#don’t know what other tags to add oop
fireflameproductions · 8 months
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“Sometimes I like to go to the cemetery and talk to the spiders.”
More Mysims fanart because I can and I need to express my love for these games
Also the fact that Goth boy finds comfort in talking to literal spiders makes me happy and sad at the same time :(
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Also a drawing of his agents trophy because it’s so stupid and I love it
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qlossytbh · 5 months
im so FUCKING stupid and i accidentally forgot to add tags and i deleted the anon request this fic was inspired from so i will paste it here
“Could you please write one about having a team night round Rossi's but you and Spencer had had an argument before so it was tense between the pair of you so you try and flirt with one of the out of town agents to try and get his attention?”
𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧- 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐮!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 you and Spencer don’t usually get along due to your constant fights to prove who was better. But when the two of you are paired on a case together, hidden feelings start to arise towards the surface.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 enemies to lovers type beat (?), academic rivals (?), fem!reader, typical criminal minds content, jealous spence, mentions of a guy that gets a little too handsy
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 4.6k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 i get a little carried away with request oops. i don’t think this is exactly what you were asking for but
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It had come to no one's attention that you and Spencer were fighting— again..
The BAU team was currently hunting down a murderer that was attacking teenagers at a local campus in the city of Chicago, and all that Reid seemed to be doing these past few days was getting on your nerves.
Wether it was searching the crime scene, analyzing the possible behavioral patterns of the UnSub, or setting down a profile, you and Reid could not stop bickering, driven solely off the desperation of beating each other with whoever could piss the other off more.
You thought Spencer had this aggravatingly, annoying need to prove he was always so much smarter than everyone else, using his wide variety of big intellectual words just to show off.
He, on the other hand, truly couldn't stand how you'd always butt into every conversation you deemed necessary attempting to seem smarter just to get yourself on top of a case. Your ego had been Spencer's main problem across these past few months, but it was slowly driving him off the wall and he found that with each passing day, he was finding it harder to work with you.
The initial conflict seemed irrelevant right now— something about Spencer purposely embarrassing you in front of the the team back when you had just started out in the BAU. Even if it was unintentional, the anger stuck.
You had been so embarrassed, feeling your insides pool with irritation as you questioned why he felt the necessity to correct you so publicly— in front of people you still didn't know.
With time, it slowly morphed into a constant competition to prove who was smarter, quicker on their feet, more widely intellectual than the other, always finding ways to one up each other in conversations— anything.
You were smart and you couldn’t blame him for seeing you as a competition the second you stepped foot into the BAU.
The rest of the team was growing sick of the two of you always whining and bickering. It could be the smallest, stupidest fights— or something so weighty, the two of you wouldn’t speak for days.
However, the two of you got into a fight yesterday when landing in Chicago.
It had been stupid
It started when you "accidentally" slammed the taxi door in his face, genuinely not realizing he was getting out of the cab on the same side you were, even though a side of you thought he deserved much more than a slammed door to the face.
Later on in the day a heavier argument spewed, given since he accused you of being ‘unprofessional’, which had incredibly pissed you off. It was the one thing that truly got to you, and Spencer knew this.
Since then, none of you had spoken to each other and the rest of the team could practically feel the tension. Hotch rounded the table, pressing his hands together.
"So, let's lay it all out," Hotch announced. "Who's starting?”
You and Spencer both volunteered simultaneously. You shot a glare in his direction, which he easily disregarded as he stood from his seat at the table
"So far, we know were looking for a male between the age of 20-25," You cross your arms across your chest and look over at the board with a huff, accepting your defeat.
Your eyes scanned through the evidence and pictures at hand. While Spencer continued his analysis, hands shoved deep into his pockets, you squinted at the words scribbled onto the case file. "The killer seems to have a target preference given how all four victims have been female college students between the ages of 18-24"
"So, do we know which kind of killer were dealing with here?" Morgan asked, flipping through the case files.
"If I'm not mistaken, the last victim presented a alteration in the Unsub’s M.O in comparison to what we've been observing so far, which could ultimately mean we could be dealing with a disorganized offender acting out on—" He stated, turning towards the board, but when your eye caught a part of information in the file, you were quick to interrupt.
"Actually, you are mistaken," You reached over, grabbing the file in front of you in one swift movement and flipped the page as you stood to your feet. Spencer froze and turned towards you.
"Excuse me?" He inquired, clearly unamused at your antics. You briefly looked up at him, only sparing him a brief glance.
"You're wrong. The Unsub isn't disorganized," You jutted your chin towards the board. "We're actually dealing with an organized offender."
Morgan glanced over at JJ, quietly cursing to himself knowing that this was probably payback and not heading in any favorable direction.
"Sure, this specific victim wasn't as calculated and precise as the other," You started. "Up until now, the Unsub seemed to be killing all of these girls with long, tedious methods, such as torturing them, which clearly shows us he feels no remorse and actually finds pleassure out of killing them. Organized crimes are premeditated and carefully planned, so that would explain why we found little to no evidence at the scene yesterday and organized criminals, according to the classification scheme, can tell right from wrong—"
"—But our buddy here doesn't care," Morgan finished off, looking up at you. With a nod, you continued
"Precisely. The pattern of our victims also leads us to believe that he's seeaking some sort of revenge on the girls, since they're all from the same background." You pointed to a few post-it notes on the board. "Right here it says that all four girls belonged to the same frat house on campus—"
"Yet our recent victim did not," Spencer butted in with a shurg, facing you smugly. With an unamused glance, you took two warning steps towards him, maintaining your composure.
"Well, Dr. Reid, if you read the autopsy report you'd see that the newest victim died from a blunt force to the head," Annoyed was an understatement as to what you were feeling towards him at that precise moment. Your eyes narrowed while you managed to keep on the most innocent smile you could. "That means that the attack was out of some unplanned rage, which caused him to lashout and therefore break his regime."
You took one more step towards Reid, suddenly dangerously close to him. Intimidating people wasn’t something that came hard, much less with Spencer.
Something inside you fed off that vast satisfaction that arose when he'd get activated with you. Seeing his breaths go shallow, his whole posture to stiffen along with the habitual furrow in his brows felt like your daily dosis of serotonin.
"If you payed more attention to these case files, you'd also see that the newest victims was our previous victims best friend, so there still is a connection just not the one you've been blindly looking for.”
With that you slapped the files into his chest and stepped back, referring back over to the board.
Spencer gapped at you, opening his mouth before clamping it shut immediately. He fumbled, grappling at the papers on his chest and looking down at them in embarrassment. You felt yourself smile with satisfaction at how his movements became sloppy. "I— I would've said that if you let me finish my analysis and let me actually read these papers."
"Or you can just admit you're slow—"
"So!" JJ butted in, quickly cutting off whatever fight was about to implode in-front of them. "We’re looking for someone connected throughout the campus that would somehow want some sort of revenge on these girls? Correct?"
"Yes." You and Spencer stated simultaneously. You bit back a comment, swiping your tongue against your lower lip, annoyance filling every single nerve in your body while he let out a noise similar to a scoff.
"Here's the plan then," Hotch said, ignoring the two of you. "Prentiss and I will give the Chicago police force the profile. Morgan and JJ, deal with collecting possible witnesses; anyone at that campus who knows anything that may deem useful."
You stood, glancing over at Spencer. When he met your eyes you quickly looked away, crossing your arms over your chest defensively.
"Reid, Y/L/N," Hotch said, finally acknowledging the two of you with a steady gaze. "You two will assigned search the crime scene to see if any evidence was left behind—just protocol checking, but we need to be sure nothing was left unseen."
You opened and closed your mouth, intending to protest about the pairing but deciding strongly otherwise.
With the intention to remain professional you nodded in agreement. As hard as you found to do so, you waited patiently for the other members of the team to draining the room until only you, Morgan, JJ, Spencer were left collecting the remaining of your things.
As Morgan was grabbing a few of his things with JJ patiently waiting by his side, you walked up to her with a devious smile. "Hey Jayj, wanna change partners?"
"I am right here." Spencer answered.
"I dont care," You shot back, causing him to angrily shove more of his files into his satchel. You turned back to Morgan, practically ready to get onto your knees and beg him for sympathy. "Please Morgan, trade with me— I'm begging you."
"We don’t get to choose who we get paired with,” He started, looking down at you unamused. Your face fell, deadpanning at your friend.
“If you're going to complain about being paired with Reid none of us wanna hear it," Morgan groaned, dragging a hand across his face. You opened your mouth to protest, but he rudely cut you off by pointing an accusitory finger at you. "The two of you have been yapping at eachother faces since we got here."
"We have not!" You both shouted in unison. You angrily turning around to face Spencer, warning him with a glare. “Stop that!"
"It's always something with the two of you," JJ shook her head in disappointment. "You're lucky you two are the smartest members on the team cause we would've had you seperated months ago,"
JJ finished grabbing her things and glared at the two of you. Morgan grabbed his things as well, before turning to you. "Either you sort out all of this sexual tension you've got going on or you keep your mouths shut and get along!"
"What!?" You gaped, taking aback by Morgan's accusations. "Thats not—We dont—"
You fumbled with your words as your cheeks grew hot. You stammered, trying to hit back with something, but inevitably found your mind blank. You huffed, snatching your bag and rushing towards the exit of the conference room "I hate you."
"No you don't princess." Morgan stated as you walked past him and shoved his arm.
"And you boy genius," Morgan said looking at Spencer and tossed her bag across her shoulder. "That goes for you too, either get laid, or shut up."
With that, they left the room leaving a sputtering and angry Spencer struggling to regain his composure after the absurdity that had left his collegues mouth. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair and grabbed his final things, leaving the room in a frenzy.
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You pulled the cars ignition once you pulled the car into the Campus buildings entrance. You put the car in park as you umblucked your seatbelt, which Spencer started doing not long after you had, following your suit. The ride had been completely silent, none of you wanted to speak to eachother, worrying that if you did another argument would start.
All he did during the ride was read some of the case files while you intently focused on the road. Your hands gripped tightly at the steering wheel and every once and a while you'd sneak small glances at him— not because you cared or anything, you just wanted to see how much more information he was getting ahead of you with.
The building was secluded off to the public and the entrance was swarmed with countless police officers and agents. As you climbed out of the car, you pulled your glasses onto the top of your head and slammed the door in one swift motion. By the time you got to Spencers side of the door, he was still inside slowly collecting his things, which pissed you off. You waited impatiently for him to climb out with a huff.
For what seemed to feel like forever, he finally opened the car door and started to climb out as you waited impatienly. "You look like you're doing that on purpose."
"Getting out of the car? Yeah, I am actually" He stated, finally stepping out. A snide remark came up your throat but wasn't able to leave your mouth given how Spencer towered over you once he strightened himself out.
He unintentionally stepped way too close for your personal preference, but your boundaries melted somewhere in your consciousness.
You craned your head back just slightly, allowing yourself to look into his eyes. Spencer swallowed thickly, suddenly painfully aware of how close the two of you were. An unfamiliar voice reeled the two of you back to reality. "Dr. Y/L/N?"
You practically jumped, swallowing down the urge to yelp. You stepped away from Spencer, blinking rapidly as you cleared your throat. "Uh yes!—“
"Thats, uhm, me—“ You slipped your glasses off and put them into your bag anxiously. "Dr. Y/L/N."
You turned to the Agent in front of you, who held his hand out with an irksomely pearly white smile. You gazed at the man, and you had to admit he was easy on the eyes— a little too stereotypically attractive for your taste.
"I'm Agent Mirthwood, head of the Chicago police department, Aaron Hotchner specified you'd be here to help with the case," You took his hand and shook it. "Wasnt expecting a doll like you."
Spencer didnt miss the way his eyes raked across your body, taking in every part of you with careful detail. You were wearing a silk black button up, along with a blazer that matched the skirt that hugged your skin tightly. Spencer would have to be blind to ignore how every piece of clothing you had on hugged every inch of your curves perfectly, so obviously, whoever this guy was, he was going to be staring.
How couldnt he?
You laughed nervously and Spencer, despite his profiler background, couldn't tell if it was becasue you were uncomfrotable or flattered. Either possibilities made his skin crawl.
"Charming," You noted, not really wanting to give him any more material to chew at. "So, mind leading the way?"
"Not at all." He grinned, placing his hand on your lower back and guiding you towards the building. Spencer followed behind pathetically, feeling his hands clench and his jaw tighten while he watched the guys hand linger where they didn't belong.
Once inside the building, you and Spencer looked around your surroundings, checking over a few areas of the marked numbers and rerunning the supposed series of events in your heads. "This is where the first victim tried escaping,"
You and Spencer simultaneously looked over to the glass window that had been merely cracked. "Can't believe how a murder took place and the campus director didn't even close the place down for more than five days."
"Agent Mirthwood, you said that the floor above us was where Anya Colins was murdered, correct?" You asked, looking over towards the locker. Spencer stood beside you with his hands shoved into his pocket.
"Over in classroom seven, yes” He responded. His eyes flickered towards the pop of your hip. “Call me Ben,"
You looked over your shoulder momentarily, shooting him a polite smile. Spencer bored his eyes into the side of the agents face, slyly enough so that he wouldn’t notice.
"Could it be possible that we take a look across the flooring, you know, check inside any of the clases for some clues we may have missed?" You said, lifting your chin and facing Agent Mirthwood. He smiled bumptiously at you.
"Why I'd be delighted to accompany you and help you look out for whatever it is you're looking for—"
"Actually," Spencer butted in, somewhat protectively if you let yourself assume— given how the tone of his voice had grown territorial. "Hotchner specifically implied we stick together as the pair we were assigned, and we usually work best when just the two of our heads are looking around."
You furrowed your brows, looking up at Spencer with confusion. His tone alarmed you momentarily, and at first you wanted to grow defensive because who was he to boss you around?
You took in the familiar line-out of his clenched jaw and how his shoulders broadened ever so slightly. You noticed he had chosen to stand between you and Agent Mirthwood, and suddenly it dawned you and hit you harder than a ton of bricks.
Spencer Reid was jealous.
Despite the weird feeling nagging at your chest, you couldn't contain how a smug smile began to appear onto your face. Somehow this newfound information cave you a newfound cockiness— you finally found something you knew had the upper hand on.
"Actually Ben," You dodged Spencer, making a B-line for the broad man you had only recently met. You tried looking as innocent as you possibly could, the look you always used to get men right into the corner you needed them in. "I'd actually love having your company. I'm gonna need someone watching over me up there."
Spencer froze, looking back and forth as the darkness in this guys eyes only increased and suddenly— he panicked. Spencer was panicking because he genuinely thought you were going to leave with Agent Mirthwood and he wouldn't be able to watch over you or him, or anything you did with him—
Then he saw it. The way you turned, shooting him a challenging glare over your shoulder towards him.
"You wouldn't mind, would you Dr. Reid?"
“I—“ His fists tightened as he stared at you, stunned. Something underneath his gaze was warning you that you were pushing him close to his limits and you loved it.
“One of the victims was attacked up there and then dragged herself all the way down here,” You watched the agent explain broadly.
“That must’ve been horrible,” You added an almost feather like gasp to your words. He knew damn well that you knew what this officer was saying was nothing but false due to how the crime scene was framed.
“Yeah,” Ben took a step closer to you and Spencer couldn't even stop himself when he pried through, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards him territorially.
“Bosses order. The rest of you keep looking around to see if anything looks out of place."
Spencer dragged you all the way up the stairs and into the empty hallway on the second floor. You struggled to keep up, complaining pretty vocally that your heels were screwing up your rhythm, especially in comparison to his long and hurried strides. You finally dug the palm of your foot into the ground and yanked your arm away.
"What the hell is your deal!?" You clamored, knowing you had him cornered. He turned, pushing his lips into a straight line and looking at you in complete silence.
“My deal!?" He shot back suddenly, gesturing towards you in an exasperated motion. “You barely know the man and you're willing to walk somewhere with him alone..!”
You scoffed. "Oh please, like coming up here with you is any better."
"You don't run the risk of getting potentially murdered by me." He said, trying to prove his point.
"You sure about that?"
Spencer looked at you and something shifted behind his eyes. Your face was furrowed with nothing but pure anger as you huffed widely. Spencer opened his mouth and closed it once again, hesitating whether to say what he was about to.
"You're being unprofessional." He blankly stated. Your mouth fell agape.
There was that fucking word again— You felt about ready to murder him. There was adrenaline coursing through every nerve of your body at this point.
“What did you say?” You almost whispered.
“I said you’re being unprofessional.” He stated nonchalantly. You gaped at him before tightening your fist and resisting the urge to punch the crap out of that smug look.
“I’m unprofessional?!”
“That’s because you’re making it hard for me to work with you!”
He rolled your eyes at you and became indignant.
“Stop doing that!” You barked.
“Im not doing anything,”
“You keep treating me like im stupid,” You pointed a finger at him. “Stop acting like you’re so much better than me when you are not.”
Spencer clamped his mouth shut, seeing you blaze with anger. “Ben would be a way better company than you,”
“Why do you keep saying his name like that?”
