#joy ride 2
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Warm Hands | Rusty Nail x Female!Reader | Part 2 (NSFW)
Author’s Note: Part 1
Tags: NSFW content, older man/younger woman, size difference, dubious consent, kidnapping, possessive behavior, Rusty is doting on reader, lots o’ smut.
The convenience store had long disappeared beyond the horizon miles back, but you still stared at the rear view mirror hoping it would somehow appear again or that you would wake up in your bed letting you know this was all just a bad dream.
The snow storm was worsening as time passed, layering the road with snow, ice, and dirt. He took his time driving and acted nonchalant to the fact that he kidnapped you as he occasionally fiddled with the radio when it lost signal.
Your grocery bag sat in your lap, teasing you of what your night could have been. Watching your favorite show while you lounged on couch, eating your snacks and watching as the snow fell peacefully outside.
Yeah, what could have been.
“What’s your name?” you asked, breaking the silence.
“It’s Rusty. Rusty Nail.”
You visibly deflated. “I meant your real name.”
“That is my name.”
“No, it’s not. It’s a nickname. There’s a difference.”
Rusty shook his head, further cementing his previous statement. “I haven’t considered myself that name in years. Everyone knows me as Rusty and that’s what you’ll call me too.”
“Don’t you want to know my name at least?”
His eyes twinkled amusingly. “I already what your name is, [Y/N].”
Your mouth parted in confusion. “Wait — how do you know that?”
Without taking his eyes off the road, he reached into his jacket and pulled out your wallet, offering it back to you. His voice and face teamed up to convey their disapproval and you felt like a child being chastised by their parent for being caught sneaking out at night.
“This fell when you tried running away from me.”
You took your wallet and examined it in disdain. You never realized it fell nor that he picked it up. So now he knew not just your name, but also where you lived. Great. You stuffed it into your own jacket roughly, punishing it for making your situation worse.
“Where are we going anyway?”
“Home. It’s not too much further.”
You drew your eyebrows together. “You’re taking me to your home?”
He glanced at you then back to the road. “Where did you think I was taking you?”
You shrugged, mumbling quietly. “I don’t know, some cheap motel or something...”
He sighed heavily through his nose, chest rising and falling with confliction. He then rubbed his chin in thought before finally settling on what to say.
“Well, I ain't, so don't worry your pretty little head about it."
You scuffed at his absurd logic. “Yeah, like that’s what I’m worried about.”
Stop calling me pretty.
“I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t going to hurt you.”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“No, but I know I won’t change your mind either.”
“You could let me go.”
His answer was quick and final. “No.”
You shook your bag in aggravation, crumbling the snacks inside. “Why not? Can’t you find someone else to fuck?”
He raised an eyebrow, giving you a questioning glance. “Who said anything about fucking you?”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. His head had to be screwed on too tight or maybe he was smoking more than just a nicotine cigarette.
“You! Back at the store you said you wanted company for the night. What else is that supposed to mean? I sure as hell know you’re not taking me home to chat about this lovely weather we’re having.”
He chuckled low, long fingers gliding across the steering wheel as he turned it. Those same fingers flexed away from the wheel before going back to gripping it until his knuckles turned white. His voice noticeably deepened in timbre, exacerbated with desire as he spoke.
“I have every intention on getting you in my bed tonight, but it isn’t to fuck you like some lot lizard I found slinking in the streets. Oh no, little one, I’m gonna be to taking my sweet time with you and you’re going to enjoy every second of it.”
In that moment, the truck passed another car who was going just as slow and careful. Their headlights brightened the tenebrous truck and in their hazy glow, Rusty’s blue eyes caught yours. They threatened you with a dark seductiveness and a dangerous allure and had Rusty not kept on driving you would have thought he was getting ready to pounce you right there.
You found yourself struck silent, dumbfounded and uneasy. You wordlessly turned back in your seat and watched as snowflakes hit the glass pane of your window. His words played back in your mind over and over again like it was an old VCR player and somebody was constantly pressing replay.
From his side of the truck, Rusty’s resistance was waning as time passed into the drive and the more he sensed your rising turmoil. He wanted to pull the truck over to the curb and spread you wide over his seats so he could quell your worries.
He had no intention of bringing home any woman when he stopped by the local shop to get a working lighter and a pack of cigarettes. After being on the road for months on end, he was ready to call it quits for a while, get some chores done around the house he’d been putting off and rest up while he had the chance to.
Funny how plans could change in a blink of an eye.
He swore he stood witness to an angel dashing through those sliding doors bearing a halo of snow and a mischievous smile highlighting your pink champagne lips. He smelled your shampoo when you whipped by briskly not sparing him a glance. He peered curiously over the shelves and watched you peruse the store in determination. He figured you were after something important like bread or milk or even a flashlight, but when you came around the corner carrying an accomplished grin and an arm full of sweets, he grinned himself.
Cute little thing.
He thought nothing more you after that, still intending to get his smokes and lighter and head home, but whether by accident or fate, his hand brushed yours when he passed you and it all hit him at once; your soft skin, your slight intake of breath, your timorous glance and just like that you had drawn him in. Rusty was enamored and he wanted nothing more than for you to follow him because between the few steps he took between you and the door, he decided he wasn’t going home alone tonight.
He waited patiently in his truck for you, cock already half-erect and painful from the delicious images in his head. He lit a cigarette and adjusted himself. Inclining his head back, he blew a few rings of smoke up into the air. His bed had been feeling mighty cold lately the thought of you warming it sounded too good too pass up. He looked out the window and saw you walking closer, eyeing his truck with apprehension.
Come to me, pretty girl. Just a little closer now.
He rolled the window down.
~ ~ ~ ~
“She ain’t much, but she’s home.”
He pulled the truck up a long and winding dirt road until a two-story, white farm house came into view. It looked run down and unkept, but it was a lot better than the dungeon you had pictured in your mind on the way there.
