#don't reblog
If you go on instagram right now you might get an ad for a quiz to see where you really stand on I/P and it'll ask you questions such as "do you think it was ok for Hamas to murder Israelis" "do you side with Israel or Hamas *and* Palestine" "in a future Palestinian state, being gay will be punishable by law, is that ok with you". they're really just shamelessly platforming hasbara digital terrorism lmfao
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bluesfreakingart · 1 year
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"I LOVE THESE LITTLE BITCHES!!! I"LL TAKE MORE!!!!" .... I may or may not have been saving a whole album worth of jervs because I want to draw little chibi versions of all of them...
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rethdis-love · 1 month
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Selfie-time! I make a laser correction of eyes and now not wear glasses with dioptres! My new sunglasses!♥️
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ex0skeletal-undead · 2 years
Just taking a break while I deal with The Horrors :)
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Frank, what's your wifi password?
If you think I'm going to tell a stranger on the Internet my wifi password, think again.
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evilkitten3 · 4 months
mom hasn't responded to or looked at any of my texts since this morning, and she's not picking up her cell or home phone. i'm so fucking scared something happened, i can't fucking do this shit again
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deusinabsentiaa · 5 months
Even though I left the Christian church and feel really steadfast in my decision and beliefs, I can’t help but have those thoughts of “did I make the right decision? What if I’m wrong?” come creeping into my head. The anxiety is awful and I hate it so much. I know Christianity plays on fear and manipulation, but it’s been hard to shake the thoughts lately 😞
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blackkatmagic · 8 months
Fuck it, I'm writing something self-indulgent for my birthday again. Who wants to help me pick what I'm indulging in?
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the-writing-mobster · 5 months
Hey guys! This is gonna be a tough post but I just need somewhere to vent a bit, I've been through the ringer this past week. This is kind of a personal post too? So by all means scroll by if you don't want to read stuff about medical emergencies...
Kay. So... I had to take my mother to the ER due to complications with a recent surgery. Scary. Emotional. Exhausting.
Recovery for her will be a long and very difficult journey. Painful. She's doing better now and she gets stronger everyday but it's still a deep concern for me. I know the first week after she's released from the hospital will be extremely tough for everyone, especially her.
Personally, I've been really emotional. Crying on and off. Trying my best to be strong for her. So tired. So tired.
We were hit with a bombshell that she could have cancer, but the very next day were relieved to hear pathology reports showed the mass that'd been removed last week was benign, so that's def one less thing to worry about and a huge weight lifted off our shoulders....
All that being said — Honestly?
I could really use some kind words. Encouragement to help me get back into the right mindset to continue with art and writing. That's my safe space, you know?
Anyway, thank you all, and thank you to my wonderful mutuals who have been listening to me vent these past couple of days.
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kingofstag · 8 days
so guys I've been losing my mind, unable to think about much else all week because I went to this honky tonk, two-step night in the back of my local bowling alley (yes it was just as cozy, low lit, smoky as it sounds.) so anyway, me and a good friend of mine go and there's a dance class teaching you how to two step before they open the floor to dancing. in two stepping, there's leading and following and I just happened to learn the leading role. So yeah, we learn the steps but admittedly my friend can be very Victorian sometimes so we kinda held each other at a safe, clinical distance. Which was fine, and then.
my tattoo artist, who invited me originally to this event, shows up once they open the floor to dancing. they're pretty traditional butch in that way that makes me so comfortable and we idly chat and they check on my tattoo (done the day before) and then their friend walks in.
so, their friend, easily one of the hottest butches I've ever met in my life, introduces themselves to me. I watch them chat with my tattoo artist while I chat with my friend, and honestly I'm being a pretty poor conversationalist because I'm tipsy and there's a butch at least four inches taller than me talking in warm, low tones and I can't focus.
So, yeah, me and my friend are talking but I'm barely there. And then I like blink and she's right in front of me, that handsome butch, asking me to dance. I agree immediately, duh, look to my friend to make sure she's good but honestly my feet are already moving. I'm following her out to the floor.
She offers her hand, and I take it, horizontally. Our thumbs fit, and I'm going to be following, there's no argument that she's leading. I tell her drunkenly that I hadn't caught the following role during practice and she says that's ok, she'll teach me.
there's tons of people around us, but she's patient. I catch on pretty fast and we're stepping in time with everyone else. My hands on her shoulder, and I'm trying so hard to commit the broadness to memory. The velvet under my fingers, but I'm trying to hold back. Not grab her, not fall ass over tits into her like I desperately want to because I want her, that's obvious enough to myself. Anyway, I just try to enjoy it, which is easy. It's so easy even when my stomach is dropping, not wanting to ever let this go.
But yeah, the song starts chugging towards the end. And I don't know if any of you have two stepped before but folks usually get dipped at the end. I know this, because I dipped my friend during the class earlier.
