#don’t avoid the question
pandorademos · 2 months
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"Don't avoid the question" Omega picked up a friend at the beach! She is not allowed to keep it.
@summer-of-bad-batch prompt #9! Woo!
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summer-of-bad-batch · 2 months
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Week 7 Prompt Drop!!
Main Prompt: “Don’t avoid the question.”
Alternate Prompt: Getting a Haircut
This is not a drill! We are halfway through Summer of Bad Batch 🥹 Can you believe it?? I have absolutely adored moderating this event because of all you lovely participants — this prompt challenge wouldn’t be the same without each and every one of you 🫶
This week’s tags:
#summerofbadbatch2024 #week7 #don’t avoid the question #getting a haircut
🩶Remember to tag @summer-of-bad-batch — it helps me find the fills you post on Tumblr🩶
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happydragon · 20 days
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Not to Die but to Live
For the past few months, Tech has assisted Phee in her adventure of acquiring relics for the people of Pabu. Surprisingly, they've had little to no trouble. Of course that was bound to change.
Rating: T to be safe
Word Count: 2,702
I don't see many of these kinds of fic for them, so I made one of my own. Hope y'all enjoy!!
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I will need a haircut soon, Tech thought as looked at his reflection in the cockpit window of Phee’s ship. Perhaps he could enlist Phee’s assistance. Usually, one of his brothers would be the one to cut his hair as he never found it a pleasant experience, but since they were all on Pabu, with the exception of Echo, whom Tech would not trust to cut his hair, the only option left was Phee. He trusted she would do an infinitely better job than Echo would. Perhaps Tech could ask her when she returned with whatever artifact she was retrieving now. 
About two months after his return, he joined Phee in her travels across the galaxy as an additional pilot and marksman if needed. Unfortunately, he was not much use in hand-to-hand combat, thanks to his damaged legs. But both thankfully and surprisingly, they had yet to run into any unsavory company. He was sure that would change soon. 
Normally, he would go with her when retrieving an item but his legs ached more than usual today so she insisted he stay behind and rest. She refused to listen to any of his protests and if he was honest, they were mostly half-hearted ones. While he was grateful for escaping Edriu with his life, he hated that it was at the cost of his legs. Somedays, not even medicine could dull the pain. Those were the days where unless she absolutely needed to be somewhere else, Phee would stay by his side, attempting to help in any way possible. Today was more of a halfway between his regular ache and his unbearable ache. Needless to say, not ideal but not intolerable either. 
He was pulled away from his thoughts by the ship’s communications going off. Curious, he grabbed his cane, pulled himself up, and shuffled over to the beeping machine. Upon closer inspection, Tech discovered that Phee was sending her current location but the message said nothing about pick-up. Frowning, he pulled up the coordinates on his pad to reveal a bar. Thankfully it wasn’t far from his current location but he was slightly concerned as to why she sent the coordinates. She stated that originally the item she was retrieving would be at a pawn shop and this bar was nowhere near the shop. 
Concern growing with every second, he grabbed his comms and quickly headed outside, making sure to lock the ship before he ventured toward the bar. Some civilians looked at him curiously as his gait was more of a hobble than an actual run but he ignored them. He had only one focus. 
As he neared the bar, he unholstered his blaster and held it close as he slowed down, in case she was outside instead. He cautiously approached the first alleyway and peeked ever so slightly around the corner. When he didn’t see her, he hurried to the other alleyway next to the bar. He heard her before he saw her. 
“Now gentleman,” Phee said in a light tone, “Let’s be civil about this. No need for violence.”
“Sure,” a blue male twi'lek replied, “Hand over the artifact or we’ll shoot you.”
“No can do. Like I told your friends earlier, this item is spoken for.”
“Not for much longer.”
Tech heard enough and eyed his targets. Thankfully there were only two of them, which made this easier. The twi'lek was well built, with a small blaster holstered on his hip. His companion was a large falleen male, obviously the muscle between the two. Calculating for the muscle mass of the falleen, he would take longer to stun and while the twi’lek might be a quick draw, he needed to take out the falleen first if he and Phee wanted to escape. He trusted she would handle the twi’lek while he focused on the falleen. 
He took a deep breath before he rounded the corner and fired multiple shots toward the falleen. Shocked by the sudden attack, the twi’lek attempted to draw his blaster, but made the mistake of turning his back on Phee, letting her take the opportunity to kick the back of his knee. As he fell forward, she drew her blaster and fired a stun shot into his back, rendering him unconscious. 