He got out of the truck and came around to your side. He unlocked your door with a key he took from his pocket and offered you a hand. You eyed it with uncertainty and glanced behind his raised arm into the vast darkness where the crystalline snow morphed into the black of night. You contemplated whether or not you should make a run for it.
“I know these mountains like the back of my hand. You’d never make it out of them before I or the animals get you and that’s only if you don’t freeze to death first. But—” He opened the door wider and stepped aside. “—If you’re that set on leaving then I won’t stop you.”
The chilly night air brushed against the back of your neck threateningly. You pressed your lips together. He was right. Running away would be a death sentence. What made it even worse was that you knew he knew you wouldn’t actually run so him giving you an opportunity to was his way of showing you who was actually in control and it was working. Begrudgingly, you placed a hand in his. He squeezed it, giving you a gruntled look.
“Good girl.”
Your heart skipped a beat. The people pleaser in you delighted in the praise even though it came from Rusty. He led you up the walkway still holding your hand. You didn’t understand why since it should have been clear that you weren’t going to run, but when when you almost slipped on a nasty patch of ice, he steadied you with his strong grip and his refusal to drop your hand became perfectly clear; he was making sure you didn’t fall and hurt yourself.
The inside of his house was interesting to say the least as it looked pretty much abandoned. Cobwebs hung in intricate designs from the ceiling fan and the hardwood floor had long lost its shine due to the several years worth dirt and dust doing their best to speed up the aging process. Various things were stacked into high piles in the corners of the room while others were haphazardly thrown about, forgotten and unused. The house appeared more like a storage unit than an actual home.
Rusty went and turned on a few lamps and the heating system, warming the house both in light and temperature. He came around and took off your coat and laid it on the back of the couch along with his two which left him in a green, button up flannel and a brown t-shirt. He was more well-built than you’d expected and when he bent down to pick up one of his coats that fell to the floor, his arm muscles flexed and you were intimidated by how dramatically they bulged.
He could really hurt me if he wanted to…
Curiosity got the best of you as you wandered the house. You were in awe with how much stuff there was to look at and for a couple of minutes your mind forgot why you were brought here in the first place as you glided your fingers across the different things you came across. Rusty trailed a few feet behind you. He kept quiet, letting you do your own thinking. He found himself growing more self conscious about the state of his house and hoped you didn’t find it too much of a wreck.
“You don’t really spend a lot of time here, do you?”
Rusty shook his head, a hint of regret in his voice. “No, not really. My job requires me to be on the road most of the time so everything in here just sits collecting dust for the most part. Could always use a women’s touch I suppose.”
“You mean to clean?”
Rusty grimaced when he realized how his comment came across and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “That’s not exactly what I meant.”
You laughed softly. “I know what you meant. Maybe you’ll find someone who will add some life to this place.”
His gaze settled on you, unwavering and penetrating. “Yeah. Maybe.”
You turned away from his unspoken insinuation and met a set of stairs leading you up to what had to be his bedroom. It was the only room you hadn’t encountered yet. No longer feeling up to exploring you tried turning back, but Rusty stopped you short.
“You still have one more room left to see.”
You couldn’t meet his eyes. “I don’t want to see it.”
He leaned in his closer as if to share a secret. His lips scraped your ear, traveling up to your temple, right above your eye where he pressed a kiss there. The small, loving gesture quelled your consternation, but a thick, foreboding cloud of doubt still lingered because the kiss held an implying promise of what was yet to come. You pressed your face into his chest seeking comfort and he rubbed your back a few times before he turned you around to face the stairs.
“Stairway to heaven, sweetheart. Up you go.”
He lightly swatted your backside causing you to yelp. You felt his chest move as he chuckled and pushed you forward. With your head bowed defeatedly, you trudged up the steps. Rusty couldn’t help but appreciate the sway of your hips and how tight your jeans were.
Entering the bedroom, he slid past you, catching one of your belt loops with his finger. He tugged you with him to the bed where he sat on the edge of it, pulling you between his knees. You wrapped your arms around yourself and waited for his direction. You felt out of place and worried that if you didn’t do good enough that it would cause him to become angry and lash out at you. Without dropping your gaze, he unbuttoned his flannel and peeled it off before lifting the brown t-shirt over his head, taking his hat with it. He threw the clothes and hat, well, you didn’t know where he threw them because you were too busy being mesmerized by his chest.
His chest was a chest belonging to a laborer, well muscled and broad. The temptation to touch him was hard to resist and before you knew it, you were exploring it like much like you did his house, running your fingers through the sparse salt and pepper hair. He radiated warmth like a cup of freshly poured coffee that you couldn’t wait to wrap your hands around and enjoy.
As you marveled his body, the next words tumbled out before you could stop them. “You’re really handsome, Rusty. Like one of those greek sculptures.”
The astonished look on his usual stoic face made you regret your words. He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. Embarrassed, you dropped your hands and whispered an apology. Rusty was quick to mend things.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for, darlin.’ I just ain’t used to receiving compliments is all.” He grabbed your hands and placed them back on his shoulders and smiled gently. “Will you keep going for me?”
Instead of going back down his chest, you chose to run your hands up the back of his neck to his head. Rusty sat with his hands on your hips, enjoying the attention you were giving him. He closed his eyes when your nails scraped his scalp and groaned loudly.
“Fuck, baby. That feels nice.”
Without his eyes on you, you felt more comfortable to do your own thing and in a spur of confidence, you peeled your shirt off and unhooked your bra. Rusty opened his eyes questioningly and instantly locked onto your breasts that were bobbing teasingly a few inches away. His mouth parted and without a warning he latched onto a nipple and began sucking. His tongue swirled around it, hardening it until it was ripe, and he let it go to do the same to the other one.
