#doesn't deserve to feel like. evil. because someone was an asshole to you
angeltism · 6 months
is it entitled of me to say everyone including the creator of this song needs to calm the fuck down with their cluster b ableism
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awearywritersworld · 9 months
the boy spurned as evil and the girl of his youth
sukuna x reader w/c: .6k tags/warnings: angst, i'm afraid. young!sukuna. depictions of blood. ur dad's an asshole. fem!reader. no use of y/n. a/n: please check out the lovely artwork by @demonzaemon that inspired this piece!!! i'm definitely down to write a second part about a reunion, so let me know if that would interest anyone! masterlist read part two here
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thinking about sukuna at 10 years of age— he's been abandoned by his family and scorned by his village because of the strange way he looks. he has to steal stale bread during the night to survive. he has to take shelter in the ruins of an abandoned home. he has to bear the harsh elements. he has to do it all alone.
that is, until he meets a curious little girl by the riverside during the spring. he'd found an old, frayed fishing net the day prior, and while he hopes to catch something he can eat for dinner, he catches your attention instead.
and you marvel at him as if he's the most remarkable thing you've ever laid eyes on. you're poking at the harsh lines that mar his skin. you're pulling at his pink hair because you're convinced it's fake. you're counting his arms as if the extra two will eventually disappear.
he doesn't mind though. he's too caught up in the fact that someone's touching him. that he can feel the warmth of your skin against his. he can hardly believe it when you scamper off, calling over your shoulder gleefully, "i'll meet you here again tomorrow!"
after that, everything changes and he finds himself in your company more often than not. you sneak your meals out of the house each day, even though your portions are meager. you bring him a few of your blankets, even though it means you're cold at night. what he appreciates most though? the fact you look at him like he's human.
then, what is simultaneously the best and worst night of his life happens. you fall asleep beside him in the overgrown grass near the river. its early autumn by now and the stars are twinkling in the sky, so your body clings innocently to his, seeking his warmth.
he takes the opportunity to study you in the moonlight. to commit every detail of your face to memory. he considers the fact that you feel safe enough to fall asleep beside him, even when every other person in the world has deemed him evil and sinister.
eventually he's lulled to sleep by your slow and gentle breaths, but not before coming to the decision that he is yours and you are his. and while you're the only thing in the world that the young boy has to his name, he's okay with that.
then, all too soon, he's awoken by yelling and it's not a moment later that you're ripped from his arms by your father. he's screaming about how you've defiled yourself by associating with such a despicable fiend.
"no, he's my friend! he's good!" you wail, your arms stretched toward sukuna in a plea for help. "don't let him take me! please!"
and he tries. he really, really tries. he runs after your father, beating at his back in an attempt to free you, but he's just too small. his body is weak from years of malnourishment. the older man pushes him to the ground with little effort and sukuna's palms slice open upon the sharp stones protruding from the earth.
crimson spills from the wounds, but he can hardly feel it. the ache in his chest is too consuming. too agonizing. it's unfair that such a little body should house so much pain, but that seems to be the story of his relatively short life.
so as he calls out to you, his voice broken and desperate, he knows it's the last time he'll ever see you and he's forced to come to terms with the universe's cruel edict— that he deserves to spend his life alone.
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vaggietheangel · 3 months
"Awwww poor bwitz! Finally having to own that his actions affect other people's feefees!"
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"The worst part is you still make me feel like a bad person for being anrgy at you now."
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Girl no. You have every right to hate him. He bailed on her and robbed her because she told him she loved him. Verosika deserves so much better. She desvers someone that loves her back.
Verosika was honestly the best person to give Blitz this wake up call. Realising how much he HURT her and broke her heart made him feel bad. He knows he needs to do better now.
Verosika was so mature about this too. A lot of people would have just slapped him, but she actually talked to him. She may not forgive him (she doesn't have to.) But she knows he's not evil, just an asshole. He CAN change. She won't let her hate for him stop her from making that clear in her conversation.
She's also a good friend to Stolas when he needed one. Love you girl. ❤️
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I want to break down a common point of conflict when addressing NPD stigma.
A lot of hangups people have tend to be along the lines of "but I DO see a lot of people with actual NPD who are acting in toxic or abusive ways".
This will be kind of long, so bear with me.
Point #1: People are way more likely to be diagnosed if they exhibit "stereotypical" symptoms.
There's this image of NPD as a disorder that is only present in those with patterns of destructive behavior towards others. Many therapists have this conception. (Shockingly, the mental health field is not perfect & without stigma.)
Gonna copy-paste this here from my other blog (so forgive me if you've seen it before), because it's a good example.
Three people are criticized at work. Their boss yells at them for their performance in front of everyone. Person A gets mad and defensive. They yell back, using cutting remarks as a way to try and ease the distress they feel. Person B acts really mature and responsible the whole time, nodding along and agreeing and promising to do better, just desperate to maintain and improve their status. Desperate to be liked. Later they go home and handle their distress through self-destructive means, and spend the next few months overworking themself to the point of illness. Person C doesn't seem to respond much at all. They go quiet and seem distant. They don't lash out or lash in, but for the next month or so, their productivity drops. They simply aren't able to focus on work or self-care, no matter how hard they try. The stress is overwhelming. All three of these people have the same root issues, but only the first would be labeled a narcissist. Outwards behaviors and presentations don't reflect the pain, distress, and difficulties with life that are underlying them.
So, three main things happen.
There ends up being a higher rate of people with destructive behaviors who are diagnosed with NPD
The people who don't particularly exhibit behaviors and are considered ""too nice to have it"" are overlooked entirely (and never get any sort of help for their underlying issues, yayyy)
People are more likely to be more honest about "ugly" symptoms / symptoms that are frowned down upon than they are in other mental health communities.
(Also some people decide to act super edgy about it, which is annoying but here we are. Some of them are trolls.)
(And while I'm at it, some people are misdiagnosed with NPD because a psych sees someone who committed a violent crime and is like "uhh slap them with the Evil Asshole™ disorders!! no further thought given.")
Point #2: People who have messed up are not inhuman monsters who deserve no help or support
While I do think it's important for people to understand that patterns of toxic behaviors aren't the ONLY way NPD can present, I'm not going to let the conversation stop at "some of us are nice though!!"
Human beings aren't RPG characters who can be sorted into "monster" or "ally". Every single person has done something hurtful, has messed up, exhibits some sort of behavior that puts strain on their relationships sometimes.
So I'll bullet point some aspects of this that need to be talked about.
People without NPD also commonly exhibit toxic behaviors, but people ignore that nowadays. Either they armchair diagnose anyone who's slightly rude, or they only focus on it in pwNPD and ignore it in themselves or others. NTs can be jerks too, and they're probably less likely to acknowledge it than pwNPD who are constantly watching and checking themselves and analyzing their behaviors and attempting to do better.
Assuming that NPD makes someone abusive doesn't help anyone. Can it impact behaviors, and make it more difficult for people to be self-aware? Of course. But an important step in healing from any mental health condition (especially personality disorders, ime) is realizing that you're not inherently ""bad"", and that you can take responsibility for your actions and learn to deal with things in constructive ways. Just going "NPD makes people bad, full stop"- other than being a mean shitty thing to say- absolves people of guilt and asserts that there's no reason for them to try and improve.
Yes, it's okay for people to hate their abusers. Their abuser. Not an entire community of people who happen to (maybe) share a trait with them.
Building on the above point, people tend to go in defense mode when they hear things like "pwNPD who have acted in toxic ways can learn to improve their behavior", "people shouldn't be saying awful things about folks with this condition", etc. because they automatically try to apply this to their abuser. Interpersonal situations are very different from society-wide mental health access. No, don't stay with your abuser expecting them to change, and don't hold onto the hope that they will. No, don't censor yourself or your hatred or anger towards them. Just don't make blanket statements about a disorder that they may or may not have- blame their abusive actions, not their mental health.
"I hate you for your abusive actions and the harm that you caused me." =/= "I hate a group of people because of an inherent unchangeable part of them that's tied directly to severe childhood trauma they suffered. Because of it, they're evil and unlovable and are incapable of change. They're inhuman and will never experience real connection with others." ..........See the difference??
Even if there were a disorder with a 100% rate of toxic douchey behaviors, I'd want the conversation around it to be changed. I'd want different words to be used to divide up the spaces and conversations and resources, so that survivors of abusive or toxic behavior can get help, but that the disorder still has space to be treated. Otherwise, there are zero resources for healing. Nothing is being done to help these people or solve the issue. They're just told they may as well not try. They're blocked from healthcare entirely, despite how the entire point of being diagnosed with a condition is supposed to be to treat it.
There's a wide range of people who have NPD- it presents in many different ways, a person who has it may or may not exhibit harmful behaviors- but no one deserves to be denied treatment or told they're unlovable because of a condition they have that was formed from trauma.
Speak out against abusive behavior. Don't destroy healthcare for a medical condition.
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blossomthepinkbunny · 7 months
Charlie as an underdeveloped character
One thing I was genuinely dissapointed by when watching Hazbin Hotel was that they never cared to dive into Charlie's Morality more.
I feel like a lot of people can agree that Charlie felt very flat/sidelined in a show she was supposed to be the main character of and I think that that's because they ran out of Character Moments for her. Her Backstory is pretty much just infodumped at the start so there's nothing you can really explore there (except for her relationship with her parents ig but they only really brought that up and resolved it in one episode). Alastor has the mystery behind him of what his goals really are, Angel Dust has his arc about standing up to his abuser, Vaggie has her dramatic backstory reveal thing and Sir pentious gets focus as the one real guest at the hotel and with his goal to be redeemed.
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Charlie really has no conflict at all, which is weird since the whole plot is that her idea is relentlessly mocked and never succeeds until the end. But she doesn't have a personal conflict. All the issues she faces come from the ignorance of the people around her who don't support her, but never from who she is. She never has to change. They try to hint at this with her being possibly invasive and not respecting boundaries in the Angel Dust and Valentino episode. But the episode doesn't focus on her and Angel as they talk it out and she realizes how she might have to change as well (from how I remember it). It focuses on Husk and Angel's relationship instead.
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I feel like the easiest route they could've taken for her character was that of a moral dilemma. Charlie believes in second chances and being able to change demons and her opposite is Adam, who doesn't think demons should be redeemed and should just be killed instead. But it's never specified if Charlie truly believes everyone deserves a second chance or if there are restrictions to that. Adam sings a song in the first episode and explaines his reasoning for why he believes demons shouldn't be saved, which is that they had their chance to be good and didn't choose it and now they can't expect another one (I guess the real reason is that he's just an asshole who doesn't care but that's because Vivzepop can't write Villains so I'll just pretend like that's his real reason).
