#doesnt mean other things aint allowed
flowery-king · 1 year
Gimme some characters or stuff to doodle friday
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
>Pride month includes trans pride, and who’s deemed canonically trans by the Huss? THAT’S RIGHT! HOPE YOU LIKE SEEING JUNE EGBERT ON YOUR DASH A WHOOOOOOOOLE LOT AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MONTH!
(hopefully this formats the text right i dont use tumblr a lot and i usually only lurk)
Listen anon, this shit aint gonna work. June Egbert is not canon and she wont be, it doesnt matter if she appears on HSBC because let me tell you, its already on its name: BEYOND CANON.
You are not owning transphobes or helping trans people by screaming that June is canon everywhere you go, all you do is annoy people who arent trans and help make those trans stereotype become even worse and that just makes everything more awful than it already is. What you are doing is not helping ANYONE and it just makes you look like an asshole.
In fact Homestuck trans rep sucks as a whole. Vriska sucks in general and people like Kate will use her being "canonically" trans as an excuse when like I said all that does it make things WORSE. June is forced and people like you usually try to force people that its canon when its not and the Roxy one from HSBC is the same thing but nobody gives a shit about one so people usually dont talk about it.
And no just because Hussie said it doesnt mean its true (ie. Andrew Hussie Formstring) and sure the circumstances are different but the webcomic is done, its like if George Lucas claimed Luke Skywalker was actually a trans girl in secret all this time or some shit, it would be nonsensical to suddenly say that when theres never evidence for it + the main material having ended years ago. It has already ended and HSBC is just a non-canonical continuation.
And I don't know how much it "being planned from the beggining" means but I'm pretty sure its about being planned since the epilogues or something and not since the Homestuck Beta from april 10th, look at me in my invisible eyes and tell me that the Hussie from that era was thinking about transgender rights and not about his next webcomic and i dont fucking know that creepy puppet he had as a kid or horses.
AND before you assume Im transphobic, Im not and support trans people because i know how gender dysphoria feels [even though i do feel like some people online are faking it for attention or are there not for support but because they have some fetish which is pretty fucking bad (and Im unsure if fit the label or if I want to fit it considering I dont tell anyone about it at all and everyone online nowdays seems to suck overall and I also dont want to go around telling online strangers on a public profile about it)], so please understand this. June Egbert is not canon and is not a good rep, if you like it then keep it on the parts of the community that like it and stop trying to force "dubiously canon" on everyone. You are causing more harm than good, in fact I think that you are doing might not be doing any good at all.
And because I feel like I didnt let enough steam off Im gonna say this
Fuck June. Fuck her stupid fucking name. Fuck her rep. Fuck Post-Canon. And she and other shit reps deserve to be forced to take a permanent vacation straight to Hell.
Oh and davekat-sucks please keep existing and dont let these people put you down, you are one of the few people in this community nowdays that seems to not be overly aggressive and you allow people to show their opinions without having to fear getting harassed on or getting dragged on a full blown warzone just for not thinking like most people on the community do. Your blog means a lot for fans like us and remember, just because a lot of people seem to disagree with you it doesnt mean you are wrong! ^U^
Thank you for the kind words, Anon. And thank you for this amazing post here too. ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
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Family Of An Inmate
It’s crazy, really. How being the wife of Negan made you the queen of something, for a while. How the two of you lived in some kind of fairytale, where it was safe to have a baby together, because there was nobody who could possibly take your home and that safety away from you.
By no means did you agree with everything Negan did. His methods were gruesome and at times, cruel, but his reasoning was sound. It made sense to you, and when it came down to doing what it took to keep your family and your home safe, you hated to admit that you turned a blind eye to what he felt he had to do. You didnt have to live with or see the consequences, he never hurt anyone that you cared about, and you did care about people.
The saviours knew you as many things: Negan’s Queen, Strictly-Off-Limits-Unless-You-Wanted-An-Iron-To-The-Face; but you were also a motherly figure to almost everyone, you cared for people, you made them smile. Negan loved that about you. His “other wives”, were actually just to keep you company, they were friends for whenever he was away.
“It simply aint right for a sweet lady like you to be surrounded by assholes all the time!” He would say.
And they were your friends, you cared for them too, you made them laugh and feel safe. He called them his wives because he had a “rep to protect”, and you didnt mind that, you thought it was quite funny.
You didnt go out with Negan often, you didnt feel the need to, it wasnt your area; you were very much a home bird who kept things going while he was gone. People knew better than to mess with you, Negan would destroy anyone who so much as talked back to you if he found out about it whenever he came back.
The only time you did go out with Negan was on the worst day of your life. When you saw your husband’s throat slit by Rick, and while you screamed and got held back by people in Rick’s group, Rick called for the medic to save Negan. You couldnt believe it, but you also couldnt not be grateful for Rick not killing your husband.
After that, everything changed. Rick’s group took you and your daughter, questioned you, and they were surprised to find you werent an awful person. Rick offered you the chance to stay in Alexandria, you’d obviously be under strict supervision because they couldnt trust you, but he was a good man who understood that although you were Negan’s wife, you were not a partner in his crimes.
For the first time, you saw the repercussions of Negan. The grief, the loss, the pain. You didnt even know who Negan had killed from this group, but you could tell there were people missing. It broke your heart, it really did. But again, you understood why it had happened. Just because he‘s your husband doesnt mean that you agree with every decision he’s ever made. He did what he felt he had to do, and you loved him, but his crimes were horrific, that was undeniable.
It didnt take long for the group to accept you, which was somewhat strange in the circumstances. But you were kind, you offered to help with whatever you could, and your daughter won the hearts of everyone. They had no reason to dislike you, it wasnt you that had hurt them. Still, the loss of your own community weighed you down, and the fear of one of Rick’s group crossing you and trying to hurt you or your daughter was something you had to live with. Rick allowed you and your daughter to visit Negan, and he didnt request supervision for that. Rick knew you werent going to break him out, he knew you were eventually going to feel safe in Alexandria and you would know that Negan was being kept safe, too.
And so, everyday, you and your daughter travel down from the house you were generously given, to visit your husband, her father.
“There’s my two favourite girls!” Negan cheers, and you can see the sadness in his eyes at not being allowed out of his cell to spend all day with you both.
You smile at him, unlocking the cell door with the key that the person guarding gives you that day whenever you walk in. The two of you step inside the cell, your daughter running to jump in her father’s lap.
“DADDY!” She squeals excitedly, and he laughs, bouncing her on his knee.
“Hey there princess! And how are you today?” Negan asks, and you cant help smiling seeing them together. It always warms your heart.
“Good! Today, we helped pick tomatoes and we jumped in the puddles! I picked some flowers too, I brought you some! Look!” She digs in the tiny pockets of her dress with the highest degree of excitement, pulling out clumps of crushed daisies and placing them in Negan’s open palm, which dwarfs hers dramatically.
