#domino the hedgehog
e-vay · 3 months
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A compilation of Sonic's birthdays throughout the years of my AU. He's had a fantastic life!
I tried so hard to get this finished yesterday but alas, it is belated. Thank you all so much for the great ideas! You all sent me so many good prompts, more than I'd be able to draw, so I tried to squeeze as many as I could into this one for ya.
Thank you to: @okbuddymario @sparkles-rule-4eva @janetfnf @strawberryshakedl3 @biggestauroraandshadowfan @toonfan91 and several anons
Hope everyone had a fantastic Sonic Day!
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sonadow4life · 6 months
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Decided to draw sonic singing anyways
This is the post it was based off
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And this was sketch (seriously wtf happened how)
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ayelenth · 2 months
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Attack on @spacecolonie
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sonysakura · 1 year
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Discounted price for 5 days only! PM here or preferably send a request on Discord (sonysakura) for the slot!✨ Reblogs are very much appreciated!
OFFER INCLUDES: • Digitally lined and coloured character art; • Cell-shading; • Transparent or simple background; • Scans, .PSD file and/or lineart on request.
Full Terms of Service doc Samples of art style and techniques
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etaleah · 2 years
I know Sonic and Shadow get all the credit for saving the world from Gerald’s Eclipse Cannon revenge plot and much of it is deserved but you know who also deserves it? Rouge.
The whole reason they’re able to stop the Chaos Emeralds that are powering the cannon and the Ark in the first place is because they have the Master Emerald. And you know why they have the Master Emerald and why it’s on the Ark in the first place? Because Rouge fucking stole it, that’s why. She stole it, Knuckles chased after it, and it ends up on the Ark because of this. She’s also the one who comes up with the idea to use it, something even its guardian didn’t think of.
Rouge stealing from Knuckles is why they’re able to stop the Chaos Emeralds and save the world and my girl does not get enough credit for that.
Granted the Biolizard completely fucked this up by attaching itself to the Ark and pulling it manually so the Emeralds being de-powered only stopped the planet’s doom temporarily but you know what that is entirely the Biolizard’s fault, not Rouge’s. She did nothing wrong.
If she hadn��t been a jewel thief, Sonic and Shadow wouldn’t have even been able to save the planet and frankly she deserves better than to have her indirect and unintended contributions swept under the rug like that.
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gayemeralds · 1 month
the final boss of shadow hating would be hating sa2 but sadly it's just too good
it has GERALD in it i can’t hate it i just can’t do it im not strong enough
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ninspriter · 2 years
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Happy Miku Day from the Hatsune Clan
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Last night I had a dream which clumped together several topics:
I was making a JRPG where, for the final boss, the protagonists had these sort of "copies" of themselves who assisted them in the fight. I then considered doing a sequel in which the copies featured more prominently, apparently in the belief that the sequel would be bigger/longer than the original.
Sega was rereleasing/remaking Sonic 2006, and was doing a survey on what kind of changes people wanted to see. I requested setting it up so in the final boss fight, you had copies of the entire cast helping you out. Not just Sonic, Shadow, and Silver -- the entire cast. Dreaming-me apparently thought that it was a realistic possibility that Sonic Team would be willing to make that kind of change based on a JRPG I was making.
Grimes was going to third-world country, giving children white-people names.
The above was sort of "background narration" while my unspecified family (in a house which resembled somewhere I'd lived decades ago) was ordering pizza from Dominos. We were surprised when it actually arrived because "there was no tracking app".
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fairyniceyeah · 4 months
💎🍚 I’m tryin’ to hold on
Title from Domino (SEVENTEEN)
Summary: Wonwoo and Seungcheol notice that Woozi isn't feeling well during a filming. While he manages to push through the aftermath gets worse.
CW: emeto
Sickie: Jihoon/Woozi
Caretakers: S.Coups/Seungcheol + Soonyoung/Hoshi + Joshua
Keeping track of twelve other people was about as hard as people imagined. Seungcheol could definitely attest to that. Ten minutes into a shooting break and absolute chaos had broken out.
It didn’t help that half of the group acted like children and the other half treated them like children. Maybe it was his own fault, really. He should have read the parenting books his brother had gifted him as a joke years ago. Well, more than the one or two he had actually read. Jeonghan had made fun of him for weeks after he had accidentally found out. At least Seungcheol had had the decency to not mention it when he found one of the books in Jeonghan’s backpack a few weeks later.
As he observed the field they were at, his gaze was immediately drawn to DK, Hoshi and Seungkwan who somehow decided that acting out a three man sword fight with wooden sticks was the greatest way to spend the break. Jeonghan, Jun and Dino were edging them on. Great. At least Jeonghan and Jun knew they would be in deep shit if something went wrong. 
Mingyu, Vernon, Minghao and Joshua were also watching from a distance but acted like they were more focused on the buffet beside them. Alright, three and three and four that made ten. He himself was eleven. So he was still missing two members. 
His question of the others whereabouts was half-answered when somebody tapped his shoulder and he came face to face with Wonwoo. The other rapper was frowning a bit, his nose scrunched up in worry.
“Everything okay, Wonwoo-yah?”, Seungcheol asked, already on high alert.
“I'm fine, hyung. I think something might be up with Jihoon-ah though”, Wonwoo answered.
Seungcheol looked around to spot their smallest member but he couldn’t find him. This was suspicious. 
“He’s over there, sleeping, I think”, Wonwoo said and pointed in the direction of Seungkwan failing to block one of DK’s hits, which caused yelling about death and injury from the rest. Jesus Christ. Kindergarteners. 
But as Seungcheol squinted a bit he saw where Wonwoo was actually pointing. Behind the group of members, there was a small silhouette sitting on the ground, leaning back against a tree. Woozi had his cap pulled into his face and seemed like he wasn’t at all bothered by the noise happening less than five meters away from him.
“He hasn’t eaten yet. And he didn’t try to strangle Hoshi when he came up with … that”, Wonwoo gestured at the renewed “fighting”, this time with Jeonghan instead of Seungkwan. “If he was just tired he would have told them to shut up.”
Seungcheol couldn’t help but agree. Their personal prickly hedgehog would never pass over an opportunity to yell at Hoshi (it was all in good spirit most of the time, actually Seungcheol wasn’t sure if they were even able to communicate under eighty decibel if off camera).
“I’ll go see what’s up”, the leader said, slowly making his way towards their producer but trying to stay as far as possible away from the group so he would not get dragged into any shenanigans. Or was asked to referee or something equally stupid.
He had managed to avoid the chaos, luckily, and sat down next to Woozi, leaning against the tree as well. The younger at first didn’t acknowledge his presence and when Seungcheol looked him over he saw his eyes were closed.
To his surprise, however, he was greeted by a short: “What do you want?” 
Apparently the younger was awake and did not appreciate his company mustering him. Jihoon sounded annoyed and … down? Seungcheol wasn’t sure that was the right word to describe it but now he was really curious.
“Wonwoo said you haven’t eaten”, Seungcheol stated simply. It would be no use trying to get anything out of the younger - either he would tell the leader what was up or he would not. Mostly it was the latter.
“So?”, Woozi asked, clearly annoyed at having his precious loneliness disturbed by such stupid questions, “what’s it to you?”
“I’m worried”, Seungcheol shrugged, fingers pulling at the grass at his side. “You haven’t eaten and you haven’t yelled at Hoshi for that.” At the perfect timing the member led out a loud scream, jubilant apparently.
“You want me to yell at Soonyoung?”, Woozi asked perplexed, for the first time lifting his cap from his face. Seungcheol hoped it was just the shade and his natural paleness that made the producer look that white.
“Well, no. I just thought you would”, Seungcheol replied, suppressing a laugh. 
