#don't get me wrong I'll still level her up to 80
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Day 413:
Another one added to the dragonslayer gang.
#Fate/Grand Order#fgo#day#now if only I could actually care about her#don't get me wrong I'll still level her up to 80#(just need to get more 5* Rider embers)#but compared to Georgios who I want to grail very soon#along with fellow new Rider Taigong Wang#she's rather low on the priority list for me#plus I hate her design in 2nd/3rd ascensions combined with the background art#I've always wanted to be snowblinded from the card art (/s)
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The thing you're not getting about why genshin is worse is because events are not meant to be the primary source of quartz in fgo. It comes from your weekly log in, live streams, 50 day ten pull, ascending servants to their second last ascension, story quests, free quests and the ten quartz you get from doing ten of them, rank up and interludes and the quartz you also get for doing ten of those, and special occasions like anniversary and new year. If you do ten rank ups you get a ten pull and you can do this in maybe an hour or two, now try grinding a ten pull in genshin. It'll be a lot more time investing and taxing considering you're just pressing buttons in fate. Also genshin's odds are just lower and it bleeds whales way harder by making constellations do more than just damage and they make modern 4 stars suck without them. Yes genshin has a better pity but that isn't the be all end all, you need to get 5 copies to max a 5 star in fate where as genshin its 6 AND 5 copies of their weapons. I could keep going on about ways that it's worse all day long, especially when genshin has way more micro transactions and predatory practices like battlepasses and resin but take that fate is worse is utterly baffling tbh
Oh boy let's get into the math here because this is where the fun begins.
Don't get me wrong, I'll never defend Genshin's dogshit practices, but I have a personal grudge against FGO fans sucking on it when it's literally the bastard of the mainstream bunch. This argument is me pitting garbage against garbage to say which one is stinkier.
This gonna be long so I'm putting this under a cut:
Alright FGO dailies list (I'll use NA for FGO, since Genshin is a global server schedule):
Day 2=1 SQ, Day 4=1 SQ, Day 6=2 SQ and Day 7=Ticket (3 SQ equivalent)
Total: 7 SQ
Needed for a tenfold: 30 SQ
Weeks needed for a tenfold via Log-In alone: 4 weeks and 4 days. 32 days total.
It should be noted that if you miss a single day, it resets from the very start. You must log in no matter what. It might take but a few moments, but note, you have to.
Genshin dailies list:
10 Primos per Comm/action, total of 40, and a 20 Primo bonus for turning into Katherine
Total: 60 Primos
Needed for tenfold 1600 Primo
Weeks needed for a Log-In alone: 26 days total.
Genshin's big detriment is that while you never lose your place, you need to spend time on Commissions. It can be anywhere from 5-10 minutes, which is a bit of a serious timesink. It's a bit better with the Fontaine update but it's still a pain in the ass for those on the go.
Alright, but Lord, that's just raw Log-In, what about monthlies?
Monthlies are the same, since both give you 5 tickets/fates to use. Genshin is at the disadvantage here since you need to spend the stardust you get from summoning on it, but Fate also requires you to spend Mana Prisms. Fundamentally similar, it's just that Fate wins out by the small margin Mana Prisms are slightly easier to obtain.
What about pity?
Eat my ass, Fate's pity system just happened cause they were getting this ass beat monetarily and they gave up and did a base-tier QOL update. Six FUCKING years we waited for pity and its over 900 SQ??? ((330 pulls btw))
I saved a whole year and a half back for Musashi's inital release and I just barely had that shit. And that was events, dailies, so on and so forth. (I got her in three tickets so nobody come at me with the fact I'm just a bitter old bird who didn't get my cute girl.)
While there's the 50/50 mechanic with Genshin, that levels the idea of 180, and that's going to hard-hard pity. No matter what, you can, and will, at least get the character you want.
Now what if we include Weapon Banner, since people assume Weapons+Characters *must* go together rather than it just being BIS and disregarding the completely different game mechanics of turn-based FGO and action rpg Genshin (<bitter).
Weapon Hard Pity is 240 pulls. You get a Fate Point for 80 pulls if you don't get your directed weapon, and you get another one if you get screwed again. Two Fate Points guarantees the next 80 is what you want.
Now, that might equal 420 pulls, but there's a catch few people acknowledge: Soft Pity.
Genshin has a system that, the closer you get to that hard pity, the higher the rate goes up. Therefore, it's not often someone actually goes to the hard 80 or 90. I'm just using the hard numbers as a point.
FGO is a hard pity, nothing about the rates changes from Summon 1 to Summon 330. Plus no guarantee you actually even get something from those 330 pulls--at least in Genshin you get a Basic Banner character who has some measure of utility you can use to make progress.
Also FGO pity doesn't carry per banner, but Genshin's does, so if you get fucked over and wanna wait a few months, you have another shot instead of wasting all of it cause you got close but no cigar.
But what about upgrades? Constellations?
NP-bonuses are rather minor and not as key as say, Xiao C1 or Hu Tao C1, so FGO has the edge there. However, that leads me to the side point of:
Reasonably, everyone talks about how the 3-star weapons suck, yadda yadda. You get so many weapons from the game as welfare that are good and can be used by multiple characters. You don't need a 5-star weapon, just because you aren't hitting 300k a hit doesn't mean shit.
Genshin has a lot more versatility in team building than FGO tbh, since a lot of FGO's boils down to "Do you have Merlin/Skadi/Chen Gong/Waver/Tamamo/Castoria/Support Caster.png" that you can then use with any other character.
Not saying Genshin doesn't have that too with Qinqiu and Bennett, but due to the nature of Spiral Abyss, people have gotten smart about using others instead of just them cause it's a split up team system.
Citation: I didn't get a single 5-star Weapon until Year 2.5 of Genshin. Fun fact, I also didn't have a single DPS 5-star either (all I had since launch was Diluc and Venti), until fucking Cyno came out. I managed to play the game just fine.
Now in FGO NA, I was also there since Launch, and I didn't get my first SSR until the Solomon raids, in which I finally got Florence Nightingale. I was playing the game carried by Kiyohime, Salter, and throwing SQ at revives. And guides, christ, so many guides it made Arknights look elementary.
What about general SQ/Primo flow (the Anniversaries and whatnot mentioned)?
FGO, the year of 2023, had, according to a Reddit post which I can link if people want the source, is: 2571 SQ, tickets included.
This Reddit post involved Servant NP Ascension Quests, Events, Chunked Log-In Bonus, Live Streams, Bond Stuff, ect ect (also, stuff you can't do if you didn't roll them, the post was being generous with people getting what they rolled or had)
That is about 85.7 tenfolds. So, if you don't spend a penny and not miss a day of logging in, the average joe might get about 2, 3 hard pities on who they want. Presuming I'm doing the math right on that.
Genshin, in the year of 2022, had, according to another Reddit Post, roughly 100k Primogems.
That equals about 62.5 tenfolds, or over 620 Fates. Now, tossing that into the system with someone with the worst luck imaginable that wants a character, that's about the same amount of 3 to 4 guaranteed pities.
One might note that the numbers are about the same, and yeah, that checks. However, there's a lot of variables, such as Spiral Abyss for Genshin, and actually having the characters to do Interludes on.
Half-baked conclusion
FGO is a money sink, Genshin is a time sink. They both sink your serotonin. Nobody wins.
Look, I play both, I have grief with both, I have fond memories of both. I wouldn't have a stupid expensive Okada figurine sitting next to a custom Cyno plushie if I hated these games.
But they're gacha, they're both out for your money, it's just that one is just a raging cunt about the whole affair.
Reddit Post Citations:
#if theres anything I'm fucking stupid about its gacha#espeically the two i have the most time in#i been in fgo since year 1 day 1 in jp#i had two np 5 merlins before nasu took me out back with a shotgun#i was day 1 (day 4 technically cause rerolling lmao) for genshin too#theyre both my problematic dickhead comfort games#who need to be slapped for gambling crimes
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holy shit I fell off this for a long time. uh, bnha s6e16-20
hawks origin stuff ig? dang, every backstory in this show really does revolve around all might -- ah k, hawks's more revolves around endeavor ig
…idfk, hey look it's the fuckin batmobile. honestly at this point it shouldn't make me bat (haha) an eye
-- …okay so. they did a Feign Death thing on Jeanist to convince dabi. and they LET DABI HAVE THE BODY. and somehow they still project lazarus'd jeanist "in secret." …whuh?