“Well, would you look at those! Beautiful flowers from my beautiful little girl! I’ll keep these close.” Negan says, kissing her temple as he places the flowers in his shirt pocket, over his heart. He looks up at you. “C’mere dollface, I’ve developed a frightful sickness that only a kiss from you can cure.” He smirks, knowing you cant resist him.
You roll your eyes at your cheesy husband, sitting down beside him on his cell bed and leaning in to kiss him. Not too passionately because your daughter is present, but passionately enough. He is your husband, and you are deprived of him for most of the day.
“Will the nice man Rick ever let you out of here, Daddy?” Your daughter asks Negan innocently, playing with the hem of her dress distractedly.
Negan laughs softly at that. “I dont know, sweetheart, but for now Im just grateful that he’s keeping both of you safe and close by.” He leans close to her ear. “But dont tell him I said that, he thinks Im the big bad wolf that’s gonna gobble everyone up!” Negan tickles her, pretending to munch on the sleeves of her dress at her shoulders to tickle her more, and emphasise the idea of being the big bad wolf.
“Nooo! That’s not you, Daddy! You’re a nice man too!” She corrects him, and you nod in agreement.
Negan looks between the two of you, grinning. “Well, thank you both very much.” His eyes linger on you. “And thank you, sweetness, for stickin’ by me through all this, I know it cant be easy.” He leans close to your ear to whisper. “Your strength is very sexy, by the way.” He places a teasing kiss to your neck and you sigh, but pretend to roll your eyes so your daughter thinks her daddy’s just being silly.
“As is yours, mister.” You tell him, patting his knee and resting your head on his shoulder.
Negan turns to kiss your forehead. “This is gonna sound cheesy as all hell, but I really miss cuddlin’ you, my mighty fine lady.”
You giggle at that, snuggling into his shoulder a little more before sitting back up fully. “Let’s cuddle right now then. C’mon, lay down!”
Negan laughs, but you raise your eyebrows at him to let him know you’re serious, and his face lights up. You stand up and lift your daughter from his lap, Negan lying on the edge of the bed. You lie in front of him on your side, your back to the wall, facing Negan, with your little girl lying between you.
“This isnt a very comfy bed!” Your daughter complains, and your heart aches, because she’s absolutely right.
Negan smiles. “It’s real comfy when I close my eyes and imagine Im back with you two.”
Your heart aches more, and you lean forward to kiss him again, the three of you sharing a single-person-sized bed. It doesnt take long for your daughter to fall asleep, cuddled up to Negan’s chest. And then it’s just you and Negan, staring into each other’s eyes with lazy smiles on your faces. His hand moves from your waist to your face, gently tucking some stray hairs behind your ear before his fingertips settle for tracing the line of your jaw down to your chin, tipping it up ever so gently to kiss you again. You dont say anything, you dont need to. Comfortable silence is something that you havent had with him in a long time.
Rick comes to check on Negan later that night, after finding out that you hadnt been seen heading home. He finds the three of you cuddled up together on Negan’s bed, all of you fast asleep. He pulls out his own key to Negan’s cell, locking the three of you in as quietly as he can. And then, he leaves. He tells Rosita to forget about her shift watching Negan and head home for the night, then Rick heads home himself. Because despite everything, Rick empathises. Just because a man has done unspeakable things, doesnt mean his family should be tortured for his crimes, too. And he knows that as long as Negan’s family are kept safe, Negan will stay in check, because just like Rick, Negan has done horrible things to protect his family. They’re pretty similar after all.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
not a request but I would just love to know...just WHO is sending you these weird requests about murder and vomit? I mean I would think that people would know better than to do that!
obviously since its anon i dont really... know (apologies if this sounds mean or sarcastic, truly do not mean to sound like that i just dont know how else to word this LMAO)
but its. weird. not to diss the anon(s) of course, since ultimately i dont think they mean any harm (or at least thats what i like to think)
but between the vomit, the murder, and the yandere stuff and that other thing that happened a few weeks ago with someone pushing me to answer their request and taking multiple days of me politely turning them down due to being uncomfortable it just. gets exhausting
theres also other requests that i have deleted straight away that i did not bother with entertaining via answering; from slightly worse material than the examples listed above the outright nsfw/nsfw material (again, this is a sfw blog i cannot stress this enough. the admin is not comfortable writing nsfw, as far as they know tumblr does not allow it/theyre not risking getting banned, and they cannot properly/comfortably regulate who does and doesnt see the content. this includes nsfw-adjacent material, regardless of if you hide it behind the word "fluff")(this is also not to kink or fetish shame anyone who has sent in something that i turned down or did not respond to. that aint what im about unless your interests bring harm)
ramble aside, as much as i love writing and taking requests and bringing joy to others with these dumb hcs of mine its getting a little.... you know... thankfully the odd requests are few and far between at the moment, and so far it seems that nearly everyone is respectful when i DO turn down a request for one reason or another; with only one or two bad eggs that keep pushing... so i feel i dont really have much right to complain, thats normal. hell thats even low, given how massive the TADC fandom is + other fandoms i have written for
ramble aside i am grateful for the moots i have made by opening TADC requests, and while i do not talk much outside of these posts i do greatly appreciate the love that has been put towards my dumb hcs. i dont intend on closing TADC requests anytime soon, at least i dont plan to; and i doubt i will close them if i keep getting weird/strange requests since that wouldnt really be fair to everyone else. with all that said and done, i hope you (and everyone else reading this) have a wonderful day, evening, and night; please take care of yourselves
admin signing off
sloppily cartwheels out of the room
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 7 months
who do u think originally started a whole fan base thing? marilyn or elvis? i mean celebs cannot avoid critique nor hate but i do think that society has always been told to pick a side and u either have to love or hate someone or something for no good reason u cant just simply like someone or smth nowadays either just like u cant really have an opinion without someone somewhere getting upset about it.
i think idols should be a bit of an older age as theyd have more maturity and life experiences so things like hate shouldnt bother them so much compared to younger idols who just started out. if i were them id ghost any sort of social media and cease to post until things calmed down but again the way the internet has become so melodramatic in general doesnt help but then idols also dont help themselves by having to be online if at all its all part of their job and in a way they wanted their job for some reason or other. so eventually theyll just have to accept that theres going to be delulus everywhere they go from now on. even the lesserafim if thats how its spelt went way out of hand and their song aint even that bad imho.
Honestly fans probably started long before Marilyn and Elvis, even in different senses. Like ‘fan bases’ in the sense of a group of fans of a specific thing has always been present. It’s kind of human nature in a way? Also with the older idols thing, I definitely think they should have their idols be at least of age, but at the same time…if you look at Taylor Swift, her fan base is built off of her growing up with her fans. From teen to adult. People grow up with her, and her music grows with them, then it’ll suddenly drop to a younger age range to appeal to the next batch while keeping her fans, and the cycle continues. Her fans are also much more loyal than many others because of this. And the same can be said about many people with prominent fanbases. They grew up with their fans so their fans are more attached, therefore they’ll last longer. Younger people debuting also just allows for more longevity because older people will eventually settle down and have families, or just not be in it anymore, or physically cannot. Though I definitely agree that people who debut should be of age, especially with how much companies sexualize them.
