#don't ask cypher what he's gonna do with that
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kaiserouo · 7 months ago
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son-of-drogo · 2 months ago
So I saw someone else was taking notes while watching the Granada series and I decided to do the same:
Scandal in Bohemia
-No dude, do you know how expensive commissioned art is?
-Shoot his ass Irene 💕💕💕
-If she weren't married...
-Mrs. Hudson 💕💕💕
-Nooo! Let Watson eat!
- Lol u want some cocaine babe? -Sherlock Holmes
-Rip Sherlock Holmes, you woulda loved Adderall
-Goddammit Jeremy, why are you so pretty?
-Gotta pretty myself up for Wat the king
-Holmes every time Watson deduces: 🥰
-"I am lost without my Boswell" 🥰
-you know they made fun of the king's outfit after he left
-Oh yeah, a mask over your eyes is totally gonna hide your identity. (Sarcasm)
-you literally have royal portraits, dumbass.
-the moral of the story is: if you're gonna do sketchy shit, don't photograph it.
-And respect women.
-Holmes@the king: You are so fucking stupid.
-God, quit manspreading on my sofa -Holmes probably
-Buddy that sounds life a you problem.
-Irene in a tux could step on me
-God that outfit is so fucking stupid
-Hell yeah fancy restaurant date night!
-Lol Sherlock looks like a bunch of kids are gonna steal his lucky charms.
-Leave Britney Irene alone!
-Watson: But you're gay!
-Aww, they love each other!
-I just love how goddamn weird Sherlock is.
-The cause is NOT excellent.
-Irene: Okay what the fuck?
-Jeremy Brett dramatically yelling "fire!"
-oof she figured it out.
-Oh my God Holmes you dumbass
-Oh my God the outfit is when worse with the hat
-Housekeeper is trying not to smile
-You've been bamboozled!
-Oh he feels bad for tricking her
-her dress is so prettyyyy
-Yass bitch, get your happily ever after!
-She's a queen, just not your queen, bitch.
-imho she served way too much cunt to be with the king
-Holmes is just so fucking delighted that a woman outsmarted him.
The Dancing Men
-such a good husband💕💕💕
-He just wants to helpppp!
-Poor Elsie is having an anxiety attack
-Look at the gays, in their flat.
-Holmes trying to impress his boyfr-I mean flatmate (level easy)
-🎶"bum bum bum bum"🎶
-I love them so much
-Watson being a little shit 💕💕💕
-Just these gay cunts
-Jeremy had nice hands
-Hilton, we love you, but we don't need your whole life story.
-"She tired of America" me too bitch, me too.
-Ahh Elsie is so pretty!
-*Sobbing" Hilton and Elsie are so cute!
-This episode owes me restitution.
-I would die for this woman.
-He just loves her so much
-One of the few good dudes in the series.
-Everybody's so pretty, I'm too bisexual for this!
-Watson just hesitantly reaching for Holmes' monogram on cyphers.
-Fantastic mustache 10/10
-communication is important
-Babe, tell him your stalker is after your, he'll understand.
-Bush full of lads
-Oh he saw Watson sneaking the monogram back.
-God Watson tries so hard to get Holmes to eat.
-Say no to drugs! And yes to solving weird crimes.
-Poor woman just wanted to go no contact
-He jump the couch
-Holmes in straight up fucking shock
-Watson give your man a hug
-IMHO every house should have a murder room
-Watson suggesting to Holmes to ask Mrs. King to sit down.
-Hilton just wanted to be a good husband and he got killed for it.
-Inspector Kryten fangirling over Sherlock Holmes
-Oh Holmes is checking Watson out
-That stupid fucking hat
-It's giving Arby's
-that's a whole lotta mustache
-She doesn't love you, Arby's man.
-Ugh, possessive men make me gag
-Take the hint Arby's!
-Arby's: Can I see her?
Watson: Hell no you fucking can't!
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cleavetheclover · 11 months ago
Clver, think about it...shadowire (platonic or romantic) domestic fluff,,, or just fluff,,, angsty fluff? ps this is just my sleep deprived ramblings
- Post Hourglass Omen being found by Cypher (probably willingly i don't see Cypher going to go see Omen if he'd rather not see Cypher) and just...a talk. Omen venting. Cypher comforting Omen and listening quietly. And then cuddles. A kiss when Cypher leaves Omen be again and an orange, "for luck," Cypher would say (knowing it had no such meaning)
- Pre Hourglass, Omen coming to see Cypher at night, cuddles and physical intimacy mixed with quietness, because if nothing else Over feels just a little more grounded when Cypher is holding him.
- Cypher noticing little quirks Omen has. Sometimes Cypher tells Omen about what he's noticed. Omen enjoys it because it at least means he's still human if nothing else. (I mean, what kind of monster has a preferred sitting position or a certain kind of wool they enjoy knitting the most?)
- Above, but roles exchanged. Omen notices things about Cypher that makes him Cypher and some that makes Amir. It's weird, Cypher thinks, I'd hate being known but it feels natural with Omen. (Inspired mostly by hermit card, which normally means like being known by no one but yourself)
ehh welp thas all i got in the brain goodnight I'm by no means asking you to draw any of these i just saw your ask thingy and went "bet lemme think"
Noooooo stop I stg every single member of the cyphmen community has the exact same headcannons please 😭😭😭
(Not that I’m complaining, that just means more food for all of us)
ANYWAY all of these are wonderful ideas and I definitely want to write all of them!!! Unfortunately I am rather swamped right now bc senior design is kicking my ass and job hunting is harder than ranking up in val, and my current hyperfixation is a game called Noita…
But I’ll definitely get back to writing as soon as my life stops being as volatile as a bucket of acetone.
Also I wrote a short thing for the hourglass thing I hope you like it! I’ll respond to the other prompts later
Post hourglass Omen:
I think he would shut himself in his room for a while and just sit there, completely overwhelmed and not sure where to go or what to do next.
Since it’s cannon that Omen can sense others emotions, I think pre-HG Omen would have already sensed a timid friendship and significant fear from Viper, but it wasn’t until post-HG that he knows why. He’s having this world-shattering realization that one of the few people he has trusted and befriended in this lifetime not only doesn’t return that friendship, but actively fears him, and for good reason.
Imagine learning that your best friend fears you, for an incident you would have never learned of—had you not hired a shady information broker to find it out for you.
Confirming that she sees you as a monster— something you never wanted to be.
Yeah, I’d be pretty lost and upset too.
So Omen is gonna be hiding in his room trying to figure out a path forward and simultaneously avoid thinking about said path forward.
Cypher, being the nosiest man alive, a friend of Omen’s, and also the guy who helped orchestrate the mission in the first place, is not gonna sit there and let Omen feel so alone.
He shows up and Omen really wants to just slam the door and tell him to fuck off, but he really doesn’t have the energy (and also can’t really afford to burn more bridges at the moment). So begrudgingly he lets him in.
Cypher softly says his name, “Omen,” but the shadow doesn’t dare look him in the eye. Instead he stares at the sentinel’s belt. Browth leather. Battle-worn. Probably replaced several times over, like Omen’s own combat gear.
The sentinel approaches, and Omen can feel a protective sentiment befitting his role as a Sentinel. It’s soothing, he’s felt it before, but he really wishes he weren’t the subject of such a keen emotion right now.
Cypher’s gloved hands come up to rest on the sides of his own shoulders. The intent is to be reassuring, but Omen doesn’t find it to be such. What is he supposed to do with his own hands, anyhow? Touch Cypher’s shoulders? His belt, or chest?? His waist???
Well, the chest option is gone, because the next thing he knows Cypher’s chest is pressed against his own. And his arms are wrapped around his back.
Omen always knew humans were warm, but for some reason, he had always imagined Cypher to be cold. Maybe it was the utter lack of skin showing. The minimal expressions in his mask. The way he never so much as brushed hands with anyone else in the Protocol, as if he were a robot like KAY/O. Hell, the literal killer-bot had a warmer attitude than Cypher most of the time. Maybe it was…
Cypher is warm. Like any other human. Embracing him without any reservations at all.
No fear. No pity. No grief.
It makes him feel like, for one moment, that maybe he isn’t a monster after all.
Omen responds in the only way he can think of: he ducks his head down and buries his face in Cypher’s collar, and lifts his hands up to Cypher’s back and pulls him as close as he can.
He smells like bar soap and leather. And something else more organic, musky almost like sweat, but that can only be described as subtle and pleasant.
Alas, their embrace cannot last forever. Poor Cypher is a man, not a scented candle or a stuffed animal that can be basked in or embraced forever. Omen releases him, already missing the warmth and the scents and the textures and the intimacy, but he would rather save face and keep Cypher comfortable than anything else.
Cypher seems… satisfied.
Omen isn’t sure how he feels.
There’s a long pause.
“I am not my past,” he blurts, immediately wishing he didn’t. He almost says something else to brush it away, but he knows that doing so will only dig a deeper hole for himself. He says nothing more and hopes Cypher will have the courtesy to do the same.
But the Sentinel, as always, has other plans.
“Neither am I.”
Omen’s gaze snaps up at that.
The Sentinel then reaches into a bag of items that he had discarded upon entering, and produces a ball of yarn and a small tin box.
“I have spent the last decade of my life paying for crimes too heinous to be named.” He comes to stand in front of Omen once again. “They called me everything from a villain to a monster to, well. ‘Villain’ and ‘monster’ in more callous terms.”
Cypher chuckled humorlessly. Omen dared not ask who ‘they’ was referring to, but got the feeling that he didn’t need to.
“I am not absolved from my past. I cannot fix the innumerable lives I have ruined or the things I have destroyed.”
Then he lifted the little tin up to his face. “But then again, what kind of monster has a favorite type of tea?”
In his other hand, outstretched to Omen, was the ball of yarn. “Or a favorite type of wool?”
Omen just stared at it. Cashmere imported from India, said the label.
“To the best of my ability— which admittedly isn’t much— I left it all behind.” Cypher somberly bushes the tips of gloved fingers across his masked cheek. “My name. My face. My skin, even.”
Omen tilted his head at that last one. It sounded painful. But then again, what about Cypher’s existence wasn’t?
“Like me, you might carry the legacy of a monster. But that does not mean you are one.”
The cashmere is soft in Omen’s hands. He runs his thumb along each strand, marveling in the gift. On its own, it didn’t feel deserved. But when he looks back sees the tin of tea being cradled in Cypher’s own hands, it does.
Former monsters sitting under a warm roof with their silly little domestic joys: the thought of it almost makes Omen laugh.
Cypher must have seen the way the tension eased from Omen’s shoulders, because now he is chuckling too.
“Omen,” the informant takes the revenant’s hand and says his name with that dratted melody of affection in his voice, “Would you like to knit while I brew us some tea?”
Since you suggested an orange:
It’s a very cute idea— I think oranges are for luck and wealth in Chinese culture, not sure about other ones tho.
Unfortunately I’ve come to kind of associate them with mourning. My grandma passed away last summer, and my grandpa and I leave flowers and oranges on her gravestone when we visit. So I didn’t feel like writing that into this little story lol
And yeah I also incorporated your “what kind of monster has a favorite kind of wool?” Thing in here wahoo
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kits-ships · 2 months ago
For the music ask game:
🤍 - Free space! Talk about any song you want!
