#donna and leia
nikkisgwens · 9 months
@thatseventiesbitch Do you see any Donna and Leia parallels? Aside from them being annoyed about Eric’s obsession with Star Wars, I can’t really find any. I’m asking you since you’re the Forman family expert!
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In my humble opinion, I think Leia was a wonderful addition to the Forman Family.
I loved her scenes with each other the other family members and can’t wait for more, especially more scenes with Leia and Red and Kitty
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
I adore Dad Eric and Momma Donna with toddler/baby Leia, it might be possible that you wrote them with “I’m not going anywhere” please? ty 🥳
Thanks for the ask! Prompt Ask Game
"Okay," Donna peered down at her grocery list, her tongue peeking out from between her teeth. "Eric, I need you to go get the corn," she instructed, pointing vaguely to the other end of the grocery store.
"Aye aye, Captain." He gave her an exaggerated salute, causing Leia to break out into giggles.
"Get enough for us, and your parents, and mine. And the neighbors, and their kids," she rattled off all the people who would be at their BBQ.
"Your wish is my command, Skipper." He saluted again, this time adding a spin for dramatic flair. Donna was unamused, but Leia doubled over with laughter this time. Eric petted her hair affectionately. She was standing next to the shopping cart, clutching her little Raggedy Ann dolly in one arm.
"Well at least someone like my jokes."
He set off in the direction of the produce, and Donna steered the cart towards the snack aisle.
"Alright, come on Le-Le." She tapped the back of her daughter's head lightly. "Let's go pick out some chips."
The little girl ran ahead of her mom, excited to look at the choices.
Donna spotted hotdog buns, and she stopped to grab them from the shelf. She took a few moments to decide how many packages she needed to buy. Finally making her decision, she tossed them into the cart and then rounded the corner to join Leia.
Her heart quickly plummeted. The aisle was empty.
"Leia?" Donna called nervously. She scooted out into the main part of the store, scanning for her preschooler. Maybe she'd darted to another nearby display? Maybe there were more chips around the corner?
But no. Donna scanned the voluminous space desperately, praying for a peek of her daughter's little brown ponytail, for a flash of her purple t-shirt, but she didn't see her. That's when her heart started to thud.
"Leia!" she shouted it now, abandoning her cart. She flew around the corner of another aisle, and almost crashed into Eric.
"Hey," his arms were full of ears of corn, and he laughed. "Is this enough? I feel like a farmer."
"Eric," Donna choked, and his expression changed as he realized something was wrong. "L-leia. I can't find her!"
He dropped his armful of corn in the middle of the aisle. "What?"
Donna nodded, crying now. "She - she was just - " she gestured behind her, at the chip aisle, helplessly.
"C'mon." Eric grabbed her arm, and they started to fly up and down the aisles.
At the end of the bread aisle, they both heard a whimper. They locked eyes, and whipped around the corner. Sure enough, little Leia was crouched down on the ground in front of the tortilla rack, clutching her Raggedy Ann dolly.
"Hey, buddy, it's okay," Eric scooped her into his arms. Leia immediately wrapped her legs around his middle, and buried her face into his neck. "And that goes for you, too," he said gently, to Donna. She'd let out a sigh of relief and rubbed Leia's back now, but her face was still tense. "It's okay," he mouthed to her, overtop Leia's head. Donna just nodded wearily.
"Mommy," Leia reached out and grabbed Donna's hand, pulling her closer. "Daddy. Stay right here," she whined, a tear still winding down her face.
"We're not going anywhere, baby girl."
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will80sbyers · 1 year
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gingersaurus · 1 year
I was having trouble getting in That 90′s Show, for the main reason being the continuity errors of the timeline.
You see, The final episode of That 70′s show ended on New Year’s Eve 1979/1980.  Leia is a teenager in 1995.  Which raises the obvious question, HOW OLD IS LEIA, WHEN WAS SHE CONCEIVED, AND WHO IS HER BIOLOGICAL FATHER???
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Eric wasn’t in the final season of That 70s show.  He broke up with Donna and went off to college.  In the final season of TSS (1979), Donna was dating a guy named Randy, but she broke up with him just before the season finale.
