#whitehall school for the impeccable
thelovelymachinery · 27 days
Intro to my Insanity!
Hello, welcome to my blog, my name is Soleil. I have been writing for at least eight years but have only began writing seriously three years ago. I have only written and finished two books in the past (When I was nine or ten).
This blog is for my work in progresses, specifically "Pull The Trigger", "The Fates Angels", "Victorian Themed Murders", "The Goddesses Descriminated", "A families love", and "The Grim Duo"
I will be mostly speaking on "Pull The Trigger" because it is my current hyperfixation and I adore it.
Pull The Trigger
Pull The Trigger is a series of books following characters in the fantasy world of Eozuspea.
There are six confirmed books in the series although they can read separately. The books are: Whitehall School For The Impeccable, The Line Between Life And Death. The Queens Blessed Daughter, The Guards Cursed Children, The Imperfection in Perfection, and End Of The Cycle.
WSFTI: The first book and the book I'm currently working on follows an unreliable narrator through the school as she slowly learns that maybe it isn't as perfect and kind as she thought it was. Throughout the story the narrator is struggling with feelings of inferiority and jealousy for a female classmate named Aurelia. The narrator is number two to her and doesn't feel as though she's memorable or even a person when compared to Aurelia.
TLBLAD The second book follows the narrator Victoria Ceridis throughout her life but specifically the torture and damage that the abusive dictator Tobias Archernar puts her through and the war she leads in order to end his life.
TQBD: The third book follows Victoria's daughter Pandora through her life from finding out the death of her parents and forced into her throne and crown easily. Not only does Pandora have to deal with the grief of losing her parents but she also must deal with betrayal, heartbreak, and confusion throughout her child and teenage years.
TGCC: The fourth book follows Alhena and her brother Adhara as they leave behind their children and families in order to hunt down and kill the God that put a time limit on Alhena's life and killed their older sister. Alhena suffers through unimaginable grief and desperation especially when she finds out who has been leading this god and sitting at his right hand.
TIIP: The fifth book follows Christine Ceridis, the most perfect, kind, and beautiful woman you could imagine throughout her life of pain, sorrow, joy, and heartbreak. You follow her as she goes through the neglect and abuse from her mother, the birth of her younger siblings, the initiation to the cult, and any other important event she may have.
TEOTC: The sixth book follows Devina Draetig as she learns of the cycle after her death and the fact that it was bound to happen and will happen for the rest of eternity. It goes through her and her twins conversations with their lovers as they try to end the cycle and the hundreds of attempts they make.
The Fates Angels
The Fates Angels is a series of Five books taking place in Eozuspea, the world of Pull The Trigger. Both series are connected but can be easily understood without reading the other.
Destiny Is Always Here: This story follows the main character Jainne Whitmire and her sister Jenalyn throughout their lives, mostly following Jainne. Jenalynn and Jainne go throuh struggles as orphans living on the street, being taken into Whitehall and eventually both getting married and finding families of their own.
Their Past Made Our Present: You follow main character Amabella Ivardóttir and her family of three containing her father Ivar and her older brother Elijah. The family lives in the Dictator lead kingdom, Archernar. They work to rise and eventually leave Archernar, only succeeding after loosing those most important to them.
Don't Forget To Live: Paloma and Valéria are a pair of sisters working to find a way out of thier controlling home to finally have a chance to live. Unfortunately their escape puts the girls in a worse situation.
Don't Take Death For Granted: Following Rosemary, a human girl who can not seem to die. She first fails to die during a freak accident that resulted in her families death and her later surviving a massacre and murder attempts leads to her to an attempt to find out why she can't seem to leave this life.
Spin Offs From The World Of Eozuspea
Taireth Family: Following the most important members of the Taireth Family, namely Morissa Taireth, Joelle Taireth, William Taireth, Arisanna Taireth, and Tsunami and Liam Ito. You witness as each member goes through their own struggles but in every way they make their family name stronger, bringing more wealth to the family.
The Ariti Sisters: Taking turns following each sister in the Ariti family you get to see the struggles they go through as they try to find their missing coven. From Whitehall to the Creahearth Palace the girls are far from each other. A different girl in each school aside from on, Medusa who was adopted by Queen Helen and King Vincent.
Victorian Themed Murders
Victorian Themed Murders is a book that follows detective Alexander Wilson who has recently solved a big case and to celebrate he was invited to a Victorian themed ball in his friend Kate Xander's beautiful manor on the day of The Storm. What was a wonderful and celebratory event became disastrous when all but one of drivers leave and the corpse of the remaining driver is found. Joining Alexander is his wife Nadia Wilson, his son Leo Wilson, and their friends.
The Goddesses Descriminated
The Goddesses Descriminated is a book that follows: Aloran, the goddess of the Afterlife, and Emeila, the goddess of life and death. They are joined by Emeila's mothers Vale and Asher, the goddesses of Fire and Water, and Alen and Alec, a set of twins created by Aloran.
Aloran is visiting Earth for the first time and finally gets to see how Humans see her and Emeila. Emeila and Aloran both experience the cruelty of humas, it hurts Aloran's feelings and especially hurts her heart to see how her six year old niece is treated.
A Families Love
A Families Love takes place when Pamela is kidnaped from her families home resulting in her family to put their training and magic to use to save their daughter.
It follows Pamela, her younger sister Alice, the oldest child of the Madena family Analee and her younger sister Marina.
The Grim Duo
The Grim Duo follows the top Grim Reaper Dea Winslow who is a dark and troubled young woman that forces and scares her souls into the afterlife, causing them more trauma than they originally had. One day Dea is called into her boss's office and is told that she will have to start shadowing Taylor Osiris in order to learn how to be kind and gentle. The girls travel collecting souls and get to know eachother, eventually reaching a soul they can't control.