THANK YOU!!!!!! im gonna be a little autistic for a moment so hang on. im honing in on like. only hyperfixation atm. i dont think this really fits the selfship prompt but i need to infodump anyways.
hiding the autism under the read more
this one is just so fun as a whole, but also it has lee!!!!!! leon!!!!! im really happy they had a british artist come in for him; dan's voice is my headcanon for him whether i like it or not. (any nonbritish lee doesnt feel real to me) i also like that his lyrics come off as cocky, yet awkward. we get an erection joke then later on hes like IM SERIOUS :,( (favorite line: now im the man of the moment standing alone in my tower) (it itches my brain just right)
IT ALSO HAS CYNTHIA!!! familial f/os my beloved. not only is sinnoh my favorite region, but i like to imagine what lunette's verse would be, too. i havent come up with anything, but maybe i will one day. probably not. hgfg (fave line: im a full time scholar, babe, and brawler // i guarantee that no one go harder) (so true bestie. also love the play on words)
other random comments:
yay, blue!! pokemon blue/red was my dads favorite, so i grew up with his games + he ended up becoming like a big brother figure to me. he's a cocky bitch but i think his verse flows well.
lance: HOLY SHIT. his line 'but i don't need to lay a hand upon a damn guitar // to rock this stadium like a tyranitar' ALWAYS GETS STUCK IN MY HEAD........ i love the like. pressure it builds.
ok so. not to be a little stinker but i think the steven/wallace verses are my favorites. theyre just so good..... and im so happy they included wallace!! i feel like no one ever talks about him !!!! favorite lines from them: -all in, man of steel, but no stallin' i'm real quick like this rock is polished flawless with the beat, so milotic we be so scaldin', steven and wallace -looking like you met medusa when you step to stone you'll catch a trident like poseidon when you hear the flow
then i dont have much to say about kukui's but its so fun to listen to (i also like the unova + kalos champions, i just dont have as much of an attachment to those regions!! diantha's voice is pretty and alder + iris always get 'better run for cover when I pull up with the 'rona //'rona got you under the weather I'm in the zone' STUCK IN MY HEAD!!!!
ok one of them is an f/o but i wont tell you who. so im just gonna go through my favorite bits of each verse
giovanni: again. the pressure he builds with the first few lines is crazy. i think his verse is also very fitting because like. giovanni is just EVIL. all the other villians have an intriguing or even silly reason for their wrongdoings but gio just wants MONEY. FREAK !!
archie: so i dont remember much abt hoenn and magma/aqua thanks to my childhood but archie is silly to me. yeah youre gonna flood the world? then what? duh. favorite line: you get smacked up if you act up // you can ask those on team magma (also itches my brain good)
maxie: HIS VERSE HAS NO EXCUSE TO BE SO GOOD??? I ALWAYS SAW HIM AS A DORK BUT THE WRITERS WENT CRAZY WITH HIM.. my favorite lines are 'im here to lead, they gon' hail me like a taxi cab i'll make them bleed if they're stepping into maxie's pad' LIKE ???!!! JESUS. i was a sapphire girlie but ok?
cyrus: i cant even describe it. its all so good. god characterization. good beat. really dives into his character past my old surface level view of him
n: poor guy is having an existential crisis but manages to end it with /guess thats why they call me natural B)' hell yeah boy
ghetsis: fuck you ghetsis
lysandre: I DIDNT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM BEFORE THIS SONG BUT JESUS!?? THIS MAN WAS NOT DOING WELL. his verse flows well but good god like. can we go back and talk about this man. can we get you therapy
lusamine: fuck you lusamine. they did not abandon you!!! but also. 'got nothing to lose by my ✨ni-hil-ego✨
guzma: ok i dont know if its just me but i think its not a good verse, but like. in a good way?? i dont think he'd be good at rapping so it feels fitting; as does the odd beat backing him. i also love the voice they chose for him! fuck kukui no discussion.
no comment on mewtwo bc i was originally so excited to hear jessie and james but they ripped it away from me
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thenationaltreasuregazette · 10 months ago
The podcast assumed that Patrick lived outside of Philly because the location tagline in the film was mis-timed. They would know that if they'd even bothered to watch the commentary.
It has occurred to me that in my judgement of that podcast's lack of research, I accidentally also cast judgement on you for not knowing the explanation as well. I do apologize! I appreciate the work you put into your blog! I have long been frustrated with the lack thereof on that podcast and their adament denial of other perspectives. I spoke harshly without realizing the implications.
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Hi anon!
First of all, 0 worries! I did not take it that way, and if this has anything to do with my response time, please know I tend to get back to things in
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But let's talk about Patrick's house!
As I mentioned, I've only listened to the first, maybe three episodes of the National Treasure Hunt podcast. That is not necessarily a reflection on the podcast, I just only really have space in my life and brain for one (1) podcast at a time and for the past few years it's been Scriptnotes.
I think it's awesome that there even is a National Treasure podcast. They even had some of the writers on? As someone who spends Too Much Time Thinking About National Treasure™ I think it is immensely cool that two whole other people also wanted to spend Too Much Time Thinking About National Treasure™ to the point of making, at the time of writing this, 80 episodes of a podcast about it!
That said, yeah I was surprised by how adamantly the hosts believed, at least in the episodes that I listened too, that Patrick's house is outside of Philadelphia, not outside of D.C. That just...doesn't track with the film the way I'm reading its conventions of establishing time and place.
Let's explore.
The first mention of Ben's dad comes in minute 55 when Ben says:
BEN Yeah, but I didn't think I was gonna personally have to tell my dad about it.
From there the film cuts to the FBI entering Ben's apartment and finding the Silence Dogood letters, then jumps off the letters to Ian's crew figuring out the Silence is a name, then returns to the FBI so they can tell us what the Silence Dogood letters are. Only then do we cut to Team Treasure pulling up outside of Patrick's house.
So I get it, a lot is going on.
There's also this exchange:
RILEY Well, how long do you think we got? BEN I'm gonna give them a couple of hours at least. I hope.
I see how this could be interpreted to mean that Ben and Co have already traveled a couple of hours away from where the FBI is searching, thus giving them the lead. I don't think that's correct though, for a few reasons.
Mainly, as we discussed in the timeline articles, the FBI can travel much faster by helicopter than Ben and the gang can travel by car. So even though narratively it has to be Sadusky arriving at the house--it can't be some new person from the Philadelphia field office, that's not satisfying--that can very plausibly happen.
I interpret that buffer to be the amount of time Ben thinks/hopes it will take the FBI to track down who his father is and where he lives. Remember it's 2004, so everyone's lives are less public than they are now. Ben hasn't spoken to his father in some time, so it's not like they'll have a bunch of phone records connecting Ben to a landline at Patrick's address or anything like that. It will take them some research to identify Patrick and find out were he is.
But also, nothing else suggests that we have left the setting of D.C. that we're currently in. It's the same general time (night) and the characters are in the same clothes. There's also no chyron telling us we've changed times or places. None of the film language here is suggesting that we've changed locations.
Then Team Treasure reveals the cypher, and Ben asks for the letters. Patrick replies:
PATRICK I don't have them. BEN Where are they? PATRICK I donated them to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. BEN Time to go.
The introduction of "Philadelphia" here is a new concept to the story. Before this moment, everything post-Charlotte has taken place in Washington D.C. It would be unusual if we were supposed to already know the characters were now outside of Philadelphia when this pronouncement takes place. If we were--and if they were already nearby--I think it's less likely that Patrick would say "in Philadelphia" at the end of his statement. If they're near Philly, then it would just be "I donated them to the Franklin Institute" for the same reason the chyron outside the FBI building only reads "J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building" not "J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building, Washington D.C." Because the movie has firmly established that we are in Washington D.C. already.
Also, I'm supposed to believe a movie built on montages of American iconography is going to let us transition to a new city without at least one establishing shot?
And finally, Philadelphia is introduced as a problem for Ben. If they are outside of Philadelphia it's annoying, sure, and they'll still need to send Riley, but it's less of a race against the clock than if they're in D.C. If they're still in Washington when Patrick says this, then not only will they have to find a way to examine the letters without being spotted, but they're now also looking at a 2 1/2 hour drive they haven't planned for. And at least to me, that's what the movie is implying: that a whole additional leg of this journey has been added.
In defense of the podcasters, and anyone else who reads the film this way, I don't think you should have to listen to the commentary to understand a change in location. The film should be readable on its own.
Buuuuuut I do still think it's an unusual way to read the film, given the conventions for changing location we're shown throughout the movie, and in film language in general.
For good measure, let's look at all the chyrons and location changes.
The movie opens with the chyron "Washington, D.C 1974." This is important because we have no establishing shot to tell us about the time or the place, and it's important to know it's a flashback. As for D.C., that sets the stage for the theme of the movie and gets us thinking "American government, American history."
It also suggests to me that Ben's family has always lived in Washington D.C., because he, his grandfather, and the OG Gates all did, so why wouldn't Patrick?
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The Arctic Circle gets one, because we are dramatically changing times and places.
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Washington D.C. doesn't get another chyron when Ben and Riley return there, but a montage of the National Mall over the soaring NatTreas score makes it very clear where we are. The chyrons for the FBI building and the National Archives follow shortly after.
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There isn't another chyron until the gang is headed into Philadelphia via the Ben Franklin Bridge, again with recognizable iconography to back it up.
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This clearly suggests--to me anyway--that they have not moved out of the D.C. area until now. And the rest of the film language reinforces this. D.C. has been the heist and gala sequences at night; Philadelphia is the Independence Hall sequence in the daytime. The time of day changes, the costumes change, and the objective changes. We've moved from "get the Declaration" to "find the treasure." These all suggest a clear division of the film into segments, and having the team already have traveled to PA in the dark would muddy that otherwise very neat divide.
One last theory
Finally, I think there's one more piece of evidence that Patrick's house is in D.C....I think it's the same house from the beginning of the movie.
Granted, I have no direct evidence for this, but I do have subtext.
Next time?
Oh and if it makes anybody feel better, Patrick's house does get a chyron in Book of Secrets.
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These two shots are shown back go back. It would completely go against film conventions to show a chyron for D.C. and then jump to somewhere that is not D.C., therefore Patrick's house is pretty definitively in or around Washington D.C.
Thank you so much for your asks, anon! I hope this was fun, and I'm glad you appreciate my blog. Feel free to send another any time.
Also, I will put the commentary on my radar for future articles!
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lactosa2 · 1 year ago
Helloooo! im just gonna put the second part of the drabble and then keep sleep bc i need it :3
as the first part is gonna have gramatical mistakes, but im gonna fix them later
-4670 words
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ
TALK TO ME (2/2)
You didn't hesitate and your hands covered his back, pressing the tips of your fingers against him, you didn't want to say anything because you know that the best thing is to wait for him to decide to speak, he doesn't like to vent under pressure.
Omen brought both his hands to your hips, his knees bent and he lifted you off the ground as his figure straightened. Your legs were now around his waist while your head was now hidden in the front of his neck, his chin on top of your head with his hands on your butt to keep you from falling. (muejejej)
He walked towards the bed and sat down, making you sit on his lap, regardless of the change in position, both of you stayed still, your head was still in the same place. Except for Omen's, one of them began to caress your hair while his other hand stayed where it was before.
You thought about speaking, about asking him how he was doing and what had happened, but you couldn't, it wasn't a lump in your throat, on the contrary. It was a kind of heat that spread from the bottom of your chest to your entire body, making you only able to focus on the relaxation that it brought to your brain, as if your body and soul recognized the place and the touch and all your defenses. They will be eliminated to make you weak to their touch. But you love being weak.
You sighed and settled even more into his form, your arms and legs surrounding him and squeezing you lovingly into him, the doubts in your mind quickly calming down as his claws massaged your scalp, bringing that relaxation to your state of mind that made you melt. Instantly.
You felt a slight shame, he was the one who was stressed and worried, however, he was the one who was giving you relaxation and love, it had to be the other way around, right?
You rested your cheek against his shoulder and began to speak. "What happened?.." You felt a small snort come from him as his hands now rested on your back, "Didn't Cypher talk to you?" He asked with a doubtful voice, in his mind Cypher would talk to you since he had some of the information from the last mission, so he assumed that he would inform you of what happened.
You shook your head in denial, when you tried to talk to Cypher he denied you the information, "He told me that it was your duty to talk about it…" Omen understood his reasons, after all, it was Omen's past and pain, not him. from others, so he would have to see if he felt comfortable sharing that information or not. Omen moved his head so that his face was against your forehead, simulating a kiss, "I know… but it's hard. I'll need time." His body tensed as he squeezed you.
"I'm fine as long as you're fine, and… we'll talk about this when you're comfortable. Just… don't put more pressure on yourself than you can handle." You whispered in a voice that you hoped would comfort him, you didn't want to pressure him, and if he had needed More than a week to be able to see you means that it was definitely difficult for him, especially when he completely trusted you, you knew everything about him, and eventually he would feel ready, no need to rush his feelings, and that's okay for you.
