#doesn’t change the facts
Cappinregina is really threatened by a troll blog. Ironic since that’s what she is.
Well, she sent a message and blocked me so she could avoid the truth.
It’s the hypocrisy for me.
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Stay pressed, Babe.
Anyway, way to be a bully and a coward just like the ppl you say Steve Rogers would have annihilated.
I’m sure there are some who might want to follow her instructions and hit up the blog that showed her the pic. I honestly don’t care that much.
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ka-du-trur · 1 year
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bluerosefox · 5 months
Gray and Graysons
One of the Bats has a secret. Something they never told to the others.
They were so very young but they have memories of a sibling, so small and tiny. They remember the burst of warmth they had in their heart when they held the tiny baby for just a moment.
But they weren’t allowed to keep them, their family couldn’t raise them. Money was tight, just enough for three but not for four, despite their shows always bringing in a crowd it was getting harder and harder for the world to be wowed by them in the new age and their sibling was too small and tiny and needed to be cared in a single place than for them to be on the road. Their lifestyle was not good for his tiny sibling apparently.
They had to watch as their parents gave his sibling away to people in suits, them promising to give his baby brother to a loving family when they find a ‘home’ for him. He watched his parents try to be strong only for his mother to break down once the car left down the road, his father holding her and apologizing, the rest of the circus troupe all silently coming over to give the heartbroken family condolences.
Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson had tears running down his face when he last saw his baby brother.
A brother he got to name before he had to be given away.
Daniel ‘Danny’ Grayson.
Dick never told the others. If anyone dug deep into his past they might find his brother’s birth records maybe, if someone got around to digitizing the paperwork for him but given the fact he was placed in the US childcare systems just a few days after his birth and the fact that Dick was still pretty young they most likely believed he didn’t remember his baby brother now. Not after so many years.
But they were wrong, Dick remembers. And he kept the secret close to his heart and memories.
And the only physical evidence he had was a single picture of him holding his brother, a smile on his tiny face towards their father who had taken the photo of them together. When he had lost his parents, lost most of the things that connected him to them, to his past in the circus that had been his whole life, had been taken from him in Gotham’s ruthless childcare system, he held on tight to the picture in secret. Hid it away from anyone trying to rip it from him, hid it from Bruce when the man took him in days later, hid it from Alfred despite how gentle the butler was towards him. He couldn’t, wouldn’t risk losing his photo at the time, he hadn’t trusted anyone and by the time he did he didn’t have the heart to reveal it.
So yes, the existence of his baby brother Danny was his most guarded and best kept secret.
So that’s why Dick, as Nightwing, nearly died from a heart attack when leaving a Justice League meeting he spotted a familiar face among one of the new engineers working in the Watchtower.
It was like seeing a young version of himself. Only, Dick could see that the young man was more than a copy of him, so much more than a clone. He held many traces of John Grayson but also had a bit more of Mary Grayson than Dick did. Small details that Dick foggely remembers taking note when he had held his baby brother.
“Hey, hurry up with that report Gray!” Shouted the head engineer from down the hall, his hand beckoning the young adult to come over.
“Coming! And boss, I told you Danny is fine!” Danny shouted back before hurriedly leaving a stunned Nightwing.
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doctorsiren · 7 days
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he’s mad she ratted him out
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edwinisms · 2 months
i get such a sense of primal envy when looking at edwin’s clothes up close because god you can just tell his coat is real wool and made to last and not cheap flimsy mass produced garbage and auggagghhhh that was just STANDARD in his time. by no means am i saying i was #borninthewronggeneration because i like having vaccines and household appliances but. man. to have a personally-tailored coat like that that’d last for years and years……. and fabrics of fine thread-dense quality………. if only
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naarlar · 3 months
I don’t get akeshu / shuake at all.
Like I get it from a typical “fandom loves the enemies to lovers trope” perspective but in all honesty I don’t get the insane brainrot the persona 5 fandom has for this ship.
Like do I think Joker cares for Akechi? Yes.
Do I think he was genuinely conflicted/tempted by Maruki’s ultimatum? Yes.
Do I think they have a genuine relationship and see a lot of themselves in each other and actually somewhat understand each other? Yes.
That being said, I really don’t see how anyone can look past the fact that Akechi tried to kill Joker. And okie fine enemies to lovers, fandom’s favorite ship aside, I don’t see how Joker can actually want a full on relationship (like romantic) with this dude when Futaba, Sojiro, and Haru are like right there?
This may just be me but I reallllllllly wouldn’t be friends with someone who is friends (hell forget even in a romantic relationship) with someone who horribly hurt me.
