denimbex1986 · 11 months
'Doctor Who's long-awaited 60th Anniversary celebrations kicked off on Saturday night, with fan favourites David Tennant and Catherine Tate reprising their roles as the titular Time Lord and his companion Donna Noble.
The pair's return to the BBC show, in the first of three specials, was lauded by fans, 15 years after they last travelled in the TARDIS together.
It was a reunion that had sparked questions from die-hard fans, after Donna's memory of The Doctor was wiped in a bid to save her life, in heartbreaking scenes from their last adventure in 2008.
However, showrunner Russell T Davies created an unlikely loophole that reinstated Donna's memories, allowing her to see The Doctor again after they tackled another alien threat.
In the episode, fresh from his regeneration, the Doctor accidentally crosses paths with Donna after a spaceship crashes in London.
Desperate to keep away from her, he rushes off to investigate, unaware that a mysterious alien has escaped, and followed Donna and her daughter Rose home.
Rose (played by Heartstopper's Yasmin Finney) attempts to hide the alien, a fluffy creature called Beep The Meep, but Donna soon finds it and the entire family are forced to flee their home from alien military clashing with UNIT officers.
In a bombshell twist, Meep (voiced by Miriam Margolyes) is revealed to be the true villain, and vows to use their spaceship to wipe out the city.
Despite the Doctor's best attempts to hide his identity from Donna, he is forced to give up when they're trapped in Meep's exploding spaceship, and his longtime friend unlocks her Doctor Donna alter-ego to destroy the ship.
In heartbreaking scenes, Donna tragically dies in The Doctor's arms, but a shocking twist reveals that her abilities have been passed onto her daughter Rose.
Not only does Rose rescue her family, but Donna, and all of her memories, are resurrected, bringing one of the show's most beloved duos back together again.
Despite the Doctor's concerns that the Time Lord power could overwhelm them both, Donna reassures him that they'll handle it like any woman - by 'letting it go.'
The episode ends with the Doctor getting a glimpse of his brand new - and sparkling white - TARDIS, before a blunder from Donna leads to the pair being catapulted into space to a destination unknown.
The first special was universally praised by fans, who lauded that David and Catherine had seamlessly slipped back into their roles after 15 years apart.
Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, one wrote: 'I had the biggest smile on my face during that entire episode. I missed Donna and the Doctor so much!'.
While a second said: 'Okay I stayed and am crying at Doctor Donna'.
A third typed: 'That. Was. WONDERFUL!!! My heart is so warm. I bloody loved every second. Donna Noble and The Doctor are BACK.'
Someone else said: 'Today I feel like i'm a kid again. i haven't felt this kind of joy since the mandalorian season three finale. the 14th doctor and donna we're everything i remember and wanted back. allons y!!!'.
And: 'It was Brilliant to see The Doctor and Donna back together and especially DoctorDonna lol thank you, looking forward to the next two episodes then onward to the 70th'.
With a six writing: #DoctorWho was everything I wanted and more. This new era is gonna be amazing!!!! So nostalgic seeing The Doctor and Donna back together and I loved the story!'.
Viewers will next see The Doctor and Donna land on a mysterious alien planet in the second episode, titled The Wide Blue Yonder.
The specials will then conclude with The Giggle, starring Neil Patrick Harris as the villainous Toymaker, and will lead into Ncuti Gatwa's debut as The Doctor on Christmas Day.
Speaking in a Q&A ahead of the first special, Russell revealed that he convinced David and Catherine to return after they took part in a Who 'tweetalong' during the Covid lockdown in 2020.
He also revealed that Derry Girls star Nicola Coughlan has joined the cast, and will appear in the show's Christmas Special in 2024.
'I just love David and Catherine together, actually,' Russell said. 'And I love that TARDIS. David loved that set so much he thought it'd be absolutely brilliant to run around it like that. After eight takes, not quite so fun. He was worn out by the end.'
Russell added that it was Catherine who suggested she'd like to reprise her role as Donna in an upcoming episode.
'Catherine said, 'Oh, I've always loved Donna Noble and wouldn't it be marvellous to make some more?' And I went, ''Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,'' like that. And then she asked David. She said, ''Would you make some more?'' And he said he would, in a heartbeat,' Russell said.
'So then she told me that and I genuinely felt honour-bound to go to the BBC and say, ''Look, these two stars have just said they would love to come back.'' I knew it was the 60th anniversary coming up. Simple as that.