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The problem is that Adam is presented as fully in the wrong and I just don't agree with that. I'm not saying he's right with killing random demons of course but the show never takes the time to consider that sometimes people go to hell because they are actually terrible and have done inexcusable things. Like yeah, someone who had an addicition or a mental health problem while they were alive obviously doesn't deserve eternal suffering without any chance for redeemability, but we know that those aren't the only people that go to hell (in the pilot it's literally confirmed that real life criminals like Jeffrey Dahmer are also down there).
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The show blatanly shows us characters like Valentino who are shown to do irredeemable things and be purely evil.
My question is just if Charlie would also look at someone like Valentino and say: "Yeah they deserve to be saved and get a second chance". She obviously thinks Valentino sucks, which we see in the Episode were she meets him.
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So like, what would she have done if in the second episode someone like him stood at their door and wanted to be redeemed instead of Sir Pentious. Does she draw a line? Or would she have really heard him out? Her morality with this "everybody deserves a second chance" attitude is so underexplored even though it would have been the perfect place to develop her more. If they had confronted her with an actually tough situation, where she is presented with a truly terrible person, they could've had two interesting ways to take her character.
She could've accepted the person and with that she'd have taken her role a fully 'good' saviour for the demons. Someone who is truly without judgement, or atleast believes that there is good in everyone that just has to be brought out. Which would've also given room to think about if people like that are even inherently good, if they can 'excuse' the actions of terrible people and still want to help them. This would have made her a very extreme character in her believes, but something coherent and definitive is actually something Charlie desperately needs for her characterization.
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The other way would've had her reject the person and with that she would have to face the idea that maybe Adam isn't fully wrong. In that situation she would have found herself in a similar position to the Angels in heaven, where she basically is the one deciding over what's acceptable and what isn't. This could lead to her having a moral dilemma. Is she even a good person if she's deciding what's moral and what isn't? Can she just be okay with making exceptions to her idea to protect her people? Does she even want to view EVERY demon as her family? Or does she think there are some demons that maybe deserve death?
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I'm just really dissapointed that the show takes such an interesting idea and such a difficult topic and then just does nothing with it. What we view as bad and good and which people we judge harder than others will always depend on social norms and the situation. It's a topic with no real right and wrong answer because there are so many things to consider. But this moral grey conflict that is literally one of the MAIN CONFLICTS in Hazbin Hotel is so incredibly underwritten, that it's not even funny.
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Instead of acknowledging the difficulty of the subject Hazbin does what it does best and takes the easy route with seemingly clear right and wrong sides. This is especially stupid, since morally grey characters are supposed to be the point of the show. Like there are these demons who have done bad things and who aren't perfect, but that doesn't make them bad people. Its about revealing that a person has layers (which the writing doesn't). This is also a big point in Helluva Boss, where characters like Blitzø or Stolas who mess up repeatedly, are supposed to be shown as still having interests, aspirations, and good things to them.
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The easy route which is taken constantly in both shows however makes it so that Charlie is completely in the right and anyone who criticises her is one of the evil people who try to ruin her plan, just like Adam. Who's also such a straw man for anyone who even dares to bring any objection to Charlies ideas, because everyone who does is apparently a hypocrite who just doesn't understand her and would rather side with genocide (I wonder were Vivzepop takes her inspiration from).
Charlies writing was just really dissapointing with almost never any reflection being done on her part. She doesn't have really striking moments, discussions or ideas to her in a show she's supposed to lead. That's just an issue that comes with Vivzepop never really putting as much work into her female characters, even tough they would desperately need it.
I know that only the first season is out so far, but I highly doubt thay they'll bring up a discussion like this in s2. Especially since Adam is dead now and the Angels will probably try to work more with the demons, after Sir Pentious' redemtion and the reveal of the exterminations to them. Also the Vees, Lillith and Alastor will be more of focus from what we can assume by the ending scenes.
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I just don’t like that Viv can take interesting conflicts and write them to be completely one-dimensional and boring.
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deadlysoupy · 1 year
no you know what i'm gonna say it. while starscream is, undoubtedly, a poor little meow meow, it's not like he's a good person. he's an asshole, and i feel like people tend to forget this these days
YES everyone deserves a second chance. YES trauma and abuse have a big role in making a person. but you cannot tell me Starscream hasn't done anything awful ever and should be forgiven because "he was just blinded by Megatron! the abuse made him evil! he didn't know what he was getting into!" nope. embrace his bastard nature. he'll never be a good guy, nor will he ever be full-on evil. he works for himself and looks for ways to benefit his own ass. it CAN be that gray
saw a few takes that ticked me off. when someone just doesn't see the true complexity of his character. like he needs to be guarded at all times or he'll be too hurt by someone's words or actions. girl he doesn't care!!! he knows who he is and isn't!!! he doesn't need to be babysitted, ESPECIALLY not when you put an Autobot next to him and put that Autobot in a bad light because the Autobot thinks Starscream is awful. you just made it worse! sorry, but he's not that fragile, and i imagine it would take a lot of work to actually make him mad or sad
also characters aren't real people. you can just have a fucked up character that would behave differently were they a real person. characters are archetypes, ones that are mostly shallow and surface-level. they don't have to have a reason to be an ass - they can just be an ass, period
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charles-simmons · 8 months
So, here's some of my c!disc duo conclusions, since I've been seeing people talk about it. I have a lot of fun reading people's opinions about this, so, please, feel encouraged to add yours too and/or disagree with me
-What he did to Tommy was abuse and he did do terrible things in general
-No, he is not an evil mastermind or a psychopath. He's just an asshole, like a lot of people in that server. He did not have half of the control people like to think he did. And I don't think he could even be considered a villain, especially because the dsmp is not black and white, there are multiple sides to everything.
-Prison arc was completely inhumane. He was tortured, desperate for human interaction, and suffering a lot. Nothing justifies the treatment he got.
-The pain he went through during prison does not redeem him.
-His character does not revolve around Tommy, even if they're a huge part of each other's story
-He's not completely innocent. He did do terrible things. <- even if it's easier to forgive him because of his age and because of the people around him and the context he was in. I personally think his side is understandable, but it's important to at least acknowledge he did do bad things, regardless of the possible motives
-He knew about Dream being tortured in prison, and not only he didn't do anything about it, but supported the idea <- he was abused by Dream and it's not a surprise he'd act like that. But again, it doesn't change the fact he did y'know. Let's not pretend he didn't do things
-He was a child and not to blame. <- Some people might disagree, but even if he was the one to get himself in trouble a lot of times, I genuinely don't see how you could blame a teenager. Sure, he started a lot of the fights, he caused a lot of problems, he did a lot of bad stuff to a lot of people. And of course there would be consequences to his actions, but I genuinely can't see how someone can say he deserved what he went through. That kid needed supervision, I genuinely believe it's not his fault.
-Just like Dream, he is a very flawed person. Many of his decisions are reckless, selfish, and even just straight up cruel sometimes. He was not an angel, and there were times he was in the wrong. Doesn't mean he doesn't deserve compassion (again, just like Dream).
-When he said sorry to Dream at the finale, it didn't mean he was forgiving him. Tommy was apologizing for the nuke (aka. for killing them) because he had just seen that maybe there was a chance Dream could get better. He apologized bc he was killing a human, someone that had potential of becoming a better person.  
-You can't "make Tommy the victim". He is a victim.
In general:
-They're complex characters, they're not just black and white (it's easier to simplify them into a angel kid that did nothing wrong and a emotionless psycopath that's obssessed with them, but that takes away their whole complexity and it's just not true)
-Quoting tumblr user milktearosethorn (who I have never interacted with in my life but has a opinion I agree with) "They're two soldier on opposite sides, forced to fight when they were both too young. And if it weren't for that, they could've been friends, in a kinder world. That's why the finale is so good" <- I love this bc it's true and I agree.
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Every umbrella academy character ranked
Prior to Season 4 coming this year, thought I'd share my character rank with you for the first 3 seasons all together. (Spoilers ahead)
#33- Marcus, Jayme, Alphonso and Fei
Painfully insignificant and underdeveloped. Their only character traits being "spoiled and a bit evil" made them EXTREMELY captivating villians...
#32- Christopher
Only higher because I find the idea of someone carrying around a cube on a stick onset really funny.
#31- Sparrow Ben
Hard to watch honestly, especially in comparison to his lovely counterpart Umbrella Ben.
In general, the Sparrows were terrible and pointless characters, and clearly the writers knew this because most were killed off pretty quickly. All except for Sparrow Ben, which just meant we had to suffer watching him for even longer.
#30- Viktor
This is a controversial choice. He is tolerable in season 1, but then just becomes a moochy emo sod who is boring to watch. I don't know if it's the acting, script or both, but he’s just such a meek and flavourless character who is PARTICULARLY bad in season 3 when he jeopardises his whole family and is repeatedly selfish and has a victim complex.
#29- Luther
He caused the apocalypse in season one and you can't convince me otherwise. Got some alamaba shit going on with Allison...
There are so many reasons I hate Luther. He's a self-centred man child who couldn't care less about his siblings and their feelings, showing zero empathy to Klaus or Vanya, for example. He only shows respect and kindness when he is attracted to the person (As shown when seasons 1 and 2 he is only nice to Allison, then completely ignores her when he moves on to Sloane) or when they pose as an authority figure to him. All he does is whine and feel sorry for himself.
What's that? You lived in the apocalypse all alone for 40 years? You are addicted to drugs and lost the love of your life in a war? You have a power you can't control and a lifetime of rejection? WELL LUTHER WENT TO THE MOON
#28- Carl Cooper
Hated him as a character but he was a menacing villian which I can respect
#27- Harlan
Couldn't care less about him, only there for plot convenience and Victor's arc pretty much
#26- Sloane
An improvement from Luther's literal sibling. Further evidence that Luther will simply fall for any woman who gives a flying fuck about the moon.
Personality: attracted to Luther
#25- Pogo
Basil exposition of the first series
#24- Detective Patch
Barely remember her
#23- The Swedes
They were kind of goofy as villians but there was some good acting and they posed a real threat. Cute moments with the cats. In general, alright, but they could have easily been replaced plot wise with something more interesting.
#22- Cha Cha
Lack of character development for me. I think she deserved to be fleshed out more, I don't think it's fair that only her partner got to be a three-dimensional being. What are her motivations? Who is she underneath it all?
But overall i liked the acting and she was a good villian.
#21- That hotel worker from season 3
He's barely a character but I liked his sass so he's on the list.
#20- Reggie (Reginald Hargreeves)
He is supposed to be the main antagonist/villian of the show, yet The Handler stole his spotlight. He's a bit too stereotypically evil and asshole-ish for me, basically twiddling his moustache and stroking a cat in a dark corner the entire show. The delivery is too blunt and that doesn't help to build the tension and mystery surrounding him as much, but if he were more complicated and cryptic in his personality it would be more effective.
This is very nit picky and overall Reggie is fine. He has some hilarious moments with Klaus in season 3 and I am genuinely intrigued about the unanswered questions surrounding him.
