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jaggedwolf · 7 months ago
PLL Rewatch Posts: S1
1x03 & 1x04 1x05 & 1x06 1x07 & 1x08 1x09 & 1x10 1x11, 1x12, 1x13, 1x14 1x15 & 1x16 1x17 & 1x18 1x19 1x20 & 1x21 1x22
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gayhoediaz · 1 year ago
"I - I'm sorry for showing up at your station in the middle of the night, I - I should have called, but I knew you had a shift, and I-"
"Didn't want to do this over the phone," Tommy guesses gently, watching as Evan nods, face flickering with recognition.
"...or in a text or something, yeah," he confirms - then he clears his throat, frowning at the ground for a moment. "Look, I - I know that - that maybe I should just... walk away, and - and take no for an answer, and I - I will," he says, and when their eyes meet again, Evan's are glossy with emotion - even from ten feet away. "I promise."
Tommy crosses his arms over his chest, exhaling gently as he waits for Evan to gather his thoughts.
"I know I fucked up by going all... bro-dude on you on our first date," he says, trailing off with a self-deprecating, sad chuckle. Tommy swallows, forcing his feet to stay glued to the concrete flooring. "And you don't wanna deal with that, I get it, I know that you probably didn't sign up for... all of this," he continues - and somehow Tommy has a sinking feeling that he's not only referring to his newly discovered bisexuality. "Didn't sign up for someone who is just... so new at this-"
"-that's not it," Tommy can't help but interrupt - the same way he can't help but take one step closer - and then one more. "Evan, I don't have a problem with being the first man you're with, it just seemed as if you weren't sure that you wanted a man at all, and that's the thing that I'm not sure that I-"
"I - I know that," Evan interrupts him right back, his voice growing thicker, tears seemingly dangerously close to passing his waterline as he takes half a step closer to Tommy, his hands in front of him, frustratingly grasping the air as if the words he wants to say will be somewhere in there. "That's what I came here to say - look, my entire life, I've just been... searching for something, you know? Something that felt right, someplace where I could... belong," he says, forehead decorated with a deep line of frustration. "And then I found it."
"Firefighting," Tommy guesses - and the crease evens out - just a little bit - as the corner of Evan's mouth twitches up.
"Yeah," he nods. "Yeah - and I thought that was it. And - and then I realized that I still felt... wrong? And I - I felt stupid, you know?" he says, tapping the pads of his index and middle finger to his own temple. "'Cause I have a job that I love, people that I love - and I spent so long trying to find the thing that was missing, and I just - I - I had no idea what it was..." he says - and then he straightens up a little bit, swallowing. "...and then you kissed me," he concludes.
Tommy feels himself melt.
This goddamn kid is going to be the death of him, isn't he?
"...and it was like..." Evan brings his hands up in front of himself again, mimicking something like an explosion - but the sound effect he chooses isn't an explosion. It's a sharp, unmistakable, loud exhale.
"That was it," Tommy hums, allowing himself a few steps closer. Evan's eyes remain on his own as he moves, trailing him every single step of the way.
"That was it," Evan confirms. "So if you think that I - that I'm somehow gonna - gonna change my mind, or - or run away, or freak out, or decide that I don't like men, that's never gonna happen," he shakes his head. "I'm - I'm a lot, I know that, I've always been a lot, I don't think I totally know how to be anything different, but Tommy, I am... I'm very, very bi. I like men. And I like y-"
Tommy finds a gentle grasp on his chin, guiding him into a kiss.
Shut up, is what the kiss says. You have me. I'm yours. I got you.
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eddie-van-munson · 3 months ago
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Warnings: Insomnia, Cursing, Brief Reference to Stomach/Period Cramps
@1andonlygracie Sorry this took so long!! <3
You'd tried so hard not to wake him with  your incessant tossing and turning. Nonetheless, you felt him stir ever so slightly beside you as the glowing numbers on the night stand clock reached 3:00 am. Angry tears welled in your tired eyes. You were so fucking exhausted. Why couldn't you just sleep? You just wanted some goddamn sleep.
You scrubbed your tears angrily from your cheeks, squirming a bit in his arms to flip your pillow over onto its cool side again. He shifted a little, his muscles naturally re-melting around each contour of your body's newest position with ease. You wouldn't have known he was awake if not for the lazy movements of his guitar-callused index finger tracing tiny pictures against the back of your hand.  
His nose buried against the back of your shoulder as he held you, his lips grazing cross the bare skin there as he mumbled drowsily. "What hurts, baby?"
His voice was barely audible over the drumming of rain against the roof of the trailer. His free hand trailed over your hip and beneath the hem of your tank top, his palm finding purchase against your lower belly where you'd often cramp.
"Nothing hurts." You sniffled, though you admittedly welcomed the heat of his gentle touches against your tummy. "Just..."
"Jus' can't sleep?" His voice was deep and groggy. Just hearing him speak was enough to soothe the upset that had knotted up in your chest.
You nodded, giving a pitiful hum in response, " 'm sorry I'm keeping you awake."
"No... No, pretty. You're not..." His words slurred slightly as he pressed lazy kisses against the back of your neck. "Well, maybe you are a little, but I don't mind it."
You'd groaned, pulling a sleepy chuckle from Eddie. You could feel his breath against your shoulder as he pulled you closer, yawning. He snaked his hand up between your bodies to scratch gently at your scalp. "What'cha got goin' on up there, huh? What's keeping you awake?"
You only hummed in response, so miserably tired that even carrying on conversation felt laborious.
"I bet..." Eddie's lips trailed from the back of your neck to the shell of your ear. "You've got a brain eating fungus. You want me to look?"
You nodded, staring up at him with bleary eyes.
Eddie mimed opening the top of your head like a lid, making his own sound effects to mimic the squeak of the hinge. "Yep. Just as I suspected. We're going to have to take the whole thing out."
"My whole brain?" You mumbled. Eddie could tell you were getting sleepier and sleepier. You rubbed your eyes, lashes batting.
"Yup. And it won't hurt a bit." Eddie placed his palm flat on the top of your head. "This is the brain sucker. Ready?" You nodded, eyes fluttering shut.
Eddie squeezed the top of your head lightly, making a sound effect that you could only assume belonged to the brain sucking machine. You smiled softly as he politely mimed closing your head again, pressing a kiss to its center.
He must be been right, because not ten minutes later, you were asleep.
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hexedwinchester · 8 months ago
Hii! Can I request a fluffy Sam Winchester x reader where reader and Sam are bored while Dean is out to get the three of them food so reader is messing around with his hair, putting random braids in it and stuff? Thank you!
(Kinda inspo):
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hi @ghostlyaccurate
Of course you can! Thanks for sending this request and the inspo reference! It was fun to work on..
You can read it below or follow the link to fic on AO3. Let me know if you like it 😊
Happy Reading :)
"What-what is that?" He sits straight, back flushed against the headboard, trying to get a peek into that basket. "Like you haven't seen a brush before?" You wave the little brush as you enter the room. "Oh right, I forgot. You just run your fingers through your perfect hair and you are good to go!" Sam chuckles. "Now scoot over, Rapunzel." You gently shove him to make room on the bed for you and your tools. "Whatever you say, Mother Gothel."
"Okay, kiddos. Behave while I'm gone." Dean barks orders standing outside Sam's room. You and Sam look up from your laptops to see him teasingly eyeing the lack of space between the two of you. "No jumping each other's bones."
"Eww!" You fake looking appalled.
"Dude!" Sam blushes. 
Wait, is that what he was thinking about or is he just embarrassed?
"Hey, I mean it." Then glaring at Sam, he warns again, "Not with a bruised hip." 
Sam's green eyes are avoiding rendezvous with anyone else's. 
Dean winks at you before heading in the direction of the main room, spinning the keys of his beloved Impala on his index finger.
"He's an idiot." Sam mumbles apologetically. 
Having been around the boys for a year now, you know Dean is an idiot but a sweet idiot, nonetheless. You don't mind him pulling your leg because you roast him just as much.
"But, my hip is healing quite well..." He hooks a finger under your chin, drawing your face to his. Shutting his laptop and taking yours away, he rolls over you, kissing your neck. 
The smell of his mint soap hits your senses along with a whiff of something rugged that is purely his. Your legs wrap around his slim waist pulling his long, lean body closer to yours when suddenly he grunts in pain.
Instantly, your legs drop and you gently roll him to his side of the bed. Dean's warning flashes into your brain. You sigh. He was right about the bruised hip. Dying by the hands of Dean Winchester because his baby brother couldn't keep it in his pants is not how you want to go.
"Well, Dean's not gonna be home for a few hours. Do you want to watch a movie?" He asks smiling, bringing those deep dimples to the surface.
Any other day, a movie sounded good -especially when it wasn't the tenth re-run of 'Die Hard' that Dean loved- since both you and Sam have similar taste. But after staring at the screen for the last two hours, you could use a break.
"Actually," you start, "I was thinking of something else." Leaving Sam looking like a lost puppy, you grab both your laptops and leave the room.
Sam is sprawled on the bed when you return ten minutes later. Legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, hands resting on his chest. Sensing your presence, his eyes open and a ghost of a smile touches his lips as his gaze shift from your goofy expression to the basket of hair tools and accessories tucked under your arm.
"What-what is that?" He sits straight, back flushed against the headboard, trying to get a peek into that basket.
"Like you haven't seen a brush before?" You wave the little brush as you enter the room. "Oh right, I forgot. You just run your fingers through your perfect hair and you are good to go!"
Sam chuckles.
"Now scoot over, Rapunzel." You gently shove him to make room on the bed for you and your tools.
"Whatever you say, Mother Gothel."
You gasp! "I knew it! I knew you saw that movie!" 
He neither confirms nor denies that accusation. "So, you wanna tell me what's going on?"
"A little TLC."
"TLC?" He repeats. "With butterfly clips and colourful beads?"
"Yes!" There is no way you can contain your excitement. Kneeling behind him, you slip your fingers into his hair, fluffing it up. 
Sam Winchester's hair is like pure silk between your fingers. They pass through easily without a knot to catch on to. There are no expensive products or fancy shampoos in the washroom. Hell, there isn't even a bottle of conditioner but somehow Sam's hair is softer than minx fur coat. A quiet moan passes through his lips as you gently massage his scalp. 
Mother Gothel's obsession with Rapunzel's locks is starting to make sense as you begin brushing Sam's hair. It is therapeutic, combing through those silken strands from the roots to the tips. The rhythmic strokes of the brush seem to relax him even more.
"You know, you could be a hair model." You tease him.
Sam laughs, a deep, resonant sound that makes your heart skip a beat. "Hunting doesn't allow for part-time stints, but thanks."
Grabbing a handful of colourful clips, you place them randomly on his head. A butterfly clip here, a rainbow clip there, few beads snapped on a single lock of hair. It's silly but Sam looks adorable, the bright colours standing out against the dark chestnut tone.
Stealing a hand-mirror from your basket, he takes a quick look at his reflection and bursts out laughing. "Why does it look like a unicorn threw up on my head?"
You smack his shoulder. "No, it does not! Don't you laugh at my artwork."
He cranes his neck to meet your eyes. "Can we try something a lot less 'Hello Kitty' and a bit more, I don't know, me?"
At least he didn't ask you to stop, there is comfort in that. That's something, right? You carefully pluck the clips out and brush the hair smoothing out the crimps left behind.
If there's one thing you know for sure, it's that Sam really seemed to like the massage and the brushing. You make a mental note of it for the future.
The hair is malleable unlike your wild, untamed curls. You gather it at his crown and wrap a simple hair tie a couple of times into a ponytail. At the last turn, you pull the hair only halfway through the tie and twist it around the bun. You brush out the remaining hair to base of his neck.
"Is that what they call a man-bun?" Sam asks trying to catch a glimpse of the bun.
"Yes", you respond sheepishly. "Like it?"
"Ummm... Not really, no. I don't think I can pull it off." Sam is anything but honest and that's what you love about him.
You take a moment to think about what Sam would like and then it comes to you. With a cautious tenderness, you take off the hair tie, careful not to pull or snag any wayward strands. Running the brush through a particularly stubborn tangle, you smooth out the hair.
Your fingers move fast and skillfully as you part a section of his hair on the left of his crown. You weave it into a braid, securing the ends to back of his head with a bobby pin. You repeat the same on the right side but this time you weave a black ribbon into the braid and pin it to the meet the first braid.
"How's it going?" He asks stealing a glance again but this time you are quicker to snatch the mirror away.
"No peeking this time!" You stow the mirror behind your back and out of reach of his ridiculously long arms.
You bunch up the hair from the crown of his head, including the two braids and pull it into a ponytail. The metal barrette clip with a Celtic knot ties the look together as you add it to the ponytail.
Last, you pick out some white and silver beads and add them in pairs to strands of hair behind his ears. Parting the back hair into six sections, you wind each lock of the hair around a wooden stick from another barrette clip, hold it for a minute and then release it to form soft waves.
"Can I see now?" Sam is growing impatient but you dismiss him. He cannot look until you are done.
Twenty minutes later, the back of hair looks like it went one round with a curler. The strands holding the soft, bouncy waves you created quite nicely.
Holding a bigger mirror behind his head, you pass him the hand-mirror. "You can look now."
The hand-mirror is twisting in his large hand, trying to see the full picture, his eyes widening slightly as he takes in the neat braids, the metal clip, the beads and finally the wavy curls.
"Well?" You are anxious, unsure of how to treat his silence.
"Wow, that's... something," he says, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Good something or bad something?"
Putting the mirror down, he twists his torso to look at you with those honest, soulful eyes. "Definitely good something. I like it. It's very..." A thoughtful pause. "Nordic."
"I knew you would like it, lore boy!" You plant a soft kiss on his lips which he gladly deepens.
"Ahem." Someone clears their throat. Sam breaks the kiss.
"Smile, Lara Croft." Dean pulls out his camera and snaps a few shots of Sam in his new hairstyle. "This will get a laugh or two in the Hunters' group."
"Dean, c'mon." Sam is embarrassed, if that mild blush on the planes of his cheek is anything but an evidence of that. He tries to reach back and pull off the hair but you stop him.
"You can laugh all you want, but the truth is you can never pull off this look like he does." You get a little defensive around Sam.
"What makes you think I want to?" Dean's smile is smug and you want to wipe it off his face. Then turning to Sam, he presses, "how come I'm not allowed to give you a haircut but she is allowed to go Zohan on you?"
"Who?" Sam asks clearly not having seen that movie to catch the reference.
"Whatever, chuckles! I should probably print this out and stick it on the bunker walls."
"Sure", you jump in startling both the brothers. "It will look real nice next to your picture from that time with Rhonda Hurley." 
Now it's Dean's time to gasp and turn a shade darker than Sam. "How did you-? You are bluffing."
"Wanna bet?" Your bat your eyelashes at him in mischief. "I can remember some specific details like pink and satiny and-"
"Okay, okay, alright. I'll delete Sam's pictures." Dean leaves looking sour.
"Rhonda Hurley?" Sam raises his eyebrow asking for more information.
"Rhonda Hurley..." you muse about how you will keep using this trump card next time Dean gets cocky.
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bonesbuckleup · 1 year ago
Hi, random q. I saw in your tags that you swear by Scrivener for original fic. I’m still plugging away in ye olde Word and now I’m intrigued to know what about Scrivener you like so much. I’ve def heard about it but never used it, so I’m curious :)
YES I would love to tell you about my lord and savior software Scrivener. I hope you don't mind I published this long, long answer publicly.