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This means that if Leia was conceived anywhere between October 1979 and December 1979, She would be just on the cusp of turning 15 in the summer of 1995.  Now it feels pretty unlikely that Donna would have been 3 months pregnant during the series finale and wouldn’t have realized it, so let’s focus on the more likely scenario.  (Edit:  After watching a few more episodes, Leia has her 15th birthday in the summer of 1995.  Either she was reeeeaally premature, or Randy is her bio dad.)
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Eric came back to Point Place during the season finale, and he and Donna got back together.  This reunion resulted in them getting frisky, and Leia was conceived on New Years 1980, making her birthday sometime in early October 1980, which would mean that Leia is 14 and 9 months old during That 90s Show.  Now this brings up a lot of concerns about her drinking and smoking at such a young age, but it brings up an even bigger concern and that is:  HOW OLD IS JAY KELSO AND HOW DOES HE EXIST??????
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YOU KNOW WHO ELSE WAS NOT AROUND FOR THE FINAL SEASON OF THAT 70s SHOW??? MICHAEL KELSO!!!  And on top of that Jackie was dating Fez in 1979. Jackie definitely was not pregnant, had never been pregnant, and even if she was, how would Kelso have been the father?  And we can only infer that Jay is older than Leia, because he is friends with Gwen’s older brother, Nate.  And Nate and Jay have been friends "for 12 years”.
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So the writers are trying to tell me that Jay Kelso is 16 in 1995??? That would mean that he would have had to have been born in 1979!  And look at how much that kid looks like Michael Kelso! That’s definitely Kelso’s son, and not an adopted child.  BUT HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE IF MICHAEL KELSO DIDN’T HAVE A SON IN 1979?!?!?!?
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Kelso was gone during the final season because he had knocked up a girl named Brooke at a concert, and moved away to help raise his “baby girl” with Brooke.  Which means that this baby would be 16 in 1995!  Which means that there can be only one in canon explanation for the existence of Jay Kelso!
Brooke and Kelso didn’t work out, and after they broke up, Kelso moved back to Wisconsin with his child 12 years ago.  He reconnected with Jackie, and they eventually got married.  Jackie adopted Kelso’s child, and became a really great stepmom who made it clear that she loved her child unconditionally.  Jay knew how much his dad and step mom loved him, and therefore felt comfortable coming out to them as trans when he was in his early teens.  Kelso and Jackie accepted their son with open arms
Brooke was also the valedictorian, which means that when Kelso says Jay “has my looks and his mother’s brains! He gets straight A’s!” He is referring to Jay’s bio mom, Brooke.  
So in conclusion, Jay Kelso is trans, and Michael and Jackie are amazing parents.  Also Jay is probably on T because Jackie scared the shit out of some poor doctor.
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Title: Breakfast
Summary: Visiting Point Place for the summer, Leia takes the time to make a special surprise for her Grandma Kitty.
Pairings: Forman Family Fluff again more than romance, sorry. This time family moments with Red and Leia, Kitty and Leia, mentions of Donna and Eric and of course some Red/Kitty fluff tossed in there.
Rating: K+
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56127160
Author’s Note: Know family fics aren't that popular in the fandom but I hope you all might check out this one. It's short and sweet. And I was hoping to post new T9S related one shots every week until the new episodes premiered, I'm not so sure now with the lack of response from this chapter. BUT I know the family versus romance plays a part, I'll see if I have a more romance related one in here for next week.
Follow #T9S Season 2 FanFic Countdown for more!
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magiccath · 4 months
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An ode to the fictional women who taught me to be the woman I am today
Always know your worth, ladies
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ik no one watches That 90s Show and That 70s Show was so long ago its obscure anymore, but I have to talk about the parallels between Leia and Gwen and Eric and Donna and how that just fuels my ship for them more. Leia having Eric's old room and Gwen having Donna's old room, and them sitting in the same spots in the basement. There's so many parallels don't get me wrong I LOVE Jay but Leia and Gwen would be so cute together
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topperscumslut · 1 year
Let’s Talk About Jay Kelso
Warning: spoilers for That 90s Show
So I just binged T90S, and I’m not really sure how to feel, particularly about Jay. On one hand, I did really like his character, but not as much as I thought I would. And part of me thinks that’s my own fault for creating this idea in my mind of exactly what I thought he would be like without the show even being out yet, but part of me feels justified in my disappointment in the way his character was written and I’m wondering if anyone else agrees with me on this.
