#oh hes the nicer storm brother
1-up-chump · 2 years
Ok i gotta ask: am i the only one weirded out by the fact in mk 11 fujin's tower ending they like, put a christianity reference over a character based on a SHINTO god? Like why did they make fujin like jesus he's literally Japanese
Im not Japanese nor Asian at all but like, i feel a bit weirded out and kinda concerned they... did that.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Pack Mom - Derek Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Derek x Reader
Prompt: You’ve always been the mother figure to everyone in the pack but when the pups start calling you mom they also start treating you as Derek’s mate, awkwardness and confessions ensue.
Warning: Smut! and other shit! :D 
You hopped out of your newly bought Mustang, you knew the pack would be shocked at your new car but the moment you saw the sleek black vehicle you knew it was the one. Your last car got trashed in a car chase with the Calaveras but you dug into your inheritance and decided to get something nicer. The moment one foot stepped out of the new car Stiles was on you with a million questions.
“Ohh my god when did you get this!? How does it run!? How much was it!?” You rolled your eyes but answered all of Stiles’ question calmly because you adored Stiles he was like a brother to you.
“Wow that is one beautiful car.” You heard a gruff voice say from behind you, you knew who it was but you turned around anyway with a nervous grin.
“I know she runs amazingly!” You exclaimed cheerfully which made Derek crack a small smile.
“Did he just smile?” Stiles stared at Derek with wide eyes.
“Yes Stiles I have the ability to smile.” Derek deadpanned.
“How come I’ve never seen you smile at anyone except Y/N? Well unless you count that deputy at the police station who you flirted with. Why don’t you smile at me?” Stiles rambled his arms flying around in an exaggerating manor.
“I smile at Y/N because she is about 5 times more attractive and 100% less hyperactive spaz.” Derek replied easily but when he said you were attractive your mind went blank, your heart started racing rapidly and you knew your cheeks were most likely bright red.
“Ooo Derek and Y/N sittin’ in a tree K I S S I N G fir-”
“Stiles shut up before I rip yo-”
“First comes love!” Erica popped up out of nowhere and started singing along.
“Then comes marriage!” Liam exclaimed as he burst out the door with a grin on his face.
“Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!” The three of them shouted together, at this point you knew your face was bright red so you buried your head in your hands willing it to go away.
“Then comes a divorce because she finally realises how grumpy Derek is.” You heard a cheerful voice at which made you look up to see Peter.
“Derek’s not grumpy.” You huffed at Peter which made everyone turn to you.
“Oh so no divorce?” Peter smirked knowing he’s caught you red handed.
“No! I mean-We’re not…And he’s not-Fuck my life!” You screamed storming into the house the pups soon following behind you.
You sat down next to Isaac and Liam as soon as the pack meeting started, they were both sat very close but you knew it was because contact made them calm. As Derek went through everything he needed to you stared at his chiselled face, the abs that you could see through his tight shirt and his ice green eyes as they darted to and from each pack member who asked question.
As the meeting came to a wraps Liam already had his head on your shoulder and Isaac had his on your lap you glanced at both of them smiling but knew you had to move if you wanted to get started on making dinner.
“Liam honey I need to go start on dinner.” His head shot up, nodding before running off to play video games with the boys.
“Isaac sweetie I need to go make food.” You giggled when he nuzzled into your lap more, you ran your fingers through his hair softly before looking down at his face realising he was sleeping. You lifted his head gently and set it on a cushion once you had moved. His face twisted in one of a lost puppy and he reached for anything he could.
“M-Mama..” He whimpered as his hand touched mine. Suddenly you were aware almost all the packs eyes were on you. You wanted to be embarrassed but you couldn’t be because it didn’t feel weird to be called that by the pups.
“Can I ask why everyone feel like that is something to gawp over?” You snapped in a motherly tone which soon made them lower their heads. As so finally got round to making tea you could hear Isaac shouting at the tv which you assumed to be because of a video game, suddenly Jacksons voice cut through the conversation.
“Aww is mama’s boy losing? Why don’t you go-”
“JACKSON JOHNATHAN WHITTEMORE!” you screamed as you shot out the kitchen door straight into the living area. Jackson froze and dropped his controller.
“Apologise right now!” You shouted as everyone seemed to freeze. Derek seemed ready to jump in but you knew he didn’t need to.
“Sorry Isaac..” You dipped his head slightly as if he’d been scolded by his mother.
“Now who’s a mama’s boy?” Stiles snorted which made your eyes shoot to him.
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski! Get in this kitchen and help me make food!” Everyone stared at you wide eyed making Stiles flush.
“How the hell did you pronounce that so perfectly!? I can’t even pronounce it and I’m his best friend!” Scott exclaimed as everyone stared at you then Scott. You ignored Scott question and followed an embarrassed Stiles into the kitchen.
After you finished making dinner you had the pack set the table and carry the excessive amount of food to the table. You all sat down, staring at the various foods you had made. You sat to Derek’s left and Scott was on his right. You noted that everyone let Derek eat the first bite which was normal because he was the Alpha but when everyone stared at you, you looked to Derek for help.
“Why is everyone looking at me?” You asked confused by everyone’s actions.
“The first person to eat in the pack is the Alpha then his mate, then the Alpha’s second.” Lydia stated calmly as she smiled over at you.
“But Scott is Derek’s second not me?” You replied, your left eyebrow raised slightly.
“But your Derek’s mate. Right?” Isaac asked from the seat next to you.
“What?” You looked back to Derek who was staring at Isaac with the same confused look.
“Guys we’re not dating…” Derek shifted awkwardly in his seat as he spoke it made your heart clench painfully at the fact he was uncomfortable with the idea of dating you.
“Oh sorry the idea of dating me seems so farfetched to you.” You growled at him making everyone freeze for what felt like the millionth time tonight.
“That’s not what I was saying Y/N.” Derek stated softly as he stared into your Y/E/C eyes.
“So what were you saying Derek?” You sneered and everyone seemed to shrink into their seats.
“Well I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable with everything they were saying…” He whispered his voice trailing off slightly.
“In what world would anyone be uncomfortable with dating Derek Hale?!” You screeched staring at him like he’d grown another head.
“Well if you wanna play that game fine! In what world would anyone be uncomfortable with dating Y/N Y/L/N!” He retaliated harshly.
“So then why aren’t you guys dating?” Liam spoke up softly, everyone turned to look at the youngest of the pack his head held high as if he’d knew he’d said something smart.
“Because Derek doesn’t like me the way I like him and you know this!” You whisper yelled to Liam but realised that you’d said it loud enough for everyone to hear.
“You like me?” Derek asked making you turn your attention to him, your face now bright red.
“Can we talk about this after diner please? I’d like to at least enjoy the food I cooked before you flat out reject me.” You mumbled softly before pushing the food around your plate. You looked up to Derek who was now out his seat. Before you knew what had happened you were yanked out your seat, one of his arms firmly wrapped around your waist and the other hand cupped your cheek.
“Do you like me?” He asked again with more heat and curiosity in his voice, his green eyes stared into yours making everyone else disappear. You nodded softly as your eyes flicked from his to his lips. His lips met yours in a soft yet passionate kiss, after a few seconds of small kisses that stole your breath away you were pulled out by the sound of Isaac’s voice.
“Ew it’s like watching your parents make out.” You pulled away flushing slightly before looking up at Derek who sent you a pantie melting grin which made your knees weak.
“Can we eat now I didn’t slave over a hot stove to eat cold food?” Stiles grumbled which made me turn to him with a raised eyebrow daring him to take all the credit.
“I mean let eat this delicious food mama made and then make sure to give her a foot massage later?” He grinned over at your cheekily.
“Stiles shut up or I will rip your thr-” Derek stopped mid-sentence as you shot him the same look.
“I mean let’s eat then put on Y/N favourite film?” Derek mumbled his eyes wide.
“See now you’re getting it. Okay time to eat.” You giggled pressing a gentle kiss to Derek’s cheek.
After dinner you all put on a film and cuddled on the giant L shaped couch. Everyone was touching in some way with and Derek in the middle of what could only be classed as a puppy pile. You could stop to scared thought that this could just be another one of your dreams about Derek but every time you count your fingers and thumbs you had ten altogether. You buried you head into Derek hard chest which was surprisingly comfortable. You drew shapes absently on Derek’s chest as your listened to his heart beat. Every now and then it would rise and become louder but other than that it was a calming tempo.
Eventually everyone started leaving until you were the last on left in the newly re-built Hale house. You shuffled about as Derek walked you to the front door. As you were about to put your shoes on Derek stopped you grabbing your face and kissing you with so much emotion and roughness you knew your lips would bruise. When he pulled away, you let out a small whine from the loss but opened your eyes to look into his.
“God I’ve wanted to do that all night but I felt like I’d scar the pups.” Derek sighed softly as he started regaining his lost breath.
“Derek…What are we?” You asked softly as his hands made circles on both cheeks.
“You’re mine and I’m yours.” He responded calmly, his hands slipping into your hair. When he gripped your hair slightly you let out a whimper now thoughts of him claiming you, his eyes glowing red as he made you submit, made their way into your head. You soon started to feel your panties grow damn which as soon as Derek took a deep breath through his nose you knew he smelt because his eyes changed from icy green to crimson red.
“Stop.” He growled as your arousal got worse as his red eyes stared into yours.
“I can’t stop the fact that you turn me on Derek.” You chuckled softly, biting your lip so stop another whimper escaping when you felt his hand grip your hair tighter.
“You smell so sweet.” His left hands moved to grip your hip as he drew you closer towards him.
“If you don’t leave now I’m going to take you upstairs and claim you.” Derek growled into your ear, his fangs grazing against the shell of your ear.
“Then do it.” You panted as his mouth moved to your neck.
“You sure that’s what you want I mean we only star-”
Before he could continue rambling you grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him down for a bruising kiss. Both his hands gripped your waist in a tight hold but you didn’t care if he left bruises it just meant that Derek wanted you that much he couldn’t control himself and to you that felt empowering.
“Yes I’m sure I want Alpha to claim me.” You whined softly as you pulled away from the kiss.
He didn’t answer with words instead chose to growl at my choice of words, there was something extremely attractive about his red eyes and growls that went straight to your core. You step back from him and pulled off your baby blue summer dress you were currently wearing, leaving you in your underwear, a strapless nude pink bra and matching panties. His eyes roamed over you hungrily as you made your way up the large set of stairs, swaying your hips seductively as you went. He was soon chasing after your almost fumbling like a horny teenager to get his shirt off.
Once you reached his room, you crawled onto his bed on all fours. He made his way over to you gripping your hips tightly. His right hand slowly made its way down your back pushing softly on your shoulder blades so you were face down with your lace clad ass in the air. You giggled shaking your ass at him playfully making another feral growl emit from his chest. He playfully slapped your ass making you playfully moan at him. You knew at this point you were so wet that your panties were likely soaked. His right hand made it way down my back to my ass before skimming over your lace cover pussy.
“Jesus you’re so wet.” He groaned as if this fact caused him and his dick physical pain.
“Mhm because Alpha makes me wet.” You gasped as he moved your panties to one side and ran his index finger through your wet folds.
“What does Alpha’s little kitten want?” He whispered as his lips gave small kisses to your ass cheeks which made you whine softly.
“Want Alpha’s tongue.” You managed to whisper, your hands gripping the sheets tightly in anticipation. Instead of responding he ripped your panties off, his tongue delving into your pussy as soon as the shredded panties were thrown away. You let out a breathy moan as his tongue dipped into your hole, fucking you roughly with his tongue before moving his attention to your clit giving slight kitten licks making you whimper before trying to push back on him. His hands gripped your hips keeping you firmly in place as he continued his ministrations on your dripping core. Soon his fingers entered the mix, his two fingers slowly pushing in and out making your moans louder. He started sucking on your clit making your orgasm start towards the edge.
“D-Derek am gonna’ cum.” You stuttered out barely able to even form the sentence but these words only made his finger go faster and his licks and bites get rougher. You finally felt yourself fall gripping the sheets, his name repeatedly falling from your lips over and over. Finally as you started to come down his attention stopped and you were flipped onto your back.
“Would like to stop now Y/N?” He asked as he hovered over your body his shirt gone along with his jeans leaving him in boxers with a very large noticeable hard on showing. He tucked some of your Y/H/C hair behind your ear, his actions soft and loving making you smiles up at him tiredly.
“No I want you to make love to me.” You smiled at him lovingly as he leaned down kissing your forehead. He nodded as he grabbed a condom from the nightstand, carefully rolling it on. He lifted your legs gently wrapping them around his waist, his tip now teasing your entrance. He looked at you one last time as if asking once again if this was okay but instead of answering verbally, you brought him down for a reassuring kiss. He entered you slowly your back arching softly as you gripped onto his bicep with one hand, the other gripping the sheets. You had only had sex once when you were 17 but he was a lot bigger than the guy who took your virginity. He stopped as soon as he was fully inside of you he looked down to make sure you were okay.
“You okay baby?” He asked softly caressing your face.
“Y-Yeah this is only my second time ever having…” You drifted off yours cheeks flushing tenfold.
“You should have told me I’d of prepared you more!” He whispered yelled his voice full of panic and apologies.
“It’s okay Der I’m fine now you can move.” You whispered bring him down for a chaste kiss.
He looked uncertain with your words but you moved your hips up letting out a gasp followed quickly by a moan. You moved your arms to rest around his neck pulling him down for a slow yet passion kiss as he began with slow thrusts that made you moan into the kiss. He supported himself on one arm and used the other to run his fingers through your L/S hair. He kissed the corner of your mouth as his thrust got harder but not faster. His lips placing a trail of kisses to your neck.
“Shit Y/N…Feels good.” He moaned huskily into your ear.
Your moans were gentle and worn out as you felt yourself building again. When you clenched around Derek slightly brought his hand down to draw circles against your clit. His panting and gasps getting heavier as his thrust became more uneven and messy. His other hand gripped the sheets as he felt you finally cum around his shaft.
“Derek!” Your voice shouted out as you felt yourself cum for the second time.
“I’m cumming…” He gasped as he thrust into deeper than before, making you rasp out a quiet moan. As he came his thrust became more uneven and slowed down before coming to a stop. You were both panting as he took the condom off. He tied it throwing it into the bin before he collapsed next to you. He pulled the covers from under both of you making sure your naked body was covered as he drew you in until your head was on his chest.
“I love you Y/N.” He whispered as he kissed your head, running his fingers through your hair.
“I love you too Der.” You murmured before you felt sleep take you.
I guess being pack mom isn’t so bad after all.
-> Part 2
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day grandma! There’re too many amazing options, so dealer’s choice?
Spock has an older brother.
He’s a teenager when Spock is born and by the time he’s taking his first cautious steps, he no longer lives at home. Sybok graduates the head of his class and flies through the Science Academy with similar ease and for almost as long as Spock has had memories, Sybok has been talking about his thesis.
It’s topic changes often enough that Spock’s stopped keeping track.
When he’s younger, it would be inaccurate to say that Sybok is around often, but he is around. His brother visits home to pilfer texts from the family library and to have short, tense conversations with their father but he will ask Spock about his studies and always inclines his head to Spock’s mother, something that many Vulcans will not do, so he thinks that means that Sybok loves them.
After he gets into a fight at school, Sybok doesn’t visit anymore.
Spock accepts it as something else that his emotional outburst has cost him and refuses to let the tears fall no matter the pressure building behind his eyes.
Books still disappear and reappear from the library, so he knows that Sybok is still coming over, it’s only when Spock isn’t home. Eventually he starts appearing again, and he still has those horrible tense conversations with their father and nods at his mother, but he no longer lingers to ask Spock about his studies.
The fact that it hurts so much is just a sign that he needs to focus on his control.
When Spock is fifteen, Sybok leaves Vulcan.
He tells himself he doesn’t see his brother often enough for it to matter. It s the truth and yet it feels like a lie.
Spock doesn’t mean to overhear a conversation that isn’t meant for him. But it his mother speaking, and Sybok, and he’s never observed them to exchange anything but greetings and farewells.
“-don’t have to do this. I know you want distance, but-”
“I’ve already tried the other side of the planet,” he says dryly, speaking with an oddly Terran cadence to his words. “The problem is he can still comm me and send his friends to look at me disapprovingly.”
“He’s concerned,” she says.
Sybok laughs. Spock startles, nearly giving himself away, but forces stillness and silence.