“Yah! Hoshi, cut it out”, Jihoon called, wincing at what seemed to be the volume of his own voice. Maybe he had a headache? The producer tended to get bad headaches so Seungcheol wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.
Hoshi stuck his tongue out at his dongsaeng, making a finger-heart and then proceeded to ignore him.
“Better?”, Jihoon asked, raising a judgmental eyebrow at Seungcheol. The leader could help but laugh a bit.
“Much”, he agreed, “but are you sure you’re okay? Again, you haven’t eaten and you look like you have a headache.”
Woozi sighed. “I may have a little headache, but it’s okay. I’m just not very hungry.”
“Why don’t you eat a little, hm? We have tons of rice, you like that”, Seungcheol coaxed him, “I’ll even pester Jeonghan or Wonwoo for painkillers if you want me to.”
The producer sighed again. “Okay, I’ll eat but only to stop you from annoying me. Just don’t tell the others, I’ll be fine.”
Seungcheol grinned. Mission “make-Woozi-eat” on the way to success. He jumped to his feet and reached out his hands to pull the younger up. Reluctantly Woozi reached up and dusted himself off before following Seungcheol to the buffet.
Filming was finally done. Hallelujah. Seungcheol was admittedly very done with the day and he did look forward to relaxing at home. Well, that would have to wait. He really wanted to find out what was wrong with their tiny producer.
It had been clear to all of them that Woozi had been struggling throughout the later parts of the shoot, turning into a mix of tired and uncomfortably short-tempered towards everyone. Wonwoo had done a good job of keeping him in his sight at all times since Seungcheol and Woozi had been split into different teams. The leader had seen the quiet rapper try to talk to their dongsaeng but be brushed off.
Sadly, Seungcheol didn’t need to wait until they got home to find out what was wrong. He, Jeonghan, Jun and Mingyu were still looking over some footage from the filming with a manager when Dino and Vernon came running. The others had already been shooed to the cars and instructed to wait there for them.
“Coups-hyung, Coups-hyung!”, Dino called and came into a skidding halt in front of the group. They all turned to the two maknaes, who both looked equal parts worried and confused. Vernon was left panting and leaned into Jeonghan who was already fussing over them.
“What’s wrong, Dino-yah? Hansol-ah?”, Seungcheol asked, patiently waiting for them to catch their breath but also very anxious about what had sent them running.
“It’s Woozi-hyung”, Dino explained, a look of disgust on his face, “he just threw up.”
Seungcheol had of course known something was wrong but something that bad he had not expected. But, well, that explained Jihoon’s earlier behavior though it left Seungcheol even more worried. If the producer was sick surely it would soon spread through the group soon enough. He already dreaded that.
“Wonwoo-hyung told us to get you”, Vernon added, “Shua and Hoshi-hyung are with him.”
Seungcheol would forever be grateful to Wonwoo, who knew that Seungcheol would be worried and knew that Woozi would probably want him rather than anybody else. 
“You finish up here, Dino-yah can help you”, Seungcheol said pointedly, especially to Jeonghan who he knew was probably as ready to check on Woozi as Seungcheol himself was. But there was no point in crowding their dongsaeng, he would hate all the attention. “Hansol-ah, can you take me to them?”
Vernon nodded and with a quick apologetic bow to the manager and the production team, Seungcheol fell into a quick step beside his dongsaeng. “What exactly happened?”, he asked, chewing on his lip.
“I don’t know. We were standing around, waiting, playing games. I mean, Woozi-hyung didn’t participate much but he never really does and he seemed exhausted all day. One second we’re having fun, the next he turned around and just got sick all over the ground.”
The leader winced in sympathy. He didn’t doubt that if he wasn’t embarrassed now, Woozi would absolutely be when he recovered. 
“It was chaos really, but Shua was with him immediately and Hoshi-hyung, after a moment of shock, too. Wonwoo-hyung managed to keep calm and took the others aside and asked us to get you. I don’t think Woozi-hyung would appreciate an audience”, Hansol continued.
“No, he would not”, Seungcheol sighed. In that moment they turned a corner to the cars and there Woozi was, sitting on the ground, leaning back against a car with Hoshi and Joshua on each side of him.
“Thank you for getting me. Go back to the others, Hansol-ah”, Seungcheol ordered lightly, glad that the younger followed his instruction without protests. 
As he came closer to the trio Seungcheol could see just how awful Woozi looked, his head resting against Hoshi’s shoulder, the older having an arm wrapped around him. Joshua was rubbing Woozi’s knee in a comforting gesture. There was a clear, and thankfully empty, plastic bag clutched in the producer's hands.
“Hi, Jihoon-ah”, Seungcheol said as he approached them and knelt down in front of his sick member, “I heard you’re not feeling so good?”
Woozi shook his head slightly, not looking up at Seungcheol at all. Still, the leader could see the tear tracks on his face. He felt terrible for his dongsaeng, knowing how much he valued his privacy and despised showing vulnerability. Getting sick while two-thirds of the group had been watching must have been terribly humiliating for him.
“I’m sorry, hyung”, Jihoon whispered. Seungcheol couldn’t help but wince at how awful his voice sounded. It seemed like vomiting had done a number on the younger’s throat already. “I … I didn’t think it was so bad until it suddenly was.”
“Don’t be sorry, Jihoon-ah”, Hoshi scolded, without any malice in his voice, “you’re sick, it happens.”
“Well, I don’t want to be sick”, Woozi grumbled, resembling a petulant and whiny child especially with his stature being dwarfed by Hoshi and Joshua. While the two were certainly not the tallest of the group, they were still much bigger than the producer they were sandwiching and who had curled up into a small ball of misery.
“I know you don’t”, Joshua placated him, “but you currently are and I’m sure you’ll feel better once home and laying down, hm?”
“I gu …”, Jihoon agreed but suddenly went quiet in the middle of his sentence, face tinting a bit greenish. Seungcheol could see how badly he didn’t want to be sick again though it was obvious it was inevitable. The harsh, forceful swallowing and the short breaths were a clear sign of impending vomiting.
“Shua, why don’t you go sort out everything so we can leave as soon as possible?”, the leader suggested, though it definitely was more of a command. Jihoon easily was overwhelmed with so many people around him when sick and while Joshua had seen him get sick before, Woozi would appreciate it if he left them alone. 
Since they were trainees Seungcheol had always been the one Jihoon had sought out when sick (or at least when he couldn’t hide it anymore) and over the years he reluctantly allowed Hoshi to care for him too. Also that might have to do with the facts that a) Hoshi had a soft spot for the producer and b) Woozi had an even bigger soft spot for the dancer. And c) - while he never would admit it - since he was the youngest of the three leaders, Woozi was their baby and he trusted them more than anyone.
Luckily, Joshua seemed to know that and he quickly got up to leave, squeezing Seungcheol’s shoulder before vanishing. The leader scooted a bit closer to Woozi, who - now that it was only the three of them were left - had brought the bag to his mouth.
“It’s okay, Jihoon-ah”, Seungcheol soothed and Hoshi added: “Don’t worry, it’s just us.”
Apparently that was enough or maybe Woozi couldn’t hold it back anymore. He gagged dryly a few times and then with a disgusting sounding retch, sick spilled into the bag. Seungcheol had originally planned on just staying with them and not crowding Woozi, especially since Hoshi was already holding back his long, blond hair and rubbing his back, but he saw how much Woozi’s hands were trembling. Fearful that he would not be able to keep ahold of the bag and the consequences of that, Seungcheol reached over and helped hold open the bag - though he definitely would have loved doing anything but. The bites of rice from earlier were barely digested and looked the epitome of disgusting as they came back up.
