#dog toothed violet
photosofsouthwestmt · 3 months
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Dog-Toothed Violet
A dog-toothed violet I found near Short Creek. The skeeters were so bad Lilly laid down between the flower and me as if to say enough time to go.
Nikon D500, Manual Mode, NIKKOR 85mm Micro Lens, R1C1 Close up flash kit, F/36, ISO 50, ET 1/250, Focal Length 85mm, Handheld, Vibration Reduction on
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kiichilog · 6 months
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2024.3.31古賀志山 今年もカタクリが咲きました。 森の妖精、スプリングエフェメラル
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heaveninawildflower · 2 years
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Dog-tooth violet (Erythronium dens-canis) circa 1630′s by Pieter van Kouwenhoorn (fl.1620s-1630s).
www.picturingplants.com  - Wikimedia.
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thebotanicalarcade · 2 years
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monmorgandy · 2 years
White Trout Lily in northern Kentucky by durand clark Via Flickr: The bloom of wildflowers last for a short time. Catching them in bloom requires a bit of luck. This flower is called White Dogs-Tooth, Serpent's Tongue and Deer Tongue. Located on the north facing hillside of Tower Park in Ft Thomas, Kentucky.
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vandaliatraveler · 6 months
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An Easter bouquet of some of Central Appalachia's finest spring wildflowers, courtesy of Core Arboretum at West Virginia University.
From top: cutleaf toothwort (Cardamine concatenata); Virginia spring beauty (Claytonia virginica); Carolina spring beauty (Claytonia caroliniana); sessile trillium (Trillium sessile); twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla); immature golden ragwort (Packera aurea); dwarf larkspur (Delphinium tricorne); Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica), including a rare white-flowered variation; woodland phlox (Phlox divaricata), also known as wild blue phlox; harbinger of spring (Erigenia bulbosa), also known as pepper and salt; Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria); downy yellow violet (Viola pubescens); yellow trout lily (Erythronium americanum), also known as dog-tooth violet; and celandine poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum), also known as wood poppy.
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blair-the-juggalho · 10 months
Hello!! I absolutely love your TWDG writing. And I have been having a bad day bc my tooth broke and I'm stressed -_-
Could you possibly make a "TWDG S4 characters when a bubbly Y/N is upset/sad"? ^_^
Hey yeah ofc! And I’m so sorry I hope your day gets better lovely :(
Also I did this as platonic lmk if ya want me to redo it idm! 😭
Another sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes it’s half three am and I’m tired
Also side note, sorry I’ve been like gone a lot of stuff happened and I lost intrest in the game but it’s kinda coming back I’m just getting use to writing again so if this sucks I’m SO SORRY 😭😭😭💖💖💖
TWDG S4 characters when a bubbly Y/N is sad
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She’d find you a bit strange and would tease you but in honesty she loves how bubbly you are
Whenever life gets her down all she has to do is spend some time around you and she feels better
She notices instantly when you’re upset tho and will give it a few minutes before coming up to you
“Hey. What’s up? Why are you all depressed?”
But fr tho that’s her job 😞 LMAO SORRY
But you’ll open up to her and she silently nods along
Whatever it is she gets it
“Yeah…it sucks sometimes…”
She won’t say much but she offers to go somewhere more private so you two can chill and just complain to each other
She’s not all that good at comfort but she’d really try
When your back to normal she’d have a small smile on her face
“Ya happy again now?”
She’d be a bit upset if you’d want to go right back to being around everyone else but she’d join you anyway cuz she’s just happy to see you smile again
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He doesn’t really get it I mean how can anyone be happy living like this? I mean sure it’s manageable at times but it still sucks
He’d never on his life say it but he does secretly enjoy how happy you are even if he’d tease you for it
When he sees you upset tho I’m so sorry but this man is useless here
He doesn’t notice at first but after Willy or someone points it out he picks up on it and worries a bit
However he just hopes you cheer up on your own and doesn’t say anything
But he does watch out for you in the corner of his eye
He just assumes if it’s really bad you’ll come to him
Cuz he won’t come to you unless your both alone
When you do tell him what’s up he’s still not very helpful
“Damn…that sucks..”
He does care he’s just rubbish at showing it
He will let you stay with him but be warned you’ll both be sat in silence if you’re not in a talking mood
But when you do cheer up he’s relived
again, not that he’d voice it
“Happy again huh?”
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Marlon finds you to be a breath of fresh air, he always has a gentle smile on his face when your around
He’s happy that you can bring the others up too cuz a happy group is a good group yk
Plus you keep him calm too
So when he sees his usual happy friend down in the dumps he’s very confused
What happened to you?