“I don’t want to overstep,” his mother says softly, “I know it’s not my place-”
“Amanda, please,” he scoffs. “This is your home, you’re my father’s wife, and you’re my brother’s mother. How can you overstep? You can’t speak freely anywhere else on this planet, of course you can speak freely with me.”
There’s a long silence. Spock wants so badly to peek around the corner, but if he does then they’ll know he’s there.
“He wants you to be happy,” his mother says. “I do too.”
Sybok sighs, but it sounds a lot nicer than his laugh had. “He wants me quiet. It’s bad enough that he’d decided I’m a bad influence on Spock, at this rate he’s doing to decided I’m a bad influence for all of Vulcan and kick me off the planet myself. I’m just speeding up the process.”
Father thinks that Sybok is a bad influence? Why would he –
“That incident was not your fault,” his mother says sharply.
“Father was probably right, actually,” he admits. “If I’d been allowed to talk to Spock after, I would have told him it was a job well done. There’s fire in our blood, Amanda. Rage is the most Vulcan emotion there is.”
Spock blinks. That’s nothing he’s heard before.
“It’s things like this that make your father worried,” she sighs.
He laughs again, gentler this time. “It’s fine. I’m going to go to a nice remote planet with all my books and work on my thesis and this one is far enough that even Father won’t be able to bother me.”
“But Tarsus IV?” she asks. “It’s barely colonized, and it has terrible ion storms, and their agriculture is still developing! It’ll be difficult for you to keep to a Vulcan diet!”
There’s another silence, then Sybok says, “My mother never worried over me. She did not find it logical to waste the energy and mental capabilities on events she could not control.” Another pause. “It’s nice that you do, Amanda.”
“Oh, Sybok.” His mother sniffs. “You’re my husband’s son and my son’s brother. You’re my family too. Please be careful and let me know if you need anything at all. We’ll be waiting for you to come home.”
“I believe you will, at least,” he says, and then before his mother can respond, continues, “Live long and prosper, Amanda.”
She sighs again. “Live long and prosper, Sybok.”
Spock forces his racing heart calm. He hopes his brother returns home soon.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Switched lives
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Title: Switched lives
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Actress!Reader, Jared Padalecki x Huntress!Reader
Square filled for @samwinchesterbingo​: RPF!Verse
Rating: Mature
Warnings: angst, relationship problems, almost smut, light somnophilia?, alternative universes
Words: 1,5k+
This is Jared’s version to this story: Switched
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“You know what? If you don’t want me around any longer,” you exhale sharply. It’s too painful to think that the man you love doesn’t love you back, “I could try to find that alternative universe you and Dean visited years ago. Where your name is Padalecki, and you had the guts to marry me!”
“Y/N, stop being irrational,” Sam argues with you. “I didn’t say that I want you gone. I just thought about having a break. With everything happening lately, we need a break from everything. Hunting. Fighting. Arguing.”
You snort. “Having a break means breaking up.”
“In which language?” Sam furrows his brows. You sigh as, for a smart man like Sam, he can be so stupid sometimes.
“In any language, Samuel,” you snap at him. Hurt feelings can be a bitch. You know that it was too good to be true when Sam and you finally made the next step. “Fine. Let’s have a break then. I wish I could meet that other you. Maybe he would be a nicer guy to be around.”
You storm off, almost running Dean over. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He calls after you.
“Your brother is an asshole and just broke up with me. I’ll spend the next week in my room.”
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“Fuck, baby you smell so good. I can’t get enough of you.” You whine in your sleep. Sam’s big hands run up and down your thighs. You can feel his weight on top of you, and his lips nip at your neck. “I bet you want me to ruin this cunt again.”
“Sammy…” you whimper. “Please.”
“Oh…we are in that mood again,” he chuckles in your neck. “I knew the moment we met that you are a dirty girl. Fuck, I love when we roleplay.”
“Say my name again, baby.” His purrs in your ear. He moves down your body, leaving open-mouthed kisses on his way. “Say it!”
“Sammy!” You cry his name. Your eyes snap open, and you gasp watching Sam spread your legs to bury his face between your thighs. “Oh-fuck! What has gotten into you?”
He lifts his head to grin up at you from between your legs. “It’s my birthday and I thought about having the best breakfast I can imagine.”
“Your birthday?” You splutter. “Sam, did you hit your head? Did you forget that your birthday is in May? It’s July, you know.” You sit up to look down at Sam.
He looks a little different this morning. His hair looks shinier, and his skin looks better than yours. But the biggest difference is that you can feel his wedding band against your thigh.
“Babe, I know you are into roleplay, but it’s my birthday and I kinda feel left outside when you are talking about Sam all the time.”
“OH. FUCK. NO!” You push against his shoulders to get him off you. “You’re not Sam. But that Padalecki guy.” Looking around the room you realize, you’re not in your bedroom, nor Kansas any longer.
“Babe, did you hit your head?” Jared laughs. “The last time you called me Mr. Padalecki was when we first met.”
“Shit. Fuck.” Panic rises in your chest. The last thing you said to Sam was that you wanted to end up in the alternative universe. “What did I do?”
You slip out of the bed and flee toward the door.
“Wait. Babe. What happened? I thought we wanted to spend my birthday in bed and have fun. Did you change your mind? We can still roleplay. If you want me to be your Sammy, I’ll do it. Let me get a flannel and the fake demon knife.”
“You won’t believe me.” You turn around to look up at Jared. He looks so much like your Sam but is a completely different man. “I’m not your wife. Not in my universe. My name is Y/N, and I’m Sam’s girlfriend…or was…”
“What? I—” Jared frowns. “No one knows about the breakup yet. Only Jensen and I already go the script. I wanted to ease you into the change in the series.”
“Mr. Padalecki, I’m not your wife. Sam and I got into a fight, and I said things I didn’t mean. Now I ended up in your world and I’m afraid your wife is with my boyfriend.”
Jared looks you up and down. He dips his head and repeats your words in his mind. There is no denying, you look different from the woman he fell asleep with last night.
You’re not wearing your wedding band, nor your jewelry. There are scars on your legs and biceps he never saw before. And the anti-possession tattoo on your stomach looks real, not fake.
“You must believe me.” You hope Jared will believe you. He’s your only chance to find a way back home.
“Am I going crazy or does this story sound familiar,” he says and furrows his brows. “My wife and I are struggling too. She’s not happy lately. We said nasty things last night too. She said that Sam would be a better husband and that she wishes that it’s possible to meet him in his universe.”
“We said the same thing. Maybe even at the same time,” you hum thoughtfully. “This could be the key.”
You start pacing the room while Jared watches you. He can’t wrap his mind around the fact that you are not his wife and that the woman he loves ended up in a different universe.
“If this is a bad dream, I want to wake soon. I want my wife back,” Jared says, making you stop in your tracks. You want to say something, want to calm him but a crashing sound alerts you.
“Do you have a gun?” You whisper and point toward the door. There is a commotion outside of the bedroom, and you hope it’s a burglar, not a demon. “Salt? A demon knife maybe?”
“What? I—” Jared gapes at you. “Salt is in the kitchen.”
“Got it.” You nod. “You better hide in the closet or something.” You look Jared up and down, realizing he’s as tall as your boyfriend. “Shit. Just don’t leave this room.”
You look around the room for a weapon and huff. In lack of a weapon, you grab the lamp from the nightstand and sneak toward the door. You silently open the door, hold your breath, ready to attack whoever is outside.
“Whoa, sweetheart. It’s me!” Dean grunts. “What the fuck, Y/N!” He raises his hands. “Don’t hit me with the…” He cocks his head. “A lamp?”
“Dean! Did you find her?!” Sam jogs toward you and Dean. He laughs as you still hold the lamp above your head, not knowing if this man is Dean or not.
“Safeword, Dean,” you lift one brow.
“Candy cane,” Dean grumbles. “It’s me, Y/N. Sammy dragged me with him after bugging Rowena. She opened a portal for us to bring your doppelganger home and find you.”
“Y/N, you’re here!” Sam remembers why he came here. “I was so worried about you. How have you been?” 
His features darken. He balls his hands into fists and grunts when Jared steps out of the bedroom.
He’s only wearing his boxers and Sam sees red. “YOU TOUCHED MY GIRL!”
“Sam! No!” You drop the lamp to block Sam’s path. You’ve got no other choice but to tackle him to the ground. “Fuck, you’re hard to take down.”
You sit on top of his lap and hold him down by his shoulders. “Let me hit him! He touched you.”
“Uh-not really,” you bite your tongue. If Sam gets to know his splitting image tried to go down on you, he’ll freak out. “Calm down. How did you even find me?”
“Rowena, Crowley, a lot of cursing and yelling. Sam punched faces and threatened anyone holding you hostage,” Dean sighs. “Now that we found your missing love bird, can we go back home, Sammy?”
Dean looks Jared up and down. He wrinkles his nose as he remembers the last time something like this happened. “You remember the last time this happened, right? I won’t let that Ackles douche touch my girl again.”
“She’s safe at home,” Sam argues. “Unlike my girlfriend.”
“I never felt safer,” you sass. Sam quirks a brow as you look down at him. “How was your adventure with my alternative version?”
Sam grins. He knows you are possessive and jealous. “I asked you a question, Winchester!”
“Jared? Baby!” You groan as your alternative version walks past you and Sam to throw herself at Jared. “I was so scared. They call themselves Sam and Dean. I think they’re crazy. We should call the cops.”
“And that’s our cue to get the fuck out of here, guys.” Dean jerks his head toward the hallways. “Get up and run. You can make up later…”
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“Baby, I’m sorry,” Sam mumbles. He gives you his infamous puppy dog eyes, hoping you’ll forgive him.
“You’re lucky I didn’t let that Padalecki guy finish what he started. He seemed to be damn good at giving heads.”
“HE WHAT?” He growls. “If anyone touches her, it’s me. Your pussy will only feel my mouth on her.”
“Oh-I thought you wanted a break.”
“No. I want to break you…”
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seenoversundown · 1 year
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Sam x Y/n (reader)
Warnings: pure fluff - it's a SLOW burn
Word Count : 3k
Redamancy : (n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.
Oh Honey! (I Love You) - Peach Tree Rascals "Jumpin off the edge just to smell those flowers, and no I couldn't wait another day"
Walking through the door of the brewery, shivering from the rain, I scan the room looking for him. We always come here on Friday nights, sometimes his brothers will tag along, regardless of if they do we make it a point every week. 
After a minute, I see him with his warm smile staring right back at me. I make my way over to the table he’s saved, grateful that he got us a good spot tonight. Not that I could complain, Sam never makes me stand the whole night if it’s crowded. 
“Hey beautiful, what took you so long?” he asks while pulling me into his side.
“The rain sucks and nobody knows how to drive” I tell him through a sigh, “but, we’re here now” 
Sitting down across from him and setting my bag in the chair next to me, I quickly bring my attention back to him. 
“I already ordered your drink for you” he spits out before I could say anything. Sam has always been a very thoughtful guy, but in the last couple months he’s gotten a bit nicer to me. I’m not proud of the butterflies I get from it. 
“Well aren’t you sweet?” I giggle out. Watching that soft smile adorn his face from the compliment, feeling my stomach flip at the sight. 
“Only for you” 
I can feel the blood rushing to my face when my saving grace finally arrives. It’s impressive the way that the whole room suddenly gets louder when they show up. Turning around slightly, I see the twins making their way over to us. Per usual, Josh is greeting everybody and anybody who will say ‘hello’ back to him and Jake is herding him over to the table looking mildly embarrassed by his louder counterpart. 
“Well well well what has the storm blown in tonight?” Josh announces to the table, “A couple of love birds hmmm?” shooting a wink at me. 
“Josh, don’t embarrass her” Sam says quickly shutting down his brother. 
Josh simply giggles at Sam’s request, taking the seat next to me with Jake across from him. The server comes back with our drinks and takes the boys orders quickly. 
Quietly sipping on my drink, I can feel his stare burning into the side of my head as I look around. Turning back to find Sam’s eyes swiftly moving over to his brother, as if he was caught. That was weird? 
“Soooo.. how was your week, Sammy?” I try to break the mildly uncomfortable silence. 
“Way too long and busy. I’m so relieved to be here” he said, “seeing you is always a breath of fresh air”
There’s that warm feeling again, this time accompanied with the subtle bump of his knee against mine, leaving it there. Our legs are just .. touching. The way my mouth goes dry is a little shameful, this is my best friend and we’ve hugged, sat close, I’ve sat on his lap but this is making me warm and nervous?
“Oh stop” is all I could come up with, taking a sip of my drink to fill the moment until he gently pushes against my knee with his, making his presence known. Looking up from my drink to see his eyes looking back at me, we hold the contact for a moment before being interrupted. 
“Samuel,” Josh startles us both, “how’s about a game of billiards? Or would you rather keep staring at this lovely young lady instead?” I had to look like a deer in headlights with the roaring laugh that came out of Josh. 
Mouthing ‘sorry’ as he stood up, Sam followed Josh over to the pool tables begrudgingly. Watching him as he walked, admiring his features from afar, he really was so handsome. The way his hair looked when he pulled it into a bun, so soft with the little wispy hairs falling around his face. 
“You know he wants you too, right?” 
Taking me out of my thoughts hearing Jake’s voice was jarring at the moment. He was fairly soft spoken most of the time, probably because his twin spoke loud enough for the two of them. I hadn’t really spent much time around him, well, with just him. In group settings he tends to keep to himself unless he’s had a few drinks. 
“What do you mean? We’re just friends.” I tell him, it’s only a partial lie.
“Y/n, come on”, looking unamused, “anybody who spends thirty seconds around you two can see it.” 
I thought I was more subtle than that, fuck. 
“He talks about you constantly, he’s happiest when you’re around, I mean shit, I’ve watched him turn down girls for seemingly no reason.” He continues, making my head spin with information that I definitely knew but didn’t think about too hard. It’s Sam, my best friend, who I definitely have had feelings for.. for a while. 
“Josh and I have just been waiting for the day he finally asks you out, it’s just been a bit longer than we expected.”
Hesitantly I finally break my silence, “are you sure?”
The smile grows across his face, nodding ‘yes’, he reaches across the table to gently grab my forearm. 
“It’s always been you, y/n. He’s just been waiting for you to come around, but my baby brother is also not the best with subtleties. Tell him how you feel, I promise you nothing but good will come from it.” Jake squeezes my forearm with the softest look in his eyes. Maybe.. maybe I should tell him. 
I spend the next few minutes just talking with Jake until we both hear the other two coming back and it sounds like someone is a little bitter about losing. 
“You have a longer reach, which in my humble opinion, is an unfair advantage” Josh sourly says. Sam’s reaction to it is funnier than Josh being upset. The shit eating grin on his face as he walks towards me, the look in his eyes giving me those silly butterflies again. Maybe Jake was right, maybe he is waiting for me. 
I know that the only way to find out is to take that chance and see how he responds. I look at him through my lashes as he approaches the table, with a small smirk knowing that I’m about to hopefully bag the boy of my dreams. 
“I’m taking it that you won?” I ask.
“How could you tell?” he laughs out. Oh, his laugh will never get old. 
Josh, sitting back down next to me, clearly very annoyed that he lost, scrolled through his phone for less than a minute before getting up to grab another drink. I shoot my gaze back over to Sam watching him as he checks his phone, the way his features are so delicate, but he still somehow looks as if he could be carved from marble. The way his lashes sat against the tops of his cheeks when his eyes closed, he really is beautiful. I’ve always thought so but everything feels so real now. 
“Well,” Jake says, standing up from the table, “I’m going to take the angry one home, from the way he’s talking to the bartender right now I can tell he isn’t gonna be much fun now.” He lets out a small chuckle, grabbing both of Sam’s shoulders and squeezing them while sliding past him. 
“Good job beating him Sammy boy, i’ll text you when we make it home”, as he goes to walk away, Jake looks over to me and gestures with a small nod towards Sam before giving me a small wave as he goes to find Josh. 
“I’m sorry about Josh” Sam starts, “he isn’t a pleasant winner either if you’re wondering”
I can’t help but laugh along with him, I want to make him laugh like this all the time. I readjust in my chair a bit, casually (very intentionally) brushing my foot along his calf. I carefully watch his face as I pull this little move, waiting to see how he reacts. The way his cheeks quickly turned a shade of pink, I thought to myself, thank you Jake, hoping that somehow he heard it. 
Sam, clearly being a bit nervous, clears his throat before pushing his chair back. 