'So I just sent off that email about Christmas Eve or something - best Christmas present you ever had!'
'All I got was a reply saying, ''Thank you. We'll think about it.'''
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stevenwexler · 5 years
FRANKENSTEIN’s Five Monstrous Freedoms
Last November, my colleague invited me to participate in “Frankenweek” to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Each panelist was permitted five minutes. Here’s my contribution:   
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    1 November 2018
Frankenstein’s Five Monstrous Freedoms
OK, so my five-minute approach to freedom in Frankenstein will be something like an accelerated TED Talk, more streamlined, anyway, than TEDs tend to be. The original plan was to return to a conference paper that I wrote on the monster as a Marcusian ideal, but instead I give you “Frankenstein’s Five Monstrous Freedoms,” one of which includes Herbert Marcuse’s. These five freedoms all begin with the premise that Mary Shelley’s monster is a progressive-regressive subject, that is, regressive in the pre-capitalist sense, and progressive in the monster’s capacity to defamiliarize alienation, repression, and one-dimensionality—that is, to reveal capitalism. Let me say upfront that the very idea of freedom demands at least ten minutes, but here we go.
So, to begin, an epigraph:
The notion of exhaustion has always been anathema for the discourse of Modernity: Romanik Sturm und Drang, the Faustian drive toward immortality, an endless thirst for economic growth, and profits.
                                                        —Franco Berardi
Number One: The Monster as Noble Savage As we know, Rousseau paves the way for revolutionary politics in the late 18th-century up to our own in the 21st. Rousseau’s method begins with an imagined past: a noble savage in a state of nature. In Discourse On the Origin of Inequality, Rousseau writes, “[B]ehold your history, such as I have thought to read it, not in books written by your fellow-creatures, who are liars, but in nature, which never lies” (79).  
In Rousseau’s state of nature—contra Hobbes—man is neither brutish and war-like nor—contra Aristotle and Locke—political and property-acquiring. These dispositions are learned through ordered society. Yet, while Rousseau “animalizes” us his noble savage is free in a way that non-human animals are not. For Rousseau, “while nature alone activates everything in the operations of a beast, man participates in his own actions in his capacity as a free agent” (87). Rousseau joins the noble savage’s positive freedom to the idea of perfectibility, an unlimited openness to change, not only to exercise the will, but to alter and transform as circumstances change (Smith). Rousseau gives us Romantic individualism.
Rousseau further clarifies his genealogy with two kinds of self-love, each worth reviewing, amour de soi and amour-propre (Smith): Amour de soi is the noble savage’s primitive self-love, one of wholeness and happiness, a self-love that moves every animal toward self-preservation. Amour-propre is the unnatural self-love that appears with society. Amour-propre defines esteem through private property and the opinions of others; this self-love breeds egocentrism, vanity, and conceit (Smith). Rousseau, here, anticipates Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents and maybe Donald Trump.
Frankenstein’s monster would enjoy amour de soi, the noble savage’s self-preserving self-love, if not taught self-loathing and eventual amour-propre by Victor and his societal, “civilized” others. The monster, at this point, has fully emerged from his state of nature.  
Number Two: The Monster as Pre-Exchange If the monster suggests a noble savage in a state of nature then he is also pre-capitalist and hence pre-exchange. The monster’s pre-capitalist ontology reveals the implications of the abstractions that come with commodity production, when use-value gives way to exchange-value. Alfred Sohn-Rethel theorizes that exchange is the source of society itself—what makes social synthesis possible in the first place (37)—and that commodity exchange produces our epoch’s distinct “socially necessary forms of thinking” (5). “[Value], says Sohn-Rethel, “is purely social in character, arising in the spatio-temporal sphere of human interrelations” (20). The monster is reanimated in a capitalist world as Victor’s use-value. He is neither a product nor a participant in commodity exchange. Upon his creation, that is, the monster is a being whose pre-capitalism is free from exploitation and alienation.     
Number Three: The Monster as Anti-Oedipus Here, I’ll be brief and merely echo Donna Haraway: the monster is borne from Victor’s labor and hence develops above and beyond the Oedipal triangle. He says, “No father had watched my infant days, no mother had blessed me with smiles and caresses; or if they had, all my past life was now a blot, a blind vacancy in which I distinguished nothing” (143). Like Haraway’s cyborg, there is no Oedipal resolution and Freudian individuation. The monster’s would-be “bride” could very well be a groom or a partner in between or beyond. If the monster is free from Oedipus, he is free from heteronormative compulsion.     
