#domestic tourism Australia
birds-are-really-nice · 9 months
*drops the frog slab on your head and you fucking die*
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Because it's Eurovision! Okay..?
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AN: I wanted to write this last year, but didn’t, and then the enablers in the BBE server forced encouraged me. So enjoy this cracky Avengers Tower fic, where nobody dies and everyone lives happily ever after.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and moodboard by me
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Relationship: - None - Just good old team bonding.
Word Count: 1k
CW: Eurovision spoilers, American confusion, Domestic Avengers
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“Oki doki, kiddos - what’s so important we’ve brought forward movie night to…” Tony looked at his watch. “... 3 o’clock in the afternoon?”
He looked around the lounge in confusion as Nat, Wanda and Bucky rearranged all the sofas, cushions and beanbags. Flag bunting hung from the ceiling, and the small kitchenette counter was laden with various snacks.
“It’s Eurovision, Tony.” Nat’s tone of voice suggested that that explained it all.
It did not.
“Euro-what now?”
Wanda came up beside him and started to steer him towards one of the seats.
“Just sit down, Stark. It’s about to start. Now where are the others?”
She looked around, auburn hair flying, but relaxed as Clint walked in, a grin on his face, followed by Bruce, Steve, and Sam. Wanda looked around them and smiled as Vision floated through the wall and towards her.
Clint bounded forward, launching himself over the back of the sofa and bouncing down next to Tony.
“Boy, are you in for a treat! This is going to be epic.” He grinned, completely unfazed by the blank looks from the other men. 
Sam settled on one of the other couches after a stern glare from Bucky, Steve joining him.
“Umm, could you possibly explain further?”
“If you will allow me…” The dulcet tones of FRIDAY echoed through the room as Nat and Bucky continued to shift and shuffle things around their confused team mates. “The Eurovision Song Contest is an annual event held in mid May every year, where the countries across the European continent all submit a musical act singing an original song. There are two semi-finals and then the final 26 acts star in the Final.”
Steve still looked confused.
“Well, what do the winners get?”
“The winning country gets to host the competition the following year, providing a boost for tourism and culture.”
Bruce settled down on the third couch, somehow having already snagged a bowl of popcorn.
“So the songs are good then?”
Nat snorted derisively.
“Nope. They are camp and cheesy, with ludicrous outfits, smoke machines and lots of pyrotechnics. But that’s the joy of it. And lots of the countries sing in their own language, so you have no idea what the song is actually about.”
Tony’s eyes went wide, nothing any clearer than it was before.
“Then why are we watching?”
As one Nat, Bucky and Wanda turned towards him.
“Because it’s Eurovision.”
“Umm, okay then…” He sunk down into the cushions, not sure it was worth risking the ire of undoubtedly the most dangerous trio in the room. “Can I ask why Thor gets out of this…”
Just then, the building shook, the unmistakable rumbling and light display signifying the bifrost had just hit the roof.  “..Scratch that.”
Nat turned on the television and squished in next to Clint. Vision and Wanda snuggled down into the beanbags. Thor burst into the room a few minutes later, placing Mjolnir onto the countertop.
“I haven’t missed it, have I?”
He took the final space next to Bruce, who passed over the bowl of popcorn.
“It’s the flag parade, apparently.”
The blonde god leant forward, arms resting on his knees.
“Ooo. I know this one! That’s Norway. I like them.”
Bruce smiled and elbowed his friend.
“Of course you do, they still treat you like a god.”
Across the room, Steve leant over to Bucky to whisper in his ear.
“Can I ask, if this is a European competition, why are Australia taking part?”
“Because they love how camp it is, and asked if they could join in.”
“I’m going to be confused during this whole thing, aren’t I?”
“Uh-huh…” Bucky threw some M & Ms up in the air, catching them in his mouth.
Back on the central sofa, Nat started to bounce slightly.
“Here we go! Prepare to be amazed…”
For the next 2.5 hrs the team sat, glued to the television, all manner of emotions running through them as they watched the eclectic musical display.
“Am I missing something,” asked Sam. “Why are they singing about Edgar Allen Poe?”
Bucky shrugged. “Why not?”
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Steve nudged Bucky.  
“Buck - what’s she singing?”
“About how her love for her man is driving her crazy, but she doesn’t know if he feels the same.”
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“My love…”
“Yes, Vis?
“This is an anti-war song, isn’t it?”
“It is, Vis.”
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“Earth to Sam! Earth to Sam!”
Tony threw a screwed up piece of paper across the room and watched Sam jolt and shake his head as it bounced off.
“You seem a bit invested in the Cyprus act there….”
“Fuck off, Tony.”
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“Yes, Bruce?”
“I don’t want to be rude, but is there a reason she seems likes she’s dressed like a werewolf?”
“Because it’s Eurovision.”
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Thor was bouncing in his seat as the Finnish act started.  
“This is more like it!”
Bruce peered at the screen, as though the neon pink and green outfits were starting to give him a migraine.
“But…but what’s it about?”
“Going out drinking!”
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“Errrrm, Buck…What the hell did I just watch?”
Bucky didn’t even turn his head at Steve’s question.
That didn’t really help. All Steve knew was that he’d just seen something he couldn’t unsee.
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The act from the UK finished and Tony stood up, cracking his neck.
“Well, guys. Thanks for that, I think. But now that’s over…”
“Nope!” Nat reached across Clint, who’d fallen asleep between them, slowly drooling on a cushion, to grab hold of Tony’s t-shirt and pull him back down. “Now it’s the half time show while the voting is done, and then it’s the results. And this year, we can vote from outside Europe. Look, there’s an app and everything.”
Tony blinked slowly in disbelief. “When’s it due to finish?”
“About 7pm.”
“What!” At Tony’s shout Clint sat bolt upright, snorted and sucked up a string of drool. “This thing goes on for 4 hours. Like how?”
“BECAUSE IT’S EUROVISION!” Came the chanted reply, this time with Thor joining in.
Tony pulled out his phone and opened the app store with a shrug. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
“I got $50 on Finland. Who wants in?”
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At 7.05pm Tony sat staring at the screen, mouth wide open as the others groaned and started to pass cash towards Bruce.
“What the fuck just happened?”
Bruce smiled and shrugged.
“It’s Eurovision, Tony.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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crowcaws · 6 months
Inspired by a twitter thread i saw, I, Australian and certified dumb of ass, will now list every main American state and what I associate it with/what I think it's about/famous for WITHOUT GOOGLING. These thoughts will be stated as fact regardless of whether or not they are true.
Alabama - Banjos. Reese Witherspoon lives here. Shares a border with Florida for some reason. Fifteen people live here. I'm glad i'm not allowed to google because i feel like i'd find things i don't want to know.
Alaska - Mountains. Balto. State flower is a tree of some kind. The roads are just the tyre tracks in the snow of the vehicles that came before whispering "trust me". Kodiak is here, where Pitbull famously said 'keep fucking around, we'll be on the moon next.' I think this is where Mulder and Scully got fucked up by a brain worm.
Arizona - Desert but not the Las Vegas kind. The granyon canyon. State flower is a cactus. State bird also a cactus. Bella Swan got fucked up in a dance studio here. It seems very scenic.
Arkansas - The name of this state makes me think of rusty old utes and that's it, that's all I've got. "Pickup trucks" or whatever. Grow up.
California - The great Lucille Bluth once said, "I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona" but personally I think i'm with Michael on this one. California has Hollywood and an ok tourist beach. Green Day are from here. San Francisco seems cool though, I like how it looks like a city designed specifically to kill skateboarders and cyclists. State flower is a grand theft auto PS2 disc. Population: more than Australia.
Colorado - Mountains. Elks and Deer and Eagles and Giraffes on ski slopes. Much domestic tourism, have never once heard of anyone from outside the US specifically visiting Colorado though idk. Verdict: America's New Zealand.
