#dont even get me started on the villainizing of women in straight relationships you dont like
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escaperose · 11 months ago
The lengths people go to so that they can remove lesbian/bi representation is actually wild
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emmiewtf · 4 years ago
you put into words why i’m so annoyed that people keep defending the show/the very obvious bait bc the only character that is actually, explicitly queer is..... adam (queercoding and the awful scenes w langa and tadashi aside, the creators made a point of saying in an interview that he’s “popular with men AND women.” no other character got that.)
so like yeah. if it was ALL just bait and adam had gotten arrested it would’ve been. fine. i guess. but they made the One character who they confirmed wasn’t straight... the violent pedophilic clown who assaulted multiple characters and then got away with everything like. okay. that’s . that’s like homophobia 101. the debates over whether or not renga are queerbait like, don’t really matter tbh bc the character who Wasn’t bait was a literal homophobic caricature.
ahhh yeah i dont rlly like to get into the qbait argument bc last time i did someone started harassing me? but like yeah reki and langa's relationship was romantically coded but the fact remains that they were never explicitly stated or even implied to be in a relationship, like the closest we got was the scene with langa's mom (which i still see people claiming was a misunderstanding) then after that it was just vague open to interpretationy scenes and cut off sentences that never confirmed anything.. like in the closest scene we got to a confession they just said "i love skating with you"
and in contrast ad*m was constantly talking about how he loved a 17 year old boy, called him his soulmate, made references to dates and weddings directed at him, and that line from the interview you mentioned too.. like i wouldn't be as annoyed at everything else being vague if ad*m hadn't been such a gross and homophobic character or if he'd at least been arrested/faced repercussions for his behavior but he doesn't and that promotes so many awful stereotypes. like i know japan is more conservative but like they didnt have to include romance if they were gonna have issues with it? and like yoi did a better job and that came out years ago.. idk man it just doesnt sit right with me that they had the pervy and disgusting villain be gay while the good guys had to be implied
---like you can still identify with the characters and see reki and langa's relationship as romantic (and i do! i love their dynamic so much) while acknowledging how problematic the representation in the show was
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gaylonelydyke · 4 years ago
if it’s not too late, 12 for episodes and ships, and 17!
its never too late! thankyou for the ask 🥰 oo damn this is gonna be a hefty one, just to prepare you this is gonna be long 😅😅😅
spoiler alert for my friends who are finishing up season 2 rn, be careful if you look at my top five episodes, pay attention the the episode numbers, i will put [ ] in bold at the beginning and end of spoilers!
12. Top 5 ships
5. faith x myself because have you seen faith? shes such a babe! spare consensual kiss maam?
4. willow x oz, i dont know if this is an unpopular or not but i feel like if the 90s had been more accepting of term then willow wouldve been bisexual, but like even now tv shows will rarely let characters say that word :( but anyway i love them! theyre both quirky and kinda awkward but its such a sweet relationship and you really see how they go from awkward crushes to an actual deep relationship, oz is one of my favourite characters too what a dude!
3. giles x jenny, mlmxwlw solidarity in this bisexual couple! there is no an ounce of straight between them and i love it, i love their dynamic, i love that giles *respects women* (im staring daggers at xander rn), also the original girlboss x malewife couple askdjaksjhd
2. drusilla x spike, these two!!!!!! once again a bisexual couple with zero straight between them, the vibes are off the charts. sexy vampires, goth x punk love, i just love them man, and their relationship is so interesting to delve into. like theyre vampires, theyre soulless and yet they have a capacity for love, they care deeply for eachother, theyre so tender towards eachother in season 2 in the way they take turns to care for one another, also drusilla picking spike up with one hand made me gay and thats on that
1. willow x tara!!!!! lesbians man lesbians! they have a beautiful relationship, until a certain point wink wink, they feel like a perfect match, willows become more outgoing due to buffy and xander snd having a proper group of friends, so its cool to see her as the more outgoing independant one in the relationship, and tara is such a honey 🥺 the biggest sweetheart in the world what a babe!!!! also like how groundbreaking was their relationship? as a queer couple, they had p much the dame amount of screentime as a aueer relationship today! and willow says the word lesbian so many times and is always making gay jokes which is something shows today are too scared to do, its honestly refreshing which is weird for a show in the 90/00s
12. Top 5 episodes
this is so hard because its such a damn good show so i had to rlly be picky about this but here we go
5. 6x22 ‘grave’- i watched buffy for the first time last year at work coz i worked with one other person just packing shit, and THIS was the episode that made us cry infront of eachother. the scene with willow and xander at the end is one of my all time favourite scenes and like legit we were watching and we starting going like ha.. this is so sad Q_Q and we looked at eachother and we were both crying akdjdjsjdhs its SO GOOD, like this is a friendship ive been so invested in and [seeing xander be able to pull her back from that dark place was so heart wrenching and amazing god its so good]
4. 3x12 ‘helpless’ - im finishing up s2 in my rewatch rn so i havent rewatched this one to double check but i remember loving it man. buffys father daughter relationship with giles is my favourite of the whole show they make my heart ache, so i love that this is an episode that really shows you how dedicated giles is to her, [its the breaking point where he finally disregards the fact that hes a watcher and acts as her father once and for all, its a turning point for their relationship where he is finally embracing the fact that shes like a daughter to him and i just love to see it Q_Q get you a dad who will leave his lifes calling for you]
3. 4x22 ‘restless’ - season 4 is interesting coz it has really good episodes and them some gd awful ones 😂😂 but this one just blew me away, i love a good character study episode and this is THE SHIT! its so weird and creepy but in the most perfect way, its not on the nose its so subtle, it feels like an uncanny valley version of buffy almost, i like that they finished the season first and then took this episode to do something out of the box and different i feel like it lets them fully explore this idea without the pressure of needing plot included. [also the cheese man is iconic. dont however like xander being all nasty with willow and tara but whats new there man]
2. 1x12 ‘The Prophecy Girl’ - for my first watch of buffy i wasnt that into the first season, like i enjoyed it but i didnt think it was anything super special? but this episode changed EVERYTHING for me. up until now buffy had been fun, witty, charming, but not anything new atleast for me, maybe in the 90s it was but right now its your average teen supernatural show. but this episode!!!! the emotion! buffy facing her death, her speech about how shes just 16 and shes scared and she doesnt want to die, that is what i wanna see!! its heartbreaking and it made me cry, and then it gives us the wonderful moment of giles trying to take her place and buffy realising that she has to be the one to do it, man its so good! basically anything with buffy and giles being a duo is gonna make it an automatic yes from me and this is indeed the case for this episode, i just love that the show remembers that shes a child! shes not brave all the time, shes not strong all the time, shes just doing her best and sometimes its overwhelming, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i bow to this episode
