#does this qualify as an incorrect quote?
mistress-riddle · 11 days
tom riddle, sirius black, cedric diggory: i—
harry potter/everyone: blah, blah, blah, proper name, place name, backstory stuff.
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arab-sappho · 1 year
this is my favorite website ever like this is so silly and real
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gotticalavera · 2 years
The rumor
Ty Lee: Do you know the rumour?
Mai: It's another stupid rumor about my relationship with Zuko and Aang?
Ty Lee: They say that you can with both in... you know
Mai: That's weird... Aang always says he can handle both of us.
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kunveekuzushi · 9 months
Venti: Please help me save my dragon companion so he is no longer trying to fight me Zhongli: Please help me seal my dragon companion away again so he is no longer trying to fight me Yae: Please help me fight my archon companion so she is no longer trying to seal away her nation Nahida: Please help me save this person who is trying to fight me so he can be my companion Focalors: Please save my nation, dragon companion
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echonvoid · 2 years
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Look what I found hiding in a wip
I can apparently be funny sometimes (but holy shit it’s so stupid; an incredibly pleasant surprise)
Quote is from snapcube’s Until Dawn fandub (part 2)
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communistkenobi · 5 months
I’m reading Late Fascism by Alberto Toscano. I’m still on the first chapter, where he discusses various definitions of fascism and their usefulness for highlighting specific components of fascist rhetoric and organising. And I particularly like this section where he critiques and dismisses the “white-working-class” argument, ie, that the modern bases of fascism can be found in the white working class, who express this fascist consciousness through voting for right-wing politicians (and he is of course talking about the US, addressing this formation re: the Trump base):
This is why it is incumbent on a critical (or indeed anti-fascist) left to stop indulging in the ambient rhetoric of the white working-class voter as the subject-supposed-to-have-voted for the fascist-populist option. This is not only because of the sociological dubiousness of the electoral argument, or the enormous pass it gives to the middle and upper classes, or because of the tawdry forms of self-satisfied condescension it allows a certain academic or journalistic commentator or reader, or even the way it leads a certain left to indulge the fantasies 'if only we could mobilise them' and 'if only we had the right slogan'. Politically speaking, the working class as a collective body, rather than as a manipulated seriality, does not (yet) exist. To impute the subjectivity of a historical agency to a false political totality is not only to unwittingly repeat the unity trick of fascistic propaganda but also to suppose that emancipatory political forms and energies lie latent in social life. By way of provocation, we could adapt Adorno's statement, quoted earlier, to read: 'We may at least venture the hypothesis that the class identity of the contemporary Trump voter in a way presupposes the end of class itself.' A sign of this is the stickiness of the racial qualifier white in white working class. Alain Badiou once noted about the phraseology of ‘Islamic terrorism’ that when a predicate is attributed to a formal substance… it has no other consistency than that of giving an ostensible content to that form. In ‘Islamic terrorism’, the predicate ‘Islamic’ has no other function except that of supplying an apparent content to the word ‘terrorism’ which is itself devoid of all content (in this instance, political). Here whiteness is - not just at the level of discourse, but, I would argue, at the level of political experience - the supplement to a politically void or spectral notion of the working class; it is what allows a pseudo-collective agency to be imbued with a (toxic) psychosocial content. This is all the more patent if we note how, in both public debate and psephological [electoral] 'expertise', whiteness seems to be indispensable in order to belong to this ‘working class’, while any determinate relation to the means of production is optional at best. (pp 19-20)
His critique of the white-working-class argument, that ‘The Left’ has insufficiently persuaded this group and left them to be duped by ‘The Right’, is that in order to conceptualise the white working class as a coherent political group that has become aware of itself as a political group through right-wing (fascist) consciousness-raising, is to argue that fascist consciousness is a form of proletarian class consciousness. As he says, it’s not only incorrect in practical and factual terms, but makes an analytical error in assuming that fascists are primarily mobilising people with regard to their class position. This argument accepts the validity of the “populist” label as a horseshoe catch-all, that left-wing articulations of proletarian class consciousness are equivalent to right-wing articulations of a national/racial pseudo-consciousness.
And as he says, this is also not an argument about class at all - working class means nothing in this formulation, its primary function is to ground ‘white’ and give it apparent meaning. This is how he arrives at Adorno’s adapted formulation of ‘presupposing the end of class itself,’ as class holds no explanatory power and makes little reference to reality (it is only a ‘spectral notion’). In effect, it collapses ‘white’ into ‘working class’, making whiteness a prerequisite of belonging to the working class. This is a hilarious trick given that the white qualifier is at least partially meant to save the journalist or academic from accusations of assuming all working class people are white, but by emphasising whiteness with no regard to the class position that the white-working-class supposedly occupies, race is flattened into working class, reducing class to (the white) race.  
Of course, this conclusion is not derived from any serious analysis of racial histories and economic processes such as colonialism, where this race/class intertwining helps to explain and understand the lineage of race itself. I’m pulling now from Aníbal Quijano’s Coloniality of Power and Eurocentrism in Latin America, who argues that race functions as the organisational system of class in settler-colonial contexts; race refers to and gives shape to the class position in the means of production in settler-colonial societies, where positions such as “slave” and “slaveowner” as classes are enforced and systematised on the basis of race, naturalising class to the supposed “biological reality” of race.
Through this analysis of colonialism and race we see how even more absurd this white-working-class argument becomes, that it concludes that whiteness is a racial barrier of entry to the proletariat; in effect, very roughly inverting the racial logic of colonial capitalism in order to argue that poor whites are the base of fascism. Noticeably, this accepts the basic fascist argument that whites are an underclass being oppressed by a non-white ‘misfit’ bourgeoisie, who achieved their position through social manipulation, trickery, and liberal social justice programs like affirmative action. Where liberals depart from this formulation is merely to argue that a diverse ruling class is the result of meritocracy as opposed to social engineering.