"I'm here to talk about our family." well. this gon b heavy -- huh. he got resistance to cold but not heat; he got the wrong required secondary power. …wait, "gene editing…" is shoto a GMO '''XD I mean technically they all are cuz quirk marriage is literally eugenics but -- "I'm telling you [natsu] because only you get it, the women in this house are worthless" wowwwww dabi has misogyny? or at least he hella did as a kid
"I know eavesdropping is illegal denim…" jeanist I don't think you were that high on my tierlist to begin with but you're not really putting yourself on an upward trend here
okay hawks the sheer extent, the mind-boggling extremity, of how much this is not your business -- "but there's still one thing we don't understand. One for All, what is that?" ohoh
"Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, are you alright?" okay that bit is still funny tho
"before you wake up, we need to talk." hm. two of the previous Avatars are Blair Witching for some reason
oh yeah, whatserface, Tomura's grandmother. …huh. well that's gotta be awkward, now she knows about tomura. I guess maybe the yellow glow is the placeholder for when Toshinori dies? -- "we only found out [mr danger sense's cause of death] after Yagi's investigation" okay so yellow ghost is another avatar nvm -- …facepalm yagi toshinori. I was right the first time. fucking dammit
"aang, you might have to kill fire lord ozai" okay idk if I'd say she looks much like kyoshi, but she doesn't not give off similar vibes, at least here
…oh, her cape is white. not yellow. the connection I was tryna make last time makes no sense 'XD
"had twice activated his quirk, the damage would have been even worse" yeah it's like real fucked in that way tbh. either shigaraki or gigantomachia, on their own, on a whim, can account for near-dragonball levels of destruction and loss of life, and we don't know by how large a factor Twice can multiply that but we do know that he can make it worse. the Re-Destro trap is proof of that. -- I keep thinking of when they were trying to put 'machia in a cage and one of the guards idly mentioned "he is technically still a human, so it's illegal to shoot missiles at him." like, superpowers as a thing at all make things so fucked up; your average basic human can't even really handle having vague influence over too many other people all that well, never mind built-in weapons that can kill a person and can't be dropped or disarmed, never mind built-in weapons that can wreak destruction on grand scales and can't be dropped or disarmed or contained. Really investigating the concept gets you, well, here.
Purple Ha - eh, smoke? huh, looks like it's En's power.
"is midoriya there?" "I must go" hehe. his danger sense can sense annoying phone calls.
"I can't go back to U.A." deku's poor mom signed up for exactly 0.000% of any of this bullshit 'XD like how the fuck do you parent when 80% of kids are born with guns in their arms and like a third of them are born with nukes
don't mind me, just…
"but you couldn't beat him" "I'll get stronger" 0.00000000000000000000000000000000% of any of this bullshit
"the way he holds the phone is so cool" hawks I'm afraid I must inform you that in point of fact jeanist looks like a fucking idiot. I bet he's cheating by using his power to hold his arms up so they don't get tired
we're almost in the last fifth of the season; my faith that we're gonna find out who that purple-haired chick in the intro is at some point is starting to fade just a tad. I know I remember seeing her during the breakout, but she hasn't shown up since
hm. the two wall-facing avatars what look like they wandered in outta naruto are joining up. the full loadout's coming together.
deku's phone got shot by a purple dart. aha, about time…
she's hanging out with overhaul. huh. wonder where he's at these days. doesn't seem up to much. gonna be honest, I don't fully remember what his motive was, beyond profiting off of eri's quirk.
"consider this a down payment" hmmmm. yup, should be interesting. in theory, last five eps in a row, next time
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It's a huge day and there's a lot of people asking this guy why he is going into history and why it's all wrong and who is saying they are and who sort of get something he's experienced it and he's a rude bastard about it and still says he's somebody it's horrible.
Movie the messages on and they're sacrificing military person because they think it will do something and it doesn't it attracts them the one that came was pretty big it's about 80 ft tall and it'll be back cuz it's hungry and she's a witch and she's an idiot and the guy doesn't make it it looks familiar to everyone but it's not they know who he is he's Sergeant level and the mist is going to happen shortly too but for real they are not bugs and they're not crabs they're very deadly Kaiju
He says that while you make some mistakes you know and the same they have all this food and stuff that's another thing that you are stupid about if you put the food out there it's like a dog but really like a bug so the guy is frightened me so we put it out there and they're going to come back and she's going no they're not I said yeah they are and it's your problem and we can't do anything because if you put you out there there's more of them will come hey such a yelling and the other say wait a minute this is stupid what you did is stupid did you need a form of radar to find your cars to get the hell out of here and unfortunately they can sense radar and sonar if you drive fast enough maybe something will survive that freaked them out and the guys like I remember all this these are monsters that are very fast and if you lost your opportunity or even to draw them off they got really mad at the b**** so if your phone is working you have to stop her and obviously I don't like the military so they got that so the military eventually came and yeah they were having trouble and Drew them off and they left and they said this he didn't like them up there very much they deserved it over all his pastoring him and threatening the guns and everything but that's a horrible way to die but it got us out and it shot a bunch of them so the guy didn't die in pain and they put the lady on trial and they hung her and shot her and burned her in front of everybody
There's a lot going on here and tonight too they're picking up a lot of people there's more rules and other going into effect there is a curfew it was announced again there's a lot of people.. and there's a lot of people who are mad they're angry and upset they don't want to see these things or hear about it and it's coming at them pretty hard they don't understand what's happening to them or what's happening around them when it's explained they go catatonic and they're mostly more luck and they can't handle anything and they need to leave we have instructions now to ours on what to do and it's happening we don't want to hear this stuff everyday it's terrible they keep repeating the same things threats and idiotic comments and I'll tell you what they're useless people and we're putting them out and there's a ton of people in the perimeter they're trying to attack they're people from here going out there they're 50 households left of the Macklemore lock and there are 25 open houses. 30 households might go to the inside ring right now 10 are committed and 30 would definitely make a huge difference and they will be a week weekend and many of the parties were here we're not will not continue to come here or come to Florida. And several other things happening here and they are very intense.
-there's more things happening people are figuring out these clones are trying to activate cages these guys are leaving on ships and want people to be occupied
We're going to publish
Thor Freya
Hera Zues
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For fuck's sake.
I go around solving other people's problems for a living. Repairing TVs, computers, installing phones, cable, security systems. You get the idea. I even pick up a lot of commercial work installing POS systems, AP, and other network equipment.
Those who have followed me since way back on the OneMV days may recall I have a severe issue being touched by people I don't trust, almost exclusively family, stemming from years of abuse and bullying as a kid.
I'll be real, it'd been so long since I've had to deal with random strangers trying to hug, touch, whatever, it'd kind of completely evaporated from my mind. I had completely relaxed all my safeguards, all the things I did to make touching me inconvenient.
As an example, when I eat out I always opt for a booth, and sit against the wall. Female servers have a habit of laying hands on shoulders, or arms, because it helps with tips.
A few days ago I'm doing a TV repair for an elderly couple. So I find myself with this wonderful, well meaning 80+ year old woman coming at me with her arms open for a hug. I recoil, stammer out I can't really do touching,it's nothing personal, Etc.. I'm having a low level anxiety attack.
My heart is racing, I can barely talk. This poor woman looks hurt. She just wants to show some gratitude. She couldn't hurt me if she wanted to. She looks like a stiff breeze would break her hip.
She is concerned and thinks she did something wrong, which she didn't. It's not like I wear a sign. I'm doing my best to hold my sorry ass together and comfort her. Because I feel like I did something wrong.
!0 minutes later, I'm in my car. Still trying to get my shit together, On the verge of tears because someone I don't know tried to hug me.
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The Workout
Trainer iwa x reader

Why do you continue to do this to yourself?" Your best friend asked from beside you.
"What do you mean? I'm going to the gym." You said, laughing as she pulled up to your gym.
"Yeah exactly, we could be getting ready to go out right now, you know?" She said, giving you puppy dog eyes.
"You mean we could be getting all dressed up to go out with your boyfriend while I'll awkwardly be the third wheel?" You corrected, opening the car door.
"You make a fair point." She laughed. "Besides, I think I know why you come here now." She said, looking out her windscreen.
"And why is that?" You said, hopping out of the car but bending down so you could still talk to her.
"Him." She stated, pointing at the man in the doorway of the gym.
"Oh yeah, that's my trainer, Iwaizumi." You winked at her before shutting the door and walking over to him.
You greeted
and went inside to put your stuff away before going into the weights room to see Iwaizumi.
"I thought you weren't going to show up; it's almost eight," Iwaizumi said as you walked over to him.
"I was debating whether or not to show up. My friend was tempting me with a night out of drinking instead of a night of aching muscles." You laughed while drinking some water. "And you chose me. I'm touched, Y/N." Iwaizumi said, smiling wide, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah, well, I'm just hoping you can go easy on me tonight." You replied. "Not exactly; we're going to do a more intense workout tonight." He said, moving closer to you.
"Yay." You sighed, pushing him back and heading towards the pull-up bars.
You and Iwaizumi worked out for about 80 minutes when you finally decided that you needed a break.
"Why are you stopping?" Iwaizumi said, catching his breath.
"You weren't joking when you said this was going to be more intense than our other sessions Iwaizumi."
You said, collapsing onto the ground. Iwaizumi just stared and snickered at you. "You're mean Iwaizumi, I don't think I can move." You breathed, looking at the ceiling.
"Here." Iwaizumi said, sitting beside you to give you some water. "Tonight's workout wasn't even that intense. It's like a walk in the park." He said, suddenly making you choke on your water.
"Are you insane a walk in the park?" You asked, shocked. "Not even Satan wouldn't have made me do anything that you've made me do tonight." You said, grabbing onto Iwaizumi's shoulder.
