#dont at me about plot holes
heavybreathingcatt · 2 years
HBC’s BL3 re-write
The plot: VH's are hired by Lilith and Maya to find the other Sirens and save them from being consumed by Tyreen. The final Siren is in a Vault. 
There aren't multiple vaults, and there isn't a huge range of planets. 
The story focuses on a smaller cast. (sorry, Clay, and… others I've forgotten already)
The story is mainly on Pandora and one other world - Prometheus
There are more moons and space stations to explore to create environmental variation. 
The Twins are much older and have some empathetic qualities to improve their characters. To me, they were just 'too mean'. Without them showing they cared for something, it made their characters fall short. e.g. Handsome Jack and his 'love' for Angel. After Troy died, I had expected Tyreen to absolutely lose it in grief… except there was nothing. 
Tyreen and Troy are first introduced as employees of Maliwan (it's a ruse for them). They work on the PR team, continuing the BL theme of evil corporations and how they use social media today. They'll eventually reveal their true intentions. @agentandromeda contributed this neat idea.
My Tyreen rewrite would include her wanting an heir. She cannot have children as she kills the child in the womb. So she is seeking a Siren apprentice as she refuses to let her powers go out into the wild to find a new host upon her death. Tyreen is seeking the power of all 6 sirens for herself. She doesn't give a shit about opening the Pandora vault (scrap that entire plotline). The final Siren is hidden in a Vault, which is the vault hunter's mission. To beat her to it to save the Siren. Lilith and Maya have hired the vault hunters as they want to protect their fellow Siren. 
Troy slowly begins to resent Tyreen as he wants to be her heir, yet Tyreen doesn't think he is worthy. This will lead to Troy betraying Tyreen, and this act will lead to his death. However, Tyreen is convinced the VH's corrupted him and contributed to his death. She is blind that her own actions led to it.  
As she was a constant presence in the first two games, I think it was a missed opportunity not to continue that. Tyreen learns that Angel must have passed her powers onto someone, and so Tyreen hunts the Angel AI to know where this new Siren is. Lilith orders the VH into Helios to retrieve the Angel AI before Tyreen. Lilith loses her powers to Tyreen during this mission.
The VH's also have to collect more fragments of Angel's lost memories and code to restore her. These will be in-game missions.
To gain the final piece of Angel's code, they need to break into one of Handsome Jack's deadlocked facilities on Pandora. Moxxi has a plan to hunt down the last known doppelganger, and her 'friend' Fiona is keen for a heist. Queue Handsome Jackpot DLC (but it's in the main campaign). Free Timothy, and he will let you into a new area on Pandora. Enter Jack's effed-up facility, find the final piece of Angel's code, and restore her! Yay.
She will act as a guide throughout the rest of the game, just as she did in Bl1 and 2. 
Other notes:
Angel and Ava build a bond.  
Angel is never fully restored and doesn't have all her memories of her final moments. This can be something she learns on her journey. The AI doesn't think of herself as Angel. She knows the original Angel created this AI for her Dad to keep him company after she died. 
Plays the role of corporate big bad, as Hyperion did in BL2. Maliwan mostly has the same storyline as bl3. Katagawa Jr. is still around and wants Rhys' bussiness. Katagawa Jr doesn't die early in the game and has a bigger role in slowing down the VH's work. Maliwan is also trying to reclaim old Hyperion assets on Pandora, so the VHs come across Maliwan when restoring Angel. 
Atlas is introduced when Lilith realises they must take their Siren search off Pandora. They plan to steal an Atlas spaceship (because converting Sanctuary into a spaceship in 5 years is dumb. Dumb dumb dumb). Lol, VH's are caught trying to steal the ship by….. SASHA! She is head of security at this one facility. She takes them to Rhys. Rhys will lend them the spaceship if they do missions with Sasha to reclaim old Hyperion bases for Atlas (they're overrun with bandits). Do this, get a ship. Yay.
Sasha stays on board the spaceship with the VH as a tech expert. She will give you missions throughout the game.
After he's rescued from the Handsome Jackpot, he hangs out on the Atlas spaceship and gives you missions. Like finding his old Digi-structuring watch and restoring some of his old looks. 