Woozi’s retches and gagging were the only sound ringing through the silence, occasionally interrupted by Hoshi murmuring soft reassurances how Woozi was going to be okay and that he was doing great. Every wave of nausea seemed to force its way out of the producer, his back heaving with the effort. Seungcheol imagined that the poor younger man’s stomach muscles would probably be pretty sore tomorrow at the latest. The force of the illness seemed to overwhelm the small body; despite having bulked up a lot after working out for so long there was still a fragility to him. Tears were streaming down Woozi’s cheeks and Seungcheol hurt for him.
Suddenly everything was over and Woozi collapsed to the side, his head falling against Hoshi’s shoulder in a way that looked painful but didn’t seem to disturb the producer. It was then that Seungcheol was glad he was holding onto the bag because the rest of Woozi’s strength seemed to leave his body and his grip loosened. 
Seungcheol moved the bag to the side and tied it off to be disposed of at a later point in time. 
“Do we have water?”, Woozi rasped, letting Hoshi wipe his tears with the older man’s sleeve, “I’m thirsty.”
While it definitely was a good sign that Woozi showed signs of wanting to drink and staying hydrated, it probably wasn’t the best idea, considering he had just thrown up twice in the span of less than twenty minutes. 
“I’ll text somebody …”, Seungcheol started but was distracted as Hoshi looked over at some point above his shoulder. When he turned around he saw Wonwoo walking towards them, a bottle of water, some wet wipes and a couple of trash bags in his hands. Impeccable timing. Wonwoo should definitely get the award of “dongsaeng of the month” and if there wasn’t one, Seungcheol would create it specifically for him.
While the rapper looked a bit awkward, a bit stressed, he just handed the items to the leader without hesitation. “I got you some supplies and the director insisted that I tell you he hopes that Woozi-ah feels better soon”, he said, scrunching up his nose again to keep his glasses from slipping, “uhm, manager-nim asks if you are ready to go back. We’ve shuffled the seating order a bit, so you three can go in one car alone. If you’re not ready, a manager will stay here with you until you are. The rest of us will go back soon nevertheless.”
Hoshi sighed and looked down at the sleepy producer in his arms, hand coming up to play with his hair. “What do you think, Hoon-ah? Ready to go back?”
“I doubt I will feel better soon”, Jihoon answered, meaning it doesn’t matter when I go I will feel awful no matter what and I’d prefer to be home soon. At least that’s what Seungcheol guessed from experience.
“Give us a few minutes until you all come back to the cars, Wonwoo-yah”, Seungcheol decided, “we’ll get him to drink something and into the car. Once we’re home I’ll come with them to their dorm.” He gestured at Hoshi and Woozi. “If Jeonghan and Seungkwan want to shower, tell them to go to one of the other dorms. Wait, you know what, tell them to go to a different dorm anyhow.”
“Alright”, Wonwoo said and hurried off, taking the bag of sick with him. Seungcheol appreciated it a lot, yet was also thankful that Jihoon didn't seem to notice. He could only imagine how much the younger would have hated to see somebody deal with that because of him.
“Alright”, Hoshi echoed, “try to take a few sips, slowly, so you don’t make yourself sick again.” Seungcheol opened one of the bottles and, still not trusting Woozi’s shaking hands, he tipped the bottle against his lips. Woozi took in a mouthful of water before signaling the leader to stop. For a moment both hip hop and dance leader were worried he was about to be sick again but the vocalist just swished the water in his mouth before leaning over to the side to spit it out.
“My mouth tastes awful”, Woozi complained. Fair enough, Seungcheol mused, knowing the younger hated that. Maybe they could find a breath mint for him somewhere. With thirteen members it was a guarantee that somebody would likely have the item you were looking for. But still, Woozi was thirsty so Seungcheol helped him take a few sips, slowly as Hoshi had advised.
When Seungcheol pulled the bottle away Woozi pouted a bit, clearly not happy. 
“You can have more later when you were able to keep that down, okay?”, Suengcheol soothed.
“Let’s clean you up a bit and then we’ll go sit in the car and we’ll be back home in no time”, Hoshi suggested and took a wet wipe from the box. For a moment Seungcheol was sure that Jihoon would protest the treatment but it was something about Soonyoung’s soft gaze that seemed to let the protests die on his tongue.
Hoshi gently wiped Woozi’s mouth - the rest of his face was clean enough and would have to wait for makeup remover - and his hands. Now that the immediate action had died down, Seungcheol dared to ask: “How is the headache?”
“Not so good”, Woozi mumbled, “I really want to sleep.”
“Soon”, Seungcheol promised, “let’s get you up and into the car. Are you ready to stand up?”
A nod. Hoshi quickly jumped to his feet, nearly losing his balance in his hurry, and went to open the car doors on the other side of where Woozi was still leaning back against the van. Seungcheol also got to his feet and reached down to help the producer to his feet for the second time that day. For a moment Woozi swayed and Seungcheol was prepared to lower him back to the ground but then he found his footing. 
“Do you want the front seat or would you like to sit in the back with us?”, the leader asked as they walked around the front of the car, one of his arms wrapped around the smaller’s shoulders. While Woozi didn’t tend to get motion sick easily - unless he was already feeling unwell, which he was - he still might prefer the passenger seat to watch the outside.
“I don’t want to be alone”, Jihoon whispered, not looking up from the ground. Seungcheol rubbed his upper arm in comfort. 
“You don’t have to be. Let’s sit you down, okay?”, Seungcheol answered and helped the younger step inside the van, where Woozi scooted through so he sat against the window on the opposite side to the door. Before Seungcheol could even question it, Hoshi had jumped into the seat beside him and started to fuss over the younger. Plastic bags were stuffed into a cup holder and a hand reached out to take Woozi’s.
Just as Seungcheol was about to enter himself the rest of the group approached to get into the other cars. They all were wearing looks of concern and since they all knew what had happened, the leader moved a bit away from their van to ask: “Does anybody have a breath mint? Peppermint? Something like that.”
Most of the group shook their heads but Seungkwan started to rifle through his bag until with a triumphant shout he held out one of these small metal cases containing mints. It probably had been some merch gift from an Europe tour and Seungcheol profoundly thanked him. The members quickly got into their respective cars and Seungcheol turned to do the same.
“Cheollie, wait”, Joshua called and he turned back around to find him, Wonwoo and Vernon shuffling from foot to foot in anticipation. “How is he?”
“Not good, still really nauseous. I don’t know what’s wrong but if it’s a stomach bug, we should probably quarantine their apartment so it hopefully doesn’t spread. I will stay with Jihoon-ah and Soonyoung-ah, Jeonghan and Seungkwan will have to deal with staying somewhere else.”
“I was with him too”, Joshua said softly, “I probably should join you.”
As loath as Seungcheol was to admit it, the other was right. He sighed. “I will ask Jihoon-ah if he is okay with you coming with us. Don’t take it personally, you know how he is.”
Joshua nodded and ushered the other two inside the car. The other van had already left. 
Seungcheol poked his head into their car, smiling softly at Jihoon who was sitting with his eyes closed, looking mostly asleep.
“He’s awake”, Hoshi said, seeing the hesitation. At that Woozi opened his eyes.
“Hey, I got mints for you”, Seungcheol said, waving the box before giving it to Hoshi to pass it along, “would it be okay if Shua came with us? In case you have the flu we’d like to quarantine everybody who was in close contact with you.”
“I guess”, Jihoon agreed, not looking happy but also not like he hated the idea, “I don’t want anybody else to get sick.”
“Thank you, Hoon-ah”, Seungcheol said and waved Joshua over. Quickly both of them climbed into the back with Seungcheol directly behind the sick member and Joshua behind Hoshi. The driver had already entered the car while Seungcheol was out and so they soon left.
The drive obviously was very hard for the sick man. Within minutes a bag was laying open on Woozi’s lap for quick access. While Woozi had his eyes closed, leaning against the window with Joshua’s hoodie as a cushion, and Hoshi held his hand again there was an uneasiness about him. It was clear that no matter what he did, which position he tried to rest in, he couldn’t get comfortable. 