#19- Elliott
He wasn't a particularly important or central character but I enjoyed it when he was on screen and he played his role convincingly. He was a good comic relief in some scenes, and when he died (spoiler alert) the reactions from other characters were realistic and quite impactful. I felt for him throughout, which is impressive for less significant characters and he had a lot of depth relative to the size of his role.
#18- Destiny's children
Not a singular character, but I LOVED Destiny's children. It fit Klaus's character perfectly to have a cult and led to some of the funnies moments in the series.
#17- Dave
From the very limited moments we see with this character, a lot of personality and emotion was communicated, and I feel like we got a big sense of the character. That is down to the brilliant acting from both of Dave's actors and from Robert Sheehan that really sold this character with so little screen time.
Anyway please come back to life Dave! Death doesn't look good on you!
#16- Agnes (Donut woman)
Very sweet and I wish her all the best in life.
#15- Sissy
BRILLIANTLY acted and impactful. Stole every scene between her and Vanya.
Also, she looks EXACTLY like Sheldon's mum in young sheldon...
#14- Herb and Dot
I want to put them both in my pocket and protect them from harm.
#13- Kenny's mum
Again, barely present but I love her. She's a queen. I would go to a rave with Kenny's Mum.
#12- Stan
I love Stan, and he's a big part of Diego and Lila's character development and motivations. I hope they adopt Stan and live happily ever after.
But yeah, great one-liners from Stan.
#11- Grace
Very well acted and haunting.
Top 10 *drumroll please*
#10- Harold Jenkins (Lenoard Peabody)
Again, quite a controversial placement, but I stand by my decision. The acting and delivery of Harold Jenkins as a villain is possibly the best in the whole show. I was totally convinced Lenoard was a nice guy and I was rooting for him and Vanya, until he started dropping hints and slowly revealing his true self and losing the facade and its... it's chefs kiss. So realistic. The actor deserves an award and a standing ovation.
The writers also deserve a pat on the back for this one because he has a convincing motivation and backstory, and the dialogue is DELICIOUS when it comes to Lenoard. He is a truly menacing villain without being overtly scary and powerful and dangerous.
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#9- Ray
Charismatic, gentlemanly, empathetic, loving, trusting, supportive... Ray is THE IDEAL MAN. I'm a little bit in love with Ray so I don't blame Allison.
HUGE step up from Luther, for sure.
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#8- Umbrella Ben
I would have liked to see more of his character, but I liked what I did see. He loves his siblings and shows it. He is selfless and sacrifices his own existence for Vanya, he is blunt with Klaus because he cares and wants him to improve. Of course, he and Klaus are also a hilarious duo.
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#7- Hazel
One of the most touching arcs that offers an insightful message about what life is for, and about Love. Beautifully acted, a very real and lovable character who probably resonates with many in some ways. Hazel is adorable and i miss him in later seasons.
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#6- The Handler
I LOVE THE HANDLER MORE THAN WORDS CAN EXPLAIN!!! Funny, playful, entertaining, uexpected and whimsical and yet simultaneously dark and menacing, AMAZING villian that stole EVERY SINGLE SCENE she was in. Kate Walsh was the perfect choice for the role and she played it to perfection.
A bit of trivia about the role, The Handler was originally written for a man, and when Kate Walsh got the role she insisted they didn't change the script (which, let's be honest, they would have.) She put a wonderful spin on it and it's just perfect, I wouldn't change a thing. I would 100% watch a spinoff all about the handler. Season 3 was worse than the previous two thanks to them killing her off (amongst other questionable plot choices)
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#5- Allison
Allison was the only character who knew what they were doing, and honestly, if everyone just listened to Allison, there would be no apocalypse. Her storyline losing both Claire and Ray and her powers driving her crazy with power breaks my heart but is well portrayed and impactful.
She's charismatic, clever, strong, and kind. I love Allison and I think most of us do.
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#4- Diego
He's stupid but in an endearing way, I find him to be so entertaining and funny, and the actor's face is like an open book. He's not show-stopping but his consistent presence just sets the mood and allows others to act off of him, while he really sells it with his expressions. He's like the rock of the show.
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#3- Lila
Lila. Mi amor. Mon amour. Amore mio. Meine Leibe.
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#2- Five
For several reasons:
A) He is the daddy here, Luther!!
B) That should be the only reason you need
Seriously, though, I was SUPER impressed with Aidan Gallagher and his incredible screen presence, especially at such a young age. He really embodies the character. Five is the face of the Umbrella Acadamy, and is undoubtedly the most iconic character. 10/10, two thumbs up, absolutely BRILLIANT.
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#1- Klaus
No justification necessary.
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Hi, hope you are doing well. I am the anon who asked this question about the Maker (post/730144525324009472/im-conflicted-about-the-maker-as-a-character-on) and I wanted to know what are your thoughts on the Marvel Universe as remade by the Maker? I understand that most of it is a comentary/analogy to real life events, with technocompanies rulling the USA, the USA doing experiments in the Pacific with radiation, basically everything Midas stand for, etc. But, looking from the Maker point of view, how do you think it fits with what he wants? And what do you think he wants, in the end?
Perfect time to ask me this because after I got temp banned from the CBR Forums recently, I decided to read all of Ultimate Fantastic Four. I need to amend my earlier post regarding the Maker - he does actually feel like a believable evolution on the flaws that were always present in 1610 Reed:
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Even before he became a homicidal maniac, 1610 Reed Richards was a dick. There was a mean streak and petulancy that I had forgotten about. A willingness to walk riiiiiiiight up to the moral divide that was present from the very beginning. Millar, Bendis, and Ellis all established Maker as having a darker side. Using torture against Doom was on the table, he flat out rejected the possibility that he had made a mistake, he did messed up science experiments for fun. The pieces were all there! Alas the execution sucked. I still stand by what I posted here regarding the Ultimate Doom trilogy:
Bendis' depiction of his "fall" was awful and incoherent. Under Bendis, Reed instantly becomes the type of guy willing to commit cold blooded murder against both his family and other heroes for no real reason. If Reed is pissed about the military controlling everything, why is he trying to kill Peter Parker? Shouldn't he be trying to kill Nick Fury and destroy SHIELD? That at least would make sense, Ultimate Nick Fury is a fucking awful person. Instead he murders his entire family instead of just his asshole dad because... I don't know, he's just evil now. A writer can't write someone smarter than them, and Bendis is just not the guy for tackling the world's smartest heroic mind descending into villainy. Reed's plan is dumb and paper thin.
Coldly murdering his mother and sister Enid - his sister whom he went through all the effort to save from Psycho-Man in one of the final UFF arcs! - reads even more egregiously out of character. Why did he kill those two and not just his asshole dad? No clue, Bendis never bothered to give us an explanation. Trying to kill all of SHIELD after the UFF fall apart makes perfect sense to me after reading Ultimate Power for the first time. 1610 Nick Fury is evil. Fury is a monster whom even Dick Cheney would have to kneel in awe before. Asshole deserves to die and SHIELD should be destroyed. Sending suicide bombers to murder Spider-Man and his other heroic peers on the other hand?
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No Bendis, you need to actually explain WTF Maker was thinking there because that makes no sense AND it doesn't line up with his previous characterization! Maker didn't want to kill the zombie F4 despite them 1. Being undead and 2. Planning to infect and eat everyone on his Earth. He wasn't willing to kill Doom even after Ultimatum. Then suddenly off-screen he becomes the kind of guy who murders his sister who only ever looked up to and worshiped him, and his mother who tried to support him and showed him nothing but love? Terrible writing, and it makes me so mad because everything else is brilliant setup unintentional though it was.
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Pages like this one floored me. You read this knowing they were not setting up Maker yet somehow it perfectly does just that. The other Baxter Building kids breaking off to form their own perfect society in a secret city tucked away from private eyes? Being sick of how they were forced to serve the military? Commitment to the idea to the point they're willing to kill the F4 and any military personnel sent after them? In-universe this, and other events like Psycho-Man's utopia, likely served as the foundation for where Maker came up with the idea of the City. Everything fits! It's a natural result of Maker having an enormous ego, having seen others make their own attempts at building utopias, tossing morality aside, and going "they failed but I'll succeed. I don't make mistakes like they do."
Begs the question OP asked: why did he make Earth 6160 into the way it is? Fantastic question especially considering that both as a hero, and during his initial fall to villainy, Maker hated the "corruption" of science into a force that only served the elite.
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Yet the world of 6160 is exactly what he claimed to hate! America collapsed into a realm ruled by technocrats who abused science to enrich themselves. Freaking Midas is in the White House using cosmic energy as a power source for his war suit and the electric grid. What gives? Is it just Maker being a hypocrite? Maker offers two justifications in Ultimate Invasion. First, that he ran civilization models in the City and humanity cannot accept perfect peace. If you've ever watched the Matrix you know how that argument goes. We aren't built to live in paradise. Our human natures are too fallible, when offered the option we reject it. Given Maker's god complex it does suit him that he invokes the Biblical explanation for why evil exists - human nature demands it.
However, there's a second justification. Maker treats Earth 6160 as his playground, his laboratory. He's the Emperor of the World, and with that comes those who would covet his throne. Keeping the world full of conflicts and evils keeps people divided. They're so busy fighting each other that they can't unite against him. Hitler, Genghis Khan, Bismarck, Stalin, Mao, history is full of dictators who employed similar logic to maintain power. Yes it makes him a hypocrite but Maker is beyond caring about the "small minded" dreams he had back before he jumped off the slippery slope.
Regarding what he wants power for, there are two likely motives to parallel his two justifications. I believe he is trying to create the "Ultimate Earth", an Earth that lives up to what he wanted 1610 to be. Time travelling to the future indicates that he is at the very least invested in this Earth's well-being. He saved it from Galactus, he kept the Council from spiraling out of control as they now threaten to do in his absence. He supported scientific and technological advancements that did improve life for everyone. Howard mentions curing cancer. Maker's Ultimate Earth appears to be a technologically advanced society where the peoples lives are improved at the cost of their freedom. In a single word: Latveria. Fitting for a Reed who has gone the way of Doom.
Unsurprisingly Maker's other motive is much more selfish and narcissistic: he wants to screw with Earth 6160 Reed.
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Mentioned this before somewhat in my previous post:
My theory is that it's because Maker is trying to take a Reed who is similar to 616 Reed and transform the guy into a monster like him. It's his middle finger to 616 Reed. Maker wants to prove that 616 Reed isn't better than him, if Mr. Fantastic had lost his family and been put through hell like Maker had, he would break too. That 6160 Reed is, so far, not a monster like Maker pisses Maker off. It's not logical to keep 6160 Reed around, and doing so leads to Maker's fall.
Additionally there's some clear self-hatred going on.