Number Four: The Monster as Pre-Risk The monster knows no risk: he is neither a subject at risk nor a subject capable of taking risks; that is, the monster is free from the financialization of daily life. Maurizio Lazzarato reasons that “debt implies subjectivation” as the governed are trained to “promise” (The Making of the Indebted Man). This subjectivation is only fully possible if the very capacity to take and avoid risk becomes rational and moral for capital. Hence, for Lazzarato, “[c]redit does not solicit and exploit labor but rather ethical action and the work of self-constitution at both an individual and collective level.” The monster is free because he is not enslaved in creditor-debtor relations or the extensions of risk society, such as our own domestic wars on drugs and terror (though he eventually initiates the latter) and fetishization of assessment. One should recall Secretary of Education William Bennett’s 1983 absurd polemic, “A Nation At Risk,” that defined low public school test scores as a threat to national security (Martin): No Monster Left Behind, except Shelley’s!
Number Five: The Monster as Swinging, Socialist Humanist Finally, our Marcusian Monster. Like Freud, Herbert Marcuse would not deny repression’s universality, the repression that comes with a universal Oedipus complex. Yet, like Lacan, Marcuse makes the repressive psychosexual phenomenon a socioeconomic apparatus. Lacan’s superego demands that the righteous and vigilant capitalist subject consume tirelessly within limits—that is, consume according to late capitalism’s ceaseless and oppressive production of subjectivity (in the West: “Be Beautiful!” “Exercise!” “Don’t drink—too much!” and so on).
Similarly, Marcuse’s historicizing of the reality principle (the ego’s restriction on the id’s primitive, instinctual desires) with the performance principle (the ego’s restriction on the id according to capitalism) not only cites capitalism as a driving behavioral force but also allows for positive transformation through post-capitalist subjectivity. If capitalism’s “distribution of scarcity” has resulted in “surplus repression,” then a “non-repressive mode of sublimation” might come about from new productive relations. Thus, Marcuse posits “an extension rather than a constraining” of libidinal energy, and imagines a utopia that abandons the performance principle for a non-repressive reality principle (170, emphasis mine).
So to conclude, in a 1967 lecture, Marcuse defines the dialectic of liberation as “the construction of a free society” that “depends [ . . . ] on [ . . . ] abolishing the established systems of servitude; and [ . . . ] on the vital commitment, the striving [ . . . ] for the qualitatively different values of a free human existence” (178). It is no wonder, then, that Victor says early on that “[t]he world was [ . . . ] a secret which I desired to divine” (Shelley 36). We, like Victor and his monster, are still in that dialectic, still trying to figure out freedom and make things right. I think.
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junowyear3 · 3 years
Had a really nice chat with Jill, it was as if all my ideas in my head were cloudy and her talking about them helped me re-remember and reconnect with what I really want to focus on.
Donna Haraway- look into her Cyborg manifesto and the film Story Telling for Earthly Survival. Look further into the study of post-humanism, the posthuman condition, transhumanism and AI takeover
Rosie Braidotti- further reading
Why? What interests you about these concepts? Ideas of testing out other futures and realities, an alternative life to our own
Questioning status quos. Etiquette in a virtual world- anonymity brings out different sides of people
Making Monsters- David Livingstone Smith (audiobook) Unrelated to practice but still something interesting
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Imaginative realm
Sourcing these monsters- an avatar or an alter ego?
Ancient mythology and modern mythology- how these can combine/ relate to one another
A rehashing of mythology through digital characters
Should they be 2-D prints? 3-Dimensional objects? Scale? Colouring book? Projection? Computer? Do they stay in the digital realm or become a physical work?
Monsters tapping into real fears, anxieties, desires. Bringing these ideas out to play in the form of a monster
Black Mirror episode on gaming
Alternative worlds - Paul Noble’s creation of worlds
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smallblueandloud · 6 years
top 10 doctor who characters
I was tagged by @skyler10fic - thank you!! <3 (these aren’t in a real order, because deciding between some of these was... difficult, to say the least. lol)
1. jack harkness
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I mean, come on. does he need any explanation?
