnt this straightforward on her dates, despite being a naturally shrewd individual, but this date felt like more like an interview from the way Jungkook and Janelle sat across from her with open eyes and ears for any questions she may have.
Proposing for someone to be a part of a nontraditional polyamorous relationship wasnt as uncommon as people liked to think. And it surely wasn't Kat's first offer.
She just didnt expect it from them.
"This was your idea wasnt it?" Kat adverts her glare to Jungkook now, making him choke on his drink mid sip.
"What? Why would you assume that?" he coughs humorously and Kat shrugs with ber elbow on the table.
"Iont know. Because its always the mans idea. You know how many bitches fake being gay just to appease their dude or keep them from cheating? How should I know this isnt that?"
"Because it isn't." Jungkook grunts, not showing anything other than amusement at Kat's demeanor. Janelle seems taken aback by the the statement however, her soft eyes widening.
"No one is faking anything, first of all.." she shakes her head, her pout pulling Kat's attention back to her. She lifts her brows at the implication, looking Janelle up and down with even more interest and a smirk.
"Oh?" she mirths.
"And I'd never cheat on Nell. This is something she suggested..." Jungkook cuts in, Kat's eyes jumping back to him.
"Hmmph..I have a hard time believing that but ok.." the ginger shrugs, leaning back on her side of the booth. Finding the skepticism a little vexing, Janelle scoots closer to the table to assume the position Kat had just been in with her elbows and forearms resting on the table.
"Its true. And the part about it being my idea is too. Look, Jungkook and I have been together a while. We get eachother. Likes and dislikes. Bad habits and pet peeves. Fantasies and ambitions. He's legit my best friend."
Janelle pauses to look over at her boyfriend, who just gives her a smile that told Kat the feeling was mutual.
"I know it's probably hard to explain but...I brought up the idea of opening our relationship up a little and Jungkook was hesitant because he never considered being with anyone else. And neither did I but, I dont want one of our needs for something different to seperate us when we could experience it together. Or at least with some level of understanding between eachother."
"So is this about sex or..." Kat cuts in, still wanting to get to the root of the situation. Janelle grimaces lightly in thought, her eyes lifting towards the ceiling breifly.
"Eh..yes and no. The companionship aspect is relevent here too. We're not just looking for someone else to have sex with. Sexually, we have zero complaints when it comes to eachother, but that's not to say theres things we're not open to try..."
Kat sits with both of her arms resting on the back of the booth, her short legs tucked underneath her comfortably. Her hard expression softens the longer she listened to Janelle.
She had a nice voice. Soft and slightly raspy. Easily the most placating tone Kat had ever heard. She'd listen to her read a grocery list and be this invested.
"...Point is..We know you and you know us. We both find you attractive and Im comfortable with coming to you with this. But Kat, if youre not interested, that's fine. And Im sorry if this makes you uncomf..." Janelle pauses when Kat shushes her, one black coffin nail lifted.
"Hush babe. Im interested for sure. In you more than him..." the nail tilts in Jungkook's direction.
And that was saying something because he was most definitely her type. From the charcoal tinted tattoos, broad shoulders and chest, height, and urban style of dress. But something about his girl made her tongue water in ways she didnt want to say out loud just yet.
"Youre cute though , so No offense." she adds.
"None taken." Jungkook smirks and she continues.
"I just wanna make sure this is a legit arrangement where all parties are on board and participating on their own free will. I dont want you feeling weird or imposed upon by my presence. Because Im not sure if you knew but Im alot to handle."
"Im not worried. Are you babe?" Janelle smiles over at her partner with expectant eyes, and its too damn sweet and enthusiastic for the context of their conversation.
Even Jungkook's eyebrows go up in surprise at his girlfriend's bold response.
He picks up his drink again, smirking around his straw as he shakes his head in amazement and disbelief. He takes a quick draining sip that gurgles the ice cubes,setting it back down.
"Yeah..Im not worried at all either, Kitty Kat."
The unsolicited nickname makes Kat's eye twitch, and something else deep between her legs. She hated it and could already see that Jungkook was going to be an issue. Unlike Janelle, who seemed to be the more accommodating of the two despite her calling the shots.
She regards him with a lifted brow and Jungkook mereley smirks back at her with a challenge in his eyes that made her want to come across the table.
Kat mirrors his expression, licking her top teeth sexily before lifting her chin.
"Ok. Im in."
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A few knocks at the bathroom door were followed by its creaking hinges and Janelle opens her eyes just as two guility faces peaked through the steam.
Feeling rather sticky from being outside all day, Janelle decided to soak her stress away in a steaming bath of essential oils and relaxing fragrance. Her face had been scrubbed of her make up and outside exposure, her straightened hair pulled up into a knot on top of her head. She knew the sweat from her scalp would have her roots reverting but she didnt care.
The sharp pains in her pelvis had just began to subside,  but she knew this was just the beginning considering her cycles in the past.
She says nothing as her partners approached, her expression tired and stoic as she turned her head to face them.
"You alright?" Jungkook is first to speak, stepping ahead of Kat to sit on the toilet lid. He was fully dressed now, the only evidence of his activies being the way his messy hair.
Kat stands near the sink, leaning her hop against the counter in her crumpled gym shorts and bralette.
The bubbled water ripples gently at Janelle's slow nod, a weak smile gracing nude lips.