She turns me, and I go, but then I stop short before the dip because guys I have never in my life been dipped. Generally, I don't trust people to hold me up. I didn't think she was incapable at all, it was more a mental block on my end.
She turns me back around so we're looking at each other. Says, let's try again.
This time, I let her dip me. She's strong, doesn't half ass it. When she brings me back up, my heart is going fucking crazy and I just throw my arms around her and hug her and she's laughing and people are clapping and I say out of my dumb ass mouth, I've never been dipped before. She says back, that's a shame.
So anyway, we go back to our friends but I'm hopeless guys. I'm not listening, barely conversating, I'm a lost cause guys.
Handsome butch disappears out the back to go smoke with friends and I look at my buddy and I'm just like, dude she's so hot. Which is a huge fucking understatement because guys, I'm already fantasizing about her past the realm of dancing right into another.
Anyway, they all come back at some point and idk, I lose some time here I don't remember anything until I look over and see her back at the bar. I walk over to her and ask her what she's gonna get. She tells me e some options and like yeah I'm listening guys but listening to her talk about drinks is sexy, idk. Then she asks me what I'm having and I tell her I don't drink much. She asks me what I like usually and I give a brief description. fruity, will get me drunk, doesn't taste bad. So the bartender comes over and she orders for herself, then for me. Then says offhandedly, don't worry, it's on me. And if I wasn't horny BEFORE this just made it so much worse. So I get the drink and guys it's delicious. She says it's ok if I don't like it but it's crazy because I genuinely do. And it's just crazy because some of my close friends can't even get me a drink I like.
So I drink it, and go back to standing with our group. Watching her talk to her other friends, dance. I'm not being subtle but who cares.
She asks me to dance again several times, getting closer everytime. I learn a bit about her while she teaches me new steps, but guys now I'm more drunk and distracted than before and I tell her so. I'm stepping on her feet and we're both laughing and she's spinning me confidently and we're having a lot of fun. She asks me questions, compliments my dancing, is amazed I haven't done this before which I find flattering. It's funny because she's really doing all the work, I'm just following. She's just really easy to follow, and I want to.
When we're dancing, the last time, she asks me what I'm doing tomorrow. I answer honestly, I have errands, chores. I ask her why she asked and she says, just curious. Says, they're all going to the dive bar down the road after this. Inviting me.
And guys fuck I wish I would have said yes. But, I was barely on my feet. When we left the dance floor, I nearly fell asleep on a table.
So, anyway, dancing happens once a week so. Wish me luck next Tuesday?
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afra-blueraz · 7 months
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Oh Shiiiiitttttt!!!!!!!!!
Not DL. It's for my YouTube project. I wanna make a big YouTube channel and Instagram account for my non-dl arts and for other fandoms. Please share your honest opinion about my arts. It will help me a lot.
If you are curious YouTube project is gonna be for my animatic arts. YouTube will help me a lot for my future.
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cage-cat-yt · 4 months
Fbskfjsj complaining/vent I'm undercut
I don't wanna be here I just don't wanna be around rn and idk why and I don't have an excuse for feeling this way cause literally it's only the triggering post and just mom not being here rn and I'm sick of feeling this way I hate myself and I just don't wanna be here rn and I don't have an excuse to be overwhelmed I got like 13 hours of sleep idk why I'm acting this way I'm sorry
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catalyswitch · 7 months
Every year I try to make a post celebrating another year existing as a trans woman in this world and today makes 8 years which is a pretty big milestone. But tbh after this past year it feels really hard to find the joy for the occasion. It's fucking hard living as a trans woman and it's exhausting putting yourself out there at work, in public, and online, and then dealing with everything that comes your way. And I really wish I could say it gets easier.
Instead, all I can say is be kind to each other because it really is the most important fucking thing. That's all I got this year.
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skaterboisims · 16 hours
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jules robo boyfriend having sum of the more cool cyberware and not even being a main oc lmao i got noo respect
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shingekinomyfeelings · 2 months
Well, last night was totally deranged. I don't really want to go into the specifics out in the open, but fuck, it's been a few years since family drama escalated to the point of cops being called.
I've kind of realized/decided that I need to stop being dumb and actually let some of my friends help me with getting to a better living situation, instead of all the 'oh man I can't let you do that' and 'haha no I'll figure it out' etc etc. I'm starting to get some plans going with a few people now. Accepting help feels weird and kind of bad to me, and it is hard to override the shitty guilt I feel about fucking off into the distance instead of staying here to keep an eye on my mother forever, but I'm close to having my expensive medical stuff finished, which was one of the main factors in being back here, and maybe it has to be like ripping off a bandage.
So, I guess the next few months are going to be busy, but I hope it'll be in a good way. I've given a lot of my adult life over to my mother's issues, and if letting people help me is what it takes to get out of here once and for all, it's worth the silly awkwardness.
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