Connecticut - The dry weetbix of states. I think of monopoly but I can't remember why. State flower is a dandelion that has been stepped on. Biggest export is men's office attire, specifically brown two piece suits and those short sleeve button ups. I only found out today that there's a C in the middle of Connecticut I always thought it was 'Conneticut'.
Delaware - Delawhere the fuck is this state I have no idea. Probably still cooler than Connecticut. Famous for combination fast food chains and buildings that clearly used to be a pizza hut (you can tell by the roof). Idrk what Cracker Barrel is but I can tell you the employees spawn here.
Florida - Biscayne bay. Manatees. Shaped like a sock, or something else. Famous for hotels, motels, and holiday inns. Would be a fun state if not for the fact that every politician in charge of it is fucking it up so so bad. One of the few places in the USA where you can see the Southern Cross constellation. Miami Dale forever RIP Logan Horseman.
Georgia - peaches. atlantis. brisket. no other thoughts detected, moving on
Hawaii - Famous for killing James cunt Cook which is honestly a deserved and certified W for Hawaiians. Plagued (and I do mean plagued) by tourists, including Australian Prime Ministers ignoring national emergencies.
Idaho - Sleepy. Things don't happen here but when they do they happen so much because nothing happens here. National flower is probably like a daisy or something so so normal.
Illinois - Chicago bean. It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. WatchDogs the game. Famous for girlbosses who kill their husbands. Population 11 millions.
Indiana - Rainy probably. Honestly I only remember this state exists because of Stranger Things, which I understand this is like someone saying they only remember Australia exists because of Crocodile Dundee but look. Population: At least 10.
Iowa - This is such a place to be from if you're moving to the big city because all the other waitresses at the diner back home said you got a voice worth payin for and you finally stopped letting your papa tell you what to do. Famous for crop duster planes. State flower is long grass.
Kansas - Famous for scarecrows, wheat and the like. Probably fun at Halloween actually. Great place to fake an alien sighting. I just remembered Dorothy is from here. Population: Yes.
Kentucky - Fried chicken. NASCAR. Speedway. Derby. State flower is a blown out tyre on the side of the road.
Louisiana - Very wet but in a pretty way. Birthplace of the Saxophone. New Orleans is officially the strongest reason I would ever be tempted to set foot in this country. New York wishes she was this beautiful. Famous for the Vampire Diaries spinoff The Originals.
Maine - Next to Kentucky. Lobsters are from here which means there's water, but don't ask me where. Famous for The Vampire Diaries. State flower is a rose, beautiful but generic, like a YA protagonist.
Maryland - Rural but in a manageable way. I think of letterboxes with the family last name on it. Grandmas love it here. Hairspray the musical.
Massachusetts - Ohhhh Legally Blonde. Boston. Harvarb Law. The colour brown. When pronounced it's a very nice name for a state actually.
Michigan - I reference 'can't have shit in Detroit' almost daily but I know almost nothing else about Michigan.
Minnesota - Mini Soda. Also a good state name. No idea what's here, deer or elk or beavers. There's no way to know for sure.
Mississippi - I like this state name less but only because it's hell on the lisp i battle to mask. It's named after a river. It's on the coast. Next to Pennsylvania.
Missouri - A lot of M states happening here. This place is famous for nothing. I don't know what the capital city is but it's definitely a place you move to for your job instead of like. On purpose. Population: 3 million. It's in the middle somewhere.
Montana - This state's main export is horse girls, very Saddle Club coded. It's on the Canadian border, but it shouldn't be like that. It should be in the middle. Hannah Montana's dad was all Nashville but he's basically from Toronto. Fucked up if you ask me.
Nebraska - When I think of Nebraska I think of those depressing Walmart carparks where there's nothing for miles except for the Walmart and one lady pushing a flatscreen in a trolley to the dodge ram she parked 600m away from the entrance so it won't get dinged by other car doors, because god forbid her utility vehicle show signs of wear.
Nevada - viva rock vegas (the flintstones). There's a salt lake here but NOT a salt lake city. That's somewhere else. I think there's motorsport here. NO WAIT THERE IS because i saw charles leclerc on the sphere on tv and he was so wide and i laughed so hard i choked on my own spit.
New Hampshire - What the fuck is New Hampshire that's not real. I thought it was like some beach suburb in New York state. What the fuck. Regardless. I bet you could pull up to the side of the road in New Hapshite and buy an avocado no questions asked. Probably like the USA's Byron Bay.
New Jersey - Everyone from here says it's bad. It makes me think of t shirts with a longer sleeve t shirt underneath and 2000s pop punk music. Gerard Way.
New Mexico - High School Musical is set in Albuquerque. High School Musical is also the only reason I can pronounce Albuquerque. This state is famous for High School Musical.
New York - She's talking over the rest of you and for what? Wall Street? Ugh. Kinda like the Melbourne of the USA.
North Carolina - I feel like cowbutch lesbians do numbers here for some reason. You could disappear into the hills with a woman in a tank top and assless chaps here if you were brave enough. Men do live here but they're treated like a new cast member on the fifth season of a sitcom, this one's for the girls.
North Dakota - Dakota is Carolina's femme girlfriend and they're in love.
Ohio - This is like that town in Cars that lightning mcqueen gets stuck in and the tourist cars are like oh we're only here because of a wrong turn. Yeah. You might find fireflies here though. Also Ohio is for Lovers or something.
Oklahoma - Swear word for Christians. Absolutely nothing happens here and if it does i feel like it involves chasing livestock.
Oregon - Prairies. This is where the Prairies are. Famous for the people who died while trying to be Not In Oregon.
Pennsylvania - Famous for The Office. And Dracula jokes. That's all i've got.
Rhode Island - Famous for winning Miss United States with the flaming batons routine in Miss Congeniality starring Sandra Bullock. Very small state. Possibly the smallest one but who's to say.
South Carolina - If north is for the lesbians, south is for the gays.
South Dakota - As above.
Tennessee - Country music and whiskey and line dancing, which is actually kinda hot when goth girls do it. Overall, Tennessee is the USA's answer to Gympie, which is a question that nobody asked. Overall i just think of the colour brown. Famous for Hayden Penterre. Penetentiary. Pendulum.
Texas - A South Australian would say Texas is famous for it's adorably small cattle farms. Lucky for me, i am not South Australian. This is the state that other states call redneck and racist to hide the fact that they are also redneck and racist, perhaps more so. Contains two of the main cities to name boys after. Dave Strider lives here. (Sorry for the Homestuck jump scare so late in the game.)
Utah - Salt Lake City. That bass pro shop monolith was here. In general i think of the colour orange. Home of the Hellmouth Sunbeams.
Vermont - Vermont is a state in the same way the spleen is an organ. Population: Zero.
Virginia - Is this not the same thing as Vermont?
Washington - Famous for Bella where the hell you been loca. Twin Peaks is probably set here idk i forgot all parts of the show that were not log lady. White House. Effervescent.
West Virginia - From the lyrics "Mountain mama. Take me home. Country road" we can determine that West Virginia has Mountains, Milfs, Homes, and Roads. I know nothing else about West Virginia.
Wisconsin - Wiscaaaansin. Whis-cahn-sin. There are definitely elks here. That 70's Show is set somewhere beneath the surface of this place. Population: grandparents and elk. I feel like you could get fucked up by a creature here if you're not careful. It's got trees and lakes and shit creatures love those. I think Yellowstone is somewhere around here.
Wyoming - Great lakes? Great lakes. This state is actually all lake. Idk. I like the name though, the verbiage of it all. Wyoming my way downtown. State flower is an empty wrapper blowing by down the street. Population: 800,000. Definitely a place you could go missing and never be seen again.