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solardick · 8 months
Mommy, I’m afraid. I’ve never said mommy before. I don’t want to go. Through another change. I don’t know anyone here. Everyone’s French. I’m always singled out. But- I don’t want to go.
God damned man. Yes, yes I am. Thanks for noticing. It’s rare in fleeting moments to see that from a passing stranger.
Everything is evil. There’s nothing in life for me.
Oh wait. There already is another girl. Lol. Like a transition girl. I liked the way she talked. Redhead. Which was already brought up a couple times. The forst time. I was like what? Why would i care? No whatevwr. Privably druged that coffee today. Hopenit doesnt keep me up all night. Sleep is the onyl time the world stops and there nothing. Intil i opne them again.
Maybe ho bsck to art instead of watching everyone in existsnce pretend to be someone they ate not. No human interaction at all. Since all my availibale social means arent very trustworthy are they.
And honestly. I dotn like redhead dna. Oh my god im - racist. Time ti take anothwr beating.
Naw man, i may look all sexy and manly and all. And i may look all smart and all to everyones spite. But now. Im actually just sma fully receptive woman. I have no cock. Im net here to f@&$. Im here to be fuckd. Learn to enjoy it. 39 years andcoubtibg. It never gonna be different. Buy a couple dildos. And get an anema bag. Shave head to toe. Body hair is a turn off and i want to be a sexy as i can. Make my man. Or men happy. Live a sacrificial life. And not build myself up. Just be fully sexual. No need to connect to anyone. I just need so e dick. With wahte ever they injected me with covid. Choice is mych taken away anyway. And i qant to feel proud of my accomplishments. Even if that means getting them off. I want to be thanked and encouraged. Too bad i cant bear you children. Im baren. Cause indotn have a womb. So inlose anyway. I cant hive that to you. And it makes me sad. They bette rhave huge cocks cause. Your pussy little 6 inch isnt enough. Do ‘t want uou being smallesr than me. That be a turn off. Since thats the onyl part that matter. The rets of it. Is just gross.
Was enjoying the experience of the feminine mentality. In a safe secure way. But then they raped my spyche.
Not like i have any experience being masculine in any other way than object placement. Not allowed to be. Just the destructive, evil side where “instinct” has full control. Sangerous stuff but whatever. I remember how i was. And it sickens my heart. There’s no control. Oh well im just a sick fuck that need to be fucked. Feed the desease. And not the cure. Thats all life has ever done. Sorry if i wanted soemthign different for once. To go with me “being on my own” away from degenerate violent sources coming from inside my own home. And shading everywhere else. I dont want to be alive anymore.
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Yup. Ok.
Heres my “ new” identity. Im a total fag.
There going to keep doing this to me for the rest of my life aren’t they.
No, she back. The whole fucken shop is just fucken with me. What’s new? That’s all life is. Since my first memory.
Ill just keep doing wgat im doing until tgey fuck me back onto the street. Then hooefully ill have a rffle by tten that i can suck off until i blow my brains out.
I aint dealing with tjose ficken cocksuckers today. Give me a fuvken written punishment for heing abusef afain. Go for a walk and enjoy the sun.
Well ill have my IHF course completed soon enough. Takes a first step. And it gives me something to look forward to. A way out from being the devil’s bitch. Mmmnn the sun feels nice.
Go and treat myself. Sone lively dialogue with done pretty women. Sunshine. Well noy anymore. Cloudy. Pick up some more things. Wash my own back. It’ll be nice.
I walk in, there she is staring me down again. A guy, who abuses the term sans design or however its spelled. Your coffeees and ice cap or something. Because i carried it from timmy’s not in a thermos. Wasnt hot. Getting cool. Mostly drunk. Talking over and through her standing in between with her back tunerd only slightly showing the front. I pause. “ it will be once i get inside. Dudes hyped on speed getting straight to work while i calculate the sheet. And set up the work station. Already inside loading it up. Ok then. Helped the station beside me. Insulating rhe freezing from getting in. Poorly parked vans. Well im ready now. Lets go to work. Nope. Processing the mind rape games. Was left just standing around waiting. Getting more depressed by the minute. Sitting at the table. Dead. People wanted to see. So then ealked passed trying to be unassuming or whatever. But as soon as i got in and the office and saw me. Depressed. Gave a sigh of disappoitnemt. Like i should be in a good state. Yeah ok. Sure. So i left. I could barely function. I chose suicide.
What you fucken speedo. Getting mad at me cause im fucked. Yeah sure leave. Bye. Ill do the van myself. No? What your back? Who you gonna be positive and try and display a healthy bond. Ok. Thats cool. We can do that. But no. I was just left standing around. While not knowing the details about wtf? Crates? What you tlaking about. Ok ill just stand arounf for the next hour.
When it is enough, man. Or was i just born to be tossed around and damaged? 39 fucken years and counting.
Your nothing but a bad influence. Your nineties punk rock mentality. Negative associations to everything. Giving none smokers nicotine. Bitching about your cowerkers stupid bs. And then give them cigarettes. Your first approach to me was handing me a speed pill. I was flabergasted at what the fuck your were trying to do. Fist bump? Ok. No? What? Hand shake? Wtf? Ok. Oh your giving me somethign. Oh its drugs. Ok. Maybe one day if i ever needed it. Its cool that you chauffer me around. Even though i always insist that you didn’t. Thanks for the shit. Though. Its cool to have some furniture. And im polite and social with uou. But i dont like you.
Ill work with the dipshit. If he wasnt talkign about cocks and gay shit. Be militant.
There sidetracking accomplished. Stay the fuck away from everyone. Keep doing it till they toss you back int the sea again. You’d think that after all these years. Youd be a good swimmer. Naw. Inwas never a good swimmer. Its one of the only things i ever did poorly at. And and guitar. Lyricsl notes are beyond me.
And they’re never going to stop fucken with you. It’s for life. Born in hell. Tortured all the way through. Parent just equal violence. Brothers just equal violence. I apparently just equal sex. Theres no parents there. Just a fool for a father. Childlike. Being the youngest of a sized family. Temper tantrums and absence. Or stupid jokes. Like im a still baby. Mother is unstable. Freaking the fuck out in fits of bs. Never known a stable things. Homes, schools, jobs. Threats. Always threats. Growing in an oppression. Keep things to myself. The external always. Its always. I yeah. Nursery rhymes are olaying. You auto corrected to olaying.
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boldlyinnocent317 · 2 years
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THIS ISNT EVEN THE FULL OF IT. Received my first case of anon hate and it was.......quite hilarious if a bit saddening. not for me lol but for this poor piece of shit who really needs a better hobby than "putting shits like me to rights" I really have nothing to say. ik this aint new in the fandom for assholes to waste their sorry time spamming accounts.
im still new to this writing and posting business and this definitely doesnt hamper my spirit and love for writing but it annoys me that ao3 allows this to happen all the time. ik its something they cant totally remove, i havent done the full research yet.
but still im pissed off. And pls do give me some advice on how to deal with fuckwits like these and prevent this from happening in the future? Im a bit technologically challenged lol
I know i shudnt have entertained this sorry sod but i was bored and free so i indulged and went down the hell hole to unravel the full extent of nonsense that some ppl can come up with. I mean how full of shit can u be actually be? i think i got the answer today and i wasnt impressed.