1. 2x17 ‘passion’ - i know i just sang praises about prophecy girl but THIS EPISODE IS THE SHIT, the best episode full stop. i wont accept any argument. angel is probably my favourite big bad, its so funny to see plain bread, mopey brooding angel become this charismatic, funny, poetic, blood thirsty angelus, hes everything i want in a villain and in this episode he delivers! rip jenny tho love her. i think the tension built around angel is so good, because of his drawings and notes left around, every scene youre worrying like is he here now? are they safe or what? its so tense! and also it is me and im a slag for buffy x giles father daughter moments and this episode fucking delivers! giles discovering jennys dead body is probably one of the best scenes on the show, the dramatic irony is heAVY, we know jenny is dead, we know that these flowers arent from her, but giles is so so happy, and i want to see him happy but you just know somehing horrific is about to happen and damn does it. its a masterpiece! i love jenny and giles so much it is so sad, but also the fact that it gave us that scene makes me almmmoost ok with it? i also love the moment where giles breaks down in buffys arms, hes been there for her and now shes returning the favour and hes accepting it i just 😭😭😭 also on a different note, angels narration of this episode is amazing! it gives us great insight to who he is as “evil angel” and like even though hes awful i was also kind of rooting for him coz hes just such a great villain
sorry this is so long lmao, last question!
17. Which characer do you wish had less of a focus on them in the show?
i dont wanna get yelled at butttttt i dont like the amount of focus on dawn. i think it makes sense for the her first season considering the story arc but that season really does double down its focus onto dawn and buffy and it barely leaves room for anyone else to have a storyline, it keeps the episodes super depressing too its like a constant level of just sadness the whole time because we’re so stuck in THEIR arc, theres no room to balance it out and have a breather, some people might like that its more serious but i really really didnt like, i love episodes like prophecy girl where it is campy and brings the more emotional notes in when the time comes, but dawns whole arc is just constantly depressing the whole time i just hate it, and also just shes not a character i felt i could connect to because of how suddenly shes introduced, so its weird to have her SO focused on in the first half of that season coz we dont know her yet so i feel like the emotional moments dont land the way that they should? basically they shouldve eased us into dawn or introduced her differently and maybe i would like her enough to want the focus on her but i really just dont
adksjakjshd apologies for the essay this is, thanks for the ask!
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paulnnccartney · 4 years ago
just thinking about how paul is so suceptable to internalizing critisim, even if its coming from completely invalid or meaningless people or press, or is unfounded and just plain wrong.
like how he's said that, for a while, because everyone was saying he was the "villain" in the beatles break-up, he started believing it. and how, despite all of the evidence of the opposite (most of which he experienced first-hand), he was worried sick that john had never actually liked him when john died because of how the public narrative portrayed their relationship, and had to rely on yoko for reassurance. and even now, when he talks about these issues, it sometimes sounds like he's also trying to convince himself of the truth.
it reminds me of that quote of linda's in their playboy interview where she says she worries more about what people say about paul, not her, because he can't handle it.
i can only imagine what he started thinking when word of those tapes of linda apparently complaining to peter cox about her marriage to paul leaked. especially since it wasn't long after her death and paul was in the middle of a very difficult divorce. (which isn't to say that whatever is on those tapes is untrue, or that linda was lying, or that paul was the perfect husband. but every marriage has problems, and from what we know paul was generally a good husband and father, albeit a bit conservative)
or when his step-mother and step-sister came out talking about how he was apparently horrible to them when they were living with his dad, or honestly most of the disproven things from the divorce.
makes me think about that quote (which should be taken with a grain of salt because honestly i dont know what the source even is) that the last thing paul said to francie schwartz when she was leaving him was "don't cry, i'm a cunt". (ok, not completely off-base.. at that time he really didn't treat women very well, but the point remains)
so, as repetitive some of his stories and things get, you can't really blame the guy for trying to set the record straight for his own sake or for wanting some reassurance every now and then, which he is also open about needing. but i think it definitely has to do a lot with this facet of his personality.
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prosecutors-gambit · 4 years ago
Sometimes I step 2 feet out of my aa circle and I see some of the worst aa takes often about Franziska. Earlier this week on a funny twitter comic about edgeworth I saw someone comment "edgeworth isn't gay he was abused by an old man and his daughter" there is so much wrong with that statement I don't have time to unpack it all, BUT SHE WAS TWO YRS OLD ???? When he was adopted. Despite that through their interactions, he clearly loves and cares about her
dont even get me STARTED. people will either manage to convince themself that mvk actually wasn’t abuser and cared about his children or whatever the fuck this is. like. i’ve brought this up before but there’s STILL people who content warn franmaya because they’ve somehow convinced themselves that franziska is abusive. which is such a terrible interpretation of the text, not to mention tells a really bad narrative of abusive. like haha wow you think the child of an abusive father is abusive? and was while she was growing up? thats so original and fresh and definitely doesnt paint a bad picture of actual children of abuse.
people try so hard to paint franziska as a villain when she’s literally just a girl who grew up with only one person to look up to like of course she takes after mvk so much he’s all she knows for most of her life. and like you said, fran and edgeworth clearly love and care for each other it’s just less overt than other relationships, largely BECAUSE of the abuse they’ve faced, having grown up being pitted against each other and competing for love from a father who wasn’t going to give have any for either of them. so naturally they’re more subtle about it.
edgeworth being straight is its whole own can of worms but like cishets wont budge on that one despite him being one of the most gaycoded characters ever. man does not care about women at ALL
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years ago
I dont think ppl understand the difference between character bashing and calling a character out, I love love love fics where Caroline calls Elena out on her double standard bs, or gives Hayley a piece of her mind for actively trying to pursue a person who is clearly in a committed relationship, but when calling a character out on their flaws (which even caroline has loads and loads of ex: Caroline is the most notorious slut-shamer in the entire show) becomes demonising them it leaves such a sour taste in my mouth, like you know what we have enough canon characters in the show who are the most evil villains but are painted as white manpain experiencing misunderstood heroes, vilify them as they should be, instead of making a generously flawed female character who at the end of the day may or may not be good but is definitely not BAD a evil bitch.