“Do you want another drink?”
“That would be lovely actually”
He reaches out to grab my glass as I lift it to him, his hand lightly brushes mine while taking it from me. The way my body felt like it was hit by lightning, by such a small touch even. I think I would explode if he kissed me. I’m fairly certain he felt it too because he jumped when we made contact. 
He sauntered over to the bar, getting the bartender's attention and ordering another round of drinks for us. He turns to look back at me while he’s waiting for the drinks to be made. The way he’s looking at me feels different. I don’t know what switch flipped or if Josh said something to him too, but everything is changing quickly. 
Setting my fresh drink in front of me, he sits back across from me, perfect.
“Do you have any plans this weekend, love?” he asks.
“I was going to ask you the same actually”, I lean into my hand, elbow propping me up on the table. I can’t help but gaze at him while we figure out some plans together. This isn’t new, we spend most of our free time together, but knowing that there’s a chance these plans could be more like dates, is exciting. 
“We could go for a hike, I feel like I need to spend some time out in nature after being at work all week” he says, “does that sound good?”
“I’ll go anywhere with you” 
Oh. That came out stronger than I meant it to, but from the smile it elicited on his face, I'm going to say it worked. 
“You know,” I start, “actually.. Nevermind”
“No, tell me!” Sam laughs, reaching across the table to gently grab my arm. 
Sitting back at the motion, my arm slides through his grasp until we’re hand in hand. We both stare at the situation before us, his thumb timidly running across the tops of my knuckles. I can feel his hand shaking as he does it, which is making me feel better for being so nervous. We sit there in comfortable silence, both of us have our eyes fixed on our intertwined hands. Slowly, I see his eyes move from the table, to my chest, up to my mouth where his eyes lingered for a second before entering my line of sight again. 
I sipped my drink nervously as he watched the way my lips wrapped around the straw, I could feel his hands get warm. Oh. His eyes flickered between my lips and my eyes a few times before the sound of my drink being gone startled us both. 
“Do you wanna head out?” he said after clearing his throat. 
I nodded my head ‘yes’ as the bar was fairly loud at this point. Before I could do anything, he’s holding his hand out for me, pulling my chair out for me so I can get up easily. He leads the way to the door, never letting go of my hand. We make it through the threshold back outside. The rain has let up, but there’s a slight drizzle and the breeze is making it colder. 
“I’ll walk you back to your car at least, it’s late and I’d rather make sure you’re safe” he quietly says, there’s a lot less going on out here, which is making my nerves creep back in. 
We start towards my car, my hand still in his, but I make the decision to intertwine my fingers into his. They fit perfectly together. 
“This is nice..y'know?” 
Sam turns to look at me, a slightly puzzled look on his face. 
“What do you mean, love?” he asks and I answer him by giving his hand a squeeze. 
He squeezes my hand back a few times followed by a little rub on top of my thumb. It feels .. natural. 
“Why do you never go on dates?” the intrusive thought comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. 
“Nobody’s piqued my interest,” he looks confused, “why are you asking?” laughing through his question. 
“Just curious since we spend a lot of time together, I guess I just thought maybe I was taking up too much of your free time” I lie through my teeth. 
Sam stops moving instantly, I bump into him unable to stop quick enough. 
“Who told you that? Did Jake say that to you? I swear I’ll kill him if he made you think that-” he starts spiraling out of control. 
“Sam Sam Sam,” I start speaking over him, “nobody told me that, I just realized recently that you don’t bring up going on dates ever and I don’t want to be in the way of that.”
He grabs my other free hand, squeezing them gently, “y/n, you are not preventing me from dating. Never think that, okay?” I nod in response. “ I just.. I’m waiting for the right girl, that's all.” 
And there it is, Jake was right. 
We continue walking towards my car, I can see the entrance to the parking garage, meaning I'm only moments from him leaving me until tomorrow. Hand in hand, we quietly walk into the parking garage. I start rummaging through my bag for my keys, clicking the unlock button rapidly. 
I see my tail lights blink as we get closer to it, my heart is pounding harder than I thought it could. There’s no chance he hasn’t caught onto how nervous I am, my hands are damp with sweat at this point. 
“Sooo” he starts, I turn to lean against my car door, “Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?” 
“That sounds great, Sam.” I whisper. 
The sudden realization that we are very alone in this parking garage, is becoming more and more evident. I swear he could hear my heart beating. 
The way he was looking down into my eyes and then my mouth. I couldn’t tell if he was actually going to kiss me or if I was imagining it. I followed his lead, I flicked my eyes down to his lips and back up to his eyes. His chest swelled a bit more obviously, letting out a shaky breath, followed by a small laugh. 
“I don’t know why,” he whispers, “but I'm so nervous right now.”
Now, quietly giggling with him, “why are you nervous, Sam?” I stood up straight, making my body shift closer to his. Our grip on each other's hand gets tighter by the second, we’re trying to be there for each other, even when it’s us making things scary.
Sam steps towards me, our bodies are so close now. I’ve become very aware of everything around me, the soft sounds of the wind, the cars driving by, the lack of people nearby, the way Sam is breathing. 
He reaches up with his free hand, fixing a piece of my hair that had blown out of place during our walk, shakily tucking the few stray hairs behind my ear. The gentle touch of his hand against my cheek in the process, this boy has me in a chokehold I swear it. 
Looking up at him, my head tilted by the slightest bit, the small smile on his face as his eyes searched for an answer on mine. 
He whispers, “Can I kiss you?” 
I can’t nod ‘yes’ fast enough. 
Sam’s free hand finds its place on the back of my neck, leaning down and taking one more deep breath before his nervous lips press into mine. His lips are so soft– softer than I imagined. I imagined this moment a lot. The way both of us are shaking makes us giggle into each other. Letting go of his hand, I snake my arms around his neck pulling myself closer to him. 
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that” he whispers against my lips.
“And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished you would”, I whisper back, going back into the kiss more confidently this time. 
The way his mouth moves against mine feels like he was made for me and only me. I deepen the kiss by letting my jaw slack a bit, letting him in a bit more. The feeling makes my stomach swirl and my legs slowly turn into jello. Oh my god. He’s cupping my jaw with both of his hands, his large hands, the ones I daydream about. Carefully, he nips at my bottom lip with his teeth, just enough for my lip to follow him back for a split second. The smallest breathy moan comes from me, which I wasn’t expecting to happen but the look on his face tells me it was worth it. 
“Do you just want to..” I mumble, “..come to my apartment with me?” in between the sweet little kisses he’s placing on the corners of my mouth. 
Sam simply nods, holding his hand out for the car keys when he feels his phone go off. 
Pulling it from his pocket, I watch his face light up as he unlocks it, letting out a laugh before turning the screen for me to read it. 
Jake: Have fun tonight, Sammy. Let me know if we need to pick up your car tomorrow.
We stand there in a fit of giggles for a moment, slightly embarrassed, but tonight will be fun. 
I hand him my car keys, getting into the passenger side being met with a kiss to the side of the head, he turns the car on.
Sam smirks before whispering in my ear, “Ready love? We have a lot to catch up on.” 
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Soft Cruelty | Someone a Whole Lot Like Me
Warnings: 18+, nudity, mentions of sex.
She Was by Woods Tea Company
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It's been nearly three weeks since Aläea had been welcomed home by her brother, with Sandor in tow behind her like a guard dog.
No one in court knew what to make of him at first. Did she hire him to protect her? Was he a mercenary she'd hired to kill her brother? Or was he a lowlife planning to sell her back to her family?
Imagine their surprise when she'd taken this brute by the hand and introduced him to her brother, the king, as her lover.
It 's strange to him, the whole ordeal. Being the guest of a royal instead of being hired to protect them especially.
They're much further north than the Red Keep and Stronghold is frigid in comparison.
Not that he notices with the roaring fire in the hearth and Aläea curled against his bare chest under heavy quilts.
He brushes her hair from her face, melting when she nuzzles closer.
"Stupid girl," He mutters, but there's nothing but warmth in his voice.
What a fool he is. Falling for angel like her as he has.
His calloused fingers catch the silk sheets as he goes to to move and he curses under his breath when she stirs.
"Sandor?" Her voice is full of sleep and he does his best to shush her.
"Go back to sleep, girl."
Her hand slides up his chest to wrap around the back of his neck to pull him closer, "Stay."
He could easily pull away if he wanted to, but her sleepy pleading moves him. He settles back down and it isn't long before he hears her soft snores.
As carefully as he can, he slips out of the bed.
Not only have his clothes been laundered, but newer, nicer ones have been given to him, to which he begrudgingly wears.
As eats in the dining hall, one of the lady's maids hurries in, coming to a stop when she only sees him.
"The fuck do you want?"
"Is Miss Aläea still in bed?" She asks.
"Oh, I'll go fetch-
"Leave her be," He gives her a stern look.
"But Laurie is in the foyer..."
"Who the fuck is Laurie?"
"He's um..." She hesitates when his head snaps up at her, "I-if you'll excuse me ser..."
He watches her scurry off, huffing to himself before getting up and following her.
"I'm sorry Laurie, my lady is-"
The door swings open as Sandor walks in and the maid squeaks.
Standing in the middle of the foyer is a man holding single blue rose. A young, strapping, man, not as tall as him, but taller and broader than most. With long black hair tied back out of his striking blue eyes.
"Where's Laea?" He asks, crooked smile on his scruffy, unmarred face, "Still sleeping is she?"
He hates him already.
"The fuck is it to you?"
"I have a gift for her," He holds out the flower, "Blue Agathian Roses are her favorite."
"Are they now?" He roughly grabs it from him, looking it over. The petals are the same color as her eyes, "And why would you be bringing her flowers?"
His smile turns bashful, a look Sandor knows most maidens would swoon over, "We were... friends before she left."
"You fucked h-"
They all turn to see Aläea standing in the doorway, silk robe wrapped around a nightdress she didn't sleep in.
Sandor watches in shock when the man rushes past him and lifts her in his arms, spinning her around in a tight hug.
"I knew you'd come back to me," He sighs, setting her down. Before she can say a word he leans down to kiss her.
She freezes, eyes wide, and he's suddenly gone.
"The fuck you think you're doing?" Sandor growls, holding him by the back of his neck.
"You put your hands on my her in front of me like that, you dumb cunt, you're lucky I don't-"
He looks over when she snaps at him, her hand gentle on his shoulder.
"Put him down, please."
His face scrunches in contempt and he all but throws him to the ground before storming off, spitting one last 'cunt' in his direction.
He hears her running after him a minute later, rolling his eyes when she tugs on his wrist.
"Sandor?" He can hear her biting back a smile, "Love... Are you Jealou-"
"Don't you finish that damn sentence."
She can't help the small giggle that slips out, leaning her head on his arm, "I thought it was cute."
There's a word he's never heard to describe him.
"You fucked him," He says, changing the subject to hide how much her words affected him.
"We were together, yes," She smiles, "We've been friends since we were little and when we got older it... turned into something more."
"He was waiting on you."
"It seems that way," Her face falls slightly, "I was hoping he'd have moved on by now, we hadn't... been together for quite a while even before I left."
"Why's that?"
"Why are you so interested in my past lovers? Afraid I'll fall back into an old flame?"
His silence is more than enough to answer her question and she steps in front of him.
"Sandor," She says softly, taking his face in her hands. When he avoids her eyes she gently tilts his face down at her, "Hey."
He reluctantly looks back down at her, almost drowning in her loving gaze.
"I love you," She insists, "I love you and I'm not going anywhere."
He'd never admit it, but her reassurance means everything to him. Romance and relationships have never been his strong suit and her words warm his heart.
He chuckles when she leans up on her toes to kiss him but still can't seem to reach, and he ducks down to capture her lips.
"You're a big softie," She murmurs into the kiss.
"Shut it," He grumbles, pulling her closer.
"Make me."
"I can do that," He pulls away and hoists her up over his shoulder.
"Sandor!" A shrill giggle erupts from her when he slaps her ass and starts for their chambers.
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thelastspeecher · 5 months
Working on some other stuff but got sidetracked to do this instead, so enjoy.
                 Stan’s fingers frantically scrabbled for his seat belt.
                 “What do ya mean yer not buckled?!” Angie shouted over the pounding rain.  “We’ve been over this!”
                 “Look, just help me and then-” was all that Stan managed to get out before they collided with something.  As his body flew through the windshield, above the sound of the storm, he heard Angie’s scream.
                 Stan sat bolt upright with a gasp.
                 “Oh, good.  You’re awake.”  Stan looked over.  Sitting in a nearby armchair was a redheaded and bearded muscular man.  He looked like the lumberjacks that they had come across while going through the area before.  Though Stan wasn’t used to seeing a lumberjack knitting a sweater.  “You’re lucky,” the lumberjack continued.  He set down the in-progress sweater.  “Bill doesn’t normally go out in the storms, but when he saw you crash in the yard, he ran outside to rescue you right away.”  Stan looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. 
                 He was in a large bed with a flannel bedspread.  The bedroom was cozy, full of clearly handmade furniture.  Despite the furniture being handmade, it was obviously high-quality.  Even nicer than Stan had at home.  A lamp by the side of the bed filled the room with warm light.  The lumberjack in the armchair raised an eyebrow at him.
                 “Did you hear me?”
                 “Uh, yeah.  I did.”  Stan cleared his throat.  “…Thanks.”
                 “Like I said, the person you should be thanking is Bill.”
                 “Bill is…?”
                 “My partner.  He’s out chopping wood right now.  The storm took away most of our stockpile.”
                 “Ah.”  Stan swung his legs over the side of the bed.  “I’ll thank him, then.  But, uh, first, do you have a phone?  I’ve gotta call my fiancée and make sure she’s all right.”
                 “Of course.  Come with me.”  Stan got up and followed the lumberjack, who introduced himself as, funnily enough, Jack, out of the room.  They went down a hallway, passing by a few children’s rooms and a nursery.  When they got to the kitchen, Jack gestured towards the phone.  Stan quickly picked it up and dialed the number for the motel they were staying at.
                 Angie picked up on the second ring.
                 “Stanley?” she said breathlessly.  Stan leaned against the wall, relief washing over him at the sound of her voice.
                 “Yeah, Ang, it’s me.”
                 “Oh, thank the Lord!” Angie sobbed.  Tears pricked the corners of Stan’s eyes.  “I was- I was so worried!  We hit that tree and- and ya went through the windshield and- Fidds was screamin’ at me that I couldn’t put myself in more danger, sayin’ I needed to find cover now, we’d look fer ya once the storm died down.”
                 “He was right,” Stan teased.  He discreetly rubbed away the tears before they had a chance to fall.
                 “Yer my fiancé.  Yer not s’pposed to agree with my overprotective big brother.”
                 “Yeah, yeah.”
                 “How- where are ya?” Angie asked tentatively.
                 “I guess I crashed in someone’s yard and they brought me in.”
                 “Geez.  Are ya injured?”
                 “Uh.”  As if summoned by Angie’s question, pain suddenly sprouted all over Stan’s body.  He barely stifled an agonized groan.  “I dunno about injured, but I’m definitely beat up.”
                 “No broken bones or anything?”
                 “Not that I know of.”
                 “We’ll have ya see a medical professional just in case.”  Angie hesitated.  “Um.  I’d say we’d fetch ya, but our car got wrecked in the storm and Pa won’t be here with the truck fer another couple hours…”
                 “I’ll see if I can bum a ride,” Stan said.  He looked at Jack, who gave a thumbs up.  “Yeah, they can drop me off at the motel.”  Angie sighed.
                 “Good.  We’ll have to send ‘em a gift basket or somethin’ in thanks.  I’ll see ya soon, darlin’.  Love ya.”
                 “I love you, too,” Stan said softly.  The line went dead.  Stan hung up the phone.
                 “Bill or I can give you a ride,” Jack confirmed.
                 “If I can ask…”  Jack tilted his head.  “How did you wind up in that storm, anyways?  Didn’t you hear the sirens go off?”
                 “That’s why we were here, actually,” Stan said.  Jack frowned.  “My fiancée and I are storm chasers.”  Jack let out a low whistle.
                 “That’s a dangerous job.”
                 “Somebody’s gotta do it.”
                 “Yeah…”  Jack didn’t seem to believe Stan, but he merely cleared his throat.  “Maybe avoid mentioning storm chasing to Bill?  He’s got a pretty severe fear of storms.”
                 “You said he was the one who brought me inside.”
                 “It took a lot for him to do that,” Jack said stiffly.