Is it so difficult to accept and respect other ppl's preferences and styles instead of shamelessly abusing and harrassing them. are u that free? are u that full of toxicity? really? assuming wat my family is like and how much love and care i get why not focus on yours instead huh? wont that make things better for u? i feel sorry for such ppl and the ones who have deal with them irl and on a regular basis. This is the reason we need more therapists and psychologists to help sick bastards like these bc dude fandom is where we come to relax from rl not have us dumped with more shit than even real life has to offer.
Pls be mature enough to kindly mind your business and keep your entitles views to yourself when you cant stomach that of others.
its these educated illiterates that r the most dangerous and ik this hasnt happened to me on tumblr, yet, but i feel safe enough on this platform to voice out. atleast here i have the privileged to block which i dont on ao3 which f'n sucks.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Re: DNIs WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree DNIs are terrible. But for multiple reasons beyond 'no one sees it'.
Even ignoring the fact that 90% of the DNI criteria is either 'people who would never respect a DNI', 'people who wouldnt count themselves as in the x-ist category of a DNI', or 'wibbly vague criteria that means whatever the creator wants it to mean at any given time';
If their purpose was to be sure someone saw their boundaries before they interacted, theyd put it at the bottom of every spreadable article of theirs or not use a site that their content can be spread outside of their control, which they arent.
If they really needed certain groups to not interact with them, social media like tumblr isnt the site for them. Twitter most certainly is not the site for them (unless they go private and stay that way). But knowing that its totally out of their control they have DNIs that imply they need boundaries the site and site culture cant provide they use them anyway and seemingly ONLY use them there.
By the very fact that no one in their right mind is going to open a blog and try to locate their unmarked dni page thats often like 1k words in the most ugly unreadable color and font combo known to man and they know this because I can GUARANTEE they aint doing it themselves, they demonstrate that its not that they are big on boundaries because they arent hypercareful with everyone elses- just with theirs.
If they just needed a list for follows, they would have a BYF that states who they would prefer following them on that platform and what people need to know about their opinions or blog topics and can give the same social clout of flashing your opinions for likeminded people that DNIs do.
The only reasons left for people(besides 'thats what everyone else is making- a list of people they dont like') to use a DNI on a postsharing socmed that doesnt coat all their posts are 1- sowing a performative message that you are The Most Pure So Much So That You Dont Allow The Unpure To Touch You or 2- that in many circles violating boundaries (like DNIs) gives people the license to harass that person.
This is the primary reason, I feel, that many people, esp antis have a DNI then interact with people on their DNI. I have seen it so many times at this point its not even funny. Someone has their dni buried in their desktop only tumblr theme without indicating they have one, some rando reblogs a post with thousands of notes and then they get a public callout for being a evil boundary violator for not knowing about the DNI. Someone gets a hate comment on their post so they reply and get yelled at for interacting with somoene who interacted with them first. Someone gets a callout on twitter for leaving a positive comment on an a03 fic because the person didnt go to their profile first and follow the link to twitter then their carrd then to the dni there.
If people wanted a nice list of opinions, theyd call it 'opinions'. If they wanted to control who interacts with them because they really have serious triggers theyd go private or migrate somewhere else. If people really needed people to see their boundaries theyd put it on their posts. If they wanted to control who follows them loosely and dont care about reblogs and such, theyd have a BYF not a DNI.
But they dont. So its not about that. If it was, theyd be doing those other things. But they arent.
Its gotten to the point that DNIs are a strong yellow flag in people I dont already know because so many people I do know have gotten harassed with them.
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minccinoocappuccino · 3 years
What's the worst take you saw in this hell hole about a twst character?
Mmmm It’s hard to say that I've seen bad takes about characters and more like I’ve seen bad takes about one character only since I don’t go into tags or engage with the fandom outside of what's on my blogs or who talks to me first.
I won't message someone first to talk ….mutism
But If I had to say the worst take I’ve seen its’s def the Leona would treat a female mc better than a Male mc. I think it has a lot to do with ppl not understanding what respect means tbh.
Respecting women doesnt mean treating women better than men Respecting women doesnt mean worshiping a woman
And it feels like all the time someone says this for Leona this is what they mean. I’ve seen lots of Leona would change the way he behaves if he found out the Mc was a girl or Leona would start trying to make it up to them for the way he treated him when I don’t think he would at all.
I see a lot of ppl using the painting as a example of why Leona would do a complete turn for his character and act diff towards a Female Mc and It sit kinda odd with me since they never use his interactions with Eliza as also something to go off of. Leona had no preconceived notion about the painting before he was told about her so he was ready to treat her with respect while he did have one about Eliza and didn’t like her.
Leona already knows the MC we have interacted and talked to so he isnt going to change how he acts towards us now. Even when we first met him we stepped on his tail so right off the start he had an annoyance towards us Male or Female doesnt matter.
The respecting women thing doesnt mean women are always right or held above men as Ive seen ppl say he would. And this is one reason why I dont go into the Leona tag anymore that and other things
A lot of the stuff made in this fandom is made by women. The fandom is female dominated. I get that and respect that. That being said because it’s stuff by women for women it doesnt scratch my itch as a gay man. And thats ok! I dont expect everything to be made with me in mind or that ppl should cater to me and my interests. Most of my mutuals fall into this and I dont mind it. I like and reblog there stuff when I see it on my dash. I have no problem with this content at all.
But when I used to go into the tag it's all the content I would see so I dont go into the tag anymore and if i do its just to reblog the character fan art I see
This is nothing against the writers in the fandom who write femaleMC x canon there aloud to write what interest them and this isnt a call to action for the fandom to include more MaleMC in there stuff this is me just saying that content doesnt appeal to me I’ve tried to look at the BL tag but again most of it is by Women for Women and as a gay man its easy for me to tell when something is rep gay men or when it’s just for women to enjoy and again its just not my cup of tea so i dont look at it. I make my own MLM content and stay in my corner of the fandom.