The falleen on the other hand appeared tougher than Tech originally thought. While albeit at a slower pace, he began to charge toward Tech. He attempted to back away, but only managed to fall backward, causing his blaster to fly from his hand. With no armor to break his fall, he landed harshly on the ground. Quickly recovering, he scrambled to get his blaster before the falleen could reach him. 
“Hey ugly!” Both the falleen and Tech turned at the sound of Phee’s voice. She threw something toward the larger man and Tech recognized it as one of the smoke bombs she used for quick getaways. 
The bomb went off, giving both Tech the time he needed to reach his blaster and Phee the time to reach him. Snatching his cane, she helped him to his feet and asked if could walk. He nodded to reassure her but she pulled his arm around her shoulder regardless. They moved as quickly as possible, with Tech pushing himself more than he had before. Shouts could be heard from behind them, but thankfully they were too far behind. 
When they reached the ship, Phee deposited Tech on the nearest seat as she dashed toward the pilot’s seat. He sat for a moment, confused as to why she didn’t help him to the pilot’s seat instead. Not that she wasn’t a capable pilot, but that was his job. There wasn’t much he could do just sit. He began to lift himself, when she shouted, “Don’t you dare move from that seat Tech!”
Oh. His real name. She was serious. It would be wise to do as she said lest he incurred her wrath. Phee was rarely angry, especially towards him, but he did not wish to find out what it would be like. 
As he fiddled with his cane, the ship soon broke atmo and made the familiar jolt before jumping into hyperspace. 
He listened as she deeply sighed, stood from her seat, and walked past him toward the fresher. When she exited with a stim in one hand and something, most likely pain meds, in the other hand. She made a quick pit stop in the kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it up with water before she finally made her way in front of him. 
“Ah,” Tech said after a moment, “Thank you, but I assure you I don’t need-”
“Your legs are hurting right?” she interrupted, an unimpressed look across her face. 
“No more than usual. I am more concerned about you. Did they hurt you?”
“Thanks to you, they didn’t land a finger on me. You on the other hand, I know for a fact ran to my location and pushed more than you should have, so don’t avoid the question .”
A part of him wanted to double down and deny it, but a small part of him knew if he didn’t take the medicine and stim now, the pain would be unbearable later, making it not only difficult to walk but perhaps also rest. He was still debating when she spoke again. 
“We’re a team right?” He nodded. “And a team looks out for each other, just like how you rescued me. Now let me take care of you.”
Well, she had him there. Telling her no, especially when it came to her caring for his well-being, was difficult. Sometimes he wondered if she felt guilty like his brothers did. He wished none of them would. None of them could have known and besides, he was well cared for. 
He took the medicine and water from her while she administered the stim in his upper arm. The stim quickly helped to relieve some of the tension in his legs. As he swallowed the medicine, Phee walked over to the ship’s communication. 
“Who are you sending a message to?”
“My contact I visited today. I know he had nothing to do with those guys but we did just make some of them angry, so I’m sending them a message that I’m going to head to Tatooine and thanks for the item.”
Tech knew for a fact that the ship was making several jumps through hyperspace for anyone trying to follow them to throw them off their tail. He also knew they were headed to Lothal next for some supplies. 
“Extra precautions. Good idea.”
“Glad you think so.” The corner of his mouth turned slightly. Her words were full of teasing he had learned to recognize from their time spent together. 
“So,” she continued as she walked back over to him, “Anything you want to do since I know you’ll be up for a few hours as the stim runs its course.”
“If you would not mind, I am beginning to be in need of a haircut. Normally one of my brothers would do it as I do not care for the experience and the few times I have done it, it turned out horrible. If you are uncomfortable with the task, I can wait till we return to Pabu.”
“No, it’s alright. I’m actually quite honored you trust me. But just so you know, I don’t have any good scissors. Just the ones from the kitchen.”
He nodded and stated that it was fine as it was quite some time before his brothers were able to acquire the proper scissors. 
Later they found themselves in the fresher, with Tech sitting on the seat installed in the sonic. The snip of the scissors echoed against the familiar hum of the ship. That coupled with Phee occasionally running her fingers through his hair was surprisingly soothing. Even with the stim keeping him awake, the sound and feeling were like a siren, tempting him into a deep sleep. 
“Not falling asleep on me are ya?” Phee teased quietly, obviously being careful not to break the bubble that had enveloped them. 