You can follow the updates for these stories on my blog, if you wish to be tagged in any posts on these stories please tell me which book/series updates you want me to tag you in.
Interact with this post to be added to the taglist.
@an-indecisive-nerd @wyked-ao3 @thecomfywriter @the-letterbox-archives @mysticstarlightduck
@bookwormclover @illarian-rambling @leahnardo-da-veggie @bio-blegh
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hurt-care · 3 years
The Reunion - WW2 era fic
I've been listening to an audiobook about WWII in the UK and there's been multiple mentions of people writing in their diaries about suffering from lengthy colds as well as a discussion of the increase in casual sex during the war (especially during air raids, when it became a welcome distraction). So, let's just say I was inspired...! 
Male, cold, OCs, contains 18+ content
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The Reunion -
The club was positively bursting with young revellers and the sounds of a jazz band playing as couples moved across the dance floor in tight embraces, flitting in and out of shadow of the chandeliers sparkling overhead. Champagne flowed liberally, delivered by waiters in smart tuxedo jackets and white gloves. If a time-traveller had been magically transported inside, they would have no idea that outside the walls of the club there was a war on.
Making her way through the throngs of people was Katherine Marsh, or Kat to her close friends. Close at her heels was Mary Alderman, an old school chum who'd come up through London society with her. The girls wove through the dancers on route to a table up on the balcony that circled the dance floor, providing a spectacular view of the room below. Only the uppers of society generally occupied the tables here and the demand was such that often bribes had to be given to the head waiter to ensure a spot. Peter Halford, one of Kat's other longtime friends, had been in charge of the evening's transaction and now he waved cheerily from a spot in the corner as the girls approached.
“Hello, Peter!” Kat said joyfully as she sided into a chair along the wall, tucking the skirt of her silk gown around her. “Have you ordered a bottle yet or shall I do the honours?”
“It's just coming now,” Peter replied, nodding towards the approaching waiter who carried a magnum size bottle in a silver ice bucket while another waiter followed behind deftly balancing a tray of champagne coupes.
“Your timing is impeccable as ever,” Mary said with a laugh. “I'm parched.”
She flashed a smile at Peter, her eyes sparkling in the light of the crystal scones along the walls. Kat smirked knowingly at her friend. Mary had been pursuing Peter over the course of several of these evenings out on the town, but Peter remained seemingly oblivious to her advances.
Tonight, Mary was draped in layers of royal blue silk with a spectacular diamond bracelet glinting on her wrist. She looked radiant and Kat thought Peter had to be completely daft to not notice. Kat, on the other hand, had no particular beau in mind. She'd danced with dozens of men and dined at parties across the countryside around London, but no one gentleman had captured her heart. Besides, she was barely twenty and so many of the young men her age were away at service. For now, she was content with dancing and snogging sessions in dim alleyway with soldiers on leave and officers posted to city stations.
The waiter poured them all glasses of champagne and the trio toasted to health, happiness, and the victory of Britain. The chat was light and merry, with Peter filling them in on his new job at the Royal Airforce's London offices near Whitehall. At the hour neared eleven, someone took to the microphone to introduce the next band complete with a line of cabaret dancers dressed in feathers and sequins for entertainment. Mary squealed in delight as the drums kicked up the beat of a popular dance tune and she reached for Peter's hand.
“Oh, will you dance?” she asked breathlessly. “I love this song.”
Peter downed the last of his champagne glass as he stood up.
“Of course. Kat, find yourself a man and let's go.”
The two disappeared into a sea of people moving towards stairs that led to the dance floor. Kat drained her own coupe and stood, surveying the crowded tables for familiar faces or handsome strangers.
A few girls were lingering at a table of Naval officers and as the men stood and paired off with them, one man remained seated alone with a cigarette in his hand. As the duos passed by, Kat realized with a heart-dropping thud that she recognized the lone officer that had stayed behind.
Oliver Hartnett had danced with her at her first debutant ball when she was seventeen and she'd been completely enraptured by him. Two pages of her diary were dedicated to extolling his virtues, from the gentle tambour of his voice to his green eyes, from to his broad shoulders to his chestnut hair. As quickly as he'd come into her life, he'd left it again. They'd shared two dances that night and some brief conversation at a dinner party a week later, and then she hadn't seen him since. Word in the upper circles said he'd gone to Scotland to work for an aging uncle's business and he disappeared from London's upper crust.
Kat dumped the dregs of the champagne bottle into her coupe and gulped it down, feeling the rush of bubbles to her head as she bolstered her courage. She reached into her small handbag for her compact, inspecting her face and reapplying a coat of her precious lipstick, as the bright red shade was now nearly impossible to find with the war rations and so she reserved it for nights out alone.
With a smile on her face that she hoped concealed her nerves, she glided as confidently as she could over to the table.
“Ollie Hartnett, is that you?” she said over the din of the music and the crowd. The man at the table seemed startled by the interruption and he looked up at her, his face vacant for a moment. Then, a grin spread across his face.
“Oh my goodness, Miss Marsh,” he said, standing suddenly and extending his hand.
She laughed.
“It's Kat, please,” she said, taking his broad hand in her and shaking it. “Do you mind if I sit?”
“Of course, please do,” he said, fumbling to get around the vacant chairs nearby in order to pull out one for her. She folded herself gracefully into the seat, crossing her ankles as her mother had always instructed. For once, she was glad she'd listened to Mary's constant chatter about fashion and had worn the deep emerald green silk gown with the black trim that she'd purchased for the previous winter's New Year Eve celebration at Mary's family estate. It set off her figure nicely and contrasted with her auburn hair and milk-white complexion.