I just think there’s a lot of revenge writing in fandom, and it’s mostly against the female characters. All these characters are genuinely flawed and have made tons of mistakes over the course of both shows, but somehow I feel that the real reason they get that treatment is resentment. Sure, explore all of their flaws, have conflicts, that’s great. They don’t have to be perfect and they certainly don’t have to like each other. They can even be villains or straight-out enemies. There can even be petty jealousy involved. So long as that’s all acknowledged for what it is and treated fairly. 9/10, Hayley and Cami are bitches because they dared to get involved with Klaus and whatever mistreatment they get, it’s well deserved. I’ve seen stories where Caroline kills Cami out of jealousy. Where Klaus kills her because Caroline was uncomfortable. Where Hayley gets murdered because she was in the way of KC being together. Honestly...
And don’t even get me started on Elena. I don’t get this fandom’s treatment of her, really don’t.
TVD is awful towards its female characters as a whole. None of them gets fair treatment. I’m very big on female friendships and sorority and I don’t see why we, as a fandom, can’t make that better than canon did. I used to be the kind of person who hated women in shows when I was younger (especially the ones in the way of my ships), but as I got closer to my 30s I realized how conditioned we are to see women as rivals and simply hate them based on the male opinion that is always, always, woven into how these shows are written. Now I can’t stand that.
On that note, I would like to mention two writers who have done AMAZING jobs at portraying complex female friendships/relationships, not always amicable, and who have done justice to female characters who get so villified by fandom.
@klarolineagainnaturally with her amazing fic Psychedelic Kicks does a BEAUTIFUL job of portraying the most complex variety of female friendships. Caroline’s conversation with Hayley is one of my favorite parts of the story!
And @idiot--wind, who acknowledged Hayley and Camille in her TO rewriting (a true masterpiece and the definitive TO rewriting!) in such fair, beautiful ways, also building a fantastic bond between Caroline and Hope. It’s just RIGHT.
So thank you to all the writers out there doing fine, fine jobs in fixing this stupid trend of lashing out on the women! I really appreciate and admire you!
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stripesysheaven · 4 years ago
For the stargirl character ask thingy
Why I like them: he’s the son of a villain and he obviously is going to end up a villain, and yet he has a very kind heart. cameron is a character that has all the reasons in the world to be angry and mad, and yet he puts his pain into art, and uses that art to make others happy. him covering up the writing on yolanda’s locker with flowers was the moment i really started to like that kid. sure maybe he did it for courtney, but at the same time he barely knew her back then. and knowing how kind hearted his father is (ignoring his evil side) it’s easy to see that cameron is just a genuinely good kid. also cindy making fun of him offhandedly (something similar to “art freak”? i need to rewatch the shiv episodes sometime) really showed that while he’s nice, like with joey, it doesn’t make him one of the cool kids. maybe knowing that he’s a normal kid that isn’t super popular but is still a nice person makes him more lovable to me
Why I don’t: ngl im one of those ppl that gets nervous as soon as i see a straight relationship on tv bc they can be written badly sometimes and fall into plots that make the women look bad, so when we were introduced to him by him obviously being courtney’s love interest i was kinda unsure at first, but honestly i’ve enjoyed him on the show. i’m glad she isn’t obsessed with him and i’m glad he has a future outside of being her love interest, so that’s exciting! and honestly im excited for a lovers to enemies (to lovers?) plot and seeing how they navigate that
Favorite episode: episode 3!! icicle!! loved seeing him as a little kid, and the background story make you understand his softness and his love for art. makes him an enjoyable character
Favorite line: he has more of a “man of actions” vibe instead of a man of words. i don’t really have a favorite line of his, but him covering up the words on yolanda’s locker was a very memerable moment of his that i think spoke louder than words. shows he has a good judge of character
Favorite outfit: i find it interesting how cameron wears a green jacket in most of his scenes, green being the color that symbolizes most of the villains on the show foreshadows a lot how he is going to end up, but the specific outfit that cameron wears when he watches joey do his magic act with courtney switches it up by wearing a green undershirt and a blue shirt over it. blue could symbolize his good side, but more likely is referring to him one day becoming icicle (the picture below is of said look, ignore the bad quality i got it off google)
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OTP: i wouldn’t call myself a camney stan, though i must say i like it way more than i expected to. i am interested in seeing the future of the two’s relationship. will they ever actually go on a date or skip to the enemies stage in the relationship? will they be only enemies one day or be somewhere between enemies and lovers?? i am curious what they will be like next season
Brotp: the only kid he has interacted with is courtney. like. there’s no one else?? he knew joey. they were friends apparently??? maybe???? joey for canon and henry for fanon thank u
Head Canon: anime nerd. i’m not even into anime, he just has the vibe
Unpopular opinion: hmmm. well there’s a small portion of the fandom that likes cameron but doesn’t see him as straight. that likes the idea of him and henry jr being together, and i gotta admit its cute. though if i want to go into extreme unpopular opinions, considering i’m an icewave fan, i also like the idea of them as stepbrothers? (obviously two very different thoughts that don’t relate or overlap, im not like that thank you very much) anyway at the very least it would have been cool to see cameron and henry jr interact since i can’t think of any scenes of them together, it would be cool to see a friendship between them
A wish: let him be good-evil like his father but still be in love with courtney. if it’s not obvious i do love an enemies to lovers plot and i hope we get those vibes for them
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i hope they don’t change his writing in season 2 too dramatically. if jordan really is dead (or more likely, cameron thinks he’s dead) i’m afraid of how much they’ll change him. i know he needs to have a story arc of him turning into the next icicle, but i’m just afraid of how it will get there. if he ends up being overly angsty or angry, in a way that doesn’t fit his current characterization it could get weird. i also understand that his mom’s death was longer ago so his response to her death vs his father’s “death” will be very different
5 words to best describe them: artistic. light. kindness. floral. family.
