#don’t ask me why it took so long
persi-person · 6 months
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Something Wicked had me timbers shivered
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moongreenlight · 6 months
Ghost as a club bouncer. My brain is doing a hard reboot.
Him in one of those tight-fitted black tees. Big shoulders completely blocking the entrance?
Him standing with his arms crossed over his big barrel chest glowering down at people trying to get in with fake IDs or without paying the cover?
That stupid trope of him questioning your ID? What’s your address? What’s your birthday? What’s your sign? You trying to buy me a drink? And then he grudgingly waves you inside?!!
The idea of him being the one person in the club you shouldn’t be talking to, and especially not sassing that draws you to him all night???
Him standing in front of VIP and you trying to get through but there’s a big crowd but he’s so big and tall that he can see you so he just reaches out and drags you forward by the wrist with those big huge giant tattooed arms of his?!!!!!!!!!
Trying to flirt with him all night and him being stone cold until you finally decide to give it up because there’s some drunk guy looking to actually pay you some mind and when you go to the bathroom and come back out you see Ghost throwing the guy out??
“Don’t know how to behave. Been humpin’ my leg all night. Have to sort out that needy cunt of yours see if you can’t stay out of trouble then.”
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ashipiko · 4 months
the girl is READY TO PARTY
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i-am-church-the-cat · 3 months
You know, I really love Logan wholeheartedly. Go Logie Bear, but by God, does he need to step up 😢😢
I want to see him absolutely destroy the midfield, I want him to beat Albon to shut his haters up.
But currently, I'm afraid he won't make it till the end of the year
I think you’re worrying too much. He had a shunt, it took him out for a day which isn’t great, especially on a highly technical circuit like Suzuka which he also struggled with last year. He needs to improve his quali pace significantly, we can agree on that. Neither of these are unusual things and it’s only the 4th race of a 24 race calendar.
The only race he’s even been able to compete in so far, if you even want to call it that, is Saudi Arabia, and he got the highest possible position he could in that situation (stuck behind Kmag and his teammate).
I’m not saying he’s safe or that he doesn’t need to improve. But I also believe that he will improve and that he will have a good weekend eventually. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but it happened before and it will happen again.
So like. Trust the process. Sarge can do it trust 💪🏼💪🏼
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toodrasticallydumb · 3 months
anyway, i do in fact have a tiktok account! don’t count on me doing anything w it but it’s there!
this audio is them. it just is. it’s also my fic in a nutshell.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
I believe in "Venti uses 'Windblume' as a petname" supremacy.
So imagine one year, after making a friend that he simply adores, he accidentally calls them "Windblume". It just slipped out, really, he didn't mean to say it out loud. But when he sees the way they blush and call him cute...
Well, he can't find it in himself to mind it.
-sibling anon
you. are so right for that.
also a firm believer in venti using windblume as a nickname, but i counter: you using it for him first.
he’s taking you on a walk, half-singing some story about the history of windwheel asters again. it’s a fake story, this one twined with the tale of lovers instead of actual history, about how one presented the other with a bouquet of them as a proposal. you’re only partly listening, mostly caught up in how the light highlights certain shades of green in his eyes.
he crouched as he walks, picking one and presenting it to you with a flourish. he stumbles a bit when he sees you already looking at him, but recovers quickly. “take this as my promise to you of my love, just as it was all those years ago.”
you smile, taking the flower. “thank you, my windblume.”
his mind empties in an instant, face flushing a bright pink. his eyes are wide, in a sort of shock that you’d call him something so sweet. you laugh, then, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead, and he snaps from his stupor.
“h-hey! i’m supposed to be the one being sweet for you!”
“are you mad you didn’t think of it first?”
“wh- shut up!”
you laugh again.
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carlos-tk · 3 months
I’ve finally activated my ao3 so hello friends
find me here
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rainedroptalks · 4 months
I can’t wait to see Gorgug yell at Porter next week. Finally
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This is a contribution for @dark-mnjiro! I hope it’s a good submission 😭
Categories: 🫧 (new work!); 🤝 (collabs!); 🚞 (smut); 🚺 (fem reader!), ❤️‍🩹 (angst towards the end)
Tw: there be smut somewhere down the line, but it’s not the central part of the fic! Character death occurs as well. Please tell me if I missed anything that requires tagging!