                 All right.  Back off.
                 “I appreciate it.  You said he was outside?  I should go thank him myself,” Stan said smoothly.  Tension left Jack’s shoulders.
                 “Yes.  He’s in the backyard.”  Jack nodded at the door in the kitchen.  “Just through there.  I’ll get the truck ready while you’re talking to him.”
                 “Got it.”  Stan exited through the kitchen door.  The backyard consisted of a large clearing with some stray toys and play equipment.  Near the back of the clearing was a man in flannel chopping logs.
                 That must be Bill.  Stan idly strolled up to Bill, silently noting that he looked more sturdily built than Jack.  Bill had broad shoulders, incredibly muscular arms and legs, a full beard, and long, curly, brown hair.  Now, that’s a lumberjack if I’ve ever seen one.  He looks like he could take me out with one punch.  Stan cleared his throat.  Bill paused to look over.  He was wearing thick, wire-framed glasses, though not thick enough to hide that his right iris was a much lighter brown than his left.  It likely had something to do with the scar that stretched across his right eye.  Bill smiled lazily at Stan.  Huh.  He looks…familiar.
                 “Glad you’re awake,” Bill rumbled.  Stan frowned.
                 That voice…
                 “That was a nasty storm.”
                 “Yeah, uh,” Stan said, trying to shake off the nagging feeling he had heard Bill’s voice before.  He coughed.  “Thanks for bringing me inside.  My fiancée woulda killed me if I wound up in the hospital.”  Bill chuckled.
                 “Glad to be of help in preventing marital discord.  Or, rather, pre-marital discord.”
                 “Heh.  Yeah.”  Stan held out a hand.  Bill clasped it with his own.  Stan’s heart plummeted to his feet.  He knew that handshake.  He swallowed and looked down.  A six-fingered hand was wrapped around his.  “You- you-”
                 “Twelve fingers isn’t the weirdest thing around here,” Bill said with a laugh.  Stan looked squarely into Bill’s eyes.  Something like recognition flickered in them.
                 “Stanford?” he asked weakly.  “Bill” stared at him.  His eyes slowly widened.
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denim-devil · 2 years
Consolation | J.C
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Pairings - Jacob Custos x Male reader
Request - OMG U WRITE FOR THE QUARRY?? Can I request Jacob x Emma’s adopted brother smut? Even tho he’s adopted, he’s basically the same as Emma (attractive, nice body, small waist, and big kissable lips) but he’s nicer and loves helping people. Emma always makes fun of him and calls him a push over. Reader has always had a crush on Jacob but has never done anything abt it bcuz Emma was dating him and cuz he seemed straight. The story would take place after Jacob storms off after truth or dare and instead of Emma going to find Jacob, it would be the reader this time. They do the swimming scene, almost kiss, get interrupted by the werewolves, but instead of running into the woods, they hide in the kitchen. And then smut
A/N — I’m decided to leave the smut part out of it, hope you don’t mind, I thought this fic was kinda cute and fluffy so-
──────. • ☆:*.☽ .* :☆゚• . ──────
You watched your sister lock lips with Nick, already you could sense the tension, it was thick, smouldering, you could see the pain behind Jacob’s eyes, his mouth hanging agape in shock, why would Emma do such a thing? Especially in-front of Abi too.
You coughed loud enough to break up the kiss Emma being Emma stuck her tongue out at you before plonking herself back on the log beside an angry Abi.
It took no longer then a look her way for her to practically jump to her feet, running away from the crackling campfire towards the forest.
“You like kissing my girlfriend asshole?”
Jacob bucked up his chest, glaring down at the Aussie counsellor. Nick looked guilty, of course he did, but knowing Jacob, he wasn’t one to let things go so easily.
“It was just a game-“
“I’m nobody’s girlfriend”
You shake your head at your sister’s response, she had no remorse, not even in the slightest. You could sense the anger which irradiated from Jacob’s figure.
“The fuck it was. “Oh, it was just a game!” Yeah, the fuck it was, man!”
He began to mimic his best friend, still looking him up and down like he was really looking for a fight, or something, something to at-least show everyone that Emma was off limits. You were so sick of this Alpha-male bullshit but you really sympathised with him, especially with how everyone had been treating him this summer.
Jacob twists on his heel, stomping away from the camp which was a clear indication of how he felt, he had every right to feel that way, Emma dangled a carrot in front of his face, how was he suppose to act.
“Grow up, Jacob”
You gather your thoughts, immediately rising to your feet, fuck, somebody had to check on him and he probably really didn’t want to see Emma right now, not after tonight.
“Well done horse face, way to go-“
You follow in Jacob’s footsteps, quickly jogging after him in a pace that suited you.
You were met with the glistening waters of Hackett’s quarry lake, the water slightly jiggling in place, the moon’s reflection shimmering over the slightly murky water.
You could hear splashes, ones that were not to big but big enough to give up Jacob’s where-about’s. You slowly made your way over the creaking wood, the small dock isolated, attached to the empty boat deck.
“Jacob?” You whisper sweetly, watching the bigger male forcefully throw pebbles into the lake, maybe it was a distraction, one that reframed him from replaying the exact moment his whole world tumbled down.
“Go away-“
“It’s me…”
You trail off. He wasn’t surprised, but glad, glad you had followed behind, at-least someone was fond of him. His frown settled into a small smirk, a weak smirk that hid away his true feelings.
You sit yourself beside him. Immediately you could tell he had been crying, from his slightly puffy, red eyes to the clear tears that stained his olive skinned cheeks
It was silent between the two of you, not that you minded, Jacob actually preferred it that way, enjoying your company with the silence that followed but of course, you were way to sweet to keep quiet.
“Jacob…look at me”
He did, but his smirk faded, instead it was replaced with that frown from before. You could sense how hurt he was from, judging by his sniffling he wasn’t going to stop feeling sorry for himself any time soon and that in itself broke your heart, you had to do something.
“She fucking frenched him- in front of everyone…jesus wept”
You watched a distraught Jacob scramble to his feet, pacing back and forth. He could feel the dry tears on his cheek, the extra amount of spit clinging to his tongue from not swallowing as often, god…really.
“Well…lover boy, you can either stop sulking over her, and Nick, or…you can go grab us some towels”
Jacob stopped in his tracks before turning to face you, confusion written all over his features, his brows furrowed as if you had just stepped on his toe.
“What do you need towels for?”
You smile, which had Jacob’s heart thump slightly faster…fuck, what was going on.
“Well, since you agreed with Emma, summer fun an all and after that kiss, I’m sure she’s the last person you want to see…our Summer isn’t over just yet…”
Jacob watches you kick off your shoes, your fingers already grabbing at your zipper, Emma has already managed to fuck the night up for pretty much everyone, and your love for Jacob grew by the second, why not sweep up the opportunity to get closer, with it being just the two of you.
Jacob perked up slightly before muttering a more happier “okay”. You watched the older male scurry off, maybe it was the vibe, or the urgency to have some fun but Jacob seemed pretty into this…
“There’s not towels!” Jacob shouted down from the upper boat deck. With the kids being rather rampant and destructive, you were sure a few smuggled some home, not that it was an issue.
Jacob stood glaring at the empty wooden panels, clearly his luck was non-existent by this point.
“There’s exactly zero.”
“You dick”
You joke, not that it was the right time but still, no towels, you were going to freeze to death, even in summer the air was cool, cooler then usual.
“Just get back down here, Jacob…”
“Huh, okay well I guess we could just like, drip dry. Or I mean we could shake it out doggy style”
You blush at his comment, your eyes focusing on how eased and free he was, he felt a little more in the present now, not that he’s over Emma’s actions yet but it was something.
You both chuckle before slipping down your trousers, leaving you in just your boxers which immediately caught his attention. He watched as you practically hid yourself by turning away, facing the water.
Before he could even speak you dive head first into the water with a short squeal, one that left Jacob with a blooming sense of joy, something that spread through his body, his chest…
“Hey- I can’t just pretend it didn’t happen-“
“Oh but you can. Because, you see, oh help, help, I’m- I’m drowning. And I- I need a big, strong not at all insecure man to come and save me…”
You giggle before settling your eyes on his naked chest…fuck, he really had you wrapped around his finger. He blushes at your comments, you helped him forget about her and you actually cared about how he was feeling.
You watch as he pushes his shoulder forwards before slightly flexing, buffing up his chest.
“What’s this? A male in need?! Fear not, fragile thing- for Hurricane Jake is here!”
He jumps high enough to tuck his legs underneath him, his arms holding them up creating a ball-like shape.
The splash was big, but you chuckle, watching his head dunk underneath for a second before reappearing, he grimaced at the coldness now surrounding him.
“Woah, cold! Oh! Cold, cold, cold. Oh my- Cold. Oh. Phew”
You giggle watching the older male shiver, you could tell he would get use to it though, you smile, finally he looked a little bit happier, if only for a split second.
“Hurricane Jake?”
Your smile only encourages the butterflies in his stomach to spread up into his chest, a rush of adrenaline running through him, or something of the sorts had a raspy laugh escape him.
You playfully splash him before scooting away a bit, knowing Jacob would do the same back.
“Oh, okay, okay, now you’re gonna get it. See?”
Scooting closer, Jacob uses his strength to his ability, forcing a big splash to topple over your hair, soaking it. You squeal feeling each, single droplet pass by your ears and neck, eventually back into the water.
You giggle once again before shooting him a despicable glance, splashing him back.
“Hey! Quit it!”
You roll your eyes playfully knowing full well he was having fun, maybe the most fun he’s had all summer, especially here anyways.
“Oh! Stop! Being! A! Grump”
You use both hands to paddle small splashes back his way causing him smirk, his arms dunk underneath the water disappearing from view before he slyly pushes water back onto you.
“Ugh! Attack!”
You flinch before shooting him a glare.
“Ahhh! Hey!”
Before you could even respond, the male takes a large breath before ducking beneath the water. You look around, trying to catch whatever plan he calculated in his head.
A forceful hand yanks your leg quickly, dragging you underneath. You yelp before the water consumes you. You can already hear the deep laughter erupting from his chest before coming back up to the surface.
Your eyes squint, stopping the water from blurring your vision.
“Dick move.”
You feel his arms secure your waist against his own, the water softening the fabric between you both even more…fuck, was this really happening.
You look up into his eyes, capturing that same glint he wore when he accidentally walked in on you showering, something dark, but not entirely lustful, the way his arms soothed over your lower back had you judging his motive.
He mutters back, his lips mere inches from your own, you could feel his breath fan across your cheek. You sigh, allowing the older male to pull your bottom half closer until your chest’s were touching.
“Is this okay? I can move away if-“
You shake your head before lifting it, close enough for his plump lips to rub against them.
“Please…Please don’t-“
Your breath hitches once Jacob pushes for the kiss, attaching your lips together. His arms keep you close, holding you against his front. He grunts, your teeth sinking into his bottom lip, tugging on it.
He watches you closely once you pull away, a light blush dusting his cheeks a pale red. The air was getting cooler, much like the water surrounding you both which encouraged you to take ahold of one of Jacob’s hands, pulling him towards the dock.
“You’re okay with this?”
You mutter. You weren’t really sure what was happening between the two of you, jealousy doesn’t run far from the tree, yes you were super jealous of you’re sister, but now, now you had the chance to show Jacob how you really felt, especially with how inviting the situation had become.
You feel a tug back before you sink back into his chest, his arm wrapping around your shoulder blades, your faces close once again.
“Not in a million years would I imagine this…but you- I realise now…”
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ibeta · 1 month
Draft: Four Terribears (the dunce klerb) - Board Adventure
Sans kept a hand on his skull as he skimmed the paper on the table. Black had already stormed through it with a red pen and more corrections, and Red had left his on the stack, simply leaning over Sans’ shoulder to look at his document
“THIS DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL,” Blue, the self-deceiving skeleton monster, announced to the table. “THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTRADICT EACH OTHER AND THE LORE IS ALL… JUMBLED IN A… WAY…”
Sans looked up, seeing the struggle on Blue’s face. He guessed the skeleton monster was trying to find a nicer way to say it.
“it's fucking horrible,” the skeleton next to Sans flatly announced.
“RED!” Blue gasped.
Sans chortled and turned his head around to stare at Red with wide sockets. The edgy skeleton had a frown on his skull, browridge furrowed as he skimmed the document.
“it’s not just jumbled,” Red explained, pointing at Sans’ paper, “there’s some kind of message hidden in it. numbers at the top give you the key and… well. the pattern looks weird.”
Sans returned his attention to his paper, calculating the lines and the letters and... There it was – a song. It was a song that Sans knew well, so that meant Papyrus also had a hand in the document’s creation.
“welp, i can’t say they didn’t put in the effort.” Sans gave up reading the instructions of the game, but held up his paper so Red could continue reading it.
It was funny to see Red’s face slowly turn into a grim, angry look, as if the piece of paper in Sans’ hand deeply offended him.
Sans ducked his head, holding in his laughter. Unfortunately, his move was too obvious that it gained the other skeletons’ attention.
“WAIT, DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS?” Blue asked him, waving his instructions over. “IS IT A SECRET CODE?”
Sans looked away from him but met Red’s equally curious gaze. He stared at the skeleton with sharp teeth and then sighed, slumping down in his seat.
“it’s one of the nursery rhymes my brother wrote,” Sans told them, looking across the table. Black’s frown quickly disappeared, and an intrigued expression shifted onto his face. “he’s, uh, made quite a lot of them since he was a little bones.”
“THAT’S SO CUTE!” Blue exclaimed, all starry-eyed and sparkling.
Sans blinked his sockets and then smiled at him. “yeah, he’s pretty cute,” Sans agreed, placing the paper on the round table. “he’s the one who told me to make a club so i could socialise more.”
“OH STARS,” Black whispered, looking at Sans like he was a dirty stain on his shiny boot. “YOU DIDN’T WANT TO SOCIALISE, SO YOU NAMED IT THAT WAY.”
Red snickered beside him, and Sans flushed, avoiding their gaze.
“look, no one would want to join the ‘dunce klerb,’ okay?” Sans defended. Then he paused, raising his head to look at his selection of club members. His ridiculous club members. He cracked a grin, and then he started laughing. “except – except for all of us!”
Blue’s giggling echoed in the room with Black’s chuckling.
“fuck, you’re not wrong,” Red groaned beside him.
“of course not.” Sans turned just in time to see Red’s sockets widen.
“they put the club name in the records.”
“THAT’S RIGHT!” Black grumbled from the other side of the table.  “MY PRISTINE EDUCATION PROFILE WILL HAVE THE STUPID CLUB NAME ON IT.”
“THE EXPERIENCE IS WHAT’S IMPORTANT!” Blue told Black, sweat beaded on his skull. Clearly, he also had apprehensions about having ‘dunce klerb’ on his education profile.
Sans sweated out his excess magic. Yeah, he’d actually been hoping monsters wouldn’t join his club, but he gained three members that quickly went to fill in the internal positions.
“do you guys want to try playing the game?” he asked, wincing as they threw looks at him. The one from Black looked particularly scathing. Blue looked curious… and Red looked amused. As if having ‘dunce klerb’ on Red’s file wasn’t a problem. Sans wondered if he’d think the same if someone read it out loud to him.
“hey, i can’t retroactively change the club name,” Sans weakly defended. “might as well give up.”
He knew the school rules like the back of his hand. As the judge, he received the laws of a place he visited. The school rules just went straight to his head and stayed there until a change of laws happened. In no way was he able to change the club name.
“um, please?” he tried, gazing at each of them imploringly. He didn’t know what expression he was making, but his skeleton club members sighed in unison.
Red stared at him for a few seconds and nodded. “yeah, sure.”
“IS IT A GOOD GAME?” Blue asked Sans, who also had no idea how to play it.
“civilian,” Sans chanted to his folded paper, after all the others picked up a piece from the ballot. “i don’t want to fight monsters.”
“BUT THERE’S NO LISTED CIVILIANS IN THE LIST!” Blue held up his phone, which showed the potential classes they could have received.
Sans agreed with him, but he noticed a problem as he read more of the instructions.
“there’s so many monsters in this game.” He froze, teeth clenched as his memories took him back to the past. Fleeting images of a genocidal human and a murderous flower flashed in his mind. They also played games like this with real monster lives cut by their hands.
A game, it was a game. But Sans suddenly thought that he couldn’t play it. It reminded him all too well of prophecies and intervening gods. It reminded him of the helplessness as a piece on the board, a monster trapped within the rules of a game made for the vessel of a higher being.
