#dont do that again mk?
jupiterjelliez · 1 month
Came for Catnap, stayed for Daycare Attendant
Followed. :)
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he missed you too
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gophergal · 1 year
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SubScorp Week 2023 - Day 5: Mortal Kombat Legends
"Such sloppy footwork, Sub-Zero. Get up and try again! Unless, that is, you'd rather stay down here..."
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litt1e-prince · 2 years
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traffic light trio sketch!!! cause i got lazy and have so much uni work to finish but all i can think about is them
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Good!! Maybe next time, if people seem obviously bothered by something, don't repeat it, okay? Idk if you meant it rudely, but you said some rude things and were persistent about it. Just don't next time, okay? (I don't mean this passive aggressively btw)
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
Am I the only one getting yandere vibes from the bone King AU. I mean I think Mac and MK are one breakdown away from being bone Kings, husband (wife) and child.
a lot of people were trying very hard to see it as shippy/ trying to get me to imply it was shippy but it never was
there were quite a few reasons why i stopped bothering with that au and a big part was that ppl were just taking the bone king and shipping them with maq or themselves or their oc and like honestly, i did kind of want people to fuck right off with that bc they were very desperate to make this au sexual in some way and i was not about that at all
especially since we had an actual possessed swk in canon around the time i stopped doing the au, thats a canon character u can use, but i still had a lot of asks abt ppl using bk for suggestive stuff. didnt really see why ppl still needed to involve me and a character/au that i made up for their fantasies. it still creeps me out a little that theres apparently people on tiktok still doing it but theres pretty much nothing i can do bc like hell do ppl on tiktok respect creators boundaries
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familyofpaladins · 1 year
here's a monkie kid crack theory that I Do Not for a second actually believe to be true, but I think is funny so I'm going to share it.
Tang made MK (But he doesn't realize it)
Okay. So, we all know Tang is a big fan of Monkey King right?
Well, what if, at some point, he thinks he's found the remains of monkey king's stone?
Now, at this point no one has seen The Monkey King for around 500 years. And Tang thinks that if he puts the stone back together or soemthing he can use it to bring him back or make a new one or something. (Tang himself doesnt really know what he's doing either. He's just "MONKEY KING'S STONE AFPDHSKJFKSHDKDK" and going nuts)
He told Pigsy about it. and Pigsy doesn't believe for a second that it's actually The Mobkey King's stone. But it keeps Tang out of his shop swiping noodles, so he humors Tang. (Read "humor" as "affectionately tease")
Anyway. Tang spends like a Month trying to do soemthing, ANYTHING, with the stone. Finally throws a fit and gives up, leaving behind everything, finally accepting that the stone was just an ordinary stone.
(And he is completely unaware that during his tantrum, he had activated his powers and that the stone became... something more)
He commiserats to Pigsy for like 2 solid weeks and is so beside himself that he literally doesnt noticed that there is suddenly a small child running around the shop.
Eventually he forgets about the stone, and if it's ever brought up again, he just laughs it off as him being silly and over excited.
For a little while after Mk appeared, he joked to himself that Mk resulted from the stone. But he genuinely Doesnt Actually Believe that! He thinks it's just a joke with himself! and he forgets about the inside joke and the stone completely after a few years.
Its not until present day, whenthey are literally being told (by who? Idk, some celestial being I guess) what happened that Tang even recalls the events. (Cue everyone freaking out lol)
But anyway, yeah that's why Mk looked human, from Tang's powers.
Bonus point: Tang's line from season 1 "I'm sort of like a father figure", is actually mor correct than he realizes
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mrstsung · 3 months
Look mk shipping discourse ahead
So warning ya before you kontinue. These are just my opinions. Plz dont take them so to heart ok?
Cw: vent,discourse
If yall gonna actually do subscorp.....
Bi-han and hanzo have more sexual tension than kaui ever fucking did but y'all aint ready for that conversation. ☕ *sips coffee*
Kuai and hanzo had misunderstandings and genuine friendship. Could it be something more. Sure but it doesn't need to be to be interesting or even wholesome.
Meanwhile bi-han og subzero and hanzo had this love hatefuck in their eyes. Good fucking god like y'all be shipping the wrong subzero brother.
