#dolly tut
dollivication · 13 days
How To Make A Fake Porn Ad
using your favs!!!! such as below :3
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to make things easier, here is a pic of the main png.
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go on pinterest and find the pictures you want to use. i am doing re men 4 this example.
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2. pull up ibis paint x, click the plus sign, and click this option
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3. choose the main png so you have this
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4. click this, and click the camera.
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5. import your first pic. use perspective form to crop and align it with the empty space by using the blue dots to adjust. click the green arrow when youre satisfied
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6. repeat step 5 with all of ur pics so it looks something like this
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7. click the brush, then click text.
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8. type what you want. then click font, scroll down until you find Marker Felt Wide and choose it.
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9. adjust. fix the size if you need to. then click style, and click the square next to Text. make the color what you want.
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10. click the arrow pointing left, save image. just click ‘ok’
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11. click this again, and click the eye next to the layer you already saved so it goes invisible
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12. keep saving the images and repeating step 11 until you’ve downloaded them all. you should have the pictures in your gallery.
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13. click here, so it takes you to ezgif’s gif maker. click choose files, click your pics and then click upload files.
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14. scroll down until you see Gif Options, set delay to 54 or around there, and click don’t stack frames.
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15. click make gif, and boom.!!!
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you did it!!! you made a fake porn ad!!!! i’m so proud of you :)
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ohproserpine · 8 months
iii. deer dolly
see all chapters here tags: fem! reader, reader is a performer in a speakeasy, jealousy, possessiveness, written before episode 7; may become inaccurate, gorey-ish descriptions of love, murder
The next night, Alastor returned in unusually high spirits. He practically dragged you onto the dance floor, twirling you around in dizzying circles for eight whole rounds. If you hadn't asked him to stop, you might have ended up collapsing from sheer exhaustion.
As it was a Saturday night and you weren't scheduled to perform, the trio of you settled in at the bar, enjoying drinks and each other's company as the night wore on.
"Come on, doll! Bottoms up!" Mimzy cheered, her laughter bubbling with infectious energy. The blonde pressed a crystal-clear glass against your lips, tilting it up and urging you to indulge further. The cool liquid burned as it slid down your throat, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. The room turned into a swirling blend of jazz melodies, clinking glasses, and loud, loud chatter.
After a few seconds, unable to endure the relentless flow of alcohol, you finally pushed her hand away with a sputter and a cough. The taste of the giggle water lingered on your lips as you slumped against Alastor's chest, your burning cheeks squished against the fabric of his coat.
"Had a bit too much, have we?" he smirked. The radio host smoothly wrapped an arm around your shoulder, the fine fabric of his suit brushing against your skin as he held you upright against him. You nestled against Alastor, swaying slightly to the music, the alcohol-induced haze casting a dreamy glow over your vision. "My, it looks as though the night's got its claws in you, cher."
"Not yet it hasn't," you grinned, your words slurring slightly as you shifted against him, a hand outstretched to grab your drink off the counter.
"Ah ah ah," Alastor chuckled as he took your glass from you, setting it aside with a careful motion. "Let's not push our luck, shall we?"
"Aw, don't be such a wet blanket!" Mimzy snorted, her curls bouncing as she plopped onto the seat beside you. "She's just having a good time! Ain't that right, doll?"
"Mhm!" you nodded your head eagerly before stopping, the ceaseless nodding causing a dull ache in your head.
"There's a good time, and then there's getting plastered. I'd hate to see the star of the show here end up on the floor. Ha ha!" Alastor boomed out with a laugh, catching you off guard. You would have stumbled off the seat if it weren't for his swift reflexes, his gloved hand wrapping around your arm to pull you back up.
"Such a klutz," Alastor tutted with a smirk as he steadied you. "See? What ever would happen to my favorite showgirl if I don't keep a watchful eye?" 
"Oh, please!" Mimzy snorted as she slid another cool glass of giggle water in front of you, leaving a glistening trail of water from the condensation. "She's handled worse than this. We're just getting started!”
"Mimzy, my dear, it seems my words didn't quite get into that thick skull of yours," Alastor enunciated with a tight-lipped smile. "Allow me to say it in much more simpler terms; she has had enough."
"Oh, come on—"
"Do you want all your patrons to witness yet another fiasco in this establishment?"Alastor smiled as he bore his gaze into the blonde's doe eyes. "Because it does sure seem like a night can't pass here without a fuckup!"
Mimzy's shoulders raised in surprise. She stayed silent for a while before forcing out a response through gritted teeth. "No."
Alastor leaned in, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose, voice devoid of his usual eccentricity. "Then dry up. Understood?"
"Understood," Mimzy rolled her eyes, tucking her chin to her chest as she stared at her feet.
"Lovely." Alastor hummed before straightening himself. And just like that, the tension dissipated, replaced by an air of nonchalance.
"Well! This has been a delightful night, but I do believe it's time to escort this lovely lady home, don't you think?" Alastor's tone shifted back to its usual charm, as nothing had happened. He wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging your ditzy self out of the bar stool as he began to guide you out of the speakeasy.
"Best of luck, chums!"
"Can you believe it? That lousy, two-timing rat! You introduce him to the girl of his dreams, and what does he do? He high-tails it outta here with her, leaving us all high and dry!" Mimzy ranted, shaking her fist in frustration before pouring herself another drink. "Not a word for a whole week! I had to call in Nitwit Nancy to cover her Friday shifts! And you know that broad sounds like a screeching cat on a hot tin roof."
Beside her, Angel Dust was flabbergasted, his jaw hanging open with the champagne glass dangling loosely from his hands, its contents long spilled onto the counter, creating a shimmering puddle on the bar. Husk grumbled as he wiped the counter clean with a worn-out rag, eyes flickering between Mimzy and Angel.
The spider was staring at Mimzy as if the blonde had just sprouted a third tit, his eyes wide and struggling to process everything he had just been told.
“Why is you gawkin'?!” Mimzy leaned away from Angel, unsettled by the look on his face. “Aww. Is it 'cuz I'm adorable?”
"Fuckin' hell, toots," the spider coughed out a laugh. "I'm having difficulty understanding all that you just spat at me, blondie. What happened to you ‘keeping a secret’?"
Mimzy's body tensed, a sudden realization flashing across her face as she belatedly registered the fact that she had been running her mouth.
Shaking her head, she pulled herself back together with a huff. "Whatever, alright?! I doubt—"
Suddenly, a loud bang at the door echoed through the room, causing the two demons to startle in their seats. Mimzy's head snapped towards the source of the noise so swiftly she nearly gave herself whiplash. In growing horror, she watched as the hinges of the hotel's entrance door began to creak, the walls around them starting to crack and shed plaster.
"Mimzy! We know you're in there! You lousy bitch!"
"Oh, shit," she winced sinking into her seat.
"What the fuck—" Husk cursed, his words drowned out by the sudden explosion that violently rattled the lower windows. Shards of glass rained down onto the floor as dust and debris filled the air, choking their senses. Husk whipped his head around to glare at Mimzy when she vaulted over the bar counter, seeking refuge behind the sturdy wood.
"I fucking knew it. What shit have you brought to us this time?" Husk demanded, his grip tightening on her dress as he lifted her up. Another explosion echoed through the building, the shockwaves pulsing through the floor causing Husk to stumble and drop her. 
With a pained grunt, the blonde crashed to the floor, her bruised front absorbing the brunt of the impact. As she lifted her head, she met Husk's glare.
"Ahah... Well," Mimzy sheepishly smiled, her eyes darting nervously as she cowered on the floor. The banging on the door grew louder and more aggressive, echoing through the hotel lobby like a menacing drumbeat.
Angel Dust stood frozen by one of the living room walls, his hands pressed against it to anchor himself. Suddenly, he noticed the television set flickering with an eerie glow, emitting dissonant static noises that seemed to crawl under his fur. The crackling sound took on an unsettling pitch, and an odd pink electricity surged through the screen, casting a sickly hue across the room. "What the fuck...?!"
In that moment, Vaggie and Charlie stormed onto the scene, their eyes widening in disbelief as they absorbed the chaotic sight. The hotel lobby, once orderly and serene, now lay in ruins—furniture overturned, glass shattered, and the wallpaper charred.
"What's happening?!" Vaggie exclaimed, swiftly drawing her spear and slicing a chunk of concrete in half before it could reach her. The broken pieces ricocheted off the walls, adding to the destruction.
"We are under sssiege!" Sir Pentious screamed as he scrambled to get Nifty into his arms, slithering behind the toppled-over couch for cover. The banging on the door intensified, accompanied by muffled threats and angry shouts from outside. "It'sss all that harlot'sss fault!
"Harlot?" Vaggie questioned, her fiery gaze sweeping the room for a familiar mop of blonde hair. Upon spotting Mimzy, her eyes narrowed as her lips curled into a snarl. "Explain."
"I may or may not be in trouble with an overlord! Well, maybe a couple of 'em," Mimzy rushed out, her words tumbling over each other in a nervous babble. "And I may or may not have 'borrowed' one of their top showgirls. And, well, got that girl killed… but she had it coming!"
Vaggie's patience waned with each new sentence Mimzy added, and a low groan escaped her lips.
"Leave this to me," she hissed, red-hot fury flashing in her eyes as she tightened her grip on her spear. "Everyone, get somewhere safe."
"I'm afraid that will not be necessary, my dear."
A sudden crackling static, skin to the ominous hum of a radio, seeped through the room as Alastor emerged from the shadowed corners. The demon's grin twisted unnaturally, stretching up to his glowing crimson eyes, which emitted an eerie, hollow glow. Tendrils of inky shadow began to writhe and sprout from Alastor's back, emitting sickening cracking noises.
In the blink of an eye, he dashed outside, engaging in his unholy work, swiftly and effortlessly ridding the area of its assailants. The air outside carried echoes of screams and the sharp, metallic scent of blood.
Before everyone could fully comprehend the whirlwind of events that had just transpired, the screaming ceased. Shortly after, Alastor returned to his usual demeanor. Nonchalantly stepping back into the damaged lounge, he dusted off his suit, traces of blood marking his path on the floors.
"Alastor! Babyface! Good show!" Mimzy began clapping, seemingly unfazed by the gorey scene as she stepped out of her hiding spot. "Bravo! bravo!"
Upon hearing Mimzy's voice, Alastor's head fully twisted around with a loud, bone-chilling crack accompanying the movement. The radio demon moved toward her, his towering 7-foot form eclipsing her much smaller figure. He bared his sharp teeth in a menacing smile as his antlers began to grow in length, curling and twisting over his head—a display nothing short of terrifying.
"Alastor~" Charlie's voice quivered with forced cheerfulness, her hands wringing together anxiously. "Haha! Let's, uh, try to keep our cool here, okay? We really don't need any more messes, do we? Haha!"
The princess's attempt at forced cheerfulness made her look desperate, her manic expression surfacing as her pupils visibly shrank, darting around the room like startled prey.
Alastor closed his eyes, the tension in his form visible as he took a moment to regain composure. Gradually, his antlers reverted to their usual size. With an eerie calm settling over him, he reopened his eyes, though the strain was evident in his smile. "My apologies, chum. I'll be out of your hair in a bit."
He spared Charlie one more glance, his gaze piercing, before redirecting his attention to Mimzy. The intensity in his stare bore into her as he spoke, his voice low and measured. "Since you are so eager to catch up, why don't we have a talk? In private."
With that, the radio demon snapped his fingers, transporting both of them out of the lounge.
"Dumb bitch," Husk grumbled under his breath, covering his eyes with his paws and slamming his head onto the bar counter. "We're all fucked once he finds out."
"Find out what?" Walking up to him, Angel Dust shot Husk a confused look. The spider delicately brushed away the dust that clung to his grey fur, picking out the bigger pieces of cement and plaster. "I thought they were friends?"
Husk raised his head off the counter, mismatched eyes meeting Angel's own. "Not anymore."
Mimzy slowly opened her eyes, greeted by the surreal sight of a blood-red room surrounding her. It housed a radio station complete with an array of dials and a microphone, the very tools she knew Alastor utilized for his broadcasts.
'His broadcasting station?' she noted, curiously looking about the room.
Suddenly, Alastor's firm grip closed around her shoulder, causing her to whirl around with disorienting speed. His bloodied claws moved to cradle both of her rosy cheeks, their sharp edges looming dangerously close to breaking skin while he squeezed her face as though dealing with a disobedient child.
"I thought I made it very clear that you were to step nowhere near me," Alastor forced her to stare up at him. Despite the discomfort caused by Alastor's claws digging in, Mimzy maintained her confident demeanor and glared straight back up at him. "Did I not, dearest?"
"Oh, I just ran into a spot of trouble, and I thought, who better to lend a helping hand than you?" Mimzy rolled her eyes as she pulled herself away from his grasp, massaging the tender flesh of her cheeks. "You always love helping lil ole me."
"Enough. What is it you want?" Alastor snapped. "Should you persist in wasting more of my precious time, I will relish tearing you apart limb from limb, and the symphony of your sweet screams will be a broadcast for all of Hell to revel in."
Mimzy, unfazed, leaned in with a sly grin, her fingers playfully tracing the lapel of Alastor's coat. "Alright, tall, dark, and creepy. I know you aren't going to do shit."
"After all," she batted her lashes at him, "Hurting me would be hurting her, now wouldn't it?"
The blonde pressed her finger into his chest, poking him repeatedly. "That was in the contract~ You. Heartless. Son. Of. A. Bitch."
A low, guttural chuckle rumbled in the depths of Alastor's throat. "Oh, sweetheart," he drawled, catching her finger mid-poke. "You seem to be overlooking the delicate nature of contracts. It might be wise for you to tread more carefully, relying on such flimsy assurances."
"Flimsy?!" Mimzy scowled. "I got your girl on a leash!"
"Lets make this very clear," Alastor's voice deepened into a growl, eyes flashing red in warning. "This contract doesn't grant you a carte blanche to play games with my patience. If not for her plea to spare you, your fate would have been sealed by now."
As Alastor's grip moved to tighten around her throat, Mimzy's eyes nervously tracked the sharp edge of his claws, her breath catching in her throat.
"W-Whatevah! A contract is a contract," she retorted. Mimzy roughly pulled away from him, scrambling to gain the upper hand again. "Even if there ain't a soul exchange, it's still binding!"
"Yes, indeed! I am well aware of contractual obligations, dear," Alastor grinned, his cane tightening in his grip, claws leaving indents on the dark steel. Bending down to meet her gaze, he continued, "But you seem to have forgotten that time's almost up! The expiration for your contract is nearing. And when that happens, I do intend to reclaim what is rightfully mine – my wife. At that point, you will find yourself plunged into an abyssal world of unrelenting agony."
"Abyss, schmabyss. I've dealt with worse," Mimzy scoffed, her hand waving dismissively. "Now look, I got what I wanted outta you, and I don't have to take this."
With that, the blonde turned with a dramatic flair, her heels clicking against the floor as she stomped towards the door. She adjusted her hair and straightened her dress, a smug smirk dancing on her lips.
"Have fun with your little princess and your little project," she quipped.
Over her shoulder, she shot Alastor one last look, a sly glint in her eyes. "Because I sure am having fun with mine~"
Dry up - Shut up Giggle Water - Liquor Carte Blanche - Complete freedom to act as one wishes
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ilyhaitanii · 6 months
can you stay up all night? ft. boothill
nsfw. the galaxy ranger assigned to protect you as you make your way back to your planet seems to have other plans with you when you both get stuck at a hotel in penacony.
cw: vibrating body parts, cyborg dick, overstimulation, he's sort of mean </3
a/n: knocked this out in like 15 mins. if this isnt good, blame my ovulating brain
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for a robot who is programmed to be kind to others, boothill is so mean-- brutal even. he doesn't curse, but aeons his mouth is filthy. that sultry, southern voice of his makes your brain go dizzy, melt into a pile of mush. it's like you're putty in his hands, molding your body however he sees fit.
the quiet whirring of his cock nestled deep in you, hitting at just the right angle has you seeing stars for hours. your legs slung over his wide shoulders, trembling. the hefty sobs that fall from your swollen lips fall onto deaf ears as boothill's thumb is rubbing against your sensitive clit, vibrating against the bundle of nerves.
you don't think you've ever felt so many different things at once. on one hand you want him to stop, allow you to curl into yourself and tremble off his vibrations, but the other is marinating, adoring the feeling of this never ending high.
"look you, baby~" boothill coos, thrusting his cock in and out of your sopping cunt. your eyes try to open, crossing in the process. you try to open your mouth to say something, but you're greeted by the taste of iron and your own slick. boothill's fingers gag you, pressing your left leg to your chest. "you feel that, cutie? im right here," his hand presses down on your tummy as the whirring on your clit increases.
you pulse and clench around him, hips shaking and begging for release. he can't help but laugh at the pathetic way you whine and kick at him. with your hands tied above your head, boohill turns you onto your tummy. he pounds into your from behind, making sure to press down on your lower back.
his fingers on your clit don't lose their place, making sure to swirl the bud to intensify the pleasure. all of it is mind numbing. you find yourself zoning out, only to be greeted by boothill's thumb rubbing at your sore nipples.
"oh please, i cant!" he hums against your hair, kissing down your spine. he tuts, shaking his head. boothill's arms wrap around your torso, pressing your hot sweaty back to the cold metal of his chest. the drastic temperature change has you experiencing whiplash. jaw slackened, boothill kisses your jaw, nipping at some of the skin with his teeth. this drags down to your neck and shoulders.
"you can, dolly, come on. cum for me, pretty thing. i know you want to," with a heavy hand, he presses down onto your pelvis, making sure the vibrating on your clit goes as fast as it can, twirling the bud. splotches of white, hot light flash before your eyes as your entire body trembles for the umpteenth time.
"there 'ya go. you're so good for me, arent 'ya, cutie?" boothill chuckles against your cheek, kissing your lips. you groan, trying to move, but he readjusts you onto his lap. "you can't tap out on me, dolly. we still got hours before daylight. come on, ride me, baby~"
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© ilyhaitanii - do not repost, translate, plagarize or repost it to any other sites
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bubblessunshinehoney · 3 months
Chapter 7: the morning after...
not beta read, english is not my first language. all mistakes are my own
If you don't want to miss any udpate, go follow my sideblog: @cloudysideblog
tw: SMUT, this part is just that...pwp, pinv,...just SMUT (unprotected, so wrap it before you tap it, but they've discussed it even though it's not in the fic)
don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
serie masterlist
part1 | part2 | part3 | part4 | part5 | part6 | part7
If you don't want to miss any udpate, go follow my sideblog: @cloudysideblog
Enjoy, Cloudy
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You wake feeling a light touch on your back, you hummed happily, nuzzling into it. A little sleepy gasp came out of your mouth when you felt lips on your legs, you tried to move but a little tut sound made you stop.
"It's me dolly, let me take care of you", said Bucky with a sleepy gravelly voice.
You hummed more, relaxing under his ministrations. He took his time, kissing every part of your body, caressing every inch of skin. He was warm and you couldn’t stop smiling. You kept your eyes closed, like he asked you too, after four attempts on your side to open them. You wanted to see him, but he wanted you to feel him.
“you’re so soft, your skin is like silk”, he murmured on your neck.
You let out a heavy needy sigh and he smiles in the nape of your neck.
“Good morning, my angel”, he whispered.
You turned in the direction of his voice, and still eyes closed “good morning, man-(h)eater”, you nuzzled onto his chest, seeking his warmth, breathing him in. He held you close, before rolling so you’re under him.