Jay started out really strong, he was flirty and charismatic, yet cheesy and respectful. The first two episodes have kind of blurred together at this point since I pulled an all nighter to watch this and I’m coming down from my caffeine high, but I saw a lot of potential for his character that I really didn’t see fulfilled in the rest of the series. Let me preface this by saying that I do not blame Mace Coronel, who plays Jay, AT ALL for this. I adore Mace and believe he’s beyond talented and did the best he could with what he was given. I blame it on lazy writing. As much as I love both T70S and T90S, a lot of the writing REALLY pisses me off (especially the treatment of Jackie in both shows, but that’s a topic for another time).
In my opinion, Jay peaked in episode three and it was all kind of downhill from there. Again, I still enjoyed his character, but it wasn’t what I expected or wanted from him. And maybe I am just projecting and set unreasonable expectations for his character, but I have a strong feeling the fandom will agree with me on this. Ep3 Jay really felt like the fanon Jay that I had imagined in my mind and had seen in posts from other users on here. He was still a charismatic flirt, but he was also slightly awkward, incredibly sweet, and a little dorky like I had imagined him. Between what I’d seen in trailers, official character descriptions, other tumblr users’ fan theories, and my own imagination, I imagined Jay having the charm of Kelso but much more depth. I saw him as being a bit of a nerd who loves girls but, unlike his father, isn’t a womanizer and genuinely respects them. I imagined him as very introspective, poetic, and intelligent, which I didn’t really see much of at all after episode three. Kelso himself even says in the pilot that Jay has his good looks and Jackie’s brains. And Jackie was always truly intelligent, even though she usually wasn’t treated that way. He was also described as always having a camera with him and constantly taking videos and photos of his friends which, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think we saw that even once in this season. In my mind, Jay Kelso was a goofy film geek who’s popular with the ladies due to his good looks and charisma, but in a much more unconventional way than his father is. But as the series progressed, I felt like he became more and more like Kelso. Which sucks because I despise Kelso with a passion.
Let’s talk about what I liked about Jay in episode three. When Leia tries to get Jay to kiss her, he turns her down because he doesn’t want her to be a meaningless fling and because he can tell this isn’t really what she wants. So I was like okay, consent king, respecting women, we love to see it. I also fully expected Jay to be a virgin for a couple reasons. First of all, in the original series, all of the core cast (except maybe Hyde) were virgins at the beginning of the series, EVEN KELSO, and besides Jackie, they were all older than the T90S crew at 17/18, whereas the next gen of Point Place kids are all 14-16, maybe some of them 17. But in T90S it’s heavily implied that the whole gang beside Leia (and possibly Ozzie, since his boyfriend lives in Canada) have all lost their virginity. Secondly, it would be such a plot twist. A Kelso being a virgin? Unspeakable! I fully expected this grand reveal of Jay saying he doesn’t want to make the same mistakes of his father and that he’s waiting for the right person, someone he’s truly in love with, and that person being Leia (though I am glad that Jay and Leia didn’t have sex for multiple reasons. The age of the characters, their lack of chemistry, and the age difference between the actors, to name a few). I was also genuinely surprised at Jay’s lack of daddy issues. All the posts with spoilers from before the show was out from people who had seen tapings suggested Kelso being an absent father who doesn’t really love or care for Jay, which led me to believe Jay would want to be as little like his father as possible, but there was literally nothing about that in the show. Also, a bit off topic, but can we talk about how awful the circumstances of Jay and Leia getting together were? Sure they developed genuine feelings for each other eventually, but it literally starts with Leia being like “hey, I want my first kiss, and my only option’s Jay. Eh, might as well, better than nothing.”