Your head leaned back while your chest leaned forward into his mouth. One of your hands cradled the back of his head while the other raked through his long hair, pushing it back from his face so he could suck without interruption. You both groaned in unison from the reciprocating pleasure.
With your hands still lost in his hair, he roamed his own over your stomach, appreciating how perfect and healthy you looked. He wanted to mark you somehow. He wanted you remember this night long after it’s over, like a blood stain that refused to lift.
He suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist and hurled you onto your back on the bed. The old springs squealed beneath the toppling weight of you and Rusty. He loomed over you on all fours like a predator ready to ravage its prey. You felt the vibration of your zipper being pulled down against your pussy and it sent a jolt of adrenaline through you. Sliding his hands beneath you, he coaxed you up.
“Lift your hips for me, sweetheart.”
Maybe it was his deep southern drawl or the way he naturally exuded power and dominance that compelled you to obey without question because as soon as he commanded you to, your hips were in the air. He pulled your jeans down until they were mid-thigh and from there he slipped your off your shoes and socks before sliding the jeans the rest of the way. So now you lay in his bed with nothing but a pair of panties and you couldn’t have been more nervous for them to be stripped away too.
You were a perfect balance between shy and tempting. You crossed your legs attempting to hide from his lecherous gaze, but it was fruitless. Rusty had already mesmerized your beautiful body and all its curves and bends. He grabbed the plush muscle of your thighs, kneading it like dough. His eyes asked for permission to go further, to finally touch you where he desperately wanted to. You sucked in a breath and nodded, looking up at him with so much trust. It warmed Rusty up better than any blazing fire ever could.
You’re safe with me, little one. You’ll always be safe with me.
He peeled your underwear down slowly. His eyes never rose until they were completely gone, tossing them aside like everything else. The air swept across your bareness and you knew there was no going back now. When he did finally look, he made a noise low in his throat and his eyes darkened to a deeper shade. Your pussy was already glistening for him. He pushed your knee with a heavy palm, prompting you to spread yourself.
His lecherous stare on any other man would have repulsed you, but on him it only made the butterflies in your stomach flutter eagerly. Gradually, like the first drifts of snow falling from a cliff before the start of an avalanche, the heavy walls you had built finally collapsed and you shuddered happily.
He playfully rubbed his chin on your thigh. The stubble from his jaw tickled your skin and you reacted in a fit of giggles. Rusty visibly lit up at the sound. He couldn’t remember the last time he heard laughter in his house. He did it again, eyes focused on you. He earned another laugh and loved the smile you tried preventing from spreading. You lurched forward and pushed his face away.
“Hey, stop that! It tickles!”
He smirked, feigning innocence. “Stop what?”
Your eyes narrowed. “You know what.”
“Let me just go down lower then…”
His full lips kissed your thighs, going further until they hovered over your folds. Your breath hitched when his hot breath warmed your pussy. He was so close, yet so far away. It was delicious torture. When you lifted your hips up to his mouth, he abruptly pulled away. You noisily voiced your dissatisfaction.
“Want do you want, baby? Use your words. I ain’t no mind reader.”
You lifted your hips again, begging helplessly. “Rusty.”
“Rusty what? What do you want me to do?”
“I want your mouth on me. Make me come, please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely…”
He used two fingers to spread your lips open and latched onto your clit without mercy. A guttural sound echoed in the room and your eyes widened when you realized it didn’t come from Rusty, but from you. This spurred Rusty on and he sucked your sensitive clit so good that you thought the roof was caving in as your eyes rolled back into your skull. You tangled your hands into his hair, using his face as a make shift saddle and his curls as the reins.
“That’s it, baby,” he praised adoringly between licks. “Make me put my mouth exactly where you want it.”
You tugged his hair and pushed him down in a particular spot that had you shaking and weeping because his stubbled chin rubbed your aching pussy in all the right and wrong ways. Soon you felt yourself drawing close to your release and you grinded fiercely on his face in anticipation.
“Rusty—” you gasped, back arching, “I’m going to cum. Don’t stop!”
You could bring any man to his knees by begging like that and you surely brought him to his. There was nothing Rusty wouldn’t have done for you in that moment if it meant hearing that sweet voice of yours crying out to him in ecstasy.
“Fill my mouth, little one,” he growled, reclaiming your pussy with an animalistic ferocity, hungrily eating you out with his entire face buried between your legs so that only the back of his head could be seen.
Like the good girl you were, you did exactly as you were told. Your ribs expanded from the gasp, head reeling back as your orgasm shook you. Rusty never stopped thrusting his tongue, lapping up every drop of your cum. He swiftly pulled you forward so could he drive his tongue further and as expertly as he drove his truck. From his position on his knees, he watched you writhe and squirm, unable to keep still from the intense pleasure that overwhelmed you.
Your thighs locked around his head and covered his ears, muffling your loud moans. Rusty licked everywhere, from the inside of your thighs to the very inner workings of your spasming pussy as if he was a starving man who refused to be wasteful. With a final swipe of his long tongue, Rusty had you cleaned up good. He then placed a satisfied kiss on your pussy before straightening himself.
“How you feeling?”
“I…I need a minute,” you said between breaths. “It’s never felt like that before.”
He kissed your shoulder, purring reassuringly. “Take all the time you need, darlin’. There’s no rush.”
Comforted by his words, you laid back leisurely on his pillows, still experiencing the aftershocks of your orgasm. Rusty laid beside you, running his hands over you soothingly. The lamp on his bedside table casted a tangerine glow on your body and it suited your flushed face perfectly.
A few hours ago you wanted nothing to do with Rusty or his hands. But now your eyes followed their every move, seeking them out when he raised them away then relaxing when he brought them back down again.
His movements casted a soporific effect on you, and soon your eyes began to flutter close and your breathing slowed down to an even rhythm. Your body sank deeper into the mattress as the tension left your body and to Rusty it only confirmed to him that he had an angel sleeping in his bed.