Jihoon held out a surprising thirty minutes, about half of their rather long drive, before his eyes shot open and he ripped his hand out of Hoshi’s soft grip to grab the bag. As soon as he had the bag in front of his mouth he was sick again. Having anticipated this, though not as sudden as it had come, Seungcheol leaned forward to gather his hair into his hands to hopefully spare it the mess. Soonyoung was rubbing Woozi’s thigh in comfort, again whispering comfort. Joshua, who had been listening to music before, turned to look outside the window, giving the younger some semblance of privacy.
As suddenly as it had started, the vomiting stopped and Jihoon gasped for breath. 
“Can I take this?”, Hoshi asked tenderly, indicating the full bag. Jihoon nodded and let the older take it from him. Seungcheol let go of his hair but continued playing with it knowing Woozi secretly liked the sensation of somebody rubbing his head. 
The younger sighed and slumped into his seat. Hoshi tied off the bag, put it into a second bag just to be safe, and then handed him one of the breath mints.
The energy in the van was low, exhausted, and it reflected as no further conversation took place. 
It seemed like finally Woozi was able to sleep, however, and Seungcheol already dreaded waking him the moment they pulled into their dorm's garage. And indeed, as gentle as they were, they didn’t receive much more than eyes sleepily blinking open before falling shut again. 
They all knew how much Jihoon hated to be carried, shy of his body stature and the way he looked in comparison to other members even after all those years, but there was no way they would get him up to the dorm any other way. Luckily the others seemed to be in their dorms already and they needn’t fear meeting anybody on the way up.
So while Hoshi disposed of the bag of disgustingness and Joshua gathered most of their stuff, Seungcheol tried to lift Woozi into his arms despite having to stand ducked in the van. Finally, he managed to get a tight grip on the producer’s back and under his knees and with Joshua gently guiding him out backwards, Seungcheol stood cradling his dongsaeng to his chest.
“Let’s get him to bed”, Hoshi sighed, clearly very worried for his friend. The other two walked in front of Seungcheol, opening doors and pressing the elevator’s buttons. Woozi was deeply asleep against his chest, head resting on Seungcheol’s shoulder and he was even drooling a bit.
Once in the apartment, Hoshi pulled back the covers of Woozi’s bed so that Seungcheol could put him down. “Should we wake him to take some meds?”, Soonyoung asked quietly as they both watched the younger sleep for a moment.
“No”, Seungcheol decided, “let him sleep. We can change him out of his clothes and wipe his makeup off. If he happens to wake up during that we’ll see if he is up to taking anything but right now, I think, he should just rest. It’s just a matter of time until he is sick again, probably.”
Sadly, Seungcheol knew his last statement was likely very true. With all the hours spent at work, the long sleepless nights at the studio and Woozi’s less than amazing immune system, he was always down hard when he did finally admit to being sick. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right”, Hoshi agreed, “I’ll get the make-up wipes from the bathroom and see if Shua-hyung needs help finding stuff. Get him out of these clothes?”
Seungcheol nodded and considering their size difference it was relatively easy to get Woozi out of his shirt and jeans, well, as easy as undressing a limp ragdoll who was still rather big and muscular. But just as Joshua and Soonyoung entered again, carrying supplies in their hands, Seungcheol was done. The producer felt warm to the touch, probably the beginning stages of a fever, so it was probably best to not overwhelm him with heat. So Seungcheol had only pulled a fresh T-shirt over his head, leaving him in that and his boxers.
Joshua spread an old towel on the ground beside Jihoon’s head and placed a bucket on it for further emergencies. Hoshi had rounded the bed and now perched on the bed to carefully wipe off the make-up.
As the cool cloth touched his skin, Woozi opened his eyes sleepily. He barely seemed awake and let Soonyoung do as he pleased or just didn’t seem to notice. The younger was definitely not awake enough to swallow any medication - but Seungcheol wasn't too worried about that.
“Hey Hoon-ah”, Seungcheol said and took his small hand in his bigger ones, “you can go back to sleep if you want.”
They luckily had gotten forehead thermometers during the pandemic so there was no need for him to be awake to take his temperature. Joshua had stepped around Seungcheol and the bucket to hold the device to Woozi’s forehead, who really didn’t seem awake enough to notice.
With a frown, Joshua showed Seungcheol the reading of 38.6°C, a moderate fever and higher than expected. Even if the reading might be a bit inaccurate, there was no way the younger wasn’t feverish. The glossy look in his eyes was enough evidence of that. 
Woozi nodded slowly to Seungcheol's earlier statement and let his eyes fall shut. 
“I’ll get a cool cloth”, Joshua whispered and left. When he returned, Hoshi and Seungcheol had pulled the blanket over the shivering producer and Hoshi gratefully took the cloth from Joshua’s hand to fold it over Woozi’s forehead.
There was nothing else to be done but wait how the illness further unfolded.
“Go rest in the living room or whatever”, Seungcheol said with a sigh, sitting back down on Jihoon’s bed. “I’ll stay with him tonight, no need for all of us to stay awake.”
“That’s a good idea”, Joshua agreed and pulled a rather reluctant Hoshi with him out of the door.
As expected, the sickness wasn’t over then. During the night Seungcheol was up with Jihoon multiple times, consoling his overwhelmed, feverish dongsaeng. Woozi had never been good at being sick. He barely let Seungcheol leave his side to wash out the bucket when needed, clearly not wanting to be alone. At least he managed to drink some water, even if it later came back up, and managed to keep down the fever reducers for about long enough that they might start to work.
Morning found Seungcheol exhausted but Jihoon with a less high fever. Joshua forced Seungcheol to sleep during the day, only waking him for a late lunch, so that his sleep rhythm wasn’t completely wrecked. Jihoon had only gotten sick once during the morning but he still didn’t really feel up to eating.
They had managed to relocate him to the couch, the bucket still within easy reach and the rest of the afternoon was spent watching movies and trying to keep their unwell producer awake so he could sleep through the night and hopefully feel better the next morning. Hoshi had even managed to find a hot water bottle to soothe the sore stomach muscles. 
At least they had not had schedules for that day.
Since the company rules were as such that nobody was allowed to work within twenty four hours after vomiting or a fever, Jihoon would have to stay home the next day as well but Seungcheol was fairly positive that he, Hoshi and Joshua could work around the schedule so that one of them would always be home with him just in case. None of them were feeling bad and so maybe, maybe it was just a single case of illness or maybe something Woozi had eaten.
That thought held until Seungcheol woke up at four in the morning that day to sprint to the bathroom. Oh well…
Notes: This is my very first Seventeen fic, so please let me know if you liked it and if I characterized them right!
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - SEVENTEEN
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years
Welcome! To the official list! Of the Best Fictional Cat competition!!!