And I don’t think Joker loves Akechi more than Futaba, Sojiro, or Haru. Especially Sojiro and Futaba. Those two are like his family, and Akechi is responsible for their suffering.
Like… it’s kind of one or the other. Joker can’t be friends/dating Akechi without horribly betraying Futaba, Sojiro, and Haru. That’s just how I see it (but I’m open to hearing other perspectives!)
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harrowedsoup · 10 months
I think one of my favorite genre of Gideon fanart is ‘hey remember that everyone thought Gideon was scary in GtN??? Here is why!’
Because like. Gideon is Scary. We might see all that sad gooey center but Gideon has always been a war machine waiting for her time in the sun. It only takes her, what ? Maybe weeks or a couple months to be one of the best cavalier’s at Canaan? She defeated Magnus in three moves in her robes and weapons she’s unfamiliar with! ( Yes I know Magnus isn’t the best cavalier but the man still had more training than she had at that point) Even though she lost her training match with Naberius Tern it’s even stated that in a real fight she would have won.
I love Gideon to pieces and I really want more love to her darker side: Gideon ‘I love only my sword and boobs’ Nav is the exact same Gideon that almost choked Harrow out at age eleven and later murdered Crux.
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oscargender · 1 year
The way that Olrox’s heritage and romance completely recontextualized his character. We first meet him when he kills Julia, and that’s bad no matter how you look at it, right? Wrong. Julia is a white European who came to the Americas and killed Olrox’s Mohican lover. Olrox retaliated, which is bad, yes, but how else was he going to get justice? No government would ever try a vampire hunter for the murder of a vampire, and no government would prosecute a white woman for harming a Native American. People like her were committing a state-sanctioned genocide. Even the suggestion of legal justice is ridiculous on its face. Julia’s death was wrong in the sense that violence doesn’t solve violence, in the sense that revenge begets revenge, but that’s it IMO. Olrox didn’t go any further—he didn’t torture her, he didn’t kill her son, AFAIK he didn’t kill anyone else that day. The only time we see him kill another human is in France when he kills a European noblewoman, the exact kind of person who profited most from the violence inflicted on him and his people. What I’m saying is that I’m dead serious when I say Olrox did nothing wrong
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chandralia · 5 months
downplaying Deku’s obsessiveness and impulsiveness over Katsuki with “it could’ve been anyone” no it couldn’t hope this helps 🙏😇
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milsirils · 6 months
milsiril/mithrun is really funny when you put kabru into perspective like.. discovering the middle aged man you had to take care for a bit in order to get ur friends back knew your mom and is now dating her. like what do you do then. wdym he was living in our attic! DID YOU FUCK MY MOM CAPTAIN?!!
kabru being like “oh, well i’m glad mom is making friends and whatever helps captain mithrun with forming new desires..i guess” (he’s stayed up for the past three days in distraught)
i think because he’s such an observer he probably notices the little things before they say anything to him. like when mithrun and milsiril are spending and awfully amount of time together. they’re always sitting or standing really close to each other. they have a habit of touching each others arm or putting a hand on each others back. he offers her help around the house and in the kitchen. he’s getting to know her kids. when they’re baking something together and mithrun gets a bit of batter on his face so she softly cups his cheek wipes it off for him.
and he’s like ah hah captain mithrun and my mom r getting awfully close and touchy... oh surely not….
also side note: most of these aren’t always romantic in nature and i think since milsiril originally helped mithrun during his rehabilitation, closeness and being touchy probably isn’t that weird for them. but it’s obviously a bit more and to kabru he’s like hmmmmm. ALSO! it’s kinda crazy to imagine mithrun realizing he’s CRAVING her touch again. post canon at least.. but that’s just a side thought!
anyways, he pretty much figures it out himself before they have the chance to tell him. and one day (or maybe at dinner idfk) milsiril with mithrun slightly behind her is like kabru dear we have something to tell you and he’s like ohmygoddd.
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thranduel · 2 months
how was this monologue real
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miiroren · 2 years
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continuation of willel in vegas,, they successfully won (stole) money and got some pretty sick shades 💰😎🎰
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blackbatcass · 4 months
there is something so profoundly sad about jaderoy. like. at the end of the day. no matter what she did. no matter how different they are. despite everything else. when it’s all said and done.
jade loves him. and roy loves her.