2. donna noble
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(currently physically restraining myself from adding more gifs - she’s just everything I wanted a companion to be - she’s a normal person, but she still does so well as a traveler and just wants to help and learn and argh)
3. martha jones
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she’s just so marvelous, and smart, and brave (and really really pretty but THAT’S NOT THE POINT)
4. rose tyler
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outside of her relationship with the doctor (which is beautiful and just... everything a romance should be), she’s self-sufficient, incredibly compassionate, and so so strong. she keeps going after everything because she wants to help and that just makes me cry.
5. the ninth doctor
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as my tag for him insists, I will always love my first doctor. he’s incredibly guilty about what he did for the universe, but he accepts it and isn’t afraid to do what’s right. even though that’s sometimes wrong. he wants to protect the universe, still, even after everything it’s done to him. (and god, does he love rose.)
(also, my one unrealized dream is him meeting donna. such potential.
6. the tenth doctor
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he wasn’t forged in war as nine was - he was forged with love. it means that he’s at his best when he’s with rose (or anyone else he cares about) but when something threatens them or they’re taken away from him - he doesn’t know how to deal with that. it means that he’s in that much more danger from his darkness than nine ever was - because at least nine knew that it was there. ten will go full time lord victorious on you and then realize what it is that he’s done.
7. amy pond
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I’m forever upset at how moffat cheated and gave us a doctor who lied and companions who didn’t call him out on it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like amy. amy who loves her husband, amy who’s afraid of boredom, amy whose best friend makes her life exciting and awful and what she always dreamed it would be.
8. clara oswald (and assorted alter-egos)
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besides the fact that she’s pretty (HOT DAMN is she pretty), but she’s incredibly witty and manages to balance her real life and her travelling life pretty well. (I’m still irked that the only hint we got of her being bi is a few funny one-liners, but... moffat, you know.)
9. the tardis
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I’m aware that this is kind of cheating, but I stand by the fact that She is just as much of a character as everyone else, and is single-handedly the basis for the plot of every single episode.
10. the thirteenth doctor
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and finally, even though she hasn’t had a single episode yet - I’m so excited for everything she can be.
I’m tagging @megabadbunny, @misstylersmith, @thewolfsdoctor, and @theclaravoyant - no pressure if you don’t want to do it and sorry to tag you if you already have!!
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The Fob-Watched Detective (Ten x Rose)
Rating: Teen
Chapter 11/?
The Doctor, having rewritten his biology to get away from the Family of Blood, tells the TARDIS to take himself and Donna to a safe place, and the TARDIS drops his new human persona, Alec Hardy, and Donna Noble, in the one place she knows they’ll be safe: Rose Tyler’s backyard
(This is still a TenxRose story, but Ten is fobwatched as Alec)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
The next day, Rose visited Alec at work a little earlier than Donna, though Donna promised vehemently that she would be there soon.  By now, everyone in the police station knew Rose, and so they all waved at her on their way in.
“Where’s your partner?” Rose asked, walking around Alec’s desk and sitting on the edge.  He looked up at her from his computer with a jolt.
“Rose! I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I suppose you didn’t, seeing as you didn’t say hello.”
“I can fix that,” he said, getting to his feet to touch her waist and kiss her softly.  He pulled away and stroked the dip in her waist with his thumb and sat back in his chair.  He glanced up at her. “I would’ve done more, but the door is open.”
She thumped him on the head and he grunted, reaching up and grabbing his head.  She grinned at him.  “You seem cocky to think that I would let you.”
“Well, I know you want to take things slow,’ he said, taking his glasses off, “But it’s dreadfully, terribly hard to resist you.”
“Mm,” She poked his chair with her toe. “Some lunch?  Donna will be here soon.”
He glanced up. “It’s lunchtime?”
“Why else would I be here?” Rose asked, furrowing her brows at him.  “Of course it’s lunch time.”
He scratched his head and then ran his hand through his hair. “Right,” he said.  “Just ran out of kind, I suppose,” he said softly, staring at his computer.
She frowned a little. ‘You’d never eat if it wasn’t for me and Donna,” She said, tilting her head a little.  He looked up at her and blinked.
���I suppose,” he said softly.  “I just feel like I have a lot to do,” he said, and pushed back from his desk.  He grabbed her knee and tugged her. “Come here.”
She giggled. “No, your door is open,” She flirted a little.  He grunted and looked a bit inconvenienced for a moment, and then looked over at her.  “Come here,” he said, reaching his hand for her.