"Thank you.." he whispered while his face was still against your forehead, his tense body was now soft if it weren't for the armor, but you still felt like the blue glow was now gone, he was in complete tranquility. . "It's the least… and, I have my own radar for when you're sad, so I can come and give you kisses to see if you improve a little" you laughed softly as you raised your head, now seeing what his face would be like. One of his hands moved to brush the hair from your face and put it behind your ear, then he caressed your cheek gently.
"You know I'll need your radar active for many years to come, right?" His voice wasn't muffled or harsh like before, it was soft with a hint of teasing. "I know, and I'm very very very prepared" you laughed and moved your head forward, placing your lips on where his would be, even if he didn't have lips, he enjoyed the contact and stayed still, his hands adoringly caressing your figure as he He pressed you against him.
"I love you… rest assured" Omen whispered as both hands cradled your face and pulled you away from the kiss to look directly into your eyes, you nodded. It wasn't something he said a lot but that only made every time he said it make it even more special for both of them.
"I keep it in mind, and also, I love you too" you wanted to keep a serious face and not smile with joy and nervousness, but it was not something that was under your power, the corner of your lips smiled against your will as you looked at him with love, a lot of love.
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ms-cartoon · 2 years ago
What do you think of the HH/HB google leaks? Any thoughts on them?
Sorry that it took me a while to reply to this. Had to sort out my thoughts.
Someone kinda asked me the same thing about HB leaks. About what I thought about it or if I've seen it? I've written a few paragraphs containing that question. I'm not gonna spoil whatever I saw in those leaks to the people who are reading this, but the gist of it is that I'm fully convinced that Helluva Boss will possibly NEVER improve. The writers (and you know who I'm talking about) don't seem to care at all about us critiques or what we have to say about this show. They don't bother to look over anything that might need improvement and they probably seem to think they've made the greatest masterpiece of all time. Apparently, the fans seem to think so too, and that's why there will probably be no improvement.
HB might as well be a routine of what happens in these episodes.
A**holes like Blitzo, Stolas, or Loona act inappropriately, how they're acting seems to affect those around them, someone calls them out and they start to realize the error of their ways and the episode makes it seem like they're going to change for the better only for them to not learn a damn thing and go back to being a**holes to everyone the next episode.
Everyone makes fun of Moxxie, Moxxie starts to feel insecure or inferior, suddenly he has one of those moments where gets a change of heart and starts to toughen up, the episode makes it seem like he's going to start being brave from now on only for the next episode to repeat the same plot point and we go back to Moxxie learning how to stand up for himself.
Octavia is a depressed teenager who is bothered by her father and the things that he's done that affected her. Whether or not she runs away, she's pissed off at him for the rest of the episode. By the end of the episode, someone gives her a pep talk and makes excuses for Stolas's actions and she starts to get a change of heart and forgive her father, the show ONCE AGAIN using Octavia as a plot point to make us pity Stolas and make it seem like he's a misunderstood, innocent, uwu sweetheart who doesn't mean any harm and only wants love.
Millie is just Millie....
And that pretty much explains the leaks that I've seen. So yeah... no kind of improvement whatsoever. (Though, the Octavia thing is a bit different).
As for Hazbin Hotel, I'll just speak about the ones that caught my attention the most....
I've been looking forward to this upcoming show for a while. My hype for it doesn't click as much as it used to, but I still would feel excited a little bit every time I see an update or something. Can't say I consider it to be the greatest show ever, cuz it has a lot of flaws that I've noticed too, but I do consider it to be more entertaining and interesting than Helluva Boss.
I'm fully convinced the HH might just falter as a show altogether somehow like HB, but all I could do is just hope for the best of this soon-to-be tv series.
As for what I think of the leaks? Well, for starters.....
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Like I said, I'm not gonna give any details about the leaks. However, the first one I saw was Adam's script and sheet and honestly, his character is just as illogical as his character design!
From what I've read, I think he might just come off as this silly, goofball villain that everyone will love. Which is fine! There are plenty of antagonists who are goofy in tv shows. Like Dr. Doofenshmirks (Phineas and Ferb), Bill Cypher (Gravity Falls), Plankton (Spongebob), Izma (Emporers New Groove), Discord (My Little Pony), Even the freakin Joker!! Etc.
But with Adam, it's just... I dunno. Some things just don't seem to fit with his character. So for one... dude is an angel, but he doesn't seem to... act like one? We're supposed to see angels as good characters. We would expect to see them as the kind of people who would do NO wrong and are polite, well-behaved, and overall just good people unlike all the sinners in hell who are not very good people and don't care at all about wanting to be redeemed. And reading Adam's character as well as the script... I don't see any of that. Viv deliberately made him out to be this immature and carefree jackass who likes to rule over people. He's also pretty sexist. If anything, he just comes off to be another one of Hell's demons, looks and characteristics alone. And this is super ironic cuz he's supposed to be head of all the angel military and protector of heaven. You'd think that in that case, Viv would leave out the childish character in him. Plus, I have a pretty good feeling that the only reason he kills and exorcises demons in hell is because he just likes to do it. Like- it's not because it's his job or he feels he's supposed to or anything. He just does it because.... it's fun.
Oh and also, this one likes to cuss up a storm too......
Yeah... that doesn't exactly seem very "Angel" fitting. Honestly, I think Adam needs a whole new character upgrade. For someone who's supposed to be an angel made from heaven, he doesn't seem like one, let alone look like one. Not to mention it just makes Charlie's goal absolutely pointless. Like, she wants to redeem sinners, and yet we have an angel created in heaven who is an a**hole and says offensive things about women. What's the point in turning sinners into good people if they're probably gonna act the same way in heaven?
Of course, not to say that the angels can't at least act like villains. What I'm saying is, they shouldn't be considered evil since we're supposed to see them as good people. But they can just seem like antagonists since our protagonists are demons and we're supposed to side with them in a way. The angels attempting to kill them would just be bad for us viewers since that's NOT what we want. We don't want them to kill our protagonists, but since they're just doing their job as angels, we can't consider them evil or villains. Cuz in the end, they're just doing what they're instructed by heaven to do, and not because they wanna do it if that makes sense.
One of the main things that caught me off guard with Angel's design was his extra pair of arms.
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Okay, so you see how his whole skin (or fur, I guess) color is white? Or white with a very faint tint of pink? Looking at his second pair of arms, I thought that it was his bare skin and that it was short-sleeved. But, apparently, his white arms are just his... white gloves! That caught me completely off guard and I was ultimately thrown off by this detail. Like, if Viv was gonna make him wear an extra pair of gloves, why can't they be another color?? Why couldn't they be the same as the first pair??? They legit had me thinking it was a simple short sleeve.... but nope!! He's just wearing really long gloves. For real, does he NOT get hot wearing that???
As for Angel Dust as a character? To put it simply..... well... he's just as flawed as every other character created by Viv. It's a little funny for me to say, cuz I don't even hate him completely? Initially, I did think he was awesome... like he's someone you'd want to be friends with. But now... he's just another Vivzie character I can hardly take pity for no matter what kinda bullsh*t he goes through cuz in the end, he don't deserve pity.
He's like Stolas in a way; he gets abused and manipulated by someone but has no problem acting like a douche to other people around him. And we are expected to take pity on him, cuz "Ooh, he can't help it! He's always abused and raped by Val! He has every right to be an a**, insult people around him, and cause trouble. Poor Angel!!"
Like... no....
As we all know, Angel Dust is a VERY OPENLY gay dude, and proud of it too. He's very sexual, likes to flirt and have sex with dudes (women too sorta, if they pay him more), sex jokes 24/7 with this man, and overall just like d*cks. Did I forget to mention he's gay? Yeah, what's unlikable about his character, and I may have mentioned something like this before, he's your typical gay man who just likes to have sex and is super perverted, and it is NOT a very good representation of the lgbt community. Viv has been doing that a lot with her characters and it's just flat-out annoying. He's just another walking fanservice!
Another thing that is annoying, not to mention confusing, is that he's a sexual character we're supposed to laugh at because he's sexual, and yet at the same time, we're supposed to take pity on him cuz he has a pimp who sexually abuses him? This is the kinda thing that happened with HB too;
Stolas flirts with Blitzo, harassing him and manipulating him. Blitzo does the same thing with his coworkers, stalking them, sexually harassing them, and even threatening to rape them at one point and all that was supposed to be painted as funny, when really it's not. The same thing happens with Angel; he makes sex jokes while also being a flirt with all the dudes around him and we're supposed to find this comedic and funny. But then he has a pimp who is just beyond cruel to Angel, sexually harassing him, raping him, very abusive, and in this case, we're supposed to cry and take pity on Angel?
....So, which is it?? Are we expected to laugh at his trauma or not?? Like, PICK ONE!!!
Why are we even laughing at the one thing that's supposed to depress him???
It doesn't even make sense with him as a character, because he'll go having lots of sex with folks, making sex jokes, brag about how hot he is, about how much he likes to get laid, flirt with other dudes, offer a blowjob out of nowhere, etc. and he'll feel all proud of, would gladly do all that sh*t again. But then minutes later, when someone does the EXACT SAME THING TO HIM, he'll start to feel hurt, harassed, or abused.
Again....Which is it!!!?? PICK ONE!!!
Another thing I notice is that his sheet mentions that he has trouble trusting people he meets. What exactly does Viv mean by that? Correct me if I'm wrong, but if someone doesn't have trust in you, then they would be a bit... standoffish. They would probably be aloof, not even wanting to make small talk, probably wouldn't even want to be your friend. Y'know just someone with trust issues. With Angel? I didn't see ANY of that in the pilot! I barely even saw it in the comic. Angel was super quick to become friends with Charlie and Vaggie. Albeit, he acts like a douche, he's still comfortable enough to crack jokes around them and is quick to accept the free housing they offered. If anything, he just takes advantage of them, causing trouble and making them look bad. Not to mention that he felt a little bad when he saw the sad look on Charlie's face and initially wanted to comfort her.
Then there was the ADDICT mv by the end where Angel scowls at Charlie and turns away from her. Why are we suddenly seeing him acting so mean?? And it's not mean like "It's just a prank bro." kinda mean. It's mean like, "Don't talk to me!". THAT is the only time where we see him having trust issues, and that's it! And then I look back at the pilot, the comic, and these audition scripts where he is having normal conversations with Vaggie and Charlie all the while being a little friendly with them. Does he have trouble trusting people or doesn't he???
And y'all can't tell me "Oh, it probably took him a while to start trusting Charlie and Vaggie." This dude spent two weeks with them! Even in that time, the only communication Angel should have with them is small talk and cold shoulders.
I honestly don't know what to expect from Angel when the show comes out. I'm just hoping he won't be totally botched like the majority of the characters in HB. But considering the rate that it's going, it's more than likely.
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I actually like Husk a lot, so I really hope they don't screw up him in this series.
Not sure if there's much I can say about his character yet? All I know is that he's a really grumpy Garfield who likes drinking more than he likes eating.
I will say something about his design though. I don't totally find his look ugly.... and that's kinda the problem. So Husk is supposed to be an old dude. Like in his 60s or something. But the only trait he has to that is his gruff deep voice. The rest of him?? I guess some of Viv's characters just can't exist without them looking like you wanna simp for them, no matter if their designs don't match their character traits. If you want Husk to be an old grump, then make him LOOK like one. Have him be like Grunkle Stan from Gravity. At least give him a beer gut or something since he likes to drink a lot!
While we're on the topic of beers, I kinda agree with Vaggie with her comment about the bar. The whole point of Charlie's hotel project is to counsel any of the guests that come and visit. Help them cope with any sort of trauma or depression they have. Turn them into good people. Help them get over any kind of addiction they have. I really don't think the whole bar thing is gonna help any alcoholics who wanna drink until they sink. If anything they're just tempting them to show up and ask for a drink just by having the bar there.
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I've read Val's sheet and scripts and judging by those alone, I just know he's going to end up being another villain we are not going to take seriously at all. I don't even think I could call him a villain. I agree with what @showtoonzfan mentioned in one of their posts, he comes off as a school bully, your typical pimp who considers his prostitutes to be his property, and will be quick to get angry if he doesn't get his way. He'll probably say something like this to Angel, "I own you! I control you!" And I might just end up laughing cuz, of course he gonna say that, he's a pimp. And all pimps act like this (sarcastic voice).
That's pretty much all I could say for now. If you're curious about any others, I can try to think about it and give my input.