This is a liberal articulation of fascism: an adoption of the fascist logic that races can be activated as a class, that race is a dormant social energy that can be activated in the minds of a white class, but this argument is used as a means of obscuring white supremacy as a tool of right-wing reaction and mobilisation by tacking on the qualifier of ‘working class’ at the end. In this way, working class becomes the qualifier to white, not the other way around, positioning fascism as a purely lower class phenomenon, something that afflicts only the poor whites, the stupid whites, the uneducated whites. This allows for the obfuscation of the bourgeois character of fascism, and provides fuel for “the tawdry forms of self-satisfied condescension it allows a certain academic or journalistic commentator,” many of whom are themselves white.
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so-many-ocs · 1 year
a guide to formatting dialogue (it's harder than you'd think!)
a request from instagram that i'm posting here. buckle up, because this is a long one!
if a spoken sentence ends in a period, don’t use a dialogue tag. either replace the period with a comma or replace the dialogue tag with a separate sentence indicating a related action or description.
incorrect: “I need to go.” he said.
even more incorrect: “I need to go.” He said.
correct: “I need to go,” he said. or “I need to go.” He pushed back his chair and stood.
this rule does not apply to other types of punctuation such as question marks or exclamation points.
leave the dialogue tag lowercase, no matter what. (proper nouns remain capitalized)
incorrect: “When are we leaving?” She asked. ("She asked" is not a complete sentence)
correct: “When are we leaving?” she asked. (the line of dialogue is included in the complete sentence)
when formatting dialogue, you can add natural pauses by breaking up a spoken line with a dialogue tag or an action.
correct: “Wait,” they said. “I feel like this is getting overly complicated.” (within the lines of dialogue, ‘wait’ is its own sentence, so you use a period after ‘they said.’ you can remove the dialogue tag and it would be written like this: “Wait. I feel like this is getting overly complicated.”)
also correct: “I’m running out of sentence ideas,” they muttered, shifting in place, “but writing doesn’t sleep and neither do I.” (if you wrote the dialogue without the tag and action, it would look like this: “I’m running out of sentence ideas, but writing doesn’t sleep and neither do I.” adding the dialogue tag lengthens the natural pause created by the comma. also it’s 3am while i’m writing this. “go to sleep,” you say. to which i say, “did you not read my example sentence?”)
still correct i think (probably but english grammar is a total bitch): “I am going to stop now—” Here, she began rummaging through her bag, before producing a slender vial filled with shimmering liquid, “—and show you something of great importance.” (if you removed the interrupting action, the sentence would be written like this: “I am going to stop now and show you something of great importance.” there is no comma, so the pause being added is for effect, rather than for grammatical purposes. use an em dash (two hyphens, formats like: —) or ellipses (...). additionally, the action is its own separate sentence, rather than being attached to the dialogue as a tag, so it is capitalized.)
an additional note on em dashes: if they are used in a sentence, be it for an interjection, an interruption, a pause, or a secret fourth thing, there is no space before or after the dash. here’s an example from my wip: “Now, though—and overnight, it seemed—the two were acting as a unit, leaving her on the outside.”
if, for whatever reason, a character is speaking in paragraphs, the formatting gets a bit wonky.
“This is going to be the shortest example paragraph ever, but here goes. I am going to write three sentences so this qualifies as a paragraph. Two sentences might also qualify, but I am nothing if not committed to the bit. “New paragraph,” she continued, “same speaker. Wow, look, I incorporated an earlier concept to demonstrate it in a different context. How cool is that? You should totally follow whoever is posting such great writing advice.”
there is no end quote after the first paragraph, but there is a start quote at the beginning of the second paragraph. the end quote comes whenever the speaker is finished. why? i have no idea; i didn’t invent the english language, i just work here.
you can use colons and semicolons in dialogue. it gets a bit awkward, but we’ve just covered paragraph formatting, so how hard can it be?
correct: He asked: “What on earth are you talking about?” (colon in place of a comma when a dialogue tag is placed before the dialogue)
also correct: They said, “It’s getting late, isn't it?” (comma when a dialogue tag is placed before the dialogue)
incorrect: “What on earth are you talking about?”: he asked. (the question mark functions as a comma and eliminates the need for a colon. also, as a rule of thumb, the ending punctuation does not get placed outside of the quotation marks)
still incorrect: He asked; “What on earth are you talking about?” (use a comma)
you can also use colons and semicolons within lines of dialogue (as you would in a normal sentence)
stylistic choices
you do not have to use quotation marks in dialogue, but whatever you choose to do, do it consistently.
For example, some writers format their dialogue in italics, they said. But grammatical and punctuation rules still apply.
Others don’t use italics and just hope people can spot the dialogue or action tags, she supplied. This can get a bit confusing, but I think that’s the point.
— Some use dashes to indicate the start of a line of dialogue, and, of course, the standard varies from place to place and language to language.
‘Still more use single quotes,’ he offered, ‘though I’m not sure why. Maybe it looks better.’
that's it for now! really, you could probably write a book on this topic alone, and cover every minute detail of grammar within dialogue (how would one format an interrobang, i wonder?), but here's a kind-of-basic-but-still-dense guide :)
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blue1lotus · 5 months
TMNT incorrect quotes
Mikey: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.  Leo, crying: Wasn’t Raph with you?  Raph: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Raph: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Raph: What must it be like to live in your head? Are there happy ponies in there? It’s really something how utterly delusional your optimism is. If I didn’t hate you so much, I might even be impressed.  Mikey: Huzzah! I got a heavily qualified and slightly sarcastic compliment from Raph!
Casey: Three of the four elements are represented as types of hockey. Air hockey, ice hockey, and field hockey. Fire hockey needs to be a thing.  Donnie: Fire hockey absolutely does NOT need to be a thing.  Casey: Do you care NOTHING for the balance of the four elements?!