“We’ll hold hands,” she said, now teasing.  She took his hand and he used her hand to tug his rolling chair over to her so he sat in front of her.  “Hello,” she said, hooking her foot around his knee.
“I feel like you’ve said that already.”
“You make me forget.”
He preened a little at that. “Well, I hope to make you forget any man that you’ve ever met.”
She smiled a little sadly and reached out with her free hand to stroke his cheek. “We can meet Donna at the chippy, yeah?  I think you’re probably getting tired of looking at this drab old place every day all the time, aren’t you?” He cocked an eyebrow at you.  “Okay,” he said, “We’ll meet her there.  Though I don’t know why it’s never just you and me.”
“Because Donna’s your family,” Rose said. And she wants to protect you as much as I do, she didn’t say, but she almost wished she had.  She bit her lip instead and hoped he wouldn’t question her.
“Alright,” he said, “Though I don’t think I saw Donna nearly as much as I do now that I know you.” Rose smiled at him again, trying to force herself to make it happy.  “Great! I’ll tell your coworkers you’re leaving.”
“I can tell them.”
Rose leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead before standing up. “They like me better.”
He winced. “I suppose that’s true.”
She walked down the hall and knocked on Alec’s partner’s door.  She heard the woman call out for her to come in and Rose opened the door, poking her head in.
“Taking Detective Grumpy out for lunch, are we?” The woman, Ellie Miller, asked, without looking up from her desk.
“Yes, ma’am,” Rose said, laughing.
Ellie laughed as well and looked up at her.  “I don’t know what you’re doing with him,” she said, squinting at him. “You seem so vibrant, so- not angry at the world.”
Rose shrugged. “Someone has to make him like the world.  Why not me?” “Well, you’re good for him,” Ellie said, nodding.  “I’m glad he found you.”
Rose beamed. “Me too.  See you later, Mrs. Miller.”
“Until next time, Rose.”
Rose shut the door and went back to Alec’s office, where he was gathering up his things to follow Rose out of the station.  “You know, Miller talks about you a lot.” “I’m charming,” Rose said, reaching for his hand. He took it without hesitation and smiled down at her.
“That you are.” ***********
The next few days passed without incident, but that didn’t stop Rose’s stomach from churning with nervousness every time she thought about the Family finding Alec.  Donna told Rose that if she was really so worried, she should just go and stay at Alec’s for a night.
“Nothing has to happen,” She said, “But you know I can’t stay over there, he’d be suspicious, so it would have to be you.”  Donna sighed, a look of concern crossing her face. “I’m worried too. But I can’t do anything except keep an eye out from here.” Eventually, Rose was brought to a decision when Alec asked her one night over dinner at his house: “You could just.. Stay, if you want.”
“I don’t have any pajamas,” She told him, stabbing her spaghetti.
‘You could wear one of my t-shirts,” he said, leaning his elbows on the table. “And my… Sweatpants.”
“Are you having nightmares about the murder?” She asked him.
He wouldn’t look at her for several moments, and Rose sighed a little, having her answer that too. It seemed that the Doctor never got what he wanted, even in this alter ego of himself.  She got up from the table and crossed to him, settling herself on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck, cuddling close to him. He sighed heavily and wrapped his arms back around her waist, squeezing her so her hip was pressed up against his stomach.  
“Okay,” She said softly, her will broken in the face of his worry and fear. “I’ll stay with you tonight.” He sighed a little against her and nodded. “I don’t want you to think that I can’t handle my job, Rose, because I can,” he said firmly, “And I’m very good at my job. I really am.”
Rose pulled back and looked at him carefully.  She reached out and cupped his cheek. “I don’t think you’re weak, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”
He couldn’t meet her eyes for a few moments.  He patted her side.  “Well, I’d like to get some sleep, and I- you have work tomorrow, don't’ you?” Rose nodded. “Yeah,” She said, “I don’t live far though, you know that, so I could just back to my house before I have to go in to Torchwood.”
He nodded and she stood up, heading up to his room with him behind her.  He wordlessly handed her a pair of his sweatpants and a soft t-shirt that reminded her of the light blue ones that the Doctor wore under his button up Oxfords.  Alec headed into the bathroom and got ready for bed in there while Rose changed in his bedroom, sitting perched on the bed waiting when he came in.  She’d already texted her mum and said she wouldn’t be home, and she knew that Jackie had to pretend that she wasn’t worried.  She simply sent a text back that said “be careful”, and Rose had to admit that it was getting more and more difficult to do so.