He watches you for a bit then walks over to you and asks if you’re ok and if ya wanna talk
Hell take you up to the office and will listen to you explain why your upset
He listens and offers some advice and comfort
He’ll let you stay with him for a bit and if you like dogs yk he’ll get rosy to give you some comfort hugs and all
He just has normal conversations with you and will say that he hopes you cheer up soon cuz what would they all do without your positive ways
When you cheer up he’ll have a big smile and if your ok with it he’ll pull you in for a hug and definitely does that back pat and rub (yk the that you do to a friend or family to either be like heyy! Or ok that’s enough now)
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Like he needs to see you all happy and lively because that makes him more happy and lively too!
And this mf he instantly knows when you’re down and he will come up to you and just say “aww what’s wrong (name)? You gotta turn that frown upside down!” He might even pull an over the top sad face too
Depending on what kinda person you are this either kind of works or makes it so much worse
If he does realise that he’s not helping he panics a bit like
“Oh no- they really are sad…what do I doooooo?? This is badddd…”
He’s not all that good in serious situations and will try healing you with comedy and laughter
He’ll tell jokes, tease the others at Ericsson’s
Anything to cheer you up
Heaven forbid the moment you actually do cuz this mans energy is amplified by 100
“is that a smile I see?? So mx grumpy finally cheered up? Ha well it seems I’m just the best at curing sadness.” He acts all cocky but he’s just joking
He’s very pleased to see ya back to your regular self again
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Aasim always found it curious how someone so happy could exist in a world like this
But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it
He can’t match your energy but he does support your cheerful ways
He won’t voice it but you do cheer him up when he’s having a bad day
he notices when you’re upset very quickly n all it’s very obvious lmao
He’ll give it a few minutes but after a while he’ll cave and awkwardly walk over to you
“So…you ok? You seem upset…”
You tell him what’s up and he listens
He either gives you advice or will empathise with you saying he gets it
He just kinda silently sits next to you cuz he doesn’t really know what to say
You both just kinda sit around for a while
he won’t really offer it out loud but he doesn’t mind giving you a hug if it will cheer you up
He just waits for you to feel better and is thankful when you do
(Sorry but damn this man I just can’t imagine he’d be much help here that sounds horrible Ik ik 😞)
This man is grateful that you’re the way you are even if he doesn’t voice it a lot
He’s also a silent observer so when he saw you where upset he just quietly watched you
I think he either doubts how good he is at comforting or he’s too preoccupied but he’ll still watch you for you
He’s kinda hoping it’s just a off day and you’ll perk up again in a while
He waits to see if anyone else will check up on you or if you’ll come to him
But if enough time has passed and both of those didn’t happen he’ll slowly make his way over to you
He doesn’t say much but he listens to you
The few times he does speak it’s either reassurance or advice
He will stay with you for as long as he can and if he had to start cooking again he’d let you stand next to him while he does so
When you cheer up again he wont say much but he has a smile on his face
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Ruby fully appreciates your bubbly ways and she will usually match your energy when she can
She really thinks you totally brighten up Ericssons!
But today you were acting totally different and she could just sense it
Like there was a shift in the air she just picked up on before she even saw you
Since she gives me like mother friend vibes she totally instantly goes over to ya
Are you ok hun? Ya seem down? What’s happened? Do ya need some space?
She’s there and she will listen to ya 100%
She does whatever she can to be supportive and she might tell a few rubbish puns to make you smile again
She’ll get all protective of ya too like if anyone tries to annoy ya (which I doubt anyone would but yk just incase) she will get so mad at them she’s shout at them and scold them so much
She’ll either stay by you till you cheer up or will give you the space if you need it but the moment she sees that smile she loves so much and that cheery personality she adores she’s matching that happy face
This girl loves how bubbly you are it’s such a nice change of pace from the usually rubbish day to day apocalypse life
You don’t know how much you can cheer her up and make her feel more relaxed
So she was super quick to notice that you where sad
Huh that’s (name), why arn’t they all happy?? Where’s that lovely smile gone??
I don’t think she’d straight away ask if you where ok cuz maybe you needed some space? I mean it’s normal to get upset now a days but this isn’t like you
She’d ask the others like Marlon if they noticed that you’ve done a total 180
She’d still stay put but keeps a close eye on you and after a few minutes of watching you mope around she’d walk up to you and ask if you where ok
After you tell her what’s got ya so bummed out she’d do anything to get that smile back
She’d listen to you, give you advice if you wanted it, she’d give you a hug literally anything!
She’d also try to distract you by planning some made up road trip (a beach trip if I remember correctly??)