And, in this game, most of the enemies would be monsters—creatures he’d protected for the most part of his life.
Sans placed the instruction back on the table and leaned back on his chair. He didn’t want to disappoint his brother, but he also didn’t want to play a game where monsters would be killed by their vessels—their characters. It felt wrong, as if starting the game would create the world elsewhere, and all his actions would cause it a harmful impact.
“hey, what’s wrong?” A shoulder bumped into his, startling him.
Sans looked up to see Red’s worried eyelights aimed at him. Sans struggled through his emotions, unable to put it into words. He hadn’t expected someone to notice his apprehension with the game.
“just…” Sans tapped the folded paper on the desk, shoulders dropping. “just, uh, suddenly feeling like this might not be the game for me.”
“is it cause you’re not a fighter or something?” Red questioned him, frowning.
Sans paused, and then slowly searched Red’s face. Nothing on it gave him an idea of what Red was thinking. Only worry, compassion. A real monster beside him, intent so gentle, almost soft.
“too many monsters,” Sans admitted after a moment. He waved a hand at the board on the table, which was drawn by Black’s brother, Rus. “i don’t want to kill them.” Stars, his voice wobbled. It must’ve sounded horrible because Red’s expression turned sharp.
“what if they’re all skeletons?” Red offered.
Sans blinked. “what do you mean?”
Red slid a sheet of paper over. “skeletons are already dead. can’t be deader than dead like a skeleton. but our brothers changed skeletons a lot, so we have this… thing.”
Sans lifted the sheet to read it. Their brothers had changed skeletons entirely, giving it a lot more power than other monsters. Skeletons could take any damage, but they couldn’t be completely killed. Some skeleton god lost his people and couldn’t summon them unless they got vanquished. Skeletons that get killed by the vessels would just send them back into the loving arms of their god, and back to… skeleton heaven. Where they’ll receive all love, comfort, and fun. Parties all day, sunny beach times, and a nice soft bed to sleep on when they needed rest.
Sans snorted at the descriptions.
“i'm guessin’ that look on your face says it’s a good idea.”
Sans looked up at Red, who gave him a smirk. He didn’t even notice he’d been smiling. “red, this is…” he trailed off, shaking his head. “yeah. this, uh, might work. they won’t spawn back, and they’ll have a good time in skeleton heaven.”
“good. let’s change them all.” Red turned back to the table, and Sans couldn’t take his gaze away from his serious expression. “hey, numbskulls!”
The sounds of Black and Blue discussing the rules stopped.
“change of plans,” Red told them, tapping the character sheets on the table. “we can’t have this many monsters.”
Black grabbed his clipboard again, skimming it. “IT’S NOT THAT MANY, WE CAN DO IT.”
“i'm all for slaying, but i want all the enemies to change into skeletons.”
“WHY?” Blue asked, looking up from his character sheet.
Red tossed Sans a look. Sans handed over the skeleton story sheet. Blue grabbed it before Black could get his fancy gloves on it. The expression on the bubbly skeleton’s face brightened as he read through it.
“WHAT?” Black snatched the papers, frowning. Then, he started chuckling. “OKAY, I LIKE THIS BETTER. THAT MEANS OUR CHARACTERS CAN SPAWN BACK AFTER REACHING SKELETON HEAVEN.”
The monsters were changed to skeletons… which they should have considered doing in the first place. Black had picked some kind of fighter class, Blue had picked a cleric, and Red had picked something that used musical instruments.
“it’s a bard,” Sans read out. “it has… interesting skills. here, take a look.”
Red took the stack of papers from his hands. “better than being an actual civilian,” he insisted to Sans, who had somehow picked no class, but became a useless skeleton prince with no magic. “you’re just a prince from some foreign land looking for adventure, and we’re the thugs you hired for escort work. we get all the action and none for ya.”
“skeleton prince,” Sans absent-mindedly corrected as he looked at the locations on the list.
“yeah, fine. you’re a royal dead weight—”
Sans choked on the laughter that escaped him. He heard Black snorting and Blue snickering as they were plotting out their journey. He turned to Red and saw his bemused grin, the interest and curiosity in his gaze.
“what, can’t accept the heavy title?”
“red, you’re killing me,” Sans wheezed out, chortling.
Red’s grin widened, and Sans thought he looked absolutely evil. “so you’re a royal double-dead weight, huh?”
Sans started giggling again, unable to stop it. “oh, man, stop—”
“wait a minute—guys, what happens if the skeleton prince dies again from laughing too hard?”
Sans made a dying sound as Black and Blue actually considered the question seriously and started giving ridiculous answers.
Sans was confident that they were planning to keep him in a casket so he wouldn’t dust and still be useful as a lock-picker. He had more use as a lucky charm than an adventurer.
Red chuckled and nudged Sans. “our teammates, huh? might be fun.”
“don’t ask, i don’t know why this keeps happening,” Sans told them after he won a roll with a skeleton musician and took his lute. He couldn’t equip it, so Red became the proud new owner of the unique lute. It had little skills on it, special ones that worked well with some of his bard skills.
“ARE YOU A PRINCE OR A THIEF?” Black looked over the board, his expression reflecting the amazement in his voice. “WE’VE ENCOUNTERED SEVERAL BANDITS, BUT YOU’RE THE ONE WHO SEEMS TO TURN THINGS AROUND BY ROBBING THEM BLIND.”
Sans shrugged and leaned against Red, yawning. “i can’t provoke them, but my character can goad them into bets.” With his legendary heirloom as leverage, the skeleton enemies couldn’t resist taking the bait, unknowing of Sans’ high luck stat.
“finally,” Red breathed out, sounding so relieved. “i literally just stood there and did nothing. sans has higher speed than me in turns, so my bard never had the chance to act.”
“you’ll get there, bud,” Sans comforted, not knowing what hell Red would unleash to their enemies.
Honestly, Red should have higher speed because Sans was dying from laughter before they even reached the fourth set of skeletons to fight in the dungeon.
“that mocking skill, i'm gonna use it again,” Red immediately called out, with only a fifth of his HP remaining and so close to going to skeleton heaven. “i'm telling them that they’re too old for this job that they're starting to look like bone meal. whenever i walk past them, i hear them rattle like their bones are begging to be thrown into a wood chipper.”
The mockery enraged the skeleton hoard, but with a roll, they all died in shame from the insult.
“w-why do they always die in shame?” Sans keened into Red’s shoulder. The other skeleton chuckled at him, a rough sound that shook Sans’ bones. Red had an arm around his waist, holding him steady as he kept losing it. “and what’s – what is wrong with looking like bone meal? those are good for plants!”
“it’s just tiny chips of bones,” Red told him. “they’re skeletons – they’re all exposed and sensitive like this, that means their feelings are soft and squishy. if you throw ‘em an insult, they’ll cry so hard you’ll hear them rattling in a corner to hide their tears.”
Black hadn’t stopped wheezing and holding Blue close, who couldn’t stop laughing when they sent so many skeletons back home. Red had used the skill mostly because his unique lute weapon gave it bonus attack damage, but then he just… never stopped using it. Insulting skeleton enemies seemed to come naturally to him.
“come on, let’s check if they dropped something,’ Red hurriedly said. Black shoved over the paper with cryptic numbers and letters. “sans, do your thing.”
Sans warbled out a giggle and rolled the dice twice. “list a, number forty-three.”
“crap gear,” Red groused as he looked up the item list from his phone, obviously spoiled by his many unique items. Black and Blue had similar unique-ranked equipment, courtesy of Sans, thieving the best gears from their skeleton enemies. Them sighing at the drops made Sans turn his face into the fluff of Red’s hood to muffle his mirth. “let’s sell them at the nearest town.”
Like a curse, they managed to lose all their gold to a quicker thief that ran away.
“that bonehead!” Red groaned in defeat, sending Sans into fits of laughter. “that was all our gold!”
Blue switched to reading so many papers. Looking for a way to grab it back, Sans guessed. “WAIT! THERE’S A THIEVES GUILD NEARBY.”
“LET’S RAID THEM!” Black snapped, lifting a hand to move the objective pointer on the board. “WE HAVE TO GET BACK OUR GOLD. WE NEED IT TO BUY A SHIP FROM THE PIER TO GET TO THE BAD ISLAND.”
Blue looked so grateful that he started loudly planning what paths they should take. Sans and his team followed the thief to the guild, managed to disarm the alarms, and caused chaos in the wake of the night.
Inside the treasury room, they encountered their first boss.
“that mockery skill,” Red hissed after Blue bludgeoned the boss into a stun. “i tell him he’s a numbskull that can’t tell the difference between a carpal and a carpool!”
Sans had long given up on leaving Red’s fluffy jacket alone, keening into the cloth to stifle his laughter. Red patted his side, his eyelights sharply following the boss stats and description. Blue had helped reform the boss into its skeleton form, which came in the shape of a large ox.
The hit struck, and the boss wept. Black took a stab at him, Blue stunned him and knocked off an arm, and Sans skipped his turn because he couldn’t ask the boss to go for a bet while he’s stunned.
Red took his turn and said, “mockery. i tell him it’s okay to lack a sense of humerus. i tell him he if he needs help, i can give him a hand because it looks like he lost one.”
Sans chortled as he pointed at the boss sheet. “you sent him to skeleton heaven!”
Their first boss dropped an amount of gold higher than what they had since Sans’ equipment had gold bonus. They searched more of the treasury, but they had to leave because there was a high chance that someone would soon check it out.
Afterwards, they bought a boat from a shady merchant.
Setting sail, they entered the waters, rolled into an encounter, and sunk into the maw of a behemoth of a sea serpent skeleton. Gold and all. Because, of course, the ocean had a curse that sent its travellers drowning when the sea serpent sensed gold during twilight hours.
“THAT WAS ALL OUR GOLD… THAT DAMNED SEA SERPENT!” Black’s skull thudded on the table. Blue patted his shoulders in comfort, giggling, while Sans became a stress pillow that Red hugged tightly when Sans jokingly asked if he needed it.
“i'm gonna kill my bro,” Red vowed at the top of Sans’ skull. The angry rumble of his voice continued as he crushed Sans to his ribs. “i'm gonna send him a snake through the mail.”
“w-w-was it him?” Sans snickered into Red’s sweater, rubbing his new friend’s back gently. “did he make the sea serpent?”
“are you kidding?” Red hissed, “his hands are all over that curse!”
Sans broke out in laughter.
But they couldn’t continue when Black noticed the time.
“I NEED TO GO,” Black sighed, an expression of regret on his face. Sans smiled at him. “I HAVE TO PICK UP MY BROTHER FROM SCHOOL.”
Sans sat straight in his chair. “right. aren’t they all together? we can go pick them up.” Heading to Papyrus’ school together will let them all meet in one room. Maybe then he’d get a hint to their existence.
“WAIT, EVERYONE STOP.” Sans looked up at Black, who still wore a sour expression. But this time, there seemed to be a glint in his eyelights. “THEY’RE TOGETHER. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER.”
“they’re friends, right?” Red abruptly added, as if he caught on to whatever Black was thinking. “they wanted us to be buddies and all. but, hey, that sea serpent made me real mad—”
“—THEN WE WON’T DO IT!” Black finished, giving Red an approving look. Sans hummed at his plan, turning over in his skull. “I DON’T LIKE THAT WE LOST THAT MUCH GOLD TO A SEA SERPENT.”
Sans shuddered, remembering how hard it took for them to loot a big chest. “we had to spend so much time at the swamp to look for the magic key. i couldn’t do anything because physical lock-picks don’t work on it.”
Blue was the one who had magic, but he barely had the stats to open the big chest. “WE ONLY RECEIVED GOLD FROM THE CHEST. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER IF YOU DID IT, SANS.”
“yeah, you had better luck at it.”
Sans tipped his head in agreement. “prank accepted. from now on, we’re NOT friends in front of our bros.”
Black beamed, like the true evil overlord that he should have been in the campaign. “WE CAN PRETEND TO TOLERATE EACH OTHER.”
“yeah, let’s keep it up for a long time,” Red sighed dreamily. “just imagine the look on their face when they figure it out decades later.”
Sans covered his grin at the implication that they’d be friends forever. “sure.”
He wouldn’t mind going on several board game adventures, where Black missed his hits, where Blue used too many of his attack moves, and where Red nearly died but couldn’t stop mocking the enemies.
Blue looked starry-eyed, and Sans guessed his self-deception needed some fixing because he also seemed positively vengeful. “RED, THAT’S A GOOD IDEA! WHAT IF WE ALSO MAKE SURE THEY NEVER FIND OUT?”
“that’s easy.” Sans took an empty sheet of paper from the table, nabbing Red’s pen. He started writing down their names and shared information. “look, we already introduced ourselves and played a game. but what if this scenario happened instead—”
Sans continued to list down the possible scenarios of them remaining as polite acquaintances forced together by their younger brothers. They were monsters who dutifully did their duties as older brothers to attend the club with the silly name that their younger brothers recommended.
“…then, we’d have a way to know they’re coming by, and we can quickly adjust to their presence,” Sans explained as he pointed at Blue. “you’re already sociable outwardly, so you’ll be the one to look like you’re trying hard to make us get along.  black’s already known for being well-connected, so we’re all considered to be his acquaintances. red can continue treating us like he’s dragging his feet over, and i'll make bad jokes to try to get rid of the tension.”
“you did a good job naming the club,” Red hummed appreciatively. “this way we get to keep your pretty mind all for us.”
“well… uh.” Sans didn’t know why his magic headed straight to his skull. He usually had better control than this, flustered by his new friends. “thank you…”
Sans flushed under the attention and shrugged. He couldn’t claim the plans were fully his—hanging out in the lunch room of the Monster Intelligence building had its uses.
“papyrus will know if we act too differently,” he said to them, leaning his elbows on the table. “if i can tell that blue’s too happy, then he’ll notice that black's treating us too well. red won’t be able to fool him if he acts too abrasive… and, uh, it’s not in my nature to quickly write someone off. so he’ll expect me to play nice anyway.”
“what’s your nature anyway?”
Sans grinned at Red. “a total lazybones.”
Red barked out a laugh. “shit, that’s too accurate.”
“HOW WAS YOUR… ERM.” Papyrus stopped talking, eyeing them carefully. “IS… EVERYTHING OKAY?”
Sans stood straight and glanced at his club members. Red had his shoulders hunched, but Sans could tell he was trying so hard not to laugh. Blue tried to start a conversation with Red but couldn’t get past Red’s short answers. Black talked at Sans, explaining to him the benefits of personal connections and how he should be considered when he wrote down the next club plan meetings.
His new friends seemed good at acting.
“uh, yeah. we’re good, bro.”
Edge, Red’s brother, stood next to Papyrus, wearing an apron and a glare. Stretch, the skeleton with an orange hoodie, had a grimace on his face. And Black’s brother… he looked nervous as he scanned his brother up and down. They looked like a strange set of twins or fraternal quadruplets. Sans momentarily doubted that he and Papyrus were related, and then he remembered that Papyrus hadn’t exactly come into his care in the conventional way.
Sans hadn’t expected to see the skeletons he’d saved to be together in the same school. “bro, your, uh, new friends... they have an uncanny resemblance to you.”
His brother froze, and then some sort of panic appeared on his face. Sans kept his face relaxed. “SANS, THESE ARE MY CLASSMATES! EDGE, STRETCH, AND RUS!”
“hi, papyrus’ brother,” Stretch muttered, peering down at him. “you… kinda look like blue.”
Sans tilted his smile up at him. “hey, i get your name now. i really gotta stretch my neck to look at you.”
Stretch blinked, and then he grinned happily. “papyrus, your brother’s cool.”
Behind him, Sans heard Blue’s groan.
Papyrus predictably made a strange face, so Sans met Edge’s glare. “heya, you’re edge, right? red mentioned you. once. and, uh, never really got another word after.”
“HELLO, SANS,” the tall and sharp-teethed skeleton replied, offering a hand. Sans eyed the hand and then stretched out his own.
The sound of a whoopie cushion dying between them echoed through the empty school hallway.
Red snorted a laugh and then looked horrified. But Stretch and Rus suddenly started laughing, which set Red off again. Blue and Black giggled and chuckled, respectively, while Sans brought back his hand to himself in case Edge wanted revenge.
Papyrus looked up at the ceiling as if he wanted to be anywhere else but near Sans. Edge had frozen, obviously stunned by Sans’ galling actions.