“open your eyes, please”, he asked softly, you blinked slowly and you met the bluest eyes ever. The morning light bringing the colour even brighter. The tenderness you saw in them, made your heart fluttered happily. Your stomach growled and Bucky was quick to sat up.
“I’ll make you breakfast”, he jumped out of bed, put some boxers on and he was out. You blinked before laughing uncontrollably. Bucky came back with a worried face.
“What’s so funny?”
“Yeah, you kiss all over me for maybe an hour, then you jumped off like a scared cat”.
“but you stomach made some noise, you must be hungry”.
“You’re too adorable…I am hungry, I just thought I would have some more cuddles before getting up”.
You got up and walked towards him. “Don’t be, it was very adorable to see you ran to the kitchen to make me food”. He looked unsure and shy suddenly. “What is it James?”
To hear his name again eased the anxiety that was building up inside him. “I’m…well…” you encouraged him with your special smile. “Ma’ raised me to treat my girl right. And she loved breakfast…and I used to cook it for her every Sunday…just tought that…I could do the same for you. I don’t know”
You passed your arms around his neck, his hands securing your waist since you had to get on your tiptoe. “Well, I think you know more than you think, James. And I think you’re treating me more than right.” You kissed his chin. “but I could still help with breakfast?”
“Only to tell me where you store all of your ingredients, the rest I’ll do it.”
With a smile, he carried you to the kitchen and sat you on a chair. Then you pointed at the cupboard and other place where he could find what he needed. You liked to see him here, so carefree. You saw that he felt more secure and comfortable again. Making jokes, telling you more about his ma’, his sister and his time back in the 40s. You were happy to hear it all, thinking that he must really trust you to tell you all that. And if you were honest, you couldn’t keep your eyes of him, wearing only an apron and his boxers, the muscle on his back on full display for you to admire…to drool over.
And honestly, you were still aching from all the kisses you received, you thought that it would have led to some slow morning sex with him. Your nipples were hard and seemed to want to stay like this. Your heart was still beating faster than normal, from how horny you were now.
But when Bucky brought food and tea onto the table and kept talking to you with the most genuine smile and happiness, you put your horniness on the side and talked with him about everything and anything.
But even after having eaten, your mind was still in the gutter. You wanted to rip that apron of him and ride him while he was sitting on the chair.
“Y/N?”, you looked up at him, realising you were focused on his stomach. “Are you alright?” he looked so concerned that you wanted to kiss him silly. Since you were not answering and by the way you were looking at him, Bucky started to feel hot and bother. He did see the way your nipples were still perked under your shirt. He did hear your heartbeat, but it was the fire in your eyes that was making him feel tight in his brief.
As if you had super vision too, you got up and straddled him, but when you gasped quietly, he realised you weren’t expecting him to have a hard on. You both sat still for a solid minute. You were clenching around nothing, and he throbbed, feeling the hotness of your mound. Slowly you took off the apron, covering him in goosebumps when your fingers traced patterns on his chest. His abs contracted when you rested your hands there.
Slowly he raised his right hand and cupped your boob, caressing your nipple with his thumb, in response to it, you dug your nails softly into his flesh.
“I thought you were gonna make love to me this morning.” You whispered. His left hand held the small of your back and brought you closer to him, his right hand still holding the side of your boob and his thumb not leaving your nipple. Your hands went to his shoulders to steady yourself. “I wanted your kiss to…lead to some…sex”.
“it’s still the morning”, he said quietly.
“But it’s not the same when you just wake up.” He nodded, like if he was taking notes. He didn’t move more, he kept you in place and you were starting to think he would let you like this, even though you could feel that he was hard.
“How would you have wanted to have sex when you woke up?”, he asked lowering his left hand.
“Slow”, you replied breathless.
“Are you disappointed it didn’t happen?”. You were beyond needy by now. He had a certain tone in his voice, making no place for control on your side. He was leading this, and you were desperate for it.
“A little”, you answered in a quiet voice, feeling submissive.
“What about…” he’s right hand went to your waist, “we take off your panties and sit you on my cock…slowly”. There’s no room for questioning but you saw in his eyes that you had the final choice. You nodded. “Words, dollface”.
“Yes, please.” With ease he hoisted you on the table and slid off your panties, next he pulled down his boxers just enough for his cock to spun free. He kissed your legs, looking directly into your eyes. Your hands were still on his shoulders, and you held them tighter, he smiled, before holding you down again. His cock resting on your pelvis. This morning, it appeared bigger than last night, or maybe you felt tinier with how much power he had over you right now.
He was doming you with softness in all his hardness.
Shyly, you rocked your hips, the smirk he gave you made you rocked faster against him. But before you could feel any relief, he stopped you. You whined.
“Slow.” He commended. You plead with your eyes. “You want it, already?”, he smoothed little circles on your hips. “Yes, please, Jamie.” He hummed and held you up just enough to wet his cock with your arousal. “Doll…”, he groaned.
It only made you gush more, clenching around nothing, desperate for him. With gentleness he lowered you on his cock. The head disappeared and he stayed like this, holding you entirely. It’s like you were light as a feather, he didn’t seem bother to hold you up, not a sweat, not a sign on his face that you were heavy, and your legs were dangling in the air. And like in slow-motion, he eased you down on him, you felt every ridge of his cock, nestling its way inside you. Once you were sitting on his lap, your body trembling from the fullness you were feeling, Bucky kissed your nose. You blinked twice and looked at him. He smiled innocently.
“you’re in charge now”. You huffed, before wiggling to be able to have the tip of your big toes touching the ground and you started to rock and rolled your hips slowly. Bucky had his hands on your hips, but he wasn’t moving or helping you move. Your hands went to his hair and neck, having your elbow on his chest to give you some support. You were focused on where you were joined with him, all your muscled tensed, breath shallow and your clit was throbbing with need. It felt atrociously divine.
“look at me”, you did as told. “good girl”, he groaned. You whimpered and clenched at the praise. As if on cue, his hands start to help you move, his left hand went up to hold the back of your head, bringing you so close to him, that you were breathing the same air. He smelled like coffee and French toast. He kissed your jaw next, finding your sweet spot, making you flatter in your pace. His right hand was quick to give you the right tempo, by moving your hip, and settling on your back. All of it felt amazing, but your clit was screaming for the neglection it was enduring.
“FUCK” you shouted, cumming hard. But he didn’t stop rolling your clit under his pad, didn’t stop you from moving faster now, didn’t stop you from kissing him sloppily, didn’t hiss when you tug and dug your nails in his flesh, no…he moaned holding you tighter, fucking into you in time with your rolling, kissing you, sucking on your lips, praising you…
“Jamie…please…” was all you could say. As if he was able to read your mind, he secured your arms around his neck and his left hand went to your back, while the right one slowly came to your front. You shook in anticipation. Now, Bucky was giving the tempo, making sure you were rocking and rolling your hips. His flesh fingers ran under your shirt, down to your clit and when his thumb touch it you saw stars.
“Such a good girl, you’re mine, aren’t you? Drunk on my cock, my good girl, doing as I tell her.”
How in the world this man was having this mouth this morning. He kept his game well hidden…and you loved it.
A second orgasm took hold of you, and you clenched hard around him. You didn’t know how it was possible, how he made you cum so much…never one of your exes had made you cum more than once, if they succeeded, and you weren’t faking.
As if you weren’t choking his dick, Bucky got up, while kissing you. He walked to the nearest wall and pushed you against it. “Hold on tight”, with the little strength you had left, you wrapped your arms and legs tightly around him and he fucked you, deeply but ever so slowly you were shaking from pleasure. He rested his forehead on yours, rolling his hips right onto your spot and you moaned. “Right here, uh? My sweet doll”, you nodded eagerly, and he kept doing just that.
Panting, moaning, kissing, it was the only sound other than the squelching sound of your skins. “One more for me baby?” you sighed happily when you realised you were about to come again. “one more for you, Jamie”.
“Good girl”, he played with your clit again. “cum with me?”, you hummed your agreement and with a flicker of his thumb and one last thrust, you both came hard.
When you opened your eyes, you were back on your bed, a smiling Bucky beside you. He looked so innocent like that.
“Did I pass out?”
“No, well…not completely, you were babbling for a good 20 minutes when I help you clean up before bringing you back here, then you slept.” He said almost sheepishly.
“You’re unbelievable…all dom like an hour ago and now…you look like an innocent boy.” He shrugged with a blush, and you kissed him. “You’re unreal, mister. But damn I love this side of you. Taking control…playing with me…” you hummed when he massaged your back gently”.
“Yeah?” he asked softly. You nodded and played with his hair.
“Well, I like to fuck you stupid.”, he added with the biggest angelic smile.
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inkdrinkerworld · 7 months
Hi so this is something i struggle with and had a moment on a lil while ago
Can you do reader getting overstimulated and having to set a boundary with remus and j and s to not touch her?
Its like too loud and too bright and not bright enough and they are talking around her. And then one of them puts their hand on her shoulder or thigh. And she just cracks.
Then something fluffier after she sets the boundary and they go home?
Of course angel!!! They’d be so understanding!!!
There’s all of a sudden too much everything. You can hear the water in the tap as Sirius washes the dishes, then there’s James’ foot tapping as he speaks with remus and Remus bless him is always soft spoken but something about the way he can’t sit still is driving you crazy.
The lights are too bright, it’s too hot then it’s cold, you feel like you’re being tugged to all the sides of the overstimulation spectrum and it’s making you go crazy.
Sirius is suddenly in the living room, his hand tapping your knee and you jolt.
The way you jump startles all of you but Sirius looks mostly perturbed.
“Poppet, you okay?” If you didn’t know him as well as you did, you wouldn’t think he was worried, but there’s a small frown on his lips and his eyebrows hang low.
“Please don’t touch me,” you whisper to them and they all nod.
“Is it too much right now?” James asks, already standing and making his way to the light switches.
“I,” you feel bad for making them look so guilty. “I’m sorry, it just sort of happened.”
Remus tuts and Sirius stands, his knees cracking as he turns off and heads to the bedroom.
“Nothing to be sorry for, sweet girl. What do you need, hm?”
You think, the heels of your hands pressing into your eyes as you do. “Can we just sit in the quiet for five minutes?”
Sirius returns with a pair of socks and your weighted elephant.
“Here, dolly.” He fits the socks on for you and passes you the elephant, watching triumphantly as you relax under its weight.
“We’ll put on something easy, yeah?” James suggests, biting at his nails as he sits on the floor beside your legs.
“Thank you.” You say quietly, Sirius and Remus sitting beside you but not touching you.
“Nonsense angel, what do you think about Bear In The Big Blue House?”
319 notes · View notes
|| Balance ||
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Summary: Your father had outdone his own selfishness when he had handed the train off to Curtis with no regard for you. But was it so bad, really?
Pairing: Dark!Curtis Everett | Cruel Brat!You.
Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Curtis Everett. This story contains dark and mature content so browse at your own discretion, please. Minors do not interact.
Warning(s): Non-con/Dub-con, dark-ish spoilt Princess reader becomes Curtis' bitch, gun play, spanking (with a belt), humiliation, degradation, pet names, fear kink, finger sucking, age gap (reader is 20's, Curtis is 40's), leash, objectification, sloppy blowjob turns rough, untrimmed lumberjack Curtis, hair pulling, boob play, mentions of complete submission, questionable shit that I am unapologetic for.
Note: This scenario has been living rent free in my head ever since I watched the movie. Fair warning, it is pretty dark. But then again, so is Curtis. Feedback is much appreciated 🩷
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"I can smell you, dolly~" your heart hammered inside it's cage as you clasped your shaky lips to a halt, suppressing your laboured breathing as you peeked with one eye to see where the giant man was from your position behind one of the huge shelves in your father's cabin. 
Curtis Everett took his sweet time investigating the space, searching for you calmly as he called out to you. His sweet coos caused the hair at the back of your nape to rise. He was covered in dust and blood, a gun carelessly hanging by his fingers. Your thighs quivered as you tried to breathe as quietly as you could, feeling a tinge between your legs. 
The fear was messing with your body and the terror of what might happen to you once he did find you -which let's be honest, was inevitable since there was no where to run- caused all kinds of reactions within your body. 
"Are you over… here?" A gasp threatened to slip past your trembling fingertips when he very effortlessly toppled over a chair dangerously close to you, chuckling to himself and tutting when your position continued to be a mystery. "You know I'll find you now or later, Princess…" Curtis was now passing right by you. "You're only making it worse for yourself by hiding, you know~" your shoulders relaxed a little when he lingered in front of you for a moment but when passed by. "If you come out now, I won't have to-" his terrifyingly convincing words had your body acting before it could stop itself. 
The sound caused by you crawling out of your hiding space had the tall man spinning on his heels. A smile settled on his lips when he found you peeking up at him from your position on the ground. 
"Already crawling for me?" His condescending words had you quickly scrambling to your feet as you whimpered in response to the proximity his quick walk towards you had caused between your bodies. "Aren't you just the most precious little doll?" 
"Y- You said…" The desperation of your voice made you feel disgusted with yourself. You hated your father. A bile rose in your throat when you lowered your head in response to his sharp gaze fucking your body in the most humiliating way. He didn't even try to hide it. "You said you w- wouldn't hurt me if I didn't h- hide" these people were nothing. You had never cared what your father or the people of your section thought. To you, the lower sections were just filth to stomp on. They were nothing more than unfortunate degenerates that lived to serve you.
"I said I wouldn't have to do worse" the muscles in your thighs clenched when he caressed your cheek with the tip of the gun. And now because of your bastard father, you had no choice but to rely on the mercy of these lowlifes. "Hmm… so pampered and soft" Curtis sighed when he cupped your face with his other hand now, his coarse thumb tracing the shape of your lips before he pushed the digit inside. 
You gagged in response to his dirty finger intruding you so intimately. He let out a heavy chuckle, taking it as an invitation to push it further in until he was knuckle deep, sighing to himself as he explored your warm and wet cavern. Your eyes filled with tears as the humiliation washed over you and overwhelmed your already overstimulated senses. 
"Aw, you don't like this, Princess?" His taunt triggered a flashback where you had said the same exact thing while torturing someone from the tail section about a minor inconvenience while you made the others watch. "Too bad you don't have a choice, huh?" Your fists clenched as you suppressed the urge smack the smirk right off his disgusting face. 
The thick hot tears finally trickled down your cheeks. His thumb made you gag again as it dipped down to your throat, the salty and metallic taste coating it making your mouth sting. Curtis refused to let you hide your face away so you could hide your tears and your arms were too lifeless for you to simply wipe them away. 
"Hm, I wonder…" The gun now trailed down from your jaw to your neck, circling around the locket you always wore as your mother had left it to you before slowly trickling its way atop the valley of your breasts. "If Goddesses look the same as us lowlifes under their fancy little attires…" Your heart threatened to burst right out of your chest. More flashbacks followed as you winced now, having no choice but to unintentionally suck his thumb when you tried to breath. Your eyes shut themselves in embarrassment after a few more tears spilled. 
You forced the tail section to hail and bow down to you every now and then merely for entertainment. You made them tell you you were their Goddess and the only one that should be worshipped. Those who tried to resist faced horrible consequences at the hands of your personal guards and servants. Your 'royalty' was the only thing your otherwise unavailable father had been good for. It was the only thing he had given you in your whole life. So you took to both using and misusing it in every way you could.
"Or are they really are different from the rest of us degenerates- tsk" he clicked his tongue before patting your cheek. "Come now, doll. Let me see those Godly eyes" a shiver trembled itself out of your body. 
You had no choice.
Just how they hadn't. 
Curtis felt a pang of excitement trickle down his spine when your now reddening eyes opened back up and you tried to look anywhere but at him. 
"Hm… they seem pretty ordinary to me…" The comment was for your eyes as the gun intruded your neckline more and more with the passing second. "What about…" The man hooked the weapon under one of your breasts and pushed it up and out of the fabric covering them as he tilted his head, the humiliating concentration on his face making your cheeks burn as you whimpered against his thumb again, gagging when it started to massage your tongue. 
The tingles in the spot between your legs in response to the whole experience increased all the while.
You dared not ponder over it, afraid of what horror laid in the reason behind it. 
"Hm, you know what?" Curtis suddenly deprived you of all touch. Wait, are you wondering why you know his name? Have you forgotten already? You had asked him what it was before you made him kneel on all fours on the ground before using his back as a chair while you had the workers take the newborns under your father's orders. Why? You simply didn't care why. "I want it all off." He used the gun to gesture towards your clothes. "Because so far I haven't seen anything that makes you any more special than the people you loved to shit on" more tears spilled from your eyes. 
Your usually loud mouth seemed to have forgotten all words today. 
"Come on, Princess. I don't have all day…" His words were followed by his fingers undoing and freeing his belt before he held in a manner that looked threatening enough for you to let out a sob as you slowly shook your head before muttering out a plea. Curtis coldly chuckled. "Hm, adorable. Now, come on." You flinched when he tapped the side of your thigh with the belt he had doubled over in his hand. 
"P- Please…" 
"You wanna please me?" The only things he could remember was the hopelessness and humiliation she has wreaked upon the tail section all those years ever since she was a child. "Aw, doll. That is sweet of you." Another sob left her. The man was unfazed as he continued to caress the side of her leg with the belt, dark eyes running up and down her body. 
"N- No, like… please… please…" He sighed as his eyes hardened. 
"You really want to make this worse than it already is, huh?" The seriousness of his tone caused a tight little hot ball to form between her hips. "Little brats like you just can't help themselves, can they? No, they love to get in trouble. That's why they go out of their way to create it. So someone can come along and show them their real place, huh?" The knot of heat rolled further down your abdomen. 
What was happening to you? 
You went to speak but were cut off. "If these pretty little clothes don't come off by the count of three, I will take them off but in front of the entire tail section waiting to claw you to pretty little bits and pieces right outside this room…" Your breath hitched in your throat when the tip of the gun collected the sweat beads formed on one of your temples. "Would you like that, huh, doll?" Before he could even start the countdown, you hiccuped before a few sobs followed the quivering breaths and your numbing fingers reached for the zip and harnesses of your dress. 
Without allowing yourself to ponder over it, you quickly rid yourself of the fancy fabrics, knowing that it was inevitable and the other way would be much more unpleasant than this. You had degraded these people in the worst ways possible for many years, if you still got to have some form of mercy, you were going to take it. 
"The rest too, giddy up~" your wet cheeks burnt hotter as you averted your eyes to the floor, keeping them trained on the spot between his feet as you blinked the tears away and complied to his orders, depriving yourself of all dignity with your own hands. "Hmm…" Curtis seemed unbothered by your nudity. Like nothing was out of the ordinary and it was just a normal day. 
As if this was the natural way of things. 
"I don't anything special here" the pressure between your hips increased when he started to poke and prod at your hardened nipples with the tip of the gun before he circled you like a hungered animal does a piece of meat, continuing to press and caress random parts of your body. "Let's see…" Curtis sighed now. "Spread these pretty Princess legs, now. Maybe there's something special there that makes you feel obligated to act that high and mighty" you felt the belt penetrate the space between your legs. 
You bit your lip as more and more flashbacks resurfaced, haunting and mocking. Your chest heaved for air the more you sobbed, bending forwards as your hands reached for your ass cheeks and you spread your legs before parting them for him to look at. 
You were well familiar with the desperation in the eyes of the tail section lowlifes to know that if you didn't obey and maybe pleased him however he wanted, you would suffer the same fate as everyone from your side of the train. 
And nothing was worse than dying.
… Right? 