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familyabolisher · 2 years
🔥 fanfiction
the distinction between what does and does not constitute ‘fanfiction’ is almost entirely dependent on site of publishing/identification as such on the part of the author. whilst ‘dante’s inferno is fanfiction’ is an incorrect statement because it misunderstands the relation between the commedia and its plethora of source materials & misattributes this relation to what is in fact a contemporary phenomenon that exists relative to the rise of IP, this is v rarely the terrain that people are fighting on because the ‘is/is not fanfiction’ property is applied as a metric of quality rather than a value-neutral statement about the political economy of a prose text. (ie. inferno/the commedia is ‘not fanfiction’ because it’s Good—under a particular metric which defers to hegemony—your 400k destiel coffee shop omegaverse au etc etc could Never be dante because it lacks an intellectual quality with which dante has been imbued—do you see what i mean about quality being the qualifying metric here, rather than the actual nature of the text? plausibly, under this framework, someone could write fanfiction of a quality sufficient to transcend the category of ‘fanfiction’ and become, in fact, ‘canonical.’ by this logic, there exists a scale of objective ‘quality’ running from ‘fanfiction’ to ‘canonical’ such that that is what those categories describe. like, you see why this is incoherent.) anyway, these are silly terms to fight on & i think key to an actual politics of literature (far beyond this v parochial argument) is interrogating all the assumptions about meritocracy + artistic value + particular forms of ‘publishing’ as legitimising or delegitimising a work that seem to be making up the base of this discourse whilst managing to go totally uninterrogated.
also, it’s very weird that people treat fanfiction as a wholly discrete category completely shut off from the critical practices we bring to our understanding of what gets called ‘real’ literature (which is in itself a very poorly thought-out umbrella). fanfiction does have significant reactionary currents running through its attached culture and it’s dishonest and lazy to try and dismiss that fact, but there exists a particular cognitive dissonance which jumps from here to the idea that the way we ought to think about ‘difficult’ subject matter in our ‘real’ literature (as deployed to a particular end that could look like any number of things far beyond the boundary of tacit or explicit endorsement; as potentially unethical in its depiction, but also as potentially thoughtful and discursive and ethically viable) has no crossover into how we can think about fanfiction. the idea that fanfiction alone is a discrete category in which everything depicted makes for a 1:1 articulation of the real-life ethics of the author with no possible room for ambiguity of the kind that we allow other forms of prose fiction is as silly as saying that lolita is sufficient evidence for vladimir nabokov having been a pedophile, and leaves us with a stupidly limited and pretty easily refutable scope for what fanfiction actually is and does.
that being said, hot take #3 is that people interested in fanfiction & how it can be situated within a discourse of literary criticism & production need to be prepared to actually address the fact that the culture around it can be vv reactionary, most often racist, and decrying all criticism as coming from quote-unquote “antis” (silly term) or as people trying to project “moralism”/“puritanism” onto a fandom space is itself also racist.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Incorrect quotes
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: use this [edit: forgot the link] incorrect quotes generator to generate incorrect quotes for your OCs!
Hehe I love this one
Ash: Noelle, I know you love Jedi. I mean, we all do, he's a very nice person and I respect him immensely.
Ash: But I think he might be a fucking idiot.
Jedi: You borrowed a crane?
Robbie: Not exactly.
Gwen: You stole a crane?!
Robbie: Exactly.
Robbie: Hey Rose, do you have any hobbies?
Rose: Swimming..
Robbie: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to-
Rose: In a pool of self hatred and regret.
Noelle: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery!
Robbie: This unmitigated poppycock?
Akash: Extravagant hogwash!
Noelle: Okay, stop.
Rose: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking.
Robbie: Huh?
Rose: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid just to piss me off. So cut it out-
Robbie: I love you.
Robbie: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup.
Rose: I KNEW IT!!
Kelsey: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth.
Gwen: Why?
Kelsey, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because.
Lexi: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!
Kelsey: Apparently, we're not.
Gwen: Hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight?
Ash: Why?
Gwen: Lexi fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours.
Akash: Robbie doesn't know how to banish spirits, so he just threw salt at them and yelled "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Lexi, on the phone: What’s up, Gwen?
Gwen: I’m sitting in a pool of blood.
Lexi: …Um, is it YOUR blood?
Gwen: I think so.
Lexi: Do you know where the blood’s coming from?
Gwen: Probably the stab wound.
Gwen: Oh, yeah, definitely.
Akash: Don’t stay up all night, Carmen. Last time you got this sleep-deprived, you tried to eat your own shirt.
Maddie: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
Robbie: I have seen a lot of murders in my time, and all six of them were today.
Carmen: *mixing different alcoholic beverages together*
Gwen: What are you making?
Carmen: A mistake.
Noelle: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Maddie: We could attack them with hummus.
Noelle: I stand corrected.
Maddie: Just keeping things in perspective.
This was awesome
Tagging @leahnardo-da-veggie @mk-writes-stuff @melpomene-grey @lesleymoonwriter @winterandwords
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
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canmom · 3 months
(Me again! Previously I had bothered you in DMs about an article, but figured it might be better to send an ask in this case.) On the topic of environmental concerns, I did have a question about James Hansen's 'Global Warming in the Pipeline' which was published last year. A previous (and rather bleak) Medium article you analyzed had cited this particular paper as proof that we're on track to exceed 3C in our lifetimes, even if emissions were to suddenly halt today. https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/ha09020b.html Since this paper has now passed peer review, what exactly does this mean in simplistic terms? I understand this means that the climate scientists that have analyzed the paper agree with what it states (and see no issues with it's logic), but does it actually mean we'll reach 4C by 2100? Or have I misunderstood what this is stating? The only way I see this not being the case is if somehow Hansen's paper later turns out to be incorrect (which seems unlikely).