Disclaimer: Reader and Chigiri are sometimes referred to as Diarmuid and Gràinne! You are Gràinne! I hope this clears up any possible confusion 💕
You didn’t want to marry him.
Judging this man, you began to realize that you’d made the mistake of accepting his proposal to you. You figured that you hadn’t been resistant enough.
You only knew his nickname, which was Fionn. He was much older than you. You’d been presented to many suitors, several hundred of them in fact, and you liked none of them. When you saw his son, a very handsome man closer to your age, you began to wonder why he didn’t want you to marry his grandson instead. He selfishly claimed you for his spouse. Why did you think that this one was any different?
Eh, whatever. What’s done is done, you supposed.
You couldn’t back out now, not while there were so many people here for the feast. Even your good friend Bachira was next to you, gleefully telling you about some cockamamie tale of how he’d pulled his latest prank on poor Isagi. You could feel his eyes on you both…no doubt plotting how he was about to return the favor. You really couldn’t back out.
Or so you thought.
While Bachira was giggling away at the salty expression that was etched across Isagi’s face, you preoccupied yourself with looking around the room. Various foods, drinks, oh my goodness, that person’s hair looks terrible with that color of dress (and their shoes definitely didn’t match it either!), that pretty man with the red-pink hair-
How did you not notice him until now? He was stunning, you really wanted to smack yourself for overlooking him. You wanted to braid his hair for him, maybe pin back the fringe that kept falling in his face. His rose colored eyes seemed to glow when he perched near the fireplace. You swore that you could cut your finger on his jawline alone.
He made a noise of disapproval when you pinched his arm, pinching you back in retaliation with a small hiss.
“Ow! Why’d you do that?”
You pointed in the direction of the mystery man near the fireplace, who was now talking to your other friend Kunigami.
“Who’s that over there? Tell me.”
“I’m telling Isagi you’re bullying me again!”
You both glanced at Isagi, who was now talking to Gagamaru. He noticed you both looking at him and gave you the “I’m watching you” gesture to Bachira. You didn’t like the smile on his face…it was sweet and cute as it normally was, but you and Bachira knew that he had ulterior motives.
“Yeah, something tells me he won’t believe you this time. Might wanna start talking.”
Bachira pinched you again.
“Payback for pinching me a minute ago! Anyway, that princess looking guy by the fireplace is Chigiri Hyoma, and he’s your dear beloved old man’s right hand guy. People sometimes call him Diarmuid. Do you really wanna dip your toes into that pond?”
“First of all, don’t remind me…I shouldn’t have agreed to marry this old bat. Second of all, how’d you know?!”
“Uh, I’ve known you since we were kids? Don’t ask stupid questions!”
You stuck your tongue out at him and he responded in kind, but he tried to one-up you by crossing his eyes.
“You look so inappropriate right now, and I’m living for it.”
“I can make noises too if you want me to make this more interesting!”
“Not now! Wait until it’s dead silent!”
What you didn’t know was that you also captured Chigiri’s attention. He just did a better job of hiding it than you did. You were very beautiful, that he couldn’t deny at all. He’d only heard of you a few times in passing recently. He didn’t know what your name actually was, he just knew that you were sometimes referred to as Gráinne. Even he questioned the union between you and Fionn once he saw you. He was…quite a bit older than you. It was odd to him.
“I don’t get it either.”
Kunigami picked up on his behavior rather quickly. It was almost embarrassing…almost.
“He’s too old. Makes you wonder why he didn’t pass her off to his own son.”
Unable to deal with the looming reality that you would be married to a man who was about as old as any man related to you, you began to weigh your options. Your goal was to have everybody distracted enough that they wouldn’t notice you talking to Chigiri, but how? How would you do that?
You then remembered that you had a vast knowledge of plants, and you knew exactly which ones to use to create a powerful sedative. Bachira already had everyone distracted by his tale, one that you weren’t currently listening to, but it seemed interesting enough to keep everyone’s attention. You didn’t need to dismiss yourself this way, simply sneaking off to your room to search for the necessary herbs to create the sedative. You didn’t want them drowsy but awake, no. No, you didn’t want that.