She needs to see her friend go back to their bubbly self 😞
Once you do cheer up she just sighs in relief man she’s happy you’re back to normal lmao
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bugtoonz · 1 month
Alright guys, here’s the official introduction of the infamous
McClintock High Teen Ninjas!
While not the only ninjas present at the school, these seven are the clear leads of the operation. For more information on each of them, check below the cut!
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Stacey Pérez
- Cheer captain of the McClintock Cheerleading Squad as well as the unofficial official leader of the McClintock Ninjas
- She also cheers competitively; she’s, like, really good
- Probably the meanest girl you’ll ever meet, but only if you try going against her demands; stay on her good side, and you’ll escape her presence with only a few snide remarks and maybe a new insecurity
- Likes Chad’s face and hair, but likes flirting with other guys even more; besides, it’s not like she hasn’t totally heard from Cree that he was making out with Shelly Rivers underneath the bleachers last week!
- Has a super annoying KND operative brother that keeps stealing her BRAs!!! GET OUT SAM!!
- Despite her agility and cunning, was never a KND operative… she was never a fan of the whole “protecting helpless kids” bit; why go out of your way to help someone that can’t do anything for you in return?
Chad Dickson
- Former KND Super Star and Super Leader; current running back for the McClintock Wolverines
- Stacey’s on-and-off-again boyfriend; their relationship is more related to status than anything; think of it as a symbiotic relationship… Chad gets firsthand access to all Teen Ninja information and gossip, and Stacey gets some nice arm candy to make the girls on the squad jealous
- Occasional bassist for the ScumBucketPunks, founded by elusive Teen Leader The Steve
- Secret Doctor Time Space and the Continuums enthusiast; tell anyone and you’re dead. like, for real
- Secret double agent for the Teens Next Door; also, a double double agent for the Galactic Kids Next Door; it’s complicated.
Justin Cavallero
- Linebacker for the Wolverines; he loves pummeling people almost as much as he loves chugging offensive amounts of root beer at houseparties
- Twins with Chuckie; Yes, they’re identical. No, they are not the same person but with different hairstyles
- Him and Chuckie have an older brother that’s just gone off to college; he used to lock them in the closet when they were little and play scary ghost noises from his CD player until their mom found out and unlocked the door; he’s awesome
- Chad Dickson’s best friend, kinda; it’s sort of split between him and Chuckie, but he thinks he reigns supreme; Chuckie’s too soft
- Guitarist for the ScumBucketPunks. Has a totally straight bro-crush on The Steve.
Chuckie Cavallero
- Also a linebacker for the Wolverines; him and Justin are blessed with identical broad shoulders and thick skulls, so it makes sense
- The more sensitive of the two brothers, but still shares Justin’s puppy dog attention span and live while you’re young outlook on life
- Chad Dickson’s second best friend; he’ll admit it! It’s not like he doesn’t have plenty of other dudes to hang out with… not to mention the new girl at school who might be the coolest person he’s ever met
- Drummer for the ScumBucketPunks; pretends not to mind when The Steve accidentally calls him Chunky for the third time in one day
- Him and Justin were both KND operatives at one point in time, though both accepted decommissioning; they both just think they have childhood amnesia from all their rough-housing, or something
Violet Dau
- The newest student at McClintock High, and Stacey’s current pet project
- She thinks she might be getting the hang of the whole being a popular girl thing, but she’s not quite sure; at least she doesn’t totally suck at cheerleading; she misses playing tennis at her old high school, though
- Has a secret, massive sweet tooth; strawberry milkshakes are her favorite, but she’ll settle for vanilla if she’s really desperate
- Secretly working with Chad as a TND operative; he’s kind of a jerk sometimes, but she’s warming up to him, sort of? It doesn’t help that it always feels like he’s hiding something from her…
- Lives with her dad in a small apartment close to the school; they don’t talk much
Cree Lincoln
- Not a cheerleader (she’s captain of the girls’ volleyball team), but still high up in the ninja ranks thanks to her insider KND information and close connections with Father himself
- Sometimes friends with Stacey, but sometimes not; It’s complicated girl stuff; there’s a mutual respect though, and she’s smart enough to know not to jeopardize that if she ever wants to sit at the popular kids’ lunch table ever again
- Totally crushing on Maurice, and they might be kind of dating? She’s not sure yet, but she’s hopeful
- The best hand-to-hand combatant in the group, easily; the only way Chad is able to beat her during sparring matches is by riling her up and making her angry enough to drop her carefully planned attacks in favor of hard punches; Chad might be able to take her down in the end, but he’s the one with bruises along his ribcage for the next week
- Loves trashy teen magazines and pop punk girl artists; hates the classical music her mom plays in the car on the way to school
- Wishes her dumb little sister would finally grow up and join her in the teen world, which is super cool and mature, obviously
Maurice Wells
- Much too busy with international TND missions to do any sport or club; he doesn’t mind though, the high school social hierarchy majorly freaks him out
- Often works with Chad and Violet, reading over their mission reports and trying to apply their gained information to the grander scheme of fighting adult tyranny
- Does NOT get paid enough (wait, he doesn’t get paid at all!) to put up with their constant bickering; seriously, how can you even find a way to argue about the color of the sky??