“the old whoopie cushion on the hand trick,” Sans told Edge. “i didn’t expect to use it this soon.”
Edge face morphed into defeat, as if Sans’ shamelessness trumped whatever etiquette practice he’d been doing. Stretch and Rus lost it. Red kept trying to stop laughing, leaning at the wall of the hallway as he covered his teeth.
Papyrus walked over to stand in front of his friends, as if blocking them from Sans would keep them safe from pranks.
“SANS, MAY I GROUND YOU?” Papyrus asked him politely.
“no.” Sans grinned at his brother. Papyrus leaned down with a sigh, touching their foreheads together as he hugged Sans. He chuckled and hugged back, rubbing their cheekbones together in reply. “but you can visit me at MUCK so you can check on me.”
Migraine. Haven't written as much this week because of cleaning and consuming coffee chocolates to heighten my anxiety for cleaning. Only worked the first three days, so now I'm just super anxious. I want to write but can't write until I finish cleaning or making the place look clean.
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au where Greg is raised with the Roys
So I am thinking when Greg is around 11/12, he and his mom and grandpa come to Roy’s Thanksgiving celebration. And when Ewan and Logan inevitably start fighting and Ewan begins to storm away, instead of just following Greg asks “Can I stay here?” Because his dad just left, his mom is distraught, at least here he has someone to talk to (even though his cousins are kind of mean to him), and there is a lot of cool stuff to play with. 
And Logan is fucking delighted. 
The thought of stealing his brother’s grandson from him is one of the greatest gifts that just fell right into his lap. Of course, he would be happy to take care of his nephew. And Marianne, barely keeping it together after being betrayed by her husband thinks that maybe it might be better for Greg to be with his uncle and cousins. 
And so now Greg is officially one of the Roys. Except he learns very quickly that he is not on the same standing as his cousins. He is not entitled to the same benefits by virtue of being Logan’s kid. He lives through 100% bargaining for his place. He does what Logan says and Logan gives him what he wants. 
And honestly? Greg can work with this. Ewan had the exact same relationship with him, but at least it is easier to figure out what the fuck Logan wants him to do compared to Ewan’s overly specific and indiscernible moral requirements. 
But if Logan knows how to do one thing, it is manipulating his family. He gives Greg random tasks or milestones to complete in exchange for security and power, then turns around and uses it to undermine his kids. (for example, Logan tells Greg he will only pay for two years of college so he has to graduate by then later calling Roman a fucking idiot because his cousin graduated in half the time it took him). 
Basically this leads to Greg and the Roy kids having a terrible relationship where the kids hate Greg because Logan uses him as a weapon against them whereas Greg resents them because they have security and stability that he doesn’t have. 
Tom starts dating Shiv and somehow Greg and him never meet (even though Shiv has told him all sorts of nasty and awful things about her Iago-like cousin) because Greg is like in grad school or something and is not around. BUT they do eventually meet at Logan’s 80 birthday party, where Greg states that he wants to finally have a position at the company. Logan loves causing problems on purpose and manages to inform everyone that Greg and Tom will both be at Parks (before having a stroke lmfao). 
Tom doesn’t really know how to feel about Greg until they are at a family dinner and Roman has been insulting Tom all night but when Logan asks Greg what he thinks about Tom and Greg goes “oh he is um really hardworking and um smart? :)” and this happens to coincide with when Logan particularly thinks Roman is a fucking idiot and so Logan starts being way nicer to Tom as a result. Tom immediately like this is my brother in arms he is my forever ally we will weather the storm of the Roys together.
Meanwhile, Greg is mad at Shiv because she fucked him over somehow and so he is trying to steal her fiance. 
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kookie-doughs · 2 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
Another year passed and now the camp needs them again.
Chapter 5: Godly Music Brought To You By
The next few days were torture, just like Tantalus wanted.
First there was Tyson moving into the Poseidon cabin, giggling to himself every fifteen seconds and saying, "Percy is my brother?" like he'd just won the lottery.
"Aw, Tyson," I'd say. "It's not that simple."
But there was no explaining it to him. He was in heaven. And me ... as much as I liked the big guy, I couldn't help feeling embarrassed. Ashamed. There, I said it.
My father, the all-powerful Poseidon, had gotten moony-eyed for some nature spirit, and Tyson had been the result. I mean, I'd read the myths about Cyclopes. I even remembered that they were often Poseidon's children. But I'd never really processed that this made them my ... family.
Until I had Tyson living with me in the next bunk.
And then there were the comments from the other campers. Suddenly, I wasn't Percy Jackson, the cool guy who'd retrieved Zeus's lightning bolt last summer. Now I was Percy Jackson, the poor schmuck with the ugly monster for a brother.
"He's not my real brother!" I protested whenever Tyson wasn't around. "He's more like a half-brother on the monstrous side of the family. Like ... a half-brother twice removed, or something."
Nobody bought it. And it made Y/N angry that I was technically ashamed of Tyson.
I admit—I was angry at my dad. I felt like being his son was now a joke.
As Y/N was ignoring me most of the time whenever I push Tyson away. Annabeth tried to make me feel better.  She suggested we team up for the chariot race to take our minds off our problems. Don't get me wrong—we both hated Tantalus and we were worried sick about camp—but we didn't know what to do about it.
Since we couldn't really come up with some brilliant plan to save Thalia's tree, we figured we might as well go along with the races. After all, Annabeth's mom, Athena, had invented the chariot, and my dad had created horses. Together we would own that track. Y/N refused to join the race.
One morning Annabeth and I were sitting by the canoe lake sketching chariot designs when some jokers from Aphrodite's cabin walked by and asked me if I needed to borrow some eyeliner for my eye ... "Oh sorry, eyes."
As they walked away laughing, Annabeth grumbled, "Just ignore them, Percy. It isn't your fault you have a monster for a brother."
"He's not my brother!" I snapped. "And he's not a monster, either!"
Annabeth raised her eyebrows. "Hey, don't get mad at me! And technically, he is a monster."
"I'm sorry, Percy, I didn't expect Poseidon to claim him. Cyclopes are the most deceitful, treacherous—"
"He is not! What have you got against Cyclopes, any-way?
Annabeth's ears turned pink. I got the feeling there was something she wasn't telling me- something bad.
"Just forget it," she said. "Now, the axle for this chariot—"
"You're treating him like he's this horrible thing," I said. "He saved my life."
Annabeth threw down her pencil and stood. "Then maybe you should design a chariot with him."
"Maybe I should."
She stormed off and left me feeling even worse than before.
The next couple of days, I tried to keep my mind off my problems.
Silena Beauregard, one of the nicer girls from Aphrodite's cabin, gave me my first riding lesson on a pegasus. She explained that there was only one immortal winged horse named Pegasus, who still wandered free somewhere in the skies, but over the eons he'd sired a lot of children, none quite so fast or heroic, but all named after the first and greatest.
Being the son of the sea god, I never liked going into the air. My dad had this rivalry with Zeus, so I tried to stay out of the lord of the sky's domain as much as possible. But riding a winged horse felt different. It didn't make me nearly as nervous as being in an airplane. Maybe that was because my dad had created horses out of sea foam, so the pegasi were sort of ... neutral territory.
I could understand their thoughts. I wasn't surprised when my pegasus went galloping over the treetops or chased a flock of seagulls into a cloud.
The problem was that Tyson wanted to ride the "chicken ponies," too, but the pegasi got skittish whenever he approached. I told them telepathically that Tyson wouldn't hurt them, but they didn't seem to believe me. That made Tyson cry. Luckily babysitter Y/N would always calm him down and comfort him.
The only person at camp aside from Y/N, who had no problem with Tyson was Beckendorf from the Hephaestus cabin. The blacksmith god had always worked with Cyclopes in his forges, so Beckendorf took Tyson down to the armory to teach him metalworking. He said he'd have Tyson crafting magic items like a master in no time.
After lunch, I worked out in the arena with Apollo's cabin. Swordplay had always been my strength. People said I was better at it than any camper in the last hundred years, except maybe Luke. People always compared me to Luke.
I thrashed the Apollo guys easily. I should've been testing myself against the Ares and Athena cabins, since they had the best sword fighters, but I didn't get along with Clarisse and her siblings, and after my argument with Annabeth, I just didn't want to see her.
I went to archery class, even though I was terrible at it, and it wasn't the same without Chiron teaching.
Y/N wasn't much of a sword person but more of a knife girl. She was the best if not second knife wielder in the camp. But if she had tried to fight with a sword when I watched the Hermes cabin once, she looked better than me. It was like seeing Luke fighting. Her archery skills were also on point, which made even people from Apollo's cabin impressed. So technically speaking, she was good with every weapon.
In arts and crafts, I started a marble bust of Poseidon, but it started looking like Sylvester Stallone, so I ditched it. I scaled the climbing wall in full lava-and-earthquake mode. And in the evenings, I did border patrol. Even though Tantalus had insisted we forget trying to protect the camp, some of the campers had quietly kept it up, working out a schedule during our free times.
I sat at the top of Half-Blood Hill and watched the dryads come and go, singing to the dying pine tree. Satyrs brought their reed pipes and played nature magic songs, and for a while the pine needles seemed to get fuller. The flowers on the hill smelled a little sweeter and the grass looked greener. But as soon as the music stopped, the sickness crept back into the air. The whole hill seemed to be infected, dying from the poison that had sunk into the tree's roots. The longer I sat there, the angrier I got.
Luke had done this. I remembered his sly smile, the dragon-claw scar across his face. He'd pretended to be my friend, and the whole time he'd been Kronos's number-one servant.
I opened the palm of my hand. The scar Luke had given me last summer was fading, but I could still see it—a white asterisk-shaped wound where his pit scorpion had stung me.
I thought about what Luke had told me right before he'd tried to kill me: Good-bye, Percy.
There is a new Golden Age coming. You won't be part of it.
"What could you be thinking so intently?" Y/N sang clinging on me from behind. "It's not good for you to think. You really suck at it." She smirked, poking my cheek.
"Shut up." I laughed pushing her away. "Where's D/N?"
She settled beside me and laid on the ground behind me still keeping distance from the water. "With Tyson and some kids from Hermes's cabin."
"You got Tyson to mix with your cabin?"
"Real easy, they want to see D/N's cool powers." she said smugly.
"How did he get powers?"
"Hades. He's really cool. I swung by."
"You mean while you were searching for you parent?" She nodded. "How'd that go."
She took a while to respond and the atmosphere felt a bit tense. But after a while she sat up and looked at me. "Have you heard of The Prophecy of the ninth day?"
"You know how everyone is so tensed around you and all that?"
"Yeah, thanks to some prophecy..."
"I heard there was another prophecy. A bigger prophecy than yours. Only the gods know of."
I looked at her confused. "What?"
"I don't know. It was a prophecy only gods know so I could only ask gods. But I can't ask gods too because it seemed everyone swore by Styx so... I was wondering if you knew."
"W-Why ask me? We're practically in the same boat."
"Well, everyone thinks you're the child of the prophecy. And so far you've been part of 2 prophecies. Who else should I ask about a prophecy like this?"
"How did you even come to know about this prophecy?"
She didn't respond.
"Did you overhear it from a god? This is something Annabeth migh--"
"Don't. This should only be between us. No one else should know. Promise me."
"I-" I sighed, "Fine."
Ruffling my hair she smiled, "Good boy. Might even rival D/N" I swat her hand away and she started laughing.
Pushing myself up i helped her stand, "We should go."
At night, I had more dreams of Grover. Sometimes, I just heard snatches of his voice. Once, I heard him say: It's here. Another time: He likes sheep.
I thought about telling Annabeth about my dreams, but I would've felt stupid. I mean, He likes sheep? She would've thought I was crazy.
The night before the race, Tyson and I finished our chariot. It was wicked cool. Tyson had made the metal parts in the armory's forges. I'd sanded the wood and put the carriage together. It was blue and white, with wave designs on the sides and a trident painted on the front. After all that work, it seemed only fair that Tyson would ride shotgun with me, though I knew the horses wouldn't like it, and Tyson's extra weight would slow us down.
As we were turning in for bed, Tyson said, "You are mad?"
I realized I'd been scowling. "Nah. I'm not mad."
He lay down in his bunk and was quiet in the dark. His body was way too long for his bed.
When he pulled up the covers, his feet stuck out the bottom. "I am a monster."
"Don't say that."
"It is okay. I will be a good monster. Then you will not have to be mad."
I didn't know what to say. I stared at the ceiling and felt like I was dying slowly, right along with Thalia's tree.
"It's just... I never had a half-brother before." I tried to keep my voice from cracking. "It's really different for me. And I'm worried about the camp. And another friend of mine, Grover... he might be in trouble. I keep feeling like I should be doing something to help, but I don't know what."
Tyson said nothing.
"I'm sorry," I told him. "It's not your fault. I'm mad at Poseidon. I feel like he's trying to embarrass me, like he's trying to compare us or something, and I don't understand why."
I heard a deep rumbling sound. Tyson was snoring.
I sighed. "Good night, big guy."
And I closed my eyes, too.
In my dream, Grover was wearing a wedding dress.
It didn't fit him very well. The gown was too long and the hem was caked with dried mud. The neckline kept falling off his shoulders. A tattered veil covered his face.
He was standing in a dank cave, lit only by torches. There was a cot in one corner and an old-fashioned loom in the other, a length of white cloth half woven on the frame. And he was staring right at me, like I was a TV program he'd been waiting for. "Thank the gods!" he yelped. "Can you hear me?"
My dream-self was slow to respond. I was still looking around, taking in the stalactite ceiling, the stench of sheep and goats, the growling and grumbling and bleating sounds that seemed to echo from behind a refrigerator-sized boulder, which was blocking the room's only exit, as if there were a much larger cavern beyond it.
"Percy? Y/N?" Grover said. "Please, I don't have the strength to project any better. You have to hear me!"
"I hear you," I said. "Grover, what's going on?"
From behind the boulder, a monstrous voice yelled, "Honeypie! Are you done yet?"
Grover flinched. He called out in falsetto, "Not quite, dearest! A few more days!"
"Bah! Hasn't it been two weeks yet?"
"N-no, dearest. Just five days. That leaves twelve more to go."
The monster was silent, maybe trying to do the math. He must've been worse at arithmetic than I was, because he said, "All right, but hurry! I want to SEEEEE under that veil, heh-heh-heh."
Grover turned back to me. "You have to help me! No time! I'm stuck in this cave. On an island in the sea."
"I don't know exactly! I went to Florida and turned left."
"What? How did you—"
"It's a trap!" Grover said. "It's the reason no satyr has ever returned from this quest. He's a shepherd, Percy! And he has it. Its nature magic is so powerful it smells just like the great god Pan!
The satyrs come here thinking they've found Pan, and they get trapped and eaten by Polyphemus!"
"The Cyclops!" Grover said, exasperated. "I almost got away. I made it all the way to St. Augustine."
"But he followed you," I said, remembering my first dream. "And trapped you in a bridal boutique."
"That's right," Grover said. "My first empathy link must've worked then. Look, this bridal dress is the only thing keeping me alive. He thinks I smell good, but I told him it was just goat-scented perfume. Thank goodness he can't see very well. His eye is still half blind from the last time somebody poked it out. But soon he'll realize what I am. He's only giving me two weeks to finish the bridal train, and he's getting impatient!"
"Wait a minute. This Cyclops thinks you're—"
"Yes!" Grover wailed. "He thinks I'm a lady Cyclops and he wants to marry me!"
Under different circumstances, I might've busted out laughing, but Grover's voice was deadly serious. He was shaking with fear.
"I'll come rescue you," I promised. "Where are you?"
"The Sea of Monsters, of course!"
"The sea of what?"
"I told you! I don't know exactly where! And look, Percy ... urn, I'm really sorry about this, but this empathy link ... well, I had no choice. Our emotions are connected now. If I die ..."
"Don't tell me, I'll die too."
"Oh, well, perhaps not. You might live for years in a vegetative state. But, uh, it would be a lot better if you got me out of here."
"Honeypie!" the monster bellowed. "Dinnertime! Yummy yummy sheep meat!"
Grover whimpered. "I have to go. Hurry!"
"Wait! You said 'it' was here. What?"
But Grover's voice was already growing fainter. "Sweet dreams. Don't let me die!"
The dream faded and I woke with a start. It was early morning. Tyson was staring down at me, his one big brown eye full of concern.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
His voice sent a chill down my back, because he sounded almost exactly like the monster I'd heard in my dream.