So. The main issue I have with Word and Google Docs is that you hit a certain length/word count, and it starts to lag and load kind of jerkily. You know? Also, navigating chapter to chapter or scene to scene is awkward for me--you either have to have a whole bunch of individual documents and multiple windows open, or you have to use headers and the table of contents...which is fine for quickly finding chapters but less so for scenes within those chapters.
Messy, basically. Does not spark joy for me.
Enter Scrivener.
Now, before I evangelize a bit, I will say that Windows Scrivener and Mac Scrivener are not 100% created equal. They are both better, I think, than Word or Google docs, but the Mac version is a bit slicker and a little nicer to look at. I only say that for if you're using Windows, because if so my screencaps below won't exactly match what you see if/when you download the program.
So, the #1 thing that Scrivener has over Word is that it's a one time fee, not a subscription. So while it is a little pricey (Just went and looked, $59.99 USD), it's only the one payment. All updates and such are covered and available as free downloads. I will also say that Scrivener gives you a 30 day free trial. That's not 30 consecutive days, but 30 days of use--if you only use it every other day, you'll have the trial for 60 days. They make it really easy to figure out if it's for you or not.
This is also going to feel like a lot, but there are built in tutorials and it's actually pretty intuitive, depending on how your brain works. Anyway! The basic gist of Scrivener is that it's a digital binder. You can keep all your book stuff in one place:
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As you can see, there's the manuscript (aka my book), notes, research, more. Tbh, I mostly just use notes and Manuscript, but if it floats your boat, you can store maps, place names, worldbuilding, playlist links, moodboards, a whole ton of stuff, all in one menu that's easy to access and in a single window. You can organize it however itches your brain the best way.
But like I said, for me, the best is that Manuscript part, which I'm going to go into now. I use a three act structure for books (but break the big ol' middle act into two pieces because it makes my brain happy), so each act gets a folder.
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When I click and expand that act, each chapter has it's own folder. However, it also shows quick-reference index cards, so I can have an at-a-glance at what's going down in each chapter. (I'm using a outline system called Save the Cat for this book, which is why all my chapters have titles like 'Catalyst', feel free to ignore those...I also have a very compact timeline, so to help me stay organized, I labeled each chapter with when it happens.)
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You can do the same with each individual chapter and the scenes, where when you click on the chapter folder, each scene gets a card. If you don't type in a summary, it'll just auto-populate the start of whatever content you were writing. You can see this in the 'Copper's Candids NEW' card.
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And, of course, it is writing software. When you click on the individual scene, it opens the blank document, and you can get cracking.
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So. This system is nice for a few reasons. My favorite is that it makes navigating, reorganizing, and/or rewriting scenes extremely easy. It's just point and click, drag and drop. You can also open two docs in the same window at once, like this:
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Which is a nice feature for several reasons--you can work on a new version of a scene with the old one pulled up next to it, or if there's something you wrote earlier or that comes later that's important to what you're working on now, you can have them both up for quick referencing.
Another slick thing is each doc has a notes section off to the right side of the screen--which is optional! I use it for future revision notes/descriptions of how I want the scene to go:
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My other favorite part of Scrivener is that it makes it very easy to hoard your deleted scenes like a deranged dragon in case you want them later. My garbage looks like this:
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There are SO MANY FILES hanging out in my trash, and you know what? I so rarely actually need them, but my god am I glad they're there on the rare occasion that I do. Word, again, can make it more difficult. I always had a massive 'cut' document that was longer than the actual project and again, awful to navigate. This just makes it easier.
Scrivener also makes it easy to compile the manuscript into other doc types--pdf, doc, docx, etc--for easy printing and sharing.
ANYWAY. I'm sure there are approximately 1 million other things I'm missing, but basically Scrivener takes all your book/long project bits, puts them in one centralized file, and makes it super easy to navigate. I've also found that outlining is easier, because I can just make the folders and scenes and drag them around while I noodle through the plot.
10/10, would recommend to any long-form writer. If you have any other questions, please let me know! If anyone has read this far and has a thing about Scrivener to add, please do! I love Scrivener, and a lot of my writing buddies love Scrivener, and it really kinda has revolutionized the way I write original fiction. I'm always happy to yell about how great it is.
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immortalarizona · 1 year ago
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“They say looks can kill, and I might try.” — Taylor Swift, “Vigilante Shit”
an outfit for my beloved Wanda if she ends up going to the 2024 Hellfire Gala (if there is one at all tbh)!! I wasn't personally a fan of her 2023 look, so I decided to try my hand at designing a look of my own despite knowing jack shit about fashion. design breakdown, inspiration photos, and just general rambling under the cut :)
main inspo:
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top row: left by REEM ACRA, right by unknown
middle row: sketches by Kevin Wada
bottom row: garments by Zita Moldovan (website)
hehe, this is the part where I ramble about my design process!! I will confess, it took me four full sketches before I finally managed to purge the "high fantasy fairy queen dress" brainrot from my mind and arrive at a concept that actually felt like Wanda. given that as of her 2023 solo run, she's a self-employed business owner, a twist on a suit felt appropriate!! it's elegant, it's dramatic, it's sexy, it's powerful, and it's also a garment that, like, real people could wear?? which, I know this is a comic book and she also has magic, but, like. girl deserves a fit that's also reasonably comfortable. girl deserves pockets (I didn't showcase them, but the pants absolutely have humongous magic pockets.) talking fabric, I will confess that I really don't know much, but I picture the red fabric being pretty thick silk and the black fabric possibly being velvet? the shoes are beaded pretty much all over with the same crystal material as the crown.
as I continued to refine my concept, I looked to Kevin Wada's 2015 redesign for Wanda's last solo run for more inspiration. that's how I arrived at concepts such as the use of beaded accessories, floral embroidery, and especially the plunging neckline. I also knew I wanted to pay homage to Wanda's heritage without being stereotypical, so I decided to look to Zita Moldovan, a Romani designer whose site is linked above, to see how she incorporated her culture into her work. (as an aside, there's this other dress from her Romany Dreams collection that I would LOVE to draw Wanda in at some point, but that was not this project. maybe soon.) the dress I included in my (very, very trimmed down) inspo board was my primary reference as I drew the pattern for the pant part of the pantsuit. (I attempted multiple versions where the pattern was in color, but it wound up looking really muddy, so I opted for the slightly more subtle version you see here.) the pose for the final piece doesn't showcase the epaulette well (or the crown pin, which was another reference to the Kevin Wada design), so here's a bonus sketch that came out of the "design" part of this whole project that shows them both better:
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anyone who has followed my art knows that I generally draw my Wanda with a high ponytail, but I decided to spice things up and draw her with a half-up like she has circa Uncanny Avengers #27 (this is when she and Jericho are being so very sweet together). the golden hoop earrings are another thing I carried over from my general Wanda design, and the makeup is just a quick thing I came up with on the fly. it's not the spiciest, I know, but I decided there was enough going on elsewhere that she didn't need a crazy makeup look as well. the full-finger ring is specifically a reference to her very first appearance in X-Men #4, where she calls upon her power by pointing her right index finger. I thought it would be cool to accentuate that finger as a result!!
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and there you have it--a tribute to Kevin Wada and Zita Moldovan from an artist who knows nothing about fashion but does have severe enough blorbo brainrot to attempt to design an outfit regardless :D
shoutout to @jookpubstock for once again enabling my shenanigans :)
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poraphia · 1 year ago
hellooo I was laying in bed and had an idea, what if the reader and Wilbur had been talking for a bit like flirting yk, and there streaming (reader isn't a streamer just visiting?) and they get on the topic of birthdays and Wilbur is like "oh when's your birthday I actually don't know!" And it turns out the readers a capricorn (I'm hoping u get this reference and I'm not embarrassing myself)
"A Capricorn, oh, Fuck That!"
➵ PAIRING! cc!wilbur x capricorn!reader
➵ CREATING! 10.12.23 | 940 words
➵ CONTAINING! reader is a capricorn, wilbur and reader being flirty, geogeusser, wilbs singing accoustic
➵ SAYING! poraphia finally doing her requests?? YUHHH im in class rn as im writing this LMAOO. sorry this isnt like my best writing but im tryna get back into the groove
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Wil, help me!”
The tall man sat back in his chair, smiling smugly as he leaned back. I puffed up my cheeks in frustration as I had lost another round of Geogeusser against an annonymous user.
“I feel like at this point your viewers are stream sniping just to publicly humiliate me.” I sighed. Wil chuckled, now sitting up and scooting his chair close to his desk to examine the screen with me.
“Come on, I know you can do better than that.” He said, clicking the exit screen button. I turned to him, making a pouty face. After he finished adjusting his stream so that his webcam was now in full view, he turned to me. He tapped my nose with his index finger.
“Boop!” He giggled. My frown immediately curved into a smile as a small blush crept on my cheeks. He withdrawed his finger before tapping my nose again. “Boop!” He repeated.
I laughed, waving his hand away. “Okay, okay! I’m not mad anymore.” I looked at his other monitor to examine the chat. “Chat says they want to do a QnA. Should we do a QnA?” I asked. Wil placed his arm on the head of my chair, almost wrapping his arm around me.
“I don’t see why not.” He said, smirking. With his free hand, he reached over to his mouse and turned on text-to-speech donations. Curious, I scooted closer to him to watch his movements. He tilted his head toward mine, leaning into my prescence. “Alright, chat, I turned on donations. Ask away.”
I leaned my head on his shoulder as I watched the chat zoom by on his laptop. My eyes then trailed onto his computer monitor, realizing that his gaze was also on the monitor, admiring our position.
“Hey Wil and (y/n)—!” The text-to-speech voice filled our ears, making me holt back from the sudden noise.
“Ah! Wil that thing is loud!” I complained.
“Whoops, hold up.” He reached over and clicking on some things.
“—random question, but do yall believe in star signs? and what are yall star signs?” the text-to-speech finished it’s question. I tilted my head a bit, slightly thinking.
“I think they’re interesting, but I wouldn’t say I’m a total advocate.” Wil answered. “I like doing little jokey jokes with them though.”
“Oh yeah! That one bit with Charlie when you guys were sailing around in Origins?” I asked. Wil and I had watched the premiere of that video together the day it uploaded.
“Yeah— Oh you know what, that makes me wonder,” He turned his chair fully to look at me. “When is your birthday? I’m sure you’ve told me at least once but it probably just slipped my mind.”
“Wowww, and I thought we were friends.” I teased, crossing my arms.
“To be fair, I forget my own birthday!” Wil argued.
“That’s because you make up fifteen different birthdays for every stream.” I sighed. I turned back around to face the monitor.
“Touche.” He quickly muttered. I laughed, shaking my head. “So, when’s your birthday?” He asked.
“It’s in January, so I think I’m a capricorn?” I said, unsure. I watched Wilbur’s eyes widen a little from the monitor before a sly grin forming on his face. I turned my head to look at him.
“What? Is there something wrong with being a capricorn?” I asked, the confusion seeping into my voice. I looked back at chat only to be met with “A CAPRICORN??” and “YOOOOOOOOOOO”
“Can you give a moment? I need to get my guitar.” Wil said rather ominously. Without a space to talk, he got up and rushed to his bedroom to grab his instrument. In turn, I was left with thousands of people seeing the outright bewilderment on my face.
“Chat, I’m scared, what’s going on?!” I quickly uttered with a breathy laugh lightening my words. Wil came back shortly, clutching his guitar by the neck. I scoot my chair back for him and the guitar to fit back into frame.
“Sing it with me if you know the lyrics, chat, and I know you know the lyrics.” He quickly tuned his guitar as I stared at him dumbfounded. He played a few strings, testing to see if they were making the right notes before playing a familiar strumming pattern.
I bobbed my head to the words, listening to his breathy voice sing the lyrics he had written himself. His eyes fluttered close as he hunched down a little, feeling his music. He finished up the first verse, transitioning onto the verse.
“I’ve been scared of sleeping with the lights on. Know she’s not there. I know she’s going to his flaaat!” He tilted his head a little as he hit the high note. A smile unknowingly crept up on my face. “A capricorn, oh fuck that!”
“What the— Wil—!”
“They say sex sells I know that!” He ignored my shocked expression and continued playing.
“Wilbur!” I exclaimed again. I tried to sound upset, but in reality, my lips were pulled back into a wide smile. Eventually I sunk back in my chair, admiring his concentrated expression as his fingers grazed against the steel strings. His hair gently resting on top of his forehead, covering his eyes as he turned his face down to his guitar.
He could insult my star sign all he wants. As long as he does it in that pretty voice.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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presleyhearted · 7 months ago
Yours Truly - Chapter 14: Jump Then Fall.
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・❥・pairing: Elvis x original female character
・❥・genre: slow burn, mystery, angst, fluff.
・❥・wc: 7427 words (grab some popcorn, this is a long chapter aha).
・❥・summary: In which a 21-year-old girl suddenly finds herself having consecutive dreams of a particular rock ‘n’ roll star whom she has never met and who died 45 years ago.
・❥・ Ratings & warnings: descriptions of fears of drowning.
❥・a/n: Finally on chapter 14! so, so much happens in this chapter. Thank you all for your patience. If you have not read this fic before, please refer to my masterlist as this is a multi-chaptered series. Thank you. happy reading :)
dividers by @cafekitsune
chapter index | prev | chapter 15
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“Oh be my once in a lifetime. Lying on your chest, in my party dress.” Lana Del Rey, Love Song.
The hammering of the downpour painted the apartment's windows with its presence for the past hour or so. Some might say that weather like this gives the perfect ambiance to study. But instead of pursuing academic tasks at the moment, my mind somehow can't find the willingness to do those. The side of my body leaned against the couch of our living room, as I observed the rain bleed through everything outside. 
I've seen heavy rain a million times, but this is the only time that I am so transfixed by it. There is nothing particularly special about it, except that, my mind flashes images through like scenes of a movie; A Warm Cafe. heavy rain. the pull of my hand. laughing. his laugh. dark hair. my dress sticking to my skin.  dancing. 
"I'm me when I'm with you." 
"Do you trust me?"
His words are so clear and always seem to take the forefront of my mind, his voice being a lingering tune. It's like if I opened the window right now, and let my hand feel the drop of the precipitation - I could almost feel like I am back in that moment.  For some reason, a reason that I still don't know, it is the easiest thing in the world for me to lay my trust in the palm of his hand. I am certain that I am a practical person, and being logical has always been something that takes over me in everything. 
But for the first time in so long, I'm not quite sure about that. 
What makes it so easy for me to keep going with this, going with him, even with all the uncertainty? With no answers to the meaning behind it all? 
"What are you thinking about, bestie?" Luke's voice pulled me out of my reverie. I just then realize that he is standing right beside me, placing a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. 
"Or who?" He mused, elbowing me playfully, with a curious smirk on his lips. 
I shook my head, "Nothing."
He plops down beside me on the couch, "You have that thinking face on, and with that frown on your lips - it gives me heartbreak vibes." 
I laughed at his response, "Luke, I'm not even seeing anyone."
"And? I'm not seeing Henry Cavill and he still broke my heart."
I playfully throw him the cushion, which he easily catches and dramatically responds, "It's the truth!"