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Note the callback to UFF with the "I don't make mistakes" line. People talk about Sue rejecting the marriage offer as being the big divergence point between the 616 and 1610 Reeds. I think it goes back even further. 616 Reed was the one who messed up his friends lives. 1610 Reed however was blameless. 1610 Doom, not Reed, was the one who caused the accident that gave the Four their powers. In Ultimate Power it was Doom's meddling which was revealed to have killed millions of people despite Maker initially being blamed. Maker never had to feel the guilt that Mr. Fantastic has to live with. Always when it seemed like he had screwed up, a reveal came to absolve him of any responsibility. Arguably his two greatest pre-Maker screw-ups were teleporting to the zombie Earth and creating the Cosmic Cube and guess what? Both of those were because of external agents in the forms of zombie Reed and Thanos meddling with his head.
So having done nothing wrong his whole life, never having screwed up with nobody to blame but himself, when Sue dumped him and his whole life fell apart because he put saving the world over his personal desires in Ultimatum? Knowing, thanks to zombie Reed, that there were Reeds out there who got married and had families and kept the Four together despite making mistakes? My headcanon is that's what broke him. Also that's why he made Doom's life hell. 6160 Reed was supposed to live the life 616 Reed got, the kind of life Maker wanted. Instead he lost everything. Why? Because from Maker's point of view, Doom doesn't deserve that kind of happiness. Why should Maker, a Reed who never made mistakes, be the one Reed denied that joy while all the Reeds who are responsible for transforming their friends get to have that?
So Maker took 6160 Reed and gave him the life he thinks Mr. Fantastic should've gotten. 6160 Reed made the mistake of not double checking his notes and lost everything. He ended up with the burnt face and Doom moniker because from Maker's point of view, that is what should have happened to 616 Reed. Maker should be the beloved hero with the fantastic family as befitting a Reed who never made mistakes, not the unworthy Reeds who are fallible. In Maker's mind, 616 Reed should be the one whose Sue rejected him and became a villain. His words in Ultimate Invasion about having thought about what he and 616 Reed would be like if they swapped lives support this.
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There's a beautiful symmetry going on here between Maker and Doom. Dooms usually blame Reeds for ruining their lives by sabotaging Doom's experiments. Here is a Doom for whom that belief is valid, and his obsession with Maker completely justified. Except it's himself that he's obsessed with, just as Maker is clearly obsessed with Mr. Fantastic. A grand ouroboros of Reeds chasing after one another. Fitting, for Reeds have always been their own worse enemies.
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perfectfangirl · 4 months
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep2
• dogmeat's introduction 🥺 • the enclave being shown as supremely evil because how could you incinerate live puppies 😭 • i want more backstory on siggi because i am curious if this is change of heart or like a mole • the super mutant hand needs to go from easter egg to reality next season forreal • i noticed siggi was drinking whiskey? to numb the pain of putting that cold fusion chip in his head--- i also wonder if he was drinking because he knew he wasn't going to make it • saw on reddit someone asking so it's the enclave who has cold fusion? and i'm still a bit confused about that because... i was thinking moldaver had something to do with its creation but then siggi knew exactly who lucy was... if the enclave is supposed to be a continuation of the pre war us government, then it feels like there's more tying the enclave and vault tec together than i thought
• in the escape scene, it seems like the other scientist knew siggi was betraying the enclave, but how? if they have cold fusion, was it obvious he was "stealing" it and trying to give it to someone else? maybe i have gaps in my knowledge here • siggi genuinely does seem like he's trying to do the right thing though 🥲 • dogmeat seeing that guy try to harm siggi and dogmeat fuckin' him up ❤️ • game dogmeat being referred sometimes as a boy and show dogmeat being a girl lol [love the gender doesn't matterism here gldfgld]
• the people who are enslaved work at the enclave being held there and escape meaning death • if these are namibia scenes where lucy is trekking, they are breathtaking, wonderful worldbuilding • lucy seeing a tumbleweed for the first time and going "the heck?" but then i like, remember she doesn't really know what "wind" is 😭 [and this also subverts the "tumbleweed blowing in the wind through a desert or desolate place" trope, i'm sorry but this a masterclass in comedy lmao] • her coming across some bodies but this time skeletons at a dinner table, a family of four i believe, all having taken poison, vault tech brand [a chilling scene but fallout is known for their hilariously placed skeletions so there's one with a cup of dirt in front of it] • probably the first time lucy is being confronted by hank and/or vault tec's lies, depending • lucy setting a [camp] fire, and me recognizing immediately it was a bad move [i watch too much stuff 💀] • i honestly' can't believe she took off her pip boy • dogmeat finding lucy 🥺 • it was destiny in so many ways because dogmeat is tearing that radroach the fuck up • siggi giving like a monologue in the most unsettling voice ever was so funny to me • siggi trying to tell her these animals [if you can call them that] up there are insane and genuinely in the nicest way possible trying to tell her she should go home • "question is, will you still want the same things when you have become a different animal altogether?" is some crazy foreshadowing • the cold fusion capsule glowing as he walks away • lord titus being an asshole and maximus doing the same to thaddeus lmao • lord titus "wanting to shoot something" and his stupidity leading to his own demise • [i like neither lord titus or the actor that plays him so dkfsdkgd] • dogmeat going into the yao guai den and coming back with a hand like it was sharing it with them 😭 • maximus being continuously disrespected and knocked down a peg, he doesn't deserve this 😞 • insane how close and somehow inadvertently hot on the trail lord titus and maximus was for siggi and dogmeat • learning squires appears to be a dime a dozen and that's one reason lord titus sent maximus deeper into the cave, the other is that he was scared • maximus seemed to be both disillusioned and struck with fear watching the yao guai attack lord titus--- so it was almost breathtakingly offensive when lord titus decided to blame maximus for everything and wanting him like, court martialed almost for this incident, despite maximus being small of gun and armourless, despite them both being scared, lord titus blames maximus for lord titus' own failings • "this wasteland fucking sucks!" love that running motif • anyways glad that guy died, next! • lmao this very disgusting man in a diaper or something being thankful lucy didn't shoot him but also drinking all her water 😭 • lucy getting a taste of wasteland selfishness and desperation gdfgdgfd • maximus belongs in a power suit • this chicken fucking man having the elixir to immortality or regeneration or whatever it is 😭 • and the chicken farmer, in a cameo, is a makeup designer and props department person 🙂 • in a beautiful shot, it looks like lucy is in the famous car forest or a replica of it • her trying to be convivial and people just not having it 😢 • filly is very fallout and i assume gamers enjoyed this scene because • everyone is in bizarre and comical mad max style outfits, iguana meat, giving metaton vibes • so i just read filly was named because it's a landfill but also there's the fact it was filmed in an airplane and automobile graveyard outside new jersey [close to philadelphia] and that there is a fillmore, california • also saw where it's modeled to look a lot like megaton and i thought this on first viewing • i didn't even realize cooper was already shown sitting and waiting, the crossing of paths was crazy • lucy seeing degeneracy first hand 💀 • lucy seeing weird shit and smiling because she, too, is weird
• cooper mysteriously and sexily watching from afar after cornering his bounty • "barv get in here" not ma june calling her friend to come and point and laugh at lucy • moldaver being ma june's client and that's why she shuts lucy down so fast after she asks about that pip boy • ma june saying lucy got all ten fingers, damn the writers were so • "i know that it can't have been easy for you up here, what with all the murder and the dirt" lmao lucy please • lucy realising vault tec's demonic saviour complex is very hard to preach about to wastelanders, people who have survived for centuries and without the help of the vaulties • lucy really is from the rich part of town because ma june was so insulted by her lies, she took her gun out • cooper, siggi, lucy intersecting was so crazy though • kind of wondering why siggi didn't wear a disguise as a wanted man • siggi trying to be nice and warning lucy to leave versus ma june harshly reminding cooper him and his ghoul kind aren't wanted in filly • getting chills that siggi is explaining to lucy what her vault experiment basically was as i didn't see it as that on first watch • siggi was telling her to go home because if someone smart realized who she was or where she came from, all hell would break loose • ok so cooper says the bounty went out from all six agencies but i could only think of three, wondering who they all are • ma june mentions she was given caps for siggi's safe transport out of filly, cooper mentioning a bidding war, is that why he shot siggi's leg clean off [probably did because bounty was dead or alive] • ma june getting people clipped by putting caps on whoever can take cooper down first 😭 • cooper smiling as all them people descend on him because this is the "the love of the game" shit he was talkin' bout 😭💀 • "all this murder makin' me hungry" cooper essentially • him eating those cherry tomatoes and then paying for them 🥲 • almost forgot cooper actually did get shot multiple times and kept goin', ghouls are somethin' else • noticing cooper gave ma june a nonlethal leg shot versus basically sending siggi to his demise with his • cooper stabbing not shooting dogmeat • cooper was about to shoot but lucy's candor and morality was a breath of fresh air, he was so shook lmao • he was so charmed, he kept walking, leaving him open to her shooting him in quite literally his heart [ok symbolism] 😭, smiling and everything • "well now that is a very small drop in a very, very large bucket of drugs" lmaooo they created ultrajet for ghouls because jet isn't strong enough for them • lucy being immediately impressed with the t60 • i hate maximus had to lie because this was so "knight in shining armour" but why did he reveal his face to lucy knowing if the brotherhood of steel had found out this early about what he did, he'd be dead meat like • cooper almost shot that girl like three times ldgld • i genuinely think the tranquilizer effected him but just a teensy bit • siggi saying he could still make the trip and ma june saying he'd be lucky to make it to breakfast ☹️ • jim's limbs has be cracking up every time • them installing that robo leg onto siggi is the most gory and disgusting scene to me and i hope it gets worse • something oddly sweet about siggi saying lucy can take him to moldaver after nearly begging lucy to go back home for her own safety, she put her life on the line to save him 😞 • cooper getting mopped by maximus in that power suit sends • i didn't realize after maximus made cooper fall, cooper says "goddamn, that hurt" 😭 • "you drive that thing like a fucking shopping cart" and it's a power suit gldgfld • that snake oil salesman really was telling the truth, he maybe could've healed siggi • cooper petting dogmeat while giving them a stimpak, cooper showing a genuine smile while doing so • siggi really lost too much blood and i thought this back in filly • siggi saying the cynanide pill from vault tec was the most humane thing they produced, pre war was a dark time
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Thinking about Villain! Kenji Sato
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Thanks to this edit for reminding me of him.
He's already cocky, conceded, and a natural charmer. Do you know how he would use that to his advantage to manipulate people? Just with a flash of his smile and sweet words that's how.
Bad temper + guy who's used to getting what he wants = Asshole with very little patients when things don't go his way.
Would work for KDF just to spite father. In other words, gives zero f*cks about Kaiju's or his dads feelings. He's still a little pissy about his father "choosing" literal monsters over him and his mother. He's probably very aggressive when it comes to fighting them as well. Dr. Onda had to remind him on more than one occasion to hold back.