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lucillemartinisme · 2 years ago
Les Twins Tampa Workshop Cypher pt.3
While me was sleeping me woke up to dude fucking me from behind so me kicked him off n out of me he then rolled on me really quick n starting apologizing talking about he thought we had a connection like ummmm but didn't try it when me let you kiss the kitty quite interesting for him to think that why not try then why wait til me sleep n shit n me heard some loud peeing n farting coming from the bathroom so now we are not alone
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And he also offered me moola me believe around 120 plus the other 20 he was supposed to go to the ATM n get n never went so me felt trapped n like he was gonna do it anyways so me was like you really ain't go to the ATM yet trying to still figure something out he then got off me went to closet n said money was nothing n handed me cash that he had me believe all along me could've tried to escape after he got off me but now we gotta another dude in the apt me had no family down there the experience was already horrific before then so me took the moola n asked him would he at least put on a condom n he did after it was over me asked him would he take me back to Greyhound n he came up with some lame excuse about not seeing good at night n waiting still til morning n in the morning he promise first thing he'll drop me off so ok me went for that what shoulda me done its late not knowing his address to call police n if tried n got caught then what me saying its 2 men now n me don't know where me at so again me went for it
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aeonzy · 3 years ago
cypher x reader
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summary: cypher finds something out about you.
warnings: smut, daddy kink, reader is afab, kinda short (??)
inspired by a favorite fanfiction of mine.
describing the tension as awkward would be an understatement.
‘stupid game ...’ you thought to yourself, standing at the counter washing the dishes before lazily handing them off to cypher as he dried them. everyone else was out on either a mission, or finally taking a break.
last night, you and jett decided to hang out and bond over a drunk truth or dare, after watching several horror movies together. 
“strange, the usually loud one is awfully quiet.” cypher commented which made you almost drop the glass in the sink. that would have been bad, you’d get a hearing from brimstone ..
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, i’m just tired.” you said, probably a bit firmer than needed but cypher kept smiling. ‘oh fuck me.’ you thought to yourself. it was all jett’s fault, really! it was the alcohol’s fault too, definitely. she was the one who invited you to hang out with her. she was the one who proposed the game of truth or dare that pulled the most mortifying words out of your mouth that cypher, phoenix and yoru overheard.
ever since then, pheonix would be awkward, yoru would tease you about it, and cypher would treat you .. funny. even though his mouth was concealed, you can always tell he was grinning when he talks to you. he’s been acting really close with you too, and for what ..? 
“i think the plate is clean enough, alsaghir.” cypher said, wrapping his gloved digits around your wet ones to take the plate away from your hands. you felt your cheeks heat up and you tried your hardest to hide it from him but, he sees everything. “are you sure you’re alright? your breathing’s erratic.” you can practically feel the devious smirk in his tone. “i’m always here for you, i can always be your .. second dad.” oh my fucking god, this assfuck. you dug your head into the counter, too embarrassed to look at him right now. 
“cypher, cut it out.”
“i’m not doing anything wrong.”
“you know what you’re doing.”
“no, i don’t. enlighten me? “
"i will hit you.”
“funny, i heard from a little birdy you were into that too.”
you groaned in defeat, you were gonna beat the living fuck out of cypher and jett. you feel his breath on your neck, and your breath hitches. his gloved hands graze against your bare shoulders, a devious chuckle slipping past his lips.
"it's a shame, alsaghir. sure, you can do it with yoru or even sova, but you wouldn't be satisfied with them now, would you?" you had a feeling cypher was aware of your romantic feelings towards him, and this just confirms it. your orbs flicker to his, curious on what he was up to.
"tell me, who's the first person that comes to your mind when you think about those things? who?" asked the agent whilst you feel his fingers ghost against your soft flesh, somewhere near your inner thighs. you gulp without knowing, he definitely knows. he definitely knows you think about him. he definitely knows how you whimper his name as you pump your fingers deep inside, thinking about-
you shook your head, making the decision to ignore the thoughts.
"your silence says everything, little girl." you feel his fingers slide up underneath your skirt, feeling a few digits prod on your clothed pussy.
"say, why don't we continue this elsewhere and .. see how things go?"
it was fast.
next thing you know, you were making out with the agent on the door of your bedroom, his hands making its way under your crop top to unclip the bra strap, releasing your breasts free, then he hastily makes work of your shirt, sliding them up before throwing it on the floor, he didn't care if he had some explaining to do to the others, and the feeling was mutual.
"a- aamir .." you whimpered, feeling him move his head to your neck, taking in your scent as he plants kisses along your collarbones. he wanted this, he wanted you, he wanted you all to himself. "you sound so beautiful, alsaghir. keep making pretty noises for me."
his words go straight to your pussy. god, does he know the effect he has on you? you make a lewd sound, leaning your head back to give him more access. his teeth nip on your skin, he was marking you as his, and his only. you wince a bit, but it felt good.
his free hand twists the doorknob open, you two sliding in the gap before he pushes you against the wall, locking the door. "tell me, pretty. are you a virgin?"
you shook your head, and you swore you heard the man growl. you were about to ask why he asked, but was interrupted by the way his pink muscle licked the mark he made on you.
"you're mine now, and i'll make sure i'll fuck it into your brain to remember that."
his words ... you decide to make a move, grabbing him by the wrists to switch positions, pinning them to the wall before your hands slide to his shoulders. "i'm a big girl, let me help daddy." those words that came out of your mouth went straight to the annoying bulge in his pants, the noticable twitch catching your attention. your hands trail down to the zipper and unzip, eyes fixated on his face, the way his face scrunches up because of how close you were to his shaft.
"let daddy put that mouth to work, is that fine with you?" his thumb slides under your chin as his spare hand gently puts the tip of his cock by your lips. your way of inviting him was to open your mouth a bit wider, tongue pressung against the head of his cock. he obliges by pushing himself in gently in your mouth, leaning his head back to let out an exhale he had unknowingly been holding in.
it had been awhile since you gave somebody a blowjob, so you were a little bit more than needed thankful the taste was normal and the texture was fine. you begin to suckle on it, doe eyes looking up to his innocently.
you looked so hot, looking so innocent while he takes you down the rabbit hole of your dirtiest ideas, it was driving him insane.
"nice and easy .." cypher mumbles, moreso to himself, pushing in until the head of his cock was hitting at the back of your throat. he didn't care if you were going to gag on his cock, as long as it was his it's fine. "fuck, good girl for daddy, i'm so proud."
his hand pets your head before beginning to thrust in your mouth, you bobbing your head on his cock, you two agreeing that you should take it slow at first, bobbing your head on a singular pace. "oh, little one. daddy loves it when you suck his cock. it takes everything in him not to defile you in front of everyone when you look at me with those eyes .." a groan leaves his lips, pushing your head further down his groin. your breathing was becoming fast and harsh as you squirm from your kneeling position.
"look at me. what seems to be the matter, little one?" the thumb under your chin shifts for you to take a clear look at his face, a devious grin making its way to grace itself upon his features. "you look red." you try your best to avert your head at the comment, but his hand comes up to your face to give it a light slap before forcing you this time to look up at him. "look at daddy when he tells you to."
you feel embarrassment coarsing through you, before he begins to thrust on a faster pace in your mouth. his cock was so good in your mouth, you could never get enough. "you're a freak, it's cute." the shame started on the back of your neck and worked its way down your spine as his grin seemed to widen in victory. "little one gets all hot and bothered about calling the one-" a harsh thrust in your mouth, "-deep in their mouth daddy." from his words, you couldn't help but feel your arousal pool in between your legs, sliding a hand secretly in between them. "someone looks pleased, i wonder why.." he murmured, before you feel a harsher slap than before come to your cheek, feeling a harsh jerk of your chin to look up at him once again.
"touch yourself again and i'll make sure to punish you a lot harder, okay? that cunt of yours is daddy's only and he'll tell you if and when you can touch it, capische?" you nod vigurously, "i'm sorry daddy."
"go to the bed, i wanna finish on you." you nodded your head once more, standing up carefully to take your shorts off and slide your panties down. you practically rocket towards the bed, excitement rushing through your body, as shameful as it was to admit. you spread your legs for him, and it was an invitation, an invitation for the man towering above you to ruin your body.
he almost groaned at the sight, you looked so beautiful like this, so beautiful ー his pretty girl. "ready for me, pretty girl?" he asked, reaching under your knees to spread your legs a bit further to accommodate his hips. you nodded rapidly, breath quickening as you saw him stroke his cock, fingers running over his head gently. you felt so small under his heavy gaze, but it aroused you even more.
he begins to position the head of his cock in your entrance, before pushing in gently. gods, it's been awhile, but no one has ever stretched you out like the way his cock did. a gasp slips past your lips, "are you alright?" you could hear the concern in his tone, and it made your heart flutter at how caring he was despite the circumstances. "yes, i'm .. fine, keep going daddy." and so he did, he kept pushing in slowly but gently, eyes glued on your face as it scrunched up in pain.
finally, cypher was all the way in. you both shuddered with a sense of accomplishment as you tightened and loosened around him. "daddy's gonna move now, okay baby?" he said breathlessly as he began to lift his hips achingly slow. it was like your cunt didn't want him to go as you felt yourself throb around his length, he pushed back in and his focused expression was dissolving slowly. "oh fuck, oh shit .." he swore, beginning to pull out again. you couldn't form words at how good cypher was making you feel, to completely fill you up then pull back, it felt so disgusting, you needed more, you needed him.
"fuck me, daddy." you said, it was hilarious because your voice was cracking as he pushed in with a harsh thrust, it was hilarious because could you even handle it? "you want daddy to fuck you, pretty? you sure you're big enough to handle it? that could hurt, y'know." he said, moreso convincing himself to not ruin you here.
"i'm a big girl, i can handle it. i wanna feel you break me, don't go easy on me daddy." you begged and your efforts were paid off, hands wrapping around your calves, pulling you closer, that hungry snarl back on his face as he pressed your legs farther apart.
"daddy's gonna fucking destroy you, pretty." he said roughly as he began to thrust intensely in you. a string of unintelligible words fell from your lips in varying volumes as your body shook with his thrusts. he was right ー it hurt, but it felt so good. the soreness of your legs and pussy sent pleasure up and down your core and you arched your back. cypher kept groaning the entire time he fucked himself into you, pulling out a few inches before digging himself in.
"daddy's gonna fucking destroy you, pretty girl. daddy's wanted to destroy you for so long, you fucking tease .." his words sent all the blood rushing into your face, as he used one hand to push your leg to your chest, his spare hand reaching to rub your clitoris. a slew of squeaks and squeals spill from your lips, "you like this, pretty one? you want daddy to cum deep inside your cunt? you wanna cum around his big cock?" he taunted as he felt your pussy begin to spasm with pleasure around him, sweat running down his face and slipping under the collar of his shirt.
"don't stop, please just .. don't stop!" you begged fiercely as your eyes watered, climax drawing nearer as you stared at cypher's maniacal grin. it was hard to believe not long ago you saw tenderness and care in his eyes, now it was all animal, crazed and desperate desire. with that look burrowing into you, his thumb rubbing your slick clit in circles and his deep, furious thrusts, you felt the orgasm start to overwhelm you.
"yes baby, good girl. cum around your daddy's cock, show daddy how much you love him." he said, voice dropping low as you started yelling over and over again, the pleasure running in waves over you, the continuous thrusts and rubbing causing it to go on much longer than you can normally bring yourself to. cypher clearly did not expect you to clench around him so tight during this, though his loud groan and his hands flying up to dig into the bedsheets said a lot. his thrusts faltered in tempo and they were becoming shorter and quicker in succession in you. you were almost numb to the feeling of him, the pleasure sensors inside you seeming to be fried. but you were given one last roll of pleasure as you turned your head up to see cypher's blushing face. you bit your lip at his expression, and you weren't sure if that was exactly the last straw for him to pull out and finish on your stomach.
he was moaning, his torso shaking as he buried his head in the curve of your neck. you held him close to you, the pace of your breathing as heavy as his, "shit, pretty.." he said in an exhausted, haggard voice. you both lied there for a bit, panting heavily, chests heaving in sync. finally, cypher got up and adjusted his pants, and you didn't say anything, just buried yourself deep in his comforter.