"That's a tiny overreaction (y/n)." Iwaizumi laughed, following you out of the room.
"No, you're wrong. I'm one thousand percent certain that right now I'm a ghost, and my corpse is back in there." You said, pointing to the room, trying to conceal your smile.
"Oh really (y/n)?" He asked as you stood outside the women's changing rooms. You nodded, and he shook his head. "So I take it we're done for tonight." He said as he looked around the empty gym.
You two usually worked out late when the gym was basically empty, you didn't like to work out in front of many people, and he preferred to just focus on you.
"Don't expect to see me for a month; I need to relax." You laughed, opening the changing room door.
"Good. That means no more late nights." Iwaizumi laughed; you pushed him slightly, not finding his joke funny. "Are you going to belong? I have to lock up." Izumi smiled sweetly at you.
"I'm going to take my time ok. I need to wash all this sweat off me".You said, smiling sweetly back at him.
"I happen to think it looks great on you." Iwazumisaid winking. "You're the only one that gets to see me like this." You said, winking back before going into the changing room.
Once you grabbed your bag from your locker, you undressed and put a towel around your body. You headed to the shower, making sure it was warm enough for you.
All you wanted to do was have a bath when you get home, but you couldn't wait that long feeling as gross as you do.
While you were in the shower, Iwazumi went back into the room you two were working out in. He packed some things away and noticed your sports jacket that you took off because you were too hot.
He picked it up so he could give it to you when your phone fell out of the pocket, the screen lit up, and a message from your best friend appeared. Actually, a few did.
F/N: Hey, what time are you finishing? Do you want me to pick you up?
F/N: I'm assuming by your lack of response, you're still working out.
F/N: Or is handsome taking you home? God, he's gorgeous.
F/N: Your workout can't be keeping you this busy.
F/N: Or is he keeping you busy?
F/N: Are you two doing it? You can tell me. You know I won't judge; you know sex is classed as work out.
F/N: You're a terrible friend for not replying. I'm just going to have to assume you're banging him. Call me later. I want some details later.
Iwaizumi laughed to himself after briefly looking at the messages and decided to go and give it to you.
He knocked on the changing room door and didn't get a reply, so he just assumed you were either changing or in the shower; he quietly opened the door and walked into the room.
He saw your bag lying out with your workout clothes next to it and placed your phone on them. As he went to leave, he heard you singing softly in the shower.
"You know (y/n) I like the song when the actual artist sings it," Iwaizumi said, startling you.
"Iwaizumi, what the hell are you doing?" You shouted, looking around.
"Don't worry, I'm not staring (y/n)." He said, calming you slightly, not that it helped in any way.
"I meant what the hell are you doing in here." You said sternly.
"I was giving you your phone." He stated. "Do you want a lift home?" He asked out of the blue.
"Yes, please, after I've gotten dressed." You said as you started to turn the shower off.
"Clothing isn't optional." He said, and you could practically see his smirk.
"I'll follow your lead." You said, smirking to yourself as you grabbed the towel. You didn't hear Iwaizumi's reply, but you did hear some shuffling.
A few moments later, you saw a silhouette come through the steamed room.
"Iwaizumi, what are you doing?" You asked, walking towards him. You both stopped a few centimeters from each other, and Iwaizumi lifted his hand, turning the shower on.
Having a shower." He stated obviously.
"But I-Iwaizumi, this is the women's locker room." You said, trying to keep your eyes on him and nowhere else.
"You're the only woman in here, and you don't seem to mind." He said, whispering. You stared at him, trying to decide what to do. "Your towel is wet. You should probably get a clean one." He said lowly. You nodded in agreement and went to walk around him. "Later, though." He said, pulling you towards him.
You’re lips crashed in an instant; you didn't know whether to kiss back or pull away. No warnings were going off in your head, so you kissed him back. Your hands went to his neck, one of his went to your back, the other your front when he untied the towel from your body, letting it fall to the floor.
You both pulled away, staring at each other with intensity. You moved forward, putting your hands back around his neck, pulling him to your level where you kissed him. One of his went to the back of your head, the other your ass as he squeezed roughly.
Iwaizumi smacked your ass, making you moan, giving his tongue a perfect chance to explore your mouth.
You stayed like this for a while, your wet naked bodies tangled up, hair sticking everywhere, tongues battling for dominance, hands now wondering every inch of each other. You loved every second, and so was he.
Both of Iwaizumi 's hands found their way to your ass as he squeezed tightly; you jumped up, wrapping your legs around his waist, one hand in his hair, the other on his face as you pulled him close into the kiss.
He spun you around so your back was against the wall; his kisses moved to your jaw and neck as he made his way to your breast.
He pulled the nipple with his teeth before sucking on it. He removed his mouth and blew gently; the feeling of the cool air on your erect numb felt terrific against the steam-filled room. He did this to your other nipple, then all over your torso. Sucking on the skin then blowing.
His face was level with yours once again, and you continued to kiss some more.
Izumi's hands still rested on your plump ass; he moved one hand under you. So he could access where you needed him; he played with your clit first, rubbing it gently before taking two fingers and entering them inside you.
You moaned, pulling away from his lips and arching your back as he continued to move in and out of your core; your legs tightened around his waist, and he moved his other hand to the wall beside you while he continued with his other hand.
You were close, the warm feeling starting up in your stomach, but you knew you weren't there yet. Iwaizumi then added another finger, going even harder and deeper, showing no sign of slowing down.
His movements were destroying you, but he wasn't done as he started to rub his calloused thumb against your clit, determination, and lust in his eyes as he stared deeply into yours.
"Iwaizumi ." You moaned, getting closer. His moves were now quickening. "Iwaizumi !" You moaned even louder, his actions getting deeper. "Iwa-oh my god!" You screamed, shuddering beneath him.
He held you tight, still keeping his fingers within you as you rode out your high; your mouth was open as he started to pepper kisses all over your face.
"Woah." You said, catching your breath looking at him.
"We're not done yet (y/n); this is part of your workout." He said, taking his fingers out of you and putting them in his mouth. He tasted you, his eyes still on you; he slowly took his fingers out of his mouth and pulled you into a deep kiss, it was gentler, but you could still feel the need in it.
He removed his hand from the back of your head and put it under you, this time grabbing his rigid member and rubbing the tip against you. He looked at you for reassurance as you nodded your head, and he slowly entered you; you started to sink down on him, so you were meeting him halfway.
Iwaizumi stilled, waiting for you to adjust; when you had, he placed one hand on your back, the other on the wall beside your head and pulled back, slowly moving around in.
He kept at this pace for a while until you started to moan; he then moved faster, moaning as well.
Your moans got louder as his hips snapped faster, going deeper.
Iwaizumi moved you from the wall, carefully placing you onto the floor as he filled you again;. However, the ground was slippery; it didn't seem to bother him as he began pounding into you again.
He found your g-spot and decided to not leave it as he continued at the same pace and depth, being sure to hit it every time.
As he continued this, your moans turned to screams that then became deep breaths as you could no longer make a noise.
Your back arched, and Iwaizumi moved down to put your nipple in his mouth once again. You pulled on his hair as one of his hands moved between you both so he could rub your clit.
He hit deeper and deeper, and you were starting to feel your second orgasm of the night.
With each hit came a new feeling of euphoria. You started to clench around him; your nails found his back making sure to mark it as he continued to pleasure you.
Iwaizumi lifted his head from your breast, and he captured your lips in his silencing you as you came; soon after you came, he came as well, slowing his movements but not completely stopping, not until your breathing was restored.
When you both could breathe adequately, Iwaizumi got up and helped you up too. You both stood under the shower and cleaned yourselves up. Iwaizumi turned to help you because you were sore, then he guided you over to your clothes.
You got changed into some clean joggers and a hoodie, and he changed into what he was wearing earlier.
"That was some workout." You said, trying to break the silence.
"Yeah." Iwaizumi chuckled, staring at you. "We could do that instead if you want to." He suggested walking over to you so he could help tie your shoes.
"It's way better than what you had me doing earlier." You laughed as you filled your bag.
"Tell me about it." He said, getting up from tying your shoe. "Do you still need a lift home?" He asked.
"Yes, please." You smiled. He smiled back, placing an arm over your shoulder as you both walked out of the changing room.
Requests are open ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏⊹ ♥︎
#haikyuu smut#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu imagines#hq x reader#request are open#hq smut#haikyuu!!#hq thirst#hq x y/n#haikyuu x y/n#iwazumi imagines#haikyuu iwazumi#iwazumi hajime#iwazumi x reader#iwaizumi smut#hq iwaizumi#haikyuu fanfiction#iwa chan#iwa#iwazumi scenarios#iwazumi x y/n
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Hi! Could I get a Level 5 ship for Stranger Things, DC and Buffy, please?
My pronouns are she/her.
I'm bi and demisexual.
Tritype is 592. (5w6, 9w1, 2w3)
Alignment is True Neutral.