"Whoever you were daydreaming about, heartbreaker or not, he had you in your own world there." He said in a sing-song voice. 
I don't respond and throw him a simple smile. 
I never realized that I was so deep in my thoughts that I failed to notice that Luke walked up to me. He was right in the fact that I was in my own world. But he was wrong about the heartbreaker part, because no, Elvis didn't break my heart. It's something else. It's this feeling I get whenever I am with him. It's thrilling, but so terrifying, but so fun at the same time. And I am certain that I have never felt that way before. 
I just hope that when my mind finally stops spinning for answers, that feeling will remain. It has to. 
But then again, I have never been one to cling to hope. Not that I am a pessimistic person, but if you didn't know all the angles of a situation, how could you ever put your all into hope? It's like unknowingly walking through active flames and arriving on the other side with imprints of ashes. 
Hope is not immune to turning into hurt. 
As much as my love for literature and the art of reading, I do love movies as well. Sometimes there is a particular nostalgia to them, especially those movies from the 90s and early 2000s. Luke and I try to have a movie night once a month. Back when we first became friends at the start of college, we would have movie nights every Saturday. But that was before we found out how unpredictable and laborious the schedule is as a college student, therefore it was hard to keep up with that. So, we decided to just have a movie night each month, whenever there is a free day. We normally take turns in picking which movie to watch, but it is Luke's turn this time. 
Due to my momentary 'daydream' as Luke described it, it is only now that I fully become aware of the movie of his choice. His Netflix account is open and put on pause.  I turned to him in sheer surprise, "Really? The Great Gatsby?"
He shrugged, "I wanna know what the hype is."
I gave him a look. 
"Listen, everyone and their mother watched this, except me." He said dramatically as if it was competition.
I watched the movie a while ago. The cinematography is insane. But of course, now that I have to analyze the story through the literature piece, it's a whole different experience from watching. Luke doesn't fail in doing his usual commentary about the costumes, the acting, and his hatred for so and so's character. One thing about my best friend, he might not be a reader, but he will not hesitate to yell at a television screen when he has this passionate hatred for a particular character in a film or TV show. 
He calmed down for a while and paused the film, "I mean, I know Gatsby be lying through his teeth. But the commitment is immaculate." He dramatically clapped. 
"Definitely. I can't lie to save my life." 
"No, bestie. I'm not on about that." He chuckled, taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl.
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Oooh, you are Miss Daydreamer today, aren't you?" He said with a smirk.
I scoffed at him and laughed, "What? I'm simply asking a question."
He nodded at me, seemingly unconvinced. 
"Hm, right. Well, whoever he is, he better not give me the ick." 
"There is no one."
"You just said you can't lie to save your life, point proven."
"I am not lying."
Once he saw that I was no longer saying anything more, Luke sighed and simply said, "Yeah, right. "
I snapped my fingers, "But really, what did you mean about Gatsby's commitment?" If I didn't navigate it back to the topic at hand, there is no doubt that even Luke himself would forget what he was talking about in the first place.
"I was saying that about how he is with Daisy. Homeboy really hosted all those parties in case the girl he is in love with showed up all of a sudden. Even if Daisy never showed up that quickly, I think Homeboy still be throwing those parties until she does. And I can't even get a text back for fuck's sake." Luke said, sighing dramatically. 
I can't help but chuckle at him, "It's fiction."  
He shrugged, "Yeah, but what if there are some people out there that do keep waiting and waiting for the love they lost all those years ago?"
I squinted my eyes at him in surprise and amusement, as I playfully elbowed him on the side, "Aw, didn't know I'm friends with Cupid."
Luke scoffed, "You aren't. But you ever see him around, tell him he is long overdue to fix my shit of a love life."
I laughed, "Will do."
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It's becoming easier and easier to know that I've slipped into the land of dreams. Before, I would find myself taking a second to make sure that I was in fact dreaming. But now, it feels all second nature to me now. I am definite in knowing that I have been whisked away into my dreams, and are no longer in the real world. So, the only question that I really ask is, "Where am I now?" which I didn't realize I said out loud, but the only indication that I blurted my question out loud is there is someone who answered. 
"Are you lost, Ma'am?" A familiar voice. It seems like the only voice I expect and hope for, whenever I awake in these dreams. 
I turned my head to the source and direction, and there he was. Elvis was standing on the tree branch, the very tree that I was standing under it seemed. He crouches down, both feet still on the branch, and my heart cannot help but leap out of my chest at the sight of the possibility of an imbalance occurring. But the man before me is the picture of anything but fear.  His hair appears to be meticulously oiled back, and with that hint of youthful appearance in his face, and the same striking pair of blue eyes. It appears to be 1950s Elvis. His clothes seem to also confirm my guess; He wears a Cuban collar shirt, wide-legged pleated black trousers, a black jacket, and black loafers with striking pink-colored socks. He also appears to be holding a jacket over his shoulder, as he shoots me a grin. 
I cannot help but chuckle, "What in the world are you doing up there?" 
He bites his bottom lip and shakes his head, strands of his dark hair falling over his face. 
"Oh," He shrugged, "Nothin' unusual, just searchin' for a damsel in distress."
"The way you trust that branch so much is putting me in distress." 
He tilted his head in amusement, "You worry for me, honey?"
"Solid ground here. Stable. Safe. You should try it." I said, smiling at him. 
It's a dream, which means technically he won't be hurt, but that still doesn't mean I'm not my usual worried self. I mean, if this is my dream, then I can control it. But dreams and control have never been two things that agreed with each other in my case. And not to forget, the raven-haired man before me's unpredictable tendencies, to say the least. 
He sighed calmly, "I would. But I'm likin' the view from up here." He shoots me one of his infamous grins, his gaze fleeting through me from head to toe unabashedly. An action that made my face grow hot all of a sudden, as I averted my gaze from him quickly. 
In my previous dream, we were walking under the night sky and I remember vividly that he told me he wanted to show me something. But that never happened because my body jolted me back awake. Back into reality. 
"Didn't you say you were going to show me something?" I questioned him, hoping that it would throw him off from him noticing my reaction to his comment. Hoping that it distracts me from feeling that familiar warm sensation that sits in the depth of my chest. For if I don't distract myself, and I start to think about all the other times - all our previous encounters - I might be forced to turn my back on him, and only face him again once I can fix my flustered state. I am no stranger to his flirtatious nature, but I am a stranger to who I am when I am with him. 
And I am not sure how to connect those puzzle pieces. Not right now, at least. 
Elvis nodded, stood up from his crouched position, and jumped off from the tree branch - an action that happened in the blink of an eye, and made me shut my eyes in fright. He thankfully lands safely and stands right in front of me.
"Yeah. Before you disappeared." He said teasingly. 
I shrugged, my smile dissipating into a picture of guilt, "I can't control it, you know?"
I hope he knows. When these dreams first started to happen, I was directly asking him all those questions about the reason behind it all. I still don't have all the answers. But I believe that he is real. Based on all of these small hints that happened, and how he answered that he said yes, even if he didn't verbally confirm it. When I woke up in Graceland and apologized to him for being late, he jokingly said he thought he got stood up. That was the closest exchange of words between us that touched on the topic of the control of my dreams, and how I wake up out of nowhere and there is no real sign right before it happens. But this is the first time I am telling him that I did wake up all of a sudden, and I think he knows. But I say this as a question, in case he doesn't. Even if I think he does. 
Elvis nodded, "Course. Doesn't mean it hurts me less." He said, his voice so soft. 
He bites his bottom lip and releases a deep breath. There is a breeze in the air, a deep contrast to the chilling winter air of the real world. The leaves of the trees sway to the effect of the wind,  the blooming of the flowers that decorate the lush green grass, and the shine of the sunlight - all the elements that immediately make it known to me that it is Spring that greet me in this dream. The sunlight that shines from behind me is the perfect tool that magnifies the azure of his eyes. The glint of playfulness is not harbored within them, instead, it makes me see that there is a pool of tears that paint his eyes and look into mine. Elvis has seen me multiple times by now, all of these dreams, all these encounters - and yet, he studies my face now. As if it is the first and last time he ever will lay his eyes on me. His eyes moved from each inch of my face, like what people do when they try to memorize something. 
It's an action that would otherwise make me feel uncomfortable if it were someone else, but instead, all I feel is shreds of pain that poke at my heart and a haze of confusion that clouds my mind. And with those both combined? I feel a sudden lump in my throat, it's that feeling that builds up when someone is about to break into tears. And I am at a loss of words on why that is. Why my body, my heart, and my mind are reacting this way?
"I'm sorry," I said, surprising myself by the break in my voice. the instability. 
The rational part of my brain believes that Elvis is acting this way because of how abruptly I leave him in the world of dreams. 
Elvis shook his head. 
A loose strand of my hair blows in the spring wind, Elvis brings his hand up and tucks this behind my ear. All whilst never leaving his gaze from mine, "Nova. . . it's never not you." He said softly. 
I looked at him quizzically, "Elvis. . . "
Elvis looked down and shook his head, and when he faced me again there was that bright smile on his face. As if the tense nature and hurt in his face, and how words a second ago didn't happen. He takes the jacket off his shoulder and drapes it over my shoulders, "C'mon." He naturally intertwined our fingers and tugged me along in a direction. 
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"Here we are." 
I gasped in astonishment at the scene before me, "This is insane."
From the moment he pulled me along with him and the way we made our way through a forest, there was a rush of excitement and curiosity that filled me. The chirping of birds in high trees and canopies accompanied our journey, but that sound was added by something else and I could've never guessed that it would all lead to this. The source of the sound is the rush of water splashing against rocks. Bees buzzing, birds chirping, the splash of the water, and the rush of the wind rustling through the trees - all working to elevate the beautiful sight before us. 
A waterfall. 
An almost crystal-like paradise blue water spilled over the rocks and cascaded effortlessly into the gleaming pool. The water that left the ledge was not producing harsh, strong sounds. It was a rush, but a more gentle affair, which explains the white lines at the edges of it as it met the serenity of the pool at the bottom. The amber glow of the sunset peeks through the branches of a singular tree that hung over the water illuminating a radiating glow to the pool. The height of the waterfall itself was not extremely daunting, but it appeared steep and tall enough to create such a picturesque image. 
I turned to Elvis, who through my awestruck reaction, I didn't even realize was now in only a pair of swimming shorts. His bare upper body was a beautiful shade of tan, his stomach was slim and there was an undeniable air of confidence in the way he stood there beside me. Half-naked he was, - shit, half-naked. 
"Am I interruptin' you, honey?" His voice filled with amusement, as I snap my head back up to look at him. His hands are set on his hips, that familiar smirk on his lips, as he catches me checking him out. 
Well, shit. 
"I- well. .you-," I spluttered out pathetically, he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. 
I sighed with my hands in my head in sheer embarrassment. Oh my God Nova, get it together. He isn't even naked. Well, only half-naked. 
"How did you change into shorts so fast?" I managed to say, thanking myself that I was able to contain my composture, despite the growing warmth in my cheeks. 
Elvis chuckled and tilted his head at me, "I'm glad that I impressed you, Miss Sinclair." 
I cannot help but feel the corners of my lips twitch up into a small smile. 
"Ocassionally." I teased him. 
He advanced in front of me and stopped and my heart found this the sign to beat erratically against my chest. Elvis leaned forward to the right side of my face until I swear I could feel his breathing tickle against my ear, "Darlin', I can be very impressive. " He pulled back and studied my face for a second, a smirk prominent on his lips. He fully stepped back and walked past me. I regained myself, for the second time in the conversation, and turned myself around. I was a statue for a second there, releasing a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I move my hands subtly, trying my best to get rid of the sweaty feeling of my palms. 
"W-Where are you going?" 
Damn it, Nova. Did you have to stutter?
He squinted his hypnotic blue eyes at me that were filled with mischief, "To cool off." He chuckled.
The meaning behind his words unmistakenly indicated my flustered state. 
He was walking backward, facing me while he neared the water. Elvis turned around and jumped into the water, making a splash in which I gasped. He appeared from the water not a second later with a grin on his lips, as he pushed his hair back with his one hand. 
He looked at me expectantly, "C'mon, honey." 
His invitation for me to join him in the water rendered my knees weak. Practically shaking. No matter how beautiful the entire atmosphere was and how ethereal the flow of the water seemed to be, I couldn't bring myself to step closer. My palms were welcomed with the familiar feeling of sweat, at such a speed that almost matched the the pulsing of my heart. A sound that I swear I can almost hear, matching the shallow breaths that escaped my lips. My lips felt very dry all of a sudden. 
"No. I-I-I can't. " I stepped back. 
He looked at me, his eyes a beautiful shade of blue. Full of empathy and gentleness. 
"Yeah, you can. C'mon, I've gotcha." He encouraged me, his voice was soft with his hand stretched out to me. 
"Elvis, n-no. I-I can't swim." I replied, feeling my breathing becoming more of a sport. An action that was natural now quickly becoming unnatural. 
"Darlin', I know that. Let me teach you." He offered me a small smile, and for a second I felt a sense of comfort. But that was quickly whisked away by the idea of the depth of the water and the sound of it splashing against each other, hitting the rocks nearby. 
I shook my head, "W-What if the water takes m-me? H-How deep is it? W-What if I drown?"
Elvis interrupts me, "Nova, breathe. Breathe." He repeated.
He instructed me, starting with closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing. I did this a few times until the only sounds that filled my ears were the soft swaying of the trees and the chirping of the birds. The sound of the water was barely present anymore. And so, I continued to do this until I could feel my heartbeat steady. Elvis' voice guided me. 
I regained the normal pattern of my breathing. 
"Okay, now what?" I asked, with my eyes still closed. 
"Elvis?" I repeated. 
No response. 
Just how fast dread seeps into one's chest in moments. 
I opened my eyes and everything was exactly how it was. Except that, the water before me did not house the familiar raven-haired man. 
"Elvis!" I yelled, my head snapping in each direction. 
Now, I am the most logical and risk-free person if one were to ask the people closest to me. I do not make any decisions, whether it be heavy ones or light ones, impulsively and in a 'spur of the moment.' Never. 
But such things as those require thinking. One thing that I can say for sure is that I do it all the time. 
Except this time I wasn't. I was being led by something else other than my brain. 
And so, I feel an energy-like force almost pulling me to glance at the water again. 
"Elvis!" I called out again. 
No response. 
Before my mind could register my actions, I slipped off the dress that I was wearing and found myself near the body of water - and I jumped. 
Oh god, I can't breathe. 
I tried to pull myself from the power of the water but felt my legs sinking down as well as the rest of my body. My eyes kept snapping shut due to the pressure and how I uncontrollably swallowed amounts of water as I tried to breathe. 
But I am sinking. 
and sinking. 
"I've gotcha." That familiar voice rings in my ear, as I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and a body against my back. I turned my head to see him with that smirk on his lips, as I felt that I was no longer sinking. 
I furrowed my eyebrows at him once I relaxed, "You!" I turned around to hit his chest in anger. 
He groaned at the contact, "Ouch! Calm down, Nova." 
I scoffed, "Oh, I am not calming down Presley! Where the hell did you go? I thought you were with me and- and you just disappeared? I thought you were gone! I-"
I didn't realize it, but drops of tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. 