I also understand that the paper heavily advocates for a level of geoengineering, which I think is a better alternative to letting a large majority of people suffer, but I'm not sure if you have any opinions on when you think that'd be best to do.
oooh, i've put off answering this because it's perhaps a bit above my pay grade, but let's see
so as far as passing peer review - it's hard to say how robust that is in terms of whether you should believe its conclusions. it depends a lot on the field, the reviewers, and so on - papers are retracted frequently, even if the initial round of reviewers advised to publish.
in climate science we are engaged in a spectacularly difficult modelling task. this paper also speaks on a pretty broad range of subjects. let me quote the full abstract, adding some paragraph breaks:
Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change yields Charney (fast-feedback) equilibrium climate sensitivity 1.2±0.3°C (2σ) per W/m2, which is 4.8°C±1.2°C for doubled CO2. Consistent analysis of temperature over the full Cenozoic era — including 'slow' feedbacks by ice sheets and trace gases — supports this sensitivity and implies that CO2 was 300-350 ppm in the Pliocene and about 450 ppm at transition to a nearly ice-free planet, exposing unrealistic lethargy of ice sheet models. Equilibrium global warming for today's GHG amount is 10°C, which is reduced to 8°C by today's human-made aerosols. Equilibrium warming is not 'committed' warming; rapid phaseout of GHG emissions would prevent most equilibrium warming from occurring. However, decline of aerosol emissions since 2010 should increase the 1970-2010 global warming rate of 0.18°C per decade to a post-2010 rate of at least 0.27°C per decade. Thus, under the present geopolitical approach to GHG emissions, global warming will exceed 1.5°C in the 2020s and 2°C before 2050. Impacts on people and nature will accelerate as global warming increases hydrologic (weather) extremes. The enormity of consequences demands a return to Holocene-level global temperature. Required actions include: (1) a global increasing price on GHG emissions accompanied by development of abundant, affordable, dispatchable clean energy, (2) East-West cooperation in a way that accommodates developing world needs, and (3) intervention with Earth's radiation imbalance to phase down today's massive human-made 'geo-transformation' of Earth's climate. Current political crises present an opportunity for reset, especially if young people can grasp their situation.
As I've split it, the first paragraph is a quantitative statement about equilibrium warming, which is the paper's scientific contribution. The second paragraph adds some qualifiers about the expected trajectory "under the present geopolitical approach". The third para is a political argument - a 'what is to be done' type statement.
That's a lot to cover in one paper! It also invites different kinds of approaches to peer review. A scientist reviewing the first half of this paper would be making a technical analysis: do Hansen et al look at the right data, analyse it rigorously, etc. etc.
Why is this all so complicated? Well, lots of things change on Earth when it gets hotter and colder. The amount of cloud coverage, the amount of ice, the way the oceans mix hot and cold water, etc. etc., the amount of dust and soot in the air from forest fires - all of this affects how much energy comes into the atmosphere, how much gets reflected into space, etc etc.
The main things that the paper talks about are...
the equilibrium climate sensitivity: basically, if you add a bunch of extra energy to the system (what climate scientists call 'forcing'), once everything settles down, what temperature do you end up at, per unit of forcing?
the speed of various feedbacks - how quickly the clouds, ice, etc. etc. change in response to the forcing, which determines how quickly you approach this final equilibrium temperature. Knowing which feedbacks are fast and slow is important since it tells us what we can expect to happen when we cut CO2 emissions.
It's naturally a pretty involved discussion and I don't pretend to have the background to follow all the ins and outs of it, but Hansen et al. use various lines of evidence to try to assess these parameters, see how they affect climate models, and the like. They perform an analysis of how temperature and estimated CO2 varied during the Cenozoic era, and there's a section on estimating the effects of aerosols, both natural and human-made.
On the subject of aerosols, Hansen et al. suggest that previous climate models may have made two mistakes that cancelled each other out:
Recent global warming does not yield a unique ECS [Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity] because warming depends on three major unknowns with only two basic constraints. Unknowns are ECS, net climate forcing (aerosol forcing is unmeasured), and ocean mixing (many ocean models are too diffusive). Constraints are observed global temperature change and Earth’s energy imbalance (EEI) [80]. Knutti [150] and Hansen [75] suggest that many climate models compensate for excessive ocean mixing (which reduces surface warming) by using aerosol forcing less negative than the real world, thus achieving realistic surface warming.
What they're saying here is, though we have a pretty good idea of how much CO2 we put in the atmosphere, since we don't have a good measure of aerosols we don't actually know for sure how much energy humans were adding to the atmosphere. Like, CO2 adds energy, but sulfur dioxide reflects it away.
There's three unknown parameters here, and two constraints (things we can calculate for definite). We use a model to tell us one of those unknowns (the ocean stuff), and that allows us to tune the effect of aerosols until our model Earth matches our measurements of the real Earth. But, if our ocean model is wrong, then we end up wrongly estimating the effect of aerosols.
The upshot is that aerosols have been a bigger deal than we thought, and as the world cleans up the atmsophere and removes the amount of aerosols, the rate of warming will increase. It's definitely plausible - but it's such a complicated system that there could easily be some other nuance here.
I won't try to summarise every point in the paper but it's that kind of thing that they're arguing about here. This isn't a mathematical proof, though! Since it's touching on a huge range of different parameters, trying to draw together lots of different lines of evidence, there is still a fair bit of room for nuance. It's not so simple as 'Hansen et al. are right' or 'Hansen et al. are wrong' - they could be wrong about one thing and right about another.
To say they've passed peer review is to say that they've done as reasonable a job as anyone can expect to try and figure out this kind of messy problem. However, other scientists may still take issue with one or another claim. It's not as definitive as a maths paper.
That said, Hansen's arguments all seem pretty plausible to me. The tools he uses to assess this situation are sensible and he talks about cases where things weren't as expected (he thought that improved climate models would change in a different way, and they didn't). But while I know enough about the subject to be able to largely follow what he's saying, I'm not confident saying whether he's right.
The second half takes on a different tone...
This section is the first author’s perspective based on more than 20 years of experience on policy issues that began with a paper [179] and two workshops [180] that he organized at the East-West Center in Hawaii, followed by meetings and workshops with utility experts and trips to more than a dozen nations for discussions with government officials, energy experts, and environmentalists. The aim was to find a realistic scenario with a bright energy and climate future, with emphasis on cooperation between the West and nations with emerging or underdeveloped economies.