I've been hurt a lot in life so it takes a lot to gain my trust and get past my withdrawn and seemingly robotic exterior. But once you do get past it you'll see that I love very deeply and I'm very protective of those I care about.
If you hurt someone that I care about I will avenge them. Usually by scheming for something you'll never see coming.
I have a quirky, dark, and self-deprecating sense of humor.
My love language is quality time. Though I do enjoy giving people gifts as well.
I love to make things, whether that's crafting something, baking or simply taking the time to create a well-thought-out and highly detailed quiz.
I am slightly nearsighted and have glasses, though I tend to forget to wear them. Sometimes "losing" them on my own head.
My favorite genre of books, movies, tv, and games is fantasy. And if you let me I will info dump about fantasy.
I manage to be both touch adverse and touch-starved. I have to know and trust someone enough to be comfortable with physical touch. Minor things like a handshake don't typically bother me though, unless I get bad vibes from the other person.
Due to being raised by an entire family of narcissists, whenever I tried to speak they'd interrupt me or complain about me talking too much or too loudly. So I'm usually pretty silent unless you can get me started on something I'm passionate about.
Most of the time when I do speak, my words get muddled up. I especially struggle with words that have R in the middle of them.
If I get hyperfocused on something, I'll go the entire day without remembering to eat or drink anything.
How I process things is in three steps; Detach from everyone, repress/numb myself, then move back toward everyone while wanting to be as helpful as possible.
While detached I tend to get lost in fantastical thinking and daydreams.
I'm brainy and content to work behind the scenes, most of the time. And do my best to be fair and impartial as I try not to let my emotions cloud my reasoning.
I pick up on things other people might miss and make connections that aren't generally obvious.
Social cues are definitely my weak spot along with passive aggression. If you're upset with me about something you'll have to just outright address the issue because otherwise, I'll never get it. I may eventually realize that you're upset with me, but then I'll get stressed because I genuinely won't know why. And if you don't fill me in on what I did wrong, I'll spiral and eventually just assume whatever our relationship is now over.
My hobbies include playing video games, writing fanfiction (though I usually don't publish it), reading, and trying to cook recipes from my favorite movies, tv shows, games etc.
I enjoy thinking outside of the box.
I always have the urge to "collect" (horde) which I've primarily focused into my video games to keep me from doing it in real life. But I still collect books and novelty drinkware irl.
I cannot stand the feeling of water on my forearms/elbows. Or have the ends of my pants or sleeves being wet.
I'm very clumsy, frequently tripping over my own furniture. (and feet) I will always have at least one bruise on my body and there's less than 50% chance I can tell you how I got it.
For a lot of things, it's rare for me to have actual favorites. One day I may prefer ethereal wave music and the next I'll be more in the mood for 80s rock. I usually have a top 3, 5, or 10 but no absolute favorites. And this goes for all sorts of things, food, movies, etc.
My 'fashion' sense is somewhere between Dark Academia and Goblincore.
I adore animals, especially the kinds that are less liked by society. Possums, snakes, etc. Though I also love cats and currently have a cat. I would have more if I could. I handraised him, bottle-fed him after rescuing him. He's 10, spoiled rotten and I defy anyone to tell me he isn't my child.
I struggle with driving cars but motorcycles or scooters, I can drive like a bat out of hell.
I am autistic and my stims include knocking, vigorously rubbing my hands together, tongue clicking and knuckle cracking. And I am kinda worried my stims will annoy the people around me.
On bad days I can be rather misanthropic.
I love all things ghoulish. And enjoy going to scare attractions. Because I like being scared. Though if I can opt out of being touched I will.
I'm a high-key slasher lover and low-key monster fucker.
I always feel like I'm forgetting something or leaving something out.
Please and thank you. 🥰
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
I ship you with Robin! You two would have such a blast together; always laughing, making jokes and talking about the world. She gives you hope for the future - she is the light in your life. You wouldn't ever feel uncomfortable or pushed with Robin, she's always on your side no matter what.
・Likes when you play with her hair. Not a lot of people are allowed to actually touch Robin, so her wanting you to play with her hair is a big deal!
・You guys play this game where you watch people and imagine what their conversations are. You'll each put on a silly voice or accents to mimic the person.
・You drag Robin to Corroded Coffin concerts (more like sets but don't tell Eddie that).
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ Surrounds by Anatole
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
▪️ Protective Gremlin x Teddy Bear
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
She loves that not a lot of things faze you. Even when she had to talk to you about the Upside Down ... you were actually ... excited? Almost like you wished for something out of the ordinary to happen.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Eddie Munson! I think he would love how edgy you are, even if you don't think that about yourself. You have an affinity for thinking outside the box that not a lot of people have, especially in Hawkins. He would feel less like a freak with you. Not because you're a freak, but because you give him encouragement.
𝐁𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫
I ship you with Willow! The lovey-dovey, passionate witch who would do anything for you. One of the things I hated about the series was the fact that Willow "went bad" because she had "too much power". What bogus. Like yes, I liked that she was a student afterward in witchcraft, but then they treated it like a drug-addiction. IF YOU HAVE MAGIC POWERS, WHY NOT USE THEM?! Anyway, I think you guys would be a great match because you wouldn't try to hold Willow back. You would encourage her to be who she wants to be.
・Willow was actually going to put a love spell on you, but it was at the height of her magic; she thought she was unlovable and wanted to be loved so badly. Silly Willow, little did she know, you were already in love with her.
・She hums a LOT. When she's cooking, reading, writing, studying, cleaning etc. She just hums. You always try to guess what she's humming and it becomes a game
・YOU HAVE ALL THE PETS. When you move in together, you guys don't stop adopting, and animals naturally gravitate toward you. There really isn't a 'responsible' one in the relationship... so no one can attest...
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ Wait A Minute! by WILLOW (hehe get it??? Anyway, this really fits.)
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
▪️ Wide-Eyed and Curious x Kind-hearted and Gentle
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Your loyalty. Willow is always so loyal to everyone else, that she feels like 'the dependable best friend'. With you in her life, she feels like she actually has someone who gives the same energy back. There's nothing worse than giving and giving and barely receiving.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is gotta be Xander or Buffy. With Xander I think you would have a lot of laughs, everything would seem so light-hearted and problems weren't that big. I don't think you'd like Anya, because you've got the same energy, and too much of one thing usually leads to a mess. With Buffy, I think you'd have a lot of open conversations. She would come to you for advice and feel comfortable to talk about anything.
I ship you with Dinah! I think she would be the most understanding and open-minded with emotional maturity. She doesn't act on a whim like Harley, or keep things bottled up like Ivy. She's quite open, or at least talks it through with the person she has an issue with.
・You love listening to Dinah sing. She has such an otherwordly voice that you feel transported. You ask for certain songs and Dinah always rolls her eyes
"Only for you babe"
・She loves hugging you from behind and rest her head on top of yours. Plus, she always smells so good, like rosemary
・Loves leaving little lipstick kiss marks on your cheek
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ Lips by The xx
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
▪️ Sun x Moon
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
She loves your open nature. Your honesty and willingness to speak the truth. It's refreshing, especially for Gotham, where lying is second nature.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Would most definitely be Harley Quinn! As your alignment is True Neutral, I think you guys would have a lot of fun. The chaos would be magnificent; who wants to do the right thing all the time?
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Greetings! Can I get an Overwatch matchup please? Have a nice day! 🥰
Fandom: Overwatch
What’s your age?: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Gender I.D: Female
Reading Books
Playing video games
Watching true crime documentaries
Watching movies/tv shows (I mostly watch horror, action and sci-fi movies)
Listening to 70's, 80's and 90's music.
Learning about Technology
When it's raining outside.
Spiders. I have arachnophobia
Toxic and Narcissistic people. Some of my family members are very toxic and narcissistic.
Listening to music
Watching True Crime Documentaries.
Playing Video Games
What are you like/ what’s your personality:
My MBTI: ENTJ/INTJ, Hogwards House is Gryffindor and my love language is Acts of Service.
Okay, so I'm basically the stoic type. I don't really laugh or smile when I'm outside. I'm a reserved person and sharing my feelings and thoughts to someone weirds me out. Unless it's someone whom I love the most. When I'm in my house, you can see me giggle or laugh like a maniac. I have a bit of dark humour and Sometimes, I laugh at the wrong moment. It sucks and it got me into trouble multiple times. I'm very dominant and arrogant. Sometimes, a little annoying since I get clingy when uncomfortable. I'm a hot headed person, so it's very easy to make me angry. Sometimes, I get a little insensitive which hurts others' feelings. I really didn't mean to do that. It just comes out of my mouth when I'm in a salty mood. I'm also dominant and Independant. I have the "I don't give a sh*t" attitude. I don't involve myself in any drama. I love peace and quiet. When people see me for the first time, they'll either be scared of me because I have a resting b*tch face and dominant and sarcastic attitude OR they'll think of me as a super sweet shy girl. If someone stares at me, I'll stare at them back and make them uncomfortable. I'm very hard working and I have goals in my life. There are times where I overwork myself which makes me grumpy afterwards. I don't wanna talk to anyone. I'll just go to my room and play video games or watch YT. I'm very supportive, loyal and protective of my family and friends. I'm not really good at emotional support, but I'm really good at solving their problem. When I'm in my house with the ones I'm super close to, I do a lot of weird stuff. I'm a weirdo and it's something that not a lot of people will think of me being when alone or with my close ones. I'm a little out of touch with romantic stuff. I try my best though. I'm a huge nerd/geek and I'll start rambling about my interests to someone. They wouldn't understand, but I still do it for some reason.