Elvis interrupts me by pulling me closer with his arms tighter around me, and his forehead against mine. Gone was the mischievous smirk and instead, he breathed slowly, "I'm right here, baby. I'm here. I can never leave ya." He whispered, eyes looking into mine. He then grabbed hold of my hands that were against his chest and positioned them so that they were wrapped around his neck. 
"You better not," I muttered, which Elvis heard perfectly judging by the smile that crossed his lips.
I glanced down and like a shot of fear upon the realization of the depth of the water and the probability of me sinking again, as I only have my arms around Elvis. 
"Wrap your legs around me," Elvis instructed, quickly noticing the fear that struck my face. 
With no hesitation, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I must be a shade of crimson now, judging by the warmth I felt that flooded my cheeks. But who can blame me? The sheer proximity of our bodies - I have never been in a situation like this before. I only had my underwear and bra on, and Elvis was only in his shorts. And not to mention, I am in a body of water - something which I swore myself I would never do due to my intense fear of drowning. There it goes again - the beating of my heart, as I feel blood rushing from my veins to the very tip of my fingers that clung onto him. The pulse acted like a catalyst for hot waves of that beating against my chest. 
I looked at Elvis again, but his azure eyes were already on me. He was biting his bottom lip, as he groaned in what appeared to be pain. 
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I'm too heavy-" I started to profusely apologize. 
"No, darlin.' No." He said, his voice strained. 
I started to detach myself from him slowly and move my body, feeling embarrassed about the way I practically clung onto him and put all my weight on him. 
"Nova, stop movin.'" He said, not in a harsh manner. But in a tone that was strained and I swore I heard him mutter under his breath, "Lord, help me."
"What is it? You look hurt, Elvis." I said, trying to find more of an explanation for his pained expression that adored his features. Sweat trickled down his forehead. 
He shook his head, "Keep close to me, I'm not hurt."
"You swear?" I questioned, still unsure of his words.
He nodded, "Yeah, yeah I swear."
I secured myself around him again, believing his words. 
I feel something hard against my thigh, I look down quizzically and gasped at the sight of a bulge from his shorts poking my thigh. I avert my gaze. I feel that sudden warmth in my cheeks and seems to travel to my neck as well. 
Elvis must've seen my reaction, "Aw, hell. I'm sorry, darlin.' I-" He sighed deeply, his head facing the sky above. 
To not further the obvious awkwardness that was surely rising between us, I pretended to clear my throat and said, "Were you talking about teaching me how to swim?" 
His chest seemed to relax as he breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "Uh, yes, yeah okay." 
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Swimming was a skill that my parents were not fond of me learning. Their protectiveness over my safety wins priority over learning a life skill. And so, I grew up with the fear of water as a result.
After that awkward moment between Elvis and me, slowly but surely he did exactly what he promised. He taught me how to swim. Well, almost did. My fear of drowning and losing control would creep up on me every now and again, which would make me stop and cling to him or the rocks nearby. But even with that, his patience never wavered. Nor did he make me feel embarrassed. No, I never felt any of those emotions. Only comfort and dare I say, some excitement when I feel like I am getting the hang of it. By the end of our swimming session, I was no expert in swimming, but I at least had less fear of the water and trusted myself more in gaining control of how I moved against the water. 
Not to mention, I became accustomed to the touch of his skin against mine and the closeness that was unavoidable in the situation. It was like the rapid changing of seasons - hot and cold. But in the end, no matter what, all I felt was familiarity. To the point that no contact of my skin against his was more unnatural than natural. 
Soon, the greeting of the amber glow of sunset alerted our tired bodies. Therefore, we made our way out of the body of water and back onto dry land. We dried ourselves with a towel that was nearby, one that I didn't question, for this was all a dream. And I learned now that questioning things in this world leads me to nowhere. I pulled my dress back on and Elvis put his clothes back on. However, albeit the warmer season in this dream compared to the real world, there was a chill in the air - the sign of the day nearly coming to a close. 
Elvis must've noticed my shivering state as I ran my hands up and down my crossed arms, he slipped his jacket off and draped it over my shoulders. 
I protested quickly, "What about you?"
He shrugged with that lopsided grin of his, "I'm fine, darlin'."
"Yes, Miss Sinclair?" He tilts his head at me and that's when I knew that there was no use in arguing with him. 
So I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes, "Alright, you win."
He chuckled and grasped my hand into his, the action more effortless than when I said my own name. We walked quickly beside each other in silence, in which I broke, " Thank you."
Elvis turned to me, "For what, darlin?" He asked, his thumb gently caressing my hand.  
"Well, teaching me how to swim even if I'm still not completely there yet. But thank you anyway for being so patient with me." 
"Of course, " He nodded, "You gotta believe in yourself more, honey." He said softly.
I sighed, "I know, but it's easier said than done." I cannot help but shrug. 
Elvis stopped walking and faced me, "The things that last, the most important things - they take time. Always do." He said to me, but somehow it felt as if the words were scattered notes across a broken piano - one that still plays beautifully, but long forgotten. One that remembers the melody of a beautiful thing. His tone of voice resembled one of a person who was recalling a memory of some kind before it faded away. The reminiscent kind. One that is mixed with the taste of nostalgia. 
"Very wise, who said that?" I mused. It was becoming harder and harder to find a way to ease the tension when he grew serious all of a sudden. It is not a tension that is negative by any means, but there is something in my chest. This feeling. And before I could even think more about it, I had to lean into a half-humored response. A light response, but sincerity and honesty all the same.
Elvis winked.
Before I could question more into his confusing response, he tugged my hand intertwined in his closer as he led me through more of the forest. Shortly after that, I find that we are somehow on the other side of the waterfall but perched on a hill. So, there was a distance from the water, but not too far. Just the right enough distance to take in the picturesque view. A red and white patterned picnic blanket was draped over the grass, and atop it was a picnic basket and a bouquet of flowers. 
Elvis tugged me along as we sat down on the picnic blanket. 
"You did all this?" I asked, more of a rhetorical question than most. 
"You like it?"
"This is incredible." I marveled. 
Elvis smiled, letting go of my hands and taking hold of the bouquet - presenting them to me. 
"For you, Nova." 
I gladly accept the bouquet and admire the flowers. These flowers were rare, only appearing in spring and summer. The sky blue color of the petals that surrounded the mild yellow centre - a flower that I had seen all my life, and I breathed it. It was a flower that always grew so abundantly all around my parents' house growing up. 
Which is why it so easily became my favorite flower in the entire world. 
"Elvis, thank you. These are beautiful."
"it's a. . . Forget Me Not."
"-Forget Me Not."
We ended up saying it simultaneously, and I burst out laughing at the way we said it in sync. Elvis is frozen, his eyes are wide as his mouth opens in an 'o' shape. He starts to say something, but mumbles and stopped himself. 
"Obviously, there is that clear meaning behind its name. But also for some reason, I don't why, but they always grew in the garden of my childhood house. My parents' home. My parents never raised them. I guess it came with the location of the property. That's how I happened to know what they are called. They then ended up being my favorite flower, I don't know if it was because it was the only flower that I saw constantly and thought I was a smart kid. But-"
I stopped my ramblings, as I noticed that Elvis has grown silent. His eyes are no longer looking into mine but instead appear to be looking far away out into the distance. But his removal from me wasn't what gravitated my interest, it was what was contained in his azure eyes. A build of tears seemed to be rising higher and higher in his eyes. I've only ever seen him in a state of tears like this once before, a while ago, when I asked him questions with one-word answers. 
The image makes me reach my hand out to him as I wrap it around his, "Elvis?" I said, my voice quiet, "Are you okay?" 
He doesn't respond. Instead, he shuts his eyes rapidly and those tears escape down his face. He keeps his eyes closed, appearing to be squeezing his eyelids shut. 
Oh god. What did I say? 
"Did I say something?"
My questions seemed to shake him out of his trance, and he opened his eyes, and the very moment he did - I felt my heart collapse. Like the earth-shattering quake that makes even the strongest buildings surrender to the ground. His eyes are swollen, evident by the droplets of tears that still cascade down his cheeks. He shook his head and with shaky hands, he brought his hands up to cup my cheeks, "Nova." 
"Tell me, did I say something wrong? I'm sor-"
"No, no, no." He said quickly, voice cracking. 
In that moment, there is something within me that reigns over the attitude of thinking over my decisions and choices. 
The space and distance between us suddenly felt wrong. 
I reached my hands out to push his hair out of his face and wipe the tears off his cheeks. I leave my hands resting on his shoulders, as I tuck my knees beneath me and feel myself pulling him close to me - enveloping him into a hug. The action caused the raven-haired man before me to erupt into sobs, his arms gripped around me grow tighter. I find myself running my hand through his hair in a soothing manner. Now is not the time for questions, sometimes in life, we have no choice but to speak and let words be spoken. But this time? Elvis does not need me pestering him with questions. 
"Shh, it's alright."
A while goes by, but I do not pull back until Elvis does. 
And when he does, I try to brush off that feeling of emptiness that rushes into my system - into the very corners of that organ that sits inside my chest, all too quickly. 
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It took a while before the atmosphere between us goes back to lighteharted, and tear-free. Whatever it was that was on Elvis' mind that caused him to zone out like that - I hope he never delves into that again. It breaks me. He never tells me what it was, and I never ask. Instead, he apologises profusely and presents the food that was in the picnic blanket. We have the food and soon flow into happier topics of conversation. 
"No way, really?" I asked as Elvis retells a story of how he first started to learn guitar. All of my knowledge of Elvis was from the Elvis movie, and nothing further than that. 
Elvis nodded, "Yeah. I think I was eleven at the time and  I wanted a bicycle, but my mama didn't want it." 
"Why?"I asked, taking a sip out of the glass of wine. 
"Couldn't afford it," Elvis shrugged and continued, "But Mama also believed that a bicycle would end up hurtin' me. She feared for my safety all the time. "
"So, she instead opted for buying you a guitar instead? I guess, it makes sense. How protective your mother was. " This I knew of. How Elvis had a twin brother, but was lost at childbirth. A reasonable experience for the constant fear and protectiveness his mother had over his safety. 
Elvis chuckled, running his hand through his hair, "Yeah, I didn't know what I was doin'. Knew nothin' about playin' the instrument. Only learned from my Uncle Johnny and the pastor, Frank Smith from the church we would go to." He explained further. 
"That's why I never understood when people called me gifted. I was far from it, honey." He shook his head in embarrassment. 
"I disagree with you. Talent doesn't always mean waking up and being a prodigy at something, sometimes it takes learning on your own and then combining that with practice. I don't think anything is effortless. So, whatever you said, Elvis - I fully believe you were a talented one. A once in a lifetime." I said, not realizing that I was using my hands to speak. 
Elvis smiled at this, his cheeks a shade of crimson as he looked down whilst scratching his neck.
"Well, uh, thank you darlin."
The duality of him continues to amaze me. 
"Sorry, I rambled away like that. Saying so much in one sentence - I hope it wasn't annoying." I chuckled, as I admitted this to him. 
"I love listening to you speak." He said, with no hesitation. 
I feel myself blush at his gaze and turn to look at the scenery, that's when I realize that the landscape has been engulfed by the dark blue color of the night sky. A thousand stars dotted around it, looking down on us. 
I turned to face him again, "Oh gosh, I never even realized it was already dark. "
We must've been talking for hours and hours, getting lost in conversation and not realizing it was the sky's turn to rest. 
Elvis frowned, "Oh, do you want to go?"
I shook my head, "No, not yet."
He sighed in what appeared to be a relief, "Good. I'm not ready yet."
I tilted my head, "And why is that, Presley?"
His hand reaches out behind him, in which he extracts a guitar.
"Since when was that behind you?" I laughed. 
Elvis simply winked, "I told ya, Miss Sinclair. I can be very impressive."
I cannot help but smile, "Uh-huh."
His fingers strummed a few chords, "Any special requests?"
I thought for a moment, I don't know his discography that well. 
"Any song. Whatever comes to mind."
He nodded and started to strum the strings of the guitar, and when he began to sing - I swear I no longer felt the coldness of the evening air around me. Instead, there is the warmth that fills his voice and surrounds me. The first verse of the song is gentle and evokes the very definition of a peaceful night. But not one that makes one fall asleep, it makes you keep listening and hanging onto every word. I do end up closing my eyes very briefly, but open them again and when I do - he is already looking into mine with a smile on his lips. 
"Love me tender, 
love me true, 
all my dreams fulfilled
for my darlin' I love you 
and I always will." 
Elvis' voice was flying through the breeze of the evening air like a gentle companion walking through the vacant streets of a quaint town. One thing that the movie portrayed was how powerful of a performer Elvis was. Especially the era of the 70s. The extravagant jumpsuits, the international hotel ballroom. The way he moved on the stage. But they rarely captured how, even without all of that, there was the tenderness and sweetness to his voice that can mesmerize anyone just the same. 
"Love me tender, 
love me dear,
Tell me you are mine, 
I'll be yours through all the years, 
Till the end of time." He finished singing and holds onto that last line - almost speaks it, instead of singing it. 
And just as he stopped strumming the guitar, thoughts evade my mind. Yes, I feared the water earlier because what else does one do when they don't know how to swim? I didn't know the depth of the water, and it can be unpredictable at times. No matter how serene the atmosphere. I know all can be solved if I had the skill of knowing how to swim. But I didn't. 
But the one catalyst that drove that swimming session to even happen - well, it was him. Through my actions that did not align with my rational thinking, I went straight into the water to look for him. To find him. To see him safe. To make sure. If I didn't do any of that, I doubt I would be in the water at all. 
I simply - jumped. 
It was only now, at this moment with him across from me as he finished singing a song so sweet and pure - that I realized it was never really about jumping into the water. 
Whether I dared to say it out loud or not, I know it is true. A feeling that triumphs over my anxieties and fear, which I proved to myself by jumping into that water - I care about him. 
Elvis, I care about you. I say this in my mind. Words unspoken. 
I clapped, "That was amazing Elvis."
He smiled shyly, "Thank you, honey."  He said, placing the guitar back down on the picnic blanket. He hesitates, about to say something, and scratches the back of his neck as he mumbles something under his breath. 
His hands delicately get hold of a loose strand of hair falling over my face, and gently tucked this behind my ear. The action tickles me and I end up giggling a little, "Oh gosh, that tickles." 
Elvis grinned and leaned in again. "Hmm?"
"Yes, it does. I am ticklish, okay?" I chuckle, shaking my head. 
Oh gosh, wrong words Nova. Unfortunately, he caught on to my words very quickly. Elvis started to tickle me on my sides, and I couldn't help but gasp with my eyes going wide. I am lying down on the picnic blanket now, falling over from the actions.  My hands frantically attempt to push him off me, but with that infamous smirk on his lips - he doesn't hold back. 
"Elvis! oh my god, stop!" I said, in between gasps and laughter.
Okay, two can play a game, Presley. 
I tickled him back, and he gasped with a picture of momentarily surprise. He stumbled back, now being the one lying down whilst I have the upper hand. Unfortunately, Elvis does not appear to be as ticklish as I am. He is quick to grab hold of both of my hands. Our laughter stops, once we both realize the position that we are in. I am lying on top of him, with both of my hands engulfed in his hand and his right hand wrapped around my waist.  Our faces were inches apart from each other, that I could feel his breathing against my cheek. 
"The power you hold over me, Nova." He said softly, with a wide smile. 