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freifraufischer · 1 year
More in my exploration of "is ChatGPT" the powerful tool for brainstorming fictional world building some people keep telling me it is. When asking it to help create fictional countries ended repeatedly reproducing tourism pamplets I decided to ask it to create a war.
This is it's version of a war between Austria and Australia. Please note the ... rather hand wave at the actual locations of both of these countries and how that impacts this war...
Certainly! Let's imagine a fictional scenario in which Austria and Australia engage in a conflict. Please keep in mind that this is a completely fictional scenario and does not reflect any real-world events.
In this hypothetical situation, tensions between Austria and Australia have escalated due to a series of misunderstandings and geopolitical disagreements. The war between the two nations is not driven by deep-rooted animosity but rather by a complex web of political and economic factors.
The conflict begins with a dispute over trade regulations and tariffs on specific goods. Austria, seeking to protect its domestic industries, imposes high tariffs on certain Australian exports, which Australia perceives as unfair and detrimental to its economy. Diplomatic negotiations fail to resolve the issue, leading to a breakdown in relations and an escalating war of words.
As the situation intensifies, diplomatic channels give way to military mobilizations. Both countries begin fortifying their borders and deploying troops to key strategic positions. The international community, alarmed by the mounting tensions, calls for a peaceful resolution and urges both sides to engage in dialogue. However, the war drums continue to beat as nationalist sentiments and public pressure fuel the conflict.
The war itself unfolds in different theaters. Austria, located in the heart of Europe, has the advantage of being closer to its allies and established military infrastructure. Its forces launch an offensive campaign, aiming to push into Australian territory. The Austrian military, known for its strategic planning and disciplined soldiers, launches coordinated attacks on key Australian positions.
Australia, on the other hand, faces the logistical challenge of fighting a war thousands of miles away from its home base. The Australian forces focus on defense and guerilla tactics, taking advantage of their knowledge of the terrain and deploying special forces to disrupt Austrian supply lines and communication networks. Australia's military, renowned for its resourcefulness and adaptability, puts up a fierce resistance.
The war takes a toll on both nations, with significant loss of life and destruction of infrastructure. The conflict also draws in international powers, with neighboring countries and global superpowers taking sides or attempting to broker peace. Diplomatic efforts continue behind the scenes, with mediators working to find a resolution that will end the hostilities.
After a prolonged and costly war, both Austria and Australia realize the devastating consequences and the futility of continuing the conflict. International pressure, coupled with war-weariness among their populations, prompts the two nations to return to the negotiating table. A ceasefire is eventually declared, leading to a series of peace talks.
The peace negotiations focus on resolving the underlying issues that sparked the conflict, including trade disputes and economic imbalances. Both Austria and Australia agree to reassess their trade policies and work towards a fair and mutually beneficial arrangement. Additionally, efforts are made to rebuild trust and establish diplomatic channels to prevent future misunderstandings from escalating into armed conflict.
Ultimately, the war between Austria and Australia serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of diplomacy, compromise, and understanding in resolving disputes between nations. The conflict serves as a catalyst for renewed efforts towards international cooperation and the pursuit of peaceful resolutions in the face of adversity.
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passportrenewal · 5 days
Indian Passport Holders: Exciting News! Free Visa Entry to Indonesia for Tourists from 20 Countries, Including India
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Great news for Indian passport holders! Indonesia has announced a free visa entry policy for tourists from 20 countries, including India. This initiative is expected to be finalized by October 2024 and will make traveling to Indonesia much easier for Indian tourists. Here’s everything you need to know about this exciting development.
Indonesia Announces Free Visa Entry
Indonesia is gearing up to welcome tourists from India with visa-free entry, eliminating the hassle of visa applications. This initiative, led by Indonesia’s Tourism Minister, Sandiaga Uno, aims to attract high-spending tourists from key countries, which will give a boost to Indonesia’s economy.
By removing visa requirements for Indian tourists, Indonesia hopes to increase foreign tourist arrivals, stimulate domestic spending, and boost foreign investment. The policy will also encourage the growth of Indonesia’s digital economy.
Why This Matters for Indian Tourists
Indonesia has long been a favorite destination for Indian travelers, with its beautiful beaches, rich culture, and vibrant cities like Bali and Jakarta. With the new visa-free entry policy, it will be even easier to visit these popular spots without worrying about visa delays or extra costs.
Before the pandemic, tourists spent an average of $900 during their stay in Indonesia. However, post-pandemic trends show visitors now spend around $1,600 per trip. This new policy aims to attract more “quality tourists” — travelers who stay longer and contribute more to the local economy.
List of Countries Eligible for Free Visa Entry
India is one of the 20 countries that will benefit from Indonesia’s visa-free policy. Other countries include:
China (PRC)
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
New Zealand
And two additional Middle Eastern countries to be specified.
Tourist Visa Options for Other Travelers
If you still require a visa to visit Indonesia (for countries not included in the visa-free list), there are a few options available based on your stay duration and the activities planned:
Type B1–30 Days
Stay: Up to 30 days (extendable for an additional 30 days).
Cost: Rp 500,000 (Rs 2,557).
Activities: Tourism, family visits, meetings, conventions, exhibitions.
Requirements: Valid passport (6+ months), return ticket.
Type D1 (1 Year)
Stay: Up to 60 days per entry.
Cost: IDR 3,000,000 (Rs 15,344).
Activities: Meetings, conventions, tourism, family visits.
Requirements: Valid passport, proof of funds, photo.
Type D1 (2 Years)
Stay: Up to 60 days per entry.
Cost: IDR 6,000,000 (Rs 30,689).
Activities: Same as Type D1 (1 Year).
Requirements: Similar to Type D1 (1 Year).
Type D1 (5 Years)
Stay: Up to 60 days per entry.
Cost: IDR 15,000,000 (Rs 76,723).
Activities: Same as Type D1 (1 Year).
Requirements: Similar to Type D1 (1 Year).
Ready to Visit Indonesia?
This new visa-free policy makes it easier than ever for Indian passport holders to explore Indonesia. With beautiful beaches, rich culture, and a growing tourist-friendly environment, now is the perfect time to plan your trip!
Need help with your passport before your next adventure? Contact Passport Agents for expert guidance on renewing or applying for a new passport hassle-free. We’re here to make your travel plans smoother!
Source: https://passportagentinbangalore.com/passports/indian-passport-holders-exciting-news-free-visa-entry-to-indonesia-for-tourists-from-20-countries-including-india/
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creativeera · 16 days
Rising Trends in Surfing Tourism: Market Growth, Key Players, and Driving Factors
Surfing tourism refers to recreational tourism focused on surfing. Surfing involves riding ocean waves using boards including bodyboards or surfboards. It is gaining immense popularity as an exciting water adventure sport and offers stress-busting experience amidst serene natural settings by the ocean. Surfing tourism allows travelers to combine their passion for surfing with vacationing to famous surfing destinations across the world. The global surfing tourism industry has grown significantly over the past decade, supported by rising environmental consciousness among travelers preferring activities close to nature.
The global surfing tourism market is estimated to be valued at USD 10.69 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 16.19 Bn by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% from 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the Global Surfing Tourism Marketare Driftwood Mentawai, 360° Travel - Sports Travel Agency, Perfect Wave, ZOCOTRAVEL , Wavehunters , Global Surf, Waterways Surf Adventures., Nomad Surfers, Atoll Travel, The Ocean Spell Surf Travel Agency, LUEX, Surf The Earth, World Surfaris, True Blue Travel, and CR Surf Travel Co. Major surfing destinations include Indonesia, Hawaii, Australia, southern California among others providing growth opportunities to Global Surfing Tourism Market Growth. Surf Travel companies are expanding globally through partnerships, product innovations and targeted marketing to popularize surfing tourism worldwide.