You huffed. “Like what?”
“Like—“ Spencer stopped, sucking in a sudden breath as if he hasn’t been breathing since he walked up here with you. “Never mind,”
You scoffed. “No come on,”
You took a dangerous step towards Spencer, now only a few inches away from his face. “Say it,”
“Because I think Ben, pissed you off the most when he had his hands on my—“
Spencer quickly grabbed your face in between both his hands and slammed his mouth onto yours. You inhaled visiously through your nose as you melted immediately under his touch.
Everything froze right then and there as he pulled away quicker than he had leaned in. Your face still remained cupped gently in his hands while your grip was tight on both his wrists as you stared at him, mouth low in shock. A shaky breath left his mouth, and fear was pooling around in his eyes.
You could feel your own chest heaving as you looked back and forth at his eyes, still not grasping what had just happened between the two of you. Spencer towered over your small frame, holding you as if you were the most fragile thing in the room. It felt like there was a rope pulling between the two of you and it was right about to break. His thumb grazed your bottom lip and you could practically hear the chord snap.
All the anger drained your body instantly as you caught yourself pulling him onto your mouth with just as much desperation as he had previously done. Your movements were hurried and frantic, as if both of you were scared that at any point this new found standing point would stop disappear and distance would be put between the two of you. The last thing you wanted was for his body to be any farther away from you than it currently was, and not understanding why you suddenly felt that way, angered you even more.
His mouth hungrily moved against yours as his grip on your face tightened. Your hands snaked their way into the back of his soft curls and pulled at them roughly, emitting a groan from his mouth onto yours.
Out of all the times you'd provoked a groan from Spencer Reid, this had been your all time favorite.
In frantic movements, Spencer pushed you against the nearest wall, hearing a rough thud come from behind you but never once disconnecting your lips from his. His hips pushed against your in one rash motion, causing you to whimper softly against his lips, which reached the deepest parts of him
His hands traveled anywhere and everywhere you'd let them. They ran down your waist and stopped at your hips giving them a rough squeeze which only caused you to squirm once again and pull at his hair ever rougher.
Everything was messy and hurried but so unexplainably wonderful.
"Tell me to stop and I will," He muttered over your lips.
"Don't—“ You warned, panting desperately for him to grab you in ways you could have only dreamt about. You needed to feel his hands rake across your body as if he owed it. “Please, don’t”
Spencer’s heart shuddered as he could visibly hear the desperation in your voice. How you were practically begging for this just as much as he had been. How you melted under his touch so effortlessly.
Before Spencer could move any further, a voice cut the two of you off. “Hey, guys!”
You pushed Spencer off yourself with a little more urgency than you had initially intended. You ran your hands through your hair frantically and pushed your skirt down, which had accidentally— not so accidentally— been pushed up. Spencer on the other hand, settled with a simple, subtle gesture of grazing the corner of his lip to remove some of the nude pink lipstick that had smudge a bit onto his face.
He cleared his voice before turning to whoever had called out, but before he could say anything you quickly interjected. “Morgan? JJ? What are you doing here?”
Spencer could’ve allowed himself to smile at the sound of the quiver in your voice and how your body was still distraught by the adrenaline.
Morgan eyed the two of you and it didn’t take any time at all for him to realize what had happened. The shuffled hair, the puffy lips along with all the wrinkled clothes. Not to mention how both of your chests heaved heavily.
“We have an advance on the case but it seems like you two are busy with something…” JJ stated, looking over at Morgan from the side of his eye.
“Or someone,” He added. You tried to find some sort of defense in your favor but came up with none. You didn’t want to even look Spencer in the eye, so you quickly turned and headed for the staircase, when you approached Morgan, he whistled lowly.
“Someone got a piece of genius boy and enjoyed it—“ You smacked the back of his head.
“Hey!” He groaned, looking back at you while you strutted down the stairs, barely being able to keep your balance steady.
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i am planing on doing a spicy part two😝
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ttpdsargeant · 11 months
invisible string
oscar piastri x reader, ex!lando norris x reader
part 1 part 3
in which she moves on with his teammate, but why should she care about his feelings? he never cared about hers. besides, oscar is a much better boyfriend.
this is for the oscar girlies and is also like 6 months after say don’t go!! (we’ll pretend 1989 tv was out 6 months ago for the sake of timelines😭😭)
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell and 935,746 others
yourusername, 🤍🤍
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⤷ user2, i might be insane but like… OSCAR????
logansargeant, i expected a better caption from you considering how much taylor swift you listen to
⤷ yourusername, i couldn’t think of a song to use oops
user3, what if it’s logan????
⤷ user4, not captain america stealing my gf
user5, that should be me holding your hand💔💔
lilymhe, i had to sit and watch you guys be so unbearably cute and i don’t get pic creds for the first one??? criminal!!!
⤷ yourusername, SORRY SORRY IM SORRY thank you taking it lils ily🫶🫶🫶🫶
user6, kinda hope it’s oscar or max just because lando deserves it
⤷ user7, max has a gf but oscar… i need
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liked by moref1, norrisupdates and 29,737 others
f1wags, y/n y/l/n has arrived at the qatar gp with kika gomes, but for oscar piastri rather than the usual lando norris👀
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user1, fav homie hopper😋😋
⤷ user2, i mean it’s not like it’s unprovoked
user3, don’t let your boyfriend stop you from finding the love of your life🤞🤞
user4, i wonder how lando feels about this😭😭
⤷ user5, doesn’t he have a new gf?? he arrived at the paddock with another girl today so he can’t really be mad
user7, usually i hate wag accounts BUT i am kinda thankful for this i needed to know who the guy y/n’s soft launching is
⤷ user9, if it was logan we could have more lily and y/n cause alex and logan are teammates💔💔💔
⤷ user10, i don’t think they have to have a bf from the same team to be friends babe
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 953,746 others
yourusername, when he’s a sprint winner >>>> (pic creds: lilymhe)
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user2, prettiest couple i love pretty people
oscarpiastri, ❤️❤️
⤷ yourusername, 🤍🤍
user3, i would not have wanted to be in the room when lando found out😭😭
user4, she’s just like me i would also date my ex’s friend if he did me wrong🤭🤭
⤷ user5, i’ve honestly shipped her and oscar since before her and lando broke up is that weird
⤷ user6, i don’t blame u i kinda feel like they suit each other more yk
⤷ yourusername, I LOVE U GF
⤷ oscarpiastri, how did alex get used to this
⤷ alex_albon, i didn’t it’s just something we have to deal with unfortunately😕😕
user7, does this mean more alex and oscar🤭🤭
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sorry for making lando a sucky person but oscar is my one love so😋😋also i had to repost this cause i forgot to add tags and it wouldn’t show up under the tags after i edited it and added them😭😭
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sailor-aviator · 1 year
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Five
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Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Five
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Swearing, Reader being angsty, Jake Seresin (flirting, jealous), Fingering, Dirty talk
Word Count: 4,766 (oops)
A/N: I am so overwhelmed by the amount of love you all showed Chapter Four! It was beyond anything I could have every imagined!! Side note, I also love how many of you come into my inbox and leave me asks either praising the stories, or just talk about them (*hint, hint*)! I'm honestly shocked you all aren't sick of me and these stories yet with how much I talk about them. Thank you all. As always, reboots, comments and likes are greatly appreciated!! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator!
Series Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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A month ago, you didn’t jump every time a door opened to loudly in the other room. A month ago, you didn’t bolt up in bed in the middle of the night with the phantom stench of cheap liquor and stale tobacco. A month ago, you didn’t dream about grabbing hands and cold, black eyes that stared at you with the intention to possess. A month ago, the sight of the little, hand-carved horse didn’t fill you with an instant sense of comfort and warmth.
You had found it sitting on the railing by the steps of the porch the morning after the incident at the saloon. You had walked out the front door to do the morning chores, Benjamin having already tripped out the door with a promise thrown over his shoulder to come check on you in the later morning after his meeting. It wasn’t a masterpiece by any means, but it was clear that someone had spent a lot of time whittling it down before deeming it presentable. You had walked over to it slowly, taking it in your hands gently. Whoever had carved it had made sure to add in extra details. You could see the curve of the horse’s eyes and the strands of its mane that flowed down its back. Every detail had been painstakingly carved as if the crafter had wanted it to be perfect. Your breath caught in your throat and your heart swelled when you saw the final detail on the underside of the horse’s belly.
The wooden horse had quickly found a home on your bedside table where you would pluck it from its perch during the late night hours, holding it to you tightly before drifting back into a comfortable sleep only to repeat the same cycle the following night.
The cattle had arrived shortly after the departure of the Dagger Gang from town, and both you and Benjamin found yourselves scrambling to hire workers to help with the overwhelming workload.
“I’ll put the word out, don’t you worry,” Maverick had smiled over dinner one night. Two days later, three young, new faces had made themselves comfortable in the small cabin behind the house.
“Isaac is a mean sonofabitch,” Penny had told you once she heard about what happened in her saloon. “But I wouldn’t worry too much about him for the time being, especially now that Pete and Tom know he’s in the area. He’ll lie low for a little while to try and wait’em out.”
Her words left you with little comfort, but you slowly stopped casting worried glances over your shoulder every couple of seconds every time you left the confines of your home. An easy routine had settled on your ranch. Get up, get ready for the day, feed the goats and chickens, tend to your garden, make supper for the ranch hands and Benjamin, work on mending the various articles of clothing that were handed to you, go to bed, repeat.
The subtle coolness in the air that had been present a month ago finally gave way to a full blown chill, and you soon found yourself planting winter vegetables.
“How are you today, miss?”
You looked up to see one of the ranch hands, Levi, smiling down at you from where he leaned over the fence. He was a handsome man, maybe only a year or two older than you. Brown hair draped across the golden skin of his forehead and baby blue eyes twinkled at you.
“I’m doing just fine,” you smiled at him. “And I’ve told you a hundred times now to call me Scout, Levi.”
He chuckled, grinning at you. “Of course, Scout.”
He walked around the length of the fence and through the gate to drop down beside you where your hands were digging up the cold earth.
“Anything I can help you with?” he offered, chucking the dead plants beside you into the bucket behind you.
“No, I think I’m just about done here,” you hummed, wiping your hands on your soiled apron, smiling at the handsome man. “But, I could use some help bringing things back from the market, if you don’t mind helping?”
“Of course,” Levi grinned, offering you a hand as you moved to stand. You took it, and he pulled you up gently, pulling you into him slightly. The two of you stood in silence as he stared down at you. He looked at you with a gentle expression, causing heat to rise to your cheeks.His baby blue eyes moving to closing as he began to lean into you oh so slowly. You wished they were green.
The thought alone snapped you from your daze, and you pulled away from Levi with a clear of your throat. Resting a hand on his chest, you refused to meet his gaze, eyes darting around the yard nervously. “I should go clean up.”
“Right,” he breathed, nodding slowly. “I’ll be here.”
You gave him a brief smile before pushing past him and into the house. Minutes later you were walking out the front door towards Levi, basket in hand. He offered you a smile which you returned shyly before the two of you made your way into town. There was a distinct lack of children running around, which you were grateful for. Maverick had announced to the congregation after the church service the previous morning that the first day of school would be held in the sanctuary the next morning. He had then introduced the new teacher, who appeared to be a shy little thing before the reverend had dismissed everyone for the day. This was of course after word had spread that the Dagger Gang was back in town. You had overheard two of the girls in the pews ahead of you giggling about the different men.
“Did you hear?” giggled a red head to her friend excitedly. “The Dagger Gang is back in town!”
That had caught your attention.
“Really?” the blonde had squealed, earning several disapproving looks from the older members of the congregation. The two girls paid them no mind. “When did they arrive?”
“Just last night!”
This was news to you. You were shocked at the wave of disappointment that rolled over you. They had gotten in last night? Why were you just hearing about it? You were shaken from your thoughts when the red head continued.
“Oh, that Jake is so handsome!”
That had caused you to let out a rather unladylike snort, drawing the attention of the girl who sat a few rows ahead of you. You rolled your eyes at the other two to your left. The blond man was very handsome, but if only they knew his true nature.
“He is,” the blonde nodded with a wistful sigh. “But that Bradley isn’t so bad on the eyes either. It’s been horrible going this long without seeing all those handsome men walking around town.”
Your thoughts soured at the reminder as you fought to keep your face neutral. You weren’t even sure why you cared so much. It wasn’t like you even liked the man. He was cocky, brash, pig-headed, thoughtful, brave-
You shook your head. You would not go down that road. Mercifully, the reverend had started the service moments later and you were given a reprieve from the ridiculous thoughts that insisted on taking up residence inside your head. Jake hadn’t come to see you that day, and now here you were; standing in the market and well into the next day.
You greeted Hondo where he stood behind the counter as usual.
“Mornin’, Scout!” he grinned at you. “What can I help you with today?”
“Was just coming to see if Joel was back with any sugar.”
Hondo gave you an apologetic grimace. “‘Fraid not, honey. He should be back any day now though, so you keep comin’ by and checkin’.”
“That’s alright,” you smiled. You turned to look at Levi. “Why don’t you go on down to the feed store and purchase some hay for the horses? I’ll finish up here and meet you at the stalls by the saloon.”
“Alright,” he smiled, giving you a lingering look before turning and walking out the door. You chatted with Hondo for a couple of minutes as he filled a container with salt and packed different preserves into your basket. You waved to him with a promise to check back in the following day before stepping outside. You had just made it to the stalls of the market when you felt eyes on you. A couple of girls walking by stared past you, and they giggled before you heard him speak.
“Mornin’, Scout,” Jake drawled. You turned to see him leaning up against the side of the butcher’s shop, arms crossed in front of his chest and a cocky smirk hanging from his lips. Green eyes studied you as you stared.
“Jake,”you greeted cooly, mouth pressing into a firm line. Jake’s smirk turned into a grin as he pushed off the wall, taking slow, deliberate steps towards you.
“Missed you, pretty girl,” he hummed, reaching up to dance his fingertips across your cheek.
You couldn’t stop the words that left your mouth. “Not enough to come and see me when you got back yesterday, apparently.”
Jake leaned his head back with a booming laugh, causing your cheeks to heat up. His laughter died down into a low chortle as he looked at you with twinkling eyes. “Is that why you’re being so cold to me, pretty girl? Y’mad that I didn’t come and see you?”
“Hardly,” you snapped, glaring up at him. His smile didn’t falter.
“I’m sorry, darlin’,” he chuckled, “had I known you’d be this upset, I would have come to see you first thing.”
You ignored him, turning to walk towards the stalls. He wasn’t far behind you, and when you stopped in front of a stall to inspect the apples, he pressed up against you from behind. He leaned down so that his mouth hovered over your ear. “I got something for you.”
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, and he let out another chuckle, turning you slowly to face him. He reached into the pocket of his pants when you were fully facing him, pulling out a long, golden chain. Attached at the end was a large, cut emerald surrounded by a halo of tiny diamonds that sparkled in the late morning sunlight. Your breath caught in your throat as you stared at it, recognizing it from the jeweler’s shop just down the road. It cost a fortune, and many women around town had taken turns to stand in front of the shop windows to admire it.
“You like it?” he smirked, holding it up for you to see it closer. You nodded slowly, eyes wide.
Your hand moving on its own to reach up and stroke over the precious gem.
“Thought of you when I saw it, pretty girl,” he hummed, leaning in so that his breath fanned over your face. “Thought the green would help you remember me when I’m not here.”
“How did you afford this?” you breathed, voice so soft even to your own ears.
“I have my ways.”
Your eyes snapped up to his at that. Frowning, you took a half step back to put some distance between the two of you.
“You mean you bought it with stolen money,” you accused. “Or did you just force Mr. Benson to give it to you free of charge?”
“I bought it, if you must know,” he sniffed, looking more than a little put out at your sudden shift in tone.
“With money you earned?”
“Oh, I earned it,” he smirked ruefully.
You scoffed at that.
“You shouldn’t lie, Jake,” you said pointedly. “It’s a filthy, disgusting habit.”
“What does it matter?” he frowned. You narrowed your eyes up at him.
“It matters,” you seethed, “because I only accept gifts from men who earn their money in a respectable way.”
Before Jake could reply, you heard someone call your name.
You both turned to see Levi watching you two with an uncertain expression on his face. He walked over to the two of you, and he placed an arm around your shoulder. Jake stiffened at the action, eyes blazing and lips set in a tight line.
“Is everything okay?” Levi asked. You flashed him with a quick smile.
“Yes,” you reassured him, turning back to glare at Jake who still had his eyes locked onto Levi, scanning him up and down with a look of utter distaste. “We should get going. I forgot to grab the goat’s milk for Penny and we need to get the cart to pick up the hay.”
Levi nodded, looking uncertainly between you and Jake. You turned and began to walk through the crowd without a glance back at blond behind you.
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Levi and one of the other ranch hands, Phillip, had dropped you off in front of the saloon with the promise that you would meet them by the bank before sunset. That had been a couple of hours ago, and you had fallen into an easy conversation with the older woman.