- Likes to read on his days off, preferably science fiction or fantasy; with as stressful as his job can be, he’ll take all the escapism he can get
- Might be dating Cree? He doesn’t know; she scares him a little bit
- Secretly meets up with Abby about once a month to catch up and share field notes; he’s an only child, and in a lot of ways she’s like the little sister he never had
- Has the sneaking suspicion that there might be something even bigger than the TND out there pulling the strings, and that Chad is in on the deception, but knows that it’s smarter to wait things out on the sidelines than to charge headfirst demanding answers; Maurice may only be a teenager, but he’s wise beyond his years in a way no one expects
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harrisonarchive · 2 years
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A style selection, 1956-1969.
A continuation of sorts from this post.
“[George’s] idea, which he ordered [in Liverpool in the 1950s], was a four-button jacket with cloth-covered buttons. Two breast pockets which were slitted (jetted) and in the shape of a bird in flight, the two side pockets corresponded. The cuffs had to be folded back with a cloth-covered button. His trousers had no pleats in the front, not normal in those days, and he was by far the very first person to have two slits at the bottom side seam of the trouser and he wanted them folded back with cloth covered buttons to match the cuffs on his jacket. The workshop queried the order when they received thinking we had gone bonkers. George got his suit and was pleased with the outcome. Later lots of guys were walking about town with cut back cuffs and side seams on their trousers, but George was the first.” - Rollo Torpey, The Beatles and Me (2015)
“At Iris’s 14th birthday party, I remember George turned up in a brand-new, Italian-style stuff with covered buttons. He looked very grown-up.” - Violet Caldwell (mother of Iris, and Alan, a.k.a. Rory Storm), The Beatles Monthly September 1965
“[George’s mother Louise] took an unusually benign view of George’s luminous pink shirts, yellow waistcoat, and drainpipe trousers.” - Pete Shotton, The Beatles, Lennon, And Me (1984)
“Going in for flash clothes, or at least trying to be a bit different, as I hadn’t any money, was part of the rebelling. I never cared for authority. They can’t teach you experience; you’ve got to go through it, by trial and error.” - George Harrison, The Beatles: The Authorized Biography (1968)
“At the Institute, George was known from the beginning as a way-out dresser. Michael McCartney, Paul’s brother, was a year below him. He remembers George always having long hair — years before anybody else did. […] ‘George used to go to school with his school cap sitting high on top of his hair,‘ says Mrs. Harrison. ‘And very tight trousers. Unknown to me, he’d run them up on my machine to make them even tighter. I bought him a brand-new pair once and the first thing he did was tighten them. When his dad found out, he told him to unpick them at once. “I can’t, Dad,” he said. “I’ve cut the pieces off.”’” - The Beatles: The Authorized Biography (1968)
“I’d started to develop my own version of the school uniform. I had some cast-offs from my brother. One was a dog-toothed check-patterned sports coat, which I’d dyed black to use as my school blazer. The color hadn’t quite taken, so it still had a slight check design to it. I had a shirt I’d bought in Lime Street, that I thought was so cool. It was white with pleats down the front. and it had embroidery along the corners of the pleats. I had a waistcoat that John had given me, which he’d got from his ‘uncle’ Dykins (his mother’s boyfriend), Mr. Twitchy Dykins. It was like an evening-suit waistcoat — black, double-breasted, with lapels. The trousers John also gave me, soon after we first met — powder-blue drainpipes with turn-ups. I dyed them black as well. And I had black suede shoes from my brother. […] That outfit of mine was very risky, and it felt like all day, every day, for the last couple of years I was going to get busted. In those days we used Vaseline on our hair to get the rock n’ roll greased-back hairstyle. Also, you were supposed to wear a cap and a tie, and a badge on your blazer. I didn’t have my badge stitched on, I had it loose. It was held in place by a pen clipped over it in my top pocket, so I could remove it easily, and the tie.” - George Harrison, The Beatles Anthology (2000)
“He was always a pretty snappy dresser, and he did always like that waistcoat look. And he used to wear a V-neck Fair Isle jumper. Sometimes he’d be a little too outrageous, like purple trousers with bright green, but it was fine. Everything seemed to be fine then.” - Pattie Boyd, interview for the British Beatles Fan Club
“The boys are wearing all sorts of fantastic clothes for their film and introduce a very new, unusual gimmick. If they’re wearing corduroy, for example, then they have corduroy boots to match. If they’re seen in velveteen suits, then they’re coupled with velveteen boots. George first thought of the idea two years ago, but when he put the idea to a local bootmaker, he told him it couldn’t be done. Well, that’s one cobbler that’s been proved wrong.” - The Beatles Monthly, June 1965 (x)
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illarian-rambling · 20 days
Thanks for the tag @somethingclevermahogony! I have so much fun with these lol
OC Smash or Pass: Avymere Spearsong
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Name: Duchon Avymere Kalaphon Spearsong III (Duchon is a title equivalent to Duke/Duchess)
Sexuality: nebulously pansexual
Age: 153
Folk: Skysheerian elf
Occupation: Heir to the duchy of Salis and spymaster to their father, the current Archduke
Description: Tall, wiry, and tan - for a Skysheerian, at least - Avymere doesn't fit the typical Skysheerian beauty standard. They have short, feathery white hair and a long, pointed sort of face, with a pair of wire-rimmed glasses atop their long nose. Their ears are pointed, and there's an old scar on the right one from a training accident. Their eyes are a pale gray. They tend to dress more femme and almost always have a concealed weapon.