My nickname for them: ice boi
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magiccallie · 5 years ago
So I wrote down my thoughts as i watched through most of Season 2 of Scooby Doo Mystery Inc, and would like to share them, major spoilers below cut
Notes of Season 2 of Scooby Mystery Inc Shout out to this jock bully(?) who upon encountering a monster threatening a girl, did no hesitate to take on said monster, recuse said girl, and protect her as they escape Fred really needs to talk to someone about his new parents, who are now living in his house with him???? The house of the man who took him from them?????? Bronson might not be exactly straight looking at how he acted around the old mayor vs the new one, but *shrugs* Jock Strikes again, is this gunna be the twist? That''s a really douchy twist to pull a stunt like this Love how-I mean this is just the plan. He wanted girls too so he set up the same scenario. Is this extra set up by the parents to get him to trust them that is some next level douchery/ Scratch that on Bronson, omg Oh shit starting with a furry attack this is going to be a weird episode the gang's meta knowledge coupled with their sure willingness to go along with tropes and shit makes for great dialogue oh *oh* this is the episode where we get a peak to see just how big the picture is, love the lore building. knew this episode was gunna be good is that a demon? the furry isnt the mosnter??? ummm...weve been getting hints, are things getting real? so we've established motive for why someone whould want this plavce closed, but actually tangent but dont a lot of these monsters that they encounter seem like, weirdly powerful and mobile for costumes oh there's the furry that red aura is a...the things that happen around it are something deeper it seems. fascinating. is the red just representative of fire hallucinations? those seemed a bit real in effect for hallucinations... this guy, like my manager, needs to hire a little more staff occult magic book falls from the library to gang, and no one is as concerned as they should be nazi robot nazi robot get BJ on the phone Cassidy is the kinda retired PC that the players can strive to be Shit is getting real quick isnt it. Wait is that a seal. does Cassidy die? I know about a certain other death that makes me sad, but i dont want Cassidy to die too this episode is a rollercoaster of odd events weird hologram disguise for Paraclese is nifty Seeing the tragic fate of past groups is...well obviously sad oh dear, she does die huh its super low key, but it plays at the terrifying corrupting ordeal of the eldritchstuff really well with the lore notes bear troubles oh that badge...is that where they buried him? that's...kinda grim they have stealth suits and killer nazi robots? why have the evil guys not won yet? there is a bomb and they are not evacuating. There is a BOMB and they are not evacuating oh the bear can talk, how dare i assume that a bear is incapable of speech the bear is a twunk, scratch that, still a bear, is...he doing a christiphor walkin impersonation? aaand that’s enough for tonight, starting fresh later We're back, 13 more episodes oh so were getting into why i don’t like astrology Enigma machine omg. sorry, im a sucker for bits like that i wanna have long white hair too, i could rock that look How does Paraclese still have an accent after all these years? It is like destiny's Rasputin and just a stubborn superiority complex? something about visiting villains you can talk to in a prison is-ohp thats just all of um huh, cameo episode- err, anyways, it just paints a delightful scene about the relationship of the protags and antags and villainy as a whole in the world well this is horrific, throw some brownish red stuff around and it would be a silent hill scene update: still gay Thirteen more episodes and they have the disk...that does not bode well for what is going to happen the writer's willingness to reference other hannah barbara characters/shows is great oooo anticaptilism, BF is scoring points excuse me???? cyborg dragon girl???? he cant even call her by her name through most of the episode wtf??????? see now im at the point i gotta ask, is this a real ghost thing, or a fake ghost thing? ah i understand now youd think he would be more willing to explain to th-there we go so the animal companians are more suceptible, but they all have the risk Paraclese talking about these cattle is every gm talking about their homebrew monsters omg writers wth was that conclusion for the cattle im dying sk-ska zombies. ska. zombies. i can pick it up oh like the dancing plauge but worse, nifty these ghosts are rude boys, like, thats actually one of their names. And just caught that it the band name is skatastic oh they mentioned the dancing plauge, thank you wtf 101 the 'lighthearted' tone of this episode speaks dark tidings about the horrors to come aaah, hex girls, omg oh damn, update again: still hella gay bards duels be like, but for real loving this more and more young me is crazy about having the hex girls interact with a magicy thing like the disks, the rest of me is concerned at the events that are taking place scooby agrees, and his dog girl friend...well that was something Ricky displaying increasing regrets is not going to do good things for his lifeespectancy ohp then he drags in the other two well, i didnt see that coming for the criminal identity this little girl just had her mom ditch her for a stranger that robbed them, the heck i should probably eat dinner at some point, or like, anything at somepoint... calling it now, this guy is a circus performer/stunt driver, and if he is the random hired british poolboy it is a fake accent he's lureing women away with emotional intemacy. thats funny in itself, btu that they accept so readily still isnt normal oh and apparently kinks, lured with kinks so hes going to be the librarian dude then?? maybe? k, so at least i got that o.o O.O, well, that was quite the lead up and explanation food on plate, depresso in heart, ready to continue so they have to know right? like, this is a planned trap since Fred is 'the only one who knows where it is' doesnt explain Fred though, or how the fake acts "jeepies you found my scarf" oh there it is, they are after the info from him and its all fake, not some hell vision to show why he has to suceed Fred knew first? good on him plastic surgery, holy crap, next level villainy here holy shit they're all in puragoty thanks to the corrpution?????? Going back to early about the horrifying nature of all this. it is just so immensly sad watching them go through these bits. Cool, but sad. Velma demonstrating why thinking and understanding are not always good in eldritch horror games so he's got a guilt complex? heart felt talk with Mayor Dad awwww, poor Velma doesnt think she's pretty guessing...well id say the wife of Enrique but that seems too easy some how, stiill shes the only offered suspect beside Enrique himself thus far *deep sigh* i will never guess any culprit i bother to write down correctly would be a real move of the writers to Uzumaki the town two day deadline given, props to velma for having the foresight to model the disks in a digital format incase theyre lost mad max mystery machine sounds like a doom metal synth wave fusion song things are going too well... How many giant evil doors will this lair have? alchemy. of course. should have guessed. is...is this the episode where Marcie...oh no oh at least shes trying good on her, she's going down in style and flame... oh. ya know, even knowing it was coming and talking it up a sentence before, not a happy event this is a nifty dungeon last episode, hell of an opening/recap wh-what fghaseguk this went batshit didnt it. i wish i had the willingness to write at unhinged as these writers one more media that i am surpised didnt end in a poly relationship this climax is eerily familiar to the live action movies at times and then they all died and went to heaven aww Rickee and Cassidy *and* Velma and Marcie, aww, my heart will heart to think about that one for long, but awwwww Miskatonik University, or however the heck it is said. i thought it was going to be a one off joke but wasn't expecting that.