"well, i'll go somewhere to grab us a chow, unless you want sage to cook for us later?" cypher asks, and you shook your head. "do whatever you want, i think i worked this lunch's calories off." you both chuckled.
"actually, rest with me?" you shyly asked, eyes wandering to look away from his gaze. this brings a chuckle out of him, before he moves to the bed to lie beside you. "whatever you wish, my pretty girl."
you both succumb to the tiredness, you will most likely overthink and analyze this situation but .. you didn't have the heart for it at the moment.
yoru crossed his arms, chuckling to himself along with jett and phoenix. "finally, they hit it off." he commented, "yeah, but i don't appreciate the fact they made it loud and clear." brimstone grumbled, leaning against the fridge.
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bangtanintotheroom · 3 years ago
AJ! Congrats on the milestone!! Of course people are following, your writing is amazing! 💕
Can I request a Yoongi x Reader using smut prompts 29 “not so cocky now, are you?” and 41 “call me that again”? 🥺
Thank you Sunny! 🥺😳💕
You don't know how happy I was when I saw you asked for Yoongi hehehe
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• Pairing: Underground Rapper!Yoongi x Underground Rapper!(F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Smut, Enemies to Friends
• Rating: 18+
• Words: 4.1k
• Summary: It was bad enough that you beat him in a cypher but then you had to rub it in his face afterwards.
• Prompt(s): #29 and #41 (smut) “Not so cocky now, are you?” “Do that again.”
• Warnings/themes: swearing, Yoongi hates losing, reader is a cocky little shit, oral (m. receiving), fingering, dirty talk, unconventional pet name (nothing degrading), slight dom!Yoongi, rough sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP!), cumshot
• Notes: Shoutout to @sunshinerainbowsbts for asking for a request with Mr. Min Yoongi! This man has had such a tight grip on me lately that I ended up typing a good chunk of this at work while we were slow 🤪 Crossposted to AO3 as well.
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Masterlist | Sore Loser | Neck and Neck
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He hadn’t lost a cypher in the four years he had been underground and that fact had changed today.
Thanks to you, of all people.
Yoongi was still in disbelief as he walked through the backstage hallway, not even sure where the hell he was going. He got his ass handed to him in front of the same people who ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ at his unmatched flow and devastating lyrics. He was a fan favorite but there was no way he was going to escape from this unscathed (he could already see the sympathetic DMs coming in his inbox in the morning).
He wouldn’t normally be such a sore loser but because it was you, he had every right to be salty. You were immensely talented, he couldn’t deny that, but your cockiness was what kept him from seeing eye to eye with you. Overconfidence radiated from your pores and lingered in the way you walked, talked and even dressed. It didn’t help that you were starting to make a name for yourself in the scene; Yoongi’s ears itched every time he turned a corner and heard someone speaking about you. He had to keep his face still as a statue as the MC announced you as the winner, his jaw clenching as you shot the audience that infuriating grin of yours.
Either way, he wanted to get out of here and not hear anything sounding like your name for the rest of the night.
Yoongi felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out, groaning at the message on the screen.
[Namjoon (RM)]: hey man, mind waiting for me? Supreme needs help setting up the lineups for next week
[Yoongi (Suga)]: fine man. how long u gonna be
He made a face at the next message.
[Namjoon (RM)]: prolly half an hour, you know how he gets 🙄 you can go ahead if you want
[Yoongi (Suga)]: nah, I’ll wait, no worries
Yoongi chuckled at his friend’s enthusiastic reply.
[Namjoon (RM)]: you’re the goat, man 🥺 I’ll buy you extra kimchi at Spice, promise 🤞🏼
[Yoongi (Suga)]: bet 😏
Yoongi cut the screen off before pocketing his phone, wondering how he was going to pass the time. He really wasn’t in the mood to socialize with others and be reminded of his loss. At this time, most of the performers and spectators should have been gone or out in the front, meaning the dressing rooms were most likely empty. A quick nap couldn’t hurt.
Just as he was about to head off, a voice from behind made his stomach turn.
“Sugar baby!”
For fuck’s sake.
Yoongi blew a breath out of his nostrils before turning to see you walking towards him now. His irritation grew at the sight of you but it was also because his eyes immediately wandered to your exposed midriff and the silver butterfly dangling from your navel. Why did your hips have to sway like that?
“You know that’s not my name, Y/N.”
“Well, that’s my name for you.” You giggled as his eyes rolled from your retort. “Surprised you’re here all alone, where’s your other half?”
“He has to take care of something, gotta wait for him.”
You hummed, pretending to be thinking about something as your hands rested on your hips. “I see…so that means I can bug you until he’s done?”
Yoongi growled and turned around to start walking down the hall. “I don’t fucking think so.”
Blinking as he basically blew you off, you began speed-walking after him, trailing just behind his taller form. “Hold up sugar baby, don’t be rude! Shouldn’t you be nice to the girl who just knocked you off your throne?”
Yoongi gave you an unimpressed look. “I don’t have to be shit to you, especially since you did that.”
“Aww, someone’s mad, huh? Them’s the breaks, dude, can’t win at everything in life, you know?”
It was hard to get someone like him worked up but you were hitting all the right buttons. His hands clenched into fists as you followed him. “Y/N, go away, I don’t want to talk to you.”
Of course you didn’t listen as you kept following him. “You sure? Maybe I can give you some tips or-“
You nearly ran into him when he stopped in his tracks and whipped around to give you a devastating glare. “Y/N. I don’t need any of your goddamn tips or tricks or whatever advice you want to give. Fuck. Off.”
The look he was giving you should have made you shrink in fear but instead you felt the urge to push him further, something about the way his usually stoic demeanor was cracking intriguing you.
“You know-” You stepped closer to him, noticing the way he stiffened at your close proximity. “One little L isn’t gonna kill you. Just get rid of that stress somehow and you’ll be alright, kid.”
“And how do you suggest I get rid of that stress?”
“Well, you can-” A finger came up.
“Go drink your sorrows-” A second one.
“Eat some good ass food-” A third, followed by a painted smirk.
“Or get your rocks off.”
Yoongi couldn’t help but laugh dryly at your suggestions, despite his annoyance with you. “Wow, wonderful ideas there. I beat you to it on the first two though, already planned to do those after I get out of here.”
Your head tilted as you pouted. “Just the first two?”
“Mhm. Not in the mood to look for a hook-up, not like the thought passed my mind anyways.”
“I see…”
You seemed to be in deep thought as you looked down now, eyes on one of the patches on his leather jacket. Taking that as his cue to leave, Yoongi turned around and began walking again. Only now he stopped when your voice rang out once more.
“What if you didn’t have to look?”
His brow raised in confusion before his head turned to look at you. “What?”
“I said, what if you didn’t have to look for a hook-up?”
“...if you say that my hand will suffice, I’m leaving for sure.”
“No, dickhead.” You cocked a hip out and rested a hand on it, having the nerve to look up at him through those long lashes of yours. “I’m saying that you wouldn’t have to look too far…”
You trailed off on purpose, figuring that he would get the hint soon. Your prediction came true as his narrowed eyes widened a few seconds later, eyeing you with stupefaction.
“You can’t be serious…”
Your teeth flashed. “Serious as a motherfucker, sugar baby.”
Yoongi’s expression of shock swiftly morphed into the irritation you were familiar with. “Y/N, you’re not funny, you know that? It’s bad enough that you kicked my ass, now you’re making jokes with me? Go bother someone else with your bullshit, I’m done.”
“Who said I was joking? Are you really about to turn down my generous offer?”
Yoongi really should have said ‘yes’ and kept it moving but a minuscule part of him wanted to humor you and see if you really were sincere about your offer. Folding his arms, he leaned forward at the waist, looking you right in your eyes.
“Y/N…what makes you think I would accept? You think I want to fuck you? I just told you how I felt about you.”
All you could do was laugh at how he tried to make himself look intimidating. So cute.
“Sugar baby, I know you want to fuck me. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve been looking at me since I stepped on the scene. Your mouth says one thing but your eyes say something completely different.” Your arms motioned to your body, moving from top to bottom. “No shame in saying you want someone.”
Yoongi tried not to follow your gesture but he couldn’t help but let his eyes rake down your shapely form before returning to your face. “…what about me?”
He stepped closer. “Even if I did say I wanted to fuck you, do you want to fuck me? Or are you just trying to pull me in for some pity fucking?”
To his surprise, you looked a bit put off by his theory. “Dude, I don’t fuck out of pity, I fuck someone because I want to. And on that note, I-” A manicured nail pointed at him. “Want to fuck you.”
Yoongi did not imagine the rest of his night going like this at all. If you had told him before he got on stage that he would be beaten by you, a newcomer, in a cypher, he would have scoffed and said ‘yeah right’. But if you had told him he would have this same woman offer herself up to him afterwards, he would have thrown his head back and laughed in your face.
It wasn’t so funny now.
Especially with the way you were eyeing him up as you waited for a response.
“Huh…you been planning this or something?”
You hummed and looked off to the side. “Not exactly. I just know that I’ve liked what I’ve been seeing since the beginning and I’m choosing to seize the opportunity. Besides-”
Yoongi blinked when he realized how close you were to him now, leaving only a few inches between your bodies. “You’re pretty sexy when you’re mad, you know that?”
As if that wasn’t enough, you had to run that damned finger of yours along his chest, making his breath hitch as he felt the edge of the acrylic through the fabric of his shirt. Whatever sensibility he had flew out the window with both of those actions, prompting him to grab your hand with his own. His eyes bore into yours with increasing lust as his tongue ran out over his lips.
“I don’t have much time, you know…”
“How long?”
“Less than thirty.”
You chuckled, lacing your fingers with his. “More than enough time.”
With your confirmation, Yoongi turned and began walking once more down the hallway, making a beeline for the set of doors at the very end labeled ‘Dressing Room’. Picking the closest one, he rapped on it with his knuckles and listened for an answer. Hearing nothing, he pulled the door open and practically threw you inside before stepping in after, turning around to shut and lock it. The second he turned back, you were on him, hands gripping onto his jacket and pulling him down into a hard kiss. Yoongi’s eyes shut at the contact, wasting no time in moving his lips against yours.
But the second your tongue forced itself into his mouth, he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you off of him. Panting softly, he rasped out. “Hold on there. Didn’t you say I needed to get rid of my stress?”
You gave him a look of mild puzzlement. “I did…”
The smirk he shot you made a shock run down your spine. “Then don’t think you’re going to run things while we’re in here.”
Before you could even open your mouth, Yoongi quickly spun you around so your back pressed into the door, pinning your wrists and reattaching his lips to yours. His knee pushed itself between your legs, parting them with little resistance on your end. As much as he liked the moans you were letting out from the way his tongue was swirling around in your mouth, the rational part of his brain reminded him that he didn’t have the luxury of taking his sweet time. So he let go of one of your wrists, only to let it join your other one in his grip while his free hand snuck down to your pants, making quick work of the closures. As soon as they were undone, he slipped his hand into your underwear. The gasp you let out and what he found made him chuckle before he pulled his lips away.
“Damn…I barely touched you and you’re already this wet?” Yoongi leaned in to brush his lips against your ear and husk. “Don’t tell me you’ve been like this since we were on stage?”
The way your body shook gave you away. “Mnh…maybe.”
Yoongi chuckled, lowering his voice further. “Well, well, if I knew the little rookie had a thing for me, I would have just dragged you back here earlier and fucked you already.”
“Shit…but I thought you didn’t like me?”
“Hmph, you’re alright when you’re not running your mouth off. Doesn’t make you any less hot.”
You grinned at his casual admission. “Aww, sugar baby actually likes me, that’s- hah-!”
He cut off your teasing with a firm press to your clit, giving you an unamused look. “That’s not my name.”
Now his long fingers reached back to play with your entrance, feeling the way the hole tensed at the touch. “You want more, Y/N?”
His eyes narrowed. “Then what’s my name?”
It was so tempting to keep up with the nickname but your need for his fingers inside you won.
The way his lips curled up to flash his teeth made you even wetter. “Good girl.”