“She’s a timid, little thing,” Penny said as men began to make their way into the saloon. “I’ve never seen Bradley so sweet on anyone before. Calls her Birdie and everything.”
“That’s cute,” you smiled softly. “I hope one day someone will feel that way about me.”
“What on earth are you talkin’ about, darlin’?” she chuckled incredilously, stopping her movements to stare at you. “You’ve got that Seresin boy wrapped around your little finger.”
“Hardly,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
Penny shook her head and pointed an accusatory finger at you. “You may not see it, Scout, but everyone in town knows it. That boy would eat his boots if you asked him to.”
“I doubt that,” you frowned. “You know he tried to give me a necklace today?”
The older woman perked up at that. “He did?”
You nodded, humming at the memory. “You know that emerald pendant that’s been sitting in Mr. Benson’s window for forever and a day? It was that one.”
“Well where is it?” she asked curiously, eyes darting down to see the empty space by your collarbone.
“I didn’t accept it,” you said plainly, earning a look. “He bought it with stolen money, Penny. How could I accept it? I can’t. I won’t.”
Penny watched you thoughtfully for a moment. “What is it you want from him?”
You stared at the wooden top of the bar, chewing your bottom lip thoughtfully. “I want him to make an effort to do things the right way.”
“Alright,” Penny conceded, a knowing smile on her face. She turned to pull out some bottles from behind the bar, and stopped when her eyes caught sight of one of the windows. “Weren’t you supposed to meet your ranch hands at sunset?”
You turned to see what she was looking at and let out a low curse. It was clear that the sun had set ages ago, inky darkness resting against the windowpanes as lamp light filtered out.
“If you go now, they might still be waiting for you outside,” she said as you scrambled to your feet. You cast her one last smile over your shoulder before waving her goodbye. Practically sprinting out of the packed saloon, your warm cheeks were kissed by the cold, night air. Your breath came out in puffs as your eyes swept the street for any sign of the men you had come into town with. The streets were empty save for the few men who stood outside the saloon. Sighing, you figured they must have thought you had already gone home without them. You cursed again and began to make your way down the street. You had only made it three buildings down before realizing that footsteps sounded behind you, following you. The hair on the back of your neck stood on edge as a wave of terror washed over you. You quickened your pace, and tried not to panic as the footsteps behind you matched your pace. Your heart began to hammer as you heard more footsteps join in with the first.
You rounded the corner a few paces ahead of the group behnd you. You let out a yelp as a hand grabbed you from the shadows of an allyway, pulling you into a strong chest. You struggled as the man pushed you up against the wall, hand still covering your mouth.
“Hey, hey. Scout, it’s me.”
You opened your eyes, struggling to focus on the stranger in front of you as you adjusted to the darkness. Jake stood in front of you, eyes filled with worry as he watched you relax. The both of you stiffened when you heard a man shout from the front of the building, and Jake turned his head to look.
“She went this way!”
Jake looked back at you, seeming to weigh his options. He removed his hand from your mouth. “Do you trust me?”
“What?” you asked breathlessly.
“Do you trust me?”
You heard the shouts of the men grow closer as you studied the man in front of you. Slowly, you nodded.
“Then you better make this believable,” he said. Your brow furrowed in confusion. Jake reached down to grip the back of your legs, hoisting you up and pinning you againt the wall. You let out a startled gasp as he wrapped your legs around your waist, and you clutched at his shoulders. Jake gave you one final look before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours.
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting, but his lips were surprisingly soft against yours. Jake’s lips moved against yours slowly, urging you to respond. Slowly, unsurely, you began to move your lips against his and he let out a desperate sounding moan. His hands clutched your hips in a vice as he moved his knee in between your legs, slotting it against you. You let out a gasp at the action, and Jake took full advantage, slipping his tongue into your mouth. His tongue caressed yours gently as his right hand slid up the length of your body to rest under your left breast. Your hands moved on their own to tangle in the strands of hair that rested at the base of his neck, tugging lightly. Jake rewarded you with a strangled groan and a press of his knee into your core. You cried out at the action, feeling Jake grin against your mouth as he nipped on your bottom lip.
“Any sign of her?”
You moved to pull away and look at where the voice came from, but Jake’s hand moved up pull you back into him before returning to its spot on your chest.
“No,” came a voice at the enterance to the ally. “Just a randy couple back here.”
You heard him walk away, and the hammering of your heart in your chest was due only in part to the small fraction of relief at his exit. Jake licked into your mouth like a man starved, delving deeper with each pass of his tongue against yours. You felt your hips rock against his knee, and you let out a desperate keen when he pulled his lips away from you. He kissed from the corner of your mouth and down the expanse of your neck. Finding a spot below your ear that made you give out a particularly loud noise, he smiled against you before honing in. He left little nips to the spot, soothing the sting with his tongue before sucking a bruise into your skin.
“Jake,” you cried out, the pleasure clouding your mind. Jake pulled back to look at you, eyes blazing and darkened with lust. He studied you for a brief moment before a salacious grin broke out across his kiss swollen lips. His right hand moved to grab your breast, squeezing gently at the same time he ground his knee into your core. You let out a quiet wail, arching into his touch, desperate to have his lips back on you. He complied with a chuckle, leaning back in to bury his face into your neck. His left hand still sat on your hip, and he used it to help grind you against him. He left hot, open-mouthed kisses as he made his way from the base of your neck and up to your ear.
“I should take you over my knee, you know,” he ground out hotly, nipping at your earlobe. “Walking around here at night with no one to accompany you. Lucky for you I happened to be walking along.”
You let out a choked gasp as he removed his right hand from your chest, sliding it down and under your skirts. With expertise, he bunched the offending material at your waist before reaching his hand into your drawers. Your head hit the wall when you felt his finger press against your entrance.
“So wet for me already, sweeheart, and I’ve barely even touched you,” he murmured into your ear. “Nobody has ever touched you like this, have they, angel?”
You shook your head, too far gone to answer and certainly too far gone to care about the consequences. He pressed a finger into you, your mind going blank at the sudden intrusion. His finger felt so big inside of you, and you let out another choked gasp at the slight burn as he stretched you.
“I know, sweet girl,” he cooed into your ear, slowly adding a second finger and thrusting up into you. “Let me make you feel good, darlin’.”
Your cries grew higher pitched as he slowly began to pick up the pace of his hand, palm brushing the little bundle of nerves that had you seeing stars.
“You’re so tight, baby,” he moaned hotly into your ear, pressing gentle kisses to your cheek that served as a stark contrast to the way he moved his fingers inside of you. Your cheeks grew hot as you heard the squelch that sounded every time he pumped into you. “Do you hear that, pretty girl? You’re pussy is so gready, sweet thing. She keeps sucking me back in like she doesn’t want me to leave.”
He licked a strip up from the base of your neck back up to your jaw before giving the skin there a gentle nip.
“Feels good, doesn’t it, baby? Feels good to just lean back and let me take care o’ you lke this. Nobody is ever going to make you feel like the way you do right now. Only I can make you feel this good.”
“Jakey,” you whined, reaching down to draw him into a kiss. He moaned into your mouth, pulling back to stare at you hotly.
“Say it again,” he whispered against your lips, fingers moving faster as he chased your high. You felt an unfamiliar pressure begin to build in your lower stomach as you ground down onto his hand.
“Jake,” you gasped, but he shook his head, fixing you with a stern look. You felt the hot sting of tears kiss at your eyes, crying out when he slowed his movements down to a crawl. His eyes bore into you, and you tried desperately to move your hips against him, but his hand had you pinned. He tsked up at you with a borderline sneer at your pitiful attempts to get yourself off.
“Try again, sweet girl.”
“Jakey, please,” you cried, feeling a tear escape and roll down your cheek. Jake hushed you, once again resuming the pace of his thrusts. You clutched at him desperately, nails digging into the exposed skin of his chest. Jake let out a soft hiss and slipped a third finger into you, causing a loud cry to spill out past your lips. He crooked his fingers in a “come hither” motion that had you gushing around the invading appendages. He smiled. “There she is.”
“Tell me who this sweet, little cunt belongs to,” he demanded. You clenched around him at his words, a strangled moan slipping past his lips at how tight you felt.
“You,” you cried, more tears streaming down your cheeks, begging desperately for your release as you stared into his green eyes.
“What’s my name, sweetheart?” He demanded, focusing his fingers on that one spot inside you that had you crying out and clutching at him every time. “C’mon, sweet girl. What’s my name?”
“Jakey!” you cried wantonly, burying your face into his neck. His groans became breathless and constant as you began to press sweet, chaste kisses to the spot between his neck and shoulder.
“Again,” he ground out, feeling you squeeze him impossibly tighter as you neared your end. “Let this whole town know who you belong to.”
“Jakey!” you wailed at the top of your lungs. Your gaze flashed white as you came hard around him, biting into the juncture of his shoulder. You felt your release gush out past his fingers as he continued thrusting, riding out your high.
“That’s it, sweet girl,” he hummed into your ear, pressing soft kisses to your cheek as you calmed down. “I’ve got you, don’t worry.”
As your breathing returned to normal, Jake slowly pulled his fingers out of you, causing you to hiss at how empty you suddenly felt. Jake chuckled, holding your gaze as he brought his fingers up this lips. He sucked on them with a hum as he closed his eyes, savoring the taste of you. You choked out a breath at the sight, the fire inside of you returning with a vengeance at the sight.
He slowly opened his eyes to look at you, dropping his fingers back to his side. His gaze was affectionate as he leaned forward to nuzzle your nose with his. “Just as I thought.”
You looked up at him in confusion. A smirk played on his lips.
“Sweet as honey.”
Jake made sure your skirt was on correctly before pulling you by the hand out of the allyway. He walked you quickly to your front door, stopping you with a grab of your wrist before you went inside. You turned to him with a confused frown as he looked affectionately down at you, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. He leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, so quick you weren’t sure he had even done it. He let go of your wrist and took one step down off the porch.
“Goodnight, Scout.”
“Goodnight, Jake.”
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The next morning your brother greeted you with a scowl, chastising you for getting home so late.
“What were you even doing, Scout?” he griped. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks and you refused to look at him.
“I just lost track of the time while talking with Penny,” you answered him, quickly clearing the plates from the table. Benjamin’s scowl grew deeper at your answer.
“That was stupid,” he snapped, earning a glare from you. “You need to be more careful. Who knows what could have happe-”
“Benji, it’s fine,” you cut him off with a huff. Placing your hands on your hips, you watched him as he moved to put his work boots on to go outside. “I know last night isn’t what has you in such a foul mood, so what is it? What happened?”
He didn’t say anything as you followed him towards towards the back door.
“We hired on a new ranch hand,” he said evenly, this tone worrying you more than the previous one. “Was real insistent he get a job here too.”
“Alright?” you questioned, following him down the steps and into the yard. You saw four figures hammering away at the fence posts down by the barn, and you took quick steps to keep up with your brother’s longer ones. “Do we not have enough to pay him?”
“Nothing like that,” Benjamin muttered, casting a quick glance your way before back at the figures ahead of you. “Just know I blame you for this.”
“Benjamin, are you going to tell me what this is about or-”
You were cut off as the men stopped their hammering to look at the two of you as you approached. Each one greeted you, but your eyes were glued to the newcomer. An easy grin hung on his lips and mirthful, green eyes stared at you as you gaped.
“Hey there, honey girl.”
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blessedbucky · 3 months
we tried the world, good god, it wasn't for us! (part 1)
pairing: satosugu/reader
word count: 8k (oops)
tags: autistic!reader, autistic!satoru, suguru has depression, unplanned pregnancy, pregnant sex, vaginal sex, anal play, you and satoru are gonna rizz suguru with the 'tism, uhhh let me know if there's something else i need to add!
comments: once again it's just pure self-indulgence! we need more autistic reader inserts! and more autistic satoru! this is also posted on Ao3!
As you tap the pencil against the table irritably, you squint down at the sketchbook. You twirl the pencil around and move to erase the bottom portion of the sketch but hesitate. Did it…? Ugh! Why are you like this? You’d been so keen to soak in all the distinct details to remember those that you completely missed the basic. Did this damned cursed spirit have legs or not? The rest of it had been so floaty. Surely, it wouldn’t have any use of them. Right? Then again, the forms of curses sometimes make no sense at all.
Hmm, alright. There had been a ripped, worn cloak. Red and blue ribbons that could easily be mistaken as toilet paper to a panicked non-sorcerer. Unkempt hair and bald spots. There’d been a mask, but the curse sensed no hostility or prey, so it didn’t reveal what was underneath. You debated on calling a sorcerer in to lure the spirit in to a fight, but you don’t have the energy to deal with strangers and anyone close would snitch.
You tap on the screen of your phone, flicking away the text that you’ve already read. There is someone that could collect that curse for you…but then he would wonder why you know about the exact location in the first place. No, no. Best not to tempt fate like that. Besides, if you have to sit here and debate whether it had legs or not, isn’t that some indication that there had to be something there in the first place?
About twenty minutes later, the front door opens, and you’re finishing sharpening the colored pencils. A shame that you can’t color this particular sketch, you think as you flip back to the front, but your much less non-threatening sketch of Nue needs to be colored, anyway.
“I’m home!”
There’s a noticeable crinkle of bags that gets closer and closer to the kitchen. Many of them. Perhaps it’s your humble upbringing or it’s inherently you, but this inclination of his for spoiling you will never not fluster you. These days, you can let it slide a little more since it’s not only you that’s being spoiled anymore. Or maybe, after nearly a decade of knowing him, you understand that this is a way he communicates.
When you look over your shoulder, you can’t help but smile at the sight of him in the doorway. Sure enough, he’s loaded up with bags. Some are plastic ones from the konbini, some a little nicer and prettier, and some are outright designer bags. Those ones, you note, are not for you.
“Welcome home, Satoru.”
Satoru hesitates before he tosses all the bags away from his arms and throws himself at you with what can only be described as a manly squeal. “Waa! I have the cutest wife!” You’re prepared for a full body attack, but Satoru only plasters himself across your back, and wraps you up in his arms. He’s unbearably gentle about it. “How are my babies, hmm?” His hands flick away some pencil shavings before they rest on your belly. “Ugh, I could kill those geezers for keeping me away for so long. You’re so big now!”
You tilt your head back, deadpanning his upside-down face. “You’re so lucky that you’re married to me. I think other women would think you’re calling them fat.”
“Would they?”
“It’s like you don’t pay attention to people at all.”
“I only pay attention to the ones I like!”
You pat the tops of his hands. “I know, darling. I know.” It’s then that you notice a little something. You turn around in his arms so you can study him fully, specifically his neck. “Speaking of people you like…” Curiously, you reach up to touch the bruise just barely peeking out from under the collar of his shirt. Satoru tenses at your touch, smile faltering, but relaxes when you only ask, “Why on earth did they call for Suguru?”
“Eh. You know the protocol when there’s more than two Semi-Grade 1’s.”
Your eyes light up. “There was more than one?! How many?! What did they look like?!”
“Why yes, dearest, we’re both fine. Thank you so much for asking, dearest. Oh, no, dearest, don’t be so concerned since you’re oozing with it right now.”
You wave away the sarcasm. “Shut up. Did one of the spirits have a technique to switch bodies? Because you don’t know how much you sounded like Suguru just then.” Satoru snorts. You won’t let him interrupt your very important research. Vibrating with excitement, you spin around to snatch your sketchbook from the counter and start flipping for the next open blank page. You don’t have many pages left, though. You need a new sketchbook. “You got sweets, right? Describe the spirits while we taste-test them!”
From over your shoulder, a hand slaps down on your sketchbook so hard that you squeak. “Darling,” comes Satoru’s sing-song voice. Shit. “My most beloved Sketch,” he goes on to croon. He’s pressing you against the counter to block your escape. You wonder if you wiggle your ass if that could distract him. If he’s still got hickeys, it hasn’t been too long since Suguru fucked him, but Satoru seems like he’s having a good day, and his libido is sky-high on those days. “Mother of my child,” he stresses. “What is that?”
Oh, you’re definitely sweating now. You could try to lie…or you could play dirty. Yes. That one. You pull on the perpetuate restlessness that’s set in since you were benched and that puts tears in your eyes. Once again, you’re turning around in his arms and looking up at him.
“It was Aka Manto, Satoru!” You fist your hands in the front of his jacket. “Aka Manto!” The way that he tilts his head back and slaps a hand over his eyes means you’re successfully hitting him below the belt. “How could I resist? That would be like putting Agumon, here and in the flesh, right in front of you and expecting you to walk away!”
“Agumon?” Abort! You shouldn’t have invoked his special interest! “Okay, if I was you and I was pregnant and Greymon was the one in front of me then you’d have a case! You risked your life for an Agumon-level spirit? I don’t know whether to be mad or disappointed! You could’ve totally resisted that!”
“I couldn’t! I heard those teenagers gossiping and heard them talk about the red and blue toilet paper and all the possibilities started running through my head!” You blindly slap a hand against the sketch. “This is a good thing! I can keep myself busy with researching! I have to figure out if it’s a true vengeful cursed spirit or an imaginary vengeful cursed spirit before I register it!”