"Yeah..just tired. And sore."
"Period?" Kat scrunches her nose in disdain, folding her arms over her chest. Janelle nods again.
"I think so. Im not bleeding but the cramps are just over the top today. I popped two pain pills an hour ago and its barely taking off the edge."
"So thats why you left work early? Damn...Why didn't you call me? I could have came to get you." Jungkook scolds her, knowing the distance bewteen her job and their apartment wasnt small. He was generally the one taking her on the back of his bike when he was available.
Janelle gives him a weak smirk.
"Well I called but..." her eyes go to Kat breifly before continuing.
"I think you were busy." she cringes, sinking lower into the water as realization slaps them both in the face.
Yeah, they were busy.
Busy fucking.
All while their sweet little succulent was in need, calling both of their phones before ultimately deciding to hoof it 5 blocks before her manager changed his mind about letting her leave early.
Jungkook's head dropped, smacking his face into his palm.
"Shit..Im sorry babe...really." he mutters, guilt-eating him from the inside out. Kat steps towards the tub, dropping to her knees to come closer to Janelle's level.
"Yeah sorry Belly. Our phones must have been on vibrate or something.." she pouts guiltily. Jungkook shakes his head in disagreement.
"Even then, we should have been more aware. What if it was an emergency?" he directs his fussing at Kat, who turns to him sharply.
"No shit Sherlock. You were the one who could have been the most aware considering the fact that it's your responsibility to pick her up. So dont blame me.."
"Im not blaming you." Jungkook rolls his eyes.
"Sounds like you are.." Kat seethes and Jungkook is ready to continue arguing when Janelle slaps the water in frustration.
"Stop fighting! Damn..Its fine. Im not dead. It not the first time Ive had to walk somewhere in my life and it wont be the last. Plus it was early...You could have just as well been asleep and missed my calls so..its no big deal. Shut it.."
In the way she always did, Janelle effectively ends the bickering between her overprotective boyfriend and her vigilant girlfriend with the simplest reasoning.
They still glowered at eachother resentfully, as it they werent just doing loud and raunchy sex with eachother 30 minutes ago.
Jungkook sticks his tongue out st Kat childishly before dismissing her presence, returning his full attention to Janelle.
"Ok but Im still sorry. It wont happen again, I promise." he assures her. The stress melts from her face at his unnecessary apology.
"I know babe. It's ok, foreal. Im just glad I'm not at work anymore. Everybody was unusually more rude and aggravating today than normal. I think im just gonna stay in this weekend. I know yall wanted to go out tonight but I dont think im gonna make it. It hurts to walk. Hurts to stand..." she trails off.
Kat reaches over and dips her arm into the water to rub Janelle's thigh in empathetically, resting her chin on the edge of the tub.
"Awww Belly. I hate seeing you like this. Makes me sad.." she pouts.
"Same. Yeah we're definitely not going anywhere tonight. I'll just tell Tae to sell those tickets he copped for us. There was a show I wanted to take yall to but fuck it." he shrugs casually. Kat looks at him over her shoulder, her normal frown nonexistent at the knowledge of his plans.
"You got tickets to see Bad Omen's?" her voice is small, most likely her attempt at not seeming too excited. Knowing her favorite band was in town for one night with no available tickets had her in her feelings all week, and learning that Jungkook got the hook up on tickets anyway made her wish she'd been a little nicer to him.
Just a little.
Janelle looks to Kat's hopefull face and wilts with guilt.
"Awww no. Kat was so sad she couldnt get those tickets. You guys should just go. I'll be ok.." she insists, resting her hand on Kat's under the water. Both Jungkook's and Kat's snap towards Janelle.
"What? No..." Kat begins.
"Yeah, that wouldnt be right. You wanted to see them too." Jungkook adds.
Janelle shrugs her shoulder.
"Only because of you and Kat. I know like..one song. That was yalls thing. I wouldn't be upset if you went." she locks eyes with both of them.
Theres a moment a silence in the bathroom as Kat and Jungkook considered her words, neither of them feeling comfortable with her suggestion to leave her behind.
"Nell.." Jungkook frowns, his eyes forlorn and in avid disagreement. Janelle just shakes her head.
"Just go. Both of you. I'll be fine, I promise. Tell me all about it. Kat, record if they do my song, record some for me?" she squeezes Kat's hand with the gentle ask and Kat's pouted lips twisted in conflict.
"Please?" she lifts her brows, giving the world's most irresistible set of puppy eyes anyone had ever seen.
With s reluctant smile of her own, Kat nods slowly.
"Of course Belly. I'll record the whole thing." she ensures her.
Feeling satisfied with the agreement, Janelle smiles tiredly at Kat before releasing her hand.
"Good. Its settled then. Now if y'all don't mind, talking is starting to make my head hurt and I want to soak a little bit longer.."
"Say less.." Jungkook is first to stand, gesturing for Kat to follow him with a irrefutable look in his eye. For once, Kat doesnt protest and she nods before leaning to kiss Janelle's wet temple.
"Let us know if you need anything, Ok?"
Janelle nods, beaming weakly at Kat's show of affection before speaking.
"I will. Now get out." she smiles and the two do just that, Jungkook following behind Kat. He gives Janelle one last look with fondness as well as melancholy in his gaze before shutting her back in her steamy candle lit oasis.