Avymere has the type of loyalty usually exclusive to prized hunting dogs and living weapons. If you earn their trust, they will never betray you til your dying day, no matter what you ask of them. It's honestly a little concerning.
Predictably, they are very cultured. Music, philosophy, politics - they can hold an engaging conversation on nearly any subject. They're a fantastic listener and honestly love nothing more than listening to someone talk about their passions. If you ask them questions about martial arts history, they might just tear up on the spot.
Avymere has a deep and genuine need to help people. They are selfless to a fault and will fight tooth and nail for any downtrodden stranger. Despite their aloofness and privileged upbringing, they are a legitimately good person - or they try their best, anyways
Avymere lives to serve their people in all aspects of their life. That means, if they're going to be serious about a relationship, it has to bring an advantage to Salis. Sure, they've had crushes on guards and flings with diplomat, but for a serious relationship, you'd better be bringing both money and connections to the table.
They are a noble and thus can be very aloof. They speak with perfect diction even in informal circumstances, sit with perfect posture even while relaxing, and would probably throw up if they had to eat fast food. Though not intentional, it comes across as very haughty.
Honest and unbarred emotions are an utmost rarity from them. Their heart is heavily guarded, and though they are rarely unkind when it isn't necessary, they hold themself back in most circumstances. This causes their feelings to really only show when they hit a boiling point, anger or grief exploding out in an uncharacteristic show.
I'll tag @harleyacoincidence @sergeantnarwhalwrites @violets-in-her-arms-writes @watermeezersworldofkaldria @leahnardo-da-veggie and anyone else who wants in :)
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trollprincess · 3 months
Francesca and John have been married for several years. They’re good. He loves her, she loves him. Something isn’t exactly *right* about the way Francesca feels about John, but Violet didn’t explain much about being with a man, much less what to do if something is … off. But he’s a wonderful man, and that’s what matters.
Michaela becomes her best friend. She’s right, of course, about the truth about her being far worse, at least in some people’s eyes. Some women are not quite as proper as Violet, it turns out, and after feeling out the water a bit, Michaela starts to broach the subject of her own exploits. Francesca is more than a bit startled - you can do those sorts of things with women?! - and a puzzle piece clicks into place.
Not the whole puzzle, mind you. Just a piece.
But Michaela is her best friend, and Michaela’s and John’s mothers are like extra mothers for Francesca. So they’re there the first time Francesca loses a baby. And the second, and the third. By the fourth time, it’s become this painful parlor trick Francesca can do. She can play Mozart with delicate precision, and she can painfully lose her delicate condition just as easily.
The Sterlings flutter around her like concerned butterflies. Rest. Eat this. Don’t eat that. No undue strain.
And then John dies. Talk about undue strain.
They’re all broken, of course, and Michaela and Francesca cling to one another. Michaela lost her best friend, Francesca her husband. They are each other’s crutch. What do you need, Frannie? Is there anything you’d like to hear on the pianoforte, Michaela? Give me an occupation or I shall run mad. That sort of thing.
Francesca, it turns out, is pregnant again.
No one has high hopes this time. Even Frannie struggles to believe. But helping her keep this baby, this one piece of John, becomes Michaela’s mission. Don’t you dare get out of bed. Whoever wants to tell her anything has to go through me. It’s cold in this castle, you need more blankets.
Michaela becomes nurse, emotional support Labrador, and guard dog all at once.