Market Drivers
The increasing popularity of eco-friendly sports like surfing among millennials is a major driver for the global surfing tourism market. Surfing provides travelers a unique experience of adventure sports amidst scenic coastal backgrounds helping reduce stress. Social media platforms have boosted the image of surfing destinations globally fueling the market's growth. The advancement in surf wear technologies providing protection and convenience has also augmented the participation in surfing activities. Government initiatives to promote various adventure sports as an attractive tourist segment aids the expansion of surfing tourism industry.
PEST Analysis
Political: Surfing tourism is regulated by laws and regulations governing international travel, tourism industry standards, coastal zone regulations, environmental protection laws etc.
Economic: The global surfing tourism market is driven by factors like rising disposable incomes, growing popularity of adventure and water sports, increased spending on leisure travel.
Social: Surfing has gained popularity as a sport and lifestyle. People travel to surf destinations for unique coastal experiences and to connect with local surfing communities.
Technological: Advancements in surf equipment design, wetsuits, safety gear etc. have improved the sport. Online travel booking platforms help promote surf destinations worldwide. Satellite imagery and ocean monitoring aids in surf forecasting.
Geographical regions where the market is concentrated in terms of value:
North America accounts for a significant share due to countries like the US and surf destinations like Hawaii, California coast etc. attracting high number of surf tourists. Australia is another major regional market leveraging popular surf breaks along its extensive coastline which receive visits from both domestic and international surfers. Countries like Indonesia, Mexico and Costa Rica in Central America and parts of South America also witness concentrated surf tourism activities.
Fastest growing region:
East and South East Asia are emerging as rapidly growing regional markets. Countries like China, Japan, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are witnessing rising participation in surfing. The number of surf schools and tours promoting surf destinations in the region have increased. Government initiatives to develop surf tourism infrastructure and events are supporting the growth. Increasing popularity of adventure and water sports among affluent middle class is driving the regional market.
Get more insights on Global Surfing Tourism Market
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About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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theaussieway · 27 days
How Tourists Make Australia RICH! Australia’s Economic Gamble!
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The foundation of the Australian economy is based on resilience. In the wake of the pandemic, the Australian economy has rebounded rapidly and it is still the 14th-largest economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP (gross domestic product). Australia is also the 24th-largest goods importer and the 21st-largest goods exporter. With a large and growing consumer market and an abundance of natural resources, Australia has a fairly stable economic environment.
Manufacturing Sector
Even though Australia was one of the manufacturing giants during the 1960s with companies like Ford, Holden, Mitsubishi, and Toyota having their hubs in the country, the manufacturing GDP of the country has declined since then
Agricultural Sector
Australia has a lush tapestry of natural resources, ideal for agriculture and irrigation. Even the locals are spoiled with farm fresh produce. Fishing and forestry in Australia is also a booming industry which not only contributes to the nation’s GDP and provides employment but also earns huge sums of revenue from exports.
Australia generated $60.8 billion in direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP) in the financial year 2018–19. It also made up 5% of the total workforce in the country in the same year by employing over 666,000 Australians. Before the pandemic hit in 2019, it was recorded that on an average, Australians travelled four times a year domestically. One in every eight businesses across the country was in the tourism businesses and one in twelve Australians were employed in the tourism sector in 2018-19. That’s not all folks! There was also a massive growth in the number of tourists from countries like India and China. No wonder the tourism sector attracted the riches. Unfortunately, something changed for the worse. The Covid 19 pandemic left the tourism sector gasping for air. But how has COVID affected tourism in Australia?
Read More: How Tourists Make Australia RICH! Australia’s Economic Gamble!
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uptothetrendblogs · 2 months
Global Aircraft Landing Gear Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Opportunities and Forecast (2024-2032)
The Aircraft landing gear refers to the undercarriage of an aircraft, which is used for landing, take-off, and taxing while supporting the weight. It also helps the aircraft to stand when it is not flying and hold the aircraft in its position. The respective wheeled landing gears are retractable when the aircraft is flying in order to reduce the air drag created on the aircraft. These landing gears are of a robust nature and absorb the shock of aircraft weight when they land on the runway. Considering the rising demand for both commercial as well as military aircraft across the globe the demand for landing gear is rising.
According to a new report by Univdatos Market Insights, Aircraft Landing Gear are expected to reach USD Million in 2032 by growing at a CAGR of 4.19%. The rising demand for Aircraft Landing Gear is due to the key factor that has contributed to the growth is the demand for commercial and military aircraft.
Rising Demand for New Military Aircraft:
With the rising geopolitical tensions and improvement in air warfare technologies, there is a growing need for advanced 4.5 and 5th generation aircraft across the leading militaries such as the US, China, Russia, India, Indonesia, France, etc. This demand has also been supported by the boost in the defense budget through higher capital budget allocation. Some of the recent developments that have been observed for the large-scale military jets are as follows:
In 2023, the Defense Acquisition Council of India announced the purchase of 97 additional Tejas fighter jets and 156 Prachand attack helicopters. Both aircraft are domestically produced in India and would cost approximately USD 13 billion.
In January 2024, the government of France announced the purchase of an additional 42 upgraded Rafale Jets with a total cost of USD 5.5 billion. The respective aircraft will be delivered between 2027 to 2032.
For More Detailed Analysis in PDF Format, Visit- https://univdatos.com/report/aircraft-landing-gear-market/get-a-free-sample-form.php?product_id=63011
Considering the rising demand for military jets across the globe, the demand for OEM-based aircraft landing gears would increase. Additionally, military jets also face extreme climatic and operational environments, which leads to early wear and tear of components, further leading to support the aftermarket demand for landing gears in the long run.
Developments in Commercial Aviation:
The rapid growing demand for budget air travel among the middle-class population has encouraged the demand for low-cost carriers across the globe. Some of the countries, such as India, Indonesia, the US, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, etc., with their rapidly increasing population, have instigated demand for low-cost carriers for applications such as tourism, business travel, study travel, etc. The prices of air travel by low-cost carriers are considerably lower than those of mainline flights due to the focus of the airlines on keeping operational costs in check.
Furthermore, the main reason for the LCC's lowered prices is the availability of add-on services, which can only be availed by customers with extra payment on demand. This type of service has helped the segment hold a dominant position in many of the growing economies, further supporting the aviation industry's expenditure growth and expansion for new aircraft.
Future Prospects and Opportunities:
One of the key factors that has supported the rise of the aircraft landing gear market is that the expansion of the commercial aviation industry requires new aircraft to expand their operations. For instance, according to Boeing Corporation, between 2023-2042, a total number of 32,420 narrowbody aircraft would be delivered. Of this, nearly 40% would be used for low-cost carrier operations across the globe. It is a significant number of commercial jets that would be crucial for the upcoming surge in the demand for landing gear for aircraft.
In another instance, in 2023, Scoot, a Singapore-based airline, announced its plans to purchase nine brand-new E190-E2 regional jets. The respective jets will be added to the fleet in March 2024.
Considering the rising demand for commercial jets and orders being placed by the leading airlines across the globe, the demand for new aircraft landing gear among the aircraft manufacturers is anticipated to rise significantly in the forthcoming years, i.e., 2024-2032. 
Technological Innovation:
The overhauling in commercial and military is another crucial sector where the demand for fighter jets, cargo aircraft, and helicopters has extensively grown. Many of the leading countries, such as China, India, the US, etc., have recently announced their plans to induct a significant number of new air platforms to strengthen their air power.
The existing fleet of aircraft among the leading countries also fulfils a high replacement demand for aircraft landing gear. According to Sofema Aviation Services, a set of landing gears for an aircraft costs between USD 1.8 million and USD 7 million (for smaller to widebody aircraft), and a typical overhaul requires at least 10 years to complete.