"Hmmm, nothing special here either" the male's tone was scalding as he spread your nether petals with the tip of the gun -that caused a new kind of rush and panic within your body every time it made contact with it- before he pulled the metal weapon away. "So you really are nothing special, after all…" Your eyes continued to watch his feet and how they appeared before disappearing for a few moments each time he completed a round around your naked and shaking body. 
"If anything," a loud shriek ripped itself out of your throat when he suddenly landed the belt on your ass, the swat catching your hands holding them apart in the process. You quickly retreated them, causing him to scoff at your reaction as you held them to your chest, sobbing and blowing on them as you rubbed them to try and soothe the burn. Another lash was given to your sensitive and fragile skin that wasn't used to being handled roughly. But now a thick angry red line appeared across your lap. "You're worse." The next blow landed on your ass again, but this time your knees buckled up and you fell on your hands and knees. 
"Because even though you could be ripped to shreds at any given moment upon my command, you're leaking like a desperate little breeding bitch all because I forced you to strip for me" you felt him place his dusty boot on your back before he pressed it down against you. 
That was going to leave an imprint.
Your whipped thighs trembled and body jerked forwards when he landed his belt against your ass again. The only things you could register and process was your own crying, the humiliation his words were causing and the hot pain his merciless belt was inflicting upon your ass cheeks. 
He just kept going, loving the welts and bruises that were forming on your formerly spotless skin. 
"P- Please!" You forced yourself to plea out loud when he just wouldn't stop. "Please! I- It hurts! I am s- sorry! Please!" He just chuckled in response, pushing you against the ground harder and harder with each hit.
"Maybe your father knew this is exactly what you needed, huh? Someone to come along and beat some sense into that smooth brain of yours." Out of all the things he had said to you, this one stung the most. Perhaps more than the physical pain he was inflicting upon your ass. "He knew that you couldn't carry his legacy. Your little brain is too small for tasks like that, isn't it? Brats like you are only meant to be broken into submission and then made to serve" the hits finally halted. He removed his foot. Your seething ass cheeks were parted again but with his fingers this time. 
Your body shook from how violent and loud your sobs had gotten. Curtis chuckled at something before you felt him get closer to your head. A thick and rough band snaked around your neck before you felt it getting tighter until it was wrapped and locked around your throat. You winced when you felt a tug at it. His belt. 
"Look, doll." His thick beard scratched against your ear as he whispered right into it. "Your mess on the floor is confirmation" the bile in your throat felt tighter against the makeshift… leash. "Whether you want to admit it or not… you are loving this" you wanted to vomit. The taste of his thumb was still very strong on your tongue, the pungent scent of his body further aggravating your already distressed senses. "I knew it." 
Curtis stood up to his full height and tugged at the belt, causing your neck to humiliatingly jerk in the direction of his pull. "Come on." He started to march you towards the chair your father always sat on. Your weak and sensitive knees burnt and screamed at you to stop. But the moment you'd falter, the leather wrapped around your throat would forcefully pull you forward, making you almost slide behind him. 
"There we go~" the man took a seat on his throne -your father had treated the chair as no less- before he started to wrap the belt-leash around his big and rough hand until his blistered knuckles were touching the sweaty and cold skin of your neck. You almost retched when the tip of your nose grazed against his crotch since he had forced you right between his giant legs that he had spread open. 
You tried to back up; break free. But there was no way to turn or move with how tightly he held the belt. You did your best to control your breathing and not lash at his face with your claws. He had a gun and an entire army of savages waiting outside. 
For better or worse, he may be your only chance at surviving this in one piece. 
"You look prettier than what I would imagine every night after the day you would visit the tail section" a shard of icy fear tore down the ligaments of your spine before spreading in all directions at the base. "Submission looks so good on you, doll." He leaned forward and you shuddered at the sensation of his breath hitting your mouth. So close. Your feet tickled. "You wanna be good for me, right?" The tears in your eyes refused to stop flowing. You hated them and yourself for being so weak. It was shameful to let others see you cry. But you were so helpless without your guards and servants. 
You had no choice but to take whatever he decided to give you. 
The pressure between your hips worsened. 
"Nod and tell me yes" the heavy thumping of his fingers against your cheek brought you out of your head. A wince shook its way past your lips when your spanked ass touched the heels of your feet. The overwhelming pain caused you to jolt forwards, going nose first into Curtis' face and making him chuckle. "Aren't you the most eager and adorable little doll?" Your face burnt in humiliation as you tried to pull away again but in vain, he only further tightened his grip around your windpipe. You choked, his face hardened. "I told you to nod and tell me yes." 
The realization of the power imbalance between you two drove shards of shame down your limbs as you lowered your head and whimpered. "Y- Yes…" Your words followed a humiliating nod. 
"Yes what?"
"Uhmm… C- Curt-" a loud gasp elicited out of you when you felt a punishing smack deliver to the side of your head which lolled due to the impact. Your bottom lip trembled as you blinked the stars away before peeking up at him through your lashes. 
"Sir. It's sir to you, dimwit" he smacked the back of your head again, but this time the pain was felt in the base of your stomach which soon morphed into a hot ball that flooded down your holes. 
Curtis moved back and leaned his back against the chair lazily, lacing the fingers of his free hand through your hair before he trained his eyes on you from scanning the rest of your body before pulling at the strands roughly. You cried out and pouted, he silently cursed and pressed his legs against your arms. 
"Come here and undo my pants" your eyes widened but the second tug at your scalp had you complying before you could think twice. "Hmmm…" As your shaky fingers fiddled with the fly, he continued to play with your hair. "Maybe I should cut all this pretty hair off. Mayhaps make you a cute little slutty cue ball…" Your heart leaped at his words. Oh God no. "Turn you into a clean little slate to paint and mould however I please… This is a fresh start, after all" his nails scratched against your scalp and you sobbed in the musky scent that wafted out from inside his pants. "Hmm… Now pull my cock out" you sighed in relief despite how horrifying his words were. 
At least his attention wasn't on your poor hair anymore. 
What kind of a twisted person can say something like that? 
Sure, you playfully suggested for the tail section ladies to cut or buzz their hair sometimes but it was only because they didn't have the proper facilities to take care of it. 
You gulped to yourself and felt your core throb when you went to pull his cock out and it just seemed to never end. Four pulls later, Curtis' brutally thick and monstrously large cock was standing angrily in front of your face, his pubic hair decorating the organ and his matching ballsack. 
It was almost beautiful. 
"Put those slut doll boobs around it" your breath hitched at his words but a firm tug at the hair on the top of your head had you obeying his order. Anything but your hair. Biting your lip, you lowered your eyes before gathering your breasts in your sweaty hands. But you stopped when he clicked his tongue and tutted. "Now, now. Why are you shying away, Princess? I thought you liked to look into people's eyes, hm?" You felt like kicking yourself. 
He was tormenting you for the torture you had inflicted on him and his people for so many years. 
"Look me in the eyes while you do it" this time the pull was at the leash. You gulped again before you slowly looked up at him, a whole new sense of shame wrapping itself around your body when you saw the smug expression on his face. "And tell me yes sir."
Your palms met with the base of your breasts again. "Y- Yes, sir." Before you slowly moved forward and tried to ignore the fear and disgust boiling in your loins.
"Smile and thank me for being so generous and merciful" your knees almost buckled up when he scratched right behind your ear with the hand that was laced through your hair. 
Your body was just confused… right?
It was just scared and excited– panicked because of this sudden burst of stressful emotions.
Since you had never experienced any of this before and now were suddenly being subjected to so much all at the same time, it didn't know how to act.
Yes, that had to be it.
You slowly smiled, feeling his nether hairs tickle the skin of your breasts as you clamped them around his cock, shivering at the contact. His veins were so thick and hot against your skin. "T- Thank you so much for being so generous and merciful, s- sir." Curtis bit his lip. 
"Fuck, doll. You're just a natural, aren't you?" His musky scent filled up your senses as you continued to smile, not knowing what else to do. The man suddenly spat on his cock, some of the splatter also falling on your breasts. You flinched and nearly broke away with a gasp but his grip on your throat and head both warned and restricted you against it. "Move. Up and down, come on. Move and take the tip in your mouth, like the little slutty Princess that you are." 
You almost faltered. But the darkness in his eyes quickly reminded you of the situation and so you started to move, your bottom lip wobbling once more. Your belted thighs burnt from the movement and knees ached. But you knew better than to stop. 
Your breathing became laboured the more you moved, the thick red tip of his cock brushing against your lips each time you went down. Curtis hissed and grunted, snarling out condescending praises while his hips rocked against your boobs. He demanded you to take him inside his mouth again. You complied, gagging at the strong salty taste of his warm cock once he was finally inside. Your jaw ached. Fuck, he was big.
"Such a perfect cum dumpster" his voice was turning hoarse and animalistic, fingers tightening around your hair and causing a dull ache in your scalp. The belt would restrict you of oxygen every now and then, his cock hitting the back of your throat and making you gag to probably reach the desired effect. Stars littered your vision each time the male decided to restrict you of air. 
Some things ached, others burnt. But nothing hurt harder than your pussy. Your abdomen was in actual pain at this point, thighs clammy and bruising cheeks squelching due to the amount of the white matter seeping out of your hole. 
"That's it… such a perfect cum rag. Made to serve her Master… right?" You nodded, trying to peek up at him as your hollowed cheeks made humiliating sounds. "Good fucking cum dumpster Princess" you had told them that the lower classes lived to serve their Masters. He was only throwing them back in your face. 
Oh, how the tables had turned. 
Eventually, the slow and sloppy blowjob turned into fast and rough face fucking. Curtis slapped your hands away before he parted your hair into two pigtails and wrapped them around both his hands at either side of your head for a firm grip. From that point on, your slowed brain could barely register anything. The only thing you could hear was your own moans and retching as your tits flew left and right, ass burning each time it would come in contact with your heels due to how violently he was bouncing your body up and down like a yoyo. 
Your head bobbed up and down his fat cock, pre-cum and spit oozing out of your nose as you choked each time he would penetrate your throat a centimeter more. Your red face was coated in sweat and tears, fingers curled around his calves for support.
Curtis grunted as he thrusted in and out of your mouth, tipping his head back and nearly growling when he finally orgasmed, tightening his grip on your hair as he jerked his cock inside your throat fully and finally. While his length violated your hot cavern in the form of quick jabs, your throat stretched and jaw nearly dislocated from the girth of his ballsack penetrating -or trying to- your mouth.
The taste of his salty cum took over your sensory buds. Your eyelids became droopy and chest heaved due to the lack of oxygen, brain making you nearly pass out when Curtis finally released your hair and pulled out, cursing as he jacked the rest of his orgasm out and all over your face. 
Your whole body shook as you collapsed against one of his thick thighs, landing on your cheek and letting your eyes flutter close against the bursts of his cum.
Ever since you could remember, you had been given all the power possible in the world you had opened your eyes in as compensation for an unavailable father and no mother. An only child with everyone bowing down to her with an authority she didn't understand, you had used it for everything you could. Necessities, entertainment, emotional needs and voids, it was all you had; all you knew. 
You had never known balance nor restraint. 
The concept has ironically existed all around you but never made itself acquainted with you. 
So you rebelled. Assaulted. Violated. Misused. In the hopes that someone would step up. Teach you. Take the overwhelming amount of power away from you. Of course it wouldn't be easy. But it would put an end to this frustration, this loss of direction, nonexistence of purpose you had suffered your whole life.
As you slowly opened your eyes and peeked up at the man softly panting while watching you, softly scratching your aching scalp with his nails. You felt a strange kind of light dawn upon you. A new kind of hope and warmth washed over you. Your body curled against his. 
"... G- God…?" Curtis blinked before he registered what you had just said. A smile slowly pulled itself on his face. 
A God is a savior, right? Someone who provides a direction and protects from follies like excessiveness and uselessness. A being who provides a sense of purpose. Helps exercise balance. Protects yet destroys. Batters but builds. Shatters and then mends. The mighty and all powerful; one who controls and regulates.
"Definitely yours." You softly sobbed and smiled, whispering out praises and thanks as you kissed everywhere you could reach him. Curtis slowly shook his head as he caressed your head, silently commending himself on how accurately he had read you. 
You were exactly what he had thought.
Just a pathetic little brat with unbalanced power she didn't understand nor deserve.
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dumbd3m0nzart · 3 months
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Apparently her ability is made to lure victims into a state of false security until another one of the family members strikes? I wonder how well that could execute in game without it being so op?? Honestly seems like a very interesting concept from the voice transcripts she seems to be a big crybaby which honestly who doesn’t love crybaby murders? I’m definitely not gonna complain!
(Dolly’s Leaked Voice Transcripts)
/To make it easier to read I’ll color code her responses!/
Interacting with the family (Dolly Hart)
Dolly Sees Sissy
“(crying) I can’t do this, I can’t.”
“Awh sugar, what's with those tears? Ain’t you having fun?”
“(crying continues) No.”
“Nancy is really startin’ ta get on my nerves.”
“Pay no mind to the old woman Doll, she's just a bit upset that her boy is payin' more attention to you than he is her.”
“I’ll try.”
“I-I’m really not supposed to be talkin to ya.”
“Did Johnny tell ya that sugar? Don’t listen to him..I’m always here if ya wanna have girl-on-girl talk!”
“S-sounds like fun! But let’s keep this secret please.”
“Of course sugar, whatever ya say. (laughter)”
“(crying) It’s everywhere, they’re everywhere.”
“Come on Dolly, smile! I know you aint used to this but it gets easier over time I promise!”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
“(fake crying) Is this makin ya feel better? (small laughter)”
“(crying elevates) NO!”
“You haven’t seen Johnny have ya?”
“Sweety with all due respect how do ya put up with the bastard?”
“Oh well, he’s real sweet to me when he wants ta be even when he gets mad I know he means well.”
“(laughter) Well good luck you sure got yer hands full.”
Dolly Sees Drayton/Cook
“Where are they, damnit.”
“Hey you! Doll or whatever go roun' back and check on those damn gates. Make sure they're nice an' secure understood?”
“Y-yes sir! I’ll g-get right on that!”
“Quite that damn cryin’ before I give ya somethin’ ta cry about ya here girl?!”
“(crying) O-okay.”
“An' quit just noddin' at everything I tell ya dammit! Like some damn beaten ol' mutt, I swear there isn't any normal person roun' here. (annoyed grumbling)”
“Umm D-Drayton, not to be a bother but who’s this girl Johnny seems to be so fond of?"
“That damn girl is the soul reason we're in this mess! If that boy woulda jus' stop bringin' all of them girls to the property, we wouldn't be chasin' roun' stupid kids!”
"T-There are more of em?”
“Drayton you really gotta show me some of your recipes, yer cookins real good!"
“Quit tryna butter me up, and focus on actually gettin' the job done instead of havin' everyone finish it for ya!”
“Yes sir. (disappointed sigh)”
“Y’know that recipe ya showed me last time?”
"(annoyed sigh) Yes Dolly, I remember."
“Could ya show me again? I umm forgot what goes in the sauce.”
"Jus' ta stop yer yamerin' I’ll show ya again once we kill all these damn vermin okay?”
Dolly Sees Johnny
“I really do love it when you cry, Dollface. (laughter)”
“(slighty aggitated) Johnny who’s this girl everyon' sayin' yer so fond of?"
“Awh c’mon Doll, yer not jealous now are ya? You know yer always gonna be enough for me, Dollface.”
“(crying) Johnny, I wanna go back home."
"You think I wanna be here all day chasin' these vermin'?"
"(crying) N-no I jus-"
"(tuts and taunting) Awh, cmon' Dollface quit poutin' already an' help us out with that little act of yours.”
“(screams of distress) Help me! Get it off! Get it off!”
“What's the matter, Doll, can't handle a bit of blood? (laughter)”
"(hums "Look At Your Love" Sissy's song)"
“You ain't talking to that hippie now are ya darlin?"
“(stops humming and in panic) N-no! I would never!”
"(sadistic tone) You know I'll find out if you are."
“(small cries) Johnny, you love me, right? You promised you wouldn't leave me, right?"
“Nancy tellin' ya shit again? (annoyed sigh) Don't worry, Doll, I'll handle her. You just keep yer distance.”
“Johnny! C-can I stick with ya for a bit? I don’t w-wanna be alo-"
“(frustrated sigh) Dolly Baby, why don’t you go and smash some heads in, instead of hoverin' all over me like a damn dog and let me finally breathe!”
"(crying) I-I’m sorry."
“(crying) There’s so much blood."
“Bloody and a Crybaby, darlin' you really are for me! (laughter)”
"I-I am?”
“I can’t knock 'em down right with this no matter what, they just keep runnin'!
“What not likin' the mallet? Try smashin' harder, so that way you can get the job done much faster. Now isn't that an idea, sweet thing?"
"Ah! O-Okay I’ll make ya proud!”
"(laughter) I’m sure you will.”
Dolly Sees Nancy
"(crying then gasp of realization) Shit, not her."
“Of course yer crying. What else would you be doing? Yknow, I can't wait till my Johnny finally gets bored of ya."
“(sniffs) Johnny cares about me more than anything in the world I know he does, right?”
"Just like all the others, you ain't nothing special. (laughter)”
“Heard you and Johnny tusslin' trouble in paradise, Doll? (laughter)
"(verge of tears) Please not now."
"Oh girl, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. once he's done with you, I'll make sure to take care of you myself.”
"Johnny doesn't want me talkin' to ya leave me alone."
“Stilk fallin' for his act, huh? Johnny may like ya, but does he actually love ya? (laughter)”
“Nancy have you seen any of em kids around?"
“Of course, you’d let one get away! (frustrated grumbling) Well? Go get 'em I ain’t helpin' ya!”
Dolly Sees Nubbins/Hitchhiker
"Nubbins, do ya have any idea why Nancy is so I don't know mean all the time."
“I d-don't get why that old lady’s all mean t-to you! Y-yer pretty, and nice a-a-and she's just a m-mean o-ol hag that's what!”
“(sniffs) That’s real sweet of ya Nubsie.”
“(crying) Why can’t they just die."
“W-Why you al-always cryin' for? Don't you ever get a headache from all that w-whining?”
"(crying dies down) O-oh umm yeah b-but I’ve gotten used to it by now.”
"Sissy says I should use more accessories as a way to get Johnny to notice, but I'm not sure what?"
“I think a nice b-bone bracelet would l-look real nice on you! I c-can make you one if you want! (laughter)”
“(gasp) R-really?! I would love that, thank ya, Nubsie. I really do appreciate it. I can’t wait to see it!”
“Yknow the o-only reason they pick on ya is because y-yer to nice gr-grow some b-backbone o-once in a-awhile!”
Dolly Sees Bubba
“Heya Care Bear!"
"(affection grunting)"
"Woah n-now! Don't get so close swingin' yer chainsaw aroun it could hurt someone.”
“(crying) I don’t think I can do this by myself, Bubs. I really don’t wanna hurt em.”
"(very concerned grunting)"
“Yer lookin' real s-scary with that blood all smeared."
"(very concerned grunting)
"Don’t worry I’ll help ya clean yer mask once this is all over.”
“Heya Bubs, how's the huntin' goin' for ya?"
"(happy/affection grunting)"
"(laughter) I'm glad yer havin' some fun."
“If I find one of em you’ll be the first to know!”
"(comforted grunting)"
Dolly Sees Hands
“Wow Johnny wasn’t kiddin' y-you really are an intimidatin man.”
“I heard a lot bout yer hunts with Johnny, ya mind teachin' me a thing or two? (nervous laughter)”
"Not much of a talker, huh?"
“(crying) I-I can’t do th-this alone."