In the hallway, Kat taps Jungkook on his chest with the back of her hand to get his attention.
"Hey..Are we seriously gonna go to that show and leave her here in pain?" she whispers roughly so Janelle had no chance of hearing them.
Jungkook kisses his teeth, glancing at the door breifly before shaking his head.
"Fuck no...I just wasnt about to argue with her. I might go to the store though. Get her some shit to help her feel better.."
"Ok good because I was gonna say..."
"Hell naw." he chuckles.
Jungkook's about to walk away when Kat stops him again. He lifts his brow curiously at her soft grip on his forearm.
"Why didnt you tell me you got those tickets? You knew I was trying to get them.." Kat says lowly, not quite in a whisper.
Jungkook smirks at the question.
"I know. I was planning to surprise you with em. You know Tae works security at that venue sometimes so he pulled some syrungs for me." he shrugs nonchalantly.
Kat's peircing eyes thaw instantly, the corners of her mouth perking up in a smile.
"You asshole..I could kiss you. I didnt know you liked me that much." she perts her lips, nudging Jungkook's pec with her fist. His nose crinkles with his smile, feeling a tiny bit of satisfaction at effectimg Kat this way. He reaches up to pinch her chin between his thumb and index finger affectionately.
"Aww. Come on now. You know me better than that Kitty Kat.." he teases.
At the sound of the dreaded pet name, Kat's smile vanishes and she snatches her chin from his hold.
"aand you just had to ruin it.." she grimaces but Jungkook merely grins as he leaned in for a chaste kiss, pecking Kat's pout loudly.
"You'll be ok." He slides in cheekily, giving her ass a smack and squeeze before they go their separate ways towards their respective quarters.
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annabananaaxox · 1 year
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I start pre evaluation exams on Monday, the first exam I have is art history, on ancient Greek and Roman art. I like the subject but I hate the people in my class and the professor doesn't teach really well.
I think I am coming down with a cold, I read half a book yesterday while I was laying in bed feeling a little bit sick.
Anyways, Love u so much. Do not forget to study, but also: do not forget to drink water, eat pastries, take long walks, watch TV, read cool books.
Xx, Anna 🫶🏻
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strawbs-screaming · 1 year
☆ WVBA As Really Specific Highschool Stereotypes ☆
Had to stop staring into the void for this, thats when you know its important, drug use tw!!
Glass Joe
- nerd, shoved in the lockers
- keeps having his lunch money stolen
- getting his shit wrecked on a daily basis
- actually studies for the exams & listens to the class LIKE A NERD
- gets paid to do homework
- when exam season comes up suddenly no one has shoved him into a locker & loves him
- will let anyone copy his homework
Von Kaiser
- huge SNITCH. Also cannot keep a secret
- people also wreck him daily because he keeps telling the teachers whos skipping class or not, cant speak if you have your teeth in your throat and are gonna have another one added if you tell the english teacher that someone is leaving school to go party
- will not let you copy off his homework, people hate him wayyyy more because of that
- getting his stuff stolen on a daily basis
Disco Kid
- loud popular boy but make it tolerable + add the ability to beat up people and dance skills
- really nice & will stand up for Joe
- secretly listening to music in class, whoever snitches on him is getting boiled alive
- killing it at prom, had no one to take other than his dancing skills
- has a few classes he actually bothers for + is naturally good at, the rest is barely passing
King Hippo
- really quiet smart kid, also loved by the class since he doesnt mind anything as long as you dont kick his dog & steal his money
- try to use him as a punchline for a joke and he'll turn you into a human pancake
- wont let you copy off for homework but makes you notes for cheating instead, bother for the things that actually matter please thank you
Piston Hondo
- huge nerd but people actually respect him because he doesnt snitch & lets you copy off his homework, also knows how to kick ass so thats a plus
- keeps secrets really well, mainly because he keeps forgetting them
- will help you study for exams & let you copy off him during the exams, understands if you dont want to bother
- academic validation is kicking his ass, Marina And The Diamonds are kicking him in the feels (me too hondo, me too)
- burnout is gonna hit him like a bullet train
- is struggling to live laugh love out of this
Don Flamenco
- that one dude in the hall making out in the hallway with his girlfriend carmen at 8 AM in the morning that you accidentally made eye contact with
- will not shut up about carmen, mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? That reminds him of how carmen gives him the power to go on
- copying off others for the exam
- calling carmen dumb petnames, dude what is "my pookie wookie scrumptious silly goofy romantic princess queen wife, light of my life, sun to the earth" what do you mean by that, is she a boss fight or something, is she a fucking dictator
- break up hit him in the nuts so hard he got neutered
- was planning on going to prom with carmen, got dumped & had to sit in the rain, holding a boquet of flowers with a "go to prom with me" sign, movie style, while sobbing
Bear Hugger
- stoner dude skipping class in the bathroom smoking a huge joint, thankfully doesnt hog the stalls
- barely passing, still afloat thanks to hondo
- will let you smoke with him, dont hog the joint please
- will let you copy off his homework that he also copied off from don flamenco that copied off from hondo that he copied off from Wikipedia, its like a academic version of telephone
- parties hard, has really good hangover cures if you need any
- really good to be around actually
- blasting himself with axe deodorant, it doesnt cover up the smell trust me
Great Tiger
- cheating during exams, look at him go, isnt it neat?