Where are you from*: India
Favorite color*: Black, Purple, Red and Blue
Favorite animal*: Wolf, Tiger, Lion, Elephant and Horse.
Favorite sport*: Basketball
Favorite food*: Anything Spicy. (I mostly like Mexican and Indian food).
Do you have a pet*: Yes, a cat and a dog
Do you have any mental illnesses*: Anxiety
Do you have any physical disabilities*: No
Do you have any siblings*: Yes, a sister.
If so, what are they like*: She's very intelligent, level-headed, charming and charismatic. It's fun to be around her and she's very protective of us (only if we earn her trust as she has trust issues) She's also a good friend and she's practising medicine.
Do you speak any foreign languages*: Malayalam and a little bit of Hindi
Reading, writing, watching movies or playing videogames*: All of them!
What’s your job*: Student
What’s your dream job*: Scientist
I’d match you with Jack Morrison/Soldier 76. You guys are both very serious and stoic people. You run a very tight ship together, sort of like mother and father though you are much more lenient with the rules than he is. When you two fight, however, you both get really nasty and tend to avoid each other for a few days which can be kind of stressful to the others. Eventually, you and him make up, mostly when he quietly plays your guy's song(two oruguitas is a great pick) to convince you he isn’t mad anymore and just wants to make amends. You and him are both out of touch a bit when it comes to romance but his favorite thing to do with you is just sway with you to music.
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Eyo so yesterday I did Eula's story quest, and boy did she rub me wrong. I really don't like the condescending personality. BUT like a fool, after playing with her I decided to pull for her. I love her playstyle its so much fun. So now, with my guaranteed character pity gone, I got her.
Hopefully we'll get a tonne of free primos from events and so, that I can still get Kazhua later.
Also, I have no mora, no resin, no weapon or artifacts for her and I'm still busy building other characters.
Do you think its wise to just make everyone I wanna build lvl 80 first before focussing on one's (or more depending on the domain) artifacts? Or should i just build Eula and be done with it - I'm using Archaic on her for now, if i get another prototype I'll probably make the dragonspine claymore for her. I'll also test her out somewhat on Skyward Pride
Rip weapon banner. Broken pines is such an amazing weapon, but I'm not rolling for it (last weapon was Homa so my pity is up all the way again) . How silly is it that Pines has such a freakishly cool effect but other 5 star weapons do not? It also has the highest base attack in the game (765 i think?)
Agh sorry somewhat rant over. I just feel like I made a mistake tbh??? her numbers look good so it's prolly not too bad. This is pain.
It's ok,,,, hmm but I'm a firm believer of having no regrets ksksks you got Eula so that's already great!! Whether or not that's a bad thing is up to you,,, people say this and that, but tbh the "greatness" of a character depends on how you use them. For example, ppl say Ganyu is great and all but I freakin suck at aiming, so I'd probably think Ganyu sucks. On the other hand, some say, Amber is mediocre but there are players who can use her and deal great damage.
i myself level characters up before getting any artifacts,,, and if I'm done building, that's the only time I'd actually use the character.
Just take it easy and build her gradually. She could be a dps for a secondary team and so on,,,, don't worry about what other ppl say. Look at what they said with Zhongli, now they're whaling on his rerun lmaoooo
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The Short Lived Golden Age of Nerdy Web Shows
There was a time between the years of, let's say, 2007 to 2015 that I like to call the golden age of nerdy web shows. It consisted of a lot of small low to no budget productions that had a lot of heart, the kind you just don't see very often anymore for some reason. Many of these show have found a dedicated home on streaming services like The Fantasy Network, some have even gained enough steam to be featured on big name services like Netflix and Amazon like The Guild and LARPs The series respectively. I'm not exactly sure why the web show trend died out so hard, maybe the crowds just aren't there for them anymore like they use to be with some many pieces of high budget productions on streaming services vying for their attention. Every once and a while I'll jump onto Google to try and find new web shows that have that same heart and feel but rarely if ever do I come up with anything. As far as I can tell the only place new nerdy low to mid budget web shows or films gets any attention is at GenCon or small streaming services like The Fantasy Network. Who knows if there will ever be another nerdy heartfelt web show created that captures the spirit of those old series I hold so dear to my heart, but regardless if it happens or not I'd like to bring some attention to a few of my favorites. They may be old by the standards of the internet and maybe even cheesy by today's standards, but I really think they were something special and if you give them a shot maybe you'll think so too. If you have any others that you think would fit in with shows like this feel free to let me know.
The Gamers: Hands Of Fate

Zombie Orpheus Entertainment use to be one of my favorite channels for nerdy fantasy related content back in the day. You could always see the quality and passion that they put into every piece of content they out out on their channel. They're still around today but they've shifted their focus to other ventures such as the ever popular trend of live streaming table top games rather then making scripted content. That being said their old stuff is still well worth a watch and The Gamers series, particularly The Gamers: Hands of Fate, is some of their best work they’ve ever put out. The series centers around a group of table top gamers(the same that can be found in most of the other The Gamers creations by ZOE), particularly the character by the name of Cass, as he steps into the world of one extremely popular card game hopes of impressing a woman who's a huge fan of it. But this is seemingly simple premise is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this series. The show also features a secondary narrative that involves the characters that actually exist in the card game as as the players decisions in the real world effect their lives and leads one character, Buckstahue(not sure if I’m spelling that right), in particular to start questioning what mysterious forces are controlling their lives. The show is a real treat filled with twists and turns I never saw coming, it's fascinating seeing how the real world actions of this card game effects the card characters lives as well as question if and when Buckstahue will figure out what strings control her actions. The stories surrounding the other characters in the party might not be as engaging but they are by no means a weak point of the series either, many of their subplots are engaging in their own rights and pay off certain character moments established in proper The Gamers creations. If this peaks your interest then the series can still be found on Zombie Orpheus's Youtube channel or as a movie on The Fantasy Network. ZOE had pivoted more towards live streaming as opposed to the scripted content of their past but I'd love to see more content from The Gamers one day. Source

LARPs The Series

LARPs The Series first premiered at GenCon 2014 and took home the award for Best Independent Series. The year after it was picked up by Geek and Sundry as a part of a push for more scripted content on the channel which was where I and many others first got a chance to watch it. When the short trailer for popped up on the G&S channel everything about it screamed that I was absolutely going to love it, and I wasn’t wrong. The series centers around a 4 man party of larpers (AKA Live Action Role Players) by the names of Will, Brittany, Arthur and Sam and their DM (Dungeon Master) Evan as we follow their lives in and out of the game. The show is surprisingly heartfelt and sympathetic towards the characters involved in this often misunderstood and mocked hobby as it shows how larping enriches their often turbulent lives and connects them all as friends on a deep and meaningful level. These characters felt real and you really rooted for them as they deal with, work, relationships and the many other hurtles of adult life as they wait eagerly to gear up for whatever peril might befall them in their next campaign session. The show was also pretty hilarious, seeing them play out classic predicaments that any party, whether they be larpers or table top roleplayers, have experienced such as one player trying to roll to kill a tavern owner or romances between PCs were always a joy to watch unfold. Another thing that most will notice right away is how the production value and direction are surprisingly astounding as well, especially in season 2. I was shocked by just how much quality was put into the show from the costumes and sets as well as from a writing standpoint. If you're interested in checking out the show then it can be found on Amazon Prime but they can also still be viewed for free on YouTube or in The Fantasy Network. Beanduck, the production company behind LARPs The series, is working towards a funding campaign in hopes of earning enough to produce a third season so if you have any spare change you might want to toss it their way in support. Regardless if you decide to help or not, LARPs The Series is a show that I think any nerdy individual will enjoy. Source


Glitch was another show produced by the team over at Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, but it never seemed to get the same kind of love as many of their other productions. The concept was brilliant: What if one day you woke up and found out your life operated on the logic of video games? Well this is the predicament that a programing temp nicknamed Glitch finds himself in. Most episodes of the show centered around particular game mechanics causing problems in his and his friends lives and how he tries to figure out ways to work around or fix problems they've created. Glitch, Wyatt and Samus were all fantastic characters and it was always fun seeing Glitch trying to work through some real world problem with game logic like trying to flirt with a woman he likes using a conversation wheel like in Mass Effect or figuring out how to "defeat" his boss at work who he see's as an actual game boss. Another thing I liked about the show was how the characters really felt like real people I knew, they played games on the couch, debated about which Sci-Fi starship captains were the best, and they grilled each other in nerdy ways while working in slang from their favorite bits of nerd culture into their daily vocabulary. I always hoped that ZOE would eventually put out a second season but unfortunately for whatever reason that never became a reality. Now days the channel that originally hosted Glitch has changed their name to Burger Orchard and rarely if ever uploads anything, but luckily those original episodes of Glitch can still be found on their. Give it a watch, it's short but sweet and if you really enjoyed the show a lot there are little companion shorts that can also be found on the channel. Source