Tyreen sees the same potential in Ava as Maya did and tries to seduce her to the dark side, lol. Tyreen is convinced this has worked, but Ava plays double agent and uses the opportunity to get close to Tyreen to finish her off. She fails, and Maya is killed trying to save her. Tyreen gains Maya's powers, and Troy wants a share but doesn't get any. Maya's death happens towards the end of the story, allowing for far more time with Maya. VH's will receive missions from Ava to build a memorial for Maya. 
Lilith goes into murder mode over Maya's death. VHs will do revenge missions for her. She is consumed with so much rage that Ava and Angel take over the Atlas Ship and missions for a bit. Lilith calms her anger once Troy dies. 
Is now a major plot point and a place to explore. It's huge. A future mission for the VHs is to sell old Hyperion tech to Rhy's/Atlas found on Helios. 
Sorry, we ain't going to Jakobs planet. It doesn't serve the plot but can be visited in bl4 or a DLC. Rhys sends VHs to go check out his terraforming facility (as seen in tales) as someone is taking his prized jellies as trophies. Spoiler alert: it's Wainwright. He has a thing for trophy hunting and read an article by some dude called Sir Hammerlock that said Pandora had excellent trophy hunting. 
Queue introducing these future love birds. Seeing a romance start/blossom in a game is more important than having it established. By the end of the game, these two are an item. 
She is introduced when it comes to getting Timothy out of the Jackpot. She wants those dollarydoos. She and Moxxi flirt a bit. After the heist, she hangs out with Sasha and will also give you missions. 
Aurelia is introduced when Wainwright wants to ask Hammerlock to marry him (end-game content). He wants the family together; this leads to a series of fun missions to reunite the siblings. It works… kinda. She doesn't die. lol. Maybe she turns the wedding into an ice palace and storms off when Hammerlock doesn't like the vibe. She's not a villain, just an annoying sibling, as she should be. 
5th SIREN (Angel's heir)
It's not Tannis lol.
It's… Colonel Tungsteena Zarpedon Daughter. 
Because Angel feels terrible about what happened to her mum and thinks the daughter — Brittania — will continue her fight. She has Angel's powers but doesn't understand where and how she got them. She is currently on Elpis (yes, we get to go back to space Australia), and she is trying to rebuild the damage Hyperion and Dahl did. Maya/Lilith sends the VHs there to make sure she is safe and to beat Tyreen to her. VHs do a few space-Australia missions for Brittania to win her trust.
Then Tyreen and Troy rock up. Boss fight time. Tyreen kills Brittania and takes her powers. Troy asks for the power, but Tyreen refuses (contributing to the building animosity between them).
6th SIREN (locked in a Vault)
New character. She's been locked in the Vault for a long time and has consumed far too much Eridium. She has some mutations and is quite ethereal in voice and character. She's confused and overpowered and initially fights the VH - boss fight. Once defeated, she calms down, but then the twins rock up. 6th Siren flees before a confrontation; she can escape with the help of Troy, who doesn't want to see another Siren drained (it's also a rather selfish act as he wants the powers that Tyreen isn't sharing, so it's a bit of a eff-you to his sister).
Tyreen is furious, and she leaves to hunt the 6th Siren. 
VH's and Troy have a boss fight, and he dies. 
Tyreen has cornered the 6th Siren. VH's rock up. Tyreen drains the powers from the 6th Siren and then begins the final boss fight.
VHs kill Tyreen, and all the powers she took are returned to their heirs. 
Maya > Ava
Brittania > unknown
Tyreen > Unknown
Lilith > back to Lilith
The 6th Siren comes back alive to the surprise of everyone. All the Eriduim she had drained over the decades kept her alive, so she re-awakens. She thanks the VHs and then leaves through a portal. 
End game.