Maybe in this version his mom was killed in a Kaiju attack which resulted in him not caring about the creatures AT ALL and truly despising their existence. He also hates himself for not being there sooner to save her.
This happened when he was 21 so he has worked for the KDF for a little while.
Full on arrogant prick with the worst anger issues but can hide it when he wants/needs to.
Mina exists but she doesn't really have a personality, nor does she question or boss him around she's just...an assistant bot. She's also used for more...hostile things so Kenji doesn't get HIS hands dirty.
Has probably done some questionable things to get to the top. Especially with his trusty bat friend when he wants to send a more personal message.
Probably insane to a severe degree. Also, a control freak.
Probably sees Dr. Onda as a mentor/father figure but you'll have to kill him before you get that information out of him
Dr. Onda does see Kenji as a son but like Kenji, you won't get that out of him willingly.
All villains deserve evil pets so this mf would definitely have a black pet snake. An IMG boa constrictor to be more specific.
Meet Lilith!
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Probably the only thing he cares about is this snake. This is his daughter. His little girl. She's black just like his soul. Her nickname is Lily or Lil Lil. He'd probably use her full name to get her to constrict around someone.
This creature is evil, but she loves her father very much. Full credit to @jaidenk-nox for the ideas!
People in his father's generation remember Ultraman being a kind hero or at least someone who didn't see the Kaiju as monsters. The new Ultraman almost looks like he's on the verge of killing them.
Kenji see's the hate he gets and loves it. He loves the fact that he's ruining his father's legacy one Kaiju fight at a time.
The only good quality I think this man would have is his genuine respect for women because his mama raised him right. Not to mention she was the only person he had; he saw her struggles, heard her cry at night, and just see her try her best for him. Why wouldn't he have respect for women?
But that doesn't mean he wouldn't be controlling or probably obsessive if he did have an s/o.
I like to think some Kaiju parts (spikey parts, scales, claws, etc) would be added to his Ultraman suit over time (that probably gives him a more menacing look) to make him harder to beat/inure.
And do you wanna know what's sad? If we got this version of him there WOULD STILL BE SIMPS!!! (And I would be one of them).
I can just imagine the comments....
Also, would you guys want me to make a playlist for him? Reblogs are appreciated! And if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know, my asks are open!
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inkyquince · 1 year
another miguel thing?
content warning. blood play, anal, a bit feral at times miguel, praise sorta, biting and scratching and general asshole miggy. 2.8k lol.
A SPECIAL thank you for @thelittletoadintheroad and @dokidokirozz for the spanish lessons, on gOD, i would be crying and shidding rn without them right now!
you're not his. He knows that. You were never his, not connected to him in any way. You belong to a different spiderman, another Peter. You. Are. Not. His.
But he wishes you were.
Your Peter refused to join unless you were with him. He didn't fully understand until later. You were that fucking addictive. Miguel was as bad as your Peter at times, seeing him when you were with him, and getting all mopey and fucking annoying when you were gone. Except your Peter wasn't as bad as him. Maybe because he actually had you.
Miguel didn't know when he got so bad. He.... He wasn't bad, not like the villains they were keeping contained, ready to be sent back to their own dimension. He wasn't evil. But at one point, something switched in his brain. You were so fucking good, and he didn't deserve you. Not after what he did, to an innocent girl, to a world of civilians.
He didn't deserve the goodness that came with being with you. You weren't universally beloved, not like the MJs and the Gwens usually are, but Miguel sees you. He sees why someone could rely on you. Sees why someone would go to pieces if they can't return home to you.
Trying to be friends with you doesn't fucking work. Miguel doesn't have proper "work friends" just people he gets along with and people he wants to stay quiet and go do their job. He struggles to remember a time if he actually did have people close to him. Other than...
He wasn't getting any closer to you by trying to be friendly. Not when your Peter was constantly hovering. Miguel was starting to taste blood in his mouth more and more, from dragging his tongue over his canines over and over again whenever he was around. It was worse when you were around.
Soft little thing. He always fucking towered over you. Blood in his mouth, hot and slippery on his teeth as you dropped by momentarily to talk to one of the Spideys. You were always out of reach, tantalising and distant and perfect... And not his.
"Late night?" Miguel was startled, but he didn't show it. His fingers barely even twitched as your voice.
"... Every night is a late night." He didn't turn around to look at you, but his senses were screaming at him.
You were coming closer, gait easy and unafraid, when you really fucking should be.
"That probably sucks for your sleep schedule. You're like a college student hopped up on energy drinks and coffee." You replied easily, leaning against one of the panels just to peer at him.
Miguel's fingers paused for a second, almost feeling the heat radiating off of you.
"... I don't need much sleep." He finally replied, before continuing his work, fingers flying over the keys.
"You could use some."
"Sleep, Miguel. You could use some. The bags under your eyes are designer at this point." You continued, at complete ease.
He just gave an unimpressed snort, pausing to rub at his eyes momentarily. Copper. He could taste copper again.
"Or go do something relaxing. Get a drink with the others. Take a spa day. Ever wanted to take up dancing, I kn-"
"Why are you here." Miguel finally snapped. Blood coated his tongue, seeping through his teeth. It wasn't a question, it was a demand for you to fuck off. A plea. "You shouldn't be back here."
"I shouldn't? Was there a sign-"
"Because I'm telling you." Miguel sharply turned around, gritting his teeth and stepping closer to your smaller form. "And you should do what I say, little thing."
The last part slipped out by accident. You would always be tiny compared to his 6'7, broad, muscular frame. He could fucking manhandle you, and he should. Grab you by the neck, drag you out. Grip your upper arm and make you leave. Take both of your wrists in his hand and pin them down and-
"Fuckin hell, Miguel. I'm trying to be your friend and-"
"My friend? I don't need any friends, especially someone like you." Someone like you, who should be kept at home, warming his bed, climbing into his fuckin lap. He doesn't want to be your fucking friend, he wants to be fucking you, licking into your mouth, getting to have you fully and wholly.
"What does that mea-"
"It means that your man should keep a closer eye on you." Miguel hisses, something in his stomach growing. "It means that if I was him, I wouldn't let you wander around, like a little puta perdida."
You stared at him, mouth agape, soft, wet tongue peeking out. On instinct, he dragged his own bloodied one over his white front teeth. Your eyes followed the movement. If you didn't fucking cut it out, he was going to... He was going to...
He was going to sink his claws into your back. His fucking teeth into your throat. Miguel was going to lose it, and become some sort of beast. Some sort of fucking monster.
He licked his canine again. Your eyes flicked to his mouth before focusing on his throat instead.
"... Are you talking about Peter?" You finally asked, feeling his dark eyes burning into your face.
"Who else?" Miguel sneered.
"Peter isn't... He isn't "my man", he''s my friend. So-"
He could hear nothing but static in his ears. Your mouth was moving, words were coming out, but he could only block it all out to focus on that mouth.
"- So no need to be a fucking asshole about it." He clued back in to your words and fixed you with a piercing look. "Got it? Good. I just won't fucking try with you next time."
You turned away from him. You were walking away from him. You didn't get to do that.
One moment you were heading towards the only source of bright light in the room, the door, the next you were slammed up against a console. Thick, tight fingers were gripping the back of your neck, sharp claws digging into the skin and piercing through enough for blood to start seeping from the cuts.
One palm left its harsh grip on your waist to come around and cover your mouth, his hand big enough to cover over half your face, also covering your nose.
"Déjame sentirte." His broad chest rumbled behind you, voice rumbling like a purr.
All the simmering anger had been replaced with something else... Something that felt far more dangerous. From a snapping predator, on edge, to a playful beast, at ease enough to play with his food.
"Not with him, hm." Miguel was just holding you, down and close, but not doing anything, not yet. You couldn't even reply to him, not with his cool hand pressed against your lips.
You felt his entire body shift, his sharp hips coming to fully rest against your ass, chest pressing tightly against your back, and the tip of his nose resting against your nape. You could hear him inhale deeply, dragging his parted lips over the skin of your neck, breathing you in until his mouth came to rest just behind your ear.
"Quédate quieta por mí ." His voice was hoarse, breath hot against the shell of your ear.
You froze up fully. You had been kinda crushing on the loner, the only Spidey without a sense of humour. It's why you had been bugging him, trying to get him out of his damn shell, but fuck. This situation had fucking escalated so fast, from Miguel being an asshole, to manhandling you over the consoles and his hand slowly drifting from you mouth, down to your stomach. Just carressing slowly, pinching the soft skin a bit, like a lion preparing to claw open the belly of its downed prey.
"Miguel-" You started to whisper, not entirely sure what you wanted to tell him, maybe to stop, maybe to continue, but he hushed you again.
You were half sure that if you actively fought his grip, he'd... He'd let you go. But you stayed still. Let him touch from your stomach, up, to drag his palm over your chest. You began to squirm, the sharp fingertips starting to tickle instead of nick your skin.
"Didn't I tell you to keep still?" Miguel murmured, his lips dragging slowly over your skin before pressing his mouth against the side of your neck.
His tongue drags slowly over your pulse point, tasting the... The fear? The arousal? The exhilaration that ebbs from your skin, the blood beating quickly through your body. The vein underneath the flesh thrummed against his tongue, closing his eyes at the feeling of your fragile little heart pumping your warm blood as fast as it can. He could only sigh before rearing his head back like a cobra and sinking his broad fangs deep into your neck.
You gasp out, breath hitching, ready to let out a scream. But it never comes. It sits underneath your tongue, thick and struggling to slip free. Something cold slips from his fangs, shooting through your veins. Your body totally freezes up, but not from fear.
Miguel had paralyzed you. His venom sinks into your muscles, leaving your skin tingling and everything from your hear to your lungs slowed.
"Better." He murmured, more to himself than you, his other hand finally letting go of you to join the other in exploring your body.
Eventually, he gets sick of feeling you up over your clothing. With just a flick of his thumb, he slices through your shirt, and makes a sizeable opening of your trousers. Miguel simply drags his large hands over your chest, down to your stomach to your hips, but he focuses on getting your trousers down to your ankles.
"Nice underwear." He sounded more amused than you had ever heard him. Like the person he used to be.
The pros of wearing plain, bland underwear, you guess.
Hooking his thumb under the side of your underwear, he easily dragged it down to your thighs, and left them there. As he dragged the tip of his nose over your freshly freed legs, he parted his lips slightly, just to inhale your scent slowly. It was embarrassing, the way he was practically breathing in your taste and smell.
"You're getting excited." Miguel dragged his tongue over his canine, eyes fixed on your crotch. He could fucking smell it. The sweet slick slipping past your cute slit. Like pearls.
He wants to have a taste.
Swiping his thumb over the opening, he gathered enough to get a tangible taste when he stuck it into his mouth, sucking it clean.
"Deliciosa." Miguel murmured, mostly to himself. "Pero no tanto como tú sangre."