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boysborntodie · 7 months
“I don’t talk about Palestine because I don’t like going into politics : /” fuck you. The existence of Muslims and MENA people has always been political to the West. Their lives and their deaths. Their happiness and anger and sorrow. Their love and hatred. Their sweat and blood and tears. Everything has always been reduced to politics when they are more than you could ever begin to comprehend. Palestine will be free. And so will Sudan and Pakistan and Lebanon and Yemen and Syria and every other country, place and people who suffer only for their pain to be called political by those responsible for and complicit in it
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clambuoyance · 1 year
I’m sure it’s because not many people know but kon actually has a lot of different sources for angst potential! He’s engineered to be a copy of earths greatest hero yet constantly struggling to find out who he is outside of a given purpose. He galavants around with the idea that he’s independent enough to be his own boss, but from the moment of his creation he’s been told who to be or exploited by the people he meets. He’s both treated like an adult yet punished for acting like a kid. He makes mistakes and often feels like a screw up but he gets up and tries again every time! He’s acts like the S symbol is both something he already deserves (because that’s what he was made for) yet acts as if he constantly has to prove he’s worthy. He didn’t have a name for the first years of his publication history, and for a long time he didn’t know how to be anything other than Superboy (and maybe he’s still figuring that out). He cried tears of joy when Superman finally gave him his very own Kryptonian name and verbally accepted him into the family, a testament to how important that journey of identity and belonging is to him. At the same time, why did it have to take so long?
His life is constantly being uprooted, and he can never settle in one place long enough to call it home. He deserves agency and stability, yet his life is often slipping out of his own control. He yearns for a mother or father, and maybe if he had one, he wouldn’t feel so lost. For a while, he thought he would never grow up and be who he needs to be, which is ironic given how many people are quick to call him immature. He cares so much for his friends and family, and he is pained when people leave and feels immensely guilty when he hurts the people he cares about. Regardless of what he may think, those people are happy to remind him that they think of him as family too and they’ll travel across time and space and to the ends of the earth for him.
Despite being created in a lab to be a copy of someone else, ironically he is brimming with a unique personality that is sometimes sought to be stifled. But he’s tied so much worth into who he’s supposed to be that shaking that foundation shakes his very core and is a source of insecurity. He acts so differently from Clark, yet so similarly as well. He wants to be Superman, but both emulates him and fights to be Different from him. He believes in seeing the good in people, even if it lands him into trouble, and though he may doubt it or question it he really is a hero at heart. He’s like Clark where it matters, but everything else—his personality and style, his connections to his friends and family, his struggles and triumphs—all of that is completely his own.
He may not have figured out everything it meant to be human, but he’s loved enough to die for it. To die would indeed be an awfully great adventure, but like J.M. Barrie said, “To live would be an awfully big adventure.” And Kon has certainly experienced it all, good and bad.
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thejasontoddarchives · 8 months
Brothers in Blood will trick you into thinking it’s just a silly crack scenario brought to life and Jason just concocted this plan for shits and giggles. Then you get a single page like this:
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Nightwing (1996-) #121
that reveals he wanted/desperately needed shreds of acceptance even if it was coated in layers of resentment irritation and doubt after going through this:
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Batman (1940-) #650
And it had to be from someone who isn’t Bruce
#jason todd#dick grayson#dc#brothers in blood#look sometimes people need to find the least vulnerable way to be vulnerable and this was that#because the fact is he is vulnerable but the last time he revealed that without undercutting the moment with jokes and giggles#it turned out fabulously wrong for him#if he distracts Dick as much as possible so he'll never find out how much of a mess he is right now or what he actually wants#he can still get that confirmation that Dick cares about him without risking something happening that would be his second final straw#even the telegram where he finally sort of reveals what this was about by thanking Dick for still having his back he has to make it wacky#the ww3 comic that preludes this is even more fascinating#because I do think the cover art is ... impactful?#Jason's holding the Nightwing suit in one hand and the red hood helmet in the other and looking solemnly at his Robin suit glass case#granted it is the pill helmet but still. anyway#he’s doing this not long after Bruce slit his throat and prior to that told Alfred to keep the glass case as in the cave in uth#because meeting Jason again changed nothing and he might as well still be dead to him so that uber-tombstone stays#ofc Jason never heard that convo but it's clear he put the pieces together by himself now while looking at the case#and he’s stranded as to what he should do + silently devastated#because he knows now that he doesn’t matter (in the only way that does matter) to the one person who was the most important in his life#after his parents were gone#so then he decides to come to Dick with this because he really is the only other person who was in his life if only very briefly#anyway that was just my interpretation of that cover but how Jason is actually written in the story is just … off in many ways#but yea#this page and that ww3 cover did kinda solidify what his motivation was for the brothers in blood arc#it was good#if only the execution of everything else was better … The premise/foundation was there
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