#donated organs
girlactionfigure · 10 months
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The family of Jonathan Isaac, who was killed in Gaza while defending Israel, donated his organs, saving the lives of six people, including a baby.
May his legacy live on through the lives he saved.
Inbar Cohen - ענבר כהן
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
A human-made antibody successfully prevented organ rejection when tested in primates that had undergone a kidney transplant, report researchers. The finding clears the way for the new monoclonal antibody to move forward in human clinical trials. Results of the study appear in the journal Science Translational Medicine. “Current medications to prevent organ rejection are good overall, but they have a lot of side effects,” says lead author Imran J. Anwar, a surgical research fellow in Duke University’s department of surgery. “These therapies suppress the immune system, putting patients at risk of infections and organ damage, and many cause non-immune complications such as diabetes and high blood pressure. “The push over the last 30 to 40 years has been to develop new, less toxic drugs,” Anwar says. “We are hopeful this antibody moves us closer to that goal.”
Continue Reading.
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 3rd Dec 23
In the 3rd Dec 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Heroic action by Israel’s first all-female tank crews.
In clinical trials, new Israeli treatment cures liver cancer patient.
14 Israelis awarded European research grants.
Israeli pen reads handwritten text to the visually impaired.
Israeli startups improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion.
Israeli soccer players won’t take “no” for an answer.
The IDF prepare to celebrate Hannukah in Gaza.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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American Israelis (and other Anglos) celebrated Thanksgiving just over a week ago. In Israel last week there was much to be thankful for - the release of many hostages, temporary respite from running to shelters, and more reports of heroic rescue actions on Oct 7, from a farmer, a foreign asylum-seeker and all-women tank crews. Please read the rest of this newsletter for many more positive news stories that we can all be thankful for. The photo of flags flying on our balcony is our personal thanks just for having the blessing and protection of our own State.
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hualianisms · 4 months
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
[this post is outdated. up-to-date version here.]
Donate to a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical treatment, daily necessities or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents:
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine on IG. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*urgent and crucial!)
Gaza Municipality: The official Municipality of Gaza is doing vital, life-saving work to rebuild the water pipes in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
eSIMs (*very urgent):
guide to buy & send esims to gaza
Crips for eSims for Gaza: donate any amount to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care: Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, equipment, and medical supplies. Currently raising funds to support their efforts to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (gfm) (paypal) (gogetfunding)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
How to help if you can't donate:
Share & amplify Palestinian fundraisers in your irl & online circles
Organize or help to run an online/irl event to raise funds for Palestine
Get involved with a protest/strike/direct action in your area
Contact your reps
Educate yourself & others both irl & online
Daily clicks on Arab.org
(you can even adopt 1 fundraiser campaign to regularly boost it & make materials promoting it online, or print posters/flyers about Palestinian fundraisers to encourage others to donate. (poster/graphic about gazafunds.com: here, flyers about esims: here, flyers about gazafamilyfunds: here)
(longer masterpost of all ways you can help)
(*all these links and more now in this rentry page. will no longer be updating this post, instead refer to the rentry page)
Last updated 3/6/2024 with Gaza Wound Care & We Feed Gaza. Wanted to focus on Palestinian-run grassroots initiatives that will actually reach Gazans on the ground, so all of these except eSIMs, PCRF, MAP are by Palestinians. Donating to international orgs is not ideal rn as aid is still being stopped at the border. Please focus on Palestinian-run initiatives on the ground in Gaza.
Remember, small donations really do add up. Any amount counts, even $1!
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donated 50 reais to a palestinian GFM today
it amounted to 8 dollars
several days' worth of expenses for me became a single digit donation for them. barely enough for a blanket. just like that
it really sucks to know that my money is inherently less helpful no matter how much it'd pay for me, and there's nothing i can do
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sergle · 2 months
ALSO IMPORTANT TO NOTE, people dropping mad mad sums of money on gfms and charities and stuff are extremely impressive but that DOES NOT MEAN that putting like $5 towards someone's fund or any good cause is any less valuable, a lot of crowdfunding is about momentum and those single digits add up super fast, you do not need to be Rolling In The Dough to make someone's day!! moving the dial at all is extremely positive!!
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starseneyes · 3 months
I Carry You With Me
I knew going into my surgery that cadaver bone would be used to help support the shifts in my upper jaw. In fact, I surprised my surgeon’s office when we first discussed it.
"We’ll be doing a bone graft on the upper jaw." "Oh, where are you grafting it from?" "Oh, we won’t be using your bone." "Ah, dead tissue. Got it." "You really did do your research!"