Oliver was shaking her head, still grinning.
“What a surprise,” he said, his gentle voice barely audible over the music. “You look well.”
She smiled back.
“I am! Well, as well as anyone is in London at war, I suppose. You've joined up, I see. On leave?”
“For a few more weeks,” he replied, taking a slow drag of his almost burnt-out cigarette. “I'm posted at Brighton, usually.”
“And you're not on the arms of a dozen girls dancing your night away?” she teased.
He snubbed out the cigarette in the ash tray and shook his head.
“Honestly, I wasn't keen on going out at all but the other gents insisted.”
“If I recall, you were quite popular on the dance floor,” she continued. “What's changed?”
“Just a bit under the weather, that's all,” he replied. “Haven't felt up to much dancing tonight, but I'll spare one for you, for old time's sake.”
She felt herself blush.
“Not yet,” she said. “I have to hear all about where you disappeared to that summer. You left a lot of us wondering why one of our dashing debs up and left London at the height of the season.”
“It's not a particularly exciting story, but if I'm going to tell it we ought to do it over a drink.”
He beckoned to a waiter who returned shortly with two cocktails on a black lacquered tray and a serving of peach melba for each of them.
Oliver detailed how the rumours were true; he'd left London for the banal task of running the business operations for his uncle's small factory in Glasgow. A year ago, as the ferocity of the war had begun to increase, he'd enlisted in Royal Navy and left the factory in the hands of the old foreman and his cousin, a savvy young woman named Rose.
More than once during the story he'd paused momentarily to clear his throat with a cough or take a sip of his cocktail to revive his waining voice. Kat felt a pang of sympathy now that she was close and could see clearly the weariness in his face. Though it was spring, the weather had been dreadful and frigid for weeks and many people she knew had been battling heavy colds.
She told him about her adventures in London with Mary and Peter, and about her volunteering posting with the Women's Auxiliary Service where she worked to find temporary housing for those displaced by air raids.
When they'd finished their peach melbas and cocktails, the band struck up a lively tune and Oliver appeared to summon some energy with a broad smile aimed at Kat.
“This is the one,” he said, extending a hand. “Would you like to dance?”
She nodded, trying not to let her rush of enthusiasm show too greatly.
He led her down to the dance floor and took her into his arms, leading the gentle sway as they danced among the other couples. His broad hand rested on the small of her back and Kat felt a rush of heat to her body as they touched, cheeks almost against one another. The gentle warmth of his breath tickled her neck and she was sure he was about to lean in to kiss her there.
His voice mumbled something deep and low into her ear but she couldn't discern it over the music.
“Mmm?” she replied.
“Oh Christ, sorry,” she heard him say and suddenly he was moving swiftly away from her, his one hand leaving her back and his other dropping its grip from hers.
Eh-TSGHT! He turned his face into the sleeve of his officer's uniform, sneezing inaudibly to her as the rest of the dance floor continued their rhythmic sway.
“So sorry,” he shouted, leaning back so she could hear him. He reached into his pants pocket for a handkerchief, which he dabbled briefly under his nose.
“Sorry,” he repeated as he took up his embrace once more.
“It's okay,” she said into his ear. “I hope you don't feel too poorly.”
“No,” he said into hers, his lips almost brushing against her. “Better now.”
She leaned herself closer against him and he pressed his lips to her neck. She sighed with delight, feeling all the rush of emotions that she'd had when they'd first danced. His body was more muscular and square now, without the lanky lines he'd had as an eighteen year old.
Tilting her head upwards, she met his lips and they kissed briefly.
He leaned over to speak into her ear again.
“I hope I'm not catching.”
“I don't care,” she said and captured his lips again. The kiss deepened and a couple nearby sided away to give them a moment of privacy.
The song ended and Katherine stayed in the embrace of Oliver's arms as the next began.
He looked down at her with a soft, tired expression.
“I'm dreadfully sorry, but I'm afraid all this noise and such is too much for me tonight.”
“Can you stay up a little longer?” she asked. “There's a nice restaurant not too far from here. We could go and have a drink there and talk. It's much quieter.”
It was past midnight now and while Oliver looked like he might consider declining in favour of being tucked up in bed, he nodded and smiled.
She grinned back at him and kissed his cheek.
“I'm so glad. I'll find my friends to tell them I'm off. Meet me by the doors? Would you be a dear and get my coat for me?”
She fished the small coatcheck tag from her handbag.
After she'd shouted her goodbyes to Mary and Peter (who looked very cozy together on the dance floor, she noted with pleasure), she found Oliver leaning against a wall by the exit with her coat over his arm and his own Navy-issued wool peacoat already on. He held up her coat to help her into it and offered his arm to her, walking at her side out into the cool spring night.
The air was clear and crisp, with a half-moon overhead. The streets were brutally dark thanks to the blackout and they made their way clumsily along the road, squinting to see landmarks in the dim moonlight.
“It's down to the left, one more block,” she said as they passed the entrance to another dance club where the only light came from several cigarettes that glowed as young people poured in and out from the doors and slipped behind blackout curtains into the well-lit hall.
“Can we pause a moment,” Oliver asked. “Sorry, just a moment.”
She stopped, turning to look at him.
“Sorry,” he repeated, reaching for his handkerchief. She could see him silhouetted in the dim moonlight as his shoulders trembled and he shook his head for a moment. Then, with a deep breath, he pitched forward with a wrenching sneeze.