His words register through my mind like a faint wave, for I couldn't help but admire him. His tanned skin, those piercing eyes of his. His lips looked so soft. A strand of his perfectly groomed hair overshadowed part of his face. 
"You're beautiful," I said, unable to stop myself. 
Elvis grinned and shook his head, "Nah, you should see the view from 'ere. That's the breathtaking one." 
I blushed but shook my head still. 
"Oh, here you go with your flirting again," I replied, chuckling. 
"Always with you."
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itsclydebitches · 1 year ago
It's weird to think Vol 10 of RWBY just straight up might never happen. much less further volumes. No matter how bad it got I would still have loved some form of ending but Barabas comments don't paint a hopeful picture. Alas fics of RWBY will go until the end of time.
It's very weird. Most shows I come across have either already concluded, or give their audience an estimate of when things will wrap up ('We're planning another two seasons and each takes us about two years to film, so...'). I have shows that unexpectedly get more content after providing an ambiguous, but still satisfying ending (Alice in Borderland), shows where each season is self-contained so it can end whenever without issue (Bake Off), shows that were cut short and had to scramble to wrap up (Sense8), and of course there are always shows that are straight up cancelled and can't do a thing to mitigate that... but RWBY feels almost, almost unique in this combination. It's a webseries rather than a traditional TV show. It's gone on for a decade with absolutely no indication of where it's heading. Each season feels threatened to the point where the fandom can no longer differentiate between a real cancellation concern and Internet exaggeration. The story has hit what's arguably its most important narrative peak - the team has traversed an alternate world, Ruby has "overcome" drinking the tea, Summer finally appears on screen - only for news of the story's future to remain frustratingly vague. Not only have we never had a sense of when RWBY's story will end, now we don't even have confirmation of whether it will end. That's such a frustrating way to approach storytelling given that your audience relies on some level of commitment to remain engaged.
I too want RWBY to finish up because I am not immune to the Sunk Cost Fallacy: I put this much time into the series and it needs to satisfy me with a conclusion, even if the conclusion itself will inevitably be unsatisfying. Outside of any normal disappointment with a story you love getting the ax, I generally don't mind embracing unfinished works. I read abandoned fics, watch cancelled shows, browse barely started comics, because getting a taste of the world is always worth it if it's compelling to me. I never regret meeting characters whose stories go untold because as a writer myself I can at least imagine that on my own terms. But RWBY? Losing it now would be a real kick in the teeth. I personally don't think the story is salvageable at this point, but at the very least fans deserve a conclusion: one that will likely please a lot of devoted viewers and allow critical fans to put a satisfying tick mark on the box in our heads labeled "RWBY."
Given its popularity I wouldn't be surprised if RWBY wound up cancelled and then concluded in a comics run, or a one-off movie. Beyond the fact that this would no doubt mess up the writing even more (now you have to iron out this mess of a plot on a time limit, in a new medium, with new authors!) it would, unfortunately, be kind of hilarious too:
[generic tour guide voice] "Hello. Welcome to RWBY. Our fandom is known for having copious side stories connected to the canon in confusing ways. Some are incidental to the main series. Some outright contradict it. Some are crucial to your understanding of the primary plot and must be engaged with in a timely manner. These texts range from comic runs to random bits of information in abandoned mobile games. Please note that this corpus did not grow naturally across decades of storytelling, as is the case with fandoms like Star Trek and Star Wars, but was rather cobbled together by RT in an attempt to 'fix' numerous, ongoing issues with the webseries. Our latest addition? The ending. Yes, if you would like to finish RWBY please refer to this index of sources that together provide a semi-cohesive conclusion to a ten year show. Now, on your left you'll see the ongoing brawl as fans attempt to determine whether this index is canonical or not. Please watch your step..."
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year ago
Sidekick Journal Setup
Wanted to make some notes on how I set up the newest version of my sidekick journal. It's still an A6 Leuchtturm 1917 notebook- though this time I'm using a dot grid, not ruled, version. Still using a Traveler's Notebook Monthly insert in the back as well. Past that, I've adapted it to loosely use the PARA framework by Tiago Forte that I've had luck using with my digital notes.
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Much like last time, I still have a today card for tasks on the front. Some days I pick some out at the beginning. Some days I just write things down as I go. Not much has changed there.
It's worth noting that this journal springs open if I don't keep the strap on it. I use the strap to notch in a gel pen (currently trying to find one of my spare fountain pens to use instead). I don't personally mind this but I know it bugs some others.
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On the back side of the front cover, things have changed more. I still have a next card to jot down tasks that don't need done today that come up throughout a day, but underneath is the P in PARA - projects.
Each project gets it's own card. I like this because things were getting lost in my notebook and I can more easily see what I've committed to so I don't overcommit. Tiago Forte recommends 10-15 projects but I am disabled and have issues with energy so I shoot for 5-10. I think currently I have 9 which is a little on the high side.
They all fit nicely under the black clip here and I can shuffle through them each day to see what I want to work on.
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I have a To Read, To Watch, To Listen (podcasts), and To Listen (music). I occasionally have people recommend me things and they tend to get lost in my phone. So this is just a space to jot those down. My complete TBR is still kept in Storygraph atm. My TBW is on Letterboxd (kind of). I don't listen to a lot at the moment but I'm hoping to change that.
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For the first A in PARA - Areas - I set up topical indexes. I know a lot of people tend to have a lot more but I group my stuff under Personal, Home, Work, and Ria (my partner). Personal is just me. Home is anything shared with Ria. Work is mostly writing and freelance projects at the moment. Ria is for anything that is just for Ria. Anything that doesn't fit in the categories goes in the main index that comes preset up in the notebook.
This way I can jot down whatever notes I want in this notebook but when I'm looking for something specific or just want to see what's going on in a given area, I can flip to that index.
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This is just an example of the kinds of things I tend to use this notebook for. I did a menu plan and wrote down the order of steps to make a new dish I wanted to try (came out really nice). It's mostly to just order my thoughts and help my brain let go of things.
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This is the Traveler's Notebook Passport Size Monthly Insert I really enjoyed last year. I've set up the first few months and will set up a few more. I need to go back in and add events/holidays.
A big reason why this still felt necessary is that I'm looking at switching to a dumbphone which means I won't necessarily have access to Google Calendar on the go. So I plan to keep this as up to date as possible. I might use it for some light memory keeping as well.
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Lastly, I flip the notebook upside down from the back and this is where my commonplacing will go which will be how I manage the R in PARA - resources. I have 3 categories I tend to like jotting down information about to start with but there's room for more. I won't keep the markers with me but will periodically add circles for ease of reference.
For the last A in PARA I'm planning on storing these in a nice box when I'm done with them.
I don't really intend to journal in this though I suppose I could. I have a separate "bullet journal" that in all honesty I don't use super often. I do stream of consciousness journaling on 750words.com. It's mostly to jot down notes and get things out of my head quickly. I like that it's small enough to toss into most bags.
Hope this is interesting to someone!
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iviarellereads · 2 years ago
A note on coverage of The Murderbot Diaries
This one's perhaps even more of a departure from the initial expectations of the blog than the Neverending Story was, but all good things are... subject to change? No, that makes it sound like it's not as good.
The Murderbot Diaries are a series by Martha Wells, about a security construct (SecUnit, the name for the designated model type and, by extension, the name used by most of the people Murderbot encounters) that broke its own governor module (think DRM) and functions independently, though it pretends it's still good locked-down company property. It exhibits strong symptoms of social anxiety, making it one of the most relatable robots ever, and accidentally makes friends.
Murderbot itself has no gender. The audiobook narrator is Kevin R. Free, and the subject doesn't come up very often in the story, so a lot of people assume and assign masculinity. Despite that, Murderbot is and knows it is a construct accessorized with the most expedient biological parts, expresses no human gender, and uses it/its pronouns. This just doesn't get clarified until much later in the series, if at all, and I'd rather have everyone understand it up front so nobody accuses me of object-ifying a person who literally personally identifies as an object.
I think this series is really neat. It's so much an exploration of personhood, like your average robot story but with mental illness. Heck, don't mind if I make references all the way back to Rossum's Universal Robots, the (extremely readable or watchable! highly recommended by me) stage play that is the origin of the word itself in its modern context, or perhaps further back all the way to Frankenstein. Murderbot is in conversation with two hundred years of science fiction exploring what it means to be, and besides that, I think it does some really interesting things with the prose.
So, with the newest book coming out in a couple of months, I decided to merge my desire to reread it with my desire to pick it apart under a microscope the way this project allows. We'll be covering more or less in release date order, with the exception of the expanded edition of Compulsory recently released going back to back with the original to compare and contrast.
So please, instead of peace this time, give Murder(bot) a chance, and join me on this space adventure.
Link index:
All Systems Red
Artificial Condition
Rogue Protocol
Exit Strategy
Compulsory (Short story: Wired Magazine vs republished and expanded edition)
Obsolescence (Take Us To A Better Place collection)
Network Effect 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory
Fugitive Telemetry 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
System Collapse 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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yoon-topias · 9 months ago
Sunday Morning battles Part one { Early mornings }
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⟡ Best friend's older brother x OC
⟡ 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters have mature content)
⟡ Warnings: Strong language, depression, mental health issues, references to self harm, references to violence, manic episodes, smoking, risky behavior, fluff, jealousy, smut.
⟡ Summary: When Yoongi is late for Sunday morning breakfast with Vi and Hans after an episode, walking into a full out war in the kitchen. He inhales his lucky cigarette. Will it be his lucky charm today?
⟡ 6.9k words
⟡ Part two | Part Three
⟡ Series Index
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Yoongi Pov: 
I groan as I wake up. I want to stay asleep in my own utopia I have built in my mind, my own Annex coming out of an episode where everything feels like everything is distant. I know I did it again, went too far,  got sucked into it.  My utopia is in the back of my mind to escape when I need it. I Built a home there with my bed,  dark silk sheets draping over me protecting me as a barrier.  The sheets Vi bought me said "You need silk sheets for your hair Yoon, Helps with damage from bleaching. It helps the breakage". Violet is building a home in my utopia and I'm not opposed to it after running from it for so long, but why did I run from it again last night pulling my own sheet over my head. I don't want to have to face what's next to me. Fuck.  Maybe if I act asleep she'll leave and I don't have to face my actions, at least not yet my head is still in a fog and I don't feel myself. 
I feel a hand make its way to my bare stomach "Hey, you up?" taking in a deep breath about to come out of my own utopia. "Yeah, I got plans, sorry gotta get going soon." pulling her hand off of me grabbing my shirt, throwing it on no one gets to see me like this at least not some random girl who followed my fucked up self home. It's Sunday which means Hans and Vi don't have school, morning breakfast together every Sunday since they moved out into their own place hearing a knock on the door. It's Jin to make sure I'm up,  not late for breakfast. He has experienced my wrecking ball of an episode the past week, cleaning up after my wreckage, and somehow I got out of his grasp last night. "Yoongi, you're gonna make Violet mad get up!" last time I was late Vi refused to open the door and I let her win even though I have a house key. 
"Vi, I'm on my knees out here, forgive me please." 
on my knees outside their door begging to get let in when I have a damn key lookin' like a dumbass, God I'd do anything for her. She cracks the door, looking up I see her gray eyes looking down. The ones that can drown me, that have made their way into my utopia. "And why should I let someone in. Who is Late for our morning ya know we're busy around here.” clasping my hands looking up at her. 
"All mighty princess Vi forgive the peasant who was late for this morning's schedules" she rolls her eyes "If I must forgive him I will, as he begged and addressed me properly"  opening the door slowly with a smile. 
I get brought to reality from the girl sitting on bed with her figure under my silk sheets. "Yeah, who is Violet? Don't wanna make her mad." Jin opens the door hearing no response from me about getting up as he does his eyes go wide "and this is what you did when you left? how many times will you do this Violet will kill you next time." he knows the help I need, a girl not wanting to leave. He can see it in my face, its pale white standing there in a shirt and no pants just boxers realizing what I did again. "Yeah I must go before this Violet kills you and I'm next." she grabs her shirt not caring about my friend in the room showing her breasts to him. Luckily he's gay has no interest in what she has to offer. It shows what type of girl I brought this time. Grabbing her pants and putting them on, doesn't even bother trying to find her underwear. No use, I ripped them. I remember that much. Fuck what was her name again? uh Sara? no. Sophie? No. Sage? Fuck I don't know. 
"Have a good day-uh Stel-" 
"You ass, it's Serenity!" oh fuck, That makes me snort a laugh out she is far from serenity I think. She walks past Jin heels in hand bolting to the front door hearing it slam behind her. I see Jin not looking happy rather pissed at me hands on his hips looking at me like I disappointed him. "Now how are you gonna explain this time?" Last night mid episode I wanted to feel, because everything was blurring together Jin was trying to stop me from going out. In my mind it was the only option to go out, find a girl and feel. I got too caught up in my Utopia and let it consume me. I needed someone other than Vi in my head even though when I was railing her it was only Violet in my head. I really need to get over myself and emotions. Maybe I do need to admit myself again, is it bad enough? Eh, I'll talk to Dr.Kim about it in our next session. What I really need to do is not be late for Sunday morning breakfast running my hands through my hair and taking a deep breath that I haven't been able to in days. "I- I don't know Jin honestly my mind was out of it and I didn't want to hurt you" 
"Well you know I can handle my own. I choose to help Yoongi, but you have to let me. You can't just run off every time you have an episode." I know he is right. I should not run, but in those times it's like if I'm near anyone I know I fear I'll hurt them.  I hurt Pops even if it was small scratches still did damage. "Okay, okay I know I'll be better next time it won't happen I-I won't run pinky promise.” Holding out my pinky to him. 
"Yoongi, that's what you and Vi do. We are not pinky promising, but give me your word.”
"You have my word Jin. I'm sorry I'm so much trouble sometimes. I'm getting better though, right?" looking him in the eyes, pleading to get some recognition for all the work I have been doing. I feel like I could fall right back into this, he walks up to me and points at me between him and me back and forth. "Eyes and ears.” was his first method to help me when I'm in an episode to help ground me, to listen to him only focus on him in front of me.I nod my to let him know I’m listening, all my attention is on him.  He really did help me and save me on multiple occasions in a spiral. I need to make It easier on him before he leaves me. "Good also I swear if you don't make it on time to Vi and Hans they will kill me. Remember the last time they blamed me for not getting you up?" it was funny Hana and Vi running into the apartment after I just woken up and not yelling at me but at Jin for not getting me up.  "Yeah, yeah I know." 
 Ridding myself of the clothes I threw on, to cover my body from the girl in my bed. I start to get dressed in my more normal all black outfit and hooking on the necklaces the girls got me they truly do ground me without knowing. Hell, I'll never wear them when I go on my side quests. It would bring me back to them,  I can't even think of their faces if they knew the full story. This cycle whatever that girl's name has to be the last time stop fucking up Min Yoongi. You're stronger than some emotions and hallucinations. Jin is still in the room and I can feel the tenseness radiate off him "Please tell me you did not think of Vi this time?" He knows I use it as an escape and heard me once yell Violet's name while being inside another girl that was a tough one to say the least.  "Uh no comment?" 