It’s a countdown - they just need to make it through today, and then this week, and then this month, and while they’re fighting tooth and nail for that child to be born. The next thing you know, they are eight months in, and they turn to a new worry - Francesca and the baby surviving the birth. They just need to get over this one last hurdle.
The birth is intense. Francesca struggles. Michaela tells her that Frannie can’t leave, her baby needs her. And so does Michaela. They hold on, and the next thing you know John Sterling II is here.
They did it. They made it. *He* made it. And they’re in love.
Queer storyline - check!
Infertility storyline - check!
Francesca gets to be a mom - check!
Now, if I can do that in one goddamn Tumblr post, I’m pretty sure the showrunners can do the same by the time Francesca’s season gets here.
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kaixo-agur · 3 months
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Plant-forms ornamentally treated - strawberry/lily of the valley/violet/sweet briar/apple blossom/dog tooth violet/Honeysuckle/peach blossom/cherry blossom, illustration by Grace Carter, 1874
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llamagirl28 · 2 years
Honestly, I would love to hear more about the ROs that haven’t appeared yet.
Of course! Under the cut, cause it's getting long
Nimue appeared briefly in chapter 2 but I'm going to include her here anywhere. So, as you may know, she's Merlin's daughter - and only child - as well as his apprentice. Her mother is a High Priest in Avalon, and Nimue herself will admit to missing Avalon terribly - yet she chose to become Merlin's apprentice. She keeps a curious eye on Mordred (watching their career with interest so to say 👀).
She loves long walks in the woods, loves to be by water and enjoys swimming. She's a good cook. Out of everyone in Camelot she's closest with Gawain. She's very fond of cats (I may actually give her a kitty in game). She has a beautiful singing voice, and often hums to herself while working.
She hates the cold. She's always bundled up in winter. Her favorite colors are those shades ranging from green-blue. She loves reading, and Gawain is all too happy to provide her with suggestions. She keeps a lot to herself. Has a penchant for eavesdropping 👀 and generally at parties you can find her roaming the room, observing people. She's a very skilled sorcerer, and also an adept of the Lady of the Lake. Her outfits consist a lot of stays over chemises with petticoats and overskirts, kirtles over chemises. And belts with pockets to carry stuff.
Elaine is the youngest child of the Astolat Ducal family. Has always been very sporty/outdoorsy and would spend hours playing outside and watching the knights play. She befriended a dragon, Felix, around her age, bonding over their shared love for flying, sports and nature, and they'd often joked about becoming knights. She's a light weight when it comes to alcohol. She loves showing off her muscles. Has always been intrigued by dragons' culture and history.
About Sophie, I actually did some changes to her backstory! Interesting ones. She had a brother before too - tho he was younger. Now it's her twin brother, Magnus! He's still the one preferred for the throne, despite her being first born by a couple minutes. The Council of Nobles (who are the ones actually in power, behind the scenes) in her kingdom don't want her as Monarch because she's actually really interested in taking an active role in leading, uncovering their corruption and making all sorts of changes - including perhaps an attempt at democracy 👀
She loves dogs - and got a dog of her own when she moved to Camelot to become a knight. Elaine uses she/her (doesn't bother her/doesn't really care) but she's not comfortable being considered a woman - or a man. Loves bread and pastry. It's just so good. Wears pants with tunics/shirts/jerkins/doublets in either soft, pastel colors (like violet, blue, yellow, mint) or simple browns. Goes for comfy, cozy, practical clothes but does like to dress up in elaborately embroidered doublets and shirts for special events.
She's always been very studious and diligent, becoming intrigued by different topics and subjects. Has random knowledge on all sorts of things as a result. She can wield a dagger well enough. She loves wearing flowing dresses in all sorts of pastel and soft colors - her favorite color in pink. She loves flowers and plants. Has a sweet tooth. She also draws very beautifully.
Agravain is a fellow knight who joins the Round Table after Mordred. They're the bastard of some Camelotian noble, whose mother is a servant at his castle. Their father has always resented them and they've been badly treated by him, his wife, and their oldest child. Agravain actually looks up a lot to Morgana - and wishes to befriend Mordred. They feel they have a lot in common, that they're kindred spirits - very much "us against the world". Mordred's relationships with them will have a big impact on Agravain.
They're sweet and earnest, and sort of bashful, though they can get very snappish and irritable and angry in certain situations. They get easily jealous (not just in romantic relationships, but friendships too). They're afraid Mordred - or anyone else they become close to - might abandon them. Has worked very hard to become a Knight of the Round Table. They have a passion for sewing and love designing and making their own clothes. Thinks cloaks are very cool.