Unable to mask the sound, he gave a brief but noisy blow into the handkerchief afterwards before hastily tucking it into his coat pocket.
“I'm so sorry,” he said, taking her arm up again. She gave him a light squeeze, leaning against his side as she did so.
“Don't apologize,” she said. “I'm only sorry to hear you so poorly. Blasted cold seems to be going around everywhere.”
“The boys in my unit said that if I can't spend a night out with a head cold, there's no way I'd last through a month at sea battling the Germans,” said Oliver, his voice a little hoarse. He cleared his throat with a cough. “I suppose that's true.”
“Well, we'll find you something warm to drink at the restaurant and that should revive you,” Kat said cheerfully.
They were just rounding the last corner onto the street where the restaurant was located when a sound split the air. The wail of the air raid sirens began their raised pitch, increasing to a loud din of pulsing noise.
They paused in the street, stunned. It shouldn't have been entirely a surprise; the sirens were a regular occurrence in the city but neither one of them had encountered the alert while out on the street.
In the darkness, a voice shouted authoritatively.
“To your shelters, please! Nearest public shelter is the Piccadilly Circus station. To your shelters please!”
The figure of an air raid warden with a metal helmet on passed by.
“Which way is Piccadilly?” Oliver asked.
Kat glanced up and down the dark street.
“My rooms are only two or so more blocks past here,” she said. “If we hurry, we should be fine. There's a cellar in the back.”
Gripping his arm tightly, she led the way down the road. Several times they nearly collided with others making their way to safety. As they neared the house where she rented lodgings, the sky began to shine with searchlights and in the distance, the sound of anti-aircraft guns began to crackle. The bliss of dancing and the haze of champagne cleared from Kat's head as she steered them down an alley between some homes and to a metal hatch that covered the entrance to the cellar. She tugged it open and hovered a foot over the void, finding the top step.
“Six steps down. Pull the door shut behind you,” she said to Oliver. Her hand trailed along the earthen edge of the wall until it met the edge of a candlestick and a pack of matches. She struck one alight as Oliver shut the hatch with a loud bang.
The tiny chamber glowed in the candlelight, illuminating the stone and soil room. Oliver was breathing heavily, almost wheezing. Katherine tipped the lit candle to light others, gradually brightening the room enough to see without too much strain.
“Sit,” she insisted, gesturing to a small crate topped with a cushion. “Catch your breath. I'll put some tea on.”
The sound of the sneeze startled her and she looked over in time to see Oliver building up to a second. He tipped forward, nose nestling into the folds of his waiting handkerchief.
Ehhh—hhehhTSXHHT! “Bless you!” she said earnestly. “Are you warm enough? There's plenty of blankets. My landlady, Mrs. Beecher, is up north visiting her sister and the other girl who rents rooms is at her family home for the week. So it's just you and me here unless we get some surprise guests from next door.”
“No, I'm fine,” he said quietly, wiping his nose. “Sorry.”
“I don't mind a bit of sniffling,” she said teasingly. “You don't need to keep apologizing.”
“Have you had to spend many nights down here?” he asked, surveying the cellar. It was appointed with provisions for the three woman who lived above plus extras for any visitors who might end up sheltering there. Two wooden bunks were stacked against one wall, each with pillows and blankets and thin mattresses. Another mattress was rolled and stored in a nearby trunk with additional linens. A small table held a kettle on a fuel-powered heater and several teacups. There was a deck of cards, a basket of knitting, and a lidded chamberpot. Someone had cheekily hung a framed piece of embroidery that read “Home Sweet Home.”
“Oh, I've lost count,” Kat said as she set the kettle to boil once she'd filled it with water from one of the three large canteens by the steps that led outside. “This is only the second time I've ended up down here in an evening gown, though.”
Once the kettle was heating, she opened a chest and took out a wool jumper and a pair of socks.
“Good thing I'm prepared,” she added.
Oliver watched as she sat on a wooden chair and unstrapped her high heel shoes and slid her hand up under her gown to unclip her precious nylon stockings. Careful not to snag them, she rolled them down her legs and pulled on the socks.
He laughed as she put the jumper on over her evening gown, put her coat back on top of that, and donned a pair of Wellington rubber boots. She struck a pose for him.
“You'd be the toast of all the fashion magazines,” he declared.
His chuckle turned to a cough that sounded strained and painful. She frowned at him and shook her head.
“I'd say you should've followed your own ideas and stayed home instead of the advice of your mates,” she said. “But I have to admit I've awfully glad I ran into you.”
He recovered from the coughing spell and looked at her with affection.
“I'm glad too,” he said. She poured the hot water from the kettle into a teapot to steep and selected two teacups.
Outside, the din of the air raid sirens had ended. There was the sound of distant explosions, but for the time being they were far from the action.
“I'm afraid I've no milk to offer but we have a bit of honey.”
“That'd be lovely, thanks,” he said.
She poured them each a cup and sat opposite him, savouring the warm tea. He drank his own cup, clearly soothed by the hot liquid. He dabbed at his nose a few times with his handkerchief as it began to run from the warmth.
When the cups were empty, they sat in silence for a moment. A bomb exploded somewhere a few blocks away and the candles flickered as the shockwave trembled through the earth. The remaining teacups on the table rattled against each other. Kat closed her eyes for a moment, sighing.
“Are you frightened?” Oliver asked.
“No, I don't think so,” she said. “I suppose I always am, a little. But not terribly.”
She set her teacup down on the table and moved to sit on the bottom bunk bed, patting the mattress beside her. He stood and moved to her side. The next thing she knew, they were kissing, his hands were in her hair and she had a hand on his chest. She kicked off the boots and pulled up her dress so she could sit astride his lap. He kissed down her neck and tugged her coat off, his hand going under her jumper and stroking her breasts through the silk of her gown.