Rusty bent down and kissed the valley between your breasts, easing you back awake. “Don’t give out on me yet, pretty girl. We’re just getting started.”
#rusty nail#rusty nail x reader#slasher community#joy ride 2: dead ahead (2008)#joy ride 2#mark gibbon#original writing#slasher x reader#slashers
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10/10 performance
#rusty nail#rusty nail joyride#joy ride 2 dead ahead#joy ride 2#i love him#joy ride rusty nail#mark gibbon
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#sketchbook#texas chainsaw massacre#tcm the beginning#joy ride 2#tcm 2003#nubbins sawyer#chop top sawyer#rusty nail#thomas hewitt#charlie hewitt#sheriff hoyt
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ayo (if you feel like it) write a fanfic about your fav slasher's reaction to y/n stealing their shit like a lil goblin rat; could be a shirt, a jacket, a fav dessert, their hat etc, etc lol
I am so sorry this took so long 😭 I hope this is ok and you like it 💕
I did Rusty Nail, Bo Sinclair and Michael Myers (I had peepaw in my head but I guess you could read this for any version)
Rusty and Bo call the reader baby Bo also calls the reader a little minx
Rusty Nail
Gif by @tinalbion
Rusty had put his jacket on the couch momentarily while he went to fetch his phone from upstairs. He came back down and went to grab his jacket only to find it had gone. Rusty chuckled to himself as he walked towards the kitchen where you were making a cup of tea.
"Baby could I have my jacket back please I gotta go."
"But I'm freezing and this is really warm plus it smells like you."
"I could just stay here but then we wouldn't have anything to eat"
"Can't I just come with you. Pleasee?" Giving your best puppy dog eyes.
Rusty rolls his eyes pretending to be annoyed "well come on then, hurry up and put some shoes on."
You quickly but carefully poured your tea into a travel mug to drink on the way into town. Putting your shoes on while Rusty went upstairs to get another jacket.
Bo Sinclair
Bo had come back home from working in the gas station to have some lunch. He was in the middle of making a sandwich when he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind.
"Hey baby" he says as he turns around in your grasp to kiss your forehead. "You had food yet?"
"No, I was planning on taking some and Jonesy to that lake in the forest."
"M'kay, just be careful"
"I will" you place a quick kiss on his lips before making your own sandwich. You also pick up a packet of crisps and a can of pop.
"I'mma get back to work, ya gonna be ok?"
"I'll be fine honey" giving him a sweet kiss before taking his hat off his head and it on yours.
"Oi ya little minx, that's mah hat"
"I gotta go byeee" you wave as you walk out the door.
Michael Myers
Michael was looking around for the new hoodie you brought him last week. He had checked the bedroom, the entire wardrobe and the drawers had been emptied, their contents lying all over the floor. He had checked the washing basket. Picked it up and emptied it on the bathroom floor. His hoodie wasn't there either. Michael walked into the living room to ask if you knew where it was, only to find you curled up on the couch wearing the exact hoodie he was trying to find. Michael let out a sharp of air out of his nose before deciding to lie down on the couch and pull you on top of him.
Tags: @sketchy-rosewitch @rottent33th @phantomcat394 @lanamiller comment or send an ask to be added or removed from the list.
#bo sinclair#rusty nail#michael myers#bo sinclair x reader#rusty nail x reader#michael myers x reader#house of wax#house of wax 2005#joy ride 2#joy ride 3#rusty nail joyride#halloween 2018#halloween#bo sinclair headcanons#rusty nail headcannons#michael myers headcanons#slasher x reader#slasher fucker#slasher imagines#bo sinclair imagine#rusty nail imagine#kim's writing
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Can you write about Sinclair brothers and Rusty nail's S/O is an artist but S/O's sketch book all only draw about them.
Thank you and I really really love your any creation or other thing else!! Really thank you and hope you have a wonderful day like you!!💜
Slashers coming across s/o's sketchbook
A/n: Thank you Nina, I love you too!! And again, Im so sorry for taking so long on your reqeust!
Warnings: Jonesy is the queen bee. Bite me. Not proofread.
Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner(s)
Beaugard (Bo) Sinclair
Bo didn't mean to stumble upon your many drawings.
He was up at the house, trying to tidy up a little (shocker I know) and happened to knock over a stack of books. One of them being your sketchbook. He kneels down, picking up the books but pauses once reaching for yours. After a few seconds of glancing around the room, he grabs it and starts skimming over the many pages.
As he flipped through its pages, he was taken aback by what he saw. Each page was filled with intricate and lifelike drawings of only him. His heart swelled with a mixture of surprise, and a touch of vulnerability. He had never imagined that anyone apart from his brother could make something so beautiful.
Bo's fingers gently traced the lines of his own face in awe, realizing just how deeply you had been observing him. His mind began to race before quickly being interrupted by the sound of the front door being opened. He smirked to himself, keeping his back turned from the door as he kept flipping the pages.
Jonesy came trotting into the room with the wag of her tail, tongue carelessly hanging out. You weren't far behind as she walked up to Bo, giving his leg a short sniff before carrying on toward the basement.
"What'cha doin'?" you quirked a brow as you quickly caught on to him seeming to be hyper focused on whatever it was he was reading. When he turned his body, your book coming into view, your pupils dilate at the realization and embarrassment.
"Ya've really captured my good looks darlin! I never took ya for an' arti-" before he could finish his next sentence, you ran up and tackled his ass to the ground in desperation to get the book back and out of his eyesight. This caused him to laugh as he kept holding the book farther away from the both of you on the ground. After a couple minutes of teasing, he hands your book back, adding one last cherry on top.
"I also seen that ya've been studyin' anatomy~" He immediately got an elbow to the ribs in response.
Lester Sinclair
Had to take a double take.