“The stim will not exit my bloodstream for several more hours.” His reply was just as quiet. Even though he knew it for a fact, his body seemed to be trying to fight it.
“I think your body is trying to prove you wrong.” her chuckle ricocheted around the fresher, making him hum and smile. 
As a comfortable silence fell between them once again, Tech could feel his resolve slowly slip further and further away. Just as he began to surrender, Phee announced she was done. 
“How does that feel?” She asked as she rounded him, gently brushing off any excess hair from his clothes. 
Tech ran his hand over his hair and responded, “Much better. Thank you, darling.”
“Of course handsome. Maybe next time, you can help me with my hair.”
Next time. That sounded lovely. He wanted a thousand ‘Next times’ if it meant her at his side. It’d only been six months since his return, three since he joined her, but the time they’ve spent has been beyond anything he could have hoped for. As he watched her exit the fresher and move about the ship, he decided he didn’t wish to be anywhere but by her side. 
He pulled himself up, walked to the fresher door, and leaned against the frame, his eyes never leaving her. 
“Phee.” She hummed, “What are your thoughts on marriage?”
She failed to register his words as she continued about the ship. 
“I don’t think I ever gave it much thought. Guess if it was with the right person, I wouldn’t mind. Why? Did Crosshair propose to Jana?”
So she did register his question, but assumed he was not asking for them, which is understandable seeing as they’ve never discussed it before. No time like the present he supposed. 
“No. I asked because I wish to.”
Finally, she stopped her movement. After another minute, she faced him, her eyes wide, and whispered “What do you mean?”
“I thought it was obvious. I wish to marry you. If you’ll have me that is.”
Her mouth opened and closed like a fish before she finally uttered, “Do you mean it?”
He tilted his head confused. Was he not clear? Perhaps she imagined a different proposal? He could attempt to get down on one knee, but he would no doubt need help standing back up. It could be worth it if she said yes. 
He had begun to lower himself when she suddenly rushed forward and stopped him, questioning what he was doing. 
“I thought perhaps you wished for a more traditional proposal since you don’t appear to be responding to my proposal.”
“Oh Brown Eyes, that’s not it. I guess I was just shocked that you asked. You don’t think we’re moving too fast do you?”
He considered her words. Most would agree with her assessment, but not everyone is like them. They have both been through much together and Tech wished to experience more by her side. 
“You and my family were my only thoughts as I recovered from my fall,” he began as he looked into her eyes, “Three months after my return I asked to join you on your expeditions thus allowing us to spend more time with each other that would have been wasted waiting. I trusted you to know what to do in our fight today, just as you trusted me to save you in the first place. We are partners out on the field and now I wish to be partners off the field. I do not wish to die for you but to live. To live by your side until our hair has turned gray and years are shown through the lines on our face.”
“Tech,” she began as her hand cupped his cheek, bringing back the memories of the night of his return. To think that was only half a year ago, amazed Tech. So much time has passed and his affection since then has doubled. He could only hope she said yes.
“I would love to marry you,” she finally answered, with a smile on her lips and tears in her eyes. 
He sighed and smiled as he grabbed the hand that wasn’t cupping his cheek and brought the knuckles to his lips.
“I believe we will need to add another item to pick up on Lothal,” he said as he let their hands drop but didn’t release hers. The hand that cupped his cheek moved to rest on the hand that held his cane. Her thumb brushed his knuckles as she smiled softly and asked, “Yeah? What’s that?”
“A betrothal item.”
She raised an eyebrow as she smirked. 
“An item? Why not a ring?”
“If that is what you wish. From my years of research on different planets and cultures, I’ve learned there are many ways one becomes betrothed to another. One such example is on one planet, you propose by tossing a local fruit to the intended. If they catch it, it means they accept.”
“And why do you know this particular set of information?” she laughed. Not in a mean, teasing sort of way, but in a pleasantly confused sort of way. 
“Wrecker was proposed to on one of our missions, but we did not realize until it was almost too late. Hunter ordered me to add betrothal customs to my research from then on.”
“Well then. Sounds like you know your stuff. Why don’t you tell me some of your favorites and maybe I’ll pick one of them. I’ll have to warn you though, I’m a little more used to rings as a sign of engagement.”
“Are there any special customs on Pabu?”
“Not really. Everyone kind of does their own thing. Didn’t stick around long on my planet of birth so I couldn't care less about their traditions.”
“Very well. I will keep that in mind.” 