Yoongi rewarded you with two of his fingers sliding into your heat, pulling a shaky groan from your mouth while he swore under his breath. He began pumping the digits, feeling his cock twitch in his pants each time you clenched around him. Once he worked you up to a panting mess (thanks to swipes of his thumb and curls of his fingers), he slipped them out of you to begin working on his belt. Your hand came up and rested on his, prompting him to look up at you with a raised brow.
“Let me do that.”
The sultry way you delivered those words killed whatever protest was on his lips, moving his hand away to allow you to take over. He watched you silently until you sunk down to your knees as you undid his zipper. “Hey, I told you I don’t have much time.”
“Wow, has to be the first time a guy didn’t want me to suck his dick. Just for a little bit, I promise.”
The fluttering of your lashes plus the mental image of your lips wrapped around him made him go against his better judgment. Scoffing, he shook his head. “Fine.”
“Thanks baby.”
You hooked your fingers into the fabrics and eased it down, letting out an impressed sound at the sight of his cock (even he couldn’t fight the chuckle at the stroke to his ego). Your hand came up and wrapped around him, giving him a couple of pumps before taking him halfway in, indulging in the hiss that came through his teeth. His hands came up to tangle his fingers in your hair as you started bobbing on him, the sounds of your mouth and his occasional groans the only noise in the room. After a few minutes, Yoongi gave your locks a light tug, reluctantly letting you release his stiff length from your mouth. Only giving you time to lick the saliva off your swollen lips, he reached down and stood you up before turning you around to face the door. Pulling your hips back so your ass stuck out, he held onto the waistband of your pants before tugging them down sharply to rest halfway down your thighs. Running his tongue over his bottom lip at the sight of your bare cheeks, he rested a hand on one to give it a squeeze while he wrapped the other around himself. Scooting closer to you, he ran the tip along your wet folds before purring out.
“Ready for me, rookie?”
You whimpered, pushing back against him. “Please, Suga…fuck me.”
Chuckling at how cooperative you were now, Yoongi lined up with your entrance before sinking in, a growl rumbling in his chest as your heat began enveloping him. As soon as his hips touched your ass, he leaned in to rasp into your ear. “Don’t think I’m going to go easy on you.”
A clench around him and the turn of your head to flash him a sly smile was all the assurance he needed.
Licking his lips, he pinned your wrists to the door once more before beginning to thrust into you hard and deep. The cry that escaped you only motivated him to keep his pace up, the sound of his skin smacking against yours like music to his ears. As the pleasure kept building up, Yoongi began husking again, a hint of smugness in his voice at how you kept squeezing him with every stroke.
“Shit, doll, your pussy really likes my dick, huh?”
“Fuck- y-yes, it does…you’re really spreading me out…”
Yoongi laughed again at how needy you sounded, trapping your earlobe between his teeth for a second. “Listen to you…not so cocky now, are you?”
Your cheeks flared at his call-out. “M-Mm…”
“Huh? What happened to that big mouth of yours? I thought you were going to use it to give me some advice.”
“Y-You, ah-! You don’t need it…”
His hips paused at your admission, eyes widened in disbelief. “…what was that, Y/N?”
The whine that came out of you at his action nearly broke his surprise. “I said…you don’t need my advice. You’re-” You turned your head to look him in his eyes, barely able to keep the eye contact going with what you were about to say. “You’re already fine the way you are.”
Yoongi blinked, thinking he was having some dream (he guessed it’d count as a wet one considering he was buried in you) because of what you said. From the start, you were nothing but conceited to him, refusing to acknowledge his seniority and skill level to his face. Nearly everyone had praised him except for you which always irked him, for whatever reason. Fuck the cypher, to have you say the words he wanted to hear for months now?
That was a win in his book.
“...about time you gave me some respect.”
Now you broke the eye contact, face heated at how you broke your mask of arrogance in front of him. Damn him and his good dick.
He moved your wrists to be held by one hand again before sliding the free one to the back of your neck, pressing your cheek into the cold wood of the door. “You’re talented yourself, baby, but you’re nowhere near my level yet. Maybe in a couple of years I’ll let you mouth off to me again but for now…”
Yoongi returned to moving his hips again at a rough pace, forcing you to hold back the shriek that wanted to escape your throat, remembering that anyone could have been passing by in the hallway. As if having his cock pound into you mercilessly wasn’t enough, his head leaned in again to growl into your ear.
“So who’s the king of the cyphers?”
His teeth flashed. “And who’s the boss of that stage?”
“You-! Fuck, Suga…”
Yoongi laughed at how you whined out your answers, his chest swelling with pride. “That’s right, doll, don’t you forget it. Now stand there and let me fuck you like a good rookie.”
You could care less about his words at this point, you just wanted him to go through with his promise. Thankfully, he didn’t hold back with his thrusts, his grunts and groans low yet becoming more frequent as time went on. He must have lost track of time as he felt his phone vibrate in his jacket pocket all of a sudden, wondering if it was Namjoon letting him know that he was done with his meeting. Cursing under his breath, he removed the hand from your neck to place his fingers on your throbbing clit, pulling a sharp inhale from you. “Shh, just hold on tight, baby.”
With a quick nod from you, Yoongi began rubbing the bud in circles, your slickness helping his finger move around easier. The tension in both of your bodies kept rising and rising until his thrusts became more erratic, sweat beading underneath his mint-colored bangs.
“Fuck, Y/N, gonna come soon-”
“Mnh, m-me too…don’t stop-”
Teeth digging into his lower lip, Yoongi kept up the pace, ignoring the way his phone kept vibrating more frequently. Namjoon kept him waiting, the least he could do was let him come.
“O-Oh Suga…” A few more circles of his digit made your back arch suddenly, unable to hold back as your orgasm slammed into you. “God!”
Yoongi barely got a warning before you started clamping down on him tight, forcing a sharp hiss from his lips as he quickly pulled out, wrapping his hand around his cock. Giving himself a few pumps, he groaned lowly as he hit his peak, strands of white shooting out the tip to paint your bare bottom. “Fuck-”
Once your bodies began coming down, Yoongi unwrapped his hand, taking in the sight of his come dripping down the curve of your ass. His ringtone sounding out in the room brought him out of his observation, reaching into his pocket with his unstained hand to see Namjoon’s name on the screen. Swiping the green button, he held up the device to his ear.
“Yo, you alright man? I texted you a few times and you didn’t answer.”
Yoongi cleared his throat, doing his best not to sound out of breath. “Yeah, sorry man, I snuck into one of the dressing rooms for a nap. Just woke up for this call.”
He heard his friend chuckle on the other end. “Ah, I shouldn’t have been surprised, you and your naps.”
He gave a small ‘hmph’ and walked over to the coffee table, grabbing a couple of tissues before heading back to your still bent form. Yoongi ignored the questioning look you gave him as he started wiping his mess off of you. “You done with Supreme?”
“Yeah, a couple of minutes ago, actually. You still up for dinner?”
Yoongi scoffed, both at Namjoon’s question and how you tried to reach for the tissues he had in his hand, dodging your reach. “Of course, idiot, you owe me extra kimchi, remember?”
“Damn, I was hoping you’d forget about that. Alright, you want me to come meet you by the dressing rooms?”
“Nah, just wait for me by the entrance, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”
“Alright, see ya.”
Hanging up, Yoongi returned his phone to his pocket before tossing the soiled tissues in the nearby trashcan. Looking at you again, he was surprised to see you giving him a look of full-blown confusion. “What?”
“You…you didn’t have to do that, you know.”
He shrugged and reached down to start doing his pants back up. “I’m not an asshole who doesn’t like to clean up their own mess. Don’t worry about it.”
“Oh...thanks, Suga.”
Receiving a nod in acknowledgment, you began working your own pants back up as well, not wanting to hold him back from his meetup. You walked over to the mirror to straighten up and make sure nothing was out of place and screamed ‘I just got fucked against a door and loved it’. Satisfied with what you fixed, you turned back to get ready to leave when you noticed Yoongi giving you an odd gaze.
“You didn’t call me sugar baby.”
You looked away in sheepishness. “I-I know…you said it’s your name so, yeah. Don’t make a big deal of it, dude…”
Yoongi chuckled at how shy you got, stepping forward to give you one of his cat-like grins. “Thanks rookie.”
You pouted up at him, poking him in the chest. “Stop calling me that, that’s not my name.”
“Oh, I see. When you did it, it was fine, but when I do it, it’s a problem?”
“...just go on your little date, man.”
Yoongi shook his head at how you avoided his question and prepared to leave until a thought came up. “…hey, you ever been to Spice?”
“The barbecue place? Yeah, their pork belly is bomb!”
A hand came up to ruffle the back of his mint-colored strands. “You…you wanna come with us? RM wanted to get barbecue and hot pot tonight, even though we had trouble finishing it the last time, figure an extra body might help.”
He expected you to decline, wanting to keep your time together confined to the building but the way your eyes lit up and you nodded proved him wrong. “Sure. Two things, though.”
A brow lifted. “What’s that?”
“One-” Your mouth curled up. “You share some of that extra kimchi.”
“Two-” Your lids lowered now before your eyes traveled up and down his form. “All that shit we just did? Do that again.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes at your first request but they paused at your second, watching the way you took him in with your gaze. His tongue flicked out over his lips before he smirked.
“You’ve got a deal.”
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2022. Crossposted to AO3. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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khuzena · 3 years ago
Hello! Could you do headcannons for Phoenix, Omen, and Yoru with a s/o that struggles a lot with paranoia? Like, they constantly feel like they're being watched and it gets in the way of sleeping sometimes. I've been struggling a lot lately so this would be cool. Thanks! :)
Phoenix, omen and yoru x g/n!reader
Tw: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
*gets writer's block* anyways I've been posting rlly slow and i just wanna say im sorry but I'm having a hard time doing the recs due to lack of motivation, I'll try to do all of them but im focusing on non smut fics for now
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In the early stages of your relationship he was already aware of your paranoia and brushed it off because he thought it's just gonna go away.
Oh boy was he wrong; every night he'd check up on you at night, he'd go to your room and kiss you goodnight but on the next day you were still awake with eye-bags and noticable trembling hands.
He wanted to figure out what was wrong so he went online to search about it and he thought you had insomnia.
Before you slept he bought you insomnia pills, put it on your counter and said that you should take it because it might help.
You giggled at his ministrations, it wasn't exactly what you needed but his heart was in the right place, instead you told and educated him about Paranoia on how it's been a while and it has been reoccurring every night.
Phoenix was confused at first, nobody's here at your room at night? Is it because cypher's stalking you again? He still doesn't know why but he tries to help.
It was 11 pm but he wanted you to have a good sleep right now, he felt dejected that you're struggling with this and he was your boyfriend, he was supposed to know but he didn't.
As you lay down the bed while staring into oblivion, he snapped you out of it and held your palm, trying to crack up a stupid joke so you'll feel a little better.
"Do you know that yoru looks like mordecai? You get it? Ha—hah..."
It did help a little bit but not really, phoenix decided to just lock your doors, make sure not even a crevice is seen from outside and lay down in bed with you, slithering under the covers and tightly holding your body.
He asked if you were ok that he's doing this but you don't mind, he starts asking you about life to distract you from these bad thoughts and it's actually helping.
In a few minutes, he'll kiss you again and question you if you're alright now so you could both sleep, you replied that you were ok so he took that as a good sign.
Though in the middle of the night you'd be trembling in his arms and he'd jolt back awake asking you what happened, when he heard you saying that you felt watched and awkward again, phoenix kept reassuring you that no one's around other than him and that if there was any asshole who tried to creep on you, their noses would be broken and they'll be burnt. (Im talking about you cypher)
Every night, omen would just stalk you in the shadows to make sure you're safe when you're sleeping because he doesn't need sleep after all.
But when you confront him that you felt scared when he watches you in the middle of the night with glowing eyes he'd ask you why though? Omen's only doing this to protect you at night so why?
After you explain to him that you had paranoia and that you felt really uncomfortable being watched he'd stop.
Even though he stopped watching you at night, he noticed that you were still paranoid as shit and couldn't sleep for days straight.
In the middle of the night again, he'd sneak in your room but when you noticed him you were trembling but soon calmed down when omen shushed you that you're going to be alright because he's here.
Omen would hold you against his chest and would stay still for the entire night so you could sleep better.
If you did randomly tremble in your sleep because you had a nightmare that someone was out there to come get you and hurt you, he'd be rubbing your back and would try to tell you to calm down and he's here.