He was digging under his trucks seat, looking for a toy Jonesy had dropped. He grabs ahold of something, thinking it's the squeaky toy, he yanks his arm out only to raise a brow in confusion when seeing it's only a book. The kind of book people use to draw with. He looks over to Jonesy who was sitting in the passenger seat, waiting patiently for her toy to be returned to her.
"I'll git yer toy in a second, alrigh'? Let me jus' look at this real quick," he sits down in the truck, carefully opening the book. His eyes growing wide when he spots your initials signed into the first page. He looks up at the front door to the house, seeing as the coast was clear, he looks back down at the book, peeling back another page. The first page was just little doodles of Him, Jonesy, and you. He flips another page, this time met with much more detailed sketches. Them being of only him. His eyes stayed glue to the pages as he skims each page with great precision.
"What'cha reading?"
He jumps in his seat when you pop up beside his truck window. The book again falling to the floor. He clears his throat, trying to calm his breathing.
"Erm...Would'ja believe me if I said nothin'?"
You quirked a brow before leaning inside the window and looking at the book on the floor of the truck. A look of embarrassment washes over your face.
"You were looking at my drawings...Weren't you?"
After that, he apologizes profusely, ending with you quickly forgiving him but taking the book back inside with you, deciding it best to keep it somewhere else and not in his truck anymore. As he watched you walk but up the steps into the house, his thoughts were interrupted again. This time by Jonesy barking at him. He turns around to see her still pawing at the seat, wanting her toy.
"Oh shoot! Sorry girl!" he quickly goes back to the task he was doing before, reaching under the seat for the dog toy.
Vincent Sinclair
His face gets so hot from the discovery, he almost thought his body heat melted his mask.
You both were in the basement. He was at his desk, working on another mask mold he had recently got from Bo. You were sat on his bed with Jonesy laying her head on your lap asleep. Currently you were drawing another sketch of Vincent, this time sitting at his desk working on the mask mold. After a few hours, you were almost finished with your drawing. Jonesy had already woken up a few minutes' prior. You were putting on the finally details when she trotted back into the basement, carrying her dog bowl in her mouth. She placed it Infront of the bed, nuzzling it with her snout closer before sitting down and looking up at you. You stare between her and your almost completed sketch before letting out a small chuckle. You set down your book on the bed, picking up the bowl and walking toward the stairs.
"Ima go feed Jonesy, be right back Vinny"
He let out a Mmhh in acknowledgement. When you leave with the dog, he continues working. That doesn't last long though when his focus goes to the open book on his bed. He looks over to the stairs then back to the book. He sits there for a moment before deciding to stand up and walk over to the bed. He pulls the book toward him, looking over the page you were recently drawing on. He's beyond surprised. The talent and detail is admiring to say the least.
By the time you return to the basement with Jonesy, he had already seen every single drawing you had in that book. He had already gone back to his wax mold, trying to keep his focus on something else besides all the thoughts and images in his head from his discovery. His face was almost as warm as the boiler that was a few feet away. You didn't seem to notice though as you went back to your spot on the bed and get right back to sketching.
He ratted himself out later on.
Rusty Nail
Flattered and impressed as hell.
After not getting to see each other for what seemed like a month but was only a week, Rusty finally pulled up to yall's shared home. The only thing on his mind was finally getting to sleep in his own bed with his only and favorite person. Upon walking through the door, he was immediately tackled by your affections.
"Welcome home old man!"
He lets of a rumble of laughter, giving your head a quick peck while wrapping his arms around you to also return the affection.
"Someone missed me eh?"
As you both go to your shared room, Rusty plops down onto his side of the bed as you walked over to your side, grabbing a book off the nightstand.
"I know you're probably exhausted but I want to show you something since I don't have the patience anymore."
You walk back over to his side, taking a seat beside him as you open up the book for him to see. Inside it was sketches you've drawing over the past week of his absence. Even though he was tired, his eyes grew a little surprised as he skimmed over the drawings. It was like looking in a mirror. He traced his hand over some of them, a soft smile spreading gracing his lips.
"These look beautiful sweetheart" he looks up at you with a smile before leaning forward a pressing another kiss to your cheek.
Now every time he leaves for a long drive, he takes a drawing with him and keeps it on his person at all times.
#bo sinclair x reader#lester sinclair x reader#vincent sinclair x reader#house of wax x reader#sinclair brothers x reader#rusty nail x reader#rusty nail#rusty nail joyride#rusty nail joy ride 2#joy ride 2#joy ride 2 dead ahead#joy ride
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Rusty Nail | Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (2008)
#Rusty Nail#Joy Ride 2#filmedit#horror films#horrorsource#horroredit#horrorgifsedit#userhorroredits#bo sinclair#crumbedit
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I’m a creature of acquired taste
#house of wax (2005)#house of wax 2005#joy ride 2 dead ahead#joy ride 2#the resident#the resident 2015#slasher#slashers#horror#thriller#brian van holt#jeffrey dean morgan#mark gibbon
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caandy caaaane
#rusty nail#joy ride 2001#joy ride 2#joy ride 2 dead ahead#sketches#love this guy! they keep ruining his day
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Hi my love!!! I hope you are doing well!
I was wondering if you could write a story (maybe NSFW if that's okay?) about Joy Ride's Rusty Nail (aka my husband 🥹) and a woman called Scarlett, that would be absolutely amazing! But please don't stress if not! 🖤🖤
Hope you are having an amazing day/night!!
-Thank you for being so polite! :> hope you like it
Budweiser and cheap cologne
-Rusty nail request
Summary: after a long drive, scarlett and her friend make a short stop at a road side bar. Scarlett notices a particularly interesting trucker sat alone in a booth.