13 days ago, I underwent the procedure. The plastic splint on my upper palate will come out in another five weeks or so. But the bone up there? That is now a part of me.
And now that it is in me, I realize I am carrying someone else with me for the rest of my life, someone who chose to donate pieces of themself to help others live. I will have a more fulfilled and healthier life because of them.
I will never know their name or their life story. Did they have children? How old were they when they died? Were they loved?
I don’t know if they chased their dreams, or if they were too afraid. Did they love to watch sunrises and sunsets, too? Or did we have absolutely nothing in common?
And now this selfless person who chose to be an organ and tissue donor has given me a better quality of life—one I would not have without them.
I will carry them with me the rest of my life. And I will hold gratitude in my heart for them, too.
And, yes, I am an organ donor! Maybe someday some part of me will help someone else. And that is a true gift.
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"In a highly-anticipated world-first, the Texas Heart Institute has successfully implanted an artificial titanium heart that uses the same technology as bullet trains to pump blood mechanically throughout the body.
Called the Total Artificial Heart (TAH), the feat is seen as a major step in keeping people alive for longer and longer periods while they wait for heart transplants.
Texas Heart partnered with the medical tech company BiVACOR to create the TAH. It’s a titanium-constructed biventricular rotary blood pump with a single moving part that utilizes a magnetically levitated rotor that pumps the blood and replaces both ventricles of a failing heart.
The benefit of using magnetic levitation is that none of the moving parts ever scrape or slide against each other, reducing friction, and dramatically increasing the longevity of the device. But what’s really cool is the TAH can pump blood at a rate of 12 liters per minute, enough to allow an adult male to engage in exercise.
The first-in-human clinical study, overseen closely by the FDA, aims to evaluate the safety and performance of the BiVACOR TAH as a bridge-to-transplant solution for patients with severe bi or univentricular heart failure. Following this first implantation completed at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center in the Texas Medical Center, four additional patients are to be enrolled in the study.
“The Texas Heart Institute is enthused about the groundbreaking first implantation of BiVACOR’s TAH. With heart failure remaining a leading cause of mortality globally, the BiVACOR TAH offers a beacon of hope for countless patients awaiting a heart transplant,” said Dr. Joseph Rogers, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Texas Heart Institute and National Principal Investigator on the research.
“We are proud to be at the forefront of this medical breakthrough, working alongside the dedicated teams at BiVACOR, Baylor College of Medicine, and Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center to transform the future of heart failure therapy for this vulnerable population.”
Heart failure is a global epidemic affecting at least 26 million people worldwide, 6.2 million adults in the US, and is increasing in prevalence. Heart transplantations are reserved for those with severe heart failure and are limited to fewer than 6,000 procedures per year globally. Consequently, the US National Institutes of Health estimated that up to 100,000 patients could immediately benefit from mechanical alternatives.
The successful implantation of BiVACOR’s TAH highlights the potential of innovative technologies to address critical challenges in cardiac care, such as long transplantation waitlists.
“This achievement would not have been possible without the courage of our first patient and their family, the dedication of our team, and our expert collaborators at The Texas Heart Institute,” said Daniel Timms, founder and CTO of BiVACOR."
-Article via Good News Network, August 1, 2024. Video via 7News Australia, July 26, 2024.
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dogwaterdish · 1 month
Doctor: Midoriya needs a kidney donor... is there anyone willing-
All Might: I'll donate my kidney!
Doctor: Sir your kidneys are too fucked up.
All Might:
Doctor: Nobody wants your kidneys.
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transformativeworks · 11 months
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OTW is having its October membership drive!  Check out or new donor gifts including a Contracted Unified English Braille sticker reading "I [heart] my fandoms" (3 inches by 2.5 inches/7.62 by 6.35 cm) and translated AO3 tags logo sticker (3.5 inches/8.89 cm). Find out more at https://otw.news/pkd
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great-and-small · 8 months
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If you don’t want to donate your organs that’s your body your choice whatever I’m not gonna hassle you but this is SUCH a horrible way to view your fellow humans. If one of my kidneys saves a sick kid but the other saves a guy serving a life sentence for double homicide, I’m still taking that deal without question. Not wanting to donate because you might save the “wrong” life is wack.
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certainly-panda · 2 months
Page 1/?
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Page one completed of my new Hannibal doujinshi.
Hannibal's front license plate says donate organs LMFAO
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las-lus · 5 months
So this is a serious post! Brazil's south is currently facing one of the worst natural disasters in its history - a flood that has so far affected the lives of almost 1.5 MILLION people [x] and has shown no signs of slowing down.