Edit: here is the list of who's going up against whom in round 1
Here's our pawsome contestants:
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Garfield (Garfield)
Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots / Shrek)
Kitty White / Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
Firestar (Warrior cats)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service)
Domino (Amphibia)
Ghost (The Owl House)
Cat (Stray)
The Admiral (The Magnus Archives)
Thomas O'Malley + the Aristocats (Aristocats)
Puppycat (Bee and Puppy cat)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Meowth (Pokémon)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Luna (Sailor Moon)
Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
Princess Carolyn (BoJack Horseman)
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home)
The Cat (Coraline)
Pounce de Leon (Homestuck)
Goose (Marvel comics / MCU)
Plagg (Miraculous)
Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Catra (She-Ra)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Aslan (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Holly leaf (Warrior cats)
Jayfeather (Warrior cats)
Yellowfang (Warrior cats)
Bluestar (Warrior cats)
Miyo Sasaki / Muge / Taro (A whisker away)
Cake (Adventure Time)
Bob (Animal Crossing)
Raymond (Animal Crossing)
Frumpkin (Critical Role)
Maurice (Discworld)
Happy (Fairy Tail)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies)
Angel Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Pusheen (Pusheen)
Cat (Red Dwarf)
Judd (Splatoon)
Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Mothwing (Warrior cats)
Shoe (Ace Attorney)
Blanca (Animal Crossing)
John Blacksad (Blacksad)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach)
Lumi (Cats are Liquid)
Mr. Mistoffelees (Cats the musical)
Gatomon (Digimon)
Pib (Dimension 20 - Never after)
Greebo (Discworld)
You (Discworld)
Felix (Drawtectives)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)
Heathcliff (Heathcliff)
Jaspers (Homestuck)
Sox (Lightyear)
Chat Noir (Miraculous)
Valerie Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom)
Capper (My Little Pony)
Opalescence (My Little Pony)
Nyan Cat (Nyan Cat)
Mewo (Omori)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz)
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Felix Munch (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Mittens Wichien (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one)
Artemis (Sailor Moon)
Chococat (Sanrio)
Big the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants)
Lion (Steven Universe)
Aldwyn (The Familiars)
Simba (The Lion King)
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Catty (Undertale)
Sandstorm (Warrior cats)
Squirrelflight (Warrior cats)
Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Nali (AC: Valhalla)
The Sphinx (Adventures of Puss in Boots)
Leone (Akame ga Kill)
Jonesy (Alien)
Domino 2 (Amphibia)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Kabuki (Animal Crossing)
Rosie (Animal Crossing)
Rover (Animal Crossing)
Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Darwin (April and the Extraordinary World)
Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Serafina + Wolfie (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Taokaka (Blazblue)
Grimmjow Jaegerjaques (Bleach)
Kuro (Blue Exorcist)
Periwinkle (Blue's clues)
Catbug (Bravest Warriors)
Atsushi Nakajima (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Assistacat / Sub-manager (Cardfight!! Vanguard)
Brave Heart Lion (Care Bears)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones)
Potato (Cat loaf adventures)
CatDog (CatDog)
Skimbleshanks (Cats the musical)
Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Jemima (Cats the musical)
Victoria (Cats the musical)
Ember (Cattails)
Lyrus (Cattails)
Mayor (Cattails)
Missy (Cattails)
Sarge (Cattails)
Scout (Cattails)
Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man)
Lucifer (Cinderella)
Arthur (Code Geass)
Constable Whiskers (Cookie Run)
Cool Cat (Cool Cat Saves the Kids)
Mao (Darker than Black)
Catti (Deltarune)
Mingus Crown (Dialtown)
Ortensia the Cat (Disney)
Sisters of Plenitude (Doctor Who)
Jellie (Double Life SMP)
C!Antfrost (Dream SMP)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
Yuigadokusonmaru (Durarara)
Thomas (Earwig and the Witch)
Carla (Fairy Tail)
Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Felix (Felix cat food mascot)
Felix the cat (Felix the cat (Paramount))
Candy + Cindy (Five Nights at Candy's)
Hiili (Fox Fires (webcomic))
Lucrezia and Meek (Frakk, the Cats' Nightmare)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Arlene (Garfield)
Nermal (Garfield)
Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man)
808 (Hi-Fi Rush)
Stelmaria (His Dark Materials)
Kirjava (His Dark Materials)
God Cat (Homestuck)
Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck)
Macskacicó (Hungarian folk tales)
Cheetu (Hunter x Hunter)
Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Samantha / The Cat (Infinity Train)
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle)
Nameless evil white cat (James Bond)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill)
Stray Cat (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Kaspar, Prince of Cats (Kaspar, Prince of Cats, Michael Morporgo)
Mr. Kat (Kid vs. Kat)
Magolor (Kirby series)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)
Mo (Lego Monkie Kid)
Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie)
Nyanta (Log Horizon)
Sylvester (Looney Tunes)
Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Alpine (Marvel comics)
Behemoth (Master and Margarita)
Mog (Mog books, Judith Kerr)
The Cat (Monster Camp)
Ren (Monstress)
Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Ghazt (My Singing Monsters)
Pasty (Neko Atsume)
Sakamoto (Nichijou)
Niko (Oneshot)
Eureka the pink kitten (Oz)
Pangur Bán (Pangur Bán (Irish poem, 9th century))
Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Whiskers (Pixel Cat's End)
Pixie (Pixie and Brutus)
Glameow (Pokémon)
Litten (Pokémon)
Meowstic (Pokémon)
Skitty (Pokémon)
Sprigatito (Pokémon)
Jess (Postman Pat)
Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Slugcat (Rain World)
Rivulet (Rain World: Downpour)
Shampoo ( Ranma 1/2)
Squanchy (Rick and Morty)
Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
Diana (Sailor Moon)
Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio)
Khajiit (The Elder Scrolls)
Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher)
Blair (Soul Eater)
Barry Ill ( Sparklecare hospital)
Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Grudge (Star Trek Discovery)
T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Cure Cosmo / Yuni (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure)
Pet cats (Stardew Valley)
Cat Steven (Steven Universe)
Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Archie (Tales of Arcadia)
The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe)
The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat)
Pixel (The Cat Who Walks through Walls, Robert Heinlein)
Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Boo (The Funky Phantom)
Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei)
Nuka (The Lion King 2)
Pippa (The Penumbra Podcast)
Black Cat (The Price, Neil Gaiman)
Church (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Mew (Marvel comics)
Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Hong (Trash of the Count's Family)
On (Trash of the Count's Family)
Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan ( Doctor Who)
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Luxor (Tutenstein)
Che'nya (Twisted Wonderland)
Cheka Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Grim (Twisted Wonderland)
Burgerpants (Undertale)
Varjak Paw (Varjak Paw, S.F.Said)
Bristlefrost (Warrior cats)
Cinderpelt (Warrior cats)
Graystripe (Warrior cats)
Leopardstar (Warrior cats)
Scourge (Warrior cats)
Spottedleaf (Warrior cats)
Ferncloud (Warrior cats)
Leafpool (Warrior cats)
Mapleshade (Warrior cats)
Sol (Warrior cats)
Tallstar (Warrior cats)
Turtle Tail (Warrior cats)
Tab (Watership Down)
Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz)
Opera (Welcome to demon school Iruma kun!)
Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Chester the Cat (Bunnicula)
And here, as requested, are Honorable mentions, in no particular order (some less honorable than others), with their reasons for exclusion:
Mikeko (Ace Attorney): Apparently Apollo's cat but as far as I can tell it was only mentioned not shown, you've got other cats in
Any of the playable cats (Catlateral Damage): yeah I'm not even digging into that I mean I tried but naaaah (not to sound lazy but if it doesn't have a good wiki page I'm not doing it sorry I've had this many cats to dig through; I did save the game to check out in my own time tho so cudos for that)
Tasque Manager (Deltarune): not cat enough
Doraemon (Doraemon ): if only this thing had cat ears... or a cat tail... preferably both... I get that it's a robot but it could be a lot of animals honestly
Lizzie (Empires Smp): whomst (if what I found is what was meant then it's a fish not cat)
Kitty Cheshire (Ever After High): not cat enough
Nepeta Lejiom (Homestuck): not sure she's cat at least ENOUGH if at all, don't know enough about homestuck, owner of Pounce who is in anyway (entry said they're sorry lmao)
Schrödinger (Időfutár): "Time-travelling cat" I have failed in finding their picture and it seems too niche to be presented without it even though I am so intrigued and regret I don't know the language of the source material I'd love to give it a read/listen
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid): Compares himself to ocelots and meows apparently, but no visible cat aesthetic sorry
Raku-chan (Nyan Neko Sugar Girls ): why.