Rain filled the cars silence with light tapping against the windows. The two sat in utter silence, Scarlett staring off mindlessly out of the window and her friend focused on the road ahead. "Hey look." She gestures up ahead earning the attention of her friend. "Can we stop here for a while? I'm dying for a drink." Without missing a beat, her friend pulls up parking by some other cars in front of the bar.
"Sure, I've been needing a piss anyway."
"Why didn't you just pull over for one earlier?"
She receives a certain look from her friend in response before the awkward moment I'd dismissed and they both step out of the car. At the same time a truck pulls up, parking as her friend tucks away the car keys. On the way in, Scarlett holds the heavy door open for the man behind them. Before he walks straight past she receives a small nod out of recognition, the smell of cigarettes and cheap cologne lingering on him as he went past.
She couldn't stop looking over her shoulder back at him. The trucker leaned back in one of the worn out booths, two empty beers settled on front of him and the 3rd one in his hand. With his cap tilted down and the lighting dim, his face remained obscured adding to the mystery to his presence and the curiosity hanging over her. Sure it wasnt suprsing for truckers to come and go, especially to a bar on the side of the road but something seemed different about this one. "Scarlett." Suddenly her friend appears and leans casually against the counter, getting her attention with a light shoulder shake. She turns back giving a absentminded nod and a "Mhm?". "I'm headin' off back home, you coming?". The silence is brief before she shakes her head. A few more drinks couldn't hurt, she'll just hitchhike her way back home. In defence of staying, the past couple of days has been undeniably rough with the workload her boss dropped onto her shoulders and general life. With the shrug of her friends shoulders, she makes her way out without another word leaving Scarlett alone nursing a half empty glass of whiskey.
In a slow repetitive motion, his thumb rubs carefully against the scarred skin of his knuckles, eyeing up the woman across the bar. Now on her own. A minute or two passes and seeing as she's still alone, he rises from the booth. Settiling a few seconds later into the stool besides her. He catches the way she tries to discreetly sneak a peak as he speaks, his deep rumbling voice catching her interest. The order is just another beer, a budweiser this time. "What's your name darling?" Without turning his head, he can feel her eyes, the way she pauses nervously before speaking. "Scarlett."
"Pretty name. Rolls off the tounge nicely." He then repeats the name back, as if testing it out. Warmth pools in her abdomen, staring a bit more shamelessly at his toneless expression. Sure his eyes were still mostly obscured but this close up it was easier to see the lower half of his face. "What's your name?" After a swig of the beer, he settles down the bottle and tilts his head towards her direction. "Names Rusty nail." She nods along despite the odd name, just accepting it for now. He then continues on to gesture behind him back at the door before speaking. "Motels few minutes away if your interested?". Normally she'd decline a strangers advances, but that voice stirred something in the pit of her abdomen. Inclining her enough to accept with a quick nod.
Back at the motel, he wasted no time tugging down and tossing her panties aside. Pressing his palm against her pussy, rubbing firmly as she rubbed at his straining hard on. Soon sliding down onto his knees as she settled down on the edge of the bed, pushing her legs wide and pressing face first into her core. Slowly, his tounge dragged across her slit, leaving behind a sloppy trail of saliva. His hand trembled excitedly parting her folds to get another dragged out lick this time at her clit whilst his cap is knocked off aside and her hand runs through his hair, grasping and tugging at it. She whined as he repeatedly pressed his tounge flat against her clit, letting out a deep groan against her pussy. Pulling back after a few minutes to watch the wriggling of her hips as he violently toyed with her clit and pressed his digits against the g spot. The moaning becoming more needy as she came close to Cumming before whining at the loss of stimulation as he slides his fingers out.
Slowly, a sadistic grin comes to Rustys face as he rises up from the floor to his feet. Taking his time unbuckling and sliding his belt from its loops as he spoke, shoving her back down on the mattress "Not yet Darlin'. You'll have earn it first."
#horror#slashers#request#joy ride 2#rusty nail joyride#rusty nail#slasher smut#eventual smut#slasher fandom#joy ride#Joy ride 2 dead ahead#2000s horror#shorts#horror writing#slasher writing
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Hi Nina! I hope you’re doin’ well! Whenever you get time, can you write about Rusty Nail (preferably joyride 2) and Bo Sinclair meeting their future s/o who is just like them? Not like a copy and paste but they have similar likes/dislikes/personalities/etc. Maybe Rusty meets a reader is who also a trucker? Maybe Bo meets a reader who is also into cars or likes guns? Preferably reader be afab or gender neutral (whichever works best for you!). You can also put it in whatever format you think would be best or is easiest for you. Headcanons, short fic, etc I don’t mind either way. I know this is a lot but I think you can make it work and if not that’s perfectly fine and okay! Hope you have a great day love! 🥰🖤
Bo Sinclair x reader
Rusty nail x reader
I finally have request!!! Happy to tears😭 your request make my day more better🥺💜 and thank you hope you have a wonderful day too!
I plan to write a short fic but seem like I write to a real fic lmao, anyway hope you enjoy!!!
Special tag: @sh1n0o @12gaugefalls
Bo Sinclair:
The opportunity you can meet him first time is your car broken, of course you can fix it yourself but you don't have tool and replacement parts, so you give up and try to find a place have single or have people can ask for help.
You heard the truck sounds near, you look toward the sounds source, a truck parked beside you "Do ya need help?" A man show a kind big smile ask "Can you drive me to the nearby gas station or something like that?" "Sure, Bo run a gas station in Ambrose." "Bo? Ambrose?" "Yea, just at nearby, I can drive you over." "Okay, I really thanks a lot!" You hop on the truck and sit at the passenger seat.
"Name Y/N, thanks for the ride." "Lester and no problem." "Is this your truck right?" "Yea." "I like it a lot it's Chevrolet C Series right?" "Yea, it is!" Then whole roads you keep talking about cars with Lester.