He's not the best at comforting you but he tries and it still works.
He's the absolute worst when it comes to dealing with your paranoia, disappointed but not surprised.
When he found out you had paranoia, he even laughed in your face that you were weak for thinking about that.
But you started avoiding him and he starts bugging you about why did you but you shut him off and slam the door on his face.
He ran to jett and the others for advice and he'd come to the realization that he was an ass and he deserved it.
After a lot of thinking, at 12 am he knocked on your door quietly and started banging on the door aggressively and saying that you should open the door.
Well that worsen your paranoia but you open the door with tears in your eyes, thinking you did something wrong but he just came to apologize for what he did.
You explained to him what you experience at night especially if it's dead silent and it's too uncomfortable for you.
He holds your hand and tells you that no one's going to get you as long as you're with him.
Yoru would never leave you alone when you sleep, even if you disturb his sleep when you get nightmares he doesn't give a shit, as long as you're ok he doesn't mind.
Yoru's happy because you feel safe in his arms at night, he won't admit it but the big smile on his face when he cuddles you while you're sleeping says everything that he's too shy to admit.
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Naur I did not just not write or updated in like what 5 days or idk but I've been out of motivation and god did this took every energy i have for this day. Though thank you for waiting, once again also thank you for reading and requesting ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
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lexix001 · 3 years ago
Chamber X reader
every rich people need their Assistance right?
not very best on writing smut. and not very best on English either,,
smut contain cock warming ,public sex getting caught.
"what gun should I pick next" Chamber mutter. "I'm sure every gun you pick would be very good in your hand" The Assistance spoke. "now you just trying to get in my pants Amour" He laugh under his breath. Y/n lean into the wall next to her watching the men. "I can't say I'm not" She shrug smiling to the men. He walk up to the Women. he lean into her ear. "Don't get me started Mon Cheri" his breath hit her ear. making goosebumps on her arm. he put her hair strands behind her ear. "Going B" she mutter. and left from his gaze. Chamber chuckled and follows her. "you will be the death of me"
"Shh they're gonna hear you" Chamber breath heavily. currently on top of Y/n hopeless body. "I could hear footsteps quiet" he order still inside of Y/n's tight hole. "They are so dead" he quote. peeking out trying to see who was it. he put his shotgun trying to aim on the enemy head. just as he click his weapon making a loud noise and it vibrate to their body. making Y/n let out a moan. he chuckled and tries to find next victim. He took a glance on Y/n. he was very lucky to have a Assistance like you. that could watch his back. and a personal slut. you squirm under him. it wasn't long until a loud gun shot being heard again. his cock vibrate in her hole. Y/n tries to be sneaky and softly rub her clit. without Chamber noticing. she bit her lips. she was close and another gun shot could heard. you we're moaning mess on that last vibrate. "that was the last one" he mutter looking at you. "aren't you pretty little thing? Masturbating while I have my cock inside you hm?" He said darkly. you shiver from his voice and cold wind that hitting on your naked body. He lean close to you and pin your arm thrusting inside you. you bit your lips from smiling. Every thrust was blessing. "I could you feel you. you were close" He said. You nodded. "Words amour" He groan. "Y-yes!" You moan out. "see wasn't so hard isn't it?" he chuckled staring into your eyes. He fasten his thrust making you squirt. "Fuuck" he groan. You blush from embarrassment. "do that again" he order. "I-I can't control it! I'm sorry!" You cried. you feel his dick twitching on your stomach. You eyes rolled back. "I really want other agents you see you like this. me fucking you, how much power I have on you" He moans. you moves you hips taking more of him. he suck you nipples releasing your hand from his grip. you moves your hand playing with back of his head. moaning right beside his ear. you hear him gag on your tits. "I'M Cumming. You released first and after you was him of course. you laugh softly. Chamber eyes land on something that blinking while you two have sex. "remember when I say I want people to see me fucking you like this?" Chamber pipes in. y/n shiver. "yea what about it?" she asked. "someone already watching us from the beginning" He laugh seductively. watching Cypher camera that was focusing on them. Y/n rush to stand up. "No stay. I want be inside you" He bit his lips.
in the other hands Cypher was moaning mess, his hand on his hard dick watching two of them fucking each other. not realizing that his camera was long ago been found by them.
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avids-fanfiction-reqs · 3 years ago
I love all of your works and am I huge Cypher lover and would love to see a protective/jealous Cypher x Reader!
My first time actually writing a Cypher x Reader on request, so I hope it's okay!!! Also, this is unedited, so apologies if there are any typos!
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Cypher is a man who has seen his fair share of heartbreak and carnage.
Because of this, he's extremely protective over those he holds dear, even if the relationship hasn't been discussed or officially established.
So when one day, you're out at a bar near the Protocol compound with the Moroccan surveillance expert, the events that unfold don't exactly come as a shock.
The pair of you walk into the nearest bar to the Valorant compound. It's a place that isn't exactly classy with its musty odor and walls yellowed by a combination of nicotine and time. Normally it's a place you wouldn't be caught dead in. However, the next nearest bar, club, or anything even remotely fun is another 50 miles away and you simply don't have time for that.
Hell, you're lucky you have the few hours you managed to snag as it is.
Not to mention, the bar isn't all bad. You've made friends with the bartender over time and if you ask nicely, he'll usually let you change the music to something with a little more bump to it.
As you walk in, though, you notice Cypher tense next to your shoulder. You can't tell for sure with his face hidden behind his mask, but you think he's observing the room, a habit you've noticed from him time and time again.
You give him a gentle pat on the arm and say, "Come on. It's just a few hours. What could possibly go wrong?" You would have patted his shoulder, but he stands much taller than you do.
In response, he says simply, "More than you think."
You smirk at him, ever amused by his regularly cryptic comments. "Well, stand here all you like. I'm going to go get a drink."
Without waiting for an answer, you saunter off toward the bartender, flashing him a bright pair of excited eyes as he pulls out his phone to allow you to change the music.
An hour or so in and you're not quite drunk but you're definitely a little tipsy. The bartender has been slipping you free shots here and there, much to Cypher's disdain. As a man who keeps his wits about him, he's bewildered by your ability to cast aside your intuitions for a night of fun.
As you chat up the bartender about his favorite songs and the best local hangouts, however, you notice the man who has been seated beside you silently becoming increasingly fidgety.
"Cypher," You lower your voice as your drunken smile falters ever so slightly. "Are you okay?"
You've become so used to reading his emotions even through his mask by now that you can tell his jaw has tightened by the way the material flexes on his face.
"I am just worried for your safety, that is all." You can tell he's doing his best to make it seem like nothing, but you also know better.
"Okay, okay!" You throw your hands up and laugh lightly, giving in to what you know he wants. "I'm finished drinking. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and we can leave as soon as I get back, kay?"
The material on his face flexes again, becomes looser. He's smiling under there. "Thank you."
You flash him a gentle grin and stand, stumbling a bit as your feet find the floor. Hands hook themselves under your arms, steadying you.
"Easy there," Cypher says, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"I'm alright," You affirm before wandering off to find the restrooms.
A few moments later, you walk back out onto the main floor of the bar, casting your eyes around to look for Cypher. You aren't sure if it's the alcohol or the sudden crowd that seems to have poured in while you were gone, but you can't quite locate him.
"Hey there, hot stuff." A man with a scruffy beard and a beer in hand is in front of you suddenly, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Looking for somebody?"
Your brow furrows at the contact. More of the booze you've drunk tonight hit your system while you were in the bathroom and now you're having a little trouble thinking. "Yeah, I'm looking for my friend. I can't seem to find him though."
The man in front of you grins, his teeth stained yellow and breath reeking of cigarettes. "Well, that's no problem. I can be your new friend. How about it?"
Even through the drunken haze, you can tell this conversation is going nowhere good. A pang of fear is beginning to knot up your stomach. "Yeah, I don't think so. Cy-!"
You begin to yell for Cypher, afraid of what might happen if the man in front of you gets angry at your response. Before you can, however, he puts a finger up to your lips to hush you. "Shhh." He says, "No need to shout. Let's just take a second and get to know each other. That's what bars are for, right?"
Now you're really uncomfortable. Your skin is crawling, and all you want is for the interaction to come to an end. Unfortunately, the man in front of you doesn't look like he has any plans to concede.
"Look," you say, "I really need to go."
The man scoffs angrily, taking a swig of his beer. "Yeah? Well, I'm not going anywhere until you give your number."
Your face burns at his gall, and you open your mouth to fire off a haughty retort. Before you can, however, a black-gloved hand clamps tightly onto the man's shoulder.
"I believe the lady said she'd like to be left alone." Cypher's voice washed over you, and even though his tone was laced with ice and venom, it washed over you like a warm summer breeze.
"Yeah?" The man said as he swung around to face whoever dared to confront him. "Who's going to make-"
He stopped as he finally laid eyes on your partner. While not the most threatening person at the Protocol (that was a merit reserved for Reyna), Cypher was a tall man with toned muscles that were easily visible through the white, turtleneck coat he currently had on. Combine that with a mask that revealed only a pair of piercing blue eyes, and it was a sight that made the much smaller man freeze in his tracks.
"Look man, I don't want to start anything. I just wanted—"
"I don't care." The slight R roll in Cypher's voice made it sound almost like a purr to your drunken ears, and you had to hold back a laugh as the man who had seemed so threatening a moment ago now quaked in his cowboy boots.
The man tensed angrily but nodded, lowering his head as he slinked away. Once he was gone, Cypher turned his attention toward you.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did he put his hands on you?" The questions rolled quickly from his tongue as he grabbed your face with a gentle hand, turning it from side to side and then checking the rest of you for you didn't even know what.
"Cypher," you giggled, "I'm okay. You really don't have to be so protective over me."
"Oh," He retorts back, taking your hand tightly in his as he leads you toward the exit, "I most certainly do."
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namesmox · 2 years ago
Ok so it has been well over a year since I've written anything or been involved with the Lucky Batch so please leave me some writing tips<3
"I swear to Maker, if you skip one more briefing, I will feed you to Loth Wolfs." hissed Raffle as he dragged Skip by his ear down the hallway of the Republic base the Lucksters were currently stationed at. "Kriffing hell Raffle! Let go of my ear! You're gonna- ow oW OW" "You wouldn't be getting dragged by your ear if you just went to a briefing, you di'kuit." Ignoring his vods protests, Raffle finally made it to the briefing room, where he shoved Skip into the room ahead of him, finding the amused faces of his brothers, who had seen Raffle storm off less than three minutes ago. Jackal and Foxy snorted when the very offended trooper slunk off to the corner to sulk, Kenhla quickly regaining the squad's attention. "Oh, a newcomer, welcome!" she joked and was met with a stuck-out tongue.
Once the batch had retreated to their barracks, still amused by the small scene from earlier, Skip asked, "If you're gonna drag me to meetings can it be by a different part of my body next time?" Jackal had snuck up behind Skip and pulled his little bun. "That work?". Raffle, who Pepper was scolding, smiled. "That's a great idea Jackal thank you." "All I do is shoot down D-1s. I don't get why I have to go to those meetings." Skip muttered, knowing full well why he was supposed to be there. "Maybe in case Jackal has another one of those 'emergency landings' again." piped Ryder on top of his perch on Goose. Now it was the pilot's turn to be offended. "Would you rather be a giant fireball in the sky?" "I'd rather stay on the same ship for more than a month." Jackal gasped, pretending to be overdramatic. "How dare you!". "I gotta agree with Ryder" Cypher cut in, who had his back turned, looking at his data pad. "Cypher turn around." The trooper did and was promptly met with a pillow to the face from Jackal. Foxy, who had been silently laughing at the situation, burst into laughter from the confused look on Cypher's face. Snapping out of his confusion, Cipher grabbed the pillow just thrown at him and the one on his bunk. Foxy bolted off the bunk he was sitting on to find cover. Jackal barely dodged a pillow by diving behind Goose, only for Ryder to tumble on top of him with the pillow. "Pillow fight!" yelled Skip as he ran up and whacked Raffle behind the head. The entire squad scattered throughout the barracks; before long, pillow stuffing flew through the air. Eventually, all the pillows were in less than optimal throwing condition, and someone (Thumbs swears it was Rane) pulled the mattress off a bunk and chucked it into the fray.
