kaidans-alenko · 4 years
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@dattebay-ho Oh I'm fully aware, I just play as renegade so I don't have a choice haha
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draconicmaw · 4 years
I got tagged by @secondaryrealm 💖
Relationship Status: Single (ah ha ha ha, when you're too emotionally distant for a relationship ✌)
Favorite Color: Aquamarine
Three favorite foods: sushi, pasta of any kind, venison
Song that's stuck in my head: "Smooth" by Santana featuring Rob Thomas
Last Song I listened to: "Dance Macabre" by Ghost
Last Thing I Googled: how long is a lunar month (it's 29.5 days)
Dream Trip: this is a hard one. Ugh I guess anywhere that would let me take a submarine trip to the Mariana Trench. That would be neat AF
Anything I Really Want: a vehicle with decent cargo room, because my little shoebox is making it pretty frickin' hard to move.
I'll tag @cryptidvillage @andromedomaii and @dattebay-ho if you're interesting in playing this tag game 💗
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hypmic-headcanons · 6 years
Catch Phrases
Gentaro: It was a lie~
Juto: Wanna get arrested?
Ichiro: Dattebay- ah, I mean, Ore ga Ichiro?
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xxlovendreamsxx · 6 years
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dattebay-ho replied to your post “Finally starting to get OP in borderlands!!”
Borderlands is the shit you'll love it! Especially Borderlands 2 the good thing about the games it's based in the same universe, totally different characters and story line. Some characters are NPCs though.
I adore the series as a whole. BL 2 is by far my fave and the only one I’ve beaten. got pretty close with BL:TPS but at the end, the enemies just got so weird and too powerful for me so I couldn’t finish. but BL 1 I always gave up so early before. could never get past the beginning. mostly cause i wasn’t using the right character i think. people always said lilith was the best but i had the absolute hardest time with her. so i tried roland and i’m doing pretty well with him and his turret!
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bailks · 11 years
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So my friend Michelle Obama wanted me to play Assassins Creed so she threw in a little song for me.
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naki-crybaby · 11 years
I've been following you for quite a while but I just wanted to let you know how great your blog is, and how cute you are as well!! ^•^
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beanerbrujx · 11 years
KibaHina :D
send me a ship and i'll rate it and your blog
ship: don’t ship | nice | awesome | otp | i’m going to die | rolls into ball and cries | WHY ISN'T THIS CANON YET
blog: I hadn't followed you but you post a lot of Naruto so 10/10 would recommend
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draconicmaw · 4 years
Tagged by @writelovetomeempress (oof it's about time I got around to doing this 😂)
Name: Drake, Maw, Draco
Gender: she/her
Sexuality: Demi...? Idek anymore.
Hogwarts House: I would like to say Ravenclaw, but honestly...? Probably a Hufflepuff 😂
Favorite Animal: don't make me piiiick 😭 you shouldn't make a biologist pick a favorite animal. They are all so cool. (But when I was younger it was the polar bear)
Current time: 9:31 AM
Cats or Dogs: cats for cuddling and dogs for playing
Dream Job: Paleontologist. Or working at Jurassic Park (if under better management that actually knew wtf they were doing)
When I made this blog: I just wanted to get more involved in my favorite fandoms, and this seemed like the best way to get my grubby paws on more content.
Reason for URL: I absolutely love dragons. In school, I was that one weird girl that was always drawing dragons (I actually drew my icon/profile pic in color pencil), and I was always trying to write stories about dragons (from like the age of 10) and my writing expanded and grew to other things. But it's nice to pay homage to my roots, ya know?
Tagging: @andromedomaii @dattebay-ho (you don't have to do this if you don't want to, though 😜)
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draconicmaw · 5 years
@writelovetomeempress tagged me in this. Thanks! 😂
Tag game:
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Top 3 Ships:
(Why y'all making me pick favorites, that's just not fair. Okay, Imma pick ones that even if I don't write them, I ship the shit out of them and turn into a frothing fangirl over)
Hak and Yona from Akatsuki no Yona. This ship is my OTP and I would die for either of these characters, don't even question me. (And Hak is my dream man but I would never dare take him away from Yona. They're just meant to be)
(Okay the rest are YGO DM ships because I've fallen back into the fandom and I can't get up) Prideshipping. It's the ship I get the most fanfic ideas for.
Uhhhhh, shit man, Idk, I've really been into Dragonshipping lately, I guess.
Last Song:
Revel In Your Time -- Gunship. Man, I love Gunship. 10/10 would recommend if you are into '80s music, because their stuff sounds like it jumped right out of an '80s sci-fi film. (Dropped a link so I can attempt to convert you)
Last Movie:
Swiss Family Robinson. Not my favorite film, but it was good for a family movie night. (Except every night is family movie night in quarantine)
What food are you craving right now:
Don't even get me started. There's a whole list but at the top is this venison stir-fry one of my friends makes and she marinates the meat in this lime concoction and then served with rice, it's just... Drool worthy. Oh-ho-ho! It'd be great served as onigiri, too....
I don't even know 9 people on tumblr and one of the few people I even interact with was the one that tagged me in this, so, here is my truncated list of people who I don't think would be too bothered by my tagging them: @dattebay-ho , @andromedomaii , and so far that's it. If you follow me and/or you just happen to stumble across this and feel left out, feel free to play anyways!
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