The Street Fighter

The Game Station was an early find for me back in my early college days, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I shaved away many hours watching all kinds of gaming related content on that channel instead of studying for exams. One production, created by one of the channels founders Layne Pavoggi, which came out in late 2011 and was a cut above much their already fantastic content was a short lived series was called The Street Fighter. The series centered around a single dad by the name of Phil who has just lost his job and decides to take up a short career as a professional Street Fighter player to provide for his son as well as keep his mind off of the stressful and highly competitive job market. This a real underdog story that’s extremely reminiscent of old sports 80s films where the protagonist has everything working against them, with that being said you might think that such a trope filled narrative would make things a little predictable and you wouldn’t be wrong but there’s still plenty to love since this concept has really never been explored with videogame to my knowledge. Phil is a guy you’d be hard pressed not to warm up to, especially when you see him interacting with his preteen son Ryan or his best friend/semi love interest Camile (played by former All That star and all around spectacular person Lisa Foiles). Seeing him trying to make his way into the job market, taking odd jobs here and there just to try and get by while also playing Street Fighter to destress and become better for the sake of winning a competition for money to support his son really makes to root for him through all of it. One aspect of the show that I really this is fantastic is how it feels truly authentic to the FGC (Fighting Game Community) when it comes to talking about all of the technical aspects of play Street Fighter on a competitive level. There are moments when Phil goes into detail about his “bread and butter” combos or talks about different strategies when it comes to taking on different characters compared to his main. The show was short lived but it can still be found on The Game Stations channel, if you’re looking for a heartfelt underdog story then I highly recommend giving The Street Fighter a shot. Source
Versus Valerie

Versus Valerie is a bit of series finale for a fictional character created by Hannah Spear for the character more commonly known as the Sexy Nerd Girl on her YouTube channel. Even if you didn't watch the characters vlogs over the years leading up to the web series I still think you'll find something to enjoy in this extremely charming show. It centers around Valerie Lapomme, the titular Sexy Nerd Girl, as she lives life hanging out with with her best friend Guy, shopping for comic books, going on dates, vlogging, and trying to make something of herself as a mid 20 something living in Toronto. The brilliant thing about this series is how each episode is structured like or makes homage to popular shows, films and games such as Star Wars, Doctor Who, Memento, and The Matrix just to name a few. On top of that the show is surprisingly well produced and written for something that spawned from a fictional vlog series, Valarie and Guy are much more fleshed out and all the characters including them have some really fantastic character arcs and moments in the show. Valerie’s awkwardness and extremely nerdy imagination felt embracingly relatable to me personally since I often imagine different situations in my life in relation to my own nerdy fandoms. What I was often taken aback by when I first watched the show years ago was just how enjoyable all of the episodes were in their own special way, and the pay off of it all really feels like a proper satisfying ending to the strange and imaginative journey we’ve been on with Valerie. If it peaks your interest at all then you can still find the full series on the Veruse Valerie YouTube channel as well as some of the vlogs prior to the series on the Sexy Nerd Girl channel as well. It’s well worth a viewing and aside from the fantastic lead characters of Guy and Valerie the show also managed to grab Mark Meer as a supporting character, aka the voice of COMMANDER MOTHER F^*$(^% SHEPARD BABY!!! Source
#Web Shows#geek and sundry#Zombie Orpheus Entertainment#LARPs the series#table top rpg#larping#web series#a few of my favorite things
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[Ask] Hi bestie this is more of a personal question I hope that’s okay. But Um I just wanted to know how do you deal with low self-esteem and self confidence issues and if you had any advice for how to deal with it?
tHey hun <3
I've recently realized the dead obvious I've had / still have (am working on it though) a spending - shopping addiction. I used to channel my emotions to buying things and it's recently become apparent I have to stop due to me fuming over the fact I got so much stuff like make-up or whatever (not beauty guru levels of stuff, but more than enough although I am still on the hunt for a foundation I'll call my go to. Pony effect I'll be testing out and praying her foundation is good since her color corrector is amazing) and I learned I missed out on so many experiences and better ways to spend my money via concerts. shows, traveling, experiences etc by channeling my frustrations with life, stress, family mess and work drama into items and collecting (but it pays off cause I'm usually that girl with great outfits and items you won't find the average person having and it's always a conversation starter / confidence booster) so I'm learning I need to just get it out of my system and In january shape up (or finally get on the thot train and start dating again / find a decent non stingy older man to give me a little pocket change so I won't blow through my own LOL. I'm always gift giver so it wouldn't be a using situation but anyways I'm blabbing...)
What I have learned about low self esteem is when you step out of your home and your immediate community....NOBODY knows you. Nobody is aware of your issues, your insecurities, how you are feeling (unless you show it on your face easily or are visibly upset) and nobody knows of your history at home i.e if you have shitty family members, friends, BF or GF, Lonely or figuring your sexuality out. When you put yourself in environments, activities and situations that you are not used to being in, situations / locations that bring you out of your comfort zone, you begin to see you are being judged and precieved based on how you control yourself and present yourself.
It's all you and even though it can be hard to manage your self confidence you get infinite 2nd chances to rite the wrong mistakes you've made or those feelings of not fitting in, not being good enough, being judged, feeling lost etc.
I'm heavy on treating myself even with limited money if I'm in a pinch. Many with low self esteem or confidence issues forget to treat themselves. Go get that cookie or starbucks sweet drink as a splurge to make yourself feel better. Don't have the money but wanna feel pretty for a bit? Wanna try new things on budget? most clothing stores even high end will allow you to try stuff on, look at stuff, test it and touch it or give you little samples like fragrance samples or spritz of fragrance. Go and just try it on privately. Window shop. Order a nice meal for yourself you never tried but always wanted to. Consider adopting or picking up a stray pet if you can afford it and have the freedom to do so. Even if the music is a million years old and out of style, listen to those old songs from 80s or 2000s that make you happy.
Do one little thing a day to yourself you wish you had a friend in your life to do to you, really it goes a long way.
Going to the gym or working out can be a drag and exhausting but please give it a try. Planet fitness is cheap and always easy going I recommend going during the morning or later at night or on week days. I've gained weight and my eating is a mess cause I've eaten out too much past few months, but when I got into the gym at Golds It was just me in the zone and it really takes so much worry off your chest. Don't feel pressure to go crazy on the machines like everyone else. I take walks around town at safe times by myself and play good music in my ears.
Laughter and joking really helps with confidence. You don't have to be a comedian but always be willing to hear people funny stories or tell something yourself without worry. I work with someone who would be considered "4D" "weird" nerdy" very T.O.P in personality he just does random dances, movements and nerd stuff but he seems secure although silent and people allow him to be who he is.
We are all struggling with something but that means we are not alone . You have to wake up one day and say today is the day where I take baby steps to just wanting the best in life. It will show sooner or later love.
and this is your confidence booster alert :)
(yeah sana is totally my twice bias now it seems so enjoy LOL)
but I hope this helps. if you need a list of specfic things or another approach, come back again and I'll approach this differently. For me I don't understand people who just feed off of and live off very depressing self depricating aesthetic and stuff. It's relatable and I get it, cool for a bit, but it really posions your mind and spirit. Most simple advice I can give you is never be that person who walks into the room or speaks to someone just handing your misery over on a plate. Don't do that. it's not good for you and people see that, they dont respect it and unless you luck out meeting kind nature people to help they'll see you as a sinking ship instead of a cruise they want to join :3
ALSO LEAVE SOCIAL MEDIA ALONE the primary objective of social media now has changed so much it's sad. it's no longer about feel good connecting and sharing with ones you love, it's about impressing people you don't know and showing you aren't a loser to look and feel validated. Just leave it alone and if you are someone with 100-200 followers or even 50 followers on any social media you are not a loser and probably more geniune than your 5,000k - 15k friends.
I also encourage to find a way if possible even on apps to chat with people of other races. I won't put people into a box but I notice when I meet with some asian guys not so much the home bred asian americans, they are always more shy than I am and self concious. Always telling me how nice I am as if they expect to be treate dlike dirt or overlooked. it really hits home that there is always someone out there who is struggling more than you. When you find a friend who needs your help and help them you will see a change in your life for the better.
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Day Unknown. Sat, Sep 26, 2020.
Nervous about randomly hiding in 4G Motorsports parking lot, I'm awake a few short hours later around 6:30. I have the tent packed by 8:30, and huddle beside the bike, waiting for staff.
9:00 rolls around and I approach the doors, making my way back to the Parts/Service desk. A young woman who's family shifts her between Alberta and Toronto seems thrilled to meet someone else from Ontario. We check if they have a replacement battery in stock. They do not. And their mechanics are not in on the weekends.