All of these hopes were crushed in episode four when we find out that not only has Jay had sex, which okay, fine, whatever, but he’s also a player who’s broken multiple girls hearts, and it’s implied that he does this on purpose. So basically Kelso 2.0. Cool. While I do have critiques for the other episodes, I did genuinely enjoy them, whereas I absolutely despise episode four to the point where I hardly even consider it canon. Between the horrible light it painted Jay in and the insensitive and disgusting Menendez brothers joke that made me actually pause the show for a good ten minutes to process it and almost give up on the show completely, episode four was horrendous. When Nikki suggests that Jay has feelings for Leia and actually sees her as a person and not just a sex object, Jay seems genuinely surprised at best, if not disgusted. While him telling Leia in the previous episode that he doesn’t want her to be a meaningless hookup implied that he treated all women with this level of respect, this seems to flip the script to say that he sees only Leia this way, because she’s “different.” Why, because she’s the main character, because she’s a “pure” nerdy virgin, because she’s “not like other girls?” Why is Leia put on a pedestal and treated like she deserves better than other girls whereas the rest aren’t worthy of basic respect? (If this sounds familiar, it’s because this is exactly how Donna was treated in the original series as opposed to every single other girl on the show, particularly Jackie.) Because Leia is “special” she “deserves” to be treated with basic human decency, unlike “other girls,” because fuck them, right? At the rave, we see what could have been a cute moment where Leia and Jay confess their feelings for each other, but instead, Jay takes advantage of her vulnerability and arrogantly declares that he “knew it” when Leia admits her feelings rather than telling her he feels the same way. However it’s hard to hold all of this against Jay considering how out of character this seems for him. Episodes 1-3 paint him as kind and empathetic, whereas episodes 5-10 continue that sort of personality for him, but also turn him into a one note love interest that doesn’t have much else to his character. Episode four Jay literally feels like an entirely different character than the rest of the series.
In either episode four or five, forgive me for not remembering, we meet Serena, who could essentially be replaced with a piece of cardboard and nothing would change. Serena literally only exists to be “the other woman” getting in the way of Jay and Leia’s relationship. While Leia, thankfully, isn’t unkind to her just because she’s with Jay, the writers are. Unlike Leia, apparently Serena doesn’t deserve a happy ending, a good boyfriend, or a shred of respect. She’s older, she dresses in a more conventionally attractive way, and her personality is nonexistent. It’s unclear if Jay *technically* cheated on Serena; while Leia calls her Jay’s girlfriend, it’s important to take into account that Leia is an unreliable narrator and it’s entirely possible that Jay and Serena were just casually going out and not official (especially considering they were just going on their first date a day or two before Leia’s birthday), but it’s also a very real possibility that Jay did cheat on her when he kisses Leia on her birthday. Regardless of if they were official or not, it’s pretty shitty that Jay entirely casts her aside as soon as Leia shows interest. Serena who, right? No seriously, that’s literally what he says. If the roles were reversed and it was Leia he did this to, Jay would be seen as a total asshole, but since it’s Serena, we’re not supposed to care. For my swifties out there, Leia is Betty, Jay is James, and Serena is Augustine - just a “summer thing.” So not only is Jay a “player” and a “man whore” as he’s called by his own friend group, he’s also likely a cheater. Sure, he’s Kelso’s son, but that doesn’t mean he has to be a carbon copy. It’s like the writers copy and pasted Kelso into the 90s, edited a few things, and said “yeah, that’s good enough, no one will be able to tell.”
While this may sound like I hate Jay, I really don’t. In fact, he’s still probably my favorite character in the reboot, although I’m probably a bit biased due to my affections for him from before the show came out (and my eight year long crush on Mace Coronel, but that’s irrelevant.) Jay does prove himself throughout the rest of the season, showing that he does care about Leia and exhibiting empathy his father could never muster, but he still doesn’t feel like his own character. While Kelso habitually cheats on Jackie and then blames her for it, admits to using her for sex and money while she’s 15 and he’s 18, and hounds her into sex until she eventually gives in and says yes so he’ll leave her alone (ie: rape), Jay is genuinely kindhearted and would never do those sorts of things (or at least I hope he wouldn’t, but it wouldn’t shock me if the writers decide to ruin his character in later seasons.) Like Red says when Kitty points out that Jay is better than Michael, the bar isn’t all that high. However, Jay does prove himself to be a good boyfriend who genuinely cares about Leia (I don’t use the word love since their relationship developed so quickly and they’re so young, so it’s unlikely that it’s real love, despite the fact that they believe it is). He exhibits true selflessness throughout the series and continually puts himself in the line of fire (usually from Red) to protect Leia.