- using his clones to beat up people & make money from the homework doing business
- doesnt talk much other than to advertise his "let me do your homework bbg" business
- willing to beat up teachers for high grades, wrecked a teacher for giving hondo a low grade & refusing to raise it like.. come on he does his homework & isnt smoking a huge joint in the bathroom
- snitch but never caught in the act, blaming it on kaiser
-tried to make one of his go to school but it failed because real people dont go through the seat while trying to sit
Aran Ryan
- skipping constantly & doesnt show up for some months, has bull beat teachers for attendance stuff
- smoking with bear hugger in the stalls, hogging the stalls sadly
- one of the people shoving others in the lockers
- will do your homework in the worst way possible, has gotten his ass kicked because of that
- keeps stealing teachers stuff
Soda Popinski
- also in the stalls, smoking, looking out for teachers, convincing teachers to not lower grades
- social chameleon, both a bully & kind person, also a top student & bottom of the class
- lifesaver, homework unfinished? Copy off his, need someone to copy off in the exam? Sit next to him, teacher gave you a low grade? Tell him who did it & he'll have it raised through the power of threats, charisma & a steel chair
- steals Joes lunch money & secretly returns it because he isnt that horrid
Bald Bull
- also smoking in the stalls, do not snitch on him or he'll also smoke you
- suspiciously high grades thanks to soda
- beating up teachers for cash, give him 200 bucks & a bat and your least favorite is going to get their shit wrecked, thank him later
- fights people on a daily basis
- shows up three times a week, he just parties the other days, beating teachers for anyone who feels like not attending the same way like him
- copying off others work like a machine, especially whenever a teacher is coming
- naturally good at math, thats his biggest flex
Super Macho Man
- stereotypical american movie bully with the classic jacket, literally.
- shoving Joe into lockers & stealing his money with soda popinski
- calls people nerd unironically
- also getting bullied lmaoo
- thinks hes cool enough to hang out in the stalls with the weed smokers™ tried to snitch on them & got his face stuffed into a toilet
- "hey nerd, this is a no losers turf, guess what? You arent allowed!" Then he gets thrown out of a window
Mr Sandman
- really quiet & minds his business, sometimes hangs out in the stalls with the weed smokers™
- good grades & lets you copy off his homework
- Macho man tried to steal his money once, he ended up hospitalized
- Just beats kaiser once in a while when he snitches
- party in the weekend, study in the weekday
- if anything messes up his routine it'll piss him off greatly
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I have a kind of scary doctors appointment today (i'm okay, i just dont really know whats going on, therefore scary) and i was hoping you could do a hc or something about one of the oscar isaac boys (maybe poe) comforting you before the appointment/going with you/being all sweet and caring after?
Poe is worried about you when he hears you need to visit the MedBay, of course. He loves you very much, and he absolutely hates seeing you fret.
But, if there’s one thing Poe is known for (besides his good looks and his wicked flying skills), it’s his ability to remain buoyant with hope. To see the possibility for light even in the darkest situations.
Poe truly believes things can and do still turn out for the best.
He believes in a lot of things. He believes in his colleagues in the Resistance. Those who conscientiously trained to serve in the MedBay, and who use their extensive knowledge to seemingly do the impossible day after day.
He believes in you, and your ability to face this scary time head-on - just like he’s seen you face down the enemy and pilot your ship right through danger time and time again, in so many ways. Even when it’s hard.
Even when your courage falters, Poe knows the strength of you, and he does everything he can to make sure you don’t forget it either.
Still, Poe knows that today is not easy for you. That you have a lot of questions. That as brave as you are, that today, you need a little extra morale support. After all, who doesn’t, from time to time?
So, Poe clears his whole schedule for the day.
He is there for you every moment, with soft touches and kisses and hugs and words, liberally and topically applied.
He is there to make you hot drinks and to bring you snacks and treats.
But most of all, he is there to distract you. To take your mind off things for a little while, so that your worry doesn’t begin to spiral you off in dark, imagined directions.
Poe’s distractions are… creative, to say the least.
He gets Beebs to do a little dance for you.
He then does a little dance himself.
He argues with you about the best way to modify a thruster.
He undoes a few extra buttons on his shirt (he’s trying here!).
He kisses your neck in that specific way you like. The one that makes all other thoughts melt away from your brain for a while.
He takes a walk with you to the edge of base, the place fringed with trees and blooming purple flowers.
He points out every bird and interesting sight and smell.
He reads to you, holding you close.
Eventually though, you begin to tire of his distractions.
He sits in the waiting room alongside you, gripping your hand in-between both of his, clinging to you like he’ll never let go… and he’s still blathering on about some holo he really wants to watch with you. Trying so very hard to distract you, like he has all day.
And… you finally snap.
“Poe! Just stop, will you? Please.”
He instantly clamps his mouth shut.
Your voice cracks. “I don’t want you to distract me. It’s not going to change anything!”
Poe’s eyes soften to liquid and he sighs softly, in concession. He comes to cup your face in his palm with a slow blink, gently smoothing his thumb back and forth over your cheek. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I was doing what I needed. Honestly? I… don’t want to think about this. At all. I love you, and it’s a little scary.”
Your eyes brim with tears as you absorb the strength of feeling in his voice. The emotion behind it.