Considering the existing military aircraft fleets of the leading countries worldwide, the aircraft landing gear market would also require significant growth. With the growing need for overhaul and maintenance in the aviation industry, the demand for Aircraft Landing Gear in this particular category is anticipated to find rapid growth, subsequently improving its market in the coming years. 
For More Detailed Analysis in PDF Format, Visit- https://univdatos.com/report/aircraft-landing-gear-market/get-a-free-sample-form.php?product_id=63011
The Global Aircraft Landing Gear market is experiencing a transformative phase driven by technological advancements, sustainability space operations, digitalization, market dynamics, and implementation of government policies. Stakeholders across the industry are embracing these trends to enhance operational efficiency, integrating landing gears for overhaul and maintenance purposes, etc. As aircraft landing gears continue to play a strategic role in improving the readiness of fleet operations, staying abreast of these trends and embracing innovation will be crucial for the Global Aircraft Landing Gear market.
In conclusion, the Global Aircraft Landing Gear market is poised for continued growth and innovation driven by economic expansion, aircraft developments, technological advancements, and sustainable practices. The increasing demand for air travel and expanding air prowess, among the countries and in the aviation industry, underscores the pivotal role of Aircraft Landing Gear across the globe. As stakeholders navigate challenges such as cost management, regulatory compliance, and market competitiveness, collaborations, investments in Aircraft Landing Gear infrastructure, and rising demand for military and commercial aircraft would also play a vital role in shaping the future of the Global Aircraft Landing Gear market, ensuring its resilience and contribution to the global aviation industry.
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UnivDatos Market Insights
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novumtimes · 2 months
South Africa to receive new flights to over 60 international destinations
Pixabay South African Airways (SAA) has reactivated its codeshare agreement with Brazilian airline Gol Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes. This partnership, paused during the Covid-19 pandemic, offers benefits like more fare options, single ticket purchases, and streamlined check-in and baggage processes for connecting flights. This announcement follows the launch of SAA’s direct flights to São Paulo, Brazil, nine months ago, and direct flights to Perth, Australia, five months ago. The agreement includes flights between Cape Town International, OR Tambo International, and Galeão-Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It also extends to domestic routes connecting Cape Town, Durban, Gqeberha, and Johannesburg. SAA will also add its code to over 20 Gol-operated flights within Brazil, including cities such as Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, and Porto Alegre. In the future, the airlines plan to add 60 more destinations across Latin America and Africa, making multi-city itineraries easier to plan. “The reinstatement of the codeshare agreement affirms Brazil’s status as a strategically important destination for South Africa,” said SAA Chief Commercial Officer Tebogo Tsimane, as per TopAuto. “It connects two major economies in the southern hemisphere to enable leisure tourism, and to facilitate business, networking, and trade.” Currently, SAA runs two flights per week between Guarulhos and Cape Town, and two between São Paulo and Johannesburg, using Airbus A330-300 aircraft. In addition to this renewed agreement, SAA plans to expand its operations significantly. By the end of April, SAA aims to increase its destinations from 14 to 23 and expand its fleet by 50% to 21 aircraft by March. Interim Chief Executive Officer John Lamola mentioned that SAA has the funds to support this growth and plans to open routes to Frankfurt, Munich, London, and US East Coast cities by March 2028. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter   Source link via The Novum Times
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priyanshisingh · 2 months
Casino Tourism Market Landscape: Trends, Drivers, and Forecast (2023-2032)
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The Australia Casino Tourism Market is projected to grow from USD 411.84 million in 2023 to an estimated USD 761.48 million by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.04% from 2024 to 2032.
The casino tourism market is a vibrant and rapidly evolving sector of the global tourism industry, driven by rising disposable incomes, legalization of gambling in new regions, and the development of integrated resorts. Emerging markets like Asia-Pacific and Latin America are becoming key growth areas, with countries such as Japan and Brazil opening up new opportunities for casino operators. Integrated resorts that combine casinos with luxury accommodations, shopping, and entertainment are attracting diverse tourists and extending their stays. Technological innovations, including online gambling and mobile betting apps, are expanding the market's reach and enhancing customer experiences. Moreover, data-driven marketing strategies and culturally themed experiences are effectively targeting specific demographics, while sustainable practices and community engagement initiatives are appealing to environmentally and socially conscious travelers. As the market continues to grow, staying attuned to regulatory changes and consumer trends will be crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and achieving long-term success.
Market Opportunities:
Emerging Markets and Legalization
New Geographies: Regions such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America are experiencing a surge in casino tourism due to the legalization of gambling activities. Countries like Japan and Brazil are emerging as potential hotspots, offering untapped opportunities for casino operators.
Regulatory Changes: Evolving regulatory frameworks in traditionally conservative regions are creating new avenues for market entry. This trend is expected to continue as more countries recognize the economic benefits of regulated casino tourism.
Integrated Resort Developments
All-Inclusive Resorts: The development of integrated resorts, combining casinos with luxury hotels, shopping malls, entertainment shows, and fine dining, is attracting a diverse group of tourists. These resorts offer a holistic experience, boosting visitor numbers and lengthening stays.
Destination Appeal: High-profile developments in locations like Las Vegas, Macau, and Singapore have set a precedent, with new projects aiming to replicate their success by providing unique experiences and high-end services.
Technological Innovations
Digital Platforms: The integration of digital technologies in casino operations, such as online gambling, mobile betting apps, and virtual reality (VR) experiences, is expanding the market's reach. These innovations attract tech-savvy tourists and provide additional revenue streams for operators.
Enhanced Customer Experience: Advancements in AI and big data analytics are enabling casinos to offer personalized services, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. Smart systems for seamless check-ins, cashless transactions, and real-time gaming recommendations are examples of such technologies.
Targeted Marketing Strategies
Customized Promotions: Casino operators are increasingly using data-driven marketing strategies to target specific demographics, such as millennials and high-net-worth individuals. Tailored promotions, loyalty programs, and exclusive events cater to the preferences of different tourist segments.
Cultural and Thematic Experiences: Offering culturally themed casino experiences or events tied to local traditions and festivals can attract both domestic and international tourists, adding a unique appeal to the destination.
Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
Eco-Friendly Practices: Incorporating sustainable practices in casino operations, such as energy-efficient buildings, waste management programs, and responsible gaming initiatives, appeals to environmentally conscious travelers. This approach not only enhances the brand image but also meets the growing demand for eco-friendly tourism options.
Community Engagement: Casinos that actively engage with local communities and support regional development projects foster positive relationships and enhance their appeal to socially responsible tourists.
Key players
Casino Travel
Trip Advisor
Treasury Casino
Rocky Gap Resort
Australia Tour Packages
Kesari Tours
Thomas Cook
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/australia-casino-tourism-market
Innovative Trends in the Casino Tourism Market:
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Enhanced Gaming Experience: Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies are revolutionizing the casino experience by providing immersive gaming environments. Tourists can enjoy realistic casino games, virtual tours of famous casinos, and interactive gaming scenarios, enhancing their overall experience.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
Secure Transactions: The adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in casinos offers secure, transparent, and fast transactions. This innovation attracts tech-savvy tourists and provides an additional layer of trust and anonymity, especially for high-stakes players.
Provably Fair Gaming: Blockchain technology ensures the fairness and transparency of casino games, which enhances player confidence and attracts a broader audience.
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Personalized Services: AI-driven data analytics enable casinos to offer personalized services to their visitors. From tailored marketing campaigns to customized gaming experiences and hospitality services, AI enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Operational Efficiency: AI is also being used to optimize casino operations, such as dynamic pricing, predictive maintenance of gaming equipment, and efficient resource management.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices
Green Casinos: Many casinos are adopting sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy, implementing waste reduction programs, and designing eco-friendly buildings. These initiatives not only reduce the environmental impact but also appeal to environmentally conscious tourists.
Responsible Gambling: Casinos are increasingly promoting responsible gambling practices through self-exclusion programs, AI monitoring of gambling behavior, and partnerships with mental health organizations.