“Register?” Oh. Oh, no. You’ve done it now. “Register implies Special Grade.” You know you’re in serious trouble when he slips his blindfold off. Damn your empathy! You should’ve made sure every single light in the apartment was on before he got home! Satoru is one of the few people that you can stand eye contact with, but not so much now. You don’t want to make him angrier, though, so you look at his forehead instead to give the appearance of eye contact. “I know my super intelligent wife wouldn’t put herself alone with a Special Grade.”
“Never,” you chirp nervously. “On a totally unrelated note, did you know that those geezers are super pissed right now? They had to fork over a ridiculous amount of money to reward Mei-Mei for capturing a Special Grade. Heh…heh…”
Then, Satoru…disappears.
The sudden loss of his support makes you stumble, and you have to catch yourself on the counter. The gust of wind from his warping sends colored pencils rolling off the counter. Just as you’re crouching down to pick them up, Satoru is back, and he’s not alone.
“Oh. Hello, Sugu—”
“Talk some sense into your stupid best friend!” Satoru demands of a flustered Suguru who is trying to recover from being warped so suddenly. To everyone but Satoru, warping is jarring.
“Isn’t that you?” Both you and Suguru intone at the same time.
Satoru harrumphs before he’s stomping off to pick up all his shopping bags and leave the kitchen. Knowing him, he’s going to sit on the couch and aggressively eat his haul until he makes himself sick. This temper tantrum is starting to get under your skin, especially when you think about him getting crumbs on the couch. Just the thought of sitting on the couch and getting bombarded with them makes you want to claw at your skin already.
Suguru touches your shoulder in warning before he slips it under your arm. “Let me do that,” he insists before he helps you up on your feet. Then, he crouches down to gather up all your colored pencils, examining the ends on your behalf. He separates out the ones that will need to be re-sharpened. “What have you done now, Squid?”
“Sketch, Squid—can you two come up with cooler, more original nicknames for me?”
“Those are original,” he replies with a smirk. “You have no one to blame but yourself. It’s not my fault that you were torturing a squid spirit when we first met.”
“I was six, Suguru.”
“And have you changed at all since then, Squid?” You refuse to answer that. Suguru, though, has known you longer than anyone else. “That’s what he’s angry about, right? That’s the only reason he drags me into your fights. As if I’ve ever been able to stop you from doing what you want.”
“I have a cursed technique!” You announce loudly enough that Satoru can hear you from the couch. “Have you both forgotten that the whole point of my technique is to not be seen by spirits? I can pacify them! If I actually thought that I was in danger, I wouldn’t have gone near it!”
Suguru sighs softly before he raises up to his feet. “You know that you have a tendency for tunnel vision when you’re excited.”
“It was Aka Manto,” you whine.
“Aka Manto is Special Grade?” His nose crinkles in disgust. “Ew.”
“Just based off a preliminary search, the legend has been around since the thirties, at least. It could be longer. So, it’s had time to establish itself and accumulate power. I’m surprised it’s gone so long without being exorcised, but a spirit that haunts bathrooms is probably something that sorcerers think are beneath them—”
Suguru interrupts your hypothesizing with a finger to your lips. “This isn’t only about you anymore, okay?”
“No one cared about this before I got knocked up,” you snap.
“They did,” he sings. “You don’t want to admit it because you’re trying to be manipulative right now.” The accusation has your jaw dropping. “You’ve always been a non-combatant sorcerer, Squid. Just like Shoko, hmm? When you’re on a mission, you’re paired with an active sorcerer. Does that sound like no one caring?”
You try to dismiss the point with a snide, “They only care about me like a prized scientist, same as Shoko. I’ve dedicated all this time to studying and researching cursed spirits out in the field. I can categorize them and seal them better than any other sorcerer can.”
“The higher-ups only see you as that, but Satoru and I don’t. There are others, of course. Most of the auxiliary managers adore you. More importantly, there’s Nanamin, Shoko, Nanako, Mimiko, Tsumiki, Megumi—”
As quickly as your temper flared up, all that wind leaves your sails. “Alright, Suguru, I get it. You don’t have to keep adding salt to the wound.” You shuffle past him to plop down in a chair. “It’s just…hard.” And since you know that Satoru can and is listening to this conversation, you add, “Imagine Satoru being completely cut off from anything Digimon for nine months. This is my Digimon. Cursed spirits are my thing, y’know?”
Suguru follows after you, wrapping a hand around the back of your neck to pull you forward. You bury your face against his belly, practically purring when he starts lightly scratching his nails against your scalp. “I’m really proud of how well you’ve been dealing with all these changes. I know that is even harder. The unexpected pregnancy, the…what do Americans call it? Shotgun wedding?”
“Changes are easier when I have you and Satoru,” you mumble against his shirt.
Suguru’s hands momentarily still. “You make things so hard on me, Squid.”
“I know.”
“It’s not for the reason you think.”
“What’s the reason, then?”
“Nothing that I can talk about.” Your brows furrowing, you tilt your head up, digging your chin against his stomach hard. With how toned it is, you doubt that he can feel it. Cryptic asshole. “Why don’t I start collecting curses again, hmm? It’s safer when they’re under my control.”
Suguru rolls his eyes. “Who is treating who like glass now? Don’t you know? I’m Special Grade sorcerer, Geto Suguru. I can handle swallowing some cursed spirits—”
“I said no.”
As if you would add to his burden like that. As if you’d add fuel to the fire. Suguru doesn’t think that you and Satoru can’t see he’s in an episode right now. If he hadn’t been forcefully called out on that mission, you aren’t sure how long he’d go on with locking himself away from the outside world. The girls help bring a piece of the world to him, keep him afloat when he blocks you and Satoru out, and give you updates on how he’s doing.
It’s a slippery slope, the curse consumption. It’s like rot. Too much and it can fester inside him. It could be something else like the loss of a student. Sometimes, it’s reminders of that fateful day during second year of high school or that night that he found the twins.
Whatever the trigger, his episode always starts the same. Sleepless nights that leave him sleeping throughout the day to make up for it, though nothing ever helps ease that overwhelming exhaustion. Teaching drains what little energy he has. Parenting doesn’t help, either, because he always tries to put on the best face that he can in front of the girls despite how much he’s fraying at the edges.
So, a normally punctual Suguru begins to be late to work. The circles under his eyes grow darker. His lack of attention can almost match Satoru’s. Conversations are forgotten, plans are dropped. It builds. It’s when he starts missing meals, not only for himself but also for the girls, that his self-loathing gets bad. They know how to cook for themselves, but you always tell them to call you or Satoru immediately if they have to do it more often in a week than not.
“I’ll deal with it,” you insist. “I need a new hobby, anyway.” You lock your arms around him, squeezing tight. “I’ve had to watch a bunch of documentaries to help me sleep. Sharks are really cool.”
“We’ll take the kids to an aquarium, then,” he whispers.
“I promise.”
Your eyes meet his. “Do you mean that? Are you done ignoring me and Satoru?”
Suguru closes his eyes, sighing softly. Then, he smiles, taking being called out in stride. And, by stride, you mean simply avoiding the conversation. “Shall I bring the girls to stay the night with us?”
“You’re so spoiled, Squid. You’re no better than Satoru.”
“You’d be spoiled, too, if you let us.”
“I’m already spoiled enough as it is.”
Suguru gives you one last scritch on the scalp before he steps away and calls out, “Satoru, would you like to take me home so I can pick up the girls? Do you think we should stop for Megumi and Tsumiki?”
Pregnant lady privileges give you access to the shower first.
Throughout said shower, you can hear the raised voices of competitive children and Satoru as they all have a tournament on the old 64. It’s a welcome distraction since you got so scatterbrained that you forgot to bring clothes with you and have to sneak back to your bedroom.
There’s a hoodie on your side of the bed, one that you’ve never seen. Your expression softens at the sight of it. The bag off to the side tells you that this is something Satoru bought for you, and this is also his way of reaching out after your earlier argument. It’s both an olive branch and a warning that he wants to talk, that he’ll do it in good faith, and that if his natural bluntness comes off as rude or out of pocket then it’s unintentional.
You shove your face against the hoodie after you pick it up, rubbing your face against it like a cat because the material is so soft and feels so good. It’s thin, too, so it won’t leave you sweltering since your temperature is running hotter these days. It’s two-sizes too big, so even Satoru can fit in it. You wonder how far his sweetness goes—if he got it so big so that he could wear it because he likes how it feels or because he’ll leave his scent on it for you? It’s probably both.
Keeping the hoodie pressed against your cheek, you turn your head to pout at Suguru. “You’re meaner today than usual.”
“Giving you cute nicknames is mean?”
“How is squid cute? Octopi are the cutest cephalopod.”
Suguru merely hums and leaves it at that. You don’t miss the click of the lock behind him before he saunters over to stand beside you. “Earlier, you asked me how I’m spoiled,” he starts as he drops down on the edge of the mattress. “I had an answer, but it wasn’t an appropriate time to give it.” He glances up at you from under those thick lashes, with those violet eyes, acting so damn coy. “Do you want to hear it now?”
“Does it have to do with all those hickeys on Satoru’s neck?”
“It does.” You slide between his legs spread so wide that it’s obscene. The gesture, along with reaching out to grip his shoulders, is enough to tell him that you’re okay being touched today. You think you are, but then his hands brush along the side of your bump as he’s going to place his hands on your hips, and you flinch away from the touch with your whole body. “Shit. Sorry. I read you wrong—”
You check yourself. It wasn’t so much the touch, you think, as it was the reminder that Suguru has been…avoiding you a lot more than he does Satoru. “No. Um…” You rein it back in and stop touching him. “I want to make sure I’m not reading you wrong. We haven’t…y’know…since before I got knocked up. Well, before I started showing, anyway.” You wave a hand over your bump. “If this bothers you, I can go get Satoru.”
Suguru breathes out your name. “I don’t want him right now. I want you.” His gaze darts away, looking guilty. “I’m sorry. After you made the announcement, I didn’t want to cause you more stress.”
“When have I ever held back from telling you that I’m not up to it on any given day? Isn’t that how this whole thing between us three started? For the days when my libido and Satoru’s can’t synch up?”
Jujutsu sorcerers like to fuck.
When you live your life in such a bleak and deadly world, you cope however you can. It’s mostly through smoking, drinking, and sex. You, Satoru, and Suguru are no exception. Satoru may be the worst, though, because he never really has the chance to go all-out in the field. Most of the time, if he’s not overstimulated or mentally drained, then he’s buzzing with physical and mental energy. So, when he is home, he fucks like a stallion.
In your role, you work with people a lot. You may meet with the higher-ups more often than Satoru does to report on research or answer their questions after an incident. The more stressed you are, the easier it is for you to get overstimulated, and you don’t like to be touched when the world is screaming at you from every angle.
You don’t even remember how the idea came up…
Oh, it might’ve been you and Satoru making dirty jokes about sore wrists. After you and Satoru complained to Suguru about how old touching yourselves was getting, he offered himself up. It’s a win-win, he reasoned, because he’d been on too long a dry spell that he wanted to break, and you and Satoru could get your needs taken care of without one or the other feeling guilty or having your hands or fingers falling off.
Greedy you, greedy Satoru…how could you both turn that down?
“You’ve had a lot more to worry about the past five months than sucking my dick.”
“You ever think that sucking your dick makes me worry less?”
Suguru laughs and holds out a hand. “Come here, Squid.”
That’s how you end up where you are now. Face down, ass up, pillow tucked under your tummy, and Suguru doing his best to be quiet as he pounds into you in case any little ears are up against the door. You’re biting down on your chew necklace because it’ll be a cold day in hell before you willingly bite down on cloth for an extended amount of time. You don’t know how Satoru does it, but he doesn’t know how you can handle rolling around in wet sheets. If he forgives you now, he’ll be pissed again when he hears you dropped your towel and jumped Suguru’s bones.
The second trimester saw you getting hit by the horny truck. It hasn’t even been that long since he got his cock inside you, but you’re a fucking livewire these days. You exist on a low burn and you’re always on a hair trigger. Your nipples are off limits because the first trimester tenderness still has a chokehold on you, so he’s keeping his hands busy by spreading your cheeks and watching the slide of his cock in and out of you.
Suguru, who can get a little mean in bed, thumbs at your asshole, and that sends you over the edge. You catch yourself before you give the game away to the damn kids, throwing your head forward to bury your face and your moans in the mattress. Your entire body trembles and Suguru’s hips slow to a crawl, letting you come down without sensitivity, groaning quietly as your pussy tries to milk him for all he’s worth.
He hunches over, back bowed over yours, leaning until his breath is hot on the shell of your ear. “This is how you spoil me,” he husks as he reaches down between your legs. You hiss when his fingers quickly glide over your clit. “You and this perfect little pussy.” You roll your face against the sheets, moaning because if he doesn’t shut the fuck up, you might come again. “I can’t believe you thought that I wouldn’t want this.”
Panting, you turn your head to the side and spit out the gem-shaped silicone in your mouth. “Sorry for thinking that pregnancy doesn’t look good on me.”
“You should be sorry. It looks beautiful on you.” Your hand flies back, digging fingers into his ass, trying to keep him inside you when he slides out. You whine at the loss. “Impatient,” he chides. “On your back. Let me see that gorgeous body.” Heat crawls up the back of your neck, the tips of your ears.
“Stop it. You know I’m bad with sarcasm,” you grumble. You do as he says, though, and roll over. The pillow, previously under your stomach, is now in the small of your back and you sigh in relief. Your back has been aching something fierce lately. “Ugh, Suguru!” You cover your face with your hands because he’s staring at you. Gaze sweeping over your body, fingers following along with his eyes. “Stop looking! Leave that for Satoru.”
“It’s not sarcasm. Pregnancy looks so good on you.” You squeak when he grabs your hips, roughly hauling you down to settle the backs of your thighs over his. You’re not looking, but he slaps his cock against your pussy, making you squirm. You do dig a heel against his ass, trying to hurry him up. “It may have been an accident, but knowing that Satoru came inside you…” He slides back inside your pussy. “Knowing that it stuck…” His hands cup the sides of your bump. “You have no idea how jealous of him I’ve been.”
Your hands fall away from your face. “Okay.” Shyly, you reach down and lace your fingers through his. “Next time, I’ll let you accidentally knock me up.”
“It’s not an accident if it’s planned.”
The two of you snort and grin and you just start giggling. “You’re such an asshole.” You throw your arms over your eyes. You think you might cry. You’re a whirlwind of emotions—horniness and happiness with a shit-ton of longing. “Can you just let me say I wanna have your baby?”
I love you.
Would Satoru be mad if you said it now?
“A married woman saying things like that?” Finally, Suguru starts moving. It helps distract you from the words stuck in your teeth. “How lewd.”
“Pregnant Married Woman Begs for New Daddy—how’s that for a JAV title?” Suguru can’t hide the hitch in his breath, the way his fingers dig harder into your skin, how his thrusts pick up speed. You lift your arm up, peering at him, grinning in sadistic delight when you see how red his cheeks are. “Do you wanna be our daddy, Suguru?”
Suguru can talk all that sexy shit but can’t take it? Because he reaches down to start rubbing slow circles around your clit, knowing that letting your orgasm build slowly makes your brain leak out through your ears. Sure enough, the heat starts in your toes, and pleasure rushes through your veins.
“You first,” you breathe out as you clutch at his wrist. “Want that come inside me when I go off.”
“Whatever you want, darling.”
You’re not sure how long you doze after you and Suguru were done. He’d wiped you down because you hate your skin to be sticky, same as Satoru. Which, speaking of, he’s in bed with you when you wake up—propped back against the headboard, shirtless, and on the 3DS. You shuffle closer, putting your head in his lap, and listen to the familiar sounds of Ocarina of Time 3D.
“I can’t wait until the new Animal Crossing in November,” Satoru gripes.
“Just play Pokémon. Did you know that there’s this challenge that’s spreading around on the internet? It’s called Nuzlocke and it’s supposed to be super hard. It’s up your alley.” His thumbs briefly pause. You know the challenge entices him. “You’re not betraying Digimon by playing Pokémon, I promise.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He snaps the 3DS shut, not even bothering to save his progress.
You lean forward to kiss his tummy, right over the scar that runs from his neck down along the upper half of his body. The day that he got this scar…it was and still is such a stark reminder that, no matter what, all sorcerers share the same fate. Just because Aka Manto didn’t notice you doesn’t mean another spirit won’t. “I’m sorry, Satoru,” you apologize quietly. “I really did fuck up with this. It’s so easy for me to forget that these aren’t pets or even comparable with wild animals.”
“I get it, I guess. Well, not really. It’s like me cutting myself off from sweets and I don’t think I can do that. So, I don’t get what it feels like when you can’t be around your thing. Ugh. Why did we ever get in a relationship? Talking about feelings sucks.”
You giggle. “You’re doing well.”