"Yoongi! You need to finally tell the girl, it's been seven years? Hell even Hans knows and by the way is totally fine with you liking. No! Loving her best friend!" Finishing putting on my clothing and picking up the scattered clothing on the floor from the night before. My other side of me even knew to come back late enough that Jin would have passed out waiting on the couch for me. Well found the ripped underwear picking them up and putting them in the trash making a disgusted face at myself. "See! you wouldn't have to do this if you finally confessed!" I know he's right, it's just not the right time she is still in school, finding her own path, let alone dealing with her dad trying to get out again. The courts aren't too thrilled about that one, but I have a feeling this is the last time before he finally gives up so Vi can have some privacy before the law school program starts. 
I walk to my side table opening the drawer and pull out the pill case Jin refills for me weekly with my day and night pills. My rescue is in a small little key chain on my keys. It is very discreet. "I'm glad to see you taking them by yourself. I had to force you for the past two days. Do you remember anything?" 
"It's all fuzzy right now and feels like a dream. I wanna be back in my utopia, Jin, but I have to have breakfast. I know if I didn't have it would probably still be in the episode my mind is coming in and down remembering things and wanting to pull me back in. "Was I that bad this time?" looking up at Jin I feel guilty he puts up with me. 
"Let's just say you screamed so much I thought the neighbors thought you were dying. You thought at one point Vi told you, that she never will love someone like you and that's when you lost it Yoongi. I tried my damn best to keep you in the house but your pure rage was like no other, but it was not towards me or  towards yourself thank god this time you didn’t go after yourself if you know what I mean. I guess I can accept you left if you just went and fucked a girl, because I rather that then trying to stop you from harming yourself."
Rubbing my head, did I really go that far this time? I knew I was thinking of Vi and scared if I ever did tell her she would reject me. She has made a home in my utopia which in my case makes it harder in episode when I try to escape she is all that's on my mind, Opening the door to my utopia I see the fucking fuzzy blanket since she can't have one not within a five feet radius of her, the picture of Hans, Vi, and me at the park with ice cream With ice cream all over Vi face since me and Hans decided to get her. It was her who placed these nicknacks on the wall in my utopia. She has been invading ever since I built it making it feel more homey. Maybe I need to shut and lock the door on it for now. Hell maybe even Chain the damn door. 
"I-I'm sorry you know it'll get better, it's just adjusting to the new dosage."
"I know Yoongi. I'm not mad at you, it's trial and error with these medications I just want to see that gummy smile again." I sigh, it's been a while since the last real smile in our apartment. The only time it comes out recently has been with Hans and Vi. I'm glad I have the best sister. To be honest I don't get how siblings could not get along with their siblings. It's a choice to see them as more than just someone to fight with. I have a platonic soulmate with my own sister being as close as we are. It was rocky there for a little bit, but we have gotten back to where we were through bikes and honestly Vi she really revolves around both our lives. Maybe it's just two siblings falling for the same person being soulmates with one person one being platonic and the other well...uh Lover for me. 
"Jin, I'll get there. I promise thank you for always being by my side and giving me stability when I clearly can't give it to myself." 
"Yoongi I'll always be here, I'm like a leech you won't get rid of me now that you have me and Hobi is here too I know he does not take it for granted that you allowed me to tell him finally. Now get going before Violet is at my door. Small people scare me; she's vicious when she's angry." 
I grab my backpack off the chair and sling It over my back, Jin is waking to the living room to lock the door behind me like he always does. I rip the sheets off my bed, need to get rid of her in my space, throwing them in the basket. Yeah I'll just sleep at Hans and Vi tonight they won't mind they never do. 
I turn the light out in my room and shut the door, but not without my Medication case god am I a grandpa. I guess I now live up to that nickname. Huh? Jin is by the the counter with a bag in his hand "It’s for Vi, her favorite cold pizza from last night put it in your bag and tell her she better be eating during finals." I nod my head and put it in my bag. "Prob stayin' at theirs sheets needs washed don't feel like doing it today." he just hums and grabs my helmet off the shelf we have across from the kitchen it's our entryway display. He walks over with and places it on the counter "Here wear your red and black one who knows you may go out with Vi" and he is winking his eye over and over, rolling my eyes at him “You know I don't take her unless I'm stable and currently she will only be getting on with Hans." 
Before I go I'm not the type to be touchy feely with anyone, but I can let it down for those who I care for. "Hey Jin." he hums back in response and I just lunge forward wrapping my arms around him. It's nice having someone take care of you being the eldest. I didn't have that until Jin came Along. He laughs wrapping his arms around me "I'll always be here Yoongs, we will get through this together. You're stuck with me and all that I come with you know how annoying I can be." 
"Eh You're not too bad. We should go fishing or play some games sometime soon, kay?" letting go it's been too long for me at least for now. "We will and I'll beat you in both you'll see Yoongs! Now I don't want the little monsters after me!" he starts to push on my back as he does. I grab my helmet and laugh at his antics. I get shoved out the door and I hear the door lock. "I love you too Jin!" I know how to get him once I say it,  the door opens up and he is peeking out fake crying "You love me, really? better not tell Hobi." he smirks and shuts the door now time to speed and get my ass there on time before I'm dead. 
I go down stairs, have to park farther down than normal should I run probably. Am I? Nope. I walk down the sidewalk and take in all the people out this early in the morning. I wonder what it's like to be normal, not in a constant state of not knowing how I'll be in the next five minutes. It has been a roller coaster ever since the new medication, it works too well and other times none at all. I see an elderly lady waiting to cross the street. She looks so sweet holding a bag of what looks to be some fruits from the corner shop not from here. "Excuse me ma'am can I give you a hand? where are you going?" 
"Oh you don't have to. Young man, You're too sweet."
"I would really like to help you get there, please." She takes a deep breath and tries to lift the bag to hand to me. It's too heavy, grabbing it from her as soon as I do I can see the weight taken off her. " So where are we going?" she points to the car right behind my bike. "The blue car over there, no spot was close today. It's the weekly sale and I get here every Sunday morning for it but I was running late." she grabs onto my forearm for some help walking as we walk across the road where both of us are going. I smile at her. My grandma passed away a few years ago and she reminds me of her very  strong-willed. I can Just tell that’s how she is. When we get to her car she unlocks it and opens the door to place the bag in her front seat. "Are you sure you don't need help when you get home ma'am." She hits my arm very slightly making me laugh a little "Don't call me ma'am I'm still very young. I'm Eleanor, but since we're now friends you can call me Ellie."
"Okay well Ellie, are you sure you don't need help?” She nods her head yes, stepping to the front seat and grabs out two tangerines holding them out for me. "A snack for helping is early, you look tiny as it is. You need some pudge.” But what she doesn't know is that I have been struggling to measly eat a slice of toast the past week and Jin is on the verge of killing me before I starve myself. I grab the tangerines sliding them into the open side pocket of my backpack. "Thank you Ellie." I smiled at her and walked over to her driver's door, opening it for her. 
She makes her way around the car and as she does, looking at me "You remind me of my late grandson who passed, thank you." I smile at her and she gives me a hug which I gladly accept. It's been so long since I had a comforting grandma hug. "Now you get where you're going safe Young man, and you better eat those." She points to my backpack, I nod my head to let her know I'll eat them. I jester for her to get in her car, once she is situated in her car I shut the door. She rolls down the window and says one more thing. 'What's your name?'
"Yoongi, Min Yoongi ma'am."
"What did I just tell you, It's Ellie to you." she is laughing at how I can not be not polite. "My grandson's name was Yeon-gi, I'll remember yours for the next time we meet." It's crazy how close her grandson's name was to mine. I'll just have to make sure she sees me again to get to know her better, next time I'll park my bike close to the corner store and move it when she is getting there. Looks like I got two plans on Sunday. "Be safe Ellie, I'll see you next Sunday." walking away before she can question me. I get on my bike and place my phone on the holder, click to see the time and it's five minutes until breakfast. Fuck. They live fifteen minutes away. I also see a text from Jin and one from Vi. 
Jin: TELL THE GIRL. Also Hobi is now jealous you told me, you love me and not him."
Vi: Better not be late or no French toast! I won't cave for you this time. AND you can't use princess against me. 
I laugh at both of them and clear out the notifications, I'll text Jin later and Vi I'm going to see her in ten minutes max. Fuck a Cig would be so good right now to feel the smoke feel my lungs, the way the nicotine feels my brain up with something other than my thoughts. I take a deep breath wanting to sink into my utopia. Lately I have been knocking on the door even in daylight. No, you locked the door, Yoongi. I turn on my bike, kick the stand,  rev it, and hold my hand down to the left to indicate I'm getting on the road for other drivers. I take off speeding down the road feeling at one with my bike going in and out of the cars seeing their tail light as I pass by. The road on a Sunday is too annoying to deal with in a car, glad that I have my bike able to get around the traffic. Some people may get mad but I would say get a bike then. Their apartment isn't far. That was my one rule when they moved out early to be close to Jin and I. If there is an  emergency one of us can get there quickly, currently my record is nine minutes when Vi was alone and had a panic attack. 
I'm two roads away from theirs and I turn my phone on and see the time 8:05 am. Fuck Breakfast is at 8am sharp. Why would they not sleep in on a Sunday? Your guess is as good as mine. They say "well then we don't get trio time." I know they mean the three of us ever since I graduated and they moved out. It's been so much harder to get all three of us together, also in about a year Hans will leave for her fashion program in another country. I see Vi trying to be happy and strong for her but I see she is breaking silently.  It may be a year and that sounds like a long enough time to prep but when you're as close as them it's going to go by so quickly with life passing by all of us.  I hold my hand out right to indicate I'm turning right. It's different riding by myself than when I have my backpack, Vi.  At first she was opposed to riding hell terrified. She even cried not once but twice saying she was going to die, in turn had to let her trust that she would not die and talk her off the ledge that she put herself on. 
I see her car and no open spaces, VI started to pull up closer to the car in front of her so I could park my bike horizontally behind her car.  She did it without telling me and I noticed one day after I couldn't find a spot for four blocks might as well have walked to theirs that day. I pull in and I know I'm already late. I might as well give myself my fix I need, taking off my helmet reaching into my pocket, taking out the red Marlboro pack, it's the last one, the lucky one. Vi is rubbing off habit forming tendencies on me believing the last one is lucky. I fucking hope it is after the past few days. I put it between my lips and flick the lighter, the red cherry ignites and I take a slow drag on it. Fuck it feels nice. I feel I can feel the gray smoke fill my lungs and ignites something in me, just like those gray eyes. No! You locked the door. No chained it up. 
I look up and see Vi and Hans' window is open and they're screaming and I hear Vi yelling "Gonna get you back Hans!" Well, that is my queue to get up there as soon as possible. I throw the cig on the ground and stomp it with my boot. Sorry buddy I couldn't finish you, rather saying it to myself swinging my leg over and running up the stairs of the entrance of their building typing in the code '134340' and running to the elevator and hitting the button over and over probably will break it one day. "Hey, it's not gonna go any faster.” their security guard uh what was his name again? J-Namjoon! "I know but I think Vi is going to Kill Hans." He knows who we are at this point. He has even had pizza night with us. We all sat in the lobby with him on his shift and ate it. 
As the door shut he said something that I never thought I'd hear. "Better get her,  she Brought a guy home yesterday." how does everyone know how I feel, yet the one person who needs to know does not know. Who the hell did she meet? where? when? How? She is always so invested in her studies that she doesn't even go out to drink. Hell sometimes I can't even get her on the back of my bike because her nose is in a law book prepping as she says. “I'm nowhere near ready.” 
To tell her,  then say I'm trying to get a handle on myself I'm barely making it day by day. Right after confessing? Yeah fuck that. I can not tell her and then bring her into this, when the time is right I'll tell and if I loose my shot because my own fucked up issues then so be it I'll love her from afar forever. I'll always protect her. I'm hers and she doesn't even know it. 
The elevator dings and opens, I'm digging in my jeans for my keys and to open their door and I hear them screaming at each other. Wait, do I hear laughing? unlocking the door and setting my stuff on the entry table I smile as I see Vi's helmet waiting to be put on for a ride; she only puts it there when she knows she will be goin' riding. So she is expecting it huh. 
I slip my boots off as quickly as I can and I hear them laughing going back and forth and I hear the sink? Rounding the corner I see them in nothing but big shirts and Vi is covered in flour and Hans is covered in water. Clearly they did not notice me coming in, also being late. Thank god. I stand back and they do not even notice me standing behind Vi, and that when I notice. Fuck. Eyes up Yoongi Don't look, but my eyes follow down the way the big t-shirt is flowing down her body, it flows with her movements and as she goes for Hans again I see what I never thought I would. I see the light purple underwear, her ass peeking from under her shirt, oh god damn maybe that cig was lucky. I see her hip dips that I overheard her being embarrassed talking to Hans about when they were shopping for swimsuits last year. Fuck the way her body curves like a damn road. I'm ready to learn the road map from the back of my hand, even blindfolded. She has a cute little freckle on the bottom left and it’s perfectly placed makes me want to bite. suck. Min Yoongi. Stop. 
One more look. Just one more. She moves again and I see the way her round ass is peaking out of the underwear. cheeky. I smirk and think what else is under that shirt that I can't see. The way her body has the dimples on the back of her thighs she is so thick and I just want to be suffocated by her.  It's time to stop being a perv, but it's not like I haven't seen it from going to the pool with her. I step forward looking at them both "Woah what are you too doing?" holding my hands up to show I'm not in on whatever the hell they are doing. Vi takes her finger off the trigger slowly on the sprayer and Hans has her hand in the bag of flour. My eyes meet Hans and they are as wide as boba balls filling her eyes, Vi slowly turns to me and she is the same way. "Uh, Sunday morning battle?" they say in unison. I can't help but let a small laugh out under my breath. They really do bring the inner kid out when they are together.
It's like they are telepathic or something, because right after they say it I see small smirks appear on both their faces and they say "Get him!" Vi flips the sprayer and pulls the trigger, Hans pulls the hand out of flour and starts throwing it at me. Here I thought I was just a witness. Damn it, if they want it I'm gonna be on Vi 's side. It's not a three way battle it is a two way battle and I choose Vi. I rush forward and Wrap one of my arms around her waist and grab the sprayer and turn it on Hana. "I'm on Vi's team sorry sis." Hana, as dramatic as she is, places her hand over her heart like I broke family trust and gasps. We are all laughing and I feel Vi scoots into my chest more...fuck she is close. I see Hans stick her hand back into the bag of flour to throw it at us and I aim the sprayer at the bag to make it unusable wet flour will do nothing, her piercing gaze at me and says "Oh you're in for it Yoongs!" 
I smirk at her,  I'm totally not gonna back down now. "Bring it." right as I say that I feel Vi turn into my chest hiding from Hans, she has her face in my chest and her hands clasped together to her chest, scooting in as close as she can get. I squeeze her in, accepting being this close to her. Damn that cig was lucky, Hans is turning and looking at the counter. I see her grab the chocolate syrup. Fuck. "Don't do it." I mumble. She smirks and mouths to me. "She's mine." I shake my head no and she starts to spray the chocolate syrup all over Vi and me. Which makes Vi slightly jump as the cold syrup hits her back. "Seriously you're gonna use chocolate syrup on me?!" 