So this is more of a historical, political analysis section, addressing why we are on this trajectory and why scientists may be institutionally underestimating the threat ('scientific reticence', 'gradualism' and so on). Well, more precisely, it's a polemic - a scientifically informed polemic, but this is basically an editorial stapled to the science part of the paper.
This includes an account of how a previous paper ('Ice Melt') led by Hansen was reviewed, and sidelined by other scientists, for what Hansen considers unsound reasons. It leads into something of an impassioned plea by Hansen addressed at his fellow scientists, complete with rhetorical questions:
Climate science reveals the threat of being too late. ‘Being too late’ refers not only to warning of the climate threat, but also to technical advice on policy implications. Are we scientists not complicit if we allow reticence and comfort to obfuscate our description of the climate situation? Does our training, years of graduate study and decades of experience, not make us well-equipped to advise the public on the climate situation and its policy implications? As professionals with deep understanding of planetary change and as guardians of young people and their future, do we not have an obligation, analogous to the code of ethics of medical professionals, to render to the public our full and unencumbered diagnosis? That is our objective.
This leads into Hansen's proposal for how to get out of this mess: a price on carbon dioxide, nuclear power, and rushing to research geoengineering such as spraying salt water in the air. And then e.g. specific political proposals, like 'a political party that takes no money from special interests', ranked choice voting and so on.
Naturally this is a lot harder to take technical issue with. It's more like an editorial. As a reviewer you'd probably say it's worth publishing because it's well argued, etc. etc., without necessarily agreeing with every one of Hansen's proposals. You can say 'that obviously wouldn't work' and so on, but it's a different kind of argument.
So re your questions:
does it actually mean we'll reach 4C by 2100?
If Hansen et al. are right, the IPCC reports are underestimating the equilibrium we approach for the current amount of CO2 in the atmosphere - which would lead to 2°C well before 2050, so 4°C by 2100 seems plausible (I didn't spot a timeline that goes that far in the paper when I skimmed through but I could have missed it).
This isn't the amount of warming that will happen, because the Earth has many systems which gradually scrub CO2 from the atmosphere. If we stopped pumping out CO2 suddenly, the amount of CO2, and the amount of extra energy it adds, would gradually decline. So we wouldn't necessarily approach that equilibrium. On the other hand, the amount of CO2 forcing is only going up as things currently stand - and if the amount of forcing stayed the same, Hansen says it would eventually deglaciate Antarctica, leading to over 10°C of warming.
But working out what will actually happen by 2100 depends on a lot of modelling assumptions - how long do you assume we keep pumping out CO2? Hansen addresses this when talking about the subject of 'committed warming':
‘Committed warming’ is less precisely defined; even in the current IPCC report [12] (p. 2222) it has multiple definitions. One concept is the warming that occurs if human-made GHG emissions cease today, but that definition is ill-posed as well as unrealistic. Do aerosol emissions also cease? That would cause a sudden leap in Earth’s energy imbalance, a ‘termination shock,’ as the cooling effect of human-made aerosols disappears. A more useful definition is the warming that will occur with plausibly rapid phasedown of GHG emissions, including comparison with ongoing reality. However, the required ‘integrated assessment models,’ while useful, are complex and contain questionable assumptions that can mislead policy (see Perspective on policy implications section).
So, will we reach 4C by 2100? We can only phrase this question in a conditional way: if we continue to add this much energy, then...
In practice we will probably end up reducing our emissions one way or another - which is to say, if our present complex societies collapse, they ain't gonna be emitting much carbon anymore...
I also understand that the paper heavily advocates for a level of geoengineering, which I think is a better alternative to letting a large majority of people suffer, but I'm not sure if you have any opinions on when you think that'd be best to do.
The way things are going, I think it's likely that people will try geoengineering when the climate-related disasters really start to ramp up, so whether or not they should ends up kind of besides the point.
Hansen doesn't really advocate a specific programme to pursue - only one paragraph in the whole paper talks about geoengineering:
Highest priority is to phase down emissions, but it is no longer feasible to rapidly restore energy balance via only GHG emission reductions. Additional action is almost surely needed to prevent grievous escalation of climate impacts including lock-in of sea level rise that could destroy coastal cities world-wide. At least several years will be needed to define and gain acceptance of an approach for climate restoration. This effort should not deter action on mitigation of emissions; on the contrary, the concept of human intervention in climate is distasteful to many people, so support for GHG emission reductions will likely increase. Temporary solar radiation management (SRM) will probably be needed, e.g. via purposeful injection of atmospheric aerosols. Risks of such intervention must be defined, as well as risks of no intervention; thus, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences recommends research on SRM [212]. The Mt. Pinatubo eruption of 1991 is a natural experiment [213, 214] with a forcing that reached [30] –3 W/m2. Pinatubo deserves a coordinated study with current models. The most innocuous aerosols may be fine salty droplets extracted from the ocean and sprayed into the air by autonomous sailboats [215]. This approach has been discussed for potential use on a global scale [216], but it needs research into potential unintended effects [217]. This decade may be our last chance to develop the knowledge, technical capability, and political will for actions needed to save global coastal regions from long-term inundation.
He says 'we need to research this more to figure out the risks, since we'll probably have to do it' basically. Climate researchers have historically been reluctant to advocate geoengineering for fear it will be mistaken as a way to solve the climate problem without reducing GHG emissions, so honestly seeing them suggest it now maybe brings to light the atmosphere of desperation in the field.
Unfortunately, when talking about politics and economics, Hansen is on much less firm ground than when he's picking apart the intricacies of climate feedbacks. He clearly wants to try to discourage doomerism, and he's rightly critical of cap-and-trade and similar schemes, but he has his specific political fixations and what he suggests is all a bit unconvincing as a programme. I don't say this because I've got a better idea, though.
The problem is that the future is really hard to predict. It's bad enough when it's climate systems, but humans are even more complicated little nonlinear freaks. This isn't a new problem for Hansen's paper. I am pessimistic enough by nature that I don't really trust my ability to predict what we will do when climate change gets more severe. Hopefully by the time we finally decide to stop kicking the can down the road, there will still be something to be done.