He came out of the bathroom looking terribly vulnerable in his pajamas.  He came to step up next to her, holding his hand down to her.  She placed her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet.  She let him lean down and kiss her, and he did it so slowly, like he was sure that she would push him off again, and not allow him to go any further than they had before.  He continued to kiss her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, dragging her against him in a way she was sure that he hadn’t before.  She ran her fingers in his hair and left them there, wishing for once that it was the more stuck up style of the Doctor’s, that she could hold the Doctor this way, just once.
The thought jolted her back to reality, that the Doctor wouldn’t want her to come with him after that.  She loved the Doctor, she really did, but she didn’t want to let him go.  He was someone who was here for her in a way that the Doctor just hadn’t, maybe because he couldn’t, because of all this Time Lord nonsense that filtered through his head.  She pushed those thoughts away and focused on the man in front of her, the man who was willing to kiss her and hold her and take her on dates.   He pushed her back a little bit, not forcing her to do anything, giving her time to push him away, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.  She broke the kiss and fell back on the bed, scooting back a little bit and reached out for him.
He hesitated for a moment and crawled over to her on the bed, bracketing her shoulders with his hands.  “Hello,” he said softly.
“Hello,” she said.
“I care about you so much,” he said, “I don’t know if you’ll ever understand how much I care about you.”
She felt tears spring into her eyes. “I… I think I can understand.  I care for you so much,” she reached out and cupped his cheek in her hand, stroking her thumb over his beard.  “You are so important to me,” She said, wishing that he would understand, when he came back to be a Time Lord, wishing that everything would be alright.
He leaned down and kissed her again, and she couldn’t stop herself from wrapping herself around him, arms and legs, dragging him down closer to her. He pressed closer, eventually breaking away from her mouth to latch onto her neck, the scratch of his beard against her skin making her giggle a little.
“What?” he asked gruffly against her skin.
“Your beard,” she laughed, pushing her foot against his calf. “It tickles.”
“Oh, so you think I’m funny, do you?” he asked teasingly, and reached down to tickle her sides.  She squealed and squirmed away from him.  
“Stop, stop!” She laughed breathlessly, pushing at his chest.  “Come here, come back, kiss me.”
He was on her again like a shot, more intensity behind his kiss. He touched her with purpose, like she was the only woman that had ever existed, at least to him.  She broke the kiss to kiss along his jawline and down to his neck. “Do you need your heart medication?” She asked breathlessly.
“Why?” He asked, looking down into her eyes, pupils blown wide.
She stroked her hand through his hair and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I’m not going to run away from you today,” she said, “And I’m not going to run away from you ever again.”
He regarded her with surprise, and finally smiled a little. “Really?” “Really, but we need-”
“I have some,” he rushed out, and then sat back on his heels. “Um.  Not that I presumed, you know, I didn’t,” he rubbed the back of his neck.  “You don’t hate me for that, do you?”
“Of course not,” she said, sitting up as well. She reached up and gave him a long, lingering kiss that made her toes curl and his hands came back around her, gripping her about the ribs.  She pulled back again and pushed his chest. “Go on, I’ll be here when you get back,” she said, and he stopped to kiss her again and again before popping off the bed with more energy than she’d ever seen in him before.
He returned and was on her again instantly, scrabbling at her shirt, pushing it up and over her head, trying to get closer to her skin.  She tossed it over onto the floor and went for his shirt.  
“I should turn the lights off,” he said, as her hands closed around the bottom of his shirt.
“No,” She said, “No, this is fine.”
“You won’t want me,” he said, and she realized that he was terribly insecure, to act this way.  She looked up into his face, making sure that he was looking at her when she spoke next.
“Nothing you could say or do would make me want you any less,” she told him firmly.  “Now kiss me again and stop thinking about all of this.  It’s just you and me, got it?”
He nodded carefully and kissed her, and this time, she didn’t run away. 
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marymrstn · 11 years
They call me Bianca but really I'm Enjolras in disguise. musicals make me cry on a daily basis, and by the time Sherlock series 3 has been released I will be far too old to remember my own name.
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Rule one: Always post the rules
. Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write your 10 questions
. Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Rule 4: Actually tell the people you tagged that you tagged them.