You arrived the gas station, when you get in you found a man are dealing with a truck now "Oh! Is this Jeep Cherokee XJ 1998?" The man stop and looked up to you "Sorry, I just very love car, I need to find a guy name Bo, is that you?" "Yea, I'm Bo, wha' can I help ya?" "Oh I need a fan belt, 16 inch." "Well, 16 inch at my house..." "Oh it's okay so we go to take it?" "Wait me finish diz." "sure, you need help?" "Help? Huh I can do it myself." When he dealing with the car you both keep chatting, when you talk about like you two find out you all like cars and guns these kind of stuff, then what Bo think? He might be attract a little, and look you beautiful so he specifically add more points at you, and keep a interesting person at Ambrose not too bad right? Also it's not the first time he keep a girl beside him, he must can control all things like usual.
You at his house front door, he decided keep you at Ambrose a few days to see it's good or not "Oops 16 inch fan belt run ou' you wanna keep her' a few day?" "If you don't mind." "Of cours' I won't mind keep a interestin' beauty beside." So when you stay at here mean you have more chance to more chat and more understand each other, and you feel bad about keep staying here but don't do anything so you help do the house work sometime you will go to the gas station help Bo to fix car and Bo think you very interesting and you have so many points like him so he keep find some excuse to keep you, of course you not silly so you know these all just excuse but you can't say you didn't be attract by Bo right? Plus Lester, Vincent and Jonesy like you too, you're very helpful and kind, so gradually you and him didn't talk about the fan belt thing...
Rusty nail:
Today your plan can finished your work then tomorrow you can go home and have a real rest, you feel very boring so you use the CB like usual, want to find a guy to talk let the road not that boring "Have anybody here?" Then you heard a deep voice "Hey." "This is Y/N how to call you?" "Rusty nail." "Want to chat?" "Sure." Then you try to find a topic talk with him, you both talk many things.
"I really hate some people pranks too over then call it just a 'joke' what a asshole." "Same." "Like one time a guy say if I prepare thing to designated place then he will consider date with me, then he freaking take advantage of my affection even make fun of me, I feel so shame." "It's oka'...one time hav' a guy name Candy Cane... play trick with me..." "Seem like we all be tricked." "Yea." Both of you just keep chatting to the night, you need to rest at the motel "Hey Rusty I gonna rest at the motel so maybe see you tomorrow?" "Sure." "Okay bye." Then you parked into the motel and ask a room to rest.
Next day come you wake up early because you want to go home as fast as you can, when you open the CB you heard a familiar sounds "Y/N?...Y/N?...Is Y/N here?...Who knows where Y/N?" "Morning Rusty nail! I just prepared to go on road." You heard he chuckles "Morning." "Today I plan to go home, I'm not sure next time we can meet again or not." "Well... Then cherish now." "You're right." Another joy ride pass, another bid farewell come.
In Rusty side, he never talk with someone so long on the CB and he still want to chat with you, he find out he want to more understand you and want to spend more time with you, chatting with you make him not that boring and feel very comfortable, so he ask other people about your information, of course include your next ride date.
You check the things all prepare ready, you ride on the road then open the CB "Seem like today it's a good day, everybody good?" "Yea... Good." When you heard the voice you unconsciously smile "Oh Hi Rusty nail, good to meet you again!" "Me too Y/N." Then you start chatting again, you both keep this about few months, you both all more understand each other, then you can't deny the truth that you obsessed with Rusty and Rusty can't deny he have feeling to you too. You decide take out your brave to ask him have a lunch with you then he accept, when you go to the restaurant that you both decided he haven't come, when you start worry about you be trick again he's voice appears "Y/N?" You turn to the sounds source, a huge male in front of you "Rusty nail?" "Yea it's me." "You come! I thought I be trick again... Shall we go in?" "Sure, pretty lady first." He open the door then let you walk in first, when you walk in you thank him, then you have a lovely lunch times, you both more hang out to have meal then more closer, finally you confess your affection to him then you both together, such a perfect couple, both are trucker can work together and use CB chatting, and so many points so similar... But you never will know he's killing secret, and you didn't know he already have a 'joy ride' with the guy who tricked and make fun to you...
#house of wax#house of wax (2005)#bo sinclair#bo sinclair x reader#joy ride 2#joy ride#joy ride 3#rusty nail#rusty nail joyride#rusty nail x reader#rusty nail joy ride 2
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Warm Hands | Rusty Nail x Female!Reader | Part 1
Author’s Note: This man has me giggling and kicking my feet. Thank you @peyton-peyton for the recommendation because I am obsessed. By the way, I know my requests are closed (I have quite the backlog) but if anyone wants to send me any headcanon requests regarding Rusty, feel free to. I can’t get enough of this man 💕
Warning Tags: Older man/younger woman, size difference, possessive behavior, dubious consent, smitten at first sight, Rusty is doting on reader, and a lot of smut (in part 2).
Winter had finally settled in your small town. A fine layer of frosty snow blanketed the ground, keeping most off the roads and inside their homes, tucked safe and sound in their beds.
The convenience store parking lot was vacant besides a few stray cars, most likely belonging to the store workers, and a black Peterbilt truck. With the exception of a light post flickering noisily above you, the world was quiet.
The door ringed when you entered, announcing to the cashier, who was currently reading a magazine, that a customer was here. You politely nodded as you quickly pass, skimming past a man idling by the lighter display.
Knowing the store by heart, you had gathered what you wanted in less than a minute. You took your place behind the man where you realized just how tall he was because you barely came up past the middle of his back.
Geez, dude, what the hell did your mother feed you when you were a kid?
Must have been the owner of the Peterbilt. His attire screamed trucker with his thick, brown coat, worn jeans, and work boots. Curling just beneath his dirty baseball cap was dark, graying hair.
“Pack of Malborros too.”