Integrated Resort Experiences
All-Inclusive Resorts: The trend of developing integrated resorts that combine casinos with luxury hotels, shopping malls, entertainment shows, fine dining, and wellness centers is on the rise. These resorts offer a comprehensive entertainment experience, attracting a wider demographic of tourists.
Themed Experiences: Casinos are creating unique themed experiences based on local culture, history, or popular franchises, enhancing their appeal and providing a unique selling point.
Mobile Gaming and Online Casinos
Accessibility: The proliferation of smartphones and high-speed internet has led to the growth of mobile gaming and online casinos. Tourists can now enjoy casino games from anywhere, at any time, increasing the market’s accessibility and reach.
Live Dealer Games: Online casinos are introducing live dealer games where players can interact with real dealers via live streaming, providing an authentic casino experience remotely.
Health and Safety Innovations
Contactless Technology: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, casinos have implemented contactless technologies such as digital check-ins, cashless payment systems, and virtual queuing. These innovations enhance the safety and convenience of tourists.
Sanitation Protocols: Enhanced sanitation protocols, including UV light cleaning systems, air purification technologies, and health monitoring systems, are being adopted to ensure the health and safety of visitors.
Based on Game Type
3 Card Poker
American Roulette
Casino Stud Poker
Based on Casino Type
Commercial Casinos
Tribal Casinos
Limited Stakes Casinos
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/australia-casino-tourism-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/casino-tourism-market-key-industry-dynamics-analysis-fhzrf
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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visadoneservices · 2 months
Indonesia Introduces Free-Entry Visas for Indian Tourists and 19 Other Nations to Boost Tourism
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Following Thailand's lead, Indonesia is set to introduce free-entry visas for tourists from 20 countries, including India. This significant change aims to boost Indonesia's tourism sector and, ultimately, its economy.
Once implemented, Indian tourists, along with those from 19 other nations, can visit Indonesia with a free entry visa. This initiative is part of Indonesia’s broader efforts to enhance its tourism industry and stimulate economic growth. The Indonesian government plans to finalize this policy by October 2024, as announced by Tourism Minister Sandiaga Uno.
Minister Uno stated that relaxing the visa-free policy is expected to increase international visitor arrivals, which will have a positive economic impact. The goals of this initiative include encouraging investment, boosting domestic consumption, and supporting the growth of the digital economy.
The 20 countries eligible for free-entry visas are:
China (PRC)
South Korea
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
The Netherlands
New Zealand
Two unspecified Middle Eastern countries
In addition, ASEAN member nations that currently qualify for visa-free entry to Indonesia include Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Before this policy change, Indian tourists had to pay around Rs. 1,33,601 per person for a visa to Indonesia post-COVID-19, compared to Rs. 75,151 per person before the pandemic.
Tourist Visa Options in Indonesia
Type B1:
Duration: 30 days
Extension: Up to 30 days possible
Fee: Rp500,000 (Rs 2,557)
Permitted Activities: Tourism, visiting friends or family, attending meetings, conventions, exhibitions, yachting
Requirements: Valid passport (minimum 6 months of validity), an outbound ticket from Indonesia
Type D1 (1 year):
Duration: 60 days per entry
Fee: IDR 3,000,000 or Rs 15,344 (for one year)
Permitted Activities: Meetings, conventions, tourism, visiting friends or family
Requirements: Valid passport (minimum 6 months of validity), proof of living expenses, a recent color photograph, and supporting documents
Type D1 (2 years):
Duration: 60 days per entry
Fee: IDR 6,000,000 or Rs 30,689 (for two years)
Permitted Activities: Same as Type D1 (1 year)
Requirements: Same as Type D1 (1 year)
Type D1 (5 years):
Duration: 60 days per entry
Fee: IDR 15,000,000 or Rs 76,723 (for five years)
Permitted Activities: Same as Type D1 (1 year)
Requirements: Same as Type D1 (1 year)
With the new visa policy, Indonesia anticipates a surge in tourists starting this October, particularly from India. Given India's longstanding preference for Indonesia as a vacation destination, now is an ideal time to visit if it's on your bucket list.
Learn more: https://visadone.com/news/free-entry-visas-for-indian-by-indonesia-government/
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katherinemathew · 3 months
Travel Guide to Tahiti & Her Islands
Tahiti and her Islands are renowned for their stunning natural beauty, vibrant culture, and romantic atmosphere. From lush mountains and turquoise lagoons to its luxurious resorts and opulent experiences, Tahiti offers a paradise getaway like no other. In this travel guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to plan your dream vacation to this enchanting destination.
Passport and Visa Requirements for Australians
For Australians planning to visit Tahiti, a valid passport is required with at least six months validity from the date of entry. Fortunately, Australian citizens do not need to obtain a visa for stays of up to 90 days. You are also not required to provide a middle name on any bookings at current. It is, however, essential to check regulations prior to booking as they may vary.
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is highly recommended when visiting Tahiti to cover unexpected emergencies, medical expenses, lost luggage, trip cancellations, and other unforeseeable challenges. It can be better to have insurance and not need it than the other way around!
Currency and General Cost
The local currency used in Tahiti is the French Pacific Franc (XPF), and at current AUD$1 is roughly converted to XPF73. While major credit cards are widely accepted at hotels, restaurants, and shops, it’s advisable to carry some cash for smaller purchases and transactions. ATMs are available in urban areas, but they may be less common in remote regions.
As for general costs, a mid range meal for two can be expected to cost 10,000 to 20,000 XPF, while a local beer (Hinano, definitely worth a try!) is around XPF200 in a shop. Tahiti Tourisme has a great link to a cost of goods so you can budget in advance!
How to Get There and How Long to Stay
The main gateway to Tahiti is Fa’a’ā International Airport (PPT), located near the capital city of Papeete. Several airlines operate flights from Australia to Tahiti, via Auckland. Flight durations vary but generally range from around 8 to 10 hours.
Once you arrive in Tahiti, inter-island travel to other islands in French Polynesia, such as Bora Bora and Moorea, is possible via domestic flights or ferries.
When planning your itinerary, stay at least a week in Tahiti & Her Islands to fully immerse yourself in the beauty and culture. There are beautiful lagoons, walks, cultural experiences, food, and a lot of romance and rest to be experienced.
Read the full article to know more about Travel Guide to Tahiti & Her Islands
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kiyalearning01 · 3 months
English Classes in Australia with Kiya Learning: A Comprehensive Guide
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English Classes in Australia  may be a worldwide dialect, and its significance in today's interconnected world cannot be exaggerated. Capability in English opens entryways to various openings in instruction, business, and social integration. In Australia, a nation known for its multicultural differing qualities, the request for high-quality English dialect instruction is ever-growing. Kiya Learning has built up itself as a head supplier of English classes over Australia, catering to desires of understudies, experts, and workers. This article dives into the different perspectives of English instruction advertised by Kiya Learning, investigating their one of a kind instructing strategies, course offerings, and the affect they have on learners' lives.
The Significance of Learning English in Australia
Australia could be a softening pot of societies, with individuals from all corners of the globe calling it domestic. English, being the essential dialect of communication, is pivotal for anybody looking to thrive in this dynamic country. Whether it's for scholastic victory, proficient headway, or social interaction, capability in English may be a important resource.
Scholastic Openings
Australia gloats a few of the world's driving instructive educate, and a solid command of English is basic for scholarly victory. From essential instruction to college level, English capability empowers understudies to exceed expectations in their considers, take part actively in class, and get to a riches of assets.
Proficient Development
Within the proficient domain, English capability is frequently a prerequisite for business. Numerous multinational companies have their territorial workplaces in Australia, and compelling communication in English is crucial for career movement. Also, businesses such as tourism, neighborliness, and healthcare require solid English aptitudes to associated with clients and colleagues.