You wanted them knocked the fuck out, and the key ingredient was the Scutellaria baicalensis: Baikal skullcap.
A little known fact about this pretty purple angiosperm of yours was that it contained high levels of melatonin, which only took about 20-50 minutes to kick in depending on the person. That was fine, you could wait, just as long as Chigiri didn’t ingest any himself. Not wanting to waste another second, you got to work on the extraction process. It didn’t take much time, surprisingly.
Now to spike all the drinks… you mentally apologized to Bachira, for he would also be affected by the potion.
Chigiri began to notice very quickly that everyone but him was beginning to feel drowsy. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but every person he’d spoken to cut the conversation short because they wanted to rest their eyes…yeah, they’re doing more than just resting their eyes.
He wasn’t feeling even remotely tired, and he noticed that you weren’t behaving the same way. In fact, you seemed to be getting closer to him…at least it seemed that way.
Well, until everyone was completely unconscious, and you were standing right in front of him.
“What happened? Why is everyone unconscious?”
Beautiful as it was, your smile chilled him to the core a bit.
“Nothing bad, I promise! They’ll wake up in a few hours from now…all I did was slip a little melatonin in the wine~!”
His blood ran cold at your sickly saccharine voice with your mischievous smile that made you scary, yet irresistibly adorable. Even Fionn was out cold, head resting against the mahogany table in a deep slumber, one that would probably leave an ache in his neck when he woke up. Chigiri was about to speak before your finger lightly pressed against his lips.
“Let’s cut to the chase here. I’m having immeasurable regrets about agreeing to marry him, and seeing your pretty face only helped me make up my mind. I don’t want to marry Fionn. It was a big mistake made by very, veeeery poor judgment on my end.”
You weren’t letting him speak yet. You wanted to get your piece out.
“I want to be with you, and I want you to run away with me-“
Chigiri choked on air after inhaling too deeply in shock. You patted his back to try and get him situated, but he immediately began speaking like he’d been accused of a crime.
“You want to what?!”
“You heard me. I want to be with you. And I think we should run away from here.”
“No, I heard you the first time! Loud and clear! I’m just…you what?”
“I really don’t see what’s difficult about this.”
He swore you were possessed. You’d been cursed, he swore!
“I- you’re about to marry Fionn.”
“Correct. And I don’t want to.”
“We just met! How can you want me when we don’t even know each other’s names? And to want to run away with, no less…”
You readily tell him what your name was. He briefly stops rambling.
“Hyoma Chigiri. I’m still not running away with you. Fionn would kill us both, and I’m loyal to him. I can’t do this.”
Ah, you didn’t want to do this, but you were left with no other option. A geis was in order, and that’s exactly what you cast upon him. He stood no chance.
“Take me away from here.”
And who was he to deny you your wish?
Rage bubbled within Fionn as he regained consciousness and you were missing. You, who he’d so graciously claimed for his wife, gone. At first, he thought that you’d been abducted.
Well, until he noticed that Diarmuid was missing too. Not wanting to believe the reality that you’d simply run away with his loyal companion, Fionn tried to believe that someone’s taken you and his companion went off in search of you.
But he couldn’t ignore the fallen engagement ring. That very ring that signifies his claim to you, the very one resting on the mahogany table like it was discarded trash. You weren’t with it, Chigiri wasn’t here. He connected the dots minutes ago, but he didn’t want to believe it.
He had no choice.
Rousing the partygoers from their slumber, Fionn put together a search group. He would find you both, come hell or high water, regardless of the cost!
“Find them, find them now! We are not coming back until we’ve found them!!!”
You and Chigiri have been through a lot together. During the time spent fleeing from Fionn’s wrath, you two have never stayed in one place for long. Hopping from cottages to trees, to the forest across the River Shannon, there was always somewhere new for you both. Even his foster father, Aengus Óg, helped to conceal you both when Fionn came to his home in search of you.
“I haven’t seen Hyoma in years, and I certainly wouldn’t have missed Gràinne. He couldn’t have gone far, just keep looking!”
Asking Bachira was a dead end for Fionn. He wouldn’t give up his best friend for anything, even if he’d just seen you both hiding in his garden. No, it didn’t matter to him that you’d basically drugged him too. He found this too entertaining (and he cared about you).