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4-hour-naps · 10 months
Tom Cardy lyrics as incorrect Dazai quotes from every song
In order of most fun/fitting. I feel uniquely qualified to make this. But I add more unnecessary commentary as we go.
Big Breakfast
“Hey Patricia can you bring me a kitchen sink so I can drown myself infront of all your clientele”
Artificial Intelligence
“So i guess that i feel a little sad, that i can't feel all the ways it feels to be human”
Perception Check
“you’re a short motherfucker and nobody likes you”
Why am I Anxious
“I would try to do anything to make my life feel better, except anything that my life feels better”
High Five
“Could it be me buyin' everyone a round of Fireball, but then drinkin' them all. And then tellin' your girlfriend that you're cheatin' on her with me” (This whole part tbh)
The Ballad of Smoking Joe Rudeboy
“I know that their packing heat, and I know they know I’m the man to beat”
Mixed Messages
“I’m really sorry for punching your dad in the dick I won’t do it again…I ball up my other hand and punch your dad in the dick again” (does anyone even have a dad in bsd)
Business Man
“Ahh! You shot me in the leg!” (Like he could’ve said literally have said this, bonus: “no, you’ve got a dumb name”)
“Have you checked your butthole” (specifically after the grandma dies part. I can see him doing this to Kuni for like a week straight, purposely hiding stuff just to say it)
Read Between the Lines
“please don’t misunderstand me I’ll always leave you a clue” (the clue in question only Ranpo understands)
Big Dumb Idiot
“Light on my feet as I sneak into your house, be a giant fuckin' idiot, then sneak back out”
Hey I don’t work here
“That way I could teach your kid to drown in front of you” (he is an expert… or is he?… I mean cause he..)
.・゜゜・ things get a little iffy here ・゜゜・.
Paint That Lady
“Do you want to be my lady? I want to raise your babies. My only job is to pleasure you” (Lying through his teeth to get laid)
Carol Brown
“Mimi will no longer see me. Brittany, Brittany hit me. Paula, Persephone stela and Stephanie. There must be fifty ways that lovers have left me” (womanizer king /j)
Get Louis Theroux
“I was being to feel 👹 omnipotent👹” (okay maybe he wouldn’t but… like to scare Chuuya or smth? Idk I just like this part okay??)
Party Dog
“So kiss the ring motherfucker and then I’ll let you stay”
Beautiful Mind
“I, know, so sit back and enjoy thе show” (said after he has crafted the most devious of schemes)
Your Love is Not Enough
“You’re love is not enough, give me some really cool shit”
Call Your Mother
“You've got the power to be a massive sick cunt” (somehow trying to encourage atsushi)
Monster Truck
“I’ll stab you in the face bitch” (? To Mori idk)
・゜゜・.I struggled with these songs ・゜゜・.
Naughty or Nice
“When he thinks no one is watching, I’m watching” (uhh.. )
“I use emojis to deflect” (he would)
Future of Humanity
“Spit in my mouth for mankind” (I will not be taking feedback here)
Red Flags
“You know the deal (Pucker up)” (did I just pick this bc it’s funny? Yes)
(That’s all the songs on Spotify + perception check, there are probs other unreleased songs but)
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foxtricksterwriting · 3 months
Duality Incorrect Quotes
Ft; my mcs Rasa and Tytus!
Tags: @dualityvn
Tenebris: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking.
Tytus: Huh?
Tenebris: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid just to annoy me. So cut it out-
Tytus: I love you.
Tytus: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup.
Tenebris: I knew it.
Tytus: the path to inner peace starts with four words
Tytus: not my fucking problem
Keith: Rasa, is that my mug you're drinking out of?
Rasa: ...No, it's mine.
Keith: It… looks just like the one I have.
Rasa: You don't have one like this anymore.
Rasa: Wanna go to Waffle House for waffles and violence?
Keith: Violence???
Rasa: It’s Wednesday
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artzychic27 · 2 years
Family Guy incorrect quotes?
Nathaniel: Hi, my name’s Nathaniel Kurtzberg. My mom’s car just broke down. Could we use your phone?
Adrien: Now my trouble are all through… I have… A… Jew…
Nathaniel: Hey!
Denise: Fine, I’ll do it tomorrow right after my job as a zoo keeper with very muscular thighs.
*Cue cutaway!*
Denise: Thigh there, nice to see you all! Now as you can see right here, *Gestures to their right thigh* and here *Gestures to their left thigh* I am qualified to be a zoo keeper. *Gestures to a parrot* This is my friend, Frederick, and I am sure you’re all wondering how much I can squat. For that answer, you’ll have to go to my Instagram, YourThighness99. Now, I’d like to open up the floor for questions.
Rose: *Raises hand* Yes, what food does the bird-
Denise: Not about the bird! Now, who wants to see me jump over this fence from a standing start? Lemme scooch these shorts up a little thigher. *Rolls their shorts up and jumps over the fence*
Parrot: So, everyone happy they went to the zoo? No? Well, that’s the zoo.
Ivan: Alright, so we roll the dice, and then we both have to yell ‘Yahtzee’ really loud.
Kim: At the same time?
Ivan: Yeah, and you have to flap your wrists like this. *Flaps his wrists*
Kim: And you’ll do it, too?
Ivan: Of course, that’s how it’s done.
Kim: Okay.
Ivan: Alright, ready?
Kim: And you’re gonna do it with me?
Ivan: Oh yeah. *Rolls the dice*
Kim: *Flaps his wrists* YAHTZEE!
Ivan: Gay.
Kim: You suck!
Félix: Ello, I’d like to join the Air Force.
Pilot: What are your qualifications?
Félix: I speak in a British accent, I don’t brush my teeth, I’m possibly homosexual, and my wife is ghastly!
Pilot: *Gives Félix and aviator helmet* Bombs away!
Kim: Hey, Ismael. How about I teach you how to swim?
Ismael: Go... away... Kim. *Kim picks him up* Aah! What do you think you're doing? No means no! *He hangs on Kim’s arm while Kim tries to get him in the pool*
Kim: Come on, Ismael! In... the... pool!