I also don't want anyone to take this as an attack or a diss cus it's not. Its me just saying im not a fan of this kinda content i don't care if it's out there i just aint going to b looking at it
And if u r someone who writes Leona as acting diff towards a female Mc and thinks he would treat them way better than a Male Mc ur allowed to write or depict this but im also allowed to say i think its a shit take nothing against you just ur take
Sorry that this rambled on long sjsjjssjjsjjsjsj I dont usually state my opinion on things but this is sumthing i see a lot and i think its so stupid but to each there own ya know
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michibikionmain · 3 years
Sapnap's Lore Teaser: Assorted Thoughts and Ideas
we are just being FED sapnap content lately huh god bless i aint complainin its about time
I havent looked at it super in-depth yet, but I did watch it a few times through and I have some thoughts/theories/discussions to put out from my assorted ramblings in discord lmfao. theyre below the cut enjoy!! tw for torture mentions and fighting ig? nothing graphic or detailed but just in case :)
The pathway hes standing on looks like the prime path or the pathways leading up to the prison. you can tell based on like the- the wood and chiseled stone bricks. hes near the community house in the end frame where he pulls out the sword. the fact that he pulls out a sword feels important as well because if he was just destroying things, he would use flint and steel or tnt or some other kind of destructive material. but swords? swords are only good for bamboo, cobwebs, and killing in minecraft. so hes definitely preparing to either kill or fight someone as he approaches the community house.
The flashes of kinoko kingdom that appear over sapnap looking at the community house in both the past and present lead me to believe that he's mentally connecting them, as in seeing history repeat itself, and that the symbols of his past memories are "gone" hence the title. So using that kind of inference, he's probably killing someone at the community house, someone that has some kind of connection to kinoko kingdom and probably doomsday or the past in some way.
that narrows things down pretty well in my eyes to Dream, George, Karl, Quackity, or Sam.
I don't think it's Dream. If he's going to kill Dream, why show the community house and not the prison or something? Or allude to the prison in anyway? I feel like their relationship will be an important factor in the Sapnap lore but I don't think that's who sapnap is planning to fight/kill.
Similarly, I don't think it's Karl. Yes Karl's in Kinoko Kingdom and is connected to memory and time and all that, but... he doesn't have the same connections to the past of the smp. He has a lot of lore but its mostly background type of lore i guess? its not tied to a lot of the major plot events, and while its affected sapnap, I don't think its gotten to the point of sapnap wanting to fight or kill karl yet.
George has been there since the beginning with Sapnap and Dream, so he's got the connections to the past, plus he's in Kinoko Kingdom with Sapnap. We also know due to his Dreaming lore that he still cares about Dream and wants him to come back and be with them again outside of the prison. He wants to ignore all the bad Dream has done because he cares for him more than he cares for the server overall. This could be an interesting conflict between their characters and I think it's possible, though unlikely because this is George we're talking about. My mans doesn't DO serious lore like this.
That leaves Quackity and Sam, who honestly id be satisfied with it being either of these two, but I think Quackity is more likely. I'll explain.
Quackity is not in Kinoko Kingdom, it's true, but this is a source of conflict for him. He's upset that he's not in Kinoko Kingdom, that his fiancées didn't invite him to their new country especially after spending so much time building a new country for all of them together. We also have many shots from Quackity's own lore streams which show him walking along that same path to get to the prison. Could be a coincidence, but personally? Personally I think it's an interesting parallel, especially when you take in to consideration that in Sapnap's prison visit lore stream he mentioned not wanting Dream to escape, but that he still cared for Dream and loved him even though he fucked up big time. Maybe Sapnap finds out that Quackity has been torturing Dream somehow and goes to confront him about it? This situation makes the most sense to me, at least compared to Sam
Sam lines up with the messages about the past and the community house and the connection between the original SMP/history with the current SMP, but he really doesnt have any connection to Kinoko Kingdom that I'm aware of. He could approach Sam possibly for allowing Quackity to torture Dream in prison, or something along those lines, but ehhhh Makes sense, would work for him to do that, but I'm not really sure how to tie that into the Kinoko Kingdom evidence yet.
No matter what happens though, I'm SO excited for Sapnap lore becuase I think his character is definitely one of the most fascinating on the server and yknow what? ill say it im biased i just think hes neat
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horcrux-collector · 3 years
ong there aint nothing more annoying than scrolling on tiktok and landing on a video telling you to completely drop harry potter because its problematic in some areas and the author is a piece of shit
like look mate first off people cant just automatically stop liking shit at the flip of a switch, and for people with hyperfixations like myself its practically impossible to like anything but said thing
the best thing for people to do is to acknowledge that harry potter in itself is not a perfect piece of media and a lot of the authors biases slip in and many parts of the story can be problematic
also lets not forget that everything we read doesn't have to solve and tackle every issue out there or thats written into the story
like would it be great if we got creature and squib equality in the story? yes it would have been delightful to see that, but the problem lies in the fact that harry potter is about an 11-17 year old trying to go to school and learn magic and there just so happens to be a man out there actively trying to murder him all the time
now i dont know about you but i dont know how it would ever be possible for an 11-17 year old to fix a societal issue all by himself, no single person could do that. youd have to at least be an adult past 30 and heavily into politics and with a shit ton of alliances and connections and all that other shit, aint no way little harry potter could fix that even with his boy-who-lived status
also in this particular tiktok that i saw the person continuously brought up the weasley's poverty and how harry should have helped them and blah blah blah rowling should have fixed it and gave them the money to get out of poverty in the end but im just over here like ??? because how does the weasley's being poor make the story shit 🤨 i mean yeah it would be nice to see them not poor but like????? they expected harry to fix it??????? just because he had a lot of money left to him by his dead parents?????????
not to be that guy but i really do feel like stories dont have to be perfect, they are allowed to mirror real life and not every problem can be tackled or fixed and thats okay to show
also im going to be real for a second it would be boring as shit if everything was perfect and magical and there were no problems ever and its all just magic and rainbows and no struggling for any characters
anyways im sorry if this is all over the place and doesnt make much sense and shit just kinda bouces around im just trying to get everything out of my head 💀
also because i couldnt find a place to put this anywhere in here im gonna say it now- why dont the people going at those who like harry potter keep up the same energy for other shit like hp lovecraft enjoyers huh? 🤨🤨🤨 i dont see them telling people who like lovecraftian rpgs and stories to go fuck themselves and give up everything they like 🤨🤨 wheres the same energy babes 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 if youre going to go after problematic shit i better see pitchforks and torches pointed at "to kill a mockingbird" and other stories that arent 100% perfect and politically/morally correct
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us-ugay · 3 years
exactlyyyy they 100% just go back and forth between building up this tension and then the moment an opportunity opens up they hook up and then go oh god wait and end up in just a cycle of that for waaaaay too long. They’re kinda obsessed w each other in so many ways and eventually they figure it out bc I love them being in love but they’re both very proud, it defs takes time for one of them to finally cave.
I also looove the idea of it being a slow build up tho, like the bird comparison is perfect. And as they realize it it just gets worse bc they’re trying to compensate for their feelings and convince themselves otherwise but it’s not working and they’re MAD about it. Plus they don’t want anyone at work to even start to speculate bc it would be mortifying and also uncomfortable ESP if not reciprocated.