“Nah, Gràinne and Diarmuid? I haven’t seen them since the party. Good luck though!”
Although he was still under the geis you’ve cast upon him, he was still free to produce his own thoughts. He just couldn’t go against the geis. Chigiri began to feel genuine love for you. Despite the circumstances, you were fun to be around, and he loosened up considerably during his time with you.
But he still hasn’t touched you. Not anything beyond kissing, at least, for a whole year. You were losing it! But what you didn’t know was that he too was conflicted. Chigiri wanted to touch you, he really did, but there was always the possibility that you would be found, and Fionn wanted his wife. If he found out that you’d been touched by another man, you’d both be killed. You were just lucky enough to not have been found yet, that people were willing to help you evade Fionn and his search party.
But you were making it so damn difficult to keep his urges to himself, swimming in the lake like you were meant to live in it.
“This lake is more exciting than you sometimes.”
“Excuse me?”
That damned smirk of yours.
“You heard me.”
“Don’t challenge me.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, and that was it for him. He chased you around the lake, splashing at you in response while you laughed. You two playfully wrestled and splashed each other until he trapped you in his arms.
“Do you forfeit?”
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I fold!”
Hyoma Chigiri was beautiful with water dripping from his face and body. Staring into those rosy eyes of his, you knew it immediately. He loved you. He truly loved you.
“Gràinne.. I love you.”
‼️ Attenzione! This is where the smut begins! Scroll away if you don’t want to read this!‼️
You didn’t need to hear anything more. Once you’ve reached your destination, a quaint wee cottage in the woods where Aengus told you both to go, you two couldn’t keep your hands off each other. You pinned him down to the bed you shared many nights together, kissing from his lips to his neck. The noises that left his throat were like music to your ears, and you wanted to hear more from him. It didn’t take long to find that spot, the very one that connects his neck to his collarbone, the very one that made him tick. There it was, that sharp whine from his pretty lips.
“Aww, so pretty ~!”
Chigiri wanted to protest, but he couldn’t get the words out when you lightly tweaked his nipple. All he could get out now were soft and sweet little moans of pleasure that shot through his body from every touch you gave him. Neither of you were thinking about Fionn and his search party. That didn’t matter in this moment, all that mattered was this moment with just you two, together. You released a delighted gasp upon seeing the bulge in his pants, a wet spot forming where his tip would be. His cock sprung to life when you freed him from the restraints of the blue fabric, leaking and angry red at the tip.
“Poor thing, you’re so pent up!”
He released a shaky sigh when you began to very slowly jerk him off, your lips littering his neck with kisses and little nips. You didn’t like how quiet he was being. You wanted to hear him let go, so you slowly took him into your mouth, sucking him like he was your favorite sweet. He’d been so tense during the beginning of your journey, and you were about to make him lose control of himself.
And lose it, he did. There was no such thing as silence now, silence was no longer holy to Chigiri. You would let him touch you this time, you’d let him hold onto your head for stability. He needed it now with what you had planned for him. His cock twitched repeatedly in your mouth and you knew that this was a good time to stop.
“W-what? Why’d you stop? I was so close…”
He couldn’t bring himself to say anything else when you slid down onto his dripping cock, pinning his wrists to the bed. You felt too good and he was worried that you’d leave him high and dry if he talked back. Wanting him to lose his composure even more, you begin to ride him at a painfully slow pace.
“You’re my prettiest boy, Hyoma.”
Soft whines emit from his lips as he gently gropes and fondles your chest. Chigiri wants you, he wants all of you now. He needs you. The love he’d formed for you bloomed tenfold in his internal garden. He didn’t want anyone else. Your warmth, your kindness, how headstrong you are when you want to be. He loves all of you. Being inside of you, after a year of wanting you, was akin to ecstasy in his eyes.
You sped up your movements after seeing his composure beginning to crack. Good, it didn’t take too long. You wanted to corrupt him more. Pretty moans echoed throughout the room as you bounced on his throbbing cock, he was getting close again. You two only had one night in this cottage before you had to settle elsewhere, so you intended to make the most of it. He pulled you down to his level, kissing you desperately and deeply as he tried to match your pace. The love that blossomed between you exploded with every stroke, every caress.