Her smile turned soft once more before she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. “I love you” she whispered reverently into his cheek. 
“And I you,” he responded as he leaned forward to kiss her properly.
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Surprise!!! I hope Tech wasn't to OOC but even if he was, I don't feel like changing it. Let me know your thoughts!!
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atelierlili · 3 months
Katniss is the kind of person to invite Peeta over for dinner and tell no one (except maybe Prim) then get pissed off when someone asks why he’s here. (Because she invited him, dummy 🤬)
Eventually people just stop asking why Peeta’s following her around like a puppy in fear of retaliation. Even when he comes stumbling out from her bedroom in the morning and continues to do so for the next thirty years.
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literaila · 4 months
do you ever think reader would storm out of the house after a fight between her & satoru? (referring to ur keeping secrets fic.) i feel like part of her wouldn’t bc she’s also thinking about the kids and she just can’t leave them, but she also seems a lot more grounded than satoru in general. i think the other part of her would also need a minute to step out for a bit bc i just know satoru drives her to insanity. i don’t knoww, satoru’s reaction to her storming out just infects my brain, but i know she couldn’t do that to megumi and tsumiki </3 i’m such a sucker for your hurt/comfort fics
“where are you going?”
“not sure,” satoru says, barely mumbling. “i didn’t ask.”
“you didn’t ask?”
he looks at you, just a glimmer of teasing in his eyes. but the rest of him is apprehensive—he knows what you’re thinking.
he always does.
but he looks back down, shoving shirts into a suitcase in the worst possible way.
“does it matter?” he asks, dryly. “it’s just another work trip.”
“how long are you going to be gone?”
“however long it takes to—“
“can i come with you?”
satoru pauses, and his eyes trail to you.
to you, where you’re standing in the doorway. you only know he’s leaving because of the suitcase, you only know that you can’t deal with him being gone again because of that feeling.
it’s reminiscent of packing your own bag at fifteen. of never returning home.
“you want to come?” satoru’s voice is too smooth, too unserious. “you hate planes. and what about work? you want to take your students too?”
“how long are you going to be gone?”
satoru sighs. he finally relents, walking over to you. his smile is a little irritated, tired. “it won’t take long,” he says, rubbing your shoulders. “you’ll get the bed all to yourself.”
“this is the fourth trip in the last three months.”
he tilts his head. “it’s the same amount as always.”
“it’s—“ you stop.
it’s different.
and your heart is racing, because you’re used to this feeling.
really, satoru has taken regular work trips for as long as you’ve known him. his passport is well used, his suitcase replaced almost once a year.
but it’s different.
because it used to be you, satoru, and the kids. it used to be you and the kids waiting at the door, talking about him behind his back, going to the airport to pick him up.
and even if you missed him, you knew that tsumiki missed him just as much. you knew that megumi was waiting for him to come back just the same—getting restless without someone there to mess with constantly.
it used to be you and the kids, when satoru was gone.
but now…
megumi is at school all week—and even when he comes home, it’s only to keep you happy. so that he can take a break from jujutsu, and sleeping in a dorm right next to yuji’s.
and tsumiki—
you stop thinking about that almost immediately.
it’s just not worth it.
when satoru leaves, you’re all alone.
“i wish you could come. you know how the higher ups are about—“
“why don’t you tell them no?”
satoru is wearing his blindfold, so you can’t see his eyes. but you see it as he leans back, looking at you curiously. “what?”
“tell them no. they’re scared of you, aren’t they? they’re not going to make you—“
“what other special grade sorcerer are they going to send?” he asks, shaking his head. “i hate them too, but if they need me—“
“i need you.”
satoru stops. you want to see his eyes—you want him to stay here.
you don’t want to walk around the house and chat with ghosts. you don’t want to be the only one left behind—the only one who has nothing else.
what about you? what’s supposed to happen to you when satoru leaves you behind?
he’s done it before, and he’ll do it again.
“i don’t understand why you have to go,” you say, and you’re angry now. “i’m tired of your work trips, and i hate that you don’t even care, and i hate being in the house all alone—“
“what? what do you mean i don’t care?”
you pull away from him. just to do it first. “you don’t even try to get someone else to do it, you just leave—“
“why are you blaming me? i didn’t ask for this.”