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seolhe · 5 years ago
I was wondering,,, why do you say the dark wife is one of the worst books you've read? I read it a few years ago, and I dont remember anything about it tbh, so I'm curious
Oh boy, where do I start? I had a lot of problems with this novel, both as a Greek myth retelling and from a writing standpoint. Now, keep in mind that I read thisabout 2 years ago, so I might be forgetting some small details here and there, but I’ll try to explain the main reasons it bugged me so much. So buckle up, because this is gonna be a long one.
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Characters: All the characters are two-dimensional and poorly developed. None of them have any amount of nuance or depth.Zeus is moustache twirling villain who is evil for the sake of being evil. Hades is as good as Zeus is evil, endlessly noble and selfless and devoted. I genuinely can’t remember a single defining trait of Persephone? She’s such abland and generic protagonist, nothing really stands out about her in my memory other than her obsessive pining over Hades and hatred of Zeus. A lot of this feels like it’s pulled straight from the shallow and occasionally downright inaccurate readings of Greek myths that have become so popular in recent years, especially on places like tumblr (Zeus as an evil rapist, Hades as a pure cinnamon roll, Persephone descending willingly into the Underworld, etc.).But there are also more confusing takes on these characters, like turning chaste virgin goddess Athena into a self-centered, promiscuous lesbian (not to say that being a lesbian or being promiscuous is bad, it’s just such a strange interpretation of Athena’s character that doesn’t make any sense)And don’t even get me started on poor Charis! Charis, Persephone’s first lover in the book, exists solely to be raped and killed by Zeus. She’s fridged to show us that Zeus is BAD and giving Persephone a reason to hate him. The author’s treatment of this character is lazy and offensive. I’m sure this is something that won’t bother all readers, but as someone with a deep love for the mythology, I found the portrayal of the Greek gods franklyinsulting. Plot:“Three thousand years ago, a god told a lie.”Here we run into a big problem with the narrative. We’re told from the very prologue that the story of Hades and Persephone we’re familiar with is a lie, a narrative created by Zeus, and this is Persephone’s attempt to set the record straight.These are the first lines of our story: “I am not my mother’s daughter. I have forfeited my inheritance, my birthright. I do not possess the privilege of truth. The stories told by fires, the myth of my kidnap and my rape, are all that remain of me. Forever I will be known as the girl who was stolen away to be the wife of Hades, lord of all the dead. Andnone of it is true, or is so fragmented that the truth is nothing more than ashadow, malformed. The stories are wrong. I am not who they say I am.I am Persephone, and my story must begin with the truth.Here it is, or as close as I can tell it.”Well, this doesn’t really make any sense when, at the end of the story, Zeus is defeated and thrown into Tartarus. Why does this narrative survive into modern day when Hades and Persephone won? Why is Persephone only able to tell her story now, after thousands of years without Zeus in power? Speaking of Zeus and lies, the justification for the whole “What, Hades is awoman?!” thing really doesn’t make any sense. We’re told that Zeus calls Hades “lord” of the dead as a joke, Hades even refers to it as a “slur” in the story. The reason given for this is that Hades is only attracted to women. Well, if that’s the case, why doesn’t that same logic apply to Athena, who’salso shown to be attracted only to women? Or to Persephone for that matter? Same-sex attraction, even between women, is never shown to be frowned upon in their society, so why would Zeus single out Hades for her attraction to women? And why do all the other gods apparently go along with that “joke” to the point that Persephone literally didn’t know Hades was a woman until she meets her in person? And why, again, did this idea of Hades being a man survive into modern day? The story is constructed so poorly on so many different levels. There are so many threads that are just dropped entirely. For example:- The story starts with Demeter confidently proclaiming that Persephone will become the queen of the gods, setting up this big rivalry between her and the daughters of Hera and Aphrodite. This plot never goes anywhere, in fact, I don’t think it’s ever brought up again after the first chapter, and Demeter basically spends the rest of the book cowering before Zeus. - There’s a significant plotline about Pallas having Persephone try to deliver a message to Athena, a plotline that is unceremoniously dropped without anyresolution. After all the build-up, there’s a throwaway line about Pallas giving the note to Persephone right before the big showdown with Zeus, and that’s the last we hear of it. We never see it delivered, we don’t get to see Athena’s reaction to it, we don’t know how this impacts Pallas, if at all. In fact, Pallas basically doesn’t show up at all after this point. Then there’s the main conflict of the story: Zeus wants Persephone, and as we’re told over and over and over, Zeus always gets what he wants (the author really beats this into our heads). We’re never really given any motivation for any of Zeus’ actions, so this conflict feels weak and contrived. It doesn’t help that we get so much build-up for what a terrible threat he is, and then Persephone defeats Zeus, the most powerful god, feared by all, in like… two pages? It’s such a weak and anticlimactic end to the story.