Tagged By: gingerpineappleofassbutt
1.) Do you believe in Sherlock Holmes?
Yes, he brought me a bicycle last Christmas. I asked him for a unicorn this year. *fingers crossed*
2.) If there was a button that would eject Justin Beiber from the Earth, would you press it? (Or tap it, whack it, bop it, smack it, caress it gently before taking it to dinner.)
We’ll see if it works first, then I’ll think about taking it out to dinner.
3.) What is yo favourite flavour milkshake? If yo ass is lactose intolerant or ya don’t like milkshake, favourite fizzy drink?
Have both. Chocolate Milkshake. Fanta Fruit Twist.
4.) Favourite Telly Tubby? This is a serious question. (Po all the way)
Mine’s always been Po too. My sister taught me some lovely variations of their names and the song “Spot the Dog”. Remind me to tell you them sometime.
5.) Are you going to miss Matt Smith as The Doctor?
Yes, he’s my favourite Doctor so far.
6.) Team WILDCATS or Team Canada… eh? Or neither, ya know.
Cana- who the fuck is Canada?! Team… uh… hm… er… can’t remember his name. He’s from Naruto. He loves bugs, wears a huge coat and shades, he’s on the same team and Kiba and Hinata… GOKU! That’s who I was thinking of.
7.) When is a door not a door?
When it’s a jar.
8.) I really want to go to comic con. Do you want to give me the money for it?
See how much money I’ve got and we can go to the next one.
9.) How do you take your coffee/ tea?
10.) What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?
A rubber duck is a fundamental item that muggles use during bath time. Although we have not yet managed to activate it, we are sure there is some highly “teknilogical” component to it.
1.) Do you prefer home cooked or takeaway?
2.) Would you rather see your favourite pairing become canon or live in your favourite fictional world (but all your favourite characters/ pairings die, hate each other and are emotionally destroyed and everything pretty much goes to shit)?
3.) What would be your ideal date?
4.) What was the last TV Show that made you cry?
5.) If you could spend one day with anyone in the world (dead or alive) who would it be and what would you do?
6.) Would your keep your best friend as a pet zombie in the event of an apocalypse?
7.) What is the plot of the most fucked up fanfic you ever read?
8.) Who would win in the “Politest Gentleman” competition between Benedict Cumberbatch or Tom Hiddleston?
9.) Do you have any secret pairings that you never talk about?
10.) If you could name your own country, what would you call it?
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mayfl0wer-power · 11 years
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Today is a day when I don’t really mind how I look, so I finally got the courage to post a picture for you all. I’m 2 pounds away from my first goal weight so yay.
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qulcksilvery · 11 years
My favourite film is The Time Travellers Wife because it follows the book pretty well, it's so emotional, well cast, and it makes me laugh, it makes me smile, and it makes me cry.
I've never seen this one, but it sounds pretty :) *writes movie on 'watch these movies' list* 
URL: ok | good | great | awesome | flawless | give it to me
Posts: ok | good | great | awesome | flawless | asdfghjkl
Sidebar: ok | good | great | awesome | flawless | *dying*
Icon: ok | good | great |awesome | flawless | Oh My GoSH
Overall: ok | good | great | awesome | flawless | are u GOD?!
Tell me your favourtie movie and why you like it and I'll rate your blog :)
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ameliaschoice-blog · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
ohmystarsdoctorwho (11%)
the-caliginous-quadrant (7%)
fy-nghariad-fy-emrys (5%)
aarontveeit (4%)
donna-nobles-alter-ego (3%)
sircolinmorgan (3%)
anneboleyns (2%)
lovetheriddlesthatyouspeak (2%)
matthewsmiths (2%)
you guyzzzzzzzzzzzz r ma bbys
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marymrstn · 11 years
BIANCA I LOVE YOUR PiCTURE and I think you are extremely rad ❤❤
leaaaah bless your soul
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marymrstn · 11 years
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marymrstn · 11 years
I started following you because SHERLOCK AND DOCTOR WHO AND LES MISERABLES and I stayed because you are a wonderful person and you could always make me smile ❤
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marymrstn · 11 years
I read that as Polish instead of polish now I have a picture of you with polish people on your nails
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marymrstn · 11 years
i have a redirect theme you can't just lose me
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marymrstn · 11 years
So angelic with your halo and your perfect face
aww shhhhh
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