The morning of the race was hot and humid. Fog lay low on the ground like sauna steam.
Millions of birds were roosting in the trees—fat gray-and-white pigeons, except they didn't coo like regular pigeons. They made this annoying metallic screeching sound that reminded me of submarine radar.
The racetrack had been built in a grassy field between the archery range and the woods.
Hephaestus's cabin had used the bronze bulls, which were completely tame since they'd had their heads smashed in, to plow an oval track in a matter of minutes.
There were rows of stone steps for the spectators— Tantalus, the satyrs, a few dryads, and all of the campers who weren't participating. Mr. D didn't show. He never got up before ten o'clock.
"Right!" Tantalus announced as the teams began to assemble. A naiad had brought him a big platter of pastries, and as Tantalus spoke, his right hand chased a chocolate eclair across the judge's table. "You all know the rules. A quarter-mile track. Twice around to win. Two horses per chariot. Each team will consist of a driver and a fighter. Weapons are allowed. Dirty tricks are expected. But try not to kill anybody!" Tantalus smiled at us like we were all naughty children. "Any killing will result in harsh punishment. No s'mores at the campfire for a week! Now ready your chariots!"
Beckendorf led the Hephaestus team onto the track. They had a sweet ride made of bronze and iron—even the horses, which were magical automatons like the Colchis bulls. I had no doubt that their chariot had all kinds of mechanical traps and more fancy options than a fully loaded Maserati.
The Ares chariot was bloodred, and pulled by two grisly horse skeletons. Clarisse climbed aboard with a batch of javelins, spiked balls, caltrops, and a bunch of other nasty toys.
Apollo's chariot was trim and graceful and completely gold, pulled by two beautiful palominos. Their fighter was armed with a bow, though he had promised not to shoot regular pointed arrows at the opposing drivers.
Hermes's chariot was green and kind of old-looking, as if it hadn't been out of the garage in years. It didn't look like anything special, but it was manned by the Stoll brothers, and I shuddered to think what dirty tricks they'd schemed up.
That left two chariots: one driven by Annabeth, and the other by me.
Before the race began, I called Y/N and together we tried to approach Annabeth and told them about my dream.
Annabeth perked up when I mentioned Grover, but when I told her what he'd said, she seemed to get distant again, suspicious.
"You're trying to distract me," she decided.
"What? No I'm not!"
"Oh, right! Like Grover would just happen to stumble across the one thing that could save the camp."
"What do you mean?"
She rolled her eyes. "Go back to your chariot, Percy."
"I'm not making this up. He's in trouble, Annabeth."
She hesitated. I could tell she was trying to decide whether or not to trust me. Despite our occasional fights, we'd been through a lot together. And I knew she would never want anything bad to happen to Grover.
"Percy, an empathy link is so hard to do. I mean, it's more likely you really were dreaming."
"The Oracle," I said. "We could consult the Oracle."
Annabeth frowned.
Last summer, before my quest, I'd visited the strange spirit that lived in the Big House attic and it had given me a prophecy that came true in ways I'd never expected. The experience had freaked me out for months. Annabeth knew I'd never suggest going back there if I wasn't completely serious.
Before she could answer, the conch horn sounded.
"Charioteers!" Tantalus called. "To your mark!"
"We'll talk later," Y/N said
"After I win." Annabeth said.
As I was walking back to my own chariot, I noticed how many more pigeons were in the trees now—screeching like crazy, making the whole forest rustle. Nobody else seemed to be paying them much attention, but they made me nervous. Their beaks glinted strangely. Their eyes seemed shinier than regular birds.
Tyson was having trouble getting our horses under control. I had to talk to them a long time before they would settle down.
He's a monster, lord! they complained to me.
He's a son of Poseidon, I told them. Just like ... well, just like me.
No! they insisted. Monster! Horse-eater! Not trusted!
I'll give you sugar cubes at the end of the race, I said.
Sugar cubes?
Very big sugar cubes. And apples. Did I mention the apples?
Finally they agreed to let me harness them.
Now, if you've never seen a Greek chariot, it's built for speed, not safety or comfort. It's basically a wooden basket, open at the back, mounted on an axle between two wheels. The driver stands up the whole time, and you can feel every bump in the road. The carriage is made of such light wood that if you wipe out making the hairpin turns at either end of the track, you'll probably tip over and crush both the chariot and yourself. It's an even better rush than skateboarding.
I took the reins and maneuvered the chariot to the starting line. I gave Tyson a ten-foot pole and told him that his job was to push the other chariots away if they got too close, and to deflect anything they might try to throw at us.
"No hitting ponies with the stick," he insisted.
"No," I agreed. "Or people, either, if you can help it. We're going to run a clean race. Just keep the distractions away and let me concentrate on driving."
"We will win.'" He beamed.
We are so going to lose, I thought to myself, but I bad to try. I wanted to show the others ... well, I wasn't sure what, exactly. That Tyson wasn't such a bad guy? That I wasn't ashamed of being seen with him in public? Maybe that they hadn't hurt me with all their jokes and name-calling?
As the chariots lined up, more shiny-eyed pigeons gathered in the woods. They were screeching so loudly the campers in the stands were starting to take notice, glancing nervously at the trees, which shivered under the weight of the birds. Tantalus didn't look concerned, but he did have to speak up to be heard over the noise.
"Charioteers!" he shouted. "Attend your mark!"
He waved his hand and the starting signal dropped. The chariots roared to life. Hooves thundered against the dirt. The crowd cheered.
Almost immediately there was a loud nasty crack! I looked back in time to see the Apollo chariot flip over. The Hermes chariot had rammed into it—maybe by mistake, maybe not. The riders were thrown free, but their panicked horses dragged the golden chariot diagonally across the track.
The Hermes team, Travis and Connor Stoll, were laughing at their good luck, but not for long. The Apollo horses crashed into theirs, and the Hermes chariot flipped too, leaving a pile of broken wood and four rearing horses in the dust.
Two chariots down in the first twenty feet. I loved this sport.
I turned my attention back to the front. We were making good time, pulling ahead of Ares, but Annabeth's chariot was way ahead of us. She was already making her turn around the first post, her javelin man grinning and waving at us, shouting: "See ya!"
The Hephaestus chariot was starting to gain on us, too.
Beckendorf pressed a button, and a panel slid open on the side of his chariot.
"Sorry, Percy!" he yelled. Three sets of balls and chains shot straight toward our wheels.
They would've wrecked us completely if Tyson hadn't whacked them aside with a quick swipe of his pole. He gave the Hephaestus chariot a good shove and sent them skittering sideways while we pulled ahead.
"Nice work, Tyson!" I yelled.
"Birds!" he cried.
We were whipping along so fast it was hard to hear or see anything, but Tyson pointed toward the woods and I saw what he was worried about. The pigeons had risen from the trees. They were spiraling like a huge tornado, heading toward the track.
No big deal, I told myself. They're just pigeons.
I tried to concentrate on the race.
We made our first turn, the wheels creaking under us, the chariot threatening to tip, but we were now only ten feet behind Annabeth. If I could just get a little closer, Tyson could use his pole....
Annabeth's fighter wasn't smiling now. He pulled a javelin from his collection and took aim at me. He was about to throw when we heard the screaming.
The pigeons were swarming—thousands of them dive-bombing the spectators in the stands, attacking the other chariots. Beckendorf was mobbed. His fighter tried to bat the birds away but he couldn't see anything. The chariot veered off course and plowed through the strawberry fields, the mechanical horses steaming.
In the Ares chariot, Clarisse barked an order to her fighter, who quickly threw a screen of camouflage netting over their basket. The birds swarmed around it, pecking and clawing at the fighter's hands as he tried to hold up the net, but Clarisse just gritted her teeth and kept driving. Her skeletal horses seemed immune to the distraction. The pigeons pecked uselessly at their empty eye sockets and flew through their rib cages, but the stallions kept right on running.
The spectators weren't so lucky. The birds were slashing at any bit of exposed flesh, driving everyone into a panic. Now that the birds were closer, it was clear they weren't normal pigeons.
Their eyes were beady and evil-looking. Their beaks were made of bronze, and judging from the yelps of the campers, they must've been razor sharp.
"Stymphalian birds!" Annabeth yelled. She slowed down and pulled her chariot alongside mine. "They'll strip everyone to bones if we don't drive them away!"
"Tyson," I said, "we're turning around!"
"Going the wrong way?" he asked.
"Always," I grumbled, but I steered the chariot toward the stands.
Annabeth rode right next to me. She shouted, "Heroes, to arms!" But I wasn't sure anyone could hear her over the screeching of the birds and the general chaos.
Y/N was now riding D/N with her whip at hand the whip burned in contact so she grabbed some of the birds. She was making her way towards us.
I held my reins in one hand and managed to draw Riptide as a wave of birds dived at my face, their metal beaks snapping. I slashed them out of the air and they exploded into dust and feathers, but there were still millions of them left. One nailed me in the back end and I almost jumped straight out of the chariot.
Annabeth wasn't having much better luck. The closer we got to the stands, the thicker the cloud of birds became.
Some of the spectators were trying to fight back. The Athena campers were calling for shields. The archers from Apollo's cabin brought out their bows and arrows, ready to slay the menace, but with so many campers mixed in with the birds, it wasn't safe to shoot.
"Too many!" I yelled. "How do you get rid of them?"
She stabbed at a pigeon with her knife. "Hercules used noise! Brass bells! He scared them away with the most horrible sound he could—"
Y/N said. "Percy ... Chiron's collection!"
I understood instantly. "You think it'll work?"
Annabeth handed her fighter the reins and leaped from her chariot onto D/N like it was the easiest thing in the world. "To the Big House! It's our only chance!"
"Percy!" Y/N called.
I had no idea how we were all going to fit on D/N until I suddenly saw him grow bigger. So I hopped only to miss. Luckily Y/N's whip wrapped around me. I was half expecting to suddenly burn but nothing happened and she pulled me to settle down on his back.
Clarisse has just pulled across the finish line, completely unopposed, and seemed to notice for the first time how serious the bird problem was.
When she saw us driving away, she yelled, "You're running? The fight is here, cowards!"
She drew her sword and charged for the stands.
D/N rumbled through the strawberry fields, across the volleyball pit, and burst inside, tearing down the hallway to Chiron's apartment.
His boom box was still on his nightstand. So were his favorite CDs. Y/N and I grabbed the most repulsive one we could find, Annabeth snatched the boom box, and together we ran back outside.
Down at the track, the chariots were in flames. Wounded campers ran in every direction, with birds shredding their clothes and pulling out their hair, while Tantalus chased breakfast pastries around the stands, every once in a while yelling, "Everything's under control! Not to worry.'"
We pulled up to the finish line. Annabeth got the boom box ready. I prayed the batteries weren't dead.
Y/N pressed PLAY and started up Chiron's favorite—the All-Time Greatest Hits of Dean Martin.
Suddenly the air was filled with violins and a bunch of guys moaning in Italian.
The demon pigeons went nuts. They started flying in circles, running into each other like they wanted to bash their own brains out. Then they abandoned the track altogether and flew skyward in a huge dark wave.
"Now!" shouted Annabeth. "Archers!"
With clear targets, Apollo's archers had flawless aim. Most of them could nock five or six arrows at once. Y/N's whip was practically extending wiping an area at a time.  Within minutes, the ground was littered with dead bronze-beaked pigeons, and the survivors were a distant trail of smoke on the horizon.
The camp was saved, but the wreckage wasn't pretty. Most of the chariots had been completely destroyed. Almost everyone was wounded, bleeding from multiple bird pecks. The kids from Aphrodite's cabin were screaming because their hairdos had been ruined and their clothes pooped on.
"Bravo!" Tantalus said, but he wasn't looking at me, Y/N or Annabeth. "We have our first winner!"
He walked to "He finish line and awarded the golden laurels for the race to a stunned-looking Clarisse.
Then he turned and smiled at me. "And now to punish the troublemakers who disrupted this race."
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000 @ynfics @violetdreaming
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clone-trooper-cheese · 9 months
Echoes of Ice and Steel: A Clone Wars Odyssey
Chapter One: Frostbitten Loyalties
Frostbitten Loyalties
Word Count: 1,574 Spelling & Grammar: Checked
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Snow. The frozen microcrystals coated the landscape like a blanket over a bed. It was just as beautiful as it was dangerous, easy to get lost in its beauty when the lines that separated the horizon from the sky were washed away by the pure white powdery crystals. It was nothing new to him. A clone Corporal that had been specially trained for cold climates and high altitudes, hence, the name he chose; Polar. 
“Corporal? Sir? Are you there?” His comm link rang out.
“Oh, Um, Yes-” Polar stammered, “Yes I'm here, Butch… What is it?”
“You missed your check in… That's all, Sir.” The Clone named Butch replied. He was a stickler for protocol and orders, making sure to follow them exactly how they were supposed to be done. 
Polar found it a little annoying, but endearing at the same time. “All good, trooper. I was just thinking, that's all.” He said before going quiet on his end again, staring back at the landscape. Rico, another member of his team, teased Butch about calling the Corporal out like that, since it had only been barely a minute since the check time passed. Butch was still a shiny, so doing things by the book was how he'd been trained. Polar listened to them go back and forth about things before finally stepping in. 
“Girls, Girls! You're both pretty, Now cut the chit-chat on the main comms.”
“Yes, sir.” was heard from both of the bickering troopers after the other.
Polar stood on the outskirts of the base after checking the motion sensors and cleaning the icicles off of them. He looked up at the mountains, his eyes tracing the peaks and valleys. He started making his way back to the base, the cold was just now starting to get to him after hours of being out there. His phase I armor was the cause of that. It had built in life support and temperature regulation, unlike the new phase II armors, which were more cheaply made to be lighter and easily mass-produced. 
The durasteel blast door creaked as it slid open, then closed it behind, as the cold Corporal came into the bay to warm up before going up to the control bridge with the rest of the crew. As his helmet Depressurized with a hiss, Polar thought about the first time it happened in an accident. He had been hiking a high mountain to recover one of his fallen brothers from a group of bandits who had stormed their base to steal their supplies and just wreak havoc in general. 
His helmet depressurized, causing him to nearly suffocate as the oxygen was too thin for him to breathe.  He ended up holding his breath for nearly ten minutes while he tried to fix the pressure seal on the rim of the helmet. After he arrived back at the base.  He trained his lungs to be able to hold his breath for a long period of time to be able to survive like that if nobody was there to help him if his helmet depressurized again.
“Sir? You alright?” Ebony, the door guard trooper, asked Polar. Ebony was confused and concerned as to why his Corporal was just standing there, staring into nothing.
“Oh, yes, sorry… just lost in thought. Thanks for letting me in, Eb.” Polar answered while taking off his helmet. Thin strands of loose platinum blond hair stuck to his face from a tiny sheen of moisture that collected on his forehead from the heat of the helmet. He took a long breath and wiped his head, brushing back his hair as he and Ebony proceeded to the elevator. The filtered oxygen of the base was a lot nicer than the filters in the helmets; not only more pure, but warmer. 
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Polar and Ebony made their way up to the main control room of the base. Butch, Offbeat, Nonk and Rico, who were sitting in the room at the table playing cards, quickly stood at attention when they saw Polar enter the room.
“At ease boys…” He said, and they immediately slackened their posture and went back to casual stances. “Anything interesting happen while I was gone?” The light haired clone asked, setting his helmet down on a table before walking to look at the holo screens to observe the data logs. 
“Nothing really important… Rico stubbed his toe and said swears that I didn't know existed, so that's cool I guess…” Ebony said in his usual apathetic tone and slumped onto one of the benches lining the table. 
“That's not surprising… Are you sure he didn't just make them up?” Polar inquired, “Because it wouldn't be the first time he's done something like that.” He chuckled and shook his head as Ebony rolled his eyes and looked back at his datapad. 
A chime came from the computer and a transmission request came through… it was from the chancellor himself. He answered it, and the others turned their attention from their tasks to the hologram display of the chancellor in a hooded robe.
“Execute Order sixty-six.”
“Yes sir.” The whole team, except for Polar, said and then went back to their business. There was no Jedi in sight, or even on the planet for all they knew, so there was nothing to do except continue with their other activities. Polar had a puzzled look on his face.
“Uhh…. What was that order again?”
“Order sixty-six is to execute the Jedi, Sir, they are traitors.” Brutus replied as if it was no big deal that they had just been told to kill the people they’ve fought with since the beginning of the war.