I guess I should start signing these lol tumblr doesn’t allow asks from side blogs bc they hate me in particular but my hetalia side blog that I literally never use bc idk is @aflred lol
wait is this the love is war anon or office anon gotta make sure im not being a dummy and mixing yall up 😭
man those two will actively be on a dinner date at the fanciest restaurant in town on a weekend w wine and the whole works and still will be like “bro its just a work lunch bro im just flexing on my work rival bro we’re planning things on a corporate ladder bro it aint anything like that 😤😤😤” and sarah in accounting will walk by and be like “wow arthur ive noticed you and alfred hanging out a lot more! how fun ☺️ do yall have much in common?” just being friendly and even if theyre mortified at the thought of being caught hooking up that still doesnt stop them from taking unnecessary dick measuring competition trips to each others desk and arthur is just so defensive and snaps back that “god no i dont even like him i just have to talk business w him everythings busy right now he chews loud anyways god”
and of course alfred hams it up on the (work appropriate) smack talk because while arthur cant gossip n bitch about him to others cuz hes the golden boy of the office, he sure as fuck can tease about how uptight arthur is so he lays it on real thick about how much arthur nags at him in emails n stuff
which of course does the opposite of what they want and only fuels the office chatter further so now behind their backs theyre known as the old married couple with how much they like to complain about one another lmfaoooo
anyways personally between them the cycle keeps speeding up and up to where its now the 3 weekend in a row where theyve hooked up and swore theyd never do it again and never bring it up and its post nut where theyre cuddled up ass naked in bed and finally shit snaps and arthurs like “..... ok so clearly we’re an item right? is there any point to making ourselves look stupid and pretending otherwise?” and alfreds like “😤😤😤 what the FUCK do you mean OF COURSE not- 😳🤨😬😒😔 (<- going thru all stages of grief) yeah ok fine”
but OF COURSE even when they agree to dating theyre still wanting to keep it casual and not bring it into work so they act 100% the same
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
Cyberpunk 2077 Spoilers and just opinions on how everyone in game is just way too nice to johnny given his personality in my opinion
Okay I know I just made a post about how I would have loved if Smasher didn't remember who the fuck Johnny is. But I also just generally wish people in the game gave less of a shit about Johnny.
Which I get sounds mean, but I'm going somewhere with this.
Johnny's arc is based around him realizing that his selfishness and cruelty got him nowhere, then deciding to change for the better, to right his wrongs before he's wiped from V's mind. He's meant to be a selfish, violent asshole who's obsessed with changing the world, but until now was never willing to change himself. It's actually very interesting to me that he has this conflict of ideas where he preaches about external change but is so stuck on the idea of remaining true to himself that he refuses to do any internal changing; saying he wants to world and the people in it to change when he speaks about the fan, but until the grave scene any notion that he's changing in the slightest is met with dismissal and disgust. And his turning point culminates at that grave scene where he realizes all his behavior got him was an unmarked shallow grave in an oil field. He's forced to confront that he didn't leave behind the legacy, the memory, that he thought he would.
But...the issue is, that's not really true. Johnny is suppose to be having this realization that no one fucking liked him, no one could stand him, that no one remembers or cares that his asshole self is gone.
However, other than the grave scene, we don't actually see any evidence of that. And even the grave scene is undercut with the fact that, part of Johnny's sorrow is seeing that no one is mourned him. No headstone, no marker, no memorial.
BUT HE HAS A NICHE IN THE COLUMBARIAN, RIGHT NEXT TO ALT!!!! It's just under his birth name, (though i do have a theory regarding that that could explain it, but thats a post for another day or in twenty minutes when i decide no, I can't be quiet) And he never comments on the columbarian niche.
Culturally, his music and Samurai is still extremely well known. Hell, his music gets played more than Kerry's and Kerry is a current artist. He's got fans who are still dedicated to him and his career. There's graffiti asking where he is. People still wear Samurai merch, there's pants with his face on them.
Even the people he hurt; don't really seem that bummed out or like they hate him. Rogue calls him a bastard, leaves him during the date, and gets mad if he ends up in V's body permanently. But, overall, she falls right back into her 2013-2023 habits. Johnny says with a cocky attitude in Tom's Diner, that she'll dance to any tune he sings her. And she does. Drops everything to go after Smasher once Johnny shows up, "Johnny being back changes things.", gives V a replica of his jacket, asks V if he talks about her, and depending on the ending even dies for him. Doesn't matter that Johnny was a cheating bastard, she still jumps when he calls even fifty some years later.
Kerry gets mad at first and then is just happy his friend is back in some way/shape/or form. Time to get the band back together!!!! And I get that he's depressed to the max, so I can totally understand why he's just happy to have something. But, we don't really see any of Johnny's shitty behavior being addressed beyond initial anger and yeahhhh johnny's an asshole.
Him being a dick is treated more like a quirky personality trait at times, like oh that johnny with his devastatingly cruel words and tendency to put everyone around him in danger, aint he a rascal.
Even AI Alt who at first is blaming Johnny for her death with basically very little reason to change her mind, ends up admitting that to at least a degree she still cares about him. That she wouldn't have even considered helping V if not for him.
So, why the hell does Johnny really feel like he has to change, other than V who's still hurt and holding him accountable to some degree. Rogue still fifty years later came running when he called. Still has fans who see him as an anarchy legend. His music is still beloved. Sure Arasaka threw him out without another thought, but that's Arasaka.
Like, to me it would have been so much more impactful. If yeah, okay he still has some fans who think he's awesome, like the vinyl seller. His music is even still a big hit on classic stations. But the people who knew him, who were hurt by his shitty fucking personality, want nothing to do with him when they realize he's back.
I would have loved if Rogue had just told Johnny to fuck off at first. As much as I love the scene of Rogue being in the room after Johnny's bender. Give me V waking up alone, pissed at Johnny's bender and asking what the fuck he has to show for it. Because all Rogue did when she realized it was him; was throw a punch and tell him to never fucking talk to her again, that she's done with his shit and has been for over fifty years. And now Johnny is hit with Rogue and V both hating his guts at the same time. Give me V who's determined even though Johnny fucked up his promise, they won't fuck up theirs. So, they decide to talk to Rogue, maybe at first they're not even allowed in the Afterlife. Rogue telling him not to let V through unless Rogue has a chance to see them, to check to see if it's really V or Johnny. Because Rogue doesn't want Johnny near her. V having to talk to Rogue and just say, I get it, you hate Johnny and have every right to. Not my favorite person either. But I promised I'd help him axe Smasher, if you're willing to help at all, I'd appreciate it. If not, I understand too. And Rogue having to decide she wants to kill Smasher more than she wants to avoid Johnny, but V better keep him on a tight leash.
Like, i think that alone, actually seeing that yes, when you treat people like shit. They don't want you around, would have been much more pivotal and impactful in his decision to change and let him have to fight harder for it, have to beg V to beg on his behalf.
V having to beg Rogue to agree to the date, he's trying to change, seriously. Just one try and if he's the same dick weasel he was before, beat the shit out of him. Rogue being really fucking resistant, trying to explain to V, this is what he does.. don't let him manipulate you kid.