There's a MAGNACHARGE Battery megaemporium RIGHT across the street!
Heartened my luck might be improving, I trot over.
They're closed on weekends.
I trot back to 4G, on the way calling Riverside Honda in St. Albert, the blokes who'd changed my tires. They sold their last YTZ14S on Friday. BUT they'd ordered more and they should arrive at the start of this coming week.
I run over my problems with their parts guy. He suggests I remove the battery and try starting the bike with another random battery attached; That might be able to isolate if it is my battery or my starter system/charging stator/rectifier/words.
Sounds good.
Back at 4G I ask if they have a charger or a booster. The parts girl knows where a tender is, but not how to use it. It's okay, I do. They graciously let me push the bike inside their service bay so I can tinker on it, good thing too as it starts to drizzle outside.
So! My battery: Out and Charging.
My bike: New battery hooked up to test the ignition.
My key: In the ignition, turning to activate the bike-*Crack*.

One of the few flaws I've found with the NC750 design is the key is needed in a secondary lock. Turn one way to unlock the frunk (front trunk) where the gas tank USUALLY sits on a motorcycle. Turn the other way to unlock the latch securing the passenger seat, this allowing you to lift it up to reveal the gas cap to fill the tank, which sits under the rider. The problem with this lock is the key does not fully insert. It's about 3/4 depth to the ignition proper.
Over time, this has created something of a weak point on the key itself, occasionally twisting ever so slightly if too much pressure is applied, if the latches are sticky, or the frunk is overfull and a bit jammed. This was usually corrected by sticking the key in and turning it the other way, straightening the blade out again. For this trip, due to the tail luggage making lifting the passenger seat incredibly difficult at best, I had opted to outright remove the pillion cover, leaving the gas cap exposed for easy access. All I needed the secondary lock for was to get in and out of the frunk, which I was doing several times a day to fetch out Goose and Hat, or store drinks, or change power banks.
Perhaps it was this excess of one direction twisting that finally did the blade in.
Perhaps it was just six years of use and wear.
Perhaps life just wanted to take the difficulty level up a notch.
In any event.
I was left holding the top quarter of my key. The remainder still inside the ignition. Even if I can get a new battery, I can now no longer turn on the bike.
My coworker who helped fund this adventure texts me to see how things are going. I tell him my key just snapped in half. He says if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. We discuss options. I'm 3,505 km from home. I'm 427 km from the nearest Honda dealership. I just want to Abandon Quest and Hearthstone out of here, but that's not an option. So I work through various plans.
I call Riverside back and get the Service department. Nick remembers me. I fill him in on the last twelve hours. "Wow." Indeed. He puts me on hold and consults his coworkers. If I can get it there, they'll try and squeeze me in and get this sorted. Some people have good luck using super glue to get broken keys out and then jury rigged back together. With my luck, I'll make a mess and fuse the tumblers and need an entirely new ignition system. The key is also a newer blade style, not a normal tooth house lock key. It's supposed to be stronger, amusingly enough. But it's not the sort of thing local locksmiths should be able to replicate, it needs a Dealership. So even if I got a Fort McMurray locksmith to fish the main part out, if he can't make a new one, I still can't Go.
AND there's the pressing matter of the battery.
During all this my battery on the tender has completed charging. I restore it into the bike, or try to, as the damn nut in the contact for the red lead slips out of the holder and falls precisely through the ONE (1) hole at the bottom of the compartment and somewhere onto the engine block. I don't hear it hit the belly pan, and wedging my fingers into every nook, curve and cranny yields nothing but grimy hands.
I call CAA anew. I get the same woman as the night before, so that helped since she already knew the first part of this story. I now have Multiple Problems that can not be fixed locally. St. Albert is outside the Alberta tow range of 350km. But my membership is from Niagara, and I'm covered for 500km. She calls them to approve it. They say 'of course'. One hurdle down.
She contacts the tow company. New hurdle.
Due to the nine hour round-trip commute, they don't run every single broken vehicle south to Edmonton every time someone breaks down. They wait for multiple items, load them all on a long truck, and do a couple runs a week. So. Yes, they can get my bike to St. Albert. Eventuallllyyyyy.
I get it; from a logistics and efficiency and financial perspective it makes perfect sense.
From a "but... my bike..." and waiting for a nebulous amount of time in a hotel somewhere just for it to get TO the mechanics, nevermind the unknown timeframe of the shop having time to look at it, figure out what's wrong, order new parts if needed, and install them.... Hrrrggggnnnnn.
So EMI came with the short bed and picked up the bike from 4G. The logic being, now it's in their secure compound, ready to go, and when they have a load ready, they'll shove it on and take it south for me. Solid.
How do -I- get back to Edmonton.
Well, there's several buses that run the corridor, presumably for the mine workers to get up and back around their shift days. Awesome!
Oh but they don't run again until Monday. Less awesome!
But what can you do.
My bike won't leave until monday at the /earliest/ anyway, so me being there any sooner really makes no difference.
I book a ticket - cheap at 65$! For a nearly five hour trip? I paid 85$ plus tip for the 20 minute taxi ride from Supertest Hill to Fort McMurray the night prior.
Leaving Monday at 8:30am, arrive near downtown Edmonton. Found a hotel for 80$ within a block of Riverside Honda, not as cheap as my beloved Whitemud, but Whitemud Inn being at the south center of the Edmonton bubble, I'd be paying more than the 15$ a night difference in a cab to get up to St. Albert region. So I'll be right nearby the bike if we can get it going, or I need something from my bags.
In the meantime.
I found an RV campsite literally next door to the bus stop. I called the owner and explained my experiances, and my need for somewhere to simply hide in a tent until Monday morning. Sure, I could try and hide -anywhere-, but for my own safety, and nerves, if I can do this cheap and legal, the better for it. She says she can help me out. She offers a site for a price considerably cheaper than the nearby hotels, which I of course agree to. It's a twenty minute walk from 4G, made longer by hauling two drybags of tent/sleeping bag and essentials, and a third partial of food. Plus wearing my gear. And being somewhat small and scrawny. I take several rests. I drink my Gatorades. I make it. She has the sweetest tabby cat with white socks, no tail, and the SOFTEST fur. Name 'Trouble'. Awwww.
Transaction complete, I set up my tent, kindly serenaded by a curious magpie.
I hear a nearby RV owner pull up, truck doors closing, and then I see a giant white monster making a beeline straight for me. My best guess would be Lab/Samoyed. The head was very much the rectangle block and jowls of a lab, but the pelt was definitely a living cloud. It gives an very quick sniff at my tent, and promptly accepts me petting it. I realize I've been pet-starved during my journey. All my stress is put on pause as I scruffle the heck out of this random dog's sides. In fact, twice I tried to move one hand to teach for my phone for a photo, and he turned in annoyance to see why I'd partially stopped. I hear a woman calling, and ask if he needs to go. He makes no move. In fact he tries to push backwards closer. On a whim, I drop to my rear and make a bowl with my legs. He promptly fills said bowl with his rump. Me on my butt and him on his haunches, I came up to his shoulders.



Good dog.
A woman shouts again, more insistent. I give him a bump with my leg. He resigns himself to getting up and heading home. I realize the owner can't see us, so I pop up and apologize for stealing her dog. She realizes he hadn't just ran off for no reason, and laughs, saying he loves people. Yes, I had learned this.
I needed that.
There's a valley beside the camp ground.



The trees are spent matchsticks, grey and charred and empty against the sky. New growth slowly fills in around the dead wood. I don't know if this is a remainder of the BIG fire of 2016, or another more recent event. It's a staggering amount of devastation, and only a small fragment of the damage done.

The clouds out here... I love skyscapes.


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Trying To Get Objectified
Lethargy - the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic, or indifferent and lazy; apathetic or sluggish inactivity.
Synonyms: Hebetude, Languor, Lassitude, Listlessness, Stupor, Torpor
I've been feeling some or all of the above for a while now.
I don't seem to be progressing in my workouts. I've got tons of around-the-house projects waiting while I sit here in my underground bunker thinking, "Yeah, I'll get to that tomorrow".
If I sit and read for more than 15 minutes, I doze off.
What is wrong? Is this just the normal result of being excessively mature? Or, maybe it was caused by sitting in my living room for two years waiting for the Pandemic to end? Could be I've just forgotten how to get started.
Or is it a lifetime of suppressed laziness building up and finally coming out of the closet? Naah, I never suppressed it.
Is there something that can cure me of whatever it is?
Of course! There must be! After all.....SCIENCE!
I need to find a simple solution to a simple problem. I need a sound bite kinda diagnostication and I need a pill or a shot or a food I already like that will fix me up so I can avoid any hard rehabilitational regimen.
So I do what all of us do these days - I go on The Google and I self diagnose the hell out of my symptoms.
At first I was overwhelmed as I discovered that low energy and languor can be caused by thousands of physical and chemical abnormalities in the body.
Even worse, every medical prescription, every over-the counter pill and every food known to man, seems to list low energy and lingering lassitude as a 'side effect'.