Aisha Clan-Clan (Outlaw Star): not enough cat
Honey the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog): that's enough cats from sonic (real reason: model so low-poly she would cut her opponents, and before you argue - there's a difference between pixel models and low-poly old games models)
The song pet cheetah twenty one pilots concept album lore: oof yeah um I get what a concept album is kinda buuut it's just a weird entry idk we've got plenty of fandom cats to go around
Gaetan (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt): Witcher from school of cat but he's still well pretty much human (don't come at me about witchers not being the same as humans he's not a CAT and that's all that matters to me)
What's next?
Well, I have to make the bracket itself. As you can see, there's a bit more cats than I was intending to have, which means that certain polls in round 1 will have more than just two options. I can already tell you that a lot of the cats from the same fandoms are going to be eliminated in round one. That's why I kept them in. I'm planning on making up the first round match ups based heavily on the similarities between cats and the fandoms they're from. ALSO as you've probably noticed, some cats come in a bundle. That's because they're a family. I'm not doing this to Kitty Softpaws and Puss (at least YET), because even though they also get married in the end, there's a huge gap in their submission numbers. If you're wondering, how big, you may want to know that up to Tigger from Winnie the Pooh (that is, almost the entire first pic) are the cats that got 2+ submissions, in their order of popularity.
Next step - brackets!!! I want to do this well and I hope I don't underestimate certain fandoms!!!
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koreyeet · 1 year
got bored an wanted to make more fankids of other ships i think are cool
these are just designs probably just gonna be one offs
ignore the atrocious clothing/colors
blazamy (Cherri the Cat)
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knuxadow (no name but is an echidna)
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Shadouge (Domino the Bat)
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Sonadow (Prism the Hedgehog)
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surgeamy(Sunny the Tenrec)
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Vectilla (no name but is a rabbit)
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Chotikal (Borne the something idk takes the shape of an echidna)
literally a wet blanket
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Shatikal (Brick the hedgchidna)
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Whispangle (Diamond the Lemur)
Image a sock with a pound of sand, tied into a knot and you drag it around like a corpse
That’s her tail
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Tbh if anyone wants me to make more of other ships just ask I like making these things 👍
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e-vay · 4 months
SONIC’S MOM (in my AU)
I’ve spent a really long time working on Sonic’s mom for my AU but I’m finally ready to share her with you!
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I wrote this out in text form below the cut for those of you who need to translate it:
Domino was a free-spirited, independent hedgehog. Despite being dealt some rough cards in life, she always had an upbeat attitude and could find the silver lining to almost any situation. Domino had to get by with just the clothes on her back, so she quickly learned to be very resourceful. She was adamantly against material things, except for her one gold earring that she treasured. Her lack of funds led to a nomadic lifestyle, but this gave her a greater appreciation for the planet and she ended up loving her minimalist way of life.
A one-time tryst led to Domino being pregnant with Sonic at a relatively young age. Though she knew nothing about being a mom, she loved him instantly. She couldn’t offer him much, so she did her best to teach him how to make the most out of what little they had and to appreciate all the wonderful things the planet has to offer. Sonic was able to crawl, walk and soon run faster than most babies, so he was very quick to fend for himself. This made Domino’s life easier and more challenging at the same time!
PHLOX: Sonic’s biological father. He and Domino met while they were both passing through the same village and had instant chemistry. She wasn’t one to stay in one place for long, so she took off after one night together. He never knew about Sonic.
Being a young, single mom is tough enough. When your baby has the ability to run at super speeds, it gets even more complicated. Domino was constantly repairing Sonic’s baby shoes when he repeatedly wore the rubber off, but eventually even her trusty roll of duct tape wasn’t enough to cut it. She ended up giving up her solid gold earring to buy him a pair of durable shoes that could withstand his speed.
Domino had a bad habit of telling tall tales. She didn’t do this to be malicious; she just liked to make her life sound more interesting than it was. This tended to get her into trouble, but made for excellent bedtime stories!
One unfortunate night, a terrible storm rolled in and caused a flash flood in the forest where Domino and Sonic were occupying. Domino knew Sonic would be able to outrun it, so she urged him to get away and leave her behind. Domino did not survive.
This traumatic event had a huge impact on toddler Sonic and is not only the reason he’s afraid of water, but why he stopped talking for several years when he was little. With time, he forgets this event and even forgets Domino, and he finds his voice again.
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sonadow4life · 6 months
POV: your art suddenly upgrades at 11pm
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This was the sketch btw
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K, as of right now, I’m calling Koda’s dog Blue. I’m picturing her as a German Shepard-sized, wolf looking dog with blue-black fur, and yellow eyes. You may change her name, gender, breed, whatever. HOWEVER, I am going to post the list I ended up with, cause I hyper focused. It is now 1:30am. I need to SLEEP.
Whisper (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Moro (Princess Mononoke)
Hayate (Black Hayate, FullMetal Alchemist)
Jump (Page: Lady Knight Series, Tamora Pierce)
Ammy (Okami, video game)
Chibi (Okamiden, sequel to above)
Grimm (myth reference)
Lockjaw (Fantastic Four)
Lucky (generic; also from Hawkeye/MARVEL)
Rex (the Wonder Dog)
Snowy (the Adventures of Tintin)
Streak, the Wonder Dog (Green Lantern)
Titus (Batman)
Ace (Batman)
Antoinette (Ouran High School Host Club)
Astro (the Jetsons)
Balto (movie, Balto)
Blue (Blue’s Clues; also Wolf’s Rain)
Bolt (Bolt, movie)
Buttons (Animaniacs)
Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
Dante (Coco)
Goddard (Jimmy Neutron)
Lady (Lady and the Tramp)
Magenta (Blue’s Clues)
Perdita (101 Dalmatians)
Pongo (101 Dalmatians)
Pluto (Mickey Mouse)
Rowlf (the Muppets)
Scooby-Doo (Scooby-Doo)
Winona (MLP:FiM)
Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Diogee (Milo Murphy’s Law)
Duke (Captain N: the Game Master)
Ein (Cowboy Bebop)
Genevieve (Madeline)
Bronx (Gargoyles)
Naga (Legend of Korra)
Pupcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
Sherlock Hound (Sherlock Hound; anime)
Sprocket (Fraggle Rock)
Gromit (Wallace and Gromit)
Olive (Olive, the Other Reindeer)
Scraps (Corpse Bride)
Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Trusty (Lady and the Tramp)
Blacktoe (Star Trek: the Next Generation)
Wishbone (Wishbone)
Bruiser (Legally Blonde)
Buddy (Air Bud)
Chance (Homeward Bound)
Copper (the Fox and the Hound)
Dewey (Firehouse Dog)
Domino (102 Dalmatians)
Friday (Hotel for Dogs)
Gladstone (Sherlock Holmes)
Hubble (Good Boy!)
Junkyard (Race to Witch Mountain)
Luath (the Incredible Journey)
Shadow (Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey)
in the end, it has to be a random reference to something Koda actually watched and liked, because he is blurting out a name at random so he Can claim her as his dog, so these random people won’t take her away. So, if you think of a better name, by all means, use that.
GOD there are so many good doggos to name her after. I think I might need to just kinda roll with writing the dog more before I pick a name? Sometimes animal names just happen as you vibe their personality.
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year
welcome. I like your shoelaces.
And Your Rat's Eggs. •
Salutations, earthlings (or non-earthlings)! I don't know what you're doing here but beware for you are coming in for a ride! The only problem is the driver never went through a single driving lesson so don't blame me if we crash!
Beware, as this blog may include many depictions and discussions of unreality, swearing, death, trauma, ableism, racism, and more. At times I forget to tag these potentially triggering topics.