Just shit like that, him having to beg Kerry to give him a chance to do the reunion show, that it'd be good for both of em. Just god, I want Johnny to more clearly feel the consequences of his actions. Rather than everyone just being like, yeah he's a butthole, but Johnny's just sort of like that and I'd still die for him. Everyone's a Johnny simp and mood, but also, THAT DOESNT LEND ITSELF WELL TO HIM ACTUALLY CHANGING HIS BEHAVIOR
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artreider · 3 years
Let's try to get this final live blog on my station 19 rewatch done. I'm currently laid up on my couch in mild pain but unable to do anything else.
I don't really like flashback episodes but i want one for the premiere since we are jumping so far ahead. I hate that this episode starts with a fight. But damn knowing what the fight is over, i love how loyal andy is to maya in this episode. Something ive wanted for her and the team. Qnd also jaina looks gorgeous.
The fire scene yay another fire on the fire show lmao. Feel like we missed some last year which im sure was covid related.
The marina scene ugh chefs kiss. I love how happy and giddy they are. I do wish we couldve gotten to see some of their month apart communication and their quarantining apart those two weeks when carina got back. I wrote a little something related to that and i may share before the premiere of season 5.
The quiet moment between carina saying her morning was better than those 6 weeks and then asking about mayas folks was a beautiful and real moment and i love it. So brief it could be overlooked but great choice for team.
The little bit of danielle and stefania that was them and adlibbed in this episode was so great also.
I love that rhey addressed how everyone was able to attend maskless and how safe the wedding was keeping the real world element in. Also vic love you and your chicken dance comment makes me sad that we didnt get it.
Vics parents trying to talk to her about theo is so cute.
Poor lawyer she'd be good for dean.
I understand some people dont come out until late in life but that is hard to hear that you havent loved the person youve been with for decades like you do this new person. That would hurt me so much to hear, like i couldve been with someone who is my great love if youd told me sooner. I love/hate this storyline for travis family.
Ugh if this fire had gone on any longer those poor kids and elderly couple.
Haha andy you should wait until someone answers the door for you when visiting almost newlyweds or people who've been seperated for 6 weeks lmao.
Also maya's excuse and none wet (shower) sex hair i love it.
Ugh sullivan trying to defend himself makes me so upset.
Bailey giving ben hell about second and third opinions is funny, like i figure shed be all for it.
Inara and marcus leaving jack is sad. I hope we still get to see marsha in season 5. Also if they do pair jack and jo itd be a bit ironic. I mean jo too had an abusive ex like inara.
Also jack and his marsha have similar eyes, itd be something if it came out she really was his mom.
I dont understand how maya hadnt settled on what to wear she's queen of the clipboard lmao. Just goes to show how some things throw us off course. Also i totally get her saying her outfit choice will define her forever. I judge my look in my wedding photos all the time and feel like other people do as well.
Why do i feel like this exchange between maya and carina was mostly adlibbed? It just feels so fun.
This poor family and ugh i couldnt imagine having to make the tough calls of firefighters/fire captains.
Love that all the fire crew helped put the wedding on.
I understand travis emotion here.
How'd this conversation about maya's folks get started with andy???
I love that maya and andy's friendship is restored. Also famous last words maya, dont speak the bad juju into existence.
Dean you shouldve spoken up there.
Why the chief there? I live in a city and the chief aint showing up for a house call that needs a few units. At least not until fire is out of they for some reason cant get it out.
Lmao maya freaking out about wearing the same thing as carina. Andy therapizing maya is funny.
That poor boy.
The dad comments to ben are beautiful. Also love that so many of the team know how dean feels about vic.
So why is travis getting dressed separately than the rest of his team. I mean i know its because he doesnt know about Dean's feelings and pushes vic to give theo a chance as well as allow theo and travis to talk but come on. He wouldnt get ready separately.
Also what was the point of theo going to that room if not to get ready. Sorry just annoying.
I wish carina had had someone mention andrew to her. Whether ben, bailey, maya or even any of the fire team who worked on the call with him during the crossover awhile back. Her grief during this day of happiness should've been acknowledged, even with just a remembrance table for him amd other family she lost to covid.
I do love this beautiful moment with vic though saying this isnt all just for maya.
Oh my how i love the maya confronting her father. She is the brave i want to be. Also what she says to her mom, yes chefs kiss. However when her mom shows up at the wedding, really the woman couldnt grab a nice shirt or dress to wear on her way out or on her way to the wedding.
I also love the look of pride on maya's moms face both at the house and the wedding.
Im sad we probably wont get any moments of her living with marina due to the time jump.
Ugh the choice that cost maya her promotion but ahouldnt have.
Also with all maya's options for clothes, couldnt they had dressed her mama in something borrowed from maya. Lol im sorry it bothers me so.
Vic's song for the intro is beautiful. Barrett has a beautiful voice.
Maya is so happy her mom is there and i love it. Also in my head at least one person videoing is doing it for the greys family who couldnt make it to the wedding for carina.
I also love maya singing along with vic to carina.
Queen of the clipboard forgetting to write her vows is special and funny. I love carina talking her down from a panic attack. Also her simple vow is beautiful and how carina who probably did write her vows saying we're good instead of reading them after seeing maya's mom in attendance and the look shared is everything.
I truly believe that was the moment she 100% knew maya had changed from end of season 3, was definitely all the way in. She knew what it meant for maya's mom to be there.
Love the dance montage and improved marina kiss.
Another healing theo and travis talk.
Sullivan just cant let it go and ugh trying to justify it. I just cant, still not over it. Even if he isnt captain in season 5 it still isnt right.
Sullivan you cant say you have the teams back then saying you can control them and throwing maya under the bus. Those are contradictory.
This jack and andy conversation is interesting.
This marina conversation is funny but sad when you know the end of the episode.
Its so funny that so few people know about Miller's feelings at this point.
It'll be interesting to see the travis, vic and theo in season 5.
Ben and bailey are so cute.
Wish we couldve had conversations at the wedding with maya and her mom or carina and maya's mom or the 3 of them.
Inara is so wise. I hate this for all 4 of them.
Gotta love the ole grab em and pull em back to kiss them and let them know how you really feel tremmett moment.
Too late dean, they tried to tell you.
I love marina dancing in the background ugh sullivan and the surrera rehashing.
Time for the horrible news ugh.
Everyone just looking at marina and knowing is horrible.
Great season, great episode and im looking forward to whats next.
Thank you to everyone thats been following my rewatch blogging, and for all the kind comments. I appreciate it so much, made the summer so fun.