Tears sprung to his rosy eyes as he gripped onto your hips. Chigiri was so needy, and you were more than happy to offer him the pleasure he sought from you. You picked up your speed until he bit into your neck with a loud moan. He held your hips in place and emptied his seed deep into your entrance, penetrating your very womb. That was enough for your release to make itself known.
“I love you too, by the way.”
But little did you two realize, Fionn was closing in, and Lord above help you when he eventually found you.
“Maybe a boar hunt will help take your mind off of them for awhile, sir?”
“Perhaps. We set off in the morning.”
You were confused by Chigiri’s odd behavior. He seemed to be listening in on your surroundings more than usual, and it was worrying you.
“Beloved? What’s wrong?”
“I have the feeling that something might happen.”
“Good or bad?”
“Very bad.”
Neither of you wanted to think about it. You continued on the path to another village, one that was obscured by a great many trees and shrubs. However, Chigiri paused as soon as he heard a rustling near the trees. The clamoring of men alerted you both of Fionn’s presence, he and his men…but you were pretty sure that men also didn’t snort.
A gargantuan, wild boar burst from the bush and charged straight towards you both. Chigiri, not thinking twice, lifted you into his arms and broke into a full sprint to get you to safety. You both could see Fionn and his men pursuing the boar when he spotted you both. You swore his eyes burned red with a lust for your blood, no longer focusing on the boar that was chasing you and Chigiri.
He pointed his sword towards you both, fully prepared to kill you both along with the boar.
“After them! All of them! And don’t lose the boar!”
Fionn and his men gave chase to three targets now. Chigiri’s bad feeling was right all along. How could you not question it more?! He broke from the path and practically tossed you into a nearby bush…with a geis of his own.
“You can’t leave this bush until I’ve killed the boar!”
He didn’t respond to your protests as he charged the boar with his sword drawn, the two tearing into each other like one would tear multiple stacks of paper. You weren’t sure whose blood was flowing the most, you just knew that this would not end well. You tried desperately to break the geis, but it was no use. You were forced to watch as Chigiri and the boar slaughtered each other. The boar ravenously gored your lover with what was left of its life force, but you knew he wouldn’t die without taking it with him. With a quick slash of his blade, the boar’s head was lopped off. The geis was broken.
But so was your heart.
You rushed to Chigiri’s side as blood poured from his marred body, trying your best to stop the bleeding, but it wasn’t enough. He was losing too much blood, and Fionn and his men were rapidly approaching. You caught a glimpse of the horrified Bachira, who looked like he was about to be sick from the sight of Chigiri dying in your arms, blood staining your clothes and body. He gave you a bitter smile, tears mixing with the blood on his face, hand caressing your cheek weakly. You didn’t care much about the blood that would surely stain your face…you wanted your beloved to survive.
“Hey…you know I love you, right?”
“Stop! Don’t talk like that…don’t talk to me like you’re about to leave me!”
The men paused their pursuit. Fionn’s expression was unreadable for the most part, but you could see some degree of sadness in his withered eyes, no longer burning with unbridled rage for you both. He looked like he was breaking. Of course, Chigiri still meant something to him despite everything that happened.
The pleas spilled from your lips like wine from a shattered glass, pleading with him to save your beloved, pleading with him for forgiveness. Not for yourself, but for Chigiri. You knew he had the power to save him by letting him drink from his hands. Empathy filled his eyes, you could see it as he made his way towards the well, gathering water in his palms.
But his hands shook too much, the water spilled. He reached for another handful, but it spilled again. Fionn’s grandson, whose name you didn’t know, slapped his back and gripped his shoulders urgently.
“Get a grip. Breathe!”
Complying with his grandson’s urgency, Fionn was able to successfully carry a handful of water to you and Chigiri. He poured the water into his parted lips…but nothing happened. The worst has come.
“Hyoma…? Hey, wake up! Wake up!”
A heart wrenching, ear splitting wail emitted from your lips as the realization and grief set in that your lover didn’t make it. You couldn’t register Bachira hugging you tightly, trying his best to calm you down enough, but it wasn’t happening. You lost one Hyoma Chigiri, your Diarmuid, and you knew that you would never love again.
A/N: I want y’all to suffer with me (I say this lovingly, of course)
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6 and 7 for the DA asks??