Isac is a sorcerer, and son of the so called Rebel Queen. The bloodline of sorcerer he's a part of originates from the Deer King himself, and their affinity is for plant manipulation. Which you bet comes in handy for robbing people on highways that go through the forest, and protecting their castle which is also found within the woods. He's very easy going and a shameless flirt who will shoot his shot with Mordred - but backs down the moment you refuse/aren't interested in his flirting. He loves deep, lush colors, low v-neck shirts, wearing lots of rings and walks in the deep parts of the woods. His favorite hanging spots are some abandoned Deer King Temples. Has a streak for mischief. His childhood best friend is a dragon. There's one cousin close to him in age that he's also closest to, whom he loves to (affectionately) annoy.
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thebotanicalarcade · 2 years
n113_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: The native flowers and ferns of the United States in their botanical, horticultural and popular aspects / Boston :L. Prang and Co.,1879. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/5527110
0 notes
danosrosegarden · 1 year
..howdy partner..I hear you’re doing requests here..
I say that’s a mighty fine thing to do, I have a request for ye..if ya think ya can handle it partner..(I know you can I’m just playing up the cowboy thing)
How’s a bout..Fem!Reader goes to see Edward Nashton in Arkham, nothing smutty no no, we want pure sugar here cowpoke..something to make the tooth ache with how sweet it is partner.
Reader reassures Edward and they can have a tender moment of your choosing..
Alright..let’s get riding off. It was good to see ya partner. See ya
when the sun hits - edward nashton x gn!reader ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
{contains: sad fluff and mild mentions of violence.}
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Arkham was a dark, empty night, void of stars, barren of any sliver of moon. It was as if you could feel the grime ground into the floor as you were led down the hallway. The frosty chill of the air in the asylum sunk deep into your marrow. It was impossibly bleak, hopelessly desolate. And you hated to imagine your Eddie in a place like this.
You couldn't help but feel a sheen of disapproval cast over the glaring eyes of the guards leading you to his cell. How could you still love a monster like him? To them, he was a rabid dog, fangs still dripping with the blood of the innocent, eyes still bloodshot with streaks of burning-hot frenzy. He was a killer. He was the man who giggled while he splintered bones, grinned gleefully as he cracked skulls. That's all they saw.
Fuck what they thought. You knew better.
Your stomach was in a billion impossibly twisted knots as the metal barricade groaned as it lifted.
And there he was. How to describe the scene.
The first thing you noticed were his eyes. Though bags pulled at the skin underneath them in a dull, weary violet, there was something deep in the pitch black pupils that glimmered like glitter underneath the whirring lights when he saw you.
Edward placed his hands on the glass, scoffing out a wonder-struck laugh.
"Hi, angel," a quivering voice spoke.
When Edward was The Riddler, he was no longer a cold, frightened child who kept his head down and spoke to nobody. He was strong. He was brave. You detected something in his voice that sounded like him before he put the mask on, something quiet and stamped-out and fearful. You felt the woosh of your heart in your ears, and your jaw ached and popped with anxiety.
"Hi, Eddie."
You stood facing each other, wading around aimlessly in a thick goo of silence. What to say. What even was there to say?
He spoke first.
"I'm so sorry."
You felt the stitches of your heart begin to rip apart. "Sorry for what?"
"For...for putting you through all this. For leaving you." His lip quivered. "I'm so, so sorry."
You cursed your body for the tears you felt welling up and burning in the corner of your eyes.
"I hate being without you." The words that poured from your lips felt mechanical, like you were a wind-up toy, marching without thinking. It came out rushed. Pathetic and whimper-laced. "I hate it so much, Eddie."
He shook his head rapidly, his breath fogging up the glass. "I'll find a way. We don't have to be apart."
A filmstrip of memories rolled in your mind of all the evenings he'd spent at your apartment. The tender mornings you'd wake up with your bodies entangled in one another. The laughing until tears were rolling down your cheeks. Your heart still struggled with his actions, but there was no denying how badly you ached for his presence.
It hurt to go to bed alone. The sheets felt stiff and bitterly cold, the blanket laying on top of you like the shell of the memory of his warmth.
"I don't care what I have to do. I'll write. I'll call. You can come visit," he said rapidly. "I can't be without you. I can't make it alone."
The future seemed gray and bleak from where you were standing. But maybe you could spot the sun peaking through the clouds. Maybe it might take effort, but it was as if you could feel the sparkling sunrays warming your skin as you peered into his eyes. Perhaps your apartment would feel less riddled with ghosts if you could still talk to him through letters and phone calls. Maybe his touch wouldn't feel a million miles away if you could still visit.
"I'm going to do whatever it takes," he swore with a low whisper.
You held you hand up to where his rested on the glass.