She exhaled with pleasure, starting to slowly grind against his hips. She reached for the waistband of his trousers and he helped her with his belt. He made a soft moaning noise as she fumbled with the buttons at his fly and found her way downwards. His lips brushed her shoulder, pressing kisses where the neck of her jumper was stretched to the side. A brief cough escaped him, puffing against her skin. He muttered an apology and she murmured a sweet assurance as she began to stroke him.
“Wait,” he said breathlessly. He pulled her arms upwards and guided the jumper off over her head. She pushed his coat off him and made quick work of the buttons of his shirt, tugging that off too. He urgently shed his shoes and trousers as she stood and slipped off the silk gown revealing a satin bra and knickers with mother-of-pearl buttons.
He watched her hungrily as she slid out of the knickers and climbed back onto the mattress, guiding his pants off his hips. They kissed tenderly and she settled down on top of him, hips rising to meet hips. He made that same low moaning noise and she felt her body jolt with pleasure, hands roaming through his chestnut curls.
He made love to her urgently as the sound of bombs echoed outside. They moved together, breath increasing to gasps. His nose was running freely and he briefly sniffled and pressed it against his own shoulder to rub it. She kissed his neck and felt the expanse of his chest press against hers as he took a sharp breath. His body shuddered under her as he sneezed a restrained outburst, clearly trying to keep the explosion minimal.
She moaned involuntarily as the spasm thrust him against her.
“Fuck,” he groaned under his breath. “Sorry.”
“Please,” she gasped. “Oliver!”
He sniffled thickly and then resumed with vigour until they both lay panting and shivering on the bed. He looked utterly exhausted but there was a smile on his lips. She leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“You sweet thing,” she whispered. “As if you weren't exhausted at the start of the evening.”
She slipped out of the bed with a blanket around her shoulders and found his shirt and socks and underthings on the ground.
“Best put at least your socks on before you drop off entirely,” she said tenderly, helping him dress before they both slipped under the quilts again.
She woke at some ungodly hour to the sound of nose-blowing and the roar of the 'all clear' siren. From feel, she could tell Ollie was sitting up in bed, straining to clear his nose with his sodden handkerchief. It was pitch black in the shelter and she had no idea how long they'd been asleep.
She managed to find the matches and lit a candle. Oliver sounded dreadfully congested and by the dim light of the single candle, she could see his nose was red and angry-looking at the edges.
“Oh, love,” she said, leaving the candle on the bedside table and climbing back under the quilts next to him. “How do you feel?”
He exhaled noisily.
“Rather poorly, I'm afraid,” he said hoarsely. “I hope for your sake it's not catching.”
She squinted at the wristwatch she kept wrapped on the bedpost. It was half-past four.
“It's still early but there's the all-clear. Do you want to get rugged up in my bed upstairs or stay here.”
He folded the handkerchief and tucked it at his side, snuggling back down beside her.
“That answers that,” she said, tucking his head against her breast. She stroked his hair and planted a kiss there. “Try to get some more rest, darling. I'll take good care of you.”
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thelovelymachinery · 6 days
Story Mood board
Tagged here by @leahnardo-da-veggie on her moodboard and I found it fun so here's mine on Whitehall!
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thelovelymachinery · 24 days
Character Introduction - Darcy
From - Pull The Trigger
Featured in - WSFTI, TQBD, TGCD
Ages - 0 to 23
Birthday - Unknown (celebrated on January fifth)
Species - Pureblood Pheonix
God - Goddess Health, Goddess fire
Occupation - Student, doctor, assassin
Appearance - An adorable little girl with fire-red and curly hair. She has the brightest baby blue eyes with little yellow splotches and her face is littered in freckles, far too many to count. The girl has thin pink lips and chubby adorable cheeks. She loves to dress in a purple wool sweater, long purple dress, white tights with little rainbows embroidered on them and glittery purple sneakers that light up when she stomps.
Favourite colour - Purple
Character self introduction -
Hello. I am Darcy, I don't have a last name. I'm sorry. I'm seven years old and I'm a student number 53 in Whitehall. I don't know very much else about me. I know I once had a mother named Dahlia and I once had a father named David. I've met a lot of Dahlia's and David's but none of them are mine. I also know I once had two brothers named Danial and Damian but I also don't know where they are. I wish I knew where my family was, a pheonix is far stronger with family.
The only family I know is my older sister Aurelia, older brother Drew, and my older sister Emery.
I am not good with people and I don't have any friends. I wasn't taught how to make them but that's okay, I don't need them, I have my brother and sisters.
I really like the colour purple and I like Rubix cubes. My brother Drewy gave me my Rubix cube and my sister Aurelia stole me a cute purple teddy bear. I really like my life, the only thing I would change is that I don't know my family and the lack of freedom I have.
@an-indecisive-nerd @thecomfywriter @the-letterbox-archives @bio-blegh
@mysticstarlightduck @bookwormclover @illarian-rambling @wyked-ao3 @leahnardo-da-veggie
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thelovelymachinery · 26 days
Character Introduction - Da-hae Yun
Da-hae Yun is also known as Drew and Dania but has many more names, as do all Whitehall students.
From - Pull The Trigger
Featured in - WSFTI, TQBD, TGCD, TIIP
Birthday - May 31st (year currently unknown)
Age - 7 to 18
Species - Wind Elf
God - Goddess Moon
Occupation - Student, rockstar, pornstar, prostitute
Appearance - A beautiful young girl with thick, straight, navy blue hair, an angular jaw with a bit of a chubbier face. Brownish-pink double lidded eyes with a little bit of glitter and makeup highlighting her aegyo-sal. She loves to dress in white floral dresses when out of the school.