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How can you help?
There are two ways - donate money and share this post! Brazilian currency (the Real) is really cheap compared to euro, dollars and pounds, so 5 dollars is enough for two whole meals. By donating 5 dollars, you can make sure someone will eat lunch and dinner tomorrow.
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Where to donate?
A lot of organizations are accepting international currency! I'll drop a link of some! A lot of people are currently out of their homes and living in shelters, while others need to be rescued! Those funds will go directly to people and organizations feeding, housing and rescuing them!
MTST, a left wing organization that has been feeding and housing people for decades, is making free meals for the victims! 5 dollars are enough for 2 whole meals! PayPal Here!
CUFA, another left wing organization that has been helping people in favelas/slums all over the country, who are helping with food, water and clothes! PayPal: [email protected]
HUMUS, an organization dedicated to help victims of natural disasters! They have a lot of volunteers firefighters helping with rescues! Donations Here (they accept PayPal and credit card).
Animal Disaster Response Group, an organization helping rescue and shelter pets and other animals! Most shelters aren't taking pets, so people were forced to leave theirs behind during the flood, and this org is doing its best to save them all! PayPal here and Credit card here!
Luz Alliance Fund, a charity organization run by brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen, has been alocating the funds to where hey are most needed. Donations here (dollars only)
My own Ko-fi. I'll be personally buying drinkable water, food and other items and dropping at the donation stations at my university. I understand that you might feel safer donating to a known organization, but if you prefer trusting me, I'll update photos on my Ko-fi of the donated items! Link here!
AND AGAIN! Remember that dropping 5 dollars anywhere can really help someone! And even if you cannot donate, PLEASE share, so more people can see this and help! The situation is very dire and has no sign of stopping anytime soon, those people will need all the help they can get!
Thank you!!
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girlboyburger · 10 months
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hihi i am VERY broke and need to make ends meet while i catch up on my queue so i'm offering my cheapest commissions ever! ! get a little animal drawing from me and my mouse made in 'spaint !!! HERE"S THE LINK!!!
reblogs super appreciated!! ty !!!!
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lotuslate · 10 months
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They are about to snoo mimimi after a long day of being completely in love with each other!
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she-is-ovarit · 11 months
Data spanning from 1995 to 2021 in India revealed a striking gender imbalance in organ transplants, with four men getting organ transplants for every woman. A total of 36,640 transplants took place in this period, out of which 29,000 were for men and 6,945 for women.
This substantial difference is attributed to a complex interplay of economic responsibilities, societal pressures, and deeply ingrained preferences. 
Dr Anil Kumar, director of the government-run National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO) highlighted this significant aspect of the organ donation landscape.
While more men contribute as cadaver donors, a staggering 93 per cent of total organ donations in the country come from living donors, he told the Times of India newspaper. This hints at a trend: a majority of living organ donors are women.  Socio-economic factors a driving force for women donors? A study published in the Experimental and Clinical Transplantation Journal in 2021 delved into the intricacies of living organ transplantation in India. The findings showed that 80 per cent of living organ donors are women, predominantly wives or mothers. The socio-economic pressure on women to assume caregiving roles within the family emerges as a primary factor, compelling them to step forward as donors. Men's reluctance in surgery In many cases, men, often the primary breadwinners, hesitate to undergo surgery, contributing to the gender gap in organ recipients. The study highlights that when the recipient is a male breadwinner, family members, especially wives or parents, feel a heightened responsibility to donate organs. Emotional dynamics The emotional dynamics surrounding organ donation are intricate. Women recipients, in particular, may experience guilt when their family members, especially wives or mothers, become donors. This reluctance leads to a scenario where women recipients may find themselves on waiting lists.  Notably, Karnataka has topped the charts in organ donation in the past decade. The number of donations have risen from 102 in 2013 to 765 in the first 10 months of 2023. 
A user on Ovarit added this helpful context:
"Just a little more context to this: men produce male-specific proteins (on the Y chromosome) which often get rejected by women's bodies. Since males have an X chromosome, their bodies recognize proteins from female donors. This makes it more difficult for women to receive male tissue/organs, while still being acceptable candidates for donating to men. Even still, these ratios are very disproportionate".
"As women we absolutely need to be aware of our vulnerability of being used as spare parts in a man's world. Especially when we are being socialized into believing that we need to sacrifice our bodies and lives for others- and society has developed a sense of entitlement to this sacrifice, while downplaying the suffering of women."
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