"You promise?"
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thesims3help · 10 months
Masterlist - Gameplay enhancing mods pt 2. [100+ Sims 3 mods!]
Part 1 || This is everything that didn't fit in part 1.
Testers Wanted: Harder Celebrity Difficulty & More (Late Night)
Cooking and Ingredients Overhaul + More Nectar Ingredients
Let them eat cake! - Non-Birthday Birthday Cakes
Toddler Food Bowl
Quicker Cooking & Eating OverRide
Breakfast At Twinsimming's (Update 7/8/23) - No Cooking Overhaul Version
Baby Food Default Replacement
Pasteurize Milk Mod (Update 7/18/23) - Tunable Hunger Motive Delta
Buy Takeout And Order Food At Restaurants
Nectar Combinatorics
No More Acrobatics! - bartending animations tweaks
Better Bartending!
Eat & Put Away Your Leftovers
Coffee Ingredients Made Choosable
Gain Cooking Skill Faster At Work!
Winter Holiday Cookies
Quicker Cooking & Eating OverRide
Pets Don't Eat Plants
Bathe Animals Correctly
[Pets] Improved Beloved Pet, and other Animal-Related Traits - 1.63 - 1.67 by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
[Pets] Improved Relationship Gain with Pets by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
New Pet Genetics - No More Skinny Clones
Minor Pets Won't Run Away
Dogs collecting shinies fills Destruction motive
Cats stalking for crawlies fills Scratch motive
Lost & Found: Honors Scholarship (Plus Other Aptitude Test Tweaks)
Write Scholarships for Money
New Scholarships (Update 10/26/23) - Talent Scholarships & No Store Version
Attend University Online (Update 10/26/23) - Wish Fix
University Life Visual Fixes (Send Insulting Text, Texting Idle, Heat of the Moment Kiss)
Studying Tweaks
Check For Work In Rabbitholes
Observatory Assistant -- Part-Time Astronomy Job
Flower Arranging - Interaction and Skill
Knitting for TS3 - Interaction and Skill
Writing, Painting, Gardening, Tinkering More Fun
Study Skills Online V37
Yoga Mod (Update 3/1/23) - New Features!
Scribbling Pad + Buzzler's Scribbling Pad - Fixed
TS2 > TS3 Functional Sewing table [BETA V2.0.0]
Programming Skill
Investment Mod (Update 9/3/23) - MultiTab Compatible
Lost&Found: Stock Market
Sim State - The Sims 3 Open For Business Mini Expansion v1.4
Layoff Mod
Ultimate Careers (Version 4.3)
Functional Washboard - Sims 4 Conversion
Harvestable Tree Default Replacement
Same Energy Gain For Every Bed
Super Hampers -- Automatic Laundry Pick Up (Plus Bigger Hampers) by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
Spring Harvest And CookBook
Harvestable Flowers
Better Hoverboards
Canning Station Overhaul
One More Slot Please! (with vertical shifting)
[TS3] Catalog Search Mod | Patreon
Add Any Lot Size
TS3 HD Textures Series - Terrain Pack [UPDATE: Fixed road tiling]
No more ugly snowprints
Builder Stuff
Reworked & Improved EA Lights
More Light Coming Through Windows
Write Thank You Notes Fix
Futuristic Transportation Charge
Advice Social Interactions
Have Sim Arrested Mod
No (or fewer) automatic memories (with custom tool to make your own mod) Edited 01/16/2014
nraas - OnceRead
nraas - Woohooer
Retuned Attraction System
More Traits for All Ages
Lot Population Mod
No Social Groups
Random Sim Fixes 2.0
SetHour Cheat
Let Me Take a Selfie (Update 9/3/23) - Pets Fix
Burglars Steal Simoleons Too
Tooth Fairy Mod
Dirty Laundry Mod (Update 8/8/23) - Maid & Butler Tweaks
Acne Mod (Update 7/22/23) - Version 2.2
Enhanced Hospitals(Updated 30/1/23)
More Senarios Upon Moving
The Journal Mod
[Public Beta] The Randomizer Mod - REWORKED!
Moar Interactions
DouglasVeiga's Dancer Service
Aging Manager
No Car Relationships
Lightning Enhanced Mod (Lightning in the Sky and Strikes)
Realistically Slower Cars, Taxis, and Bikes
Take Sims To Court - Sue Sims, Become a Lawyer, Have Court Weddings and More!
Social Clubs Mod (+ banking) - Grow Memberships, Push Activities, Make Bank Accounts and More!
Deep Conversations
Sleep on the couch, new interaction
o violet on Tumblr - Pure CAS lighting mod
Reduce/Remove Lag caused by Houseboats
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