He dragged his thumb over you again, tasting a bit more but seemed to lose interest after a while, taking a keen interest in something else.
"This is too tight for you to not be a virgin here." His wettened thumb dragged over your untouched asshole, digging in his nail enough to slip past the tight ring.
A whine slips from your throat and you can feel Miguel's thumb flex inside of you, as if on instinct. He slowly pulls his finger back out, instead squeezing at your ass to part them. You could only feel his hot breath at first, before his tongue dragged roughly over your rim. You sounded so good to him, making those soft noises, slipping past your paralyzed lips. After a few more licks, he finally pressed the tip of his tongue inside of you.
He was always more of an ass man, and getting to roughly tongue fuck your hole was doing things to him, thing he hadn't felt for a hot moment. His cock strained against his spider suit, precum leaking through the material. God, he always wanted to fuck you. He wanted you so badly, but of course his thoughts would lead to him imagining how exaclty he'd have you. You'd be the reason he finally goes back to a shitty apartment, to lie down on top of you and finally rest. Let your thighs take care of his hard cock, before he presses his cock inside of you to cockwarm until he woke back up and got to fuck you properly. Miguel always supposed he should feel guilty to think of a Peter's partner like that, but now? It didn't fucking matter. He'd have taken you eventually either way, but now he doesn't have to banish one of his Spiderpeople to their dimension and strand you here.
Here with him. Making those cute little noises as he sucked on your puffy rim, teasing the poor nerves. Some part of him thought they he should wait till you're unparalyzed, so you could tell him if you even wanted to fuck your asshole open. But he waited too long.
Miguel dragged his claws over your cheeks, creating raised, puffy red lines, small dots of red seeping through. He needed to mark you. He wanted to have your body covered in bites and scratch marks, hidden with your clothes, but he would know. He would fucking know every inch of skin, every part you would deem too embarrasing for him to see, and every part he'd demand to explore.
It was getting too much. His cock was hard and aching and needed to be fucked into you until you could only take him.
"Relajate por mi." Miguel finally straightened up, a ghost of a sarcastic smile dancing on his lips.
Sick fucker.
"No voy a dejar que te vayas." He whispered, voice throaty and low. "No hasta que conozcas la forma de mi polla dentro de ti. Understand?"
He wasn't really listening for a confirmation. You listened to the sound of his suit shifting, an appreciative hum as his fat cockhead tapped against your hole.
"Take a deep breath." Miguel ordered you, the tip of his cock already slowly pressing in. "I'm not going to stop. Not now. So relax."
His cock was too fucking big, even with the tongue job he gave your ass. He drank in the sight of his fat erection, already stuffing your hole, even with just a quarter of it pressing in. You couldn't even hold back the moans, the heat in your stomach numbing your brain. Everything so fuzzy, with the only thing keeping you grounded being your ass being stretched wide open.
"Fuck." Miguel breathed, pressing into you all in one go, the only resistance coming from how tight you were.
He finally bottomed out, his balls pressing against your crotch. You could even feel how full and throbbing they were, ready to be spilled into you. Going to ruin you for any other man. Get with anyone else, and you'll be thinking of him as they try to fuck into you.
Miguel didn't wait. Immediately, he was fucking into you, balls slapping against your sweating skin, your mixed precum dripping down your thighs. You wanted to cling to him. You wanted to call his name. You wanted to let him pick you up and pin you down and fuck into you like a beast. Scratch and bite and breed your poor ass till you couldn't feel anything but the shape of him ingrained within you.
"Mine now." He breathed, digging his clawed thumbs into the small of your back, letting blood seep out and slither down, towards where his cock was fucking into your ass roughly.
A dark red rim begin to form along with the creamy white precum around his cock. It was fucking beautiful. His hole. All for him. He didn't even care if you did have someone, even if that someone wasn't Peter. He was going to steal you away from the world, keep you locked away if he had to. The outside world had already taken enough from him, and you weren't going to be another thing.
Poor you. Miguel hadn't been intimate with someone else in a long fucking time. He had you in there for long enough that the next shift of people started, but no one dared to intrude in his space. He'd maul anyone who stepped through that door. You were all his now, as the poison wore off, and you let him carry all your weight when you slumped against him. You could feel the stretch in your ass, you could feel all the marks from his claws.
The most distracting, was every time Miguel sought your lips out with his, languidly pressing his tongue in, just to taste you.
You weren't going to go anywhere, not when he would always be three steps behind you.
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puta perdida- lost bitch
Déjame sentirte- let me feel you
Quédate quieta por mí- stay still for me
Pero no tanto como tú sangre- Not as tasty as your blood
Relajate por mi- Relax for me
No voy a dejar que te vayas. No hasta que conozcas la forma de mi polla dentro de ti- I'm not letting you leave. Not until you know the shape of my cock inside of you.
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bonefall · 10 months
I can't see how the writers still think Skystar's a good person. Like, twelve year old me liked him and thought he was interesting, but I was like twelve. And even I knew he was an irredeemable asshole after Moth Flight's Vision. If a twelve year old can figure this stuff out I have no idea what these grown ass writers were doing.
DOTC has a thesis, stated in The First Battle, that really explains everything.
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"Fear and Greed" is just a fake-deep way to reinvent a Good and Evil dichotomy. Because Clear Sky's abuse comes from a place of fear, it means it's not malicious, unlike a "greedy" cat.
He can be "soothed," ergo, he's a fundamentally good person.
Post-First Battle, the books are focusing constantly on his feelings, how sad it makes him to not be trusted, how happy he is when people are on his side. All while he continues to screech at people who tell him what to do, manipulate and mistreat his son, and even still beats and mauls those who offend him.
But because it's "fear," that doesn't matter. That's a justification, an excuse. The writers don't seem to believe in good and bad actions as much as they do good and bad people. True 'evil' comes from a person who hurts others for the wrong reasons, like 'revenge' or malice.
It's abuse apologia. Plain and simple.
The truth is that abusers don't think of themselves as evil people, and everyone, even you and me, is capable of being toxic or abusive. Talk to those who have been abused and we'll tell you; we often stayed because we "saw the good," or even felt responsible for them. Abuse can be passed down through generations because the kids come to believe the way they were treated was normal and okay.
If you go through life thinking that abuse only comes from evil/greedy people, you won't see it when it happens right in front of you. Fundamental good and evil is childish. Abuse comes from fear all the time.
Abuse is about power and control. Fear of rejection, of losing someone, of pain, those are all very common motivators as the abuser tries to stop them from happening before they even begin. It doesn't MATTER that your abuser is in pain too, you NEVER "deserved" what they did in an attempt to break your legs so you wouldn't run.
But... we can all change. Even the worst of us. It's never too late to stop hurting others, move on to a better life, but some people never will. Skystar loves his power, and he keeps that power no matter how many times he misuses it.
He has no reason to change as long as his cruelty rewards him with status and authority.
But the writers are incapable of recognizing that, because for this entire arc, they were stuck in an absurd view of the world in terms of Fear and Greed. Abuse can be excused if he did it for the "right reason," and that makes him "fundamentally different" from the truly evil villains, Slash and One Eye.
Hopefully, it now makes more sense to you.
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Megamind Au @fanofstuff02
I'll post the full thing on Ao3 when it's done. For now you get the beginning of their vacation!!
Also I'm not including everything, that would take forever lol
Contact Warning: Swearing, Sexual Themes, and Kidnapping.
It was Thursday, like clock work the supervillain The Devil had kidnapped local news reporter Adam Kadmon to hold hostage for his evil plans.
Where he would fight the hero, The General so he could take over the city.
Only problem was said hero was late. Six hours late.
Lucifer paced his lab, this was ridiculous and rude. "Where the fuck is he?"
Adam, tied to his chair blew his bangs out of his face. "What's the date today?" He asked, summer time was prime time for vacations and being friends with the city hero he knew he had one planned.
Lucifer stopped to look at him with an inquisitive stare. "The 29th why?"
Adam sucked air between his teeth, shit of all the times. "Oh yeah, he's not coming he's on vacation."
Lucifer blinked. "What why?"
"Stress? He puts up with your ass all the time man deserves a break. Honestly I should take one too." Adam sassed.
"So he's not coming?" Well this was a fucking waste of a Thursday.
"Probably not."
Lucifer smirked, an idea forming in his mind. Maybe not a waste after all. "So that means I get to keep you til he gets back."
Adam felt dread fill him. "No, it means I get to go the fuck home."
Lucifer leaned in closer to Adam's face. "Sorry, you’ll have to wait for your dumb boyfriend to return for that."
Adam glared, you make one off handed comment about someone being your boyfriend, which The General was not he only said that to piss The Devil off, and his Thursdays are forever ruined. "I should’ve went with him."
Lucifer raised a brow, ignoring the jealousy bubbling inside him. "Would he even take you?"
"Oh he would." Adam figited in his seat, it was well past uncomfotable at this point. "This is bullshit you can't just keep me here."
Lucifer merely shrugged. "Sure I can, that's the point of being kidnapped."
Adam tilted his head back beyond annoyed. "Ugh..... This is highly unfair. You realize you have to feed me right?"
"Lucky for you Charlie is a great cook."
Adam groaned. "Oh lucky me."
Charlie skipped over happily her hands clasped together. "I can make ribs for you Adam! And-"
"How am I going to sleep?" Adam interrupted, it just occurred to him that he had no where to sleep.
Lucifer gave him a small smirk. "In the chair?"
Adam balked at the idea, he's already been here for hours! Now he had to fucking sleep there? "The chair?! Are you fucking serious?"
"Yup! You're a prisoner, you're not on vacation." Lucifer walked away, feeling victorious.
Adam mumbled under his breath. "Asshole."
Two in the morning rolled around, Lucifer got up to use the bathroom when the light from the lab caught his attention. He sighed. "I should probably check on him."
Adam fell asleep in the chair, his head to the side and was even drooling slightly.
He looks so cute. Lucifer thought, he couldn't deny the attraction he had for the news reporter. Lucifer sighed. "Fucker."
He scooped Adam up and carried him to his room. They didn't have a guest room because, well, they never have guests.
He tucked Adam into his bed, handcuffed him to the bed just in case and went to the other side of the bed to sleep.
Adam woke up the next morning, he groaned as the lights hit his eyes. He’s more awake once he realizes he’s in an actual bed instead of the chair. And the bed he’s sleeping also contains that short fucker.
What the- Am I..... No I'm handcuffed fuck!! Both hands no less ...... He doesn't look that bad when he's asleep. Less annoying, Adam thought as he looked at The Devil's sleeping form.
Adam groaned again and tried his best to roll over to keep the light out. It didn't work it hurt his wrists too much so he turned back.
Lucifer mumbled still half asleep. "Quit moving."
Adam actually jumped cause he thought he was asleep.