Poe’s approach had come from the right place, but you understand now. Understand that what you really needed wasn’t to ignore your feelings or push them down, but to sit with them. To accept them in the moment as valid. To acknowledge them as natural.
“It is scary,” you admit.
Poe’s features stretch into a watery smile. “What can I do?” Poe breathes softly, totally ready now to listen.
“Just be here, Poe. Just be here with me.”
He is. He is always here for you. That he can do, and for the first time all day, Poe truly looks relaxed when he realises he can be just what you need after all. “You got it,” he says with conviction, and he enfolds you in his arms, drawing you in to his warm chest. You feel the weight of his head settle against yours. The gentle thudding of his heart against the shell of your ear. His hands smoothing back and forth over you. He drops a lingering kiss to the top of your head. “Always.”
You take a deep breath in time with him, and for the first time all day, a sense of deep calm radiates out from your middle, because suddenly, you know for sure. No matter what Poe does it won’t change anything, no. You’d been right about that. But whatever happens, you are sure now - more than ever - that you will face it together. Maybe with fear, yes, but also with lashings of hope and courage. With all the things that Poe is known for… and all the things you are equally known for too.
Poe holds you and rocks you and kisses you, and together you wait.
You don’t have the answers yet, but you choose to believe that it will all be okay. His hope is catching, like a fire from a spark, and it warms your middle like a hearth.
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imherebabycakes · 2 years
Can You Do A Vampire Mikey x F!Reader But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Can You Do A Lemon 🍋 For It Too
142. “Bite me.” 132. “Argue all you want we both know you belong to me.” 5. “MINE.” 89. Mating season 151. “Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?” 96. Making out 58. Turtle bedroom 123. “Don’t hold back.” and Turning Into A Vampire
oh you ain’t know? ….turtles bite!
Bayverse tmnt
🧛‍♂️ 🐢 🧡
this is my first ask, and i honestly hope, i did well.
let me set the scene:
in this world its 2022 , mutants are normal but its rare to see them everyday, some people have accepted them and well…. you know the rest.
a few months Ago you were celebrating a friends halloween birthday party in her penthouse apartment in upstate new York, you went dressed up as a sexy vampires, You were basically in lingerie you had fake fang teeth, wearing a black & burnt orange corset with orange lace boy shorts  black thigh high stockings,strippa heels,with a lace dark orange vail .the party was lit, there was drinking games, stripping games,dance contest starting every 5 minutes. people were really letting loose. you knew your drinking limit, but that night you knew you went a little over bord but you were still very aware of everything that was going on around you,so to sober up you set down on a nearby couch and drank two water bottles. something was telling you to look up so you did & right across the dim lit room, you saw him,A mutant turtle man, One of the 4 brothers that saved New York back in 2016 from aliens. you heard about them but never seen them up close before. man was he handsome. looking back on it you couldn’t remember what his costume was but it might’ve been a police swat team or ninja of sorts . but you honestly didn’t care because his look was so different & those damn baby blue eyes captured you, no literally it’s like as soon as you locked eyes with him without thinking your legs started moving by themselves ,before you knew it he had you wrapped in his arms. BIG MISTAKE
}}}}}}} Y/N get your sexy ass in here!!, you can clean them dishes later, i need you now. y/n is so beautiful, loving, caring. but tonights the night she’ll find out that besides me being a turtle im also a vampire, i was bit by a mutant vampire 2 years ago.
}}}}}}}}} I stopped what I was doing and slowly walk into his room, sometimes I forget that he’s not fully human, his body is godlike,im talking Hercules or Poseidon.  then reality sets in and I remember that he is a mutant, and true to his animal side his turtle room was dark,and humid, starting down his winding steps that were made of mahogany wood, his roomed smelled sweet like citrus fruit, the walls were covered with lush green vines , flowers & jagged rocks that had water trickling down them which led into a beautiful small pond that had a few koi fish in it. on the walls he had Beautiful paintings & sketches that hung, the floors were of marble and leading to his bed there was plush black shag carpet . turning my attention to the turtle man we lock eyes, but something seems different, his eyes seem darker, and so does the room or is it just the atmosphere.
}}}}}}}}} there’s my girl, come hop on my lap with your pretty slef, so i can kiss those lushly plump lips that i love so much.
}}}}}}}}} doin as told, i got on his lap and we start to Makeout heavily. man could he kiss, he had every inch of my body on fire, he grabbed my ass, breasts, and neck, its like once he gets started i cant get enough of him. then out of nowhere he abruptly pins me on my back and takes a huge sniff of the air,& says MINE
}}}}}} her ass, & breasts plump and ready for devouring, taking in the air around me, i could smell that she was ready, her arousal had me seeing colors so to speak, Y/n my love, i say kissing her neck,,,, yes mickey? …..do you know how a turtle takes his mate?…. umm no… no i dont mikey? well your about to find out,i say cooing in her ear, because its mating season
}}}}}}} while mickey was kissing on my neck he started talking about some mating season about turtles, then it hit me…. he wants to have sex! all we’ve ever done was kiss or dry hump. man this was kinda sudden or was it?…. is time slipping away from me that fast. No mikey, i say as i tried to push him away, im not ready… well at least thats what my mind’s telling me but my body craves you some how. why?