There was also some sort of convoluted plan concocted by Zeus to, idk, have the dead rise up and overthrow Hades? For some reason? Again, we never get any clear motivation from Zeus. As far as I can remember, we’re never told why he hates Hades so much, or why he wants to overthrow her. I don’t even remember if the author explained what Zeus was going to do with the Underworld without Hades there to rule. I’m sorry, I genuinely can’t even remember the details, but it was just reallybadly set up and, once again, easily solved in a few pages.And that’s really the main problem with the story, everything is so easily solved. Our good guys all get happily ever afters with no sacrifices and no consequences for anything, and there’s always a quick and easy solution to any threat or conflict. Mythology:So how does it hold up as a Hades and Persephone retelling?Well, not great, imho. A lot of classical elements are incorporated into this retelling, but they’re stripped of any meaning or importance to the plot. The pomegranate? It’s there at their wedding, but it never figures into the greater narrative.Demeter causing famine by bringing infertility to the fields? She does freeze the world in this story, threatening everlasting winter, but unlike in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, it’s not an act of agency on her part, refusing to submit to the will of Zeus and fighting to be reunited with her daughter. Nah. She’s just being manipulated by Zeus and it’s used as a cheap reason to tear our lovers apart.And somehow, I don’t even know why seeing as it doesn’t tie into Demeter freezing the earth or Persephone eating the seeds of the pomegranate, butPersephone is still forced to spend half the year on earth and half in theUnderworld.In the epilogue, we see her in modern day New York*, acting as psychopomp (for some reason???), happily guiding the souls to the afterlife, which we’re told is her duty for the half of the year she spends above ground. I’m just so confused as to what the author was even going for here. Where did this come from? It doesn’t originate in the original myths, but it’s also not explained (as far as I can remember) in the book.*This isn’t a problem with the book per se, and it’s 100% a matter oftaste, but I personally really dislike it when mythological figures appearin a modern setting, especially when the author has to put them in anAmerican setting rather than the geographical location of their origin, whetherthat’s Greece or Egypt or Scandinavia or what have you. Romance: Hades and Persephone are destined soulmates and instantly fall in love pretty much the moment they first set eyes on each other, which doesn’t allow for any growth or progression of their relationship. They’re instantly deeply and madly in love with each other and their feelings never change over the span of the story. They spend most of their time together staring lovingly into each others eyes and when they’re separated for literally 3 days Persephone basically spends her entire days languishing in despair.It’s ridiculously melodramatic and cheesy, which again, personal taste thing,I’m just really not into. Other writing issues: - The worldbuilding is pretty much non-existent. The story doesn’t feel grounded in any particular time period or cultural context, and you never get any sense of the setting, or how the world works and what this society is like.  - The pacing was really poor, either dragging or exploding into rushed action. - A lot of page time is spent on describing things that doesn’t really further the plot or has any thematic relevance. One example would be the garden of metal and precious stones Hades made for Persephone. It’s cool I guess? But what purpose does it serve? We also waste a lot of time which could be better used developing the characters or moving the plot forward on watching Persephone play with puppy Cerberus or petting Hades’ horses (see poor pacing). - There’s a lot of talk about Persephone having some sort of grand destiny, and that her actions have been prophesized. This is never properly explained and it only serves to weaken Persephone’s story arc, stripping her of agency by implying that she doesn’t really have a choice in the matter. Prophecy and destiny are story elements that have to be handled delicately and are easy to screw up, and they’re just dealt with so clumsily here.  - Also the writing was just… not very good.I’m sure there are more things I could dig up and complain about, but I feel like this is probably too long and rambly already, so I’ll stop here.
Obligatory disclaimer:This is obviously just my personal opinion. There are a lot of people who love this book (going by Goodreads ratings, I am clearly in the minority) and I am genuinely happy for them! I also mean no disrespect to the author who seems like a genuinely lovely person. 
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adamsandlerswap · 4 years ago
I hate when artists are drawing mlm and wlw and get accused of fetishizing so easily.
don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of fetishizing of mlm and wlw, with mlm for example (especially in anime) one character is always STRONGLY feminine while the other is hyper masculine and this is almost always out of character and reinforces the stereotype of there being a man role and woman role in gay relationships.
like with kenma and kuroo ships in art and head cannons there are a lot of instances where they get wildly misinterpreted, kenma doesn’t hate kuroo and he’s not this skinny little super feminine car boy that’s super shy and goes “uwu”, y’all forget he literally BULLIES lev. and kuroo isn’t this fuckboy that gets w everyone and has no regards for others. one of his best friends is bokuto and bokuto is HELLA emotional. also, let’s be honest kuroo would be awkward as hell is anyone came up to him and started flirting, he’s not smooth. I love this ship but the way some ppl portray it is toxic and horribly innacurate.
dont get me wrong I have nothing against feminine men or anything like that. if you want to draw kenma with painted nails or wearing a skirt that’s perfectly fine I just don’t like how out of character feminine kenma usually is. he doesn’t rely on kuroo and he doesn’t hate kuroo (I don’t know why some people think he does they’re literally best friends). plus sometimes people mistake feminine for child like. some people literally draw kenma like he’s a nine year old boy in their art and keep kuroo the same. this pushed the fetishizing of asian men being “babies”, innocent, and frail while also pushing the woman role in gay relationships I mentioned earlier.
but back to the original point, i’ll tell you why almost all of our ships are mlm. WRITERS DONT WRITE WOMEN WELL. while there are this complex male characters with intricate relationships and arcs that move the storyline and grow their character, women are always written as a punchline or to revolve around men. this applies to all my favorite shows too.
a big example is my hero academia
here are the examples of women growing in the show-
-jirou got more confident because of the concert 1-A put on.
-uraraka was viewed as more capable because of the sport’s festival.
-todoroki’s mom and todoroki have a complex relationship and backstory.
that’s literally all I can think of for the women, meanwhile I can talk for hours about deku’s character arc that started episode one and literally hasn’t stopped, how he literally gave therapy sessions to everyone he battled at the sports festival, his and bakugous incredibly complex and toxic relationship, his and all might’s relationship of mentor student, and that’s just off the top of my head for one character. I could talk about bakugous inferiority/superiority complex, his ptsd from villain attacks, his slow character arc of controlling his anger, his relationship with kirishima, but you get the point.
i’d say the most popular mlm ships in this show are todoroki x deku, bakugou x kirishima, and bakugou x deku. all of those are infinitely more interesting, compelling, and well thought out then the most popular straight ships, those being uraraka x deku, bakugou x uraraka, and jirou x denki.