Thank you!
6. Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?
Not really. I would like to play as an elf because all my DA characters are human, (I could never make a cute elf in DAI) I’m going to have to play the game and get a feel for who would like her to be. I will be romancing Lucanis however, continuing the tradition of picking my romance before I play the game (alistair, fenris, Cullen)
I was not really that hyped to romance Cullen when DAI came out, and we all know what happened, so I’m very interested in the new romances 💜
7. Which character from the previous games or other media are you most hoping will make an appearance in DAV?
Morrigan tbh. She’s always been one of my favorites. I also think we’ll see Flemeth/Mythal and I’d be interested to see how she’s involved.
I saw someone say they thought flemeth wasn’t going to appear anymore…but she’s also the woman who survived getting Maleficent’d by the warden so I’d say she’s not off the table.
Dorian will probably be a lock, and I’d love to see him updated in new graphics lol.
And Fenris. I would love to see him as a side character.
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macadam · 8 months
I mean no fanbase is perfect but from my experience the TF fandom is pretty nice overall are there bad people in it oh yeah I’m sure but that applies to just about every fandom.
However that’s not to say I’m excusing bad things within it like misogyny and it’s good when it’s called out which thankfully does seem to be called out in this fandom.
Anyways yeah you’re right it’s not your responsibility to constantly bring up anything negative about something you enjoy.
It's not even about responsibility. It's just not necessary for me to do it all the time. Not every post needs a little disclaimer at the bottom abt how my post doesn't apply to x or y or z. I don't know why I've fallen into this need to do it--actually I do know why. It's because since I've started the habit the anon hate has gone down. It's like I'm shielding my back from every possible bad faith interpretation that could be made, and while effective it has made me just not want to post anything.
There are obviously many times when this effort and extra step need to be done but the amount of which I am doing it is exhausting and needless tbh
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mossy-paws · 26 days
wyd if instead of throwing you at a *blank* I threw you in to a *Giant, Overly soft, Comforting version of blank*
Awe man I can’t believe I’m getting thrown into the void oh actually this is nice
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thatone-churro · 1 year
Don't tell me how to get better
You know that I love it when I'm getting sadder
Don't tell me how to get better
You know that they love it when I'm getting sadder
Don't tell me how to get better
The people won't like me if I'm any louder
Don't tell me how to get better
You know I fucking love it when I'm getting sadder
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I mean, would you consider Colin your boyfriend, Tony?
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Oh no you caught on
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prettyvixenavenue · 2 years
Hi girl was hoping to get some advise/input 💗. So I’ve been talking to a long distance guy for over a year now and I’ve went and visited him 2 times. Things have been rocky with him from the start and just recently he told me how he is moving and wanted to see me before he moves which was in such a short amount of time. I was supposed to go visit him mid august but was upset with how things went last time so I canceled the trip as I was nervous to go back (he left me last time after drinking and hooking up I was blackout and he blocked me while I was there because he said he was supposedly upset at me for talking to him about other guys when I was drunk...) anyway he was upset by that and told me over and over it was going to be done if I didn’t see him the week prior to when he was leaving. I was of course upset by this but at the same time don’t like the way he’s treated me so far....he told me it was on me to fix things and to come and if I did we could and if I moved there how he would come and live with me. Now we haven’t talked and tried messaging him many times and he ignores me....he only responded once saying “you fucking thought I was playing, you should have come”. He’s moving to a city in Florida called Naples and he was living in Miami prior. He’s done this many times where he was be upset with me and ghost/block me or give me silent treatment but it makes me so upset when he does....but this time I don’t understand. I’ve also paid for the hotel and flight each time I’ve gone and it makes me upset he said it’s on me to fix things when he’s part of it. Any thoughts?
🚩: when he’s upset with you, he ghost/blocks you instead of properly communicating.
🚩he has done it multiple times.