}}}}}}}} my love please stop fighting this,Argue all you want we both know you belong to me. you crave me because you love me, this is supposed to be, i make you do nothing you dont wanna do. not being able to hold back on my animalistic instincts any longer, i bite into her neck hard enough to penetrate but gentle enough where I don’t hurt her, taking in her sweet nectar of blood i go numb. stopping to look into her eyes i ask can i continue… y/n?…. umm i guess so mikey, No Y/n! i need a yes or no answer!!! it’s important, i need permission……. okay damn you dont have to yell….y-yes you..m-may continue mikey……good girl cuz thats all i needed.
}}}}}}} before I could say anything else , Mikey bit me, he fucking bit me, immediately my body filled with pain then like a light switch i felt pleasure and it actually felt good, everything heightened, my eyesight smell & touch,but why? why did i now feel so amazing, then mikey latched off my neck and ripped off my shirt and pants, and striped me of my underwear too,i was now in my birthday suit, mikey cupped my face so gently and kissed me so sweetly, and said “ im going to fuck you now” . we made love for hours it seemed. he ate, licked and fucked every hole i had, which left me weak but satisfied.
}} }}}kissing this beautiful lady before me,i couldn’t believe all we had just did in the last few hours, she was all mine & i hers.i stop and just bask before her , but in the back of my mind i know i need to let her know she’s no longer just human,and she needs to eat or she’ll die. y/n my love, do you feel any different?
well, now that you’ve mention it, it’s like all my senses are heightened and I’m feeling weak & strong at the same time, I crave something but I don’t know what it is. ”you crave blood y/n” , what the hell are you talking about Mikey? im human why would i crave blood?  because you’re not just human anymore y/n you’re now a vampire, well Vampires. “wait what!!,, how? i mean when?…Ouch! i just bit my lip!! why are my teeth so sharp!!! ,….this isn’t making any sense…. i cant be a vampire because then that would mean…wait.. w-wait….i-it was you! this whole damn time!!! your the reason!!! thats why i’ve been in a trance like state, not knowing if its night or day ….. fuck you mikey!!!! fuck, fuck, fuck!!!… you turned me into this?!!!! yes y/n but i didn’t make you do anything my love please understand. deep down you must’ve wanted me just the same or it wouldn’t have worked. well at least thats how the rules go… & i’m not just a turtle Im part vampire, I was a bit a while ago now this is my life. i never craved anyone until you. but we’ll have a deeper conversation later because you need to eat.
this is all honestly too much, I’ve been willingly unwillingly turned into a vampire. and im naked, what is to become of me now? I feel weak really weak. im hungry. i need to eat.
Y/n ….your going to have to drink my blood.
what! no are you insane. i’m hungry but I’m not that hungry.
y/n you will die if you dont.
yes, once a vampire bites you, you need to bite them back or bite another person. or you’ll parish
come on y/n Bite me,
man hell nah, im not giving into my vampire desires
baby cakes you’ll die!!, please this is the only way, i promise everything will be okay
looking into mikey eyes, though pissed off i know he’s telling the truth somehow. well how and where do you want my to do it? this is all new to me man.
come, sit on my lap and just go for it, mikey idk about this im nervous, “its okay” you wont hurt me at all… hmmm,,, okay… “sniff” wait whats that smell? its amazing!!! “its blood y/n. now do it, bite!
}}}}}} sitting on his lap, i spread my legs across him , and arch my neck opposite his, welp no going back,, mmmm his blood smells amazing, i cant take it anymore!!!! i bit down and hard,,,, aaagh!!! thats it baby cakes DONT HOLD BACK!!! take whats yours become what you truly are deep inside!!!!
}}}}}} drinking his worm delicious blood, my life flashed before my eyes, i seen past present and future, i seen the wonders of the world and the worst, tears prickling out my eyes, i latch off, then it all went black
}}}}}} angel cakes??…. wake up… y/n please..wake up baby
hmp…..mikey…. wha-what happened to me!
i had a weird …..dream
i dreamt, you turned me into a vampire, and we had some amazing sex. and that i bit & drank your blood
it wasn’t a dream angel face….we are vampires now and are bound together for life,
woah, so all of that was true it really happened!… im no longer just human?
yes y/n are you mad at me?
honestly, not anymore everything that i use to want & be is no longer i crave you, and we’ve you only had regular sex, now i gotta fuck you, vampire style
thats my girl
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dyk3-on-a-byk3 · 2 years
my apologies for not sending a ask in a while. i look at your ask box but realize that i dont have to time to write one of my asks and when I do have the time, I forget to :/
I did get to plant my tulips yesterday! :D they're gonna hopefully grown into pretty white and red striped/red flowers in spring, it's a touch early for me to plant them bc as of right now it's September 23 and the recommended time to plant the bulbs is October and December.
Planting them also reminded me to properly bag the dirt and clean the pots from the summer plants that unfortunately died due to less sunlight over August and overwatering so I'll try to be careful to not do it.
I would try again some time but not now as I've learned my lesson in caring for 15 sprouts. There wasn't enough space on the window to fit them all and have them get sun
I did try to write the creature that I mentioned but it got too big for my scope and so it's not finished and I'm aware that I won't return to it for a time between tomorrow and never but I also wanted to share it with you
<><><> are cut offs that I didn't seamlessly translation to, they're stitches to each paragraph (also seams and stitches, like sewing and knitting. i call my writing style as scenes stitches together into one story)
As much as it doesn’t like the things that wander into its home. it also doesn’t want the young to simply die. it would be cruel, their death would have been a mistake. it doesn’t want something so young to die because of a simple mistake.
it presses on the small thing’s chest, like how it had seen it be done before, applying a light pressure with its knuckles.