But y'all just only like kaui cuz he's the quote unquote "nicer" brother. Meanwhile what actually happened could male for better and classic AND REAL ENEMIES TO LOVERS TROPE. i mean it's right fucking there. Kuai and hanzo were never enemies. Let alone friends till waaaaaaaaay later. And even then....they had better things to do than each other. Sorry not sorry. Kaui and hanzo were just damn to platonic to me. Meanwhile bi-han and hanzo be like "bitch" "bitch" and then internally probably all like "💖🔥🔪"
And hanzo and kaui couldn't work because of that tension hanzo has with bi-han. Mostly on bi-hans half than hanzo. Cuz y'all conveniently forget. Hanzo killed bi-han over a misunderstanding,yeah a mofo dont just forget that. You'd be pissed too if you were wrongfully killed over something you didn't do by a ninja from a rival clan. Like bruh.
You can't have this ship without complications and problems.
Hanzo hasashi has not shown in canon anything to kuai than just mutual respect.
Kuai maybe but i dunno. I feel people reach so much with this ship it's like do we even play the same game?
Meanwhile the fucking "bitch fest" bi-han and hanzo have is on another lvl. Granted all this hate is still misplaced and quan chi is the real problem. But ya know.
If you're gonna ship a subzero with hanzo. Bi-han subzero makes more sense.
Tho i personally don't ship hanzo with any subzero ever. (I either self ship or have him just be dad ninja)
And i ship kuai liang subzero with tomas and bi-han with sareena (and self ship with either on occasion)
Either way the point is. Y'all be going about these characters and their dynamics so wrong. And i feel people just want different characters than what is actually happening. Like go make an oc at that point. It's different when they dont have certain dynamics shown and aspects. (Most mk villains dont because they are treated majority of the time as guys to beat up. So they aren't like sub and scorp. Which is shown.....everywhere,all the time,and takes up a majority of the plot. So we know all there is about yellow n blue ninja clans. Even then it doesn't go into that much detail but still we get more insight with them than any other character. Even liu kang and kung lao don't have as much as the two posterboys of mk. Which sucks)
Shipping aside. It sucks that both subzeros(kuai and bi-han) and scorpion(hanzo) get so grossly misinterpreted by fans. And think that everything is hunky dory peaches and roses. When it really isn't. While neither clan after a certain point is warring or fighting each other. There still is tension. Simply because of years,decades even of the mess left behind. Hanzo has to rebuild from the ground up. And kuai has to repair and restore the lin kuei to what it used to be but better and more equal. And less....robotic. lol. There was still a lot of work. Not to mention if noob became bi-han subzero again,somehow. That would add even more awkward tension(good storytelling tho) because bi-han while maybe he could forgive hanzo,he could never be friends truly. And if you guys ship kuai and hanzo. I dont think kuai would feel comfortable with having his only damn brother he's worked so hard to bring back and rekindle his family with just so he cpuld get some dick. Im sorry,relationships dont work that way. Hanzo and kaui are family oriented,and if one or more of parties involved are not on equal playing field or cares for the other. It's a no go.
What im trying to say is the dynamic is not healthy,long lasting,or even worth it. There is not any good chemistry.
Until bi-han and hanzo in canon make amends. Only then could you MAYBE. JUST MAYBE. Make that work.
But again shipping aside.
Tomas/smoke and kuai liang subzero. Works better. Because they not only like i said are from the same clan,grew up together. Bi-han more likely than not. Would understand tomas and actually be pretty cool with him.
Like I'm just saying people.
If you want kuai liang to be with a pyromancer fire dude so damn bad.
But Thank you for koming to my ted talk.
Maybe this is just me tho.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Idc if its what if,non canon,tower ending.
The fact that you even thought about having kuai marrying harumi.
Thats a fucking disservice and disgrace and disrespect to kuai AND HANZO
Idc about ships. The fact you disrespected a dead(ish) mans dead wife. The sole reason he even became what he is.
Like its just a dick move.
Like ah yes. Let's fridge the woman once more. Let's cause hanzo MORE PAIN.
Let fuck over the sub zeros for nostalgia bait.
All that character development?! Ment nothing?!!!!
"Hey guys role reversal makes a story better right?!" No tf its doesn't!!!
I told you guys. Plz dont buy this fucking game. I hope you guy plaster this everywhere. I hope this makes nrs gets so much heat and backlash.
The fact hanzo is non existent. Like srsly.
Get your money back. Dont fucking buy this game.
Please for the love of god just play mk9-11 if anything.
I would rather you play older titles. Dont give corporations you money. You know its not good for your ass.
I beg of you. Boycott NRS. BOYCOTT MK(1) plz!!!!!
Do it. If not for the integrity of the series. But do it because greedy fucks need to die!