Polar exclaimed in an utterly confused tone, “HUH!?” and Brutus’s hand went to his blaster holster.
“Are you saying you’re not going to obey the order? Sir? Good soldiers follow orders.”
“No, I- was just- confused, that's all, Brutus…” Polar put back on his commanding voice and told Brutus to stand down. 
He thought for a moment, before walking to grab his helmet and leave the room. 
“I'll be in my quarters, if any of you need me… just come get me- or call me on the comms.” The Corporal said as he went out of the sliding durasteel door and into the corridor towards the team's quarters. A perk about their team being the only one at the small base was that they each got their own small, private rooms instead of a big barracks room like on Kamino or on a larger base. Being a clone, where your needs weren’t always met the same as nat-borns most of the time, having a private room was a small luxury, but still a luxury that he had. Taking off his armor, he thought about the order just given to him and all of his comrades. Polar tucked away his armor pieces, and his tattered cloak into the storage box, then sat on his bed in his blacks. He contemplated changing into his fatigues, or just into another pair of blacks, he ultimately ended up choosing the clean pair of blacks over the loose fatigues. 
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About two hours of reading a holo-drama novel, Polar’s eyes started to get heavy and droopy. He yawned, setting his datapad down on the nightstand and getting up to turn the lights down, still keeping the room lit with one single light so it wouldn't be pitch black darkness. As he was walking back to his bed, he took the elastic ribbon out of his hair, the piece that was keeping it up in a small bun, and let his hair fall down. He sighed in the slight relief caused by the release of the tension in his scalp. Scratching his head and sitting down on the side of his bed, he stretched one more time and laid down, pulling the blanket over himself. 
Just as he was falling asleep, his comm went off. Beep beep beep beep beep beep.
He grabbed it and answered it with a tired voice, “This is Corporal Polar.” 
“Hi sir, Um, we just got a request to come back to Kamino within the next two rotations for an event.”
“Okay? And you needed to tell me this now?”
“Well, I suppose I could have waited…”
“You could have, yes. Bright as always Brutus… Is there anything else you'd like to tell me while you have me on call?”
“Um, nothing I can think of right now, I’ll call you again if I think of anything, Sir!”
“Well, Brutus, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I would like to sleep, so only call me if it’s really urgently important, ‘kay?”
“Affirmative, Sir! Sleep well, Sir. The boys say goodnight too.”
“Thanks, Good night…”
The communication signal ended with a click noise, and Polar put his comm back onto the nightstand. He closed his eyes and tried to do his routine of tensing all of his muscles and releasing them with a deep breath, starting with his face; he scrunched it, making the scar across his nose bridge pull slightly painfully, but a bearable amount. After his routine was over, he was much more relaxed and closed his eyes, pulling his blanket back over his shoulder and settling into a comfortable position. 
Chapter one end
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Characters used:
Corporal Polar (Has Lieutenant privileges but thinks Corporal sounded cooler with his name)
Sergeant Rico
Trooper Ebony
Trooper Butch
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Pilot Offbeat
Pilot Nonk
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm kind of just making this for fun, so sorry if its inconsistent. I plan on posting the chapters all together when it is done on Ao3, but I have to wait for the invitation first.
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nortaeventcouncil · 1 year
Red Queen Fanfiction Awards Nominations: Best Rare-Pair
Blessings Anew by TwistedNym @nymphenberger
5,275 Words | Teen & Up | Farley/ Ada
Family is comfort in your own home. Or how Diana Farley loves her daughter but she also wants to love her girlfriend. And Clara loves both her moms. But is also a toddler.
Marital Duties by beforeilearnedcivility @lucy-the-cat
2,786 Words | Mature | Maven/Iris
“She’s not your queen.” My hand feathers along his arm. “So don’t act like she rules you.” He snorts. “You think you rule me?” “You certainly don’t rule yourself.” “Don’t bother trying.” His eyes sharpen to claws. “No one but Mother has ever known how.” _ Maven is nicer to Iris and they complete their marital duties
Red Huntress by Elane_in_the_shadows @elane-in-the-shadows
34,415 Words | Teen & Up | Farely/ OC
Growing up as the daughter of hunters in the vast farmlands of the northern Lakelands, Diana Farley has always known how to wield a knife - and how bleak the prospects for Red peasants like her are. Compliance to Silvers is the only way to survive, but when Silvers once more leave her village in misery, Diana knows she can no longer go on living this way …
A lot can happen in a year by MissDemeanor @miss-literary
58,652 Words | Teen & Up | Maven/ Tyton
When a simple training exercise goes haywire, Maven wakes up to discover that amnesia has robbed him of the last year. One measly year didn’t seem too terrible. That is, until he discovers that he is now the King of Norta, both his parents are dead, the 100 Year War has ended, he married the princess of his century-long enemies, House Samos has run off to create their own kingdom, and his brother wants his crown back and is currently trying to kill him for it. Oh, and now Reds can have abilities like Silvers. Also they’re rebelling. Things aren’t adding up, he’s all alone, everyone wants to kill him, and he’s only 17—No, wait, 18. 18. He’s 18 now. He’s got to remember that. Needless to say, it’s all a little overwhelming.
The Queen's Consort by InvisibleBear
4,528 Words (ongoing) | Explicit | Elara/ Coriane
Elara Merandus was born to be queen, and growing up she knew she would never share the place by the king's side with another, so when Tiberias says he plans to take a consort she needs to make up a plan, something her husband wouldn't be looking for her. Or, the one where in an act of petty spite Elara takes Coriane as a consort before Tiberias can and realizes she might actually like women.
Sparks by Ayvee
2,623 Words | Teen & Up | Mare/Tyton
(Takes place in War Storm) Mare is having trouble sleeping after the battle from the raiders in Montfort. Tyton finds her watching the stars on a balcony, and they share thoughts with one another. He helps her sleep. TytonxMare
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other-eye · 4 months
I’m gonna vent about my family bc I’m just tired.
So I’m the oldest child and grandchild and that means I get a lot of responsibility. I’m very thankful for my family and I love them so much. I just don’t like being the therapist/babysitter.
My younger brother is a college senior and was dealing with an asshat roommate that was locking his bathroom, shitting in the toilet and not flushing, and spitting in the sink and not washing it away. I did my own little justice by finding his insta and Twitter and reporting them as spam (just me being petty). My mom called the housing department. My brother didn’t tell them the details apparently, he just said that he was having problems with his roommate. She wasn’t going to tell my brother and I’m like “not my circus, not my monkeys”.
Brother gets moved and when he went to pick up his key, the housing dept said “oh yeah! You’re the one whose mom called!”
Que my brother calling me, absolutely LIVID. He’s venting to me, saying all the stuff to me that he wanted to say to our mom but ofc won’t. Apparently he also called our mom and got onto her (he says a lot nicer than he is to me) and she ended up crying. They are both partially at fault imo. My brother should’ve told the housing department the extant of his problems with this dude, and my mom should’ve minded her business; but they didn’t and now I’m caught up in this shit storm.
All I can think while he’s going on is, “Damn, when I get home now I’m gonna have mom venting to me”. And thinking about how from 11-16 I had a full plan to fake my death and move across the country (I’m 24 and I still live at home). I’m thinking about moving in with my BF, or at least make a transition to spending more time there.
My mom makes jokes about me being the family therapist, and this last convo with my brother he said “I know I can say these things to you and you won’t get mad”.
My mom and brother need therapy and to talk to each other, not have me be the middle man
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whumpasaurus101 · 2 years
Charlie- Chapter 3
The poor Charlie bean has been neglected for too long, but finaly, here is another piece >:3 i had a lot of fun writing this.
Cw: Forced to kneel on glass - intimate/creepy whumper
Who would have known that cooking with your good hand being burnt to fuck would make it harder. Oh. Charlie did. Each time anything even slightly pressed against the burnt skin, Charlie would whimper, squeezing his eyes shut while taking a shaky breath. It was pure agony but he pushed through, wanting the two idiots out of his house. 
The only reason they knew where he lived was from when Teddy used to throw house parties. Every single time, they would receive noise complaints from the neighbours. But Charlie was never allowed out of his room when they happened. He now understood what Teddy was talking about for it being for his ‘own good’. 
Teddy never wanted Charlie to get involved with the gang but the result of him running away was leaving his younger brother in their kitchen, cooking goddamn noodles for the two members of the bloody gang.
His hands shook as he dished out the noodles. He was smart enough to only plate two bowls, he took it that the other two would just steal his food. He took a few breaths, wiping tears with the back of his hand slowly before gulping and nodding to himself. 
By now, Carlos and Marco were sitting at the table. Charlie didn't really focus on what they were talking about, he just wanted them out of his fucking apartment. 
He placed a bowl each in front of the men before walking away. "Ah ah ah," Carlos hummed, raising his hand, "What kind of host are you? Marco and I are simply parched!!!" 
Charlie bit the inside of his cheek, he wanted to pounce on that motherfucker, but all he did was nod before storming off, grabbing two glasses and filling them with water. 
When he got back, he placed the first glass in front of Marco before going to place the second one in front of Carlos. But just before it reached the table, the glass hit against his burn and he yelped out, dropping the glass which hit against the table and water spilled out of the glass. 
Dread filled Charlie as the scene practically happened in front of him in slow motion. The water spilled from the table onto Carlos. Charlie's heart practically stopped. 
He whimpered, taking a few steps back, "'m so-sorry…. Please I didn't… I didn't mean to…" He was lightheaded now, his knees about to buckle from fear and exhaustion together. 
"Get over here." Was all Carlos snarled. Charlie whimpered but slowly walked over beside Carlos. He flinched hard as Carlos grabbed the glass and threw it on the ground with full power. The glass smashed, small shards littering the ground beside him. 
"Kneel." Charlie's eyes widened, "Wha-what?!?' Carlos quickly stood up, water dripping from his shirt before he grabbed Charlie's shoulders and pushed down hard, forcing Charlie to kneel against the glass, “I said kneel,” Carlos growled into Charlie’s ear.
Charlie cried out," GAGH- SH-SHIT STOP-" Carlos smirked, looking back to Marco who was taking a picture. 
Each sharp edge of glass dug into his skin, making him whimper, blinking hard as he tried to stop tears from falling down his face. Carlos watched with glee as he sat back down, keeping one heavy hand on Charlie’s shoulder to keep him down. “That's it, Char Char, stay niiiice and still for me or you’ll make it hurt more.” 
Charlie squeezed his eyes shut, his body trembling as he tried to stand up but Carlos simply shoved him down. He leaned in close, cupping Charlie’s cheek gently, brushing his thumb along his cheekbone with a soft hum, smirking as he felt Charlie ever so slightly lean into the gentle touch, “You're so much nicer this way. So nice, calm and quiet.” Charlie bit his lip hard, trying to hold his whimpers, “Pl-pl’se… St-stop…”
Carlos’ corner of his mouth twitched up into a grin, completely ignoring him, “I see that scar has healed beautifully for me, huh?” Charlie flinched back, eyes burning into the ground. He hated the scar. He hasn’t looked in a mirror since the day Carlos had given it to him. Even the thought of it made his stomach churn and his head spin.
Charlie flinched back as Carlos clicked his fingers in front of Charlie’s face, “Earth to Char Char, You still there?” Charlie snarled, his eyes glaring at Carlos, making him chuckle, “There he is!!! Now, what do you say for spilling water all over me?”
Charlie kept his lips pursed closed, eyes glaring at Carlos as he simply spat in his face. Carlos laughed out- some part from shock. He quickly snatched Charlie's chin, forcing it up, "Oh I'm going to make you fucking regret that." Charlie whimpered, fully regretting it already. 
Slowly, Carlos stood up and strolled behind Charlie, gently placing his hands on Charlie's shoulders. Then he ever so slowly increased his hold, forcing the glass to dig deeper into Charlie's skin. 
Charlie yelped out, "SH-SHIT STOP-PLEASE I-I'M SORRY!!!" 
"No." Carlos growled, "You're clearly not sorry enough." Charlie squeezed his eyes shut, his body shaking as he tried not to give Carlos the satisfaction. But his body shook as tears spilled down his cheeks. He could feel the blood slowly dripping from his skin. Fuckfuckfuck the pain was unbearable and it only grew worse as Carlo continued to push Charlie down even more, causing the shards to cut deeper against Charlie’s knees.
Charlie remembered once he was helping Teddy carry a box of glasses when they had just moved in. He tripped over one of the stairs and slammed hard against the floor. All the glasses had smashed into pieces, shards breaking the skin of his palm. Teddy immediately scooped Charlie in his arms, lifting him and sitting him down on the kitchen counter, tending to his wounds immediately. One glass had survived that incident though…Charlie’s eyes slowly blinked open, meeting with the shards which scattered across the floor. 
Charlie’s body shook with even more sobs as he looked at the glass, it was the only one that has survived the fall and now… now it was scattered across the fucking floor. Now it was piercing into his fucking skin as Carlos, the fucking bastard, forced him to fucking kneel on it.
I'm so sorry Teddy.
“Hey…” Came a concerned voice, “He’s looking kinda pale, maybe we should lay off him a bit.” 
“Bull,” Carlos growled, his grip tightening against Charlie’s shoulders, fingernails digging into his skin, making him wince, “He fucking-”
Carlos was interrupted by his phone ringing, he cursed under his breath before answering the call with a sigh, “Yes, boss?...I mean, I’m sorta in the middle of som-...I-I understand….yes boss.” The last bit sounded gritted through his teeth as he ended the phone call before looking down at Charlie. He wasn't crying anymore. His glazed-over eyes stared blankly ahead…numb.
“We gotta get going,” Carlos sighed, looking up to Marco who huffed, wanting to keep messing with Charlie but he chugged his water before standing up. Carlos went down to his honkers, tucking a lock of Charlie’s hair behind his ear before whispering right in his ear, his hot breath brushing along his skin, “I suggest you get the fuck out of this town- even country, Char Char, it’s not safe for you,” He smirked, shoving Charlie hard to the ground so he landed on the rest of the shards of glass before standing up and walking out along with Marco.
Charlie flinched as the door of the apartment slammed shut. Only then did he allow the tears to start to fall again, the physical pain distant as feelings of grief and guilt clouded his brain. He slowly moved his arm, picking a sharp shard of glass between his thumb and pointer finger, watching the blood- his blood- glisten on it.
I'm so sorry Teddy…
Taglist: @cursedscribbles @shywhumpauthor @hold-back-on-the-comfort (lmk if you wanna be added or removed! <3)
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everlasting-elegy · 1 year
AVERYD 😭😭 I IT'S BEEN THUNDERING AND SOMEWHAT RAINING NON STOP EVER SINCE I WOKE UP AND I JUSYT SAW THE LIGJT FLASH AS I BLINKED AND I WAS LIKE where's the sound it should be coming THEN I WAS LIKE was that from my phone or something 😭 THEN ONE OF TYE MOST TRAUMATIZING THING I'VE EVER FELT IS THE THUNDER, IT CAME REALLY LATE AND I SWEAER MY THOUGHTS WENT TO wow so it was thunder no wonder it was so mf bright even as I blinked 💀💀 the thunder sounded so loud I could feel the vibrations on the bed aND THE SOUND DID NOT STOP I WENT ON FOR LIKE 10 SECONDS I WADDLED NEXT DOOR TO MY BROTHER HE WAS SLEEPING STILL WHEN IT'S 4PM– PLEEK I was like DID YOU HEAR THAT 😭❓❓and he was like yeah BRO NO CAN YOU BE MORE EXPRESSIVE I FEEL LIKE I WAS ABOUT TO GET ELETROCUTED, IT STINGS THE WHOLE LIMB BASICALLY I FELT IT BEFORE 👁💧💧👁 as that one thunder kept going it sounded louder and stopped when I was just standing in my brother's room like 👬 sir
Anywyas still thundering around and I don't know how to feel about life anymore 😋
- 🎎/Ko
OH NO 🫂🫂 It's super stormy where you are and it's SUPER cold where I am, we're all just taking Ls here 😭😭 I remember some of the strong storms, sometimes the lightning will be so bright the outside would noticeably light up. Like- not just a flash, but a solid half second to see the green on plants and things YIKES. And the THUNDER IS UNBELIEVABLE RIGHT I swear the delayed ones are the loudest, full on deafen me sometimes 😭😭
Hopefully now the weather is nicer!! Meanwhile I shall still be freezing :,)))
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