"Got that right she's my girl." After she says it she drops the syrup bottle on the ground, she rushes forward and pulls my arms off Vi,  pulling her into her chest. Vi just accepts where she is taken as long as she is with one of us. With Vi not being able to see Hans smirks at me and guides her hand down to the ass I was staring at before and mouths to me "You can't do this. Confess." and she smacks her ass,  I see it jiggle under her shirt. Fuck.  Vi just laughs saying "You always gotta touch my ass Hans. Huh?" 
"It's perfect who wouldn't want to touch it." she gives it another squeeze. God and you would think it'd be my sister who is in love with her. After doing it she gives me a wink and spells out the word 'confess' in wraps her arms from Vi and looks at her. "Looks like someone needs a shower or bath. Which one do you want, Vi?" She taps on her chin "mhm bath." 
I mumble not knowing if they heard me or not. "Should have known that." 
"And how would you know Min Yoongi?" 
"Well when you go out with Mingyu who hangs out here with Vi. Me. I know how she likes her bath. You forget I have known her for more than half my life, Hans." Raising my eyebrow at her. She is challenging me and I'm not here for it. "Why don’t I run her bath just the way she likes and we'll see." she has Vi still in her arms, rubbing on her back I hear a small hum come her she is comfy huh? "Do it." 
I go to her room not like I need to knock, hell hans doesn't even know I have spent nights in here in her bed when she is out with Mingyu. The bathroom that she is decorated in purple accents, and at the top of her shower has those glowing stars that is normally put on the ceiling of kids room but she said "I wanna be in the sky Yoon! Help me put them up pleassse."  adding way too many “s” at the end. When they moved in and that day I had to climb on a chair with both of them holding onto my legs so I didn't fall, I could have just gotten Jin. That would have been easier but I wanted to be the one to do it for her. Be that memory in her mind. 
Running the bath to the scolding hot temperature she likes, adding in the vanilla bubble bath, rolling my sleeve up, sticking my hand in the tub to slush the water around to make it super bubbly so she can make her bubble beard. God sometimes she is so innocent, but it brings out the inner child in me. Pulling open the drawer and taking out the vanilla scented candle, lighting it with my lighter. A cig would be nice right about now when she's in the tub I'll step out and smoke. I also grab the star night light and plug it in. She lit up like a shooting star that day I gave it to her, turning off the light, the stars glowing on the ceiling and the light shining from the night light. Perfect. Turning the water off, walking to her bedroom, the black chest of drawers she  made me help paint. The third drawer and take out her purple pajamas with the evil character she loves. What was it? Kimmie. No. Oh! It's Kuromi, don't tell her I forgot the name. Placing them on the leather couch she had to have that I built, I think of all the small things I have done for her and I'll do it over and over again.
It may not be night, but I'm totally gonna make it how she likes to decompress closing the curtains and turning on the starlight but only on the color ripple effect without the stars because she put the glow in the dark stars all over the ceiling here too. Let's just say all three of us and the ten foot ceilings were a joke. I pull out my phone and open the food delivery app and place an order for French toast and all the sides to be here in the next thirty minutes. 
I walk out to the kitchen, and see Vi and Hans on the ground laughing cleaning up the mess they both masterminded. "Hans we gotta stop this." she is on the floor laughing and fuck does this girl just not wear damn pants anymore. Purple will be the end of my existence, no Violet and those damn purple panties. One more look. God damn it that cig was lucky. I'm never stopping doing that trick for the rest of my damn life. 
"Vi if we don't do this then when else am I gonna touch your ass."
"You do it everyday Hans don't you get enough." 
What is this conversation, the things they talk about will never not throw me for a loop. Stepping forward and about to make myself known "No I don't think she can Vi. No one could if they got a touch.” Oh fuck why did I say it well it’s already out,  Hans is looking at me like a fucking wing women like she set me up.  Vi slowly turns her head biting on her bottom lip looking up at me. Oh what I would do to have her on her knees looking up at me waiting to- no stop not right now. She would look pretty though so fucking pretty.  "You're just sayin' that Yoon, both of you." 
I bend down to her and to her ear "Your bath is done princess don't wanna let it get cold do you?" Those wide gray eyes looking back at me and shaking her head no. "Good girl now go get in, it's the way you like it Kay?" She nods, standing up I hold my hands out for her to grab on to help her up. This time she looks like she is in another world spaced out, letting me help her up normally, refusing if I ever tried saying she was "too heavy" but I'm sorry I don't want stick and bones. I want her.  Everything about her body, I want to see it.  Make it my own private driveway. 
She gets up running to her room and shuts the door. I see Hans finishing the cleaning and putting her hand out for help getting up. Grabbing her hand,  helping her up and she looks at me "I never thought you would say something out loud to her like that. I'm going to shower Yoongs. you can take mine after Kay?" I nod in response and I'm standing here in a chocolate covered shirt with flour and water on me. Hans always takes the longest showers. I know where I'll be heading right to Vi, what Hans doesn't know does kill her. Right? 
I give three light knocks on her door. She knows it's me, I have always done this to let her know it's me. 
"It's me Vi." I close the door lightly and see her bathroom door cracked, taking my shirt off and grabbing one from the bottom drawer, throwing it on. Walking to the bathroom and knocking three times lightly as I walk in and see her in the tub with her legs bent in her suit she used for the pool to say the least we started this when Hans is out with Mingyu when she had a rough time, but she wouldn't tell me why. We get the bath all set up and she puts on her suit and I wash her hair, give her a massage and let her relax finally. Yet I'm still only the best friend's brother. 
The way her soft fucking legs peak out under the suds and her soft skin that is like honey. I'll let her drown me under the water and never come out. "Vi gotta hurry this time. Cant let Hans know huh? But my princess deserves it." lowering myself to my knees in front of her, taking her hand out of the water and rubbing her thumb on my cheek right next to me lips and our eyes lock "Got some chocolate Yoon." and I'm ready to drown myself. After she turned her back facing me, I grabbed the shampoo and put a small dime size in my hand rubbing my hand together to lather it up and I put it in her hair starting in slow motions. Using my finger tips running through her hair, rubbing up and down her neck to loosen it up for her. She gives me a satisfying hum and her head starts to fall back as I do it. I know this is her guilty pleasure and I'm not gonna take it away from her, said it reminded her of when her dad washed her hair. Girls with daddy issues are a weakness because I wanna be their daddy. No. Min Yoongi you're just the best Friends brother. "Feels good?" She hums “Yeahs.” I know it's one of her favorite things when Hans leaves. I grab the cup next to me start to wash it all out her hair for her being gentle to not let any of the suds get in her eyes. 
"I gotta go, Vi. Can't let Hans know our secret right princess?" She nods,  turns around facing me "Thank you Yoon. It felt so good." I give her a smile, a true smile that hasn't been seen in days. There is this comfort feeling in taking care of her when I'm barely taking care of myself. I rub her cheek "You’re welcome I'll always do it for you, and if you find someone and they don't do it for you tell them to talk to me." I lean forward placing a kiss on her forehead, stand up and walk out the bathroom shutting the door lightly to give her “Me time” as she calls it. Resting  my back on the door trying to catch my breath and calm the semi hard on, on the lower half. Get yourself together man. Looks like I know what I’ll be doing in the shower to handle myself. My own “Me time.” 
Thank you for reading. ₊˚⊹♡
All rights belong to @/Yoon-Topias. Do not copy/ translate.
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kyriat-stories · 11 months ago
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- I'm not sure if I can help Noor, but I will try. Of course Kyrios Sahphiris is retired now, but we can ask.
- So you think he might consider it, even if there was this "thing" with his daughter and my Teo?
- He is a very honorable person, and his daughter is now engaged elsewhere, so hopefully that wont influence him. I feel for young Lykrevia too, she hasn't had an easy life, so I will do my best to convince him.
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- Thank you so much Figaleía. But now to some happier news. It's Areth. She has a good eye to the boy next door, and I was hoping you could help us with the formalities?
- That is good news indeed! Of course I will! Small private wedding? Or something more public?
- You will have to talk with the groom's parents as well of course, but if it is up to me: A big happy wedding party!
- Oh how exciting!
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The preparations for the hearing dragged out. The king wanted to attend all the interviews with the council members himself, and not just anyone was selected. Only candidates who had both wealth and knowledge, and who had unassailable morals, were selected.
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In the mean while Kyrios Sahphiris had accepted the assignment to represent Lykrevia. Already he had made sure that the conditions were more acceptable, and that Lykrevia, who was still breastfeeding, were able to keep her daughter with her.
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One evening Amunet was passing by and she was not happy.
- Noor! You back-stabbing snake! What are you trying to do to me! Destroy my life?!
- Amunet, I'm not doing anything against you...
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- But you are! You are helping Aranare's killer! I never believed this about you! How could you!
- Amunet calm down!
- Don't tell me to calm down! You are destroying my family! I can loose everything! Is it that h*re you took in that has poisoned your soul?
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- Is it me you are referring to? Mpatíni shouted from the background. How dare you!
- Don't talk about my daughter-in-law like that!
- So you are on her side now are you! Her brother destroyed our family and now she will drag you down to the underground, mind my words!
- I think you should have a good look at your own behavior before you start pointing fingers.
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- How could you betray me like this, Noor? I thought you were my friend!
- I am your friend, but I also have to do what I think is fair and just.
- I will never forgive you. NEVER! Πόρνη!
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annaphoenix1994 · 4 months ago
The Ball
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Next Chapter
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"You look..." Simon sighed, approaching her from behind and setting his hands on her hips. "Bloody gorgeous, love." 
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She blushed, looking down at the countertop before she adjusted the dress on her torso, sighing in delight as the dress was better than what she imagined, even though she had to get it altered to conceal her cleavage. I'm glad this is stretchy, she sighed to herself. I'm already burning up but I'd be dying if it wasn't stretchy. "Thank you, babe," She smiled back at him through the mirror, eyeing him up and down as he was in his dress blues for the ball. "Although I can't quit looking at you all dressed up and expecting me not to be all over you."
"There'll be plenty of time for that, love," He smirked, bringing his hands around to rest his palms on either side of her bump. "Do you have your flats?" He asked, referring to the pair of comfortable shoes she was planning to take with her for when her feet were due to ache. 
"They're in my bag." 
"Good," He nodded, looking at her again through the mirror, beyond ecstatic to see the day she would be walking down the aisle to him, imagining her in a white dress and veil - searing their love and promise of commitment towards each other for the rest of their lives. I'm so bloody ready. "I won't be able to focus tonight. I'm just going to let you know ahead of time." 
"I think that's something we can both agree on." 
He hummed against her shoulder, pressing a delicate kiss to the area between her shoulder and neck, a familiar growth prodding at his trousers as well as the world fading around them, the subtle smell of her perfume drawing him in like a moth to the flame. He huffed after he placed another kiss to her hot skin, knowing that if he kept doing it, the ball would be the last thing on his mind. "We better get going." 
"We don't have to be there for another hour," She giggled, oblivious to his warning. "What's the rush?"
"The more I stand here and look at you, the more I'm thinking about ditching this ball and bending you over this counter." His gaze at her through the mirror was prominent, his irises dark with lust, his flame he held towards her never showing a sign of dim. 
He saw that familiar smirk on her face, knowing a sarcastic comment from her was on the horizon, "We both know you can make it quick." 
"And we both know that's a lie," He smirked. "I know I can make it quick, but I don't like to."
"Why's that?" 
"I don't like feeling rushed when it comes to pleasing you."
His answer was sincere, proving with his tone that not only was he in the mood, but as well as not wanting to put his needs before her own, able to resist the temptation if she would rather wait, but she was making it so fucking hard to hide the tent in his trousers regardless. 
"I think it's kind of exciting," She blushed, tucking her bottom lip briefly between her teeth, holding her gaze with him through the mirror. "Walking into a ball flushed with lust and you threatening to run down my leg under my dress all night? I think it's pretty intimate and different." 
Her words were vulgar as well as tempting, which wasn't helping his erection any further with every lust-filled word she was saying. His breath was jagged with his next sentence, "In that case, bend over." 
"Right here?" She raised a brow. "Right over this counter?" 
"You heard me, love," He directed lowly, a palm on the small of her back as she did as she was told, a low hum leaving her lips as the position also felt comfortable to relieve the growing ache in her back. "Keep those eyes on me, yeah?" 
She giggled as his hands slowly gathered the fabric of her dress with every trace of his fingers, curling them against her skin as the dress was now gathered in the middle of her back, revealing the blue thong that clung to her hips. His index finger curled around the fabric that was between her buttocks, pulling them aside to view her very tempting asshole, contemplating on when and if she'd ever let him enter her there. "Why do you like eye contact so much?" She groaned playfully, although it was still somewhat awkward to her as she never saw it as a turn on due to her own insecurities, thinking she didn't want him to see her faces of pleasure. 
"Windows of emotion, love." He answered, running his left palm against her lower back, groaning as she pushed herself towards him, the craving of him filling her having her clench around nothing. 
Aside from desperate pants and sighs, she heard the sound of his belt loosen, glancing at him through the mirror, the sight of his size making her gulp in excitement as if it were their first time again. He pumped himself once, using his foot to spread her legs farther apart before pressing the tip against her entrance. She was piping hot, her excitement glistening on the tip of his cock as he slowly entered her, the position making him wince in pleasure while he leant his head back briefly while he began to thrust into her slowly, feeling her clench around him willingly and use her hand to brace against the mirror. "Fucking hell." 
His grip on her hips were strong, stabilizing her as his thrusts became steady, pulling her into him to avoid her belly getting closer to the edge of the countertop when he found his hips snapping harsher into her - demanding, even - as if it were the last time. 
"Oh!" She gasped, curling her fingers against the mirror, her gaze breaking from his to close her eyes as she panted. 
He savored every moment - every minute feeling like a second as time continued to pass. He knew they were in a rush, but no event could keep him from stopping now. She had a tight grip on him - both literally and figuratively. 
His left hand reached down to assist her leg up on the counter, smirking as he realized that she couldn't do it completely on her own, but was attempting to chase her own high by changing the position slightly. His hand kept her leg there after she assured him that she was comfortable in the position, using the leverage to keep chasing his high with every thrust, feeling her tighten around him. Her toes curled as his grip tightened on her hip and leg, the pair grunting in arousal and winces before the room filled with a near high-pitched whine. "Fuck!" He winced, feeling her walls flutter around him as they both felt the rush of their orgasm, Simon releasing his spend after he stilled, staying inside of her while they both caught their breath, easing her leg down before he pulled from her slowly, groaning lowly as he watched his spend drip from her. All fucking mine. 
He helped her to the best of his ability to adjust her dress back to how it was before their intimate encounter, glancing at his watch before realizing they had less than twenty minutes to make it to the ball. "Love, we need to go." 
She giggled, wiping the blotches of mascara from the corners of her eyes before taking another glimpse at herself, the blush from sex blotching the exposed areas of her chest. "Thought we weren't in a rush?" 
"We're not, but I know how Teeter and Soap are. She'll blurt out without thinking that we were late for a last-minute fuck."
She laughed, slipping her feet into the heels she had bought with her dress, groaning as it was uncomfortable to even attempt at buckling the straps, blushing after she saw Simon sitting in the nearby chair, patting his lap for her to bring her foot to his thigh so he could buckle them for her, his warm hands grasping her ankle and foot as she leant against the wall to keep her balance, leaving the buckle one hole looser to accommodate her swollen ankles. "Thank you, babe." 
"You're welcome, love. Any time you need my help, you know that." 