Nevertheless, good person or not, Jay doesn’t feel original. He seems to exist only to be Leia’s love interest boy toy. Jay lacks the soul I imagined him to have before watching the show. While it’s nice to see the female characters fleshed out for once, as was very lacking on T70S, the male characters lack dimension in comparison. Leia, Gwen, and Nikki, all have their own personalities, values, and ambitions, whereas Ozzie tends to be the sassy token gay friend (although let’s bffr, none of these new kids are straight, but the writers don’t want to admit it), Jay not only feels like Kelso Lite ™, but as the series progresses, him and Nate seem to morph into basically the same person. Two well intended, yet dumb horndogs who lack depth or any true personality of their own beyond being love interests for their girlfriends and comic relief. Again, I love, love, LOVE Mace Coronel, and have since seeing him on Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn on Nickelodeon, and don’t blame him at all for the way his character is written. Now if you follow my blog, you probably already know that I absolutely adore not only Mace, but also his NRDD costar Aidan Gallagher, who I fell for after seeing him in The Umbrella Academy. However, Mace was the one I had a crush on as a child and it was very exciting to rediscover him when I first found out about T90S. While Aidan’s NRDD character Nicky Harper and TUA character Five Hargreeves share the same cunning spirit, they’re extremely different in most ways and I was incredibly excited to see Mace show this same sort of range on T90S. And I do believe that Mace has that range, but he unfortunately seems to be being typecast, considering Jay basically feels like teenage Dicky Harper in the 90s. Maybe I’m being overdramatic, but I was really hoping for more for Jay’s character and I was slightly disappointed, and I hope he gets fleshed out more and more deeply explored in later seasons.
Thanks for reading my long ass rant lmao. TLDR; I love Jay Kelso (and Mace Coronel) but hate how he was portrayed. Justice for Jay (oh, and for Serena)
Tagging my favorite T70S/T90S blogs for engagement: @thestupidhelmet @lily-267 @thatseventiesbitch @einsteinsugly @that90sshowgoldencouple
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nikkisgwens · 8 months
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Mother and daughter <3
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That DJR and KS bit is so cute...I’m gonna have that as a new profile pic somewhere. Not sure where but you’ll see it soon 🤣
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thatseventiesbitch · 11 months
Can you do a prompt where Donna comforts Leia after she gets made fun of at school?
I was watching an ep of young sheldon and Missy was wearing a new skirt and she got made fun of for not having shaved legs. I thought something similar would be a cute idea for a t9s prompt.
Thanks for the ask! I haven't seen the show/episode, but I'm gonna run with the whole idea. 😄 If you have a request, send it to me here!
"Hey, Le-Le," Donna smiled at her daughter as she slid into the passenger's seat. Leia clumped her backpack to the floor between her feet, letting out a huff, and Donna blinked, confused by her apparent bad mood. "Um. Happy last day of school!"
"Is it?" The twelve-year-old growled.
"Well aren't you looking forward to summer?" Donna asked absently, as she navigated their car out of the pick-up lane and back into the busy stream of Chicago traffic.
"I was," Leia said lowly. She leaned her head against the car window dejectedly.
Donna frowned. "What do you mean?" They were paused at a stoplight, and she leaned over to shake her daughter's knee affectionately. "You have a great summer to look forward to. You have band camp starting in a couple of weeks, we're gonna visit your grandparents in Wisconsin for the 4th of July, and then our trip to the Black Hills in August. Remember?" Leia still didn't look at her, so Donna continued. "You can play on the slip n' slide with Marcy. I got a big box of those popsicles you like. And this weekend we can go to the beach - "
"Mom, stop," Leia cut her off, her voice swelling with emotion. "I don't think I'm ever gonna go outside again," she announced dramatically.
"Leia, don't be ridiculous," Donna chuckled, but when she noticed the tears in Leia's eyes, she stopped. "Honey, what's wrong?" Her tone quickly changed to one of concern.
"I - it's - stupid - "
"Tell me."