Ismael: No! No, I don't want to die! I want to live! Live!
Marc: *Holds a crushed spider web in his fist* This is the most perfectly destroyed spider web.
Austin A: Where's the spider?
Marc: Knock, knock!
Austin A: Who's there?
Marc: I ate him!
Tom: But you know, I was just thinking this afternoon, what the hell happened to the days when a guy does something like that to a girl, and a bunch of us guy get together and just go kick his fucking ass?
Roger: Boy, that’d be satisfying.
Alim: Well… Why not?
Ismael: Come on, Jean! You owe me! You remember what I did for you last week?
*Last week*
Jean: *Singing* Sighing softly to the river comes the loving breeze. Setting nature all aquiver rustling through the trees.
Ismael: *Ballerina walks out from behind a tree* Through the trees…
Ismael: You watch that tone, Austin Q! Or I’ll get Zoé and Cosette over here to kick your butt!
Zoé: Is there a problem here?
Cosette: Yeah, you need us to use our fists?
Kim: Max, there’s a message in my alphabet soup! It says “oooooo”.
Max: Kim, those are Cheerios
Jean: I wish I was Beyoncé.
Ismael: So, anyway, here's Jean walking through the park minding his own business. I just happened to be there with my video camera, when a ninja shows up!
*In the video, Simon, dressed in a ninja costume leaps out from behind a tree and pretends to attack Jean with a katana before cartwheeling away*
Ismael: And then a devil came!
*Marc in a devil costume jabs Jean with his pitchfork, throws black dust at him, and runs off while Jean falls to the ground as if in pain*
Ismael: And then an evil pots-and-pans robot!
*Then Ismael wearing a bunch of pots and pans on his body arrives and fires at Jean with a fake ray gun*
Ismael in video: Destroy. Destroy. *Jean falls to the ground, seemingly unconscious*
Ismael: I imagine you're probably wondering what happened to the body... Well, we thought of that.
*Ismael runs back behind the camera and continues filming*
Ismael in video: Oh, no, Jean is dead! Wait. We might still be able to save... Oh, no! *Hums the Jurassic Park theme as he puts a toy dinosaur in front of the camera and has it pretend to eat Jean*
*The video cuts off and Ismael turns to Austin T with a solemn expression*
Ismael: We are so, so sorry for your loss.
Austin T: Is this a joke?
Ismael: I wish it were, Austin T. I wish it were a joke. But these things happen, you know? You go for a walk in the park one day and redhead ninjas and gay devils, and short pots-and-pans robots show up to kill you, and dinosaurs show up to eat the remains. You've seen the news.
Lila: Hello. As you all know, I’m Lila Rossi.
Marinette: Booo. Boo, Lila Rossi. Boo.
Lila: I wanna read a few words-
Marinette: Boo. Liar. Boo, Lila Rossi, booo…
Lila: Anyway, I want to-
Marinette: Boo. Apologize somewhere else. Boo. Boo, Lila, boo.
Nathaniel: *After he and Cosette have fought and horribly injured a mob of students* It was… A joke!
Denise/Cosette/Alya/Max/Nino/Austin B: *Sitting on a sofa and crying as a woman sitting in front of them stirs her tea*
Max: It was a trap.
Austin B: Everything on Groupon is just a trick to Get Out black people.
*They all sink into the couch*
Cosette: Ahh, we’re sinking!
Nino: And now to throw this handful of change down, because I’m a psychopath. *Throws change off the side of the building*
Austin Q: Aah! Damn it!
Ismael: Thank you!
Rooster Bold: Who the hell are you? Go away!
Nino: Oh, I’m sorry, are you taking a rooster shit?
Rooster Bold: I’m not defecating, you weirdo! I’m laying an egg! *Lays a golden egg*
Nino: *Gasps* A golden egg! This is what famous black rappers probably eat for breakfast!
Austin A: Well, you can’t have my rooster!
Rooster Bold: Okay, two men fighting over me. Neat.
Lawyer: Your honor, citizens of Paris, and visitors from AU Paris, my client, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, is the victim of flagrant intellectual theft.
Canon!Kim: *Whispers to Canon!Max* I’m whispering in court to look smart.
Lawyer: But it’s not just the main writing that’s been plagiarized. Several other show variations, scripts, and design elements have been similarly infringed, resulting again and again in pale imitations, cheap copies, clumsy counterfeits, and weak substitutions.
Canon!Marinette: You like stalking boys?
SB&IB!Marinette: … Never talk to me again.
Canon!Marinette: I don’t think we’re very similar.
Canon!Nino: You know why they got us sitting next to each other.
SB&IB!Nino: Uh, ‘cause we’re the two funniest guys in our cities?
Canon!Nino: Damn right!
Canon!Nathaniel: I’m a Jewish artist.
SB&IB!Nathaniel: I’m a Jewish artist moonlighting as a villain.
Canon!Nathaniel: What?
SB&IB!XY: Are you an emotionally abused pop star?
Canon!XY: Yes, I am.
SB&IB!XY: Are you a “cool” emotionally abused popstar? *Holds up Bob Roth’s credit card*
Canon!XY: I, uh… I like to think so. *Leaves the court room with SB&IB!XY*
Kim: *After Austin Q hits the back of his head* Ow! What the hell?! That really hurts!
Austin Q: No it doesn’t! I do it to Austin T all the time!
Kim: You hit him? That’s insane! No wonder he’s so touch starved, claustrophobic, and doesn’t know how a school works!
Austin Q: That's Adrien!
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kiigan · 3 months
incorrect quotes @kyuusou/Gai said: “You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?” Gai joked, swinging an arm around the Uchiha’s shoulder.
ㅤFor as loud and vibrant as it is, Gai's presence is one very peaceful, inherently. Exactly because he is so loud and vibrant, it's easy to perceive him coming almost from two streets away, and therefore it's never a surprise. That and, whereas usually Itachi is never too happy with unprompted touch from strangers [not to say Gai is a stranger, but you know!], the legendary sensei is an exception in this, just as much. Because he is so genuine in his affection, so pure, so effortlessly comforting. How many people would dare to act this casual around the village's most infamous criminal and murderer? It can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and not all fingers will be needed.