“You’re not being sarcastic, are you? Because I’m kinda freaking out. I’ve got four months to get my shit together.” He digs the heels of his palms against his eyes, groaning with frustration. “Yeah, sure, I can handle teenagers or those kids out there.” He means the twins and Fushiguro siblings. “They’re not babies, though. What the fuck do I do with a baby? And, let’s be honest, those kids are all pretty fucked up already, but the thought that I can fuck a kid up?”
You raise up on an elbow, watching him. “Satoru…”
“Oh, Christ. I’m having an existential crisis, Sketch. I’m a walking cliché right now. What if I become my old man? Are you gonna end up resenting me, too? Holy fuck, what if we turn into my parents? I have a horrible personality. I’m so selfish and conceited. I’m going to hurt this kid. I—”
Oh, okay. Has Satoru ever had a panic attack? Because you think he might be having one. “Satoru,” you call out as you press your hand against his chest. Under the skin, his heart is beating like crazy. “Hey, Satoru, I need you to look at me.” He does as you ask, sparkling blue eyes a little crazed with his dread. “Why isn’t Infinity on?”
“Huh?” He blinks out of the haze and looks down at where you’re touching him. “What? Why the fuck would Infinity be on right now? You’re touching me.”
“Right, but you’re scared right now. Infinity is your defense mechanism. Sometimes, you don’t even realize it’s flaring up when you get overstimulated. It usually blocks everything out.”
He squints at you before he repeats, “You’re touching me.”
“If you were selfish, your body wouldn’t care that it’s me, right? You’re not even thinking about it consciously. Keeping me safe, even from yourself, is instinct.”
“You might be reaching…”
“You could’ve let the Zen’in clan take Megumi,” you point out. “You took in the children of the only man that’s ever gotten close to killing you.” You lift up from the mattress completely, yanking the sheets up and over your bare shoulders. “You actively participate in the system you hate because you want to rework it from the inside-out, top-down. You want to protect kids, so why wouldn’t that extend to your own?”
“Fine, I won’t actively hurt the kid and I’ll make sure they don’t get physically hurt. That doesn’t mean—”
The pieces start to add up. Suguru isn’t the only one that’s been spiraling. “Were you doing retail therapy? Is that what all the bags are for? Don’t answer. I already know.” No wonder he’s been so snippy lately. “We got shoved into this. I’m doing okay right now, but I’ve lost my shit sometimes when you’re not around. I’m scared shitless that I’ll end up exactly like my parents, too. But…if I keep thinking about it then I will end up like them. I’ll get so lost in my head that I ignore this baby.”
“You’ve lost your shit and didn’t tell me?”
“That’s what you’re focused on?” You shake your head, chuckling in disbelief. “Yes, I did. Because I’m pretty sure that having a mental breakdown is a rite of passage for soon-to-be parents.” Lacing your fingers through his, you give a reassuring squeeze. “I know how terrifying this is. This might not help calm you down because you’re a little bit of a control freak, but you need to get it in your head now that we’re never gonna have all the answers and we’re gonna fuck up. All we can do is apologize and try to do better.”
Satoru’s cheeks puff out and his bottom lip juts out. “I hate unknowns.”
“Like I said—control freak.”
“Shut up.” He tugs at your hand. “Hey, come here. Sit in my lap.”
“Yes, yes.”
Satoru holds out his other hand, letting you use them as support while you climb up to straddle his waist. He tilts his head forward, shoving his face right between your breasts, and sighs happily like the little pervert he is. You only encourage the behavior with your quiet giggling.
“Sorry for being a bitch earlier,” comes a muffled apology.
“You weren’t being a bitch. Dare I say…you were actually mature about it.” He digs his fingers into your ticklish side, making you squawk. “I’m being serious! You knew you didn’t have a level head and couldn’t handle it sensitively, so you went to get help.”
“Ha!” He leans away from your chest. “You’re definitely overthinking my actions. It boiled down to me not wanting to deal with you anymore.” Yeah, right. What a fucking liar. “And what good did it do me to get that asshole? He leaves me to babysit his kids while he fucks my pregnant wife.”
“Joke is on you because you’re into sloppy seconds.”
“Heh! Fuck yeah, I am.” He sighs sadly. “I wanna fuck you so bad right now. I wish I had the mental energy to get it up.”
“We’ll cuddle tonight and have really gross, lovey-dovey morning sex. Sound good?”
Satoru bats those big, stupidly blue eyes at you. This drama queen somehow has tears in them and his bottom lip wobbles as he asks, “Can I suck on your nipples? I promise I’ll be gentle.”
“We’ll see.” You run your fingers through his hair. “You did really good today. If they’re too sore, I’ll make you chocolate chip waffles, okay?”
“Best wife ever.”
In the morning, you spoil Satoru.
You’re in his lap, on his dick, and his mouth never leaves your tits.
It hurt when he first put his mouth on them, you’ll admit, but it’s not enough pain to overload your brain. It’s that addicting pain, like how good it feels to stretch out a sore muscle. If it was a bad day, you wouldn’t want to deal with the confliction. That’s how you know today will be a good one.
And why wouldn’t it be a good day?
It’s a full house. All your favorite people are here. Suguru is curled up in the guest bed, Nanako and Tsumiki on either side of him while Mimiko is sprawled out and drooling on his chest. Megumi is out on the couch. You only hope that you can convince them all to stay longer. It’s the weekend, so no school. You’re not above bribery.
You and Satoru slowly rock. His huge hands are on your ass, guiding your movements, doing more work than you are at lifting yourself up and down on his cock. The grip he’s got on your ass gets rougher as he gets closer to coming, so it spreads your cheeks apart. Gentle as it is, sweat still lines your skin and his, so he has to sometimes readjust his grip. That’s all to say that his fingers are getting close to your asshole. Just the memory has you quickening the pace.
“Want him here so bad,” you whine.
Satoru knows immediately who you mean. Talking about Suguru in bed isn’t new for you and Satoru. “Fuck, I know. He blew my back out yesterday. Hey, wanna hear a story?” He reaches down, thumbing at your clit. “Didn’t really jerk off until I got in high school. First fantasy? Fucking your sweet little pussy while he’s plowing my ass.” You bury your face in the crook of his neck, biting down to muffle your moan. “Yeah? You want that? One day, baby. Not now because no way I can be gentle when that’s going down.”
You pant against his neck. “We have to tell him.”
“We will,” Satoru swears. Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, and he swears. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Yeah, we’re gonna fucking tell him. We’re putting a ring on that bastard’s finger.” You nod along deliriously, chanting your agreement. “We’ll romance the fuck out of him. I swear that this kid is gonna have three parents—aw, fuck, ‘m coming!”
Satoru licks his come out of you before it has the chance to drip down your thighs. After he’s done, he flops behind you, and winds his spindly limbs with yours. You didn’t even realize how early it is until Satoru’s phone flashes in the pre-dawn light and flaunts the time. There’s a little time before you two have to roll out of bed. Chocolate chip waffles with strawberries and whipped cream actually sound really good right now. You’ll make Satoru help so that the food will be done when everyone wakes up.
“Were you serious about it?” You hum in question. Satoru goes on to elaborate. “Were you coming or were you agreeing with me about telling him before the baby is born?”
“Both,” you answer bluntly. He snorts in amusement. “I’ve been thinking about how we can confess.”
“No way! Me, too!”
“I don’t even want to imagine what your idea is.”
“Rude,” he bites your shoulder in rebuke. “We can take him on a date night. Serenade him with some fine dining. Finish the night in a nice hotel—”
“I will never do fine dining ever again, Gojo Satoru.” Just the memory of the plates rotating in and out of the table with so many varying, awful textures…you gag. Your teeth start to hurt. “I don’t know how you’ve put up with that for your entire life.”
Satoru laughs. “They bribed me with desserts to put up with it.”
What a stark reminder that you and Satoru are two sides of the same coin. Whether it’s your parents telling you to starve for the night if you refused to eat something because you hated the texture or his parents bribing him to force himself to grin and bear it, it’s all the same. Even after you were diagnosed, your parents still forced you to eat whatever they made because they refused to make two dinners. You had to learn to not let the discomfort and disgust show because they’d make the same thing again, over and over until you liked it.
Filled with a sudden and fierce protectiveness, you roll over and face Satoru head on. He raises a brow at your sudden change of mood. “Infinity doesn’t recognize me as a threat,” you remind him. “So, I want you to know that I could rip your balls off, no problem. If our baby doesn’t like a food or the way something feels, no one is going to force them to put up with it. End of story.”
Satoru blinks, processing your threat. Then, slowly, he looks down between your bodies. “Oh.” His cheeks are flushed when he raises his head back up. “I’m hard.”
Somehow, you’ve been banished to the couch while Suguru and Satoru take charge of breakfast.
“Mister and Mister Control Freak,” you mutter under your breath as you shuffle out of the kitchen.
The couch is big enough that you don’t even touch Megumi when you sit down on the other side. You silently play a game on your own 3DS, trying not to wake him prematurely, but he starts to stir not soon after the smell of waffles fills the air. You reason that the girls won’t be far behind.
It’s cute, watching Megumi slowly lift up, spiky hair even wilder, blinking blearily. He harrumphs, so put upon by the waking world. You expect him to crawl off the couch and rummage around in his overnight bag to find a book to read, but he doesn’t do that. Instead, he scoots closer to you, almost touching you. His eyes droop and he starts slumping in your direction. Just before he presses against your side, he remembers himself.
Voice rough with sleep, he asks, “Can I?” It makes you gooey on the inside. Makes you want to give him shit, too. Because he can pretend to be the cool and stoic type all he wants, but he’s stupidly protective of his sister and he does sweet things like never forgetting to ask for permission to touch you.
“Yes,” you answer warmly. “Thank you for asking.”
Megumi grunts, slumps against you, puts his head on your shoulder, and yanks his blanket up over himself. You bump your cheek against his head affectionately. It’s not long of watching you game before he’s dozed off again.
Not long after, the girls emerge from the guest bedroom all at once.
Three sets of feet go running. You’re certain they’ll be lured to the kitchen by the aroma of breakfast, but they bypass it entirely, and sprint to where you are on the couch. Megumi is startled awake, and you cringe at the sound of three high-pitched voices calling out your name.
Your relationship with touch is…complicated. You’re starved for it, but you only want it from people you know. Even with them, you have to prepare for it. You try to reason with your brain that the girls are excited. They haven’t seen you in a little while. As most little girls are, they’re ecstatic about your pregnancy because they dream of when they can have that, too. But they dogpile you, crowding close, reaching their hands out to touch your baby bump. Nanako, in her excitement, even slips her hands under your shirt. Panic shoots through you and you jerk as if you’ve been electrocuted.
“Girls,” Suguru’s voice rises above the rest. You don’t look over your shoulder, but his disappointment is palpable. “What have we said about touching people?”
Suguru has only spoken with Nanako and Mimiko, but even Tsumiki knows the answer. In unison, they mutter, “Ask.” The sigh of relief you give when they back away makes you feel awful. “We’re sorry.”
“Dumbasses,” Megumi hisses at them all.
“Yo! Who taught you that word?” Satoru shouts from the kitchen. “Bad word!”
“You,” Megumi answers bluntly.
“Breakfast is ready,” Suguru announces.
Guilt and anxiety twist up your insides. For all your talk of not making your child do something, you worry about not being able to give them the things they’ll need. Babies don’t care about overstimulation. They’ll cry. When they’re older, they’ll crave this same kind of touch, and how horrible a mother would you be to deny them that? Parenting has no breaks. A child’s needs come before your own. Do you think you’ll be allowed to have days where you don’t talk? What if you’re in public with them and you have a breakdown?
“Squid.” Suguru is crouched down in front of you. “I see you spiraling.” He holds out a hand. “Come eat.”
“Not hungry,” you whisper. The anxiety has muted your hunger. “I want to go back to bed.”
“If Satoru dragged me out of my spiral, I have to do the same.” You scowl at him. How is that even fair? You weren’t the one to pull him out of his hole. “I’m being very nice right now. I won’t make you talk about it. I just need you to try and get a little something down. If it’s too loud in the kitchen, I’ll bring it out here.”
Right. Okay. You’ve dealt with being pushed to power through the overload for your entire life. If you want to be a good mother, then you’ll keep doing that. That’s what being a parent is, right? Sacrifice. If you can force yourself to do something so that your child never goes without, you’ll do that. It’s better to practice now.
With a shaky sigh, you take Suguru’s hand, and let him help you up to your feet.
Sunday night comes too soon.
When it’s only you and Satoru left in the penthouse, you start to scheme.
Try to, anyway.
The two of you are on the couch, hunched over Satoru’s laptop. You’re both hopeless when it comes to romance, so you think that the internet might be helpful. The two of you titter and fuss and argue over control of the laptop after the first search of ‘how to confess’ only brings up articles for high schoolers.
“Wait!” Satoru is dead serious when he declares, “We need to buy a house.”
Your eye twitches. “Satoru,” you start slowly as you pinch the bridge of your nose. “He hasn’t even said yes. We don’t know that he even will. Can we take this one step at a time, please?”
“Eh? We should start the process, though. We only have four months left and it feels like we have so much to do. On top of my assignments, my mother is on my ass about Inu no Hi. Oh, we’ve got the babymoon to schedule. And we have to go to parenting classes because it’s not like either of us are asking our parents for tips.” He brightens. “Oh! What about that? We’ll have him house hunt with us, and we’ll pop the question when we make our choice.”
If you think too hard about the list he rattled off, you will meltdown. Like you told him, one step at a time. Just ignore all the rest. “Pop the question? This isn’t marriage. We can’t be overbearing. He’s like me. He’ll hate grand gestures and a house is…big.”
“Why are you struggling so much with this? You were his best friend first. Hasn’t he dated before? What’d they do when they were trying to pick him up?”
“School in the sticks was awful for us. Everyone knew everyone. We were the weird kids who saw things that weren’t there and that stuck with us for the rest of our lives, even when we learned to hide it. So, yeah, he was hot by middle school, but no one was interested in the local freaks.”
Satoru flops back with a loud groan. “Could you guys have been any more pathetic?”
“Your sympathy astounds me, Satoru, truly,” you say dryly.
“I wish I’d had met you guys sooner,” he confesses after a moment of silence. “I was such a problem child, always throwing tantrums, so I think my parents would’ve thrown money at yours to let you guys live with me at the Gojo estate. I’d probably have a less shitty personality if I was around people who understood me.”
“That’s debatable.” He digs his toes into your ticklish side, and you swat his feet away with a squeal. “I think the worst parts of your personality come from the fact that you were super spoiled and raised to think you’re a god. I also think the good outweighs the bad, so don’t get self-conscious.”
“Me? Self-conscious? I don’t know the meaning of that, dear.” Satoru shifts his position and puts his head in your lap. It’s his favorite place, you swear. He’s on his back. As he’s looking you in the eye, he reaches up to touch your face. “Ever since I was a kid, I never thought that I could connect to someone the way I’ve done with you.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks. You do have to look away from the eye contact this time. “You liked Suguru way before you liked me, y’know.”
“No. It was definitely you first,” Satoru corrects. “Shoko clocked me crushing on you even before I realized it. You should’ve seen how protective Suguru was of you.” He gives an airy laugh. “That’s why I’m not worried about him saying no, Sketch. It’s you. How can someone not be head over heels for you?”
You burst out into tears.
Satoru rolls with it because you’re a ball of nervous, hormonal energy these days. If you cried easy before, it’s insane how fast it can happen now. “I love you!” You definitely shouted that. You’re also definitely sobbing loudly. It’s okay because it’s with him, in private. Then, you think about how he wouldn’t care if you were in public because Satoru is the same.
Is this what true love is supposed to be like?
Because Satoru has admitted that you’ve taught him so much about his true self, but he’s taught you to accept yourself. Satoru is so sure of himself, both cocky and authentic. He knows that he doesn’t understand things like social cues, and he could give a shit less when he misses them. He’s loud and brash, especially when he’s excited. He’s blunt and a lot of people don’t like that, but a lot do. Ijichi has admitted that it saved his life when Satoru told him to quit being a sorcerer. Students have thanked Satoru for the honesty because it pushed them harder, and they survived because of it.
“I love you!”
Satoru keeps laughing but lifts up to a sitting position. “Alright, alright. I got it.” He slips an arm around your shoulders, reeling you in close against his chest. Before you smush your face against his shirt, he kisses your forehead. “I love you, too.”
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yourtwistedlies · 7 months
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❝ women’s hearts are lethal weapons ❞
val ! ✩ she/her ✩ minor ✩ jason grace’s gf (REAL) ✩ speak now obsessed ✩ gracie abrams lovebot ✩ summer baby ✩ certified procrastinator ✩ professional listener ✩ pathological people pleaser ✩ general amaya’s #1 fan ✩ fitz vacker defender ✩ honorary grammar police ✩ kpop stan (mostly ggs) ✩ my moots’ cheerleader ✩ under the illusion i can write ✩ somewhat smart ✩ cabin 13 girl ✩
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dni: if you are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, support kill all ___, sexist, 18+ only, religiophobic, creepy, toxic, or literally just a jerk, please leave!
byi: i swear sometimes!! i also adore using cute nicknames and pet names for my moots!! if you don’t feel comfortable w/ that or anything else, please let me know <33
moots - wattpad - ao3 - carrd - follower event (coming soon ⁉️) - save the children!