The following morning Kenhla, accompanied by her Padawan's Luna and Brisk, arrive at their squads' barracks only to find them utterly destroyed. The remains of pillows were scattered around the room in the form of wads of fuzz and scraps of cloth. Mattresses were pulled off the bunks and spread around the room, with the clones fast asleep. The trio stood still for a minute, wondering what must have happened for the space to be in this state. Finally, Luna was the one to break the silence. "Master, why the hell weren't we invited?".
Tags (lmk if you want to be added or removed):
@lynnpaper @foxlocke @maygalodon @oo-hazel-oo @letsunity @burnthashbrown27 @generaltano @cosmicghostie @monako-jinn-stories @longearedowlfromouterspace@lusiawonder @just-another-dreamerr
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brewing-radianite · 2 years ago
Numbers 3, 6, 8, 11, 18, 25 and 26 for Cynora... Noramir? You don't have to do them all if its too much. Thanks for the glorious food, by the way: this couple is criminally underrated... literally.
I wish you perfect ping and many an ace.
i love them so much... perhaps too much for someone who like. knows next to nothing about nora in hindsight. everything i love about her is practically headcanon LMAO riot is gonna shoot my daydreams down out of the sky at some point BUT UNTIL THEN i'm so so in love with her
3.) Most common argument?: they've known each other for so long and love each other and each other's habits so much they're p well accustomed to each other and mostly just play argue over small matters like nora stealing the blankets from amir at night in her sleep or amir leaving his study a bit of a mess that only nora can figure out how to clean and organize again
6.) What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?: Cypher most loves Nora's laugh and smile (and honestly? kind of everything about her 'cos idk i just imagine he's really so sweetly head-over-heels for her...) and Nora most loves his sense of humor and how affectionate he really is. He can be p elusive and mysterious to others but she gets to see the side of him that loves to be held close as they fall asleep every night and expresses all of their goodbyes in tender kisses
8.) Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?: I feel like they both call each other by their birth names (and some common pet names) but idk they're always spoken with so much love and genuine admiration it sounds different out of each other's mouths
11.) Who tops?: A little nsfw but I won't go too into detail here... I'll just say Nora and leave it at that but you can ask for elaboration on my nsfw alt if you'd like...
18.) Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?): This is not quite going to answer the question. but. Cypher actually cooks the most out of the two of them when they're physically together. But Nora is the one into leaving little notes and messages around the house or in his pockets or bag to find later on. Usually affectionate little compliments, or "I love you,"'s, or "I'm at your side, wherever you go," things like that.
25.) Who needs more assurance?: Changes between the two of them, imo, some days are just rougher for each other than others
26.) What would be their theme song?: this is going to sound Interesting. but. plastic love is my go-to song when i write them.
this mostly stems from my own headcanons from their youth, how they met, their relationship long before marriage and their daughter came into the picture... but i imagine them both having been very youthful yet misguided and relatively lonely people especially in their line of work, and for a long time, they only had each other to rely on. after all, trusting the wrong people in their business can literally get them killed. such trust issues also cause some wariness with commitment and long-term relationships, as theirs was turning into, but their love for one another is undeniable and they always find a way to be there for each other. i think the plastic love music video captures that feeling between two young adults really well. (city pop is also just a banger genre)
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thebeeduo · 4 years ago
Ranboo: Do you want me to just reading random- Do you want me to just- I'm gonna just start texting you
Tubbo: Yeah, just start texting me random input on the space
Ranboo: *texts Tubbo*
Tubbo: "Microwave explode"? Yo, thank you. "This is awesome"? Ok, stop texting me now. You didn't even respond to my message I sent you this morning
Ranboo: That's 'cause I was asleep!
Tubbo: Yeah, but like.. *sigh* Maybe I should just go live on instagram
Ranboo: Eughhh!
Tubbo: What? Is that cringe?
Ranboo: Yes
Tubbo: Maybe I should just go live on TikTok
Ranboo: Ahhh! Ahhh!
Tubbo: Is that cringier? Is that- *laughs*
Ranboo: *laughs* You go "Is that cringe" to Instagram and your next one is TikTok
Tubbo: *laughs*
Ranboo: I can make fun of it 'cause that's where I was born
Tubbo: Pffft!
Ranboo: I was born there/on TikTok [?]
Tubbo: Do you ever look at someone and wonder what's going inside their head?
Ranboo: I was- I was born on TikTok [?]
Tubbo: *starts playing the piano* You gotta remember your roots
Tubbo: I want my grand piano back, electric piano is cringe
Ranboo: *coughs* [unintelligible]
Tubbo: He just- He just decides "Oh I'm going to spit my germs around the room"
Ranboo: Yep!
Tubbo: *giggles* Wow, wow. You're a bad- I suppose you're anti-vax as well while we're at it
Ranboo: I am literally- I am literally vaccinated
Tubbo: I'm not allowed to be vaccinated, leave me alone!
Ranboo: That's just a major L for you then
Tubbo: Ahhhh
Ranboo: You're/Keep on getting coughed on!
Tubbo: *starts to play the piano intensely*
Ranboo: That's what happens when you're not vaccinated, people will come up to you and cough
Tubbo: That is a terrible sentence. I despise everything about that sentence
Ranboo: *laughs*
Tubbo: *plays The Owl House theme song, then switches to City of Stars*
Ranboo: Ughhh
Tubbo: So..
Ranboo: Oh my gosh!
Tubbo: What?
Ranboo: I just found more food to order
Tubbo: Nooo! Oh my god, if I get one more Amazon box arrive at my door and it's like a 25 large sized bars of Rice Krispies treats or fucking those shitty cheese squares that you haven't even eaten I'm gonna lose it
Ranboo: It's ding dongs
Tubbo: What the fuck is a ding dong?! That sounds like slang for a dick! You're literally eating dick!
Ranboo: *laughs* I am not! Jesus Christ
Tubbo: Why!
Ranboo: That is so far from what it is
Tubbo: What is it with all this fucking BS American food! Twinkies? Oh yeah, let me just-
Ranboo: I didn't get those actually. I don't know where those came from
Tubbo: Where did the Twinkies come from!?
Ranboo: I'm gonna be entirely honest..
Tubbo: Where the fuck did they come from!?
Ranboo: ..I have no idea where those came from. I did not order- That is not what I ordered
Tubbo: Look, you've got your-you've got your Cheez-It's and your Twinkies and your fucking ding dongs. I'm gonna f- I'm gonna blow some shit up
Ranboo: Sorry, I'll make sure to order a plain cheese pizza the next time
Tubbo: Honestly, that would be so much- I'm actually- I've been really healthy. So far I've had a fruit pop for breakfast
Ranboo: That's good. I had.. *silence*
Tubbo: You haven't had breakfast yet
Ranboo: I haven't- I haven't eaten yet
Tubbo: You haven't eaten yet today, and your first meal of the day will be Taco Bell
Ranboo: No, it won't!
Tubbo: Will it not? Oh
Ranboo: Why do you think- Taco Bell doesn't even deliver here!
Tubbo: *sighs* Fair enough
Ranboo: Why would it- Why- Mkay..
Tubbo: American
Ranboo: I know that the algorithm on Amazon works too well because it was [unintelligible]
Tubbo: *starts playing City of Stars again* Oh no
Tubbo: City of staaars.. *laughs* That song- It kind of annoys me, I'll be honest
Ranboo: I'm looking at- I'm looking at the, um.. I'm looking at your- the Tubbo space hashtag and someone just sent this, like, chart of, like, eye colour but it is, like, the most low res thing that I have ever seen
Tubbo: But I don't know- I think my eyes change colour depending on what I'm wearing, I'll be honest. Is that weird? Because everyone on twitter asks me "Ah yes what is your eye colour" and I'm like "Uhh how the fuck am I supposed to know" and then
Ranboo: My eye colour is [?]
Tubbo: Then I went through a bunch of like- I went through a bunch of, uh.. like, old photos of me and they just change colour depending on how sunny it is, what I'm wearing.. like.. Yeah, so, I don't know
Ranboo: *laughs*
Tubbo: What?
Ranboo: Nothing
Tubbo: What?
Ranboo: *loudly typing* It's time to listen
Tubbo: Time to listen to what?
Ranboo: To my music, I'm just gonna listen to my music
Tubbo: You're not gonna listen to me? Listen to me. Stop dancing. Knock that off. Yo, keep your clothes on! Woah, why are you so- *laughs* sorry
Ranboo: Why do you do this!
Tubbo: 'Cause it's funny, 'cause there's no video
Ranboo: Why do you- why do you do this
Tubbo: and.. and there's no video
Ranboo: What did I- What did I ever do? Nothing
Tubbo: *laughs*
Tubbo: *reads something about chip shops?*
Tubbo: Why do people keep sending me, like, soviet bunnies as well? I don't wanna see bunnies from soviet Russia. What's with the soviet Russia bunnies?
Tubbo: Thoughts on him? Bill Cypher? Pretty fun loving lad- Why did you just mention me and write "awesome"?
Ranboo: I didn't- No, it's a response to a tweet
Tubbo: Oh
Tubbo: *sees Michael fan art* "Oink! Hello father" Oh, I see
Ranboo: Just buff Michael
Tubbo: Buff- *laughs* He went to prison from lack of parent supervision and he came out buff, oh no! Oh no! *laughs*
Ranboo: What do you mean lack of parent supervision? I'm gonna go brush my teeth
Tubbo: Oh ok.. Bye
[Video cuts directly to when Ranboo comes back]
Tubbo: Hello. You seem hollow. Your mother is here? Wait, I shouldn't have read that out. You just texted me that so I didn't read it- Ok, well.. She's here guys!
Ranboo: Ahhh! Why!
Tubbo: She's here!
Ranboo: There's a reason-
Tubbo: She's here! *laughs* Just thought I'd let you know! *laughs* She's raring to go! That's awfully exciting..
[Video cuts again to the next beeduo clip]
Tubbo: Guys, I want to- How does one get the- What is the max people that have been in a single space, like, ever?
Ranboo: I own the number two spot for that!
Tubbo: Do you? How many was it?
Ranboo: Yeah. It was during MCC, it was 36k I think
Tubbo: 36- guys, can we get 38k please?
Ranboo: *fakes being angry* Can't you let me have anything!? *laughs*
Tubbo: Wh- Ok, Mr. 100k subs, Jesus
Ranboo: I don't- I got that once
Tubbo: Twice
Ranboo: It was six times actually..
Tubbo: SIX TIMES!? Oh my god, ok..
Ranboo: Alright... Goodbye space people!
Tubbo: Bye!
Ranboo: Goodbye!
Tubbo: Bye! Leave
Ranboo: I'm leaving the U.K. actually
Tubbo: He's not
Ranboo: *laughs* I'm not.. Wouldn't that be just terrible?
Tubbo: You just said bye and left..
Ranboo: The whole time everyone thought that I was going in, like, October but then I actually just straight up just leave..
Tubbo: You wanna go home?
Ranboo: ..in the middle of August
Tubbo: You can just leave.. get out!
Ranboo: Ok..
Tubbo: Pffft
Ranboo: Bye!
Tubbo: Bye!
[Video cuts again to the next beeduo clip]
Ranboo: I'm back from the U.S.!
Tubbo: Oh, what did you forget?
Ranboo: My- my beloved locket
Tubbo: *mocks American Accent* and the AirPods *laughs*
Ranboo: Yes
Tubbo: Have you told them what you've called your AirPods? The name of them?
Ranboo: Oh yeah, no, it's because basically, right, if you put a slash and then an asterisk at the end of a word it will bleep it out, so, right, me of course being young I thought that was the funniest thing to have that. So whenever Siri said my name she would just go like "You [beep]" so I thought that was funny. So it's like beeping noise, yeah
Tubbo: Oh, I see. So is that why mine do that as well?
Ranboo: I guess so, yeah
Tubbo: Yeah
Ranboo: Yeah.. yeah..
Tubbo: I see.. So..
Ranboo: I'm gonna go now
Tubbo: Bye, again!
Ranboo: Bye! Back to the U.S. I go!
Tubbo: There's no "E" in Tubbo.. Just throwing it out there..
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