Lucifer opened an eye to see Adam with his normally well groomed hair messed up, dried drool on his chin and face, eyes still sleepy. Even just waking up he's fucking cute, that's not fair! "Go back to sleep."
And for once Adam did as he was told, too tired to fight it. Plus the bed was comfy.
Lucifer hugged him when the reporter drifted off to sleep. He didn’t have anything to say when he woke up again.
Luckily for The Devil he woke up before Adam. And he straight up and out of bed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Adam woke up alone. He tried to break free but those chains were too strong so he gave up. He thought of calling out for the two villains but decided not to. They would probably ignore him anyway.
Adam was waiting in the bed he didn't know how long, let his mind wonder. God why did The General had to go on a week vacation. Being stuck with these freaks for hours is bad enough.
A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts.
Adam blinked. "Uh.. Come in?"
Charlie stepped in she was still in her pajamas, hair messed up from sleep she smiled sleepily at Adam. "Good morning Adam!" She greeted cheerily, god even first thing in the morning she's upbeat.
"Eh. Good morning."
"Dad says breakfast is ready and I have to bring you to the table." Charlie came over and uncuffed Adam from the bed only to cuff him to a chair.
"Oh goodie." Adam deadpanned, Charlie carried him to the table, and cuffed him to the table making it easier for him to eat. "Pancakes?"
"Yes! I made them myself." Lucifer boasted as he handed his daughter her plate.
Adam took a bite and was surprised by how delicious they were. "These are..... Surprisingly good."
Lucifer narrowed his eyes. "Why surprising?"
"You always make her cook i just thought you couldn't." Unlike me, Adam thought, he couldn't cook very well he mostly ordered takeout. "Also, what the hell am I supposed to do all day? I still have to wo-"
Lucifer cut him off. "No you don’t. You’re free for two weeks."
Adam raised a brow. "And how exactly you know that?"
Lucifer lifts an eyebrow of his own, answer enough.
Adam slumped. "Fine. I am."
Charlie jumped up all excited. "Oh Adam we're going to have so much fun!"
Adam rolled his eyes. "Oh I'm so sure."
Lucifer shook his head as he drank his coffee. *First thing in the morning and you're already sassy. Come along."
They handcuffed him to a chair with wheels so they didn't have to keep carrying him. Charlie turned on the tv to some random reality show.
Adam stared blankly. "This is boring."
"I can kind of agree." Charlie agreed from her spot on the floor.
"I mean, let me tell you what is going to happen. She’s going to learn her husband cheated on her and she will try to kill him and the woman but instead she’ll die herself and find some assassin's to kill the other woman in Hell, but she’ll end up in Hell too and then they’ll start to fuck eachother." Adam ranted and the room fell silent.
Lucifer turned to look at him. "The hell are you watching in your free time?"
Adam looked at him, didn't he know good tv when it was on? "What? Hell Bound is a good yet predictable show."
"Sounds stupid."
"Well it has 19 seasons so someone loves it."
Charlie picked up the remote and changed the channel. "What about the news?"
Adam's fellow reporter friend Peter was on in Adams place, they were declaring Adam a missing person and to call if they had any information on where he might be. "Right here Peter." Adam said in a monotone voice.
Charlie looked at him. "I don't think he can hear you."
Adam sighed, dear lord. "Yeah I know."
He clicked his tongue. A small smirk came to his face when he remembered something from the last time he was kidnapped. "Hey Charlie?"
"Do you still have the monopoly?" Adam asked in a cheeky tone, he could kick anyones ass at that game.
Lucifer felt his eye twitch, he knew where this was going. "No."
"Are you sure, dad? I thought-"
"It got ruined."
Adam snorted. "Wow, you had a fit and destroyed monopoly. What about Janga?"
Charlie lit up at the prospect of a game day. "I'll go look!" She ran off down the hall.
Lucifer glared at Adam. "I did not throw a fit." 
"Oh like how you're on the verge now? Sure....... Baby."
The supervillain could feel his blood boiling but wouldn't give Adam the satisfaction. "LOOK-" He took a deep calming breath. "Well, jokes on you, I’m an expert on Jenga."
Adam didn't look that amused or believed him one bit, this guy lost at everything he did in life and games were no exception. "Whatever you say."
Charlie came running back in with the Janga game grinning from ear to ear. "Here!"
Adam fumed with rage, how the fuck was he losing!?. "You can’t take that one!" He seethed.
Lucifer smirked, not the least bit sorry. "I can! What, ‘ruined your plans’?" He was a master at Janga never to be beaten.
"No!" It actually did and Adam was pissed about it, he knew he likely had two moves left before it fell over and he lost.
Lucifer just looked at him smuggly, pretending to pick his nails. "So take one."
"Give me a fucking minute!" Adam pulled a piece, the tower wiggled but did not fall over. "Phew." In his next turn however, Adam bumped the table and it fell over. "NO!"
Lucifer jumped for joy at his easy win.  "HAHA! VICTORY IS MINE!"
Adam pouted and looked away. "Whatever, Janga is stupid. And that's the only time you'll ever say that anyway."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Oh ho is that so?"
"Yes it is!"
Lucifer plucked off some imaginary lint from his vest. "Loser cleans the mess."
Adam scowled as he started cleaning up, being kidnapped and forced to do manual labor, what could be fucking worse? "I fucking hate you."
Lucifer ignored him, he said that so much it was starting to lose it's bite. "You know we do have two other games. If you two wanna play."
Charlie smiled and rasied her hand. "I do!"
Adam shrugged, not like he had much of a choice. "Sure, what else is entertaining here."
The Devil cracked his knuckles. "Twister and Uno."
Adam thought for a moment. "Let’s-"
"And since I’m the winner, I get to choose. Twister." 
"Fucker." At least they had to uncuff him for that one. Though, after a while and the position Adam got himself he should have stayed in his chair.
Charlie was calling out the colors and moves. "Right foot green Adam!"
Adam sighed. "Fine." He moved his leg, it was now under Lucifer, Adam tried to ignore the suggestive pose this put him in but it was very difficult.
"Right hand yellow dad!"
Lucifer placed his hand by Adams head, he smiled as he looked down at the news reporter that was now under him. "Hello.~"
"Damn you."
This.... Shouldn't be this hot. Lucifer thought, not that he cared. 
Adams mind was racing. Why. Just why. Oh dear god he's between my legs!
"Left hand red Adam!"
Lucifer’s hand was on the nearest red and there was no way he was placing his hand on the villains. "Uhh…" Adam tried to place it on a different red, but realized he can’t and just put it as far as possible. Unfortunately he lost balance because of this and fell down.
Lucifer laughed at his loss."HAHA! HOW DOES LOSING TWICE FEEL?!"
Charlie wasn't amused. "Can we play Uno now?"
"Sure! Adam?"
Adam glared up at him. "You’re going down on that one."
Adam placed his winning card down. "SUCK IT MOTHERFUCKER! HAHA!"
Lucifer frowned. "Can you stand one minute without swearing? Geez."
"No, it's called a sentence enhancer. Besides, you want to hear me not swear? Watch me on the fucking news."
Charlie set her cards down, this was the last of the games they had in the evil lair. "We're running out of games to play. Oh we could just talk!"
Adam wrinkled his nose. "Why, we have nothing in common?"
Charlie smiled politely. "It passes the time! So, Adam how's your day going?"
Adam looked at her, was she serious? "....... You're joking right?"
Lucifer leaned back in his chair. "Go on answer the question."
With as much sarcasm as Adam could muster. "Oh I'm just having the time of my fucking life."
Lucifer glared, eyes flashing. "Can you stop that for a minute?" Why did he have to swear so much?
Adam sighed. "Fine, honesty? I didn’t hate this day but I didn’t like it either. My favorite moments were when you lose."
"Which was once!"
"One good moment."
"See! Fun! Oh I'll go make lunch!" Charlie got up and left to make the trio lunch.
Adam looked at the supervillain. "Are you seriously gonna keep me here for two weeks?" He didn't want to spend two weeks in this shit hole.
"Yeah why not. Have your own vacation." That hero asshole went on vacation why couldn't they?
"Umm, no. My idea of a vacation involves a sandy beach, not a smelly lab." All Adam could smell was the scent of oil and metal. It almost sickened him.
Lucifer scoffed at him. "It's not smelly!" He sniffed the air and winced, he pulled out the air freshener and sprayed some. "Maybe a little."
"Glad you agree."
"Anyway. Who said I can’t take you to a beach?" Lucifer tried to will away the picture in his mind of Adam in a swim suit the moment he said that.
"Oh and society will be perfectly fine with this? Bitch please." Adam wasn't in the mood to be toyed with.
Lucifer pulled out his phone and started looking for places to go where they could have a lot of privacy. "We just have to find somewhere calm!"
"Oh I would be so fucking glad to go with the two of you then."
"So sassy. Oh look I found one!" This place was perfect, two cabins, one for Charlie and one for them. Adam was still their captive so he couldn't be trusted to have his own and well, Lucifer kinda wanted to share with him so they would have to spend more time together.
Adam was surprised, they were really going on vacation? "Wait really?"
Lucifer stood up. "Yup! Charlie pack your things we're going to the beach in Italy!"
Charlie squealed with joy. "Oh goodie!"
Adam couldn't believe what was happening, he was getting a free trip to Italy from the guy who kidnapped him. Should I be.. Happy about this or.. God who am I kidding. I-
"Are you okay?" Lucifers voice broke him from his thoughts.
Adam blinked owlishly at him. "Huh? Oh yeah."
Lucifer stood there a little awkwardly shifting on his feet, hands in the pockets of his dress pants. "Do I uh.. Need to get your stuff or anything?"
"I- What?"
"You know… If you want… I can."
Was he serious..? Whatever.
Adam shifted in his seat absentmindedly, this would be interesting. "Well… I do want my guitar and it’s stuff, my DVD’s and other stuff. Should I make a-"
"No no, we can go together and you can pick them." Lucifer uncuffed him and took Adam by the arm leading him down to where the car was.
Adam didn't fight him, there was no point. "Are you-"
Lucifer placed him in the front seat. "I’ll be there so it’s fine."
"So this is where you live?" Lucifer had been in Adams place before, not that the brunette knew that little bit of information, so he played dumb.
Adam grabbed a travel bag. "Yup. It's all I need being just me." Okay clothes, tooth brush, I don't know if I'll go swimming but I'll bring swim trunks, and my guitar. He played a message on his answering machine, it was his sister Emily: Hi Addie it's me! Please call me when you get this message so I know you're okay I'm worried about you.
Lucifer laughed. "Pffft, Addie?" How cute.
Adam's face was warm, damn it Em! "Shut up! Only my sister can call me that."
"Okay time to go. Addie.~"
"Fuck off."
They loaded up their air craft and when they got there after hours of flying, it was a private beach house with white sand and a view of the ocean. There are only one bed for Adam and Lucifer to share.