"(sniff) Ya min' given me a hand? (laughs lightly)”
"(small laughter)"
“Hands! Glad I caught ya when I did. You wanna try this new recipe I’m workin on for Johnny it's with h-hum- well meat."
"(grunts in affirmation)"
"I’ll t-take that as a yes”
“(screaming in terror) Oh! (laughs lighty) it's just you."
"(grunts in affirmation)"
"Ah, silent, but deadly I’ll have to learn from that.”
Match Start Intro
“H-how did they escape?! God, this needs to end quickly.”
“Of course, the cat plays with their food and the mice find a way to run wild. I really don’t wanna hurt em.”
“(crying) W-why couldn’t they have just stayed in the damned basement and die! Ya’ll kids better die this time.”
“Don’t worry Johnny I’ll make ya proud. I hope.”
“(crying) I never wanted to do this yknow but you gave me no choice I have to kill ya now!”
“Sissy was right it really does get easier the more I do this.”
“(laughter with tears) I really am a terrible person.”
“This is gettin' old! Come out already!”
“I can’t do anything right. (crying) Hell! I can’t even kill someone right!”
“What was it that Sissy said to me once? Laugh and smile and everything will get easier. (Manic Laughter) Yeah, no.”
“Go ahead, lil bunnies. The big bad wolf is gonna find ya soon enough.”
Feed Grandpa
“Don’t bite me, Don’t bite me, Don’t bite me!”
“Open wide, don’t choke now.”
“(crying) Please, let this work Johnny’s countin' on me…”
Find Hidden Victim
“(screams in excitement) I actually found one!”
“(crying) like a dog I’ll always fetch!”
“(crying) You're all real bad at hidin’ no wonder they always find ya.”
“You think yer hidin will do ya any good (laughter) then yall are dumber than you look!”
“(crying) Don’t hide without me! Make some room!”
Hit Enemy
“GRAH! Just stand still will ya!”
“(crying) Can’t ya see I’m tryin' to help! Just let me take away yer sufferin' already!”
“(crying) This is hurting me more than its hurtin ya.”
“Cry all ya want! (crying) It won’t change anythin!”
“(crying and laughter) Yall are making this way too easy. I feel real bad for ya.”
“Trust me, it's better if I’m the one who kills ya!”
Dolly See Blood Trail
“Looks fresh, your close ain’t ya.”
“(crying) You poor things I’m so sorry you havta suffer like this, I’ll help ya don’t worry”
“So much blood.”
“The more blood yall lose the easier it will be when he finds ya!”
“Well looky here a little red road!”
“(crying) This will be yalls demise.”
See Enemy First
“Run rabbit. (crying) Run!”
“Oh c'mon now, don’t just run off without me!”
“Just a few smacks to yer pretty lil skull will do the trick trust me!”
“(crying) I can see you.”
“I ain’t gonna bite ya! I promise.”
See Enemy Sub
“Johnny’s gonna be real pleased once I tell him how I found ya’ll!”
“It’s over. You better start runnin'. (crying) Right now!”
“Found ya!”
“(crying) Don’t even try runnin' it’s useless now.”
Encounter Start
“(crying and struggling) Let go of me!”
“(laughing with tears) well, looky here! Cmon, kill me! Yknow ya wanna!”
“Don't you dare, touch what's his!”
“Try me! I dare ya!”
“(crying) I just wanted y’all to die. Is that too much to ask?! Huh?!”
Exit Interaction
“AH! This could’ve ended badly. Good thing I caught it before any of em really did run off.”
“God this is frustratin’ just stay on dammit!”
“No wonder I didn’t hear no vroom an’ boom!”
Lose Enemy First
“Dammit, dammit, dammit! Johnny’s gonna be so mad!”
“No! This isn’t how it’s supposed to go!”
“Gah! (crying) The hunt just started, and I already messed up! Shit!”
“(crying) Johnny, trust me, this isn’t my fault.”
Lose Enemy Sub
“Run all ya want I’ll find ya! I hope.”
“Go ahead, run from fate!”
“(crying) No, please! Let this end! For the both of us.”
“(crying) Come back! Please I’m beggin' ya, please!”
Lose Enemy Long
“Yall were already dead the very moment you set foot on this place.”
“(crying) The more yall struggle the more painful this is gonna be!”
“I know yer here come on out! This is pointless. Please just go away.”
“I was like the rest of y'all once I too ran from death, but look at me now head over heels for him. I’d do anythin’ for my Johnny.”
See Family Member
“Keep yer eyes peeled they're here, somewhere”
“(crying) O-Oh! I didn’t see ya there. I’ll be quiet now.”
“I-I need yer help, please?”
See Trapped Victim
“Like a bug, disgusting.”
“(crying) That looks like it hurts! Here let me help!”
“I told ya, didn’t I? We’d find ya one way or the other, dead or alive.”
“Go ahead! Struggle, easier for me ta kill ya this way.”
“(crying) Please understand this is really for the best.”
“I-I need ya to stop movin yer makin' it harder to aim.”
See Victim Escape
“No, no, no, no, no! (cries and screams in frustration) What am I gonna do!? What am I gonna do?!”
“No wait! Please don't go! Please! Let me free you!”
“Bleed, bleed out, and die for all I care (crying) I tried helpin’ ya but yer too stubborn to care!”
“They got away, shit! (crying) I really am useless. What’s Johnny gonna do with me now if I can’t even finish the job! N-no, he wouldn’t do anything like that. Would he?”
“(crying) Johnny. I need Johnny!”
Use Ability Blocked
“They ain’t nearby yet. Gotta wait for the right time.”
“I don’t see anyone here.”
“Can’t deal with crowds. Gotta wait till they scatter.”
“No one is here to help.”
Use Ability
“Help! Help me! Please?!”
“No please don’t hurt me! Please someone help!”
“We gotta run! We gotta hide!”
“Y-yer not one of 'em are ya thank god! (crying)”
“(crying) Please, don’t leave me alone. I’m scared!”
“(crying) We’re not safe here! Please, we have to go!”
Use Ability Success
“I’ll take us somewhere safe! I promise.”
“(crying) I’m so glad you stayed. I was so scared, please don’t leave me.”
“(crying) I was stuck here for so long. I’m glad yer here to protect me.”
“You got so much blood on ya, I’ll clean ya right up once we're out of here!”
“We’re gonna be safe again, I just know it.”
“(crying) I’m sorry! You gave me no choice!”
“(crying) Blood, blood so much blood!”
“Why won’t you stop twitchin'!?”
“(crying) I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry!”
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Isn't she so cool! I need to know more of her lore, honestly. Can't wait for them to talk about her next stream if they even do.
(I hope ya like my oc!!!)
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wardenparker · 9 months
Vampire Waltz - ch 15
Max Phillips x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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A mysterious inheritance, sprawling mansion, eccentric roommates, friendly bat, and coven of New England witches are the newest chapter of your life after being unceremoniously dumped and kicked out by your boyfriend. For Max, the biggest change in his life is you, and what exactly he's going to do about the fact that he is stuck living with you as long as his sire continues to punish him for that incident at his last office...
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 15.4k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: deceased parents, cursing, food, blood and blood drinking, depictions and references to abusive relationships. Anxiety and trauma responses. Self-worth issues.* Idiots in love, silly stripper routine, unserious reference to foot fetishes, mention of rimming, oral sex (m and f receiving), 69, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, vampire bite, blood drinking, use of a safe word, alcohol consumption, PTSD, anxiety/fear, panic reaction. Summary: Picking up where the last chapter left off, Max and Dolly share a night of intimacy that makes their time in the past even more precious. Nothing lasts forever, though, and there are less easy nights ahead. Notes: For this week's photo, have a peak at the guest bedroom that inspired Dolly and Max's getaway. This is the second floor guest room at the Vanderbilt's summer cottage, standing in for a guest room in their 5th Avenue palace. (And, as usual, forgive any errors I may have missed in proofreading. I really have to learn to do it before I get too sleepy.)
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14
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"Tired, sweetheart?"
"Not at all." You've said goodnight to Renee and to Emmanuel's valet already, telling them you don't need help getting ready to sleep tonight, and that leaves just you and Max alone in your room together with a fire to keep you warm. "I do want to go to bed, though."
“Mhmmmmm.” Max licks his lips and winks at you. “Then we will have to get you out of that ballgown.” He tuts after he says it and frowns. “And I can’t rip it off you since it’s back in the future.”
"Most of it is just untying bows," you remind him, but your fingers feel for the seam on the left side of your bodice and start to unclip it carefully. This is the part that requires care. If anything underneath gets torn? Well...that's just an unfortunate accident.
Max decides that he should slip off his tailored coat, hanging it over the back of a chair before he's assisting you – wearing his vest and button down, shirt and tie still. "The loveliest bow I've ever unwrapped." He murmurs. "You are a gift, Dolly." Max has always flirted, always shmoozed, but with you – the pretty words come naturally and from the heart.
“If I didn’t know you as well as I do, I’d say you were too over the top to mean it.” He helps you with the hooks and clasps of your skirt and slipping out of your bodice, so that you’re just left in your many layers of underthings. The pretty corset cover would be a shame to lose, so you quickly set to work on those buttons.
"When it comes to you? Never." Max promises, wanting to rip everything off of you, but he also wants this to be romantic. Slightly afraid that your ex had been rough in the bedroom and doing that would trigger you, he keeps his hands steady and slow. Deciding that he will seduce you.
The ties holding each petticoat in place are easily pulled open, and each one is pulled over your head and tossed aside with little ceremony but enormous amounts of anticipation until you’re in just your stockings, corset, and chemise. It’s not that Max has never seen you naked. He has literally helped you wash, held you while you cried, and tasted your essence straight from the source. You’re not embarrassed to be seen by him. It’s just that the anticipation around this night has built up so distinctly that your skin has a layer of goosebumps just from wondering exactly how it will happen. The careful removal of your last few layers leaves you breathless, his cool fingers delicately shedding each piece of fabric from your skin like he’s plucking the petals from a flower.
Max’s fingers skim the underside of your breasts, not cupping them and just teasing with the cool brush of them. “Dolly…” he hums as he ducks his head and kisses along your neck. “We’re alone now.” He reminds you. “Tell me what you want.”
“It…seems pretty straightforward to me?” It’s also borderline impossible to think with Max’s lips on you, and you struggle to pull your thoughts together based on that one distraction alone. “I—I want to make love to my soulmate.” It seems ludicrous to say it out loud like that. Old fashioned and sentimental. But…the reality is, that this is sentimental. It’s the most sentimental you’ve ever felt in your life. Because Max is worth that emotional weight. Right now the only weight that isn’t worth it is the last of your clothes, which he helps you out of with eager hands.
“Romantic and slow.” Max decides, smiling against your skin and kissing your pulse. “Strip you down and kiss every inch of your skin. Before I finally slide inside you.”
“Hmmm,” you hum, swallowing a gasp when he nips at your pulse again. “Romantic torture? Actually sounds pretty sexy.”
“Not torture, worship.” He corrects you, sliding his hands over your bare stomach and down your hips. “Show you what you deserve.”
“Baby…” Turning around in his arms, you smooth one hand over his shaved cheek and bite your lip, holding back a worried pout. “You’re not in competition with my demons, love. I hope you know that.”
“I know.” He promises softly. “I am better than your demons and I want to prove it.”
"Conversely?" You step closer to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. "In some cultures you would be considered a demon in your own right. So maybe we're just fighting fire with fire?"
“I am a demon.” His eyes flash yellow and he smirks. “A love demon.” It’s a joke, one to make you laugh.
“A desire demon?” Teasing him right back, you easily press your body against his and trail kisses from his lips to his jaw and down his neck.
"Yes." Max groans and closes his eyes and tilts his head back so let you do what you want. "Your desire demon."
“Hmmm,” you hum against his skin, almost triumphant in the way he’s reacting to you. “Yes, you definitely are.”
You make his knees weak, growling quietly as his body tightens in pleasure. "Dolly."
"Mm?" Having someone as powerful as Max is shake for you is a little intoxicating, and you barely stop to mumble against his skin. "What do you want, baby?"
"I want you." He groans, making sure he doesn't tighten his hold on you too much. You are still human and delicate. "I want to see you cum again."
“Then we should finish getting you undressed.” One more nip at his jaw makes him groan and you grin unrepentantly before you declare: “I want to watch.” And get up on the bed with darkened eyes.
Max grins, winking at you as he starts to slowly undress. "Bam Bam, bum bum." He teases, rolling his hips playfully in a mock strip tease.
The sight of him undressing isn’t funny – by definition it’s the single sexiest thing you’ve seen in your life to date. The fact that he’s doing a Chippendale’s routine in a full tuxedo is what does it, sending you into a torrent of giggles on the bed.
He pouts at you, even though he's sending you an air kiss. "Are you laughing at me?" He huffs playfully. "You wound me."
“I’m laughing at the fact that you’re singing your own stripper music,” you promise him. “If you’d picked Pour Some Sugar on Me, I’d be laughing even harder. The whole thing is perfect, baby.”
He winks and turns around to shake his ass at you with a small twerk. Enjoying the way you are laughing and having fun. You had been so apprehensive about anything physical at the beginning and now look at you.
“Max…” When you say his name again it’s soft and sweet, as gentle as you’ve ever been in your life. This man has no idea how much he has changed your approach to life. How much lighter your heart is because of him. How much sweeter the world seems with him beside you. “I love you.”
Turning back around, Max beams at you. "I love you too." He promises, unable to resist rushing over to you to press his lips to yours. The bump of his heart making him shiver and hum against your mouth.
Urging him closer without breaking the kiss, one hand pulls Max toward you on the bed while the other shoves fruitlessly at his open trousers, trying to push them off of his hips in the same motion that you would have him beside you in bed. It feels giddy in a way, from all the giggling and the tender vows, and you swear this is the closest to being a romantically portrayed young lady in love from a period film that you’ll ever get in your life. And really? You love it.
Kneeling on the bed, Max gazes down at you lovingly and bites his lip. "Want to make this a night to remember, Queenie." He hums, leaning in and kissing you softly. "I'm going to kiss every inch of your body."
The urge to get one last tease in is too great, and you widen your eyes to a look of endearing confusion and distaste after kissing him back. “Even my feet?”
"Baby, a man's foot fetish isn't something to scoff at." He teases. "You don't want me to suck on your toes?"
You scrunch up your face and shake your head, letting out another soft giggle. “I can’t say it’s on my list,” you admit. “Ballet and ballroom feet aren’t exactly modeling-ready.”
"But you don't exactly have ugly feet either, love." He wrinkles his nose, but nods. "However I will leave your feet alone, but don't tell me I can't lick your asshole."
A slow tilt of your head shows you’re actually considering it, and after a second you shrug. “I’ve never tried it, so sure. Why not?”
"What?" His eyes widen in shock and he is absolutely flabbergasted. "Really? You— you never tried— and I can—?"
You shrug again, but you’re grinning over Max’s shock. “Nobody ever asked before. So nope. Never tried any of it.”
"Dear sweet baby Jesus..." Max slaps his hands together and looks up at the ceiling. "Thank you for giving me such an innocent little soulmate to turn into a dirty girl." He grins down at you wickedly when he says that.
“Cunt first, ass second,” you tell him, wagging a finger like he’s a naughty schoolboy. “Deal?”
Waggling his brows, he makes an 'x' over his heart. "Deal." He slides off the bed to strip down fully, clothes removed in less than five seconds and he stands in front of you completely bare.
“Get back here.” More than just wanting to see him, you want to touch him. The small touches and baby steps you’ve taken aren’t enough anymore. You reach out to pull him back on the bed, letting him loom over you and taking in all the defined planes of his body before you smooth your hands down his chest and over his stomach — down to dig your fingertips into his hips before looking up to make sure it’s okay for you to explore more.
"Do you want me on my back, Dolly?" He asks softly. "I will do whatever you want and let you do whatever you want to me."
“I just want to touch you.” Already your breathing has turned heavier, lust swimming in your stomach and in your eyes. “I don’t care if you’re standing or lying down or however you’re comfortable.”
Max shifts to his side, biting his lip as he stretches out for you. His hard cock is bobbing between you and he watches you as you look him over.
“Gods…” He really is gorgeous. It would be borderline absurd if you weren’t so giddy about him being yours. “I am a very lucky girl.” You hum, turning the tables on him and starting to kiss down his body instead.
"Shiiiiiiit." Max groans and bites his lip, keeping his eyes open as your mouth starts to caress his body. "Queenie, I'm supposed to worship you."
Barely pausing in your journey down his torso, you nip at both of his hips before grinning up at him. "Can't it be both?"
“You are full of surprises.” He huffs out, but he doesn’t move to stop you on your quest.
"You've been taking such good care of me." One hand on his chest encourages him to lay all the way back, and you shift yourself to kneel between his legs. "Let me take care of you for once," you insist, lowering your head to take his cock into your mouth with a groan.
He had not expected that. Head falling back onto the pillows, Max lets out a moan that would be embarrassing if he gives a shit. But he just lifts his head and watches you slowly roll your tongue around the head. “Sweetheart— fuck.”
Humming as you bob up and down on his shaft, you would be hard-pressed to believe before this that you had actually missed something as simple as giving head, but it's giving pleasure that you missed. Sharing in intimacy. Having a real partner. Max has done so much for you that extending this intimacy is a pleasure for you as well. Plus, his moans are exquisite. Every single sound out of this man is gold, and you want to hear every single way he'll gasp your name as you swallow his cock.
The urge to grab you has Max clawing at the sheets, desperately trying now to shred the fine silks that Mrs. Vanderbilt had ordered. It’s hard, especially the way that you are so eagerly sucking him. “Dolly, Dolly— baby— you gotta— I can’t—”
It almost pains you to have to stop, but the obscene popping noise that comes with pulling off of his length is far more satisfying than it should be. “Did I do something wrong?” Instinct tells you no, but you still want to check in with him.
“Fuck no.” He groans, reaching down and cupping your cheek to pull you up for a desperate kiss. “You’re just gonna suck my soul out through my cock.”
“And is that bad?” The kiss truly is desperate — sloppy and enthusiastic and full of passion. You’ll absolutely keep going if he lets you, but Max might have other ideas about how he wanted tonight to go.
“No, but I wanted to show off my amazing skills before I cum.” He huffs playfully. “And possibly weep while doing it.”
“Honey.” Your face softens, love tempering lust, and you cup Max’s jaw in both of your hands before pressing a soft, earnest kiss to his lips. “Believe me, if anybody’s going to cry tonight it’s going to be me. And they’re going to be happy tears. Only the happiest tears with you, I promise.”
“Only happy tears.” Max doesn’t even want those, but he knows you probably will. He kisses you again. “Now…if you really want to suck my cock, we can do a little Gilded Age face sitting?”
“I really do.” The confession comes with a smirk, and you nudge his onto his back again gently. “But if I’m too heavy on you or it’s not comfortable, tell me right away. Okay?”
“Queenie.” Max tuts and looks at you, completely offended. “Who do you think I am?”
“Well…” The real answer is that Derek and other previous boyfriends had never wanted to share this particular experience — but none of them really ate pussy to begin with. And that’s something Max excels at. “I didn’t want to assume…” is what you answer instead.
“Assume all you want.” He chuckles. “You can’t hurt me sweetheart, I don’t need to breathe.”
“I forget about that…” you mumble, cheeks warm with embarrassment but not so much that it dampens your enthusiasm. Max pats his chest and waggles his eyebrows when he lays back, encouraging you to give him all you’ve got — so you take him at his word. You settle your knees on either side of his head and intend to be at least slightly delicate about lowering yourself over his face, but Max grabs your hips with a growl and pulls you straight down to him eagerly, making you gasp in surprise as much as pleasure.