I will admit that jirou x denki is an actually compelling ship while uraraka and deku feel forced while bakugou and uraraka feel like the result of the bad boy x nice girl stereotype. bakugou didn’t go easy on her at the sport’s festival but I don’t think that gave them any chemistry, the show didn’t focus on is that much and it seems like they never even talked after that. but denki did encourage jirou to go with the concert idea and they did have some moments before where she laughed at him being short-circuited and they are already friends but you can see how the mlm are built off of much more and have a lot more opportunity and potential than this one.
the point being that the reason most of us have a lot of mlm isn’t because of fetishizing (but though don’t get me wrong, some ppl definitely do fetishize mlm and wlw) but it’s because women are written much worse than men, ESPECIALLY in anime, and their relationships with the men are nowhere near as complex as men’s relationships with each other and they don’t blend well together unlike the mlm ships (ex: bakugou x uraraka vs. kirishima x bakugou).
the only example of a fulfilling, intricate, well thought out relationship between a straight couple in a show off the top of my head is sokka x suki. she taught him some tricks on how to fight, she helped him understand that women are just as capable as men in fighting, she made the first move, they grew without each other and met again on the journey to the fire lord, she helped him move on from yue, and their personalities compliment each other perfectly. she doesn’t rely on sokka for her character and she isn’t useless, same with his character, so it works well. I wish I could see more of this because of getting tired of seeing the same female characters over and over again when they aren’t compelling or 3 dimensional.
saying that us shipping mlm characters is fetishizing takes away the spotlight from ACTUAL fetishizing being done like the kenma x kuroo situation I see a lot. I myself am wlw and I hate seeing comments making people feel bad for shipping two characters when there’s nothing wrong with it. anyways if anyone else has thought on this i’d love to hear them!
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traceofexistence · 4 years ago
there is not nearly enough space on an ask to reply to this beauty so here’s my thoughts.
besides the love interest, every single character had backstories, and the love interest didn’t feel forced or too much (that comes from me who can’t even stand straight relationships so yea that says something). Naoko is a great romantic story teller and it shows. Also that whole “more action filled” bullshit I’m pretty sure comes from the mouth of a dude, because it’s always the case with media targeting women audiences. The only reason the audience of 90s anime sailor moon is an almost perfect split between men and women, is because the producers of the anime WERE MEN trying to CATER TO MEN. a.k.a manga/crystal/pgsm/myus ARE NOT CATERING TO MEN THEREFORE people who are used to love shonen (whether they are men or women) like the “Action” of the 90s more, if we can call whatever that monster of the day attacks, inners drop like flies unable to do anything, tux boy throws a rose a line of encouragement and tells SM to do her thing, SM purifies, the end, next, rinse and repeat for 200 episodes straight. (men have such low standards yet bitch about how every media catering to women is trash [manga/crystal/PGSM/myus in this case])
I’m sorry but no, now the manga/crystal did have action, and badassery, inners can kill main villains, Usagi learns how to fight and doesn’t need “NOW SAILOR MOON” to do her thing, which is not just purifying but full ass vanquishing. The outers even though having more power than the inners, they still need to give their power to sailor moon to kill final boss. unlike the 90s where the outers are useless, and only there to inform everybody how the inners suck(which it’s true in the 90s) and they dont want to have anything to do with them (so much for friendship)
As for Mamoru having powers, didn’t take away from his wife’s power. He never stepped on the front line to save, instead he GAVE his power to his wife so she could power up and yeet the final bosses. And by the end of all, it was always the combination of all the powers, a.k.a the definition of friendship and love wining. 
there is this scene in the recent musicals, for the infinity arc, where everyone has used all their powers and they are on the floor, but Usagi has remaining power and she raises and goes against Pharaoh 90, says like the goddess that she is, that she will save everyone, her friends and humanity. and the guardians hearing that are like “what the fuck are we doing? we are guardians ,we have to help our princess” and they raise and they give all their power to Usagi because that’s how Naoko has always envisioned her story to be. 
now you touched on friendship so nothing much needs to be added, other than the fucking outers were close friends with Usagi and the inners at the beginning of Stars, unlike the 90s were they remained isolated and bitches till the end and didn’t want any interaction with the inners. Where was the “All I ever wanted was to protect her”? nowhere in the 90s.
and lets talk about getting to know the characters more. In what capacity exactly? having screen time doesn’t equal learning things about them
and you just mentioned all the inners but then the outers are non existent  
and don’t even start me with HaruMichi, an entire season and we don’t get to know who the fuck they are, nothing about their civilian background, and their SIl Mil backstory completely erased and insignificant with the way the story went (since their talismans had a completely different purpose than the manga one)
and I have to laugh about the seramyu paragraph especially because it’s so clear that person hasn’t seen a second of the musicals. The musicals tell the story the way Naoko wanted it. there is no different perspective in the current ones, but the old ones since they were running at the same time as the manga and anime, they were telling a story that was a mix of the two, just way better structured and corrected the worst of 90s bullshit. Also Starlights being women always. 
Naoko was directly involved with the musicals just like she did with PGSM, and you can clearly see the difference.
most people are biased in favour of the 90s anime because it was their first exposure to the franchise, it was mine too, but in my case the dub was so horrendous it made no sense and I dropped it as a kid, and got into it later in life as an adult. 
it is only now I nitpick on it  and that’s a direct result of the hate crystal got from all those 90s thumpers. 
That person who says all version are different etc, but then proceeds to make the 90s look like the best of them all, but trying to look neutral is so funny to me, because while every version has something to put on the table, Naoko was not allowed to be involved with only one of them. And that's at least for me makes the biggest difference.
The post in question is here
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I think the what trips me out the most about this besides the bias towards the 90's anime is what they say about Manga/Crystal.
"the manga and Crystal are a fast-pace romantic journey focusing on Sailor Moon and her love life, which cater to those who dislike fillers and want more character development for Sailor Moon's love interest."