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•̩̩͙⁺ the basics ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
call me valerie/val or twisted!!
she/her, straight (heterosexual), minor (18+ only acc’s please do not follow), 18+ do not interact unless i interact first or we are moots (on my list or to be added- i am the judge of who is to be added), cancer (zodiac, but i don’t believe in them), Christian (i post about it sometimes), << summer baby, entp (mbti), 8w7 (enneagram), ambivert, slytherin, cabin 13, shade (guys i swear i wasn’t trying to be edgy or smth with the past two and this 😭😭 i took the official quizzes i promise lmao), swiftie, kpop fan, staying up writing until 4am gives me life, purple is the best color (this is not up to debate, only yellow even comes close), proud notes app writer, CATS > DOGS (occasionally my verdict changes), bunny lover, chronic platonic sofitzer, i’m either hyperactive or extremely tired (there is no in between), people say im smart, but sometimes i feel like the biggest idiot ever lmao, and ofc dex dizznee’s much needed publicist (my favorite role of mine ever)!!!
•̩̩͙⁺ music ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, sza, conan gray, alicia keys, emei, gracie abrams, maisie peters, sabrina carpenter, laufey, queen riri (rihanna), adele, beabadoobee, tiffany day, le sserafim, ive, newjeans, itzy, nmixx, stay-c, aespa, everglow, txt (baby fan), illit & more kpop, lizzy mcalpine, pheobe bridgers, nessa barrett, pinkpantheress, claire rosinkranz, lyn lapid, alessia cara, reneé rapp, mckenna grace, and more!!
as i hope you can tell, i like a lot of music :)
•̩̩͙⁺ books ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
pjo, hoo, (never read toa, but yes, ik what happens in tbm), the rrverse, kotlc, city spies, ss (spy school), alex rider (not done with rr), the academy for the unbreakable arts,
and my many other fandoms i’ve forgotten about (dead magisterium fandom oop-)
i’ll add more fandoms as i remember them lol
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•̩̩͙⁺ ships ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
rayllum, clauderry (stfu they’re adorable), percabeth (otp energy), sokeefe, dexiana, tiana (yes i know im the most indecisive bitch ever shut up you toad /jjjj i actually love u platonically), jason grace x ME (/j but i do love him lol), and more!!
•̩̩͙⁺ blogs ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
side blog: @yourtangledpromises
taylor blog: @iknowplxces (guys this is so abandoned + has my old intro 🤮 ignore this js trust - august 15 2024 val)
and perhaps more?? (muahahaha)
•̩̩͙⁺ side note ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
if you’d like to be added to my moots list, or talk, please tell me (by wonder girls)!!
if we’re moots we’re actually bffs now (you just don’t notice it yet)
if i don’t respond to your ask/tag/rb/literally anything immediately i am not ignoring you!! i’m just lazy or busy and will do it later <33
im your biggest fan btw
1 Corinthians 16:14
with love,
55 notes · View notes
minkkumaz · 1 year
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although woonhak was deemed the golden boy of your school, he lacked in academics. when he goes to the pretty girl (whom also has a tad bit of a crush on him) in the library for math help, how'd he know you'd be this cute?
PAIRING kim woonhak x fem!reader WC 1.1k TAGS adults dni. so much fluff it hurts. mutual pining. OMI NOTE my sweet boy omg i love writing for him. tbh i wrote this as a distraction for the other woonhak fic i started oops. not proofread sorry for mistakes hehe
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november was cloudy, as if the sun was too shy to peek over the soft blankets that covered the sky. despite the dreariness, his spirit was always there. kim woonhak was the golden boy of your academy. the school’s star athlete, good at winning over hearts and games.
though he had far from perfect grades, he was good at getting away with an f every now and then. however this wasn’t the most ideal.
sometimes you sat inside of the library, taking in the smell of new books. you had no practical reason to be there, but the quiet environment was good enough for you. you weren’t used to the popularity scene like he was. and though everything in your heart was telling you to talk to him, you just couldn’t.
that specific day, you settled on the floor with your back against the hard books. notebooks, pencils, and a laptop was sprawled out everywhere, but not so much that people couldn’t walk past you. you had an immense headache from cramming in an assignment last minute. because of this, you hardly noticed the body that was towering over you, until he spoke.
“hey! your name is y/n, right?” his voice was alluring like honey dripping down your throat, and a striped cardigan draped over his messily buttoned shirt and slightly loose tie. 
but in that moment you froze. admiring him for so long wasn’t considered as practice for actually talking to him.
“hi, yes! um, am i in your way?” you hurry to scoot away but he hesitantly places a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“no not at all!” he tells you anxiously. in his mind he was thinking you were much prettier in person.
“then what’s up?” you felt small in comparison to his large figure. 
“the counselor sent me over to you actually! she said i’d find you here.” he explained, “i need someone to tutor me.”
“you need a tutor?” you questioned with a confused expression on your face.
“yeah.. they’re going to pull me out of basketball if i don’t get my math grade up. and a little birdie told me you were one of the best.” he grinned at you happily and held his hand out for you to get up.
“oh! well i think i have some time right now. i just finished my assignment so you’re in luck.” you quickly grab your things and shove them into your bag before taking his hand.
the touch of his hand on yours made the both of you blush, swiftly pulling away after you were on your feet. you followed behind him to one of the nearest tables, setting your things down beside you before taking a seat.
“so ahm, what specifically were you needing help with?” you ask, pulling out your math notebook and flipping through the chapters.
“literally everything! like how do you even add exponents with different bases?” he whined next to you, letting his head fall onto the desk. 
“no i totally get how that can be tricky!” you laugh, “here i’ll write down an example.”
conversation throughout the rest of the study session flowed smoothly. despite it being your first proper interaction, he knew how to make you smile. 
a stupid joke here and then, sometimes a wink, or his hand grazing slightly against yours. what were you even saying?
meeting up became more frequent between the two of you. it came to the point where you met every tuesday and thursday for the remainder of the month. he wasn’t difficult to teach, but there were time’s he’d zone out in the middle of your mini lesson.
you wondered what went on in his mind, but every part of you wanted to hope you were the one he thought about.
“woon! are you even listening to me?” you frown, snapping your fingers infront of the boy.
“yes yes, i’m sorry i’m just a little sidetracked today.” he sighs, scribbling nothings onto his paper.
“we have our math exam next week and you’ve been doing so much better than when we met for the first time. you can’t be lacking on me now!” you pout at him. it was maybe your eighth time studying in the library together.
“you’re just so pretty, it’s distracting.” he says quietly, not exactly loud enough for you to hear.
“what?” you tilt your head a little.
“nothing! it’s nothing i promise.” he leans his head back, groaning, “there’s just this problem i’m really having trouble figuring out.” “what kind of problem, i’m sure we can find a solution to it.” your interest was piqued. why would he get so worked up over a math problem?
“i don’t think i’m ready to ask you yet, i want to try to figure it out on my own first.” he sighs into his hands, barely getting a glimpse of you through the cracks of his fingers.
“you want to figure it out on your own? when’d you get so independent without me?” you fake a sad expression.
“okay okay, i’ll write it down for you then. but close your eyes!” he gives in, ripping off a sticky note from the pad you took out earlier.
covering your eyes, your other senses seem to heighten. you can hear the rough writing of his pencil against the note he stole from your pile of supplies. he hesitates in between what you can only assume are numbers, before you feel him press the paper against your forehead.
“open your eyes now.” 
your vision is covered slightly from the note, so you can hardly see him fidgeting with his hands. when you peel it off to read, you’re met with a very mysterious question.
‘what’s the answer for me + you?’
“huh? what does this mean woonhak..?” you squint, re - reading the same words over and over again.
“um..” he laughs nervously, “i just don’t want us to be just friends yknow? i really really like you.”
“woon i–”
“i don’t know i just think i’d be a little heartbroken if i had to see you smile so prettily everyday and not be able to call you my.. girlfriend.” he rambled, “but you don’t have to say anything yet! don’t even worry or anything i know this is kinda sudden and we’ve only been hanging out for so long but–”
you interrupt him with a gentle kiss against his lips. he smiles against yours, placing his hands perfectly against your flush cheeks to pull you closer.
“i really like you too, woonhak.” you let your head fall heavy into his hands after finally pulling away, staring at him blissfully.
“i guess i have my answer then, right?”
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ninakuli · 1 year
Hi Nina! I hope you’re doin’ well! Whenever you get time, can you write about Rusty Nail (preferably joyride 2) and Bo Sinclair meeting their future s/o who is just like them? Not like a copy and paste but they have similar likes/dislikes/personalities/etc. Maybe Rusty meets a reader is who also a trucker? Maybe Bo meets a reader who is also into cars or likes guns? Preferably reader be afab or gender neutral (whichever works best for you!). You can also put it in whatever format you think would be best or is easiest for you. Headcanons, short fic, etc I don’t mind either way. I know this is a lot but I think you can make it work and if not that’s perfectly fine and okay! Hope you have a great day love! 🥰🖤
Bo Sinclair x reader
Rusty nail x reader
I finally have request!!! Happy to tears😭 your request make my day more better🥺💜 and thank you hope you have a wonderful day too!
I plan to write a short fic but seem like I write to a real fic lmao, anyway hope you enjoy!!!
Special tag: @sh1n0o @12gaugefalls
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Bo Sinclair:
The opportunity you can meet him first time is your car broken, of course you can fix it yourself but you don't have tool and replacement parts, so you give up and try to find a place have single or have people can ask for help.
You heard the truck sounds near, you look toward the sounds source, a truck parked beside you "Do ya need help?" A man show a kind big smile ask "Can you drive me to the nearby gas station or something like that?" "Sure, Bo run a gas station in Ambrose." "Bo? Ambrose?" "Yea, just at nearby, I can drive you over." "Okay, I really thanks a lot!" You hop on the truck and sit at the passenger seat.
"Name Y/N, thanks for the ride." "Lester and no problem." "Is this your truck right?" "Yea." "I like it a lot it's Chevrolet C Series right?" "Yea, it is!" Then whole roads you keep talking about cars with Lester.
You arrived the gas station, when you get in you found a man are dealing with a truck now "Oh! Is this Jeep Cherokee XJ 1998?" The man stop and looked up to you "Sorry, I just very love car, I need to find a guy name Bo, is that you?" "Yea, I'm Bo, wha' can I help ya?" "Oh I need a fan belt, 16 inch." "Well, 16 inch at my house..." "Oh it's okay so we go to take it?" "Wait me finish diz." "sure, you need help?" "Help? Huh I can do it myself." When he dealing with the car you both keep chatting, when you talk about like you two find out you all like cars and guns these kind of stuff, then what Bo think? He might be attract a little, and look you beautiful so he specifically add more points at you, and keep a interesting person at Ambrose not too bad right? Also it's not the first time he keep a girl beside him, he must can control all things like usual.
You at his house front door, he decided keep you at Ambrose a few days to see it's good or not "Oops 16 inch fan belt run ou' you wanna keep her' a few day?" "If you don't mind." "Of cours' I won't mind keep a interestin' beauty beside." So when you stay at here mean you have more chance to more chat and more understand each other, and you feel bad about keep staying here but don't do anything so you help do the house work sometime you will go to the gas station help Bo to fix car and Bo think you very interesting and you have so many points like him so he keep find some excuse to keep you, of course you not silly so you know these all just excuse but you can't say you didn't be attract by Bo right? Plus Lester, Vincent and Jonesy like you too, you're very helpful and kind, so gradually you and him didn't talk about the fan belt thing...
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Rusty nail:
Today your plan can finished your work then tomorrow you can go home and have a real rest, you feel very boring so you use the CB like usual, want to find a guy to talk let the road not that boring "Have anybody here?" Then you heard a deep voice "Hey." "This is Y/N how to call you?" "Rusty nail." "Want to chat?" "Sure." Then you try to find a topic talk with him, you both talk many things.
"I really hate some people pranks too over then call it just a 'joke' what a asshole." "Same." "Like one time a guy say if I prepare thing to designated place then he will consider date with me, then he freaking take advantage of my affection even make fun of me, I feel so shame." "It's oka'...one time hav' a guy name Candy Cane... play trick with me..." "Seem like we all be tricked." "Yea." Both of you just keep chatting to the night, you need to rest at the motel "Hey Rusty I gonna rest at the motel so maybe see you tomorrow?" "Sure." "Okay bye." Then you parked into the motel and ask a room to rest.
Next day come you wake up early because you want to go home as fast as you can, when you open the CB you heard a familiar sounds "Y/N?...Y/N?...Is Y/N here?...Who knows where Y/N?" "Morning Rusty nail! I just prepared to go on road." You heard he chuckles "Morning." "Today I plan to go home, I'm not sure next time we can meet again or not." "Well... Then cherish now." "You're right." Another joy ride pass, another bid farewell come.
In Rusty side, he never talk with someone so long on the CB and he still want to chat with you, he find out he want to more understand you and want to spend more time with you, chatting with you make him not that boring and feel very comfortable, so he ask other people about your information, of course include your next ride date.
You check the things all prepare ready, you ride on the road then open the CB "Seem like today it's a good day, everybody good?" "Yea... Good." When you heard the voice you unconsciously smile "Oh Hi Rusty nail, good to meet you again!" "Me too Y/N." Then you start chatting again, you both keep this about few months, you both all more understand each other, then you can't deny the truth that you obsessed with Rusty and Rusty can't deny he have feeling to you too. You decide take out your brave to ask him have a lunch with you then he accept, when you go to the restaurant that you both decided he haven't come, when you start worry about you be trick again he's voice appears "Y/N?" You turn to the sounds source, a huge male in front of you "Rusty nail?" "Yea it's me." "You come! I thought I be trick again... Shall we go in?" "Sure, pretty lady first." He open the door then let you walk in first, when you walk in you thank him, then you have a lovely lunch times, you both more hang out to have meal then more closer, finally you confess your affection to him then you both together, such a perfect couple, both are trucker can work together and use CB chatting, and so many points so similar... But you never will know he's killing secret, and you didn't know he already have a 'joy ride' with the guy who tricked and make fun to you...
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hughesmedicine · 1 year
hard launch | l. hughes
luke hughes x !y/n burrow reader
imma say this happened at the frozen four🏃‍♀️
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liked by joeyb_9, lhughes06, lahjay_10 and others.
ynburrow my boyfriends games are amazing🤭
tagged lhughes_06
load more comments..
lahjay_10 so this is why joe was complaining earlier
ynburrow yes
lahjay_10 can’t say I blame him, so answer your phone so I can ask him questions.
ynhurrow no!
joeyb_9 I’m flying to you and I’m meeting him
ynburrow I’ll fly to Hawaii.
joeyb_9 you better not
ynburrow watch me
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE DATING A BURROW???
lhughes_06 surprise I’m dating a burrow!(you can’t keep a secret sorry?)
jackhughes rude.
_quinnhughes ah I’ve been waiting for you to announce this, I can officially call you sister in public now!!
jackhughes YOU KNEW???
_quinnhughes he trusted me🤷‍♀️
jackhughes I’m officially apart of the I dislike luke hughes fan club @ynburrow please add me to the gc!
ynburrow on it!
lhughes_06 babe??
ynburrow oops he means apart of the I love luke hughes fanclub gc, I love you!
lhughes_06 imma pretend you’re telling the truth so my feelings don’t get anymore hurt and I love you too.
lhughes_06 posted to their story
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jackhughes replied to your story HOLD UP WHAT????
dylanduke25 replied to your story YOURE MEETING HIM WITHOUT ME WHAT THE FUCK???
edwards.73 and mackie.samo liked your story
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liked by joeyb_9, jackhughes, ynburrow and others.
ynburrow I was forced to come out and support my brother, I’m being held against my will. tagged joeburrow, bengals
lhughes_06 “luke luke luke take my picture please!” “luke babe please let me take some pictures of you and make sure you smile grumpy!”
ynburrow I’m still mad that you didn’t let me take your picture.
lhughes_06 you got the one of your brother jamarr and I, be happy with that!
jackhughes @ynburrow post that photo right now.
ynburrow no! Im a gatekeeper🫶🏻
jackhughes gatekeeper my ass, you post every photo you get of luke so post it now!
ynburrow not happening
jackhughes I’m stealing your phone over the summer
ynburrow touch it and I break your hands
joeyb_9 1: caption is a lie, she came especially for jamarr. 2: it was great meeting you luke, I’ll be at your next game!
lahjay_10 can’t say I blame her, I am her favorite🫡
lhughes_06 can’t wait and I’ll see you at the game!
joeyb_9 yep! can’t wait to meet you Jack, my sister talks highly of you also @lahjay_10 I know, she would drop anything for you.
jackhughes oh I’m holding that against her thanks for the information and can’t wait to meet you too!
trevorzegras how are you not freaking out?? @/jackhughes
jackhughes I stole his phone cause he is freaking out, he just left to run around the block- y/n
trevorzegras record it and send it to the gc!
ynburrow I got you!