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rabbit-heart4 · 3 months
just finished season 3. I will be choosing to ignore the last few minutes and I will pretend that arthur and john drive away while eating the bread. its sourdough and arthur discusses different types of bread and why he does and doesn't like each. arthur explains sourdough starters to john and john is throughoughly horrified. then arthur explains everything that happened while john was gone. then once in a normal area they stop at a motel and arthur has a real shower. then they go to a pharmacy and arthur more properly bandages and cleans his stomach wound. then they go to a burger place which arthur absolutely devours and explains how incredible they are to john. they get something sweet with it, perhaps a cookie or a brownie to make up for arthur's blood loss. if not, a coke. then they drive off into the sunset happily ever after!!!!!!!!!
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glauces-notebooks · 2 months
rewatching night at the museum for the first time in a while and wow. i missed this film.
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somethingaboutmint · 2 years
Maccready did not need the sadboy deadwife backstory at all but in my mind the idea of his wife being the same lucy from little lamplight is like kind of genius actually. They're both around the same age and got out of lamplight around a simmilar time and the idea of them finding comfort in being the only thing familliar to the other in a huge wasteland thats unkind to everybody is like. DO YOU GET ME. AND THE FACT THAT FROM THE AGES OF 16 (when they left lamplight) TO 22 THEY MANAGED TO SOMEHOW HAVE A KID WHO MANAGED TO GROW OLD ENOUGH TO PLAY IN A BACKYARD BY HIMSELF (im guessing atleast like 2-3 years old i doubt he was unattended but the way maccready says it its like yeah he was just playing one second and suddenly hes randomly sick idk tangent over back to my main point) BEFORE LUCY EVENTUALLY DIES (brutally. Thems the DC for you) AND MACCREADY GOES TO THE COMMONWEALTH WHERE HE'D HAVE TO BE SITUATED FOR ATLEAST A YEAR FOR THE TIMELINE TO MAKE SENSE IS FUCKING INSANE. AND I KNOW ITS JUST BAD BETHESDA PLANNING/WRITING BUT ALSO THEM BEING RAISED IN A COLONY OF STRICTLY CHILDREN BASICALLY AND THEN ACCIDENTALLY HAVING A KID PRETTY MUCH FRESH OUT OF THE CAVES ITS LIKE. IT MAKES SENSE. Dumbasses do not know what sex ed is!!!!! Like everything in maccreadys backstory can literally be explained by the fact that he and his wife were raised in a fucking cave by OTHER CHILDREN and are NOT NORMAL. Maccready is dark and broody because he lived like 40 years worth of emotional trauma in half a decade. Lucy being from lamplight also connects fo4 maccready to fo3 maccready better than if it was just some random girl cuz maccready could be literally any other bastard with a dead wife but if Lucy is also from lamplight then its ALSO AN NPC YOU MEET AND TALK TO AND KNOW IN FO3!!!!!!! Yeah it fucking sucks that they had to resort to the dead wife trope for the 7th time in fallout 4 alone but it really shows just how brutal DC was and gives mac leverage to like connect with the sosu cuz THEY JUST LIKE ME FR LIKE YOU KNOW???????? In reality his backstory is fucking stupid but in my mind i modified it and now it rocks. I want to give lucy depth. I want to make a million stupid headcanons about her from how she was the only person stubborn enough to keep up with maccready to how anxious she was about leaving lamplight before maccready promised they'd go together (you know to help her feel better not because he thinks of her as a friend or likes her or anything b-baka). Todd doesnt understand my vision
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nobodieshero-main · 3 months
idk how serious this thought is but like. what if the prologue of the library keeper is about mordred and how he's destined to die. and then you have most of the book to forget about it, until you meet him in morielle, and you keep reading waiting for him to die. and it doesn't happen. he just keeps living. you think the story begins with mordred, but it actually starts with ahuru. you just dont know it yet.
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kittiegun · 2 months
the hatzgang are drawn with disgustingly big heads and im tired of hiding it.
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seriously the shapes are so clashing and dont fit together at all (not to mention, inaccurate?? super inaccurate)
robert looks like a thumb. his head is shaped like a thumg LOOK AT THIS SHIT.