Max has shown you what he can do but he wants to improve on that. Really drive you crazy. His tongue isn’t shy, never hesitant as he dives into your folds with a happy groan. The symphony the two of you make right off the bat is enviable. Every groan Max rumbles into your folds comes out of your own mouth as a barely contained moan. The kind that have to be muffled somehow, and there is no way quite as good to stifle moans than by taking Max's cock back in your mouth.
Max hisses into your wet folds when you engulf his cock. Loving how eager you are for it and him. It makes him work even harder to make you moan loudly. It's the kind of overwhelming feeling that only feels better the more and more you put into it. The vibrations he gets from you moaning as you swirl your tongue around his cock move through him in waves and end up pushed right back into your pussy as he licks and sucks every possible inch of your pussy.
Max squeezes your ass, smirking into your folds as he slurps and sucks. Loving every dirty second as the two of you are in a race for pleasure. It really isn’t long before your thighs start to shake and your stomach tightens. Max knows your body too well even after so little time that he can shuttle you toward pleasure with a deft and expert hand. Or, in this case, tongue.
Groaning your name into your cunt, Max watches you. Feeling your pulse speed up and the heady arousal thickening on his tongue. Signifying you are close to coming apart for him. He grunts, squeezing your ass and bringing you back on his face more, nearly pulling you off his cock completely.
You know he's always careful with you, making sure he doesn't hurt you, but the way his fingertips dig into your hips tonight almost makes you wish that he would one day. That he would go just far enough that you could still feel his grip on your thighs the next day as you go about your utterly normal life. While you know that he won't do that tonight, it feels far too good to care. The way you're careening toward your first orgasm of the night is too good to care about anything else.
Your breath catches and he knows you are about to come apart for him. Wanting to see it in all its glory when you finally break. There's no mistaking the way you shake for him. He knows it well by now and you're realizing that Max affects you in ways no one ever had before – whether that's talent on his part or the soulmate connection is up for debate. In the moment that the tether inside you snaps and you flood his eager tongue with cum, you're forced to pull away from him or really and truly you might be far too enthusiastic and choke on his cock before you can get further into the night. But pulling away means there is nothing to muffle your cries, and you force yourself to stifle a loud moan of his name to make sure that the house doesn't echo with the sounds of your pleasure.
The good thing about his strength is that he can move you around like a leaf on the wind. Bolting upright so your legs are dangling over his shoulders, the snarl Max gives is feral as he feasts in your juices. Slurping them down as if they were ambrosia, and they are. It’s the best something has tasted since he’s been turned into a vampire.
"Gods—" You hold tight to him as he drinks you down, every last drop licked from your lips and then from his.
He chuckles, a dirty, self-satisfied sound as he smacks his lips. “Was that good enough for our opening act? Or shall I show you again?”
You could prolong the night. You know you could. Make it last as long as possible and truly wring each other out. But you’re craving the closeness of having him with you and inside you in a way that you can’t quite describe. When Max cradles you in his arms again after you catch your breath, you can’t help the soft, breathy tone in your voice when you promise him: “I’m ready.”
Gently, probably the gentlest he’s ever been, Max repositions you. Wanting to make sure that you are comfortable and looking him in the eyes when you assure him. His eyes are light, almost yellow with desire but his words are soft. “Are you sure? You want me to make love to you?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.” Lying beneath him in this borrowed bed, it seems like the strangest thing in the world to say that this is right, but it’s all about him. It’s all about this time spent with your soulmate and finding your strength again — because he has loved all of you. Even the parts you thought were broken forever.
“Alright.” It’s out of character for him, or maybe out of character for the facade he wears for others, but Max is almost shy right now. The tenderest love shining on his face as he leans in to press his lips to yours. You trust him with the most vulnerable of things, your heart and the intimacy of your body. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” More fiercely and completely than you ever thought possible, and yet somehow that doesn’t make you scared. It makes you sure, and so you surge up to kiss him another time.
You are the bold one and Max finds that incredibly sexy. Groaning into the kiss as his body floods with a warmth that can only come from you. Easing you back down to the silken sheets and slowly starting to cover you with his own frame and your breath escapes into his mouth.
It feels also surreal to be desperate to be touched again, but when Max’s hand closes over your side to shift his weight above you and his lips connect with your pulse, you shiver. “I love you.” Murmured again with every ounce of honesty in your body, your legs wrap lightly around his waist to encourage him to settle in the cradle of your thighs.
“I love you, Dolly.” He nudges his nose against yours and slowly settles between your legs. His cock is achingly hard and throbbing against your core. “Tell me if you don’t like something.”
“I promise.” The welcome pressure of having him between your thighs only makes you pant more heavily, needing him as much as wanting.
“Good girl.” He hums, kissing all over your face and down your jaw. “My beautiful soulmate. All mine.” His hips slowly grinding against you, feeling you get even wetter as you squirm under his cool body.
"All yours." The first real press of the head of his cock against your entrance has you squirming, practically begging for more.
Max slides his hand between you, wanting to make sure there’s no slips, no uncomfortable misses that would cause you a second’s discomfort. Wanting this to be experience you deserve. “And I’m yours.” He promises, sealing that vow with a kiss as his hips slowly push forward and the head of his length slips inside you seamlessly.
That familiar first press is almost foreign after so long without it, but wanting it makes you sigh and lets your whole body relax to take him in. Blazing hot, soaking wet, and squeezing his cock tight, your body is as welcoming to him as it possibly could be — especially with your head tossed back on the pillow and a low moan of his name on your lips as he rocks his hips forward to fill your pussy more and more with each stroke.
“That’s it, pretty girl.” Max moans, kissing your neck where you bare it. He wants nothing more than to sink his fangs into your throat but he resists. “So good, taking my cock. You like it filling you up?”
“Fuck—” Even just the groaned out curse comes with a fervent nod of your head, and you squeeze your eyes shut or open them wide alternately and he presses inside you, slowly but surely. “Fuck, Max, oh gods—I—feels so fucking good, love.”
“That’s it, you’re so perfect. Fuck, I’m about to cum you’re so tight and hot.” Max groans into your lip, trying to stay connected as much as possible.
“Slow and steady, baby,” you encourage him breathlessly, rolling your hips under him to tell him it’s okay to move.
“I’ve got you.” He groans. “Gonna take care of you. Make sure you don’t have any complaints.”
“Could never.” Complain? About him? Fuck no. If anything, your mind is fogged with happiness.
It’s taking so long but finally, finally, his hips are flush with yours and he’s buried to the hilt again. Pausing for a second before the slow drag out of you begins. He wants to take his time, but he also can’t bare to pull out of you.
Slow and steady is truly it. Like Max doesn’t even want to leave the clutch of your body but he knows it will feel so Fucking good when he does.
Hissing, Max rolls his hips quickly back into you. “Fucking perfect.” He praises. “You’re fucking perfect, Dolly.”
The rhythm he sets is exquisite, carrying you through waves of pleasure by clinging to you every bit as hard as you cling to him. Of course everyone says that your soulmate is your perfect match, but you had never really thought it would extend this far. Never thought that when he slid his arms under you in bed to keep you as close as possible, you would feel like you had finally come home.
Max has always been a thorough lover. Call it ego, call it pure pride, but he wants his partner to sing his praises during and afterwards. This time, it’s more about giving. Wanting you to have nothing but bliss when you’re in his arms. The slight slap of his hips isn’t enough to jar you, just a subtle little sound.
Every roll forward is somehow the fullest and most blissful you’ve ever felt. Stifling your moans into endless kisses and letting your hands explore the plains of his body as he moves above you and never hold back from letting your own body respond to his. Every inch of you seeks him out, so your hips roll to match his and your hands clutch to keep him close even as he has you cradled against his chest.
“Never gonna let you go, Dolly. Never gonna let you go.” He groans out, holding you close and nearly panting against your throat. He’s so fucking overwhelmed by the feel of you, of your scent and softness. The feelings bursting inside of him has him melting into you.
"Staying right here," you promise him, gasping with every thrust forward. "With you."
"You are my other half, my better half." He moans, scattering your skin with kisses. "My Queenie, my queen, my life." Until you arrived, Max had been so focused on success that it was what he lived for, now he just wants to live for you.
"Love you —" A sharp, strong thrust makes you groan into his shoulder, and you clutch him tighter. "Forever, baby."
“Forever.” Forever is a long time, especially for him and yet if there is anyone he believes would love him for an endless amount of time, he believes that it would be you. There's no second guessing or doubting when it comes to you. Just love.
You both felt like you might shake apart when you were finally joined together, and that feeling hasn't abated. Every stroke is a scrub of your pussy walls as he pushes inside you until you feel so full that your heart swells along with everything else. It's lovemaking, in the purest and simplest definition of the term, and you've never felt so lucky in your entire life.
"Never felt like this." Max admits, pulling back to look into your eyes. His own are yellow now, his facial features slightly sharper than before but he's holding back from transforming. Taking more effort than usual due to how much you affect him. "Never."
"Max—" Your chest heaves and back bows under the shaking pleasure. "Do you—" Seeing his eyes makes the thought swirl, and you would be lying if you said it was the first time it had occurred to you since arriving in 1885. "Drink from me."
The vampire above you shudders, a full body shiver that races through him and vibrates against your skin. Eyes widening and brightening even more. Tinged with hunger, desire and concern all swirled together. "Are you sure?" His voice is deeper, raspier and stopped mid-thrust to stare at you.
“Yes.” There’s no hesitation in it. No worry or hidden anxiety. Only the surety that it will make this night — this first time together — all the more meaningful. “I said forever, love. And I mean it.”
He hisses, fangs popping out of his gums and it's a miracle he doesn't bury them in your throat that second. "Tell me a word." He begs, sounding slightly pained. "A safe word."
The conversation in the woods seems ages ago, and napkin was never going to be a serious safe word to begin with. So when you force your mind to function just for half a second, what you come out with is “Traffic”, and that seems like as good a choice as any. There’s never going to be any reason to say the word traffic in bed otherwise. “And you’ll… you’ll let me drink from you, too?”
"Yes." He all but groans the word, nodding at the thought of you having a bit of his blood inside you, carrying him with you. "I will. Let you have it whenever you want." Although it wasn't technically addicting, the more vampiric blood a human drank, the stronger it made them. Some humans loved to drink as much as they donated in return. "It won't hurt." He promises, kissing your lips and then ducking his head to lick over your pulse.
“I love you.” Words of trust are the only thing that come from you now, as if to say that your love for him and your trust in him are entirely intertwined. That no matter what else happens between the two of you, the tether of this togetherness holds those two things in it for both of you forever.
"I love you." He growls the sentiment, pulling his tongue away from your skin just long enough to get it out. "Forever." He reminds you, right before his razor-sharp fangs slice through the thin layers of your skin to the beautiful, pulsing vein below the surface.
It’s pressure and a sharp pinch, just like having blood drawn at the doctor, but the difference in the moments after is enormous. At the first feeling of blood being drawn up through his fangs, your body shakes in pure pleasure and kickstarts the most unexpected, swirling, lasting orgasm that has ever wracked your body.
He had known you would cum from it. Had predicted it as sure as the sun rising every morning. Groaning as he mouths against your skin and retracts his fangs so he can suck, his cock still buried deep inside you is twitching as you pulse around him.
“Fuck— fuck— oh gods—” The feeling is so much more intense than you expected and so much more pleasurable, making you moan and whimper beneath him as the hot rush of orgasm courses through you. If that is going to happen every time he bites you, you’re going to need to be sitting or lying down each and every time.
He keeps rocking into you, filling you with every snap of his hips. Slightly harsher than before as he gulps down mouthful after mouthful of your sweet blood. It's like ambrosia and he has to remind himself not to drink too much.
His pace quickens, pushing you toward yet another orgasm even faster than normal, and you’re swimming in a lighter-than-air, almost out-of-body feeling as your moans grow louder and sharper. You have to untangle one hand from the silk sheets to slap over your own mouth because Max is still drinking from you, and it takes you another few seconds to realize that you have to be the one to stop him. “Max—” Keening his name into the night, The fingers of the one you still have on him are clawing into his back while the coil in the pit of your stomach tightens all over again. “Baby—traffic.” Starting to feel lightheaded is what tips you off, though you know that could still just be the sex.
Max freezes. The cool coil of dread knotting in his stomach as he pulls away. Lips stained with your blood as he searches your face. “What’s wrong, what hurt?”
“I’m okay,” you promise him, pressing a kiss to his lips and tasting the irony tang of your own blood in the process. “Just starting to feel pretty lightheaded.”
"That happens sometimes during sex." He assures you, leaning in and licking your neck to heal your wounds.
“I’ll remember for next time.” He’s frozen still inside you, but your body is aching and needed more despite multiple orgasms. “I didn’t kill the mood, did I?”
"Do you want to keep going?" He asks, frowning slightly. He wants to make sure that your safe word didn't mean a full stop for everything. "What do you want, Dolly?"
“I want to keep going.” You pick your head up and kiss the place where his pulse beats whenever your lips meet his. “Please?”
You can have whatever you want but he's relieved that you want to keep going. Not that he would have been upset, but because he never wanted to do anything to make you feel like you had to stop. "I love you." He promises, leaning in to nudge his nose against yours and slowly starts to move again.
“I love you, too.” Shifting beneath him, your legs come around his waist and your arms twine around his back, letting each thrust hit that much deeper inside you.
“Will you cum again for me, sweet girl?” Max groans, the taste of you still so robust on his tongue. “Will you cry out for me again?”
“Feel so good…” Already your breathing turns heavier, that powerful heaviness and electricity of just being connected to him piquing every feeling in your body. “Gods you feel so good, love.”
"I'm a lucky bastard." Max grunts, gathering up the remains of his control and feeling even closer to you now that he's drunk from you. Pulling you closer and rolling his hips and grinding into you rather than pulling out.
The intense grind of his hips rubs your swollen clit with each roll of his hips, working you up that much faster. Every thought but Max leaves your head, letting you focus on him and him alone. He can sense the changes in your breathing, in your heart rhythm. "You're gonna cum." He promises, ducking his head down and kissing along your throat. "Gonna come apart for me like a firework."
“Need you to cum with me.” You’re so close to the edge that you know this one is going to shatter you, holding yourself on the precipice of breaking apart at every seam and all you can do is beg him to follow you.
"Gonna." He promises, groaning out the word. Even though he doesn't need to breathe, he's choked up. Overwhelmed by the pure beauty of the moment. "Right after you do."
Whether he knows he’s giving you permission or not, you tumble off the cliff of one last climax, pouring your cry of his name into a kiss that tangles you together that much more. You shake apart underneath him, cunt squeezing him tight and heart pounding with every wave of your release.
Max shudders, absorbs the reaction of your body. Taking it into his soul and letting it burn inside him. Watching you as starlight burst behind your eyes. Making sure that you’re tumbling into pleasure before he thrusts deep, giving into his own needs.
The two of you lay together for long moments afterward, with Max cradling you close while you catch your breath. The feeling of being full is remarkable and oddly comforting, as the depth and the meaning of the moment washes over both of you. “I love you.” Another whisper into the candlelit-night, but it’s weightier this time. Most witches and vampires could only dream of bearing children together — but with your bloodline it is actually possible. Unlikely. Exceedingly rare. But possible.
He can sense what you are thinking about, the weight of it is also on his mind as well. "If we don't, we will still be happy." He promises you, stroking your shoulder lovingly and hoping he can keep that promise. "We can adopt or rescue puppies, whatever will make you happy and fulfill you."
“We have forever,” you remind him, within an almost wistful note in your voice. “We can do all of it.”
"Forever." He smiles. "We can do everything you want. Travel the world, and now, through time."
The next night feels like it's been pulled right out of a movie. The red, gold, and cream gown that Renee had laced you into is accented by a bold, beautiful set of ruby and citrine jewelry that Max and Yayo had found at the same jewelry store where Max picked out your ring. The elaborate hairdo and long, cream gloves make the long red velvet cape look positively purposeful, and you feel as made-up as could ever possibly imagine. The realization though, that you are not nearly the most elaborately dressed woman there, comes when you get out of your carriage. Annie and Emmanuel stand excitedly by on the steps waiting for Max to help you out onto the cobblestone, and her own pearl and diamond jewelry winks in the moonlight. It's simultaneously mystifying and yet so very easy to remember that this young woman is the same person who will one day be your mother, especially when she looks even more dressed up than she did in the photos of her wedding to your father. Annie is eager and smiling, eyes wide in the flickering gaslight on the street as the sign behind them proclaims the details for the production of Carmen that you are all about to see.
“I am so thrilled to be here.” She moons happily, clutching Emmanuel’s arm and smiling dreamily. This trip has been perfect and she cannot even imagine a more wonderful evening. “Box seats!”
"Your parents were very generous to allow us to use their box." Emmanuel is beaming with his newly minted fiancée on his arm.
“Yes, and I believe that we will have a grand time.” She coos, batting her lashes at him innocently. “Especially since we are also having a late dinner and dancing with the Vanderbilts.”
"We're looking forward to meeting more of their family." The invitation from Cornelius and Alice to join them at his brother's home for a soiree after the opera tonight was most appreciated, and from the way that Alice worded the invitation, you have a feeling that she might be looking forward to bringing guests who are exceptional dancers.
“Yes. I am so happy that we are here.” She turns her gaze to you and smiles. “And I get to enjoy your first opera by your side.”
You comb your mind for a long moment trying to decide exactly which kind of irony that statement is, considering your mother also took you to your first opera when you were ten years old and there was a production of The Magic Flute being performed in English nearby. Deciding it doesn't matter, you reach out to squeeze her hand when you reach the top of the stairs with Max and smile warmly. "I cannot think of anything that could make tonight better," you promise her honestly.
There is a dramatic sound of a bell, signifying that the guests need to find their seats so the opera can begin. “Oh there is Mrs. Astor.” Max leans in to tell you. “Everyone is here, apparently.” He’s smirking slightly, curious to interact with her now that he knows she’s also a modern woman in a primitive time.
“We should go and say hello to her at intermission.” You return Mrs. Astor’s small wave when she spots you across the lobby but follow your mother and Emmanuel and the young man who is escorting the four of you to your box. The blur around you — of color, of sound, of so many people so excited for the evening — has you grinning and giddy for the night in your own right.
"What I wouldn't give for my phone." Max murmurs to you. "Not to call anyone, but for the fucking selfies." He's joking of course, but high resolution colored photos from this time would be amazing.
“We could start an Instagram trend,” you joke quietly, holding into his arm as you take the stairs inside the opera house’s lobby. “Photoshopping your selfie into a historical period. Except ours wouldn’t be photoshopped.”
"Do you think people would question a selfie stick in this time?" Max asks, chuckling at the reaction to him pulling out the long telescopic tool.
“You’d get questioned like an inventor. Nobody loves gadgets like they do in this time.” The theater around you is so incredibly opulent that you really can’t look away — eyes bouncing from one thing to another like a kid in a candy store. “This place is gorgeous,” you murmur to him as you walk.
"Yes it is." The opulence cannot be replicated in your time. The attention to detail and craftmanship lost through modernization and mechanization of the world. They called it The Gilded Age for a very good reason and Max is mesmerized by the sight. "Nearly as gorgeous as my wife."
You throw him a grin and roll your eyes teasingly for good measure, but Annie overhears the last comment and coos dreamily at the two of you. “Flattery is Max’s middle name,” you tell her with a little laugh.