Kiera wrapped her arm around Simon's left arm as he escorted her into the ball room, her grip occasionally tightening when she'd lose her balance, the ache in her feet becoming a throbbing sensation with every step. He took notice of this, leading her to their assigned table to meet with Teeter and Soap, Price standing to his feet to greet them. "You look divine, Kiera." Price smiled warmly at her, engulfing her in his warm embrace after pressing a loving kiss to her cheek. Price is the only man I'll let get that close to her, Simon reminded himself. 
"Thank you, Price." She smiled. 
"That bump has grown a lot since I last saw you. You're glowing." 
"I definitely don't feel like I am," She sighed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "But it's worth it."
"I'm sure," Price nodded. "I'd like to introduce you to my wife. "Alice, this is Kiera. Kiera, this is Alice." 
"So lovely to finally meet you," Alice smiled. "I've heard so much about you. Simon, it's so great to see you again." She smiled at him, embracing him with a warm hug. Aside from his own mother and Kiera's mother, Alice had always been a mother figure to him. 
"Likewise." He grinned as he returned the embrace. 
"Alright, Kiera, let me see it," Price nodded towards her left hand. "Simon couldn't keep to himself as always." 
"I didn't want to." He ruffed in reply, watching Kiera blush as she set her left hand in Price's calloused ones, bringing her hand up to view the ring in better lighting. 
"Ravishing," He complimented, running the pad of his thumb over the diamond. "Gorgeous on you, love." 
"Thank you." 
Alice moved towards Price to look at the ring for herself, smiling widely as she was truly happy for the couple, "Oh, it's beautiful! Is that a Tiffany?" She asked him. 
Simon furrowed his brows, "H-How'd you know?" 
"She's a jeweler, Simon. She looks at diamonds every day." 
He nodded in response, smirking at the brightened gaze Kiera shot at him, "It's a Tiffany?" 
You're not supposed to know where it came from, love. 
"That it is."
I don't deserve for him to think to spend that much money on a ring, she frowned to herself in self-doubt. 
"What do you want to drink, love? I'll go get you something." Simon asked her as he assisted her to her seat, thankful that Teeter was there next to her to ease the anxiety of being in a new place with a lot of new faces. 
"Oh, I'm fine with just water." 
He smirked, leaning down closer to her face, the linger of his cologne comforting her, "I know that's a lie. And no, they don't have Dr. Pepper here." 
She huffed playfully, "I guess I'll make myself drink water." 
"I'll be back. Dinner starts in a half-hour." 
She nodded at him before his thumb reached up to swipe at her cheek just below the scar she hated so much, assuring her with his touch that she had nothing to worry about. 
"Riley!" A familiar voice sounded from close by. Simon turned his head, seeing Ben Baker, his long-time friend since grade school as well as brother-in-arms, fighting alongside each other for one tour before being separated due to Simon being assigned to Task Force 141. He smiled, walking up to Ben and shaking his hand before Ben pulled him in for an embrace. "So nice to see you, mate." 
"You too." 
"You look great. Still in one piece, yeah?"
"So far," Simon chuckled. "I plan to be, anyway." 
"Alright, where's this lass you've been telling me so much about?" 
He pointed to their assigned table through the crowd, relieved that Kiera seemed to grow comfortable with Teeter's help, seeing her and Teeter laughing along with what he was sure to be one of Price's terrible jokes, her natural light being the source of Simon's admirable gaze. Ben was taken aback at her appearance - a woman that was visibly perfect to his friend. "Wow, she's brilliant. Congratulations, Simon." 
"Thank you. I actually just proposed to her." 
"That's great, Simon! I didn't ever see you to be the type to settle down in your busy life." 
"I didn't either, but she had a grip on me from day one," He chuckled, taking a sip of his drink, holding a glass of water in his other hand for Kiera, setting it down on the nearby table as the ice was beginning to numb his fingers. "I found myself changing myself for the better - to be better for her."
"You deserve it, brother," Ben smiled, patting Simon's shoulder. "When's the wedding?" 
"I'm letting her decide. She's wanting to wait until after the babies are born-"
"She's pregnant, too? No wonder she's glowing like a lamp! Are you excited?" 
He sighed, "That's an understatement. More scared than anything if I'm being honest, but I don't want to tell her that. She needs me." 
"It's okay to be scared. I was terrified when Hannah was pregnant with our first. It's normal. You said babies? Is this your second?" 
"No, she's pregnant with twins." 
"Bloody good. Double the trouble," Ben teased. "Do you know the gender?"
"No, we're keeping it a surprise." 
"I'm happy for you, Simon. I truly am. You deserve a good life. A family man looks good on you." 
"Thanks," He sighed, sinking into the reality that he truly was happy with domestication and not just another man in uniform that was only fighting for his country to ease his troubled life, having nobody at home waiting for him nor to give him the feeling of purpose. Kiera changed that completely for him. 
She was his reason to keep fighting. 
Every day, he swore the bump grew, fueling his desire to be a better man. 
"So, here comes my next question: how'd you two meet?" 
He chuckled, "In Mexico, of all places. We met on the battlefield. She stole my heart when I thought I didn't have one." 
"Seems like she has. I've never heard you speak this much, especially about a woman." He chuckled. 
"I know, but you know as well as I do that people change."
"That they do."
Along came another one of Ben's friends, his dress blues matching theirs, the only thing separating them was that Nathaniel didn't have a date of his own. Simon had only fought alongside him once - on his second deployment, which was also Nathaniel's first. He hated him ever since.
"Are you fucking crazy, Ghost? I'm not going in there!" Nathaniel shouted as the ambush was closing in on them, Ghost and his team making haste to breach contact.
Ghost huffed, kneeling in front of the scared comrade before leaving him with a fair warning, "Either go or you better hope I don't see you again. 
To this day, Nathaniel never knew who Ghost truly was, nor his name. 
But Simon looked at him with a glare, never forgetting Nathaniel's cowardness that day. Why the fuck are you serving if you refuse to shoot your rifle?
"I've been looking for you," Nathaniel said to Ben, nodding towards Simon. "Hey." 
Simon didn't reply. Instead, he nodded, the muscle in his jaw tensing. 
"Nate, this is Simon-"
"We've met." 
Nathaniel furrowed his brows, "I'm sorry, mate, I-I don't recall?" 
"Long time ago. SAS." 
"Ah, I see," He nodded, growing uncomfortable at the obvious tension between the two. "Hey, Allen was telling me about that woman over there with a weird accent. We think she's from the States." He snickered. 
Simon knew exactly who he was talking about, knowing Teeter made an impression wherever she went. Granted she was on her best behavior to represent her man in uniform, she was still a social butterfly, her accent striking a lot of curiosity towards her. 
"Which one?" Ben asked genuinely, not knowing who he was talking about. 
"The skinny one over there at table fourteen. Next to the scar-face." 
Simon's brow rose, his shoulders tensing as he moved to stand closer to the smaller man, "Repeat what you just said."
"About the skinny one or the blonde scar-face?" Nathaniel repeated, the hint of liquor on his breath. Simon remembered him to not only be cowardly, but obnoxious as well. "I'd lay with either one of them, though. But that blonde one? I'd have her on top of me in a beat. I can overlook that face."
"That's my fiancé you're talking about, mate. I suggest you watch your mouth." He warned, his tone low - reminding Nathaniel of the same voice that he had once heard on his first deployment. 
It was then that he realized that Simon Riley was Ghost. 
Oh, fuck, he thought, gulping immediately out of regret and fear. "I-I'm sorry, ma-"
"Let me remind you of something: she carries that scar with more bravery than you'll never have. I suggest you apologize to her, not me, but I doubt you'll find the courage to do that, too." 
"I-I'm sorry, sir-"
"Lieutenant," He corrected sternly, his posture immaculate compared to Nathaniel's, Simon knowing that he held a higher rank than Nathaniel, especially judging by the medals that compared the two. "I'm going to suggest you walk away before I ruin your night." 
"R-Right, yeah. I was just leaving." 
"Best idea you've ever had." 
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dbfandom · 11 months ago
hi! Sorry if this has been asked already! But I notice with some Japanese artists on twitter, they will retweet someone's art and then comment about it in a separate tweet rather than replying directly to the post. Do you know if this is an etiquette thing? Is it obnoxious if I'm the only person commenting directly on a post? When I see art I love with no comments it makes me sad so I try to leave a comment, but I'm not sure if I should sometimes. Sorry if you've already addressed this, or if this is more of a twitter-specific thing and you're not concerned with that! Thanks for what you do!!
I actually asked a few of my JPN tweet moots about this practice like, two years ago and basically it's a "I don't want to be a burden on OP" situation.
The idea is that for many of them, "commenting directly" is like, coming directly to their table and fangirl "in front of them", which means they (as the commenters) embarrass themselves in front of the author/artist and "impose" themselves on their (the OP's) space (OP might feel obligated to respond, which is a burden)
By RTing and then doing a LRT (or LRP for those who switched to "repost" instead of "retweet" because musk made it all confusing <_<), they get to "fangirl" in their own space and not embarrass themselves all while still inviting their followers to check out the original work (which was RT'd just previously).
Note that this also happens even if the OP and commenter are friends / mutuals / collab / part of the same circle (aka they published together).
60% of them told me they actually like it when people directly comment. The rest said they "don't mind" (whatever that means lol).
I generally comment 90% of my japanese TL, either in English, with some basic Japanese, or with just emojis (think of it as keysmashing lol).
What's important is be positive and kind, not use any slang or acronyms if possible, and keep sentence structure super simple (no subordinates, no relative pronouns, no possessives) so there's no room for error in the translation (esp automatic twitter translation).
Something like "the colors are really beautiful!", or "amazing" or "pretty!" (simple adjectives), "the wind effects are powerful!" translates well, but "i love how you did the colors, they bang!" might not due to the subordinates and pronouns and other pronouns that the translator might not know what it refers to (that and homonyms haha).
Don't hesitate to use the names of the characters instead of the pronouns ("Gohan's hair is very pretty!") then replace Gohan with the rice emoji (unless the OP uses the character names, in general they tend to not use character names because they don't want to be indexed...).
When in doubt, drop your comment in DeepL or google translate, copy the result, and then run it again the other away around (or through a third language you know, like Spanish, German, etc...). And beware of homonyms that can mean many things (I've made mistakes haha)
Much love to you!
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year ago
Due to my various disorders I often feel like I am living the same day over and over and over again. This effect is created by any combination of A) my inability to learn something, B) my inability to form new habits, C) my lack of awareness/memory of something I did, and D) my failure to execute on something I keep meaning to do--along with my basic inability to just fucking pick my battles and let some shit go--but lately the Groundhog Day experience has been dialed up to 11 and this exacerbation is definitely compounded by problems of enshitification.
Like a few times a week for the last several weeks, I remembered something--a fact, a piece of media, an excerpt from a book, something I personally wrote, etc--that I wanted to reference or revisit. In most instances Item X is something that I gave a lot of thought to, and perhaps something that I actively researched or workshopped; it's almost never just something that I passively absorbed then half-forgot. I may remember everything about it, and everything about the time when I was working on it, and I just need the citation...and now there is no evidence of it at all, anywhere. I look for traces of Item X everywhere I can think of: I'm sure I talked to Person Y about it, I'm sure I took a screencap and sent it to Person Z, I posted about it. My phone won't find it, it's not in my email; am I using the wrong search term? Or misspelling something? Or did I delete it by accident? Or is the actual search function I'm using just finicky? Or did I send the screencap without verbalizing what it was and just saying like "Dude check this out!"? Even though I know what's going to happen, I search for Item X on my Tumblr. What usually happens is that Tumblr gives me like 3-5 results it has deigned to index that are NOT the one I want; you'd think that this is a "numbers game" and that eventually the thing I want would be in the indexed set just by coincidence, but it NEVER IS. Like how am I so strangely lucky to have this perfect consistency? It seems impossible! Then I try using the syntax I learned to search my blog via Google, and this also never works. It doesn't work on Duck Duck Go either, although it's interesting to me that each search engines gives me different undesirable output. I search my computer and my external drives, but Windows 11 makes it very hard for my dumb ass to distinguish between searches of my local machinery and searches of OneDrive which is incomplete and which I prefer to never use because I hate the feeling that I'm renting my own files from somebody else and I just like to know where the fuck my shit is--I don't even like to use the coat rack in an office, I want all my shit where I can see it--so when my computer says "No Results" I have absolutely no confidence that I'm getting a full account of the facts.
........................................so now I'm back at square one, repeating the same agonizing detective work I slogged through the last time I referenced Item X, only now it's worse, because Tumblr is worse, and Google is worse, and possibly I have been subconsciously sabotaging myself between last time and this time to make all my own systems and tools worse. And I HATE that I'm wasting this amount of time and energy--two things I don't have a lot of!--but if I don't do it my broken mind is going to torture me more and more with each passing second of inaction, so I am FORCED to do this by reason of insanity.
The thing I'm trying to look up now, PLEASE TELL ME IF THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR, is what I THINK is an excerpt from a piece by Rainer Maria Rilke in which he says SOMETHING LIKE:
"Jesus is pointing to God, but like dogs, we look only at the finger."
I remember what a hard time I had finding this before. After a long drawn-out process of testing different search terms, I found it in a Google Books preview of a page from I THOUGHT BUT APPARENTLY AM WRONG?! Letters to a Young Poet. Now I'm trying that again and finding No Results for "jesus" or "finger". So maybe like, Letters was the last thing I looked up before I found the correct volume OR the correct author, and that's the last thing my brain recorded on this topic. Or maybe I'm looking at the wrong edition with incomplete previews on Google Books. I don't fucking know. But the reason I want so badly to cite this now is that it has relevance to the Aaron Bushnell conversation.
I'm feeling really bad about the fact that Aaron Bushnell's desire to underline the Palestinian genocide has had the almost exclusive result of underlining the actions of Aaron Bushnell. And before you get excited to talk to me about that, I must be very clear that this is exactly what I don't want to talk about. I understand the discourse. I have my own strong opinions about his suicide and what it means, and what are the right and wrong ways to talk about it. Whatever aspect of this you are itching to bring up, including the buried reports of previous self-immolations, I promise I am aware of them. I'm not saying that these conversations don't matter. I am just deeply concerned that energy that was once fully devoted to protest is now being shoaled into this ideological cul-de-sac about Aaron Bushnell specifically. This happens on the left all the fucking time and it's exhausting and disheartening. The right seems to stay congealed in a big blob of generalized solidarity, furthering its broad-strokes agendas persistently, while the left gets mired in theory and semantics and purity testing and academics and all this stuff that, while it is very stimulating, has no measurable effect on our rights, our safety, or our efficacy. Or rather, if it does have an effect, it's to drain our resources and destroy our focus and, at worst, "help the enemy".
So while it may be easier and more immediately satisfying to bicker with each other about Aaron Bushnell than it is to wrap one's mind around the enormity of genocide and the incredible imbalance of power that perpetuates it, I really don't think this particular bit of discourse is actually helping anyone. If you're one of the people who is trying to think of this in terms of "what Aaron Bushnell would have wanted", I think it's a good bet that he didn't want people to stop talking about Palestine and start talking about him alone. Don't look at the finger, look where it's pointing.
And for God's sake if you recognize the approximate quote I'm struggling to fully recall PLEASE DM ME.
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