Yes, I had indeed attempted to make an introductory post! It heavily pains me to write this all, given my distinguished and embarrassing personality, but on this boat we strive to not care! Cringe culture is dead and I'm coming for your pancreas and brain tissue if you so dare to disagree.
So, without further ado!
x DNI x
if you're a bigot in any way (queerphobic, n@zi, racist, sexist, ableist, generally discriminatory, etc etc)
also this isn't really a dni criteria but pls don't behave inappropriately when interacting with me, keep it at a joke level maximum, I value my comfort over your pleasure
I am fine with anything you so dare to call me, be it a regular name or a homophobic slur. I quite frankly don't give a shit. However, nicknames I most prefer amount to DOMINO, TOKI and GOBLIN !!
I am fine with any pronouns, though in terms of preferences I do gravitate towards they/them more than anything else. Everything else is irrelevant, but I am queer, and I don't think I make it subtle (?).
- https://en.pronouns.page/@CringeLordOfChao - my pronouns page
(I'm not as into some of these fandoms as I am in others, for example i barely know crap about Moomintroll I only sometimes watch some scenes of it on yt as a comfort show and I still listed it here, you can ask me about specific fandoms and how much I'm into them)(bold text = obsessed/into it enough to the point of being capable of infodumping about it/having a decent amount of opinions on it/having a conversation about it) (nvm idek anymore just ask me if I'm interested in it or not atm)
Video games: Skyrim, OMORI, BAD END THEATER, her tears were my light, Adventures with Anxiety!, Sonic The Hedgehog (general), Parappa The Rapper, Parappa The Rapper 2, Um Jammer Lammy, Minecraft, MineCraft StoryMode, Duolingo, Pokémon (general), Pizza Tower, Amanda The Adventurer, Cuphead, Word Trip, UNDERTALE. Tomadachi Life, ROBLOX,
Roblox games: Flicker, my eyes deceive, Adopt Me!, Royale High, Sonic Pulse RP, Horse Valley, Rate My Avatar, Speed Run 4, copyrighted artists, Pyrite Adventure, Wolves Life, Total Roblox Drama, Murder Island 2, Sonic World Adventure,
Neurodivergence (such as, but not limited to): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Bipolar Personality Disorder (BPD), Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD), Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD), Down Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), etc etc
Animated series: The Music Freaks, hfjONE, The Owl House, Amphibia, Sonic Prime, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Parappa The Rapper, Sonic X, AVM Shorts, The Loud House, The Casagrandes, Legend of Korra, Pokémon, Total Drama (Island/general), Willcraft's Monster School, LEGO Ninjago, Spirit Riding Free, Moomintroll (2017), DuckTales (2017), My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic, The Cuphead Show, Sonic Boom, The Amazing World Of Gumball, Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts,
Non-animated shows: Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, Dark, Only Fools And Horses, The Modern Family, Sesame Street,
Comics: Sonic The Hedgehog (IDW)
Animated movies: Sonic The Hedgehog (1996)/Sonic OVA, The Last Guest, Nimona, The Lego Movie, Equestria Girls (all parts), Moana,
Non-animated movies: Sonic The Hedgehog + Sonic The Hedgehog 2 [i guess, I feel obliged to like it since I'm a sonic fan], Avatar, Alpha,
Webcomics (all available on WEBTOON!): Blooming Season, The Last Dimension, Unfamiliar, Jackson's Diary, North Korean Kid, Heartstopper, Is chair still in the park?, Ghost Eyes, Meow Are You?, The Recloseted Lesbian, War and Tea, Hyperfocus, Erma, Emmy The robot, Post Harbor, Spellward Bound, The Little Trashmaid, Of Aliens And Cacti, MAX has AUTISM, Hollow Kid, Aurora Borealis, Always Human, Will There Be A Tomorrow? (H), High Class Homos, Everything Is Fine, Home Sweet Ghost, Notumare, Heartstopper,
Books: The Name Of This Book Is Secret (all 5 parts), Hobbit, Ana, Teo, Warrior Cats (general),
Music creators: Radiohead, Rex Orange County, Laufey, bo en, Jack Stauber, Jay Vincent, Kaden Mackay, Olivia Rodrigo, if I was 9 again the only person on this list would be Alan Walker (I don't care about his music anymore), Pink Floyd, liana flores, Your Favorite Martian,
Gacha Stories: Boy With Bad Luck, Girl With Good Luck, The Music Freaks episodes 1-11, Shy Family, Shy Family PART 2, Lesbian Liar part 1-5, A Walking Disaster, Fated Sisters, A Beautiful Tragedy, The Mute Tomboy, literally anything made by Hxnnah rlly,
Favorite YouTubers: Flamingo, RosyClozy, TheOdd1sOut, Illymation, Hxnnah, [Brii Studios UwU], Cypopps, Emzii, NerdyArty, Marikyuun, ExtraRosy, WowzaDawg, foster on the spectrum, Behind The Meme, LilyTrescot SMP, JaidenAnimations, Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, Ice Cream Sandwich, How To ADHD, LesbianMindflayer,
Favorite Tumblr blogs (not including mutuals srry xx): @/oneeyedleaf, @/nerdyarty, @/tmf-confessions (technically a mutual), @/i-say-ok, @/sonicshipbattles, @/uncharismatic-fauna, @/official-boob-posts, @/identifying-horses-in-posts, @/sonicthehedgehog, @/inthetags, @/notumare (tech a mutual), @/your-blorbos-are-queer, @/the-owl-house-takes, @/incognitopolls, @/my-autism-adhd-blog. @/hot-take-tournament, @/haveyouseenthismovie-poll, @/aita-blorbos, @/oc-aita, @/jagged--dust-jacket-analysis (also tech a mutual), @/hero-deserves-to-be-happy, @/just-a-blog-for-polls, @/thistmfcharacteris, @/sonicapproves, @/lordystrange, @/aphantimes, @/neurotypical-sonic, @/fishyfishyfishtimes. @/adhd-sonic-the-hedgehog, @/obelisart, @/queeradhdcultureis, @/pd-culture-is, @/content-free, @/starscatteredsky, @/hero-deserves-to-be-happy,
Miscellaneous: zoology, drawing, using Picrew, ninjas, goblins, parallels in writing (this obsession is eating me alive I swear I'll literally analyze my events as if they're fictional and I'll draw parallels between them and my favorite fandoms/past events pls send help), daydreaming, dust, media analysis, character analysis, calculators, singing, mushrooms, weirdcore, goblincore, sociology, vocabulary, MBTI,
Languages (both real and fictional)(I only actually know some of these)(still learning): ninjargon, dovahzul, spanish, japanese, serbian, english, na'vi,
Things I'm planning to get into : Zoology, crocheting, Terraria, The Lego Movie: The Sequel, The Wilds, Warrior Cats, crafting, Nimona (comic), Notumare, The Mechanisms, Dark, Inscryption, The Adventure Zone, DELTARUNE, Teen Wolf, Solitaire, Sonic X, Good Omens, Voltron, The Amazing Digital Circus, Steven Universe, Oblivion, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, MineCraft StoryMode, Percy Jackson, the pink corruption,
My own stories/Fanfiction plots: ghost!SUNNY AU (OMORI), Mob Academy (Minecraft fanfic), Carla and Silvia, omori!Hanahaki AU (OMORI), Flicker fanfic, HOLLOW HEART, (feel free to ask about any of these!!!)
Things I plan to get into again: MLP;FiM, Ninjago,
(bold text = absolute fave!!)