Appearance - A handsome young man with thick, slightly overgrown, blue hair in a military cut, an angular jaw with a bit of a chubbier face. Brownish-pink monolids, with a prominent aegyo-sal. He dresses in navy blue and gold.
Favourite colour - Pink
Character self introduction -
Hello. I am Da-hae, a fulltime student in Whitehall.
I am currently seven years old and part of my older sister Aurelia's group. I am from Dyntia and my parents put me in Whitehall with my twin sister so that we get strong and super duper smart! I am a top student in my grades and very very smart.
One of my close friends is Joyce Parker although she can be fairly weird. She sometimes glitters our room which gets us all in trouble and can hurt when it gets in my eyes.
I love music and singing and dancing , I want to be a famous dancer or singer one day but my parents would be very upset if I did that instead of taking over the family business with my sister.
I really like the fighting classes, they're super fun although I don't like getting hurt in them, that isn't fun. I really like science and chemestry but I'm not very good at math. I love when Lia and the older girls read for us.
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thelovelymachinery · 12 days
OC Favourites
Tagged by @mysticstarlightduck here.
Rules: share photos of your OCs' favorite color, season, shoe choice, weapon, food & drink, clothing style, mode of transportation, animal, pastime, and breakfast and if they're an introvert/ambivert/extrovert then change up any one of the five favorite things categories for the next round. BONUS: Add some music/songs that fit their aesthetic (the songs don't have to be their favorite songs, just fit their vibe)!
I will be doing mine on Joyce and Darcy.
Joyce Parker
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Favourite colour: Rainbow pastel glitter (She refuses to give proper answer)
Favourite season: Summer
Favourite shoes: Anything pastel ang glittery or lights up
Favourite weapon: Bombs
Favourite food: Apple pie
Favourite drink: Chocolate milk
Mode of transportation: Carriages or her wings
Favourite animal: Lizards and other reptiles
Hobby: Alchemy and inventing
Favourite Breakfast: Blueberry pancakes
Ambivert, introvert, or extrovert: Extrovert
Dancing Queen - ABBA
Walking on Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club
We Didn't Start The Fire - Billy Joel
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
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Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite season: Fall
Favourite shoes: Purple Doc Martens
Favourite weaon: Daggers
Favourite food: Dragon fruit
Favourite drink: Pomegranate juice
Mode of transportation: Walking, flying, carriages
Favourite animal: Her black kitten Oliver
Hobby: Rubix cube and Puzzles
Favourite breakfast: Eggs Benadicts
Ambivert, introvert, or extrovert: Introvert
I Can't Sleep - Nina Chuba
Here Come The Wolves - Lola Blanc
Fight For Me - Loren Rosko
White Flag - Bishop Briggs
Eye For An Eye - Rina Sawayama
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thelovelymachinery · 25 days
Making an official post for if you wish to be tagged.
Interact with this post if you wish to be tagged in any of my work. You can tell me if you'd specifically like to be tagged in Pull The Trigger posts or if you'd rather be tagged in Victorian Themed Mystery or both.
Intro to my stories
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thelovelymachinery · 12 days
Which character would I adopt?
Tagged by @thecomfywriter here.
I would adopt Christine and her siblings. None of them deserved what their parents and grandmother put them through. If I could only save one it would have to be Christine. That sweet angel did not deserve what she was put through.
My other babies I would adopt end up adopted and happy.
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thelovelymachinery · 7 days
An Optimist, a Pessimistic, and a Realist Walk Into a Bar...
Tagged by @thecomfywriter and @wildcat-the-writer
The Optimist: It's so lively in here!
The Pessimist: If by lively, you mean cramped and mucky, then yeah.
The Realist: It's a bar. What else did we expect?
Da-hae: It's so lively in here!
Emery: If by lively, you mean cramped and mucky, then yeah.
Aurelia: It's a bar. What else did we expect?
Destiny Is Always Here
Jenalyn: It's so lively in here!
Paris: If by lively, you mean cramped and mucky, then yeah.
Antoily: It's a bar. What else did we expect?
The Goddesses Descriminated
Kyssia: It's so lively in here!
Hima: If by lively, you mean cramped and mucky, then yeah.
Emeila: It's a bar. What else did we expect?
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thelovelymachinery · 8 days
Character Introduction - Jenalyn Whitmire
From - The Fates Angels
Featured in - Destiny Is Always Here
Birthday - October Fifth 1353
Ages - 6-[REDACTED]
Species - Fae (Oracle)
God - The Fates
Occupation - [REDACTED]
Appearance - A gorgeous young woman with long, curly, brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. Large white wings protrude from her back making her appear as though she's an angel. Her angelic look is helped by her perfect appearane and sad, empathetic eyes. She has plump coral-pink lips, a long flat nose, gorgeous cat eyes, and long straight brows. She often dresses in purple and gold gowns with gold jewelry.
Favourite colour - Purple
Character self introduction -
Hello. I am [REDACTED], I am- oh. I'm sorry? Can we restart? Okay.
Hello. I am Jenalyn Whitmire, I am currently [REDACTED]. I am married and have three daughters. My husband, [REDACTED] is a very kind man. He treats me and my daughters like queens.
I don't mean to brag about having a perfect family, especially because of my own sisters failure of one but I really do have a lovely family.
My daughters are the sweetest little angels. I have worked hard my whole life and have finally been able to give myself the perfect life.