Social Integration
For immigrants, learning English may be a noteworthy step towards coordination into Australian society. It encourages ordinary exercises such as shopping, getting to healthcare, and locks in in community occasions. In addition, it makes a difference construct friendships and fosters a sense of having a place.
Kiya Learning:
Bridging the Dialect Crevice
English Classes in Australia Kiya Learning gets it the differing needs of English learners in Australia. Their comprehensive programs are outlined to cater to diverse capability levels, learning styles, and age bunches. Here's an in-depth see at what makes Kiya Learning a standout choice for English instruction.
Customized Learning Programs
One measure does not fit all when it comes to dialect learning. Kiya Learning offers customized programs custom fitted to person needs. Whether you're a tenderfoot or looking to refine your progressed aptitudes, there's a course for you.
Beginner Courses:
These courses center on building a solid establishment in English. Students learn fundamental language structure, lexicon, and sentence structure. Accentuation is put on talking and tuning in aptitudes to boost certainty in ordinary discussions.
Middle Courses:
At this level, understudies improve their perusing and composing aptitudes. They are presented to more complex linguistic structures and a broader lexicon. The goal is to realize fluency and exactness in communication.
Progressed Courses:
Progressed courses are planned for those who need to ace the subtleties of the English dialect. Understudies lock in in in-depth dialogs, progressed composing works out, and basic examination of texts. These courses get ready learners for scholastic and proficient greatness.
Imaginative Educating Strategies
Kiya Learning utilizes a variety of imaginative instructing strategies to create learning English locks in and compelling.
Intelligently Classes:
Classes are outlined to be intuitively, empowering understudy cooperation. Group discussions, role-playing, and wrangles about are common exercises that improve talking and tuning in aptitudes.
Innovation Integration:
Leveraging innovation, Kiya Learning offers online classes, virtual simulations, and interactive media assets. This approach gives adaptability and get to to a wide extend of learning materials.
Social Submersion:
Understanding cultural context is pivotal for dialect learning. Kiya Learning joins social submersion activities such as celebrating celebrations, investigating Australian writing, and partaking in neighborhood occasions.
Qualified and Experienced Teaches
The quality of instruction is straightforwardly connected to the mastery of the educates. English Classes in Australia Kiya Learning prides itself on having a group of exceedingly qualified and experienced teachers. Their teaches are not as it were capable in English but too prepared within the most recent educating techniques. They give personalized consideration, criticism, and bolster to guarantee each student's victory.
Comprehensive Course Materials
Kiya Learning's course materials are fastidiously made to cover all angles of the English dialect. Course readings, exercise manuals, online assets, and hone tests are given to fortify learning. These materials are routinely upgraded to reflect current trends and utilization within the English dialect.
Course Offerings and Structure
Kiya Learning offers a wide extend of English courses custom-made to diverse needs and capability levels. Here's a closer see at their course offerings:
Common English
Common English courses are outlined for learners who need to progress their generally dialect aptitudes. These courses cover talking, tuning in, perusing, and composing. They are reasonable for understudies, experts, and anybody looking to improve their ordinary English communication.
Scholastic English
For those pointing to seek after higher instruction in Australia, Scholastic English courses are the perfect choice. These courses center on the dialect aptitudes required for scholarly victory, counting exposition composing, note-taking, and scholarly introductions. They moreover get ready understudies for English capability tests such as IELTS and TOEFL.
Commerce English
Commerce English courses are custom fitted for experts who need to utilize English in a corporate environment. The educational programs incorporates trade communication, report composing, introductions, and arrangement abilities. These courses offer assistance experts explore the corporate world with certainty.
English for Particular Purposes (ESP)
Kiya Learning offers ESP courses for learners with particular needs, such as therapeutic English, legitimate English, and English for tourism. These courses center on industry-specific lexicon and communication abilities, guaranteeing learners are well-prepared for their individual areas.
English for Youthful Learners
Understanding the significance of early dialect procurement, Kiya Learning offers English classes for youthful learners. These courses are outlined to be fun and locks in, utilizing recreations, melodies, and stories to educate English. The objective is to construct a solid establishment and cultivate a adore for the dialect from an early age.
Victory Stories
The affect of Kiya Learning's English classes can be seen within the victory stories of their students. Here are a couple of tributes from learners who have profited from their programs:
Maria Fernandez:
"As an worldwide understudy, Kiya Learning's Scholastic English Classes in Australia was a game-changer. It made a difference me exceed expectations in my college thinks about and boosted my certainty in taking an interest in course talks."
Raj Patel:
"The Commerce English course at Kiya Learning was instrumental in progressing my career. I can presently communicate viably with clients and colleagues, and my introduction abilities have progressed altogether."
Aisha Ahmed:
"Kiya Learning's English for Youthful Learners program was culminate for my children. They delighted in the intuitively classes and have appeared exceptional enhancement in their English abilities."
The Long run of English Learning with Kiya Learning
As the request for English instruction proceeds to develop, Kiya Learning remains committed to advancing and improving its programs. Here are a few of the activities and future plans that Kiya Learning has in store:
Growing Online Learning
In reaction to the expanding request for adaptable learning choices, Kiya Learning plans to grow its online course offerings. This incorporates the advancement of a comprehensive online stage that gives intuitively lessons, virtual classrooms, and a wealthy store of learning assets.
Improved Proficient Improvement
Kiya Learning points to offer specialized proficient advancement courses for teachers. These courses will center on progressed instructing strategies, educational programs improvement, and the integration of innovation within the classroom. The objective is to engage instructors to convey high-quality English instruction.
Community Outreach Programs
Recognizing the significance of community engagement, Kiya Learning is set to dispatch community outreach programs. These programs will offer free English classes and workshops to underserved communities, making a difference bridge the dialect hole and advance social consideration.
Collaboration with Instructive Teach
Kiya Learning plans to collaborate with schools, colleges, and professional teach over Australia. These organizations will facilitate the sharing of assets, mastery, and best hones, eventually improving the quality of English instruction.
English capability could be a key to opening various openings in Australia, and Kiya Learning is committed to giving top-notch English instruction to learners of all ages and foundations. With its customized programs, inventive educating strategies, and commitment to fabulousness, Kiya Learning is making a critical affect on the lives of its understudies. Whether you're a student, proficient, or newcomer to Australia, Kiya Learning has the proper English course to offer assistance you accomplish your objectives and flourish in this multicultural society.
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kiyalearning/                                
Website URL - https://kiyalearning.com/             
Business Email - [email protected]
  Whataap Link -   https://api.whatsapp.com/message/2BEESQUFYADYJ1?autoload=1&app_absent=0
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jocelynsfairbank · 3 months
Arising Patterns In Chinese Tourism: An Analytical Overview
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Recently, Chinese tourism has experienced outstanding development, both locally and worldwide. This rise may be credited to a number of aspects, featuring improved throw away earnings amongst Chinese citizens, enhanced structure for trip, and also an increasing enthusiasm in exploring social and natural milestones within China. This article checks out some key trends and also knowledge forming the garden of Chinese tourism today.
Residential Tourism Upsurge
China flaunts an abundant drapery of all-natural gardens and social ancestry Sites that draw in countless domestic visitors every year. Locations including 龙虎山 in Jiangxi district have ended up being more and more prominent amongst nearby visitors looking for serene organic charm as well as historic implication. Longhu Mountain, renowned for its Taoist temples and also stunning landscapes, gives site visitors a glance in to China's religious ancestry while supplying chances for exploring and spiritual hideaways.
Yet another distinctive destination is the 天师府, located within the Longhu Mountain Scenic Region. This ancient Taoist web site entices visitors curious about checking out standard Chinese style as well as religious practices. The glamor of these Sites is located not merely in their historical importance but additionally in their peaceful settings, delivering a serene retreat from metropolitan life for numerous Chinese travelers.