_quinnhughes I’m so glad I’m coming to this next game
ynburrow it’s because I’ll be there right?
_quinnhughes erm yes totally!
ynburrow liar but I respect it.
lhughes_06 so he can lie but jack and I can’t?
ynburrow mhm that was in the contract!
lhughes_06 what contract??
ynburrow you’ll see:)
jackhughes I’m scared of this so called contract
lhughes_06 no same I’ve never seen it before.
lahjay_10 you should be
jackhughes god were in trouble.
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sparklz02 · 10 months
Is He Gay? Part 2
Tags: Fluff (diabetes killer all throughout)
A/N: let’s pretend that I didn’t post in the past…idk how many months it has been oops-
Anyways college has been rough (if you know you know) and I also have wips that desperately need my attention ahaha-
part 1
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“Why are we doing this again?”
Lyney chuckles softly as he leads you into a twirl, “Because you agreed to this.”
You pout as you allow him to continue with the lead. He led the dance with grace and expertise and following his steps wasn't that difficult. Right?
“Oh my, I believe that’s the 30th time you’ve stepped on me so far, correct~?” He asks slyly.
You roll your eyes at the exaggerated claim. “That was actually the 7th time.”
“Oh is that so?” He asks cooly before bringing you back close to him. “How can you be so sure that it was the 7th?”
The corner of your lips tug upwards slightly as you counter smugly, “How can you be sure it was the 30th?”
He chuckles softly and says, “Touché.”
As the slow dance continues, Lyney never removes his gaze away from your eyes which makes you flustered. You refuse to meet his adoring gaze and instead settle for staring daggers to his chest with a pout.
He notices this behavior and finds amusement. Several attempts he has done to make you look at him as he leads the dance. He found it funny how you can be so brave and upfront one moment and the next completely shy and flustered whenever he manages to make your heart skip a beat.
Lyney finally does a bold move. He shifts his left arm away from your right hand and brings it down below your waist. You finally meet his eyes after he does this and open your mouth to ask, “Lyney what are y—”
He cuts you off successfully by grabbing your right thigh, holding your waist tightly, and bringing you down for a dip. Afraid that he might drop you, you quickly hold onto his shoulders tightly.
Lyney chuckles at your reaction and speaks softly, “Do you really think I’ll let you fall?”
You smack his shoulders gently and reprimand him, “You could've given me a warning you know? What if you dropped me?”
He maintains the position for a bit longer and teases, “As if I’ll let that happen~. I’m hurt that you don’t trust me.”
“Oh I trust you Lyney.” You assure him. Moving your head towards the direction of the dancing meka you add on, “I just wasn’t expecting you to deter from what the dancing meka are doing.” You shift your gaze away from the meka and back to Lyney, “Surely you have a reason for this unnecessary move?”
He was taken aback by your question and looked away nervously. He quickly changed expressions with a beaming smile and asked, “You still never told me your reasoning as to why you believed I was gay.”
“Don’t you dare dodge my question Lyney.” You deadpanned.
He tilts his head to the side, maintaining his smile, “I have no idea what you are talking about~.”
Before you could refute his claim, he brings you back up slowly and resumes the slow dance. You sigh in defeat and only allow him to continue being the lead of this dance, opting to enjoy it rather than poking each other with questions.
After a few more minutes of slow dancing, Lyney does another bold move. He grabs your waist securely on both sides and sensing he is going to do something insane again, you hold onto his shoulders for dear life. He smiles softly at you before lifting you up in the air, twirling around before gently placing you down to the ground and resuming the dance again.
“You’re quite the romantic aren’t you~?” You ask in a playful tone.
Lyney responds with a smile, “Only for you, mon amour~.”
“Such a smooth talker indeed.”
The dance finally comes to an elegant end. Lyney offers his right arm for your left to cling onto. Scratch that, he didn’t even wait for you to accept; he clings his arm with yours and happily takes you on a stroll around the Opera Epicles.
“Sooo what's the schedule after the stroll?”
Lyney smiles brightly at your question. He declares dramatically, “The finale of this date will be at Hotel Debord of course!” He offers you a single rainbow rose with his free hand, “Don’t tell me you forgot~?”
You grabbed the rose and twirled it slowly between your fingers. “If anything I was worried you forgot.” You quip back.
“Oh dear, looks like I must repay you for the worry I’ve caused!” He says dramatically.
You raise a brow in confusion. You shake your head slowly followed with a soft sigh, “You know there’s no need? Besides this is all just friendly banter—”
He cuts you off swiftly by grabbing your chin gently, moving it to face him and tilt upwards slightly. A comfortable silence envelopes the both of you. The only present sound was the flow of water emitting from the fountain of lucine.
Lyney brings his face closer to yours very slowly, gauging your reaction closely before closing his eyes shut as he gets closer. You prepare yourself and also close your eyes shut as you wait expectantly…
Suddenly, Lyney’s hat begins to shake uncontrollably. You both open your eyes and Lyney begins to frantically hold down his hat but unfortunately…
“No, no, no! This wasn’t part of the—”
His hat flings into the air and three pigeons are freed. They flew into the air as the hat dropped with a light thud; the pigeons flew around the hat before landing beside it and looking at Lyney with curious gaze.
You watch as Lyney scratches his head in embarrassment. He walks toward the pigeons and hat and bends down to grab it. He dusts off any specs of dirt that was available and gestured for the pigeons to fly back inside.
Once the pigeons are back inside, he turns around to meet your figure and sheepishly stretches out his hat, “Tada~?”
The attempts at stifling your laughter were futile. You covered your lower face with your hands as you tried so hard to not laugh at poor Lyney for whatever flashy magic he had slotted for last.
“Did you—, did you really have another trick up your sleeve? Or in this case, hat?”
He covers his embarrassed expression with his hat and mutters something beneath his breath. Probably cursing the universe or something for the terrible luck.
As you continue to laugh at the funny predicament, Lyney walks over to you and once again grabs your chin gently, successfully silencing your laughter. You see it now, red tinted cheeks and an adorable pout. Without waiting for another teasing jab, Lyney swiftly seals your lips with his.
You did not expect him to kiss you after the first failed attempt but you kissed back nonetheless. His lips were soft and warm, pressing softly against yours with the utmost care in all of Teyvat.
Several seconds or maybe minutes? Who knows, the concept of time has been thrown out of the window but after some time, you both finally separate yourselves.
You touch your lips before turning away in embarrassment. You hear Lyney chuckle and he wraps his arm around your waist as he places his head on your shoulder. You refuse to meet his face as he tries so hard to make you look at him as he chuckles at your stubbornness.
He finally resorts to whispering something in your ear…
“Still believe that I’m gay~?”
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welcometololaland · 1 year
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WIP WORKING WEEK DAY 5: NOT NOW BUT SOON AKA. 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU AU (going to have to re-do this banner because i changed the fic name oops) The last day of WIP working week - thanks for supporting my little snippets! It's been a fun challenge! I'm doubling this up as my WIP Wednesday, so thank you to @catanisspicy @alrightbuckaroo @heartstringsduet @lemonlyman-dotcom @cha-melodius and @three-drink-amy for the tags!
TK stakes out in front of Carlos’ dorm building for almost two days straight, to no avail. At one point he does a stint of five, incredibly boring hours until his phone dies. People keep giving him weird looks, but he remains unperturbed until his stomach is rumbling so loudly it can’t be ignored and he has nothing better to do than watch two pigeons scuttle about on the concrete in what he assumes is a weird mating dance. 
Vaguely, he wonders whether he’s doing a similar thing. Nothing he’s doing right now makes much sense, and yet he’s desperate to make it up to Carlos in a way he can’t quite rationalise. As he watches one pigeon persistently try to escape the attentions of the other, he can’t help but draw some parallels.
On Friday, TK is surprised to see Carlos in his Roman Political Thought seminar. Not in the least because he’s half convinced that Carlos hasn’t been outside of his room or eaten for two days.
“Where have you been?” TK asks, leaning over the two-person table Carlos has opted for. The blond guy in a Ralph Lauren polo shirt sitting next to him gives TK a weird look, which TK pointedly ignores. 
“Why is that any of your business?” Carlos counters coolly. 
“I’ve been trying to find you,” TK hisses, wishing he could stop time as the professor clears his throat pointedly.
Carlos arches an eyebrow in TK's direction. “You seemed too busy to talk last time,” he points out. “Didn’t feel like a priority.”
“It’s not like—”
“Please take your seats,” the professor interjects in a stern voice, and when TK turns around he’s met with a very stony expression. He tries to look appropriately apologetic as he shuffles off towards a nearby desk. The existing occupant – a girl with a dark braid – sighs pointedly as he sits down.
“Good morning to you too,” he mutters under his breath. She scowls at him and flips her braid over her shoulder.
The seminar proceeds as usual, albeit seeming to pass with agonising slowness, and one hour into the session the professor lets them take a five minute break. TK looks up to see if Carlos is interested in continuing their terse conversation, but he walks quickly from the room before TK can really get a handle on the situation. He half-rises out of his seat to follow, before the girl next to him groans.
“Dude,” she interjects, drawing his attention. “Take a hint. He’s not interested.”
TK grits his teeth and looks at her sharply. “He’s my friend,” he argues. “I just did something to piss him off.”
“Then let him cool down,” she says insistently. “It’s never a good idea to try and corner someone when they’re in that kind of mood. You’ll only make them more likely to lash out.”
There’s something in her voice – a blunt kind of honesty – that gives TK pause for thought. He sits back down in the chair and turns to her, watching as her fingers fly over the keyboard of her laptop. 
“I’m TK,” he blurts out, unsure why he feels indebted to this stranger. He watches as her fingers pause for a moment, then fall onto the edge of the computer as she sighs.
“Nancy,” she replies wryly, giving him a once over. “I recognise you from my biology classes. Don’t ask me to be your partner in any group assignments, just because you know my name.”
I'll leave an open tag for anyone who would like to participate, and maybe add @goodways @ramblingdisaster73 @detective-giggles @rosedavid @jesuisici33 @orchidscript @ambiguouspenny @freneticfloetry @basilsunrise and @beautifulhigh assuming you haven't already done it :)
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sodaquail · 10 months
Dude I’m so hyped for your werewolf AU, you have no idea. I’m the biggest werewolf!Chip fan out there. Anyways, if you want asks (sorry if I misinterpreted your post):
What type of werewolf are we talking here? Classic bipedal or twilight style giant wolf? Somewhere in between?
Are any of the other characters werewolves, and/or does Chip know any others?
Is lycanthropy a known thing? How do people react?
One of my D&D books has a section on lycanthropy, and while you can play player characters affected by it, it goes hand and hand with the Evil alignment (it’s an older book, not sure about lycanthropy in 5E). Is this similar in your AU, or are werewolves misunderstood?
Don’t feel obligated to answer any of these haha, I understand that they could definitely lean into spoiler territory, I’m just so excited!! :D Werewolf world building is the best.
Im sooooo glad to see you're excited!!! I can totes add you to the tag list ^_^
for the TYPE of wolf... I totally leant more into mythology rather than werewolf movies. ive never actually watched a werewolf movie (although, a friend said wolfchip would be like the wolves from twilight so now im planning a marathon with IRLs.... oops) I'm doing a lot of worldbuilding into the nature and magic of werewolves and that stays hidden but.. - physically they are BIG. like twilight wolf sized... big big. - They have no tail (a mythology thing for werewolves!! common for creatures rumored to just be witches in disguse actually) I was VERYYYYYYYY much not going to pull the werewolf pop culture thing and have some 'weird human-wolf hybrid cross' because i did not like the idea tooooo much..... would rather be taken out back and killed with bricks than make chip bipedal wolf-man hybrid thing.... noooooooo...... also in human form werewolves are distinctly inhuman!! Won't go into TOO MUCH worldbuilding of mine but essentially, among other things their wolf form and traits fluctuate with the lunar cycle. on new moon they're indistinguishable from human, on full moon they're fully wolf, and all inbetween is a mix of traits. It all depends on when you catch em, whether it's day or night, whether it's new moon or close to full moon.... you might not know what you're signing up for if you find a normal person on the full moon only for them to change as the lunar cycle goes on, lol. but from mythology these are the traits which often identify a werewolf in human form - unibrow (not giving chip this one. no dice) - low, swinging stride (yes!) - lower set ears (also yes!) - when the skin is cut, there is fur under it! (yes, but i felt might be too obscure for people.... not included in common werewolf pop culture sadly...) as well as a few special things of my own!!! I ALSO HAVE A PHOTO OF WHAT WOLFCHIP LOOKS LIKE!! i found this on a dog grooming video on tiktok and went 'thats wolfchip."
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2) Yes! I have one confirmed werewolf NPC (of my own making for the purposes of the story) and am toying with the idea of making another character a werewolf. It won't be too big of a deal though... just a neat little reference!! 3) now THIS is staunchly spoiler territory!! sorry dude!!! 4) this is also spoiler territory but what i will say is that I did not go off of DND modules (although it wouldnt hurt to give them a read...)!! I play BECMI and 5e as my DND modules among other TTRPGS but i did not lean from any of them. Honestly, I didn't take much inspiration for my werewolf worldbuilding outside of some mythology shit (and not a lot, anyway). I think i just went off the general, well known werewolf myths and said 'ok what can i do with this' and i sewed and cut and now it is a new beast. it is MY beast. TYSM for your questions!!! Hope you enjoy the final project ahhhh...... seeing the answers for the spoilers in the fic will be SO much better than reading them here i swear :3
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forabeatofadrum · 7 months
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Hello, happy Monday! Thank you @wellbelesbian, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @bitbybitwrites for the tag. I was at a birthday party yesterday, but better late than never, eh?
I know I still have to finish the 2nd February Friday Event, but here's six sentences of the 3rd:
“I can ask my dad if I can bring the japchae that’s in our fridge.” “And I am thinking about trying out my mum’s mashed potatoes.” “I have some leftover biryani from my grandma’s birthday.” Raine, Dae-Sung and Frances are all discussing what they should bring to the potluck, which isn’t a weird thing, because the potluck was planned ages ago. But Aled and Carys don’t really know what to add for now. It’s obvious that the others are bringing something that is important to their families, but their mother has never even cared to teach her children a family recipe, if there are any.
Yeah, this was supposed to be cute and fluffy and wholesome, but oops, a wild angst has appeared!
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @cerriddwenluna @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @that-disabled-princess @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @cutestkilla ​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @whatevertheweather @theotherhufflepuff @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @blackberrysummer @nightimedreamersghost
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hutaosgraveyard · 2 years
“Your beauty never ever scared me”
A scaramouche x GN!Reader SMAU
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Chapter 2: Goodmorning Asshole
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Scaramouche groaned, “Y/N get off, we gotta get ready Childe’s gonna be here soon,”
“Good morning to you too, asshole,” you replied.
Your legs were on his lap, you did that before he woke up to annoy him. But you decided to give in, “But fine, I’ll mo-,”.
Scaramouche shoved you onto the floor, grabbing his bag then going into your guest bathroom.
“SCARAMOUCHE WHAT THE FUCK?? MY COUCH IS HIGH OFF THE GROUND THAT HURT!” You yelled, your dog rushing over to check on you.
You pet your dog with a smile. “This is why you hate him, huh?” You muttered, “it’s why I hate him too,”.
You got up and made your way to your room, grabbing some clothes and then getting ready in your bathroom. Twenty minutes later, there was banging on your bathroom door. “how does it take you this long to get ready?? Childe got here ten minutes ago hurry the fuck up,” a familiar voice boomed from the other side of the door.
“I take my TIME because I like to look NICE, you wouldn’t know a thing about that,” you sighed, combing through your hair one last time.
As soon as you opened the door scaramouche started shoving you to the exit, plopping your keys into your hand. “Hey Y/N! Good to see you!” Childe said as you exited your apartment, hugging you to say hello.
“Good seeing you too Childe!” You responded.
Scaramouche clicked his tongue, “yeah yeah can we get going now, I want to get this over with,”.
You and Childe slowly turned to eachother and started mocking scaramouche, much to his dismay. You quickly locked your door and headed off to the store.
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Scaramouche smacked Childe, causing him to spit out his pizza, “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?” Childe asked.
“Oh come on, you’re smarter than that, what do you think?” Scaramouche asked, a fake smile on his face, “You know what, don’t say anything, YOU GOT US BANNED FROM K-MART FOR LIFE, AND NOW WE HAVE NO GROCERIES, SO WE HAVE TO EAT LUNCH AT LITTLE CAESARS,”.
“…Oops,” childe said, a guilty look on his face. He wasn’t sure what to say without pissing off Scaramouche even more.
But unfortunately fort Childe, Scaramouche’s frustration still grew, “oops? OOPS? THAT’S ALL YOU CAN SAY FOR YOURSELF???”
You dropped your pizza onto your plate, “You know what, could both of you stop before we get banned from here too?”
You pointed at the staff staring, and scaramouche let out a loud sigh. You all ate in silence, except for scaramouche telling Childe that he was doing all the chores for the next month.