I'm sorry, this isn't really about me, is it? I don't really know anything about me. I'm sorry. I know I love my daughters and I love doing their hair. I know I never finished school, leaving at [REDACTED] for my marriage and immediately having children, making it not possible for me to return.
I never liked school much so it doesn't matter. I would like to be able to help teach my girls although they are far smarter than me so I can't. I can be a good mother and instead allow my husband to work and help them while I clean up the house and cook.
I enjoy cooking and cleaning? I would love to be able to read though. I haven't read anything since I left school.
I'm sorry. I think I began rambling. I must be going, I have to cook dinner for my family. Goodbye.
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thelovelymachinery · 8 days
Character Introduction - Jainne Whitmire
From - Pull The Trigger and The Fates Angels
Featured in - WSFTI, all "The Fates Angels" books
Birthday - May first 1389
Ages - 0 - undecided
Species - Ceridis Fae (Ravenear)
God - The Fates
Occupation - Popstar, actress, model
Appearance - A gorgeous woman with long, thick, wavy brown hair. Perfect, bright light teal are hidden behind perfect, thick black eyelashes. She has a small button nose and plump pinky-coral lips. Her clothing depends mostly on her age.
Favourite colour - Light teal
Character self introduction -
Hello. I'm- yeah... I'm Jainne Whitmire? Gods. Feels weird to call myself that, I'm sorry. I haven't gone by Jainne since I was six. I didn't know anyone other than my sister knew of a girl by that name.
I am currently nineteen. I was the number three student in my school and have thre- two, two daugters. They are going to be three soon. I am not in contact with their father for anything other than having my girls visit.
I love my family more than anything. I have one brother and five sisters, my adoptive father and my brothers family. I am very family oriented and always have been. I have plans to visit my sister Jenalyn and her family next week, I can't wait. Although I don't know if I can make it or if I'll even be alive then.
I am just trying to stay alive and free so I can take care of my girls, it isn't working the best for me considering...
I think that's enough talking. Thank you for the interview? Would this count as one? I'm the only speaker. Thank you for having me. Goodbye.
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thelovelymachinery · 12 days
Food Questionaire Tag!
Tagged here by @wyked-ao3
Rules: Answer the food-related questions provided using the voices of your OCs. The yummier the descriptions, the better!
I will be kidnapping Joyce from WSFTI because she seems very loved and Aurelia also from WSTFI
what is one comfort meal that'll change your whole mood for the day?
Joyce: I love love LOVEEEE the fresh apple pie that Lia makes me and Aunt Vicky makes the BESTTTT hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies! Aunt Vicky can't have any of it so there is always extra for me! Aurelia: Joyce, dear, they meant meal. Not dessert. Joyce: Whatever. Your turn, Lia! Aurelia: I really enjoy a nice garden salad with a poppy seed dressing. Joyce: Ew.
what is an experience (good or bad) that has turned you off or on to a food completely?
Joyce: I was eating a jam cookie Lia made and wasn't told it was rhubarb and strawberry jam so when I bit into it I got the stringy rhubarb and threw up. I can't have jam cookies anymore. I liked jam cookies. Aurelia: It was my cookie. You stole it. Joyce: It was still gross! Aurelia: Fine. Okay. I don't believe my story is appropriate for young ears. I can no longer eat or look at meat. I have gained an addiction to apple pie from when Aereth made some with me, it was a mess and we ate most of the filling before we could cook it. The kitchen was a mess, we got in so much trouble.
if you could eliminate one piece of produce, meat, dairy or sweets off the earth what would it be?
Joyce: Chicken. It's so gross looking and feeling when raw, it makes me sick. I also don't like cheesey cheeses, it's too much cheese especially when eaten alone. I also don't like lettuce, it's gross. Celery and rhuarb are stringy, I don't eat them. Aurelia: Oh my gods. I will sound like such a child but I hate carrots. They're hard and taste gross.
and dessert is normally saved for last, but if you could what would you order for your entree at a restaurant?
Joyce: Spinach dip! Or mozerella sticks! What if we dip the mozerella sticks in the dip? I'll be back later, I need to do this! Aurelia: Joyce! That isn't- get back here! Fine, go try your thing. I like a nice apple turnover, Joyce loves anyting chocolatey or apple. She has my tastes.
what are some food fusions that should never be mixed?
Aurelia: This will be so weird but I don't like crackers or noodles in or with soup. Joyce loves them so I just give her my noodles or crackers. She thinks the second a vegetable is added a dish is ruined. Don't tell her but I add vegetables in all of her food.
what food spot are you gatekeeping and why?
Aurelia: Don't tell anyone but there is this little Dyntian spot in Flightsylvania that Drewy and I visit at least once a week. It's run by the sweetest old couple, I think they adotpted us as their's. Drew and I help out around and bring them gifts. Joyce will be annoyed but she loves this one ice cream truck. We don't want to have to make reservations or wait in line so keep this quiet.
cooking is a life skill, why haven't you started learning yet!?
Aurelia: I'm a fairly good cook, it's Joyce's excuse for not learnng to cook because she says that Vicky and I cook well enough that she never has to learn.
Is there a smell that reminds you of something you never want to remember?
Aurelia: Raw meat.
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thelovelymachinery · 25 days
Seven Deadly Sins Tag Game
I was tagged by @thecomfywriter here.
Featuring the Pull The Trigger cast!
PRIDE - Joyce Parker: She believes that she is the best and smartest person to ever exist. She can be quite arrogant and doesn't like to listen to others especially on things she has knowledge on which leads to some of her failures and her only knowing what she believes in leading to her being fairly ignorant.