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#ranting#spooky month#robert spooky month#the hatzgang#HOW DO YOU GUYS FUCK UP THE MOST SIMPLE DESIGN#him in the newer episodes looks absolutely garbage. he hardly looks or sounds 16 years old#nor does roy. ROY LOOKS TWELVE??? and why is he so EDGY.#huuuu.. my life is so bad... thank you guys for comforting me...#HOE YOU LIVE THE GOOD LIFE#not to mention robert and rosses only personalities being washed away for roys quote.. character development.#robert and ross simply tend to roys petty meltdowns#and scold him for being rightfully angry that skid and pump are actively making his life worse#when robert and ross were supposed to keep roy from bullying them to save their skin???#theyre such suck-ups#why are they so adamant about treating skid and pump like saints as if they werent fucking traumatized by them#and obviously only try to get roy to stop picking on them because it brings them more trouble#but theyre written as brainless apologists that only stick up for roy when hes having one of his stupid moments#that we dont even get INSIGHT ON because the writers brains are mush#and they dont know how to actually write pelos own characters without making them one dimensional#because at this point spooky month is simply a goddamn cashgrab and not a passion project#because at this point the fandom is full of so many illiterate hooligans they beg for more plotless plot-hole filled content#to the point that it takes fucking YEARS for another episode to come out#just because people work their ass off on an episode that turns out disappointing in the end#and the cycle repeats#and on#and on again#and on again and again AND AGAIN#please just fucking end the series already#it'd save so many backs from breaking from the peer pressure the dumb 13 year old fans push on pelos team to make them push out an episode#because everyone in the spooky month fandom is a JERK
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dotmander · 5 months
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plan-3-tmars · 1 month
thinking abt how in the bible the holy spirit is represented by a dove, an animal that is pure white and represents . purity. And innocence
thinking about how in angel's egg the girl is. well. a little girl (and innocent kid) and is also near pure white in skin tone and hair and is also followed by feathers whenever she runs
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warning for a massive ramble in the tags major spoilers for the whole movie if you want to venture in there lmao
#the bird is god the egg is the son the girl is the holy spiritt#the man is judas#the egg is the son (jesus) and he betrays the girl by destroying the egg when she is asleep#the water bottles are offerings to the bird (god)#the man fears god . he thinks god has abandoned them and fears a potential wipeout with the water levels rising every night#thats why he qoutes the bible passages about the story of god trying to destory humankind#thats why he destroys the egg. he is frightened of what may be inside#id say hes also scared of the girl a tinsy bit but that's just my personal understanding of his facial expressions#i think the fish shadows and the other men represent humanitys determination to live and persevere#also how desperation for a better life in times of tough can quickly turn into anger at the wrong ppl#those damn fish arent doing anything! but its the closet thing the people of the town can try and kill to earn back a sense of agency#the towns are going to keep flooding every night anyway though because they're directing their anger at the wrong thing#i still rlly enjoy the reveal that the land is actually noah's ark flipped upside down#again going into my thing of humanitys determination to survive. they couldnt find land so they live on the literal boat#does depend on whether or not you interpret the towns flooding at night god trying to finish the job and destory his creation or if its like#rising sea tide or sm. im personally more inclined to the 1st one tho#especially with whatever the hell is going on with that big sphere eyeball thing#i still dont know what the deal with that thing is after so many rewatches#i fear i never well#if you made it this far . congrats. also watch angels egg#i wanted to compile my thoughts somewhere.. unfortunately i dont think ill ever make a coherent post about this movie#its just too Like That and full of mystery for me to ever be happy with an analysis cuz theres definitely going to be a plot hole in there#somewhere so take instead.. unorganized thoughts of my brain jumping from idea to idea#angels egg#angels egg spoilers
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moomeecore · 1 year
the only pheaseble explanation i have for the new eps is that they had an entirley different writing team for the rest of the show. then they just last minute brought on different people for just these two episodes and only had them watch the other eps of fionna & cake, and then told them to create an ending based soley on that. and gave them a terrible, very short deadline.