"A beaming bride makes for a lovely night." Max tells Emmanuel seriously, changing the popular phrase 'Happy wife, happy life' to fit into the times and your situation. "Romance her as much as possible and she will flourish."
“Every day,” the younger man promises, with sparkling stars in his eyes every time he looks at his soulmate. Emmanuel is a gentle, romantic soul and absolutely worships Annie. “Every day for the rest of my life.”
It's haunting, because he knows that it will be true. Just that the life will be cut tragically short and the rift from that time will vibrate through time to affect you. His hand is over yours that is wrapped around his other arm and he squeezes gently. Encouraging and supporting you. "Waltz with her." He tells the other man. "Every chance you get."
“I shall have to have a few pointers from you on that front,” Emmanuel chuckles. “I have never claimed to excel at dancing, although I do enjoy it.”
“I will give you lessons.” Max promises, unsure of when the horrible events with Emmanuel went down.
“And I will sing your praises to all of society for it.” Annie giddily leads Emmanuel to the open door of her parents’ box and takes your hand to have you sit beside her. “Not that you need my help. Your wife is a favorite of Mrs. Astor now.”
"Except Dolly never wants friends because of how they benefit her." Max explains. "My wife is a very loving and loyal creature. She has friends because of how they make her feel. And you are one of her dearest."
“I’m sure we should all benefit from such a shining example.” Emmanuel praises, smiling at how Annie reaches across to hug you tightly just before the lights begin to dim over the audience assembled for tonight’s performance.
One thing that Max doesn’t care for in this time, is the fact that to show too much affection is frowned upon. He releases your hand and wishes he could wrap his arm around you, but he doesn’t wish to cause a scandal, so he leans back and waits for the performance to begin.
Unbeknownst to both of you, wishing the very same thing, you slip your hand into his to thread your fingers together in his lap. This time may discourage public shows of affection, but your relationship does not. It’s all about balance.
Max looks down at your hands and smiles, catching your gaze when he looks up and he winks at you. Loving that you are in tune with him and his body leans in closer to you as the first lines are sung.
Carmen is a stunning opera. Dramatic, groundbreaking, emotional, and inspiring. By the time intermission comes you’ve been on the edge of your seat. The first half of the show has left both you and Annie breathless in the best way possible and your heart is hammering with it when the lights come up.
Max stands, helping you from your seat and he smiles at the dreamy expression on your face. "I can tell this will be a tradition now." He teases, having enjoyed himself immensely even though he had also been observing everyone else in the theatre as well.
“Modern operas have subtitles,” you assure him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “So you can follow along in English and not have to fight through the French or German or Italian.”
"How do they put subtitles on a live performance?" Max asks seriously.
“Screens.” Although the visual of actors with lyrics written on cards makes you grin as you whisper to him. “We’ll go. You’ll love how swanky it is, though nothing is swankier than chatting with the Astors at intermission and having dinner and dancing with the Vanderbilts afterward.”
"I don't think that we would ever be able to top this." Max admits with a grin, shrugging slightly.
“For now, let’s just enjoy it.” You hum, squeezing his hand again as you lean into his side. In this time, these people — they take their summers and seek out the beaches and the grandeur of Europe or beauty of mountains. And it’s clear to you after just a short amount of time that both you and Max love it here, but it isn’t where you belong. Perhaps, though? Just perhaps…you might take a leaf out of their book. And like the socialites of Gilded Age New York City take their summers away from home, you and Max might one day to decide to ‘summer’ in the Gilded Age. “For now, let’s go see the Astors.”
"Your wish is my command, my dear, sweet wife." He coos, smirking at you as the two of you glide down the stairs to the lobby. Refreshements are being served and no doubt you will have to leave his side to attend to your needs in the toilet, but for now, he will be satisfied by escorting the most beautiful woman in the room around.
Annie and Emmanuel elect to stay behind in the box and you don’t say a damn thing, preferring to just let them have their time to flirt and whisper back and forth while you and Max go and mingle. A glass of lemonade is procured for you so that no well-meaning friend or acquaintance will attempt to offer you wine out of politeness, and soon you spot the Astors at the center of a crush of admirers.
It takes a few moments for them to move through the crowd, too many people stopping to chit chat with her and her husband, but soon enough Lina is standing in front of you and pulls you in for a quick, fierce hug. "I am so glad you came." She whispers.
“How could we possibly turn down the invitation?” It doesn’t matter whether you mean the invitation from her or from your grandparents. Either way, you are here. “Are you enjoying it so far?”
"I did not think that I would, but I am immensely enjoying it." William skirts around the trains on your dresses and shakes Max's hand, speaking to him quietly as Lina chats with you.
“He’s enjoying himself here.” The two of you now your heads to murmur between you as though you were simply gossiping. “I think we might try to come back, if I can get the hang of traveling back and forth.”
"That would be wonderful." She squeezes your hand gently. "William and I would be willing to host you anytime you wished to visit." She promises quietly.
“And if you ever wanted to come forward, we would be glad to have you.” You promise her just as earnestly.
"Perhaps one day." She hums. "Although I believe that William is a bit...stuck in his ways." She offers with a small smile.
“We have an excellent staff.” A wry smile on your lips twists her way. “He would be treated the way he is accustomed. I promise.” By the very same people who currently care for him anytime they visit your grandparents, but you can’t say so here.
The glass of punch in Lina's hand is quickly drained and she fans herself. "I must excuse myself." She hums. "Unless you also need to use the facilities?"
“I’ll follow you.” You drink the petite glass of lemonade easily and set it on the tray of a waiter passing by before turning to Max. “We’ll be right back, love.”
"Of course, my love." He smiles at you and nods, watching as you and Lina Astor walk off.
Around two corners, it is not the busy, central bathroom that Mrs. Astor leads you toward but rather a smaller and more concealed one that she seemingly has special privilege to use. The attendant inside even offers her a polite smile but departs after you both step in the door.
"Now, you seemingly have a glow about you that wasn't there before." Lina eyes you with a knowing smirk before she moves over towards the mirror to check her hair.
"I have no idea what you mean." Is a complete but polite lie, and you have to stifle a smile as you peak into the mirror beside her. Not that you would know how to fix your hair even if you tried. Renee had put more pins in it than should ever even exist together on earth.
Even though it's thoroughly unladylike and she would never do such a thing in public, Lina snorts and rolls her eyes. "You are aware I have five children, correct?" She hums. "I know when someone has been naughty."
"We're married!" You defend, even though that isn't technically true, but the fact that you've just been called out by Lina Astor for getting it on practically makes you double over laughing. "Surely the Gilded Age isn't so prim that they look down on that sort of thing?"
"Again, I have five children." She teases and winks at you in the mirror. "All we have for entertainment is fucking. Especially in the winter."
This time you can't swallow it, snorting in amusement and shaking your head at her. "It was the first time," you admit a little sheepishly. "So I'm still a little...giggly, I guess?"
"Obviously the boy was good to you," She eyes you carefully and approves of the starry glaze to your eyes. Since she was a child of the sixties, she was a little more liberal in her views of sex and love and had been fortunate enough to teach William what she likes. Her own children were carefully guided but it was freeing to talk about this with another modern woman. "It's a good thing. I would hate to slap his shins with my walking stick."
"There's no need for that." Although the mental image is fairly amusing. "I'm very lucky to have him for my soulmate." Typically you would adjust your makeup. Or the way your shirt is hanging on your body. But since you've been pinned within an inch of your life and aren't wearing any makeup at all, all you can do is stand there and feel the intense heat in your cheeks while you talk to Lina. "He's very— he takes good care of me. In every way."
"Good." She offers you a small smile. "I feel that a good relationship, a good marriage is a partnership." She huffs slightly. "Although in this time, some men might not appreciate that, but a woman's part of her husband's life either adds value or causes stress." She smirks. "It is up to his attitude on what that might be."
"Thankfully, Max's misogyny is all show at this point in his life. He's spent enough time in board rooms and business meetings that he can blend in, but at home it's a partnership." Since you're standing in front of the mirror anyway, you smooth your hands down the front of your dress and make sure you're in one piece before turning away. "I'm glad that your soulmate seems to have been enlightened a little on the way things can be."
Lina chuckles and tilts her head. "History books do not show it, but honestly? Women control much more than the men would have believed. If a wife is unhappy, he will receive cold tea, sour brandy, his cigars 'disappear'." She lifts a brow at you and smirks. "Itching powder in his long johns."
"Happy wife, happy life," you laugh, absolutely loving what you're hearing from her. "And I hope you taught all of this to your girls, too?"
"Absolutely." She tuts and shoots you a grin. "And my daughters-in-law."
"Brilliant." You can't help thinking that every one of these encounters is going to make a hilarious set of stories to tell Allison when you finally get back, and you are just constantly filing away little bits of information as you go. "Absolutely brilliant."
She grins before she nods towards the stall. "If you'll excuse me, I have to wrestle with my petticoats to go to the bathroom before intermission is over."
"I wish you all the luck in the world." It gets a laugh from both of you, and you nod to the door. "Enjoy the second half of the show, Lina. I'm going to go track down our soulmates."
"Before you go." Lina stops at the stall door and looks back at you. "The book is coming along fabulously. It will be ready on time."
"You're very kind to make the copy." You soften a little at the reminder of it, feeling the ache of gratitude in your chest. "I can't imagine it's the sort of thing that is easy to share with just anyone. I promise it will be in good hands."
"I have no doubt." She hums. "My daughters are not terribly interested in magic right now, so it will be a relief to know that the knowledge might be passed down if none change their minds."
"I promise." Instinctively, you make at 'x' over your heart with your finger and are grateful that the gesture can be shared with someone who doesn't think you're incredibly odd or childish for doing it. You say your good night here, figuring that you won't be have the time to say anything appropriate later on when the opera gets out and you're swept away to dinner, and go back out to the lobby to find Max before intermission is over.
“Hey Dolly.” It’s not as if he were staked out by the bathrooms, but Max has been looking out for you. “Refreshed?”
"Refreshed, and a bit teased." You take his arm when he offers it and start back toward your seats. "Mrs. Astor noticed how particularly happy we are tonight."
“Our wedded blissful status was noticed?” Max preens smugly and he waggles his eye brows. “Or are you just walking funny?”
"Even if I was, you wouldn't be able to tell under all these petticoats." The slight smirk on your face is a beaming smile all over again and you lean into his side as you walk. "Yes, our bliss was noted. Which means I'm sure it was by other people too. But I don't give a damn. If anything, they should be very jealous of me." For last night, and also for this morning. Max had decided to wake you up before the rest of the house began their day, and he did it with his head — and then his cock — between your legs.
“We could always fit a quicky in during intermission.” He suggests, cock twitching in his trousers.
"Intermission's almost over." And while he may be quick, you're enjoying taking your time with him.
He pouts, but he knows that the scandal would be more attention that you would want to bring down on yourselves. “Next time.” He promises and offers his arm.
"Next time." There is no doubt in your mind that there will be a next time, and that gives you a sense of anticipation that you can't deny loving. "Of course, I'm not saying that when we get home tonight, that there won't be time then..."
“No?” He arches a brow. “What are we doing when we get home?”
The box attendant is in sight and there are people around you, but you know his hearing is far better than anyone else’s in this opera house tonight so you whisper with a barely contained smirk. “It’s a very good night for a ride. Don’t you think?”
He grunts and his brow goes up even higher. “You mean-“ he waggles his brows and leans in. “I’m your horsey?”
It probably shouldn’t, but the endearing silliness of Max’s choice of phrasing makes you almost snort when you laugh, and you squeeze his arm as the attendant opens the door for you to return to the box just as the bell rings to tell patrons to return to their seats. “Yes, love,” you snicker and shake your head in amusement. “That’s exactly what I mean.”
“Oh goody.” The playfulness is simple to keep the gorgeous smile on your face, but if he had his way, he would be ordering the carriage be brought around.
“It’s our reward for a very productive evening in society,” you decide, although that’s just the excuse. In reality, now that you’ve had a taste of Max? You’re addicted.
Max chuckles and helps you into your seat. Annie and Emmanuel are positively beaming and Max doesn’t miss the way both of them are a bit mussed. “Ready for the second act?”
“Terribly excited for it.” Annie hums, trying and failing to look as innocent as possible.
His eyes slide over to you and he makes a face. Not believing your mother for a second.
The face you make back very distinctly reminds him that’s my mother! but it’s none of your business. You face forward as the lights come down again and make the executive personal decision not to say a goddamn thing. At least, not right now.
Max smirks and reaches over, lacing his fingers through yours. "Remember..." He coos in your ear. "Technically her daughter is getting railed right under her nose as well." He teases playfully.
You can’t help it — cracking a guilty but extremely pleased grin and letting out a small laugh as the lights come back down. He’s right, of course, even if Annie doesn’t know what you really are to her. “Behave yourself,” you chastise, barely even meaning it, and lean over to kiss him.
"Naaaaaah." He kisses you happily and winks. "What fun would that be?" There's a sense of freedom in being able to tease you, to see you light up when his corniness comes out and it makes Max adore you even more. "Now watch your opera." He chides as the lantern lights are lowered again, as if he wasn't the distraction all along.
It quickly becomes apparent, as soon as just a few minutes into dinner, that you have made friends with the loving-if-slightly-snobby branch of the Vanderbilt family. Any and all attempts at conversation with Mrs. Willie K. Vanderbilt — gods forbid anyone call her Alva — is met with one upmanship and a quality of narcissism that you have rarely encountered in real life. There are a lot of truly terrible people who would have loved Alva Vanderbilt, and that thought makes you shudder. Instead, you come away from dinner and dancing in that house very glad to be unlaced and untied from all of your layers and flop down on the bed in your dressing gown to wait for Max to come upstairs. Cornelius had sidelined him about something or other when you back to the house and you can’t wait to have him back in your arms.
“Is there anything else you wish tonight, Mrs. Phillips?” Renee asks, just inside the doorway so she doesn’t intrude on your relaxation. “Tea, perhaps?”
“Nothing tonight, Renee. Thank you.” As warm and gossipy and giggly as you got to be with 21st century Renee, you’re worried about saying too much in front of her in this time. In this place. So you just try to be as polite and appreciative as humanly possible every day. “I think Mr. Phillips and I are going to take a long walk in the park tomorrow, and I know that Annie is planning on doing a little shopping, so you should have some time to yourself tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Phillips.” Even if she doesn’t smile, the nod is polite and her expression has softened. “If there is nothing else, I will wish you a good evening.”
“Good night, Renee.” In lieu of being able to embrace your friend, you offer her a heartfelt smile and climb into bed, armed with a book from the library to read until Max appears.
After a nightcap that Max did not enjoy, and some stimulating business talk that did, he is finally climbing the stairs to the wing where you are waiting for him. Taking his time and hating it because of the human staff in the Vanderbilt household, he is eager to get behind closed doors with you.
Max slips in the door and grins as he shuts it behind him, flicking the lock behind him. “Hey, sweetheart.”
“Hey.” Your book goes down in your lap immediately and you can’t help but beam a smile at him. “What did Cornelius have to say?”
Max smirks, shrugging out of his jacket and laying it over the back of the chair in the sitting area. "Wanted to bend my ear about a project he was considering."
“Oh?” You know he loves the fact that these powerful men are taking his opinion seriously, and you smile a little brighter. “What project was that?”
"There's a tract of land that is for sale that he was considering." He shrugs slightly. "Wanted to know if I was familiar with North Carolina."
“So more than one Vanderbilt was looking ably building down there? Interesting.” Shifting over in bed makes extra room for him. But it’s not that he’ll need it. The second he gets in beside you, you’ll be cuddled up anyway.
"Maybe." Max leans a hip on the writing desk and shrugs. "Or the land sits unused until that estate is built."
"Maybe." It’s not as if either of you is a Vanderbilt historian. It could be anything. "History will tell. But for now...are you coming to bed?"
"Absolutely." Max smirks and within seconds, he's standing bare in front of the bed, looking down at you.
“Show off.” It’s endearing, though, and you grab his hand to pull him into bed with you.
He snickers and winks as he presses close, ducking his head and pressing his lips to yours.
For the first time, you pull back from Max’s kiss abruptly and frown, feeling anxiety rise in your throat. “Did you—um—is that—” It’s okay. Breathe. Just breathe. It’s not the end of the world. Take deep, long breaths. “Did you…have a drink? Before you came up?”
Max's brows furrow for a second, wondering why you are pulling back but then he winces. Cornelius wouldn't take no for an answer, so he had quickly tippled back a disgusting drink. "I- uh, he- he wanted a nightcap." Max rushes to explain. "I refused but he insisted and it would have been- uh, rude to refuse."
“Oh…um…okay.” Despite you saying it, and nodding profusely, there is a spark in your fingertips and anxiety rolling down your spine. “Would you…” About to ask him if he minds brushing his teeth, a bubble of fear opens in your throat and the words get swallowed. “N-Never mind. Never mind.”
Max frowns, not liking the way your suddenly turned stiff and hesitant. “Dol-” he stops talking and he closes his mouth. Realizing that you can smell the alcohol. “Shit.”
“I know you’re not drunk.” But that doesn’t stop the fear from settling deep into your bones where it lived for so long.
"I should have refused." He shakes his head and pulls way, slipping out of the bed and backing away from it. "I'll go brush my teeth and...." He doesn't know what he can do to reassure you, but it feels like he's failed you. Without another word, he disappears.
Oddly, the feeling of panic in your body is less actual fear of him, and more fear of the feeling. You know in your mind and heart that Max would never hurt you. Fuck — you let him drink from you last night. But the gut reaction of terror behind smelling alcohol in his breath makes you afraid that you’ll always be afraid, and that’s the reason that you’re turned over on your pillow shaking subtly and trying not to sob as he goes into the bathroom.
In the bathroom, Max is cursing himself for not thinking about brushing his teeth earlier. He knows you don't like alcohol and why but he hadn't even thought of it. Alcohol has zero effect on him and honestly it had tasted horrible. "So fucking stupid." He hisses at himself.
“I’m sorry.” As soon as he walks back into the room you’re apologizing, and it seems like you’ve reverted back to simply apologizing for existing, but the truth is more complicated. The sparks from your fingers had started arcing while he was in the bathroom, and now they’ve created a sort of woven magic protective blanket around you that you did not conjure on purpose nor do you know how to get rid of. “I don’t know what’s happening.” The fear is for this now, as fear starts to be the most dominant emotion in your mind all over again.
Max frowns and his eyes widen as he starts to take a step towards you it's like an invisible barrier has been set up between you. "You don't need to be sorry." He shake his head, lifting a hand to try to push against the barrier. "It's my fault sweetheart. Mine. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."
“I didn’t do this,” you rush to promise him, as bound on your side of the barrier as he is on his. As confused and shocked by its appearance as he surely is. “I don’t know how to do this.”
"It's okay, we- we'll figure this out." He promises, holding up his hands and backing away from the barrier. "Are you- do you think it's because of me?"
“I think it’s—it’s like the woods—” Thinking back to the fear you’d felt in the woods, it was like your magic had been called up out of necessity. Things had been unlocking in your mind for weeks now but you didn’t fully understand any of it. How could you, when it had been kept away from you for so long? “Like…my magic is trying to protect me?”
"From me..." Max whispers, looking devastated at that prospect. "I- I'm going to go get Annie." He decides and turns around to throw a dressing gown and pants on to rush from the room so he doesn't shock your mother.