“because you’re always gone! and i’m always alone, and you haven’t even asked me how i feel about it—“
“it’s not like i enjoy doing it,” he says, frowning. “i don’t like leaving you or the kids, it’s just work—“
“i think you do enjoy it,” you spit. and you know that you shouldn’t but, “you like being the only one that they can call. being the strongest. that’s why you haven’t told them no, that’s why—“
“is it fun to leave the house? to escape for a week or two while i’m here to take care of everything?”
satoru scoffs. “are you kidding?”
“what? you can admit it. go on and leave. you’ve done it before, satoru.”
his jaw clenches. “if you don’t like being here,” he says, so soft—but you can feel it. the impending blow. “then go somewhere else.”
immediately, your body flinches back. you fall inwards, wanting nothing more than to fall back against him.
but it’s too late.
“i can’t help that im the strongest, i don’t enjoy leaving you—but ill do it because it’s my job. if you hate being alone, then find something else. go see megumi, or nanami, or—“
you take a step back, almost stumbling into the wall.
“you’re putting words in my mouth and i—“
but you don’t hear the rest of that sentence.
and maybe this is your fault. you shouldn’t have picked a fight, you shouldn’t have even said anything.
satoru isn’t to blame for your loneliness. he isn’t to blame for anything.
you turn around. and you walk out the door with shaking hands.
go somewhere else, he said.
and you will.
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Plans for tonight: studying physics and psychology and not being pressed about anybody’s dumbass son ‼️🎀🥂💕
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olasketches · 13 days
so because we have only three chapters left, I’ve decided that I’m going to wait for the official release instead of going through the leaks as I’ve been doing for… almost the past 2 years. I don’t want the leaks and the fandom discourse to ruin my last experience with jjk as a still ongoing manga… plus I thought it would be more fun and enjoyable this way... more special ig (I’m being so sappy ik) wish me luck guys!!
#Plus I want to know what it feels like to read a jjk chapter without the leakers’ wonky translation and shitty panels quality#also… I’m soooooo tired of the discourse I’m genuinely over it.#I’m trying really hard to avoid it and just enjoy the chapters#cause even if I had my own doubts (that expressed here) about certain things#they were more or less later addressed in the next couple of chapters#so at this point I’m like ok I still don’t know what to expect or how gege is going to tackle all of it.#I have more questions than answers regarding characters like sukuna yuuji or megumi.#yes I loved sukuna’s conclusion and no idk how certain his ending it is as everything about it felt quite vague and unclear.#so yes I’m happy but I’m also open to whatever gege has planned for the last three chapters…#and basically whatever. just you do you gege I really don’t know what to expect. AT ALL.#all I know is that I want to let gege finish his story so I could have a full picture in mind#I’m tired of reading and going through assumptions criticism about new released chapters#while knowing that there are still more (now just three) chapters left#this was basically my whole jjk fandom experience after EVERY new chapter “this is bad and doesn’t make sense” like…#the story is not even finished yet 😭#I just want gege to finish the manga and then we can talk about what went well or what went wrong… and all#but in the meantime I just want to enjoy the story for as long as I can#that’s all#jjk#personal
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thechaotichorselord · 5 months
So I’m putting my shit here 😊👍👍 (thank you for the ask @justeplume)
“How good is your Narrator at socializing?”
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Horrible. Let me explain.
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He doesn’t try to get attached to people anymore. He prefers to analyze them. He wants to make sure they won’t affect his game too much if they find their way into it. Or wants to see how much of a threat level they are. So therefore, he doesn’t socialize. AND IF HE DID SOCIALIZE—
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He’d end up messing up a lot. He’s guarded himself from becoming close with people due to what it made him do years ago (lore no wayyy), and if affected how he’s able to interact with others. He’s blunt, snappy, and always has a scowl on his face. I feel like he’d be known as “The Grinch” of Narrators or something. If he really does try to put effort into talking, he’ll just not be able to function and stare with a grimace and give a few occasional “yes, “no”, or grunts. Then he’ll leave as soon as possible.
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He really doesn’t need to socialize with anyone anyways. It’s all just useless. It can’t help him, it’ll only hurt him. That’s all that people have ever done. Hurt him, hurt him. He doesn’t need friends, or people to talk to. He only needs his game and his books.
(narrators featured here are @how-is-this-taken and @rick-ety)
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foursaints · 2 months
do you have any rosekiller fics that embody the saintsvision because i really cannot keep scrolling on ao3 disappointedly for the rest of my life
they simply don’t exist anon it’s just you and me…..