Lucifer placed a ankle monitor on Adam so he didn't get any ideas about leaving. Not that he would, he was in a foreign country illegally where he didn't know the language, and had no other way home. "Why is there one be-!" Adam exclaimed, bad enough he was fucking kidnapped now he had to spend two weeks sharing a bed with the guy that did it!?
"That was all they had." Lucifer lied, he totally could have gotten a two bedroom cabin.
Lucifer, smirked knowing he won this. "Go sleep on the couch if you want. I don’t care."
Adam looked away, he didn't want to sleep on the fucking couch when there was a perfectly good bed right there. "Oh fuck me."
I mean if you want me to. Lucifers mind supplied, trying and failing to not check out Adam as he had his back turned.
Adam crawled into the bed, too tired to argue with this asshole. "Just stay to your side of the bed."
Lucifer got in on the other side. "If that's what Addie wants.~"
Adam stuffed his face in the pillow. "Ugh, will you stop?" He said voice muffled.
"Nope! Say, why does she call you Addie?" He was having way too much fun with that nickname.
Adam lifted his head and glared. "If I tell you will you stop?"
Adam sighed. "........ She calls me Addie because she couldn't say Adam when she was little. And she still does to this day." God why did that feel so embarrassing?
Lucifer blinked, wasn't his sister a full grown woman now? "…She can’t say Ada-?"
"Of course she can dumbass. She just kept the nickname." Adam growled.
"Oh right. Sorry." Well now Lucifer just felt dumb.
Adam turned over. "Whatever. Good night."
Lucifer smiled at him. "Good niight~" When he was sure that Adam was asleep, his breathing even and a small snore leaving his mouth, Lucifer hugged Adam from behind and kissed his head.
Lucifer woke up first, the sun shining in. Some time in the night they found their way to each other and were holding onto one another, Adams head tucked under Lucifer's chin.
Adam sighed softly and snuggled closer to Lucifer's chest. The smell of his shampoo faintly could still be smelt. Vanilla and cinnamon.
Lucifer was very aware of the situation in his pants. This is a bad time to have morning wood. I need to get to the shower, either to take a cold one or......
He slowly got free and replaced himself with a pillow. Adam held it tight smiling in his sleep.
Lucifer takes a shower, not a cold one. He got himself off to the thought of the hot brunette in his bed, how good it would feel to have him under him, make him needy with pleasure that only Lucifer could provide. "Ahh, fuck.~" Adam drove him crazy in more ways than one and Lucifer was going to make it his mission to have him one day.
When he came back into the room, Adam was still asleep holding the pillow. Smiling softly Adam mumbled something in his sleep and kissed the pillow.
THAT COULD HAVE BEEN ME-?!....... Wow was he really jealous of a pillow?
Lucifer tried to clear his mind and went to make them a small breakfast.
Adam woke up some time later, still sleepy, hair messy, came to the kitchen yawning. "Good Morning…"
Lucifer turned to him with a bright smile. "Morning sleepy head. Have a good sleep?"
Adam yawned again, stretching as he sat down at the table. "Yeeeah. You?"
"Oh yeah, bacon and eggs?"
"Sure." Adam rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
Lucifer placed down their food. "Have any dreams?" He asked.
Adam's face turned red. Oh boy.  "I-I-I don't remember." 
Don't remember or won't tell?
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epickiya722 · 5 months
I think people took the "hey, you should be aware of issues about the way some stories treat it's female characters" and instead of actually going forward and treating these characters as, well, characters that deserve to be fairly analized
they went backwards and put up impossibly high standards for these female characters and made anything remotely sexual about them regardless of context as "it is evil and bad writing" when they wouldn't ever do the same for the male characters.
They don't even bat an eye for the fact that whole fandoms will absolutely ADORE a guy who is either the most vile asshole in the story or straight up a bland nothing as long as he is generically attractive enough.
Like that's just misogyny but "girlbossed" now.
(I kind of went on a ramble here, I won't lie and I apologize for that. I just.. had a lot to say.)
And I definitely agree with you, Anon.
I made that same point that you stated in this point right here in a post I wrote a while back.
The same people who will say "it's bad writing" are the same people who don't take the time out to analyze a female character.
It's not "bad writing". You just don't want to understand her.
A male character can have the exact same traits as her and can be analyzed and "He's just misunderstood" and adored, but the most that female character can get is the bare minimum from the fandom.
I have my male faves, too, that I like to analyze. But don't the female cast also deserves the attention, too?
Everyone who follows me know I am a big Miruko fan. And I love her more now because over the past... 2 years or so I have written posts about her of why she probably acts the way she does or does the things she do. And it came easy to me.
Mind you, she is a minor character. She doesn't have a lot of screen time and we don't much about her backstory unless you have read Vigilantes where she gets a flashback arc. And even with all the little information she has from canon, analyzing her was fun for me.
Analyzing her actually why it's fun for me when I do so for Yuji.
It's just there.
Let's say a female character is comfortable with her own sexuality and femininity. "Slut, whore, oversexualized". But the same people who apply those terms to male characters in a more positive way.
"Such a slutty waist, look at him so sexy, he's such a whore and I'm here for it".
So let me get straight. A woman can be a sexy character, but a man can even those that aren't even all that sexy.
Again, I'm using Miruko as an example.
People will have grievances over her costume but were so quick to be horny over the male characters wearing that same costume. Which, and I know some of you ain't gonna like, some of them did not look good in.
Also, then what about the male hero costumes or the fact that Shigaraki and Dabi are obvious fanservice now? You're telling me you're okay with the fact that Endeavor and All Might's costumes are super tight but Miruko shows some skin and it's a problem?
Oh, I'll give another example of some fandom misogyny.
Maki Zenin. The JJK fandom be pulling some tomfuckery when it comes to her. "She's such a girlboss". Okay, but you feel sympathize or empathize with her? "Oh my gosh, Sukuna is gonna kill her!" So, let me get this straight. Even though others who have been hit with Black Flash has survived, Maki the one female victim of it is going to die from that one blow? Whose body is pretty much a cheat code against cursed energy? That Maki? That one?
Let's not forget, you can bring her up without someone bringing up Yuta! I wrote a post about her and Nobara and someone goes "At least, Maki loves Yuta, right?" THIS IS NOT ABOUT YUTA!! GOOD GRIEF, CAN THIS BE ABOUT THE FEMALE CHARACTERS FOR ONCE? LIKE, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE WITH THAT!!
And Yuki! Sooo... y'all are upset that Gege killed her off, right? Okay, understanding. I like Yuki, too. With that said... um... then why in the fuck did I have to type a Yuki Lives tag for her despite her being dead in the manga since December 2022? Almost 2 years? There are currently 3 fics with that tag and two of them are mine!
Kaori, oh, the fandom doesn't love you enough! I had to type in a tag for her! There was no Itadori Kaori & Itadori Yuji tag! THAT IS STILL HIS MOM?! "But Kenjaku---" Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is still Kaori's body, right? If Choso states he has three parents, then Yuji can, too. Guess what, Kaori is his mother. People love to make sure others know Kenjaku and Suguru are separate people but what about Kaori? You don't think she was her own person?
From Wasuke's words and behavior, I figure she was different than how Kenjaku acted.
Also, with Delicious in Dungeon! I haven't even watched or read it and I have seen so many posts about how that one helmet guy had a lot of panty shots and loving it, yet I hear about people having problems with Falin and Marcille being sexualized? Makes no sense to me, it just doesn't.
It's like people in fandoms want something involving female characters just to bash those female characters.
Complex female characters - insult them
Female characters is written to have a variety of personalities and backstory - boring, shifts focus to more bland male characters
Female character exist with many characteristics - fandom focuses on one trait and make that her whole personality
Female character just exists - labeled just one single word, not worthy of any attention, post about her and someone will make it about a male character
Just... honestly, I feel like before you call a creator a "misogynist", how about taking a step back and observe how you treat female characters and understand the story in which those female characters come from?
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sinnamonsters · 1 year
Why your favourite Sparklecare patient SUCKS!! (and also why they're swag!)
I feel like in the Sparklecare community that it's been too long that people put characters on a binary scale of "asshole who deserves to explode" and "awesome person who i love and cherish no matter what", because the characters in the story are nuanced. Every single one of them has done bad and good (minus Cuddles and Mr. V of course) in the story and more people need to see that, so I'm here to put in some of the ups and downs of all the main patients.
Barry Incredibly smart and willing to help! Throughout the story, he's been shown to help the others with his intelligence time and time again, and the main patients wouldn't be able to do nearly as much without him.
BUT he's also very argumentative and refuses to take no for an answer, and egotistical, believing himself to be above everyone else because of his aforementioned intelligence. He also sometimes acts like what he's doing isn't wrong when it absolutely is.
Uni Very kind and caring for her friends, she's seen time and time again doing what she can for others, even Doom, someone who everyone else sees as an evil monster because he does the whole doctor thing, showing that she absolutely doesn't hold grudges, and can give people the chances that they deserve.
BUT she's also rude and messy, making backhanded jokes towards others, and refusing to clean up her space, even when others are present. And, she's very possessive, how she acts about Barry is incredibly selfish, and not how someone should go about having a crush on someone.
Caroline Loyal and clever! While Barry might be the book smarts of the cast, Carrie would be the street smarts, if you will. She knows how to talk to people to get what she and her friends need, and can make a damn good plan, considering how many times she's probably attempted to escape the hospital.
BUT she gets upset very easily, and holds grudges too much. You can see her acting mean to other patients constantly over other things that they've done, and seems to be against Uni wanting to be with Barry purely because of the times that he's been rude or otherwise mean.
Hemera She does her best to help everyone else stay alive! Even though her methods may be less than ideal, keeping the others from getting killed is ultimately a good thing. She's also been said in the cast page to help others with tech issues, so it's safe to assume that she also helps people with other problems!
BUT, as said before, her methods of helping others can be seen as bad by others, and has caused harm before. She's also controlling, wanting everything to go exactly the way she wants it to, and that everyone would see things exactly as she does.
Jay One of the most helpful patients in the hospital, Jay is a nice, caring, and creative person that helps everyone in (almost) any way that they can! Very friendly, Jay has very few patients in the hospital that actively dislike them, and for good reason.
BUT, yes, even Jay has their flaws! They're seen multiple times standing by, not doing anything for the others, even when it's most important. Just because they aren't doing anything, doesn't mean they're not doing anything wrong.
Does this mean any of these characters are 100% good people, or that they're bad people who deserve bad things?
Fuck no.
All of these characters have depth and nuance, not a single one can be put under a binary label of "good" or "bad", they all have their ups and downs, as we all do. Hell, I would've even gone into more of the characters, if I had the time.
You've been an asshole at one point or another. Does that make you a bad person? Do you not deserve love and care like everyone else does? No. Obviously not. And these characters aren't any different in that regard. So don't treat them like they are. Thank you.
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