Leia gave an exasperated sigh, and swiped at her tear strewn cheeks dramatically. "Kelsey and Jasmine m-made fun of my legs," she finally warbled. She pulled at the hem of her jean shorts, self-consciously tugging them further down her thighs.
"What?" Donna furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"
"Th-they said they're hairy," she whispered, bowing her head, ashamed. She ran her palm overtop her shin as she spoke, indicating the light colored whisps that had just recently started to sprout there.
Donna started to laugh. "Hairy? Leia, you're not hairy." She shook her head, bemused. "That's just peach fuzz." Then she frowned. "And even if you were. What kind of friends are they?"
"Popular ones," Leia said under her breath.
Donna continued to frown. "Since when do you care about being popular?"
"I don't," Leia's voice broke as she started to cry. "But they started sitting at my lunch table, and they're kinda mean to everybody so I just tried to you know, be quiet and hope they'd leave me alone, but today they said, 'Ew, look at Leia's hairy legs!' in front of everybody and - and - " she couldn't finish through her tears. Donna pulled over onto a side street and parked the car, before embracing Leia.
"Le-Le," she cooed comfortingly in her ear. "I'm so sorry, honey. You don't deserve that." She pulled back to look at her daughter again. "What are their names?" she implored, her eyebrow raised.
"Mom," Leia groaned, already sensing where her mother was going with this. "No."
"Leia, this is bullying, and it's not - "
"I'm already embarrassed enough," she insisted, shaking her head. "You can't tell the school. Besides, it's summer vacation now anyway," she pitched hopefully.
Donna looked at her for a long while before sighing. "Okay. Then you're gonna have to stand up for yourself next time. Deal?"
Leia made a nervous sound in the back of her throat, and began to wring her hands together anxiously. It was a characteristic she'd inherited directly from her father, and it couldn't help but make Donna smile.
"Uh. How do I do that?" Leia gulped.
Donna shook back a strand of her hair with a tilt of her head. "You don't have to be mean back," she advised her daughter. She shrugged. "Say 'Whatever, it's just hair. And you don't have to be mean to people who look different than you. Our lunch table was a pretty nice spot before you started sitting here, and we want to keep it that way, you know?'" She smiled at her daughter with kind eyes. "They'll get the message."
Leia nodded, transfixed by her mom's effortless response. "You think?"
Donna squeezed Leia's arm supportively. "I know they will."
"And you don't think I'm hairy?" Leia bit her lip and glanced down at her legs.
Donna laughed. "I know you're not." She paused. "But, I can teach you to shave if that's what you want."
Donna nodded. "If that's what you want," she repeated. "Not if that's what," she waved her hand dismissively, "Kelsey and Jasmine want."
Leia held her mom's gaze for a few seconds. "I think - I think I want to wait a little bit yet," she said finally.
Donna patted her hand and returned her focus to the steering wheel. "Good choice," she smirked.
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joesleftskeleton · 1 year
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Eric being a dad is something so personal to me
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will80sbyers · 1 year
it would be hilarious if Leia was bi and pulled the whole friend group also because imagine Eric finding out everybody was in love with his daughter at some point lmao and Donna would be like "yeah, DUH! I made her too"
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elianamarie-blog · 1 year
I just watched That 90s Show
And it was awesome.
They wrote the original characters like they never stopped writing, the actors never stopped playing them, and they had carbon copies of Eric and Kelso. Seeing the original cast made me so happy. I thought the jokes were going to be lame considering the current time period that we are in, but the jokes were actually funny! The beginning start off a little weak with the humor between the kids, but it essentially got stronger and better I really really hope that they do a second season. They did such a good job and I am so in love what are your guys thoughts?
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winnie-the-monster · 16 days
I swear I don't hate Donna, but when it comes to Eric, she pisses me off. And sadly, I think I'm starting to feel the same about Leia when it comes to Jay.
No, I agree with you. I love Donna. But Donna when it comes to Eric is just a no for me. I used to really love them together, and I kind of still do. But when I think about the times she took him for granted or ignored his feelings(Mitch comes to mind a lot with that one), I just can’t like them or her very much.
With Jay and Leia, I’m trying to wait to see s2 before I decide anything. Bc if it’s anything like Donna/Eric, then yea I’m not gonna be a fan of it. And hope Jay finds something better.
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