Burrowing up to my armpits into the Internet dumpster of data, I began to see a pattern emerge, a cause common, a singular connection to all men of my maturity.
Voila! Apparently every old guy on the planet has low testosterone. And common symptoms are - you guessed it - all of mine. It's just that simple. A little testosterone supplement once a day and I'm cured.
I'll be outrunning my dog in no time.
And then I all of a sudden I started noticing all the ads on TV about old guys with my symptoms - getting their zip back.
(turning up the volume)"You too can once again run the 100 yard dash!" "Look at the muscles on that old guy!" "He's skateboarding! He's having fun again! He's laughing! His teeth are white! He's flexing!" "The ladies looove him!"
There were thousands of cures being advertised that I had never noticed before(damn that fast forward function) and all were guaranteed to work. But which one should I take?
Each had their own negative side effects - up to and including dismemberment, dilated duodenum, digitalis and death.
Plus, I had to avoid any and all pills or placebos that would interfere with any of the other 400 substances my doctor forces me to take(even though my hair still hasn't grown back).
Damn. Looks like I'm gonna have to go see my doctor. Even if it is obvious to me that my testosterone level must be low. I'm almost 80 years old for cripes sake.
So.... I'll just get her to verify my way-too-low testosterone and then she will happily prescribe some shot or pill or whatnot and......"Look Out World!" I'm 20 years old again.
(sighing) "So what's the problem this time?"
"Well doc, it's low energy, a pronounced hebedutinability, and, the construction ladies don't whistle and objectify me when I walk by."
"Could be a lot of things."
"Yeah but I been doing some Googling and it's pretty clear my testosterone must be too low."
"Could be a lot of things."
"Yeah but I was thinking that you could check my T-level (medical lingo) and then you could hook me up with a medically miraculous supplement or two."
"If I up your testosterone levels, it could screw up your heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, lumbago and maybe even accelerate your hair loss - there's still a little left on the sides."
"So let's check other things, like Potassium and Iron and such - as well as your testosterone levels."
"And, we might as well see if your heart is pumping enough oxygen - which could do it also. Then let's see where it takes us."
Four days later:
"Well doc, what do all the tests say?"
"Everything is perfectly normal. Not even one test is out of range. And your heart is as healthy as an 80 year old horse."
"Even your testosterone level is in the high end of normal. It's not even close to low so maybe there's a different reason you aren't being objectified."
(mumbling)"Yeah, maybe it's the hair situation thankyouverymuchfornotfixing."
"So what now doc? Where do we go from here? More tests? What's the plan?"
"My diagnosis is that you are old and you are lazy. Shut up and deal with it."
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OMFG! Your damage!! Ughh pls share lol I think the highest I've hit so far and most recently (and I think it was by accident lol) was a little over 50k with Eula. LOL I think its because around that time, I increased her talents so its 6-5-8 atm. OH! I just checked Beidou's cons and I'm at C4 pfft I mean I want C6 but I didnt' realize she's at C4 —I just assumed I was like C2 lololol.
Oh, that reminds me, as you know, I've been tryna complete beidou. I did like 3 10-pulls and ... I got a gold star.. of which terrified me because I wasn't tryna get a gold star lol BUT it ended up being Jean lol I don't think you realize how happy I was when I saw that it was just Jean lol Which means I'm DEFINITELY saving up for Raiden like she may just complete me lol
also, I read your recent post about gaming/genshin community and thats so sucky I mean you're definitely right in cr/cd ratio (i'm by all means a newb but still). I think my Eula was like that too (like 1:4 ratio) but once I evened it out to at least 1:2.5, I think that's also why I was able to hit 50k. That reminds me of this user I found during co-op who had an obnoxious profile that, to me, almost low-key block them. It was something about using under lvl90 chara on domains and I was like ??? umm i understand that but like.... if you have a lvl 80 character that get crit 100k every other hit then why would lvls matter ? Idk it like really irked me because grinding for artifacts and ascension materials and even talent materials is time consuming and its a big turn off for other people just getting into and just enjoying the ride. idk it reminds of people that show off their artifacts and still ask if its good like... you know its good... so why did you ask???
OO yes I'll respond to some of this and then I'll share a bit not to flex bc it's not even a ~stellar~ build or anything yet but just to share on how I prioritize stats and stuff since I didn't fully comprehend all that until like....quite recently tbh.
C4 Beidou and a guaranteed Raiden seems great to me omg. Careful with your pulls from this point on cause a random low pity Ganyu/Zhongli/Yae could take away your guaranteed Raiden D:
Ugh people like that is why I don't do co op. Like that person's profile - aside from the fact that it's alienating towards newer players that won't have perfect teams or builds, they are just plain wrong. Artifacts/talents/team synergy/utilizing your reactions well is all way more important towards getting your damage off than raw character levels. It's always the people that are the most toxic that are also the most wrong. This is way Genshin was my gateway to quitting League, bc at least Genshin doesn't force me to play with these clowns LMAO
Like I'd love to optimize Itto and Childe more, but I spent a month prefarming Zhongli and once that was done I was thinking about how I also still needed an EM sands for Kazuha. It's neverending! Lmao
Although I must include a disclaimer - In that post I gave myself slightly too much credit and was misremembering my CR on Itto - it's 57% not 67% but I still stand by everything I said lmaoo.
And omg don't get me started on the "iS thIS gooD?" people with their artifacts that they know damn well are stellar.
Anyway, so my build advice. I'll put this behind a read more for the folks just scrolling
Since IK you have Eula, I'll showcase this.
I've spent far less resources farming for Eula than Itto and Childe so she's my biggest WIP of my main DPS. Just don't have the 4x pale flame, but I farmed Noblesse domain a lot for Bennett so I had all these bloodstained artifacts and threw this together. Her CR is far better with Serpent Spine but Itto is usually using it so I only switch it onto her situationally. But the phys damage from 2x bloodstained 2x pale flame and a snowtombed is wild. Her normals can hit for up to like 21k, and her bursts usually hit for about 180k. I feel like Eula wants CD > CR > Atk% > ER > ATK. Maybe some HP% since our girl has to get up close and personal and inevitably will take damage unless you have a cracked full HP built Zhongli
(Can’t get this image to full screen from desktop, may want to look from mobile if you wanna look close)
For Circlet, Goblet, Sands - if something has the main stat you want and at least two usable substats go for it and just use that til you get something better For flower and plume - If its got at least three usable substats just use that and wait for the 4x perfect starting stat ones later.
Or don't do any of this and level what you want and have fun. This is just how I do things loll. I'm always using less than perfect artifacts for the time being til the long grind for the "perfect" ones pays off.
#long post#sorry moots and other followers for these long exchanges#but i appreciate having an anon to go back and forth on these things with :D#genshin asks#lovely anons<3#sorry i just gave you SO MUCH to read though omg
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So i have an 85 in this 6 weeks grading period in Spanish 2. Spanish 2 is hard for those of you who don't take it or already speak the language. Level 2 is so much grammar its suffocating. Well in my other two 6 weeks grading periods for this class (3 6 weeks grading periods per semester), i have high 90s. For high school students in America, these are decents grades. You'll get into college, you'll pass the class easily. Great, right? Wrong.
Its great for other people and when I'm a parent it'll be great for me too. But my parents have so many expectations for what i should be making that i broke down at the end of my exam today. Finals are 20% of the final grade and I just want to finish with at least a 90 in that class. Just to appease my parents. I broke down because i didnt finish the 200 question exam that was completely 100% in Spanish and took a lot of mental concentration and translating. I had 6 questions left. And time was up. My teacher told the girl grading to mark them right anyways. She looked at me and told me it was alright because I would not fail her class and i would not fail her test. Before the curve was applied, I made either the highest or the second highest grade on the class. I am not bad at Spanish. Im not. But with those grades, I may as well be (to my parents). My teacher said, "I hate parents who pressure you like that because school is not the same as it was and real life is not the same as a classroom. Its not fair on you. You did good amd you're okay."
Teachers like that make life in high school in America bearable (bareable? Spelling?). She has taught life lessons along with Spanish. She directly said that her class is hard and her tests and exams are not easy. But if you're respectful and you're honestly trying, she gives you another chance and she will not fail you. Teachers like that make it just a bit easier. More relieving. I was in tears last night because my mother yelled at me for having 80s in a class. A lot of other parents celebrate that with their kids. Kids like me get beaten down vocally and emotionally by their parents for this. I've always been an A honor roll student. Ive always been in honors classes and next year, I'm starting all my AP stuff (advanced placement classes; kinda college level ish?). B's aren't good enough for my parents. But with how my anxiety and stress levels have been, B's are something I'll take.
Ive never been more stressed in my life. Im getting insomnia, im constantly irritable (im never like that), my eating patterns have changed, memory isnt always great, i get to the feeling where im either going to break down or im going to feel nothingness for the rest of my life, im always on the edge of sensory overload. I'm stressed to the max with the hardest classes this semester that I've ever taken in my entire life. And it's still not good enough for them.
Welcome to America's public schools.
Heartbreaking Simpsons Moments 1/∞: Bart Gets an F
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