Authors notes:
•there are a lot of references to the Genshin VR series in this
•incase you missed it there is text in between ayaka’s tweet and the Instagram stories
•I decided to keep the first few chapters light hearted and less romantic/serious
@mcryv @vcvoxu @chuuyaswifeeeee @starfruiitzz
If your @ is this color that means unfortunately I cannot tag you, feel free to DM me about it and we’ll see if we can fix it
If you want to be added let me know and I’ll add you ASAP!
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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im sorry if this chapter is kinda shorter than expected. im sleepy and i would’ve put a timeskip to add the next show but it makes sense to wait on it. promise i’ll make it up to you, time out with [name] will return in the next chapter!
i feel like reader is getting sassier every time i write her—also i don’t even like jerry lawler but im going to deal with it for the sake of commentary.…
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The match wasn’t too bad so far. You were already a bit in and you focus your attention to the ring. Currently, The Rock had just hit Kurt Angle with a Samoan drop.
You could feel the crowd becoming antsy, even chanting ‘Rocky!’ every second they got. ‘Wow.’ You begin, adjusting your headphones. ‘They’re really coming alive tonight, huh? Hey, Austin! Who’s side are you on tonight??’
It got to the point where both men were crawling over to their respective corners, reaching out their hands for a tag.
He looks over at you with a dumbfounded look. You should know better than to even ask. ‘No one’s side but my own.’
‘It sounds you’re supporting The Rock.’ You conclude. He starts to speak, but you quickly cut him off. ‘Hey, viewers at home! Austin’s supporting Rock! Can you belie—‘
‘Shut your damn yapper!’ It’s not like he denied it either. ‘I told ya’ who’s side I’m on. You need to be put in time out.’
‘Time out? What am I, 10?? You can’t put me on time out!’
The two of you go back and forth like that for a while, but as soon as The Rock makes his hot tag to Kane, it all went out the window. The crowd erupts in cheers at the Big Red Machine taking care of Kurt.
To the point where you kinda felt bad. Of course, just for him. There’s zero sympathy for Jericho. It’s why you smile with glee when Kane takes him down with a Big Boot after trying to interfere.
So this is Kane, huh? He was monstrous. A force of power. For some reason you felt captivated by his strength.
‘[Name], now you and Y2J have your issues. But there’s rumors that say you two are involved with each other.’ JR says. ‘How do you feel about that?’
You look over in disgust. ‘Ew, don’t ever assault my ears like that again. I should be the last person you should even be asking about being involved with Jericho.’ You gag, covering your mouth. ‘I almost threw up!’
Austin agrees with you. ‘I’m right behind ya’. Let loose right on this table here. There’s a stick so far up his ass I bet he can taste it. Between him, little Rocky, and Angle, I’m not sure who I hate more..’
You decide to piggyback off of him. ‘I don’t mind anyone in the ring besides Jericho. I hope he loses tonight. I’ll laugh in his face as soon as that bell rings. If you open a dictionary, he’d be the definition of egotistic.’
‘It really is the battle of egos in the ring!’ Jerry nods.
Back and forth, Jericho and Kurt tag each other in for a double team. The Rock has yet to be tagged in.
‘This isn’t looking too good,’ You say. ‘I don’t know—‘ As soon as you say that, Kane recovers and Irish whips Kurt into the corner. Kurt runs right back into him and Kane quickly power slams him into the mat.
Now, both men were crawling to get a tag. ‘I’ll eat my words!’ You chime. The both of them make their respective tags and they switch, with The Rock immediately getting the upperhand. ‘Wow! Rock’s on fire!’
Austin just rolls his eyes. ‘I hope he burns ta’ death.’
Completely dominating the competition, The Rock goes even further and flips Kurt into the ring, then tosses him out. He then hits Jericho with a Spinebuster.
But then, he starts trying to apply a Sharpshooter! You had to stand up out of your seat, excited to see it. It had to be one of your favorite submission moves. He could really win with this one.
Oops, nevermind. Kurt comes back and slams his forearm into the back of The Rock’s head. Kane was there to take care of things.
Kane picks Kurt up and tosses him out of the ring once more, the latter slamming onto the ground in front of color commentary. Kane then gets out of the ring, hopping onto the floor.
All you can do is stare, and as he’s about to deal more damage to Kurt, he turns his attention to the commentary table. He’s looking straight at you and you stare back.
You wave. He doesn’t do anything back. He just stares.
Austin somehow had mistaken that Kane was looking at him. ‘The hell are you lookin’ at, ya damn jobbernowl?!’ Just for extra measure, he gives him the middle finger. It’s like he WANTED to go to anger management, jeez.
The Rock finally hits Jericho with a DDT and pins him. And that’s it! That’s the match!
You give a round of applause. You’re elated that Jericho lost tonight, it’s what he deserves. You were so excited that you took your headphones off, hop out of your seat, and grab The Rock’s title.
‘The hell is she up to??’ Austin was confused by your actions, taking off his own headphones.
You reach the title through the ropes with a smile. The Rock looks at you warily, but slowly takes the title. You smile up at him. You could tell he’s confused.
Suddenly, a hand on your shoulder pulls you back.
“What’re ya’ doing givin’ him the title?!” Austin yells.
“Um?! I was just being nice!”
He’s already heard that excuse. “What a load of bologna!” He waved his hand at you. “We’re gettin’ outta here!”
Was it really time to go? You had one last thing to do before you left. “Hold on!” You wanted to rub Jericho’s loss in his face.
But before that, you could see the final stare off between Austin and The Rock. Everyone was definitely anticipating something happening between them, but you didn’t want to stay long enough to witness.
You quickly roll in the ring, leaning down so Jericho can hear you. “HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE A LOSER?! HUH?! HUH?!”
He flinched at your words, but before he could grab at your leg to pull you down, you jump back. No way he’d take you down that easy.
But, hey, you have to remember what Debra said. You couldn’t antagonize him. You had to be the bigger person..
And you damn sure would try your hardest. Maybe if you walked away now, she’d reconsider your classes!
You do so, rolling out of the opposite side of the ring and wait for Austin to meet you there. It’s time to get the hell out of here.
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The phone rings, so you roll over in bed to pick it up. “Hello?”
“Hey.” Lita’s voice came from the other side of the line, her voice slightly tired. “What’re you up to?”
“Nothing.” You respond. “What, are you going to ask what I’m wearing next?”
Your words bring a laugh out of Lita. “Hilarious. I was just curious on how things went with Jeff yesterday?”
“Things got interesting. Promise to not tell anyone?”
“Of course.”
“Well, I kissed him when you guys left, but that’s all. We did nothing other than that.”
Lita gasps. “Really?? That’s why he was smiling like crazy the entire night...”
Thank god the room was a single suite. You weren’t sure what you’d do if this information got into the wrong hands. Your clothes were neatly folded once more, this time with no shaky hands! You were proud of yourself.
“Oh yeah? He was smiling the whole time?” It brought a smile to your own face. “That’s nice. But enough about me. What’s up with you and Team Extreme??”
Lita sighs. “Still unresolved. I don’t know what I’m going to do. All of us, all we’ve been doing is fighting and I don’t know how to fix it….’
“Hmm..” You go into thought for a minute. How would you approach a situation like that anyway? It’s hard to talk after all that yelling. You’ve witnessed one argument, and it’s safe to say you don’t want to see anymore. “You know, Debra is forcing me AND Austin into anger management. On that note, maybe you should look into couples therapy. You and Matt.”
Lita’s just starts to snicker. “Oh wow. I’m sorry—“ You could tell she was trying her hardest not to laugh. “You and none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin,” She says the name for a full effect, “..are going to anger management. That is something I never thought I’d hear.”
“It’s a shocker, isn’t it?” You say, rolling over to the nightstand. The cord had gotten stuck, so you had to untangle it. “We were forced, it’s not like we can go against Debra’s word.”
“She’s like your mom or something.”
“Hey, wait, you weren’t doing anything, right?“ Lita asks. You give her a “no”, and you could just tell there’s a smile on her face. “Good. We’re going to IHOP. What’s your room number?” A pancake addict in the making, it seems. “I still haven’t gotten any and I think it’d be a good way to talk. There’s a lot I need to tell you that I can’t say here.”
“And what better than doing it over a plate of pancakes, right? Sure, I’ll come with you.” You definitely had a lot to tell her, but you were pretty sure it was vice versa. Before you can talk with her anymore, the phone rings again. “Hold on, I’m getting another call.”
Momentarily trying to figure out what button was used to put someone on hold, you tap it quickly and hit the button to accept the next line. “Hello?”
“Evening, Nitro Girl.”
It’s Triple H. Or should you say Hunter? You were shocked to hear his voice again.
“Evening.” You greet back.
“Got anything new for me?”
“I don’t, unfortunately.” You sigh. “I’m surprised you’re calling me, what’s the deal?”
“I’m returning to the ring in about a week. I’ve already been making my rounds backstage. I’d like you to keep your eyes peeled and your ears open. I know there’ll be a lot of talk.” He said. “If Jericho or someone close to him has a blabber mouth, report back to me.”
You weren’t sure how you missed him tonight, but there’s always next time. “As if Jericho has any friends. His ego is so inflated I’m not sure there’s any room for them. But I’ll do what you ask.”
“Atta’ girl. That’s all I can ask for. Stephanie’s been acting….normal for the most part. Hasn’t talked about anyone else lately since I’ve mentioned coming back to wrestle. She seems excited.”
“That’s a given. You’re coming back to the ring. From what I’ve heard, you two were pretty unstoppable when it came to matches. She helped you out a lot.” It was true. Stephanie always interfered one way or another. You shrug slightly. “I’m sure business partners are out of the window.”
He’s silent for a minute, but before you can begin talking again, he goes first. “I’m still led to believe that she could be sleeping with someone else. You’d better get used to this, we’ll be calling very frequently from now on.”
Oh great! You’ll be talking to him for a while then. Especially if what he thinks turns out to be true.
“You know, I can think of maybe TWO people who definitely wouldn’t approve of this partnership…” You trail off, wrapping the phone cord around your finger.
“Then this is just our dirty little secret. I told you, nothing more, nothing less.”
“Well, what if there’s more?”
He seemed intrigued. “Go on.”
You’ll take your chances. You’ve already made your bed, it’s time to lie in it. Even if the accusations were false, you’d pretend like you never spoke to him. “You and I, how about we get even closer? I mean, if Stephanie’s possibly stepping out, why don’t you give her a taste of her own medicine? I mean, if your instincts are telling you the truth.”
“That’s cute. Listen, I’m only about business. I don’t normally stray past business relationships.”
“However, I may make an exc—“
Knocks at your door had made you get up out of bed. “Shoot. I’ve gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.” You don’t even give Hunter a chance to respond before you slam the phone onto the base. Getting up, you open the door.
Of course, It’s Lita that’s waiting for you, car keys in hand.
“You ready?”
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You were in fact, not ready. Between having to throw something suitable on and haphazardly printing directions, you were a little off.
“…When you printed out those directions, are you sure they were to go to IHOP?” Lita asks. “Because right now, that looks like a Waffle House.”
“Waffle House?” You repeat. “What?” She stops the car momentarily, pulling over so she can read the directions herself. She points to the yellow sign first, then looks back to the paper.
“Yup. This says to Waffle House. What the hell did you do on the hotel computer? More importantly, how did you mess up?! International House of Pancakes and Waffle House aren’t the same thing!”
You just laugh. It’s all you can do. There’s always something getting in your way. No pancakes tonight!You two were already close to the end. “W-Why aren’t you laughing?”
“…Because it’s not funny.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know how that happened! I guess we’re eating waffles tonight. We’re already here.” You shrug, throwing your hands out defensively. Lita can only huff.
“Fine. But next time, I get to print the directions and you drive.” She pulls back into the street to enter the parking lot and all you can do is smile.
It’s only about 8:35. You’d probably be getting back to your room at a decent time! Not bad at all. You were pretty hungry, so you hoped they could cook fast.
You two entered the building and were seated quickly. It was sort of busy, but you liked hearing the chatter from nearby. It made you feel comfortable.
Lita takes a seat from across you. “I think me and Matt are done for a while…” She begins. “It’s just too much. I can’t deal with it right now. I feel like all he cares about is himself.”
“I told you, you’d better look into like, some type of therapy. It sounds like you guys are really going through it right now.”
Instead of laughing, she seems to mull over it. “Mmmm, I don’t know. I’m just tired of all the yelling. They’ve got another match coming up so I’m hoping this all goes away.”
“I could invite you to anger management.” Extending the offer to her could only make her scoff.
“Hell no.”
Once you two ordered your food, you felt like it was your turn to say what’s been on your mind. “You know remember who called on the hotel phone? You’ll never guess who it was.” You pause for dramatic effect. “..Triple H.”
“What??” Lita was definitely taken aback. She could remember it like it was yesterday. Funnily enough, it was him and Austin who had terrorized not only herself, but targeted both the Hardy Boys. Even Stephanie got in on it. And it’s not like you had a clue, you weren’t in the company yet. “Are you serious?”
You idly pick up your fork with a nod. “Yeah. Whole thing is, he thinks Stephanie is cheating or something. Now we’re like not-so-official business partners.”
Lita was all for taking Stephanie down. She was a thorn in her side last year for the Women’s Championship. The feud was mostly over, but she had a right to feel bitter. “Whatever you do, I’ll be supporting you.”
For some reason, you felt a bit surprised she didn’t protest. No doubts, no nothing. She just said she’ll support you. “Wow, okay.”
“And I’m sure Jeff will be right behind you.” She gives you a devilish smile, making you roll your eyes.
You weren’t entirely sure about that. “That was only a one time thing, I don’t think it’ll happen again. I’m sure Jeff was still pretty woozy from his last match and the one before.” You can only hope it’s the opposite.
Lita can only reply in a sing-song voice, mocking and mirroring yours from earlier that night. “I don’t think sooooo!”
Your food was set down on the table. After thanking the waiter, the only thing you could do was rub your forehead. “You’re a real piece of work.”
“I’m sure you love me anyway.“
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reader + jeff is in fact, not a one time thing. *puts y’all in a tag team match*
i’ve always heard mapquest was used for directions back then…so staying true to the 2001 theme they had to use it LMAO
lita & reader are just fun to write together!! you gotta love team extreme. but im trying to think how to involve matt tbh he is a big meanie. and im sorry i have to say this but y’all gonna be like 😮 at one of the parts next chapter IM SOO SERIOUS it’s definitely in the works
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aemondsladywife · 2 years
I am loving the his lady wife series, absolutely eating the angst up. I did have two thoughts on it, which you might like, maybe for alternate endings or just to add.
My first one is, and I am not condoning daemons actions at all, but the only reason he created the rumour was so that her infidelity would make the greens lose support. So the blacks think that the plan worked perfectly, lords start showing up at dragonstone to swear allegiance, even the Baratheons changed sides to swear allegiance. Daemon is smug because his plan worked better than he thought, the greens have no support at all. Until the small council meeting when daemon cracks a joke about the princesses loyalty and one of the lords replies with “I don’t blame her, I’d kill my own daughter before I let her marry that monster”. The blacks are all like👀👀, what do you mean. Then the lord tells them that Aemond absolutely tortured that poor woman on the basis of a rumour. She was put in a moody room, starved, denied medical treatment. What monster would do that to the mother of his own child, apparently the birth was the most horrific thing on record. I actually think that daemon might feel a little guilty over it, the blacks might offer to smuggle her out to dragonstone to get more support by saving her. But in reality they just feel shit.
My second thought is more on the greens side and very angsty . So she and baby lives, and of course she shuns aemond, as she should. Even his whole family let her get treated like this and shunned her, so she should ignore them too. But I don’t think they would know the extent of how badly aemond treated her, they just think she was moved to another set of chambers because they have bigger things to worry about. But after the birth they see the chambers, they find out about the starvation, and they find out that she begged for medical treatment and Aemond basically told her to go die. Alicent would be so disappointed in him, ashamed to have him as a son, cannot look at him anymore. Even Aegon is disgusted with his brother, he’s apparently the better brother but even Aegon wouldn’t do that. Poor helaena would be terrified of him from now on, what happens if he hears a rumour about her, would he torture her too. But then there is Otto, she finds out that Otto never believed the rumours and had people working to find out the source of the lies, therefore he is the only one allowed to bond with the baby. Maybe the others after a bit but grandpa Otto would be first. Aemond has to watch as Otto Hightower walks around with his daughter, cooing at her and just loving her, not letting aemond touch her at all. And he knows that he cannot do a thing about it, there is no reasoning he has for the way he treated her. His wife was there for him for all of his hardships, she goes through one and he abandons her straight away. He goes to say that there was evidence, but he remembers that Otto saw through it, Otto didn’t believe it and got to the bottom of it, why didn’t he.
I love this work and I was wondering if I could be added to the tag list please. Also you are free to use anything I have written, I’ve just got so many ideas spinning up there haha
i love all these suggestions, and of course i'll add you to the taglist!! i love the idea esp w otto, i kinda forgot how he was the only one w a brain oops 😭
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