🚩 constantly putting the blame on you, puts you out to be the bad person, relies on you to fix the problem. very one sided.
being that this a long distance relationship, communication and understanding of one’s feeling is very important. great communication is the main requirement for a long distance relationship especially, it has to be 100%—trust, consistency balance, and reassurance. it’s more of course but still.
the whole entire message from beginning to end, you are unsure, aware they you are not liking how he’s treating you and the relationship has been rocky from the very beginning, also, confused on why he’s making you feel like your the problem because he doesn’t know how to properly communicate to you. instead it’s giving “you’re the problem, i am the victim, it’s your fought, it’s on you not me, figure it out” very immature, childish, and unacceptable. also, you said this relationship has been going on for a year now which is more then enough time to for him to learn how to express feelings, communicate, and take accountability which from what you told me, he know how to 0 of. he’s gaslighting and manipulating you.
you pointed out that you cancel the trip and you felt nervous (your intuition) because of what happen prior to you visiting last time which should have been a dealbreaker because even though you told me so little, i saw so many different disrespectful things just from that. he’s threatening to break up with you over something that wasn’t in your control like it’s common sense to know how alcohol works. it was a petty argument but if it was something that really truly bothered him then it should have been discussed the next morning while sober. a lot of things could be avoided with simple communication. I understand the heat of the moment because of what might have been said but no, it’s still not valid especially bc of the aftermath. I just feel like you’re doing a lot and he’s not doing enough or care to. you are always the one to go see him even if it was only twice. you are paying for your own flights, you are paying for the hotels—he stated he wants you to move where he lives and he’ll stay with you.
there’s too many mix signals and red flags. it’s very draining and tired. if you continue to deal with him, it’s going to emotional rollercoaster after rollercoaster. I understand that you may want to continue to hold on to this relationship because of “history” and feeling i know you still have but it’s not worth it. I can’t make you stop talking to him, i can’t make you break up with him, i can’t make you forget about him, that’s all on you. my advice to you would to leave him alone, it doesn’t seem likes he’s going to change any time soon. your emotional and mental health is more important then this relationship. you deserve someone who gives you princess treatment, validate your feelings, take accountability and most of all not dismiss you but communication properly.
right now, starting today, i need you to get a clear understanding that you are too good to be treated the way you are being treated, to stop lowering your standards and accept disrespect. you are the prize and this your world and everyone is just living in it. you have to set a high standard for yourself aka what you will tolerate and live by it. protect your peace!
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roaringroa · 2 years
to the beautiful girl dressed as juliet from the halloween party two days ago: i am still thinking about you
#she was crazy beautiful and we danced for so long#she was a friend’s friend so at one point we went to sit together with everyone else and there weren’t enough chairs#so she pulled me onto her lap and when i told her to be careful cause i’m heavy#she said not to worry cause she works out so she can handle hot women????!!!! whjsgjajakshs#should have kissed her then and there but we literally had just sat down in the middle of all of our friends so i thought later#and at one point i think before that she kighted me with a water bottle?? i can’t remember why but i kneeled in front of her#so she knighted me and then gave me a kiss on the forehead and then one on each cheek#should have kissed her then too but i think we did the knight thing as a demonstration to ppl so again all of our friends were paying atten#anyway after both the lap the knighting and dancing very closely for a while i took her somewhere else#like outside so i could find an excuse to kiss her#but there were other couples there and everyone was asked to get back inside#so we did and then we sat down somewhere#we were chatting and then she said something about the guy who was flirting with her and how she wasn’t sure she should kiss him#because (here i don’t remember exactly) something about her ex boyfriend and how that guy wasn’t sober#so after that i was like wait am i sober enough so i realized i was a little too drunk and didn't try anything again#anyway we continued to dance and flirt but nothing more#and then she left and all i could think of please can i see you again#cause i would really like to kiss you and now i'm still thinking about her#but i don’t use insta and even if i did i prob wouldn’t flirt with her via insta cause i'm too chicken#but if i don’t use insta how can i see her again since i don't see our mutual friend that frequently#ou mutual friend is my high school friend and her middle school friend#my high school friend group is planning to get together in like a month and a half ( we have to plan in advance lol)#so i might ask about her then 💀💀💀#might be a little pathetic to ask about someone you met once after 1 month and a half but honestly i really did like her a lot#and i AM a little pathetic so…#also just to be clear this is not the girl i kissed in the sonic costume lol i was dressed as wednesday addams and didn’t kiss her :(#also no hate to the girl i kissed in the sonic costume she was cute but juliette girl was so... asdjlkfsçad#my post
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