«You have challenged me - would that qualify as a threat?»
ㅤFalling into the banter so naturally, therefore, Itachi smiles and does absolutely nothing to remove that cheeky arm; in fact, may or may not lean into the hold ever so slightly. Who would have guessed that criminals and murderers can also be incredibly touch-starved. It doesn't hinder his current task, namely, to carry in his own arms the bag of groceries he just purchased and continue his way back home.
«Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to try harder to impress me. Usually, I'm the one making the threats.»
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Find out more about the price of remodeling your bathroom in Los Angeles.
Getting ready to renovate? Do you think you need additional details before you can approve remodeling your bathroom? Structura Remodeling's staff is available to help you. We have over 16 years of experience providing precise estimates for bathroom renovations, so we are aware of all the little nuances that go into designing a dream California bathroom. We'll look at the typical price of a California bathroom makeover in Los Angeles today.
When determining the cost of a bathroom renovation, there are a few important factors to take into account.
1. Bathroom Size - The amount of materials and labor required to renovate your bathroom will depend on its size. Knowing your bathroom's dimensions will help you determine how much flooring, cabinetry, etc. will cost. You have the most chance to control the budget at this point. The cost of your bathroom redesign will depend on the quality, price, and value of your cabinetry, flooring, and fixtures.
2. Los Angeles Trends - Be aware of local developments. Use any style and materials that make you happy if you intend to live in your home for the next thirty years. Find out what is fashionable, stylish, and appealing to most people if you intend to sell your property within the next five to ten years. Visit a couple open homes or speak to a realtor in your area. They ought to be eager to assist. After all, you might end up becoming a customer.
3. Budget - Your budget will be impacted by your decisions. Prefabricated cabinets or luxurious bespoke cabinets are your options. Although custom cabinets cost more, they last longer and offer more design options. Are a standalone tub and shower being installed, or only a shower? Laminate or marble tile flooring? Whatever your preferences, spending limit, and preferences are, always have a 10-15% contingency fund set aside for unforeseen costs. For instance, if you open up the walls and discover outdated plumbing or electrical that needs to be updated. Renovation initiatives frequently involve this.
The process of hiring a contractor can be complicated. You hear tales from friends and family about the frustrating situations they encountered when they choose the incorrect contractor. Here's how to prevent selecting the incorrect contractor for the job.
• Verify credentials; California has particular standards for contractors. Ensure that everybody you hire has the appropriate licenses, insurance, and bonds. Visit the Contractors State License Board website to check. You can also verify with Angie's List if you are a member of it.
• Online reviews and referrals – Verify the contractor has been in operation for at least five years before you hire them so you may verify their track record with clients and the Better Business Bureau. Make sure the online reviews are from actual clients because business owners can purchase them.
Get three bids to compare. – Obtain three quotes to contrast. The quotes will be more accurate the more descriptive you can be about your choices for cabinets, fittings, and flooring. You must be able to evaluate issues similarly. Ask the proper questions to learn what is and is not included in a low-ball offer. What is their background? Do they use qualified plumbers and electricians?
Be aware of the area of your space. The size of your bathroom can have a significant impact on how much your makeover will cost. Do you intend to renovate your master bathroom? Or do you need to remodel your half bathroom? Having the square footage is an excellent first step in any situation.
What style do you have? Do you prefer the look of shabby chic or do you prefer modern, clean lines? It will be easier to estimate the fixtures and materials if you know your style. Additionally, it will aid in the first bathroom design bathroom design experts.
Are you more excited about having the ideal bathtub where your Los Angeles bathroom transforms into your spa than you are about having a walk-in shower? A shower vs. a bathtub will also affect the average estimate you receive for your renovation.
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Take into account that you want to rebuild your Los Angeles bathroom on a tight budget. There are ways to keep your renovation estimate on the low side. A lower-end bathroom remodeling costs, on average, between $12,000 and $15,000. Financing is always an option with Structura. Making the decision to use prefabricated or repurposed counters and cabinets is the simplest approach to reduce the cost of your renovation. Fixtures are available in many different finishes and pricing points to suit any budget. Saving money on lighting fixtures is a wonderful idea. There are many knockoffs of more expensive fixtures that will give you the desired look. Also keep in mind that expenses for both labor and materials are expressed in terms of square footage. That’s why there is a price difference between remodeling your mater bath vs. your half bath.
There are several things that you can accomplish within the mid-range bathroom makeover if your renovation budget is more flexible. A mid-range bathroom makeover typically costs between $22,000 and $30,000. Wood cabinetry, upgraded shower fixtures, and the option to choose from a wider range of counter, flooring, and shower stones are some of the differences you'll notice with a renovation at this pricing bracket. The tile selection allows you a wide range of design options, particularly when taking into account the flow of your bathroom and making sure you're following current California design trends.
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You can find yourself with a higher-end budget for your bathroom makeover if you're willing to invest in building the bathroom of your dreams. An expensive bathroom makeover typically costs between $55,000 and $75,000 to complete. You should keep in mind that funding is accessible, particularly if you are a veteran or senior citizen. You can pretty much expect to dream...design and build your perfect bathroom if your Los Angeles makeover is high-end.
The likelihood is that you have enough space for both a soaking tub and a stand-up shower. Investigate all the latest technology. Use voice commands or your iPad to adjust the temperature, sound, and lighting in your shower. With your morning program or by calling up your morning playlist, get the latest news, weather, and financial market information. You should give your rain shower a steam setting. Add the ideal mood lighting as well for your brand-new at-home spa experience. Select heated towel racks and environmentally friendly materials. You might wish to select modern designs that complement the California mood and high-end counters made of stone, marble, or glass in addition to improved fixtures. Upon awakening, enter your master bathroom, take a rain shower and end your day with a long soak in your tub. Enjoy a glass of wine and rinse off the day’s stress at home.
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