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hearts401 · 6 months
nobody does plot holes quite like pokemon
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re-watching DWD and you know... Jack Chambers... just that
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end-orfino · 8 months
It just all feels more pointless now. I think i lost some of the spirit. I dont know if its temporary or how to get it back
#found myself less passionate about my ocs and their stories and about making them real one day#but not in a good way#its not letting me go of my perfectionism or whatever instead its just like. whats the point. theyre not that good anyways#theyre as in the stories#im increasingly aware of the plot holes and the parts that are kind of held together with string in order to make the plot make sense and--#--im not sure if anyone ever could get as passionate about them as i was?#especially since like. *i* dont feel as passionate abt them as i said.#my main baby my main oc project that i cherished and hoped to make real in some way now feels like i should keep it private.#the other one that i was hoping to make into my first long term project remains unfinished plot-wise and i dont feel motivated to work--#--on it further#the one that i think has an alright plot that i could share is just kinda in the bg#and also i always felt like i was good at like...symbolism...metaphors...parallels...this kinda stuff#i felt like my stories were something you could dig into#now it feels like i overestimated them#and theyre actually painfully simple and just. idk. feels like theyre not that good#maybe its because i recently didnt have time to work on them?#and fell into a fandom that has a painfully not-deep story where i also often feel like other ppl in the community dont want me there#maybe i gotta get away from that lol#but it doesnt feel like its gonna help. idk what will.#all of this isnt giving me any relief its just making me feel empty and like i thought too greatly of myself#bcs i still want to Make things and stories and now i just feel like im lacking at that??
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organised-disaster · 5 months
Okay I'm working on snowbird chapter 2
I hope people actually read it considering seven of them voted for me to keep writing it when I asked them
#announcement#i guess#snowbird#snowbird chapter 2 is im uhhere i er well#im like. 49% done#i hope people read it i really do#i establish the protags relationship with her older sister in chapter 2 itll be great#therell be guilt the protags bestie has a fraternal relationship with the protags older sister would you read that please read that im beggi#also just read part of mockingjay that derails my whole plot BUT ITS OKAY the plot holes have saved me#it says that finnick odair was a mentor during the 74th games but that doesnt check out because he won during 65 but annie casta won in 70#meaning annie casta won the most recently but wasnt a mentor??? but annie is known for not being stable SO#that means that if a mentor is unfit to train new tributes they can be replaced by a more capable one WHICH MEANS#despite the timelines making one of my characters the most recent district 4 victor if she has a psychotic breakdown she wont mentor#so now i have to find a way to traumatise her enough that her progress going back to normal just flies out the window#fortunately the reaping happens in winter the arena was full of snow theres a point where she falls in a frozen lake she lives in district 4#hmmmmmm and maybe she gets cut. maybe blood on snow reminds her of things that she doesnt want to be reminded of. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmnnnm#it happens in winter cause its in the middle of the year. winter is in the middle of the year. catching fire has the reaping midyear (?)#look dont ask me about my timelines just enjoy it okay
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purpurussy · 1 month
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me writing the part of my dinok au fic where dan finally goes to manchester and they meet for the first time, just pure yapping 0 idea what the fuck im on about bc ive never been to manchester in my life and know absolutely fuck all about it 😊 like where abouts would phil live. would he be able to realistically afford to live in a cool part of manchester. what are the cool parts of manchester. im not even sure what phil's job is lmao or dan's for that matter. im tempted to just abandon this plot and make them kiss and scissor like barbie dolls for a bit and then move on with my life
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Ok ok there’s a lot to unpack here
Firstly: the look Watanuki gives the phone when it starts to ring?
The most relatable thing of all. Any time the phone rings it’s an instant nightmare. No thank you. No calls ever.
Secondly: The stark contrast of black in white in the bottom panel? Like crossing boundaries and an inbetween place? Like a space between life and death? Gorgeous.
Thirdly: “You’ll meet many other people in many dreams. And it’ll seem like it’s the very last of parting ways.”
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
im itching to infodump about the songs in the syndisparklez playlist again bc cats post got me thinkin about the delicious little bit of “behind the scenes” story between capsize, tom and jordan i wrote in my head to talk too much by COIN and violet by bad suns that is exactly the whole bit about capsize being jordan’s scapegoat (loving her bc he was in denial about tom) and tom’s side of it being absolutely fucking pissed and seeing right through it all
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