TMF - Jake Sterling, Millicent Brooks, Drew, Lia, Sean Everett, Daisy,
ST - William Byers, Eleven/Jane Hopper/Byers, Jonathan Byers, Robin Buckley, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Kali Prasad,
PTR - Jammer Lammy, Parappa The Rapper, Katy Kat
STH - Sonic The Hedgehog, Miles Tails Prower The Fox, Mimic The Octopus, Whisper The Wolf, Sticks The Jungle Badger, Amy Rose The Echidna-Rascal (personal hc),
TOH - Luz Noceda, Agustus Porter, Edalyn Clawthorne, King Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Philip Whittebane/Belos (do not excuse his actions whatsoever), Enzo Gabriel The Collector
Amphibia - Marcy Wu, Sprig Planters
SS - SpongeBob SquarePants
Minecraft - Creeper, The Ender Dragon, Herobrine, Enderman, Wolf, Fox, The Wither
RBLX Flicker - Eduardo, Rita, Mikah, Amethyst, Adora, Amani
TMNT - Michelangelo!!
TLH - Luna Loud, Lincoln Loud, Lenni Loud, Lucy Loud, Clyde ??
TD(I) - Noah, Izzy, Dawn, Ezekiel
Ninjago - Jay Walker, Nya, Zane Julien, Akita,
WEBTOON TLD - Alex Hill, Phillip Maxwell, Anne Marie De Delle
[character] x no one = I like the interpertation of said character being aroace/just not dating anyone in general. (Bold text)= otp
OMORI - suntan, sunflower, heromari, goldrush, sunburn, photobomb, KEL x no one, herobowen, etc
STH - blazamy, whispangle, sonknux, sonadow, sonic x no one, kittails, amy x no one, stickmy, sticknux (but in a very specific modern sth way), sticks x no one, sonjet, shadisper, etc
TMF - ooo boy... milliot, jailey, hailia, drake, laisy, saisy, dailia, dadie, jaisy, jenry, drew x no one, drakailey, henriam, ladie/salia, platonic draisy, platonic henria, more xx
PTR - sunny x no one, parappa x matt, parappa x pj berri, parappa x no one, etc
Ninjago - lava, plasma, techno, jaya, bruise, opposite, pixane, glacier, harumya (?), lloyd x no one, cole x no one, nya x no one, qp mud, etc
TD - noco, gwourtney, nowen, breoff, bfffls, dizzy,
WEBTOON TLD - alex x phillip, anne x
x ANIMALS I LIKE x (few are fictional) •
virgin island's dwarf gecko, blobfish, horses, roosters, unicorns, wolves, anglerfish, immortal jellyfish, lion mane's jellyfish, okapis, rats, reek stonefish, doves, pigeons, vultures, cats, echidnas, frogs, star nosed moles, naked mole rats, moths (they seek the light which only further strays them away from life, the truth), spiders, rock doves, blue jaya tongue skinks, australian ghostsharks, aye-ayes, goblin sharks, dragons, whatever the fuck atla's momo is, lemurs, squirrels, flying squirrels, capybaras, OMG I JUST FOUND OUT FLYING LEMURS ACTUALLY EXIST THEYRE CALLED colugos, gerenuks, jabirus, jaguarundis, japanese spider crabs, jerboas, pangolins, potoos, thorny devils, snakes, black cats, vampire squids, northern stargazer,
x TAGS x
ghost!sunny au, >:], to do list, omori!hanahaki au, important, urgent, rb, asks, animalsss, others art, others writing, vent? like among us?, I am not funny, byliner, house design inspo, minecraft fanfic inspo, mari appreciation 💜, sean appreciation, fictional birthday, music, rb, tickposting, mari wheelchair au, serbian shit, carla and silvia, my oc, my ocs, my story, mob academy, hollow heart, 🎩🕊️, 🎩🕊️ • ❓, my polls, polls, 🎩🕊️ • ✉️, 🎩🕊️ • 📜, 🎩🕊️ • 🪬, 🐀🥚, me on anon, freakblr colour war, hailey hair controversy, freakblr colour war 2, freakblr colour war ii, mecoded, cringe confession of the day, gay screenshot collection, my top posts,flicker webseries preparations, hyper-cis, freakblr lore, my mom watches tmf, into the rosyverse, background-chan,
x TAGS FOR FANDOMS x (aka fandom acronyms) •
omori, tmf, st, go, ptr, sth, avm shorts, atla, rblx, amphibia, yfm, etc (if a franchise has 2 words or more when I reblog posts about that franchise the fandom tags I'll use for them will be exclusively the acronyms even if it isn't most preferred)
My life will end incomplete! ~~××
(I'll try updating this later)
(this is like the tenth time doing this, I'm only capable of making intro posts in ONE RUN I guess, I am in pain, sjkdcie)
I occasionally post pretty angsty, overwhelmingly negative, and at times violently suggestive vent content here. If you do not like that, please filter the tag #vent? like among us?
I might have depression and/or adhd so that's probably gonna mess up my life and social interactions ummm (I'm a sensitive individual so please don't be too harsh)
I sometimes draw, don't expect it to look good though. You can request any prompt !!
My Roblox accounts are FinVanzahDovahKiin and stejsi_079 !!
My DeviantArt account is Unoriginal Creator !!
Even though I had formerly stated that this blog may contain triggering themes (even though I can't quite recall much triggering posts/reblogs I have on here??) this blog is mostly silly, it's just me being me
I have a lot of TMF mutuals, we have a lot of inside jokes that may not make any form of sense to outsiders
Even though I had also stated I have my own fanfiction ideas I like, I have not written any of them down and God knows when I will.
I need to spend less time on the internet for the sake of my health
My YouTube account is [InsertUnoriginalNameHere] !! (I've deleted 90% of my former content. Also most of my videos on there are like 2 years because I stopped posting after my parents found out it existed)
I have an alt account @freakblr-lore !! Studying the lore of tmf but mostly the subculture of freakblr
I also have a tmf Sean Everett rp/ask blog called @mr-broom !
I ALSO have a tmf Daisy rp/ask blog called @x-daisy-x !
There's also another one @hailey-i-guess
Another one @xjaded-sadiex
I'm disappointed in myself. I made an rp/ask blog for an entirely irrelevant background character. What the fuck. @background-bg-chan
IM PLANNING TO MAKE A ROBLOX FLICKER WEBSERIES!!! Posts related to it will be tagged "flicker webseries preparations".
There's an Elliot one now too!! @xx0blooming-orchid0xx
@sussy-albertaretz-core my fan blog for the Roblox YouTuber flamingo
please ask me anything about any of my interests
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shellstudios · 6 months
My name is Shell! I post my weird, beeppy physical art on this blog. Somedays I post like twenty things and somedays I don't post at all. That's about it. :D
If I reach 100 followers I'll do a voice reveal!
Media I Like:
Stardew Valley
Amanda The Adventurer
Hollow Knight
Animal Crossing
The Amazing Digital Circus
My Little Pony
Among Us
Doki Doki Literature Club
Nicktoons Unite
Hellova Boss
Sonic The Hedgehog
Spooky Month
Inside Out
Gacha Life
All Nickelodeon Cartoons
The Ghost and Molly Mcgee
Gravity Falls
Dog Man
Where else you can find me!
Yeah, that's it.
Other Blogs:
I'm always up for a drawing request from this chart. I do fictional characters, ocs, personas, pretty much anything. ❤️
Tumblr media
Comics and AUs
The Amazing Deltarune Circus (The Amazing Digital Circus × Deltarune)
Nicky Land (Nickelodeon)
My IRL Friends
Jellyfish - @codc0ffee
Penny - @deeptragedysandwich
Bug - Doesn't have an account anymore. :(
Dragon - MythicalAlternate (On Pinterest)
And Family
Ginger - @westvirginger
Domino - Doms3579 (On Scratch)
Tag: #shellssquad
I will not respond to any asks about donations or fundraisers or anything like that. I am a minor and cannot help you.
Feel free to ask my OCs and/or AUs questions! Hope you enjoy my art!
(This post is always changing over time.)
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