The deep baritone caused a chill to go down your spine. You hummed it out, shaking your head to keep your thoughts from straying. He pulled out a black wallet attached to a long, silver chain that hung from his hips. Grabbing his lighter and smokes, he gruffly thanked the worker and headed for the door.
Beneath the glow of the store’s fluorescent lights his ruggedly handsome features weren’t able to hide the strong jaw covered in stubble, plush lips set in a grim frown, or baby blue eyes that reflected just how tired he was.
He walked by you to the front door and you sucked in a breath when his hand lightly brushed yours, sending an electric shock to your heart that felt like it had stopped beating. So subtle, the contact, yet it left your mind reeling. Both you and the cashier watched him walk to his truck. While she couldn’t tear her eyes off his ass, you couldn’t keep your eyes off his hand.
She made a noise. “He sure was a tall drink of water.”
You blinked. “Oh, yeah, I guess.”
She inclined her head. “You know he couldn’t keep his eyes off you.”
Even though you rolled your eyes, your heart skipped a beat. “Stop it.”
She scanned your drink, eyes bulging. “I’m serious!”
“I was only up here for two seconds.”
“Baby, he had his eyes locked on you the moment you stepped through the door. You’ll be lucky to make it out of the parking lot without him nippin’ at your heels.”
He’ll be long gone.
You glanced out the display window. His truck was still there.
Or not.
She finished scanning the rest of your things. “Fine, don’t believe me. But I’ve been around the block a few times. I know when a man wants a woman.” She slipped the receipt into the bag and slid it across the counter.
“Prepare to be disappointed.”
She smirked and winked. “Have a nice night, sweetheart.”
The wintry air nipped at your nose. You shivered and stuffed your hands in the pockets of your jacket. The truck camouflaged perfectly against the black night. The light post that still flickered illuminated just enough where you could see inside. The trucker sat hunched over in the driver’s seat with a lit cigarette dangling loosely out his mouth.
You had to pass the truck to get to your car. Sucking in a long breath to calm your nerves, you slowly walked to your car. As you came closer, the driver’s side window slowly winded down.
His deep voice pierced the silence like a freshly sharpened knife, “It isn’t safe for a young woman to be out here by herself.”
Your heart thumped loudly in your ears. “Why do you think I’m alone?”
“I’d hate to think any man would allow their lady to walk themselves to their car in the middle of the night.” He took the cigarette out of his mouth, cushioning it between two fingers. “I know I wouldn’t allow mine to.”
The way he elongated the word mine was not missed and neither did was the way he peered down at you from beneath his hat, watching your reaction. Your cheeks felt warmer than the rest of your body and you knew you must have been blushing from the attention he was giving you.
“Maybe I have a shitty boyfriend?”
“Would be quite the shame. Pretty thing like you deserves someone who will treat her right.”
It was a good thing you weren’t made of snow because you were melting beneath his scorching stare and flirtatious words.
Stop it. Tell him you have a boyfriend.
Your mouth betrayed your thoughts, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
He took a long drag, inhaling deeply, the corner of his lips curling. “Good, means I don’t have to teach the boy a lesson about respecting his woman.”
He tapped the end of the cigarette out the window. Ash fell onto the ground causing small, random holes to form, ruining the undisturbed beauty of the freshly fallen snow.
“I don’t often do this, but it would be nice to have some company for the night.”
And there it was. Part of you knew this is where the conversation was heading. Truckers stayed on the road for days, even weeks at a time, usually without anyone to talk to except for other haulers. It wasn’t unheard of for them to pick up a woman along the way, but you weren’t looking for a one night stand.
“I’m sorry but I need to get home before the storm gets worse. Have a nice night.”
The cigarette bounced between his pink lips, lips that looked so kissable that it was a crime that the next words that came out of them froze you worse than the chilly night. He blew out a puff of smoke before dousing out what was left of the tobacco end. He flicked it off somewhere in the distance and his gaze then settled back on you.
“That wasn’t exactly a suggestion, little one.”
“What?” You stepped back. “Look, whatever you’re looking for, you’re not going to find it with me. Like I said, I need to get home.”
He chuckled low. “You won’t make it far, believe me.”
You shook your head, not believing this was happening. “There are plenty of women who will happily make your night.”
He sighed heavily and hopped out of the truck. “Don’t make me have to ask again. I hate repeatin’ myself.”
The ice made it difficult to move quickly without skidding and he grabbed you before you could move out of his reach. Not hard, not roughly, just enough to keep a hold of you. He pulled you around and opened the cab’s passenger door, waiting for you to climb the steps.
“I ain’t going to hurt ya, darlin’. Get on up there.”
Even though his words were reassuring like the large hands resting on your shoulders, he had you caged between the truck cab and his body. He nudged you up the steps, following closely behind until you were settled in the passenger seat. The cab rattled and so did your nerves when he slammed the door shut. As he walked around the front, you pulled the door handle.
It was locked.
#rusty nail#rusty nail x reader#slasher community#slasher x reader#mark gibbon#joy ride 2#joy ride 2: dead ahead (2008)#rusty nail the trucker
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he wouldn't kill me and would love me forever and idc leave me alone in delulu land.
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Been studying the Crossed art style and trying to adapt some parts into my style.
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#Rewatched the Joy Ride movies with my roommate the other day#and I can’t get Rusty outta my head he’s sooooo fine#🤤#especially Rusty Nail scenes from the second movie#Rusty Nail#Rusty Nail Joyride#joy ride#joy ride 2001#joy ride 2#joy ride 2: dead ahead#Joy ride 3#Joy Ride 3: roadkill
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I have a type
#bo sinclair#beauregard sinclair#severen van sickle#rusty nail#house of wax#house of wax 2005#rusty nail joy ride 2#joy ride 2#near dark#slashers x reader
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Doopid lil edit I made of Rusty Nails 😔😔 I love you rusty nails, please don't die 🙏🙏
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