Surfacing Trends in International Trip
Beyond domestic travel, Chinese visitors are considerably venturing abroad to look into varied societies and adventures. Nations including Thailand, Japan, as well as Australia have become favored places as a result of their closeness to China and their attraction as tourist-friendly nations. Chinese visitors are pulled to locations that supply a mix of shopping opportunities, cultural adventures, and scenic elegance.
One intriguing trend is the growing rate of interest in metaphysical tourism one of Chinese vacationers. Sites like 正一道, a major Taoist school in China, draw in worldwide site visitors finding to deepen their understanding of Chinese religious strategies and also viewpoint. This trend demonstrates a wider worldwide interest with Eastern spirituality and also well-being methods, determining traveling selections among Chinese travelers.
Technology's Impact On Trip Habits
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The arrival of technology has changed the way Chinese tourists plan and also experience their trip. Mobile apps and internet platforms participate in an important part in reservation tours, locating accommodations, and browsing unknown destinations. Chinese travelers are progressively counting on electronic devices to investigation travel destinations, read evaluations, as well as share their adventures on social networking sites platforms like WeChat as well as Weibo.
In addition, advancements in mobile phone payment innovation have streamlined deals for Chinese travelers abroad. Payment platforms such as Alipay and WeChat Spend are extensively allowed in well-known visitor destinations worldwide, dealing with the need for unit of currency exchange and also improving comfort for travelers.
Lasting Tourism Practices
As awareness of environmental problems expands around the globe, Chinese tourists are actually ending up being much more mindful of their influence on the locations they visit. Maintainable tourism techniques, such as green lodgings and also accountable trip functions, are obtaining footing among Chinese vacationers. Places that prioritize environmental preservation and cultural preservation reverberate effectively with environmentally aware travelers from China.
Finally, the increase of Chinese tourism represents a compelling change in international travel trends, steered through economical prosperity, cultural inquisitiveness, and also technological developments. Whether checking out iconic landmarks like Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion within China or even venturing abroad to discover brand new lifestyles, Chinese tourists are restoring the tourism market with their evolving inclinations as well as habits. As the tourism yard carries on to evolve, knowing these trends as well as insights is actually crucial for stakeholders trying to serve the expanding market of Chinese tourists seeking real as well as enriching trip expertises.
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hudsonmckenzie · 3 months
What’s the dynamics of hiring foreign nationals in the Ireland?
In today’s times of rapid globalization, a majority of multinational companies are looking to shift executives and managers from affiliated organization to the U.S. for precise "tours of duty." On the basis of the professional background of the planned transferee, the period of the proposed stay, and the nationality of the foreigner, different options are feasibly available for the U.S.-based employer. These options are all managed in the Immigration and Nationality Act and are usually referred to by the letter and number that mean their sub-section in Section 101, the definitions section of the Act (8 U.S.C. §1101(a) (15)).
Foreign business travellersarriving in US lead to B-1 visas during a short stay (not to go beyond one year). There is no possibility for U.S. employers to reward these visitors. While in the U.S. as a business visitor, a person can choose to:
Conduct negotiations,
Solicit sales or investment,
Discuss planned investment or purchases,
Make investments or purchases,
Attend meetings and participate in them fully,
Interview and hire staff, and
Conduct research.
It is necessary to understand that peopleentering in the U.S. for tourism or commercial objective for 90 days or less from qualified countries (such as Western Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand) may be permitted to visit the U.S. without a visa if their specifications match with the visa waiver program requirements.
According to top-rated London immigration lawyers, company-sponsored employment sanctions for foreign nationals can be divided into two categories:
(1) Non-immigrant status: a specific employer may seek permission to hire a foreign person for a specific period of time as a provisionalemployee; and
(2) Immigrant status or permanent residency: a company may patron a foreign national for permanent residence.
There are various visa categories that are meant to enable the transition from Non-immigrant (Temporary) Residency Status to Immigrant (Permanent) Residency Status, but not all categories allow do. Under the influence of the "dual intent" doctrine, some non-immigrants are permitted to enter and/or remain in the U.S. temporarily with a non-immigrant visa (such as H-1 or L) even though they have shown a long-term commitment to staylong. B-1, B-2, and F-1 categories do not permit themselves to submission of the "dual intent" principle.
Each visa category has very specific regulations that must be monitored carefully by an Ireland immigration lawyer in the UK, most of which ask for organization between the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), portion of the Department of Homeland Security, and other U.S. government departments, such as the Labour Department. Timelines are very important and documentation can be large.
The biggest visa categories for the temporary non-immigrant employment of foreign nationals include L-1A (Multinational Managers/Executives), L-1B (Specialized Knowledge), H-1B (Professional Workers), and TN Application (Canada and Mexico).
Typically, spouses and children can join the person and live in the U.S., but it is also true that they cannotprefer to do a job (and domestic partners are not allowed to seek the benefit from a primary work permit). These visas are time-bound and are not a feasible solution if the employee is supposed to stay for more than a few years.
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marketinsight1234 · 4 months
Dark Tourism Market Worldwide Opportunities, Driving Forces, Future Potential 2032
Dark Tourism Market Size Was Valued at USD 31.09 Billion in 2023 and is Projected to Reach USD 39.00 Billion by 2032, Growing at a CAGR of 2.55% From 2024-2032.
The practice of traveling to destinations connected with death, tragedy, or gloomy events is known as "dark tourism," and it includes going to places like crime scenes, jails, war zones, haunted houses, and catastrophe sites. This can provide light on past occurrences, encourage reflection, pique interest, or, for some, even produce an exhilarating experience.
Historic sites and events are better preserved and communicated thanks to dark tourism. By traveling to these destinations, travelers help to maintain and conserve historically significant sites. A greater understanding of historical events and their effects on society is made possible by dark tourism, which gives visitors the chance to learn about the past, including the causes and effects of tragedies and conflicts. This promotes learning and knowledge-sharing.
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Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Leading players involved in the Dark Tourism Market include:
"Lupine Travel Company (United Kingdom), Chernobyl Tour (Ukraine), Young Pioneer Tours (China), Aero Travels (India), Atlas Obscura (United States), Dark Rome Tours (Italy), Anne Frank House (Netherlands), Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum (Poland), Haunted History Tours (United States), Alcatraz Cruises (United States), Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (Cambodia), Robben Island Museum (South Africa), Gettysburg Battlefield Tours (United States), Salem Witch Museum (United States), Ground Zero Museum Workshop (United States), Titanic Belfast (United Kingdom), Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (Japan), Airbnb, Inc. (United States), Expedia Group (United States), Booking Holdings Inc. (United States), TripAdvisor, Inc. (United States), Thomas Cook Group (United Kingdom), TUI Group (Germany), DER Touristik Group (Germany), MSC Cruises (Switzerland), Carnival Corporation (United States), G Adventures (Canada) and Other Active Players." 
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
If You Have Any Query Dark Tourism Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Dark Tourism Market:
By Type
Holocaust Tourism
Genocide Tourism
Paranormal Tourism
Battlefield Tourism
Nuclear Tourism
Prison Tourism
By Tourist Type
Domestic Tourist
International Tourist
By Traveller Type
By Purpose
Historical & Educational
Cultural & Social Understanding
Adventure & Thrill-Seeking
By Booking Type
Phone Booking
Online Booking
In Person Booking
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Key Benefits of Dark Tourism Market Research: 
Research Report covers the Industry drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges
Competitive landscape & strategies of leading key players
Potential & niche segments and regional analysis exhibiting promising growth covered in the study
Recent industry trends and market developments
Research provides historical, current, and projected market size & share, in terms of value
Market intelligence to enable effective decision making
Growth opportunities and trend analysis
Covid-19 Impact analysis and analysis to Dark Tourism market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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