Water began to spill out of their mouth, with some of it landing on it, that was good. Even if it had to deal with gross water until it can clean itself later, it means that the liquid is getting out so it presses against, just a tad bit harder.
the little thing began to jerk and struggle against its hold, coughing up more water. it chirped and clicked soothingly in a attempt to calm them down.
After several long and painful minutes where it clicked worryingly as the thing got rid of the water in their lungs. the little thing heaved up on last dribble of water then stopped. Stopped moving and went limped in its hold.
it shook at them, panicked and hoping that they haven’t died. The thing makes a whining noise and grabs at it’s fur and buries their face into it, this new position made it able to feel their breathing.
Good, that was good. it means that they’re still alive. it pretends that it doesn’t trill at the feeling.
What does it to do now? It didn't plan too far other than "save the child." Now it's stuck with a child that's already dozing off to sleep, not knowing where or how to find their parents, and if it did; There'd be a high chance it'll get attacked. Another thing to add on top of their problems was that it smelled.
It could obviously keep the kid, raise them as their own, but it knows it wouldn't be a good idea.
For one, it had no clue how to raise a child. The only experience it had was a small four legged animal, and all it did was toss some meat in their direction while hoping they'll leave. It doesn't even know what to feed them! Never mind that it didn't really want to, it entertained the thought but realized it wasn't for them.
So that means it'll have to think of another thing as it begins to walk away from the river with the child.
along the way, the youngling makes a bigger attempt at commutation as they walk. tiny chirps and sounds too familiar to the ones they heard before, but they don't seem to be malicious.
it indulges into the things fantasy, making clicks and chirps itself. snickering when they try to make the small complicated clicks and failing.
A loud noise erupts out of nowhere and it’s on high alert, an ear twitching to follow the sound. Rough, it recognizes the sound as being the ones from the things that try to kill it. That meant there was danger.
The sound came from the path ahead and was rapidly approaching, sounding like a distress call. It doesn’t take chances and possibly gamble with both of their lives so it scoops up the child, ignoring the yelp coming from the child and dashes up the branches.
it climbs not too high up, it couldn’t really. there was only so far it can move up with one of its limbs preoccupied. Still, it was just out of direct sight.
With a claw over the thing’s mouth to silence them. It waits, listening and watching the ground. Waiting to see what comes out.
The sounds of the wind, the stream, and small fast creatures running invades its hearing along with the sound footsteps coming closer. it growls at the extra information it doesn’t need, shakes its head to regain focus and zeros into the footsteps.
A rock is pelted straight to its head, causing their grip on the branch to loosen as they hiss.
The parent fretted over their child and
it tilted its head to the side when the man turned to itself, speaking in a soft yet gruff tone, genuine unlike the many others who tried to fight against it. Strange but stranger still was when the youngling wiggled their way out of their father’s grasp and approached it with the same yellow flower.
they held up the small plant, clearly as an offering. even as the parent grabs onto the shoulder and tries to pull them back, the child is stubborn.
it continues to see the child through the suns, always playing in the same spot. it doesn’t approach and keeps itself hidden from their view, it thinks that the kid could still them through the beaches they climb. a hunch based on the numbers of times the child looked in the same area they were hidden.
It truly a shame as I did want the father character to give the creature a cape of some sort as a gift for protecting his kid. I'd imagine that the creature wasn't 'born' persay but I'm too quite sure how it came to be (a curse would be fun but atlas it'll make way for even more world building and characters)
The creature by the end of the story is reviered as storytale creature. Something that little kids would believe in and that teens would scoff at and the adults would be split in the actuality.
After all, marks on trees can't couldn’t have come from a wolf or wild cat, it would be too high for the wolf and the marks deeper than what a wild cat can make. The clicks has to come from somewhere and no fabric is dyed that shade of orange. But they have to come from somewhere.
A throughout time sequence would be cool as well.
The creature, who is able to dodge the hunters and pass on as a old wives tale, still living even after the people upgraded to photography and guns and not just swords. The things they collect from people who had dropped them accidentally. The observations of how cameras work and to disable them as pictures and drawings were what drew to people to start hunting it.
It wouldn't be able to learn to understand language but it can be taught to do certain things. It's smart enough to learn things easily after witnessing a couple time.
Did it learn humanity? Well kinda, it learned from what it seen and how it preiceves things.
Small children who don't know better, chirps and short light sounds convey friendliness, images of itself means its known and has to hide.
Sometimes it doesn't care to learn certain things like fire, it could be useful to it but it only sees the desolation it leaves behind after a forest fire, the sticks that people use to try to locate it, cooked food seemed like a chore and not worth the effort.
Digging through something that is able to understand things in its own way with completely different biology, priorities, and experiences is cool I think.