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fellhellion · 6 months
apologies for yosukeposting and especially incoherently but slowboiling in my brain whatever the hell was going on w him in kanji’s dungeon. guy who slingshots between some kinda fraught observation that this is so much worse for kanji because it’s happening in front of an audience (over like. freaking out about it), furiously asserting that he’s heterosexual, insinuating danger but then also being the one who volunteers to take kanji home afterwards.
It’s sooooooooooooooo.
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#I’m naurt.#conveying it well.#but there’s some kinda something about which elements prickle his unease#exposure to the wider community#the topic of sexuality that falls outside of what is normative being introduced AT ALL#but he’s. not scared of kanji. he never has been tbh#I don’t think he would volunteered to take him home and essentially make sure he got there safely if he was#imo it’s more that like. kanji doesn’t reject the shadow’s assertions where yosuke would#and there isn’t a world in his sixteen (?) year old brain where you SHOULDNT do that lmao#if you’re a guy you like girls and you don’t get hugged when you’re sobbing your heart out etc etc#a guy’s a guy and when that doesn’t mean what he thinks it has to mean anymore that’s deeply uncomfortable for him to unpack#it brings to the forefront his own doubts and insecurities#and kanji accepts that in himself where Yosuke can’t I don’t think#doesn’t question a lot of time and builds his identity around it#but he can’t erase the questions people like kanji and naoto raise because like. it’s intimately relevant to HIM lmao#and it’s how he understands a core part of himself#even if that’s built on sand#congrats! you’ve discovered the patriarchal and heteronormative hegemony!#tunes talks persona#I think it goes largely unspoken and deliberately avoided with him but what kanji wrestles w in regards to conciling his sense of identity#to wider society is like. that’s him too lmao
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banyanas · 6 months
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now a real question is how comedically raunchy can i get with the yulivia political romcom part of the Weekend at Andrias’s au bc god these women are so fun to write
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dykedvonte · 3 months
I am just now realizing how many side quest and dlc quests deal with reuniting family members in Fallout 4.
So many of the radiant quest for the minute men require you to save a kidnap family member, to talk to a grieving family that wants you to bring them back even if it’s just a part of them or memento. So many people tell you the reason they exist is for someone they lost or are scared of losing. Fallout 4 deals with loss in so many ways but it all becomes even more sorrowful because it’s the sole survivor dealing with all of it.
There’s a futility in it all. It’s constant lose and hopelessness from people who know this is just how life is now. That they see that families being torn apart is so normalized. How much are they fearing for Shaun? For the companions they’ve come to know as family? They rarely can comment past acknowledging a mutual understanding but they would probably have so much more to say, to ask.
Fallout 4 really lacks on that part. The sole survivor rarely feels like a frantic new parent looking for their stolen infant in a world where so few people bat an eye to things like that. I want something raw and visceral. It’s the one time I’d actually like an over the top cutscene depicting grief or just a focus on their eternal thoughts.
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clockworkreapers · 4 months
Heya clock I need a bit of help,
I'm trying to figure out what sort of system that works for letting Lowblood & Midblood enter Highblood-specific areas without having to rely on a Highblood to accompany them or having a job at Highblood areas
Mmm that could be a tough one- like technically someone of lower caste can go to places that are designated for higher bloods. You still might get more than a few odd looks at the least, or course some asshole might get authorities involved if they want to get you out of the area. And like sometimes rozzers just fucking do that cuz cops can generally be pretty dick-ish. They’d probs come up with something like you loitering or making people uncomfortable or whatever even if your not causing any issues.
So while lowbloods can technically be in areas more designated for higher bloods it’s not always the safest for them and you can just get in trouble a lot easier. That and like you might be barred entry to any place that aren’t public property like shops, restaurants and hivestems- but like if your just walking round the open park in front of city hall that’s fine.
Again though tough question because this is like a very static form of communication and it’s hard to have a real conversation about how to make what you want to happen work. There are a lot of factors I just don’t know how to rule out because I don’t know anything about what you are trying to accomplish besides get an unknown lowblood character into a non specific higher blood area. All I can do is provide general blanket information.
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resident-rats · 4 months
Driving past army barracks with my boyfriend and he caught me staring, and asked why I was trying to look into the barracks hxhdhh. I was too embarrassed to say it was bc I wrote two metaltango fics that included them being in army barracks hdhdhdh
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lovecoredeity · 1 year
would y’all find it fun if I reblogged a couple of oc ask games here?
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Idk I just think that treating your child as less-than on the basis of them being your child (whom you are responsible for having) is kind of very shitty
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