Knocking on a door is a simple thing. Simple enough, anyway. But Annie Brown — sitting quietly in bed with a book and a cup of tea — is immediately convinced that someone has brought a battering ram to the second floor of the Vanderbilt’s home. She pushes everything aside and wraps herself in her robe before pulling the door open in concern. “Max?” Her eyes are wide, having expected that racket to be nothing less than the news that the house was on fire. “What is it? You look…rather upset. Is everything alright?”
"It- it's Dolly." He shakes his head and rushes to explain. "Her magic. It's- it- there's a barrier." He doesn't know what the hell she can do, but hopefully she can help you break the spell. "Because of me."
“Can’t she dispel it?” Even as she asks the question, Annie is already shifting back into her room to put in her slippers and follow Max out into the hallway. “What do you mean it’s because of you? What happened?”
"I- Dolly doesn't like drinking." He huffs, embarrassed by this. "Her- it's not a pleasant memory for her and Mr. Vanderbilt wanted a nightcap." He explains. "She- when she smelled the drink on me, she was upset." The two of them hurry towards the rooms he was sharing with you. "When I came out of the bathroom there was a barrier between us. She said she didn't do it."
"She doesn't have much experience with her magic." Annie knows that. You haven't talked about magic very much together, but you've said just enough to her for her to know that. "I will do anything that I can." She rushes upstairs with Max and follows him to your door, not knowing which one to find you behind.
"Dolly....I- I brought Annie." Max pushes the door opened and lets your mother, another witch, go inside ahead of him. Hoping that it would be for naught and you would be sitting there embarrassed and with no barrier around you. Obviously not the case since you still have a shimmery essence around you. "Oh fuck, it's still there." He hisses.
“Mo—Annie!” With your blood pulsing in your ears and panic in your throat, you barely manage to stop yourself from calling her Mom, but the tears running down your face don’t care what you call her so long as she helps. “What’s happening?” You beg, as though she could know the answer as soon as she’s walked in the door. “It’s a protection spell.” Clearly you had already figured that out, but Annie feels the need to assure you since you seem terrified. “And Max says you didn’t do this on purpose?” “No.” You shake your head adamantly and try to remember to breathe. “Ever since I arrived in—in—in Newport…my magic has been haywire.”
Biting his lip in worry, Max wishes he could go back in time and fix his mistake. He closes his eyes and sighs, wondering if you have now subconsciously linked him with your ex, the same danger. "I- I'll - I should go."
“No!” The last thing you want is for him to leave. He hasn’t hurt you and he wouldn’t hurt you, and you’re going to prove that to yourself — to your magic — somehow. “Stay, love. Please stay?”
He swallows, even though he doesn't really have to and looks around. "I - I don't know if I should." He admits quietly. "This happened because of me."
“If this happened because of you, my dear friend, then it might also undo because of you.” With the door carefully closed and locked behind her, Annie moves to the side of the bed to be as close to you as she can be while the magical barrier has you firmly protected. “Will one of you please explain to me what happened? In detail?”
Max looks over at you and senses the hesitation in your eyes. The fear of blurting out too much. "Dolly's ex used to abuse her when he drank." He admits quietly. "She doesn't like alcohol. He- he attacked her once and she managed to save herself with her magic." He rubs his hands on his pants. "When she smelled the drink on me...I guess she panicked and thought that I was like him. Or maybe her magic took over to protect her from me."
"Ex?" Annie questions the term, wanting to make sure that she understands completely. "A lover. Before—before I found Max." Gods if she only knew how much more uncomfortable this conversation is for you. You just can't afford to dwell on that right now, as you just remind yourself to breathe through the fear. "I don't think Max would ever hurt me, it's like...like my magic just jumped out of me on instinct." "Oh my..." Annie crosses her arms, looking between you and Max with concern and care written across her features. "It seems...that is, it sounds...as though you have been spellbound, my dear."
“What does that mean?” Max frowns, relieved that Annie knows what is happening but not sure it’s a good thing.
"It means that at some point in your wife's life," Annie purses her lips together, squeezing her arms around her own waist in concern. "Another witch did not trust her to wield her magic carefully. A powerful witch." Whimpering in discomfort under your magical blanket, you could scream for the irony of the thing. "My parents." The irony is terrible, but more than that, you're distinctly afraid that this might give you away. After all, some spells can only be undone by those who have cast them.
“And what do we do? What happened? How do I help my wife?” He demands.
"There are three choices," Annie tells you both, chewing on her bottom lip as she inspects the nearly invisible edges of your barrier with interest. "The simplest would be to have the witch who cast the spell unravel it. Without that option, either Dolly must break through the spell with her own force, or a witch more powerful than the original caster must break it for us."
Max knows that all of those things are impossible. He cannot give up your true relationship to your mother, and he knows you don’t trust yourself enough to break it yourself. You’re still so unused to magic. And your grandmother had already admitted through her letters that your mother was a more powerful witch than her. There was possibly another option. “What if the threat was no longer around?” He asks Annie quietly.
She sighs, understanding, but shakes her head. "You left the room and the barrier remained. I do not think this is about you as much as you fear it is."
“That’s- it’s not what I meant.” His eyes are haunted, heavy with emoting and he refuses to look over at you. “I left but I was still here.” He rationalizes. “Would she- would it work if I- I- um, wasn’t?”
"Don't you dare." There is gravel in your voice. A growl that is as unfamiliar to you as it is to them, but at least you know where it comes from. From the very bottom of your soul, where you know you wouldn't survive this world without him. You aren't as strong as your mother. Not by a longshot. Life without your soulmate is impossible now that you've found him. "You're staying right here and we'll find another way." It's like a magical weighted blanket, holding you to the bed, and all you can manage to do is shake your head at him. "Promise me. Promise me you won't do that."
Max frowns and he huffs seriously. “What if it’s the only way?” He demands quietly. “I- it’s worth it to me.” He admits. “For you.”
"It's not the only way." You would rather give up every ounce of truth to your mother than lose him. Break your promise to your grandfather and risk unknown complications. You would rather gamble with the world than lose Max. "A—Annie can dispel it." "I can?" She wheels around, looking at you as though you have just nominated her for queendom — disbelief and a touch of pride in her voice. As though she were touched that you would think so well of her. "Yes." A shaky breath comes with your nod, because you aren't technically lying but it feels that way. "The daughter of a powerful witch and a vampire? You must be able to."
“I don’t know if I am able to.” She worries, frowning as she looks between an equally devastated husband and wife. “But I will try.” She turns her head and pins Max with a stare. “Do not do anything foolish.” She cautions. “If you upset Dolly, it could provoke her magic even more.”
“Please help.” There is something about asking your own mother for help when you’re scared that makes your chest tighten, but stead of more fear it’s nearly nostalgia. Like being a little girl all over again. Except as a little girl you had had no idea that your own parents had spellbound you.
Annie frowns and nods, “of course I will help you.” She rushes to assure you “However I can.”
“Tell us what to do.” It’s entirely possible she doesn’t know, but you has to believe that she has some kind of idea. Otherwise the ace in your sleeve is calling Lina Astor to the house in the middle of the night.
“Think about touching Max.” Annie bites her lip and pushes the sleeves of her nightgown back after removing her robe. Moving towards the barrier. “Visualize it in your head.”
That is the easiest thought to have in the world, and you reach out to him under the shimmering barrier instinctively. “Um…right…” She said visualize, and you obediently close your ideas and imagine being in his arms instead.
Annie swallows harshly and turns to Max. “Give me a drop of your blood.” She demands, holding out her palm flat.
You watch with worried eyes as Max complies immediately, letting his fangs out to puncture the skin on his fingertip so a single, full bead of dark red blood wells up above his skin.
Annie thinks back to every lesson her mother has taught her, aware that this is probably the most important magic that she has ever done. “Thank you Max.” She whispers, flashing him a reassuring smile as she turns back to the barrier. Closing her eyes, she starts the incantation, hoping that she is strong enough to undo the spell with Max’s blood as an aid.
The barrier starts to vibrate around you as Annie murmurs her incantation low and steady. You can't even hear the words from a few feet away, but you can feel the affect that they're having. The barrier bends around you, the magic that was shimmering now starting to blink abruptly and then flash like bursting lightbulbs.
There's nothing more that Max wishes for on this earth than for this to work. He bites his lip, not bothering to heal his wound on his hand. Watching with baited breath, even though he doesn't breathe as the barrier continues to twist around you.
Words like reverse and shine and will and power spill from your mother's lips as the temperature in the room drops. An imperceptible chill floods the space. Not a breeze or a draft, but a chill that settles into bones and sets hooks into hearts. The cold takes hold even in Max, who has been technically icy to the touch for years. The colder you get the more you concentrate on that feeling of touching Max's cool skin with your own warm hands. The way his kisses warm against your lips. The way it made moving under him last night feel even more powerful, friction and heat and the rush of pleasure in both of your bodies making him feel warm for the first time since he was turned.
"Dolly." He murmurs quietly, stepping forward and wishing that he can just pull you out. "Please." he closes his eyes. " I need you." He's helpless and he hates that. Strong, fast, and resilient, but there is nothing he can right now but watch your mother try to undo the spell that binds you. That has you wrapped up and pulling away from him.
"Talk to her, Max." Annie gets a rush of energy back at her when he does, as though your magic responds to his voice instinctively. "About anything. Anything happy."
"I want to waltz with you again." Max tells you honestly. "I want to waltz with you every day. I missed today. I should have swept you up into my arms when you were folded into that beautiful dress you were wearing tonight."
“Tonight wasn’t your fault.” There had been so many other guests at dinner that your dances had been taken up by the other gentlemen, and Alice had sung Max’s praises as a dancer so that the ladies had very nearly stood in line for him. It was a pleasure to watch him be so sought after. To see the way his eyes found you on the dance floor regardless of his partner and know that you would be the one sharing a bed with him tonight. He thrives on feeling wanted and valued, and you never would have taken that from him.
“Still….” Max shrugs. “I only want to dance with you, Queenie.”
“I love you, too.” You shift forward without realizing it, instinctively wanting to be closer to him, and gasp softly when you realize the barrier has moved the tiniest bit. “Oh gods…I think it’s actually working!”
He can only hope. Max steps a fraction of an inch closer to you and continues on. "I want to travel with you. See the world. Experience everything with you." He takes comfort in the fact that Annie is aware of vampires, is the daughter of one, so he doesn't have to censor himself. "Watch the world change with you."
“When you see the barrier start to come apart,” Annie pants with effort but concentrates, pausing her incantation to give you instruction. “Try to pull at it. Like you’re picking apart embroidery. Max, keep talking to her.”
“Our lives are going to be perfect.” Max tells you desperately. “If we can have children, I’ll give you as many as you want. Gorgeous little girls, who look like you and handsome little boys who have your sweetness.”
As Annie chants and Max makes endless promises, the barrier binding you to the bed loosens slightly in halting amounts. It waves like oceans waves and turns a vibrant, flashing purple. It squeezes you tight, as if trying to retain control, but you keep your eyes closed and concentrate on imagining all of the things that Max is promising. Your life together. Your happiness. If you can let go of everything else, maybe you can grab at the happiness. “Good!” Annie cries, seeing you move under the waves of magic. “Open your eyes, Dolly. You have to take it apart yourself.” The magic has bent to your mother’s will — or what you have to assume was her will — and looks now like pearlescent threads of satin ribbon fraying in every direction across your body. It is not the neat, directed weaving you expected but knotted and gnarled tangles of wispy white, and you immediately grab at the nearest knot to find it astonishingly solid in your hands as you furiously work it open to release the threads.
Max steps forward. “You can do it, sweetheart. I know you can. Please do it.” He begs quietly.
The only other time in your life that you have broken through the barrier of your magic was for Max. To protect him. And now you understand why your attempt at a protection barrier didn’t work at all — because you’ve been surrounded by one for most of your life. Fear is what made you leap into action last time. Fear that something would happen to take Max away from you. Even if you knew in the most logical parts of your mind that a bullet could not kill him — you feared it. And fearing that one drink could turn Max into the same monster Derek was, while illogical, is the definition of a knee jerk reaction. Every single thread you grasp is a reminder to yourself that it won’t happen. That alcohol has no effect on Max. That the dangers of the pst will never repeat themselves. Every knot you grasp, tugging at the strands of your gnarled fears, is a step toward being stronger. For Max.
“Come to me baby.” He begs, holding out his arms to you as you attempt to break through the barrier. “I choose you, I’ll always choose you over everything.”
“I—I’ll always choose you, too.” Your fingers dig into the knot of magical threads at the heart of the barrier, feeling the way the power — your power, untouched and unwielded — bends and droops at your words. The threads don’t merely break, they seep into your skin like sun rays and light you from the inside. Annie and Max watch in awe as every shred of magic untangles itself after that large knot, absorbing into your mind and body so thoroughly that you begin to glow.
“Beautiful.” Max whispers, completely enthralled by how powerful you are. A wind that doesn’t come from anywhere ruffles your nightgown and blows around you. A byproduct of the magic being harnessed and absorbed by you.
“Gods above…” Annie presses one hand over her heart, watching in awe as you take the last threads of your binding apart. You look like an angel, and she cannot tell why but her heart aches over the image of it. “Max!” Throwing yourself forward is easy now, as though you could simply fly wherever you needed to go without any effort, and you launch yourself toward your soulmate with one hand outstretched to bring your mother close as well.
Max cradles you, wrapping up in the security of his arms with palpable relief. He had honestly worried that it wouldn't work, that he would be separated from you. Now the warmth of your body is surrounding him and all he can feel is like you've come home.
Characterizing it as crying would be an understatement. What you are doing is weeping into Max’s shoulder as you cling to both him and your young mother in sheer relief. It feels, for the first time since you were a child, like you are whole again, with a in one of magic running in your veins alongside your blood. There is no other way to explain it — you feel whole again. For her part, Annie hugs you tightly, tears of effort and - yes - more relief in her own eyes. She cannot explain why she feels so close to you, but now it feels even more important that the two of you had met. “We should discuss this with my mother when we return home,” she murmurs, knowing that her mother is a far more power witch than she is at this time. “I wish I knew other witches nearby to consult. But you must learn to control your powers. They will act out, now that they are free.”
Max frowns, concerned. “She will.” He promises Annie. “She will, even if I have to learn magic myself.”
“Lina.” You remind him, not wanting Max to think that he has to take the entire world into his shoulders. “We should go and see Lina tomorrow. She might be able to help.”
Annie frowns slightly and pulls back. "Lina Astor?" She asks curiously. "Oh- I had completely forgotten." She admits, huffing slightly. "She is a very accomplished witch. And when we go home, mother will be a boon to you."
“Thank you.” Putting aside completely the fact that it was most likely Annie herself who spellbound you as a child, you high her tightly in thanks now. Without her here, who knows if you ever would have figured out what had happened or been able to break the enchantment at all. It might have been a lost cause without her incantation.
“You are most welcomed.” She hum, pulling back and biting her lip. “For now…perhaps you should have your soulmate hypnotize you.” She suggest. “To relax you.”
“I’ve…we’ve never…” you glance at Max curiously. “Does that work?”
Max winces, but nods. “The powers I have…I could make you do anything.”
“Then maybe a relaxing night’s sleep is the thing after all.” Hugging Annie tightly once more, you sit back and realize how truly exhausted you feel in the moment and huff a laugh at yourself. “Though I may not need you to do anything more than tuck me in, love.”
"If she's not needing it, I would rather not hypnotize her." Max admits. "It takes away her free will and I don't want to do that."
“Your love is very clear.” Annie nods in understanding, though her own mind is racing and she very much doubts her sleep with be restful. But her exhaustion is different from yours.
"Thank you for your help." Max takes her hands and kisses the back of them profusely. "Thank you." He repeats. "I'll escort you back to your room as soon as I get Dolly settled." He promises.
“I know my way.” She assures him, not wanting you to have to be left alone even for a few minutes. Not after what you’ve just undergone. “I’m glad you’re well, Dolly. That we could figure out what was wrong.”
Max sends her a grateful look and closes the door behind her after she slips out. He hadn't want to leave you, couldn't stand the thought, and now he doesn't have to. "Dolly..." He murmurs quietly, turning back and looking at you with nothing but pure relief.
“I’m sorry.” The words are out of your mouth immediately, and you practically throw yourself at him again to hug the proverbial breath out of him. “I know you wouldn’t have hurt me. And I know I’ve said that you could have a drink if you wanted. It just took me off guard and I panicked.”
"No." He shakes his head and holds you tight. "You have nothing to be sorry for." His hand moves up and down your back. "Not one goddamn thing. This is on me." He tells you. "My mistake that you nearly paid for."
“It’s done now.” That’s the important part, after all. That it’s over and that you’re both safe, and you can have your arms around him now. “Are…are you okay? I know I scared you, but…I scared me, too.”
"I think my heart stopped." Max jokes dryly.
“Har Har.” You intone, rolling your eyes at him to continue diffusing the tension left in the room. “Thank the gods Mom was here.”
"Yeah...thank God." He murmurs quietly, deciding to let the fact that your mother was the one who most likely put the spell on you lie. "Let's get you to bed, Queenie, you look like you are about to pass out."
“I’m exhausted.” In fact you’re nodding without evening meaning to, and halfway to sitting in the mattress already.
"You should be." Max whispers as he quickly lays you down and climbs into the bed beside you and pulls you close. "You did something amazing. Something I would never believe if I didn't see it for myself."
“I don’t even believe it.” You mumble, letting Max pull you in close and wrap you up tight in the safety of his arms. “I thought spellbinding was a myth. A magical boogeyman than witches threaten their kids with. I didn’t know it was real.”
"Surprise." He huffs sarcastically, shaking his head and slowly starting to rub your back.
"Will you rest tonight?" The last thing you want is for him to sit up worrying, but you know you're on the verge of crashing and won't be able to stop him one way or another. What matters to you more than anything is that he tries to rest.
"I'll try, sweetheart." He promises, unable to guarantee anything right now. Nothing expect he needs to hold you. "You just sleep." He whispers. "I'll be right here, watching over you and making sure nothing happens to you."
"I love you." And having that love for one of the things that goes bump in the night means you sleep a little more deeply in his arms. In the waking hours, you'll have to seek out more help in harnessing your magic. Tonight? Max's arms are all you need.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo
VW: @haileymorelikestupid, @miraclesabound @nastiasnow @vabeachazn @oberynslady @grogusmum @kittenlittle24 @8-900 @survivingandenduring @ktmadden86 @inept-the-magnificent @missladym1981 @sweetnsaltyclussy @survivingandenduring
My Masterlist!
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throughtheswamp · 17 days
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Fall 1 - Evening ☾ A trinket from those Beyond
After eating her lunch peacefully at the river, Nyssa decided to return home to muddle the leaves from Milouse.
Nyssa cleaned herself up upon returning home, then made the paste. She portioned out the salve in a few jars—one to keep at home, one for on the go, and two to give to her neighbors.
There was still plenty of time in the day and Nyssa decided to take one of the jars to her neighbor Anne Rose Philippe.
Nyssa made her way over to the eclectic little home and stopped on the porch to admire one of Anne Rose's newest carvings before she knocked on the door.
When she knocked, no one answered. She knocked again and waited for a few minutes.
Finally, the door creaked open slowly, an abnormally cool breeze wafting over Nyssa and beckoning her inside.
Nyssa paused outside the door, a chill running over her.
For a moment, she felt a presence—heard the soft whisper of Carine Myrtil's voice and the scent of the woman's earthy perfume.
"Hello?" Nyssa called out softly as she pushed the door open further.
She didn't get a response, but slowly made her way inside the house.
"Is anyone there?" Nyssa called again as she made her way towards the back of the house and the small, familiar kitchen.