GREED - God Killer: He must have everything. He believes that he is deserving of everything including the lives and bodies of his worshippers. Despite having his godly abilities and immortality without responsibilities he still needs more.
LUST - Valentine Grace: He is a pimp and keeps his girls drugged up so they can't leave or fight back, he gets them addicted to these drugs so that they stay for more. He even adopts girls he finds beautiful in order to use and abuse them.
ENVY - Christine Ceridis: She is a very jealous person. if someone has something that she doesn't that person either doesn't continue living or doesn't live peacefully. She can't stand when she isn't the main focus and when she isn't adored. She is very easily made envious.
GLUTTONY - Tobias Archernar: He is a major foodie and loves food. He has far more cooks in his palace than any other specific servant. Archernar loves his food and loves to throw massive feasts to both show off and indulge.
WRATH - Devina Draetig: While she is very slow to anger once she is angered she goes on rampages. Devina and Christine could both work for this due to events in TWOHAP and TEOTC.
SLOTH - Eldur Archernar: He is one of the characters that doesn't truly focus on his training and staying fit. Eldur is very powerful and intelligent but likes to just as little as possible, he is quite lazy and unfocused.
Tag list: @an-indecisive-nerd @wyked-ao3 @mysticstarlightduck @the-letterbox-archives @bookwormclover
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thelovelymachinery · 25 days
Character Introduction - Inesh Draetig
From - Pull The Trigger
Birthday - May thirtieth 1401
Ages - 15 to 20
Species - Draetig Fae (Monarch Butterfly)
God - Goddess Warmth, Goddess Freedom
Occupation - Student, Princess, Painter
Appearance - A beautiful young woman with thick and long brown hair, with light brown eyes, thick eyelashes and plump lips. She has a long and straight nose, and an angled jaw with soft facial features. She has dark, warm skin and is often dressed in Draetig Gold.
Appearance - A handsome young man with thick brown hair in a side part, light brown eyes, thick and dark eyelashes, and plump, pale lips. He has a long and straight nose, an angular jaw and soft facial features. He has dark, warm skin and is often dressed in Draetig gold.
Favourite colour - Green and navy blue.
Character self introduction-
Hello! I am prince Inesh Draetig. I am currently fifteen years old and a student in the Whitehall school in Draetig. I unfortunately just got my girlfriend pregnant with the orders of the producer and we're both very scared and nervous. I don't think I'm ready to be a father and we aren't even married. I love Da-hae and I'm sure our kids will be just as perfect as her but I am still very scared.
My Girlfriend is Da-hae Yun and my best friend is probably my twin sister, Eesha. I love staying up late cuddling Da-hae and reading our favourite books together. It's really fun to paint and draw her as well, she is absolutely gorgeous.
My favourite thing to paint other than Da-hae and Eesha is landscapes. I love the summer sky and seeing the city while the children are up and playing and we can see the shops open and people walking all around.
I am very shy and struggle a lot with talking to people, I prefer to observe, watch and paint them. I think my shyness is why I love Eesha and Da-hae so much, they're so outgoing, happy, bubbly and loving. They love people and I love them.
@an-indecisive-nerd @thecomfywriter @the-letterbox-archives @bio-blegh
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thelovelymachinery · 26 days
Random Headcanon tag
Was tagged by @wyked-ao3 here
Rules: use this headcanon generator to make headcanons for your OCs! Then talk about how accurate they are.
I'm going to do Three to a character like Wyked because it's my favourite number
Joyce is not good with social cues.
10/10 very true. Joyce is very intelligent when it comes to creating things but struggles with understanding other people and their feelings.
Joyce has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night.
10/10 Joyce forgets that she needs to sleep and eat if no one comes to make sure she does it so she has the habit of falling asleep at her desk and keeping snacks in her drawers so she doesn't have to take long breaks for meals.
If Joyce likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock.
3/10 it really depends on who she likes but overall she's one of my few that would just give you glitter or make an invention for you.
Aurelia uses two-in-one shampoo and conditioner.
10/10 as much as I hate to admit it this is true. She doesn't know there is anything else.
Aurelia Kardeth is very good at using chopsticks.
10/10 That is true. She was raised using chopsticks, she's from Dyntia which is very similar to Korea in food and the people's appearance.
Aurelia Kardeth fucked your mom.
5/10 maybe?
Da-hae sings in the shower.
10/10 She adores music and eventually joins a rock band as the drummer.
Da-hae can play the piano.
0/10 she definitely can not. She tried to learn but decided it wasn't her thing.
Da-hae is in your house.
10/10 stalker. Jk she couldn't care less about you, she's too busy.
@an-indecisive-nerd @thecomfywriter @the-letterbox-archives @bookwormclover @illarian-rambling
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thelovelymachinery · 26 days
OC Questionnaire Tag
Tagged by @an-indecisive-nerd here
This will be answered by Joyce Parker (Because I think her answers would be funniest) and we love her.
How strict are your morals?
My morals are very strict, nothing gets me to betray them, not even a great and new lab. My morals are very strict, like how I will only allow myself to use glitter bombs unless the people are super bad. Although I guess my morals also aren't strict, I like testing poisons on my friends. I don't know, this is dumb.
If someone close to you died, what would your first action be?
I think I would cry and lock myself in my lab. I don't want anymore of my family dead. I already lost all of my siblings, I don't want more dead.
How long does it take you to forgive someone?
It depends on who the person is and what they did. I can be petty but if you give me some glitter or more things for my lab I'll forgive you. If you did something super duper bad I wouldn't let you live happily and will never ever forgive you. If you're my friend I'll forgive you quickly.
Your questions: What is your least favourite trait in a person? Do you like people? Do you have a bestfriend?
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