What's wrong with someone who supposed to be the heroine love interest getting development?
He doesn't get any in the 90's anime to the point people think a character who been in one season gets more development then him who been in the whole series.
Sailor Moon Manga is a shojo and romance is a huge part of the shojo which was never hidden in SM.
They make it sound like none of the girls get character development in which they do and have whole backstories that the 90's anime didn't even mention.
Also with Naoko we know she was in involved in PGSM by working closely with the screenwriter of PGSM but she is also in involved in Crystal in more of a capacity than she ever was in the 90's anime.
But their paragraph about the 90's anime
"The 90s anime is a more expanded action series that puts more emphasis on the friendship between Sailor Moon and her fellow Sailor Guardians. The major villains who serve the antagonist organization also get more character development. It caters to those who want a more detailed story with more build-ups, and those who want to know more about each of the Sailor Guardians and their opponents."
Lets break this down
"Puts more emphasis on the friendship between Sailor Moon and her fellow Sailor Guardians" - HAHAHAH Friendship What Friendship? Always talking about how bad Usagi is in everything even tho she save yall asses every single time, how she's not good enough for her boyfriend and don't even bat an eyelid when he breaks up with her and not there to really support her even tho she supports the girls in even thing they do?? To the point the last season they are pushing a pop star who doesn't know what the phase " I have a boyfriend" on here so they can get close to them and their bandmates??
"Major villains who serve the antagonist organization also get more character development. "- With one Villain who get like 20 plus episodes, with another only get one or two and then all of a sudden get a redemption in a matter of five seconds which have no weight to it and never been seen again to help out Usagi and the senshi? Who really don't get any character development becasue the redemption happen so fast that really doesn't give them time to actually think what they was doing was wrong? Or doesn't even explain what their dreams are which would be considered character development? or get a sob story after almost killing everyone TWICE without ever thinking about the consequences of their actions and get a redo? That every major villain besides Beryl and the Doom phantom gets a damn redo??
"Caters to those who want a more detailed story with more build-ups" -Which majority of the seasons is fillers to the point they have to cram in plot before the season finale? To the point it's so much filler that it really no build up and by time you get to the pay off it's flat because you spent so much time on monster of the day to even get to the plot?? To the point you are cram five to six acts of plot from the manga to one damn episode? ( Examples Putting Usagi finding out Mamo is Mask ( End of Act 6), Mamo find out Usagi is Moon ( Act 4), Mamo telling Usagi about his past ( Act 7), Mamo taking a stab for Usagi ( end of 8) and finding out Usagi is the Moon Princess ( beginning of 9) in Episode 34, Episode 125 is Acts 34-38, the last 6 episodes of Supers (161-166) being still the first half of Dream arc ( Acts 39-43))
"Those who want to know more about each of the Sailor Guardians "- In which each girl becomes known by one character trait by the end of the series?
Usagi-The Lazy crybaby with a heart of gold
Rei- The Bitch
Ami- The Smart One
Mako- The Tomboy
Mina- The opportunist
Which they are pretty much known for the whole series unless an episode decides to tell us something that we learn about them from one episode and never be bought up again?
and how they are worst at the end of the series than in the beginning?
Beginning of the Series
Rei- A aloof girl who people thinks is crazy cause she got physic powers but just lonely. Is mean towards Usagi and a little boy crazy. ( helpful)
Ami- Being so in tuned with her studies that shes’ not in tuned with the world but feels lonely and wants friends. ( helpful)
Mako- Love baking, other girly things while being so strong and almost tomboy like that people are afraid of her. (Thinking that one dude she come across looks like her old boyfriend.) ( helpful)
Mina- A good leader and friend but also a opportunist cause she wants to become famous even tho she already is.( helpful)
Usagi- Lazy, crybaby,clumsy, and have low esteem but with a good heart and protect the world by never giving up and destroying villains. Goes from doesn’t want to fight but wants to fight in order to protect her family, friends and the world. ( learning how to pull her weight)
End of the Series
Rei- A total bitch towards Usagi that sometimes have her moments where she try to be a good friend where the plots permits it , boy crazy and a opportunist. ( Useless)
Ami- Being so in tuned with her studies  while acting like she while saying some very cruel remarks towards Usagi about her studies habits and thinking she’s not pure when Seiya comes over to her house. . ( Useless)
Mako- Thinking every dude she come across looks like her old boyfriend. ( Useless)
Mina-  A groupie who will do anything to become famous. Even make sure the tabloids have her hooking up with all 3 starlights. dumb blonde #2 ( Useless)
Usagi- Lazy, crybaby, jealous, clumsy, childish,obsessive over her boyfriend and have low esteem who thinks she still not good enough for her boyfriend , future daughter, or friends.. Goes from wanting to fight to giving villains magical redos which they don’t deserve cause they try to destroy the world and her. ( Only person in a group project who does the work)
In which entire backstories are not even talked about?
They never talked about Rei estrangement with her father which is the reason why she lives with her dad since her mom died that was talked about in Casablanca Memory. Also the fact that she is also good in archery.
They never talked about Mako losing her parents in a plane cash which the reason why she doesn’t like the sound of planes taking off which was talked about in The Melancholy of Makoto. Also the fact that she does taking care of plants that was bought up in Infinity arc.
Yes they do talk about Ami parents divorce but the only becasue they adapt Ami first love which is the only short story they adapted. But they didn’t fully talk about the extent that divorce does to her cause she barely sees her dad since she live with her mom.
Mina has a whole 16 act two volume manga about her in which they freaking changed her backstory even dealing with her Sailor V days and how she really don’t get along with her mom as well.
And Poor Mamo
Mamo is just literary his backstory and nothing else in the 90’s anime. With Mamo they honestly kept him complacent. In which you never have him question his purpose of him wanting to do more for Usagi but just have him in this box.Like he was just ok throwing roses, saying speeches, having a cane to fight for a second, and then get hurt, almost killed or kidnapped.
I mean come on!
Then their PGSM and Sera Myu paragraph feel so absentminded that they just put those two on their to save face after kissing the 90's anime ass
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