The house was filled to the brim with paintings, carvings, and other art—with a row of carved dollies sitting on a shelf and staring Nyssa down as she made her way through the living room.
Distracted, Nyssa bumped into a shelf, causing a cacophony of carvings to clatter to the ground and break apart.
"Oh no!" Nyssa shouted, kneeling quickly to pick up the mess. The old wooden carvings were splintered, most of them unrecognizable now that she'd shattered them apart.
"I'm so sorry, Anne Rose!" Tears sprung to Nyssa's eyes as she gathered up all the little wooden pieces. "I didn't mean to." She said to no one, sniffling as she put the pile of carvings on the shelf.
Behind her, she heard a faint whisper.
"That's alright, deary."
The voice didn't belong to Anne Rose. It was gentle and kind, and Nyssa would know it anywhere.
Nyssa whipped around, knocking the shelf again as she did, and the already broken carvings fell again.
But Nyssa was searching the dim room, looking for the source of Carine's familiar voice.
In the doorway to a room, Nyssa saw the faintest glow and she gulped.
"Miss Carine?" She questioned and she heard the familiar chuckle of the old woman.
"Surprised to see me, dear?" She tutted, "You should know I wouldn't be too keen to leave my Swamp or my love behind so quickly—besides, I have unfinished business!"
Nyssa gasped again, blinking as the blurry figure approached. Slowly it became clearer, revealing to her the short, stout figure of Carine Myrtil. She looked younger than Nyssa remembered, looking more like she had when Nyssa was a child than she had when she passed on.
"What do you need to do? Do you need my help?" Nyssa asked, and the spirit shook her head.
"I can handle it myself—well, with the help of Annie." The spirit whisked around Nyssa, going over to the shelf with the broken items.
"These are older than you, you know." The spirit tutted, then laughed as guilt crossed Nyssa's face.
"I really am sorry…" Nyssa's lip quivered, missing her friend and feeling bad for Anne Rose.
"Don't worry!" Carine's spirit chided her. "They're just trinkets."
"But Anne Rose works so hard on her art…" Nyssa warbled out.
"And she has plenty of time to work on more!" Carine assured, but Nyssa wasn't convinced.
The spirit emitted a soft humming noise, the form shifting from a more solid one, back to something more incorporeal.
"Wait!" Nyssa gasped out, reaching out for the spirit.
Quickly, it morphed back into Carine's form and the woman shook her head at Nyssa.
"Don't go bossing me around!" She tutted again before shifting back into a glowing mist. "Follow me, dear."
Nyssa didn't hesitate, following the spirit into the bedroom.
"I believe there is something here for you—check the vanity drawers," Carine instructed. "I'd do it myself, but I haven't quite got the hang of moving things around just yet."
Nyssa nodded, looking in the drawer Carine instructed.
Inside Nyssa found a little package with her name written in Carine's neat handwriting on top.
"Sorry, I missed your birthday, dear. What are you now? Sixteen?"
Nyssa giggled, but tears sprung to her eyes as she pulled the box out of the drawer. "Twenty-two." She corrected and Carine let out an exasperated sigh.
"You kids grow up so fast these days! Slow it down, or you'll end up like me!"
Nyssa laughed—even in death Carine was a pleasure to be around. Nyssa hoped Carine would stay around for a while and she made a point to remember to visit her again soon.
"Well, go ahead. I don't have all day." Carine seemed to tap her ghostly foot, impatient for Nyssa to open her gift.
Inside the little box was a folded letter and a wood-carved pendant. Nyssa picked up the pendant, running her thumb over the smooth back as she looked at the carved front.
An intricate carving of a Cypress tree was on the front, with a splash of color dabbed into the recesses, giving the tree foliage a soft glow.
"It's beautiful," Nyssa breathed out as she sat the box down and put the pendant over her head. It nestled in between her collarbones, a cool weight on her warm skin.
"Glad you like it, dear." Carine cooed and the room's temperature seemed to drop as the spirit grew closer, inspecting the pendant around Nyssa's neck. "It suits you so well!" The spirit clapped.
Nyssa took the note out next, unfolding the soft paper to reveal the writing in not one, not two, but three different handwritings.
Happy Birthday, Nyssa. I can't believe you're already an adult, much less twenty-two. This is a gift from the three of us—Me, Annie, and your mother. We love you.
The first part was in Carine's handwriting, what followed was in Anne Rose's chicken scratch.
Happy Birthday, little one. This piece of Cyprus is over one hundred years old. We hope you can carry it with you for a hundred years more.
The next bit took Nyssa's breath away. Her mother's familiar, flowery scrawl was next, and Nyssa's free hand went to clutch the pendant as she read it.
Darling Nys, you are such a smart girl, and I couldn't be prouder of you. This pendant, ancient and filled with our love, should protect you from harm. The Swamp wills it.
And as Nyssa brushed her thumb over the pendant, she could feel the love, care, and protection etched into it.
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Rolls & Stats
Components: 4 Location: 7. Neighbor's Home - Anne Rose Philippe’s Home       - Additional roll for Neighbor: 4. Human who makes art - Anne Rose Philippe       - Interaction Success: 1. Terribly Neighbor: 14. Spirit of someone who recently died - Carine Myrtil       - Interaction Success: 6. Perfectly Item: 3. Item that is handmade Event: 8. Find a note for or about you
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dollivication · 22 days
Could I ask how you code your bots? I wanna get into bot making but I don’t know how to code them and your bots are so so so soooo incredibly good
Uwaaa…,,; FIRST!!! I WOULD LIKE TEW THNAK YU SO VERY MUCH 4 YUR SWEET WORDS i tittered.. >.< SECOND… ahmmuhmmmuhh.., i fear im not the best at explanations,,, so please bear with me (◞‸◟) 💔💔……. and please forgive me for this long post..
so yu kno the basic coding?? laik the “[{Roleplay (“”)}]” and so on so forth? it’s good, but it’s not great, at least in my honest opinion! it’s just way too time consuming, having to add those additional symbols on top of what you want to input.
so what i do is write thick paragraphs describing appearance, behavior + thoughts, mannerisms, relationships, personality, and backstory. it is actually quite fun to do, because it gives you a chance to ramble. and rambling is EXTREMELY beneficial if you want a fleshed out character.
e.g 1: first paragraph (my next door neighbor leon bot!)
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This is the most important part i think, because when actually chatting w the bot, it is less likely to go off script for the appearance and background. here, directly and briefly state the setting and relations to user.
e.g 2: second paragraph (same bot)
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this is where you start going into more detail. here you explain thoughts and behavior towards user. go crazy here, the more depth, the better the character! make it as long as you need to.
e.g 3: third paragraph (unplanned pregnancy nero bot)
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here, describe general mannerisms and personality. it’s somewhat similar to the 2nd paragraph, but note that there’s a lack of user mentioned here. i use this paragraph to talk about how a character basically acts. i tend to cheat a little here and copy paste some of the info from their wikis LMFAO, but don’t overdo it! add some organic stuff too!!
e.g 4: fourth paragraph (same bot)
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this is where you put in the backstory to its fullest. i heavily rely on their wikis here to copy and paste with the additional clarifications. pretty standard stuff methinks :3
e.g 5: fifth paragraph (same bot)
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LFAO the typo ough.. anyway, this is optional, but i do it for safety measures. here, you briefly summarize the relations your character has with others.
..and that’s it for definition coding :3 ! i think i’ve covered most of it….
erummmuhhh just have fun with it too! think of it as studying ur character in a lab ❤️❤️ if you have any other questions,, lmk!!!! ^.^
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
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So nobody asked for this but According to the dialogue So FAR Howdy has 6-7 siblings, one Aunt, and maybe a cousin -Drew is a maybe because he said "Her (Sue's) brother" and not "Our Brother" like he tend to do with the rest. -The same thing with Henry. Henry is "Barley's cousin" not "Our Cousin" -Barley is either listed as both a brother AND a cousin OR there is two "Barley"s in the family -His father was mentioned, but we don't have a name yet Also "Wooly" Aunt Molly I think could be a Moth, since moths are very fluffy, and she seems to be an obscure relative I also think that there is a possibility that the entire family is grown into butterflies, while Howdy remains a caterpillar, although he is fully grown as well. But that's just my little thoughts BUT anyways, these are just silly observations and I hope we get to hear more about his family!!! Transcript of the OG conversation below:
HOWDY: …So my brother Charlie tells my sister Dolly that our brother Barley’s cousin Henry is turnin’ over a new leaf! But if ya ask me, Barn, a caterpillar’s always turnin’ over leaves! …We just call it a salad!
BARNABY: So you don’t believe the poor guy? Sounds like you’re just given’ him the short end of the stick.
HOWDY: Short end of the- [Befuddled sound] We’ve given that clown the whole branch!
BARNABY: So he’s a clown too? Now you’re speakin’ my language, Howdy!
HOWDY: You wouldn’t believe what happened next- So my brother Chuck wished our brother Buck good luck on gettin’ that cluck Henry to straighten up and fly right!
BARNABY: Fly? Wait, wait, wait- he’s a butterfly? I thought he was a caterpillar!
HOWDY: [Lets out a small laugh but quickly catches himself, tutting Barnaby] You’re bein’ a wise guy, Barn, but I’m serious! Then- You’re not gonna believe this- Outta the blue comes our sister Sue and her brother Drew talking to my sister Dolly about gettin’ Henry on a trolley to see our aunt Molly-
BARNABY: Woolly Aunt Molly?
HOWDY: Woolly Aunt Molly, Barn! On my father’s left hand side- My left, not yours! Maybe… My upper left hand-side!
BARNABY: [A hint of playful sarcasm] How could I get that confused?
HOWDY: But long story short- Molly tells Henry to listen to our cousin Barley and my brother Charlie who insist they’re through with my sister Sue and her brother Drew and to get back on that trolley and talk to Dolly about gettin’ his act together!
BARNABY: Oh brother-
HOWDY: No no, Dolly’s my sister!
[A brief pause, then both start laughing uproariously]
HOWDY: [Slowly winding down laughter] I know I can always talk to you, Barn. I tell ya, havin’ a big family ain’t easy- Too many things to keep track of.
BARNABY: You’re right about that- I’m just listenin’ in and I can barely keep track! The only family I got to keep track of is my dear, sweet Mama.
HOWDY: That’s right- Y’know, next time she comes around, you oughta let me serve her one of my strawberry soda pops!
BARNABY: Nobody makes ‘em like you do, pal. Speaking of which… How’s that drink treating you, Wally?
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chesters-ocs · 26 days
i dont know what this is. but im very much so half asleep so. yeag. @the-whispers-of-death heres your daily dose of sylvester x butcher. no beta read we die like men cuz i am not reading this shit myself
cw: none, just butcher being needy. like he always is.
wc: 793
"Y'know..." Butcher drawls from the doorway, catching the attention of Sylvester, who looks up from the disassembled camera he's been fixing "it's been a while since you've kissed me."
"... What?" Sylvester scoffs, staring at the man clad in leather "Feeling needy again?"
"And if I am?" he challenges, smirking.
"Well.. can you at least wait until I'm done working?"
The question causes Butcher to grumble, as he stalks inside the room "No can do, kitty. You damn well know that..." the man almost growls in the crook of the smaller one's neck, only to be met with a hand to the face, batting him away.
"Oi! None of that! You're waiting. Go pout elsewhere, asshole!" Sylvester grunts, adjusting his glasses to sit on top of his head, as Butcher whines from the impact of the hit, which in reality, was more like a gentle shove.
"You wound me, dollface, you know that? Can't even spare your baby a little kiss?"
"... If I kiss you. will you promise to never call yourself baby ever again?" Sylvester questions, with Butcher taking the deal immediately "Oh, dollface, now that's something I can work with! Deal."
Rolling his eyes, Sylvester stands up from his desk and cups Butcher's cheek, who leans into the touch, deep brown ones staring into his own blue ones.
Purposefully dragging out the moment, Sylvester leans in slowly, and the moment Butcher's eyes slip shut in anticipation, all he gets is a quick peck on the cheek, and the soft laughter of the shorter man, who slides back into his chair, and yells out "Hey-! No fair!"
With a satisfied smirk, the hybrid looks up at him from the chair, pulling down the glasses as he continues to work, tutting "You never specified where you want it, baby. You gonna let me work now?"
As much as Butcher's eye twitched in dismay, he was never one to break a deal, even one as menial as this one, so he opted to accept his defeat in his heroic battle for affection, and sits down on the office chair next to Sylvester, looming over, before resting his chin on the hybrid's shoulder.
"Whatcha even fixin' there? Looks like a pile o' junk... And my junk could use some attention too~" He purrs, the human's arms snaking around the others' waist, only to be met with an incredulous laughter.
"What, is this what your flirting has devolved to? Come on, you know you can do better, man... But it's a camera. One of my old ones, actually."
"Mm.. what's so special bout it?" The larger man asks, hands playing with the hem of Syl's shirt.
"I'm pretty sure it's just got some old film in it. Y'know. College party bullshit, maybe an occasional nude, the usual. It's just stupid shit I need to dispose of, really."
"... Now you've intrigued me, dolly..." Butcher purrs, his breath hitching, "no way you're gettin' rid of that then... I'm sure I can make some use out of it~"
"Christ, you're hopeless, babe."
"Only for you, dollface... and keep talkin' like that and you'll have an even bigger problem to deal with..." Butcher mumbled, his face still in the crook of Sylvester's neck. Not doing anything, just breathing in the scent.
"Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?" Syl sighs, wanting to change the subject, which Butcher obliges to unknowingly.
"Nah.. got a day off. Something with th' boss rearranging the schedules and shit. Felt like I should bother my favorite nerd" he teases, poking at his ribs, which cause Sylvester to jolt, and drop the screwdriver he had just picked up.
"I told you, I'm not a nerd! And I could have dropped something important! How many times do I have to sat 'don't touch me while i work' for it to get trough to your thick skull?!" he rants, peering at Butcher over the rim of his glasses, displeased frown on his face.
The sudden rant only amuses the human further, as he laughs deeply, cooing "Aww, dollface, you think my skull is thick? You shouldn't have!" he grins, leaning forward, and tries to again capture Sylvester's lips, this time succeeding for a moment, before pulling back with a self-satisfied smirk.
"Got my kiss" he teases, to Sylvesters chagrin, while standing from the chair and pushing it back in its place.
"Can I keep working now? Didya get your fill?"
"Sure did, doll, thanks again. See you at dinner?"
"... Yeah. See you then... Asshole" Sylvester sighs, but can't help the small smile which graces his face, as he looks over his shoulder as Butcher leaves trough the door he entered from.
"I heard that, kitty!" Butcher calls out, before getting out at last, closing the door quietly, leaving the other to his project at last.
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tracle0 · 6 months
Hello hello! Tagged by the radical @albatris thank you thank you tidings of blood and fangs upon ye
Finding: Storm, bite, bring and settle and I am going to do it from The Crows Death woag
“Sorted now.” Sam scowled at the bushes she had originally approached, then gestured him over. “Dolly just needed some help.” “I did not!” She stormed into view, their imposter trailing behind her, her face like thunder. Atlas watched with amusement as she approached, stuck a finger out, and then snarled, “And you!” Andy paused his progress of picking his way out of the bush. “Me?” “You!” She marched forward, and he shrank back, and they tried not to smile too wide. “You are making my job here as hard as possible! You need to stop running off without me all the bloody time!” “I didn’t, I just-“ “You’re going to get yourself killed! Do you understand that? Does that make sense to you?” “Yes, yes, I’m sorry, I’m not-“ “Or do you want to die? Is that it? You’re so eager to kick the bucket already? It’s like you’re not even trying to stay alive!” 
“Shut him up,” Max instructed sourly. “I don’t want to listen to him talk.” “What, you don’t like his cute little accent?” The man advanced on where Andy had fallen, and he shrank back. Please, please, please. No, no, no.  “Cute,” she echoed.  “Sure, it’s adorable.” He crouched down beside Andy, the cloth in hand, and when Andy clenched his jaw, wondering if he should bite again, he tutted, put on a terrible impression of his Glalis accent. “Now, now, li’le Crow. Dhon’ be irriday’ing me. Maxie here’ll s’ring you uhp if you ghive her a ‘hance.” “Don’t call me that,” Max said. Her smile had vanished. “And hurry up. Stop playing with him.” “I’m not playing. I only play with people I like. Unlike-“ “Titch,” she said, a low, cold note of warning in her voice.  The man - Titch - sighed dramatically, the cloth stretched between his hands. His nails were a void-like black rather than the pale pink they should have been. An actual servant to the Fox. Exactly what he wanted. “You used to be fun,” he grumbled, then looked down at Andy. “Are you going to bite me?”  “Yes,” he said. “Don’t touch me.”
“It’s - one of the people I went with, a… my friend, he…” they huffed. “He got… kidnapped just before we got back. I want to…” “Track him?” There was an emphasis on his words, an unspoken offer. Atlas realised what he was implying at the exact same time as their imposter, and where horror drew across their face, a flicker of hope danced across their imposters. “Wait,” Atlas blurted, lurching forward. The floorboards didn’t even groan under their feet, their own home falling for their imposter's trick. “Wait, no. No, you - he can’t come. He can’t come as well, he’ll - he’ll die. You’ll kill him. You’re going to kill him.” Every word was fully ignored. Their imposter pulled away from Olly’s shoulder to study him, the start of a smile edging across their expression. “Yeah,” they said quietly. “Track him. Bring him back.” A primal scream started to rise in their throat, desperation and premature grief loud and clawing. “Don’t,” they begged. “Hey. Hey, seriously, please, don’t. You’ll kill him, I can’t - I can’t live without him. Do anything else. Please. Please. Listen to me, don’t - please.”
When he twisted his head around, he found its source; a decayed rodent laying an arm’s length away from him, flesh grey, bones jutting through the rotten meat. A maggot squirmed in the tiny carcass. His gorge rose, and the smell of death swept over him, encased him, claimed him. Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm.  He had just about settled his nerves and calmed his racing pulse when the long-dead, barely held-together skeleton moved. One of its remaining paws twitched, spasmed, and dug into the ground, dragging the festering body closer.  It moved again.  And again. 
Tagging uhhh @loopyhoopywrites nd @ace-malarky nd @polyaubergine to find uh break, mold, ring and grin
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sukisukidoll · 2 years
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Do you guys like dolly makeup ,futuristic/cyber aesthetic and Japanese culture and fashion ?_(:3」z)_
than you should follow me !
I’m here to make friends and fell free to chat with me !I’ll make makeup tuts on different dolly looks and review makeup that I have too . also a lot of random stuff ^o^
-my accounts-
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urganic-tuts · 1 year
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"This is a special day to share your dolly passion with fellow doll lovers. The day delivers a message of peace and happiness."
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eitmonline · 1 year
EITM Playlist 5/17/23
Queens Of The Stone Age - Emotion Sickness | 6:13
Miley Cyrus - Jaded | 6:33
GROUPLOVE - Remember That Night | 6:38
Gregory Alan Isakov - The Fall | 7:11
The National, Taylor Swift - The Alcott | 7:42
Silversun Pickups - Empty Nest | 7:54
Foo Fighters - Under You | 8:30
Dave Matthews Band - Walk Around The Moon | 8:57
Jenny Lewis - Psychos | 9:25
The Hold Steady - Grand Junction | 9:38
Dolly Parton - World On Fire | 9:44
The 1975 - Oh Caroline | 10:20
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Steve Martin and the Toot Uncommons - King Tut | 10:45
CARR - Sick Bro | 10:52
GROUPLOVE - Betty’s A Bombshell | 11:08
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