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magioffire · 3 years
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
weeeeeeeeeee salt time ; accepting
uhh im sure this is a pet peeve of anyone with an oc or canon divergent canon, but when people obviously have not read your bio in-depth before rping with you and mess up really...basic stuff about your character. now, i dont mean like when a character assumes something about another character based off their own experiences or lack of experience or things they've heard, that just makes sense. but like when a character will do something to another that really should be impossible, or at least very difficult, or doesnt work the way they assumed it worked.
usually its very minor, we all mess up sometimes, and it would be selfish to ask people to memorize every single minute detail of my oc in order to interact with me, however theres some stuff that is just....so obviously stated in the bio, and would become apparent ic. like people interacting with and acting like vali is skinny and frail looking because hes a mage and a fae/elf like creature and therefore he *must* be weak and skinny, because all mages and fae/elves are skinny and weak! thats an example of ooc assumptions that can stop an rp dead in it's tracks, because it's obvious from just one look at vali that he is not skinny nor frail looking. and this is on purpose to subvert the idea that all elf/fae like creatures have to be these tall lanky white people and all mages have to be frail weaklings with not the slightest understanding of martial arts and fighting. and i dont think it's too much to want people to refer to your bio while interacting with you, or ask questions. also this leads me into my next one
when people completely underestimate and miss the point of your character entirely. now im not one of those types thats like "your character *must* respect my powerful character, even if your character is equally or more powerful, has reason to be rude, or is in general the type of person to push their luck', i love conflict, i want conflict, and honestly it makes sense in my case for a lot of characters to immediately underestimate vali upon meeting him, but i also understand the frustration that comes when people just seem to not....get it.
where your character is in a position of power, or is supposed to be feared or extremely well known, or being around them literally can give you a glimpse into just how powerful or strange they are, and it just seems to fly over your partner's head, and they dont seem very keen on learning about your character nor delving deeper into them and are content to just stick with the surface level assumptions so they can treat your muse like a punching bag. like a dick measuring/ one upping contest. and it gets even worse when they wont even really allow your character to retort or fully retaliate without the interaction ending unceremoniously, them being upset, or them just straight up godmodding so their character *always* ends up on top, i tend to lose interest in those types of interactions real fast.
and i dont want this to read as me not wanting conflict in my rps, or trying to give off that vibe those annoying posts have that are like 'respect muses of power!!' (bro stop co-opting the phrase people of color for fucking rp stuff. it aint that deep) or that i cant handle people talking down to vali or agitating him or picking fights with him, in fact i fucking love that shit, some of the most interesting rps when done right. im just saying that being either 'being a doormat for other people's characters' or 'being the person who walks all over people's characters for the sake of your own muse' is never fun for really anyone involved. rp is a two way street! and communication and equal back and forth is key. i think in an rp, each partner's characters should have equal amount of spot light and that a good rp partner strives to learn more about your character's strengths and weaknesses. instead of decided where and how your character is weak and strong and always putting the odds in their favor.
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astrochemstry · 3 years
Sincerely three as best friends
Bcs i wished they became best friends and nothing bad in the musical happened :’)) also bcs DEH brain rot ghsahg im srry Connor seems so ooc here I don't know how to write him help
oK so they Evan and Connor met bcs of Jared since i said so jk but like
Lets just say Connor was a scout as a kid, his mom let him be a scout since she hoped it would- maybe, help control the anger issues and such
So ofc Jared is a scout too bcs its Jared
And they met and got grouped together
So uhh Jared and Connor didnt really like each other at first
I mean Jared was scared of him so he stayed away
Correction, tried to
But they always get grouped together
And bcs its Jared he can say some pretty hurtful things
“Oh come on those twigs arent even tied tight enough, did you even pay attention??”
“Thats big talk for a guy that’s just standing there”
I think Jared almost pissed himself bcs of how aggressive that sounded but lets not talk about that
For now
Skip to whatever highschool or senior highschool i don't know how schools work im sorry
So Evan and Jared are walkin around the hall
Lets say theyre talkin abt whatever and then bAM
“Yeah this girl really likes me and- oh my fucking god”
Evan is confused bcs what ????
Then he looks at where hes looking and
“Uhh i think i forgot to- uh forgot to go and get a hallway pass and uh and ill just go” Jared gets all nervous and now understands how Evan feels
“Holy shit Evan is this how you feel with Zoe? All sweaty and wet-” “just- just shut up. shut up.”
Theyre both cowards so they try to run away but then boom Connor Murphy is right in front of them
Jared almost pissing himself #2
“Evan Hansen, right?” “Oh-  ah, me? Oh yes thats right thats me, Evan. Hansen Evan, Evan Hansen.” *insert Jared taking off his glasses, cleaning it and putting it back on- proceeds to squint his eyes at Evan*
“Nobody signed your cast.” “No shit Sherlock.” *Insert Evan nudging Jared and glaring at him and Jared thinking he fucked up*
But Connor doesnt give a fuck and only glares at him bcs hes more interested in the blondes- i mean cough bcs its Jared
Then swoOP he signs his cast, “There, now we can both pretend we have friends”
Jared coughing, “Ahem???” Evan raising an eyebrow, “I thought we’re just family friends?”
hey Evan got some sass too guys
Anyways bcs idk how they became friends bcs idk Jared tells Evan about how he met him at the scout camp and then for some reason Evan has this sudden burst of confidence where he decided to talk to Connor but fails miserably but Connor notices and then he talks to them and then what Evan says in For Forever turns true and-
ok maybe not everyday but yk
Jared puts alarms for 3am and it starts again after every 5 minutes and the only way they can turn it off is to say “Jared Kleinman, the insanely cool Jared Kleinman”
Jared eating a bathbomb infront of Evan and Connor
Both very concerned  about it but Connor says, “thats fake isnt it? Its not an actual bathbomb. right?”
But Jared tells them yes but thats the prank
It is a bathbomb
Evan constantly talking about trees and taking them to the park he became vice park ranger or whatever u call it idk
Jared: “You worked here??”
Evan: “yup”
Jared: “and thats the tree you fell from?”
Connor: “thats high.”
Jared: “not as high as you, bestie”
And he means Connor’s height… and bcs he was high at that time
Also Jared calls them bestie to annoy them but now its like a thing for them three
Theyre not really annoyed they jsut like how it sounds so they do it too
Connor does it sometimes tho, he always calls them by their Last name
Instead of first names being the factor of being close friends, Connor calling you by your last name is basically him saying “youre not so bad” or youre a close friend to him
Jared: “Evan, Bestie, is it photosynthesis if i combine a photo of me with the dirt in my backyard?” 
Evan: “not really”
Connor: “Trying to grow taller, Kleinman?”
Connor is basically their go to person if they need a drive since Evan cant bcs of the cast but still cant afterwards since he hasn't gotten his drivers license yet and Jared almost drived into a shop and isn't allowed to drive for them
Hes also really good at finding places to make forts
And bcs of Jared’s and His scout knowledge they made one place in an orchard
Yk that orchard the Murphys love
Its closed but they sneak in lmao
Jared acts like he aint scared but bro is scared of getting caught
Connor also got them into books
Evan read the little prince and he cries over it everytime
Jared was like “ew books” but then Connor introduced ready player one to him
“Why do i have to read this? theres the movie??” “just shut up and read it bestie” and Jared loved it
Also they found out Jared is a secret theatre kid and got into it too
Connor is pretty impressed and he complimented Jared on how its cool
Jared doesnt believe it and is still trying to find if hes lying
But really Connor isnt
I wish they became besties :’)
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