Or at least bare minimum. Do it,boycott it. Even do it for your ships. Even tho i think thats shallow af. I'll take it.
Just BOYCOTT this fucking game.
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unnonexistence · 4 months
idk if there's anything in stories i get more petty about than poorly-written "main character shows up to a new place and meets everyone" character introduction scenes
#personal#they make me SO ANGRY ahglkmsfkl#it isnt just the trope of showing up and meeting everyone either#like it works for me in some things!#i think pacific rim does a really good job with characterization for example#and it's got a sequence of scenes where raleigh arrives and the audience is introduced to the shatterdome & important characters basically#my working theory until i do some more analysis is that stories that do it well leave some mystery#like in pacrim you don't find out mako's whole deal immediately upon meeting her#pentecost doesnt go ''this is mako mori. one of our brightest. her whole family was killed by a kaiju and she wants to be a pilot''#he says she's in charge of the mk 3 restoration program#and she doesn't immediately offer up her backstory because why would she. real people dont do that#the russian pilots dont show up and go ''hello we are russian''. pentecost just tells raleigh briefly who they are#etc. newt & hermann's intro scene is one of my favourite bits of characterization Ever and you don't learn that much about hermann during i#all the info you get is from newt being chatty and ridiculous and mocking hermann and putting his foot in his mouth. i.e. newt being newt#and that's what makes it good!#when chuck and herc are introduced you learn absolutely nothing about chuck. hes just there in the background#he and raleigh look at each other for a second and you kinda go ''who's that guy''#AND THATS ENOUGH TO ESTABLISH HIM AS ''PROBABLY IMPORTANT LATER''#idk idk but so many books do this kind of scene so badly that it pisses me off#so many POPULAR books too. like i either am uniquely annoyed about this or other people are way more willing to overlook it lol#as far as examples go. the house in the cerulean sea and every heart a doorway were the books where i got so annoyed i immediately DNFed#i feel like the long way to a small angry planet does it a little bit but not as bad. i cant remember for sure it's been a while#i did finish that one but i had extremely mixed feelings about it#and now im reading a big ship at the edge of the universe and. once again it is happening#aaaargh
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rosegoldorigins · 2 months
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Me when-
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malikselfindulgence · 11 months
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Worsties of all time I need them grinded to fine dust and then inhaled by a whale
[Template under the cut]
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puppyeared · 2 years
WHY am I losing my shit over LEGOS
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1-up-chump · 2 years
Ok i gotta ask: am i the only one weirded out by the fact in mk 11 fujin's tower ending they like, put a christianity reference over a character based on a SHINTO god? Like why did they make fujin like jesus he's literally Japanese
Im not Japanese nor Asian at all but like, i feel a bit weirded out and kinda concerned they... did that.
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bingmeification · 2 years
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mirroroftheworld · 2 years
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did youtube really fucking give me a Mortal Kombat Funny Moments video
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“lemme keep it in when we sleep tonight” perv!loser!rafe x bunny!airhead!reader who will do whatever he says. with wide eyes she says, “mk” n immediately takes her pink panties off.
“wait,” he says, holding her waist as she throw her panties off to the side , “seriously?”
she grabs his cock from his sweatpants, straddling his thigh—her drooling cunt bleeding into his leg with arousal. she doesn’t respond, just hums as his lengthening cock lies against her tummy as she begins stroking him a little.
rafe decides to test his luck: “t-take off your shirt, too.”
and she does immediately her nipples becoming pert and sensitive in the cool air of her boyfriend’s room.
He pinches at them, and she whimpers—chewing on her lower plump lip.
When he finally puts it in, her back arches against his front, and his calloused hand drags up her torso to her nipples and down again as he rubs her pudgy button as he spreads her pussy lips apart making a ‘V’ with his pointer and middle before stopping when her cunt squeezes his cock.
A few minutes pass and she giggles—head in space as her eyes close in bliss.
“what’s up, baby?” rafe feels her shake her head.
when she moves again, she giggles.
“tell me, what is it?” He sucks hickeys on to her neck, her body tingling.
“can feel you in my tummy” she giggles, squealing when she moves her hips to the side a little.
That was like a gut punch to Rafe, except in a good way of course. He forcefully blinked his eyes closed, huffing. “f-fuck, do-dont say, gonna make me nut, baby.”
She looks back at him with big eyes again, and he swears he almost came on the spot. “M sorry, daddy.”
Instead of responding verbally, he just sloppily kisses her lips as she licks into his mouth, giggling again.
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