And I haven't really thought about how it looks like...... whelp, the imagination of the audience can fill in the rest
-reblog mutal anon
holy shit that's a really amazing story...wow dude im at a loss for words oh my god
i can barely write this that's awesome as hell woah
I'm really sorry for the short response I just- don't really know what to say this is fucking amazing
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r-acicularis · 6 months
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Life is but a walk in the park
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osirimirio · 23 days
my daisy, tell me if your day goes bad, i will be there to comfort you. and honestly speaking, i have not read a single book till date. i actually don't know where to start so i would be happy even if you recommend me the common ones. my big sister, woohoo, the moments with you would the most precious ones in my life, maybe. and i will write till my heart's content and break where it needs to be so you will find it easy to read, my daisy.
and now coming to your description of me: "I called her my dear little flower and i became her daisy.
She seems so obliged to love with love. She cares alot, gives alot, holds alot, passes alot. Her head strikes her with a force of strange melancholy in the middle of doing something mundane. She stops for a while and continues. She's such a warrior with so much sprinkles of bliss. She gets stuck while walking so many times. Sometimes she runs. She likes touching her hair. She likes the smell of the cold mornings. She has those eyes filled with a need of adorations. She strives for art. She constantly searches for words to speak.
If i was beside her, I'd pat that head to make her feel at ease, I'd make her favourite tea with a touch of my style, I'd braid her hair on her longest days, I'd hold her hands while walking, I'd wait for her when she stops, I'd buy her candles, I'd fill her water bottle, I'd scrape off those tears of her, I'd paint her as nature, I'd write her poetry, I'd be by her side and by her side.She's just a little flower. 🌸"
i want to make analysis of every single line, so it is going to long, my daisy. so hear me out !!! i fell for the first line itself, "i called her my dear little flower and i became her daisy." i am melting here, wahhh i can't believe i am still blushing omg.
"She seems so obliged to love with love." i dont know meaning of obliged but i truly and deeply love them till i know i will be hurt at the end. that is a fact.
"She cares alot, gives alot, holds alot, passes alot." if someone asks me for help, i am willing to do it. even for you, i am ready to do it, my daisy. you wrote it right!!‎
"Her head strikes her with a force of strange melancholy in the middle of doing something mundane. She stops for a while and continues." this is so true, it happened to me in the morning with a thought of how innocent people can live in this world!!! i felt truly sad, they are either uneducated or known about the bad things. i feel so sad about them.
"She's such a warrior with so much sprinkles of bliss. She gets stuck while walking so many times. Sometimes she runs." i will fight for the good if i get a chance, that is true my daisy. and then i get stuck when a thought comes into my mind and i forget what i was trying to do, haha. and i really love to run like, just run far away, remove all the stress and come back home.
"She likes touching her hair. She likes the smell of the cold mornings. She has those eyes filled with a need of adorations. She strives for art." I LOVE MY HAIR SO FRICKING MUCH, I LOVE MY HAIR, I LOVE IT SO SO KUCH. i really touch all the time, combing it and then wrapping around my finger to make curls 😭 you are so right my daisy!!! yes yes yes, the smell of winter mornings, that is what i thrive for. like the fog is still there and the air is fresh. my eyes are always searching for that, but i wish my eyes looked like that l, more like this 🥺
all that you have said is true, hundred and one percent true. coming to the last line, "she constantly searches for words to speak." this is the actualy one, i stutter a lot of time and don't talk much in real life too... even in my mother tongue, it is hard for words to come out and i feel like i forgot how to speak. now, with you by my side, those lost words would be found with your help, my daisy?
"If i was beside her, I'd pat that head to make her feel at ease, I'd make her favourite tea with a touch of my style, I'd braid her hair on her longest days, I'd hold her hands while walking, I'd wait for her when she stops, I'd buy her candles, I'd fill her water bottle, I'd scrape off those tears of her, I'd paint her as nature, I'd write her poetry, I'd be by her side and by her side.She's just a little flower.🌸"
i love head pats and you are welcomed to do it anytime, my daisy. i have never tried tea in my life so if you have your personala recipes, i would really try them and try the ones which you would make too. if you braid my hair, style it just like yours and a head massage would be perfect, my daisy, hehe. I LOVE HOLDING HANDS, I LOVE CANDLES, i can fill my bottle but if you insist, how can i say no 🤧 i cry so bad when i need to, so please keep tissue box beside and not to exaggerate, when i cry, so much snot comes out, sorry to tell you about this, so i will wipe my nose, you wipe my eyes, my daisy, they have the vision only for you 🫠 i will paint you as the moon, my one and only source of light instead of the mighty sun. nature would love watching you giving light to them, i would be too. i would write you short stories and you please do write me poetry, we will be a perfect pair for that 💕 i would be by your side too, as i am just a little flower and you are my dearest daisy ♥️
thank you for writing me in such pretty words and predicting my description so correctly. i do think this is long and it would have been exhausting for you to read. hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts and have a lovely day, my daisy. take care. i will tell you about my first official day at college tomorrow 😁
🌸 anon
Hello my dear 🌸,
I hope you're doing good and okay. Sorry for being like this. As i have said before i go nonverbal so frequently and don't come online, so I'm late to respond to this. I might be dry sometimes in replying too but please remember I'm listening to everything you're saying.
Since you haven't read any book I'd really like to suggest you on reading "before the coffee gets cold" series. And you're such a great reviewer. That's such a great level of patience to reply line by line. I'm glad i was correct in describing you. Don't worry I'd make you your favourite coffee. And please write anywhere you can till you heart gets content. Don't worry about writing long to me. It's always fine. Can't wait to know about your first day at college.
Your daisy.
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